



江苏省扬州中学20152015——2016学年第二学期质量检测 高三英语试卷 2016.3 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。

录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题答题第一节第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。





1.When did the woman finish her draft? A. A week ago. B. A month ago. C. Two months ago. 2.What happened at the charity party? A. Not many people came. B. The woman had to leave early to deal with her son. C. More money was raised than expected. 3.What are the speakers doing? A. Taking photos. B. Shooting a film. C. Trying on some make-up. 4.How do the speakers feel? A. Defeated. B. Tired. C. Excited. 5.What does the woman imply? A. She expects the man to fix the problems. B. The man is easy to fool. C. She will not buy the car. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话。



2019届扬州中学2016级高三下学期3月月考英语试卷★祝考试顺利★第一卷 (选择题,共85分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。




1. Why is the woman upset?A. The flower shop is closed.B. She received the wrong delivery.C. Her delivery hasn’t been ready in time.2.How much tax should the man pay per night?A. $5.B. $ 10.C. $15.3. How did the man feel when he was called on?A. Worried and frightened.B. Quite embarrassed.C. Deeply ashamed.4. What does the woman imply the man should do?A. To cut his jeans short.B. To go on a diet.C. To buy a pair of jeans.5.What does the man mean?A. Mr. Johnson’s ideas are nonsense.B. He quite agrees with Mr. Johnson’s views.C. Mr. Johnson is good at expressing his ideas.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。





























