
I'm Jane. The rest of them have basically said it, so let me talk about writing. Before, writing was my worst part, and later, I asked a lot of well-written students, summed up some methods, improve my writing level. Now I'll share my methods with you. First, find some typical examples to imitate. Do not ask to write too much, as long as the description of one thing, clarify their point of view can be. Second, you can find some pen pals, correct each other, learn from each other. Often others find out the problem can arouse their own attention and attention.
Thank you to several students for sharing. Learning English is a gradual process, good learning methods are important, persistence is also very important . The improvement of ab时ili间ty 邵ne邵ed雅s a飞long period of training, so, beginners must become attracted to English and are absorbed in English . Finally, we should set high standards of English. Thank you all, this is the ennge.

如何学习英语的英语作文篇1There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation.Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin, it is a good way of reading. Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea,we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress!如何学习英语的英语作文篇2English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning,listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing alot of listening practice,such as listening to tapes,watching English TV programs. And I found it really helpful. In fact,there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example,I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it。

Study Tips---计划学习时间(Plan your study time)To learn a language you need constant and regular practice.. It is a good idea to plan your study time and set aside minimum time each day for your study.要想学好一门外语,勤学、勤练很重要。
What you do in your daily study time may vary from day to day. It’s good idea to set yourself a specific learning goal for each day. 每天的学习任务不一定相同,最好能明确每天的学习任务。
On some day you may want to focus on learning new material and completing the activities relate to it, on other days you may want to review the material you have already studied.有时候可能要集中精力学习新的内容,完成相关作业,有时候可以复习学过的内容。
Study Tip----- Listening SkillAlways make sure you read through the questions in the activity related to the extract before listening. On the listening you should focus on the information you need to answer the question in the activity.听录音之前,应该先浏览一遍后面的练习题。


