
Fundamental information, including the effects of porosity, water-to-cement ratio, cement paste characteristic, volume fraction of coarse aggregates, size of coarse aggregates on pervious concrete strength, had been studied [3, 9−12]. However, for the reason that the porosity played a key role in the functional and structural performances of pervious concretes [13 − 14], there was still a need to understand more about the mechanical responses of pervious concretes proportioned for desired levels of porosities. Although it was possible to have widely different pore structure features for a given porosity, or similar pore structure features for varied porosities in pervious concrete, it was imperative to focus on the mechanical responses of pervious concrete at different designed porosities. However, compared with the related research on conventional concrete, very limited study had been conducted on the fracture and fatigue behaviors of pervious concrete, which were especially important for pavement concrete subjected to heavy traffic and to severe seasonal temperature change. The presented work outlined the raw materials and mixing proportions to produce high-strength supplementary cementitious material (SCM) modified pervious concrete (SPC) and polymer-intensified pervious concrete (PPC) at different porosities within the range of 15%−25%. Then, the mechanical properties of pervious concrete, including the compressive and flexural strengths, fracture energy, as well as fatigue property, were investigated in details.


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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:PHP文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:信息工程(电子信息工程方向)班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文目录外文参考文献译文1为什么选择PHP (2)2如果你是编程新手 (4)3写一个基本的PHP程序 (4)4编程语法 (8)5嵌入式语言如何工作 (9)6服务端和客户端脚本 (11)7运行你的程序 (13)外文参考文献原文1Why PHP? (14)2If You Are New to Programming (16)3Writing a Basic PHP Program (18)4Programming Syntax (21)5How Embedded Programming Works (24)6Server-side Versus Client-side Scripting (25)7 Running Your New Program (27)1 为什么选择PHP对于Web编程来说,PHP是一个很好的选择。
它较其它语言(包括其它面向Web 的语言)有许多优点。
ASP是微软的网络开发环境(它本身不是一门开发语言,因为它允许程序员在ASP 中选择其它语言进行开发,如VBScript或JScript。
另一种Web使用的知名语言是Sun Microsystems公司的Java。

Computer networking summarizeNetworking can be defined as the linking of people, resources and ideas. Networking occurs via casual encounters, meetings, telephone conversation, and the printed words. Now the computer networking provide beings with new networking capabilities. Computer network are important for services because service tasks are information intensive. During the is transmitted between clients, coworkers, management, funding sources, and policy makers. Tools with rapidly speed up communication will dramatically affect services.Computer network growing explosively. Two decades ago, few people essential part of our infrastructure. Networking is used in every aspect of business, including advertising, production, shipping, planning, bulling, and accounting. Consequently, most corporations in on-line libraries around the world. Federal, state, and local government offices use networks, as do military organizations. In short, computer networks are everywhere.The growth in networking economic impact as well. An entire industry jobs for people with more networking expertise. Companies need workers to plan, acquire, install, operate, and manage the addition computer programming is no longer restricted to individual computers; programmers are expected to design and implement application software that can communicate with software on other computers.Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software protocols, allowing data to be exchanged rapidly and reliably. Traditionally, they split between wide area networks (WANs) and local area networks (LANs). A WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines, and a LAN is a localized network usually in one building or a group of buildings close together. The distinction, computers. Today networks carry e-mail, provide access to public databases, and are beginning to be used for distributed systems. Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers and disk-systems.Distributed computer systems are built using networked computers that cooperate to perform tasks. In this environment, each part of the networked system does what it is best at. The of a personal computer or workstation provides a good user interface. The mainframe, on the other the results to the users. In a distributed environment, a user might use in a special language (e. g. Structured Query Language-SQL), to the mainframe, which then parrrses the query, returning the user only the data requested. The user might then use the data. By passing back the user’s PC only the specific information requested, network traffic is reduced. If the whole file were transmitted, the PC would then of one network to access the resources on a different type of network. For example, a gateway could be used to connect a local area network of personal computers to