江苏省扬州中学2015—2016学年度第二学期质量检测高三物理试卷本试卷选择题9题,非选择题6题,共15题,满分为120分,考试时间100分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将本人的班级、姓名、考试号等填写在答题卡上.2.将每题的答案或解答写在答题卡上,在试卷上答题无效.3.考试结束,只交答题卡.一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分.每小题只有一个....选项符合题意.选对的得 3 分,错选或不答的得 0 分.1.如图所示,长方体木块搁在光滑方形槽中,则长方体木块所受的弹力的个数是( )A.4个B.3个 C.2个 D.1个2.据报道,一颗来自太阳系外的彗星于2014年10月20日擦火星而过.如图所示,设火星绕太阳在圆轨道上运动,运动轨道半径为r,周期为T.该彗星在穿过太阳系时由于受到太阳的引力,轨道发生弯曲,彗星与火星在圆轨道的A点“擦肩而过”.已知万有引力恒量G,则()A.可确定彗星在A点的速度大于火星绕太阳的速度B.可计算出彗星经过A点时受到的引力C.可计算出彗星经过A点的速度大小D.可计算出彗星的质量3.如图所示,X1、X2,Y1、Y2,Z1、Z2分别表示导体板左、右,上、下,前、后六个侧面,将其置于垂直Z1、Z2面向外、磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中,当电流I通过导体板时,在导体板的两侧面之间产生霍耳电压U H.已知电流I与导体单位体积内的自由电子数n、电子电荷量e、导体横截面积S和电子定向移动速度v之间的关系为I=neSv.实验中导体板尺寸、电流I和磁感应强度B保持不变,下列说法正确的是()A.导体内自由电子只受洛伦兹力作用B.U H存在于导体的Z1、Z2两面之间C.单位体积内的自由电子数n越大,U H越小D.通过测量U H,可用R=U H/I求得导体Y1、Y2两面间的电阻4.特战队员在进行素质训练时,抓住一端固定在同一水平高度的不同位置的绳索,从高度一定的平台由水平状态无初速开始下摆,如图所示,在到达竖直状态时放开绳索,特战队员水平抛出直到落地.不计绳索质量和空气阻力,特战队员可看成质点.下列说法正确的是()A.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的水平方向速度越大B.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的竖直方向速度越大C.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的速度越大D.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的相对于松手处的水平位移越大5.如图所示,空间中的M、N处存在两个被固定的、电荷量相同的正点电荷,在它们的连线上有A、B、C 三点,已知MA=CN=NB,MA < NA.现有一正点电荷q,关于在电场中移动电荷q,下列说法中正确的是( )A.沿半圆弧l将q从B点移到C点,电场力不做功B.沿曲线r将q从B点移到C点,电场力做负功C.沿直线将q从A点移到B点,电场力做正功D.沿曲线s将q从A点移到C点,电场力做正功二、多项选择题:本题共 4 小题,每小题 4 分,共16 分.每小题有多个选项符合题意.全部选对的得 4分,选对但不全的得 2 分,错选或不答的得 0 分.6.物理学的发展极大地丰富了人类对物质世界的认识,推动了科学技术的创新和革命,促进了物质生产的繁荣与人类文明的进步.关于物理学发展过程中的认识,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .牛顿第一定律是利用逻辑思维对事实进行分析的产物,不可能用实验直接验证 B .开普勒研究了行星运动,从中发现了万有引力定律C .卡文迪许利用扭秤测出了万有引力常量,被誉为能“称出地球质量的人”D .伽利略利用理想斜面实验,使亚里士多德“重的物体比轻的物体下落的快”的结论陷入困境7.如图甲所示电路中,电阻R 的阻值为484Ω,C 为电容器, L 为直流电阻不计的自感线圈,开关S 断开,现通以如图乙所示的电压u ,下列说法正确的是( ) A .R 两端的电压等于155.5V B .电压表的示数为220 VC .电阻R 消耗的功率小于50WD .为保证闭合开关S 后电容器不被击穿,该电容器的耐压值不得小于311V8.如图所示,R 0和R 2为两个定值电阻,电源的电动势为E ,内电阻为r ,滑动变阻器的最大阻值为R 1,且R 1>(R 0+r ).现将滑动变阻器的滑片P 由b 端向a 端滑动,关于安培表A 1、A 2示数的变化情况,下列说法中正确的是( )A .A 1示数不断减小B .A 1示数先减小后增大C .A 2示数先增大后减小D .A 2示数不断增大9.如图所示,一质量为m 的小球套在光滑竖直杆上,轻质弹簧一端固定于O 点,另一端与该小球相连.现将小球从A 点由静止释放,沿竖直杆运动到B 点,已知OA 长度小于OB 长度,弹簧处于OA 、OB 两位置时弹力大小相等.则小球在此过程中( )A .加速度等于重力加速度g 的位置有两个B .弹簧弹力对小球所做的正功等于小球克服弹簧弹力所做的功C .弹簧弹力的功率为零的位置有两个D .小球在弹簧弹力做正功过程中运动的距离大于弹簧弹力做负功过程中运动的距离三、简答题:本题分必做题(第10、11题)和选做题(第12题)两部分,共计42分.请将解答填写在答题卡相应的位置.10.(8分)某实验小组利用弹簧秤和刻度尺,测量滑块在木板上运动的最大速度.实验步骤如下:①用弹簧秤测量橡皮泥和滑块的总重力,记作G ;②将装有橡皮泥的滑块放在水平木板上,通过水平细线和固定的弹簧秤相连,如图(甲)所示.在A 端向右缓缓拉动木板,待弹簧秤读数稳定后,将读数记作F ;C 处,细线跨过定滑轮分别与滑2 E 图(甲) 图(乙)图(丙)块和重物P连接,保持滑块静止,测量重物P离地面的高度为h=40cm;⑤滑块由静止释放后开始运动,最终停在木板上的D点(未与滑轮碰撞),测量C、D间的距离为s=115cm.完成下列作图和填空(结果均保留2位有效数字):(1)根据表中数据在给定的坐标纸(见答题卡)上作出F-G图线.(2)由图线求得滑块和木板间的动摩擦因数μ=________.(3)滑块的最大速度v m=______m/s.(4)如果实验中仍然出现了滑块与滑轮相碰的情况,请提出一条避免相碰的解决措施:.11.(10分)某实验小组要测量电阻R x的阻值.(1)首先,选用欧姆表“×10”挡进行粗测,正确操作后,表盘指针如图甲所示,则该电阻的测量值为Ω.(2)接着,用伏安法测量该电阻的阻值,可选用的实验器材有:电压表V(3V,内阻约3kΩ);电流表A(20mA,内阻约2Ω);待测电阻R x;滑动变阻器R1(0﹣2kΩ);滑动变阻器R2(0﹣200Ω);干电池2节;开关、导线若干.在图乙、图丙电路中,应选用图(选填“乙”或“丙”)作为测量电路,滑动变阻器应选用(选填“R1”或“R2”).(3)根据选择的电路和器材,在图丁中用笔画线代替导线完成测量电路的连接.(4)为更准确测量该电阻的阻值,可采用图戊所示的电路,G为灵敏电流计(量程很小),R0为定值电阻,R、R1、R2为滑动变阻器.操作过程如下:①闭合开关S,调节R2,减小R1的阻值,多次操作使得G表的示数为零,读出此时电压表V和电流表A的示数U1、I1;②改变滑动变阻器R滑片的位置,重复①过程,分别记下U2、I2,…,U n、I n;③描点作出U﹣I图象,根据图线斜率求出R x的值.下列说法中正确的有.A.闭合S前,为保护G表,R1的滑片应移至最右端B.调节G表的示数为零时,R1的滑片应位于最左端C.G表示数为零时,a、b两点间电势差为零D.图戊中的实验方法避免了电压表的分流对测量结果的影响12.【选做题】本题包括A、B、C三小题,请选定两题作答,并在答题卡上把所选题目对应字母后的方框涂满涂黑.如都作答则按A、B两小题评分.A.(选修模块3-3)(12分)略B .(选修模块3-4)(12分) (1)(4分)以下关于光的说法正确的是( )A .光纤通信是利用了全反射的原理B .无色肥皂液吹出的肥皂泡呈彩色是由于光照射时发生了薄膜干涉C .人们眯起眼睛看灯丝时看到的彩色条纹是光的偏振现象D .麦克斯韦提出光是一种电磁波并通过实验证实了电磁波的存在 (2)(4分)图为沿x 轴向右传播的简谐横波在t =1.2 s 时的波形,位于坐标原点处的观察者测到在4 s内有10个完整的波经过该点.则波速为 m/s ,质点P 在4s 内通过的路程为 m . (3)(4分)如图所示,在MN 的下方足够大的空间是玻璃介质,其折射率为n =3,玻璃介质的上边界MN 是屏幕.玻璃中有一正三角形空气泡,其边长l =40 cm ,顶点与屏幕接触于C 点,底边AB 与屏幕平行.激光a 垂直于AB 边射向AC 边的中点O ,结果在屏幕MN 上出现两个光斑. ①画出光路图.②求两个光斑之间的距离L . C .(选修模块3-5)(12分)(1) (4分)下列说法正确的是( )A .汤姆孙发现电子后猜想出原子内的正电荷集中在很小的核内B .半衰期是是原子核有半数发生衰变所需的时间C .在α、β、γ这三种射线中,γ射线的穿透能力最强,α射线的电离能力最强D .铀核(U 23892)衰变为铅核(Pb 20682)的过程中,要经过8次α衰变和10次β衰变(2)(4分)如图所示氢原子能级图,如果有大量处在n =3激发态的氢原子向低能级跃迁,则能辐射出 种不同频率的光,其中波长最长的光的光子能量是 J . (3)(4分)如图所示,在水平光滑直导轨上,静止着三个质量均为m =1kg 的相同小球A 、B 、C ,现让A球以v 0=2m/s 的速度向着B 球运动,A 、B 两球碰撞后粘在一起,两球继续向右运动并与C 球碰撞,C 球的最终速度v C =1m/s .问:①A 、B 两球与C 球相碰前的共同速度多大? ②两次碰撞过程中一共损失了多少动能?四、计算或论述题:本题共3小题,共47分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要演算步骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分,有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位. 13.(15分))如图所示,有理想边界的两个匀强磁场,磁感应强度B =0.5T ,两边界间距s =0.1m .一边长 L =0.2m的正方形线框abcd 由粗细均匀的电阻丝围成,总电阻R =0.4Ω.现使线框以v =2m /s 的速度从位置I 匀速运动到位置Ⅱ.(1)求cd 边未进入右方磁场时线框所受安培力的大小. (2)求整个过程中线框所产生的焦耳热.(3)在坐标图中画出整个过程中线框a 、b 两点的电势差U ab 随时间t 变化的图线.14.(16分)如图所示,光滑水平地面上有一质量M =5kg 、足够长的木板,以v 0=10m/s 的初速度沿水平地面向右运动.在长木板的上方安装一个固定挡板PQ (挡板靠近但不接触长木板),当长木板的最右端到达挡板正下方时,立即将质量m =lkg 的小铁块贴着挡板的左侧无初速地放在长木板上,铁块与长木板之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.5.当木板向右运动s =1m 时,又无初速地贴着挡板在第1个小铁块上放置第2个相同的小铁块,以后每当长木板向右运动s =1m 就在铁块的上方再放置一个相同的小铁块,直到长木板停止运动(放到木板上的各个铁块始终被挡板挡住而保持静止状态).求: (1)第1个铁块放上后,木板的加速度;(2)放置第3(3)长木板上最终叠放了多少个铁块?15.(16分)如图甲所示,在以O 为坐标原点的xOy 平面内,一个带正电小球在0时刻以v 0=3gt 0的初速度从O 点沿+x 方向(水平向右)射入该空间.在t 0时刻该空间内同时加上如图乙所示的范围足够大的电场和磁场,其中电场沿-y 方向(竖直向上),场强大小E =mg/q ,磁场垂直于xOy 平面向外,磁感应强度大小B 0=πm/qt 0.已知小球的质量为m ,带电量为q ,时间单位t 0,当地重力加速度g ,不计空气阻力.试求:(1)12t 0末小球速度的大小(2)在给定的xOy 坐标系中,大体画出小球在0到24t 0内运动轨迹的示意图 (3)30t 0内小球距x 轴的最大距离2015—2016学年度第二学期月考高三物理参考答案与评分标准一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分.每小题只有一个....选项符合题意.选对的得 3 分,错选或不答的得 0 分.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D二、多项选择题:本题共 4 小题,每小题 4 分,共16 分.每小题有多个选项符合题意.全部选对的得 4 分,选对但不全的得 2 分,错选或不答的得 0 分. 6.AC 7.CD 8.BD 9.ABD三、简答题:本题分必做题(第10、11题)和选做题(第12题)两部分,共计42分.请将解答填写在答题卡相应的位置.10.(8分)(每空2分) (1)略 (2)0.20 ;(3)1.7 (4)适当增加滑块和橡皮泥的总质量、适当减小重物P 的质量、适当增加悬挂重物P 的细线的长度(或减小重物P 开始时离地的高度等 11.(10分)(每空2分)(1)140 (2)丙 , R 2 (3)如右图所示 (4)CD12.A .(选修模块3-3)(12分) B .(选修模块3-4)(12分)(1)AB (4分) (2) 5 , 4(每空2分); (3)解析:①画出光路图如图所示 ②在界面AC ,a 光的入射角0160θ= 由光的折射定律有:12sin sin n θθ= (2分) 代入数据求得折射角0230θ= (1分) 由光的反射定律得反射角0360θ= (2分)由几何关系易得:ΔODC 是边长为l /2的正三角形,ΔCOE 为等腰三角形,CE =OC =l /2故两光斑之间的距离L =DC +CE =l =40cmC .(选修模块3-5)(12分)(1)BC (4分);(2) 3 ,3.49×10-19(每空2分); (4)①A 、B 相碰,满足动量守恒,则有012mv mv =得两球跟C 球相碰前的速度v 1=1m/s②两球与c 球碰撞同样满足动量守恒 1222c mv mv mv =+两球相碰后的速度 20.5/v m s = 两次碰撞损失的动能222021112 1.25222c E mv mv mv J ∆=--=四、计算或论述题:本题共3小题,共47分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要演算步骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分. 13.(15分)解析:(1) F =5×10-2N (2)0.01J (3)如右图所示14.(16分)解析:(1)牛顿第二定律:-μmg =Ma 1 (3分)a 1=-μmg /M =-1m/s 2,方向向左 (2分) (2)放置第2个铁块前瞬间长木板的速度为v 1,由221102a s =-v v ,解出v 1m/s (2分)放置第2个铁块后,牛顿第二定律:-2μmg =Ma 2a 2=-2μmg /M =-2m/s 2 (2分)由222212a s =-v v ,解出放置第3个铁块前瞬间长木板的速度v 2m/s (2分)(3)长木板停下来之前,由动能定理得:∑W f =0-2012M v (2分)而∑W f =(-μmgs )+ (-2μmgs ) + ……(-n μmgs )=-(1)2n n+μmgs (2分) 解出n =9.5, (1分) 最终应有10个铁块放在长木板上。