英语学习方法总论(中英文对照)方法就是方法,它最终无法取代刻苦的学习!第1部分整体建议1. We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. To develop interest in English study is not very hard. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' interpreters.在英语学习之初,我们应该注重培养对英语学习的兴趣.培养对英语的兴趣并不难.当我们可以说点儿简单的英语,用英语与别人或与老外交谈,或作别人的翻译时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感,这样,兴趣就培养起来了.请注意,这种满足感和成就感很重要!2. Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter.制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划. 并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划.请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命.3. Notes should be made whenever we study any book. We may follow this advice: Don't read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise.无论学习什么,我们都要作笔记.我们可以参照下面的忠告:不作笔记就不要读书.如您所知,笔记是我们对所学课本的总结,中心内容,我们的理解和课本的缩略.笔记要比课本薄的多,我们可以较容易的记忆和经常复习他们.更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,这样我们可以经常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担.4. Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory.看英文电影,收看英语电视节目,听英文歌曲和在某些特定场景学习英语也是很棒和很生动的英语学习方式,因为这样我们可以把所学英语与某些特定的场景联系起来以加深记忆.5. Never just memorize single English words. Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.请不要孤立地背英语单词.请背记包含生词的句子或词组,这样我们才真正能运用这些词汇,而且印象更深.6. If time permits, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects.如果时间允许,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也帮助很大.他能帮助我们扩大视野并全方位地掌握所学知识.7. Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in English study. Persistence, patience, self-confidence and determination are badly needed.优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的.当然如果兴趣培养得好, 可适当削弱这方面的要求.Part 2 Detailed methods(第2部分具体方法)1. Oral English:(口语学习)A. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利-准确-恰当.B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.努力寻找学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣.C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么就需要通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.比如对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情.D. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.首先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步.请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物.这样作的好处:1. 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.3. 题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.4. 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.6. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.E. Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.听译法-角色互换:三人一组,模拟翻译实战.一人将汉语,一人将英语,扮演老外,一人作翻译.练习一段时间后互换角色.这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法.而且可大大提高反应速度和能力.此法的高级阶段为同声传译,我们可以在听广播或看电视或开会时,把所听内容口译英文.F. Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.口语作文和3分钟训练法:此法适用于强化训练.找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文,同时将其录音.听录音,找出不足和错误,就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文,同样录音,再听并找出不足与进步,继续作三分钟口语作文.这是高级口语训练,效果不俗.G. Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.复述练习:用自己的话口语复述我们所听的英语故事或文章.H. If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.)to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.如果可能我们也可以大声且快速朗读英文绕口令(就象相声演员练嘴),还可以同时口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度.这样来强我们的口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音,使我们的口语相当流利,清晰,而且还有自信.例如:☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin;This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.I. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.特别注意短语(词组)和小词的运用,中国式的英语尤其是口语一个很大的缺点就是中国学生喜欢用大词,而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小,活泼,生动的短语,富有生气.而这些短语大部分有小词构成.J. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.口语随自有特色,但与英语的其它方面紧密相连.比如,经常练习写作,可是口语精密,准确.2. Listening comprehension:(听力)A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style.可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难.B. Keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials. Namely, to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural ability.在作听力练习时,力求保持放松,自然和稳定的心态.即建立自信心和培养良好的心理素质在听力提高中致关重要.C. We may make some simple notes while listening, for examples, the names of people and places, time, age, distance, occupation, figures and so on to get a better understanding of the content.在作听力练习时,我们可以作些简单的笔记,例如人名,地名,时间,年龄,职业,数字等以便更好地理解材料.当然还要以听为主.D. Catching the drift of the content instead of understanding every word and never waste too much time on single words.作听力练习要重材料大意, 而不要力求听懂每个词,不要在单个词上浪费太多时间.E. Pay close attention to CONCESSION and TRANSITION so as to correctly understand the attitudes of the speakers. The following words are most important: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….密切注意听力材料中的让步与转折以便正确把握说话人的态度.特别关注这些词: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….F. If we may learn by heart new words by listening some word tapes, the results must be satisfactory.在背记生词时,如果能听词汇磁带,那么对听力提高也很有好处.3.Reading skills:(阅读)a. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. After reading them, we may ask ourselves some questions about them by using such words: Who, What, Why, When and Where. Then try to answer them in our own words.精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答.b. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast. Namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles.泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力.c. Reading speed: Three ways to improve our reading speed: 1) Reading the articles from the beginning to the end without intervals so to catch the rough idea of the articles on the whole. Never waste too much time on some new words and single sentences. 2)We may keep time when reading articles.3) When reading articles, we can point at the words with our finger or pen point and our eyes move with the finger quickly so that we are able to read very fast.阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2. 阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度.d. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge.多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展.4.Writing skills.( 写作)a. We have to accumulate abundant materials before we write something, say, learning by heart crowds of articles.写作需要有很多素材,积累素材很重要.要多背课文.b. Try to express one meaning in various ways.努力用多种方式表达一种意思.c. Keeping English diary if possible.写英语日记.a) Prepare some new words, expressions and good sentences to be used before writing something.在写作前准备一些要用的好词汇,好句子.b) We may also make some English pen pals to establish English communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines.。

过去的学习经验英语作文英文回答:Past Learning Experiences.Past learning experiences are integral to our development as individuals and play a pivotal role in shaping our knowledge, skills, and perspectives. Reflection upon these experiences can provide valuable insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.One particularly memorable learning experience for me was participating in a collaborative research project during my undergraduate studies. The project involved studying the impact of social media on political polarization. It was an incredibly rewarding experiencethat taught me the importance of teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication. I learned how to navigate complex research questions, analyze data, and present my findings in a clear and concise manner.Another significant learning experience occurred during my internship at a non-profit organization. I had the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals and gain practical experience in community outreach and program development. It was incredibly valuable in developing my understanding of the challenges and complexities of social work and solidified my desire to pursue a career in this field.These past learning experiences have had a profound impact on my personal and professional development. They have fostered my intellectual curiosity, enhanced my problem-solving abilities, and instilled in me the importance of collaboration and lifelong learning. I am grateful for these experiences and recognize their significant role in shaping the person I am today.中文回答:过去的学习经历。

