专题12.2 Section B -学易试题君之K三关2017-2018学年九年级英语人教版
《海南省地下综合管廊建设及运行维护技术标准DBJ 46 052 2019》标准全文
5.4 Measurement
5.5 Geophysical prospecting
6 General design
6.1 General requirements
6.2 Plane design
6.3 Vertical design
6.4 Standard cross-section design of utility tunnel
5.4 测 量
5.5 物 探
6 总体设计
6.1 一般规定
6.2 平面设计
6.3 竖向设计
6.4 综合管廊断面设计
6.5 缆线管廊断面设计
6.6 口部设计
7 管线设计
7.1 一般规定
7.2 电力电缆
7.3 通信线缆
7.4 支架、桥架
7.5 给水、再生水管道
本标准主编单位、主要起草人和主要审查人: 主 编 单 位:上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司
海南省建筑设计院 海口市地下综合管廊投资管理有限公司 参 编 单 位:海南省消防救援总队 海口市建设工程质量安全监督站 海口铁海管廊投资发展有限公司
主要起草人员:王 建 宋文清 刘建苛 杨 乐 张丽芳 陈张锋 匡 镇 李 恒 陈治君 吴思军 杜文锋 孟晓慧 张咏华 姬明杰 陈功普 鲍少华
7.4 Supports and trays
7.5 Water supply pipeline
复兴区2023年公开招聘教师面试试讲范围一、高中语文1.统编教材必修上第三单元《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》2.统编教材必修上第七单元《我与地坛》3.统编教材必修下第一单元《庖丁解牛》二、高中数学1.人教A版高中数学课本必修第一册第五章第四节5.4.3《正切函数的性质与图象》(教科书第209—213页)2.人教A版高中数学课本选择性必修第一册第二章第一节2.1.1《倾斜角与斜率》第一课时(教科书第51—55页)3.人教A版高中数学课本选择性必修第三册第七章第一节7.1.1《条件概率》(教科书第44—48页)三、高中英语1.人教版普通高中英语教科书Book Two Unit OneCultural HeritageSection II Reading and Thinking2.人教版普通高中英语教科书Book Two Unit OneCultural HeritageSection III Discovering Useful Structures3.人教版普通高中英语教科书Book Two Unit OneCultural HeritageSection V Reading for Writing四、高中政治1.统编版教材高中必修二第三课第二框题《建设现代化经济体系》2.统编版教材高中必修三第五课第一框题《人民代表大会:我国的国家权力机关》3.统编版教材高中必修四第七课第二框题《正确认识中华传统文化》五、高中历史1.统编教材高中历史必修中外历史纲要(上)第七单元第21课五四运动与中国共产党的诞生2.统编教材高中历史必修中外历史纲要(上)第九单元第26课中华人民共和国成立和向社会主义的过渡3.统编教材高中历史必修中外历史纲要(下)第一单元第1课文明的产生与早期发展六、高中地理1.湘教版高中地理课本必修一第2章地球表面形态第一节流水地貌2.湘教版高中地理课本选择性必修二第2章区域发展第一节区域联系与区域协调发展3.湘教版高中地理课本选择性必修三第3章生态环境保护与第一节碳排放与国际减排合作七、高中生物1.人教版高一年级必修1第5章第2节《细胞的能量“货币”ATP》2.人教版高一年级必修1第6章第3节《细胞的衰老和死亡》3.人教版高一年级必修2第6章第1节《生物有共同祖先的证据》八、高中化学1.苏教版高中化学必修1专题4第一单元二氧化硫的性质与应用2.苏教版高中化学必修1专题4第二单元含硫物质之间的转化3.苏教版高中化学必修1专题4第三单元防治二氧化硫对环境的污染九、高中物理1.高中物理人教版必修二第八章第1节功与功率一节中的“功”2.高中物理人教版必修一第四章第4节力学单位制3.高中物理人教版必须三第十章第1节电势能和电势十、高中体育1.高中体育与健康(人教版)第二章科学发展体能第三节发展心肺耐力与改善身体成分一、发展心肺耐力的原理和锻炼方法2.高中体育与健康(人教版)第八章球类运动第一节足球二、技术提高与运用(三)运球与运球过人(巩固提高)3.高中体育与健康(人教版)第四章塑造健康行为第五节运动安全急性损伤的一般处理方法十一、高中心理1.高一年级心理课:我俩换个座位2.高二年级心理课:自律的生活更精彩3.高三年级心理课:提升学习力十二、初中语文1.部编教材七年级下册第二单元7《土地的誓言》2.部编教材八年级上册第三单元9《三峡》3.部编教材八年级下册第六单元24《茅屋为秋风所破歌》十三、初中数学1.人教版七年级上册,3.1从算式到方程2.人教版八年级上册,12.2三角形全等的判定3.人教版八年级下册,17.1勾股定理十四、初中英语冀教版八下: Unit 4 The Internet connects us.1.冀教版八下Unit 4 Lesson 19:How do you use the Internet?2.冀教版八下Unit 4 Lesson20: A puter helps!3.冀教版八下Unit 4 Lesson21:Books or puters?十五、初中政治1.《道德与法治》部编版七年级上册第二单元第五课第一框《让友谊之树常青》2《道德与法治》部编版八年级下册第一单元第一课第一框《党的主张和人民意志的统一》3.《道德与法治》部编版九年级上册第一单元第一课第二框《走向共同富裕》十六、初中历史1.中国历史七年级下册统编版第6课北宋的政治2.中国历史八年级下册统编版第5课三大改造3.世界历史九年级下册统编版第9课列宁与十月革命十七、初中地理1.人教版初中地理课本七年级上册第1章地球和地图第一节地球和地球仪之“经线和经度”2.人教版初中地理课本七年级下册第7章我们临近的国家和地区第一节日本之“与世界密切联系的工业”3人教版初中地理课本八年级上册第2章中国的自然环境第一节地形和地势之“地形类型多样,山区面积广大”十八、初中生物1.人教版七年级上册第三单元第三章《绿色植物与生物圈的水循环》2.人教版七年级上册第三单元第四章《绿色植物是生物圈中有机物的制造者》3.人教版七年级上册第三单元第五章第二节《绿色植物的呼吸作用》十九、初中物理1.人教版初中物理八年级上册第五章透镜及其应用第四节眼睛和眼镜2.人教版初中物理八年级下册第十二章简单机械第二节滑轮3.人教版初中物理九年级全一册第十八章电功率第二节电功率二十、初中体育1.《体育与健康》地质出版社七年级第一篇健身篇A健身知识章第三节平衡膳食与控制体重。
《海南省地下综合管廊建设及运行维护技术标准DBJ 46 052 2019》标准全文
10.4 Top slab waterproof
10.5 Integral concrete structure waterproof
11 Construction and acceptance
11.1 General requirements
11.2 Earthwork and foundation
4.3 Tunnel pipeline and standard cross-section
4.4 Location
5 Geotechnical investigation
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Scope of investigation
5.3 Key points of investigation
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic requirements
4 Plan
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Systematic plan
采用现场整体浇筑混凝土的综合管廊。 2.1.8 预制拼装综合管廊结构 precast utility tunnel
在工厂内分节段浇筑成型,现场采用拼装工艺施工成为整体 的综合管廊。
2.1.9 排管 cable duct 用于联络综合管廊本体与用户的排管构筑物。