1.兰坪县地形地势的格局是A .北高南低,北为高原,南为山地B .断裂构造复杂,地貌类型多样C .河流长而湍急,流水地貌发育D .山脉南北纵贯,山河相间分布2.兰坪县聚落的空间分布特点是A .分布均衡,大多位于澜沧江沿岸B .分布不均衡,主要分布在河谷地带C .聚落主要分布在中部D .聚落主要分布在西南部图2示意位于我国某城市的观察者在6月22日观察到的太阳视运动轨道。



3.与观察者所在地纬度最接近的城市A .杭州B .石家庄C .沈阳D .哈尔滨4.观察者在12月22日观察到的太阳视运动轨迹是图 2图1某年4月23日0-20时,敦煌经历一次强沙尘暴天气。



图35.图中曲线分别代表的气象要素是A.①代表气压,②代表气温,③代表风速B.①代表气温,②代表气压,③代表风速C.①代表气压,②代表风速,③代表气温D.①代表风速,②代表气温,③代表气压6.下列时间段中,敦煌附近等压线最密集的为A.0-2时B.10-12时 C.14-16时D.16-18时西藏纳木错是念青唐古拉山西北侧大型断陷洼地中发育的内流湖,湖泊面积与冰川融水量、陆地降水量、陆地蒸发量、湖面降水量、湖面蒸发量有明显相关性。





