
第一章1.The Bluebird Company has a $10,000 liability it must pay three years fromtoday. The company is opening a savings account so that the entire amountwill be available when this debt needs to be paid. The plan is to make aninitial deposit today and then deposit an additional $2,500 a year for the next three years, starting one year from today. The account pays a 3% rate ofreturn. How much does the Bluebird Company need to deposit today? ()答案:$2,079.892.Suzette is going to receive $10,000 today as the result of an insurancesettlement. In addition, she will receive $15,000 one year from today and$25,000 two years from today. She plans on saving all of this money andinvesting it for her retirement. If Suzette can earn an average of 11% on herinvestments, how much will she have in her account if she retires 25 yearsfrom today? ()答案:$595,098.673.You are investing $100 today in a savings account at your local bank. Whichone of the following terms refers to the value of this investment one yearfrom now? ()答案:future value4.Sara invested $500 six years ago at 5 percent interest. She spends herearnings as soon as she earns any interest so she only receives interest onher initial $500 investment. Which type of interest is Sara earning?答案:simple interest5.Shelley won a lottery and will receive $1,000 a year for the next ten years.The value of her winnings today discounted at her discount rate is calledwhich one of the following? ()答案:present value6.Which one of the following will produce the highest present value interestfactor? ()答案:6 percent interest for five years7.Which one of the following terms is defined as a conflict of interest betweenthe corporate shareholders and the corporate managers? ()答案:agencyproblem8.Which one of the following is a capital budgeting decision? ()答案:deciding whether or not to purchase a new machine for the productionline9.Which of the following questions are addressed by financial managers? ()答案:Should the firm borrow more money?;Should the firm acquire newequipment?;Should customers be given 30 or 45 days to pay for their creditpurchases?10.Which of the following should a financial manager consider when analyzing acapital budgeting project? ( )答案:dollar amount of each projected cashflow ;project start up costs ;timing of all projected cash flows;dependabilityof future cash flows第二章1.The formula which breaks down the return on equity into three componentparts is referred to as which one of the following? ( )答案:Du Pont identity 2. A firm uses 2008 as the base year for its financial statements. The common-size, base-year statement for 2009 has an inventory value of 1.08. This isinterpreted to mean that the 2009 inventory is equal to 108 percent of which one of the following? ( )答案:2008 inventory expressed as a percent of 2008 total assets3.If a firm has a debt-equity ratio of 1.0, then its total debt ratio must be whichone of the following? ( )答案:0.54.Which one of the following will decrease if a firm can decrease its operatingcosts, all else constant? ( )答案:price-earnings ratio5.During the year, Kitchen Supply increased its accounts receivable by $130,decreased its inventory by $75, and decreased its accounts payable by $40.How did these three accounts affect the firm’s cash flows for the year? ( )答案:$95 use of cash6. A firm generated net income of $878. The depreciation expense was $47 anddividends were paid in the amount of $25. Accounts payables decreased by$13, accounts receivables increased by $22, inventory decreased by $14, and net fixed assets decreased by $8. There was no interest expense. What wasthe net cash flow from operating activity? ( )答案:$9047.The Bike Shop paid $2,310 in interest and $1,850 in dividends last year. Thetimes interest earned ratio is 2.2 and the depreciation expense is $460. What is the value of the cash coverage ratio? ( )答案:2.408.Canine Supply has sales of $2,200, total assets of $1,400, and a debt-equityratio of 0.3. Its return on equity is 15 percent. What is the net income? ( )答案:$161.549.Which one of the following terms is applied to the financial planning methodwhich uses the projected sales level as the basis for determining changes inbalance sheet and income statement account values? ( )答案:percentage ofsales method10.Financial planning: ( )答案:considers multiple options and scenarios for thenext two to five years.11. A firm is currently operating at full capacity. Net working capital, costs, andall assets vary directly with sales. The firm does not wish to obtain anyadditional equity financing. The dividend payout ratio is constant at 40percent. If the firm has a positive external financing need, that need will bemet by: ( )答案:long-term debt.12.Which one of the following will cause the sustainable growth rate to equal tointernal growth rate? ( )答案:equity multiplier of 1.013. A firm has a retention ratio of 45 percent and a sustainable growth rate of 6.2percent. The capital intensity ratio is 1.2 and the debt-equity ratio is 0.64.What is the profit margin? ( )答案:14.63 percent14.The Soccer Shoppe has a 7 percent return on assets and a 25 percent payoutratio. What is its internal growth rate? ( )答案:5.54 percent15.An increase in which of the following will increase the return on equity, allelse constant?( )答案:sales;net income第三章1.Accepting positive NPV projects benefits the stockholders because: ()。

( )答案:对2.《会计法》、《企业财务会计报告》、企业会计准则体系等属于我国会计规范的文献之一。
( )答案:对3.进行会计核算的基础前提是会计主体。
( )答案:对2.任何会计凭证都必须经过有关人员的严格审核并确认无误后,才能作为记账的依据。
( )答案:对3.会计账簿的记录是编制会计报表的前提和依据,也是检查、分析和控制单位经济活动的重要依据。
( )答案:对4.会计的日常核算工作主要是()。





会计报表等过程都有可靠的凭证为依据,也能保证会计上的帐证、帐帐、帐表和 帐实之间的相互一致。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 2、 相关性原则是指企业提供的会计信息应当与财务会计报告信息使用者的经济 决策需要相关,有助于财务会计报告使用者对企业过去、现在或者未来的情况做 出评价或者预测。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:对 3、 同一企业不同时期发生的相同或者相似的交易或者事项,必须采用一致的会 计政策,不得变更。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 5、 由于收付实现制是以企业实际收付现金的时间为确认收入和费用的基本标 准,因而报表中所体现的企业当期经营成果与期末的现金余额相互一致,这样可 以使得企业的经营成果具有非常高的含金量和可信度。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:对 第三章 1、 企业的行业特点也制约着货币资金规模。 A:对
正确答案:A 2、 对于传统存货周转率大于每年 2 次的传统行业的企业,通常认为经营活动产 生的现金净流量是核心利润的 1.2-1.5 倍时较为合适。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A 3、 出售固定资产的收益属于营业外收入。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A 4、 可供出售金融资产处置收益属于营业外收入。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:B 5、 利润规模大,利润质量就好。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:B 第七章 1、 各项活动现金流量质量分析的侧重点大致相同。 A:对 B:错
正确答案:B 2、 “债务沉淀”并非不需偿还。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A 3、 非强制性负债相比于强制性负债给企业的偿债压力较小。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A 4、 一般来说,企业的短期贷款主要与企业的经营活动相联,通常用于补充企业 的流动资金不足 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A 5、 非强制性负债越多越好。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:B 第五章 1、 在企业回款和付款等各项经营活动相对正常的情况下,利润与现金流量之间 会保持一个大体稳定的比例关系。 A:对 B:错


绪论1.权益乘数等于总资产除以( )。
答案:总负债2.总资产周转率等于收入除以( )。
答案:期末所有者权益第一章1.会计科目是账户的( )。
答案:方法2.预付供应单位货款可以被看作是一种( )。
答案:收益3.每项经济业务的发生都会影响( )项目发生增减变化。
( )答案:对5.一类经济业务不可能使一项负债减少,而使另一项负债增加。
( )答案:对第二章1.下列财务报表中,属于静态报表的是()答案:利润表2.下列各项中,影响利润表“营业利润”项目的有()答案:营业外收入3.下列项目中,应根据有关科目余额减去其备抵科目余额后,计算填列到资产负债表的项目有()答案:存货;交易性金融资产;固定资产4.资产负债表中的“长期借款”项目根据“长期借款”总账账户余额填列。
( )答案:错5.利润表中的“管理费用”项目根据“管理费用”总账本期借方发生额填列。
( )答案:对第三章1.相对于固定预算而言,弹性预算的主要优点是( )。
答案:稳定性强2.在基期成本费用水平的基础上,结合预算期业务量及有关降低成本的措施,通过调整有关原有成本项目而编制的预算,称为( )。
答案:滚动预算3.可以保持预算的连续性和完整性,并能克服传统定期预算缺点的预算方法是( )。
()答案:对第四章1.在财务分析中,主要决策是决定是否给企业提供信用,最关心企业偿还债务能力的利益主体是( )。
答案:企业债权人2.( )数值越高,说明企业为取得收益而付出的代价越小,企业获利能力越强。
答案:销售净利率3.( )数值越高,说明投入企业资金的回报水平越高,企业获利能力越强。


Which one of thefollowing items could be considered as the two milestones in the modernaccounting history ?( ).答案:帕乔利复式簿记著作的出版和会计职业的出现The publication of Pacioli’s double-entry bookkeeping and the emergence of the accounting profession2.通过归集一定计算对象上的全部费用,借以确定各该对象的总成本和单位成本的一种专门会计方法是()。
A special accounting method fordetermining the total cost and unit cost of each object by aggregating thetotal expenses of a certain calculation object is ( )答案:成本计算Costcalculation3.会计具有双重属性,即()。
Accounting has double attributes, namely ( ).答案:技术性与社会性Technicality and sociality4.关于会计的产生与发展,下列说法中正确的有()。
The following correctstatements on the origin and development of accounting include ( ).答案:经济越发展,会计越重要The faster economy develops, the more importantaccounting is.;会计是生产活动发展到一定阶段的产物Accounting is theproduct of the development of production activities to a certain stage.;会计是为适应生产活动发展的需要而产生的Accounting is generated to meet theneeds of the development of production activities.;会计从产生到现在经历了一个漫长的发展历程 Accounting has experienced a long journey ofdevelopment since its inception.5.下列关于会计作用的说法正确的有()。

