



英语报刊选读课程教学大纲课程编号: 050263 适用专业:英语专业学时数:36学分数:2一、课程的性质、任务本课程通过有目的、较系统地阅读国内外英语报刊文章,使英语专业高年级学生逐渐掌握阅读英语报刊时必备的背景知识,掌握常用的新闻语言的规律,了解、拓宽学生的文化视野,了解中国和世界大事,知晓中西交流和变化,初步打好阅读英语报刊的基本功,提高理解和分析问题的能力,培养对信息的敏感性及发掘、利用信息的能力。

















英语报刊选读答案英语报刊选读答案【篇一:英语报刊选读参考答案】>英语报刊选读journalistic reading教师用书teacher’s book总主编王嘉褆主编林玫刘雁bookone .................................................................................................... ............... 2 unit 1campus ............................................................................................. ........... 2 unit 2entertainment ................................................................................... ........... 5 unit 3entertainment ................................................................................... ........... 9 unit 4food ................................................................................................... ........ 12 unit 5crime ................................................................................................. ........ 15 unit 6disaster ............................................................................................. ......... 19 unit 7sports ................................................................................................ ......... 23 unit 8art ...................................................................................................... ........ 28 unit 9economy ........................................................................................... ......... 31 unit 10ecology ............................................................................................. ....... 36 unit 11health ...................................................................................................... 39 unit12 automobiledriving ............................................................................. 43 unit 13 qualityproblems (48)unit 14shopping ........................................................................................... ....... 52 unit 15 guncontrol ..............................................................................................56 unit 16psychology ....................................................................................... . (59)ibook oneunit 1 campus i.vocabulary builder 1. definition1) chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be inmess 2) primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3) seduce: attract; tempt4) highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable partof something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5) reluctant: unwilling6) compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention7) reveal: show; indicate8) mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary9) critical: important; crucial10) evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus22) high school diploma 3) drop-out rate 4) college wagepremium 5) the k-12 system6) more academically rigorous 7) well-rounded citizens 8)certification tests9) career and technical education 3. blank filling 1) perseveredinsisted 6) agony assure/reassure11) insure/ensure 12) insure assured/reassured ii.translation1. 选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。



