



2021届高考化学三模适应性训练二(新课标1)一、单选题1.下列有关物质制备的说法正确的是A .电解饱和食盐水可以得到金属钠、氢气和氯气B .工业上将氯气通入澄清石灰水中制取漂白粉C .用焦炭在高温下还原二氧化硅可得到粗硅D .高炉炼铁中利用焦炭直接将铁矿石还原为铁单质2.NH 4Al(SO 4)2在分析试剂、医药、电子工业中用途广泛。

下列有关说法不正确的是 A .NH 4Al(SO 4)2属于强电解质,向其溶液中加入NaOH 溶液不能马上看到沉淀B .NH 4Al(SO 4)2溶液中NH 4+水解产生的NH 3•H 2O 抑制Al 3+水解C .0.1mol•L -1NH 4Al(SO 4)2中离子浓度大小为c(SO 24-)>c(NH 4+)>c(Al 3+)>c(H +)>c(OH -)D .常温下,0.1mol•L -1NH 4Al(SO 4)2中滴加氨水至中性时,c(NH 4+)=2c(SO 24-)3.A 、B 两种元素为某周期第ⅡA 族和第ⅢA 族元素,若A 元素的原子序数为x ,则B 元素的原子序数可能为( )①x +1 ②x +8 ③x +11 ④x +18 ⑤x +25 ⑥x +32A .①③B .②④C .①③⑤D .②④⑥4.下列有关实验说法不正确...的是( ) A .用硫代硫酸钠和稀硫酸反应来研究不同温度对化学反应速率的影响时,通过观察气体放出的快慢来判断化学反应速率的快慢B .用稀硫酸和锌粒制取H 2时,加几滴CuSO 4溶液以加快反应速率C .用标准盐酸溶液滴定NaOH 溶液来测定其浓度,读标准液时开始平视结束俯视,致使测定结果偏小D .做中和热实验时要氢氧化钠稍过量5.“鲁米诺”又名发光氨,是一种化学发光试剂,它在一定条件下被氧化后能发出蓝光,可用于鉴定血液,在刑侦中扮演了重要的角色,如图所示为鲁米诺的一种合成原理,下列叙述正确的是24N H ①−−−→23Na SO ②−−−→A .一定条件,X 可以和乙醇发生缩聚反应B .鲁米诺的分子式为8632C H N OC .①、②两步的反应类型分别为加成反应和取代反应D .若使用“84消毒液”对环境消毒,可能会干扰用鲁米渃在该环境下鉴定血液6.化学与科学、技术、社会和环境密切相关。



