



大学综合写作考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是有效的写作策略?A. 保持一致的时态B. 使用复杂词汇以显示智力C. 逻辑清晰地组织论点D. 检查语法和拼写错误答案:B2. 在写作中,引用他人的观点或研究成果时,以下哪项是正确的做法?A. 可以不注明出处B. 只注明作者名即可C. 必须提供完整的引用信息D. 只需在文章末尾列出参考文献答案:C3. 下列关于论文结构的说法,哪项是错误的?A. 引言部分应提出研究问题B. 结论部分应总结研究的主要发现C. 正文部分可以没有小标题D. 所有论文都需要有详细的方法论部分答案:D4. 在撰写论文时,以下哪项不是必要的?A. 明确的主题句B. 充分的论据支持C. 过度使用专业术语D. 恰当的结论答案:C5. 以下哪种情况不适合使用被动语态?A. 强调行为的执行者B. 强调行为本身C. 不清楚行为的执行者D. 需要隐藏行为的执行者答案:A6. 在写作中,如何处理复杂的数据信息?A. 仅使用文字描述B. 创造一个新的术语来描述C. 使用图表和表格来辅助说明D. 忽略这些数据答案:C7. 以下哪项不是论文审稿过程中常见的反馈?A. 文献综述不够全面B. 方法论部分存在逻辑错误C. 结果与结论不符D. 要求作者提供原始数据答案:D8. 在学术写作中,以下哪种引用方式是不恰当的?A. 直接引用B. 改写引用C. 没有引用D. 所有上述方式答案:C9. 一篇优秀的学术论文应该具备哪些特点?A. 独创性B. 逻辑性C. 可读性D. 所有上述特点答案:D10. 在写作过程中,以下哪项不是避免抄袭的方法?A. 正确引用他人的观点B. 对他人的观点进行总结和改写C. 使用自己的语言重新表述信息D. 直接复制他人的文章答案:D二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. 请简述论文写作中引言部分的作用。





在文章中,你需要:1. 描述网络时代信息安全的重要性。

2. 分析当前网络信息安全面临的主要威胁。

3. 提出个人对于如何提高网络信息安全的看法和建议。


在文章中,你需要:1. 解释全球化如何影响不同文化之间的融合。

2. 讨论文化融合对个人和社会的潜在影响。

3. 阐述你对文化融合应持的态度及其理由。















大学汉语写作考试题及答案一、写作题目1. 请以“我眼中的中国”为题,写一篇不少于800字的议论文。


2. 以“网络时代的人际交往”为话题,写一篇不少于1000字的说明文。


3. 选择一个你感兴趣的历史人物,以“假如我与XX对话”为题,写一篇不少于1200字的记叙文。


二、写作指导1. 在写作议论文时,首先要明确自己的中心论点,然后围绕中心论点展开论证。


2. 说明文的写作重点是对某一现象或事物进行解释和阐述。


3. 记叙文的写作要注重情节的构建和人物的刻画。


三、参考答案1. 我眼中的中国中国,一个拥有五千年文明史的国家,正以前所未有的速度发展着。









2. 网络时代的人际交往网络时代的到来,极大地改变了人们的交往方式。









































大学写作基础考试题型及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪项不是写作过程中应该考虑的因素?A. 内容的逻辑性B. 语言的准确性C. 读者的接受程度D. 作者的个人偏好答案:D2. 在写作中,引用他人的研究成果时,以下哪项做法是不恰当的?A. 正确引用文献B. 用自己的话重述他人的观点C. 直接复制粘贴他人的文字D. 对引用的内容进行适当的注释答案:C3. 下列关于写作风格的说法,哪一项是错误的?A. 写作风格应保持一致性B. 写作风格应随内容和目的而变化C. 写作风格越复杂越好D. 写作风格应清晰、准确答案:C4. 在撰写学术论文时,以下哪项不是必要的步骤?A. 确定研究问题B. 收集和分析数据C. 编写详细的大纲D. 仅凭个人经验撰写结论答案:D5. 下列关于论文格式的说法,哪一项是正确的?A. 所有学术论文的格式都是统一的B. 论文格式应根据出版物的具体要求来调整C. 论文格式无关紧要,重要的是内容D. 论文格式应完全按照作者的习惯来设置答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 在写作中,为了保持文章的连贯性,作者应该使用适当的________来引导读者。

答案:过渡词7. 一篇好的论文应该包含以下几个部分:引言、________、方法、结果和讨论。

答案:文献综述8. 在写作中,为了避免抄袭,作者应该对引用的内容进行________。

答案:改写或引用9. 写作中的“五段法”通常指的是一个主题句,三个支撑句,以及一个________。

答案:结论句10. 在学术论文中,图表和图像的使用应该遵循________原则,以确保清晰和准确。

答案:清晰性三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述写作中的“读者意识”及其重要性。



大学英语期末考试写作必背 ()

大学英语期末考试写作必背 ()