Chapter 8Return On Invested Capital And Profitability AnalysisReturn on invested capital is important in our analysis of financial statements. Financial statement analysis involves our assessing both risk and return. The prior three chapters focused primarily on risk, whereas this chapter extends our analysis to return. Return on invested capital refers to a company's earnings relative to both the level and source of financing. It is a measure of a company's success in using financing to generate profits, and is an excellent measure of operating performance. This chapter describes return on invested capital and its relevance to financial statement analysis. We also explain variations in measurement of return on invested capital and their interpretation. We also disaggregate return on invested capital into important components for additional insights into company performance. The role of financial leverage and its importance for returns analysis is examined. This chapter demonstrates each of these analysis techniques using financial statement data.•Importance of Return on Invested CapitalMeasuring Managerial EffectivenessMeasuring ProfitabilityMeasuring for Planning and Control •Components of Return on Invested CapitalDefining Invested CapitalAdjustments to Invested Capital and IncomeComputing Return on Invested Capital•Analyzing Return on Net Operating AssetsDisaggregating Return on Net Operating AssetsRelation between Profit Margin and Asset TurnoverProfit Margin AnalysisAsset Turnover Analysis•Analyzing Return on Common EquityDisaggregating Return on Common EquityFinancial Leverage and Return on Common EquityAssessing Growth in Common Equity•Describe the usefulness of return measures in financial statement analysis. •Explain return on invested capital and variations in its computation.•Analyze return on net operating assets and its relevance in our analysis. •Describe disaggregation of return on net operating assets and the importance of its components.•Describe the relation between profit margin and turnover.•Analyze return on common shareholders' equity and its role in our analysis. •Describe disaggregation of return on common shareholders' equity and the relevance of its components.•Explain financial leverage and how to assess a company's success in trading on the equity across financing sources.1. The return that is achieved in any one period on the invested capital of a companyconsists of the returns (and losses) realized by its various segments and divisions. In turn, these returns are made up of the results achieved by individual product lines and projects. A well-managed company exercises rigorous control over the returns achieved by each of its profit centers, and it rewards the managers on the basis of such results. Specifically, when evaluating new investments in assets or projects, management will compute the estimated returns it expects to achieve and use these estimates as a basis for its decision to invest or not.2. Profit generation is the first and foremost purpose of a company. The effectiveness ofoperating performance determines the ability of the company to survive financially, to attract suppliers of funds, and to reward them adequately. Return on invested capital is the prime measure of company performance. The analyst uses it as an indicator of managerial effectiveness, and/or a measure of the company's ability to earn a satisfactory return on investment.3. If the investment base is defined as comprising net operating assets, then netoperating profit (e.g., before interest) after tax (NOPAT) is the relevant income figure to use. The exclusion of interest from income deductions is due to its being regarded asa payment for the use of money from the suppliers of debt capital (in the same waythat dividends are regarded as a payment to suppliers of equity capital). NOPAT is the appropriate amount to measure against net operating assets as both are considered to be operating.4. First, the motivation for excluding nonproductive assets from invested capital isbased on the idea that management is not responsible for earning a return on non-operating invested capital. Second, the exclusion of intangible assets from the investment base is often due to skepticism regarding their value or their contribution to the earning power of the company. Under GAAP, intangibles are carried at cost.However, if their cost exceeds their future utility, they are written down (or there will be an uncertainty exception regarding their carrying value in the auditor's opinion).The exclusion of intangible assets from the asset base must be based on more substantial evidence than a mere lack of understanding of what these assets represent or an unsupported suspicion regarding their value. This implies that intangible assets should generally not be excluded from invested capital.5. The basic formula for computing the return on investment is net income divided bytotal invested capital. Whenever we modify the definition of the investment base by, say, omitting certain items (liabilities, idle assets, intangibles, etc.) we must also adjust the corresponding income figure to make it consistent with the modified asset base.6. The relation of net income to sales is a measure of operating performance (profitmargin). The relation of sales to total assets is a measure of asset utilization or turnover—a means of determining how effectively (in terms of sales generation) the assets are utilized. Both of these measures, profit margin as well as asset utilization,determine the return realized on a given investment base. Sales are an important factor in both of these performance measures.7. Profit margin, although important, is only one aspect of the return on invested capital.The other is asset turnover. Consequently, while Company B's profit margin is high, its asset turnover may have been sufficiently depressed so as to drag down the overall return on invested capital, leading to the shareholder's complaint.8. The asset turnover of Company X is 3. The profit margin of Company Y is 0.5%. Sinceboth companies are in the same industry, it is clear that Company X must concentrate on improving its asset turnover. On the other hand, Company Y must concentrate on improving its profit margin. More specific strategies depend on the product and industry.9. The sales to total assets (asset turnover) component of the return on invested capitalmeasure reflects the overall rate of asset utilization. It does not reflect the rate of utilization of individual asset categories that enter into the overall asset turnover. To better evaluate the reasons for the level of asset turnover or the reasons for changes in that level, it is helpful to compute the rate of individual asset turnovers that make up the overall turnover rate.10. The evaluation of return on invested capital involves many factors. Theinclusion/exclusion of extraordinary gains and losses, the use/nonuse of trends, the effect of acquisitions accounted for as poolings and their chance of recurrence, the effect of discontinued operations, and the possibility of averaging net income are justa few of many such factors. Moreover, the analyst must take into account the effectsof price-level changes on return calculations. It also is important that the analyst bear in mind that return on invested capital is most commonly based on book values from financial statements rather than on market values. And finally, many assets either do not appear in the financial statements or are significantly understated. Examples of such assets are intangibles such as patents, trademarks, research and development activities, advertising and training, and intellectual capital.11. The equity growth rate is calculated as follows:[Net income – Preferred dividends – Common dividend payout] / Average common equity.This is the growth rate due to the retention of earnings and assumes a constant dividend payout over time. It indicates the possibilities of earnings growth without resort to external financing. The resulting increase in equity can be expected to earn the rate of return that the company earns on its assets and, thus, further contribute to growth in earnings.12. a. The return on net operating assets and the return on common stockholders' equitydiffer by the capital investment base (and its corresponding effects on net income).RNOA reflects the return on the net operating assets of the company whereas ROCE reflects the perspective of common shareholders.b. ROCE can be disaggregated into the following components to facilitate analysis:ROCE = RNOA + Leverage x Spread. RNOA measures the return on net operating assets, a measure of operating performance. The second component (Leverage x Spread) measures the effects of financial leverage. ROCE is increased by adding financial leverage so long as RNOA>weighted average cost of capital. That is, if the firm can earn a return on operating assets that is greater than the cost of the capital used to finance the purchase of those assets, then shareholders are better off adding debt to increase operating assets.13. a. ROCE can be disaggregated as follows:equitycommon Average Sales Sales dividends Preferred - income Net ⨯ This shows that “equity turnover” (sales to average common equity) is one of the two components of the return on common shareholders' equity. Assuming a stable profit margin, the equity turnover can be used to determine the level and trend of ROCE. Specifically, an increase in equity turnover will produce an increase in ROCE if the profit margin is stable or declines less than the increase in equity turnover. For example, a common objective of discount stores is to lower prices by lowering profit margins, but to offset this by increasing equity turnover by more than the decrease in profit margin.b. Equity turnover can be rewritten as follows:equitycommon Average assets operating Net assets operating Net Sales ⨯ The first factor reflects how well net operating assets are being utilized. If the ratio is increasing, this can signal either a technological advantage or under-capacity and the need for expansion. The second factor reflects the use of leverage. Leverage will be higher for those firms that have financed more of their assets through debt. By considering these factors that comprise equity turnover, it is apparent that EPS cannot grow indefinitely from an increase in these factors. This is because these factors cannot grow indefinitely. Even if there is a technological advantage in production, the sales to net operating assets ratio cannot increase indefinitely. This is because sooner or later the firm must expand its net operating asset base to meet rising sales or else not meet sales and lose a share of the market. Also, financing new assets with debt can increase the net operating assets to common equity ratio. However, this can only be pursued to a point —at which time the equity base must expand (which decreases the ratio).14. When convertible debt sells at a substantial premium above par and is clearly held byinvestors for its conversion feature, there is justification for treating it as the equivalent of equity capital. This is particularly true when the company can choose at any time to force conversion of the debt by calling it in.Exercise 8-1 (35 minutes)a. First alternative:NOPAT = $6,000,000 * 10% = $600,000Net income = $600,000 – [$1,000,000*12%](1-.40) = $528,000Second