江苏省扬州中学2021-2022学年第二学期三月考试高三化学可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1C 12N 14O 16Na 23Al 27S 32C 35.5K 39Ca40Cr 52Fe 56Cu 64I 127一、选择题:每题只有一个选项最符合题意。


下列说法正确的是A.石化产品碳纤维属于有机高分子材料B.不选丙烷选氢气,主要是后者的燃点低、易压缩C.工业上可以通过甲烷的裂解生产绿氢D.喷涂碱金属目的是利用焰色反应让火焰可视化2.工业上制备保险粉的反应为222422HCOONa NaOH 2SO Na S O CO H O ++++=。

下列有关说法不正确的是A.Na +的结构示意图为B.基态S 原子核外价电子的轨道表达式为C.HCOONa 中含有σ键和π键的数目之比为3:1D.NaOH 的电子式为3.由废铁屑制取FeSO 4·7H 2O 的实验原理与装置不能达到实验目的的是A.用装置甲除去废铁屑表面的油污B.用装置乙加快废铁屑的溶解C.用装置丙过滤得到FeSO 4溶液D.用装置丁蒸干溶液获得FeSO 4·7H 2O4.氯及其化合物在生产、生活中有广泛应用。

下列物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是A.Cl 2能溶于水,可用于工业制盐酸B.ClO 2有强氧化性,可用于自来水消毒C.HClO 不稳定,可用作棉、麻的漂白剂D.FeCl 3溶液呈酸性,可用于蚀刻印刷电路板5.短周期主族元素X 、Y 、Z 、W 的原子序数依次增大,X 元素原子最外层电子数是内层的2倍,元素Y 的核电荷数等于W 原子的最外层电子数,金属元素Z 其原子最外层电子数与最内层相同。

下列说法正确的是A.最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性:W >XB.X 、Y 的单质均具有较高的熔沸点C.原子半径:r (X)<r (Y)<r (Z)<r (W)D.Z 、Y 形成的化合物中既含有离子键,又含有非极性共价键6.下列有关氨的说法正确的是A.NH 3的空间构型为平面三角形B.NH 3与H 2O 能形成分子间氢键C.NH 3的水溶液不能导电D.氨催化氧化制硝酸是利用了NH 3的氧化性7.在指定条件下,下列选项所示的物质间转化能实现的是A.NO(g)2H O−−−→HNO 3(aq)B.稀HNO 3(aq)Cu−−→NO 2(g)C.NO(g)CO高温、高压−−−−→N 2(g) D.NO 3-(aq)3O −−→N 2(g)8.合成氨反应为N 2(g)+3H 2(g)2NH 3(g)ΔH=-92.4kJ/mol ,下列有关合成氨反应的说法正确的是A.反应的ΔS>0B.反应的ΔH=E(N-N)+3E(H-H)-6E(N-H)(E 表示键能)C.反应中每消耗1mol H 2转移电子的数目约等于2×6.02×1023D.反应在高温、高压和催化剂条件下进行可提高H 2的平衡转化率9.验证淀粉水解的实验如下:步骤1:取少量淀粉溶于水,充分搅拌后过滤,向滤液中加入少量稀硫酸并适当加热,反应一段时间后将溶液分成两等份。



江苏省扬州中学2022-2023年度高三(下)3月双周练地理(选修)2023.03 一、选择题:在下列各小题的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题目的要求。















