小王子 中德对照 teilweise
小王子 little prince 2 通情达理之人 中英文翻译版带讲解
1 I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two. 我的第一号、第二号作品的不成功,使我泄了气。
2 Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. 这些大人们,靠他们自己什么也弄不懂,还得老是不断地给他们作解释。
3 So then I chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes.后来,我只好选择了另外一个职业,我学会了开飞机,4 I have flown a little over all parts of the world; and it is true that geography has been very useful to me. 世界各地差不多都飞到过。
(a little在这里是比较特殊的一个用法,这是一个委婉语,表示“差不多,几乎”)5 At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona.我一眼就能分辨出中国和亚里桑那。
6 If one gets lost in the night, such knowledge is valuable. 要是夜里迷失了航向,这是很有用的。
7 In the course of this life I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence. 这样,在我的生活中,我跟许多严肃的人有过很多的接触。
小王子中英文对照版The Little Prince。
Chapter 1。
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.有一次,我六岁的时候,在一本叫做『自然界的真实故事』的书里看到一副绝妙的插图,那是一座原始森林的景象。
It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.画中有一条蟒蛇正在吞食一只动物,下面是该画的摹本。
I must confess that at first sight this presentation of the whole process shocked me a little.诚然,乍一看,这个展示整个过程的画面有点令我震惊。
And yet.. one knows that this is only a drawing and that the tiger-cat has no worry about being swallowed alive.但是......当你知道这只是一副画,而老虎猫并不会真的被活活吞下去。
But, after doing a little reflection, I felt a little ashamed of having been shocked。
for there is nothing unbelievable in this story。
especially since the world is full of foolish people.尤其是在这个充满了愚蠢人的世界里。
TheLittlePrince小王子中最经典的句子(中英对照)1、You know —one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…你知道的—当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落……2、If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, "Somewhere, my flower is there…" But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。
他会喃喃自语:“我的花就在星河的某个角落……”可是,这花一旦被羊吃掉了,一瞬间,所有星星都将随之黯淡无光……那你也认为这不重要吗?3、Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她……4、For she did not want him to see her crying. She was sucha proud flower…她其实是不愿意让小王子看到自己哭泣。
她曾经是多么高傲的一朵花……5、It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them. But you are of no use to the stars.我对火山和花都有用处,所以我才拥有它们。
中西双语对照:小王子原文第十六章中西双语对照:小王子原文第十六章El séptimo planeta fue, por consiguiente, la Tierra.La Tierra no es un planeta cualquiera! Se cuentan en él ciento once reyes (sin olvidar, naturalmente, los reyes negros) , siete mil geógrafos, novecientos mil hombres de negocios, siete millones y medio de borrachos, trescientos once millones de vanidosos, es decir, alrededor de dos mil millones de personas mayores.Para darles una idea de las dimensiones de la Tierra yo les diría que antes de la invención de la electricidad había que mantener sobre el conjunto de los seis continentes un verdadero ejército de cuatrocientos sesenta y dos mil quinientos once faroleros.第七个行星,于是就是地球了。
下面是小王子中英文对照:1. 'All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.'“所有的大人都曾经是孩子,只是很少有人记得。
”2. 'And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.'“现在我告诉你们我的秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有用心灵才能看清事物真相,真正重要的东西是看不见的。
”3. 'But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never hear anything but praise.'“但是自以为是的人听不见他的话。
”4. 'It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.'“你为你的玫瑰所浪费的时间,才使你的玫瑰变得如此重要。
”5. 'Well, I must endure the presence of two or threecaterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.'“好吧,如果我想要认识蝴蝶,我必须忍受两三只毛毛虫的存在。
The Little Prince翻译
The Little Prince翻译《小王子》(The Little Prince)是法国作家安托万·德·圣埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)创作的一部经典童话故事,也是他最著名的作品之一。
首先,我们要将原文中的押韵和艺术性语言翻译准确无误,如“The stars, too, had their own language”(星星也有它自己的语言),翻译成“星星也有它们自己的语言”。
其次,我们要尽量保留原文的叙述方式,如“And he added, with a mysterious air: 'What is essential is invisible to the eye.”(他神秘地补充道:“真正重要的东西是眼睛看不见的。
”再次,我们要尊重原文的语言特点,如“I am looking for friends. What does that mean--'to look for friends'?”(我正在寻找朋友。
那是什么意思---“寻找朋友”?),翻译成“我正在寻找朋友,那是什么意思——‘寻找朋友’?”最后,我们要注意语言的精细化,如“That's an old trick,” said the fox. “I'm too intelligent for that”(狐狸说:“这是个老把戏,我太聪明了,不会上当。
Der kleine Prinz 德语 小王子
Sie wählte ihre Farben mit Sorgfalt, sie zog sich langsam an, sie ordnete ihre Blütenblätter eins nach dem andern. 她精心选择着她的颜色,慢慢腾腾地妆饰着,一片片地搭 wie die Mohnblüten ganz zerknittert herauskommen. Sie wollte nicht früher erscheinen als im vollen Ornat ihrer Schönheit. 她不愿象虞美人那样一出世就满脸皱纹。她要让自己带着光艳夺目的 丽姿来到世间。
不知从哪里来了一颗种子, 忽然一天这种子发了芽。
Der Strauch hörte bald auf zu wachsen und begann, eine Blüte anzusetzen. 但是,这小苗不久就不再长了,而且开始孕育着一个花朵。 Der kleine Prinz, der der Entwicklung(增长,发展) einer riesigen Knospe beiwohnte(出席), fühlte wohl, es müsse eine wunderbare Erscheinung aus ihr hervorgehen(出现), 看到在这棵苗上长出了一个很大很大的花蕾,小王子感觉到从这个花 苞中一定会出现一个奇迹。
小王子经典语录法汉对照Quand on est telleme nt triste on aime les couchers de soleil.当人情绪低落时候,喜欢看日落。
Toutes les gran des pers onnes ont d'abord edes en faints. (Mais peu d'e ntre elles s'e n souvie nnen t).所有的大人曾经都是孩子。
On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.人们只有用心才能看得清楚。
Le plus importa nt est in visible...最重要的东西,是肉眼看不见的。
On n'est jamais content l o ion 诚人们从来不会满足现状。
Tu devie ns resp on sable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivois e你应该对所驯服的东西负责到底。
C'est bie n d'avoir eu un ami, mme si l'o neva mourrir.即使快要死了,拥有过一个朋友总是好事。
Je ne savais pas trop quoi dire. Je me sen tais srmaladroit. Je n e savais comme nt l'atteindre, o le rej i indre ... C'est tellement mystrieux, le pays(des larmes.我不太知道和他说些什么。
我不知道如何接近他的世界”走进他的世界”泪水的世界是多么地神秘啊!II est bien plus difficile de se juger soi-m me que de jugereautrui. Si tu russis bie e te juger, c'est que tu es un vritable sag e判断自己可要比判断别人难得多!如果你能成功判断自己,那么你就是一个真正的智者。
The Little Prince 《小王子》翻译解析
• 原文:There was nothing but a flash of yellow close to his ankle. He remained motionless for an instant. He did not cry out. He fell as gently as a tree falls. There was not even any sound, because of the sand.
