

HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册北京海洛斯机房设备工程有限责任公司技术部目录第一章概述----------------------------------------------------------------11.1空调型号---------------------------------------------------------11.2空调重量---------------------------------------------------------21.3机组尺寸及维护空间------------------------------------------31.4电气数据---------------------------------------------------------3第二章MICROFACE操作-----------------------------------------------52.1概述----------------------------------------------------------------52.2 Microface接口面板简介--------------------------------------72.3 LCD液晶显示屏介绍-----------------------------------------72.4 MICROFACE面板的操作---------------------------------8第三章控制器的使用----------------------------------------------------103.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述-----------------------------103.2控制器(HIROMATIC)操作------------------------------------11第四章日常维护及特殊维护-------------------------------------------294.1日常维护--------------------------------------------------------294.2特殊维护--------------------------------------------------------31第五章常见报警及处理-------------------------------------------------325.1报警/故障检查流程-------------------------------------------325.2常见报警故障处理方法--------------------------------------36附表1:报警内容列表------------------------------------------------------40附表2:参数列表(旧版本)---------------------------------------------43附表3:参数列表(新版本)---------------------------------------------49第一章概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。

CMM3 气压: 4.0-5.0 bar CMM5 气压: 0.4-0.5 Mpa
达到 5mm 时,需手动将水和油放干净。
1 只需旋开过滤器下的黑色的阀即可
(具体气压要求见右方)。如滤杯中的 滤芯太脏,则需要通知机修更换滤芯。 每台机器的气压表都在机器的右下
如有以上几种情况,都将影响测量的值。 具体如图(4.5.6)
图(4) 图(6)
映,技术员将对操作杆进行更换。 ←→键--控制测头左右移动
6 6.2在测量打点时,快接近踩点位置时,
紧急按钮键—一般不用, 出现紧急事情时才用。
SPEED 键--控制测头移
动速度的,按↑标记说明是 加速度,按↓标记说明是减 速度
SLOW 键--控制手动采点
2、测量室的温湿度要求 温度必须在:20±2℃ 湿度必须在:50±10%RH
如果温湿度没有在上述范围内,请及 时上报主管,并调整空调温度或相应 措施。
3.1 开关机顺序 开机时,必须按以下顺序


Hydronic Unit Heater Steam Rig HeaterThis manual covers installation, maintenance,repair, and replacement parts.Industrial GradeHeat-Exchanger Unit HeatersPart No. SRH2HUH2-NA-OM-APrinted in CanadaWARNING!Please adhere to all instructions published in this manual. Failure to do so may be dangerous and may void your warranty.The heat-exchanger core is not field repairable.Contact factory for a replacement core if fluid leakage occurs.^ NEMA motors are to be operated at ±10% of the nameplate voltage. If the motor is marked 208-230V the tolerance must be calculated from 230V. If the motor is marked 230V it is still suitable for 208V operation but the tolerance must be calculated from 230V. For 3-phase motors the line to line full load voltage must be balanced within 1%. †Thread-on fittings. Shipped loose and must be installed on site. C3 connection also includes C2 connection. ◊ Other voltages / frequencies available upon request. Longer lead times may apply. Contact factory* Standard Marathon NEMA ex-proof motor is suitable for Class I & II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups C, D, F & G; T3B.Heater Model Code & Option CodesModel CodingModel CodeOption CodesPhysical Dimensions (36 inch model)Model12"16"20"24"30"36"Fan Diameter inch (mm) 12 (304.8) 16 (406.4) 20 (508.0) 24 (609.6) 30 (762.0) 36 (914.4) Air Delivery* CFM (m 3/hr) 1090 (1852) 1650 (2803) 3000 (5097) 3800 (6456) 5500 (9344) 8350 (14186)Approx. Air Velocity* FPM (m/s) 1305 (6.6) 1111 (5.6) 1309 (6.6) 1138 (5.8) 1066 (5.4) 928 (4.7) Air Throw* @ 15 psi steam ft (m) 45 (13.7)65 (19.8)70 (21.3)80(24.4)85 (25.9)70 (21.3)Motor Power HP (Watts)1/4 (186) or 1/3 (248) 1/2 (373)1/2 (373) 3/4 (559)1 (746)Rec. Min. Mounting Height ft (m) 7.5 (2.3) 7.5 (2.3) 7.5 (2.3) 7.5 (2.3)7.5 (2.3)7.5 (2.3)Specifications By Model Size - North American Heaters - 60Hz* At 70°F (21°C), 60 Hz and sea level.Pressure Equipment Approvals SRH2: North America - CRN: 0H14931.2C - steam.HUH2: North America - CRN: 0H14933.2C - steam or fluids.Heater Core Maximum Pressure Rating SRH2 = 150 psig (1034 kPa). HUH2 = 400 psig (2758 kPa).Heater Core MaximumDesign Temp.550 °F (288°C).Heater Core Minimum DesignMetal Temp.-20°F (-29°C).Cabinet Material 14-gauge (0.075") (1.9 mm) steel. 