I s I t B e t t e r t o B u y o r R e n t? The price of housing has kept increasing in recent years, which causes a big headache for people living in cities. A lot of people cannot afford to own a real estate property, so they choose to rent instead of buying an apartment. This group of people does not want to bear burden of mortgage so that they opt for a practical solution. Renting an apartment makes them have a place to stay and thus they can focus on work as well as personal life.Some other people, however, believe that an apartment owned by themselves makes them feel safe and relieved, so they are willing to sacrifice some other aspects of life to borrow money from the bank to buy an apartment. As far as I am concerned, to buy or to rent is all aboutit will be better to rent first and wait for the good timing when the price is going down to buy.Topic 2: On Job HoppingIt seems that nowadays, very few young people are willing to stay in a job position for long, let alone for the whole life. They change jobs constantly. This results from several factors. Firstly, young people like fresh things, and it is easy for them to be fed up with old routine work. So when they stay in a position for a while,the excitement will fade out.They are quite realistic and not willing to waste time in a job they are not interested in. Thirdly, some young people are not satisfied with current salary, believing they deserve better pay. In my opinion, constant job hopping will not benefit young people in their career development. Every job has its own merits and young people can certainly learn something from it as long as they are patient and wise enough. Every job experience is valuable down the career path and young people shall be able to make the most of it.Topic 3: Online Social NetworkModern people will be no stranger to online social network. Facebook, Renren and Kaixin001 are probably the most populous networks among Chinese netizen. In these networks, people interact with each other, be it a stranger or a friend, and have a lot of fun in the virtual world. This phenomenon could be a result of the fast development of the Internet and people's great interest of the virtual world. I think it is a very good new platform for people to keep in touch. But it should not be overused. Firstly, some people are addicted to it, which makes them want to get online 24 hours a day. When people spend too much time on one thing,they will naturally have not enough time for study and for work. Secondly, online social network change people's behavior of interacting with others. In virtual world, you just click the mouse and type in words instead of having a face-to-face talk. This will not benefit people's long term friendship, and even harm their interpersonal relationships in real world.Topic 4: The Most Important Skills for Modern PeopleWith the development of science and technology, the skills that modern people master are also changing with it. Some old skills including cooking, sewing and gardening are no longer be deemed as necessary skills. Then what are the most important skills for modern people? Some hold that foreign language skills and computer skills are on top of the list, whereas some others believe thatcommunication skills are the must.As far as I am concerned, communication skills are of the greatest importance for modern people. Firstly, in a globalized world, everyone is interconnected with each other. Communication is the key in personal interaction, and good communication skills can bring people sound interpersonal relationship. Secondly, most of the work done today requires teamwork. One person alone can not finish everything. Cooperation asks for communication, and effective communication will promote cooperation. That's the reason why lots of big companies emphasize communication skills first when they are recruiting new employees.Topic 5: What Is More Important: Character or Academic Achievement?What is the criterion to judge the performance of a student? Some believe that the exam marks should be the first standard concerned. A student's first priority is to study well, and academic achievement can show the result of a student's efforts and capability. But some disagree by holding that good character should be considered first when talking about the performance of a student, as character shows that whether a student has correct basic moral value and proper behavior. As far as I am concerned, sound character is more important in judging a student's performance. Firstly, good exam marks can not be everything as that won't follow a student's whole life. But sound character will be the only thing that lasts for long. Secondly, if a student has very poor character, good marks will be meaningless. When the student has grown up, his academic achievement will probably be used for wrong purpose. I, therefore, believe that we should reform the education system and care more for students' character cultivation.Topic 6: On the Importance of Being GratefulHave you ever said "thank you" when your classmates helped you?Have you ever thought about repaying a business partner who once lent you a hand? If the answer is yes, you must be a person who feels grateful. Your gratefulness makes your family more harmonious and helps you build a reliable cooperative relationship with other people, which can help you a lot in your lifetime.However, there are less and less people who feel grateful in the modern society. For one thing, people focus so much on what they can get that they never think of what to give. That is to say, they are too greedy to feel grateful. For another, some people take others' love and care for granted and know nothing about gratefulness.In my view, gratitude is important to our society and cultivating gratitude should begin from children with something small. We should teach our children how important gratitude is and ask them to do small things for others to show their gratefulness. Our society can become more harmonious and beautiful because of gratitude.Topic 7: Living with Parents after GraduationWhich will you choose to deal with your accommodation problem after graduation, living with parents or renting a room on your own? Quite a number of people prefer to rent a room on their own; however, more and more people choose to live with parents.There are several reasons for that. First, because of high housing prices, most people can't afford to buy a house after graduation. What's more, with their limited incomes, the graduates feel stressed with the high housing rent and living costs. Living with parents can save them lots of money which they may spend on housing and daily expenses. Finally, many people have been accustomed to depending on their parents and they can't take care of themselves. Personally speaking, I'd rather rent a room to live my own life, though living with my parents may help save much money. I also suggest that those who are so dependent onparents should learn to be independent as early as possible.Topic 8: More Disasters than Before?Much attention has been paid to reports about natural disasters recently. Earthquakes, droughts and floods in the West and Southwest this year resulted in many casualties and great losses, which greatly shocked us and forced us to be on alert. We can't help raising the question: are there more disasters than before?Many people probably will say "yes" to this question. There are more and more reports about disasters on TV and on the front pages of newspapers and websites. Media often cover details of disasters for days, which easily gives viewers a false image that disasters happen every day. As far as I am concerned, the great coverage of natural disasters by the media reflects the environmental awareness of human beings. We are more concerned about environmental protection now, and this is the first step to a better future of our planet.Topic 9: How to Deal with Peer Pressures?People often feel peer pressures. For example, your roommates smoke but you don't. Your classmates wear expensive clothes but you don't. In these cases, you may feel excluded if you don't do the same things as they do. Sometimes peer pressures drive people crazy, but you can only rely on yourself to deal with it.There are two ways to deal with peer pressures. First, pay attention to your own feelings and decide what you should do. Try saying "no" to peer pressures. Don't give in to pressures and do things against your will.Second, find friends who stand on your side. It's tough to deal with peer pressures alone,but it's much easier if at least one peer supports you. Make friends with those who have similar opinions or habits to yours, so that you won't feel excluded.To conclude, peer pressures can be eased if you have the courage to say "no" to it, and combat with it togetherwith your true friends.Topic 10: Lectures and DiscussionsLectures and discussions are two main styles of teaching in universities, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some students are in favor of lectures, but others enjoy discussions very much.Lecturing is the most traditional teaching method in China, because it is considered highly efficient. Students can get used to lectures easily, for most of them have been taught in this way since primary school. Teachers play a very important role in lectures, while students seldom have chances to speak. On the contrary, discussions allow students to have chances to interact with each other. What's more, students have more freedom and initiative in class where they can express their ideas freely and ask any questions about the topic. However, the class can easily go out of control if there is no restriction.As for me, I prefer discussions to lectures because of the open atmosphere. However, teachers should take charge of the discussions to help students learn more. Topic 11: On the Importance of Mutual UnderstandingNowadays many people are so focused on their own interests that they barely consider the feelings of others. As a result, misunderstandings, or even conflicts, arise.It is important for people to understand each other during a conversation, or in the interpersonal communication. For one thing, mutual understanding makes it easy for both parties to reach an agreement on the topic they are discussing. This may help solve the most difficult issues among different cultures, countries or communities. Furthermore, for people who are friendly to each other, this mutual understanding can definitely strengthen the love and friendship between them.Both the speaker and the listener can domuch to help gain mutual understanding. On the one hand, the speaker should try his best to express himself clearly, correctly, vividly and forcefully. On the other hand, the listener should also make every effort to be very attentive. Most importantly, both parties should take a friendly attitude towards the other side.Topic 12: Book Smart or Street Smart?There is a heated debate nowadays about which is better or more useful, to be book smart or street smart. People's opinions differ greatly over this topic. Some people believe to be book smart is way better. Many important fields like science and education need a great number of book-smart people. They can apply what they learn from books to their career. Others argue that true cleverness is not about how much you have learnt, but about how you deal with what you have learnt. Street-smart people can learn much from different experiences and can solve practical problems easily. They are much useful than book-smart people to some extent. As for me, there's no clear victor in the battle between street-smart people and book-smart ones. They both have their advantages, and our society require both. As a result, it's much better if we are both book smart and street smart.Topic 13: Due Attention Should Be Given to Spoken EnglishAs we all know, spoken English plays an important part in learning English. However, more and more students pay less attention to spoken English