• 译文:“我那时什么也不懂!我应该根据她的行为,而不是根据她的 话来判断她。她使我的生活芬芳多彩,我真不该离开她跑出来。我本 该猜到她那小小诡计后面所隐藏的柔情。花儿是多么自相矛盾!可我 太年轻了,还不懂得爱她。”
• 解析:1、本句翻译使用了增词法和省略法,根据句意在2处增加了 “她的”,并在翻译后省略2处"her",使语意的表达更加顺畅;2、将 she cast her fragrance and her radiance over me 一句翻译为 “她使我的生活芬芳多彩”,及将poor little stategems翻译为 “小小诡计”,都使英译汉后的文字更加精彩,契合中文阅读习惯。
• 译文:“火山是熄灭了的也好,苏醒的也好,这对我们来 讲都是一回事,”地理学家说,“关键的是山。山是不会 变换位置的。”
• 解析:1、增加语气词“也好”,会比直译为“无论火山 是熄灭了还是苏醒着”更加口语化,符合表达习惯;2、 根据词义增加名词,如“山是不会变换位置的”一句中 “位置”为根据词义所增加词汇,英汉翻译中各种增此法 的应用较多。
• 2、同时本句中也使用了增词法,原句中a flash of yellow中并没有 动词,在译成汉语后增加了动词,变为“一道黄光闪了一下”,使语 言更加生动;
我六岁的时候Once, when I was six years old,读过一本关于原始森林的书I read a book about the primeval forest.书上说The book said,"蟒蛇会把猎物整个吞下"Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, "而不咀嚼""without chewing it."我思索良久之后I pondered this deeply.画下了第一幅画And then, I made my first drawing.我把我的杰作拿给大人们看I showed my masterpiece to grown-ups还问他们有没有被这画吓到and asked if the drawing frightened them.害怕Frightened?为什么会有人害怕一顶帽子Why should anyone be frightened of a hat?大人啊Grown-ups.从来不会自己动脑思考问题They never understand anything by themselves. 于是我又画下了第二幅画So, I made another drawing.老天我建议你还是学算术吧Geez. My advice is stick to arithmetic.-历史 -还有语法- History. - And grammar.我听取了他们的建议I took their advice然后我长大了and I grew up.我完全忘记了童年的那个我I forgot all about being a child直到发生这件奇遇until something miraculous happened.小王子小王子我一直很想与人分享这个故事可是...I've always wanted to find someone to share this story with, but... 不知怎么...I don't know...也许是这个世界太世故了吧I guess this world just... got too grown-up.早上好今天最重要的数字Good morning, in matters of consequence today,经过处理计算...figures were managed, counted and...破纪录的数字被写到纸上Record-breaking numbers were written down on pieces of paper, 送到银行放到抽屉里面再用钥匙锁好taken to the bank, placed in the drawers and locked with keys.后背挺直Back straight.注意听Listening attentively.注意听Listening.不要频繁眨眼No excessive blinking.注意听Listening.受到意外表扬Unexpected praise.接受并说"谢谢"Acknowledge and "Thank you."同时微笑宝贝露出牙齿It's a smile, sweetie. Show your teeth.别露太多Not too much.很好Good.好了记住OK, now remember,以往的民♥意♥测验和历史数据告诉我们exit polling and historical data tell us如果评审团有意录取你if the panel is leaning toward acceptance,他们就问一个问题they will ask only one question.终极问题The big question.你适合沃思学院吗Are you Werth Academy material?是的我很适合Yes, I am.我适合沃思学院的理由有三...Three things make me Werth Academy material...零一七号♥Zero One Seven?去吧Go on.我们已经看过你的申请信写得很好We've reviewed your application. Good.谢谢Thank you!我们已经看过你的成绩单We've reviewed your transcripts.谢...谢Thank... you.还有你的论文We've read your essay,《零在盈亏线上的变革力量》"The Transformative Power of Zero on the Bottom Line" 及其续篇《零仍是我的英雄》and the follow-up, "Zero, Still My Hero".是的你的准备充足Yes, you've done your work.一切似乎都已就绪Everything looks to be in place.我们今天只问一个问题We will ask you just one question today.终极问题The big question!"你适合沃思学院吗""Are you Werth Academy material?"你长大后想做什么What will you be when you grow up?是的我很适合Yes, I am.我适合沃思学院的理由有三Three things make me Werth Academy material. 不不No. No.第一就像沃思一样我很明智One, like Werth, I am sensible.第二就像沃思一样我很认真Two, like Werth, I am serious.-快停下 -第三...- Stop! - Three...就像沃思一样...like Werth...我坚定...my unwavering...快停下快停下Abort. Abort.不移的...concern with...信念...faith...谢谢Thank you.宝贝Sweetie!很显然他们换掉了终极问题Apparently, they changed the big question.我很抱歉妈妈I'm sorry, Mom.没事Don't be.现在只好启动备用计划了We're just gonna have to go to Plan B.备用计划B?可你说过备用计划行不通的You said Plan B was impossible!所以我们才会采用原始计划That's why we went with Plan A.备用计划就是新的原始计划Plan B is the new Plan A.前进We're moving forward!学区范围确定Neighbourhood identified. Check.如果发生奇迹If by some miracle我们能在这里找到付得起的房♥子we can find a house in the neighborhood we can afford,他们就必须接收你they have to take you.降价出♥售♥房♥屋确定确定Check. Check.确定Check.搬家卡车确定Moving truck, check.全球搬运对于那个严肃又明智的人来说...Matters of consequence for the serious and sensible man who... 暑假的第一天成功了We did it!不管他们要不要你沃思学院你都上定了You're going to Werth Academy whether they want you or not. 不管火山是死是活对于我们来说都一样Volcanoes are extinct or alive, it comes to the same thing for us. 没有人会满足现状停止追求No one is ever satisfied where he is, or pursuing nothing...新家到了确定Our new home. Check.现在更换计划会不会太晚了Is it too late for a Plan C?你要一直提醒自己Just keep reminding yourself:正是因为那座房♥子我们才住得起这座房♥子that house made this house available,你才得以拥有未来and made your future possible.妈妈Mom?你真觉得我适合沃思学院吗Do you really think I'm Werth Academy material?经过这个暑假你就会够格了You will be by the end of the summer因为我制定了一项计划bacause I've designed a plan.非常准时Right on time.我称它为你的人生计划I call it your life plan.我的人生计划My life plan?人生计划Life plan.不准出现任何意外We're not leaving anything to chance.所有安排都在这里Everything's here.从上到下从左到右Oriented top to bottom. Left to right.来仔细看一下Let's take a closer look.每一分钟每一小时The minute of the hour, hour of the day,每一天每一周每一月day of the week, week of the month, month of the year, 你这辈子的每一年the year of your life.所有安排明白了吗Everything! Got it?连你的生日礼物计划表这里都有It's even got a chart for all your birthday gifts.比如你即将到来的九岁生日礼物是显微镜Like your ninth birthday, coming up. Microscope.正好在沃思学院的生物课上使用Perfect for the Werth Academy biology curriculum.都已经包好了It's already wrapped.-好惊喜 -怎么样惊喜吧- Wow! - Yes. "Wow!"但是现在你要把注意力都集中在这里But for now, all your attention should be focused here.新学校的第一天The first day of your new school.沃思学院准备时间有53天We've got 53 days of prep time,听上去不算多which doesn't sound like much,但你可以将它换算成 1272个小时until you break it into hours, 1,272.或是76320分钟Or minutes, 76,320.只有这样你才会意识到能够做多少事Only then do you realise how much can be accomplished.你要按照表格执行每分钟每小时每一天的计划You will use those minutes, hours and days according to this. 因为老实说吧Because, let's face it,在学校你只能靠你自己you're going to be all alone out there.只能靠自己All alone.所以...So...不能再犯错了不能再像面试那样we can't afford any more mistakes, like the interview. 没...错All... right.你会成为一个很出色的大人You're going to make a wonderful grown-up.