Designation:B298–99e1Standard Specification forSilver-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire1This standard is issued under thefixed designation B298;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e1N OTE—Explanatory note references were corrected and an editorial change was made to Table1in June2004.1.Scope1.1This specification covers silver-coated,soft or annealed, round copper wire,intended for use in electrical equipment,as follows:1.1.1Class A—Wire whose silver coating is at least1.25% of the total weight of the coated wire.1.1.2Class B—Wire whose silver coating is at least2.50% of the total weight of the coated wire.1.1.3Class C—Wire whose silver coating is at least4.00% of the total weight of the coated wire.1.1.4Class D—Wire whose silver coating is at least6.10% of the total weight of the coated wire.1.1.5Class E—Wire whose silver coating is at least 10.00%of the total weight of the coated wire.1.2Silver-coated wire having different minimum percent-ages of silver by weight may be obtained by mutual agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.For information purposes the thickness of coating in microinches provided by the percentages listed above is shown in Table1(Explanatory Note1).1.3The SI values of resistance and density are to be regarded as standard.For all other properties values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are provided for information purposes only.1.4The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test method section of this specification:This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.For specific precautionary statements see8.4.1.2and Explanatory Note1.2.Referenced Documents2.1The following documents of the issue in effect at the time of reference form a part of this specification to the extent referenced herein:2.2ASTM Standards:B4Specifications for Tough-Pitch Lake Copper—Re-finery Shapes2B5Specification for High Conductivity Tough-Pitch Cop-per Refinery Shapes3B193Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials4B258Specification for Standard Nominal Diameters and Cross-Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires Used as Electrical Conductors4E50Practices for Apparatus,Reagents,and Safety Precau-tions for Chemical Analysis of Metals53.Ordering Information3.1Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information:3.1.1Quantity of each size,3.1.2Wire size,diameter in inches(see5.3and Table1), 3.1.3Class of coating(Section1and Table1),3.1.4Type of copper,if special(see4.2),3.1.5Place of inspection(see9.1),and3.1.6Packaging and Package Marking(Section10).3.1.7In addition supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the inquiry,contract,or purchase order for direct procurement by agencies of the U.S. Government(see S1,S2,and S3).1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-1onElectrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.04on Conductors of Copper and Copper Alloys.Current edition approved April10,1999.Published June1999.Originally published as B298–st previous edition B298–94.2Discontinued,see1980Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Part6.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.01.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.03.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.05.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.4.Materials and Manufacture4.1The material shall be silver-coated copper wire(Ex-planatory Note2),of such quality and purity that thefinished product shall have the properties and characteristics prescribed in this specification.N OTE1—The following specifications define copper suitable for use: Specifications B4and B5.4.2Copper of special qualities,forms,or types,as may be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser,and that will conform to the requirements prescribed in this specification may also be used.5.General Requirements5.1Tensile Properties—The silver-coated wire shall con-form to the requirements for elongation prescribed in Table1. No requirements for tensile strength are specified.For wire whose nominal diameter is more than0.001in.(1mil)greater than a size listed in Table1,but less than that of the next larger size,the requirements of the next larger size shall apply.5.2Resistivity—The electrical resistivity of the coated wire at a temperature of20°C shall not exceed875.20V·lb mile2.5.3Dimensions and Permissible Variations—The wire sizes shall be expressed as the diameter of the wire in decimal fractions of an inch to the nearest0.1mil(0.0001in.) (Explanatory Note3).The coated wire shall not vary from the specified diameter by more than the following amounts: Nominal Diameter,in.Permissible Variations inDiameter,plus and minus Under0.01000.0001in.