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Review Exercises (for Make-up Examination)

Grade 10复习练习(10级毕业前补考适用) 2013/4

I. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this section, there are 92 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You are required to complete the sentence by

deciding on the most appropriate choice.

1The family gathered together to ______ the holiday meals.

A) divide B) share C) receive D) smell

2We ______ to get what we want, anyway.

A) managed B) controlled C) handled D) regulated

3I had to work hard to ______ the other students.

A) keep away from B) keep up with C) succeed in D) set up

4When the teacher ______ the classroom, all the students stood up.

A) came B) appeared C) arrived D) entered

5The reason ______ we should study foreign languages is very clear.

A) when B) why C) which D) where

6The girl was fined $20 for failing to keep her dog ______.

A) under control B) away from C) in addition D) in store

7They asked so many questions that they ______ me.

A) wondered B) hurt C) confused D) gained

8In order to ______ your goals, you must work hard.

A) achieve B) make C) develop D) fear

9She told me that her sister ______ to the market when I arrived.

A) has just gone B) just went C) had just been going D) had just gone 10The teacher didn’t tell me ______ to read after class.

A) what B) that C) but D) as

11He was asked to speak louder ______ all the students in the classroom could hear him.

A) as B) so that C) since D) than

12He didn’t tell me where he had spent his holidays. ______ to know.

A) Neither I cared B) Not did I care C) I didn’t care D) Neither did I care. 13“We’ll do what we can to get the goods ______ on time,” said the manager of the company.

A) reached B) returned C) delivered D) come

14He won’t go on doing the job ______ he gets his salary raised.

A) when B) after C) if D) unless

15“Can I help you?”

“Yes, do you know ______?”

A) when comes the bus B) when will come the bus

C) when does the bus come D) when the bus comes

16He had no idea how difficult the experiment would be ______ he was halfway through it.

A) until B) while C) after D) when

17It wasn’t such a good dinner ______ she had promised us.

A) as B) that C) which D) what

18We sat on the top of the mountain to watch the sun ______ early in the morning.

A) rise B) rose C) to rise D) risen

19My parents are not used to ______ in big cities.

A) live B) living C) have lived D) be living

20He wore dark glasses to avoid ______.

A) having been recognized B) to be recognized

C) recognized D) being recognized

21In this sense, bad things ______ into good things.

A) can turn B) can be turned C) can be to turn D) should turn

22Women, ______ men, have the same right to work.

A) as soon as B) as long as C) as far as D) as well as

23The prices of computers range ______ $400 to $600.

A) till B) with C) from D) up

24He is the manager of the company. He’s ______ it.

A) in charge of B) on duty C) charged with D) responsible

25The babies ______ the nurse looks after are very healthy.

A) whose B) where C) which D) whom

26The shirt is ______ for you to wear.

A) too tighter B) too tight C) so tight D) much tighter

27You should be careful when ______ the street in big cities.

A) to cross B) cross C) crossing D) crossed

28The policemen entered the building, ______ upstairs.

A) looking around and to hurry B) looking about and hurrying

C) looked about and hurrying D) to look around and hurried

29All of you can master English within two years ______ you don’t want to.

A) if B) until C) as D) unless

30______ hard I tried, I couldn’t manage it.

A) However B) Though C) No matter D) As

31______ she started to dance, she forgot about the time.

A) When B) As C) Once D) Although

32The noises near the airport are ______ loud ______ they may hurt our ears or drive us mad.

A) enough … as B) such … as C) very … that D) so … that

33The car was repaired but not quite to the owner’s ______.

A) attraction B) satisfaction C) pleasure D) complaint

34You should take the complete ______ for the accident.

A) control B) objection C) business D) responsibility 35I know I did not forget to bring my sunglasses because I remember ______ them in my suitcase.

A) putting B) put C) to be putting D) to be put

36When he saw a dark figure breaking into the house, he ______ the alarm.

A) called B) voiced C) laughed D) sounded

37They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ______.

A) end B) result C) conclusion D) judgment