英语学习的方法英文版英语学习的方法英文版优秀的性格也是的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的.当然如果兴趣培养得好, 可适当削弱这方面的要求.【1】英语学习方法英文版:1. We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. To develop interest in English study is not very hard. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' interpreters.在英语学习之初,我们应该注重培养对英语学习的兴趣.培养对英语的兴趣并不难.当我们可以说点儿简单的英语,用英语与别人或与老外交谈,或作别人的翻译时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感,这样,兴趣就培养起来了.请注意,这种满足感和成就感很重要!2. Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter.制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划. 并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划.请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命.3. Notes should be made whenever we study any book. We may follow this advice: Don't read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory.Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise.无论学习,我们都要作笔记.我们可以参照下面的忠告:不作笔记就不要读书.如您所知,笔记是我们对所学课本的总结,中心内容,我们的理解和课本的缩略.笔记要比课本薄的多,我们可以较容易的记忆和经常复习他们.更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,这样我们可以经常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担.4. Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory.看英文电影,收看英语电视节目,听英文歌曲和在某些特定场景学习英语也是很棒和很生动的英语学习方式,因为这样我们可以把所学英语与某些特定的场景联系起来以加深记忆.5. Never just memorize single English words. Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.请不要孤立地背英语单词.请背记包含生词的句子或词组,这样我们才真正能运用这些词汇,而且印象更深.6. If time permits, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects.如果时间允许,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也帮助很大.他能帮助我们扩大视野并全方位地掌握所学知识.7. Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in English study. Persistence, patience, self-confidence and determination are badly needed.【2】以下是具体方法:1. Oral English口语学习)A. We study spoken English so as to make oralcommunications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利-准确-恰当.B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.努力学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣.C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么就需要通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.比如对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的'事情.D. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.首先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步.请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物.这样作的好处:1. 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.3. 题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.4. 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.6. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.E. Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.听译法-角色互换:三人一组,模拟翻译实战.一人将汉语,一人将英语,扮演老外,一人作翻译.练习一段时间后互换角色.这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法.而且可大大提高反应速度和能力.此法的高级阶段为同声传译,我们可以在听广播或看电视或开会时,把所听内容口译英文.F. Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Thenmake the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.口语作文和3分钟训练法:此法适用于强化训练.找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文,同时将其录音.听录音,找出不足和错误,就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文,同样录音,再听并找出不足与进步,继续作三分钟口语作文.这是高级口语训练,效果不俗.G. Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.复述练习:用自己的话口语复述我们所听的英语故事或文章.H. If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.如果可能我们也可以大声且快速朗读英文绕口令(就象相声演员练嘴),还可以同时口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度.这样来强我们的口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音,使我们的口语相当流利,清晰,而且还有自信.例如:☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin;This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.I. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.特别注意短语(词组)和小词的运用,中国式的英语尤其是口语一个很大的缺点就是中国学生喜欢用大词,而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小,活泼,生动的短语,富有生气.而这些短语大部分有小词构成.J. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.口语随自有特色,但与英语的其它方面紧密相连.比如,经常练习写作,可是口语精密,准确.2. Listening comprehension听力)A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style.可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难.B. Keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials. Namely, to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural ability.在作听力练习时,力求保持放松,自然和稳定的心态.即建立自信心和培养良好的心理素质在听力提高中致关重要.C. We may make some simple notes while listening, for examples, the names of people and places, time, age, distance, occupation, figures and so on to get a better understanding of the content.在作听力练习时,我们可以作些简单的笔记,例如人名,地名,时间,年龄,职业,数字等以便更好地理解材料.当然还要以听为主.D. Catching the drift of the content instead of understanding every word and never waste too much time on single words.作听力练习要重材料大意, 而不要力求听懂每个词,不要在单个词上浪费太多时间.E. Pay close attention to CONCESSION and TRANSITION so as to correctly understand the attitudes of the speakers. Thefollowing words are most important: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….密切注意听力材料中的让步与转折以便正确把握说话人的态度.特别关注这些词: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….F. If we may learn by heart new words by listening some word tapes, the results must be satisfactory.在背记生词时,如果能听词汇磁带,那么对听力提高也很有好处.3.Reading skills阅读)a. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. After reading them, we may ask ourselves some questions about them by using such words: Who, What, Why, When and Where. Then try to answer them in our own words.精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答.b. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast. Namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles.泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力.c. Reading speed: Three ways to improve our reading speed:1) Reading the articles from the beginning to the end without intervals so to catch the rough idea of the articles on the whole. Never waste too much time on some new words and single sentences. 2)We may keep time when reading articles.3) When reading articles, we can point at the words with our finger or pen point and our eyes move with the finger quickly so that we are able to read very fast.阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2. 阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度.d. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge.多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展.4.Writing skills.( 写作)a. We have to accumulate abundant materials before we write something, say, learning by heart crowds of articles.写作需要有很多素材,积累素材很重要.要多背课文.b. Try to express one meaning in various ways.努力用多种方式表达一种意思.c. Keeping English diary if possible.写英语日记.a) Prepare some new words, expressions and good sentences to be used before writing something.在写作前准备一些要用的好词汇,好句子.b) We may also make some English pen pals to establish English communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines.结交英语笔友,写英文信.这种方法容易坚持,还很有意思.不妨一试,好处多多.方法就是方法,它最终无法取代刻苦的学习. 不行动,说什么也没用!【英语学习的方法英文版】。
1英语作文 学习英语的经历(1)