36" model is 12-gauge (0.105") (2.7 mm) steel. Epoxy/polyester powder coated.Louver Blades Anodized extruded aluminum.Fan Spark-resistant aluminumFan Guard Split design with close wire spacing. A Ø3/8" (9.5 mm) probe will not enter.Motor Drive Thermally protected permanently lubricated ball bearing type. (36" model comes with maintenance free speed reducer).Mounting Holes 5/8"-11 UNC: 4 holes at top of heater (12" model has only 2 holes).Fluid Connections Standard: 2" NPT female inlet and outlet (configuration of fluid connection locations can be reversed by rotating the core). Other connection types are available (see model code chart).Header Material 12 gauge (0.105")(2.7 mm) and 3/16" (4.8 mm) carbon steel plate conforming to ASME requirements.Finned Tubes 5/8" (15.9 mm) outside diameter [16-gauge, 0.065" (1.6 mm) wall thickness] carbon steel tubes with 1-1/2" (38.1 mm) outside diameter copper-free, L-foot, tension-wound aluminum fins @ 10 fins per inch.General SpecificationsSRH2 Heaters 12" 16" 20" 24" 30" 36" Net Weight (no options) Lbs (kg) 88 (39.9) 106 (48.1) 149 (67.6) 210 (95.3) 257 (116.6) 482 (218.6) Shipping Weight (no options) Lbs (kg) 138 (62.6) 158 (71.7) 207 (93.9) 275 (124.7) 332 (150.6) 594 (269.4) with 2” NPT nipples (add) Lbs (kg) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) with flanges & nipples (add) Lbs (kg) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) HUH2 Heaters12" 16" 20" 24" 30" 36" Net Weight (no options) Lbs (kg) 88 (39.9) 106 (48.1) 149 (67.6) 210 (95.3) 264 (119.7) 491 (222.7) Shipping Weight (no options) Lbs (kg) 138 (62.6) 158 (71.7) 207 (93.9) 275 (124.7) 339 (153.7) 603 (273.5) with 2” NPT nipples (add) Lbs (kg) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) with flanges & nipples (add) Lbs (kg) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) 14 (6.3) Weights - North American Heaters12" 16" 20" 24" 30" 36"Front of Heater (dBA)3 feet 78 78 83 82 90 82 10 feet 71 73 76 76 83 76 15 feet 70 70 74 74 81 74Rear of Heater (dBA)3 feet 78 78 83 82 89 80 10 feet 71 72 77 75 83 76 15 feet 70 71 75 74 81 74ModelNoise Data By Model Size - North American Heaters - 60HzConditions For Safe Use1. Remove any dirt / dust from heater cabinet using a damp cloth to mitigate electrostatic charge buildup.2. Do not install the heater in an environment which could potentially cause an electrostatic charge buildup on the cabinet (i.e. exposure to high pressure steam).3. The heater core is NOT field repairable. All defective cores must be replaced with a factory suppliedunit.4. The motor is NOT field repairable. All defective motors must be replaced with a factory supplied orfactory approved unit.5. Flameproof joints are NOT field repairable. Any damaged enclosures/fittings will have to be replacedwith factory approved units.6. For any field repairs use only original factory installed fasteners or factory supplied replacementfasteners.— INSTALLATION —These instructions are to be used as a general guideline only.LocationPlease follow guidelines below for optimum heating results:1. Do not install heaters such that airflow is blocked or impeded by equipment or walls.2. For occupant comfort, position heaters so that air discharge is directed across areas of highest heat loss,such as doors, windows, and outside walls.3. For large areas, arrange heaters such that the air discharge of one heater is directed towards the inlet of thenext heater. This sets up a rotational airflow with air circulation in the central area of the building.4. For equipment freeze protection, direct air discharge at required equipment.5. For large workshops or warehouses it may be acceptable to use fewer, but larger heaters.6. Do not direct air discharge towards a room thermostat.7. Heater inlet and outlet coupling connection locations can be reversed in the field by removing the core,rotating it 180 degrees, and then re-installing it. Cabinet plugs can then be repositioned.Mounting1. A variety of mounting brackets are available from the factory to aid in installation.2. The heater is designed to be installed in an upright and level position. While it may be installed in otherpositions, for steam service, the inlet must be above the outlet and the bottom of the heat exchanger must drain towards the outlet.3. Heaters are designed to be suspended from the top of the cabinet using either two or four 5/8"–11 UNCbolts or threaded rod.4. It is essential that adequate structural support be provided for installation. The mounting structure must bestrong enough to support the heaters weight, provide sufficient stiffness to prevent excessive vibration, and withstand all probable abusive situations such as transportable installations where truck off-loading impacts, etc. may occur.Mounting Heights and Clearances1. To ensure that warm air reaches the floor, heaters are usually mounted 7-1/2 ft. (2.3m) to 12 ft. (3.6 m)above the floor. Heaters may be mounted at higher elevations and still provide warm air at floor level however, the maximum mounting elevation at which this occurs depends on location and operational conditions.2. Louvers may be adjusted to provide greater downward deflection of the discharge air. However, it isrecommended that louvers not be set <15° from the closed position.Fan Clearance1. Verify the minimum required clearance between fan blades / fan shroud and the fan blades / fan guard priorto heater power up.Heater Size 12" 16" 20" 24" 30" 36"Min Clearance 2.0 mm 