a mainframe computer network. For example, if a company this example, using a bridge makes more sense than joining all thepersonal computers together in one large network because the individual departments only occasionally need to access information on the other network.Computer networking technology can be divided into four major aspects.The first is the data transmission. It explains that at the lowest level electrical signals traveling across wires are used to carry information, and shows be encoded using electrical signals.The second focuses on packet transmission. It explains why computer network use packets, and shows . LANs and WANs discussed above are two basic network.The third covers internetworking—the important idea that allows system, and TCPIP, the protocol technology used in global internet.The fourth explains networking applications. It focuses on , and programs provide services such as electronic mail and Web browsing.Continued growth of the global Internet is one of most interesting and exciting phenomena in networking. A decade ago, the Internet was a research project that involved a few dozen sites. Today, the Internet into a production communication system that reaches millions of people in almost all countries on all continents around the world. In the United States, the Internet connects most corporations, colleges and universities, as well as federal, state, and local government offices. It will soon reach most elementary,junior, and senior addition, many private residences can reach the Internet through a dialup telephone connection. Evidence of the Internet’s impact on society can be seen in advertisements, in magazines and on television, which often contain a reference to an Internet Web site that provide additional information about the advertiser’s products and services.A large organization with diverse networking requirements needs multiple physical networks. More important, if the organization chooses the type network that is best for each task, the organization will network can only communicate with other computers attached to same network. The problem became evident in the 1970s as large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the organizations formed an island. In many early installations, each computer attached to a single network and employees employees was given access to multiple svreens and keyboards, and the employee was forced to move form one computer to another to send a massage across the appropriate network. Users are neither satisfied nor productive when they must use a separate computer. Consequently, most modern computer communication syetem allow communication between any two computers analogous to the way a telephone system provides communication between any two telephones. Known as universal service, the concept is a fundamental part of networking. With universal service, a user on any computer in any part of an organization can send messages or data to any other users. Furthermore, a user does not need to change computer systems whenchanging tasks—all information is available to all computers. As a result, users are more productive.The basic component used to commect organization to choose network technologies appropriate for each need, and to use routers to connect all networks into a single internet.The goal of internetworking is universal service across an internet, routers must agree to forward information from a source on one network to a specified destination on another. The task is complex because frame formats and addressing schemes used by underlying networks can differ. As s resulrt, protocol software is needed on computers and routers make universal service possible. Internet protocols overcome differences in frame formats and physical addresses to make communication pissible among networks that use different technologies.In general, internet software provides the appeatrance of a single, seamless communication system to which many computers attach. The syetem offers universal service :each computer is assigned an address, and any computer can send a packet to any other computer. Furthermore, internet protocol software —neither users nor application programs are a ware of the underlying physical networks or the routers that connect them.We say that an internet is a virtual network system because the communication system is an abstraction. That is, although a combination of of a uniform network syetem, no such network exists.Research on internetworking modern networking. In fact,internet techmology . Most large organizations already use internetworking as primary computer communication mechanism. Smaller organizations and individuals are beginning to do so as well. More inportant, the TCPIP technology computers in schools, commercial organications, government, military sites and individuals in almost all countries around the world.电脑网络简述网络可被定义为人、资源和思想的联接。

2、毕业论文(设计)打印均应采用计算机排版、A4纸双面打印,上2.5c m,下2.5cm,左3.17cm,右3.17cm,行间距为固定值20,页码用五号宋体,奇偶页不同。