nowadays. There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. First, students would rather pay more attention to written English than spoken English because of pressure of exams. In order to enter a better school, students take efforts to improve their grades in examinations. As for English, exams mainly focus on the written part. Therefore, written English becomes students' priority. Furthermore, many students lack courage to speak English. Being afraid of making mistakes and thus losing face, many students dare not speak English in public. In order to change this situation, the educational system should be reformed to keep a balance between written English and spoken English, and schools should pay more attention to the latter. And most importantly, students should be encouraged to make mistakes when speaking English. If they are self-confident, their spoken English is sure to improve.Topic 14: Volunteering ActivitiesWith the progress of society, the volunteer spirit has spread all over the country. More and more people are willing to be volunteers and take part in volunteering activities. Getting involved in volunteer work means a lot to our society. Firstly, you show loving care to others when you are doing volunteer work. You pass love and civilization on to others with your volunteer work, and make others feel that there are always people caring about them. This makes our society more harmonious. Secondly, people whom you help may be influenced by your good deed and follow your lead. As a result, all people may help and care about each other, which makes the world a better place to live in.Since volunteer work is so meaningful, we should call on more people to take part in volunteer activities. All young people are supposed to have the volunteer spirit and be active to do volunteer work.Topic 15: Keep Connected with ParentsMany parents feel confused that, once upon a time, their kids shared everything with them, but now they don't even look at them. With the development of modern society, it seems that more and more children aren't willing to communicate with their parents. There are several reasons for thisphenomenon. For one thing, many kids think that they have nothing in common with their parents. What parents chatter about is study, which makes them bored. Thus, they prefer to communicate with friends. For another, they feel that their parents don't understand them at all. What they love to do is often against their parents' will and they can't get any support. As a result, the generation gap between parents and children become wider and wider. In order to change this situation, both parents and children should work together. Parents should learn to be a good listener and respect their children's ideas, whereas children should keep connected with their parents actively.Topic 16: My View on Knowledge EconomyKnowledge economy, which emphasizes knowledge and people of talent, is gradually replacing the industrial economy and becoming the dominant economic form. It is playing a more and more important role in our economic life in recent years. Knowledge economy has fundamentally transformed our ways of work, business and education. To start with, with the development of knowledge economy, more and more people are transformed from traditional manufacturing industries to new fields such as the Internet and the computer science area. Secondly, knowledge economy has given rise to the boom of electronic commerce and online trade, so you can do business anytime and anywhere. Besides, people have to keep learning something new to adapt to this explosive knowledge society. In my opinion, we should insist on developing knowledge economy and make efforts to educate the young generation, to contribute to the progress of knowledge economy.Topic 17: The Impact of the Internet on EducationAs Internet application is becoming wider and wider, the Internet has already permeated traditional education and has tremendous impact on education. As a result, more and more people tend to choose online education. There are some reasons for this phenomenon. First, online learning breaks the limits of time and space traditional education encounters and provides flexible learning opportunities for all people. Second, with the online learning, one can learn lessons from the best teachers of top schools which one can't have access to traditionally. Third, online learning gives freedom to students, so they can schedule their study according to their own pace of learning. Finally online learning enables them to discuss with others and ask questions freely without seeing each other, which is perfect for shy people. In order to develop online learning, there should be more schools providing all kinds of online lessons for people who have different needs, and more people should seize these learning opportunities to enrich their knowledge.Topic 18: On DialectsThere is a controversial issue about whether dialects should be prohibited in public. Opinions vary greatly on this issue.Some deem that dialects should be forbidden in public. There are so many people with various dialects in public that if everybody just speaks their own dialects, it can easily lead to chaos. In order to avoid this situation, we have to choose mandarin as the official language, for it can be understood by most Chinese. However, others argue that everybody has the right to speak dialects. Local dialects have been used for thousands of years, and they are valued as part of the traditional culture. Therefore they shouldn't be abandoned randomly. In addition, dialects still enjoy popularity in the daily communication among people from the same place. From my perspective, local dialects should be maintained and they can be used in public as long as they do notcause misunderstanding among the audience. Moreover, we should take responsibility to preserve endangered dialects.Topic 19: The Benefits of Job InterviewsNowadays, if you apply for a job, you usually have togo through the job interview process. A job interview is an undoubtedly vital process in the course of applying for a job. Job interviews benefit both the interviewer and the candidate. On the one hand, the interviewer is able to get more information about the candidate beyond his resume, and to know what qualifications he has by judging from the performance in the interview. After examining the ability and personality, they can decide whether he is the right person for the position. On the other hand, the candidate can decide whether he takes this job after he gets general information about it, such as the income, working conditions, etc. Moreover, he can gain precious experience by taking part in interviews, which is good for the following interviews.Therefore, the interviewer should make efforts to improve the job interview process to select the best candidate, whereas the candidate should also get well prepared for a better job.Topic 20. My View on White LiesThe question about whether we should tell white lies in daily life has aroused an intense debate over these years. Different people have different opinions.Many believe that we need white lies. There are moments in our life when we have to tell lies. In order to avoid hurting others' feelings or to make others feel better, we often tell white lies instead of conveying the truth. White lies have magic power to give people much hope and warmth. For instance, when you tell lies to a patient who gets incurable disease, he can probably enjoy the rest of his days more peacefully. Others argued that no one should tell lies, no matter what kind of lies. A white lie is essentially a lie. Some people feel betrayed and even get more hurt once they find out the truth, which can wreck a relationship easily. As for me, whether we should tell white lies really depends. You'd better take into consideration what the occasion isand what the result may be.Topic 21: Should a Formal Distance Be Kept Between Students and Teachers?A good interpersonal relationship between teachers and students is vital for successful education.And what is a perfect teacher-student relationship like? Should there be a formal distance between them?The question has aroused much interest.For some, teachers and students should be friends, and there should be little distance between them. The teacher enjoys being treated as a friend by the student, and the student likes confiding in the teacher. Such a relationship is treasured especially by teenagers who are eager to grow up.However, others hold that there should always be a formal distance between the teacher and the student. They argue that only when the teacher keeps a distance from the student can he make fair judgments about all the students and avoid prejudice. In my opinion, the distance between the teacher and the student can best be adjusted according to the specific situation.There is no need to regulate a set distance between the two.Topic 22: Need We "Never Give Up"?When Wallace watched the spider fail six times in spinning a web and succeed at the seventh time, he realized that he should lead his Scottish people to fight against the English invaders for another time, and he, too, succeeded. Whenever we face some difficulties or suffer setbacks in our projects,we can always gain strength from the popular saying: "Never give up!"But need we never giveup?Apparently there are always goals we can never achieve. However hard we tried, we could not win the top prize in every contest; whatever treatment used, we may fail to lengthen the life of someone beloved. There are always frustrations, and some are just beyond us. It is thus wise to accept the reality, i.e. to give up sometimes.As college students, we need the saying "Never give up" to keep us going. But we also need to learn to come to terms with reality. When occasionally I heard news about some college students committing suicide, I said to myself, "If only they had learned to give up!"Topic 23: Work in the CountrysideMany university graduates now volunteer to work in the countryside. It is reported that once hundreds of university graduates competed with one another to work as a village leader in Beijing. Many factors have contributed to this phenomenon. First, with more and more university students graduating each year, the job market competition becomes increasingly fierce, and many graduates cannot find jobs in the cities. Working in the countryside is better than being jobless. Second, the villages that are trying to employ university graduates are generally in the rich areas of the country, which makes working there an attractive choice. Third, some university graduates, being from the countryside, are eager to go back home to contribute to the construction of their hometown. With their knowledge and enthusiasm, they will play an important role in building the new countryside.Personally, I think university graduates should go to work where they are needed most and where they can make full use of their talents. Working in the countryside can be truly an advisable choice.Topic 24: Should Old People Stay at Home or Be Placed in Nursing Homes?Should old people stay with their children or go to the nursing homes?Some hold that old people should stay at home. For one thing, the young are obliged to repay the care and love they once received from the old. For another, the old may help with some housework and gain a sense of achievement, which is important for their mental and physical health. By contrast, some argue that old people should be placed in nursing homes, where they can not only have opportunities to communicate and have fun with their peers,but also be treated by professional doctors and nurses. Furthermore, with the old staying in nursing homes, the young may have more time and energy to devote to their own careers.In my view,the decision should be made with all factors fully considered. Above all, the opinion of the old should be respected. They themselves should be the ones who make the decision, not the young.。











