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用一个数组存放图书信息,每本书是一个结构,包括下列几项信息:书名、作者、出版年月、借出否,试写出描述这些信息的说明,并编写一个程序,读入若干本书的信息,然后打印出以上信息。#include <>
typedef struct
char Name[20];
char Author[20];
int Date_Year;
int Date_Month;
int loaned;
#define N 10
void main()
BOOK books[N];
int i;
for (i=0;i { printf("Input Book's Name:"); gets(books[i].Name); printf("Input Book's Author:"); gets(books[i].Author); printf("Input Book's Year of Publishing:"); scanf("%d",&books[i].Date_Year); printf("Input Book's Month of Publishing:"); scanf("%d",&books[i].Date_Month); printf("Input Book's Status, 1-Loaned, 2-Keepin:"); scanf("%d",&books[i].loaned); } for (i=0;i { printf("Book: %s, Author: %s, Publishing:%d-%d, Status:%d\n", books[i].Name, books[i].Author, books[i].Date_Year, books[i].Date_Month, books[i].loaned); } } 编写一个函数,统计并打印所输入的正文中的各个英文单词出现的次数,并按次数的递减顺序输出。#include <> #include <> typedef struct { char s[20]; int count; } WORD; #define N 100 WORD words[N]={0}; int word_count=0; int IsSeparator(char c) { if ( 'A'<=c && c<='Z' || 'a'<=c && c<='z' || '0'<=c && c<='9' || '_'==c || '-'==c) return 0; else return 1; } void AddWord(char *s) { int i,found=0; char ss[20]; for(i=0;*s && !IsSeparator(*s);s++,i++) ss[i]=*s; ss[i]=0; for (i=0;i if (strcmp(ss, words[i].s)==0) { found=1; break; } if (found==0) { words[word_count].count=1; strcpy(words[word_count].s, ss); word_count++; } else { words[i].count++; } } void func(char *s) { int i,j,t; char c,lc; WORD temp; lc=*s; if (!IsSeparator(lc)) AddWord(s); for (i=1;c=*(s+i);i++) { if (!IsSeparator(c) && IsSeparator(lc)) AddWord(s+i); lc=c; } for (i=0;i { t=i; for(j=i+1;j if (words[t].count t=j; if (i!=t) { temp=words[t]; words[t]=words[i]; words[i]=temp; } } for (i=0;i { printf("%s : %d \n", words[i].s, words[i].count); } } void main() { char *s="Every C program has a primary main function that must be named main"; func(s); } 有10个学生,每个学生的数据包括学号、姓名和三门课的成绩。用键盘输入10个学生的数据,要求打印出每个学生三门课的平均成绩,以及最高分的学生的数据(学号、姓名、三门课的成绩和平均分数)。 #include <> #include <> typedef struct { char name[20]; char sno[20]; int score_1; int score_2; int score_3; double score_all; } STUDENT;