2021届高考数学1月适应性测试八省联考考后仿真系列卷一(含解析)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效. 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设{}1A x x =>,{}220B x x x =--<,则()R C A B ⋂=( )A .{}1x x >-B .{}11x x -<≤C .{}11x x -<<D .{}12x x << 【答案】B【解析】{}|1=≤R C A x x ,{}()(){}{}220=|210|12B x x x x x x x x =--<-+<=-<<, 则()R C A B ={}11x x -<≤,故选:B .【点睛】本题考查集合的交并补运算,考查一元二次不等式的解法,属于基础题.2.《易经》是中国传统文化中的精髓,下图是易经八卦图(含乾、坤、巽、震、坎、离、艮、兑八卦),每一卦由三根线组成(表示一根阳线,表示一根阴线),从八卦中任取一卦,这一卦的三根线中恰有2根阳线和1根阴线的概率为( )A .18B .14C .38D .12【答案】C【解析】先算任取一卦的所有等可能结果共8卦, 其中恰有2根阳线和1根阴线的基本事件有3卦, ∴概率为38.故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了有关古典概型的概率问题,关键是弄清基本事件的总数以及所求事件包含的基本事件数,需注意当基本事件总数较少时,用列举法把所有基本事件一一列出时,要做到不重复、不遗漏,还需注意区分排列与组合,以及计数原理的正确使用,属于基础题.3. 设,m n 是两条直线, α, β表示两个平面,如果m α⊂, //αβ,那么“n β⊥”是“m n ⊥”的( )A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充分必要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】如果m α⊂, //a β,那么由n β⊥则可得到n α⊥ 即可得到m n ⊥;反之由m n ⊥,m α⊂, //a β,不能得到n β⊥,故,如果m α⊂, //a β,那么“n β⊥”是“m n ⊥”的充分不必要条件.故选:A.【点睛】本题考查分充分不必要条件的判定,属于基础题.4.设双曲线C :22221x y a b-=(a >0,b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2P 是C 上一点,且F 1P⊥F 2P .若△PF 1F 2的面积为4,则a =( ) A .1 B .2C .4D .8【答案】A【解析】5ca=,c ∴,根据双曲线的定义可得122PF PF a -=, 12121||42PF F PF F S P =⋅=△,即12||8PF PF ⋅=, 12F P F P ⊥,()22212||2PF PF c ∴+=,()22121224PF PF PF PF c ∴-+⋅=,即22540a a -+=,解得1a =,故选:A.【点睛】本题考查了双曲线的定义以及焦点三角形,属于基础题.5.已知向量a 与b 的夹角为120°,|a |=3,|a +b |b 等于( ) A .5 B .4 C .3 D .1【答案】B【解析】∵向量a 与b 的夹角为120°,|a |=3,|a +b | ∴3=cos1202a b a b b ⋅⋅︒=-, ∵2222a b a b a b +=++⋅,∴213=39b b -+,∴b =﹣1(舍去)或b =4,故选:B .【点睛】本题考查了向量数量积公式以及向量模的平方处理,属于基础题. 6.()101(21)x x -+的展开式中10x 的系数为( )A .512-B .1024C .4096D .5120【答案】C 【解析】()1010101(21)(21)(21)x x x x x -+=+-+,二项展开式10(21)x x +的通项为1010111010(2)2rrr r r xC x C x ---⋅=⋅⋅,二项展开式10(21)x +的通项为1010101010(2)2kkk k k C x C x ---⋅=⋅⋅,则111011010r r k -=⎧=⎨-=⎩,解得,0k =, 所以,展开式中10x 的系数为1910101022512010244096C C ⋅-⋅=-=.故选:C . 【点睛】本题考查了利用二项展开式的通项求项的系数,属于基础题.7.已知圆222 (0)x y r r +=>与抛物线22y x =交于,A B 两点,与抛物线的准线交于,C D 两点,若四边形ABCD 是矩形,则r 等于 ( )A .2 B .2C .5 D .5【答案】C【解析】由题意可得,抛物线的准线方程为12x =-.画出图形如图所示.在222(0)x y r r +=>中,当12x =-时,则有2214y r =-.①由22y x =得22y x =,代入222x y r +=消去x 整理得422440y y r +-=.②结合题意可得点,A D 的纵坐标相等,故①②中的y 相等,由①②两式消去2y 得2222114(()0)444r r r -+--=,整理得42815016r r --=,解得254r =或234r =-(舍去),∴5r =.故选:C . 【点睛】本题考查了圆与抛物线,解答本题的关键是画出图形并根据图形得到AD 与x 轴平行,进而得到两点的纵坐标相等;然后将几何问题转化代数问题求解;考查圆锥曲线知识的综合和分析问题解决问题的能力,属于中档题.8.已知4ln 3a π=,3ln 4b π=,34ln c π=,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是() A .c b a << B .b c a <<C .b a c <<D .a b c <<【答案】B【解析】对于,a b 的大小:44ln3ln3ln81a πππ===,33ln 4ln ln 644b πππ===,明显a b >;对于,a c 的大小:构造函数ln ()x f x x=,则'21ln ()x f x x -=, 当(0,)x e ∈时,'()0,()f x f x >在(0,)e 上单调递增,当(,)x e ∈+∞时,'()0,()f x f x <在(,)e +∞上单调递减,3,()(3)e f f ππ>>∴<即33ln ln 3,3ln ln 3,ln ln 3,33ππππππππ<∴<∴<∴<a c ∴> 对于,b c 的大小:3ln 4ln 64b ππ==,3434ln ln[()]c ππ==,64π<43[()]π,c b >故选B .【点睛】本题考查了将,,a b c 两两变成结构相同的对数形式,然后利用对数函数的性质判断,对于结构类似的,可以通过构造函数来来比较大小,属于中档题.二、选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分.9.对于函数2()16ln(1)10f x x x x =++-,下列正确的是( ) A .3x =是函数()f x 的一个极值点 B .()f x 的单调增区间是(1,1)-,(2,)+∞C .()f x 在区间(1,2)上单调递减D .直线16ln316y =-与函数()y f x =的图象有3个交点 【答案】ACD【解析】由题得2'16286()210,111x x f x x x x x-+=+-=>-++,令22860x x -+=,可得1,3x x ==,则()f x 在()1,1-,()3,+∞上单调递增,在()1,3上单调递减,3x ∴=是函数()f x 的一个极值点,故AC 正确,B 错误;因为2(1)16ln(11)11016ln 29f =++-=-,2(3)16ln(13)310316ln 421f =++-⨯=-, 又()16ln3162y f =-=,根据()f x 在()1,3上单调递减得()()()123f f f >>得16ln31616ln 29,16ln31616ln 421-<-->-,所以直线16ln316y =-与函数()y f x =的图象有3个交点,故D 正确. 故选:ACD. 【点睛】本题考查了函数的单调性,极值的综合应用,是基础题.10.任何一个复数z a bi =+(其中a 、b R ∈,i 为虚数单位)都可以表示成:()cos sin z r i θθ=+的形式,通常称之为复数z 的三角形式.法国数学家棣莫弗发现:()()()n cos sin co i s s nn nz i n r i r n n N θθθθ+==+⎡⎤⎣∈⎦+,我们称这个结论为棣莫弗定理.根据以上信息,下列说法正确的是( ) A .22z z =B .当1r =,3πθ=时,31z =C .当1r =,3πθ=时,122z i =- D .当1r =,4πθ=时,若n 为偶数,则复数n z 为纯虚数【答案】AC【解析】对于A 选项,()cos sin z r i θθ=+,则()22cos2sin 2z ri θθ=+,可得()222cos 2sin 2z r i r θθ=+=,()222cos sin z r i r θθ=+=,A 选项正确;对于B 选项,当1r =,3πθ=时,()33cos sin cos3sin 3cos sin 1z i i i θθθθππ=+=+=+=-,B 选项错误;对于C 选项,当1r =,3πθ=时,13cossin332z i i ππ=+=+,则132z i =-,C 选项正确; 对于D 选项,()cos sin cos sin cossin 44nnn n z i n i n i ππθθθθ=+=+=+, 取4n =,则n 为偶数,则4cos sin 1z i ππ=+=-不是纯虚数,D 选项错误.故选:AC.【点睛】本题考查了复数的乘方运算,考查了复数的模长、共轭复数的运算,考查计算能力,属于中档题. 11.如图是某正方体的平面展开图,则在这个正方体中: A .AF 与BM 成60°角. B .AF 与CE 是共面直线. C .BN ⊥DE.D .平面ACN ∥平面BEM .以上四个命题中,正确命题是( ) 【答案】ACD【解析】展开图复原的正方体ABCD ﹣EFMN 如图, 由正方体ABCD ﹣EFMN 的结构特征,得:①由AN ∥BM ,可得AF 与BM 所成角即为∠NAF ,在等边三角形NAF 中, ∠NAF =60°,故①正确;②由异面直线的判定可得AF 与CE 是异面直线,故②正确; ③由ED ⊥AN ,ED ⊥AB 可得ED ⊥平面ABN ,即有BN ⊥DE ,故③正确; ④由AC ∥EM ,AN ∥BM ,以及面面平行的判定定理可得 平面ACN ∥平面BEM ,故④正确. 故选:ACD【点评】本题考查了异面直线的判定,异面直线及其所成的角,空间中直线与直线、平面与平面之间的位置关系,几何体的折叠与展开,考查空间想象能力,属于基础题.12.关于函数()sin x f x e a x =+,(),x π∈-+∞,下列结论正确的有( ) A .当1a =时,()f x 在()0,(0)f 处的切线方程为210x y -+=B .当1a =时,()f x 存在惟一极小值点0xC .对任意0a >,()f x 在(),π-+∞上均存在零点D .存在0a <,()f x 在(),π-+∞有且只有一个零点 【答案】ABD【解析】对于选项A :当1a =时,()sin x f x e x =+,(),x π∈-+∞, 所以(0)1f =,故切点为()0,1,()cos x f x e x '=+,所以切线斜(0)2k f '==,故直线方程为()120y x -=-,即切线方程为:210x y -+=,故选项A 正确; 对于选项B :当1a =时,()sin x f x e x =+,(),x π∈-+∞,()cos x f x e x '=+,()()sin 0,,xf x e x x π''=->∈-+∞恒成立,所以()f x '单调递增,又202f π⎛⎫'=> ⎪⎝⎭,334433cos 0442f e e ππππ--⎛⎫⎛⎫'-=+-=-< ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, 所以存在03,42x ππ⎛⎫∈-- ⎪⎝⎭,使得()00f x '=, 即00cos 0xe x +=,则在()0,x π-上,()0f x '<,()f x 单调递减,在()0,x +∞上,()0f x '>,()f x 单调递增,所以存在惟一极小值点0x ,故选项B 正确;对于选项 C 、D :()sin x f x e a x =+,(),x π∈-+∞, 令()sin 0x f x e a x =+=得:1sin x x a e -=,则令sin ()x xF x e=,(),x π∈-+∞,)cos sin 4()x xx x x F x e e π--'==,令()0F x '=,得:4x k ππ=+,1k ≥-,k Z ∈,由函数)4y x π=-图象性质知:52,244x k k ππππ⎛⎫∈++ ⎪⎝⎭)04x π->,sin ()x x F x e =单调递减,52,2244x k k πππππ⎛⎫∈+++ ⎪⎝⎭)04x π-<,sin ()x x F x e =单调递增,所以当524x k ππ=+,1k ≥-,k Z ∈时,()F x 取得极小值, 即当35,,44x ππ=-时,()F x 取得极小值,又354435sin sin 44e e ππππ-⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭<< ,即3544F F ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫-<< ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,又因为在3,4ππ⎛⎫--⎪⎝⎭,sin ()x x F x e =单调递减,所以343()42F x F e ππ⎛⎫≥=- ⎪⎝⎭, 所以24x k ππ=+,0k ≥,k Z ∈时,()F x 取得极大值,即当944x ππ=、, 时,()F x 取得极大值.又9449sin sin 44e e ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭<<,即()442F x F e ππ⎛⎫≤=⎪⎝⎭,当(),x π∈-+∞时,344()2e F x e π≤≤,所以当34122e a π-<-,即342a e π>时, ()f x 在(),π-+∞上无零点,所以选项C 不正确;当34122e a π-=-时,即42a e π=-时,1=-y a 与sin x xy e=的图象只有一个交点, 即存在0a <,()f x 在(),π-+∞有且只有一个零点,故选项D 正确,故选:ABD【点睛】本题考查了对含三角函数的复杂函数导数的研究,考查了导数的综合应用,属于中档题. 三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.如图,六角螺帽毛坯是由一个正六棱柱挖去一个圆柱所构成的.已知螺帽的底面正六边形边长为2 cm ,高为2 cm ,内孔半径为0.5 cm ,则此六角螺帽毛坯的体积是____cm.【答案】1232π-【解析】正六棱柱体积为23622=123⨯⨯⨯,圆柱体积为21()222ππ⋅=所求几何体体积为1232π-,故答案为: 1232π-【点睛】本题考查了棱柱与圆柱的相嵌问题,解题的关键在于确定正六棱柱与圆柱的关系,然后求得其体积,属于基础题.14.若直线m 、l 将圆22420x y x y +--=平分,若直线m 过点)2,3(,则直线m 的方程为_____________,若直线l 且不通过第四象限,则直线l 斜率的取值范围是____________A .[]0,1B .10,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦C .1,12⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦D .