奥斯卡 王尔德
![奥斯卡 王尔德](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/35cf14412b160b4e767fcf98.png)
• • • • • • • • • • • • 我迟早要成名的,没有美名也有恶名在外。 自恋是一个人一生浪漫的开端。 时尚就是一种丑,丑得我们无法忍受,以至每不到六个月就必须换一次。 一个人要么成为一件艺术品,要么戴一件艺术品。 在人的生活中的每一瞬间,人都只能是他将要成为的人,而不是他曾经 成为的人。 我不想谋生,我想生活。 我能抵抗一切,除了诱惑。 人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 成为自己生活的旁观者,可以避免生活中烦恼。 我喜欢人甚于原则,我喜欢没有原则的人胜于全世界。 这世界就是舞台,可角色分配得不像样子。 世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕的了,那就是没有人议论你。
• 正是这段曲折的经历让王尔德写下旷世佳作 《狱中记》 王尔德的审判也是英国司法史上最引人注目的案 件之一,也是同性恋平权运动史上被引用最多的 案件之一。在同性恋不再被视为异端、被普遍接 受的20世纪末、21世纪初,他成了同性恋社群的 一上帝替我们每一个孤独分离的人都造了一 个世界,而在那世界里——我们的内心世界——一个人应该寻求生存。 你的错误不是你对生活所知甚少,而是你知道得太多了。你已把童年时期 的曙光中所拥有的那种精美的花朵,纯洁的光,天真的希望的快乐远远地 抛在后面了。你已迅捷地奔跑着经过了浪漫进入了现实。你开始着迷于阴 沟及里面生长的东西。 星期三是我的生日,我的桌上堆放着电报和信,其中有一封信一看就是你 的笔迹。我带着一种对自己的悲哀感打开了信,我知道,只要你说了一句 漂亮的话,表示你对我的爱,或者,只有你有一个字表示悔恨,我都会让 那件不愉快的事成为过去,让你再次回到我身边。 当你从被要求去的那场悲剧的发生现场回到城里来时,你立刻非常温柔、 非常单纯地来到我身边,穿着丧服,眼里蒙着一层泪花。你像一个孩子一 样来寻求安慰和帮助。我向你打开了我的房子、我的家、我的心,我把你 的悲哀也变成我的悲哀,以为这样也许能帮助你承受住那种悲哀。
而来自洛杉矶的雕塑家乔治•斯坦利(George Stanley)有 幸的成为了这个小雕像的制作者. 这个高13.5英寸(早 斯为10.25英寸), 重11磅(早期为6.75磅)的小雕像起 初是由青铜做成的. 二战期间,由于资源匮乏, 改为用石 膏制成. 而今天我们看到的小金人是由锡、铵合金磨光 后,敷10K金箔,经过精磨,外面再敷24K金箔,最外 层涂上发光漆而制成的.
Oral English Course
Lesson 6
Oscar 奥斯卡奖的来历
说起奥斯卡奖, 就不能不先提到美国电影艺术与科学 学会(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences). 该 机构成立于1927年, 致力于推动电影制造业向更高水 平、更高质量、更高技术方面发展, 而为了表彰在这 些领域做出杰出贡献的优秀人才, 将向他(她)们授予 代表着电影业至高荣誉的Academy Awards(学院奖). 该学会的第一次颁奖会于1929年5月16日在好莱坞罗 斯福(Roosevelt)酒店举行.
my watch with you. A: It’s 2 o’clock./ It’s 10 sharp. My watch says it’s five. It’s a few minutes before 6 o’clock. I can’t tell you the correct time. My watch is fast/
Weighing 8.5 pounds and standing 13.5 inches tall, the statuette was designed by MGM's chief art director Cedric Gibbons. Frederic Hope, Gibbons' assistant, created the original Belgian black marble base; artist George Stanley sculpted the design; and the California Bronze Foundry hand cast the first statuette in bronze plated with 24-karat gold.
“Oscar,” the origin of the name are not the same. The more credible is this story~~~~~
1931 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Library administrator Margaret in a closer look after the Awards,exclaimed: "ah! He looks just like my uncle Oscar!“A journalist next door heard and wrote: "Art and Science of staff passionately call the golden statue as Oscar.“ Since then, the name Oscar spread like wildfire.
at lat prize did he get?
Best Actor
Leonardo DiCaprio – The Revenant Playing a 19th-century huntsman, he endured punishing sub-zero temperatures and ate raw buffalo liver while shooting the film. He's already been rewarded for his efforts, having scooped up Best Actor trophies at this year's Baftas and Golden Globes.