1英语作文学习英语的经历My experience of learning English( 我的英语学习经验)When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school student, my mother asked me to watch English movies and TV programs, listen to English songs and practise speaking English with her.I had some problems while I was learning English. I was good at spoken English, but poor in written English. I used to make mistakes in spelling. Then, I learned seven words by heart every day by going over them five times within a day——early in the morning, after lunch, after school, after dinner, before going to bed. As a result, I don't often make mistakes now. Besides, my grammar was poor, so when I had time, I would read my grammar book now and then. Although it was boring to me, after thinking of the goodness it would bring, I didn't feel bored any longer.English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult to me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watchingEnglish TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries.I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.英语是我最喜欢的科目之一,我十岁就开始学习英语了。

学习英语知识的方法中英文翻译对照学习英语知识的方法中英文翻译对照知识的方法中英文翻译对照美语场景讲解:电脑Section 56 Computers1. Do you understand computers?2. Well, I know how to use one, and basically what it can do.3. So, what is the point of using a computer?4. Well, it is there because it can do things so quickly.5. Like what, for example?6. Like word processing, you know, writing letters and things.7. Is that faster than by hand?8. Sure. It is so easy to correct mistake without having to throw away what you have already written.9. So what else are they useful for?10. Calculations and spread sheets are so much easier by computer.11. And what about communications? I hear they are important in computing.12. Yah. Email and Internet are the big things now.13. But do you think computers will change our lives much?14. Of course. But with the right attitude, a positive attitude, you can see that it will make our lives much better.15. I sure hope you’re right.译文:五十六电脑1.你懂电脑吗?2.我会使用,也知道它的基本功用。

怎么学好英语的英语作文(精选7篇)怎么学好英语的英语作文篇一It is very important for us to learn English well.It is also important for us to know how to learn English.Here is some advice.As we know that the interest is a best English words with something interesting when we are learning them.This helps us remember them well. For example, we can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.We can improve our English listening by listening to the teacher carefully in class,to the tapes very often.We can improve our writing by e-mailing to our pen pals in English.We can learn grammar by taking notes and doing lots of exercise.Good ways will make English learning not be boring.怎样学好英语英语作文篇二English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions。
First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. Wed better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries。

学习英语的建议英语作文带翻译篇1Learning English takes time so if we want to learn it well, we should spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. If we have time,we'd better isten to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English . If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.学英语是要花费时间的,因此我们要花大量的时间每天练习使用英语。

【本文总字数:2092】第2篇示例:个人学习英语的经验总结1. 建立学习习惯:学习英语需要持之以恒,不能一时三刻就能见效。
2. 多听多说多读多写:要提高英语水平,必须注重听说读写的全面发展。