写作技巧:(1)以“情”感人:指书信表达出的感情; 以“诚”动人:指求职诚意,自我介绍记实; 以“美”迷人:指信写得漂亮,使人“一见钟情”{针对性、自荐性、竞争性}
1、标题:由事由和文种构成;2、正文:招聘启事的正文较为具体,需要交代 、招聘方的情况 、招聘对象的具体要求 、招聘人员受聘后的待遇 、应聘人员是否交验证件和相关手续办理以及应聘的具体时间、地点、联系人、电话号码等其他情况。




























1.段落解释:is a unit of thought composed of sentences,smaller units of thought,that relate to a single topic.Paragraph divisions serve two very useful functions 2.A good paragraph is composed 组成 in such a way that it has :eachidea with nothing in the paragraph not covered by the topicit explores the main idea explicitly andconcretely,with plenty of details,examples,and explanations3.has sound internal structure.The qualities that indicate sound internal structure are unity,coherence,and completeness.4.怎样做到内容一致An excellent way of achieving unityis by means of the topic sentence.Properly used,the topic sentence forces the writer to adhere to and to sustain the point he is trying to establish5.标题句 the topic sentence properly used can achieve unity in the paragraph,which indicate the importance of the topic sentence;②the topic sentence6.第二个写作常识In short,a good topic sentence has a limited subject and a sharp focus,namely,a good topic sentence is not too general nor too narrow.A topic sentence that is too general requires much more than a paragraph to develop it.A coherence is connection and consistency.A coherent paragraph is one in which all the sentence are related logically and grammatically to make a whole that allows the reader to follow the writer’s train of thought step by step8.第三个写作常识 Just as topic sentenceshelp readers follow our ideas,other signals also help them understand what we have to say.When we write and when we revise,look for the areas that seem choppy or unconnected —that lack coherence.We can establish better coherence by using the following devices:pronoun reference,repetition ,and in a paragraph means that the topic is adequately developed by details,explanations,definitions,evidences,and the like,so that the reader is not left with only a fuzzy idea of what the writer means1第四个写作常识:Development of the main idea, then, is like enlarging a photograph to make the details clearer. So, development in the paragraph is as important as unity and coherence between skillful development helps us to stick to our subject and focus and to keep up the sense of oneness.2Inductive Pattern (归纳法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the inductive pattern of reasoning the writer presents particular instances of a like kind and leads them into valid generalization which serves as his topic sentence.3Deductive Pattern (演绎法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the deductive pattern the writer begins with a generalization(the topic sentence) and proceeds with specific elaboration or application of the general idea.4Inductive-deductive Pattern(归纳演绎法):As the name indicates, in developing a paragraph by means of inductive-deductive pattern the writer first presents particular instances and a resulting generalization, then applies the generalization to a new instance. 5第五个写作常识:Sequences of development are not independent of types of development. The most important sequences of development are general to particular, particular to general, climactic, chronological, and spatial.6Climactic Sequence (层递顺序):In a climactic sequence, the most intense or highest point of interest is saved for the final sentence, which may be, but is not necessarily, the topic sentence.7.Chronological Sequence (时间顺序):A chronological sequence is one in which earlier things precede later things; items are listed in the order in which they occur in time. The most obvious use of a chronological sequence is in telling a story. 8Spatial Sequence (空间顺序):A spatial sequence is used in descriptions of various types. It starts the reader at a particular point and then moves logically in some direction, from one place to another.9第六个写作常识:The type of development is the way in which the main idea is supported-by details, definitions, statements of cause and effect, and so on.10段落展开方式:Among the most important types of paragraph development are development by detail, comparison and contrast, process, classification and partition, cause and effect, definition, and mixed development.11Development by Comparison and Contrast (比较和对比):①a comparison shows how two or more things are alike; ②a contrast shows how they are different.12Development by Division and Classification (分类法和归类法):Dividing and classifying information is central to the writing process. When we divide, we begin with a whole, a complete body of information or one idea, and break it into its parts. When we classify, we begin with many small observations and sort them into categories on the basisof their similarities.13第七个写作常识:Causal analysis involves the ability to see cause and effect relationships between two elements. In order to arrive at a cause, we need to distinguish among three kinds: necessary, sufficient and contributory.14第八个写作常识:Definitions are particularly important for limiting the intended meaning of abstract or technical terms. There are two types of definition: formal definition and extended definition. Formal definition includes the term itself, the class it belongs to, and the details that distinguish it from other items in its class.15第九个写作常识:As we have seen, a single paragraph often contains more than one type of development. Almost any kind of paragraph may include examples or illustrations. The important thing is to avoid switching abruptly and apparently without reason from one kind of development to another in the middle of a paragraph.16第十个写作常识:The introduction is probably the most important part of an essay. The introduction should agree in tone and style with the rest of the essay. It should be a natural part of it, not a different construction grafted on the top.。



大学生基础写作考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪项不是写作中常见的修辞手法?A. 比喻B. 夸张C. 列举D. 对仗答案:C2. 在英文写作中,以下哪个词组是正确的表达“随着时间的推移”?A. With time goes byB. As time goes byC. Time goes byD. Time as goes by答案:B3. 下面哪个句子是正确的主动语态?A. The book was written by the author.B. The author wrote the book.C. The book writes by the author.D. The book was writing by the author.答案:B4. 在中文写作中,以下哪个成语使用正确?A. 杯弓蛇影B. 画蛇添足C. 狗尾续貂D. 以上都是答案:D5. 以下哪个选项是正确的论文引用格式(APA)?A. (作者,年份)B. (作者,年份)C. (Author, Year)D. [Author, Year]答案:A二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)6. 在写作中,为了使文章更加生动,我们可以使用________来描述事物。