江苏省扬州中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Trying to book a holiday that will attract everyone in the family is so difficult. Check out the full guide to the best UK holiday parks below and it will give you a helping hand.Yorkshire: Thornwick Bay Holiday ParkActivities include Segway rides, football and an all-weather Activity Barn that’s sure to be a hit (受欢迎的事物) with the kids, and the heated indoor pool with water slides never fails to be a hit either.How much? Each night break starts from £179.55 for the whole family, based on a trip in July.Dorset: Warmwell Holiday ParkWant a trip to the slopes (斜坡)? This award-winning resort near Weymouth has its own dry ski slope, and you’ll find skiing lessons, snowboarding as well as an indoor pool with a flume (水滑道) and a wave machine.How much? Two-night break starts from £329 based on a trip in July.Porthcawl: Trecco Bay Holiday ParkKids will love the outdoor wet play area at Parkdean Resorts’ Trecco Bay Holiday Park. On-site attractions include an indoor pool with the pirate ship, adventure golf and a kids’ play area. In the evening there are discos and bingo.How much? Three to four night breaks start from £305 based on a trip in July.Hampshire: Sandy Balls Holiday ParkOn the edge of the New Forest, this family-owned park allows you to get close to nature, with cycle trails, horse-riding, and then welcomes you back into the warmth with a pizza restaurant, indoor play facilities, including a pool plus a spa.How much? Camping tents usually start from £40 each night in August.1.Which park might attract the family who enjoy music?A.Porthcawl: Trecco Bay Holiday Park.B.Hampshire: Sandy Balls Holiday Park.C.Yorkshire: Thornwick Bay Holiday Park.D.Dorset: Warmwell Holiday Park.2.How much will your family spend at least travelling for a week in July?A.£379.55.B.£610.C.£329.D.£280. 3.What activity might the four holiday parks have in common?A.Skiing.B.Playing football.C.Horse-riding.D.Swimming.Perhaps no one knows the power of imagination better than Chinese writer Liu Cixin. Until four years ago, Liu worked full-time as a computer engineer at a power plant in Shanxi province. He only wrote science fiction in his spare time. But it was during this time that Liu’s imagination took flight. He did what he might never have the chance to do in real life – wander in space, fight with aliens, and visit planets light-years away.But even with such a powerful imagination, Liu, 55, probably hadn’t expected that he would become the first Asian to win the Hugo Award, science fiction’s highest prize, in 2015. Perhaps neither did he think that former US president Barack Obama would read his novel The Three-Body Problem, nor that on Nov 9 in Washington DC, he would win the 2018 Arthur C.Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society. It’s the first time a Chinese writer has ever won the award.In his acceptance speech, Liu said that he owed his imagination to Arthur C.Clarke (1917-2008), a famous UK sci-fi author. He said that reading Clarke’s 1968 classic novel 2001: A Space Odyssey in the early 1980s had a great effect on him.“My mind opened up like never before. I felt like a narrow river finally seeing the sea,” Liu said. “That night, in my eyes, the starry sky was completely different from the past. For the first time in my life, I was awed (使……敬畏) by the mystery of the universe.”But no matter how far away Liu’s imagination takes him, somehow his novels always stay rational.In The Three-Body Problem, for example, Liu tells a tale of aliens invading Earth. But unlike other alien stories, Liu talks more about relationships between civilizations, rules of survival, and the meanings of life. And in The Wandering Earth, Liu looks ahead to the day when our solar system comes to an end and humans have to look for a new place to live. However, all his visions and solutions are based on “hard science”. Liu’s works aren’t simply daydreams.4.What do we know about Liu Cixin?A.He became a full-time writer when he was young.B.He dreamed about wandering in space from childhood.C.He is the first Asian to win the Arthur C.Clarke Award.D.He is the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award.5.Liu Cixin’s words are used mainly to show ________.A.his interest in mysteries of the universe B.his love of reading science fictionC.his confusion when he started writing D.his feeling after reading Clarke’s work 6.What’s the text mainly about?A.Liu Cixin’s achievements and writing style.B.Liu Cixin’s contributions to science fiction.C.How Liu Cixin became a sci-fi writer.D.How Liu Cixin started a new sci-fi style.Not even the sea is safe from the glare (强光) of humans’ light at night. Researchers published the first global map of ocean light pollution. It shows large parts of the sea are lit up at night. And that risks confusing or disrupting the behaviors of sea life.Tim Smyth led a team to research where in the water this light is strongest. Smyth and his colleagues started with a world map of man-made night-sky brightness that had been created in 2016. Then they added data on the ocean and atmosphere. Some data came from shipboard measurements of man-made light in the water. Others came from satellite images that judge how clear the water is. Particles (微粒) in the water, such as tiny floating plants and animals, can affect how far downward light travels. These factors vary from place to place and may change with the seasons. The team also used computers to copy how different wavelengths of light move through water.Next, they wanted to know how that underwater light might affect animals. Not all species will be easily affected. The team focused on copepods (桡足亚纲甲壳动物). These common creatures are a key part of many ocean food webs. They use light as a signal to move all together to the dark deep, seeking safety from other surface creatures. Normally they use the sun or the winter moon as their signal. Too much man-made light can mess up their usual patterns.Light pollution is strongest in about three feet of the water. Here, man-made light can be strong enough to confuse the copepods. Nearly 2 million square kilometers of ocean get suchstrong night light. That’s an area about the size of Mexico. Farther down, the light gets weaker. But even 65 feet deep, it’s still bright enough to bother copepods across 840,000 square kilometers of ocean.The team described its findings December 13 in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 7.What do we know about copepods from the passage?A.They are main eaters of other creatures.B.They are not affected by underwater light.C.They can escape attacks with the help of light.D.They can weaken the effect of man-made light.8.How does the author show the seriousness of light pollution in Paragraph 4?A.By stating opinions.B.By listing numbers.C.By raising questions.D.By giving reasons.9.Which of the following can is a suitable title for the text?A.Light Pollution from Sea Life B.Living Conditions of CopepodsC.Discoveries of Copepods D.Light Pollution Even in SeaImagine this: you walk into work and the camera above the doors scans your face, opening them automatically without you lifting a finger. Oh, but you need to run to the chemist's at lunch. You walk up to a camera, and your prescription(药方)is deposited in front of you. After work, you look at your face in the mirror, and it reminds you to wear sun-cream the next day. Sounds pretty good, right?Now imagine this: when you are walking down the street, a pair of policemen pull their guns and tell you to drop to the ground. After several days in jail, they let you know you were misidentified as a violent criminal on the loose. Regardless of your innocence, you're in the system. Now wherever you go, cameras that capture you will alert police to watch out for you. Even worse, as you enter stores, the facial recognition system lets the staff know a recently arrested individual has entered the building. Doesn't sound so good?As fantastical as either of those pictures might seem, it's quite possible that this will be the future we're headed towards. The "benefits" of the technology are already being implemented by airlines, as seen by JetBlue Airways. Rather than scanning a boarding pass or handing over a passport, you simply stare into a camera and you're identified. This does save time and make processes the best possible, but it raises the question: do you have the right toyour own face? Who is responsible for the protection of this information? Can I even remove my face from this database and just go the old-fashioned way?We humans have the never-ending need to make things smoother, better and faster. This desire has helped drive the remarkable progress we have achieved as a society. However, it's time to take a step back and ask some necessary questions. We need to discuss whether we actually need the extensive use of facial recognition technology and how to ensure law enforcement (执行) doesn't abuse this technology. If we act now, I believe we can succeed in preventing technology companies from infiltrating(潜入)every aspect of our lives. If we don't, though, I fear the worst.10.What does the underlined word "fantastical" probably mean?A.Unreal.B.Optimistic.C.Reasonable.D.Unbearable. 11.What is the downside of facial recognition technology?A.Inequality of rights.B.Disorder of society.C.Violation of privacy.D.Denial of responsibility.12.What may be to blame for the negative effect of facial recognition technology?A.Improper enforcement of laws.B.People's lack of awareness.C.Ignorance of the technology.D.Companies' pursuit of profit. 13.What is the best title for the text?A.How do we live safely with facial recognition technology?B.Are we prepared for the use of facial recognition technology?C.What will the future be like without facial recognition technology?D.Can we prevent the development of facial recognition technology?Most students do an IQ test early in their school career. Even if they never see their results, they feel that their IQ is what determines how well they are going to do in life. When they see other students doing better than them, they usually believe that those students have a higher IQ and that there is nothing they can do to change facts. However, new research into EQ suggests that success is not simply the result of a high IQ.While your IQ tells you how intelligent you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence. Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someone’s future success, their EQ might actually matter more than their IQ. For example, have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class, who you think deserve good grades,sometimes end up failing exams? Perhaps their failure is because of their low EQ.It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life. They are also less likely to be troubled by problems. On the other hand, there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations; thus they have a harder time surviving in life.The good news is that most social scientists agree that EQ has a lot to do with education. Compared with IQ that seems to be fixed the moment you were born, EQ could be improved with right approaches. Some are trying to study the possibility of improving a person’s EQ, especially when it comes to“people’s skills”, such as understanding and communication.To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life means getting on with other people and being able to understand and react to situations in the best way. This requires a high EQ—the higher the better.14.Most students think others’ better performance in studies is due to_____.A.high IQ B.teachers’ assistanceC.good luck D.hard work15.What can we infer from paragraph 2?A.Only EQ determines someone’s future success.B.EQ plays a more important role in one’s future success.C.Some smartest students fail exams because of their low IQ.D.The most intelligent students deserve good grades.16.What will people with a high EQ tend to do?A.Refuse new ideas.B.Be troubled by problems.C.Have a negative attitude.D.Get along well with others.17.What contributes to a higher EQ according to most social scientists?A.Education.B.Parents.C.Friends.D.Environment.二、七选五Would you like to get funding (资金) for a project of your own — maybe a film or helpmake your pitch stand out in a crowd.Start networking. Nothing is more important than to be involved in a community of people with the same interest — whether it’s through articles, videos, or social media. 19 Or join in online discussions connected with your project. When you’ve built a community and kept it up, it’s time to make your pitch.Get emotional (有感染力的). Funders like ideas that make them laugh or think. A lot of campaigns out there are competing for attention. 20 Try it out on family and friends. Not only can they give you advice, but they may also be your first funders.Make a plan. You need to plan how the money will be spent, a timeline and the right crowd funding platform (平台) to make your pitch. Consider how each site calculates (计算、推测)how much to charge. 21Keep your funders involved.Don’t just say thank you — offer rewards. 22 Make sure that your rewards are things you can actually achieve. Funders care about your project — keep them updated, ask their advice, and suggest they tell their friends about your project.A.One way to improve your pitch is to simply watch how others do it.B.To increase traffic for your site, try posting interviews with experts who do projects like yours.C.You should also consider whether projects like yours are successful on the sites.D.Work on a pitch that touches people’s hearts and minds in seconds.E.By doing so, you can get others to support your project.F.We all want someone to accept our ideas and give us the go-ahead.G.They can be as simple as a T-shirt.三、完形填空I was in fifth grade and about to take a science test. Since first grade I had always been good at school. I always did well on tests. When it came to fifth grade science, however, Ithe teacher started to hand out the test papers. I didn’t want to get caught, but I didn’t want to 28 either.As the teacher was starting down my row, suddenly the 29 went off. It was an unscheduled fire drill. We all 30 the door and stood together, waiting to be allowed back into the building.As I stood outside in the warm sunshine, I realized what a fool I had been. I knew my mom and dad would still love me no matter what my 31 were. As soon as we came into the classroom, I walked to my desk and 32 the notes away. I had been given a second chance, and I wasn’t going to 33 it. I took the test, did my best and felt 34 . I don’t remember what my grade was, but what happened that day has stayed in my mind ever since.Life is full of second opportunities, but you have to be willing to 35 them. You have to be willing to accept your 36 and grow from them. Every day when you wake up, you are given a second chance at life. Cherish it! And use it 37 ! 23.A.breathtaking B.struggling C.approaching D.advancing 24.A.afraid B.supportive C.tired D.proud 25.A.answers B.letters C.notes D.sentences 26.A.light B.clear C.simple D.dark 27.A.wild B.uneasy C.crazy D.tired 28.A.cheat B.learn C.fail D.repeat 29.A.bomb B.test C.central heating D.fire alarm 30.A.rushed out of B.looked at C.knocked on D.broke down 31.A.subjects B.grades C.tests D.thoughts 32.A.put B.threw C.gave D.wiped 33.A.use B.waste C.notice D.hold 34.A.smart B.scared C.peaceful D.strange 35.A.seize B.lose C.give D.win 36.A.decisions B.excuses C.mistakes D.beliefs 37.A.completely B.pleasantly C.creatively D.wisely四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