alternative:NOPAT = $6,000,000 * 10% = $600,000Net income = $600,000 – [$2,000,000*12%](1-.40) = $456,000b. First alternative:ROCE = $528,000 / $5,000,000 = 10.56%Second alternative:ROCE = $456,000 / $4,000,000 = 11.40%c. First alternative:Assets-to-Equity = $6,000,000 / $5,000,000 = 1.2Second alternative:Assets-to-Equity = $6,000,000 / $4,000,000 = 1.5d. First, let’s compute return on assets (R NOA):First alternative: $600,000 / $6,000,000 = 10%Second alternative: $600,000 / $6,000,000 = 10%Second, notice that the interest rate is 12% on the debt (bonds). More importantly, the after-tax interest rate is 7.2% (12% x (1-0.40)), which is less than RNOA. Hence, the company earns more on its assets than it pays for debt on an after-tax basis. That is, it can successfully trade on the equity—use bondholders’ funds to earn additional profits.Finally, since the second alternative uses more debt, as reflected in the assets-to-equity ratio in c, the second alternative is probably preferred. The shareholders would take on additional risk with the second alternative, but the expected returns are greater as evidenced from computations in b.Exercise 8-2 (40 minutes)a. NOPAT = Net income = $10,000,000 x 10% = $1,000,000b. First alternative:NOPAT = $1,000,000 + $6,000,000*10% = $1,600,000Net income = $1,600,000 – ($2,000,000 ⨯ 5% x [1-.40]) = $1,540,000Second alternative:NOPAT = $1,000,000 + $6,000,000*10% = $1,600,000Net income = $1,600,000 – ($6,000,000 ⨯ 6% x [1-.40]) = $1,384,000c. First alternative: ROCE = $1,540,000 / ($10,000,000 + $4,000,000) = 11%Second alternative: ROCE = $1,384,000 / ($10,000,000 + $0) = 13.84%d. ROCE is higher under the second alternative due to successful use ofleverage—that is, successfully trading on the equity. [Note: Asset-to-Equity is1.14=$16 mil./$14 mil. (1.60=$16 mil./$10 mil.) under the first (second)alternative.] The company should pursue the second alternative in the interest of shareholders (assuming projected returns are consistent with current performance levels).a. RNOA = 2 x 5% = 10%b. ROCE = 10% + 1.786 x 4.4% = 17.86%c. RNOA 10.00%Leverage advantage 7.86%Return on equity 17.86%Exercise 8-4 (30 minutes)a. Computation and Interpretation of ROCE:Year 5 Year 9Pre-tax profit margin .......................................................... 0.112 0.109 Asset turnover .................................................................... 0.46 0.44 Assets-to-equity ................................................................. 3.25 3.40 After-tax income retention * .............................................. 0.570 0.556 ROCE (product of above) .................................................. 9.54% 9.07% * 1-Tax rate.ROCE declines from Year 5 to Year 9 because: (1) pre-tax margin decreases by approximately 3%, (2) asset turnover declines by roughly 4.3%, and (3) the tax rate increases by about 3.8%. The combination of these factors drives the decline in ROCE—this is despite the slight improvement in the assets-to-equity ratio.b. The main reason EPS increases is that shareholders had a large amount ofassets and equity working for them. Namely, the company grew while return on assets and return on equity remained fairly stable. In addition, the amount of preferred stock declined, as did the amount of preferred dividends. With this decline in the cost of carrying preferred stock, earnings available to common stock increased.(CFA Adapted)a. RNOA = 3 x 7% = 21%b. ROCE = RNOA + LEV x Spread = 21% + (1.667 x 8.4%) = 35%c. Net leverage advantage to common equityReturn on net operating assets .................................. 21%Leverage advantage .................................................... 14%Return on common equity (rounding difference) ..... 35%Exercise 8-6 (30 minutes)a. At the present level of debt, ROCE = $157,500 / $1,125,000 = 14%.In the absence of leverage, the noncurrent liabilities would be substituted with equity. Accordingly, there would be no interest expense with all-equityROCE without leverage = $184,500 / $1,800,000 = 10.25%.14% with leverage but only 10.25% without leverage.b. NOPAT = $157,500 + [$675,000 x 8% x (1-.50)] = $184,500RNOA = $184,500 / ($2,000,000-$200,000) = 10.25%c. The company is utilizing borrowed funds in its capital structure. Since theROCE is greater than RNOA, the use of financial leverage is beneficial to stockholders. Specifically, the after cost of debt is 4% and the financial leverage (NFO/Equity) is $675,000 / $1,125,000 = 60%. Therefore,ROCE = RNOA + LEV x Spread = 10.25% + 0.60 x (10.25% - 4%) = 14%, as before. The favorable effect of financial leverage is given by the term [0.60 x (10.25% - 4%)] = 3.75%.1. c2. a3. cExercise 8-8 (20 minutes)(Assessments of profit margin and asset turnover are relative to industry norms.)a. Higher profit margin and lower asset turnover.b. Higher asset turnover and lower profit margin.c. Higher profit margin and similar/lower asset turnover.d. Higher asset turnover and similar/lower profit margin.e. Higher asset turnover and lower/similar profit margin.f. Higher asset turnover and similar/higher profit margin.g. Higher asset turnover and lower profit margin.Exercise 8-9 (20 minutes)The memorandum to Reliable Auto Sales President would include the following points:•Both Reliable and Legend Auto Sales are perpetually investing $100,000 in automobile inventory.•Legend Auto Sales is able to generate more profit than Reliable because it is turning over its inventory (10 cars) more often. Specifically, Legend is turning its inventory over 10 times per year while Reliable is turning its inventory over only 5 times per year. Hence, given the same investment in automobile inventory, Legend is twice as profitable as Reliable.•Encourage Reliable to sacrifice some return on each sale to increase the inventory turnover. By slightly reducing price, relative to that charged by Legend, Reliable predictably will find that overall profitability increases. This is because while profit per sale declines, the number of units sold and, therefore, inventory turnover will increase. These factors predictably yield increased return on assets.Computation of Asset (PP&E) Turnover [computed as Sales / PP&E (net)]: Northern: $12,000 / $20,000 = 0.60Southern: $6,000 / $20,000 = 0.30This implies that Northern generates $0.60 in sales per year for each $1 investment in PP&E. In contrast, Southern generates $0.30 in sales per year for each $1 investment in PP&E. This shows that Northern is able to generate twice the return for each $1 invested in PP&E. Assuming equal profit margins, Northern will report a higher return on assets because of the volume of sales that the company is able to generate with its investment in PP&E (at least in the short run).Exercise 8-11 (15 minutes)Low volume operations mean that fixed costs, which in the case of automakers are substantial, must be absorbed by a low number of units produced. Since the lower of cost or market rule implies that inventory cannot be priced higher than expected sales price less costs of disposal plus a normal profit margin, much of that excess cost must be charged to the period incurred. In this case, that means the fourth quarter financial statements absorb much of this cost. This is probably the most likely accounting-based reason for the fourth quarter losses described in the news release.Problem 8-1 (30 minutes)a. 1. Quaker Oats does not reveal its computation of this return. Accordingly, wemake some simple computations and assumptions: (i) For simplicity, focus on one share, (ii) The dividend is $1.56 for Year 11, (iii) The average stock price is $55 and the price increase for Year 11 is $14—based on the beginning price of $48 and the ending price of $62. Using this information, we compute return to a share of stock as follows:= [Dividend per share + Price increase per share] / Average price per share = [$1.56 + $14] / $55= 28.3%However, if we use the beginning price of $48 per share, we get closer to the company's 34% return:= [$1.56 + $14] / $48= 32.4%2. The return on common equity is based on the relation between net incomeand the book value of the equity capital. In contrast, Quaker Oats’ “return t o shareholders” uses dividends plus market value change in relation to the market price per share (cost of investment to shareholders.)b. The company must have derived the 3.6% from price, market, and otherfactors that are not disclosed. Conceptually, this 3.6% should reflect the added risk of an investment in Quaker Oats’ stock vis-à-vis a risk-free security such as a U.S. Treasury bond.c. Quaker does not reveal its computations. It may disclose a variety of interestrates on long-term debt that it carries in the notes to financial statements.Based on data available to it, but not to the financial statement reader, it probably computed a weighted-average interest rate from which it deducted the tax benefit in arriving at the 6.4% cost of debt.a. Computation of Return on Invested Capital Measures:As a first step, we construct the company’s income statement.Sales (500,000 units @ $10). ................................................ $5,000,000 Fixed costs ....................................................................... 1,500,000 Variable costs (500,000 units @ $4). ............................. 2,000,000 Labor costs (20 employees x $35,000). ......................... 700,000 Income before taxes .......................................................... 800,000 Taxes (50% rate) ................................................................. 400,000 Net income .......................................................................... $ 400,000(1) RNOA = [$400,000 + ($2,000,000 x 7.5%)(1-0.50)] / ($8,000,000-$2,00,000)= $475,000 / $6,000,000 = 7.92%(2) ROCE = [$400,000 - ($1,000,000 x 6%)] / $3,000,000 = 11.33%Fixed costs ($1,500,000 x 1.06) ......................................................... 1,590,000 Variable costs ($550,000 units @ $4) .............................................. 