
英语作文调查报告(共5篇)第1篇:工作报告之调查报告英语作文调查报告英语作文【篇1:调查报告范文2(英文)】1.introductionlibrary is always a symbol of the university.it provides college students with manyuseful resources.at the same time, how to make full of the resources becomes a new problem for college students.for that purpose, the present survey is made.1.1 purposethe survey sets its goal at investigating how well the college students can take advantage of the resources provided in our school library.then, we hope to give some suggestions to our school library so that it can be improved in some aspects.1.2 subjectsin order to make the survey more persuasive, we did the research among students in our university including both undergraduates and postgraduates.157 copies of questionnaires in total were handed out and 150 were collected back which are effective.interviewees are from different majors and different grades.41 of them are freshmen, 42 are sophomore, 21 are junior students, 30 are senior students and 6 are postgraduates.1.3 time and placetime: the survey takes about one week, from november 10th to november 16th, 2008.the questionnaires were distributed on november 10th and collected back on november 11th.place: hebei polytechnic university 1.4 instrumentquestionnaires are used to collect data.considering the questionnaire in english may bring some trouble to theinterviewees with different english levels, we adopt the chinese version instead of the english one(see english and chinese versions in appendices).1the interviewees are selected at random to make the data more reliable.for instance, the questionnaires are given to the students studying in clarooms and to those staying in dormitories.what’s more, students from al l grades are made sure to participate in this investigation.2.data collection and analysisto ensure the validity of the survey, the six members in our team were divided into three groups to hand out the questionnaires, going to different places and investigating different students.most of the interviewees were willingly to help us with the survey.they finished the questionnaires carefully.among the questionnaires returned, some questions were not answered, and some were answered casually, which brought us some trouble when we did the data collection.in general, most of the information we collected was useful and accurate.2.1 data analysis on the use of booksthe analysis on the use of books is based on question 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and frequency analysisaccording to question 2 and 4, we get a result as follows(see figure 1).figure 1 2result:as it can be seen from figure 1, most students go to library once or twice a week.some students go there more than five times a week.the freshmen and junior students go to the library more frequently.reasons:1)the freshmen have more spare time and theyare curious about the library where they can find almost allthe books and periodicals they are interested in.2)the junior students need a lot of materials for their courses.moreover, most of the juniors want to find some quiet places to study and the library becomes their first choice.2.1.2 purpose analysis question 5 is designed to know the college students’ purposes of going to the school library.figure 2 3 figure3 result: figure 2 and 3 reveal that the sophomores and the junior students can make full use of the resources in the library.their purposes are clear: they hope to improve themselves on all aspects.while the freshmen have le preure, so they prefer the periodicals just for entertaining and widening their horizon.the seniors and postgraduates like to read periodicals because they want to help with homework or eay writing and know more about current affairs.42.1.3 book variety analysisbased on question 9, we get figure 4 below.result:obviously, most of the interviewees think that books of special field are most helpful.it shows that most of students in our university put study in the first place.we can also learn that other kinds of books and magazines are also very useful in most students’ eyes.however, 76.67% of the students investigated are diatisfied with the books in our library.they complain that the books are outdated and they need to be updated.2.1.4 on borrowing booksaccording to the statistics based on question 7 and 8, we learn that 41.33% of the students borrow le than 10 books in one semester while 7.33% borrow more than 30.70% say that they can finish reading most parts of the borrowed books before returning them.this is a good phenomenon.since different people have different plans for study, sometimes they don’tneed to finish the whole.instead, some parts of books are enough.2.1.5 on facilities and reading roomsin consequence of question 6, it is known that students like to go to the natural science 5【篇2:英语基础写作-调查报告类型】基础写作---调查报告一:题型说明调查报告是针对某一现象、某一事件或某一问题进行深入细致的调查的写作题,要求同学们根据调查结果,针对某种现象进行分析并谈谈自己的看法,写一份调查报告。