答案:比喻7. 在英文写作中,段落的主题句通常位于段落的________。

答案:开头8. 中文写作中,为了增强文章的逻辑性,我们可以通过________来展示不同观点之间的关系。

答案:转折词9. 在英文写作中,为了保持文章的客观性,应该避免使用________。

答案:第一人称10. 中文写作中,文章的结尾部分通常用来________。

答案:总结全文三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 请简述写作中如何避免使用空泛的语言。






大学写作考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在写作中,使用恰当的修辞手法可以增强文章的表现力,以下哪项不属于修辞手法?A. 比喻B. 拟人C. 排比D. 标点符号答案:D2. 以下哪项不是写作中常见的论证方法?A. 举例论证B. 引用论证C. 对比论证D. 故事叙述答案:D3. 在撰写学术论文时,以下哪项不是必须遵守的学术规范?A. 引用他人观点必须注明出处B. 避免使用第一人称C. 确保数据的准确性D. 可以随意篡改研究数据答案:D4. 以下哪种结构不适合用于议论文?A. 引言-正文-结论B. 问题-分析-解决方案C. 描述-解释-评价D. 诗歌-散文-小说答案:D5. 以下哪种写作风格更适合商务报告?A. 抒情B. 记叙C. 议论D. 描述答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在写作中,______是文章的开篇部分,它的作用是吸引读者的注意力并为文章主题做铺垫。

答案:引言2. 一篇文章的______部分是文章的核心,它需要详细阐述作者的观点和论据。

答案:正文3. 学术论文的______部分通常包含研究方法、数据收集和分析等关键信息。

答案:方法4. 在撰写报告时,______部分应该总结全文,重申主要观点,并可能提出建议或展望。

答案:结论5. 写作中,______是指文章的组织结构,它影响着文章的逻辑性和可读性。

答案:结构三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述写作中如何有效地使用过渡词。




2. 描述在写作中如何避免使用模糊不清的语言。





1.段落解释:is a unit of thought composed of sentences,smaller units of thought,that relate to a single topic.Paragraph divisions serve two very useful functions 2.A good paragraph is composed 组成 in such a way that it has :eachidea with nothing in the paragraph not covered by the topicit explores the main idea explicitly andconcretely,with plenty of details,examples,and explanations3.has sound internal structure.The qualities that indicate sound internal structure are unity,coherence,and completeness.4.怎样做到内容一致An excellent way of achieving unityis by means of the topic sentence.Properly used,the topic sentence forces the writer to adhere to and to sustain the point he is trying to establish5.标题句 the topic sentence properly used can achieve unity in the paragraph,which indicate the importance of the topic sentence;②the topic sentence6.第二个写作常识In short,a good topic sentence has a limited subject and a sharp focus,namely,a good topic sentence is not too general nor too narrow.A topic sentence that is too general requires much more than a paragraph to develop it.A coherence is connection and consistency.A coherent paragraph is one in which all the sentence are related logically and grammatically to make a whole that allows the reader to follow the writer’s train of thought step by step8.第三个写作常识 Just as topic sentenceshelp readers follow our ideas,other signals also help them understand what we have to say.When we write and when we revise,look for the areas that seem choppy or unconnected —that lack coherence.We can establish better coherence by using the following devices:pronoun reference,repetition ,and in a paragraph means that the topic is adequately developed by details,explanations,definitions,evidences,and the like,so that the reader is not left with only a fuzzy idea of what the writer means1第四个写作常识:Development of the main idea, then, is like enlarging a photograph to make the details clearer. So, development in the paragraph is as important as unity and coherence between skillful development helps us to stick to our subject and focus and to keep up the sense of oneness.2Inductive Pattern (归纳法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the inductive pattern of reasoning the writer presents particular instances of a like kind and leads them into valid generalization which serves as his topic sentence.3Deductive Pattern (演绎法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the deductive pattern the writer begins with a generalization(the topic sentence) and proceeds with specific elaboration or application of the general idea.4Inductive-deductive Pattern(归纳演绎法):As the name indicates, in developing a paragraph by means of inductive-deductive pattern the writer first presents particular instances and a resulting generalization, then applies the generalization to a new instance. 5第五个写作常识:Sequences of development are not independent of types of development. The most important sequences of development are general to particular, particular to general, climactic, chronological, and spatial.6Climactic Sequence (层递顺序):In a climactic sequence, the most intense or highest point of interest is saved for the final sentence, which may be, but is not necessarily, the topic sentence.7.Chronological Sequence (时间顺序):A chronological sequence is one in which earlier things precede later things; items are listed in the order in which they occur in time. The most obvious use of a chronological sequence is in telling a story. 8Spatial Sequence (空间顺序):A spatial sequence is used in descriptions of various types. It starts the reader at a particular point and then moves logically in some direction, from one place to another.9第六个写作常识:The type of development is the way in which the main idea is supported-by details, definitions, statements of cause and effect, and so on.10段落展开方式:Among the most important types of paragraph development are development by detail, comparison and contrast, process, classification and partition, cause and effect, definition, and mixed development.11Development by Comparison and Contrast (比较和对比):①a comparison shows how two or more things are alike; ②a contrast shows how they are different.12Development by Division and Classification (分类法和归类法):Dividing and classifying information is central to the writing process. When we divide, we begin with a whole, a complete body of information or one idea, and break it into its parts. When we classify, we begin with many small observations and sort them into categories on the basisof their similarities.13第七个写作常识:Causal analysis involves the ability to see cause and effect relationships between two elements. In order to arrive at a cause, we need to distinguish among three kinds: necessary, sufficient and contributory.14第八个写作常识:Definitions are particularly important for limiting the intended meaning of abstract or technical terms. There are two types of definition: formal definition and extended definition. Formal definition includes the term itself, the class it belongs to, and the details that distinguish it from other items in its class.15第九个写作常识:As we have seen, a single paragraph often contains more than one type of development. Almost any kind of paragraph may include examples or illustrations. The important thing is to avoid switching abruptly and apparently without reason from one kind of development to another in the middle of a paragraph.16第十个写作常识:The introduction is probably the most important part of an essay. The introduction should agree in tone and style with the rest of the essay. It should be a natural part of it, not a different construction grafted on the top.。



大学写作教程考试题及答案大全一、选择题1. 下列哪项不是写作过程中应该考虑的因素?A. 主题明确B. 结构合理C. 语言华丽D. 逻辑清晰答案:C2. 在学术论文写作中,以下哪个引用格式最为常用?A. MLAB. APAC. ChicagoD. Harvard答案:B3. 以下哪个不是写作中常见的修辞手法?A. 比喻B. 夸张C. 排比D. 列表答案:D二、填空题4. 写作的三个基本要素包括________、________和________。