Unit2 Gender IssuesMen turn to jobs women usually do 1.HOUSTON - Over the last decade, American menof all backgrounds have begun flocking to fields such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables that have long been the province of women.2."The way I look at it is that anything, basically,that a woman can do, a guy can do," said Miguel Alquicira, who graduated from high school when construction and manufacturing jobs were scarce and became a dental assistant.3.The trend began well before the crash,andappears to be driven by a variety of factors, including financial concerns, quality-of-life issues and a gradual erosion of g ender stereotypes.4.In interviews, about two dozen men played downthe economic considerations, saying that the stigma associated with choosing such jobs had faded, and that the jobs were appealing not just because they offered stable employment, but because they were more satisfying.5."I.T. is just killing viruses and clearing paper jamsall day," said Scott Kearney, 43, who tried information technology and other fields before becoming a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston.6.An analysis of United States census data by TheNew York Times shows that from 2000 to 2010,occupations that are more than 70 percent female accounted for almost a third of all job growth for men, double the share of the previous decade.7.That does not mean that men are displacingwomen - those same jobs accounted for almost two-thirds of women's job growth. But in Texas, for example, the number of men who are registered nurses nearly doubled in that time period.8.The shift includes low-wage jobs as well.Nationally, two-thirds more men were bank tellers, almost twice as many were receptionists and two-thirds more were waiting tables in 2010 than a decade earlier.9.Even more striking is the type of men who aremaking the shift. From 1970 to 1990, according to a study by Mary Gatta, senior scholar at Wider Opportunities for Women, an organization based in Washington, D.C., and Patricia A. Roos, a sociologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, men who took so-called pink-collar jobs tended to be foreign-born, non-English speakers with low education levels.10.Now, though, the trend has spread among men ofnearly all races and ages, more than a third of whom have a college degree. In fact, the shift is most pronounced among young, white, college-educated men like Charles Reed, a sixth-grade math teacher at Patrick Henry Middle School in Houston.11.Mr. Reed, 25, intended to go to law school after atwo-year stint with Teach for America, a nationalteacher corps of recent college graduates who spend two years helping under-resourced urban and rural public schools. But Mr. Reed fell in love with teaching. He says the recession had little to do with it, though he believes that, by limiting prospects for new law school graduates, it made his father, a lawyer, more accepting.12.To the extent that the shift to "women's work" hasbeen accelerated by recession, the change may reverse when the economy recovers. "Are boys today saying, 'I want to grow up and be a nurse?'"asked Heather Boushey, senior economist at the Center for American Progress. "Or are they saying, 'I want a job that's stable and recession-proof?'"13.Daniel Wilden, a 26-year-old Army veteran andnursing student, said he had gained respect for nursing when he saw a female medic use a Leatherman tool to save the life of his comrade."She was a beast," he said admiringly.14.More than a few men said their new jobs were farharder than they imagined. But these men can expect success. Men earn more than women even in female-dominated jobs. And white men in particular who enter those fields easily move up to supervisory positions, a phenomenon known as the glass escalator, said Adia Harvey Wingfield,a sociologist at Georgia State University.15."I hated my job every single day of my life," saidJohn Cook, 55, who got a modest inheritance that let him drop a $150,000-a-year database consultant's job to enter nursing school.16.His starting salary will be two thirds lower, butdatabase consulting does not typically earn hugs like the one Mr. Cook received from a girl after he took care of her premature baby sister. "It's like, people get paid for doing this kind of stuff?" Mr.Cook said, tears coming to his eyes as he recounted the episode.17.Several men cited the same reasons for seekingout pink-collar work that have drawn women to such careers: less stress and more time at home.At John G. Osborne Elementary School, Adrian Ortiz, 42, joked that he was one of the few Mexicans who made more in his native country, where he was a hard-working lawyer, than he did in the United States as a kindergarten teacher in a bilingual classroom. "Now," he said, "my priorities are family, 100 percent."18.Betsey Stevenson, a labor economist at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, said she was not surprised that changing gender roles at home, where studies show men are shouldering more of the domestic burden, are showing up in career choices. "We tend to study these patterns of what's going on in the family and what's going on in the workplace as separate, but they're very much intertwined," she said. "So as attitudes in the family change, attitudes toward the workplace have changed."19.In a classroom at Houston Community College,Dexter Rodriguez, 35, said his job in tech support had not been threatened by the tough economy.Nonetheless, he said, his family downsized the house, traded the new cars for used ones and began to live off savings, all so Mr. Rodriguez could train for a career he regarded as more exciting.20."I put myself into the recession," he said, "becauseI wanted to go to nursing school."Unit3 E-CommerceThe Post-Cash Economy1.In London, travelers can buy train tickets withtheir phones - and hold up the phones for the conductor to see. And in Starbucks coffee shops in the United States, customers can wave their phones in front of the cash register and pay for their soy chai lattes.2.Money is not what it used to be, thanks to theInternet. And the pocketbook may soon be destined for the dustbin of history - at least if some technology companies get their way.3.The cellphone increasingly contains theessentials of what we need to make transactions."Identification, payment and personal items," as Hal Varian, the chief economist at Google, pointed out in a new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. "All this will easily fit in your mobile device and will inevitably do so."4.The phone holds and records plenty more vitalinformation: It keeps track of where you are, what you like and who your peers are. That data can all be leveraged to sell you things you never knew you needed.5.The survey, released last month by the PewResearch Center's Internet and American Life Project along with Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center in North Carolina, asked justover 1,000 technologists and social scientists to opine on the future of the wallet in 2020. Nearly two-thirds agreed that "cash and credit cards will have mostly disappeared" and been replaced with "smart" devices able to carry out a transaction.But a third of the survey respondents countered that consumers would fear for the security of transactions over a mobile device and worry about surrendering so much data about their purchasing habits.6.Sometimes, those with fewer options are the onesto embrace change the fastest. In Kenya, a service called M-Pesa (pesa is money in Swahili) acts likea banking system for those who may not have abank account. With a rudimentary cellphone, M-Pesa users can send and receive money through a network of money agents, including cellphone shops. And in India, several phone carriers allow their customers to pay utility bills and transfer small amounts of money over their cellphones. 7.Several technology companies, big and small, arebusy trying to make it easier for us to buy and sell all kinds of things without our wallets. A start-up, WePay, describes itself as a service that allows the smallest merchant - say, a dog walker - to get paid;the company verifies the reputations of payers and sellers by analyzing, among other things, their Facebook accounts.8. A British start-up, called Blockchain, offers a freeiPhone application allowing customers to use a crypto-currency called bitcoins, which users can mint on their computers.9. A company called Square began by offering asmall accessory to enable food cart vendors and other small merchants to accept credit cards on phones and iPads. Square's latest invention allows customers to register an account with Square merchants and pay simply by saying their names.The customer's picture pops up on the merchant's iPad.10.Google Wallet has been designed to sit in yourphone, be linked to your credit card, and let you pay by tapping your phone on a reader, using what is known as near field technology. But Google Wallet works on only four kinds of phones, and not many merchants are equipped for near field technology.11.Meanwhile, PayPal, which allows people to makepayments over the Internet, has quietly begun to persuade its users to turn to their cellphones.PayPal posted about $118 billion in total transactions last year and became the fastest-growing segment of eBay, its parent company. 12."The physical wallet, which had no innovation inthe last 50 years, will become an artifact," John J.Donahoe, the chief executive of eBay, told me recently. The wallet would move into the cloud, and ideally, from his perspective, into PayPal. No more would the consumer worry about losing a wallet. Everything, he declared, would be contained within PayPal. It would also enable the company to collect vast amounts of data about customer habits, purchases and budgets.13.Mr. Donahoe said he wanted his company tobecome "a mall in your pocket."14.I recently described PayPal's plans to AlessandroAcquisti, an economist who studies digital privacy at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Mr. Acquisti smiled. If today all you need to do is enter your phone number and PIN when you visit a store, perhaps tomorrow, he said, that store will be able to detect your phone by its unique identifier. Perhaps, you won't have to shop at all. Your shopping data would be instead collected, analyzed and used to tell you exactly what you need: a motorcycle from Ducati or purple rain boots in the next size for your growing child. Money will be seamlessly taken from your account. A delivery will arrive at your doorstep."In the future, maybe you won't have to pay," Mr.Acquisti offered, only half in jest."The transaction will be made for you."Unit4 Cultural ExchangeAsia’s Endangered Species: the Expat1.Forget expats. Western companies doing businessin Asia are now looking to locals to fill the most important jobs in the region.2.Behind the switch, experts say, are several factors,including a leveled playing field in which Western companies must approach newly empowered Asian companies and consumers as equals and clients—not just manufacturing partners.panies now want executives who can securedeals with local businesses and governments without the aid of a translator, and who understand that sitting through a three-hour dinner banquet is often a key part of the negotiating process in Asia, experts say.4.In fact, three out of four senior executives hired inAsia by multinationals were Asian natives already living in the region, according to a Spencer Stuart analysis of 1,500 placements made from 2005 to 2010. Just 6% were noncitizens from outside of Asia.5."It's a strategic necessity to be integrated in theculture. Otherwise, the time to learn all of it takes forever," said Arie Y. Lewin, a professor of strategy and international business at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. He adds that locals may better navigate a business culture where copycats and competitors often play by different rules.6.What's more, a failed expatriate hire can be acostly mistake and slow a firm's progress in the region, said Phil Johnston, a managing director at recruiter Spencer Stuart.7.To help companies fill Asia-based executive roles,at least two search firms—Spencer Stuart and Korn/Ferry International—say they have begun classifying executives in four broad categories: Asia natives steeped in local culture but educated in the U.S. or Europe; the foreigner who has lived or worked in Asia for a long time; a person of Asian descent who was born or raised in a Western country but has had little exposure to Asia; and the local Asian executive who has no Western experience.8.For companies seeking local expertise, both firmssaid the first category is by far the most sought-after. But Mr. Johnston said those candidates are difficult to find and retain, and they can command salaries of $750,000 to $1 million—on par with, and sometimes more than, their expat counterparts.9.German conglomerate Siemens AG in 2010 hiredMei-Wei Cheng, a China-born Cornell University graduate, to head its Chinese operations—a role previously held by European executives.10.While Siemens's European executives had madeinroads with Chinese consumers—building sales in the region to nearly one-tenth of global revenue—the firm realized it needed someone who could quickly tap local business partners.11.After an extensive search, Siemens hired Mr.Cheng, formerly CEO at the Chinese subsidiariesof Ford Motor Co. and General Electric Co. GE 12.The decision to hire locally seems to have paidoff for Siemens: In his first 18 months on the job, Mr. Cheng forged two wind-power jointventures with Shanghai Electric Group Co.13.Mr. Cheng communicates easily with localofficials, a major advantage when it comes to selling energy technology to individual cities, says Brigitte Ederer, head of human resources for Siemens and a member of the company's managing board. Many local officials don't speak English.14.Bob Damon, president of recruiter Korn/FerryInternational's North American operations, said the current talent pool for executive roles is so limited that most top Asian executives simply rotate from one Western company to another, as Mr. Cheng did.15.Other companies are adding to the demand bycreating new positions in Asia. Campbell Soup Co.CPB last week announced the appointment of Daniel Saw as its first-ever president of Asia operations, while Canadian conglomerate Bombardier Inc. BBD.B.T hired Albert Li to fill a new role overseeing its aerospace business in China. Both executives were born in Asia and have worked as regional managers for Western multinationals.16.Meanwhile, younger Chinese professionals arepositioning themselves to meet the need for executive talent in the years to come. Nearly four in 10 American M.B.A. programs say China was their fastest-growing source of foreign applicants last year, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the Graduate Management Admission Test.17.Foreigners with no Asia experience, on the otherhand, need not apply, recruiters said. Spencer Stuart's Mr. Johnston said he occasionally receives inquiries from Western middle managers, proclaiming that they are finally ready to make a career move to the region. He advises them that "there is nothing about their experience that is interesting or relevant to Asia."18.In hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong, expatsreceive as much as $200,000 a year in subsidies for housing, transportation and private schooling, Mr. Johnston said. Payments to offset taxes for these benefits add up to another $100,000.Altogether, a bad match can cost a company as much as $1 million, after figuring in relocation costs, he said.19.Monster Worldwide Inc. Chief Executive SalIannuzzi said the company has been hiring locally for several years, in part because he found deploying expatriates cost too much. "It takes them six months to figure out how to take a ferry, they're there for 12 months, and then they spend the next six months figuring out how to get home," he said.20.Like some other companies, Monster now tracksits own workers to ensure a pipeline of talent.21.The online job-search company's current head ofChina operations, Edward Lo, a former fraternity brother of Mr. Iannuzzi, understands the local scene, is well connected in China and knows how to recruit, Mr. Iannuzzi said. Among Mr. Lo's duties: finding his own successor before he retires.22.Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. basedin White Plains, N.Y., also develops its own leaders for Asia, plucking people who have come up through the company ranks. For example, the head of Asia Pacific started in the 1970s on the finance team in Hong Kong, and the head of the Middle East region was a hotel manager who worked his way up.23.Having grown up in their markets, managersunderstand customer needs, said Starwood CEO Frits van Paasschen. Regional heads in China, for instance, know that when dealing with land owners or developers, deals are less "transactional," and more "trust-based," he said.They also know that Chinese travelers—who now comprise the majority of hotel guests in the region—feel more at home when they're supplied with tea kettles, slippers and chopsticks, he added.24.For fast-food company Yum Brands Inc. CEODavid Novak calls his Asia-bred regional head and executive team "our single biggest competitive advantage." China has become the company's biggest earnings driver, comprising more than 40% of operating profit.25.Thanks to Yum's China leaders, Mr. Novak says,KFC in China began serving rice porridge and soy milk for breakfast, and Pizza Hut now offers an afternoon tea menu—both of which have been big hits among local customers.Unit5 Auto-WorldThe Future of the Car :Clean, Safe and it Drives itselfCars have already changed the way we live. They are likely to do so again1.SOME inventions, like some species, seem tomake periodic leaps in progress. The car is one of them. Twenty-five years elapsed between Karl Benz beginning small-scale production of his original Motorwagen and the breakthrough, by Henry Ford and his engineers in 1913, that turned the car into the ubiquitous, mass-market item that has defined the modern urban landscape. By putting production of the Model T on moving assembly lines set into the floor of his factory in Detroit, Ford drastically cut the time needed to build it, and hence its cost. Thus began a revolution in personal mobility. Almost a billion cars now roll along the world’s highways.2.Today the car seems poised for another burst ofevolution. One way in which it is changing relates to its emissions. As emerging markets grow richer, legions of new consumers are clamouring for their first set of wheels. For the whole world to catch up with American levels of car ownership, the global fleet would have to quadruple. Even a fraction of that growth would present fearsome challenges, from congestion and the price of fuel to pollution and global warming.3.Yet, as our special report this week argues, stricterregulations and smarter technology are making cars cleaner, more fuel-efficient and safer than ever before. China, its cities choked in smog, is following Europe in imposing curbs on emissions of noxious nitrogen oxides and fine soot particles.Regulators in most big car markets are demanding deep cuts in the carbon dioxide emitted from carexhausts. And carmakers are being remarkably inventive in finding ways to comply.4.Granted, battery-powered cars have disappointed.They remain expensive, lack range and are sometimes dirtier than they look—for example, if they run on electricity from coal-fired power stations. But car companies are investing heavily in other clean technologies. Future motorists will have a widening choice of super-efficient petrol and diesel cars, hybrids (which switch between batteries and an internal-combustion engine) and models that run on natural gas or hydrogen. As for the purely electric car, its time will doubtless come.Towards the driverless, near-crashless car 5.Meanwhile, a variety of “driver assistance”technologies are appearing on new cars, which will not only take a lot of the stress out of driving in traffic but also prevent many accidents. More and more new cars can reverse-park, read traffic signs, maintain a safe distance in steady traffic and brake automatically to avoid crashes. Some carmakers are promising technology that detects pedestrians and cyclists, again overruling the driver and stopping the vehicle before it hits them.A number of firms, including Google, are busytrying to take driver assistance to its logical conclusion by creating cars that drive themselves to a chosen destination without a human at the controls. This is where it gets exciting.6.Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, predicts thatdriverless cars will be ready for sale to customers within five years. That may be optimistic, but the prototypes that Google already uses to ferry itsstaff (and a recent visitor from The Economist) along Californian freeways are impressive.Google is seeking to offer the world a driverless car built from scratch, but it is more likely to evolve, and be accepted by drivers, in stages.7.As sensors and assisted-driving softwaredemonstrate their ability to cut accidents, regulators will move to make them compulsory for all new cars. Insurers are already pressing motorists to accept black boxes that measure how carefully they drive: these will provide a mass of data which is likely to show that putting the car on autopilot is often safer than driving it. Computers never drive drunk or while texting.8.If and when cars go completely driverless—forthose who want this—the benefits will be enormous. Google gave a taste by putting a blind man in a prototype and filming him being driven off to buy takeaway tacos. Huge numbers of elderly and disabled people could regain their personal mobility. The young will not have to pay crippling motor insurance, because their reckless hands and feet will no longer touch the wheel or the accelerator. The colossal toll of deaths and injuries from road accidents—1.2m killed a year worldwide, and 2m hospital visits a year in America alone—should tumble down, along with the costs to health systems and insurers.9.Driverless cars should also ease congestion andsave fuel. Computers brake faster than humans.And they can sense when cars ahead of them are braking. So driverless cars will be able to drive much closer to each other than humans safely can.On motorways they could form fuel-efficient “road trains”, gliding along in the slipstream of the vehicle in front. People who commute by car will gain hours each day to work, rest or read a newspaper.Roadblocks ahead10.Some carmakers think this vision of the future is(as Henry Ford once said of history) bunk. People will be too terrified to hurtle down the motorway in a vehicle they do not control: computers crash, don’t they? Carmakers whose self-driving technology is implicated in accidents might face ruinously expensive lawsuits, and be put off continuing to develop it.11.Yet many people already travel, unwittingly, onplanes and trains that no longer need human drivers. As with those technologies, the shift towards driverless cars is taking place gradually.The cars’ software will learn the tricks that humans use to avoid hazards: for example, braking when a ball bounces into the road, because a child may be chasing it. Google’s self-driving cars have already clocked up over 700,000km, more than many humans ever drive;and everything they learn will become available to every other car using the software. As for the liability issue, the law should be changed to make sure that when cases arise, the courts take into account the overall safety benefits of self-driving technology.12.If the notion that the driverless car is round thecorner sounds far-fetched, remember that TV and heavier-than-air flying machines once did, too.One day people may wonder why earlier generations ever entrusted machines as dangerous as cars to operators as fallible as humans.Unit6 RomanceThe Modern Matchmakers现代红娘Internet dating sites claim to have brought scienceto the age-old question of how to pair offsuccessfully. But have they?互联网相亲网站声称已经将科技运用如何成功配对的问题之上。