Everyone is very happy,same as the United Nations
奥斯卡王尔德浪漫主义与现实主义的交织奥斯卡·王尔德:浪漫主义与现实主义的交织引言:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)是19世纪末英国最杰出的戏剧家、诗人和小说家之一。
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. “我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空。”
奥斯卡· 王尔德(Oscar Wilde)生于1854年,卒 于1900年,为剧作家、诗人、散文家,19世纪与萧 伯纳齐名的英国才子。他的戏剧、诗作、小说则留 给后人许多惯用语,如:活得快乐,就是最好的报 复。王尔德的名声一度并不好,可王尔德却说: “这世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕,那就是不 曾被人议论过!” 王尔德的一生似乎就是个巨大的悖论。他是一 个集天使与魔鬼于一身的矛盾人物,既《道林〃格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray,1891年) 童话集 《快乐王子和其他故事》(The Happy Prince and Other Tales,1888年) 《石榴屋》(A House of Pomegranates,1891年) 诗作 《诗集》(Poems,1881年) 《斯芬克斯》(Sphinx,1894年) 《瑞丁监狱之歌》(The Ballad of Reading Gaol,1898年) 剧本 《薇拉》(Vera,1880年) 《温夫人的扇子》(Lady Windermere's Fan,1892年。又译《温德密尔夫人的扇子》、《少奶奶的扇 子》) 《帕都瓦公爵夫人》(The Duchess of Padua,1893年) 《莎乐美》(Salomé,1893年)(原著用法语写成) 《无足轻重的女人》(A Woman of No Importance,1892年)(1893年Theatre Royal Haymarket首演) 《真诚最要紧》(The Importance of Being Earnest,1895年。又译《不可儿戏》) 《理想的丈夫》(An Ideal Husband,1895年。又译《好丈夫》) 其他著作散文集: 《社会主义下人的灵魂》(The Soul of Man Under Socialism,1891年。) 书信集:《深渊书简》 (De Profundis,1897年。又译《自深深处》、《王尔德狱中记》原本是作者写给道格拉斯的书信集, 1905年作者死后出版)
奥斯卡·王尔德作品中的社会道德和虚伪介绍奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)是一位19世纪末期英国才子作家,他以其机智风趣的戏剧和小说作品而闻名。
唯美主义哲学尖锐批判了当时的物质社会庸 人主义。倡导人应该在生活中发现美、 鉴别美、享受美,充分地展现个性。王尔德 作为唯美主义的倡导者和实践者,无论是他的 主张还是他的个性言只有 风格才能使艺术不朽。王尔德不仅在服饰、装 饰、语言的表达以及行为举止等人生的各方面 创造了绚烂多彩的审美形式,并成功折射到他 的作品中去。
• 王 尔 德 墓
◆我们的梦想必须足够宏大,这样,在追寻的过程中,她才不会消失。 ◆我用一句短语包含一切体系,用一个警句归纳所有存在 ◆我迟早要成名的,没有美名也有恶名在外。 ◆只有拍卖师才对所有的艺术流派不存偏见,一概推崇。 ◆自恋是一个人一生浪漫的开端。 ◆美丽的东西有了过失,要不分青红皂白地原谅它;丑陋的东西有了过失要不顾天地良心 鄙视它。 ◆我并没有为了钱出卖自己,我不过用重大的代价买到了成功。 ◆现在我很快乐,所以我很肯定,我的人格已荡然无存。 ◆从艺术的观点来看,坏人是非常吸引的研究对象。他们代表了色彩、变化与特异。 好人会激怒人的理性,坏人则引发人的想象力。 ◆艺术家没有伦理上的好恶,艺术家如在伦理上有所臧否,那是不可原谅的娇柔造作。 ◆邪恶与美德是艺术家艺术创作的素材。 ◆关心行为的正确与否表明理智的发展已经停滞不前。 ◆一切艺术都是毫无用处的。 ◆大多女人如此虚伪,以至了无艺术感觉,大多男人是如此自然,以至了无美的感觉。 ◆从形式着眼,音乐家的艺术是各种艺术的典型,感觉着眼,演员的技艺是典型。 ◆时尚就是一种丑,丑得我们无法忍受,以至每不到六个月就必须换一次。
奥 斯 卡 王 尔 德
奥斯卡.王尔德生于1854年,卒于1900年,是伟大的剧作家,诗 人,散文家。19世纪与萧伯纳齐名的才子。他的戏剧、诗作、小 说则留给后人许多惯用语,如:活得快乐,就是最好的报复。 中文名:奥斯卡.王尔德 英文名:oscarWilde 国籍:英国 出生地:爱尔兰都柏林 出生日期:1854年10月16日 逝世日期:1900年11月30日 职业:艺术 剧作家 毕业院校:都柏林圣三一学院 主要成就:英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者 代表作品: 小说《道林· 格雷的画像》;骇世之作《狱中记》最为著名。
Main works 主要作品
• Novels 小说
The Picture of Dorian Gray(道林·格雷的画像)
• Fairy tales 童话
The happy prince(快乐王子) The nightingale and the rose(夜莺与蔷薇) The selfish Giant(自私的巨人) The fisherman and his soul(渔人和他的灵魂) The star-child(星孩)
• In theory, Oscar Wilde reconsiders the relation between art and life. Inheriting Gautiers’ view “art for art’s sake”(为艺术而艺术), he advocates that life is the imitation of art, which can be seen in the preface of his book The picture of Dorian Gray as “All art is quite useless”.
