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Informal Titles in English


Casual or very close relationships require an informal form of address:


•Fir st name (friends, students, children)


•Miss/Mr + first name (sometimes used by dance or music teachers or childcare workers)

Miss/Mr + 名(舞蹈老师、音乐老师或者托儿工作者有时会用)

Titles of Affection


When addressing a child, a romantic partner, or a close friend or family member (usually younger) people often use these terms of endearment, also known as "pet names":

当我们叫孩子、伴侣、亲密朋友或者家里人(通常指比较年轻的)时经常会用到下面这些表达爱意的措辞,也叫做pet names(昵称):

•Honey (child, romantic partner, or younger person) (用于叫孩子、伴侣或者比自己年轻的人)

•D ear




•Babe or Baby (romantic partner) (用于叫伴侣)

•Pal (father or grandfather calls male child) (父亲或祖父用来称呼男孩)

•Buddy or Bud (very informal between friends or adult-to-child; can be seen as negative)(朋友之间或者长辈对孩子的称呼,非常随意,可被认作有反面含义)


Occasionally you may have a close relationship with someone who typically gets called Sir, Madam, Mr or Mrs (for example, a business executive, a celebrity, a professor or a person older than yourself). At some point this person may give you permission to use his or her first name. In English we use the phrase "on a first name basis" or "on first name terms" to describe a relationship that is not as formal as it seems it should be. To describe this you would say, for example: "Pete's mom and I are on a first name basis" or "My teacher and I are on first name terms."

有时候你可能与某个人有着很亲密的关系,比如一个企业主管、一个名人、一教授或者比你自己年长的人。别人都称呼他/她为Sir/Madam, Mr/Mrs,而在某种程度上这个人可能会允许你直接叫他/她的名字。英语里我们就用"on a first name basis"或者"on first name terms"来表达这样一段并不像人们所以为的那

么拘于礼节的关系。来看两个例句:Pete's mom and I are on a first name basis. 皮特的妈妈和我是直呼其名的好朋友。My teacher and I are on first name terms. 我和老师很熟。