创办于1851年,作为美国最有影响力的报纸之一,纽约时报在新闻报道中倡导公正性和客观性,对全 球事件有深入广泛的报道。
创办于1821年,卫报致力于揭示社会不公正,注重环境问题和人权报道,被 广泛认可为英国最开明和权威的报纸之一。
作为一份优质的国际新闻杂志,经济学人以其深度分析,专业评论和全球视 野而闻名。它对商业、经济、科技和政治等领域的报道备受推崇。
假新闻和错误信息对社会产生了负面影响。它们破坏了公众的信任,扭曲了 事实,容易引发恐慌和社会不稳定。Leabharlann 媒体素养和批判性思维的重要 性
媒体素养和批判性思维是现代社会中的重要能力。它们帮助我们识别虚假信 息、理解媒体报道的背后动机,并形成独立客观的观点。
作为美国历史最悠久的报纸之一,华盛顿邮报以其严谨的新闻报道和调查性 新闻而闻名。它在政治圈和国内外新闻报道方面具有很高的声誉。
作为英国广播公司,BBC 是世界上最受信任的新闻机构之一。它以独立、公正和全面的报道而被广泛 认可,扮演着全球新闻报道的重要角色。
CNN 是美国最具知名度的新闻网络之一,以及全球性的媒体机构。它在国际 新闻报道和实时新闻报道方面拥有强大的影响力。
Fox News
Fox News 是美国一家保守派新闻机构,以政治观点和激进评论而著名。其报道对保守主义声音的代表 性作用备受关注。
作为一家全球性新闻机构,路透社以其独立性、快速性和深度报道而广受媒 体和读者的赞誉。它在金融和企业类报道方面具有很高的信誉。
媒体在社会中扮演着重要的角色,影响着公众的舆论和意识形态。它对政治、文化、社会和经济的发展 产生着广泛和深远的影响。

















五.考试说明“英美报刊选读”期末考试题型介绍1.报刊名称及常见报刊词汇英译汉:十小题,每题2分,共20分内容以辅导书的附录为主. 2.阅读理解:2篇文章,选自作业题,选择题或判断题,共40分。






一、经济与商业1.《经济学人》(The Economist):该杂志是一本知名的英国周刊,以其深度的经济分析和评论而闻名。






2.《纽约客》(The New Yorker):这是一本美国的综合性周刊,涵盖了文学、艺术、政治和社会等方面的内容。




2.《科学美国人》(Scientific American):这是一本美国科学杂志,致力于向读者普及科学知识和最新的科学研究成果。


四、社会与时事1.《纽约时报》(The New York Times):这是一家美国的全国性报纸,以其深度报道和评论而闻名。




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(美国)美联社 (美国)合众社 (英国)路透社 (英国)报纸联合社 (德国)德新社 (法国)法新社 (意大利)安莎社
Major News Agencies
西方报纸、电台和电视等新闻,许多都是由通讯社提供的。下面介绍 的是英美四大通讯社。 1. AP (abbrev. Associated Press) (美国) 美联社,成立于1848年, 总部设在纽约市。1976年就已有1,181家美国日报和约3,462家广播 电台和电视台接受该社提供的新闻服务,现在它是世界最大的通讯社。 2. UPI (abbrev. United Press International) (美国)合众国际社,成立 于1907年,它开创了一些重要的新闻报道业务,如它于1925年开办了 新闻图片等服务。在20世纪70年代末,该社就为100多个国家的4, 503家客户服务。它有250多个分社向外提供新闻。 3. Reuters (abbrev. Reuter’s News Agency) (英国)路透社,1851年 由路透(Paul Julius Reuter)创建,总部设在伦敦。它是一家商业性通讯 社。20世纪60年代以来,它播发经其压缩的来自诸如中国等国的新闻 报道,美国也有几十家报纸定购该社的新闻。现在其业务已遍及全球 150多个国家。该社拥有91个国家14,800名职员,1,800名记者, 138个分社。 4. PA (abbrev. Press Association) (英国)报纸联合社,它通过该社的 新闻(PA News)、体育(PA Sport)和数据设计(PA Data Design)这 三家公司而成为英国的全国新闻社,为报纸、广播电台和电视台提供全 方位的新闻和信息服务。