2.0 mm 2.5 mm 3.0 mm 3.8 mm 4.6 mm— Piping Practices —1. Steam unit heaters condense steam rapidly, especially during warm-up periods. The return piping must beplanned to keep the heat-exchanger’s core free of condensate during periods of maximum heat output, and steam piping must be able to carry a full supply of steam to the unit heater to take the place of condensed steam. Adequate pipe size is especially important when a unit heater fan is operated under on-off control because the condensate rate fluctuates rapidly.2. Heater is to be connected and serviced only by qualified personnel. For additional piping information referto local codes.3. Eliminate pipe stress by adequately supporting all piping. Do not rely on heater to support piping.4. Take off all branch lines from the top of steam mains, preferably at a 45° angle, although vertical 90°connections are acceptable.5. Pipe the branch supply line into the steam unit heater’s inlet at the top and the return branch line from theoutlet at the bottom. The heater’s inlet and outlet coupling connections can be reversed in the field by rotating the heat-exchanger core. Refer to Page 10, Heat-Exchanger Core AssemblyReplacement.6. In steam systems, the branch from the supply main to the heater must pitch down towards the main and beconnected to its top in order to prevent condensate in the main from draining through the heater. In long branch lines, a drip trap may be needed.7. Allow for pipe expansion to prevent excessive strain on the unit heater’s heat-exchanger core.8. The return piping from steam unit heaters should provide a minimum drop of 10" (254 mm) below theheater so that the pressure of water required to overcome resistances of check valves, traps, and strainers will not cause condensate to remain in the heater.9. In steam systems, where horizontal piping must be reduced in size, use eccentric reducers that permit thecontinuance of uniform pitch along the bottom of piping (in downward pitched systems). Avoid using concentric reducers on horizontal piping, because they can cause water hammer.10. Installing dirt pockets at the outlet of unit heaters and strainers with 0.063 in. (2 mm) perforations to preventrapid plugging are essential to trap dirt and scale that might affect the operation of check valves and traps.Strainers should always be installed in the steam supply line if the heater is valve controlled.11. In steam or hot water systems, rapid air removal is required because entrained air is a cause of corrosion.Hot water systems should be equipped with suitable air vent valves for rapid and complete air removal at high points, at the top of each unit heater, and ends of both supply and return mains. Proper air venting for steam systems can be achieved by use of a steam trap with an internal air vent.12. Steam traps must be located below the outlet of the unit heater. Consult the trap manufacturer for specificrecommendations. Each steam unit heater should be provided with a trap of sufficient size and capacity to pass a minimum of twice the normal amount of condensation released by the unit at the minimumdifferential pressure in the system. Trap capacity is based on the pressure differential between supply and return mains. Steam systems should be equipped with a float and thermostatic trap or inverted bucket trap with an air bypass.13. If the condensate return line is above the heater outlet or is pressurized, install a check valve after thesteam trap and a drain valve at the strainer to drain the system during the off season.14. Install pipe unions and shut-off valves at connection points of each unit heater to allow maintenance orreplacement of unit without shutting down and draining the entire system. For hot water systems include a balancing valve in return line for flow regulation. A drain valve should be provided below each unit heater to allow removal of water from the heat-exchanger core if located in an area subject to freezing.15. Adequate air venting is required for low-pressure closed gravity systems. The vertical pipe connection tothe air vent should be at least 3/4" NPT to allow water to separate from the air passing to the vent. If thermostatic instead of float-and-thermostatic traps are used in vacuum systems, a cooling leg must be installed ahead of the trap.16. In high-pressure systems, it is customary to continuously vent the air through a petcock unless the steamtrap has a provision for venting air. Most high-pressure return mains terminate in flash tanks that are vented to the atmosphere. When possible, pressure reducing valves should be installed to permit operation of the heaters at low pressure. Steam traps must be suitable for the operating pressure encountered.17. On steam systems where the steam supply to the unit heater is modulated or controlled by