2,200,000 Income before labor costs and taxes ............................................. $1,710,000 To obtain a 10% return on long-term debt and equity capital, Zear will need a numerator of $600,000 given an invested capital base of $6,000,000. The required operating income to yield this $600,000 amount is computed as: Net income + Interest expense x (1 - 0.50) = $600,000Net income + ($2,000,000 x 7.5%) x (1-0.50) = $600,000Net income = $525,000Assuming taxes at a 50% rate, Zear needs pre-tax income of $1,050,000, computed as:Income before labor and taxes ............ $1,710,000Labor costs ........................................... ?Pre-tax income ...................................... $1,050,000This implies:Labor costs = $660,000 orAverage wage per worker = $660,000 / 22 employees = $30,000 per employee Since the current salary level is $35,000, Zear cannot achieve its target return level and give a salary raise to its employees.(CFA Adapted)a. ROCE = $1,650 / $3,860 = 42.7%b. NOPAT = ($2,550 + $10) x (1-0.35) = $1,664NOA = $7,250-$3,290 = $3,960RNOA (using year-end NOA balance) = $1,664 / $3,960 = 42%The effect of financial leverage, thus, is only 0.7% as NFO/NFE are insignificant. Most of Merck’s ROCE in this year is derived from operating results.Pre-tax income to sales 0.36Net income to sales 0.23Sales/current assets 1.47Sales / fixed assets 2.97Sales / total assets 0.98Total liabilities / equity 0.88L-T liabilities / equity 0.03a. 1. RNOA = NOPATAvg. NOANOPAT = [$186,000 + $2,000 - $120,000 - $37,000 + $1,000] x 50% = $16,000 Note: we include income from equity investments under the assumptions that these are operating rather than financial investments. We also include the cumulative effect as operating in the absence of information to the contrary. Minority interest and discontinued operations are nonoperating (minority interest is therefore, treated as equity in the ROCE computation).NOA Year 6 = $138,000 - $29,000 - $7000 - $3,600 = $98,400 NOA Year 5 = $105,000 - $23,000 - $2,000 - $2,000 = $78,000RNOA = $16,000 / ([$98,400 + $78,000]/2) = 18.14%2. ROCE = Net income - Preferred dividendsAverage common equityROCE = ($10,000 –$0) /[($55,400* + $47,800*)/2] = 19.38% *Note: minority interest is treated as equity. If Minority interest is ignored, the ROCE is 19.8%b. NFO = NOA - EquityYear 6: $43,000; Year 5: $30,200LEV = Avg. NFO / Ave Equity = ([$43,000 + $30,200] / 2) / ([$55,400* + $47,800*] /2)= 0.71NFE = NOPAT – Net incomeYear 6: $6,000NFR = NFE / Avg. NFO = $6,000 / ([$43,000 + $30,200] / 2) = 16.4%Spread = RNOA – NFR = 18.14% - 16.4% = 1.74%ROCE = RNOA + LEV x Spread = 18.14 + 0.71 x 1.74% = 19.38%94% (18.14%/19.38%) of Zeta’s ROCE is derived for m operating activities. The company is effectively using leverage, however, as indicated by the positive spread, but the leverage does not contribute significantly to Zeta’s return on equity and may not be worth the added risk.a. ROCE = [Net income –preferred dividends] / stockholders’ equity**end of year in this problemROCE Year 5: [$14 – $0] / $125 = 11.2%ROCE Year 9: [$34 - $0] / $220 = 15.5%RNOA Year 5 = ($35 x 0.50) / ($52 + $123) = 10.0%RNOA Year 9 = ($68 x 0.50) / ($63 + $157) = 15.5%ROCE = RNOA + Leverage x SpreadYear 5: 10.0% + 1.2% = 11.2%Year 9: 15.5% + 0 = 15.5%b. Texas Talcom’s ROCE has increased form years 5 to 9. The source is thisincrease, however, has been an increase in RNOA as the leverage effect is zero in Year 9 since its long-term debt has been retired. Given the RNOA increase, additional leverage might be explored as a way to increase shareholder returns.Selling price per unit ...................... $6.00 $5.00 $50.00 $50.00 Unit cost ........................................... $5.00 $4.00 $32.50 $30.00Analysis of Variation in Product A SalesIncreased quantity at Yr 6 prices (3,000 x $5) ........................ $ 15,000 Price increase at Yr 6 quantity (7,000 x $1) ........................... 7,000 Quantity increase x price increase (3,000 x $1) .................... 3,000 Analysis of Variation in Product A Cost of SalesIncreased quantity at Yr 6 cost (3,000 x $4) ........................... (12,000) Increased cost at Yr 6 quantity (7,000 x $1) ........................... (7,000) Cost increase x quantity increase (3,000 x $1) ...................... (3,000) Net Variation (Increase) in Gross Margin for Product A ............. $ 3,000Analysis of Variation in Product B SalesDecreased quantity at Yr 6 prices (300 x $50) ....................... $ (15,000) Analysis of Variation in Product B Cost of Sales:Decreased quantity at Yr 6 cost (300 x $30) .......................... 9,000 Increased cost at Yr 6 quantity (900 x $2.50) ......................... (2,250) Cost increase x quantity decrease (300 x $2.50) . (750)Net Variation (Decrease) in Gross Margin for Product B ............ $ (7,500)Summary of Net Variation in Margins for Products A and BNet increase from product A ......................................................... $ 3,000 Net decrease from product B ........................................................ (7,500) Net Decrease in Gross Margin ...................................................... $ (4,500)a.SPYRES MANUFACTURING COMPANYComparative Common-Size Income StatementsYear Ended December 31 IncreaseYear 9 Year 8(Decrease)Net sales ............................. 100.0% 100.0% 20.0% Cost of goods sold ............ 81.7 86.0 14.0 Gross margin on sales ...... 18.3 14.0 57.1 Operating expenses .......... 16.8 10.2 98.0 Income before taxes .......... 1.5 3.8 (52.6) Income taxes ...................... 0.4 1.0 (52.0) Net income ......................... 1.1 2.8 (52.9)b. Performance in Year 9 is poor when compared with Year 8. One bright spot isthe percentage of Cost of Goods Sold to Sales, which decreased in Year 9.However, Operating Expenses climbed sharply. This sharp climb in operating expenses is unexpected since there is usually a larger fixed cost component comprising these costs compared with that for Cost of Goods Sold.Management should further check operating expenses. If operating expenses had remained at the Year 8 level of 10.2%, income would have been up favorably for Year 9. Operating expenses may have included a future-directed component such as advertising or training costs. Also, management would want to follow up on the change in gross margin. The sharp improvement in gross margin may have been due to factors such as the liquidation LIFO inventory layers or, alternatively, to something more fundamental with the activities of the firm.。

Chapter 8Return On Invested Capital And Profitability AnalysisReturn on invested capital is important in our analysis of financial statements. Financial statement analysis involves our assessing both risk and return. The prior three chapters focused primarily on risk, whereas this chapter extends our analysis to return. Return on invested capital refers to a company's earnings relative to both the level and source of financing. It is a measure of a company's success in using financing to generate profits, and is an excellent measure of operating performance. This chapter describes return on invested capital and its relevance to financial statement analysis. We also explain variations in measurement of return on invested capital and their interpretation. We also disaggregate return on invested capital into important components for additional insights into company performance. The role of financial leverage and its importance for returns analysis is examined. This chapter demonstrates each of these analysis techniques using financial statement data.•Importance of Return on Invested CapitalMeasuring Managerial EffectivenessMeasuring ProfitabilityMeasuring for Planning and Control •Components of Return on Invested CapitalDefining Invested CapitalAdjustments to Invested Capital and IncomeComputing Return on Invested Capital•Analyzing Return on Net Operating AssetsDisaggregating Return on Net Operating AssetsRelation between Profit Margin and Asset TurnoverProfit Margin AnalysisAsset Turnover Analysis•Analyzing Return on Common EquityDisaggregating Return on Common EquityFinancial Leverage and Return on Common EquityAssessing Growth in Common Equity•Describe the usefulness of return measures in financial statement analysis. •Explain return on invested capital and variations in its computation.•Analyze return on net operating assets and its relevance in our analysis. •Describe disaggregation of return on net operating assets and the importance of its components.•Describe the relation between profit margin and turnover.•Analyze return on common shareholders' equity and its role in our analysis. •Describe disaggregation of return on common shareholders' equity and the relevance of its components.