(0.1mil)0.0100or over1%5.4Continuity of Coating—The coating shall be continu-ous.The continuity of the coating shall be determined on representative samples taken before stranding or insulating and shall be determined by the sodium polysulfide test,in accor-dance with7.4.Wire whose coating weight corresponds to a thickness less than40µin.(0.00004in.)shall not be subject to this test(Explanatory Note4).5.5Weight of Coating—The weight of coating expressed in percent of the total weight of the wire shall be not less than 1.25%for Class A;2.50%for Class B;4.00%for Class C;6.10%for Class D;and10.00%for Class E.When coatings other than these classes are required,the weight of the coating shall be not less than that specified.For ease of comparison,the thickness of coating for these classes has been included in Table1(Explanatory Note4).5.6Joints—Necessary joints in the wire and rods prior to final plating and drawing shall be made in accordance with theTABLE1Tensile RequirementsDiameter,in.Area at20°C Elongationin10in.,min,%Thickness of Coating,µin.(For Information Only)cmils in.2Class A,1.25%SilverClass B,2.50%SilverClass C,4.00%SilverClass D,6.10%SilverClass E,10.00%Silver0.1285165100.0129730340680109016592720 0.1144130900.010283030360597014772422 0.1019103800.0081552527053986413162157 0.0907†82300.006462524048076811711941 0.080865300.005132521442868410431710 0.072051800.00407251903816109301524 0.064141100.00323251703395428281357 0.057132600.00256251513024837371209 0.050825800.00203251342694306561075 0.045320500.0016125120240383585959 0.040316200.0012825107213341520853 0.035912900.001012595190304464760 0.032010200.0008042585169270413677 0.02858120.0006382575151241368603 0.02536400.0005032567134214327536 0.02265110.0004012560120191292478 0.02014040.003172053106170260425 0.01793200.000252204795151231379 0.01592530.000199204284135205337 0.01422020.00015820 (75120183301)0.01261590.00012520 (67107163267)0.01131280.00010020 (6096146239)0.01001000.000078520 (5385129212)0.008979.20.000062215 (4775115188)0.008064.00.000050315 (4268103169)0.007150.40.000039615 (6092150)0.006339.70.000031215 (5381133)0.005631.40.000024615 (4772119)0.005025.00.000019615 (4265106)0.004520.20.000015915 (5895)0.004016.00.000012615 (5285)0.003512.20.0000096215 (4574)0.00319.610.0000075515 (4066)0.00287.840.0000061610 (59)0.0025 6.250.0000049110 (53)0.0022 0.00204.844.000.000003800.000003141010........................4742†This value was corrected editorially to conform with TableX1.1.best commercial practice.Joints made after plating shall not be allowed to remain in the final product.5.7Finish —The coating shall consist of a smooth continu-ous layer,firmly adherent to the surface of the copper.The wire shall be bright and free from all imperfections not consistent with the best commercial practice.6.Conformance Criteria (Explanatory Note 5)6.1Any lot of wire,the samples of which comply with the conformance criteria of this section,shall be considered as complying with the requirements of Section 5.Individual production units that fail to meet one or more of the require-ments shall be rejected.Failure of a sample group from a lot to meet one or more of the following criteria shall constitute cause for rejection of the lot.The conformance criteria for each of the prescribed properties given in Section 5are as follows:6.1.1Elongation —The lot shall be considered conforming if the elongation of each of the selected specimens is not less than the elongation value in Table 1.6.2Resistivity —The electrical resistivity of each of the four specimens shall conform to the requirements of 5.2.Failure to meet these requirements shall constitute failure to meet the resistivity conformance criterion.6.3Dimensions —The dimensions of the first sample (Table 2)shall conform to the requirements of 5.3.If there are no failures,the lot conforms to this requirement.If there are failures,but the number of these do not exceed the allowable defect number,c 2(Table 2),for the respective number of units in the sample,a second sample equal to n 2shall be taken and the total defects of the n plus n 2units shall not exceed the allowable defect number,c 2.Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the dimensional conformance criterion.6.4Continuity of Coating —The continuity of the coating of each of the eight specimens shall conform to the requirements of 5.4.Failure of more than two specimens shall constitute failure to meet the continuity criterion.If not more than two specimens fail to meet the continuity criteria,eight additional specimens from the lot shall be tested,all of which shall conform to the continuity criteria.However,any individual production unit,the specimen from which failed to meet the continuity criteria,shall be rejected.6.5Weight of Coating —The weight of coating of each of the four specimens shall conform to the requirements of 5.5.Failure of more than one specimen shall constitute failure tomeet the weight criteria.If only one specimen fails to meet the weight criteria,four additional specimens from the lot shall be tested,all of which shall conform to the weight criterion.However,any individual production unit,the specimen from which failed the weight criteria,shall be rejected.6.6Packaging —Conformance to the packaging require-ments specified by the purchaser shall be determined in accordance with Table 3.The number of units in the sample showing nonconformance to the requirements shall not exceed the allowable defect number,c ,in Table 3.Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the packaging conformance criterion.7.Density7.1For the purpose of calculating weights,cross-sections,etc.,the density of the copper shall be taken as 8.89g/cm 3(0.32117lb/in.3)at 20°C (Explanatory Note 5).The density of silver shall be taken as 10.5g/cm 3(0.1mil)(0.37933lb/in.3).8.Test Methods8.1Tensile Strength and Elongation :8.1.1No test for tensile strength shall be required.8.1.2The elongation of wire whose nominal diameter is larger than 0.0808in.(2.052mm)in diameter shall be determined as the permanent increase in length,expressed in percent of the original length,due to the breaking of the wire in tension,measured between gage marks placed originally 10in.(254mm)apart upon the test specimen (Explanatory Note 7).The elongation of wire whose nominal diameter is 0.0808in.and under may be determined as described above or by measurements made between the jaws of the testing machine.When the latter method is used,the zero length shall be the distance between the jaws at the start of the tension test and be as near 10in.as practicable,and the final length shall be the distance between the jaws at the time of rupture.The fracture shall be between gage marks,in the case of specimens so marked,or between the jaws of the testing machine and not closer than 1in.(25.4mm)to either gage mark or either jaw.8.2Resistivity —The electrical resistivity of the material shall be determined in accordance with Test Method B 193(Explanatory Note 8).The purchaser may accept certification that the wire was drawn from rod stock meeting the Interna-tional Standard for Annealed Copper in lieu of resistivity tests on the finished wire.TABLE 2Sampling for Dimensional Measurements and Surface FinishNumber of Unitsin LotFirst SampleSecond SampleAllowable Number of Defects in Both Samplec 2Number of Units in Sample,n 1Allowable Number of Defects in First Sample,c 1Number of Units in Sample,n 2n 1+n 21to 14,incl All 0.........15to 50,incl 140.........51to 100,incl 19023421101to 200,incl 24046702201to 400,incl 290761053401to 800,incl 3301121454Over 8003411615048.3Dimensional Measurements—Dimensional measure-ments shall be made with a micrometer caliper equipped with a vernier graduated in0.0001in.Each coil shall be gaged at three places,one near each end and one near the middle.From each spool approximately12ft(3.7m)shall be unreeled and the wire gaged in six places between the second and twelfth foot from the end.The average of the measurements obtained shall meet the requirements of5.3.8.4Continuity of Coating:8.4.1Specimens: of Specimens—Test specimens shall each have a length of about6in.