答案:主题、结构、语言5. 在写作中,为了使文章更加生动,我们常常使用________和________来丰富表达。

答案:比喻、夸张三、简答题6. 简述写作中“五段论”的基本结构。



7. 描述如何避免在写作中出现抄袭。


四、论述题8. 论述为什么在学术写作中,清晰和准确的表达比华丽的语言更为重要。





五、写作题9. 根据以下提示写一篇不少于800字的议论文。


答案:略(考生需自行撰写)六、案例分析题10. 阅读以下案例,并分析作者在写作中可能存在的问题及改进方法。



Chapter 1 Defining the Dissertation You are asked to write a term paper,a library paper,a review,or a book review in order to demonstrate that you have learned the necessary skills of a general academic ability in the subject taught during the semester.How to define the terms like thesis,dissertation,paper(all be translated into Lun wen论文) vs their relationship.Dissertation is used to refer to "a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification"that you are studying for -that is,a BA or an MA. Thesis is used to refer to "a long piece of writing,based on your own ideas and research that you do as part of your university degree,especially a PhD. So if the assay is part of a BA or MA degree,we call it a dissertation,if a part of a PhD degree we call it a thesis.You write an essay for a certain course during your university studies,we it a paper.BA dissertation学士论文,an MA dissertation硕士论文,a PhD thesis博士论文, term paper论文.Here is in line with the British educational tradition.In America,thesis means a BA lun wen or MA lun wen. Dissertation means a PhD lun wen. thesis,dissertation, and paper,their writing process is more or less the same,the major difference between them lies at the level of originality.Difference and relationship between a summary of information (easier to prepare)and an evaluation of information(include a summary).Academic writing,term paper or research article can aim at summarizing other's studies in the field and presenting the ideas or arguments put forward by other scholars.By contrast,a dissertation or thesis requires more than an acknowledgement of existing studies,it must involve a critical evaluation of research information and this is where the originality of the study lies. When summarize existing studies in the field,you are expected to present to the reader what you have read,how much you have understood,the way you organize all the information.When expected to evaluate previous studies,you must show ability in understanding ,commenting in a scholarly way,consider what factor,how and why factors.A dissertation involves both summarizing and evaluating other's studies in this field,this part of the work is called Literature review.The process of writing a dissertation,steps:we need a kind of yo-yo approach (go backward and forward)proposed by Sorenson ,do not think research process is direct or straightforward.Writing a dissertation is going through a process of doing research.3 steps in process:1.prewriting 2.writing 3.editing and completion.Chapter 2 Basic Writing and Academic WritingTwo types of writing(different genre types and reflect different level of difficulties):1.Basic Writing or practical writing (every day writing and all of us do it)2.Academic Writing(only required in an academic environment)Purpose of Basic Writing:help students learn to write well for everyday purpose,focus is on general writing skills and strategies.Different types of essays:narration,description,exposition,argumentation.Precis writing:(abstract the main points of an essay ,report,book). It is similar to the writing of summaries(the condensation of information)Academic Writing is concerned with academic research.1.Fictional writing (poems,essays,novels)2.non-Fictional writing1.Popular(writing in popular magazines)the major difference between popular and professional writing is that they have different groups of target readers.2.Professional(writing in Professional magazines)A.Technical writing(concerned with practice-based,problem-oriented or application-based research,it is usually written by and for engineers or practitioners for a pragmatic reason)B.Academic writing (based on original research ,concerned with theory-based or theorizing research and is usually written by and for academics)Difference:A comes from research with the application of a theory ,B develops from theorizing.B :Academic writing1.literary writing (concerned with the analysis and appreciation of literary works)2.non-literary writing(a type of scientific writing, scientific research methods are often used in this type)Difference :1 is more subjective, 2 is objective2.Non-literary writinga. Speculative(writings in a university's department of philosophy) speculative-orientedb. Experimental(writings in a university's department of psychology) experimental-oriented Seyfer ,H.&Wu,G.H.Style and mechanicsStyle: the way you present your ideas in your writing.In academic writing,the style is expected to be formal and scholarly ,not to entertain,but to inform to describe or to argue(avoid the use of slang,colloquial words and biased language,your tone and attitude to topic should be serious).The use of pronouns:it is the third-person pronoun he,she,they rather than the first-person pronoun i,me,my,or mine.because use of third-person pronoun suggests subjective opinions and weaken the assertion by implying uncertainty.But the use of impersonal labels such as t he researcher or the writer may distance oneself from what one is saying.As with basic writing,correctness is important mechanistic aspect as we pay attention to grammar,punctuation and other technical matters.If you find a misspelled word in a text you want to quote directly,insert sic.eg.Systematic (sic)functional linguisticUse abbreviations wisely,eg.Systemic Functional Linguistics(hereafter SFL)Chapter 3 Data,Analysis,and Research ParadigmsIn linguistic studies,as Widdowson points out,there are 3 sources of linguistic data.1.introspection(based on the linguist's own intuitive competence of the language.This method is popular because linguistic description can be based on the linguist's introspection.)2.elicitation(members of the speech community are asked to serve as informants to decide whether or not certain description are correct ,accurate or acceptable,eg, questionnaires and interviews)Both introspection and elicitation can be used to obtain data from 2 different sources:1.linguistic competence(abstract knowledge of language) municative competence(communicative use of language)3.Observation(the idea that behaviour ,eg,language use ,can be observed naturalistically, get examples from the corpus)Use which source depends on what you claim the data are evidence of ,and what you are trying to explain.2 Methods/ways of data collection:1.the data collected experimentally (the type of data yielded by the investigation is likely to be quantitative,i,e,information in the form of numbers)2.the data is collected non-experimentally (the type of data yielded by the investigation is likely to be qualitative ,i,e,information in verbal form)The way of looking at and analysing the data depends on the type of data that has been collected.1.Data for research is in quantitative form,use mathematical and statistical manipulations to process and analyse the data.2.Data in qualitative form,analyse the data in verbal formType of analysis :With experimental method and quantitative data,the result can be processed statistically.By contrast,non-experimental method and qualitative data,the result is usually interpretative.Grotjahn ,2 pure research paradigms:1.the exploratory-interpretive paradigm(employs a non-experimental method,yield qualitative data,and provides an interpretive analysis of that data)2.The analytical-nomological paradigm(the data is collected through an experiment and yields quantitative data,which are subjected to statistical analysis )There are 6 mixed paradigms.Types of research:Brown---1.primary research2.secondary research(consist of summarizing previous studies ,reviewing the literature in a given area,and synthesizing the research undertaken by others .Library research and literature review belong to secondary research)Primary research differs from secondary research in that it is derived from the primary sources of information.Primary research:1.qualitative studies (main focus is on making sense of the meanings of psychological ,social,linguisticand other phenomena, collecting accounts is one method.It is popular in discourse analysis and other text-based studies)2.survey studies(Data obtained from surveys can be either descriptive or explanatory ,It is designed to investigate a group's attitudes,opinions or characteristics through questionnaire --ask closed questions or open-ended questions and interview-ask a participant or informant for information about a particular research question,the questions can be tightly or loosely focused)3.statistical studies(comprise quasi-experimental studies and experimental studies.It based on experimental studies,which control the conditions under which the behaviour or phenomenon under investigation is observed)Chapter4 Prewriting (1):Developing the Subject1.Managing your timeKnowing how to manage your time effectively and make a realistic plan is a very important factor in determining your chances of success.When allocate the time,remember to set aside at least 2 days for emergency occasions.2.Locating your interestYour interest in the subject will make you eager to know more of the subject area and that will help a lot in the investigation of the research topic.Choose one subject interests you most,and then you must narrow down the subject area.3.Selecting a topic(How?--consult your tutor,read dissertations completed in previous years and available in your university library.Neither topic too broad or too limited or specialized)2 important factors to take into consideration when choosing a suitable topicA.manageabilityB.the availability of resourcesChapter5 Prewriting(2): Reading the LiteraturePurpose: Help you learn how to obtain information(Where you can get useful and relevant information for your research. How to read the existing literature. How to develop a working bibliography.)Familiarize yourself with the research background:Ways of widening your knowledge of the research topic and the other background information.A traditional way :1.Library research.(to the university library and check the catalogues by 1.subject search 2.keyword search 3.author search 4.title search / find CD-ROM reference materials ,the e-library can provide information and Corpora is used.)e the Internet selectively and wisely. 3.follow existing approaches to the problem by reading papers dealing with similar problems.Discovering existing studies <ways of getting background information>1.Search # in <http://www.baidu/>2. Consult a grammar book.(start with the index/table of content)3. Search <> 中国期刊全文数据库 3. A web page maintained by the British Council </grammar /archive/>Reading the relevant literature:Locate - readThey should read selectively(some read in detail,some read in genera)While reading and digesting other's ideas,you have 3 stages to go through.1.Understand as much as you can and follow the train of thought provided by the author. 2.Critically read and identify the strong points and weak points or areas to be further explored. 