英美报刊选读 考到的课本问题及答案

英美报刊选读 考到的课本问题及答案

Lesson ElevenIs America’s new declinism for real1. What is the difference between the latest global trends report and the one issued four years ago?The latest report foresees world in which the US plays a prominent role in global events,butthe US is seen as one among many global actors". The report issued four years ago had projected "continuing US dominance".2. What does "new declinism" mean?It means that Americans,especially theintellectuals,think that America is in decline. They have lost the aggressive confidence of the Bush years and the "unipolar moment". It is new because there were times in US history when people had similar thoughts.3. What are the reasons of the new declinism?There are three reasons:First,the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have made it clear that US military supremacy does not automatically translate into political victory. Second,the rise of China and India suggests that America’s days as the world’s largest economy are numbered. Third, the financial crisis has fed the notion that the US is living beyond its means and that something is badly wrong with the American model.4. What does William Wohlforth of Dartmouth College think of the new declinism?He pointed out that America may recover from the new declinism just like before and there may be a resurgence of American confidence.5. Why does the writer think that the new declinism may be more soundly based than the previous ones?Because he thinks that China may pose more challenge to the US than the Soviet Union and Japan since it has a large size and a record of sustained and dynamic economic growth..6. What do you think of America’s decline? And China’s rise?OpenLesson FifteenLibby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat1. For what was I. Lewis Libby charged?Mr. Libby was charged for perjury and obstruction of justice because he was considered to have lied to investigators. He was charged with five felony accounts of lying to the grand jury and to officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who were investigating the leak of Ms. Wilson's name to Mr. Novak.2. How did Libby defend himself on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice?Mr. Libby said that he believed he first learned about Ms. Wilson in a conversation with Tim Russert of NBC. He also told the grand jury that he had been taken aback by Mr. Russert’s information. He had testified that he did not discuss Ms. Wilson’s identity with Judith Miller,a former reporter for The Times,or with Matthew Cooper of Time magazine.3. How did Mr. Wells defend Mr. Libby?Trying to present the case as hopelessly complicated as possible, Mr. Wells spoke for nearly two and a half hours to leave the jurors in doubt about the validity of the charges. And he asserted that Mr. Libby had become enmeshed in legal difficulty because of White House efforts to protect Mr. Rove.4. Why did the White House intend to protect Mr. Rove?Because Mr. Rove was Mr. Bush’s right-hand man and "was most responsible for seeing the Republican Party stayed in office.”And he had a major role in guiding Mr. Bush's re-election campaign.5. Do you think the Bush administration had distorted intelligence about Iraqi efforts to obtain uranium? Why or why not?Yes,I think so. Because the weapons of mass destruction have not been found up to now.6. How do you understand Mr. Cheney’s words that "Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy who was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder because of the incompetence of others?"Mr. Cheney means that he is not going to sacrifice Libby just for the purpose of protecting Mr. Rove.Mr. Cheney means that he is not going tosacrifice Libby just for the purpose ofprotecting Mr. Rove.Lesson EighteenA Race We Can All Win1. What are the different views between the author and some other American politicians on China? Why does he think so?Many American politicians have played tovoters’ economic insecurities by scapegoating China,while the author believes that China is not a threat to America,but an incredible opportunity. Since the author has worked 35 years in the private sector, and has run the nation's largest city for 6 years.2. What does the author see behind the growing Chinese economy?Although China emerges as an economic dynamo,the author has also seen the frailties underpinning its system. The increasingly congested roads and polluted air choke its economy and its people. The growth of cities is also exposing other fundamental long-term economic challenges,for instance,the education system is simply not producing enough skilled workers--- engineers,doctors,scientists and mangers. At the same time,health-care costs are skyrocketing.3. What common problems do both China and America meet? Give an example to illustrate how China is solving these problems.Both China and America have congestion,pollution,education, and rising health-care costs.4. Compared with China,what are the advantages for America to solve these problems? Do you agree with the author?The author advocates that America has a system of government that is far less corrupt and far more stable,owing to American democratic politics,free press and open, transparent markets.5. In the author's opinion, how can America meet the challenge?The Americans should prevent themselves from slowing down, which means overcoming the political inertia that has stopped them from investing in the 21st-century infrastructure that they need.6. Do you agree with the author’s opinions about China and the US? Please illustrate your own views with some examples.Open.Lesson NineteenWhy the Monarchy Must Stay1.What was Mr. Churchill’s view on Britain’s system of government? Do you agree withhim?a.he thought it was the best that man had yet devisedthough it was imperfect.b. Open.2. What role does Queen Elizabeth II play? Can she play a better role than an American president in a sense? Explain.a. she, as head of state, carries out ceremonial duties, and takes the political accountability while remaining above politics and taking no sides in any political debate.b. In the author’s view, she can. An American president is also the leader of a political party, so he can’t remain above politics.3. What power does Queen Elizabeth II have/ does Her Majesty have the real power to choose a prime minister? Why or why not?a. she can choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war.b. No. she is a figurehead bound by the tradition, constitution and laws of the nation. She does it on the advice of Parliament.4. If the monarchy were abolished, what would things in Britain be like?The government, Parliament, nation, and Commonwealth would be turned upside down. Every nut and bolt of every one of Britain’s major institutions would have to be altered to make way for change.5. Do you know any scandals about some members of the royal family? Be specific.There are a couple of scandals involving the Queen’s sister and children. Apart from Camillagate 卡米拉门and Squidgygate鱿鱼门事件, it was reported that Princess Michael ofKent had an affair with oil tycoon John Ward Hunt, a relative of the fabulously wealthy Bunker Hunt of Houston, U. S. A.6. Why must the monarchy stay? Can it keep a politician from holding all the powers? Do you think the monarchy must go? State the reasons.a. In the author’s view , it has served both the British Empire and the Commonwealth with great distinction. Besides, it is legitimate and accords with traditions.b. Yes, it can, but it is not the monarchy but the parliamentary democracy that can keep a politician from holding all the powers and becoming a dictator.c. It depends. It is the British people that can decide its future.Lesson TwentyThe Coming Conflict in the Arctic1.What issues would the two heads of states discuss at the Lobster Summit atKennebunkport?Putin and Bush spent most of their time at the “lobster summit” discussing how to prevent the growing tensions between their two countries caused by missile defense in Europe and the final status of Kosovo.2. What’s the real purpose of Russia’s claim to the vast area of the ice covered Arctic seabed?The claim is not really about territory, but rather about the huge hydrocarbon reserves that are hidden on the seabed under the Arctic ice cap. Since these newly discovered energy reserves will play a crucial role in the global energy balance as the existing reserves of oil and gas will be depleted over the next 20 years. And the Russian government wants to secure Russia’s long-term dominance over global energy markets.3. Why are the Arctic reserves so attractive to Arctic-rim countries?Because the whole world is in danger of depleting natural resources, and scientists estimate that the Arctic territory contains more than 10 billion tons of gas and oil deposits. That’s why the Arctic reserves will be of such crucial importance to the world’s energy future, though they are still largely unexplored.4. Why doesn’t international Law recognize Russia’s right to the entire Arctic seabed north of the Russian coastline?The U.S. government has been jealous of Russia’s attempts to project its dominance in the energy sector and has sought to limit opportunities for Russia to control export routes and energy deposits outside Russia’s territory. As a result, it refused to recognize Russia’s claim to the entire Arctic seabed and blocked the anticipated Russian bid.5. What is the viable scientific evidence supporting Russia's claim? What has boosted Russia's claim over the oil- and gas-rich triangle?After a group of Russian geologists taking a six-week voyage to the Lomonosov Ridge, they claimed the ridge was linked to Russian Federation territory. Their research boosted Russia’s claim over the oil-and gas-rich triangle. The latest findings are likely to prompt Russia to lodge another bid at the UN to secure its rights over the Arctic sea shelf.6. What is the US government’s attitude to the Russian claim? Why did President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention?The US government refused to recognize Russia’s claim and blocks the bid. President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention because , if the Senate ratified the Law of the Sea Convention, U. S. would have the same right to claim a 12 mile zone for territorial waters and a larger 200 mile economic zone in the Arctic territory.7. Why did the author say that it promises to be a tough fight?If the Russian government wants to get its Arctic claim approved, it should have a tough diplomatic fight with other countries, especially the U. S. government.。