•Explain financial leverage and how to assess a company's success in trading on the equity across financing sources.1. The return that is achieved in any one period on the invested capital of a companyconsists of the returns (and losses) realized by its various segments and divisions. In turn, these returns are made up of the results achieved by individual product lines and projects. A well-managed company exercises rigorous control over the returns achieved by each of its profit centers, and it rewards the managers on the basis of such results. Specifically, when evaluating new investments in assets or projects, management will compute the estimated returns it expects to achieve and use these estimates as a basis for its decision to invest or not.2. Profit generation is the first and foremost purpose of a company. The effectiveness ofoperating performance determines the ability of the company to survive financially, to attract suppliers of funds, and to reward them adequately. Return on invested capital is the prime measure of company performance. The analyst uses it as an indicator of managerial effectiveness, and/or a measure of the company's ability to earn a satisfactory return on investment.3. If the investment base is defined as comprising net operating assets, then netoperating profit (e.g., before interest) after tax (NOPAT) is the relevant income figure to use. The exclusion of interest from income deductions is due to its being regarded asa payment for the use of money from the suppliers of debt capital (in the same waythat dividends are regarded as a payment to suppliers of equity capital). NOPAT is the appropriate amount to measure against net operating assets as both are considered to be operating.4. First, the motivation for excluding nonproductive assets from invested capital isbased on the idea that management is not responsible for earning a return on non-operating invested capital. Second, the exclusion of intangible assets from the investment base is often due to skepticism regarding their value or their contribution to the earning power of the company. Under GAAP, intangibles are carried at cost.However, if their cost exceeds their future utility, they are written down (or there will be an uncertainty exception regarding their carrying value in the auditor's opinion).The exclusion of intangible assets from the asset base must be based on more substantial evidence than a mere lack of understanding of what these assets represent or an unsupported suspicion regarding their value. This implies that intangible assets should generally not be excluded from invested capital.5. The basic formula for computing the return on investment is net income divided bytotal invested capital. Whenever we modify the definition of the investment base by, say, omitting certain items (liabilities, idle assets, intangibles, etc.) we must also adjust the corresponding income figure to make it consistent with the modified asset base.6. The relation of net income to sales is a measure of operating performance (profitmargin). The relation of sales to total assets is a measure of asset utilization or turnover—a means of determining how effectively (in terms of sales generation) the assets are utilized. Both of these measures, profit margin as well as asset utilization,determine the return realized on a given investment base. Sales are an important factor in both of these performance measures.7. Profit margin, although important, is only one aspect of the return on invested capital.The other is asset turnover. Consequently, while Company B's profit margin is high, its asset turnover may have been sufficiently depressed so as to drag down the overall return on invested capital, leading to the shareholder's complaint.8. The asset turnover of Company X is 3. The profit margin of Company Y is 0.5%. Sinceboth companies are in the same industry, it is clear that Company X must concentrate on improving its asset turnover. On the other hand, Company Y must concentrate on improving its profit margin. More specific strategies depend on the product and industry.9. The sales to total assets (asset turnover) component of the return on invested capitalmeasure reflects the overall rate of asset utilization. It does not reflect the rate of utilization of individual asset categories that enter into the overall asset turnover. To better evaluate the reasons for the level of asset turnover or the reasons for changes in that level, it is helpful to compute the rate of individual asset turnovers that make up the overall turnover rate.10. The evaluation of return on invested capital involves many factors. Theinclusion/exclusion of extraordinary gains and losses, the use/nonuse of trends, the effect of acquisitions accounted for as poolings and their chance of recurrence, the effect of discontinued operations, and the possibility of averaging net income are justa few of many such factors. Moreover, the analyst must take into account the effectsof price-level changes on return calculations. It also is important that the analyst bear in mind that return on invested capital is most commonly based on book values from financial statements rather than on market values. And finally, many assets either do not appear in the financial statements or are significantly understated. Examples of such assets are intangibles such as patents, trademarks, research and development activities, advertising and training, and intellectual capital.11. The equity growth rate is calculated as follows:[Net income – Preferred dividends – Common dividend payout] / Average common equity.This is the growth rate due to the retention of earnings and assumes a constant dividend payout over time. It indicates the possibilities of earnings growth without resort to external financing. The resulting increase in equity can be expected to earn the rate of return that the company earns on its assets and, thus, further contribute to growth in earnings.12. a. The return on net operating assets and the return on common stockholders' equitydiffer by the capital investment base (and its corresponding effects on net income).RNOA reflects the return on the net operating assets of the company whereas ROCE reflects the perspective of common shareholders.b. ROCE can be disaggregated into the following components to facilitate analysis:ROCE = RNOA + Leverage x Spread. RNOA measures the return on net operating assets, a measure of operating performance. The second component (Leverage x Spread) measures the effects of financial leverage. ROCE is increased by adding financial leverage so long as RNOA>weighted average cost of capital. That is, if the firm can earn a return on operating assets that is greater than the cost of the capital used to finance the purchase of those assets, then shareholders are better off adding debt to increase operating assets.13. a. ROCE can be disaggregated as follows:equitycommon Av erage Sales Sales div idends Preferred - income Net ⨯ This shows that “equity turnover” (sales to average common equity) is one of the two components of the return on common shareholders' equity. Assuming a stable profit margin, the equity turnover can be used to determine the level and trend of ROCE. Specifically, an increase in equity turnover will produce an increase in ROCE if the profit margin is stable or declines less than the increase in equity turnover. For example, a common objective of discount stores is to lower prices by lowering profit margins, but to offset this by increasing equity turnover by more than the decrease in profit margin.b. Equity turnover can be rewritten as follows:equitycommon Av erage assets operating Net assets operating Net Sales ⨯ The first factor reflects how well net operating assets are being utilized. If the ratio is increasing, this can signal either a technological advantage or under-capacity and the need for expansion. The second factor reflects the use of leverage. Leverage will be higher for those firms that have financed more of their assets through debt. By considering these factors that comprise equity turnover, it is apparent that EPS cannot grow indefinitely from an increase in these factors. This is because these factors cannot grow indefinitely. Even if there is a technological advantage in production, the sales to net operating assets ratio cannot increase indefinitely. This is because sooner or later the firm must expand its net operating asset base to meet rising sales or else not meet sales and lose a share of the market. Also, financing new assets with debt can increase the net operating assets to common equity ratio. However, this can only be pursued to a point —at which time the equity base must expand (which decreases the ratio).14. When convertible debt sells at a substantial premium above par and is clearly held byinvestors for its conversion feature, there is justification for treating it as the equivalent of equity capital. This is particularly true when the company can choose at any time to force conversion of the debt by calling it in.Exercise 8-1 (35 minutes)a. First alternative:NOPAT = $6,000,000 * 10% = $600,000Net income = $600,000 – [$1,000,000*12%](1-.40) = $528,000Second alternative:NOPAT = $6,000,000 * 10% = $600,000Net income = $600,000 – [$2,000,000*12%](1-.40) = $456,000b. First alternative:ROCE = $528,000 / $5,000,000 = 10.56%Second alternative:ROCE = $456,000 / $4,000,000 = 11.40%c. First alternative:Assets-to-Equity = $6,000,000 / $5,000,000 = 1.2Second alternative:Assets-to-Equity = $6,000,000 / $4,000,000 = 1.5d. First, let’s compute return on assets (R NOA):First alternative: $600,000 / $6,000,000 = 10%Second alternative: $600,000 / $6,000,000 = 10%Second, notice that the interest rate is 12% on the debt (bonds). More importantly, the after-tax interest rate is 7.2% (12% x (1-0.40)), which is less than RNOA. Hence, the company earns more on its assets than it pays for debt on an after-tax basis. That is, it can successfully trade on the equity—use bondholders’ funds to earn additional profits.Finally, since the second alternative uses more debt, as reflected in the assets-to-equity ratio in c, the second alternative is probably preferred. The shareholders would take on additional risk with the second alternative, but the expected returns are greater as evidenced from computations in b.Exercise 8-2 (40 minutes)a. NOPAT = Net income = $10,000,000 x 10% = $1,000,000b. First alternative:NOPAT = $1,000,000 + $6,000,000*10% = $1,600,000Net income = $1,600,000 – ($2,000,000 ⨯ 5% x [1-.40]) = $1,540,000Second alternative:NOPAT = $1,000,000 + $6,000,000*10% = $1,600,000Net income = $1,600,000 – ($6,000,000 ⨯ 6% x [1-.40]) = $1,384,000c. First alternative: ROCE = $1,540,000 / ($10,000,000 + $4,000,000) = 11%Second alternative: ROCE = $1,384,000 / ($10,000,000 + $0) = 13.84%d. ROCE is higher under the second alternative due to successful use ofleverage—that is, successfully trading on the equity. [Note: Asset-to-Equity is1.14=$16 mil./$14 mil. (1.60=$16 mil./$10 mil.) under the first (second)alternative.] The company should pursue the second alternative in the interest of shareholders (assuming projected returns are consistent with current performance levels).a. RNOA = 2 x 5% = 10%b. ROCE = 10% + 1.786 x 4.4% = 17.86%c. RNOA 10.00%Leverage advantage 7.86%Return on equity 17.86%Exercise 8-4 (30 minutes)a. Computation and Interpretation of ROCE:Year 5 Year 9Pre-tax profit margin .......................................................... 