如何学习英语的英语作文带翻译(精选)How to Learn EnglishEnglish is undoubtedly one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Whether for academic, personal, or professional reasons, learning English can bring countless benefits. However, mastering a new language requires dedication, commitment, and an effective learning strategy. In this essay, we will discuss some useful tips and techniques to enhance your English language skills.1. Immerse Yourself in EnglishOne of the most effective ways to learn English is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Surround yourself with English by watching movies, TV shows, or documentaries in English, listening to English songs, and engaging in conversations with native English speakers. This constant exposure will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of the language.2. Build a Strong VocabularyA rich vocabulary is the foundation of effective communication in any language. To expand your English vocabulary, try to learn new words and phrases every day. Make use of flashcards or vocabulary apps to memorize and review words regularly. Additionally, read English books, newspapers, or magazines to encounter new words in context and understand their usage.3. Practice SpeakingSpeaking is an essential aspect of language learning. Find opportunities to practice speaking English by joining conversational groups, attending language exchange programs, or even talking to yourself in English. Don't be afraid of making mistakes; instead, embrace them as part of the learning process. The more you practice speaking, the more fluent you will become.4. Listen ActivelyListening to native English speakers is crucial for improving your listening skills. Watch English movies or TV shows without subtitles and try to understand the dialogues. You can also listen to English podcasts, news broadcasts, or audiobooks. Active listening involves paying attention to the pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm of the language. Take note of commonly used expressions and phrases to incorporate them into your own speaking.5. Master Grammar and Sentence StructureGrammar forms the backbone of any language, and English is no exception. Understanding English grammar rules and sentence structures will help you construct accurate and coherent sentences. Use grammar books or online resources to study different grammar concepts, and practice applying them through exercises or writing tasks. Pay attention to verb tenses, prepositions, articles, and sentence patterns to enhance your overall language proficiency.6. Write RegularlyWriting is an excellent way to consolidate your knowledge and put what you have learned into practice. Start a journal, write short stories, ormaintain a blog in English. Regular writing will help you refine your vocabulary, improve your sentence structure, and enhance your overall writing skills. You can also seek feedback from native English speakers or language tutors to receive valuable input for improvement.7. Utilize TechnologyIn today's digital age, technology offers numerous resources and tools to facilitate language learning. Language learning apps, online courses, and language exchange platforms provide interactive and engaging ways to learn English. Take advantage of these platforms to practice reading, listening, speaking, and writing in English. Many apps also offer personalized exercises and quizzes to assess your progress and target areas that need improvement.8. Set Realistic GoalsLearning a language requires time and patience, so it is essential to set realistic goals for yourself. Break down your language learning journey into manageable milestones. For example, aim to learn a certain number of new words each week or hold a conversation in English for a specific duration. Tracking your progress will keep you motivated and help you evaluate your success.In conclusion, learning English is a rewarding and valuable endeavor. By immersing yourself in the language, building a strong vocabulary, practicing speaking and listening, mastering grammar, writing regularly, utilizing technology, and setting realistic goals, you can enhance your English language skills and become a confident English speaker. Remember,consistency and perseverance are key to achieving proficiency in any language. Good luck!如何学习英语英语无疑是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。