(152mm).They shall be tagged or marked to correspond with the coil,spool,or reel from which they were cut. of Specimens—Thoroughly clean the specimens by immersion in a suitable organic solvent such as benzene,ether,or trichloroethylene for at least3min;then remove and wipe dry with a clean,soft cloth(Warning:See Explanatory Note2).Keep the specimens thus cleaned wrapped in a clean,dry cloth until tested.Do not handle that part of the specimen to be immersed in the testsolution.Take care to avoid abrasion by the cut ends.8.4.2Special Solutions: Polysulfide Solution(sp gr1.142)—Make a concentrated solution by dissolving sodium sulfide crystals (cp)in distilled water until the solution is saturated at about 21°C,and adding sufficientflowers of sulfur(in excess of250 g/L of solution)to provide complete saturation,as shown by the presence in the solution of an excess of sulfur after the solution has been allowed to stand for at least24h.Make the test solution by diluting a portion of the concentrated solution with distilled water to a specific gravity of1.142at15.6°C.The sodium polysulfide test solution should have sufficient strength to blacken thoroughly a piece of clean uncoated copper wire in 5s.A portion of the test solution used for testing samples shall not be considered to be exhausted until it fails to blacken a piece of clean copper as described(Explanatory Note9): Acid Solution(sp gr1.088)—Dilute commercial HCl(sp gr1.12)with distilled water to a specific gravity of1.088measured at15.6°C.A portion of the HCl solution having a volume of180mL shall be considered exhausted if it fails to remove within15s the discoloration of the silver due to the polysulfide immersion.8.4.3Procedure: in Polysulfide Solution—Immerse a length of at least41⁄2in.(114mm)from each of the clean specimens for30s in the sodium polysulfide solution,de-scribed in8.4.2.1,maintained at a temperature between15.6 and21°C.—After the immersion,thoroughly wash the specimens in clean water and wipe dry with a clean,soft cloth. in Hydrochloric Acid—After washing, immediately immerse the specimen15s in the HCl solution described in8.4.2.2,thoroughly wash in clean water,and wipe dry with a clean,soft cloth. of Specimens—After immersion and washing examine the specimens to ascertain if copper exposed through openings in the silver coating has been blackened by action of the sodium polysulfide.Examine the specimen with the unaided eye(normal spectacles excepted)against a white background.The specimens shall be considered to have failed if,by such blackening exposed copper is revealed.No attention shall be paid to blackening within0.5in.(12.7mm)of the cut end.8.5Weight of Coating—Conformance to the weight require-ment for various classes and diameters of wire is best deter-mined by using test equipment that is specifically designed for this purpose.These devices offer superior accuracy while performing the measurement in a variety of manners.N OTE2—The accuracy of the testing is reliant upon adherence to the procedures for testing that have been developed by the manufacturers as their standard test regimen.There are thickness testing machines available that can be used to perform this measurement.The use of these devices should be at the mutual agreement of the manufacturer and the purchaser.8.6Finish—Surface-finish inspection shall be made with the unaided eye(normal spectacles excepted).9.Inspection9.1General(Explanatory Note5)—All tests and inspec-tions shall be made at the place of manufacture unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of purchase.The manufacturer shall afford the inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification.9.1.1Unless otherwise agreed by the manufacturer and the purchaser,conformance of the wire to the various requirements listed in Section5shall be determined on samples taken from each lot of wire presented for acceptance.9.1.2The manufacturer shall,if requested prior to inspec-tion,certify that all wire in the lot was made under such conditions that the product as a whole conforms to the requirements of this specification as determined by regularly made and recorded tests.9.2Terms Applying to Inspection:9.2.1Lot—A lot is any amount of wire of one type and size presented for acceptance at one time,such amount,however, not to exceed10000lb(4540kg)(Explanatory Note10). 