Course description:This course is designed to enable students to gain deeper understanding of English mainstream newspapers, including its language features, textual structure, style, rhetorical devices, and textual layout, etc. Students are expected to master the characteristics of different genres of journalism, and to write journalistic genres independently. Also, through reading more authentic English newspapers, the course will expand the students’ vocabulary, i mprove discourse apprehending skills, and English writing skills. The students will be able to hone their abilities in mobilizing various tools to read the newspapers, including dictionaries, google, and- 4 -encyclopedia, etc. They are also expected to form critical thinking skills with regard to English newspapers.2.设计思路:课程素材选择主要考虑了以下几个设计思路:(1)要从学生的实际英语水平出发,难易适中,最好是i+1。



河南工程学院本科课程教学大纲课程名称:英语报刊选读课程编码:适用专业:英语语言文学学制:四年所属系部:外语学院制订日期:年月日河南工程学院教务处编制二〇年十月十日河南工程学院本科《报刊英语》课程教学大纲课程中英文名称:A Course in English Newspaper & Magazine Reading《报刊英语》课程编码:课程性质:专业选修课适用专业:英语语言文学学时数: 32 ;其中:讲课学时: 32 ;实验学时:;学分数:2;编写人:蒋冬丽;审定人:屈平;一、课程简介(一)课程教学目的与任务教学目的:本课程的目的是通过学生在教师指导下阅读不同内容和体裁的英文报刊文章,丰富各方面的知识和词汇,发展兴趣,开拓视野,以便顺利地进入学习的更高境界,进而能快速摄取新闻,跟上时代的步伐,成为国家所需要的素质型人才。