[]0,2【答案】01=--y x 10,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦【解析】由圆的方程22420x y x y +--=,可知圆心坐标为(2,1),若直线m 过圆心(2,1)且过点)2,3(,则直线m 的斜率为12312=--,所以直线m 的方程为01=--y x ; 若直线l 将圆平分,则直线l 过圆心(2,1),又由直线l 不经过第四象限,所以直线l 的斜率的最小值为0,斜率的最大值为max 101202k -==-, 所以直线l 的斜率的取值范围是1[0,]2,故答案为:10,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦【点睛】本题考查了直线的斜率的取值范围的求法,以及直线与圆的位置关系的应用,其中解答中认真审题,得到直线必过圆的圆心,再根据斜率公式求解是解答的关键,同时属于圆的性质的合理运用,着重考查了推理与计算能力,属于基础题.15.写出一个以2π为周期且在区间(4π,2π)单调递增函数()f x =________. 【答案】x x f 2cos )(=【解析】由最小正周期为2π,可考虑三角函数中的正弦型函数)0(,sin )(≠=A x A x f ω,或者 余弦型函数)0(,cos )(≠=A x A x f ω满足;根据最小正周期2πωπ==T ,可得2=ω. 故函数可以是x x f 2sin )(=或者,2cos )(x x f =中任一个,又)(x f 在区间(4π,2π)上单调递增函数,所以可取x x f 2cos )(=;故答案为:x x f 2cos )(=.【点睛】本题考查了三角函数图像与性质,利用周期和单调性定函数解析式,属于中档题.16. 红外线自动测温门能有效避免测温者与被测温者的近距离接触,降低潜在的病毒感染风险.为防控新冠肺炎,某厂生产的红外线自动测温门,其测量体温误差服从正态分布()20.1,0.3N ,从已经生产出的测温门中随机取出一件,则其测量体温误差在区间()0.4,0.7内的概率为_______________(附:若随机变量ξ服从正态分布()2,N μσ,则()68.27%P μσξμσ-<<+=,()2295.45%P μσξμσ-<<+=)A .31.74%B .27.18%C .D .4.56%【答案】13.59%【解析】由题意可知0.1,0.3μσ==则(0.20.4)68.27%P ξ-<<=,(0.50.7)95.45%P ξ-<<=即()(0.50.7)(0.20.4)95.45%68.27%0.40.713.59%22P P P ξξξ-<<--<<-<<===,故答案为:13.59%【点睛】本题考查了利用正态分布对称性求概率,属于中档题.四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.从条件①()21n n S n a =+()2n a n =≥,③0n a >,22n n n a a S +=中任选一个,补充到下面问题中,并给出解答.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,11a =,________.若1a ,k a ,2k S +成等比数列,求k 的值. 【答案】答案件解析【解析】若选择①,因为()21n n S n a =+,*n N ∈,所以()1122n n S n a ++=+,*n N ∈, 两式相减得()()11221n n n a n a n a ++-=++,整理得()11n n na n a +=+.即11n na a n n+=+,*n N ∈. 所以n a n ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭为常数列.111n a a n ==,所以n a n =.(或由11n n a n a n++=,利用相乘相消法,求得n a n =)所以k a k =,()()()()22122322k k k k k S ++++++==,又1a ,k a ,2k S +成等比数列,所以()()2232k k k ++=,所以2560k k --=,解得6k =或1k =-(舍), 所以6k =.()2n a n =≥1n n S S -=-,=,易知0n S >1=,所以11a ==n =,2n S n =,∴121n n n a S S n -=-=-()2n ≥, 又1n =时,11a =也满足上式, 所以21n a n =-.因为1a ,k a ,2k S +成等比数列,∴()()22221k k +=-,∴3k =或13k =-,又*k N ∈,∴3k =.若选择③,因为()2*2n n n a a S n N +=∈,所以()211122n n n a a S n ---+=≥,两式相减得()221112222n n n n n n n a a a a S S a n ----+-=-=≥,整理得()()()1112n n n n n n a a a a a a n ----+=+≥,因为0n a >,∴()112n n a a n --=≥,所以{}n a 是等差数列,所以()111n a n n =+-⨯=,()()()()22122322k k k k k S ++++++==,又1a ,k a ,2k S +成等比数列,∴()()2232k k k ++=,∴6k =或1k =-,又*k N ∈,∴6k =.【点睛】本题的关键在于构造等差数列,以及利用等比中项列出方程求解,若选择①,利用11n n n a S S ++=-可得11n na a n n+=+,可得n a n =,再根据等比中项列方程解得k 即可;若选择②,根据()12n n n a S S n -=-=≥1=,n =,21n a n =-,再根据等比中项列方程解得k 即可;若选择③,利用11n n n a S S ++=-可得()112n n a a n --=≥,n a n =,再根据等比中项列方程解得k 即可,属于基础题.18.在ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别为角A ,B ,C 对边,且ABC 同时满足下列四个条件中的三个:①2223a cb ac +=-;②21cos 22sin 2AA +=;③a =2b =. (1)满足ABC 有解的序号组合有哪些? (2)在(1)的组合中任选一组,求ABC 的面积. 【答案】答案件解析【解析】(1)由条件①得2221cos 22a c b B ac ac +-==⨯=, 由条件②得212cos 11cos A A +-=-,即22cos cos 10A A +-=,解得1cos 2A =或cos 1A =-(舍),因为(0,π)A ∈,所以π3A =.因为12πcos cos323B =-<-=,(0,π)B ∈,而cos y x =在(0,π)单减,所以2ππ3B <<. 于是π2ππ33A B +>+=,与πA B +<矛盾.所以ABC 不能同时满足①②.当①③④作为条件时:有2222cos b a c ac B =+-,即221c c +=,解得1c =.所以ABC 有解.当②③④作为条件时:有sin sin a b A B=2sin B =.解得sin 1B =. 因为(0,π)B ∈,所以π2B =,ABC 为直角三角形,所以ABC 有解. 综上所述,满足有解三角形的所有组合为:①③④或②③④. (2)若选择组合①③④:因为(0,π)B ∈,所以sin B ===.所以ABC 的面积11sin 1)22S ac B ===若选择组合②③④:因为π2B =,所以1c ==所以ABC 的面积112S =⨯=【点睛】本题考查了正余弦定理.在解三角形的问题中,对式子中含有正弦的齐次式,应优先考虑正弦定理“角化边”;若式子中含有a 、b 、c 的齐次式,优先考虑正弦定理“边化角”;若式子中含有余弦的齐次式,优先考虑余弦定理“角化边”比如这里条件①;含有面积公式的问题,应优先考虑结合余弦定理求解;属于基础题.19.已知某著名高校今年综合评价招生分两步进行:第一步是材料初审,若材料初审不合格,则不能进入第二步面试;若材料初审合格,则进入第二步面试.只有面试合格者,才能获得该高校综合评价的录取资格,且材料初审与面试之间相互独立.现有甲、乙、丙三名考生报名参加该高校的综合评价,假设甲、乙、丙三名考生材料初审合格的概率分别是13,12,14;面试合格的概率分别是12,13,23.(1)求甲、乙两位考生有且只有一位考生获得该高校综合评价录取资格的概率; (2)求三人中至少有一人获得该高校综合评价录取资格的概率;(3)记随机变量X 为甲、乙、丙三名考生获得该高校综合评价录取资格的人数,求X 的概率分布与数学期望.【答案】(1)518;(2)91216;(3)分布列见解析,1()2E X = 【解析】(1)设事件A 表示“甲获得该高校综合评价录取资格”, 事件B 表示“乙获得该高校综合评价录取资格”, 则()111326P A =⨯=,()111236P B =⨯=,∴甲、乙两位考生有且只有一位考生获得该高校综合评价录取资格的概率为:()()()()()P P AB AB P A P B P A P B =+=+11115(1)(1)666618=⨯-+-⨯=.(2)设事件C 表示“丙获得该高校综合评价录取资格”, 则()121436P C =⨯=,三人中至少有一人获得该高校综合评价录取资格的对立事件是三人都没有获得该高校综合评价录取资格,∴三人中至少有一人获得该高校综合评价录取资格的概率为:111911()1(1)(1)(1)666216P P ABC =-=----=.(3)记随机变量X 为甲、乙、丙三名考生获得该高校综合评价录取资格的人数, 则X 的可能取值为0,1,2,3, 111125(0)(1)(1)(1)666216P X ==---=,11111111175(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)666666666216P X ==⨯-⨯-+-⨯⨯-+-⨯-⨯=,11111111115(2)(1)(1)(1)666666666216P X ==-⨯⨯+⨯-⨯+⨯⨯-=,1111(3)666216P X ==⨯⨯=,X 的概率分布为:数学期望125751511()01232162162162162E X =⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=. 【点睛】本题考查了概率、离散型随机变量的分布列以及数学期望的求法,考查了相互独立事件概率乘法公式、互斥事件概率加法公式、对立事件概率计算公式等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,属于基础题. 20.设P 为多面体M 的一个顶点,定义多面体M 在点P 处的离散曲率为,其中Q i (i =1,2,…,k ,k ≥3)为多面体M 的所有与点P 相邻的顶点,且平面Q 1PQ 2,平面Q 2PQ 3,…,平面Q k ﹣1PQ k 和平面Q k PQ 1遍历多面体M 的所有以P 为公共点的面.(1)如图1,已知长方体A 1B 1C 1D 1﹣ABCD ,AB =BC =1,,点P 为底面A 1B 1C 1D 1内的一个动点,则求四棱锥P ﹣ABCD 在点P 处的离散曲率的最小值;(2)图2为对某个女孩面部识别过程中的三角剖分结果,所谓三角剖分,就是先在面部取若干采样点,然后用短小的直线段连接相邻三个采样点形成三角形网格.区域α和区域β中点的离散曲率的平均值更大的是哪个区域?(确定“区域α”还是“区域β”)【答案】(1)31;(2)区域β. 【解析】(1)计∠Q 1PQ 2+∠Q 2PQ 3+…+∠Q n PQ 1=θ,则离散曲率为1﹣,θ越大离散曲率越小.P 在底面ABCD 的投影记为H ,通过直观想象,当H 点在平面ABCD 中逐渐远离正方形ABCD 的中心,以至于到无穷远时,θ逐渐减小以至于趋近于0.所以当H 点正好位于正方形ABCD 的中心时,θ最大,离散曲率最小.此时HA =HB ==PH ,所以PA =PB =1=AB ,所以∠APB =60°,θ=,离散曲率为1﹣×=;故答案为:(2)区域β比区域α更加平坦,所以θ更大,离散曲率更小.故答案为:区域β.【点睛】本题考查了立体几何的新定义问题,其中(2)问列代数式计算离散曲率不是不可行,但是无法得到最小值的情形,这里θ越大离散曲率越小,此题对空间想象能力考察要求较高. 21.已知抛物线C 的顶点在原点,焦点在坐标轴上,点()1,2A 为抛物线C 上一点. (1)求C 的方程;(2)若点()1,2B -在C 上,过B 作C 的两弦BP 与BQ ,若2BP BQ k k =-,求证:直线PQ 过定点.【答案】(1)24y x =或212x y =;(2)()3,2. 【解析】(1)当焦点在x 轴时,设C 的方程为22x py =,代人点()1,2A 得24p =,即24y x =.当焦点在y 轴时,设C 的方程为22x py =,代人点()1,2A 得122p =,即212x y =,综上可知:C 的方程为24y x =或212x y =. (2)因为点()1,2B -在C 上,所以曲线C 的方程为24y x =. 设点()()1122,,,P x y Q x y ,直线:PQ x my b =+,显然m 存在,联立方程有:()221212440,16,4,4y my b m b y y m y y b --=∆=+∴+==-.12121222442,2,21122BP BQ y y k k x x y y ++=-∴=-∴=-----,即()12122120,48120y y y y b m -++=∴--+=即32b m =-. 直线:PQ 即()32,x m y -=-∴直线PQ 过定点()3,2.【点睛】本题考查了抛物线方程的求法以及直线过定点问题,属于中档题.22.已知函数()()ln =-+xf x xe a x x ,0x >,若()f x 在0x x =处取得极小值.(1)求实数a 的取值范围; (2)若()00f x >,求证:()03002f x x x >-.【答案】(1)()0,∞+;(2)证明见解析.【解析】(1)依题意,()()ln =-+xf x xe a x x ,0x >,()()()1111x x x f x x e a xe a x x +⎛⎫'=+-+=⋅- ⎪⎝⎭.①当0a ≤时,则()0f x '>,函数()y f x =在()0,∞+上单调递增,函数()y f x =无极小值, 所以0a ≤不符题意;②若0a >,令()xg x xe a =-,0x >,()()10xg x x e '=+>,故函数()y g x =在()0,∞+上单调递增, 又()00g a =-<,()()10ag a a e =->,据零点存在性定理可知,存在()00,x a ∈,使得()00g x =,()00f x '=, 且当00x x <<时,()0g x <,()0f x '<,函数()y f x =在()00,x 上单调递减; 当0x x >时,()0g x >,()0f x '>,函数()y f x =在()0,x +∞上单调递增. 所以()f x 在0x x =处取得极小值,所以0a >符合题意. 综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是()0,∞+;(2)由(1)可知,当0a >时,存在()00,x a ∈,使得()00g x =,即00x x ea =.又()00f x >,即()0000ln 0xx e a x x -+>,所以()00001ln 0xx e x x -->. 因为00x >,00x e >,所以001ln 0x x -->,即00ln 10x x +-<. 令()ln 1h x x x =+-,0x >,()110h x x'=+>,故函数()y h x =在()0,∞+上单调递增,又()10h =,据()00h x <,可得001x <<. 令()ln 1p x x x =-+,01x <<,()110p x x'=->, 故函数()y p x =在()0,1上单调递增,所以()()10p x p <=,故ln 1x x <-,其中01x <<. 令()1xq x e x =--,01x <<,()10xq x e '=->.故函数()y q x =在()0,1上单调递增,所以()()00q x q >=,故1x e x >+,其中01x <<. 所以()()()()()0200000000001ln 11121x f x x ex x x x x x x x =-->+---=-⎡⎤⎣⎦,结合001x <<,可得()03002f x x x >-. 【点睛】本题考查了导数的综合应用,(1)考查了利用极值求参数范围,注意含参分类讨论;(2)关于利用导数证明不等式,常见的求解策略如下:①通常要构造新函数,利用导数研究函数的单调性,求出最值; ②利用可分离变量,构造新函数,直接把问题转化为函数的最值问题;③由恒成立求解参数的取值时,一般涉会考虑分离参数法,但在压轴试题中很少碰到分离参数后构造的新函数能直接求岀最值点的情况就能解决问题,通常需要设出导数的零点,再进一步研究.本题属于偏难题.。