谢谢妈妈Thank you, Mom.我也想留下来宝贝I wish I could stay, sweetie,可戴维斯的审计工作又出岔子了but it's the Davis audit, again.凯莉的数据在米勒的统计表里也还有问题The Kelly numbers on the Miller oversite are still problematic. 而且这次资金有些风声Only this time fines caught wind of it now,洛根现在乱了手脚Logan's in a panic.费舍完全不想插手And Fisher wants nothing to do with it...洛根Logan.-现在我得回去 -解决所有问题- Now I've gotta go in... - And make it all balance out. 我自己都没有把握I'm not even sure that's possible.能解决这些事的人只有你快去吧If anyone can do it, it's you. You go.我还要去完成人生计划I've got the life plan!你真是我的得力副手You're my senior VP.好了OK.汽油Gas.不不不不不No no no no no.稳住Tempo.尽力而为目前为止一切还好Exert. Things are talent before you go in.有人在家吗Anybody home?螺旋桨Bolts.小心Pay attention.不要再弄坏其他东西了Don't screw up except those thing.我一直不相信他家后院有架飞机I didn't actually believe he had a plane back there. 我还以为那老头多年前就飞走了I think the old guy flew away years ago.我很欣慰我们没有挨着他住I'm just thankful we don't live next door to him.收到Roger that.你好Well, hello there.祝你下午时光愉快警官A very good afternoon to you, Officer.朋友们Friends!我刚刚只是...玩桥牌玩得太投入了I was just... I was immersed in a game of bridge.你玩吗Do you play?先生你是不是又在发动你的飞机Sir, did you try to start your plane again?是的没错Yes, yes, I did.我真的非常非常抱歉I'm terribly, terribly sorry.我应该给隔壁房♥屋造成了大面♥积♥破坏I do believe I have caused extensive damage to the house next door. 去局里吗Downtown?还是不了I'd rather not.等一下等一下Hold on. Hold on.-应该就在这里的啊 -什么东西- I know it's here, somewhere. - What?-找到它了 -我说先生...- Found it! - Sir...宝贝我回来了我还带了中餐Hey, I'm home. I brought Chinese.-妈妈 -你在这呀- Mom? - Oh. Hi.你回来了Hi.那些硬币是哪来的Where did you get the pennies?-隔壁老头给的 -什么- From the old man next door. - What?实际上是警♥察♥叔叔"给的"Actually, it was the police officer who "gave" them to me.什么What?什么样的疯子会有架飞机What kind of a nut keeps an aeroplane而且还敢在后院发动and actually starts it in his backyard?宝贝你真的没事吗Honey, are you sure you're OK?-我得打给保险公♥司♥ -已经打了- I have to call insurance agent. - Done it.-然后填写报案笔录 -也写完了一式两份- And file a police report. - Done. In duplicate.-拍照取证 -屋里屋外都照过了- Photo documentation? - Inside and outside.不能更完美了Doubt it could have been better.还不算太糟嘛It's not so bad.我们明天一早就给承包商打电♥话♥We'll call a contractor in the morning以后都不会记得他这号♥人物and we'll forget the old man even exists.已经忘了Forgotten.今晚最重要的事情Matters of consequence this evening,我们再来看下今天翻新的数字吧let's recap today's recaps.今天的市场活动都有详细记录...Today's market activity with a detailed account...看下今日编号♥Section number of the day.还有其他上百个...There are also hundreds of others..."很久以前有一个小王子"Once upon a time there is a little prince"他所在的那个星球没比他自己大多少"who lived on a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself, "他很需要...""and who had need of..."一个朋友A friend?我想你需要朋友吧I thought you could use a friend!不我在这里在上面No, no, here I am, up here.对在这呢你好Yep! Here! Hi.很抱歉那只是故事的开头I'm sorry. That's just the beginning of the story.没关系反正也没人看得懂It's OK. Nobody understands it anyway.好吧再见回见也许吧All right. Bye-bye. See you later. Maybe.她制♥造♥出最恐怖的声音She made the most frightful noise.到处都在回响It resounded all over the place.-也许午饭时 -我可以数下那些硬币- Maybe during lunch... - I can count all those pennies.很久以前有一个小王子Once upon a time there was a little prince他所在的那个星球没比他自己大多少who lived on a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself, 他很需要一个朋友and who had need of a friend.而我孤独地生活着And I, I lived my life alone身边没有可谈心的朋友without anyone I could really talk to.于是我去学了驾驶飞机So I learned to pilot aeroplanes.我几乎飞遍了整个世界I flew more or less all over the world,直到有一次在撒哈拉沙漠中遇到故障until I had an accident in the Sahara Desert.你能不能给我画只绵羊If you please, draw me a sheep!你能不能给我画只绵羊If you please, draw me a sheep.给我画只绵羊Draw me a sheep!当神秘事物将你震慑住时When a mystery is too over-powering,你就不敢不听话one dare not disobey.画画可我不会画画Draw? I don't know how to draw.不要紧的That doesn't matter.我画的第一只羊病得太厉害The first sheep I drew was too sickly.而第二只也不合他心意And the second one, not to his liking either.难道你看不出来这不是绵羊Don't you see, that's not a sheep.这是山羊它有角呢This is a ram, it has horns.-而这一只... -太老了- And this one was... - Too old!我想要一只可以活很久的羊I want a sheep that will live for a long time.于是我画下这个So, I drew this.你要的羊在里面The sheep you ask for is inside.我要的就是这个That is exactly the way I wanted it!你觉得这只羊会吃很多草吗Do you think this sheep will eat a great deal of grass? 因为我住的地方所有东西都很小Because where I live, everything is very small.我敢肯定那里的草够他吃的I'm sure there will be enough grass for him.他是一只很小的羊He's a very small sheep.也没小到...你看他睡着了Not so small that... Look! He's gone to sleep.你好Hello?你好Hello?你好Hello!等一下等一下Hold on. Now, hold on.下来了Here we go.我...我是来还画的I... I just wanted to give your drawing back.你不喜欢吗You didn't like it?不不我很喜欢No, no, I did.我画得不是很好It's not very good.我觉得非常不错I think it's nice.故事我也看了很认真地看了I read the story, too. Attentively.我发现这故事很不寻常And I found it quite odd.不寻常Odd?我是指奇妙或者有趣I mean curious, or interesting.故事中的有些内容让我有点不解I guess I have some issues with some of the facts.你有什么想问的吗You have questions?我不想冒犯您我可以吗I don't mean to be rude. Can I?可以什么冒犯我吗当然What? Be rude? Sure.来吧你都想问什么Go ahead. What you got?首先那个小孩在沙漠里做什么Well, first of all, what was the kid doing there in the desert? 这很奇怪That's very strange.人不会在沙漠里活很久No one can last very long in a desert如果缺少食物和水without food and water.他的父母呢他去上学吗Where are his parents? Does he even go to school?他真的住在天上吗Does he really live up there?因为我学过基础天文学Because I took basic astronomy任何其他星球之上and there was no mention of life,都没有生命迹象或是小孩or children, on any other planets.除非他真的来自一颗恒星Unless it's true that he came from a star.但也不大可能But that seems improbable.不是恒星是小行星Not a star. An asteroid.B612号♥小行星Asteroid B612.我们没学过小行星We didn't cover asteroids.不过他想要羊的这件事But the fact that he wanted a sheep,可以证明他真的存在吧that pretty much proves that he exists.你不这样想吗Don't you think?等等我要在这找到另一幅画Hold on, I just got to find it here. Another drawing.