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可巧看见林黛玉从前头走,连忙赶上去,说道:“你 且站住。” 林黛玉回头看见是宝玉,待要不理他,听他说“只说 一句话,从此撂开手,”这话里有文章,少不得站住 说道:“有一句话,请说来。” “既有今日,何必当初!”林黛玉听见这话,由不得 站住,回头道:“当初怎么样?今日怎么样?” ……;我爱吃的,听见姑娘也爱吃,连忙干干净净收 着等姑娘吃。

Hearing the hubbub at his gate, Feng Su hurried out to see what the messengers wanted. “Ask Mr. Zhen to come out,” they bawled. “Be quick about it.” “My name is Feng, not Zhen,” he answered with an ingratiating smile. “My son-in-law‟s name is Zhen, but he left home a year or two ago to become a priest. Is he the man you want?” “How would we know? We‟re here on the prefect‟s orders. If you‟re his father-in-law, you must come and clear this up with His Honour to save us another trip.” Giving Feng Su no chance to protest they dragged him off, while his whole household trembled, not knowing what this portended. Towards the end of the second watch he returned in the highest of spirits. Asked what had happened, he told them: “This new prefect, Jia Hua, is a native of Huzhou and an old friend of my son-in-law. When he passed our gate and saw our Jiaoxing buying thread, he supposed that Shiyin had moved his household here. He seemed very upset when I explained all that had happened. He asked after my granddaughter too and I told him she was lost on the Feast of Lanterns. „Never mind,‟ said His Honour. „I‟ll have a search made and I‟m certain we shall find her.‟ At the end of our conversation, as I was leaving, he gave me two taels of silver.” Zhen‟s wife was very moved by this. And so the night passed. (Yang)

“既有今日,何必当初!”林黛玉听见这话,由不得 站住,回头道:“当初怎么样?今日怎么样?” 杨译: “Why are things so different now from in the past?” Against her will she stopped once more and turned her head. “What do you mean by „now‟ and the „past‟?”

可巧看见林黛玉从前头走,连忙赶上去,说道:“你 且站住。” 杨译:Catching sight of Daiyu ahead, he overtook her. “Do stop!” he begged. 霍译:Quite by coincidence Daiyu was walking along the same path a little ahead. “Stop a minute!” he cried, hurrying forward to catch up with her.
Out-Of-Class Assignment

Get a book or essay with an accepted translation and translate three to five lines each day from or into English. (Please document the date, your starting time and finishing time) Compare your version with the original or translated version to see the differences and mark them with a red pen. Write down your comments, or your understanding, or any questions you have.

那天约二更时,只见封肃方回来,欢天喜地。众人忙问端的。 他乃说道:“原来本府新升的太爷姓贾名化,本贯胡州人氏,曾与 女婿旧日相交。方才在咱门前过去,因见娇杏那丫头买线,所以他 只当女婿移住于此。我一一将原故回明,那太爷倒伤感叹息了一回; 又问外孙女儿,我说看灯丢了。太爷说:‘不妨,我自使番役务必 探访回来。’说了一回话,临走倒送了我二两银子。”甄家娘子听 了,不免心中伤感。一宿无话。

Hearing the clamour of yamen runners outside, Feng Su hurried to the door, his face wreathed in smiles, to ask what they wanted. „Tell Mr Zhen to step outside,‟ they were shouting. „Hurry!‟ Feng Su‟s smile became even more ingratiating. „My name is Feng, not Zhen. My son-in-law‟s name is Zhen, but he left home to become a Taoist more than a year ago. Could he be the one you want?‟ „“Feng” or “Zhen”, it‟s all the same to us,‟ said the runners; „but if you‟re his father-in-law you‟d better come along with us to see the magistrate.‟ And they hustled him off, leaving the entire household in a state of panic, quite at a loss to know what the trouble could be. It was ten o‟clock before Feng Su returned, and everyone pressed him to give a full account of what had transpired. „It seems that the new mandarin is a Hu-zhou man called Jia. He used to be an acquaintance of Shi-yin‟s in the old days. He guessed that Shi-yin must have moved to these parts when he saw our Lucky in the doorway buying silks. That‟s why he sent the runners here. I explained what had happened to Shi-yin, and he seemed very upset. Then he asked me about Ying-lian, and I said she was lost while out watching the lanterns. “Never mind,” he said, “wait till I send some people out to look for her. We shall have her back in no time.” Then we chatted a bit longer, and lust as I was going, he gave me two taels of silver.‟ Mrs Zhen could not help being affected by this account. But the rest of that night we pass over in silence. (Hawks)

Байду номын сангаас林黛玉回头看见是宝玉,待要不理他,听他说“只说 一句话,从此撂开手,”这话里有文章,少不得站住 说道:“有一句话,请说来。”
杨译:Daiyu glanced round and would have ignored him, but was curious to hear this “one word,” thinking there must be something in it. She came to halt. “Out with it.” 霍译:Daiyu had turned back to see who it was. When she saw that it was Baoyu still she was going to ignore him again; but hearing him say that he only wanted to ask her one question, she told him that he might do so.

……;我爱吃的,听见姑娘也爱吃,连忙干干净净收 着等姑娘吃。
杨译:…; If you fancied a favorite dish of mine, I put it away in a clean place till you came. 霍译:If there was something to eat that I specially liked, I had only to hear that you were fond of it too and I would religiously hoard it away to share with you when you got back, not daring even to touch it until you came.

却说封肃因听见公差传唤,忙出来陪笑启问。那些人只嚷: “快请出甄爷来!”封肃忙陪笑道:“小人姓封,并不姓甄。只有 当日小婿姓甄,今已出家一二年了,不知可是问他?”那些公人道: “我们也不知什么‘真’‘假’,因奉太爷之命来问,他既是你女 婿,便带了你去亲见太爷面禀,省得乱跑。”说着,不容封肃多言, 大家推拥他去了。封家人个个都惊慌,不知何兆。