Life & Works
• Introduction • Sexuality
Introduction 生平
• Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. Todpigrams(名言), plays and the circumstances of his imprisonment, followed by his early death.
奥斯卡奖的来历奥斯卡金像奖学院奖(Academy Awards),别称奥斯卡(Oscars),每年由美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发,旨在鼓励优秀电影的创作与发展,是美国影视界最重要的奖项,也是美国国内最受世界瞩目的奖项。
好莱坞奥斯卡奖的来历说起奥斯卡奖,就不能不先提到美国电影艺术与科学学会(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)。
这个机构成立于1927年,致力于推动电影制造业向更高水平、更高质量、更高技术方面发展, 而为了表彰在这些领域做出杰出贡献的优秀人才,将向他(她)们授予代表着电影业至高荣誉的学院奖(Academy Awards)。
为此, 就必须先得创造一个能象征电影成就的奖座. 当时, MGM(米高梅电影公司)的艺术总监塞德里克·吉邦斯(Cedric Gibbons)负责设计了这个现在在全世界都知名的小雕像--一个手持宝剑站立在电影卷轴上的骑士. 而来自洛杉矶的雕塑家乔治·斯坦利(George Stanley)有幸的成为了这个小雕像的制作者. 该学会的第一次颁奖会于1929年5月16日在好莱坞罗斯福酒店(Roosevelt)举行. 这个高13.5英寸(早斯为10.25英寸), 重11磅(早期为6.75磅)的小雕像起初是由青铜做成的. 二战期间,由于资源匮乏, 改为用石膏制成. 而今天我们看到的小金人是由锡、铵合金磨光后,敷10K金箔,经过精磨,外面再敷24K金箔,最外层涂上发光漆而制成的. 本来电影艺术与科学学会将这个奖的正式名称叫做学院奖, 但实际上世人对这个奖项的更多的认识却是对它的另一种称呼—奥斯卡奖(Oscars). 而对于为什么会把学院奖称之为奥斯卡奖, 至今也没有一个准确的说法. 一个比较流行的说法是: 学会的一个名叫玛格丽特·赫丽克(Margaret Herrick)的图书馆管理员兼执行董事的女士认为小雕像很像她那名为奥斯卡(Oscar)的叔叔, 所以, 她就以此来称呼它. 之后, 学会内的人员都开始以奥斯卡来作为小雕像的昵称. 在1934年的第六届颁奖大会后, 好莱坞的专栏作家西德尼·斯科尔斯基(Sidney Skolsky)在他那篇关于凯瑟琳·赫本(Katharine Hepburn)获得最佳女主角奖的文章中, 第一次公开使用了奥斯卡(Oscar)这个称谓. 到了1939年, 学会也认可了奥斯卡这个名字, 并且开始正式的使用它. 从此, 奥斯卡这个名字就延续了下来, 自至今天. 因此, 我们现在通常所称的奥斯卡奖实际上就是美国电影艺术与科学学会颁发的象征着电影业最高荣誉的学院奖的另一种习惯叫法而己.塑像奥斯卡的奖座是一个镀金的合金塑像:一位体躯魁伟的男子,双手紧握战士的长剑,屹立在一盘胶片上。
奥斯卡·王尔德的幽默与讽刺简介奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)是19世纪末英国最重要的剧作家和作家之一。
作品中的幽默与讽刺1. 《道林·格雷的画像》这部小说以幽默且机智的方式处理了主人公道林·格雷拥有永恒青春的悲剧命运。
2. 《无足轻重女人的风度和品位》这是一部关于两位朋友之间爱情与友谊的喜剧戏剧。
3. 剧作《Earnest 现身说法》这部剧作集中展现了王尔德出色的幽默天赋。
1. 打破传统王尔德的幽默和讽刺打破了当时维多利亚时代文学中严肃、庄重的氛围,为后来一批现代派作家铺平了道路。
2. 反思与启示王尔德通过幽默和讽刺揭示出人性中普遍存在的虚伪和偏见。
篮球巨星奥斯卡·罗伯特森介绍篮球巨星奥斯卡罗伯特森简介奥斯卡罗伯特森(Oscar Robertson),1938年11月24日出生于美国田纳西州夏洛特,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,绰号“大O”(The Big O)。
1960年,奥斯卡罗伯特森在第1轮第1位以状元秀的身份被辛辛那提皇家队(现萨克拉门托国王队) 选中,NBA生涯的前10年一直效力于皇家队,新秀赛季当选NBA年度最佳新秀,1961-62年赛季他创下了整赛季场均三双数据的壮举(30.8分、12.5个篮板、11.4次助攻) 。
他在1964年当选NBA常规赛MVP ,12次入选NBA全明星阵容并3次夺得NBA全明星MVP, 9次入选NBA最佳阵容一阵,2次入选NBA最佳阵容二阵,6次当选NBA抢断王。
罗伯特森后来升上了Crispus Attucks高中,这是所全部由黑人组成的没有体育馆的学校。
在Crispus Attucks高中求学期间,罗伯特森出众的身体条件和篮球意识被重视基本功训练的教练Ray Crowe发掘出来了。
奥斯卡王尔德英文简介导读:本文是关于奥斯卡王尔德英文简介,希望能帮助到您!奥斯卡・王尔德简介Oscar Wilde (1854 ~ 1900), born in the 19th century in the UK (in the case of Ireland, but then ruled by the British.) One of the greatest writers and artists, with his plays, poetry, fairy tales and fiction famous. Aestheticist figures, the main body of the aesthetic movementof the 1880s and the pioneers of the 90's decadent movement.奥斯卡・王尔德人物生平Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, a family of outstanding family, is the second son of the family. His father, Sir William Wilde, was a surgeon whose mother was a poet and writer.In 1864, Oscar Wilde was at the Royal College of putuo in the house of Ennis, and was not particularly popular among the boys. During school, he loves flowers, sunset and Greek literature. Although the teacher was often dismissed as lazy, but he was in the last year of this school is still on behalf of classical literature achievements of the best honor of the Toro Gold Medal.In 1871, the Dublin Trinity College Scholarship was awarded at the age of 17. He met professor Mahaffi at this school, and the professor had a considerable influence on Wilde's life. Many years希望本文对您有所帮助!later, he recalled that Mahafir was "a very talkative person, an artist who was good at using eloquence and vivid words.After graduating from Trinity College in Dublin, Wilde received a full scholarship from the University of Oxford at Magdalen College in 1874. In Oxford, Wilde was influenced by Walter pate and John Raskin's aesthetic