江苏省扬州市中学教育集团树人学校高三地理月考试题含解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共52分)1. 读人口增长模式示意图,回答如果该图表示同一地区的人口增长过程,按照一般规律,排列顺序正确的是A.甲—乙—丙—丁 B.丁—丙—乙—甲C.丙—丁—乙—甲 D.乙—丙—甲—丁参考答案:B2. 日本都市圈建设大致分为四个阶段,即雏形阶段——加速阶段——(调整阶段)——成熟阶段。



4. 日本都市圈建设四个阶段中,人口集中程度最高的是A. 雏形阶段B. 加速阶段C. 调整阶段D. 成熟阶段5. 日本都市圈建设过程中,加速阶段可能出现的主要问题是A. 核心城市劳动力短缺B. 城市商业中心外移C. 都市圈圈层出现萎缩D. 基础设施建设滞后6. 日本都市圈建设过程中,成熟阶段城市具有的特征是A. 形成多核心、多圈层空间结构B. 核心城市快速增长为主要特点C. 核心城市与外围地区差距拉大D. 已实现城市与乡村的协调发展参考答案:4. A5. D6. A【4题详解】从图中看雏形阶段资源都流向中心城市,且中心城市的圈最大;加速阶段和成熟阶段资源除流向中心城市外,还流向次级城市,因此人口集中程度最高的是雏形阶段,A正确。



3. 读世界某区域图(图甲)和某月索马里洋流示意图(图乙),完成20~21题。

20.图甲中洋流()A.能使自南向北航行的海轮航速加快 B.导致沿岸地区气温升高,降水增多C.造成附近海域夏季多海雾,影响航运 D.促进热量不断向高纬度海区输送21.有关图乙的叙述,正确的是()A.图中索马里洋流是暖流B.驱动索马里洋流的是盛行西风C.索马里洋流附近海域的渔业资源丰富主要是陆地径流带来丰富的营养物质D.索马里洋流附近海域的鱼群7月份相对1月份多参考答案:C D20.由经纬度可知,图甲为非洲西北部,图示洋流应是自北向南流的加那利寒流,能使自南向北航行的船减速,使较低纬度海区水温降低;对沿岸气候降温减湿;沿岸是热带沙漠气候,寒流流经会在沿岸地区形成多雾天气,影响航运。