完形填空专题广东省深圳、汕头、潮州、揭阳名校2021届高三联考英语试题第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I grew up in a West Virginia mining town in Fayette County. A man named John moved into our town from New Orleans. He was a 21 man, who I estimated was at least 6'6, 245 pounds. He had broad shoulders and truly 22 the definition of the V body type. He was really a man with strength and endurance.John worked for some days, when there were no 23 and he was absolutely a hell of a great miner. However, the 24 day came, when I was ten; a terrible disaster 25 . Timber crossbars (木梁) were often used in mines to 26 the top. That day my father was working alongside John in the mine. A timber cracked suddenly and the loud cry of men was 27 . Hearing this, my dad and John rushed to the site of the 28 . There some miners were trapped; they felt 29 and depressed, either in shock or in prayer.In times of emergency, John began to rescue the miners without hesitation. He grabbed the timber and with a strong push applied all his 30 to it. In a seemingly impossible turn of events, the blocking moved. John 31 the timber and all the miners escaped, but in doing so, the wood structure was becoming further weakened, and John himself was trapped below in place of the miners. My father and the other miners 32 started to work with their jacks (千斤顶),desperately trying to 33 John, but the top fell down suddenly and there was no 34 of reaching him. John was buried there forever.A small marble monument was 35 in front of the entrance to the mine in memory of John, the hero who had sacrificed his life deep in the earth in order to save other miners.21. A. ridiculous B. strange C. ordinary D. large22. A. fitted B. created C. explained D. produced23. A. chances B. changes C. problems D. tasks24. A. meaningful B. important C. common D. fateful25. A. ended B. struck C. spread D. worked26. A. build B. cover C. support D. press27. A. let out B. cut out C. blocked up D. turned up28. A. explosion B. workshop C. mine D. accident29. A. anxious B. calm C. hopeless D. curious30. A. strength B. technique C. knowledge D. patience31. A. hit B. broke C. cut D. raised32. A. immediately B. gradually C. finally D. mainly33. A.pull B. lift C. catch D. free34. A. plan B. hope C. significance D. equipment35. A. made up B. fixed up C. put up D. laid up第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)21-25 DACDB 26-30 CADCA 31-35 DADBC广东省2021届高三新高考适应性测试卷(一)英语试题第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2021届新高考适应性测试卷历史试题 (含答案)