ideas and touched on the NewHegelian philosophy, Darwinian theory of evolution and the pre-Raphaelite work, which became a pioneer of his aestheticism The writer established the direction. After the publication of the first "poem", he began to emerge in the literary world, and came to London development. Although the young Wilde has not yet received a literary award, but the clothing eye-catching, talk wit, maverick in London social circles have been a minor celebrity, some magazines and even published his satirical article.In 1875, Wilde traveled to Italy during the summer vacation and wrote one of the early poems "San Miniato","San Miniato"), but thispoem was published only a few years later. In 1877, Oscar Wilde and the other two young people to accompany Mahafhe to Greece to travel, for the Greek natural landscape and exquisite buildings dumped, so linger, delayed class. After returning to Oxford, he was fined£ 45by the school and the following year was fine for his academic excellence. In 1878, Oscar Wilde in the last year of Oxford in the last year is extremely beautiful, not only academic performance among the best, but also to poetry "La Fenner" to win a school poetrycompetition. The winning poemswere financed by the school and became the first published works by Oscar Wilde. Wilde moved from Oxford to London, claiming to be a professor of aestheticism. In 1880, at this time Wilde has been cut out in the London social circle, "clumsy" magazine began to take his appearance joke. His first play "Vera" in the same year to complete, but no big response, and finally for political reasons did not staged in London. In 1881, by the Gilbert and Sullivan written by the aestheticist humorist "peas" did not intend to bring a bad reputation for Wilde. WangErde poetry published in the same year, may be poet at their own expense.In 1882, Wilde made a wonderful tour in the United States, two years later he and Constance Lloyd (Constance Lloyd) love married, two sons Cyril (Cyril) and Vivian (Vyvyan) also Wasborn in 1885 and 1886.In 1887, Wilde became the executive editor of a women's magazine called "Women's World" (formerly known as "Lady of the World", Oscar Wilde's renamed), and published some of his novels, comments and poems in magazines. Wilde's works are famous for their rhetoric and beauty. In May1888, published "Happy prince and other stories". June 20, 1890, in the newspaper serial novel "Dorian Gray's portrait", lay the status of decadent artists. His first novel, The portrait of Dorian Gray, was published in 1891. The opportunityfor thecreation of the novel was due to the fact that Wilde had visited a famous painter, and the male model of the painter was so young andbeautiful. Sigh: "Unfortunately, such a beautiful creature, or a day of aging." The painter replied:Yes ah, if you can make the paintinghe replaced him like old. Later, Wilde created the novel "The portrait of Dawn Gray", and Wilde, in order to thank the painter, named his painter in his name, and then he published the prose "The Soul of Socialism" Both of these works are very successful, but the real success for Wilde is his drama works.It can be said that each of his drama works are warmly welcomed, there is a period of time,London stage actually staged him Three of his works are known as the best comedy works since Sheridan's "rumor school".In 1895, Marquess of Queensberry found Lord Alfred Douglas (Nickname "Bosie") and Oscar Wilde for four years and accused of Oscar Wilde and went to Oscar Wilde To the celebrity club to paste the note: "Oscar Oscar Wilde - pretend to be a traitor." publicly denounced Wilde is a good male "soders" (at that time has not yet born "gay" the term). The allegations