Different Communication Style
American: express their feelings directly, communication depends on verbal messages. Listener should try to understand what people say, not how they behave
Case 1
1. What makes little Waverly unhappy and rebel against her mother? What did she say?
2. What is Lindo's idea of daughters? Why does she think so?
Emphasize common interests, conformity, cooperation and interdependence.
To consider themselves as individuals Expect people who are involved in a
who are responsible for their own
Individualism: refers to the tendency to focus on the needs of self as opposed to community and society.
belong to other's.But she successfully escaped from the
ridiculous marriage.There's no .fate but she make.
Lindo's daughter Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn't love. Waverly doesn’t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done.
In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each
other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts
in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.
ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a
penetrating thinking.
The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other. The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, . emphasizing on the first 3
Amy received her
bachelor's and
master's degrees in
English and
linguistics from San
José State University,
and later did
doctoral linguistics
studies at UC Santa
Obviously, the conflicts are caused by mothers’ and daughters’ generation gaps and growing backgrounds. The mothers grew up in China where there are many traditions and rules to follow. However, the daughters grew up in San Francisco and live in an American way. In another way, it is also conflicts between the two cultures. In China, parents are the symbol of power. In America, however, everyone is equal and parents encourage sense of independence
Best Actress Under Ten in a Motion Picture Melanie Chang
Best Actress Under Ten in a Motion Picture (提名) Mai Vu
她在那辆自己购买的小汽车上,微笑地对大家说:“我发这个视频就是想唤醒那些和我一样的中国女性,要走自己的路,为自己活一次!”朴素直白的语言,却一下子戳中了无数中年女人的泪点,也同时让那些被生活里的琐碎消磨到浑浑噩噩的女人们警醒:作为女人我们究竟应该怎么样活着?如果你想弄清这个问题,我建议你翻翻《喜福会》(The Joy Luke Club)。
The Joy Luck Club (1989) is a best-selling novel written by Amy Tan. It focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of Mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods. There are sixteen chapters divided into four sections, and each woman, both mothers and daughters, (with the exception of one mother, Suyuan Woo, who dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each section comes after a parable.In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang and starring Ming-Na, Lauren Tom, Tamlyn Tomita, France Nuyen, Ro salind Chao, Kieu Chinh, Tsai Chin, Lisa Lu, and Vivian Wu. The screenplay was written by Amy Tan and Ronald Bass.Contents [hide]1 Plot summary and Reception2 Criticism3 Characters3.1 Mothers3.2 Daughters4 Table of contents4.1 Feathers from a Thousand Li Away4.2 The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates4.3 American Translation4.4 Queen Mother of the Western Skies5R e f e r e n c e s6 External links[edit] Plot summary and ReceptionAs the novel opens Jing-Mei "June" Woo has just lost her mother, Suyuan, to an aneurysm. She is asked by her mother's three friends to take Suyuan'splace in their Mah-Jong foursome and their "Joy Luck Club". The novel unfolds with interspersed chapters by each of the three remaining members of the Club and their American-born daughters. Lindo and Waverly Jong began their war over Waverly's childhood chess stardom and the effects it has on every aspect of Waverly's adult life. An-Mei Hsu recounts the tragedy that gave her strength, and worries that her daughter, Rose, lacks the same determination. Lena St. Clair tries to care for her eccentric mother, while her mother recounts a secret history that has allowed her to see more de eply than her daughter imagines. Through it all, June Woo tries to piece together the stories that her own mother can no longer tell, and to be faithful to her mother's memory despite their sometimes rocky relationship. This story of the bonds between m o t h e r s a n d d a u g h t e r s h a s b e e n p o p u l a r w i t h f e m a l e r e a d e r s.[edit] CriticismThough her book has been widely praised by critics, it has been criticized byn o t e d A s i a n A m e r i c a n a u t h o r F r a n k C h i n f o r p e r p e t u a t i n g r a c i s t stereotypes.