毕业设计外文资料题目面对对象技术学院信息科学与工程学院专业计算机科学与技术班级计软1202学生刘桂斌学号20121214073指导教师史桂娴,王海燕二〇一六年三月二十日Object Technology2004, Vol.14 (2), pp.20.Object TechnologyTimothy A.BuddAbstract Object technology is a new approach to developing software that allows programmers to create objects, a combination of data and program instructions. This new technology has been steadily developed since the late 1960s and promises to be one of the major ingredients in the response to the ongoing software crisis.Keywords Object technology Optimization1.1 Introduction to OTThere exists a critical technology that is changing the way we conceive, build, use and evolve our computer systems. It is a technology that many companies are adopting to increase their efficiency, reduce costs and adapt to a dynamic marketplace. It is called Object Technology (OT).By allowing the integration of disparate and non compatible source, OT has the potential to precipitate a revolution in information systems design on a par with that caused in computer hardware by the introduction of the computer chip. Yet OT is not a newphenomenon. Development and product releases have been ongoing since its origin many years ago. However, the recent emphasis task of enterprise information technology integration has brought OT into the spotlight.OT promises to provide component-level software objects that can be quickly combined to build new applications that respond to changing business conditions. Once used, objects may be reused in other applications, lowering development costs and speeding up the development process. Because objects communicate by sending messages that can be understood by other objects, large integrated systems are easier to assemble.Each object is responsible for a specific function within either an application or a distributed system. That means that as the business changes, individual object may be easily upgraded, augmented or replaced, leaving the rest of the system untouched. This directly reduces the cost of maintenance and the timing and extendibility of new systems.1.2 OT-based ProductsThe current market for OT-based products can be divided into four major segments: ·Languages and programming tools·Developers’ toolkits·Object-Oriented database·Object-Oriented CASE toolsThe largest segment of the current market for OT-based products is languages andprogramming tools. Products in this area include language compliers for C++, Smalltalk, Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), Eiffel, Ada and Objective-C, as well as extensions to PASCAL and Modula-2.Products in this category are available from a variety of vendors. Increasingly, the trend in this group is to offer the language compliers with associated development tools as part of a complete development environment.Developers’ toolkits account for the next largest part of the OT market. These products are designed to develop a program that enables a developer to easily do one of two things. The first is interfacing an application to distributed environment. The second is developing a graphical screen through a product.By providing developers with higher level description language and reusablecomponents, products in this category give developers an easy and cost effective way to begin producing object-oriented systems.An important component in this category is the relatively new area of end-users tools. This element is important because organizing and analying the increasingly large amounts of data that computer systems are capable of collecting is a key problem.Object-oriented database management systems are one of the most interesting and rapidly growing segments of the OT market. A number of companies, including systems vendors like Digital and HP, and start-ups such as Object Design, Servio, and Objectivity, have all produced products.These products, dubbed ‖Objectbases‖, fill an important need by storing complexobjects as a single entity. The objectbase products allow objects to be stored, retrieved and shared in much the same way as data is stored in a relational database management system. The value of an objectbase, as opposed to a database, is best described as following: ―Object databases offer a better way to store objects because they provide all of the traditional database services without the overhead of disassembling and reassemblingobjects every time they are stored and retrieved. Compared with an object database, storing complex objects in a relational database is tedious at best. It’s like having to disassembling your car each night rather than just putting it into the gar age!