madeWilde immediately write to his friend Ross.The Marquis of Queensberry is a tyrannical father, and Douglas has been arguing for a long time, and the angry Alfred Douglas called Wilde immediately appealed to the Marquis to corrupt his reputation. As a result, Wilde's appeal failed, and he was told that "committing acts of gross indecency with other men persons". According to the United Kingdom 1855 harsh criminal law amendmentspart 11, Wilde was convicted, in Reading and Bentonville prison served two years of hard labor. In the past two years, Wilde stopped the drama creation, wrote the poem in the prison "song of the prison song" and the letter set "abyss Jane." In these two works, his style has changed, it is difficult to find the impact of aestheticism. During his stay in Wilde, his wife Constance and two children changed their name to Holland, moved to Italy, and most of his friends in the social and literary circles were fearless of him. Only a handful of people such as playwright George Bernard Shaw still stand up to maintain him.On May 1, 1895, the jury could not agree on Wilde's charges, and a juror agreed to bail Wilde. May 7, was released from prison. May 20, the case the second session. May 25, Wilde because of "serious indecent assault", was sentenced to forced labor for two years, first detained in London Bentonville prison, July 4 transfer to London Wandsworth prison, November 20 was transferredfrom the 30 miles westof London's Reading prison. On September 24 and November 12 of the year, the court conducted two bankruptcy investigations against Oscar Wilde and declared its bankruptcy.Released in 1897, Wilde took to paris, for the British he was disappointed, no longer have the slightest nostalgia. He had tried to mix with Constance for two children, but Alfred Douglas offered to meet him and said he wanted to rebuild with Wilde, and Wilde chose Douglas. He lived in France during the nameof the completion of the "Reading of the song", in 1898 Wilde and Douglas travel to Italy, but the last two still break up, the two together was not as goodas the original, after the release of Wilde scenery Then, Douglas began to understand that Wilde was no longer the married and everyone envy of the successful people. But if they had been in love and tired of talking to the far apart, the wayward Douglas had earlier said to Oscar Wilde: "If you are no longer the taller of Oscar, it is no longer interesting.In 1900, Wilde finally changed his Catholicism with the help of his friend and his same-sex lover, Robert Robbie Ross, who was the first gay man of Wilde, Rose's temptation led him to the path of homosexuality, when Rose was 17 and Wilde was 32. Although Wilde was later obsessed with Douglas, but for many years he loved Oscar Wilde and gave him help, and Ross's ashes were in his last wish Together). In the same year on November 30 due to meningitis in paris, Alsa(Alsace) died, at the age of 46 years old, only when Ross died with another friend to accompany him. Oscar Wilde in the cemetery of paris, according to his poetry in the "Sphinx" in the image, carved into a small Sphinx.At the end of the twentieth century, after nearly a century later, the British finally gave Wilde a statue of honor. On November 30, 1998, the statue of Oscar Wilde, sculpted by McGee Hamlin, was unveiled at Adelaide Street near Trafalgar Square, London. The statue is titled "Dialogue with Oscar Wilde" and engraved with quotes from Oscar Wilde: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking At the stars.)希望本文对您有所帮助!。
奥斯卡王尔德(Oscar Wilde)
![奥斯卡王尔德(Oscar Wilde)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b187e37376baf1ffc4fade1.png)