[1][2][3][edit] Characters[edit] MothersS u y u a n W o oDuring the Second Sino-Japanese War, Suyuan lives in Kweilin (Guilin) while her husband at the time served as an officer in Chungking (Chongqing). She starts the onginal Joy Luck Club with her three friends to cope with the war. On the day of the Japanese invasion, Suyuan leaves her house with nothing but a b a g o f c l o t h e s,a b a g o f f o o d,a n d h e r t w i n b a b y d a u g h t e r s.During the long journey, Suyuan contracts such severe dysentery that she feels certain she will die. Fearing that a dead mother would doom her babies' chances of rescue, she reluctantly and emotionally leaves her daughters under a barren tree, together with all her belongings, along with a note asking anyone who might find the babies to care for them. Suyuan then departs, expecting to die, but is rescued herself. She later remarries, comes to America, forms a n ew J oy L uck Club wit h thre e ot her Chin ese fe mal e imm igra nts she me t atchurch, and has more children. But her abandonment of the twin girls haunts her for the rest of her life. After many years, Suyuan learns that the twins were adopted, but dies of a brain aneurysm before she can meet them. It is her A m e ri c an-bo r n d au g ht er J in g-m e i w ho fu l fi ll s he r lo n g-c he r is h ed w i s h o f reuniting with her elder twin half-sisters.As Suyuan dies before the novel begins, her history is told by Jing-mei, based on her knowledge of her mother's stories, anecdotes from her father, and what the other members of the Joy Luck Club tell her.A n-M e i H s uAn-Mei is raised by her grandparents and other relatives during her early years i n N i n g b o a f t e r h e r w i d o w e d m o t h e r s h o c k s t h e f a m i l y b y b e c o m i n g a concubine to a middle-aged wealthy man after her first husband's death. This becomes a source of conflict for the young An-Mei, as her aunts and uncles deeply resent her mother for such a dishonorable act, and they try to convi nce An-Mei that she is not fit to live with her disgraced mother; now forbidden to enter the family home. An-Mei's mother, however, still wishes to be part of her daughter's life. After An-Mei's grandmother died, she lives with her mother in t he h ome of h e r m othe r's ne w hu sban d, W u-Ts in g. A n-Me i le arns tha t herm o t h e r b e c a m e W u-T s i n g's c o n c u b i n e t h r o u g h t h e m a n i p u l a t i o n s o f h i s favorite concubine known as Second Wife, who arranged a plan for An-Mei's mother, still in mourning for her original husband, to be raped by Wu-Tsing. The stigma left An-Mei's mother with no choice but to marry Wu-Tsing and become his new but lowly Fourth Wife. She laterlost her baby son to SecondW i f e,wh o c l ai m ed th e b o y a s h e r ow n c h il d t o e n su r e h er pl a ce i n th e household. Second Wife also tried to win over An-mei upon her arrival in Wu-Tsing's mansion, giving her a necklace made of "pearls" that her mother later revealed were actually opaque glass orbs by crushing one with her foot.Wu-Tsing is a highly superstitious man, and Second Wife took advantage of this weakness by making false suicide attempts and threatening to haunt him as a ghost if he did not let her have her way. According to Chinese tradition, a person's soul comes back after three days to settle scores with the living. Wu-Tsing, therefore, was afraid to face the ghost of an angry or scorned wife. After Second Wife used a suicide attempt to prev ent An-Mei and her mother from getting their own household, An-Mei's mother successfully committed suicide herself. She timed her death so that her soul would be due to return on the first day of the new year, a day when all debts must be settled lest the debtor suffer great misfortune. With this in mind, Wu-Tsing promised to treat his Fourth Wife's children, including An-Mei, as if they were his very own flesh and blood by an honored First Wife. When Second Wife attempted to disrupt this, An-Mei crushed the fake pearl necklace Second Wife gave beneath herfeet to show her awareness of all the deception and to symbolize her new power over Second Wife, who now fears and realizes the bad karma she brought upon herself.An-Mei later immigrates to America, marries, and gives birth to children. Hery o un g es t so n, Bi n g, d i es in a d r ow ni n g ac c id e nt a t a y ou n g ag e.Lindo JongLindo is a strong-willed woman, a trait her daughter Waverly attributes to her having been born in the year of the Horse. When Lindo was only twelve, she was forced to move in with a neighbor's young son, Huang Tyan Yu, through the machinations of the village matchmaker. She married him when she was sixteen. She soon realized that her husband was just a little boy at hea rt and had no sexual interest in her. Lindo began to care for her husband as a brother, but her cruel mother-in-law expected Lindo to produce a grandson. She restricted most of Lindo's daily activities, eventually ordering her to remain on bed rest until she could conceive and deliver a child.Determined to escape this unfortunate situation, Lindo carefully observed the other people in the household and eventually formed a clever plan to escape her marriage without dishonoring herself or her family. She managed to trick her young husband's family that he was actually fated to marry another girl who was already pregnant with his "spintual child", and that her marriage to Huang Tyan Yu would only bring bad luck to the family. In reality, the girl in question was a mere servant in the household