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原文虽为文言文,但用语较为平实,因此在语义的理解上不会对当代读者产生较大困难,也必然不会给译者带来困惑。然而,区区几十个字却承载了较为丰富的历史史实,且放眼天下兴衰、大气恢弘。因此,要想将原文的翻译做到神形兼备、既忠实于原意又体现出其精髓实属不易。接下来,我将从选词用句和语言风格两方面着手,对比译者张琴(以下简称Z)和译者Moss Roberts(以下简称M)对该选段的翻译,力求呈现较为客观的翻译对比赏析。




Z版: As a natural rule, an overall structure, like a country or an organization, after a long period of division, tends to unite at last; while after a long time union, it tends to divide. It is the same with dynasties in antiquity. At the end of Zhou dynasty, seven dynasties which contended with each other finally were conquered by Qin dynasty and became part of it. After the rule of Qin dynasty, two dynasties, Chu and Han, emerged and they fighted against each other with Han being the victor in the end. It began when Liu Bang, the Han emperor, cut off a white serpent to indicate the uprising. After the victory of the uprising, the whole empire became the domain of Han. And it lasted for two hundred years. At the end of West Han, Wang Mang who wanted to usurp Han established the New dynasty. But he was overthrowed by Liu Xiu who was persist in restoring West Han, therefore, the legacy of Han remained. Then Han lasted for another two hundred years until the rule of emperor Xian who was the last emperor of Han dynasty. After that, the empire was divided into three parts which were respectively possessed by three kingdoms known as Wei、Shu、Wu.

M版:Here begins our tale. The empire, long divided, must unite; lone united, must divide. Thus it has been. In the closing years of the Zhou dynasty, seven kingdoms warred among themselves until the kingdom of Qin prevailed and absorbed

the othe six.But Qin soon fell, and on its ruins two opposing kingdoms, Chu and Han, fought for mastery until the kingdom of Han prevailed and absorbed its rival, as Qin had done before.The Han court's rise to power began when the Supreme Ancestor slew a white serpent, inspiring an uprising that ended with Han's ruling a unified empire.Two hundred years later, after Wang Mang's usurpation, Emperor Guang Wu restored the dynasty, and Han emperors ruled for another two hundred years down to the reign of Xian, after whom the realm split into three kingdoms.




Z版:As a natural rule, an overall structure, like a country or an organization, after a long period of division, tends to unite at last; while after a long time union, it tends to divide.

M版:Here begins our tale. The empire, long divided, must unite; lone united, must divide. Thus it has been.