12、The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. 世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕,那就是没有人议论 你。 13、All charming people, I fancy, are spoiled. It is the secret of their attraction 我想所有迷人的人都是被宠爱着的,这是他们吸引力来 源的秘密。 14、To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual 什么也不做是世上最难的事情,最困难并且最智慧。 15、A true friend stabs you in the front. 真朋友才会当面中伤你。 16、Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much. 永远宽恕你的敌人,没有什么能比这个更让他们恼怒的了。 17、There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. 生活中只有两种悲剧:一个是没有得到我们想要的,另外一个是得到我 们想要的。
虽然年轻的王尔德还没有获得一个文学奖项,但服装惹 眼、谈吐机智、特立独行的他在伦敦社交界已经小有名 气,一些杂志甚至刊登着讽刺他的文章。
1877年,王尔德与另外两位年轻人陪马哈菲教授一同到 希腊旅游,为希腊的自然景致和精美建筑倾倒,以致于 流连忘返,延误了上课。回到牛津后他被校方罚款45英 镑,次年罚款因他学业的优异而返还。
Achievement in directing WINNER: Tom Hooper (The King's Speech)
Christian Bale Melissa Leo both in the Fighter
Performance by an actor in a leading role:colin firth
最佳服装设计奖(Costume Design)
科技成果奖(Scientific or Technical Awards)
最佳动画长片奖(Best Animated Feature)
最佳动画短片奖(Animated Short Film)
最佳实景短片奖(Live Action Short Film)
按照奥斯卡奖有关的评选规则,一项奖的获得者只能领取一 个金像奖座,如果一项奖有两个人共获,则应分别授予他们 每人一个金像奖座。
金像奖的样子是男子,双手交叉于胸前,握着一把长剑,站 在一个五环片盘上,每一个环代表影艺学院的一项重要工作 部门:制片、导演、编剧、演员、技术人员。
高度:早期为十又四分之一英寸,现为十三又二分之一英寸 (约等于34.3厘米)。
“奥斯卡金像奖”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖” (Academy Award) ,1927年设立,每年一次在美国洛杉矶举 行。
1927年5月,美国电影界知名人士在好莱坞发起组织一个“ 非赢利组织”,定名为电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of motion picture Arts and Sciences缩写为A.M.P.A.S.)
The History of the OscarsThe Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are a set of awards for artistic and technical merit in the film industry. They are given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognize excellence in cinematic achievements as assessed by the Academy's voting membership. The awards, first presented in 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, are overseen by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Origins and Early YearsThe Oscars were first held on May 16, 1929, at a private dinner hosted by Douglas Fairbanks at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. The ceremony honored the best films of 1927 and 1928. The initial award winners were announced three months before the ceremony, but that changed in subsequent years as the winners began to be kept secret until the actual event.The StatuetteThe iconic Oscar statuette, officially named the Academy Award of Merit, was designed by sculptor George Stanley. The statuette depicts a knight rendered in Art Deco style holding a crusader's sword standing on a reel of film with five spokes, symbolizing the original branches of the Academy: actors, writers, directors, producers, and technicians. Since 1930, the statuettes have been made of gold-plated bronze, though during World War II, they were made of painted plaster due to metal shortages.Growth and PopularityThroughout the years, the Oscars have grown in both size and scope. The first televised Oscars took place in 1953, which allowed the global audience to witness Hollywood's biggest night. Theceremony has since become a major event in the entertainment industry, watched by millions of people worldwide.Milestones and ChangesOver the decades, the Oscars have seen many significant changes and milestones:- 1940: Hattie McDaniel became the first African American to win an Oscar for her role in *Gone with the Wind*.- 1968: *In the Heat of the Night* won the Best Picture award during a time of significant social change in the United States.- 2002: Halle Berry became the first African American woman to win the Best Actress award for *Monster's Ball*.