2021届新高考适应性测试卷历史试题 (含答案)
















2021年新高考适应性考试地理练习卷(二) Word版含答案

2021年新高考适应性考试地理练习卷(二) Word版含答案

2021年新高考适应性考试地理练习卷(二)地理试题满分:100分 考试用时:75分钟注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。








1.据图可知,影响2月2日湖北省累计确诊病例分布特征的主要因素是( )A .与疫情首发地间的距离B .区域城市化水平的高低C .东南季风的影响强度D .海长江水源地的远近2.2月3日凌展,鄂州市政府发布通告,从4日起将严格限制居民出行,该决定主要出于鄂州市( ) A .患病率较高,仅次于疫情首发地 B .相邻市患病人数较少,未雨绸缪C .患病人数少,提前做好预防工作D .流动人口的数量位居全省首位海洋牧场是基于海洋生态学原理,在一定海域内,采用规模化渔业设施和系统化管理体制,利用自然的海洋生态环境设置的人工渔场,其主要目的是确保作为渔业生产基础的水产资源稳定和持续增长、海南省三亚海洋牧场是我国第一个位于热带地区的海洋牧场,将打造具有国际影响力和地域特色的海洋牧场品牌。


3.海南省三亚建设海洋牧场首要考虑的因素是( )A .投入产出比B .环境承载力C .科学技术D .市场需求4.从长远来看,与粗放式海水养殖相比,三亚海洋牧场可( )A .实现水产品多元化B .恢复海洋原生环境C .减轻海洋自然灾害D .缓解耕地资源紧张5.海南省三亚海洋牧场的特色定位是( )A .综合牧场B .渔业养殖C .娱乐休闲D .生态修复巫溪县位于重庆市东北部,地处渝陕鄂三省交界处,曾是重庆市贫困程度最深的区县之一。