这里存在很严重的火灾隐患This is a pretty serious fire hazard.我从不这么看I never looked at it that way.这些东西你都在哪弄的Where did you get all this stuff?人活这一辈子有些东西就是会留在你身边Oh, well, as you live, you know, some things just kind of stick to you. 有个词叫什么来的...And there's a name for it...-收集吗 -聚藏- Collecting? - Hoarding!对聚藏That's it, hoarding.我就是这种人聚藏家算是聚藏家That's what I am. I'm a hoarder. A bit of a hoarder.你叫什么名字小狐狸What's your name, little fox?他无法回答你He can't answer you.我总想给他缝个嘴I keep meaning to sew him a mouth.你...你还好吗Are... Are you OK?没事有时是会这样I'm fine, this happens sometimes.躺躺就好Just need a minute.上次出现这种情况我在这里躺了三天You know, the last time this happened, I was down here for three days. -躺了三天 -不要紧的- Three days? - That's OK.所以我才总在口袋里面揣三明治That's why I always keep a sandwich in my pocket.来一口吗有熏肠哦Do you want a bite? Baloney.我对熏肠过敏I think I'm baloney intolerant.应该是熏肠的I think it's baloney.今晚会很晴朗Gonna be a clear night.星星很快就会出来The stars will be out soon.小王子他很喜欢观看日落The Little Prince, he was very fond of sunsets.有一天他看了四十四次One day he saw 44 of them.什么What?他的行星很小很小His planet, it was so small,只要往后挪动几步椅子就能再看一场日落all he had to do was move his chair a few steps to see another one. 但是小行星也有不好的地方But a small planet also had drawbacks.他需要一只羊来吃掉猴面包树的萌芽He needed a sheep to eat the baobab sprouts.-猴面包树 -对一种很贪婪的树- Baobab? - Yeah. It's a very greedy tree.他每天都要想方设法阻止树苗长大And every day, he toiled to stop them from turning up.要是你铲得太晚...For if you intervene too late...简直就是灾难Catastrophe.幸运的是也有一些好的种子Now, luckily, there are good seeds, too.一天不知从哪吹来一粒种子And one day, from a seed blown from no one knew where,长出一种新的萌芽a new kind of sprout came up.我知道你一定是个奇迹你一定是I know you'll be miraculous. I know you will.你好美啊How beautiful you are!我才刚刚睡醒I'm only half awake.真对不起我还这么乱蓬蓬的Forgive me, I'm still quite dishevelled.你很完美You're perfect.可不是吗Am I not?我出生在日出之时I was born at the same moment as the sun.在那里他们第一次共赏日出It was there they shared their first sunrise第一次同享日落and their first sunset.你这里可真冷It's very cold where you live.请你体贴一点想想我的需求If you would have the kindness to... to think of my needs?玫瑰很快开始骄纵起来折磨着他But the Rose began very quickly to torment him with her vanity. 我看你没有屏风吧I suppose you wouldn't have a screen?到了晚上请你用玻璃把我罩起来And at night I want you to put me under a glass.快点罩上球形玻璃A glass globe, now.我的需求...我的美貌...我的屏风...My needs... My beauty... My screen...然而遗憾的是他们两个深深爱着彼此Now, the shame of it was that they loved each other.但是他们也都太年轻了不懂如何去爱But they were both too young to know how to love.带着满心困惑他逃走了Full of doubt, he ran away.我当然爱你Of course I love you.如果你没有感觉到这是我的错If you're not aware of that, it's my fault.请原谅我Please forgive me.他抛下她自己走了He left her? All alone?可是他去哪了But where did he go?他当时还不知道Well, he didn't know it at the time,他的离开其实是迈出了回到她身边的第一步but his leaving was just the first step on a journey back to her. -真的吗 -真的- Really? - Yeah.你看星星都出来了Look at that, the stars are out.真的好亮They're so bright.能看的有许多There are so many to look at.天气好的时候如果仔细聆听And on a good day, if I listen carefully,我会听到他在天上欢笑I can hear him laughing up there.不我得走了Oh, no! I got to go!宝贝你在哪里Sweetie? Where are you?我回来了Oh. Hi.你的书桌好乱Your desk is a mess.今天的学习计划完成了没有Did you finish your study work for today?没...完成Not exactly.那你都在忙些什么Well, what have you been doing?我读了很多书I've read a lot...还交了个朋友And I made a friend.朋友A friend?不不不不不不No. No, no, no. No. No.不行Nope.也许...Maybe...可以Yes.好了OK.朋友如果你努力学习严格执行各个计划If you study hard and you stay completely on track with the plan, 你就可以去找新朋友玩you can spend some time with your new friend.明年暑假每周四一点到一点半Next summer, on Thursdays, from 1:00 to 1:30.好吗好期待见到她OK? Can't wait to meet her.他不知不觉中来到邻近的小行星He found himself in the neighbourhood of asteroids 325, 326, 327,328号♥ 329号♥ 330号♥... 328, 329, 330...怎么了原来是来了一个臣民What? What? Oh! Here's a subject.走上前来Approach.陛下您都统治什么Sire, over what do you rule?统治一切Over everything.星星也都臣服于您吗And the stars obey you?那是当然我绝不允许有谁反抗They certainly do. I do not permit insubordination.我很想看一场日落I would very much like to see a sunset.那会让我想起我的玫瑰It would remind me of my rose.您可以命令太阳下落吗Could you order the sun to set?你会看到日落You shall have your sunset.我会下达命令I shall command it.但是我要等到条件成熟But I shall wait until conditions are favorable.那要等到什么时候When will that be?那要等到...等到...That will be about... about...等到...今晚大约七点四十That will be... this evening. About twenty minutes to eight. 早上好Good morning.你的帽子有点奇怪You're wearing a funny kind of hat.这什么话...这帽子其实是用来致敬的What is it... It is a hat for salutes, actually.当我受到称赞我便举帽示意To raise when people acclaim me.你鼓个掌Clap your hands, yeah.谢谢谢谢Thank you. Thank you.明白了吗See?你真的很崇拜我吗Do you really admire me very much?我难道不是这个行星上最英俊最华丽最富有Am I not the handsomest, the best-dressed, the richest... 以及最聪颖的人吗and the most intelligent man on this planet?可是这个行星上只有你一个人呀But you're the only man on this planet.请你帮我个忙...Do me this kindness and...还是崇拜我吧好吗admire me just the same, please.这些星星归我所有I own the stars...归我管理I administ them.我会清点数目数完再数I count them, then I recount them.可这样你会得到什么好处呢But what good does that do you?这会让我变得富有这个好处如何Well, it does me the good of making me rich. How's that? 富有又会带给你什么好处呢And what good does it do you to be rich?我会买♥♥下更多星星It makes it possible for me to buy more stars.办到你能想到的任何事情Plus anything else you can think of.成年人真的非常非常奇怪Grown-ups are certainly very very odd.确定确定确定And check. And check. And check.确定Check.确定Check.确定确定确定确定And check. And check, check, check.确定...Check...成年人真的非常非常非常奇怪Grown-ups are certainly very very very odd.我在成年人的世界中生活了很久I've lived a great deal among grown-ups.我已深入并近距离地观察过他们I've seen them intimately close at hand and...但也没怎么改变我对他们的看法that hasn't much changed my opinion of them.我不确定自己是否还想长大Well, I'm not so sure I wanna grow up any more.长大不是问题Growing up is not the problem.遗忘才是Forgetting is.