- 2009: *The Hurt Locker*, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, won Best Picture, making Bigelow the first woman to win the Best Director award.Modern EraThe Oscars have continued to evolve, incorporating new categories and adjusting criteria to better reflect the diverse nature of contemporary cinema. Recent years have seen a push for more diversity and inclusion within the nominations and awards process. The Best Picture category was expanded from five nominees to a maximum of ten in 2009 to allow a greater variety of films to be considered.Controversies and CriticismsDespite its prestige, the Oscars have not been without controversy. Criticisms have included a lack of diversity in nominations, perceived snubs, and questions about the relevance of the awards in modern filmmaking. These issues have led to reforms within the Academy and ongoing discussions about how to make the awards more inclusive and representative of the global film community. ConclusionThe Oscars remain a symbol of excellence in the film industry, celebrating the art and craft of filmmaking. While the ceremony and the Academy continue to adapt to the changing landscape of cinema, the core mission of honoring outstanding achievements in film remains unchanged. The Oscars not only reflect the past and present of the film industry but also influence its future, inspiring filmmakers and audiences around the world.---Word Document Formatting Steps:1. Open Microsoft Word.2. Select "Home" from the top menu.3. Set the font to "Times New Roman" and the font size to "12".4. Center-align the title "The History of the Oscars" and set the font size to "16" in bold.5. Insert appropriate headings for each section (e.g., "Origins and Early Years", "The Statuette", etc.) and set them to "14" in bold.6. Justify-align the main text for a clean, professional appearance.7. Use 1.5 line spacing for better readability.8. Ensure there is a space between each section.9. Save the document as "The History of the Oscars.docx".This way, you will have a well-organized and properly formatted document on the history of the Oscars.。
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第七十一届奥斯卡最佳影片(1999) 英文片名:Shakespeare in Love 片名:莎翁情史 又名:恋爱中的莎士比亚 年份:1998 导演: 约翰.麦登 主演:本· 阿弗莱克 约瑟夫· 费因斯 格温妮斯· 帕特洛 科林· 费尔斯 杰弗里· 拉什 朱迪· 丹奇
第七十二届奥斯卡最佳影片(2000 ) 英文片名:American Beauty 中文:美国丽人 又名:美国美人 美国心· 玫瑰情 美丽 有罪 年份:1999 导演: 萨姆· 门德斯 编剧:艾伦· 保尔 主演:凯文· 斯帕西 米娜· 苏瓦丽 克里斯· 库柏 安妮特· 贝宁 彼得· 盖勒
Performance by an actor in a leading role:colin firth
Performance by an actress in a leading role :natalie portman
第六十二届奥斯卡最佳影片(1990) 片名:Driving Miss Daisy 中文:为黛茜小姐开车 出品:Zanuck 公司、 华纳兄弟电影公司联合出品 年份:1989 导演 布鲁斯· 贝尔斯福特 女主角 杰西卡· 坦迪 主演 摩根· 弗里曼
第七十三届奥斯卡最佳影片(2001) 英文片名:Gladiator 片名:角斗士 年份:2000 导演: 雷德利· 斯科特 主演:拉塞尔· 克劳 杰昆· 菲尼克斯 康妮· 尼尔森
第七十四届奥斯卡最佳影片(2002) 英文片名:A Beautiful Mind 中文:美丽心灵 导演: 朗· 霍华德 编剧:塞尔维亚· 纳瑟 阿齐瓦· 高斯曼 主演:罗素· 克洛、 珍尼弗· 康纳利、 艾德· 哈里斯、 亚当· 戈德堡、 克里斯托弗· 普拉默 上映时间:2001年12月21日
最佳影片奖(Best Picture)
最佳导演奖(Best Directing)
最佳男主角奖(Best Actor in a Leading Role) 最佳女主角奖(Best Actress in a Leading Role) 最佳男配角奖(Best Actor in a Supporting Role) 最佳女配角奖(Best Actress in a Supporting Role) 最佳原创剧本奖(Original Screenplay) 最佳改编剧本奖(Adapted Screenplay) 最佳艺术指导奖(Best Art Direction)
1931年后“学院奖”逐渐被其通俗叫法“奥斯卡金像奖”( Oscar Statuette)所代替,现在其正式名称已鲜为人知。
奥斯卡” 名称的来历
1931年电影艺术与科学学院图书馆的女管理员兼执 行董事玛格丽特· 赫里奇在仔细端详了金像奖之后, 惊呼道:“啊!他看上去真像我的叔叔奥斯卡!”
第七十五届奥斯卡最佳影片(2003) 英文片名:Chicago 中文:芝加哥 出品:米拉麦克斯 导演: 罗伯· 马召尔 主演:凯瑟琳· 泽塔· 琼斯 芮妮· 齐薇格 理查· 基尔 上映时间:2002年12月27日
第七十六届奥斯卡最佳影片(2004) 英文片名:The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 中文:魔戒3:王者归来 又名:指环王3:王者归来 导演: 彼得· 杰克逊 编剧:弗兰· 沃尔什 菲利帕· 伯恩斯 斯蒂芬· 辛克莱 主演:伊利亚· 伍德、 伊恩· 麦克连、维果· 莫特森、 肖恩· 奥斯汀、奥兰多· 布鲁姆、 丽芙· 泰勒、 克里斯托弗· 李 上映时间:2003年12月17日
(Academy Award) ,1927年设立,每年一次在美国洛杉矶举
行。Biblioteka 1927年5月,美国电影界知名人士在好莱坞发起组织一个“ 非赢利组织”,定名为电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of motion picture Arts and Sciences缩写为A.M.P.A.S.)