0.112 0.109 Asset turnover .................................................................... 0.46 0.44 Assets-to-equity ................................................................. 3.25 3.40 After-tax income retention * .............................................. 0.570 0.556 ROCE (product of above) .................................................. 9.54% 9.07% * 1-Tax rate.ROCE declines from Year 5 to Year 9 because: (1) pre-tax margin decreases by approximately 3%, (2) asset turnover declines by roughly 4.3%, and (3) the tax rate increases by about 3.8%. The combination of these factors drives the decline in ROCE—this is despite the slight improvement in the assets-to-equity ratio.b. The main reason EPS increases is that shareholders had a large amount ofassets and equity working for them. Namely, the company grew while return on assets and return on equity remained fairly stable. In addition, the amount of preferred stock declined, as did the amount of preferred dividends. With this decline in the cost of carrying preferred stock, earnings available to common stock increased.(CFA Adapted)a. RNOA = 3 x 7% = 21%b. ROCE = RNOA + LEV x Spread = 21% + (1.667 x 8.4%) = 35%c. Net leverage advantage to common equityReturn on net operating assets .................................. 21%Leverage advantage .................................................... 14%Return on common equity (rounding difference) ..... 35%Exercise 8-6 (30 minutes)a. At the present level of debt, ROCE = $157,500 / $1,125,000 = 14%.In the absence of leverage, the noncurrent liabilities would be substituted with equity. Accordingly, there would be no interest expense with all-equityROCE without leverage = $184,500 / $1,800,000 = 10.25%.14% with leverage but only 10.25% without leverage.b. NOPAT = $157,500 + [$675,000 x 8% x (1-.50)] = $184,500RNOA = $184,500 / ($2,000,000-$200,000) = 10.25%c. The company is utilizing borrowed funds in its capital structure. Since theROCE is greater than RNOA, the use of financial leverage is beneficial to stockholders. Specifically, the after cost of debt is 4% and the financial leverage (NFO/Equity) is $675,000 / $1,125,000 = 60%. Therefore,ROCE = RNOA + LEV x Spread = 10.25% + 0.60 x (10.25% - 4%) = 14%, as before. The favorable effect of financial leverage is given by the term [0.60 x (10.25% - 4%)] = 3.75%.1. c2. a3. cExercise 8-8 (20 minutes)(Assessments of profit margin and asset turnover are relative to industry norms.)a. Higher profit margin and lower asset turnover.b. Higher asset turnover and lower profit margin.c. Higher profit margin and similar/lower asset turnover.d. Higher asset turnover and similar/lower profit margin.e. Higher asset turnover and lower/similar profit margin.f. Higher asset turnover and similar/higher profit margin.g. Higher asset turnover and lower profit margin.Exercise 8-9 (20 minutes)The memorandum to Reliable Auto Sales President would include the following points:•Both Reliable and Legend Auto Sales are perpetually investing $100,000 in automobile inventory.•Legend Auto Sales is able to generate more profit than Reliable because it is turning over its inventory (10 cars) more often. Specifically, Legend is turning its inventory over 10 times per year while Reliable is turning its inventory over only 5 times per year. Hence, given the same investment in automobile inventory, Legend is twice as profitable as Reliable.•Encourage Reliable to sacrifice some return on each sale to increase the inventory turnover. By slightly reducing price, relative to that charged by Legend, Reliable predictably will find that overall profitability increases. This is because while profit per sale declines, the number of units sold and, therefore, inventory turnover will increase. These factors predictably yield increased return on assets.Computation of Asset (PP&E) Turnover [computed as Sales / PP&E (net)]: Northern: $12,000 / $20,000 = 0.60Southern: $6,000 / $20,000 = 0.30This implies that Northern generates $0.60 in sales per year for each $1 investment in PP&E. In contrast, Southern generates $0.30 in sales per year for each $1 investment in PP&E. This shows that Northern is able to generate twice the return for each $1 invested in PP&E. Assuming equal profit margins, Northern will report a higher return on assets because of the volume of sales that the company is able to generate with its investment in PP&E (at least in the short run).Exercise 8-11 (15 minutes)Low volume operations mean that fixed costs, which in the case of automakers are substantial, must be absorbed by a low number of units produced. Since the lower of cost or market rule implies that inventory cannot be priced higher than expected sales price less costs of disposal plus a normal profit margin, much of that excess cost must be charged to the period incurred. In this case, that means the fourth quarter financial statements absorb much of this cost. This is probably the most likely accounting-based reason for the fourth quarter losses described in the news release.Problem 8-1 (30 minutes)a. 1. Quaker Oats does not reveal its computation of this return. Accordingly, wemake some simple computations and assumptions: (i) For simplicity, focus on one share, (ii) The dividend is $1.56 for Year 11, (iii) The average stock price is $55 and the price increase for Year 11 is $14—based on the beginning price of $48 and the ending price of $62. Using this information, we compute return to a share of stock as follows:= [Dividend per share + Price increase per share] / Average price per share = [$1.56 + $14] / $55= 28.3%However, if we use the beginning price of $48 per share, we get closer to the company's 34% return:= [$1.56 + $14] / $48= 32.4%2. The return on common equity is based on the relation between net incomeand the book value of the equity capital. In contrast, Quaker Oats’ “return t o shareholders” uses dividends plus market value change in relation to the market price per share (cost of investment to shareholders.)b. The company must have derived the 3.6% from price, market, and otherfactors that are not disclosed. Conceptually, this 3.6% should reflect the added risk of an investment in Quaker Oats’ stock vis-à-vis a risk-free security such as a U.S. Treasury bond.c. Quaker does not reveal its computations. It may disclose a variety of interestrates on long-term debt that it carries in the notes to financial statements.Based on data available to it, but not to the financial statement reader, it probably computed a weighted-average interest rate from which it deducted the tax benefit in arriving at the 6.4% cost of debt.a. Computation of Return on Invested Capital Measures:As a first step, we construct the company’s income statement.Sales (500,000 units @ $10). ................................................ $5,000,000 Fixed costs ....................................................................... 1,500,000 Variable costs (500,000 units @ $4). ............................. 2,000,000 Labor costs (20 employees x $35,000). ......................... 700,000 Income before taxes .......................................................... 800,000 Taxes (50% rate) ................................................................. 400,000 Net income .......................................................................... $ 400,000(1) RNOA = [$400,000 + ($2,000,000 x 7.5%)(1-0.50)] / ($8,000,000-$2,00,000)= $475,000 / $6,000,000 = 7.92%(2) ROCE = [$400,000 - ($1,000,000 x 6%)] / $3,000,000 = 11.33%Fixed costs ($1,500,000 x 1.06) ......................................................... 1,590,000 Variable costs ($550,000 units @ $4) .............................................. 2,200,000 Income before labor costs and taxes ............................................. $1,710,000 To obtain a 10% return on long-term debt and equity capital, Zear will need a numerator of $600,000 given an invested capital base of $6,000,000. The required operating income to yield this $600,000 amount is computed as: Net income + Interest expense x (1 - 0.50) = $600,000Net income + ($2,000,000 x 7.5%) x (1-0.50) = $600,000Net income = $525,000Assuming taxes at a 50% rate, Zear needs pre-tax income of $1,050,000, computed as:Income before labor and taxes ............ $1,710,000Labor costs ........................................... ?Pre-tax income ...................................... $1,050,000This implies:Labor costs = $660,000 orAverage wage per worker = $660,000 / 22 employees = $30,000 per employee Since the current salary level is $35,000, Zear cannot achieve its target return level and give a salary raise to its employees.