and indeed pregnant, but abandoned by her lover.Freed of her first marriage, Lindo decided to immigrate to America. She married a Chinese-American man named Tin Jong and has three children: sons Winston and Vincent, and daughter Waverly.Lindo experiences regret over losing some of her Chinese identity by living so long in America (she is treated like a tourist on a visit to China), however she expresses concern that Waverly's American upbringing has caused a barrier between them.Ying-Ying "Betty" St. ClairFrom a young age, Ying-Ying is told by her wealthy and conservative family that Chinese girls should be meek and gentle. She begins to develop a passive personality and repress her feelings as she grows up in Wuxi. Ying-Ying marries a charismatic man named Lin Xiao, not out oflove, but because she believed it was her fate. Her husband is revealed to be abusive and openly has extramarital relationships with other women. When Ying-Ying discovers that she is pregnant around the time her husband abandons her, she takesrevenge by killing his son before he is born and moving in with her poor relatives in the country.After ten years, she moves to the city where she meets an American man named Clifford St. Clair. He falls in love with her, but Ying-Ying cannot express the strong emotion after her first marriage. He courts her for four years before she agrees to marry him after learning that Lin Xiao had died, which she takes as the proper sign to move on. She allows him to control most aspects of her life, mistranslating her words and actions, and even changing her name to "Betty." They give birth to two children, one daughter, Lena and a stillborn son.Ying-Ying is horrified when she realizes that Lena has inherited her passive behaviors and trapped herself in a loveles s marriage with a controlling husband. She finally resolves to tell her daughter her story in the hope that she will be able to break free from the same passivity that ruined most of her young life back in China.[edit] DaughtersJing-Mei "June" WooJing-Mei has never fully understood her mother and seems directionless in life. During June's childhood, her mother used to tell her that she could be anything she wants; however, she particularly wanted her daughter to be gifted, like June's frenemy Waverly. At the beginning of the novel, June is chosen to replace her mother's seat in the Joy Luck Club after her mother's death. At the end of the novel, June is still trying to deal with her mother's death, and she visits China to see the twin half-sisters whom her mother had been forced to abandon when the Japanese attacked China.R o se Hs u Jo r da nRose is somewhat passive and is a bit of a perfectionist. She marries a doctor, Ted Jordan. After a malpractice suit, Ted has a mid-life crisis and decides to leave Rose, who he married, in part, to spite his mother. When Ted comes for the divorce papers, she finds her voice and tells him that he can't just throw her out of his life, comparing herself to weeds in his garden, once so beloved, now unkempt and filthy. She wants to hire a good lawyer and fight for possession of the house, which she eventually wins.Waverly JongWaverly is an independent-minded and intelligent woman, but is annoyed by her mother's constant cnticism. Well into her adult life, she finds herself restrained by her subconscious fear of letting her mother down. During theirc h i ld h o o d,J u ne a n d W a v e r l y b e c o m e c h i l d h o o d r i v a l s;t h e i r m o t h e r s compared their daughters accomplishments. Waverly was once a gifted chess champion, but quit after arguing with her mother, who used her daughters talent to show off.Lena St. ClairLena's husband, Harold, demands financial "equality" in their marriage. They are co-workers, but Lena is an associate while Harold is a partner, so he has a larger salary than she does. However, he insists that all household expenses be divided equally between them. Harold believes that by making everything equal, they can make their love equal as well, but Lena is frustrated with her life .[edit] Table of contents(Name of chapter is followed by the name of the narrator whose perspective is used for that chapter)[edit] Feathers from a Thousand Li Away"The Joy Luck Club," Jing-mei "June" Woo"Scar," An-Mei Hsu"The Red Candle," Lindo Jong"The Moon Lady," Ying-Ying St. Clair[edit] The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates"Rules of the Game," Waverly Jong"The Voice from the Wall," Lena St. Clair"Half and Half," Rose Hsu Jordan"Two Kinds," Jing-mei "June" Woo[edit] American Translation"Rice Husband," Lena St. Clair"Four Directions," Waverly Jong"Without Wood," Rose Hsu Jordan"Best Quality," Jing-mei "June" Woo[edit] Queen Mother of the Western Skies "Magpies," An-mei Hsu"Waiting Between the Trees," Ying-Ying St. Clair "Double Face," Lindo Jong"A Pair of Tickets," Jing-mei "June" Woo。
Suyuan Woo (mother’s character)
Advantage: diligent , hopeful ,
Disadvantage: subjective , less communication , Others: collective , ….