3. Decide on how to use the existing writing.Taking notes(a important step in preparing for your dissertation writing, because you quote and paraphrasing or summarizing previous studies )2 ways of taking notes: 1. Write useful ideas ,quotations on note cards(traditional, Direct quotation,Summary,Outline form) 2.record notes by using a computer(new) You must record correctly and check carefully whether it is correctly copied.Advantage of taking notes by computer: I n due course you can transfer the quotations directly into your dissertation without having to recopy them. Disadvantages :you may have difficulties in sorting out the quotations according to meaning or inserting the related quotation in the appropriate place. Discovering questions and problems:By looking at the existing studies,can easily find that there are many questions and problems that need to be further investigated.Focusing on your research:you can have a thorough study if your topic is not too broad.Preparing a working bibliography(the name implies the bibliography that you will be working with until your final draft has been submitted and accepted.)The entries条目of references in the working bibliography must be listed in an alphabetical order.If the reference is a book,you should have the author, title,publisher, place of publication, year of publication,s ource of the item. Use one format and follow it all the time.Chapter 6 prewriting (3)Thesis Formulation and Research QuestionsThesis :1.A thesis is an idea or theory that is expressed as a statement and is discussed in a logical way.论点2.A thesis is a long piece of writing ,based on your own ideas and research that you do as a part of a university degree.论文Thesis formation论点形成Thesis statement 论点陈述:also called the statement of the problem /the thesis sentence(states or suggests the research subject or the main topic,making thesis statement can help you focus on the research topic and avoid reading unrelated materials--clarify your thinking .In many cases,a thesis statement is also stated in the form of a problem that you attempt to solve in your research,in which case the thesis statement is a statement of solution to the problem.)The research question:the answer to the question or the hypothesis itself is in fact the thesis statement The research topic can be stated as a question (stimulate exploratory research)or as a hypothesis(the research focus is on a tentative explanation or argument that your research attempts to test)The research method(obtain data by observation ,searching the existing corpora available )In describing the research method,one can say that is data-driven or data-based and t he method can be qualitative rather than quantitative or qualitative and quantitative.Chapter 8 writing (1) : Elements of a DissertationThe Macrostructure……The abstract:is the first source of information, which gives the reader a general idea of your research and writing. The abstract serves as a summary of the research from which the reader gets a bird's-eye view of the whole dissertation.Elements in the abstract :1.subject matter/area 2.background information 3.purpose of the present study 4. Method5.findings 6. Implications.The introduction:1.rationale原理阐述for the research(or background to the research,reason/motivation) 2.aims and objectives 3.research questions 4.data 5.research method 6.theoretical framework 7.structure of the dissertation.The function of this rationale for the research is to orientate the reader by guiding him to the proposed study.Structure of the dissertation gives the reader a macrostructural view of the whole dissertation.\The literature review(a part of the secondary research)Purposes :1.show what has been previously studied in the field and what can be improved or modified 2.summarize other people's writings 3.to define or review definitions and key concept 4.clear the ground for your own research.The theoretical framework:The theoretical basis of your research. To outline the theoretical framework is to situate your research.Research method and data:discussion on 1.materials or data 2.design of the research 3.analysis 4.procedureAnalysis and discussion:the relationship between them (the analysis provides the evidence and the discussion gives the explanation and interpretation). If you have evidence (the linguistic phenomenon)but cannot discuss it in a justifiable way,people will challenge the usefulness of the analysis. If your explanation and interpretation are not based on analysis and evidence,people will challenge the objectivity of your research.The conclusion:get a general idea of the research. Purposes :1.bring the discussion to a close 2.summarize your research findings 3.discuss implications of the study 4.make suggestions for further studies.Chapter 9 Writing (2):Organizing ideasThe language of the elements of structure:the language in the introductory chapter serves the function of introducing the reader to the topic of discussion or focusing on the topic.(the first sentence's function is to state the purpose and the scope of the research)--aim,purpose,concernedReferring to previous studies(this is a way to show that the researcher is aware of the research background and the present research situation)Purposes:1.survey the research situation 2.follow other's research traditions 3.get theoretical support……3 ways of referring to previous studies:1.by quoting directly or indirectly 2.by paraphrasing other's words 3.by summarizing other's ideas.One way to avoid quoting a long passage is to break it into smaller parts so that it does not give the reader the impression of letting someone else do some of your writing for you.Ignoring the existing literature implies you are not familiar with the research situation ,not quote other's work suggest that the researcher is not aware of what has been done in the field.Summarizing:unlike quoting and paraphrasing,which retain more or less the same number fo words ,summarizing involves shortening the original passage by keeping the main points.Re-organizing ideas:One way to avoid put other's words directly into writing: re-organize the ideas by integrating them into a coherent whole. 2 ways:1.quoting only when necessary 2.illustrating the ideas with examplesAdvice on quoting:when you do not have access to the original source,you can quote as the other author did,to pretend that you have come across the quotation by yourself.Advice on the choice of reporting verbs:argue, assume, believe, characterize, claim,describe, explain,indicate,observe, point out ,report,reveal,show,state,suggest,write.Chapter11 Avoiding Plagiarism避免剽窃Definition :Plagiarism is "the use of another person's ideas or wording without giving appropriate credit"Two types of Plagiarism:1.intentional (the writer knows that he is copying other people's ideas,opinions,or language deliberately without thinking of giving acknowledgments,it's stealing,serious.)2.unintentional(the writer does not cite the source correctly.unconscious or accidental. So it is important for you to learn how to cite the source correctly.)The temptation to plagiarize Reasons :1.taking existing ideas and wording from the literature is much easier than organizing and proposing your ideas and writing in your own words.2.when you cannot meet the deadline.3.they synthesize a number of papers on the same topic and the result becomes their own writing."clever".The cost of plagiarism:immeasurable.it may ruin a person's career or reputation or even his life.people can become discredited when be accused of committing plagiarism.Paraphrasing vs plagiarism:If you need to quote or summarize or paraphrase other people's ideas or words,do this selectively and wisely. EXEMPLE:change grammatical structure and propositional meaning of passages.How to avoid plagiarism? Method:use an introductory clause or phrase to introduce other people's ideas or wording, to indicate the source of information.(As is observed by Liu /as is pointed out by Liu...According to Widdowson/' interpretation/ As widdowson interprets it...,,"....")this is better because the source of the information is clearly indicated by the use of introductory words.we can give due credit to the authors,provides all necessary information aboutthe source of ideas. Use our own language can successfully integrated the ideas into an appropriate context by paraphrasing.Advice :1.Quote other people's ideas if you need to or have to,but always do so properly,selectively and wisely. 2.Never try to pretend that you are not aware of the existing literature and ideas.Chapter 13 References and AppendixesFunction of documenting sources:to acknowledge your indebtedness ,to credit your sources,to lend greater credence to your argument,to establish the validity of your research,to provide the reader with additional bibliographical information.Preliminary bibliography,which is a working bibliography ,defined as something you will be working with until the final version of your writing has been submitted and accepted.Reference and bibliography,both refer to a list of books ,article reference works,etc.that have been used or referred to in the dissertation.A bibliography can also include books,articles.periodicals that are not used or referred to in a book,dissertation,etc..in which case reference cannot be used instead.Different styles of referencingSorenson 5 styles: 1.the APA(American Psychological Association)style2.the MLA(Modern Language Association)parenthetical style3.the MLA endnote style4.the MLA footnote style5.the MLA numbered styleThe APA style requires citation of documentation source within the text (the body of the dissertation) not endnotes尾注or footnotes脚注. The author's surname姓(the last name),the date of publication ,etc.,may be put into the text itself or within parentheses圆括号Use a consistent documentation style throughout the dissertation.Chapter14 submission and EvaluationWorking with your tutor cooperatively who not only helps you in the writing of the dissertation but is also the first person to evaluate your writing. Your tutor's responsibility is to guide you. You go to your tutor to report on the progress of your research and should be well-prepared.You learn to make good use of your tutor,knowing your tutor and his approach to helping students is also very important.Do nor give your work to the tutor for comment or revision at the last minute,before the deadline. Work out a plan with your tutor.Submission:when your tutor is pleased with your copy,you can submit. Before submit the dissertation to the department office,you must check the details which are concerned with the requirements set out by the university regulations.(any pages missing,whether is the last line of the page,page numbers). Once submitted,it is too late to make any modifications because it is going through another stage_the evaluation of your work.Evaluation criteria:The tutor has the responsibility of quality control,the comments on your dissertation given by your tutor have a important role to play, the tutor's opinions will influence the examiners in the committee.3 basic ways of (criteria for ) evaluating a dissertation: 1. The first criterion is mechanical in nature.(concerned with questions such as whether it meets requirements set out in the university regulations,the length,number of words,plagiarism).The second and third ways are mainly concerned with the members of the examination committee of your dissertation. One way is to look at the content,the meaning,the idea,etc. to see whether the dissertation has reached the level of a BA dissertation in terms of the content. The other way is to look at the form,the expression and presentation of ideas to see whether the student has written in an academic manner.The dissertation defence论文答辩The duration of a BA dissertation is about 30 minutes,here are steps:1.presentation of 10 minutes 2.the committee members ask questions 3.discuss and evaluates both dissertation itself and the oral examination,the candidate's performance during the presentation and the question-answer interaction.How to perform well:1.be familiar with what he has written in the dissertation. 2.be able to answer appropriately the questions raised by the examiners.If the examiner is challenging your ideas,you try to justify your points ,do not agree with everything he says nor argue with him. Keep calm and have a positive attitude.。






