‖Over the next few years, a shift from proprietary CASE implementations to those based on the object paradigm can be expected. This area has lagged growth from earlier projections. OT-based CASE tools will have to emerge as a viable product category to address the wide scale development of large systems. This category also include those tools that are methodological in nature.1.3 0bject-oriented ProgrammingObject-oriented programming (OOP) is a new approach to developing software that allows programmers to create objects, a combination of data and program instructions. Traditional programming methods keep data, such as files, independent of the programs that work with the data. Each traditional program, t5herfore, must define how the data will be used for that particular program. This often results in redundant programming code that must be changed every time the structure of the data is changed, such as when a new field is added to a file. With OOP, the program instructions and data are combined into objects that can be used repeatedly by programmers whenever they need them. Specificinstructions, called methods define how the object acts when it is used by a program.With OOP, programmers define classes of objects. Each class contains the methods that are unique to that class. Each class can have one or more subclasses. Each subclass contains the methods of its higher level classes plus whatever methods are unique to the subclass. The OOP capability to pass methods to lower levels is called ―inheritance‖.A specific instance of an object contains all methods from its higher level classes plus any methods that a unique to the object. When an OOP object is sent an instruction to do something, called a message, unlike a traditional program, the message does not have to tell the OOP object exactly what to do. What to do is defined by the methods that the OOP object contains or has inherited.Object—oriented programming can bring many advantages to users. It can bring productivity gains as high as 1000 to 1500 percent instead of the 10 or 15 percent gainsavailable from structured programming methods. It allows large complex systems to be built which are not economically feasible using traditional programming techniques. It allows program modifications to be made more easily. It could mean two different user interfaces within an application, one for the user who likes to type, and another for the users who just want to shout at the terminal.Objects can be viewed as reusable components, and once the programmer has developed a library of these components, he can minimize the amount of new coding required. One user envisions a commercial library of objects which could be purchased byprogrammers and reused for various applications. But creating a library is no simple task because the integrity of the original software design is critical. Reusability can be a mixed blessing for users, too, as a programmers has to be able to find the object he needs. But if productivity is your aim, reusability is worth the risks.The long-term productivity of systems is enhanced by object-oriented programming. Because of the modular nature of the code, programs are more malleable. This is particularly beneficial for applications that will be used for many years, during which company needs may change and make software modifications necessary.Software reliability can be improved by object-oriented programming. Since the objects are repeatedly tested in a variety of applications, bugs are more likely to be found and corrected. Object-oriented programming also has potential benefits in parallel processing. Execution speed under object oriented methods will improve with parallel processing.1.4 Object-oriented DBMSA shift toward object-oriented DBMSs does not have to replace relational DNMS. As its name implies, it is orientation rather than a full-blown DBMS model. As such, it can blend with and build on the relational schema.Object-oriented DBMSs integrate a variety of real-world data types –such as business procedures and policies, graphics, pictures, voice, and an non-tated text. Current relational products are not equipped to handle them efficiently. Data types in RDBMSs are more commonly record-oriented and expressed in numbers and text.Object orientation also makes contributions to application development efficiency.makes the data function, attributes, and relationships an integral part of the object. In this way, objects can be reused and replicated. You can query the data on its functions, attributes, and relationships.By contrast, most RDBMSs demand that the knowledge associated with the data be written into and maintained separately in each application program.Object orientation is going to be available in two forms: one for those who need and want a radical change, and one for those who want some of its advantages without going through a major conversion.The first form of object-oriented DBMS focused largely on the computer-aided design (CAD) market, which needed to store complex data types such as the graphics involved with an aircraft design.The second form is made up of the leading RDBMS vendors who support the concept of integrating object management capabilities whit their current line of relational products. Sybase, Inc, the first vendor to introduce an object-oriented capability,offers Sybase , which enables the user to program a limited number of business procedures along with the data types in a server’s database engine . Any client attempting a transaction that does not conform to these procedures is simply rejected by the database. That capability enables users to shorten the development cycle, since integrity logic and business rules no longer need to be programmed into each application.This approach reduces maintenance costs as well, since any changes in the procedure can be made once at the server level instead of several times within all the affected applications.Last, the server-level procedures increase the system’s performance, since the operations are taking place closer to where the data is actually stored.。