景梅在美国出生并且成长,尽管有一个遵从中国 传统文化的母亲,却对中国文化陌生得很。出于 一种“望子成龙、望女成凤”的心态,景梅的母 亲希望景梅尽自己最大的努力,成为一个钢琴家, 能出名、得到社会广泛承认。当景梅得知母亲这 一决定后,她开始变得心慌意乱,潜意识里也产 生了反抗抵触情绪。随后的过程中她发现她即使 再努力也达不到母亲对她的殷切期望,因此她决 定不再按照母亲的吩咐去做,代之以我行我素, 只是想做她真正的自己。
Content of auther’s work
作者常以在美国出生的华裔女性为主角,这群华 裔女性不但面对种族认同的问题,还必须面对来 自父母的压力。母亲们来自战乱频繁的中国,通 常有段不堪回首的过去,来到新大陆之后,她们 把所有的希望寄托在女儿身上,“望女不成凤” 的心情却带给女儿们极大的压力;母亲们更用传 统方式管教女儿,传统的中国父母不习惯赞美小 孩,而且要求子女绝对服从,女儿们眼见美国父 母“民主式”的教育方式,再看到自己连英文都 说不好的母亲,心里更是愤愤不平。母女并非不 爱彼此,但碍于文化与年龄的隔阂,不是不知如 何表达关爱,就是表错了意,结果往往两个最亲 密的人,却往往对彼此造成最严重的伤害。
Two Kinds
By Aniee Coco Jerry Amy
谭恩梅(Amy Tan),著名美籍华裔 女作家,1952年出生于美国加州奥克 兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕 士学位。 作品:《喜福会》,《灶神之妻》, 《接骨师之女》,《沉默之鱼》。 她的第一部长篇小说《喜福会》奠 定其在文学界的声誉。《喜福会》生 动的描写了母女之间的微妙的感情。 本篇课文正来自于此。
Main Roles
erMSMuyuan Woo
Canning Woo
Friends in the Joy Luck Club
Jing-Mei Woo
Mr. Piano teacher Chongg
Lindo Jong
Tin Jong
The Character of Main Roles
• 高和顺 《中美文化的冲突与融合——对<喜福会>中母女 关系的文化解读》 青岛理工大学 2009
• 姜勇《沉默不是金——剖析<喜福会>母女关系》 中国 医科大 2002
• 程爱民. 论谭恩美小会版). 2001,(4)
• 刘海平,王守仁. 新编美国文学史(第四卷)[M]. 上海: 上海外语出版社,2002.
• [美] 谭恩美 著,程乃珊 译.喜福会[M]. 上海:上海译
文出版社, 2006.
Lesson Two
Roles and Relationship Analysis of Two Kinds
Course: Advanced English Name: 陈楠迪 Class 3
Jing-Mei Woo
• The daughter of Suyuan, was born in America • Does not understand her mother • Lacks ambition and just want to live as herself • Finishes her mother’s dream finding the twins
《喜福会》跨文化交际讲解 ppt课件
![《喜福会》跨文化交际讲解 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/518c1dc8ddccda38366baf52.png)
Case 3
1.What do you think of Rich’s behavior at dinner? Do Lindo and the other family members accept it? Can you guess their opinions on Rich? Why do they think so?
American: people advocates the freedom, equality and democracy. Parents let children to make choice themselves. Children have responsibility to their own action.
Case 1
1. What makes little Waverly unhappy and rebel against her mother? What did she say?
2. What is Lindo's idea of daughters? Why does she think so?
Personal happiness is ultimate goal
Society as key element
Society’s prosperity is ultimate goal
Individuals are encouraged to improve Individual should resist personal
3. Do you think the argument between Linda and little Waverly would happen to ordinary Chinese mothers and daughters? Why or why not?