(CFA Adapted)a. ROCE = $1,650 / $3,860 = 42.7%b. NOPAT = ($2,550 + $10) x (1-0.35) = $1,664NOA = $7,250-$3,290 = $3,960RNOA (using year-end NOA balance) = $1,664 / $3,960 = 42%The effect of financial leverage, thus, is only 0.7% as NFO/NFE are insignificant. Most of Merck’s ROCE in this year is derived from operating results.Pre-tax income to sales 0.36Net income to sales 0.23Sales/current assets 1.47Sales / fixed assets 2.97Sales / total assets 0.98Total liabilities / equity 0.88L-T liabilities / equity 0.03a. 1. RNOA = NOPATAvg. NOANOPAT = [$186,000 + $2,000 - $120,000 - $37,000 + $1,000] x 50% = $16,000 Note: we include income from equity investments under the assumptions that these are operating rather than financial investments. We also include the cumulative effect as operating in the absence of information to the contrary. Minority interest and discontinued operations are nonoperating (minority interest is therefore, treated as equity in the ROCE computation).NOA Year 6 = $138,000 - $29,000 - $7000 - $3,600 = $98,400 NOA Year 5 = $105,000 - $23,000 - $2,000 - $2,000 = $78,000RNOA = $16,000 / ([$98,400 + $78,000]/2) = 18.14%2. ROCE = Net income - Preferred dividendsAverage common equityROCE = ($10,000 –$0) /[($55,400* + $47,800*)/2] = 19.38% *Note: minority interest is treated as equity. If Minority interest is ignored, the ROCE is 19.8%b. NFO = NOA - EquityYear 6: $43,000; Year 5: $30,200LEV = Avg. NFO / Ave Equity = ([$43,000 + $30,200] / 2) / ([$55,400* + $47,800*] /2)= 0.71NFE = NOPAT – Net incomeYear 6: $6,000NFR = NFE / Avg. NFO = $6,000 / ([$43,000 + $30,200] / 2) = 16.4%Spread = RNOA – NFR = 18.14% - 16.4% = 1.74%ROCE = RNOA + LEV x Spread = 18.14 + 0.71 x 1.74% = 19.38%94% (18.14%/19.38%) of Zeta’s ROCE is derived for m operating activities. The company is effectively using leverage, however, as indicated by the positive spread, but the leverage does not contribute significantly to Zeta’s return on equity and may not be worth the added risk.a. ROCE = [Net income –preferred dividends] / stockholders’ equity**end of year in this problemROCE Year 5: [$14 – $0] / $125 = 11.2%ROCE Year 9: [$34 - $0] / $220 = 15.5%RNOA Year 5 = ($35 x 0.50) / ($52 + $123) = 10.0%RNOA Year 9 = ($68 x 0.50) / ($63 + $157) = 15.5%ROCE = RNOA + Leverage x SpreadYear 5: 10.0% + 1.2% = 11.2%Year 9: 15.5% + 0 = 15.5%b. Texas Talcom’s ROCE has increased form years 5 to 9. The source is thisincrease, however, has been an increase in RNOA as the leverage effect is zero in Year 9 since its long-term debt has been retired. Given the RNOA increase, additional leverage might be explored as a way to increase shareholder returns.Selling price per unit ...................... $6.00 $5.00 $50.00 $50.00 Unit cost ........................................... $5.00 $4.00 $32.50 $30.00Analysis of Variation in Product A SalesIncreased quantity at Yr 6 prices (3,000 x $5) ........................ $ 15,000 Price increase at Yr 6 quantity (7,000 x $1) ........................... 7,000 Quantity increase x price increase (3,000 x $1) .................... 3,000 Analysis of Variation in Product A Cost of SalesIncreased quantity at Yr 6 cost (3,000 x $4) ........................... (12,000) Increased cost at Yr 6 quantity (7,000 x $1) ........................... (7,000) Cost increase x quantity increase (3,000 x $1) ...................... (3,000) Net Variation (Increase) in Gross Margin for Product A ............. $ 3,000Analysis of Variation in Product B SalesDecreased quantity at Yr 6 prices (300 x $50) ....................... $ (15,000) Analysis of Variation in Product B Cost of Sales:Decreased quantity at Yr 6 cost (300 x $30) .......................... 9,000 Increased cost at Yr 6 quantity (900 x $2.50) ......................... (2,250) Cost increase x quantity decrease (300 x $2.50) . (750)Net Variation (Decrease) in Gross Margin for Product B ............ $ (7,500)Summary of Net Variation in Margins for Products A and BNet increase from product A ......................................................... $ 3,000 Net decrease from product B ........................................................ (7,500) Net Decrease in Gross Margin ...................................................... $ (4,500)a.SPYRES MANUFACTURING COMPANYComparative Common-Size Income StatementsYear Ended December 31 IncreaseYear 9 Year 8(Decrease)Net sales ............................. 100.0% 100.0% 20.0% Cost of goods sold ............ 81.7 86.0 14.0 Gross margin on sales ...... 18.3 14.0 57.1 Operating expenses .......... 16.8 10.2 98.0 Income before taxes .......... 1.5 3.8 (52.6) Income taxes ...................... 0.4 1.0 (52.0) Net income ......................... 1.1 2.8 (52.9)b. Performance in Year 9 is poor when compared with Year 8. One bright spot isthe percentage of Cost of Goods Sold to Sales, which decreased in Year 9.However, Operating Expenses climbed sharply. This sharp climb in operating expenses is unexpected since there is usually a larger fixed cost component comprising these costs compared with that for Cost of Goods Sold.Management should further check operating expenses. If operating expenses had remained at the Year 8 level of 10.2%, income would have been up favorably for Year 9. Operating expenses may have included a future-directed component such as advertising or training costs. Also, management would want to follow up on the change in gross margin. The sharp improvement in gross margin may have been due to factors such as the liquidation LIFO inventory layers or, alternatively, to something more fundamental with the activities of the firm.。

答案: 股份变动及股东情况; 公司治理; 经营情况讨论与分析; 财务报告2.财务报表包括以下哪些内容()。
答案: 判断所有者的资本保值增值情况; 分析资产的结构; 分析债务的期限结构和数量第三章1.利润表的三大要素包括哪些?答案:费用;收入;利润2.下列公式计算正确的是()。




答案:原材料2.会计要素中的资产、负债和所有者权益是企业财务状况的( )。
答案:静态反映3.会计要素中的收入、费用和利润是企业经营成果的( )。
答案:动态反映4.反映企业最终经营成果的会计要素是( )。
答案:资产 ;费用 ;负债7.反映企业财务状况的会计要素包括()。
答案:所有者权益 ;资产8.反映企业经营成果的会计要素包括()。
答案:费用 ;利润9.“收入-费用=利润”等式反映了企业一定期间的经营成果,它是编制资产负债表的基础( )答案:错10.企业过去交易或事项形成的预期会导致经济利益流出企业的义务就是负债。
答案:独资企业;分公司;母公司及其子公司组成的企业集团;销售部门7.根据收付实现制原则,应计入本期的收入和费用有 ( ) 。

(已知FVIF6%,5=1.3382,FVIF6%,10=1.7908, FVIF12%,5=1.7623, FVIF12%,10=3.1058)答案:17908 5.财务管理学研究的对象是财务部门答案:错第四章1.常用的非折现现金流量法包括()答案:平均会计收益率;投资回收期;平均收益率2.某方案的静态回收期是指()答案:累计净现金流量为零的年限3.关于项目投资决策表述中,正确的是()答案:投资回收期主要测定投资方案的流动性4.下列属于项目建设期现金流量的是()答案:固定资产的安装成本5.下列属于项目终结点现金流量的是()答案:垫支营运资本的收回第五章1.下列不属于现金流量分析应考虑的成本是()。
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第一章1.The passive investor assumes the market is efficient and that stocks arecorrectly priced to reflect the risk involved in buying the stock. ()答案:对2.The term financial statement refers to… ()答案:All the answers arecorrect3.Which of the following is false regarding why a SWOT Analysis is used? ( )答案:To reduce opportunities available to a business4.__________ of the profitability of the firm over a period of time such as a year. ( )答案:The income statement is a summary5.Financial statements present a numerical picture of a company’s financialand operating health. ( )答案:对6.Which of the following SWOT elements are external factors for a business?()答案:Opportunities and Threats7.The ________ does not represent continuing operations in any way, but issimply a snapshot of the total worth of a firm at a given point in time. ( )答案:balance sheet8.Cash inflows arise from _____ assets, ________ liabilities, and ___________stockholders’ equity. ( )答案:decreasing; increasing; increasing9.What is a creditor’s objective in performing an analysis of financialstatements? ( )答案:To decide whether or not the borrower has the ability to repay interest and principal on borrowed funds.10.The major device for measuring the profitability of a firm over a definedperiod of time is the ( )答案:income statement.第二章1.The transactions between the two claimants (debtors and shareholders) andthe firm are the firm’s _ activities. ( )答案:Financing2.Free cash flow does not affect common shareholder’s equity. ()答案:对3.The process of comparing various financial factors of a company over aperiod of time is known as ()答案:Intra‐firm comparison4.If an analyst has reformulate balance sheets and income statements, she doesnot need a cash flow statement to calculate free cash flow. ( )答案:对5. A firm generated free cash flow $2,348 million and paid net interest of $23million after tax. It paid a dividend of $14 million and issued shares for $54million. There were no share repurchases. What did the treasurer do with the remaining cash flow and for how much? ()答案:There was $2,365 of cashleft over from the free cash flow and the treasurer used it to buy debt.6.What drives free cash flow? ( )答案:operations7.Reformulated balance sheets inform analysts about the firm’s strategy forrunning the business. ( )答案:对8.Which of the following activities is NOT an investing activity? ()答案:borrowing money9.An operating asset is ( )答案:used to produce goods or services to sell tocustomers in operations.parison of financial statements highlights the trend of the _________ of thebusiness. ( )答案:All the answers are correct第三章1.Low profit margins always imply low return on net operating assets. ()答案:错2.Which the following measure drive return on common equity (ROCE)positively? ()答案:Gross margin3.Under what condition would a firm’s return on common equity (ROCE) beequal to its return on net operating assets (RNOA)? ()答案:The SPREAD is zero, that is, return on net operating assets (RNO4. A reduction in the advertising expense ratio increase return on commonequity? ( )答案:对5. A firm should always purchase inventory and supplies on credit rather thanpaying cash. ()答案:错6. A firm has a return of 11.2 percent on net operating assets of $400 million, ashort term borrowing rate of 4.0 percent after tax and a return on operating assets of 8.5 percent. What is the firm’s operating liability leverage? ()答案:0.600 borrowing cost drive return on common equity (ROCE) negatively. ( )答案:对8.Which of the following would explain an observed decrease in return onequity, all else equal? ()答案:Increase in interest rate on debt9.The following information is from reformulated financial statements (inmillion) what is the firm’s ROCE and RNOA? ( )答案:15.0% and 13.0%10.Under what condition would a firm’s return on net operating assets (RNOA)be equal to its return on operating assets (ROOA)? ( )答案:The operatingliability leverage spread (OLSPREAD) is zero, that is, ROOA equals theimplicit borrowing rate for operating liabilities.