a motorizedvalve, a vacuum breaker should be installed between the unit outlet and a float and thermostatic trap.Heat-Exchanger Core Assembly Replacement1. Heat-exchanger core assemblies are heavy and replacement requires two people for safety reasons.2. It is not necessary to dismount unit heater from its support structures to remove the heat-exchanger core assembly. However, it may be advisable in some instances to allow for core assembly removal at ground or bench level.3. Remove the bottom heater cabinet cover which is attached with 6 screws and 3 bolts.4. Support the heat exchanger core assembly, then remove the 4 core bolts on each side of the cabinet (36" models have 6 core bolts).5. Lower the core assembly from heater.6. Reverse the procedure to install replacement core and tighten 4 core bolts to 90 in-lbs (10 N-m) torque, bottom panel screws to 28 in-lbs (3 N-m) , and fan panel bolts to 100 in-lbs (11 N-m) . (36" models have 6 core bolts)Fan, Fan Guard or Motor Replacement1. For replacement of fan or fan guard remove the 4 bolts holding motor to the motor mount. For 36" modelsalso remove speed reducer bolts. If replacing motor only on 36" models, only remove motor mounting bolts and C-face flange bolts.2. Detach two-piece fan guard assembly by removing top and bottom screws that attach the fan guard to thecabinet.3. Remove fan guard pieces through top or bottom. Due to stiffness of fan guards, you may need to removeouter two top or bottom bolts that attach the fan panel to the top or bottom cabinet panels to provide sufficient clearance.4. Lift the motor, (and speed reducer for the 36" model) and fan assembly off the motor mount.5. Loosen fan hub screw and remove fan blade from motor shaft.6. To reassemble, position fan on motor shaft with end of shaft even with face of hub. Ensure the set screw isfacing towards motor and lined up perpendicular to factory-ground flat on motor shaft. This flat is our “Easy-Off” fan blade replacement feature and only comes on motors purchased from Hazloc Heaters. Tighten set screw to 150 in-lbs (17 N-m) torque.7. Place motor, (and speed reducer for the 36" model) and fan assembly onto motor mount and fasten the two-piece fan guards to the cabinet.8. Center fan in the fan-shroud opening. The gap between the fan blades and fan shroud should be even forall fan blades. Ensure the minimum gap is maintained for all blades. See page 6 for minimum gap values. 9. Bolt motor (and speed reducer for the 36" model) to motor mount, tighten nuts to 250 in-lbs (28 N-m)torque. Manually spin the fan blade to ensure it rotates freely before reconnecting heater to power supply. Fan must rotate counterclockwise when viewed from rear of heater.— Repair and Replacement —Item (in-lbs)Fan blade set screw 1505/16 - 18 UNC motor nuts 250 1/4 - 20 UNC core bolts90 Torque Settings1/4 - 20 UNC fan panel bolts 100 5/16 - 18 UNC motor mount bolts 250 #10 - 24 UNC bottom panel & louver blade screws281/4 - 20 UNC fan guard self tapping screws 100 (N-m) 17 28 28 11 11 10 3Note: Heater inlet and outlet coupling connection locations can be reversed in the field by removing the core, rotating it 180 degrees,and then re-installing it. Cabinet plugs can then be repositioned.Item No.Description12 inch16 inch20 inch24 inch30 inchPart NumberPart NumberPart NumberPart NumberPart Number*** Please have heater model & serial number available before calling ***1 Core Kit Contact factory with heater model, size, number of passes and connection typePart #’s 1119 thru 11392 Louver Blade kit 1145 1146 1147 1148 11493 Motor Mount Kit 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 4 Fan Guard Kit 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 5 Fan - 5/8 inch hub 116311651167116911716 Motor Kit - 5/8 inch shaft Specify motor voltage, phase, frequency, horsepower and type of enclosure (general purpose or explosion-proof)7 Thread-on 2 inch NPT Nipple1176 8Thread-on 300# Raised Face Flange1177Note: Inlet and outlet couplingconnection locations can be reversed in the field by rotating the core.*All replacement part kits include fasteners12 inch to 30 inch models12 inch to 30 inch modelsItem No.Description36 inchPart Number*** Please have heater model & serial number available before calling ***1Core Kit Contact factory with heater model, size, number of passes and connection typePart #’s 1141 thru 11442Louver Blade Kit 11503 Motor Mount Kit 11564 Fan Guard Kit 1162 5Fan - 5/8 inch hub 11736 Motor Kit - 5/8 inch shaft Specify motor voltage, phase, frequency, horsepower and type of enclosure (general purpose or explosion-proof)7Thread-on 2 inch NPT Nipple 11768 Thread-on 300# Raised Face Flange1177 9Speed Reducer Kit1178Note: Inlet and outlet couplingconnection locations can be reversed in the field by rotating the core .