河南科技大学 毕业设计(论文)指导手册

1.1 毕业设计(论文)的目的1. 使学生进一步巩固和加深对所学的基础理论、基本技能和专业知识的掌握,使之系统化、综合化。
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Summary and prospect
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Summary And Prospect
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研究思路 研究方法 研究过程 理论基础 研究方案 的可行性
Research Ideas And Methods
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研究类论文的摘要: (1)本课题的依据和意义的简要描述(2)对哪些算法或者方法进行了哪些研究(3)提出了什么新的思路或者方法,或者对什么方法提出了改进思想(4)经过什么测试验证,证明了新的方法的可行性,或者4)研究达到了什么目标。
4,关键词5,关键词62,3…编号,前言为第1页:,关键词5,关键词6第4章一级标题四 (8)§第4章二级标题一 (8)§第4章三级标题一 (8)§第4章三级标题二 (8)§第4章二级标题二 (8)第5章一级标题五 (9)§第5章二级标题一 (9)§第5章二级标题二 (9)§第5章二级标题三 (9)§第5章三级标题一 (9)§第5章三级标题二 (9)§第5章三级标题三 (9)§第5章三级标题四 (9)结论 (10)参考文献 (11)致谢 (14)附录 (15)毕业设计说明书(论文)中所用主要符号表示的意义及单位,此项为可选项目。

On the Filter Size of DMM for Passive Scalarin Complex FlowYang Na1, Dongshin Shin2, and Seungbae Lee31 CAESIT, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Konkuk University,Hwayang-dong 1, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-701, Koreayangna@konkuk.ac.kr2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Hong-Ik University,Seoul 121-791, Koreadsshin@wow.hongik.ac.kr3 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University,Inchon 402-751, Koreasbaelee@inha.ac.krAbstract. Effect of filter size of dynamic mixed model combined with a boxfilter on the prediction of passive scalar field has been investigated in complexflow. Unlike in the simple channel flow, the result shows that the model per-formance depends on the ratio of test to grid filter widths.1 IntroductionThe role of large eddy simulation (LES) in most of engineering applications involving turbulent flows increases everyday. Since direct numerical simulation (DNS) is re-stricted to a relatively low Reynolds number due to the resolution requirement for the length-scale in dissipation range, it is currently less attractive as an engineering tool and LES becomes more popular as a reasonably accurate and at the same time less expensive methodology.Even though the significant development has been made to the LES modeling for the prediction of velocity field, relatively much less effort has been done in the calcu-lation of passive scalar transport in spite of its obvious practical importance and this fact is reflected in the difficulty of predicting the passive scalar field with satisfactory accuracy using current LES models. The difficulty of investigating passive scalar transport is possibly due to the fact that errors associated with LES models embedded in a velocity field reduces the accuracy in the prediction of passive scalar in a way not clearly understood. Consequently, more effort should be devoted to the development of LES methodology for more accurate and reliable approach for the design of ther-mal system.The present work mainly intended to examine the performance of dynamic mixed model (DMM, Zang et. al. [1]) for passive scalar transport in complex flow (Na [2]). An exhaustive number of LES models has been reported in the literature but DMM was chosen here for the following two reasons: (1) From the perspective of large eddy simulation of engineering flows, computations based on finite difference formulations are certainly of great interest. Thus, DMM with finite difference formulations, which1128 most conveniently use filters in physical space, were considered and tested for turbu-lent channel flows; (2) DMM has been known to produce good results in a wide range of turbulent flows.The dynamic mixed model extended to passive scalar transport will be briefly ex-plained and its characteristics are discussed in the case of turbulent channel flow with wall injection.2 Mathematical Formulation2.1 Dynamic Mixed Model for Passive ScalarThe filtered governing equations for the LES of a passive scalar T for incompressi-ble flows are given as follow:0i iu x ∂=∂, (1) ()(2)i i j ij ij j i ju p u u S t x x x ντ∂∂∂∂+=−+−∂∂∂∂, (2)()()j j j j j T T u T q t x x x α∂∂∂∂+=−∂∂∂∂. (3) where the grid-filtering operation is denoted by an overbar. The effect of unresolved subgrid scales is represented by the following residual stress tensor ij τ and residual scalar flux vector j q .ij i j i j u u u u τ=−, (4)j j j q Tu Tu =−. (5)Only two terms ij τ and j q in equations (1)-(3) should be obtained through the ap-propriate LES models. Details of how to calculate ij τ and j q using DMM approach are explained in Lee & Na [3] and will not be repeated here.In order to discretize the grid-scale and the test-scale filters, a box filter in physical space was employed. After the model coefficients S C and T C are computed through the least-squares approach, they are averaged locally in space within the test-filtering