教学任务:1. 介绍英语主要报刊的标题特点、语法特征、词汇特色和语篇形式等文体特点。

2. 讲授英语报刊文章的不同语篇形式的报刊文章,使所学文体知识理论与新闻语篇实例结合起来。

3. 熟悉英语新闻报道的篇章结构,使学生掌握从新闻语篇中快速获取信息的能力。

(二)课程教学的总体要求1. 通过通过学习、了解新闻英语的特点,达到能够阅读英语时事文章、深入领会其语言规则的水平。

2. 通过学习在阅读过程中如何正确理解文章的含义的技巧,掌握新闻英语语体的特点,从而提高阅读水平。

3. 通过大量的阅读训练,提高判断﹑分析归纳﹑推理检验等逻辑思维能力。







英语报刊选读作业答案11《英语报刊选读》作业答案作业(1)A. Multiple Choices.1. A2. C3. C4. A5. B6. C7. A8. B 9. C10. A、D、E、H、IB. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).True: 1、4、5、8False: 2、3、6、7作业(2)Keys:1. Give the definition of the following terms.1) featurea prominent or special article, story, or department in anewspaper or periodical.2) editorialan article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers.3) op-edof or being a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personalviewpoints4) inverted pyramidThe inverted pyramid is a traditional form of writing in which the news is stacked in paragraphs in order of descending importance. The lead summarizes the principal items of a news event. The second paragraph and each succeeding paragraph contain secondary or supporting details in order of decreasing significance. All the paragraphs in the story contain newsworthy information, but each paragraph is less vital than the one before it. Inverted-pyramid form puts the climax of a story at the beginning, in the lead.5) leadA lead is a terse opening paragraph that provides the gist of thestory and invites readers inside.2. What is the difference between hard news and soft news? Hard news events, such as killings, and speeches by leading government officials, are timely and are reported almost automatically by the media. Soft news events, such as a car wash by a fourth-graders to raise money for a classmate with cancer, are not usually considered immediately important or timely to a wide audience. These events still contain elements of news, however, and the media often report them.3. What is the difference between news and features?A news story emphasizes the facts of the event, while the feature displaces the facts to accommodate the human interest of the story.4. What are the major criteria for newsworthiness?ProximityProminenceTimelinessImpactConflict and ControversyUniquenessHuman interest5. What are the principles of news writing?News writing tends to be:1. Impersonal to make it appear objective (to distance thereporter from the story) hence:– Written in the third person– Use of direct speech or indirect speech which is attributed to someone other than the reporter,– Some use of passive verbs but usually only when someone who is being quoted wants to distancethemselves from an issue and to show objectively about n issue.2. About something that has taken place so mostly written in thepast tense.3. Simple – In fact close to the way we talk –relatively shortsentences and words and some use of clichés which the whole audience understand.4. Punchy –it must g rab the reader’s attention so often uses:– short rather than long words– active verbs– relatively short sentences– concrete rather than abstract vocabulary– sometimes emotive and colorful vocabulary– some use (but not overuse) of adjectives5. But also relatively formal hence:– no use of contractions– sentences written in full (no elision) or elliptical sentences6. sometimes imagery is used to help create a clearer mentalpicture for the reader.7. often including the reporter’s by-line and/or a date-line6. Read the following headlines and analyze the features ofthe language they use.a) More Iraqis Said to Flee Since Troop RiseWhen passive voice is used in headlines, “to be” is always omitted. Here “are” in “More Iraqis are said to flee…” is omitted. Nouns and noun phrases are often used in headlines to save space. Noun phrases which actually express actions or state are heavily used, and they are derived from verb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without lowe ring the amount of information conveyed. Instead of “since the troop rises”, noun phrase “troop rise” is used.b) Insurgent raid kills 22 villagersMost headlines use the present tense-despite the fact that they generally describe past events. The present tense gives the subject a sense of freshness and immediacy, making it more intere sting to read. Instead of using “killed”, “kills” is used to describe what happened in the past. Besides, the article “An” in “an insurgent raid” is omitted.c) Bangladesh Sets Curfew To Curb Student ProtestsShort words (i.e. midget words) are often used to conserve space in headlines, for example, “curb” in this headline. Besides, present tense “sets” is used to describe a past event.d) Storm Death Toll in Midwest Climbs1. Compact noun phrases are often used in headlines to save space.2. Most headlines use the present tense-despite the fact that they generally describe past events.e) Wall Street slightly lower as credit worries lingerRhetoric devices often used in the writing of newspaper headlines.In this headline, Wall Street refers to the stock exchange, which is a metonymy. Another rhetoric device used here is rhyme (Correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of lines of verse), as we find in lower and linger.f) China launches crackdown on inferior goods, unsafe foodIn order to conserve space in headlines, comma is sometimes used to replace “and”.g) China to become U.S. third largest export market by yearendIn phrase headlines, infinitives are sometimes used to indicate a future action or event.7. What do the following abbreviations and acronyms stand for?1) CPPCC Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议2) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局3) IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织4) WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织5) DJI Dow-Jones Index 道·琼斯指数6) PM prime minister首相;总理7. Read the following news story and answer the followingquestions.1. What is the headline of the report?Sprawl puts houses in hot zones2. What is the subheading of the report?Lack of fire hydrants a growing problem3. What is the byline of the report?By Joseph GidjunisUSA TODAY4. What is the dateline of the report?Salisbury, Md作业三:社会群体与政治体制Lesson 4Answers to the questions1. C2. A3. C4. A1. She feels blessed, because she has a chance to be who shereally is and does what she loves doing all day long.2. Carol Ryff has defined well-being as the presence of six qualities:independence, the ability to cope with complex demands, a feeling of growth as a person, good relationships, goals that give life meaning, and an acceptance of the self and the past.3. Carol Tavris’ mother was treated as a patient. Her doctor andtherapist and husband were quick to ascribe all ills to her “condition”. They all regarded menopause as a dise ase to be cured. Her doctor asked her a lot of questions, then wrote out a prescription for her and left her have the prescription filled.4. Reverent Foster thinks that there is a lot of freedom in midlife.She suggests that middle-aged women should let their pastgo, incorporate it into who they are now and step into the future.Lesson 7Answers to the questions1. C2. B3. C4. D5. Because for many years, politicians spoke little about theirpersonal faith. Both Eisenhower and Kennedy were unwilling to talk about their own religious faith.6. Because Eisenhower and Kennedy were operating in anAmerica where many Protestants, Catholics and Jews regarded each other as threats to the public good. Stirring up such feelings was dangerous.7. Carter carried evangelical Christians, which helped him sweepthe South and run well in rural areas.8. The author believes that there is a close relationship betweenreligion and politics, but candidates should keep religion within appropriate bounds.Additional Reading1. The border wall is planned to be built this fall to stem illegal immigration into America.2. Landowners are concerned it may cut across their property, conservationists see it destroying crucial riverside habitat, and some activists see it inflaming ethnic tensions.3. It is an expression of friendship between two mayors, two cities and two countries.4. The border wall is needed to help block the swelling tideof illegal immigration as well as widespread drug and gun smuggling.5. Because the Mexican government has failed its own people and Mexicans were forced to go north seeking jobs because of the poverty they faced at home.作业四:家庭婚姻与教育卫生Lesson 12Answers to the questions1. D2. D3. C4. D5. When they found their marriage floundering over Ste phen’sinability to keep his promises, they attended a marriage-education course to learn the communication skills.After a while they felt that working on their marriage was all they were doing. To offset that feeling, they instituted a Thursday date night where discussion of anything serious is strictly forbidden.6. He suggests couples set up weekly meetings to discussdifferences when they can be calm and open to new ideas.7. They decided to renew their commitment to their marriageinstead of choosing divorce. The belief in commitment made them come through the crisis. The husband changed his outlook and got a job as a salesman. Today, their marriage is back on solid ground.8. He thinks that as the betrayal causes deep hurt, the wounds toheal will take a long time. He suggests that the one who hasmade the mistake has to work very hard to regain the trust of the other side.Lesson 15Answers to the questions1. B2. C3. A4. B9. According to her, the reason is that medical inflation hasoutstripped the increases in Medicare reimbursement and caused mounting losses.10. Because the Congress intended to reverse the exodus from theMedicare program.11. He thinks that the Congress continues to pour money into thecoffers of Medicare H.M.O.’s in hopes of providin g better care to America’s seniors. But the H.M.O.’s keep stranding hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries annually by either leaving the program or reducing benefits. So he believes that it is foolish even to consider throwing more money at this failed system.12. What Richard Jones means is this: Medical cost inflation hasexceeded 20 percent a year over the last few years and has caused mounting financial losses. They can either stay in markets by reducing benefits or exit and lose the chance to serve Medicare beneficiaries. There is no other choice for them.Additional Reading1. Because of the recession and poor private housing prospects in the early 1990s.2. The traditional American culture thinks of maleness andadulthood in terms of separation, particularly in moving away from home and mother.3. This could lead to rises in family tension and even violence, but it may also improve relationship by giving children the chance to see their parents as independent adults rather than just as parents.4. Parents should allow their children to behave as adults ina family home.5. No. It is found that the benefit was not a factor in encouraging young single people to leave home for private accommodation. Even those entitled to it often did not claim.作业五:工作生活与行为风尚Lesson 20Answers to the questions1. B2. C3. D4. B9. Throughout the 1990s, Congress and the states took a muchtougher approach to programs such as unemployment insurance, welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps than they did in earlier decades.10. Many part-time and temporary workers are more likely to bearthe brunt of a job drought because many companies lay them off first.11. Many states will be under pressure to tighten up eligibility ruleseven further because they have allowed their unemploymentinsurance reserve funds to run down in recent years, when the good times seemed to make them less urgent. With unemployment rising again, fewer workers are paying into the system just as more former workers need to take money out. 12. The safety net could still suffer a strain because a growing glut of low-skilled workers means wages at the bottom are likely to sink.Lesson 23Answers to the questions1. B2. C3. A4. C13. School dropout rates are lower, especially forAfrican-Americans. High school students are taking more challenging courses. Girls are closing the gender gap by taking more rigorous math and science classes. SAT scores are up from two decades ago. More and more kids are going to college.14. The way society viewed teens shifted dramatically around thetime of the Great Depression. Before then, teens worked and were considered virtually grown up. But facing a workplace without jobs, Depression youth turned to education as a consolation prize. As high school attendance rolls swelled, the status of teens as full-fledged members of society declined. Now that they were students rather than workers, they came to seem younger than before.15. What’s distinctly different for today’s teenagers, experts say, isthe level of cultural negativity they’re exposed to, from theover-the-top sexuality in advertising, television, and film, to the prevalence of gun violence and family dysfunction. Their exposure to risk is so far beyond what other generations have dealt with.16. Family plays a very important role in helping children overcomethe stresses. Kids who feel connected to home, family, and school are better protected from violence, suicide, sexual activity, and substance abuse. Adolescents also fare better if their parents are home as key times of the day. And teens whose parents had high expectations about school also reported fewer emotional problems, such as suicide attempts or depression.Additional Reading1. The 2005 survey found that about three out of four companies regularly track which websites their employees visit. More than half use surveillance software to scour office e-mail (looking for hot-button keywords like sex in the subject line or body of messages). More than a third extend their snooping to monitor how much time workers spend at the computer, record their keystrokes or log their downloads. And one in four companies reports firing someone for improper e-mail use.2. Heidi Arace and Norma Yetsko distributed via office e-mail what they thought was fun to share, which their bosses found offensive enough. As a result, the two longtime workers were fired.3. Reasons why companies monitor their workers’ computer use include:- to see to it that workers waste less time online and work more efficiently;- to avoid legal trouble;- to guarantee the security;- to avoid the leakage of sensitive information.4. Companies are using two types of spying software: network-based programs that monitor all traffic passing through a system, and programs that sit directly on an employee’s desktop.5. They should know the company’s computer-use policy and comply with it. They should assume they’re being monitored, and behave accordingly. They should never bad-mouth the company online. They should not use personal e-mail accounts or post to a blog. They should avoid transmitting any message that could embarrass themselves or others if made public. They should not think instant messaging is less permanent than e-mail. When surfing the Web, they should never click on something flagged NSFW (not safe for work).作业六:文艺体育、企业经济、社会问题Lesson 28Answers to the questions1. C2. A3. B4. A5. The reasons for Armstrong’s success were his strong interest inthe sport, and his drive and ambition caused by his recovery from near-fatal testicular cancer.6. Y es, beca use he thinks that the Tour de France is cycling’s most difficult and prestigious race.7. He did not feel embarrassed about the testicular cancer but was proud of it. His recovery from the cancer gave him driveand ambition. He approached the sport with a whole new focus.8. He says that he has never failed a drug test, that he takes no banned substances, and that no one who has faced cancer would take illicit drugs.Lesson 31Answers to the questions1. C2. C3. C4. B5. The key issue is the contrast between Enron’s forecasts for its Internet business and the reality of the division’s multiplying problems last year.6. He predicted that broadband would add $40 a share to Enron’s stock price over the next few years.7. According to Skilling the company was caught by surprise by the sudden collapse of the Internet content delivery market that Enron had hoped to turn into a profitable arena for trading.8. Because Enron was not welcomed either by the dominant regional telephone companies or cable companies, each of which had their own strategies for high-speed Internet business.Lesson 34Answers to the questions1. A2. B3. C4. D5. The statistics suggest that gang members are more likely to sell drugs, assaut innocent folk, steal cars and commit murder.6. The data show that roughly half of the gang members hadbeen involved in a drive-by shooting, 80% carried a concealed weapon and 50% reported taking guns to school.7. Successful intervention programs must aim at boys at this stage.8. The author believes that the society can help some of the gang members to turn over a new leaf by offering them decent regular jobs. One if four gang members said that they would quit the business for a regular wage of $6-7 an hour.Additional Reading1. He shot and killed two people about 7:20 a.m. in West Ambler Johnston Hall. Two-and-a-half hours later, he killed 30 people in Norris Hall and then committed suicide.2. They could have warned students earlier that two students had been shot and that the killer had not been caught yet.3. It has identified problems like communications breakdowns, gaps in the mental health system and confusion over student privacy laws.4. He said that his people had acted quickly and to the best of their abilities based on what they knew at the time. He also said the school administration did not have all the facts about the first shooting and did not want to spread partial or incorrect information to students.5. No, they didn't know about his history of mental health problems because Fairfax schools did not relay anything about Cho's mental state to the college due to the privacy laws.。