*All replacement part kits include fasteners36 inch model36 inch modelRegular inspection, based on a schedule determined by the amount of dirt in the atmosphere, assures maximum operating economy and heating capacity.Annual Inspection (before each heating season)1. Check all terminal connections, electrical conductors, glands and cables for damage, looseness, defects,fraying, etc. and replace or tighten where applicable.2. Check for fluid leakage from heat-exchanger core. If fluid leakage occurs, remove heater from service andhave the heat-exchanger core replaced by a factory replacement unit. Refer to “Repair and Replacement” section for complete details. Note: This heat-exchanger core is not field repairable.3. Check electrical junction box. Inside of enclosure must be clean, dry, and free from any foreign materials.The cover must also be completely on and tight.4. Check motor shaft bearing play. Replace motor if play is excessive or if motor does not run quietly andsmoothly. Motor bearings are permanently lubricated.5. On 36" models, speed reducer is maintenance free. Check for excessive noise and vibration.6. Check fan. Replace immediately if cracked or damaged. Check the gap between the fan and fan shroudmeets the minimum spacing requirement.7. Check louvers. Louver screws should be tight. Louvers are not to be set <15° of the closed position.8. Check the tightness of all hardware. All nuts and bolts, including mounting hardware, must be tightened totorque settings on Page 10.9. Turn heater motor on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Check for air exiting heater through louvers and smoothrunning of the motor and fan assembly.Periodic Maintenance (before and as required during heating season) 1. Clean the following (remove dust using compressed air):∙ Finned tubes ∙ Fan∙ Fan Shroud ∙ Fan Guard ∙ Motor ∙ Louvers ∙ Cabinet 2. Check the following:∙ Motor / fan assembly (and speed reducer on 36" models) for smooth and quiet operation. ∙ Louvers for proper angle and tightness. ∙ Electrical junction box covers are secure.∙Gap between the fan blade / fan shroud and the fan blade / fan guard meet the minimum spac-ing requirement (see page 6 for minimum values).— Maintenance Program —Date of Maintenance PerformedByMaintenance PerformedDate of Maintenance PerformedByMaintenance PerformedPRINTED IN CANADA ©Copyright 2018The information contained in this manual has been carefully checked and verified for accuracy. Specifica-tions subject to change withoutnotice.Hazloc Heaters is a trademark ofHazloc Heaters Inc.#1, 666 Goddard Ave. NE Calgary, Alberta T2K 5X3 CanadaTel.: +1-403-730-2488 Fax: +1-403-730-2482Customer Toll Free (U.S. & Canada): +1-866-701-Heat (4328) Limited 18-Month WarrantyHazloc Heaters TM warrants all SRH2 & HUH2 series of heat-exchanger unit heaters against defects in materials and workmanship under normal conditions of use for a period of eighteen (18) months from date of pur-chase based on the following terms:1. The heater must not be modified in any way.2. The heater must be stored, installed and used only in accordance with the owner’s manual and attached data plate information.3. Replacement parts will be provided free of charge as necessary to restore any unit to normal operating condition, provided that the defective parts be returned to us freight prepaid and that the replacement parts be accepted freight collect.4. The complete heater may be returned to our manufacturing plant for repair or replacement (at our discretion), freight charges prepaid.5. Components damaged by contamination from dirt, dust, etc. or corrosion will not be considered as defects.6. This warranty shall be limited to the actual equipment involved and, under no circumstances, shall include or extend to installation or removal costs, or to consequential damages or losses.。

HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册北京海洛斯机房设备工程有限责任公司技术部目录第一章概述----------------------------------------------------------------11.1空调型号---------------------------------------------------------11.2空调重量---------------------------------------------------------21.3机组尺寸及维护空间------------------------------------------31.4电气数据---------------------------------------------------------3 第二章MICROFACE操作-----------------------------------------------52.1概述----------------------------------------------------------------52.2 Microface接口面板简介--------------------------------------72.3 LCD液晶显示屏介绍-----------------------------------------72.4 MICROFACE面板的操作---------------------------------8 第三章控制器的使用----------------------------------------------------103.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述-----------------------------103.2控制器(HIROMATIC)操作------------------------------------11 第四章日常维护及特殊维护-------------------------------------------294.1日常维护--------------------------------------------------------294.2特殊维护--------------------------------------------------------31 第五章常见报警及处理-------------------------------------------------325.1报警/故障检查流程-------------------------------------------325.2常见报警故障处理方法--------------------------------------36HIMOD空调操作手册附表1:报警内容列表------------------------------------------------------40 附表2:参数列表(旧版本)---------------------------------------------43附表3:参数列表(新版本)---------------------------------------------49第3页共60页第一章概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。

