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Unit 1Translation.1.“材料科学”涉及到研究材料的结构与性







6.Interdisciplinary dielectric constant Solid materials heat capacity Mechanical property electromagnetic radiation Material processing elastic modulus
7.It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand therelationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties.
8. Materials engineering is to solve the problem during the manufacturing andapplication of materials.
9.10.Mechanical properties relate deformation to an applied load or force.Unit 21. 金属是电和热很好的导体,在可见光下不透明;擦亮的金属表面有金属光泽。

2. 陶瓷是典型的导热导电的绝缘体,并且比金属和聚合物具有更高的耐热温度和耐恶劣环境性能。

3. 用于高科

4. 压电陶瓷在电场作用下膨胀和收缩;反之,当它们膨胀和收缩时,他们也能产生一个电场。

5. 随着能够观察单个原子或者分子的扫描探针显微镜的出现,操控和移动原子和分子以形成新结构成为可能,因此,我们能通过一些简单的原子水平的构建就可以设计出新的材料。

6. advanced materials ceramic materials high-performance materials clay minerals alloy implant glass fibre carbon nanotube7. Metallic materials have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons and many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons.8. Many of polymeric materials are organic compounds with very large molecular structures.9. Semiconductors hace electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductorsviz. metals and metal alloys and insulatorsviz. ceramics and polymers.10. Biomaterials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues.Unit 31.金属的行为(性质)不同于陶瓷的行为(性质),陶瓷的行为(性质)不同于聚合物的行为(性质)。






5.Microstructure macrostructure Chemical reaction atomic weight Balanced electrical charge positively charged proton6. 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metal used to support tall buildings7.The facts suggests that metallic atoms are held together bu strong bonds.8. Microstructure which includes features that cannot be seen with the naked eyebut using a microscope. Macrostructure includes features that can be seen with the naked eye.9. The atomic weight is the sum of proton number and neutron number in the nucleus.Unit 41.当密度小于水的密度时,物体将漂浮在水面上,当密度大于水的密度时,物体会沉降。

相似的,当比重小于 1 时,物体将漂浮在水面上,当比重大于1 时,物体会沉降。


3.使磁通量密度提高 1 倍以上小于或等于10 倍的材料叫顺磁性材料,使磁通量密度提高10 倍以上的材料叫铁磁性材料。




6.specific gravity boiling point magnetic induction coefficient of thermal conductivity glass transition temperature non-ferrous metals linear coefficient of thermal expansion mass per unit of volume7. Properties that describe how a substance changes into a completely different substance are called chemical properties.8. Phase is a physical property of matter and matter can exist in four phases: solid liquid gas and plasma.9. At some temperature below the melting point polymers start to lose their crystalline structure but the molecules remain linked in chains which tesults in a soft and pliable material.10. In engineering applications permeability is often expressed in relative rather than in absolute.Unit 5 1. 金

2. 因此,一般多测几次以得到力学性能,报导的数值一般是平均值或者计算的统计最小值。




6.Test specimen static loading force normal axis Engineering strain critical stress yield strength stress area Stress- strain curve 7. Temperatures below room temperature generally cause an
increase in strength properties of metallic alloys while ductility fracture toughness and elongation usually decrease. 8. From the respective of what is happening within a material stress is the internal distribution of forces within a body that balance and react to the loads applied to it. 9. Engineering strain is defined as the amount of deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the material. 10. A material with high strength and high ductility will hace more toughness than a material with low strength and high ductility.Unit 61. 随着影响我们星球上人类生存条件的社会问题的即将出现,材料科学与工程界有责任和机遇通过解决未来世界的需求—在能量、交通、住房、饮食、回收和健康方面的需求来改变世界。