第六十五届奥斯卡最佳影片( 1993) 片名:Unforgiven 中文:不可饶恕 出品:美国华纳兄弟公司 年份:1992 导演 克林特· 伊斯特伍德 编剧 戴维· 皮尔斯 主演 克林特· 伊斯特伍德
第六十六届奥斯卡最佳影片(1994) 片名:Schindler’s List 中文:辛德勒的名单 出品:美国环球影片公司 年份:1993 导演 斯蒂文· 斯皮尔伯格 主演 利亚姆· 尼森 本· 金斯基 拉尔夫· 费因斯
最佳摄影奖(Best Cinematography)
最佳视觉效果奖(Visual Effects)
最佳剪辑奖(Film Editing) 最佳原创音乐奖(Original Score) 最佳歌曲奖(Best Song) 最佳音效奖(Sound/Sound Mixing) 最佳音效剪辑奖(Sound Editing/ Sound Effects Editing) 最佳服装设计奖(Costume Design) 最佳化妆奖(Makeup)
第七十九届奥斯卡最佳影片(2007) 英文名:The Departed 中文:无间道风云 又译:神鬼无间/无间行者 导演:马丁· 斯科西斯 编剧:威廉· 莫纳汉 主演:莱昂纳多· 迪卡普里奥 马特· 达蒙 杰克· 尼克尔森 马克· 沃伯格 马丁· 西恩 亚力克· 鲍德温 发行:华纳兄弟 上映日期:06年10月6日
她说自己首次领金像奖时, 无意中叫了声丈夫海蒙·奥 斯卡·奈尔逊的名字“奥斯 卡”,被现场采访的记者听 到,于是一下子传开来了。
第八十届奥斯卡最佳影片(2008) 英文名:No Country for Old Men 中文名:老无所依 导演: 科恩兄弟 主演: 汤米· 李· 琼斯 伍迪· 哈里森 贾维尔· 巴尔登 贝丝· 格兰特 巴里· 柯宾 凯茜· 拉姆金 乔什· 布洛林 上映: 2007年11月9日
第八十一届奥斯卡最佳影片(2009) 英文片名:Slumdog Millionaire 中文:贫民富翁 又名:贫民窟的百万富翁 导演: 丹尼· 博伊尔 编剧:西蒙· 比尤弗伊 主演:戴夫· 帕特尔 芙蕾达· 平托 米娅· 德雷克
重量:早期为六点七五磅(约等于3.06公斤)现为8.54磅( 约3.8公斤)。
结构:早期为锡铜合金(锡占92.5%,铜占7.5%),外敷 金箔;现在为锡、铜、锑合金,制作成型之后再镀上铜、镍 、银,外面再敷24K金箔,最外层涂发光漆。
成就。由演员道格拉斯·费尔班克斯与导演威廉·德米尔主持 。第一届颁奖典礼其实在一个好莱坞的私人聚会上举办的, 其观众还不足250人次。
第一次是在1938年,当时的洛杉矶大水灾使颁奖典礼推迟了 一周举行;
第二次是在1968年,当时学院奖的日程安排与著名的人权运 动者马丁·路德·金的葬礼发生了冲突,故颁奖典礼延期举;
最后一次是在1981年,因有人试图暗杀当时的美国总统里根 ,而导致颁奖典礼推迟24小时举行。
第七十七届奥斯卡最佳影片(2005) 英文片名:Million Dollar Baby 中文:百万宝贝 出品:华纳 发行:华纳 导演: 克林特· 伊斯特伍德 编剧:保罗· 哈吉斯 主演:希拉里· 斯旺克 克林特· 伊斯特伍德 摩根· 弗里曼 上映时间:2004年12月15日
第七十八届奥斯卡最佳影片(2006) 英文片名:Crash 中文:冲撞 又名:撞车 导演: 保罗· 哈吉斯 主演:桑德拉· 布洛克 唐· 钱德尔Don Cheadle 马特· 狄隆 布兰登· 弗雷舍Brendan Fraser 桑迪· 纽顿 瑞安· 菲利浦 上映时间:2005年5月6日
第六十七届奥斯卡最佳(1995) 片名:Forrest Gump 中文:阿甘正传 出品:美国派拉蒙影片公司 年份:1994 导演 罗伯特· 泽梅基斯 编剧 埃里克· 鲁里 男主角 汤姆· 汉克斯 主演 加里· 西尼斯
第六十八届奥斯卡最佳影(1996) 片名:Braveheart 中文:勇敢的心 出品:美国派拉蒙影片公司 年份:1995 导演 梅尔· 吉布森 主演 苏菲· 玛索 梅尔· 吉布森
科技成果奖(Scientific or Technical Awards)
最佳动画长片奖(Best Animated Feature)
最佳动画短片奖(Animated Short Film)
最佳实景短片奖(Live Action Short Film)
最佳纪录长片奖(Documentary Feature) 最佳纪录短片奖(Documentary Short Subject) 最佳外语片奖(Best Foreign Language Film) 终身成就奖(Academy Honorary Award)
第六十九届奥斯卡最佳影片( 1997) 片名:The English Patient 中文:英国病人 出品:美国米拉马克斯公司 年份:1996 导演 安东尼明格拉 主演 朱丽叶· 比诺什 威廉· 达福 克里斯汀· 斯科特· 托马斯 拉尔夫· 费因斯
第七十届奥斯卡最佳影片(1998) 片名:Titanic 中文:泰坦尼克号 出品:20世纪福克斯/派拉蒙 发行:20世纪福克斯/派拉蒙 年份:1997 导演: 詹姆斯· 卡梅伦James Cameron 主演:莱昂纳多· 迪卡普里奥 凯特· 温丝莱特