1概述————--—-——--———-———-————--—-—-—--——-—————-———---—-——————-—-—---—5 2。
2 Microface接口面板简介--—-—-—-—-------—-—-—-————-—--—------—72。
3 LCD液晶显示屏介绍—-—-——-------——--—--—-———-—--——————--——--72.4 MICROFACE面板的操作——--————-——--—--—————--—--—------8第三章控制器的使用——---—--———-—-—--—————-----———-—-—---————————-—————-103.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述-———--—----——-———-———-—--—---103。

NO. 操作说明1. 每天开机前,必须先检查供气压力是否达到要求,如果达到,方可开控制柜。
1 只需旋开过滤器下的黑色的阀即可(具体气压要求见右方)。
图片CMM1 气压: 0.5-0.6 Mpa CMM3 气压: 4.0-5.0 bar CMM2 气压: 0.5-0.6 Mpa CMM5 气压: 0.4-0.5 Mpa图(1)2、测量室的温湿度要求温度必须在:20±2℃ 湿度必须在:50± 10%RH2如果温湿度没有在上述范围内,请及时上报主管,并调整空调温度或相应措施。
图(2)3.1 开关机顺序1 2 3开机时,必须按以下顺序3.2 关机时,必须按以下顺序关测量程序关软件关电脑关控制柜图(3)4.2 检查测针的测球或测针尖端是否有异物或毛屑。
4.3 如果是有宝石的测针,每天交接或保养时需确认下红宝石是否有破 损或脱落。
如有以上几种情况,都将影响测量的值 具体如图( 4.5.6 )4、测针的校验注意事项4.1 校验测针前,需将标准球先擦拭干净。
图 (4)图(5)图(6)5、工作台面及导轨区域的保养及注意事项。
5.1 导轨区域不允许放置任何东西,且导轨在保养时,应用99.7%的酒精进行擦拭,将导轨区域上的油污及铝削清洁干净,待导轨面干燥后,方可运行机器。
5.2 工作台面上出来所要用到的夹具和当前要测的产品外,除了放置操作盒外,其它东西不建议放置在工作台面上,更不允许在一块产品未结束前,下一块要测的产品和夹具就已经放在工作台面上。
如图( )5.3 保养机台所用的擦拭布必须是高织纱5 纯棉布或无尘布,酒精必须是无水酒精,注意,严禁使用酒精擦拭机台喷漆表面及图(8)图(10)Renishaw 光栅。

HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册HIMOD系列北京****科技有限公司技术部2009年01月01日目录第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述....................................................................................1.1型号多 ....................................................................................................................................1.2控制技术先进 ........................................................................................................................1.3制冷系统 ................................................................................................................................1.4送风系统 ................................................................................................................................1.5加湿系统 ................................................................................................................................1.6加热系统 ................................................................................................................................1.7其它 ........................................................................................................................................ 第二章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调型号含义............................................................................ 第三章有关空调的一些资料 ..................................................................................................3.1气流组织方式 ........................................................................................................................3.2盖板纽开启方式 ....................................................................................................................3.3空调重量 ............................................................................................................................3.4机组尺寸及维护空间 ............................................................................................................ 第四章制冷循环管路示意图 ..................................................................................................4.1风冷却(A型).....................................................................................................................4.2水冷却(W型)....................................................................................................................4.3双冷源(D型).....................................................................................................................4.4单系统(C型).....................................................................................................................4.5双系统(C型)..................................................................................................................... 第五章调速风机调速接线示意图........................................................................................... 第六章MICROFACE概述......................................................................................................6.1概述 ........................................................................................................................................6.2Microface面板简介................................................................................................................6.3LCD液晶显示屏介绍 ............................................................................................................ 