我可不想遗忘I definitely don't want to forget.我还是长大了而我从没忘记过小王子I managed to grow up and I never forgot the Little Prince. 很好Yeah...晚上好Good evening.晚上好Good evening.这是什么行星What planet is this?这是地球This is Earth.这是非洲This is Africa.人都在什么地方Where are all the men?沙漠里面是有一点孤独It is a little lonely in the desert.有人的地方也一样孤独It is also lonely among men.你是个很奇特的动物You are a funny animal.没比手指粗到哪里去You are no thicker than a finger.但我甚至比国王的手指更有威力But I am more powerful than the finger of a king.你没有脚You haven't any feet.甚至不能旅行You cannot even travel.我可以带你去连大船都到不了的地方I can carry you further than any ship can take you.如果你想回到你的行星有朝一日我会帮你I can help you someday, if you grow too homesick for your own planet. 我想我明白你的意思了I think I understand you.好了试试左边那根树干There you go, try that one on the left there.我好害怕I'm scared.那就对了这种事就是会让人害怕That's normal. It is scary.不然我为什么派你上去Why do you think I send you?就快到了干得不错Almost there. You got it now.伸出手够到它Just reach! Reach for it!-我够到了 -没错就是这样- I got it! - There you go! You got it!这真是...Well, that was...真是双倍地吓人是吧That was double scary, right?三倍四倍地吓人Triple and quadruple.-我们得弄掉这个 -什么- We're going to have to amputate them. - What?-感觉好些了吧 -是的- Feels better, then, eh? - Yeah.小王子行走了很长时间But it happened that after walking a long time穿过沙漠岩石雪地through sand, rocks and snow,然后狐狸出现了the Fox appeared.过来跟我玩吧Hey! Come and play with me.我不能跟你玩I cannot play with you.我还没被驯服I'm not tamed.那是什么意思What does that mean?驯服就是"建立关系"Tame means, "to establish ties".对我来说你不过是个小男孩To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy就跟其他成千上万的小男孩一样who is just like 100,000 other little boys.我不需要你And I have no need of you.你也不需要我And you have no need of me.对你来说我也只是成千上万狐狸中的一只To you, I am nothing more than a fox like 100,000 foxes. 但如果你驯服了我我们就会彼此需要But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.你好Hey, there.对我来说你会是世界上唯一的存在To me, you will be unique in all the world.对你来说我也是世界上唯一的存在And to you, I shall be unique in all the world.你们是谁Who are you?我们是玫瑰We are roses.我的玫瑰只是一朵寻常玫瑰My rose is just a common rose?可她告诉我全宇宙只有她那一朵玫瑰But she told me she was the only one of her kind in the whole universe. 但她绝不只是一朵寻常玫瑰But she is not a common rose.她是你的玫瑰She is your rose.是你在她身上倾注的时间It is the time that you've devoted to her让她变得如此重要that makes your rose so important.她是我的玫瑰She is my rose.你必须回到她身边You must return to her.不你要哭了吗Oh, no, are you going to cry?我驯服了你对你却没什么好处My taming you has done you no good at all.作为礼物我告诉你一个秘密Let me make you a present of a secret.只有用心去看才能看得真切It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.真正重要的东西眼睛是看不见的What is essential is invisible to the eye.他们不会再在一起了吗They won't be together any more?他们会的But they will.狐狸只要用心去看就能看得见小王子The Fox, he sees the Little Prince when he looks with his heart.如果你做得到你就永远不会孤单If you can do that, you'll never be lonely again.没错可我现在不孤单啊有你在了Right. But I'm not lonely. I've got you now.我真幸运I am so lucky.我还以为永远也找不到愿意听我讲故事的人了I thought I'd never find anyone who wanted to hear my story.结果你出现了时机刚好Then you came along. Just in time.等等Wait...什么叫做 "时机刚好"What do you mean, "Just in time"?每个人早晚都会告别的Well, everyone has to say goodbye sooner or later. 你要走吗You're leaving?这个...Well...要是...要是我把那架旧飞机修好了呢What if... What if I get that old plane running?要是时间到了...And what if it's time for me to...我该去找小王子了呢you know, go be with the Little Prince?可是...But...可是他有他的玫瑰了But he already has his rose...而我需要你And I need you here.饿了没有You hungry?我知道一个好地方I know a great place生日当天可以吃到免费薄饼where we can get free pancakes on your birthday. 可是我两周后才过生日But my birthday's not for two weeks.他们又不知道They don't know that.这就像开飞机It's... It's like flying a plane.像你开毁的那次吗Like the one you crashed?没错Exactly!怎么回事What!靠边停下Pull over.-你有驾照吗 -没有- Do you have a driver's licence? - No.-实习驾照呢 -没有- A learner's permit? - No.你多大了你好警官How old are you? Hi, Officer.显然你把车又开出来了You obviously started your car, again.是啊Yeah...下午好警官我可以插句话吗Good afternoon, Officer. If I may interject for a moment?你知道吗今天是我生日Did you know it's my birthday?-妈妈听我... -里面等我- Mom, I can... - Wait for me inside.-但是... -快点- But... - Now.女士我很抱歉打断你的工作Madam, I'm very sorry to pull you out from work.显然他们想去吃薄饼...Apparently, they were going to get pancakes...-你想找他谈谈吗 -是的- Would you like to speak to him? - Yes...不不不不No! No! No! No!狐狸先生Mr. Fox!按照计划你现在应该在床上睡觉According to this, you're still in bed. Asleep.看看昨天Yesterday.你的"朋友"连驾照都没有Your "friend" doesn't even have a driver's licence.不是被没收了Oh, no. They took it away因为他四次没拔管子就把车开出来了after the fourth time he drove away with the gas pump attached. 你可能被他害死的You could have been killed!-妈妈听我解释 -不你那是说谎- Mom, I can explain... - No, no, you mean you can lie.。
小王子 little prince 5 结实小王子 中英文翻译带讲解
1.He looked at it carefully, then he said:“No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another.”他专心地看着,随后又说:“我不要,这只羊已经病得很重了。
”(sickly:adj. 体弱的,多病的)2.So I made another drawing. 我又画了起来。
3.My friend smiled gently and indulgently. 我的这位朋友温和宽容地笑了。
(indulgently:adv.纵容地,宽容地)4.“You see yourself,”he said, “that this is not a sheep. This is a ram. It has horn s.”你自己看看,他说道,你画的不是小羊,是头公羊,还有犄角呢。
5.So then I did my drawing over once more. 于是我又重新画了一张。
6.But it was reject ed too, just like the others. 这副画同前几副一样又被拒绝了。
7.This one is too old. I want a sheep(that will live a long time). 这一只太老了。
8 By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart.这一次,我的耐心被耗尽了。
因为我急于要拆开我的发动机,9.So I tossed off this drawing. And I threw out an explanation with it. 于是就草草画了这张画,并且随口解释道:(toss off:迅速,一口气完成)10. This is only his box. The sheep (you asked for)is inside. 这是一只箱子,你要的羊就在里面。
小王子经典语句中法双语对照1.小王子:你知道--当你感觉到悲伤的时候,就会喜欢看落日...Tusais...quandonesttellementtristeonaimelescouchersdesoleil .2.如果有人钟爱着一朵独一无二的、盛开在浩瀚星海里的花。