2021年广东省揭阳市普宁二中高考英语适应性试卷(一)一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)ASmith, Williams, Brown are common surnames that you will meet in Britain. However, you may come across some strange English surnames. The following surnames are rare, but they are real.GotobedYou are not going to meet many people with the surname "Go-to-bed". The first recorded person to have this surname was John Gotobedde of Cambridge in 1269. Professor Reaney, an authority on English surnames, explains the surname originated from people who had a bed, which was rare back in the 12th century. People were proud that they could afford to have a bed, thus adding it to their name. Strange but true!OnionsThis surname, which was first popular in France and Ireland before coming over to the UK,dates back to 1279 and identified a person's job. He was either a seller or a grower of the vegetable.NutterNutter means a crazy or silly person in spoken English. You wouldn't usually call yourself a nutter,but it's genuinely a surname that originated from Yorkshire and Lancashire. It's a variation of the old English surnames "Notere",which means a clerk, and "Nothard",which means a person that keeps oxen.HardmeatYou might have guessed that "Hardmeat" must have something to do with a family of butchers. In fact,it might just have been a misspelling of the village that the name came from, which was "Hardmead" in England. Wish they had a spellchecker back then!1.Which of the following surnames can tell a family's wealth?______A. Gotobed.B. Onions.C. Nutter.D. Hardmeat.2.What do Onions and Nutter have in common?______A. They originated in the UK.B. They mean silly people.C. They show the occupations.D. They date from the 13th century.3.Where does the surname of Hardmeat come from?______A. A family of butchers.B. A place famous for hard meat.C. A village without a spellchecker.D. An incorrectly-spelt village name.BAustralian magpies(喜鹊)are common in Australia,loved and feared in equal measure. The fear arises from the fact that nesting females aggressively dive at animals - including, or perhaps especially, humans - often drawing blood. The love comes from the fact that they are simply everywhere, easy to identify, and possessed of a song that has come to represent the sound of nature.And also, they seem rather clever. Now, research by zoologists at the University of Western Australia has corroborated this - but their levels of intelligence are dependent on the size of the group they belong to.To reach this conclusion,the Australian scientists examined 56 birds from 14 groups of wild magpies living in the suburbs of Western Australia's capital city, Perth. The groups ranged between 3 and 12 individuals. Each magpie - tested separately to avoid the risk of it getting help from its mates - was put through four tasks that taxed its cognitive(认知的)abilities. These included finding food hidden in a transparent container,finding food hidden in differently coloured containers, and a memory test involving finding hidden food. Adult and young birds were tested repeatedly and the results were clear. The birds that lived in large groups were quicker to master the tasks than those that lived in smaller ones. The difference between intelligent big group members and less intelligent little group members appeared very early in birds' lives.In a paper published in the journal Nature, lead author Benjamin Ashton and his colleagues report that birds living in large groups "show increased cognitive performance". Moreover, this "general intelligence factor" is strongly linked to reproductive(生殖的)success in females. Ashton suggests that the findings indicate the evolution of intelligence is influenced by pressures present in complex social groups. "Our results suggest that the social environment plays a key role in the development of cognition," he says.4.Which word best describes Australians' feelings about Australian magpies?______A. Frightened.B. Loving.C. Mixed.D. Tolerant.5.What does the underlined word "corroborated" in paragraph 2 mean?______A. Assessed.B. Confirmed.C. Disapproved.D. Doubted.6.How were the magpies treated in the research?______A. They were allowed to seek help.B. They were put in containers.C. They were divided into some groups.D. They were studied individually.7.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?______A. Magpies Seem to Be More Social BirdsB. Magpies in Small Groups Often Perform BetterC. Large-group Living Increases Magpies' IntelligenceD. Cognitive Levels Affect Magpies' Reproductive SuccessC"Well, I just wouldn't sit by her, anymore," I said, more bothered than Abby, and Abby listened quietly. "If she says any more rude things to you, I'll go to your teacher and make sure you are never in a situation where you have to sit next to her again."By this time, Allyson, my then eight-year-old, had joined us, listening to every word. Neither of my daughters interrupted as I finished my heartfelt speech, filled with motherly wisdom. Then,as I was telling each of them what I thought right,Allyson's real words of wisdom came about. "Mom," she said. "I was just thinking. Maybe Abby is supposed to be that girl's friend so that she can bear her. Maybe Abby can let that girl see forgiveness and goodness through her. "I didn't expect to become a student. At that moment,I realized that even though I was working hard to wear "Mother's Hat",the "hat" certainly didn't make me right.In fact, I wanted to pull that hat over my face and hide. On the other hand,it did comfort and surprise me. "Yes, that's a good point, " I commented, forcing a half smile at my girls. "Abby, you handle this situation the way you think is right. " "OK," she said, giving me a quick hug before walking out of the door and off to school. "Bye, Mom! " Allyson called, following her big sister out the door.I was left alone. In those following quiet moments I was lost in thought and thought about mytwo remarkable daughters, who are little in height but big in heart as well as a lesson - sometimes our children have great lessons to teach us, if we only listen.8.What bothered the author at first?______A. Her daughter's teacher was irresponsible.B. Her daughter hardly communicated with her.C. Her daughter didn't perform well in school.D. Her daughter was badly treated by a classmate.9.What does the author want to convey by "Mother's Hat"?______A. She felt very proud to be a mother.B. She was too strict with her children.C. She found it hard to be a good mother.D. She failed to play the role of the mother well.10.How did the author feel on hearing Allyson's words?______A. Surprised and concerned.B. Ashamed but grateful.C. Embarrassed but relieved.D. Confused and doubtful.11.What conclusion can be drawn from the story?______A. Children are the mirror of their parents.B. Children may be their parents' teachers.C. Listening creates a deeper connection.D. Kindness has the power to make changes.DThe secrets of dreaming are always interesting psychologists. It is generally acknowledged in the field that dreams people have during this time between childhood and full adulthood, that's around 30,are the strongest and most influential. Yet not enough is known about the repeated patterns of dreaming. Researchers are still trying to answer a basic question:How does dreaming relate to the life experiences and developmental challenges?G.William Domhoff and Adam Schneider, at the University of California, help to answer this question by examining the lengthy dream series of two individuals, "Izzy" and "Jasmine". Izzy provided a collection of 4,329 dream reports from between the ages 12 and 25,while Jasmine provided 664 dreams recorded between the ages of 14 and 25.Large collections of dreams like these pose challenges to researchers. Until recently, the means of studying dream series was to employ a team of recorders who take the time to code eachdream for a predetermined number of content categories,and then compare their results. Nowadays,digital technologies enable the analysis of language usage in dreams with high speed, precision, and objectivity. This marks a revolutionary advance in the science of dreaming. However, it can only lead so far.To gain more specific and detailed insights,Domhoff and Schneider tailored word strings for each dreamer, mixing elements of traditional research with digital tools for analyzing large data sets. For Izzy these word strings included "family and relatives","celebrities" and "fantasy",while the word strings they created for Jasmine included "familiar places","electrical equipment" and "music". The researchers used these word strings to identify connections between their dreams and real lives. Surprisingly,the results of the analysis revealed a great deal of consistency and continuity in both sets of dreams. Izzy pays much attention to pop culture, and has affection for famous actors. Jasmine is an accomplished musician and performer."The frequencies of dream elements reveal the intensity of the dreamer's personal concern with that element in waking thought," Domhoff and Schneider conclude. For anyone who still claims dreaming is merely random nonsense from the brain and mental world, these findings are hard to explain away.12.What do psychologists agree with about dreams?______A. Dreams are influenced by life experiences.B. Dreaming is never nonsense from the brain.C. Dreams in one's teens and twenties are most intense.D. The patterns of dreaming are usually repeated.13.What does "it" underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?______A. The collection of dreams.B. Research into dreaming.C. The digital method.D. The challenge for psychologists.14.How do the researchers conduct their study?______A. By analyzing large data sets.B. By developing individualized word strings.C. By identifying the patterns of dreaming.D. By making comparison with traditional research.15.Which can be the best title for the text?______A. New tech, new findingB. Dreams:reflections of waking realityC. Lives, languages, dreamsD. Life experiences:elements of mental world二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共12.5分)People have been faced with illness, death, isolation(隔离)or job losses. (1)______ It's hard, but possible. Here are key strategies to cultivate (培养)hope in these trying times. Start with goals. Hopeful people establish clear, achievable goals and make clear plans. They believe in their capacity, and recognize that their path will be marked by stresses, roadblocks and failures. (2)______ When their hopes are frustrated, they tend to become more focused on doing things to achieve their goals and think that desired goals are attainable even if personal resources are exhausted.(3)______ People high on hope spent less time paying attention to emotionally sad or threatening information. In a world filled with options for what we read,watch and listen to maintaining hope may not require us to go after positive information, but it does require that we avoid negative images and messages.Seek community. (4)______ Connection to others allowed us to feel a sense of accountability,to recognize that our work mattered and that we were part of something bigger than ourselves. Health research suggests that sustaining (维持)hope depends partly on the partly on the particular company we keep.Look at the evidence.(5)______ Hopeful people put their trust in data,particularly in the evidence of history. Cultivating and sustaining hope requires that we gather evidence from our own lives, history and the world at large and use that evidence to guide our plans, pathways and actions.In sum,hope is about how we plan and act to achieve what we want. Hard as it is, see the hope and start to achieve it.A. Manage your attention.B. Hope also requires trust.C. Further, hopeful people adapt.D. Hope is hard to sustain in isolation.E. How can we avoid these misfortunes?F. How do we find hope when times are tough?G. The journey of life starts from the set goal.16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)As she pulled herself over the summit of El Capitan, Emily Harrington knew she had made history. The 34-year-old completed the (1)______ task in 21 hours, 13 minutes and 51 seconds, becoming the first US woman to free(2)______ the difficult Golden Gate route. Since she started climbing as a 10-year-old, El Capitan has fascinated Harrington. She's spent numerous hours practicing to become(3)______ to climbing it. Free climbers use just their hands and feet to climb,with a(4)______ to catch them if they fall. Such a high risky and (5)______ life-threatening challenge requires years of preparation, both mentally and physically. However,an attempt last year ended in disaster after Harrington hit her head on a rock, and suffered concussion(脑震荡).(6)______ ,she did not suffer any long-term injuries. It's absolutely a mental(7)______ to return this year and try again. Harrington was pushed to her limits when she fell,her hands(8)______ when at approximately 2,800 feet off the ground. It felt like a(9)______ fall,for the rope was going to catch her. But she felt the(10)______ of blood pouring down her face. She realized that she had hit her head (11)______ .The wound on her head was deep and it seemed as though the challenge would have to be (12)______ again. But this time she hadn't suffered concussion. Stopping the blood flow and determined not to let another fall(13)______ her dream, Harrington had one more go. "We should be less afraid to be afraid. It's a very valid emotion we shouldn't(14)______ from. In many ways,we can use it as fuel and strength." Harrington is currently staying put during thepandemic, hoping to be(15)______ climbing around the world when it's safe. More dangerous trips come after a lot of thought.21. A. easy B. huge C. rigid D. urgent22. A. climb B. visit C. walk D. measure23. A. accustomed B. addicted C. attached D. devoted24. A. chain B. rope C. companion D. doctor25. A. randomly B. wholly C. potentially D. absolutely26. A. Unfortunately B. Unexpectedly C. Consequently D. Luckily27. A. campaign B. task C. struggle D. request28. A. holding B. slipping C. stretching D. rubbing29. A. elegant B. sudden C. safe D. risky30. A. thickness B. freshness C. coldness D. wetness31. A. again B. hard C. straight D. opposite32. A. continued B. abandoned C. experimented D. undertaken33. A. follow B. realize C. change D. steal34. A. shy away B. build up C. turn off D. take down35. A. down B. on C. forward D. back四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)36.China has by far (1)______ largest high-speed railway network in the world.Itshigh-speed rail system stretches over 38,000 kilometers ,which is almost enough (2)______ (circle)the earth once, and is still growing. Currently it(3)______ (make)up 70 percent of the world's high speed rail systems. The network is so extensive thatnearly all big Chinese cities can be reached by high-speed trains.China's rail system also operates in extreme locations such as on the plateau and desert in northwestern China as well as in cities in southern China, (4)______ have a 3-month rainy season every year.The overall design and core technologies of the Fuxing high-speed train wereindependently developed in China,which has independent intellectual property rights of those developments. Among the 254 important standards, Chinese standards account for84 percent. To date, China's high-speed rail products and technology(5)______ (export)to nearly 100 countries and regions on six continents.To our(6)______ (amaze),China has set a new record by developing and(7)______ (build)the world's first locomotive prototype(机车原型)using high-temperaturesuperconducting magnetic levitation technology(HTS Maglev高温超导磁悬浮技术)and the trains will run(8)______ (fast)than any other train in the world as they have been designed to run(9)______ a speed of 620 kilometers per hour. "It's been 20 years in the making. In 2000,our lab developed a small prototype carrying five people using this technology. I'm thrilled to see that we are able to build this to carry so many people in 2021," said Zhang Jinkai, a graduate student from Southwest Jiaotong University who has been(10)______ (close)working on the project.五、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40.0分)37.假定你是李华,请给你的外教John Smith 写一封信,邀请他参加你校中华传统文化艺术节的闭幕式晚会。



2021年广东省新高考“八省联考”高考生物适应性试卷1.蓝细菌(蓝藻)与酵母菌都具有的结构和成分包括()①细胞膜②核膜③核糖体④线粒体⑤DNAA. ①③⑤B. ②④⑤C. ②③④D. ①②⑤2.下列所述生产与生活中的做法,合理的是()A. 做面包时加入酵母菌并维持密闭状态B. 水稻田适时排水晒田以保证根系通气C. 白天定时给栽培大棚通风以保证氧气供应D. 用不透气的消毒材料包扎伤口以避免感染3.某同学夏天参加劳动,在未饮水的情况下,出现了大量出汗和尿量减少的现象。