2. 不发达国家的人口增长率远高于 1.4的世界平均人口增长率。

3. 全球能源使用的预算在2025 以前将以每年 1.7速度增长,这比世界人口增长率快多了。

4. 此外,发达地区的人均能量使用量是不发达地区人均能量使用量的九倍

5. gross domestic product materials science and engineering market economy Societal issues economic index sanitation Gross national product popilation growth rate6. Some things that have been constant over time are human innovation and creativity the engine er’s ability to address societal needs and the entrepreneurial spirit of engineering.7. We have
witnessed the re-shaping of our lives through revolutions that hace taken place in medicine telecommunications and transportantion industries.8. Eighteen percen t of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water and nearly 40 has no access to sanitation.9. Materials and society are interlinked and it is only rational that we should see a close relation between the MSE research agenda and societal issues that affect the human condition on the globe.Unit 71. 从化学角度来说,金属是一类容易失电子以形成正离子的元素,它与其他金属原子形成金属键。

2. 金属键的无方向性被认为是金属具有延展性的主要原因。

3. 存在着共价键的晶体只有在原子之间的键断裂的情况下变形,从而导致晶体破裂。

4. 合金特别是为满足更高应用要求的合金比如喷气发动机,可能含有十种以上的元素。

5. delocalized electron electronic structure alkaline earth metal chemical cell nuclear charge electric conductivity6. Metals are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a cloud of delocalized electrons.7. Metals in general have superior electric and thermal conductivity high luster and density and the ability to be deformed under stress without cleaving.8. An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in solid solution in which the major component is a metal.9. Combining different ration of metals as
alloys modifies the properties of pure metals to produce desirable characteristics.Unit 81. 超耐热合金的发展非常依赖于化学与加工的创新,并主要受到航空和能源工业的推动。

2. 抗蠕变性能主要取决于晶体结构内位错速度的放缓。


4. 单晶高温合金是运用改进的定向凝固技术而形成单晶的,因此在材料中并无晶界。

5. faced-centred cubic crystal structure turbine entry temperature metallic materials phase stability nuclear reactor synthesis of nanoparticle6. Superalloys typically hace an sustenitic faced-centered cubic crystal structure.7. Superalloys are used where there is a need
for high temperature strength and corrosion/oxidation resistance.8. Superalloys are widely used in aircraft submarines nuclear reactors and military electric motors.9. At high temperatures the gaseous aluminum chlorideor fluoride is transfereed to the surface of part and diffuseds inside.Unit 91.

2. 从矿物中提炼金属所需能源的问题与后续的腐蚀和能量释放直接相关。

3. 当电子与中和的正离子(如电解液中的氢离子)发生反应时,阴极处电子得以平衡。

4.Protective film circuit Free electron electron transfer Metal cation anode reaction5. Some metals such as gold and silver can
be found in the earth in their natural metallic state and they have little tendency to corrode.6. Oxidation is the process of stripping electrons from an atom and reduction occurs when an electron is added to an atom.7. If the surface becomes wet corrosion may take place through ionic exchange in the surface water layer between the anode and cathode.8. Corrosion is commonly classification based on the appearance of the corroded material.Unit 101. 我们要观察(研究)这些性能,看它们与我们所期望的陶瓷的组成有多匹配。

2. 在高于玻璃化转变温度的高温下,玻璃不再具有脆性行为,而表现为粘稠液体。

3. 它们显示出优异的力学性能、抗腐蚀/氧化性能,或电学、光学抑或是磁学性能。

4. 一般认为,先进是最近100 年才发展起来的,而传统的基于粘土的陶瓷早已在25000 多年前就被使用了。

5. the glass transition temperature
ionic-covalent bond Stress distribution coefficient of thermal expansion Glass optical fibre materials science and engineering Solid-oxide fuel cells electron microscopy6. Diamond which is classified as a ceramic has the highest thermal conductivity of any known material.7. Ceramic are stronger in compression than in tension whereas metals have comparable tensile and compressive strength.8. Ceramics generally have low toughness although combining them in composites can dramatically
improve this property.9. The functions of ceramic products are dependent on their chemical composition and microstructure which determines their properties.Unit 111. 材料科学与工程领域经常是根据四大方面—合成与加工,结构与组成,性质与性能之间的相互联系来定义的。