那么,对他来说,所有的星光变会在刹那间暗淡无光!而你却认为这并不重要!Siquelqu'unaimeunefleurquin'existequ'àunexemplairedanslesmillionsetlesmillionsd'étoiles,?asuffitpourqu'ilsoitheureuxquandillesregarde.Ilsedi t:"Mafleurestlàquelquepart..."Maissilemoutonmangelafleur,c'estpourluimesi, brusquement,touteslesétoiless'éteignaient!Etcen'estpasimportant?a!3.因为忘记自己的朋友是一件悲哀的事情,并不是每个人都有朋友,如果我忘记了小王子,那我就会变得和那些除了对数字感兴趣,对其他事都漠不关心的大人们一样了.C'esttristed'oublierunami.Toutlemonden'apaseuunami.Etjepuis devenirmelesgrandespersonnesquines'intéressentplusqu'auxchiffres.4.小王子:我那时什么也不懂!我应该根据她的行为,而不是根据她的话来判断她。
小王子中英文版原著In the heart of the vast universe, there is a small planet inhabited by a unique character: the Little Prince. This enchanting figure, whether experienced through the original French version of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s timeless tale or its English translation, embodies a profound understanding of life, love, and the complexities of human existence. The journey of the Little Prince, from his own asteroid to the various planets he visits, is not just a physical odyssey; it is a metaphysical exploration of the soul and the true essence of what it means to be human.The Little Prince’s encounter with the Rose, his first and dearest friend, teaches us about the delicacy and fragility of love. The Rose’s haughtiness and pretentiousness mask a deep-seated need for care and attention, reflecting the complexities of human relationships and the importance of understanding and patience in maintaining them. The Little Prince’s subsequent encounters with the various inhabitants of the other planets—the King, the Vain Man, the Drunkard, theBusinessman, the Lamplighter, and the Geographer—eachoffer insights into different facets of human nature and society.These characters, although absurd and even comical in their extreme behaviors, serve as mirrors reflecting our own flaws and vices. The King’s obsession with power, the Vain Man’s narcissism, the Drunkard’s self-destructiveness, the Businessman’s greed and lack of imagination, the Lamplighter’s compliance with rules, and the Geographer’s detachment from rea lity all speak to the many ways we can stray from the path of true fulfillment and happiness.The Little Prince’s journey, however, is not just a criticism of human folly; it is also a celebration of what it means to be truly alive. His encounters with the Snake, the Flower, and the Fox—all symbols of wisdom and enlightenment—teach him valuable lessons about life andits mysteries. The Snake’s enigmatic nature, the Flower’s revelation of the transitory nature of beauty, and the Fox’s insistence on the i mportance of relationships andconnections all contribute to the Little Prince’s growing understanding of the universe and his role within it.The final leg of the Little Prince’s journey, his descent to Earth and encounter with the Aviator, marks a turning point in his understanding of life. The Aviator, like the reader, is a symbol of the adult world—jaded, cynical, and lost in the complexities of modern life. The Little Prince’s innocence and childlike perspective serve as a reminder of the joy and simplicity that can be foundin the smallest of things, if only we take the time to appreciate them.The beauty of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s tale lies in its ability to transcend language and cultural barriers, speaking to readers of all ages and backgrounds. The English translation, while faithful to the original, captures the essence of the story, allowing it to resonate with a wider audience. The Little Prince’s journey, whether experienced in French or English, remains a timeless and universal tale of love, loss, and the search for meaning in a vast and often confusing universe.**小王子:跨越语言与文化的奇幻之旅**在浩瀚宇宙的深处,有一颗小行星,上面居住着一个独特的角色:小王子。
格林童话 中德对照
1. Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich 青蛙王子和铁亨利2.Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft 猫和老鼠交朋友3.Marienkind 玛利亚的孩子4 .Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen 外出学习害怕的故事5 .Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geislei 狼和七只小羊6.Der treue Johannes 忠诚的约翰尼斯7.Der gute Handel 一桩好买卖8.Der wunderliche Spielmann 奇特的云游人9.Die zwölf Brüder 十二个兄弟10.Das Lumpengesindel 一群无赖11.Brüderchen und Schwesterchen 小弟弟和小姐姐12,Rapunzel 色拉菜13 .Die drei Männlein im Walde 森林里的三个小男人14.Die drei Spinnerinnen 三个纺纱的女人15,Hänsel und Grethel 亨塞尔和格莱特16.Die drei Schlangenblätter 三片蛇叶17.Die weiße Schlange 白蛇18.Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne 麦秆、煤块和豆子19.Von dem Fischer un syner Fru 渔夫和他的妻子20.Das tapfere Schneiderlein 勇敢的小裁缝21.Aschenputtel 灰姑娘22.Das Räthsel 谜23.Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst 小老鼠、小鸟和香肠的故事24.Frau Holle 荷勒太太25.Die sieben Raben 七只乌鸦26.Rotkäppchen 小红帽27.Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten 布莱梅的乐师28.Der singende Knochen 会唱歌的骨头29.Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren 魔鬼和三根金发的故事30.Läuschen und Flöhchen 虱子和跳蚤的故事31.Das Mädchen ohne Hände 没有手的姑娘32.Der gescheidte Hans 聪明的汉斯33.Die drei Sprachen 三种语言34.Die kluge Else 聪明的埃尔塞35.Der Schneider im Himmel 天堂里的裁缝36 .Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel, und Knüppel aus dem Sack 小桌子、金驴和掉出口袋的棍棒37.Daumesdick 小矮人38.Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin 狐狸女士的婚礼39.Die Wichtelmänner 小精灵40.Der Räuberbräutigam 强盗未婚夫41.Herr Korbes 科尔泼斯先生42.Der Herr Gevatter 教父先生43.Frau Trude 特鲁特太太44.Der Gevatter Tod 死神教父45.Daumerlings Wanderschaft 大拇指漫游记46.Fitchers Vogel 菲切尔的鸟47.Von dem Machandelboom 杏树48.Der alte Sultan 老苏丹49.Die sechs Schwäne 六只天鹅50.Dornröschen 刺玫瑰51.Fundevogel 鸟剂儿52.König Drosselbart 鸫胡子国王53.Sneewittchen 白雪公主54.Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein 背包、帽子和小号角55.Rumpelstilzchen 龙泼斯蒂尔星56.Der Liebste Roland 心上人罗兰57.Der goldene Vogel 金鸟58.Der Hund und der Sperling 狗和麻雀59.Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen 弗里特和卡特利斯星60.Die zwei Brüder 两兄弟61.Das Bürle 比尔勒62.Die Bienenkönigin 蜜蜂王后63.Die drei Federn 三根羽毛64.Die goldene Gans 金鹅65.Allerleirauh 大野人66.Häsichenbraut 兔子的新娘67.Die zwölf Jäger 十二猎人68.De Gaudeif un sien Meester 骗子和他的师父69.Jorinde und Joringel 约琳特和约琳格尔70.Die drei Glückskinder 三个幸运儿71.Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt 六个伙伴闯荡世界72.Der Wolf und der Mensch 狼和人73.Der Wolf und der Fuchs 狼和狐狸74.Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin 狐狸和母狼75.Der Fuchs und die Katze 狐狸和猫76.Die Nelke 丁香花77.Das kluge Grethel 聪明的格蕾特78.Der alte Großvater und der Enkel 爷爷和孙子79.Die Wassernixe 女妖80.Von dem Tode des Hühnchens 小母鸡之死81.Bruder Lustig 欢乐兄弟82.De Spielhansl 赌徒汉斯83.Hans im Glück 幸运的汉斯84.Hans heirathet 汉斯娶亲85.Die Goldkinder 金娃娃86.Der Fuchs und die Gänse 狐狸和鹅87.Der Arme und der Reiche 穷人和富人88.Das singende springende Löweneckerchen 蹦跳唱歌的云雀89.Die Gänsemagd 牧鹅姑娘90.Der junge Riese 年轻的巨人91.Dat Erdmänneken 小精灵92.Der König vom goldenen Berge 金山国王93.Die Rabe 乌鸦94.Die kluge Bauerntochter 聪明的农家女儿95.Der alte Hildebrand 农夫希尔勃兰特96.De drei Vügelkens 三只小鸟97.Das Wasser des Lebens 生命之水98.Doctor Allwissend 万能医生99.Der Geist im Glas 杯中的精灵100.Des Teufels rußiger Bruder 魔鬼的龌龊兄弟101.Der Bärenhäuter 熊皮伙计102.Der Zaunkönig und der Bär 山雀和狗熊103.Der süße Brei 甜粥104.Die klugen Leute 聪明人105.Märchen von der Unke 小蛇的故事106.Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen 贫穷的磨坊伙计和小猫107.Die beiden Wanderer 两个漫游的人108.Hans mein Igel 汉斯,我的刺猬109.Das Todtenhemdchen 小寿衣110.Der Jude im Dorn 荆棘丛中的犹太人111.Der gelernte Jäger 训练有素的猎人112.Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel 天堂里的连枷113.De beiden Künigeskinner 国王的两个孩子114.Vom klugen Schneiderlein 聪明的小裁缝115.Die klare Sonne bringts an den Tag 明晃晃的太阳将会揭发116.Das blaue Licht 蓝灯117.Das eigensinnige Kind 固执的孩子118.Die drei Feldscherer 三个军医119.Die sieben Schwaben 七个施瓦本人120 .Die drei Handwerksburschen 三个手艺人121.Der Königssohn der sich vor nichts fürchtet 毫无畏惧的王子122.Der Krautesel 草驴123.Die Alte im Wald 树林里的老太太124.Die drei Brüder 兄弟三人125.Der Teufel und seine Großmutter 魔鬼和他的祖母126.Ferenand getrüun Ferenand ungetrü忠诚和不忠诚的弗伦南127.Der Eisenofen 铁炉128.Die faule Spinnerin 懒惰的纺纱女129.Die vier kunstreichen Brüder 四个内行的兄弟130.Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein 一只眼、两只眼、三只眼131.Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie 美丽的卡特琳娜和劈·啪·波尔特里132.Der Fuchs und das Pferd 狐狸和马133.Die zertanzten Schuhe 跳舞穿破的鞋子134.Die sechs Diener 六个仆人135.Die weiße und die schwarze Braut 白新娘和黑新娘136.Eisenhans 铁汉斯137.De drei schwatten Princessinnen 三个黑公主138.Knoist un sine dre Sühne 克诺伊斯特和他的三个儿子139.Dat Mäken von Brakel 勃拉克尔的姑娘140.Das Hausgesinde 一路家常141.Das Lämmchen und Fischchen 小羊和小鱼142.Simeliberg 希默里山143.Up Reisen gohn 去旅行144.Das Eselein 小毛驴145.Der undankbare Sohn 忘恩负义的儿子146.Die Rübe 萝卜147.Das junggeglühte Männlein 烈火焚身的小青年148.Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier 上帝和魔鬼的动物149.Der Hahnenbalken 鸡驮梁150.Die alte Bettelfrau 老乞婆151.Die drei Faulen 三个懒惰的人151.Die zwölf faulen Knechte 十二个懒惰的长工152.Das Hirtenbüblein 小牧童153.Der Sternthaler 星星塔勒154.Der gestohlene Heller 移作他用的赫勒155.Die Brautschau 挑选新娘156.Die Schlickerlinge 扔掉的麻线157.Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder 麻雀和它的四个孩子158.Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland 极乐王国的童话159.Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen 底特马尔斯的谎言160,Räthselmärchen 谜语童话161.Schneeweißchen und Rosenroth 白雪白和玫瑰红162.Der kluge Knecht 聪明的长工163.Der gläserne Sarg 玻璃棺材164.Der faule Heinz 懒惰的海茵茨165.Der Vogel Greif 鸟儿格莱夫166.Der starke Hans 强壮的汉斯167/Das Bürle im Himmel 天堂里的农民168.Die hagere Liese 瘦瘦的莉塞169.Das Waldhaus 树林小屋170.Lieb und Leid theilen 同甘共苦171.Der Zaunkönig 篱笆国王172.Die Scholle 鲽鱼173.Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf 鸬鹚鸟和戴胜鸟174.Die Eule 猫头鹰175.Der Mond 月亮176.Die Lebenszeit 生命的时间177.Die Boten des Todes 死神的使者178.Meister Pfriem 锥匠师傅179.Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen 井旁的牧鹅姑娘180.Die ungleichen Kinder Evas 夏娃的孩子不平等181.Die Nixe im Teich 池塘里的女妖182.Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes 小侏儒的礼物183.Der Riese und der Schneider 巨人和裁缝184.Der Nagel 钉子185.Der arme Junge im Grab 坟墓里的穷孩子186.Die wahre Braut 真正的新娘187.Der Hase und der Igel 兔子和刺猬188.Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel 纺锤、梭子和针189.Der Bauer und der Teufel 农民和魔鬼190.Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch 餐桌上的面包屑191.Das Meerhäschen 小海兔192.Der Meisterdieb 神偷193.Der Trommler 鼓手194.Die Kornähre 麦穗195.Der Grabhügel 坟丘196,Oll Rinkrank 林克兰克老人197.Die Krystallkugel 水晶弹子198.Jungfrau Maleen 玛莲姑娘199.Der Stiefel von Büffelleder 水牛皮靴202.Die zwölf Apostel 十二使徒203.Die Rose 玫瑰花204.Armuth und Demuth führen zum Himmel 贫穷和谦恭直通天堂205.Gottes Speise 上帝的食物206.Die drei grünen Zweige 三根绿树枝207.Muttergottesgläschen 圣母小酒杯208.Das alte Mütterchen 老太太209.Die himmlische Hochzeit 天堂的婚礼210 .Die Haselruthe 榛树枝211.Der gestiefelte Katze 穿靴子的猫。
小王子第四章(中西对照)De esta manera supe una segunda cosa muy importante:su planeta de origen era apenas más grande que una casa.我还了解到另一件重要的事,就是他老家所在的那个星球比一座房子大不了多少。
Esto no podía asombrarme mucho.Sabía muy bien que aparte de los grandes planetas como la Tierra,Júpiter,Marte,Venus,a los cuales se les ha dado nombre,existen otros centenares de ellos tan pequeños a veces,que es difícil distinguirlos aun con la ayuda del telescopio.Cuando un astrónomo descubre uno de estos planetas,le da por nombre un número.Le llama,por ejemplo,"el asteroide 3251".Tengo poderosas razones para creer que el planeta del cual venía el principito era el asteroide B 612.Este asteroide ha sido visto sólo una vez con el telescopio en 1909,por un astrónomo turco.这倒并没有使我感到太奇怪。