9.2.2Sample—A sample is a quantity of production units (coils,reels,etc.)selected at random from the lot for the purpose of determining conformance of the lot to the require-ments of this specification.TABLE3Sampling for Packaging InspectionNumber of Unitsin Lot Number ofUnits inSample,nAllowableNumber ofDefectiveUnits,c1to30,incl all0 31to50,incl300 51to100,incl370 101to200,incl400 201to300,incl701 301to500,incl1002 501to800,incl1303 Over80015549.2.3Specimen—A specimen is a length of wire removed for test purposes from any individual production unit of the sample.9.2.4Sample Size—The number of production units in a sample(Explanatory Note5)shall be as follows: elongation,resistivity,and weight of coating determinations,the sample shall consist of four production units.For continuity of coating determinations,the sample shall consist of eight production units.From each unit,one test specimen of sufficient length shall be removed for the perfor-mance of the required test. dimensional measurements and surfacefinish, the samples shall consist of a quantity of production units shown in Table2under the heading“First Sample.” packaging inspection(when specified by the purchaser at the time of placing the order),the sample shall consist of a quantity of production units shown in Table3. 10.Packaging and Package Marking10.1Package size shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser in the placing of individual orders(Explana-tory Note11).The wire shall be protected against damage in ordinary handling and shipping.11.Keywords11.1copper wire silver-coated;silver-coated annealed cop-per wire;silver-coated copper electrical equipment wire; silver-coated soft copper wireEXPLANATORY NOTESN OTE1—Silver coatings on copper wire provide for:(a)A barrier between the copper and insulation whose curing tempera-ture in the process of fabricating is too high for the use of tin-coated wires.(b)A low-contact resistance between the strands of outer conductors of coaxial conductors used in high-frequency circuits.(c)A lost radio-frequency resistance of conductors used in high-frequency circuits(skin effect).(d)Good solderability for high-temperature hook-up wires which prohibit the use of tin-coated wires due to high curing temperatures used in fabricating thefinished wire.N OTE2—Warning:Consideration shall be given to toxicity andflam-mability when selecting solvent cleaners.N OTE3—The values of the wire diameters in Table1are given to the nearest0.0001in.and correspond to the standard sizes given in Specifi-cation B258.The use of gage numbers to specify wire sizes is not recognized in this specification because of the possibility of confusion.An excellent discussion of wire gages and related subjects is contained in NBS Handbook100.6N OTE4—Whether the silver is applied by electroplating or by mechani-cal cladding,coatings less than40µin.(0.00004in.)in thickness will not pass the“Continuity of Coating”test.See Table1for thickness of coatings for the various classes of coating and wire sizes.N OTE5—Cumulative results secured on the product of a single manu-facturer,indicating continued conformance to the criteria,are necessary to ensure an over-all product meeting the requirements of this specification. The sample size and conformance criteria given for the various charac-teristics are applicable only to lots produced under these conditions.N OTE6—The value of density of copper is in accordance with the International Annealed Copper Standard.The corresponding value at0°C is8.90g/cm3(0.32150lb/in.3).N OTE7—In general,tested values of tensile strength are increased and tested values of elongation are reduced with increase of speed of the moving head of the testing machine in the tension testing of copper wire. In the case of test on soft or annealed copper wire,however,the effects of speed of testing are not pronounced.Tests of soft wire made at speeds of moving head which under no-load conditions are not greater than12 in./min do not alter thefinal results of tensile strength and elongation determinations to any practical extent.N OTE8—Resistivity units are based on the International Annealed Copper Standard(IACS)adopted by IEC in1913,which is1⁄58V·mm2/m at20°C for100%conductivity.The value of0.017241V·mm2/m and the value of0.15328V·g/m2at20°C are respectively the international equivalent of volume and weight resistivity of annealed copper equal(to 5significantfigures)to100%conductivity.The latter term means that a copper wire1m in length and