英语报刊选读一、阅读材料1. The Economist (经济学人)The Economist is a weekly international business magazine published in London. It provides objective reporting, analysis and opinion to help business people and policy makers understand the global economy. The magazine covers a wide range of topics including business, politics, technology, culture and international affairs. It is a good source of news and analysis for English learners.2. New York Times (纽约时报)The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City. It is one of the most influential English-language newspapers in the world, covering news, culture, sports and other topics. The newspaper publishes high-quality reporting, analysis and opinion on current events, and it is a good source of reading practice for English learners.3. Wall Street Journal (华尔街日报)The Wall Street Journal is a daily business newspaper published in New York City. It provides objective reporting and analysis on the financial markets, business news, economics and other topics. The newspaper is written in a formal style and is a good choice for students who want to improve their writing skills.二、回答问题1. What are the main differences between The Economist and the New York Times?The Economist is a weekly international business magazine published in London, providing objective reporting, analysis and opinion to help business people and policy makers understand the global economy. The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City, covering news, culture, sports and other topics. Therefore, The Economist is more focused on business and international affairs, while the New York Times covers a wider range of topics.2. What are the advantages of reading Wall Street Journal for English learners?Reading the Wall Street Journal has several advantages for English learners. Firstly, it provides objective reporting and analysis on the financial markets, business news, economics and other topics, which helps learners improve their understanding of financial and economic issues. Secondly, the newspaper is written in a formal style, which provides learners with opportunities to improve their writing skills. Finally, reading the Wall Street Journal is a good source of reading practice for learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.三、个人观点In my opinion, reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way for English learners to improve their language proficiency. By reading different types of newspapers and magazines, learners can broaden their horizons, improve their writing skills, and gain a better understanding of current events and international affairs. Additionally, reading newspapers and magazines in a foreign language provides learners with opportunities to practice their reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, which helps them develop a more natural fluency in the target language. Therefore, I recommend that English learners regularly read English newspapers and magazines to improve their language proficiency.。





















英美报刊选读Unit 9 Sports

英美报刊选读Unit 9 Sports

最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 9 Sports
Organization Analysis
Part I (Para.1-3) Main Idea: How the incident happened Para.1 Phelps was caught smoking cannabis and was
Para.2 Phelps was caught just a day after Murray and
Nadal claimed they were being hounded by antidoping authorities.
Para.3 Phelps was caught before the introduction of the
know, I said to myself: I am gonna do this, and no one’s gonna stop me.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 9 Sports
Warming-up Questions
Can you name some other sport super stars reported to have taken drugs? What do you think of the problem?
ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned
by new discoveries. 分析:句子插入语包括“therefore” (说明因果关系)和“while”
译文:因此,虽然在很多方面,我们对社会体制的认识极度不准 确,但是这些认识并不能够被新的发现所正式推翻。

英美报刊选读(辅修) 课程表

英美报刊选读(辅修) 课程表

英美报刊选读(辅修)课程表英美报刊选读(辅修)课程表课程名称: 英美报刊选读(辅修)课程类型: 文学与文化研究学分: 3上课时间: 每周一、三、五,上午9:00-10:30上课地点: 英美文学系101教室任课教师: 约翰·史密斯教授课程简介:英美报刊选读(辅修)是一门针对英美文学与文化感兴趣的学生开设的课程。


课程目标:1. 培养学生对英美文学与文化的兴趣和理解。

2. 帮助学生提高英文阅读和分析的能力。

3. 培养学生批判性思维和理性分析问题的能力。

4. 培养学生对英美社会、文化和政治的关注和认识。

课程内容:第一周:- 介绍课程内容和目标- 英美报刊概述第二周:- 阅读和分析英国报纸的文章- 讨论英国社会问题第三周:- 阅读和分析美国报纸的文章- 讨论美国社会问题第四周:- 阅读和分析英国报纸的政治新闻- 分析英国政治体系第五周:- 阅读和分析美国报纸的政治新闻- 分析美国政治体系第六周:- 阅读和分析英美文化相关文章- 探讨英美文化差异第七周:- 阅读和分析英美艺术和文学评论- 探索英美文学发展的趋势第八周:- 阅读和分析英美媒体报道的国际事务- 分析英美对外政策第九周:- 阅读和分析英美商业新闻- 讨论英美经济发展第十周:- 阅读和分析英美体育新闻- 探讨英美体育文化第十一周:- 阅读和分析英美科技新闻- 讨论科技对英美社会的影响第十二周:- 课程总结和复习- 学生报告和讨论课程要求:1. 学生需要每周阅读指定的英美报刊文章,并准备批判性思考问题。

2. 学生需要积极参与课堂讨论,并发表个人观点和分析。

3. 学生需要完成课程作业和期末论文。

评估方式:1. 课堂参与度: 20%2. 课堂作业: 30%3. 期末论文: 50%该课程将帮助学生深入了解英美社会、文化和政治的方方面面,培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力,并为学生今后从事相关研究或工作提供基础知识和技能。



英美报刊选读News agencyAP-associated press 美联社UP-united press international (美)合众国际社Reuters-Reuter’s News Agency (英)路透社PA-press association (英)报纸联合社DPA-Deutsche Presse Agentur 德新社AFD-Agence France Presse法新社ANSA-Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata 意大利安莎通讯社What is news?News is the reporting of anything timely, which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience.News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them. What are news values?1. Timeless and freshness2. Importance, consequences, impact or significance.3. Prominence4. Neamess, proximity or locality5. Unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or novelty6. InterestWhat is journalese?Journalese: style of writing 新闻之风English of a style featured by use of colloquialisms, superficially of thought or reasoning, clever or sensational presentation of material, and evidences of haste in composition,considered characteristic of newspaper writing‖W ebster’s W ednesday‖.What is journalism?1.What is journalistic English?新闻英语Journalistic English aims at the study of English, newspapers, periodicals, radio, television and other media of communication.2.What is journalismJournalism is the collection and periodical publishing of news. It includes writing for, editing and managing such media as the newspaper and the periodical.Types of journalism1.news消息Pure hard news ( brief 栏)题材严肃,时新性Soft news 人情味浓,写法轻松活泼2.feature 特写再现新闻事件,人物和场量Suspended interest of form3.editorial &commentary社论和评论代表低级或杂志编辑部发表的权威性评论,有时很难懂OP-ED (the New Y ork Times)Opinion page (Newsweek)Today and tomorrow (New Y ork herald tribune)AdvertisementNewspaper format1. Broadsheet 大报(严肃的,高质量的,报道真相)A1 paper2.tabloid 小报(普通的,贫民的,引起轰动的,提供娱乐的)A2 paper有些小报也是严肃的大报,比如:The Christian Science MonitorThe GuardianEmergence of newspaper sections1.news2.features3.sports4.business5.editorial/ OP-ED6.classifieds7.science and technology8.life9.health10.entertainmentThe front pageFl ag/nameplate/masthead 报头Feasers 报耳hold 全文报道rail 预告栏gutter 中缝Byline 署名jumpline 跳页指示Dateline 电头Dateline ROM.nov.8 Moscow.oct.10 (AP) Associated press完整的新闻组成(倒金字塔)HeadlineThe leadBody消息主体:倒金字塔式The inverted pyramid form1. Intro containing most important or most interesting information (more facts)2. Supporting information or background3. Quotes or more facts of lesser importance4. Minor detail5. Least significant informationLead 导语一般是消息的第一个自然段,有时也有两个自然段,是消息的概括。