下列叙述正确的是()A. 细胞外液渗透压下降B. 下丘脑的渴觉中枢兴奋性增强C. 抗利尿激素分泌增加D. 集合管和肾小管重吸收水量减少4.对丙型肝炎病毒(RNA病毒)研究有突出贡献的科学家获得了2020年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

下列叙述正确的是()A. 在RNA聚合酶的催化下,病毒直接复制其RNAB. 在琼脂糖固体培养基上进行病毒培养,用于研究C. RNA病毒容易发生突变,疫苗的研发较困难D. RNA病毒寄生在活细胞内,离开细胞就死亡5.下列关于“土壤中小动物类群丰富度的研究”实验的叙述,正确的是()A. 许多土壤小动物以动植物遗体为食,属于分解者B. 土壤小动物活动范围小,适合用标志重捕法来调查C. 诱虫器利用土壤小动物的趋光性,使用灯光来诱捕D. 通过统计土壤小动物的个体数目来估算其丰富度6.从19世纪中叶到20世纪中叶,随着工业化的发展,环境不断恶化,英国曼彻斯特地区桦尺蛾(其幼虫称桦尺蛾)种群中,与从前浅色个体占多数相比,黑色个体所占比例逐渐增加。

下列叙述正确的是()A. 控制桦尺蛾体色的基因发生了定向变异B. 黑色桦尺蛾是通过进化产生的新物种C. 黑色桦尺蛾增多是获得性遗传的证据D. 桦尺蛾体色变化趋势体现了共同进化7.下列关于细胞生命历程的叙述,正确的是()A. 在植物发育过程中,导管的原始细胞经细胞伸长,细胞壁加厚等,最后形成了木质部导管。








每小题只有一个选项符合题目要求)1.下图为膝跳反射示意图,以下叙述不正确...的是A.完成该反射活动的反射弧由三个神经元构成B.兴奋在传入神经纤维上以电信号的形式传导C.反射过程中兴奋在神经纤维上的传导是单向的D.神经支配伸肌收缩和屈肌舒张协调完成膝跳反射2.下列有关细胞器成分及功能的叙述中,错误的是()A.线粒体中含有RNA,能产生ATP和CO2B.叶绿体中含有DNA,能产生糖类和O2C.内质网含蛋白质,能参与脂质的合成D.核糖体含磷脂,能参与蛋白质的合成3.下列关于试管牛和克隆牛的叙述,错误的是()A.均需卵细胞参与B.均需胚胎移植技术C.均需进行胚胎体外培养D.均是无性生殖技术4.用2 mol·L-l的乙二醇溶液和2 mol·L-1的蔗糖溶液分别浸泡取自同一部位的植物表皮,每隔相同时间在显微镜下测量视野中若干个细胞的长度x和原生质体长度y(如图1),并计算x/y的平均值,得到图2所示结果。

对结果曲线分析中错误的是()A.2 mol·L-1的乙二醇溶液和2 mol·L-1的蔗糖溶液的渗透压相等B.a点前比值不变说明表皮细胞水分子进出平衡C.b点前表皮细胞的吸水能力逐渐增大D.c点后表皮细胞发生质壁分离复原5.玉米的高秆(D)对矮秆(d)为显性,抗病(R)对易感病(r)为显性,控制这两对性状的基因分别位于两对同源染色体上。



(2)推测黄河最后一次大改道 年份,并说明推测依据。
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C
4.秋冬季节,形成该区域大雾的主要气象条件是( )
分析进口冷链食品成为我国现阶段新冠病毒“环境传人”主要环节 原因,并指出防范措施。


5.(重庆.9.)一对表型正常的夫妇,丈夫的母亲患白化病,妻子的父亲患红绿色盲,母亲患白化病。这对夫妇生育一患遗传病孩子的概率是( )
6.(湖南.15.多选)某种高度近视是由X染色体上显性基因(A)引起的遗传病,但男性不发病。现有一女性患者与一不携带该致病基因的男性结婚,其后代患病率为50%。下列叙述正确的是( )







1. 书法是中华文化之瑰宝,“无色而具画图的灿烂,无声而有音乐的和谐”,书法之美尽在笔墨纸砚之间(如图所示的王羲之的“平安贴”)。

下列关于传统文房四宝的相关说法正确的是A. 墨汁是一种水溶液B. 宣纸是合成高分子材料C. 砚石的成分与水晶相同D. 制笔用的狼毫主要成分是蛋白质【答案】D2. “古诗文经典已融入中华民族的血脉”。

下列诗文中隐含化学变化的是A. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠B. 掬月水在手,弄花香满衣C. 飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天D. 举头望明月,低头思故乡【答案】A3. “嫦娥五号”成功着陆月球,展示了以芳纶为主制成的五星红旗,用SiC增强铝基材料钻杆“挖士”,实现了中国首次月球无人采样返回。

下列有关说法错误的是A. 月壤中含有的3He,其质子数为3B. 制作五星红旗用的芳纶为合成纤维C. 制作钻杆用的SiC增强铝基材料属复合材料D. 运载火箭用的液O2液H2推进剂在工作时发生氧化还原反应【答案】A4. “原子”原意是“不可再分”的意思。


从电子层模型分析,Ca原子核外N能层中运动的电子数为A. 8B. 2C. 18D. 10【答案】B5. 提取海带中I2的实验中,所选择的装置或仪器(夹持装置已略去)正确的是A B C D灼烧溶解过滤分液A. AB. BC. CD. D【答案】D6. 具有止血功能。

下列关于该有机物的说法正确的是A. 属于芳香烃B. 分子式为C8H11O2NC. 可与NaOH溶液反应D. 能发生加成反应,不能发生取代反应【答案】C7. “人世间一切幸福都需要靠辛勤的劳动来创造”。

下列劳动与所涉及的化学知识不相符的是选项劳动项目化学知识A 使用草木灰对蔬菜施肥草木灰属于钾肥B 使用84消毒液对衣物消毒NaClO具有漂白性C 实验后,清洗仪器、处理废液、打扫卫生废液随意排放会造成污染D 将浓硫酸放入分类储存、专人保管的安全柜中浓硫酸具有强腐蚀性A. AB. BC. CD. D【答案】B8. 我国科学家研究了活性炭催化条件下煤气中的H2S和Hg的协同脱除,部分反应机理如图(吸附在催化剂表面的物种用*标注)。













































下列说法正确的是()A.嫦娥五号在轨道Ⅰ和Ⅱ运行时均超重B.嫦娥五号在轨道Ⅰ和Ⅱ运行时机械能相等C.嫦娥五号在轨道Ⅰ和Ⅱ运行至P处时速率相等D. 嫦娥五号在轨道Ⅰ和Ⅱ运行至P处时加速度大小相等3. 某同学参加“筷子夹玻璃珠”游戏。



下列说法正确的是()A. 两侧筷子对玻璃珠的合力比重力大B. 两侧筷子对玻璃珠的合力比重力小C. 左侧筷子对玻璃珠的弹力一定比玻璃珠的重力大D. 右侧筷子对玻璃珠的弹力一定比玻璃球的重力大4. 如图所示,在某静电除尘器产生的电场中,带等量负电荷的两颗微粒只受电场力作用,分别从p点沿虚线pm、pn运动,被吸附到金属圆筒上。






