1.Why did the man's sister fail her driving test?A. She was driving too fast.B. She did not check her mirrors.C. She could not park her car properly.2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Neighbors.B. Father and daughter.C. Brother and sister.3. What does the man think about the old woman?A. She is helpful.B. She is good at singing.C. She might have a problem.4. What will the woman probably do first?A. Look for things in the car.B. Buy a bathing suit.C. Go to the pool.5. What is the main idea of the conversation?A. Healthy food.B. Money-saving tips.C. Cultural differences. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。


江苏省扬州中学2016届高三下学期3月质量检测 数学 含答案

江苏省扬州中学2016届高三下学期3月质量检测 数学 含答案

80 90 100 110 120 130车速(km/h )频率组距0.0050.010 0.020 0.030 0.035 江苏省扬州中学2015—2016学年第二学期质量检测高 三 数 学 试 卷 2016.3数学Ⅰ一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分,请将答案填写在答题卷相应位置)1.已知集合{}|11M x x =-<<,|01x N x x ⎧⎫=≤⎨⎬-⎩⎭,则=⋂N M __________. 2.复数i(1i)z =+(i 是虚数单位)在复平面内所对应点的在第__________象限.3.执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出的i 值为__________.第3题图 第4题图 4.在一段时间内有2000辆车通过高速公路上的某处,现随机抽取其中的200辆进行车速统计,统计结果如下面的频率分布直方图所示.若该处高速公路规定正常行驶速度为90km/h ~120km/h ,试估计2000辆车中,在这段时间内以正常速度通过该处的汽车约有________辆.5.已知等差数列{}na 的公差0≠d ,且39108aa a a +=-.若n a =0 ,则n= . 6.“1a >”是“函数()cos f x a x x=⋅+在R上单调递增"的_______________条件.(空格处请填写“充分不必要条件" 、“必要不充分条件"、“充要条件”或“既不充分也不必要条件”) 7.在区间[1,1]-上随机取一个数x ,cos 2x π的值介于1[0,]2的概率为 .8. 已知正六棱锥底面边长为2,侧棱长为4,则此六棱锥体积为_______. 9.函数x xa y 421⋅++=在]1,(-∞∈x 上0>y 恒成立,则a 的取值范围是 .10.已知F 是椭圆1C :1422=+y x 与双曲线2C 的一个公共焦点,A ,B 分别是1C ,2C 在第二、四象限的公共点.若0=⋅BF AF ,则2C 的离心率是 .11.平行四边形ABCD中,60,1,BAD AB AD P ∠===为平行四边形内一点,且AP =,若),(R AD AB AP ∈+=μλμλ,则λ的最大值为.12。



扬州中学2021-2022学年第二学期3月月考高二英语(本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)1.What does the man want?A.A tennis game.B.An online game.C.A shooting game.2.What will the man do next?A.Make dinner.B.Wash the dishes.C.Watch TV.3.What does the man mean?A.He prefers to keep the window closed.B.He is too busy to open the window.C.He agrees to open the window at once.4.What is the time now?A.About5:30.B.About5:00.C.About4:30.5.What does the man suggest doing?A.Pressing the emergency button.B.Calling the service centre.C.Doing nothing for a short while.第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6.What did the woman spend$10on?A.The taxi.B.The hot dogs.C.The popcorn and drinks.7.Where did the speakers go just before they went home?A.To the convenience store.B.To the movies.C.To the new hot dog place.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。






下列叙述正确的是()A.多糖都是由葡萄糖聚合而成的B.细胞中多余的葡萄糖只能转化为脂肪C.糖类和脂质的组成元素均只含C、H、OD.蛋白质的结构发生改变功能不一定改变2. 内皮素在皮肤中分布不均是形成色斑的主要原因。


根据材料,下列说法正确的是()A. 组成细胞膜的脂质主要是磷脂、脂肪和胆固醇B. 细胞膜是边界,具有严格控制物质进出细胞功能C. 细胞膜上某些蛋白质可完成细胞间信息传递功能D. 内皮素拮抗剂进入细胞,体现了细胞膜的流动性3.蛋白质糖基化普遍存在于真核细胞中,具有重要的功能。





江苏省扬州中学2016届高三下学期3月质量检测 英语 含答案

江苏省扬州中学2016届高三下学期3月质量检测 英语 含答案

江苏省扬州中学2015—2016学年第二学期质量检测高三英语试卷2016.3第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。





1.When did the woman finish her draft?A。

A week ago. B. A month ago. C。

Two months ago.2.What happened at the charity party?A. Not many people came。

B. The woman had to leave early to deal with her son。

C. More money was raised than expected。


What are the speakers doing?A. Taking photos。

B. Shooting a film. C。

Trying on some make-up。


How do the speakers feel?A。




C. Excited.5。

What does the woman imply?A. She expects the man to fix the problems。


The man is easy to fool。


She will not buy the car。






资料概述与简介 江苏省扬州中学2015—2016学年第二学期质量检测 高三语文依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①如果你没有绝世的容貌,那么你有绝世的也是好的。


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A.姿态付梓进而扶摇直上B.姿势涂鸦进而青云直上 C.姿态涂鸦从而扶摇直上D.姿势付梓从而青云直上 A.发改委日前发出通知,要求中石油、中石化、中海油三大公司组织好成品油生产和调运,严格执行国家价格政策,确保市场稳定供应。




3. 下列诗句按顺序排列成为一首完整的诗歌,正确的是( 3分 ) ①门前树已秋②窗里人将老③寒山独过雁④结茅临古渡⑤日夕逢归客⑥暮雨远来舟⑦卧见长淮流⑧那能忘游 我总觉得,我们有些作家太虚伪了,我觉得关键的一点是,他们的作家有忏悔意识,敢于面对真实的内心世界。