Greeks Reach Deal on Austerity to Meet Condition of Bailout From New York Times of February 10, 2012Trade union members at a protest Thursday in Athens against the new austerity plan agreed to by the coalition government.ATHENS —Global financial markets received a reprieve on Thursday after Greek political leaders agreed to sweeping new austerity measures that should unlock the financing Greece needs to avert a potentially damaging default in March.But here in Greece, with the unemployment rate at 21 percent and rising and the economy still contracting, few are celebrating. Instead, there is a widespread sense that the new measures demanded by Greece’s foreign lenders — including asharp cut in the benchmark minimum wage —will force the country into an even more precipitous economic decline. European finance ministers meeting Thursday delayed approval of the deal, saying they wanted more than $400 million of additional cuts in 2012, but they are expected to endorse it, as is the Greek Parliament, despite grumblings.At a demonstration outside Parliament here this week, Eftychia Georgakopoulou, 40, laughed when asked about the wage cut, saying “Twenty percent off what?” Her employer, she said, a private organization that helps the blind, has not paid her in a year. Such stories are increasingly common here. With Greece’s debt at 160 percent of gross domestic product and its deficit higher than expected, its foreign creditors have demanded severe cuts, saying it borrowed too heavily in the past and now must force down wages and transform its state to compete in the single currency.“If you live beyond your means, then you can repair your balance sheet only if your consumption goes down,” said Jörg Krämer, chief economist for Commerzbank in Frankfurt. “There is no other way but to cut your expenditures and bring them more in line with your income.”But with the bulk of Greece’s bailout financing going to repay banks rather than stimulate the economy, that narrative may ring more true for German voters than Greek ones. “We’re at the mercy of God now,” said Chrisoula Koutsavli, 54, a worker in a cookie factory north of Athens.After weeks of negotiations and intense, overnight talks, Prime Minister Lucas Papademos on Thursday reached an accord with the leaders of the three parties participating in his fragile interim coalition —the Socialists, the center-right New Democracy party and the right-wing Popular Orthodox Rally. In a highly political climate ahead of elections expected as early as April, the leaders agreed to a range of unpopular measures, including cutting the minimum wage on which all private-sector contracts are based by 22 percent — 30 percent for workers under 25. This in a country where average wages have dropped 15 percent since 2009, after having risen by that amount in the relatively prosperous years between 2004 and 2009, according to a study by the Bank of Greece.They also agreed to shorten the terms of collective bargaining agreements, freeze private sector salary increases until unemployment drops below 10 percent from its current 19percent, loosen job protections in the public sector and by the end of 2015 cut 150,000 jobs from the government payroll of 800,000.On Thursday evening, finance ministers from the euro zone countries said they were not yet ready to sign off on Greece’s agreement, demanding additional savings of up to $432 million in 2012. But they were expected to give their blessing, at least conditionally, financial experts said, because they do not want to jeopardize a broader deal in which private creditors are expected to agree to write down as much as 70 percent of their holdings of Greek debt.The demand for additional cuts will require further austerity measures that will have to be pushed through Parliament in the coming days. They are expected to pass, nevertheless, and in spite of a growing number of lawmakers who say they will vote no —including the deputy labor minister, a member of the Socialist Party who resigned on Thursday to protest the deal.The new cuts imposed by Greece’s so-called troika of foreign lenders —the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund —come at whatsome economists say is the worst possible time. The country’s economy shrank by 11.7 percent between 2009 and 2011 and is expected to contract a further 5 to 6 percent this year — even though the troika’s program is based on a return to growth in 2013.During talks this week, Greece and its lenders had to readjust the program to compensate for a deeper recession than the three institutions had foreseen, which caused the country’s budget deficit to expand more than anticipated. This is precisely the vicious circle that many Greeks say could destroy their economy —and, ultimately, their society —in the absence of a strategy to promote growth.“Their methods are theoretical and have nothing to do with reality,” Savas Robolis, the director of the Labor Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers, said of the troika. “We can’t keep creating deficits, then making cuts and then creating more deficits and more cuts.”Antonis Samaras, the conservative leader of New Democracy who is likely to be the next prime minister of Greece, called on European leaders to show understanding for austerity-weary Greeks. “No nation can endure daily austerity without a lightat the end of the tunnel,” he said, adding that too much pain “will fuel a social explosion.”In spite of the pain, some say the debt write-down does not go far enough. It is expected to leave Greece with a debt-to-G.D.P. ratio of 120 percent in the year 2020, the same debt level it had in 2009, before it asked for a bailout — and that is with relatively optimistic growth projections.Some critics say the write-down and the bailout amount to an exercise in futility.“This thing is prolonging the agony for the whole of the euro zone by maintaining the state of denial of our European leaders about not only just Greece’s insolvency but regarding a cascade of insolvencies throughout the euro zone both in terms of public debts and private bank losses,” said Yanis Varoufakis, an economics professor at the University of Athens.He added that letting Greece default but stay in the euro zone would be “a cathartic moment, a moment of truth in a two-year period of concerted lies.”Greeks also complain that they get no relief from high prices,even as their incomes fall. Experts say prices of consumer goods remain high because of a high volume of imports and politically-powerful cartels that control their distribution.In this context, the wage cuts “move us backwards,” said Konstantinos Michalos, the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, a leading business association. “When you have severe cuts but you are a non-producing country because you depend on imports, it’s most likely that prices will go higher.” When Zinovia Tsikalaki, a young Greek woman studying at a university in Berlin, addressed Angela Merkel on Tuesday night at a student forum in the German capital, her question turned into a confession and, finally, a plea.“I am not here as a representative of Greece,” Ms. Tsikalaki told the German chancellor in a trembling voice. “I am her e as a representative of a generation, my generation in Greece, which at the moment is really in despair.”Mrs. Merkel did not offer much comfort. She said she understood that Greece found itself “in a very complicated situation at the moment.”What is most important now, Mrs. Merkel said, is that thedifficult choices “would not be perceived as something imposed from the outside.”“I do not believe that has been a success yet,” she said.。



英语报刊选读英语报刊选读参考答案Journalistic Reading教师用书Teacher’s Book总主编王嘉褆主编林玫刘雁BOOK ONE (2)UNIT 1 Campus (2)UNIT 2 Entertainment (5)UNIT 3 Entertainment (8)UNIT 4 Food (12)UNIT 5 Crime (15)UNIT 6 Disaster (19)UNIT 7 Sports (23)UNIT 8 Art (27)UNIT 9 Economy (30)UNIT 10 Ecology (35)UNIT 11 Health (38)UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (42)UNIT 13 Quality problems (47)UNIT 14 Shopping (51)UNIT 15 Gun control (55)UNIT 16 Psychology (58)BOOK ONEUNIT 1 CampusI.Vocabulary Builder1.Definition1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal3)seduce: attract; tempt4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part ofsomething such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition5)reluctant: unwilling6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to payattention7)reveal: show; indicate8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society;normal; ordinary9)critical: important; crucial10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something developsand changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development2. Terms translation1) a bipartisan consensus2)high school diploma3)drop-out rate4)college wage premium5)the K-12 system6)more academically rigorous7)well-rounded citizens8)certification tests9)career and technical education3. Blank filling1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassuredII.Translation1.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。

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来之不易的成果hard-worn results
戒备森严的政府大楼heavily-guarded government complex 尖端技术highly-sophisticated technology
人口稀少地区sparsely-populated area
人口密集地区densely-populated areas
灾区disaster-hit area
贫困地区poverty-stricken area 不是Poor area 地震多发/易发地区earthquake-prone area
应试教育examination-directed education
国有企业state-owned enterprise
裁军谈判arms-reduction talks
供需失衡supply-demand imbalance
资本密集型国家capital-intensive country
无息贷款interest-free load
步行街vehicle-free promenade
拥挤不堪的公共汽车belly-to-back buses
剑拔弩张的紧张局势eyeball-to-eyeball tension
独裁政府one-man government
高级官员high-ranking official
交通事故逃逸案hit-and-run case
一触即发的紧张局势touch-and-go tension
断断续续的战争off-and-on war
致癌药cancer-causing drug
隆重欢迎red-carpet welcome
速冻食品quick-frozen food
由来已久的问题 a long-standing problem
前瞻性对照研究 A prospective controlled study
需氧的Aerobic 厌氧的anaerobic 病原菌Pathogen 外周静脉peripheral vein
1adv + past particiaple
尖端技术highly-sophisticated technology
2n + past particiaple
贫困地区poverty-stricken area 不是Poor area 3n +n
裁军谈判arms-reduction talks
4 n + present particiaple
节能装置energy-saving device
维和部队peace-keeping force
5 n + adj
资本密集型国家capital-intentive country
6 n to n
温饱工资hand-to-mouth pay
7 numberal + n
百米赛跑100-meter dash
独裁政府One-man government
8 adj+ past particiaple
Top-level talk
9 adj+ present particiaple
高级官员high-ranking official
10. ````and```
交通事故逃逸案hit-and-run case
一触即发的紧张局势touch-and-go tension。