weighing1g would have a resistance of 0.15328V.This is equivalent to a resistivity value of875.20V·lb/mile2, which signifies the resistance of a copper wire1mile in length weighing 1lb.It is also equivalent,for example,to1.7241µV/cm of length of a copper bar1cm2in cross section.A complete discussion of this subject is contained in NBS Handbook100of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.6The use offive significantfigures in expressing resistivity does not imply the need for greater accuracy of measurement than that specified in Test Method B193.The use offive significantfigures is required for reasonably accurate reversible conversion from one set of resistivity units to another.The equivalent resistivity values in Table4 were derived from the fundamental IEC value(1⁄58V·mm2/m)computed to7significantfigures and then rounded to5significantfigures.N OTE9—It is important that the polysulfide solution be of a proper composition and strength at the time of test.A solution that is not saturated with sulfur or that has been made from decomposed sodium sulfide crystals may give a false indication of failure.Therefore,the requirement that the solution be tested by observing its blackening effect on a bright copper wire is significant.Significant also is the requirement that the solution be saturated with sulfur by allowing the solution to stand at least 24h after preparation.Attention is called also to the necessity for the use of sodium sulfide that has not deteriorated through exposure to air;and if exposure has occurred,the crystals should be tested for purity.The “Standard Reagents Tests”of the American Chemical Society are useful in this connection.N OTE10—A lot should comprise material taken from a product regularly meeting the requirements of this specification.Inspection of individual lots of less than500lb of wire cannot be justified economically. For small lots of500lb or less,the purchaser may agree to the manufacturer’s regular inspection of the product as a whole as evidence of acceptability of such small lots.N OTE11—Attention is called to the desirability for agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser on package sizes that will be6Available from the National Technical Information Service,5285Port Royal Road,Springfield,V A22161.TABLE4Resistivity Relations Conductivity at20°C%100.00 V·lb/mile2875.20V·g/m20.15328V·cmil/ft10.371V·mm2/m0.017241µV·in.0.67879µV·cm1.7241sufficiently large and yet not so heavy or bulky that the wire may likely be damaged in handling.N OTE 12—Principle of Operation of the Electronic Thickness Tester —The unit operates by anodically deplating a small surface area of the specimen in a cell containing the test solution.The cell serves as cathode and the piece to be tested is the anode.At the start of the test and until the base metal is exposed,a voltage characteristic of the plating exists across the cell;when all the plating has been removed from the test spot,this voltage changes sharply and assumes a new value which is now characteristic of the base metal.This rapid voltage change is the“end point”of the test,and is amplified and caused to operate a relay which turns off the instrument.The time required to dissolve the plating on the test spot proportional to the thickness of the deposit;by correlating the area of the test spot with the current used to strip the plating,the counter is made to read directly in units of thickness.Essentially,therefore,the electronic thickness tester embodies a min-iature reverse-current plating cell in which the piece to be tested is theanode and the cell itself is the cathode.The test solution used is specifically designed to give 100%anodic current efficiency.It does not attack the plating unless current is flowing through the test cell.The anode efficiency is further maintained by providing agitation of the solution in the test cell.N OTE 13—The equation given for the weight of the silver on the wire is for most purposes sufficiently accurate.However,in the case of heavy coatings the results obtained by the use of this equation will indicate a slightly higher percent weight than is actually present.The more correct equation for all cases based on a density of 10.5g/cm 3for silver and 8.89g/cm 3for copper is as follows:Silver %5472.43/[1.72431d /t 1t /~d 2t !