①这是我们的作家最失败的地方 ②他们有一种“扬善”的美德,但也有一种“隐恶”的劣性 ③俄罗斯为什么可以产生那么多一流的大作家 ④缺少一种真正的悲悯情怀和忏悔意识 ⑤不敢叩问自己的灵魂,把自己的灵魂亮出来给人看 A.④②⑤①③ B.⑤②④①③ C.③②①④⑤ D.②⑤①④③ 5.对文段中划线句子的理解不正确的一项是(3分) 5月22日,莫言出席中拉人文交流研讨会发表演讲:“我不能说马尔克斯是当代世界上最伟大的作家,但自上世纪60年代至今,世界上的确没有一本书像《百年孤独》那样产生广泛而持久的影响”。

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高三英语周考3 2016.4.1第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35 分)第一节: 单项填空(共15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分15 分)请阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. In France, Sophie Marceau, 36, is one of the top 15 actresses. It's a country where mature women are considered attractive and film mirrors this, _________America's love of fresh faces and glamour.A. with regard toB. on account ofC. in contrast toD. in response to22. Last Sunday, there were lots of children playing in the park, parents seated together laughing.A. whoseB. whichC. theirD. that23. He rose to his feet and looked forward to _______ the beautiful view of the townand found there was a cinema around ______ he could see a film being shown. A. enjoying; which B. enjoy; whichC. enjoy; in whichD. enjoying; in which24. How long do you suppose _________ Apple launches its new iPhone 7?A. will it be untilB. it will be beforeC. will it be whenD. it will be that25. It is generally accepted that those principles that should be stuck to ________ are of great value.A. succeedingB. succeedC. to succeedD. being succeeding26. ----Shall I attend my friend’s coming-of-age ceremony, Mum?----No, ______ you _______you will be home before 10:00 PM.A. unless; see it to thatB. if; see to it thatC. unless; see to it thatD. unless; see that to it27. ----Sharon, many experts believe that the two pictures are roughly _______.-----I don’t quite agree. The painting style may look very similar but their painters were born in quite different dynasties.A. contemporaryB. contradictoryC. conventionalD. conservative28. _______ for the elderly, the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage.A. However good a companion a dog may beB. Whatever a dog may be a good companionC. Whatever a good companion can a dog beD. However a good companion can a dog be29. _________ to the association of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary for an idea seemed like a little bit crazy.A. Most of us are much accustomedB. So accustomed most of us areC. So accustomed are most of usD. Accustomed as most of us are30. ________ the past, leaving the sadness behind, _____ you’ll see the door of a new bright world open before you.A. Forget; andB. Forgetting; andC. Forget; /D. To forget; /31. The proportion of elderly people increase in Britain and medical advances make it possible to keep alive patients who otherwise ________.A. would dieB. had diedC. should have diedD. would have died32. As is reported, women with demanding jobs are almost _____ to suffer a heart attack.A. over twice likely asB. twice as likely asC. twice more likely asD. more than twice as likely33. With the pressure of being off work ______, Mary seemed to be going crazy.A. making upB. taking upC. picking upD. building up34.The doctors almost reached the stage _______they all lost hope, but the patient finally _______ .A. which; pulled outB. where; pulled upC. where; pulled throughD. which; pulled over35. ---- I was reading A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin yesterday, but Icouldn’t understand it.---- ______. It is classical literature, so take your time to enjoy it.A. Don’t fly off the handleB. You got me thereC. Nothing is impossible to a willing heartD. More haste, less speed第二节: 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分20 分)请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Learning a second language fuels children’s intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter. 36 the fact is, in U.S.A, as in many other English speaking countries, speakers of two or more languages are in the 37 . Eighty-four per cent of US people are monolingual (speakers of only one language). This leaves a small number who 38 to speak two or more languages.No matter how proud people are of their cultural roots, to speak anything 39 English is a marker of difference here. That’s why fourteen-year-old Umar is 40 when people comment on the fact that he is abl e to speak Arabic. Umar’s mother points out: ―In U.S.A, it’s not 41 for kids to be bilingual. But, if you speak another language to your children in U.S.A, it is thought that you are not helping them to 42 society.‖But in fact, the general 43 among experts is that learning a second language is good for children. Experts believe that bilinguals –people who speak 44 languages –have a clear learning advantage 45 their monolingual schoolmates. This 46 on how much of each language they can speak, not on which language is used, 47 they are learning Arabic, French, Chinese or any other language.Vinss Millon, a professor of Foreign Language Training, says: ―A lot of studies have ___48__ that children who speak more than one language sometimes learn one language more ___49 , but in the end they do as well as their monolingual schoolmates, and often better, in other subjects.‖The view is that there is a(n) 50 from the effort of learning another language. A few other 51 agree that ―Bilinguals tend to use language better as a whole. They also ____52__ greater creativity and problem-solving ability, and they learn further languages more easily‖.With all of the benefits, why do we not show more 53 for learning other languages? Parents and teachers 54 in bilingual education say it is pressure from friends at school, general 55 to other languages in English-speaking countries, and problems in the school system that are to blame.36. A. And B. So C. But D. Thus37. A. minimum B. maximum C. minority D. majority38. A. claim B. pretend C. decide D. plan39. A. more than B. less than C. rather than D. other than40. A. excited B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. appreciated41. A. common B. unusual C. unique D. general42. A. fit in B. build up C. contribute to D. figure out43. A. distinction B. commission C. announcement D. agreement44. A. one B. two C. three D. more45. A. beneath B. beyond C. over D. of46. A. determines B. focuses C. comments D. depends47. A. if B. whether C. when D. because48. A. rejected B. released C. revealed D. reminded49. A. slowly B. rapidly C. easily D. efficiently50. A. outcome B. improvement C. advantage D. tendency51. A. parents B. learners C. schoolmates D. professors52. A. display B. produce C. inspire D. discover53. A. concern B. respect C. enthusiasm D. intelligence54. A. involved B. impressed C. competing D. replacing55. A. opinions B. obstacles C. senses D. attitudes第三部分: 阅读理解(共15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分30 分)请阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