大学生写作课考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪项不是写作的基本要素?A. 主题B. 论点C. 论据D. 插图2. 在写作过程中,以下哪项不是常见的结构安排?A. 引言B. 正文C. 结论D. 附录3. 以下哪种修辞手法是用来强调语言的韵律和节奏的?A. 对比B. 排比C. 夸张D. 反问4. 在学术论文写作中,引用他人的观点或研究成果时,应该使用哪种方式?A. 直接引用B. 间接引用C. 改写引用D. 以上都是5. 下列哪项不是写作中常见的错误?A. 错别字B. 语法错误C. 逻辑混乱D. 丰富的词汇二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 写作的三个基本步骤是:________、________、________。

答案:构思、撰写、修改7. 在写作中,________是指文章的中心思想或主要论点。

答案:主题8. 写作风格通常包括正式和________两种形式。

答案:非正式9. 一篇好的论文应该具备________、________、________三个特点。

答案:清晰性、连贯性、逻辑性10. 在写作中,为了避免抄袭,我们应该使用________来引用他人的工作。

答案:引用标记三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 请简述写作中“论点”和“论据”的区别。



12. 描述一下写作中的“头脑风暴”过程及其在写作中的作用。



四、论述题(每题20分,共40分)13. 论述写作中“引言”部分的重要性及其应包含的主要内容。







































大学写作期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是写作中使用恰当的修辞手法的例子?A. 重复使用相同的词汇B. 避免使用比喻和拟人C. 恰当使用排比和对偶D. 过度使用形容词2. 在写作中,以下哪项不是论证的有效方法?A. 举例论证B. 逻辑推理C. 情感诉求D. 重复论证3. 写作时,以下哪个选项是正确的结构安排?A. 引入-分析-结论B. 结论-分析-引入C. 分析-引入-结论D. 引入-结论-分析4. 以下哪个选项是写作中常见的逻辑错误?A. 因果倒置B. 事实陈述C. 恰当引用D. 逻辑推理5. 在写作中,以下哪个选项是正确的论点展开方式?A. 仅陈述观点,不提供支持B. 提供支持,但逻辑混乱C. 观点明确,支持充分,逻辑清晰D. 观点模糊,支持不足...二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 在写作中,一个清晰的_________是文章成功的基础。

2. 论证时,我们应避免_________,确保论点的准确性。

3. 文章的_________部分应该简洁明了,吸引读者的注意力。

4. 使用_________可以增强文章的说服力。

5. 写作时,我们应该避免_________,确保文章的流畅性。

...三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述写作中如何有效地使用事实和数据来支持论点。

2. 解释为什么在写作中,清晰的结构对于读者理解文章至关重要。

...四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述写作中如何避免常见的逻辑谬误,并给出一个具体的例子。

2. 论述在学术写作中,引用和注释的重要性及其正确使用方法。


在文章中,你需要:- 提出你的主要论点。

- 给出至少三个支持你论点的理由。

- 使用恰当的例证和数据来支持你的论点。

- 确保文章结构清晰,逻辑严密,语言流畅。

大学写作期末考试答案一、选择题1. C2. D3. A4. A5. C...二、填空题1. 论点2. 逻辑谬误3. 引言4. 比喻和拟人5. 语病和错别字...三、简答题1. 为了有效地使用事实和数据来支持论点,首先需要确保所引用的数据是准确和可靠的。

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