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take off 脱下put on 穿上

cut up 切碎

turn on 打开turn off 关掉

turn dow n/ up把声音调小/大

mix up 混合在一起


put off 推迟,延期

take away 拿走

a slice of bread 一片面包

two teaspoons of honey 两汤匙蜂蜜

two cups of yogurt 两杯酸奶

a kilo of tomatoes 一公斤西红柿

a piece of information/ paper/ news/ music

add…to ••把…加至U…上

pour…into ••倒…至U…里


on the top 在顶部

finally=at last 最后

2 teaspo ons of relish两茶匙调味品

put…on .. 把.... 放至卩. 上


1. Turn on the blender:打开果汁搅拌机。

2.Cut up the bananas 切开香蕉。

3. Pour the milk into the blender.将牛奶倒入果汁机里。

4.Put some relish on a slice of bread 将调味品涂到一片面包上。

5. Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender将香蕉和酸奶倒人果汁机。

6. How do you make a banana milk shake你如何做香蕉奶昔?

7.First, put 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise on the sandwich. 首先,在三明治上放一茶匙蛋黄酱。


How do you make a banana milk shake?

First,peel the bananas and cut them up.Then put the milk into the blender How many bananas do we need? We need three bananas.




(二)单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a(a n),表示特指时,前面


He is a factory worker. 他是一名工人。

No one can see air.没有人能看见空气。

(三)可数名词表示复数意义时可用many,few,a few等词修饰。如:

many apples,a lot of tomatoes,a few pens 不可数名词则要用much、a little 等词修饰。如:

much meat,a little bread,little water 可数名词和不可数名词前都可以用some, any, a lot of, lots of 等来修饰,表示"一些,许多" 。如:

There are some oran ges on the desk桌子上有一些桔子。

There is a lot of water in the bottle. 瓶里有许多水。


two apples, four books 等。


a piece of paper, three pieces of pape等。


This picture is very beautiful. 这幅画很美。


There are two cups of tea on the table 桌上有两杯茶。

(六)对可数名词前的修饰语提问用how many; 对不可数名词前的修饰语提问

用how much。如:

How many apples are there in the box盒子里有多少个苹果?

How much tea is there in the cup杯里有多少茶水?

注意:对不可数名词前的"单位词"的修饰语提问时,疑问词用how many。如:How ma ny pieces of bread are there on the plate盘子里有多少片面包?【辨析】有


①room表示房间”时,为可数名词,但表示空间” 余地”时,为不可数名词。

②A: Would you like a cake?要吃块蛋糕吗?

B:No, I don ' t like ca不吃,我不喜欢吃蛋糕。

以上第一句用a cake这是把cake视为一块一块的蛋糕”,所以它是可数的;而第