第七章MICROFACE面板的操作.......................................................................................... 第八章控制器的使用 ..............................................................................................................8.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述 ..............................................................................................8.2控制器的操作 ........................................................................................................................8.3菜单结构 ................................................................................................................................ 第九章日常维护及特殊维护 ..................................................................................................9.1日常维护 ................................................................................................................................9.2特殊维护 ................................................................................................................................ 第十章常见报警及处理 ................................................................................................................10.1低压报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.2高压报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.3加湿报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.4失风报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.5电加热过热报警 ..................................................................................................................10.6显示器发黑 ..........................................................................................................................10.7空调不制冷 .......................................................................................................................... 附录1:参数列表 .................................................................................................................... 附录2:报警内容列表 ............................................................................................................. 附录3:各菜单项含义 .............................................................................................................第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的机房专用恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。

Himod机房专用空调操作维护指南捷联发展CHAT UNION DEVELOPMENT LTD北京经济技术开发区荣昌东街7-105TEL: 010-******** FAX: 010-********前 言感谢您选择了意大利“海洛斯”机房专用空调。
北京捷联设备有限公司工程部目 录1. 安装前的工作步骤....................................................2. 主板介绍与操作说明..................................................2.1 microface板简介..................................................2.2 microface 说明与连接.............................................2.3 LCD显示屏和microface网络......................................2.4 microface程序...................................................2.5 HIROBUS 连接..................................................3. HIROMATIC控制器.................................................3.1 Hiromatic(普通型)描述与连接......................................3.1.1 前面板功能描述.............................................3.1.2 如何进入HIROMATIC菜单..................................3.1.3 设定点菜单.................................................3.1.4 系统信息窗口...............................................3.1.5 图表数据记录...............................................3.1.6 状态报告...................................................3.1.7 HIROMATIC PCB 板上的桥.................................3.1.8 参数与菜单描述.............................................3.1.9 接口报警/警告一览表.......................................3.2 Hiromatic G/E...................................................3.3 兼容性解释.......................................................3.4 Hiromatic 参数单.................................................3.5 Hiromatic 信息/警告/报警.......................................4. 随机控制器..........................................................4.1 液晶显示屏(LCD).................................................4.2 液晶显示器的参数.................................................4.3 微电脑控制器电子液晶显示屏警告/报警............................5. 常见报警及处理......................................................6. 日常检测与维护......................................................1 7 7 7 9 10 10 11 11 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 24 25 47 49 60 62 62 65 79 80 82标准管路直径(有效的相当长度可达30mm)R407C 18Ø122Ø116Ø122Ø122Ø128Ø128Ø1R2222Ø122Ø118Ø122Ø128Ø128Ø135Ø1气管外径X 厚度(mm)液管外径X 厚度(mm)R2218Ø118Ø118Ø118Ø122Ø122Ø128Ø1R407C 16Ø118Ø114Ø118Ø118Ø122Ø128Ø1Tab.4-管路直径 远端冷凝器20/4224/4626/3228/5534/6540/8199型号输入动力线线径型号 XX U/O 40、42、46、55、6534-242081 99线径25161035给排水管径上水排水4"1-1’/2’2.1Microface板简介3.1.1前面板功能描述所有操作可在Hiromatic面板上进行,如下所示:3.1.2如何进入HIROMATIC菜单3.1.3设定点菜单3.1.4系统信息窗口3.1.5图表数据记录3.1.6 状态报告3.1.8参数与菜单描述3.接口报警/警告一览表3.1.9 接前往主窗口或回到上一个窗口按下该按钮可以启动/关闭系统和机组(如果启用)报警和警告清除如果一个(或多个)报警被激活或者没有清除,则红色灯将点亮当机组工作时,绿色灯将点亮当机组通电时,橙色灯将点亮3.2 Hiromatic G/E(改进型)3.2.1 Hiromatic G 的面板设计用于HPAC 机组的Hiromatic G 的面板包含一个背投图例式液晶显示屏、9个允许输入功能的按钮以及三个灯(LED)(参见图30)。

HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册HIMOD系列北京****科技有限公司技术部2009年01月01日目录第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述 (4)1.1型号多 (5)1.2控制技术先进 (5)1.3制冷系统 (5)1.4送风系统 (6)1.5加湿系统 (6)1.6加热系统 (6)1.7其它 (7)第二章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调型号含义 (7)第三章有关空调的一些资料 (9)3.1气流组织方式(详见下图) (9)3.2盖板纽开启方式(详见下图) (9)3.3空调重量(单位:Kg) (10)3.4机组尺寸及维护空间 (10)第四章制冷循环管路示意图 (11)4.1风冷却(A型) (11)4.2水冷却(W型) (12)4.3双冷源(D型) (13)4.4单系统(C型) (14)4.5双系统(C型) (14)第五章调速风机调速接线示意图 (15)第六章MICROFACE概述 (17)6.1概述 (17)6.2Microface面板简介液晶显示屏 (17)6.3LCD液晶显示屏介绍 (17)第七章MICROFACE面板的操作 (18)第八章控制器的使用 (19)8.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述 (19)8.2控制器的操作 (19)8.3菜单结构 (24)第九章日常维护及特殊维护 (26)9.1日常维护 (26)9.2特殊维护 (29)第十章常见报警及处理 (30)10.1低压报警 (30)10.2高压报警 (31)10.3加湿报警 (32)10.4失风报警 (33)10.5电加热过热报警 (33)10.6显示器发黑 (33)10.7空调不制冷 (33)附录1:参数列表 (34)附录2:报警内容列表 (46)附录3:各菜单项含义: (53)第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的机房专用恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。

图 31- 带有 EVG 可擦可编程序只读存贮器的 H i r o m a t i c E 的主视图
NO.2(English--42 页) 主窗口中不同符号的含义
NO.2(English--43 页) 3.2.3 如果在 Hiromatic 窗口中进行选择
有两种方法进入菜单:密码进入或者无密码进入。无密码进入菜单只允许读取参数值(密码菜单和 校准菜单除外);密码进入允许修改参数值。 无密码进入:按下 ENTER(回车)或 DOWN(向下)按钮;再一次按下 DOWN(向下)按钮,然后按下 ENTER(回车)按钮; 密码进入:按下ENTER(回车)或 DOWN(向下)按钮;按ENTER(回车)按钮选择密码的第一个数字;用UP (向上)或 DOWN(向下)按钮选择,按下 RIGHT(向右)按钮选择下一个数字;用 UP(向上)或 DOWN(向下) 按钮选择,等等。选择完正确的密码后,按 ENTER(回车)按钮。按下 DOWN(向下)按钮选择 Enter 字符, 然后按下 ENTER(回车)按扭跳到菜单图标。根据密码级别的不同,一些菜单既可以读又可以修改,而一些 菜单只可以读取。
给出了系统所有的温度及湿度值。该窗口所指示的所有数值都是工作中的机组的平均温度及湿度值。通过 按下 RIGHT(向右)按钮可以进入单个机组的概述。
logix 3200(IOM)(chinese)

1 安全相关术语
安全术语危险、警告、小心和注意在本说明书中被 用来强调特定危险和/或提供更多的非显而易见的 信息。
β 危险:表示若不采取适当的防范措施将造成死
χ 警告:表示若不采取适当的防范措施将可能造
α 小心:表示若不采取适当的防范措施将可能造
警告:在对本产品或任何过程控制产品进行操作时 务必遵守标准的行业安全规范。具体来说,应保证 必须使用个人防护用品和升降装置。
3 拆除包装与储藏
3.1 拆除包装
1. 在拆除 Logix 3200MD 定位器的包装时,请对照 产品装箱单检查所交付的材料是否正确。每只 运输用集装箱内都附有系统和配件清单。

海洛斯操作维护指南海洛斯操作维护指南1:概述1.1 引言本文档旨在为用户提供关于海洛斯(Helios)操作维护的详细信息和指导。
1.2 适用范围本指南适用于所有使用海洛斯系统的终端用户、管理员和操作员。
2:安装和部署2.1 硬件要求在安装海洛斯系统之前,请确保您的计算机硬件满足最低要求。
2.2 软件安装根据提供的安装指南,按照步骤进行软件安装。
2.3 配置和部署安装完成后,您需要配置和部署海洛斯系统。
3:系统操作3.1 用户登录使用您的个人帐户信息登录到海洛斯系统。
3.2 界面导航了解海洛斯系统的各个界面和菜单,熟悉其导航结构。
3.3 数据输入学习如何正确地向海洛斯系统中输入数据。
3.4 数据查询和分析使用系统提供的查询和分析功能,快速定位和检索所需的数据。
4:系统维护4.1 数据备份和恢复定期进行数据备份,并确保备份数据的安全存储。
4.2 系统更新和升级定期检查系统更新和升级的发布情况,并按照提供的指南进行操作。
4.3 故障排除在系统操作中遇到问题时,学习如何进行故障排除。
附录附件1: 硬件要求附件2: 配置和部署说明附件3: 故障排除指南法律名词及注释1:法律名词1:注释12:法律名词2:注释2:::。

执手换向:用22MM 套筒扳手拧下执手固定螺母适度拉出执手,旋转180°正确位置,再复位重新安装好,把梅花状螺丝固定片向.上扳好,以固定螺丝。
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她是在保留她的前一代产品HIRANGE 系列机房空调的优点,又应用了当今世界上提高了的制冷技术及制冷部件制造工艺,使用当今最先进的模块化设计理念生产出来的高科技机房空调产品。
与全封闭活塞式压缩机相比它具有如下特点:1, 超高能效能效比比目前市场上最先进的活塞式压缩机还高12%2, 杰出的可靠性运动部件少,轴向及径向的谷轮专利柔性设计提供了前所未有的耐液击和容忍杂质的能力3, 低噪音/低排气脉冲噪音值比活塞式压缩机低5分贝以上4,与同制冷量活塞式压缩机相比体积减小了近三分之一在生产厂商上,海洛斯HIMOD系列空调选用在压缩机技术上始终走在世界最前列的美国谷轮(Copeland)压缩机,这使得她具有上述优点的同时,也具有其他品牌同类型空调中最优质可靠的性能。
第二章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调型号含义空调的型号用以表示空调的制冷量的大小、空调的送风形式和机组的配置情况等内容,以20UA为例:2 0 U A制冷方式:A----风冷却W----水冷却C----冷冻水运行F---免制冷方式D---双冷源(风冷却)H---双冷源(水冷却)送风方式:U----下送风O----上送风型号:通常表示机组的约制冷量,以20UA为例,其实际制冷量为运行条件室内温湿度18O C,45%~27O C,55%热水盘管入水口水温不超过85O C,水压不超过电压范围380v10%/3/50冷冻水盘管入水口水温不低于85O C,水压不超过10Bar 室内外机最远距离一般不应超过30m存放环境-20 O C ~55 O C室内外机垂直落差外机不应高于内机20m,不应底于内机3m第三章有关空调的一些资料气流组织方式(详见下图)空调的气流组织方式一般分为两种:上送风和下送风。
型号A W C F D H20/24U38039050050050025/35U29028/34/40U58059079079079050/60/70/75U49020/24O39040050050050025/35O30028/34/40O59060080080080050/60/70/75O50026/32/42/46U59061081081081026/32/42/46O60062082082020~24A/W/F/D/H&25~35C26~46A/W/F/D/H&50~75CA(mm)10001750B(mm)17401740C(mm)800800D(mm)890890E(mm)5050F(mm)19501950第四章制冷循环管路示意图序号部件名称序号部件名称1压缩机10热力膨胀阀2曲轴箱加热器11热气盘管电磁阀3高压开关12单向阀4风冷冷凝器13三通截止阀(不包括20~24)5储液罐14在热盘管(可选)6针阀15蒸发器7安全阀16低压开关8干燥过滤器17截止电磁阀9液镜18NTC 传感器序号部件名称序号部件名称1压缩机10热力膨胀阀2曲轴压缩机11热气盘管电磁阀3高压开关12单向阀4水冷冷凝器13三通截止阀(不包括20~24)5水压阀14在热盘管(可选6针阀15蒸发器7安全阀16低压开关8干燥过滤器17截止电磁阀9液镜18储液罐序号部件名称序号部件名称1压缩机11热气盘管电磁阀2曲轴箱加热器12单向阀高压开关13三通截止法(不包括20~24)4水冷冷凝器14在热盘管(可选)5储液罐15蒸发器6针阀16低压开关7安全阀17截止电磁激阀8干燥过滤器18三通冷冻水阀9液镜19冷冻水盘管10热力膨胀阀20冷冻水进水口水温传感器序列号部件名称序列号部件名称1冷冻水盘管3冷冻水三通阀2在热盘管(可选)4排气阀双系统(C型)序列号部件名称序列号部件名称1冷冻水盘管4冷冻水三通阀2再热盘管5排气阀3开关三通阀第五章调速风机调速接线示意图标准输出除湿输出△接线Y接线输出接线桥连输出电压桥连输出接线端185E A—185A— N I200E A—G200A—M I215E A—F215A—L I230A230A245F A—E245A—I L260G A—E260A—I M275160(156)H A—E275A—I N280160(162)E B—G280B—M I285170(167)E B—F285B—L I310180(185)B310B325200(202)F B—E325B—I L340210(214)G B—E340B—I M355220(219)H B—E355B—I N370230(231)E C—G370C—M I385E C—F385C—L I400C400C415F C—E415C—I L430G C—E430C—I M445H C—E445C—I N460D460D概述Microface是用在hiross空调机上的微处理器。
输入口令方式:在正常显示方式下按▼键出现Pin时,按Enter键则出现提示符- - -,用▲▼键对第一提示符输入所需数字,完毕后按Enter键,对所输入数字进行确定,同时光标移至下一位提示符处,再如上述步骤输入数字,全部完毕后再次按Enter确认即可。