volume as suggested by Zang et. al [1].For the actual computation using DMM, the only adjustable parameter is the ratio of test to grid filter width, i /α=∆∆. Two commonly used definitions of theY. Na, D. Shin, and S. Lee1129effective filter width are (1) i i i 1/32/3/(/)2x z x z∆∆=∆∆∆∆=and (2) i /∆∆ = i i 1/2(/)2x z x z ∆∆∆∆=. The value of α=2 is known to be the optimal choice in the simulation of a turbulent channel flow using a sharp cutoff filter (Germano et al. [4]), but optimal value is likely to depend on the types of grid and test filters used. Thus, the investigation of effect of α on the prediction of passive scalar is the main objec-tive of the present study. The sensitivity of the numerical results to the choice of α was examined for two different values of α (2 and 2/32) in a channel with wallinjection for Pr=1.2.2 Computational DomainIn order to test DMM for a passive scalar field, an incompressible flow between two parallel walls driven by the wall injection was considered. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of three-dimensional computational domain. The streamwise extent of the domain is L x =26h and the spanwise extent is L z =6.5h, where h is the half channel height. In terms of wall units (based on the friction velocity at inlet of the computational domain), the domain size is approximately equivalent to 3850 in the streamwise, 296 in the wall-normal, and 963 in the spanwise directions. The Reynolds number based on inlet bulk velocity and half-channel height was set to 2250.The turbulent structures originated from the flat channel region are lifted by the ac-tion of wall injection applied from the location of x=13.4h and this induces a strong mixing layer away from wall. In turn, this formation of strong shear layer causes more turbulent structures to grow in space (Figure 2) and thus, the flow experiences veryrapid changes in the mean flow direction.Fig. 1. Flow geometry and computational domain for the test of passive scalar using DMM On the Filter Size of DMM for Passive Scalar in Complex Flow1130Fig. 2. Turbulent structures generated in a region with a strong injection applied at the wall2.3 Boundary ConditionNo-slip boundary condition was used along the walls except in the region where con-stant blowing was applied (x/h >13.4). The strength of the wall injection, ε, defined by the ratio of injected velocity to the inlet bulk velocity, was set to 0.05, representing a quite strong injection. It remained constant along both upper and lower walls and the spatial variation of ε was not considered. The bottom wall was cooled (w T −) and the top wall was heated (w T ) at the same rate so that both walls were maintained at constant temperature.The flow was assumed to be homogeneous in the spanwise direction which allows transform method. The adequacy of the computational domain size and the periodic boundary condition in the spanwise direction was assessed Na [2].3 Results and DiscussionThe effect of α on the performance of DMM for passive scalar was investigated in a channel with wall injection. The computation was done with 1296565××grids. The impact of the injected vertical flow on the turbulent boundary layer is accompa-nied by the lifted shear layer and this adds complexity to flow. Mass conservation leads to a streamwise acceleration or strong inhomogeneity in the middle of the chan-nel. As shown in Figure 2, the flow is characterized by the formation of increasingly stronger streamwise vortices as it moves downstream. This feature of getting more and more turbulent structures in the streamwise direction is thought to be associated with the growing lifted shear layer.It would be useful to investigate the effect of α in this type of complex flow to in-vestigate the range of model’s utility. For the purpose of comparison, DNS with 513257257××grids were also performed and the data were filtered in physical space to get the filtered statistics.Y. Na, D. Shin, and S. Lee1131Fig. 3.Time-averaged temperature (passive scalar) profiles at several streamwise locationsFig. 4. Root-mean square temperature (passive scalar) profiles at several streamwise locations Figure 3 shows the comparison of mean temperature profiles at several streamwise locations. Note that the location of x/h=9 is in the simple channel flow. It is clear that the mean temperature is not sensitive to the value of αupstream of wall injection. Even though a priori test results suggest the sensitivity of α, this sensitivity does not clearly appear in an actual LES. As the flow moves downstream, however, the choice of 2α= produces much better prediction. Thus, it would be interesting to investi-gate what feature of DMM generates the difference in the presence of wall injection.A similar behavior can also be found in the rms profiles shown in Figure 4.As mentioned earlier, the resolution may play an important role in the present flow due to the strong shear layer formed away from wall. As a first step of the research, On the Filter Size of DMM for Passive Scalar in Complex Flow1132 65 grids were used in the vertical direction