1. 引言1.1 介绍电影《喜福会》电影《喜福会》是一部由张国立执导,梁朝伟、张曼玉、巩俐等实力派演员主演的电影。
1.2 提出解读女性形象的重要性解读女性形象在电影《喜福会》中的重要性是非常必要的。
Main Roles
Suyuan erMM Woo Couple Canning Woo
Jing-Mei Woo Piano teacher Friends in the Joy Luck Club
Mr. Chongg
Waverly Jong
Lindo Jong
Tin Jong
The Character of Main Roles
Lesson Two
Roles and Relationship Analysis of Two Kinds
Course: Advanced English Name: 陈楠迪 Class 3 冯婷婷 Class 4 Lecturer: Chen Hui
The Main Roles of Two Kind The Character of Main Roles The Mother-daughter Relationship of Two Kinds The Reasons for Two Kinds’ Collisions
Mother: suffered a lot in China, wanted her daughter has a perfect life Daughter: Americanized, wanted to be herself
• Shear, Walter. The Joy Luck Club-- Generation Dichotomy of Culture.1993. • Souris, Stephen. Only Two Kinds of Daughters:InterMonologue Dialogicity in The Joy Luck Club in Amy Tan, ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2000. • 高和顺 《中美文化的冲突与融合——对<喜福会>中母女 关系的文化解读》 青岛理工大学 2009 • 姜勇《沉默不是金——剖析<喜福会>母女关系》 中国 医科大 2002 • 程爱民. 论谭恩美小说中的母亲形象及母女关系的文化内 涵[J]. 南京师大学报(社会版). 2001,(4) • 刘海平,王守仁. 新编美国文学史(第四卷)[M]. 上海: 上海外语出版社,2002. • [美] 谭恩美 著,程乃珊 译.喜福会[M]. 上海:上海译 文出版社, 2006.
苏 (Su Yuan):
抗战时期被迫遗弃一对 双胞胎女儿,到美国后 再婚,她将所有希望放 在女儿君身上,希望把 她塑造成一个有别于自 己能成为白人社会所接 受的高雅女性。
反抗母亲的意志,强 调自己的自由,与母 亲的隔膜和误解持续 多年。
“到了美国,我就要生个女儿,她会很像我。 但在美国,她却无须仰仗丈夫鼻息度日。 在美国,不会有人歧视她,因为,我会让她讲上一口 流利漂亮的美式英语。 她将应有尽有,不会烦恼不会忧愁。她会领略我的一 番苦心,我要她成为一只比期望中还要好上一百倍的 漂亮的天鹅!
遗传了母亲强势个性 却彻底活在母亲的眼 光中,为了顺从母意 做了很多牺牲,她渴 望能够自己决定人生 和婚姻,并获得母亲 的祝福与肯定。
母亲乙 (莺莺阿姨 Ying Ying) 女儿乙 (李娜 Lena)
痛苦的婚姻让她对自 我不断贬低和抹杀, 沉默半生。当她面对 女儿的不幸婚姻时, 果断打破沉默。
罗丝(Rose): 嫁入豪门后心甘情愿付
出和妥协,放弃深造的 机会,甚至贬低自我, 不再有主见,在婚姻中 被丈夫忽略。听完母亲 的故事,明白珍惜自己 才会被人珍惜的道理后, 重新肯定了自我价值, 挽救了婚姻。
母亲丁 (苏 Su Yuan) 女儿丁 (君 June)
试图以经济上的忍让 与多付车换来丈夫的 感情,在男权的威慑 下失去了自尊和自信。 在母亲开导中终于认 清自我价值和对配偶 的真正诉求。
• 霍尔认为, 在高语境文化中,人们有着类似的 经历和信息渠道。长期稳定的交流使人们 形成了对周围环境比较一致的反应。 • 因而,在处理大量日常事务时,他们往往不需 要、也不希望得到过多的背景知识。在交 谈中,无需过多的表达,双方就会心领神会,因 为共同的背景知识和想象空间会帮助听者 把说者含糊的意思拼凑起来。 • 在高语境文化中, 人们并不仅仅通过语言来 表达意思,手势、空间的运用,甚至沉默都可 以传递信息 , 他们认为“沉默比语言更有 力” 。
• 新一代华人子女因为生活在与父母截然不 同的文化环境里, 受着美国文化的熏陶, 平 时读的是英文书籍, 而非孔子的经典,往往在 思想上更倾向于接受美国文化与价值观。 • 然而, 无论华裔青年已经美国化到何种程度, 以白人为代表的主流社会依然把他们看作 是少数民族, 是中国人。这使得新生代的华 裔极易产生一种迷茫和身份危机:“我究竟是 谁?”
