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2. 并列句----并列连词(and, but, or, so, while然 而, when这时,etc)
*Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems….If tourism creates too much traffic, the inhabitants will become annoyed and unhappy. so They begin to dislike tourists, ________ they treat them impolitely.
writing 5. We must practise speaking and ________ (write) the language whenever you can.
6. We must also consider the reaction of the person ________ (receive) the gift. receiving 定语 7. With the problem _______ (solve), I was solved proud of my achievement.
to memorize 8. …and it is important ___________ (memorize) some basic grammar rules.
4. 代词
(1) Firstly, we must understand the language it when we hear ______ spoken.
2. Soon after David left college, one of his uncles, children of his own who was rich and had no ________ died and left David a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own company.
(2) Some 134,000 Chinese students went to study abroad, and[120,000 of them ] were self-funded students(自 _________ 费生).
主语 宾格
1. 从句----引导词
(1) … As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examinations_________ [ that/ which will decide his future of job. ] 定语从句 (2) My face turned red on hearing ________ what my mother said. ]
1. Now I’ll give you some tips on how to make friends with others. One way is beinghonest ________ because honesty is very important if you want to get along well with those around you.
谓语 非谓语 非谓语 谓语
3. I was certain that she would like it because I had been told (tell) by my classmates that she _____________ loved hot food.
4. He was one of the students[who ___________ were invited (invite) to the meeting. 定语从句
Put what the sentence needs into the blank ♣ What’s the function of the blank in this sentence?
speaking (1) The number of people[________ (speak) Chinese] continues to rise.
3. 动词(谓语、非谓语)
♣ Analyze the sentence to find out whether you need the Finite Verb(谓语动词) or Non-finite Verb(非谓语动词)
(1) The city has already had homes, stores, and offices ________ (build) on the Mediterranean Sea built (2) A very strong wind blew into my room. My valuable notes, lying on my desk in the room, ________ flew (fly) high into the air.
Zhang Renqiang From Yuqing Senior School
非谓语动词:V-ing,V-ed,to d 3-4空 名词:单复数 (有提示词)形容词/副词:比较级、最高级 词性转换
连词(并列句):and, but, or… 引导词(从句):who, that, what… 6-7空 代词:it, they,him, our, themselves… (无提示词)介词:in, on, to, for… 冠词: a/an, the 连接性副词:however, therefore…
(2) …they can never do anything quite right, themselves as unfit or then they will regard __________ unable persons. his right hand (3) The little boy pulled ______ out of the pocket and studied a number of coins in it.