the little prince中文翻译
the little prince中文翻译
《小王子》(The Little Prince)是法国作家圣修伯里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)所著的一本童话故事。
1. 翻译者:
2. 翻译时间:
3. 翻译难点:
4. 翻译成果:
[法] 圣·德克旭贝里献给列翁·维尔特我请孩子们原谅我把这本书献给了一个大人。
)因此,我就把献词改为:献给还是小男孩时的列翁·维尔特*********LE PETIT PRINCE小王子I当我还只有六岁的时候,在一本描写原始森林的名叫《真实的故事》的书中,看到了一副精彩的插画,画的是一条蟒蛇正在吞食一只大野兽。
小王子 原文及翻译
1、You know — one loves the sunset,when one is so sad…你知道的——当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落……2、If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself,“Somewhere,my flower is there…”倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。
他会喃喃自语:“我的花就在星河的某个角落……”3、Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她……4、For she did not want him to see her crying.She was such a proud flower…她其实是不愿意让小王子看到自己哭泣。
她曾经是多么高傲的一朵花……5、It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, thatI own them.But you are of no use to the stars.我对火山和花都有用处,所以我才拥有它们。
但是,你对星星们却一点用处也没有啊!6、My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world.And I have left on my planet, all alone!我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了!7、The people have no imagination. They repeat whatever one says to them… On my planet I had a flower;She always was the first to speak…人没有想象力。
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当我还只有六岁的时候,在一本描写原始森林的名叫 《真实的故事》的书中,看到了一副精彩的插 画,画 的是一条蟒蛇正在吞食一只大野兽。页头上就是那副 画的摹本。 这本书中写道:“这些蟒蛇把它们的猎获 物不加咀嚼地囫囵吞下,尔后就不能再动弹了;它们 就在长 长的六个月的睡眠中消化这些食物。”
Ich habe damals viel über die Abenteuer des Dschungels nachgedacht, und ich vollendete mit einem Farbstift meine erste Zeichnung. Meine Zeichnung Nr. 1. So sah sie aus: Ich habe den großen Leuten mein Meisterwerk gezeigt und sie gefragt, ob ihnen meine Zeichnung nicht Angst mache. Sie haben geantwortet: »Warum sollen wir vor einem Hut Angst haben?«
当我遇到一个头脑看来稍微清楚的大人时,我就拿出一直保存 着的我那第一号作品来测试测试他。 我想知道他是否真的有理 解能力。可是,得到的回答总是: “这是顶帽子。”我就不和 他谈巨蟒呀,原始森 林呀,或者星星之类的事。我只得迁就他 们的水平,和他们谈些桥牌呀,高尔夫球呀,政治呀,领带呀 这 些。于是大人们就十分高兴能认识我这样一个通情达理的人。
Als ich sechs Jahre alt war, sah ich einmal in einem Buch über den Urwald, das „Erlebte Geschichten“ hieß, ein prächtiges Bild. Es stellte eine Riesenschlange dar, wie sie ein Wildtier verschlang. Hier ist eine Kopie der Zeichnung. In dem Buche hießes: „ Die Boas verschlingen ihre Beute als Ganzes, ohne sie zu zerbeißen. Daraufhin können sie sich nicht mehr rühren und schlafen sechs Monate, um zu verdauen.“
FÜR LÉON WERTH Ich bitte die Kinder um Verzeihung, dass ich dieses Buch einem Erwachsenen widme. Ich habe eine ernstliche Entschuldigung dafür: Dieser Erwachsene ist der beste Freund, den ich in der Welt habe. Ich habe noch eine Entschuldigung: Dieser Erwachsene kann alles verstehen, sogar die Bücher für Kinder. Ich habe eine dritte Entschuldigung: Dieser Erwachsene wohnt in Frankreich, wo er hungert und friert. Er braucht sehr notwendig einen Trost. Wenn alle diese Entschuldigungen nicht ausreichen, so will ich dieses Buch dem Kinde widmen, das dieser Erwachsene einst war. Alle großen Leute sind einmal Kinder gewesen (aber wenige erinnern sich daran). Ich verbessere also meine Widmung: FÜR LÉON WERTH, als er noch ein Junge war.
Wenn ich jemanden traf, der mir ein bißchen heller vorkam, versuchte ich es mit meiner Zeichnung Nr. 1, die ich gut aufbewahrt habe. Ich wollte sehen, ob er wirklich etwas los hatte. Aber jedesmal bekam ich zur Antwort: »Das ist ein Hut.«Dann redete ich mit ihm weder über Boas, noch über Urwälder, noch über die Sterne. Ich stellte mich auf seinen Standpunkt. Ich sprach mit ihm über Bridge, Golf, Politik und Krawatten. Und der große Mensch war äußerst befriedigt, einen so vernünftigen Mann getroffen zu haben.
《小王子》 [法] 圣埃克苏佩里
请孩子们原谅我把这本书献给了一个大人。我有一个 正当的理由:这个大人是我在世界上最好的朋友。我 还有另一个理由:这个大人什么都懂;即使儿童读物 也懂。我还有第三个理由;这个大人住在法国,他在 那里忍冻挨饿。他很需要有人安慰。要是这些理由还 不够充分,我就把这本书献给这个大人曾经做过的孩 子。每人大人都是从做孩子开始的。(然而,记得这 事的又有几个呢?)因此,我把我的献词改为: 献给还是小男孩时的莱翁·维尔特
meine Zeichnung Nr. 2.
我画的不是帽子,是一条巨蟒在消化着一头大象。于是我 又把巨蟒肚子里的情况画了出来,以便让 大人们能够看 懂。这些大人总是需要解释。我的第二号作品是这样的:
Die großen Leute haben mir geraten, mit den Zeichnungen von offenen oder geschlossenen Riesenschlangen aufzuhören und mich mehr für Geographie, Geschichte, Rechnen und Grammatik zu interessieren. So kam es daßich eine großartige Laufbahn, die eines Malers nämlich, bereits im Alter von sechs Jahren aufgab. Der Mißerfolg meiner Zeichnungen Nr. 1 und Nr. 2 hatte mir den Mut genommen. Die großen Leute verstehen nie etwas von selbst, und für die Kinder ist es zu anstrengend, ihnen immer und immer wieder erklären zu müssen
当时,我对丛林中的奇遇想得很多,于是,我也用彩色铅笔画 出了我的第一副图画。我的第一号作 品。它是这样的: 我把 我的这副杰作拿给大人看,我问他们我的画是不是叫他们害怕。 他们回答我说:“一顶帽子有什么可stellte aber keinen Hut dar. Sie stellte eine Riesenschlange dar, die einen Elefanten verdaut. Ich habe dann das Innere der Boa gezeichnet, um es den großen Leuten deutlich zu machen. Sie brauchen ja immer Erklärungen. Hier
Ich war also gezwungen, einen anderen Beruf zu wählen, und lernte fliegen. Ich bin überall in der Welt herumgeflogen, und die Geographie hat mir dabei wirklich gute Dienste geleistet. Ich konnte auf den ersten Blick China von Arizona unterscheiden. Das ist sehr praktisch, wenn man sich in der Nacht verirrt hat. So habe ich im Laufe meines Lebens mit einer Menge ernsthafter Leute zu tun gehabt. Ich bin viel mit Erwachsenen umgegangen und habe Gelegenheit gehabt, sie ganz aus der Nähe zu betrachten. Das hat meiner Meinung über sie nicht besonders gut getan.
后来,我只好选择了另外一个职业,我学会了开飞机,世界各 地差不多都飞到过。的确,地理学帮 了我很大的忙。我一眼就 能分辨出中国和亚里桑那。要是夜里迷失了航向,这是很有用 的。这样,在我的生活中,我跟许多严肃的人有过很多的接触。 我在大人们中间生活过很长时间。我仔 细地观察过他们,但这 并没有使我对他们的看法有多大的改变。