in which explicit filtering is not done. However, in order to generalize the effect of α, a more careful examination on the resolution should be carried out in the future.4 SummaryThe dynamic mixed model extended to the prediction of passive scalar transport was tested in a channel with injection. Since the optimal value of αand its range of utility is likely to depend on the flow, DMM was tested in a strong shear layer generated by the strong wall injection.A close investigation of the results suggests that the performance of the model showed sensitivity to the size of the effective filter width ratio unlike in a simple channel flow. Overall, the value of 2α= produced a better mean and rms passive scalar statistics for the flow under investigation. However, more work for a variety of complex flows will be required in order to determine the model’s range of utility of DMM in its current form.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by grant No. R01-2004-000-10041-0 from the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation.References1. Zang, Y., Street R. L. and Koseff, J. R.: A Dynamic Mixed Subgrid-scale Model and itsApplication to Turbulent Recirculating Flows, Phys. Fluids, A 5, vol. 12 (1993) 3186-3196.2. Na, Y.: Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Scalar Field in a Channel with Wall In-jection. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A (2005) 165-181.3. Lee, G. and Na, Y.: On the Large Eddy Simulation of Temperature Field Using DynamicMixed Model in a Turbulent Channel, Trans. KSME B, Vol. 28, No. 10, (2004) 1255-1263.4. Germano, M. , Piomelli, U., Moin P. and Cabot W. H.: A Dynamic Subgrid-scale EddyViscosity Model, Phys. Fluids, A 3, vol. 7 (1991) 1760-1765.Y. Na, D. Shin, and S. Lee。

打开实验仪器并记录两倍重力加速度反应下的改变结果考虑到实验结果的谐波如试验仪器假设一样,位移公式提供了证据:()s i ng gv t v tϖ=。
公式成立的话,2()sing gt v tνϖϖ=-和有效荷载是2sineff gp m v tϖϖ=。
与公式(3-22)一致,其振幅位移关系表达式如下表示:202ggm vp D v Dkϖβ==其函数关系2Dβ在上图3-10已经表达出来,假设那样的话,2Dβ明显是基本恒定的。
对于一些敏感的仪器预防有害的独立振动,将归咎于他们的支撑结构!第一个用图阐明的是图3-11,是其转动的机器制造的振动垂直的力2s i n o p ϖ,其来自于不平衡的转动部位假如机械是安装在如图3-11所示的SDOF 弹性的阻尼器支撑系统,其稳定状态的相对的位移频率响应如下式所示:()sin()o p p v t D t kϖθ=- (公式3-41) D 由公式(3-24)定义。
这是结果的假设,当然,与系统的运动支持关系,其支撑运动导致总反应力()f t 是可以忽略不计的。
图:3-11荷载作用下的SODF 独自振动系统运用公式,(3-41)和其第一次导数,其弹性和阻尼反应力可推导得: 0()()sin()S f t kv t p D t ϖθ==-000()()cos()2cos()S cp D f t cv t p t p D t kϖϖθξβϖθ==-=- 因此,这两个力是相互垂直的,不协调的!明显,其总的基准线力振幅如下所示:()1/21/2222max ,max ,max 0()()()12S D f t f t f t p D ξβ⎡⎤⎡⎤=+=+⎣⎦⎣⎦因此,最大值的比率基准线力由振幅已知的(TR )支撑体系力所给,所以:max ()o f t TR p == (3-44)第二种独立的振动情况是很重要的,如图示.3-12所示,其谐波提供支撑运动()g v t 力是一个稳定的状态,其相对的位移表示:20()sin()p g v t v D t βϖθ=-和公式(3-21)和(3-40)一致的公式,增加其运动矢量地去支持运动()sin()t g v t v t ϖθ=- (3-46)在这个公式中角度θ不是特殊感兴趣讨论的。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译附件1 :外文资料翻译译文双闭环直流调速系统的说明一、系统分析与综合1. 系统分析(1)在转速、电流双闭环调速系统中,若要改变电动机的转速,应调节什么参数?改变转速调节器的放大倍数Kn行不行?改变电力电子变换器的放大系数Ks 行不行?改变转速反馈系数行不行?若要改变电动机的堵转电流,应调节系统中的什么参数?答:若要改变电动机的转速,改变转速调节器的放大倍数Kn 和电力电子变换器的放大系数Ks 都不行,稳定时n=Un=Un*,所以只有改变给定值Un*和反馈系数才行。
若要改变电动机的堵转电流,同样只须改变给定值Uim*和反馈系数,因为,稳定时,Uim* = Idm, 从式中可得出。
(2)转速、电流双闭环调速系统稳态运行时,两个调节器的输入偏差电压和输出电压各是多少?答:转速、电流双闭环调速系统稳态运行时,两个调节器的输入偏差电压均是零,由式子n=Un=Un*,n=n0 ; Uim* = Idm, Idm=Idl 。
(3)在转速、电流双闭环调速系统中,两个调节器均采用PI 调节器。
当系统带额定负载运行时,转速反馈线突然断线,系统重新进入稳态后,电流调节器的输入偏差电压Ui 是否为零?为什么?答:当系统带额定负载运行时,转速反馈线突然断线,则Un=0,Un =Un*-Un=Un*, 使Ui 迅速达到Uim ,Ui 0 ,速度n 上升,当系统重新进入稳态后,即Id=Idl ,那么,Ui = Uim*- Idl 0,Ui 也不再变化,转速n也不再变化,但,此时的转速n 比反馈线断线时的转速要大。
(5)双环调速系统(PI),负载变化,Idl>Idm, 问双环调速系统ACR和ASR 怎么调节,结果如何?答:当负载变化时,Idl>Idm, 转速迅速下降,电流Id 很快增加到Idm,而达限幅值,速度ASR迅速饱和,ACR一直在限流状态下,形成堵转现象,长时间运行会损坏系统。

河南科技大学毕业论文题目论成人童话</B>对现代人的心灵慰藉作用姓名__ΧΧΧ__院系__人文学院__专业__对外汉语__指导教师__ΧΧΧ__ 2011 年 6月1日论成人童话</B>对现代人的心灵慰藉作用 ANALYSIS ON ADULT FAIRY TALE’S ROLE OF SPIRITUAL CONSOLATION TO MODENIST 摘要:童话</B>故事是浪漫主义者理想中最完美的文学类型,就像剧场是巴洛克时期最完美的艺术形式一般……关键词:成人童话</B>;都市生活;心灵慰藉 Abstract: Fairy tales is the the most perfect type of literature in romantics’ eyes, just like Baroque theater is the most perfect form of art in general. For children, the imagination is their world; for large people, imagination is care of their own. The 21st century is an advancing age, during the process of urbanization, people generally feel that the spirit is lack of love, desiration of the shallow modern life is the summary of their own and others. Literature is an illusion, but this illusion has real power, through adult fairy,people who has lost of some imagination can get them out from the tension of the nerves.Adult fairy tale is a kind of quiet and thorough way of venting, no matter how poor your material conditions is, it can bring you the most valuable pure innocence .These works downplay the political and social background, but the thrilling plot, eccentric wizard fantasy, poor form to do with humor and vitality, coupled with aesthetic outcome of the story of the screen, people have been given great psychological satisfaction effectively to remove people’s psychologically exhausted, anxiety, depression and boredom. It opens a door for modenist to find the lost beauty from spirit. Key words:adult fairy;city life;Spiritual consolation 目录引言………………………………………………………………………1 一、成人童话</B>的特质………………………………………………………2 (一)从物质世界到故事世界………………………………………………2 (二)从严酷现实到美好幻想………………………………………………3 (三)从继承传统到颠覆经典………………………………………………4 (四)从唯美故事到生活智慧……………………………………………5 二、成人童话</B>的精神内涵……………………………………………7 (一)向宗教的皈依……………………………………………………7 (二)向自然的皈依…………………………………………………8 (三)向童年的皈依…………………………………………………9 三、成人童话</B>是现代人的一种乌托邦情怀………………………10 结语……………………………………………………………………11 参考文献………………………………………………………………12 后记……………………………………………………………………14 引言《辞海》中关于童话</B>是这样定义的:“童话</B>是一种比较适合儿童阅读的文学题材,它按照儿童的心理特点和需要,通过丰富的幻想和夸张的手法来塑造鲜明的形象,用曲折动人的故事情节和浅显易懂的语言文字反映现实生活,抑恶扬善,起到教育人的目的。