1. 创造英语环境
2. 制定学习计划
3. 多练习
4. 利用工具和资源
5. 注重实践

第1部分整体建议1. We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. To develop interest in English study is not very hard. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' interpreters.在英语学习之初,我们应该注重培养对英语学习的兴趣.培养对英语的兴趣并不难.当我们可以说点儿简单的英语,用英语与别人或与老外交谈,或作别人的翻译时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感,这样,兴趣就培养起来了.请注意,这种满足感和成就感很重要!2. Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter.制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划. 并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划.请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命.3. Notes should be made whenever we study any book. We may follow this advice: Don't read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise.无论学习什么,我们都要作笔记.我们可以参照下面的忠告:不作笔记就不要读书.如您所知,笔记是我们对所学课本的总结,中心内容,我们的理解和课本的缩略.笔记要比课本薄的多,我们可以较容易的记忆和经常复习他们.更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,这样我们可以经常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担.4. Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory.看英文电影,收看英语电视节目,听英文歌曲和在某些特定场景学习英语也是很棒和很生动的英语学习方式,因为这样我们可以把所学英语与某些特定的场景联系起来以加深记忆.5. Never just memorize single English words. Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.请不要孤立地背英语单词.请背记包含生词的句子或词组,这样我们才真正能运用这些词汇,而且印象更深.6. If time permits, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects.如果时间允许,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也帮助很大.他能帮助我们扩大视野并全方位地掌握所学知识.7. Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in English study. Persistence, patience, self-confidence and determination are badly needed.优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的.当然如果兴趣培养得好, 可适当削弱这方面的要求.Part 2 Detailed methods(第2部分具体方法)1. Oral English:(口语学习)A. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利-准确-恰当. B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.努力寻找学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣.C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么就需要通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.比如对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情.D. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.首先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步.请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物.这样作的好处:1. 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.3. 题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.4. 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.6. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.E. Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.听译法-角色互换:三人一组,模拟翻译实战.一人将汉语,一人将英语,扮演老外,一人作翻译.练习一段时间后互换角色.这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法.而且可大大提高反应速度和能力.此法的高级阶段为同声传译,我们可以在听广播或看电视或开会时,把所听内容口译英文.F. Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.口语作文和3分钟训练法:此法适用于强化训练.找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文,同时将其录音.听录音,找出不足和错误,就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文,同样录音,再听并找出不足与进步,继续作三分钟口语作文.这是高级口语训练,效果不俗.G. Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.复述练习:用自己的话口语复述我们所听的英语故事或文章.H. If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.如果可能我们也可以大声且快速朗读英文绕口令(就象相声演员练嘴),还可以同时口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度.这样来强我们的口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音,使我们的口语相当流利,清晰,而且还有自信.例如: ☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin;This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.I. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.特别注意短语(词组)和小词的运用,中国式的英语尤其是口语一个很大的缺点就是中国学生喜欢用大词,而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小,活泼,生动的短语,富有生气.而这些短语大部分有小词构成.J. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.口语随自有特色,但与英语的其它方面紧密相连.比如,经常练习写作,可是口语精密,准确.2. Listening comprehension:(听力)A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style.可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难.B. Keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials. Namely, to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural ability.在作听力练习时,力求保持放松,自然和稳定的心态.即建立自信心和培养良好的心理素质在听力提高中致关重要.C. We may make some simple notes while listening, for examples, the names of people and places, time, age, distance, occupation, figures and so on to get a better understanding of the content.在作听力练习时,我们可以作些简单的笔记,例如人名,地名,时间,年龄,职业,数字等以便更好地理解材料.当然还要以听为主.D. Catching the drift of the content instead of understanding every word and never waste too much time on single words.作听力练习要重材料大意, 而不要力求听懂每个词,不要在单个词上浪费太多时间.E. Pay close attention to CONCESSION and TRANSITION so as to correctly understand the attitudes of the speakers. The following words are most important: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….密切注意听力材料中的让步与转折以便正确把握说话人的态度.特别关注这些词: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….F. If we may learn by heart new words by listening some word tapes, the results must be satisfactory.在背记生词时,如果能听词汇磁带,那么对听力提高也很有好处.3.Reading skills:(阅读)a. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. After reading them, we may ask ourselves some questions about them by using such words: Who, What, Why, When and Where. Then try to answer them in our own words.精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答.b. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast. Namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles.泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力.c. Reading speed: Three ways to improve our reading speed: 1) Reading the articles from the beginning to the end without intervals so to catch the rough idea of the articles on the whole. Never waste too much time on some newwords and single sentences. 2)We may keep time when reading articles.3) When reading articles, we can point at the words with our finger or pen point and our eyes move with the finger quickly so that we are able to read very fast.阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2. 阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度.d. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge.多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展.4.Writing skills.( 写作)a. We have to accumulate abundant materials before we write something, say, learning by heart crowds of articles. 写作需要有很多素材,积累素材很重要.要多背课文.b. Try to express one meaning in various ways.努力用多种方式表达一种意思.c. Keeping English diary if possible.写英语日记.a) Prepare some new words, expressions and good sentences to be used before writing something.在写作前准备一些要用的好词汇,好句子.b) We may also make some English pen pals to establish English communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines.结交英语笔友,写英文信.这种方法容易坚持,还很有意思.不仿一试,好处多多.。

每天至少看10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。
(Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes every day. The best time to learn English is in the morning and the evening.)2.方法要灵活多样。
(Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won't feel bored.)3.上下相连,从不孤立。
(Connect up to down, don't make it alone. According to the passage, remember the words and phrases, try to graspe the meanings of the words. )4.熟记常用语,确保准确无误。
(Remember useful expressions, and make sure it's right. Practice makes perfect.)5.尽量用第一人称来记习惯用语和句型,以便记忆牢固。
(Try to Remember idioms and setences with the first calling, make sure to remember deeply.)6.多方位多角度来学英语。
英语学习经验 英文作文