3. 通过热压可使孔径减小从而得到高密度产品。

4. 在运输时,厂方要提供关于产品危害方面的信息。

5. crystalline ceramics grain boundary Alkaline earth oxide oxide additive Triple point saturation magnetization Television tube the color scale6. To understand the behavior and properties of any material it is essential to understand its structure.7. The grain size is determined by the size of the initial powder particles and the way in which they were consolidated.8. Transparent or translucent ceramics require that we limit the scattering of light by pores and second-phase particles.9. Alumina ceramics are used as electrical insulators because of theie high electrical resistivity and low dielectric constant.Unit 121. 材料的选择是任何组分设计至关重要的环节,尤其在植入体和其它医疗器械方面是特别重要的。

2. 我们能进行承载应用的三种主要材料是金属、聚合物和陶瓷。

3. 高密度、高纯度的氧化铝被大量的用于植入物,特别是在

4. 在陶瓷或陶瓷复合材料中,氧化锆的磨损率远远高于氧化锆铝的磨损率。

5. controlled reaction stress shielding Total hip prosthese
strain-to-failure ratio Mechanical stress flexural strength Martensitic transformation6. Biomaterial is a non-viable material used in a medical device intended to interact with biological systems.7. These repairs become necessary when the existing part becomes diseased damaged or just simply wears out.8. Because of its low density cancellous bone has a lower E and higher strain-to-failure ratio than cortical bone.9. Eliminating stress shielding by reducing E is one of the primary motivations for the development of bioceramic composites.10. There are questions concerning the long-term effect of radiation emission from zirconia ceramics.Unit 131. 聚合物的俗名叫塑料,这个词指的是一大类具有许多性质和用途的天然材料

2. 聚合物合成是一个把叫做单体的小分子通过共价键的结合形成链的过程。

3. 支化聚合物分子是由一条带有一个或多个侧基或支链的主链组成。


4. 某些生物聚合物是由一系列不同的胆识结构却相关的单体组成的,例如聚核苷酸是由核苷组成的。

5. persistence length cross-link Polar monomer nucleic acid Polymerization polyelectrolyte6.
Most commercially important polymers today are entirely synthetic and produced in high volume on appropriately scaled organic synthetic techniques.7. Some biological polymers are composed of a variety of different but structurally related monomers such as polynucleotides composed of nucleotide sbunits.8. A polymer molecule with a high degree of crosslinking is referred to as a polymer network.9. In polymers however the molecular mass may be expressed in terms of degree of polymerization essentially the number of monomer units which comprise the polymer.Unit 141. 大量合成的聚合

2. 它们在一定范围内软化,这与完好晶体相具有非常明确的熔点不同。

3. 分子量取决于其合成时的条件,因此分子量可能分布很宽或分布很窄。

4. Goodyear 很偶然的发现了在橡胶中加入硫磺并加热这个混合物能使橡胶变硬,对氧化和化学进攻能力的敏感性降低。

5. thermosetting plastic cross-sectional area Polymerization reaction double bond Chemical composition carboxylic acid Melting point degradation by oxidation
6. Polymer with different chemical composition has different physical and chemical property.
7. A thermosetting plastic is shaped through irreversible chemical processes and therefore cannot be
reshaped readily.8. Natural rubber is not a useful polymer because it is too soft and too chemically reactive.9. Various substances may be added to polymers to provide protection against the effects of sunlight or against degradation by oxidation.Unit 151. 逐渐增强的环境意识促使包装薄膜及其

2. 显而易见,实现这些性能对控制和改进机械性能和阻隔性能是非常重

3. 在羧酸、醇、醛、酮的含氧生物降解过程中,由水和热引发的过氧化反应可以使之降解成低摩尔质量的物质,这就是碳氢聚合物力学性能降低的.。