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T he visco us co up ling is a we ll k no wn co mpo ne nt in dr ive t r a ins. I n t h is paper o nl y a s ho rt su mmar y o f it s ba s ic fu nct io n a nd pr inc ip le sha ll be g iven. T he visco us co up ling o per at es accor d ing t o t he pr inc ip le o f flu id fr ict io n, a nd is t hus depe nd e nt o n speed d iffer e nce. As sho wn in F igur e 1 t he visco us co upling has s l ip co nt ro ll ing propert ies in co nt r ast t o t o rq ue sens ing s yst e ms. T his mea ns t hat t he dr ive t o r que whic h i s t r ans m it t ed t o t he fr o nt
whee ls is aut o mat ica l l y co nt ro lled in t he se nse o f an o pt im ized t o r qu e d ist r ibut io n. I n a fro nt - whee l dr ive ve hic le t he visco us co up ling can be in st a lled ins ide t he d iffer e nt ia l or ext er na l l y o n a n int er med iat e sha ft . T he ext er na l so lut io n is s ho wn in F igur e 2. T his la yo ut ha s so me s ig nif ic ant adva nt ages o ver t he int er na l so lu t io n. F ir st , t her e is usua ll y e no ugh space ava i la ble in t he ar ea o f t he int er med iat e s ha ft t o pro vide t he r equ ir ed visco us char act er ist ic. T h is is in co nt r ast t o t he lim it ed spa ce le ft in t oda y ’ s fr o nt - a x le d iffer e nt ia ls. Furt her, o nl y m in i ma l m od ific at io n t o t he d iffer ent ia l car r ier and t r ans mis s io n case is r equ ir ed. I n- ho use pro duct io n o f d iffer e nt ia ls is t hus o nly s l ig ht ly a ffect ed. I nt ro duct io n as a n o pt io n can be mad e eas i ly e spec ia l l y w he n t he sha ft and t he visco us unit ar e su p p lied as a co mp let e unit . F ina l l y, t he int er med iat e sha ft makes it po ss ible t o pro vide fo r s ide s ha ft s o f equa l le ngt h w it h t r ans ver se l y in st a lled e ng ines w hic h ar e i mport ant t o r educe t or que st eer ( sho wn lat er in sect io n 4). T his spec ia l de s ig n a lso g ives a goo d po ss ibi l it y fo r s ig ni f ica nt we ig ht and co st r educt io ns o f t he visc ous unit . G KN Visco dr ive is d eve lo p ing a lo w we ig ht and co st visco us co up ling. B y us ing o nl y t wo st and ar d ized o ut er d ia met er s, st andar d ized p lat es, p la st ic hu bs and ext r uded mat er ia l fo r t he ho us ing whic h can eas i ly be cut t o d iffer e nt le ng t hs, it is po ss ible t o ut il ize a w ide r ange o f visco us c har act er ist ic s. An e xa mp le o f t his de ve lo p me nt is s ho wn in F igur e 3.
h ig her adhes io n pot ent ia l o f t he whe e l o n t he hig h- μ sur face. T his is sc he mat ica ll y s ho wn in F igur e 4. Whe n fo r exa mp le, t he ma xi mu m t r ans mit t able t o r que fo r o ne whee l is exceeded o n a sp lit - μ sur fa ce or dur ing cor ner ing w it h hig h lat er a l acce ler at io n, a speed d iffer ence bet ween t he t wo dr iving w hee ls o ccu r s. T he r esu lt ing se lf- lo ck ing t o r que in t he visco us co up ling r es ist s an y furt her incr ease in speed differ e nce and t r ans m it s t he appro pr iat e t o rq ue t o t he w hee l w it h t he bet t er t r ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ct io n pot ent ia l. It can be see n in F igur e 4 t hat t he d iffer ence in t he t r act at e fo r ces r esu lt s in a yaw ing mo me nt whic h t r ie s t o t ur n t he ve hic le in t o t he lo wμ s ide, To keep t he ve hic le in a st r a ig ht line t he dr iver ha s t o co mpe ns at e t his w it h o ppo s it e st eer ing i nput . T ho ugh t he f lu id- fr ict io n p r in c ip le o f t he visco us co up ling a nd t he r esu lt ing so ft t r ans it io n fr o m o p en t o lo ck ing act io n, t his is eas i l y po ss ib le, t he appro pr iat e r esu lt s o bt a ined fr o m ve hic le t est s ar e sho wn in F igur e 5. Repo rt ed ar e t he a ver age st eer ing- w hee l t orque Ts and t he aver age co rr ect ive o ppo s it e st eer ing input r equ ir e d t o ma int a in a st r a ig ht co ur se d u r ing acce ler at io n o n a sp lit - μ t r ack w it h an o pen and a visco u s d iffer e nt ia l. T he d iffer e nce s bet ween t he va lues w it h t he o pen d iffer e nt ia l a nd t ho se w it h t he visco us coup ling ar e r e lat ive l y large in co mp ar iso n t o eac h ot her. Ho wever, t he y ar e s ma l l in a bso lut e t er ms. S u b ject ive ly, t he st eer ing inf lue nce is near ly u nnot icea ble. T he t or qu e st eer is a lso inf lu e nced by se ver a l k ine m at ics par a met er s whic h w i ll be exp la ined in t he ne xt sect io n o f t his pap er.