英语学习经验英文作文English Answer:English learning has been an enriching and transformative journey for me. From my initial exposure to the language as a young child to my current proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening, I have witnessed firsthand the power of language in shaping my cognitive, social, and career prospects.My earliest English learning experiences took place in an immersive environment. As a child raised in an English-speaking household, I was exposed to the language through conversations, books, and television shows. This natural exposure fostered a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar, which became the building blocks of my subsequent language learning endeavors.As I progressed through my academic career, I encountered a more structured approach to English languagelearning. In primary and secondary school, I dedicated several hours each week to studying grammar, vocabulary, and literature. I engaged in lively class discussions, participated in debates, and wrote numerous essays, which honed my critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills.My passion for English extended beyond the classroom. I actively sought opportunities to immerse myself in the language outside of school. I joined a local drama club, where I developed my confidence in speaking in front of an audience. I also spent countless hours reading classic and contemporary literature, which not only expanded my vocabulary but also cultivated a deep appreciation for the beauty and power of language.At the university level, I pursued a major in English and French. This intensive program provided me with a comprehensive understanding of English literature, linguistics, and language pedagogy. I delved into the works of Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Virginia Woolf, among others, exploring themes of love, loss, identity, and the human condition.My studies culminated in a year abroad in the United Kingdom. This immersive experience allowed me to fully integrate into English society and experience firsthand the nuances and subtleties of the language. I lived with a host family, attended classes at a local university, and immersed myself in the local culture.The impact of my English language learning journey has been profound. It has not only enabled me to communicate effectively in a globalized world but has also transformed my way of thinking and perceiving the world. Through the study of literature, I have developed a deep understanding of human nature, society, and the complexities of the human experience. My writing skills have opened doors to a career in journalism, where I can share my perspectives and inform others.中文回答:英语学习对我来说是一段丰富而有意义的旅程。

学习经历英语作文_专业满分英语作文4篇关于”学习经历“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:learning experience。
关于”学习经历“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:learning experience。
高分英语作文1:learning experience英文原文:My Experience in Learning EnglishAs an excellent student of English, I have accumulated a lot of experience in English learning. In my opinion, the key to English learning lies in three aspects: vocabulary, grammar, and spoken English.Firstly, vocabulary is the foundation of English learning. We can't express our ideas or communicate effectively if we don't know enough words. Therefore, mastering vocabulary is the first step in learning English. In order to improve our vocabulary, we should read more English books, watch more English movies and TV shows, and listen to more English songs. In this way, we cannot only learn new words but also get a good sense of English usage.Secondly, grammar is also very important in English learning. Grammar rules are the rules for building sentences and organizing words in English. Without a good grasp of grammar, we may make mistakes in our writing and speaking, which will affect our communication with others. Therefore, we should study the grammar rules systematically, do more exercises, and ly them in practice.Finally, spoken English is essential for English learners. Speaking is the most direct and effective way to practice and improve our English skills. We can join English clubs, attend English-speaking competitions, or find a foreign language partner to practice with. By doing so, we can not only improve our spoken English but also increase our self-confidence in speaking.In conclusion, English learning is a long process, and we need to persist in it. Only by mastering vocabulary, grammar, and spoken English can we speak and write English fluently and confidently.中文翻译:我的英语学习经验我积累了很多英语学习的经验。
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I have been learning English for several years. In the meantime, what most important for me to acquire such a complete English is practice as possible as you can, regular vocabulary learning , enough reading and more communications with others would make us a great process in English learning.
As we all know, vocabulary is the basic of language, our understandings of language depend on the knowledges of vocabulary. So it’s essential for us to know more vocabularies when we learn English, then an regular and continual plant for vocabulary learning is the best way to make us remember numbers of vocabularies. But we should not stop in the stage of vocabulary, we must manage to adjust to the grammar of English, which is quite different from Chinese. For the people who are confused by the rule of English sentences, enough reading would help them in adaption of English logic, the cause of gut feeling in second language learning. Moreover, the English article present the custom and culture of west, known more about that, we could understand the background for these English literature and get a perfect understanding of author’s mind. The last but not least, we are ought to communicate with other in English as possible. English is a language rather than knowledge, what more importance in language learning is “using”instead of “thinking”, communication is not only the goal to learning English but also a prominent way to learning English.。