• 因此,在这种环境中成长起来的华裔第二 代,由于内外压力,他们认同的是宗主国 文化,而故国的文化则是他们需要超越的 对象,女儿们的最终结果就是: “事实上, 除了她的头发和皮肤是中国式的外表,她 的内部,全是美国制造的。” • 这也导致母女间的隔阂。在这一成长故事 中,母女间的交流障碍实质上体现的是两 种不同价值观的矛盾,女儿们不断试图超 越和弃绝以母亲为代表的东方遗产,从而 形成新的主体性。
• 华裔女作家任璧莲(Gish Jen)在一次接受采访中 谈道:“这种对身份的追求是非常美国化的。在中 国的人们不会探讨根的问题。你一旦开始思考身 为爱尔兰裔美国人、非洲裔美国人或华裔美国人 意味着什么时, 那你就是美国人了。” • 《喜福会》中女儿们一旦有了想做中国人的迫切 愿望,这便表明她们已经非常美国化了,不再是中国 人。” • 既然她们已经是美国人了 ,便不用担心被中国文化 同化。她们渴求具有一定的中国气质 ,在某种程度 上也反映了美国人对异域文化的向往。
以下是对该主题进一步分析:1. 温暖的人性当战乱席卷整个国度时,人们往往陷入恐惧和绝望之中。
2. 团结力量大通过喜福会的形式,大家以团结合作的方式共同面对困境。
3. 自我价值与社区责任在战乱时期,喜福会成员通过发挥各自能力和资源,为整个社区提供帮助。
Hsu Family
Mother An-mei Hsu
A member of the Joy Luck Club Learned important lessons from her widowed mother Lost her youngest son Maintains a certain faith in the human power of will and effort
The newest member of the Joy Luck Club Found her mother's long-lost twin daughters Never fully understand her mother
Mother Lindo Jong
A member of the Joy LuckJoy Luck Club Lost her twin daughters in China
Revived the Joy Luck Club in San Francisco
Woo Family
Sacrifice Kindness
Daughter Jing-mei Woo
Taught her daughter the power of invisible strength
Daughter Wavely Jong
The youngest of Lindo's children
Won chess tournaments
Fears that her daughter may have lost Chinese identity Fears that she herself may have become too assimilated
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Main Roles
erMSMuyuan Woo
Canning Woo
Friends in the Joy Luck Club
Jing-Mei Woo
Mr. Piano teacher Chongg
Lindo Jong
Tin Jong
The Character of Main RolesSuyua Nhomakorabea Woo
·Jing-Mei’ s mother ·The founder of the Joy Luck Club ·To abandon her twin infant daughters ·To take high expectation to her daughter Jing-
Mei and hope she can grow up as she will
Daughter: America, cherished her independent spirits and characters, resented be interfered and controlled by others
Different Languages Mother: spoke broken and limited English Daughter: spoke fluent English, embarrassed her mother's English
• Souris, Stephen. Only Two Kinds of Daughters:Inter-
Monologue Dialogicity in The Joy Luck Club in Amy Tan, ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2000.
Jing-Mei Woo
• The daughter of Suyuan, was born in America • Does not understand her mother • Lacks ambition and just want to live as herself • Finishes her mother’s dream finding the twins
• 高和顺 《中美文化的冲突与融合——对<喜福会>中母女 关系的文化解读》 青岛理工大学 2009
• 姜勇《沉默不是金——剖析<喜福会>母女关系》 中国 医科大 2002
• 程爱民. 论谭恩美小说中的母亲形象及母女关系的文化内
涵[J]. 南京师大学报(社会版). 2001,(4)
• 刘海平,王守仁. 新编美国文学史(第四卷)[M]. 上海: 上海外语出版社,2002.
Lesson Two
Roles and Relationship Analysis of Two Kinds
Course: Advanced English Name: 陈楠迪 Class 3
冯婷婷 Class 4 Lecturer: Chen Hui
The Main Roles of Two Kind The Character of Main Roles The Mother-daughter Relationship of Two Kinds The Reasons for Two Kinds’ Collisions
• [美] 谭恩美 著,程乃珊 译.喜福会[M]. 上海:上海译
文出版社, 2006.
The Mother-daughter Relationship
The Reasons of Conflicts
Different Cultural Backgrounds Mather: Chinese traditional family, her duty: (plan the daughter’s future , interfere in her activities , train her daughter to become perfect person)
Different Experiences
Mother: suffered a lot in China, wanted her
daughter has a perfect life Daughter: Americanized, wanted to be herself
• Shear, Walter. The Joy Luck Club-- Generation Dichotomy of