第四章1.What measures tells you that a firm is a no-growth firm? ( )答案:A firm haszero or negative residual earnings growth2.Which the following item is part of unusual (transitory) income? ( )答案:Gainon the disposal of property3.Firms can grow earnings, but not create (share) value ()答案:对4.The following number were calculated from the financial statements for afirm for 2012 and 2011:How much of the change in ROCE from 2011 to 2012 is due to financing activities? ()答案:3.37%5.Transitory earnings are current earnings that are likely to be maintained inthe future. ( )答案:错6.Which of the following could cause return on net operating assets to increase,all other things equal? ()答案:Increase in inventory turnover7.Below is selected information from TricorpReturn on net operating assets forYear 1 is: ( )答案:15.4%.8.RE represents extra profit available to the company/shareholders this iswhat drives growth in a company’s (share) value. ()答案:对9.Return on operating assets is a measure of which of the following? ()答案:Efficiency10.Below is selected information from Tricorp company Which of the followingis correct concerning changes at Tricrop from Year 1 to Year 2? ( )答案:RNOA Decreased, ROCE Decreased第五章1. A firm can create future income by temporarily increasing its bad debtallowance. ()答案:对2.Which of the following item are managed to increase gross revenue? ()答案:Increase receivables3.Increasing profit margins by underestimating expenses creates net operatingassets. ( )答案:对4.Why do analysts compare cash flow from operations with earnings to assessthe quality of the earnings? ()答案:The difference between earnings andcash flow from operations is explained by the accruals, and the accruals aret he “soft” part of earnings that can be manipulated.5. A decrease in warranty liabilities increases net sales. ( )答案:错6.IBM reported a 3 percent increase in income for its first quarter of 2000,beating analysts’ estimates. But it also reported a decline in revenue. Its stock price dropped in response to the report. Which of the following statement isincorrect for the drop in stock price on an earnings increase? ()答案:Theasset turnover is expected to increase.7.Low depreciation charges forecast losses in future income statements. ( )答案:对8.Which of the following is least likely to be associated with low-qualityearnings? ()答案:Decrease in borrowings.9.Accounting quality analysis is not part of the wider analysis of sustainableearnings. ()答案:错10.Which of the following is not an indicator of accounting Manipulation? ()答案:Loss on sale of discontinued business segments第六章1.If the intrinsic value of a stock is greater than its market value, which of thefollowing is a reasonable conclusion? ( )答案:The market is undervaluing thestock.2.The _______ is defined as the present value of all cash proceeds to the investorin the stock. ( )答案:intrinsic value3.FCF and DDM valuations should be ____________ if the assumptions used areconsistent. ( )答案:similar for all firms4.Because the DDM requires multiple estimates, investors should ( )答案:carefully examine inputs to the model and perform sensitivity analysis onprice estimates.5. A preferred stock will pay a dividend of $2.75 in the upcoming year, andevery year thereafter, i.e., dividends are not expected to grow. You require areturn of 10% on this stock. Use the constant growth DDM to calculate theintrinsic value of this preferred stock. ( )答案:$27.506.At the end of 2012, you forecast that a firm’s free cash flow for 2013 will be$430 million. If you forecast that free cash flow will grow at 5% per yearthereafter, what is the enterprise value? Use a required return of 10 percent.( )答案:8,600millionpany X has negative free cash flow but strong earnings that yield areturn on equity of 27 percent. Which of the following statements is morelikely to be true? ( )答案:the company is investing heavily8.At the end of 2012, you forecast the following cash flows (in millions) for afirm with net debt of $759 million: You forecast that free cash flow will growat a rate of 4% per year after 2015. Use a required return of 10% to calculateboth the fir ms’ enterprise value and the value of the equity at the end of 2012?( )答案:7,900million, 7,141 million9.Value is based on expected dividends, but forecasting dividends is notrelevant to value as a practical matter. ()答案:对10. A firm that has higher free cash flow have a higher value? ()答案:错第七章1.The following are earnings and dividend forecasts made at the end of 2012for a firm with $20.00 book value per common share at that time. The firmhas a required equity return of 10% per year. Forecast return of commonequity and residual earnings for the year of 2015. ()答案:ROCE is 15.71%and RE is 1.492. A firm cannot maintain a ROCE less than required return and stay in businessindefinitely. ()答案:错rmation indicates that a firm will earn a return on common equity aboveits cost of equity capital in all years in all years in the future, but its sharetrade below book value. Those share must be mispriced. ()答案:对4.The following are ROCE forecasts made for a firm at the end of 2010. ROCE isexpected to continue at the same level after 2013. The firm reported bookvalue of common equity of $3.2 billion at the end of 2010, with 500 millionshared outstanding. If the required equity return is 12%, what is the pershare value of these shares? ()答案:$6.405.Residual earnings valuation does not work well for companies like Coca-cola,Cisco System, or Nike, which have substantial assets, like brands, R&D assets, and entrepreneurial know-how off the books. A low book value must giveyou a low valuation. ( )答案:错6. A firm with book value of $15.60 per share and 100 percent dividend payoutis expected to have a return on common equity of 15% per year indefinitelyin the future. Its cost of equity capital is 10%. Calculate the intrinsic price tobook ratio. ()答案:1.57.Which of the following items are the drivers of Residual earnings? ( )答案:Return on common equity and growth in book value8.In September 2008 the shares of Dell, Inc, the computer maker, traded at $20.50 each. In its last annual report, Dell had reported book value of $3, 735million with 2, 060 million shares outstanding. Analysts were forecastingearnings per share of $1.47 for fiscal year 2009 and $1.77 for 2010 Dell paysno dividends. Calculate the per-share value of Dell in 2008 based on theanalysts’ forecasts, with an additional forecast that residual earnings willgrow at the anticipated GDP growth rate of 4 percent per year after 2010.Use a required return of 10 percent. the BPS at the end of fiscal-year 2008will be ( )答案:$1.8139.Calculate the per-share value of Dell in 2008 based on the analysts’ forecasts,with an additional forecast that residual earnings will grow at the anticipated GDP growth rate of 4 percent per year after 2010. Use a required return of 10 percent. ( )答案:24.84第八章1.Abnormal earnings growth is always equal to growth of (change in) residualearnings. ()答案:对2. A firm’s earnings are expected to grow at a rate equal to the required rate ofreturn for its equity,12%.what is the trailing P/E ratio? ()答案:9.333.what is the forward P/E ratio?( )答案:8.334. A P/E ratio for a bond is always less than that for a stock. ()答案:错5.which of the following statement is correct? ()答案:the normal forwardP/E and the normal trailing P/E always differ by 1.06.The following are earnings and dividend forecasts made at the end of 2010.The firm has a required equity return of 10% per year. Forecast abnormalearnings growth for 2012. ( )答案:0.3257.Forecast abnormal earnings growth for 2013. ( )答案:0.1658.Calculate the normal forward P/E for this firm. ( )答案:109.Firm can increase its earnings growth but not affect the value of its equity ()答案:对10.In early fiscal year 2009, analysts were forecasting $3.90 for Nike’s earningsper share for the fiscal year ending May 2009 and $4.45 for 2010, with adividend per share of 92 cents (0.92) expected for 2009. Forecast the cum-dividend earnings growth rate for 2010. ()答案:16.46%第九章1.Which of the following situation diversification dose not reduce risk?( )答案:returns on securities in the portfolio are perfectly correlated2. A statistical measure of the variability of a distribution around its mean isreferred to as __________. ( )答案:the standard deviation3.Normal distribution of returns can characterize the risk of investing in abusiness? ()答案:错4. A set of possible values that a random variable can assume and theirassociated probabilities of occurrence are referred to as __________. ()答案:probability distribution5.Below are the reformulate balance sheet for two firms with similar revenues.Amounts are in millions of dollars. Which firm look more risky forshareholders? Note that cash has been treated as operating cash. ( )答案:Firm Bing the CAPM, ß is a measure of: ( )答案:share price volatility7.Which of the following is not a measure of risk? ( )答案:correlationcoefficient8.Below are the reformulate income statement for two firms in the same line ofbusiness. Amounts are in millions of dollars. Which firm look more risky forshareholders? Reformulate the income statements: ( )答案:Firm A9.which of the following statement is not correct? ( )答案:variation in return onnet operating assets is only driven by profit margins10.Financing risk is driven by_____ ( )答案:All the answers are correct.第十章1.___________ is the extra required return that a lender demands to compensatefor the risk that the borrower will default. ( )答案:Default premium2.Which of the following statement is not the objective in reformulatingfinancial statement for credit analysis?( )答案:groups assets and liabilitiesin such a way as to evaluate the firm’s underlying profitability.3.______ is the error of forecasting that a firm will not default when in fact itdoes. ( )答案:A Type I error4.which of the following is the Off-balance sheet financing? ( )答案:All theanswers are correct5.which of the following statement is not correct? ( )答案:Pro forma analysisforecasts is not useful for credit analysis.6.The following numbers are extracted from the financial statements for a firmfor 2011 and 2012. Amounts are in millions of dollars. At the end of 2011, the firm’s 80 million shares traded at $25 each, but by the end of 2012 theytraded at $15.Calculate Z-score for 2011 ( )答案:2.687.Calculate Z-score for 2011 ( )答案:1.098.After analyzing the default risk for a five-year bond with a maturity value of$1,000 and an 8percent annual coupon, an analyst estimates the requiredreturn for the bond at 7percent per year. The bond has just been issued at aprice of $1,000. What is the value of the bond at a 7 percent required return?( )答案:1040.989.What is the yield-to-maturity with a market price of $1,000? ( )答案:8%10.What is the expected return of buying the bond at a price of $1,000? ( )答案:8%。