#where:d =overall wire diameter,in.,and t =thickness of plate,in.SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSThe following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the inquiry,contract,or order,for agencies of the ernment.S1.Referenced DocumentS1.1The following documents form a part of this specifica-tion to the extent specified herein.Unless otherwise specified,the issues of these documents shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS)and supplement thereto,cited in the solicitation.S1.2Military Specification:7MIL-C-12000Cable,Cord,and Wire,Electric;Packaging of S2.InspectionS2.1The government shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification when such tests are deemed necessary to ensure that the material conforms to the prescribed requirements.S3.PackagingS3.1Packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-C-12000.APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.DETERMINATION OF THE WEIGHT OF SILVER ON SILVER-COATEDCOPPER WIREMETHOD A—ELECTRONIC DETERMINATION(EXPLANATORY NOTE 12)X1.1Apparatus and ReagentX1.1.1Electronic Thickness Tester with Accessory Unit“WT.”8X1.1.2Solution R-48.8X1.2Limitations of Method AX1.2.1This method is suitable for the determination of the thickness of coatings as follows:Wire Size Sample Length,in.0.0720to 0.02400.500.0239to 0.0115 1.000.0114to 0.0058 2.000.0057to 0.00314.007Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,Bldg.4Section D,700Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094,Attn:NPODS.8The above named apparatus and reagent is the product of Kocour Company,4800So.St.Louis Ave.,Chicago,IL60632.。
《混凝土结构加固设计规范》(GB50367-2006)中华人民共和国国家标准混凝土结构加固设计规范Degin code for strengthening concrete structureGB 50367--2006批准部门:中华人民共和国建设部施行日期:2006年11月1日中华人民共和国建设部公告第440号建设部关于发布行业标准《混凝土结构加固设计规范》的公告现批准《混凝土结构加固设计规范》为国家标准,编号为GB50367-2006,自2006年11月1日起实施。
本规范主编单位:四川省建筑科学研究院参加单位;同济大学,西南交通大学、福州大学、湖南大学、重庆大学、重庆市建筑科学研究院、辽宁省建设科学研究院、中国科学院大连化学物理研究所、中国建筑西南设计院、上海市工程建设标准化办公室、上海加固行建筑技术工程有限公司、北京东洋机械建筑工程有限公司、喜利得(中国)有限公司、慧鱼(太仓)建筑锚栓有限公司、厦门中连结构胶有限公司、亨斯迈先进化工材料(广东)有限公司、北京风行技术有限贲任公司、上海库力浦实业有限公司、湖南固特邦土木技术发展有限公司、大连凯华新技术工程有限公司、台湾安固工程股份有限公司、武汉长江加固技术有限公司本规范主要起草人:梁坦王永维陆竹卿梁爽吴善能黄棠林文修卓尚木古天纯贺曼罗倪士珠张书禹莫群速侯发亮卜良桃屈文俊陈大川王立民李力平王稚吴进陈友明张成英线运恒张剑单远铭张首文唐超伦张欣温斌1 总则1.0.1制定本规范。
sp200 positioner
2.3 Electromagnetic compatibility
The product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89 / 336 EEC by meeting standards EN 5008-1 (Emissions) and EN 50082-2 (Industrial Immunity). This product may be affected by interference above the limits within EN 50082-2 if:
5. Installation
6. 7.
Electrical connections Quick start procedure
6.1 6.2 7.1 7.2
8. Programming flow chart
9.1 9.2 9.3 SET-UP NOW SP200 MENU MANOP AUTOS - automatic autostroke commissioning SET TUNE RUN - setting of valve functions - setting of valve tune functions - automatic operation
The working environment. Safe access. Lighting. Pipeline fluid hazards. Temperature. System isolation. Location.
The SP200 positioner should be mounted with sufficient space to allow opening of the hinged cover and to provide access for electrical and air connections. When fitting to an actuator, ensure that the positioner will not be exposed to an ambient temperature outside the range of -10°C to +80°C. The positioner enclosure is rated to IP65 (see BS EN 60534-1 1998).
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1 Unit 1
2 Life is full of the unexpected.
1. fool n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄
(1)fool 用作名词,意为"蠢人,傻瓜"。
☞ What a fool you are to believe him! 你真是个傻瓜,竟然相信他。
(2)fool 用作动词,意为"愚弄"。
☞ Why did you fool me in that way? 你为什么用那种方式愚弄我?
【知识拓展】 fool
的形容词形式为foolish ,意为"傻的;愚蠢的"。
☞ You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour. 你应当为自己的愚蠢行为而感到羞耻。
I ’m afraid it was ____________ of you to solve the problem in that way.(fool )
作表语,故要用fool 的形容词形式foolish 。
2. stay up 熬夜
stay up 为固定短语,相当于不及物动词,意为"熬夜;不睡觉",与sit up 同义。
stay up late 指"熬夜到很晚,迟睡"。
☞ He stayed up too late last night. 他昨天晚上熬夜到很晚。
(2016﹒湖北随州中考)—Don ’t ____________ late, Betty. You have to go to school early tomorrow. —OK, Mom. I ’ll go to bed right now.
A. put up
B. stay up
C. sit down
D. fall down。