2021年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟演练英语试卷一、阅读理解1.Non-Credit CoursesThe Pre-College Program offers non-credit courses. Students will experience college-level courses given by some of our college's leading experts and will receive written feedback(反馈) on their work at the endof the course. Pre-College students will also receive a grade of Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory and a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the program.All non-credit courses meet from 9:00 a m. - 11:30 a m daily and may have additional requirements in the afternoons or evenings.COURSE: Case Studies in Neuroscience· June 11 - July 2· Leah RoeschUsing student-centered, active-learning methods and real-world examples, this course is designed to provide a fuller understanding of how the human brain works.COURSE: Psychology of Creativity· June15 - June 28· Marshall DukeWhy are certain people so creative? Is it genetic(遗传的), or a result of childhood experience? Are they different from everyone else? This popular psychology course highlights the different theories of creativity. COURSE: Creative Storytelling· June 21 - July 3· Edith FreniThis college-level course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing, such as short fiction and playwriting.COURSE: Sports economics· July 19 - August 1· Christina DePasqualeIn this course we will analyze many interesting aspects of the sports industry: sports leagues, ticket pricing, salary negotiations, discrimination, and NCAA policies to name a few.1. Who is the text intended for?A. The general public.B. College freshmen.C. Educational experts.D. High school students.2. Which course Can you take if you arc free only m June?A. Sports economics.B. Creative Storytelling.C. Psychology of Creativity.D. Case Studies in Neuroscience.3. Whose Course should you choose if you are interested in creative writing?A. Leah Roesch's.B. Edith Freni's.C. Marshall Duke's.D. Christina DePasquale's.【答案】1.1-3 DCB2. In my everyday life, I am on an ongoing journey to figure out different ways to reduce my carbon footprint on the planet. A carbon footprint is the have on the environment, in particular climate change. It is calculated by the amount of greenhouse gas we produce in our daily lives. Fortunately, nowadays it is much easier to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices than, let's say, 20 years ago. But one question has been on my mind a lot lately: is it better to buy new eco-friendly products or used traditionally produced goods? After doing some research, I have decided that some things are better new and others are better used. Let me try to explain.A carbon footprint is made up of two parts, the primary footprint and the secondary footprint. The primary footprint is a measure of our direct emissions(排放) of carbon dioxide(CO2) from the burning of fuels, including household energy consumption and transportation The secondary footprint is a measure of the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use-those related to their production and breakdown.Based on this understanding, we have a good deal of control and responsibility over our carbon footprint. Things like dishes, clothes and furniture fall into the "secondary footprint" group, so less is more and we can focus on finding used goods to avoid the added production. However, for the car and the other appliances(设备) that we need we can go with new energy-saving models. I heard somewhere that electronics and appliances give off 90% of their carbon footprint after they leave the factory. So it seems most reasonable to go for the energy-saving models. The main concern here is the amount of energy that goes into the making of new products and whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint the product will make once it gets to you.1. What is the text mainly about?A. What appliances to buy to save energy.B. What a carbon footprint means in our life.C How to identify different carbon footprints.D. How to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices.2. What do we know about the secondary carbon footprint?A. It is related to our consumption of fuels.B. It is made when we are buying the products.C. It is less harmful than the primary carbon footprint.D. It is counted as ours though not directly made by us.3. Which of the following helps reduce our carbon footprint according to the author?A Using second-hand textbooks.B Using old and expensive.C Buying new but cheap clothes.D. Buying new wooden furniture.4."The footprint" underlined in the last sentence refers to the CO2 produced in _____.A. using the productB. recycling the productC. making the productD. transporting the product【答案】2.1-4 BCAB3. Magic is a form of entertainment that is based on pretending to do things that are impossible. The magician is a specially trained actor. He tries to make the audience believe that he has the power to do things which are against the laws of nature.Magic shows are entertaining as long as the audience does not discover how the tricks are done. The magician usually depends on his skill with his hands, on his knowledge of psychology, and, sometimes, on mechanical devices(机械装置). Since magic performance is meant to trick people, the use of psychologyis important. The magician must keep people from noticing all the movements of his hands and from thinking about the secret parts of his equipment. He must also lead the audience to draw false conclusions. The magician's success depends on the fact that many things seen by the eye are not the things that matter. Two basic magic tricks are making objects seem to appear and making objects seem to disappear. A combination of these two tricks makes for some interesting effects. For example, the magician puts a small ball under one of several cups. The ball then seems to jump from one cup to another or to change colour. What actually happens is that the magician, employing quick hand movements or a mechanical device, hides one ball. While doing this he talks to the audience and waves a brightly coloured cloth with one hand. The audience is too busy watching the cloth and listening to the magician, s words to notice that his other hand is hiding the ball.Another favourite trick is to cut or burn something, and then make it appear whole again. What actually happens is that the magician makes the cut or burned object disappear by quickly hiding it while the audience watches something else. Then he "magically" makes it appear whole again by displaying(展示) another object that has not been cut or burned.1. What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?A. To promote a magic show.B. To teach people to be magicians.C. To explain the art of magic.D. To praise the talents of magicians.2. Which of the following is important for a successful magic trick?A. Moving stage equipment.B. Directing the audience's attention.C. Applying high technology.D. Keeping the performance in secret.3. What does the author focus on in the last two paragraphs?A. Providing examples.B. Making a summary.C. Drawing comparisons.D. Explaining a concept.4. What can we infer from the text?A. Mechanical devices are expensive.B. Most magicians employ assistants.C. It takes practice to perform magic.D Small objects are magicians' favourite.【答案】3.1-4 CDAC4. The average bear, it seems, is getting ever smarter. First, it turned out that at least one can use a comb. Now it appears that some can count, too.Jennifer Vonk, of Oakland University, in Michigan, and Michael Beran, from Georgia State University, set three American black bears the task of distinguishing between numerically larger and smaller groups of dots(点) on a computer screen In return for a food reward one bear, Brutus, would touch the more heavily dotted pattern with his nose. The others, Bella and Dusty, would touch the screen with their claws(爪子). As the researchers report in Animal Behavior, the bears did best with patterns where the coloured dots did not move and where more of them also took up a larger coloured area. This could be explained by the bears' distinguishing the different areas of colour rather than truly counting the dots. However, the three bears managed to pick out the bigger number of dots even in pairs of patterns where fewer dots took up a larger area.Moving patterns, where each dot followed its own path around the screen, were more of a challenge. But Brutus, at least, was not defeated. He seemed to be counting mobile dots even when the scientists tried to mislead him by moving the total coloured area of the dots at the same time.It is not entirely surprising that bears should have a high degree of intelligence. They face a lot of challenges when trying to get food. They are, however, always alone, and so do not have the complex social systems that contribute to animal smarts. Perhaps, then, their maths skill developed because they cannot count on their friends for help.1. What task did the scientists set for the three bears?A. Distinguishing different dot patterns.B. Figuring out different colours of dots.C. Putting the dots into differently coloured groups.D Picking out the group with a larger number of dots.2. For the bears the task was easier when _____.A. the coloured dots were moving slowlyB the dot patterns were regular in shapeC the dots followed a path on the screenD. more dots covered a larger coloured area3. What may explain the bears' high degree of intelligence?A. They learn skills from other animals.B. They face life challenges on their own.C. They feed on a diverse range of food.D. They have complex social networks.4. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Bears Taught to Distinguish ColourB. New Evidence of Bear Intelligence FoundC. Three Bears Leaned How to CountD. The Smartest American black Bear Brutus【答案】4.1-4 ADBB二、七选五5.阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2021年广东省揭阳市普宁二中高考物理适应性试卷(5月份)一、单项选择题(共7小题,每小题4分,共28分)1.(4分)关于原子物理,下列说法错误的是()A.用同一频率的光照射不同的金属表面时均有光电子逸出,从金属表面逸出的光电子的最大初动能E k越大,则这种金属的逸出功W越小B.一个氢原子处在n=5的能级,当它跃迁到较低能级时,最多可发出4种频率的光子C.Cs137是核泄漏时对人体产生有害辐射的重要污染物,其核反应方程式为Cs→Ba+X,其中的X为质子D.每个核子只与邻近核子产生核力作用,比结合能越大的原子核越稳定2.(4分)如图,一直梯靠竖直墙壁放置,人站在梯子上,忽略梯子与墙壁间的摩擦力,则下列说法正确的是()A.人越重,梯子所受合外力越大B.地面对梯子支持力的大小与人所站的高度无关C.墙壁对梯子的弹力方向垂直于梯子所在平面斜向上D.地面对梯子的摩擦力大于墙壁对梯子的弹力3.(4分)a、b两物体同时从同一地点开始做匀变速直线运动,二者运动的v﹣t图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是()A.a、b两物体运动方向相反B.a物体的加速度小于b物体的加速度C.t=1s时两物体的间距等于t=3s时两物体的间距D.t=3s时,a、b两物体相遇4.(4分)1913年,密立根用油滴实验测得了电子电量的精确数值。




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