调查报告英文格式篇一:英语调查报告格式asurveyaboutthepatrioticemotionofuniversitystudentsnowadays,chinaisde velopingveryfast.andthisisagreat chanceforustocatchupwiththoseworldpowers.butwearealsofacedwithmany problems.forinstance,ournationalsecuritycan`tbeguaranteed,andourmother landhasnotbeenunified.so,it`sreallyofvitalimportanceforuschinesetoloveour motherland,especiallyouryoungsters,whoarethehopeofourcountry.weorgan izethisinvestigationinordertofindoutthecurrentconditionofhow universitystudentsloveourcountry.accordingtotheresults,wewanttoputforw ard someusefulsuggestionsforthepatriotismeducationinuniversity.andwehopeo ur investigationcouldbehelpfulforourpatriotismeducation.firstly,wemake questionnairesconcernedwithpatriotism.thenwedistributedthemtoourclass mates.aftertheyfinisheddoingthem,wetakethembackandgetourconclusionfromthe iranswers.afterwegotthestatisticaldataaccordingtotheanswerstothequestionnaire,wemadethegraphicsbelowtorevealtheresults.someofthegrap hicsareshownbelow.statisticalresultsofquestion1:statistquestion2:icalresultsofstatisticalresultsofquestion3:statisticalresultsofquestion5:statisticalresultso fquestion6:theresultsofoursurveyshowtousthatthecontemporarycollegestu dentshavegoodpatrioticfeelings.wehaverelativelydeepunderstandingofpatriotismand mostofusarewillingtoacceptpatriotismeducation.weareconcernedaboutthehistor y,traditionandproductionconditionofchina.wealsoenjoytheachievementaftert hereformandopeningupofchina.fewofourcollegestudentstendtoescapejoiningthearm y, andwhatisencouragingisthatalmostallthestudentsareproudofourraceand country.thankyouforyourappreciation!thankyou.members:篇二:调查报告范文2(英文)1.introductionlibraryisalwaysasymboloftheuniversity.itprovidescollegestudentswithmany1.1purpose thesurveysetsitsgoalatinvestigatinghowwellthecollegestudentscantake advantageoftheresourcesprovidedinourschoollibrary.then,wehopetogiveso me suggestionstoourschoollibrarysothatitcanbeimprovedinsomeaspects.1.2subjectsinordertomakethesurveymorepersuasive,wedidtheresearchamongstudents inouruniversityincludingbothundergraduatesandpostgraduates.157copieso fquestionnairesintotalwerehandedoutand150werecollectedbackwhichare effective.intervieweesarefromdifferentmajorsanddifferentgrades.41ofthem arefreshmen,42aresophomore,21arejuniorstudents,30areseniorstudentsand 6arepostgraduates.1.3timeandplacetime:thesurveytakesaboutoneweek,fromnovember10thtonovember16th,20 XX.thequestionnairesweredistributedonnovember10thandcollectedbackonnov ember11th.place:hebeipolytechnicuniversity1.4instrumentquestionnairesareusedtocollectdata.consideringthequestionnaireinenglish maybringsometroubletotheintervieweeswithdifferentenglishlevels,weadop tthechineseversioninsteadoftheenglishone(seeenglishandchineseversionsin appendices).1theintervieweesareselectedatrandomtomakethedatamorereli able.forinstance,thequestionnairesaregiventothestudentsstudyinginclassroomsand tothosestayingindormitories.what’smore,studentsfromallgradesaremadesure toparticipateinthisinvestigation.2.datacollectionandanalysison10thnovember,weinvestigated157students,a mongwhom150returnedtheirquestionnaires.therestdidnotreturnorfinishforsomereasons.toensurethevali dityofthesurvey,thesixmembersinourteamweredivided intothreegroupstohandoutthequestionnaires,goingtodifferentplacesand investigatingdifferentstudents.mostoftheintervieweeswerewillinglytohelp uswiththesurvey.theyfinishedthequestionnairescarefully.amongthe questionnairesreturned,somequestionswerenotanswered,andsomewereans weredcasually,whichbroughtussometroublewhenwedidthedatacollection.ingener al,mostoftheinformationwecollectedwasusefulandaccurate.2.1dataanalysisontheuseofbookstheanalysisontheuseofbooksisbasedonquestion2,4,5,6,7,8,9and10.2.1.1frequencyanalysisaccordingtoquestion2and4,wegetaresultasfollows(s eefigure1).figure12result:asitcanbeseenfromfigure1,moststudentsgotolibraryonceortwiceaweek. somestudentsgotheremorethanfivetimesaweek.thefreshmenandjuniorstudents gotothelibrarymorefrequently.reasons:1)thefreshmenhavemoresparetimeandtheyarecuriousaboutthelibrarywhere theycanfindalmostallthebooksand periodicalstheyareinterestedin.2.1.2purposeanalysisquestion5isdesignedtoknowthecollegestudents’purposesofgoingtotheschoollibrary.figure23figure3result:figure2and3revealthatthesophomoresandthejuniorstudentscanmakefull useoftheresourcesinthelibrary.theirpurposesareclear:theyhopetoimprove themselvesonallaspects.whilethefreshmenhavelesspressure,sotheypreferth e periodicalsjustforentertainingandwideningtheirhorizon.theseniorsand postgraduatesliketoreadperiodicalsbecausetheywanttohelpwithhomeworkoressaywritingandknowmoreaboutcurrentaffairs.42.1.3bookvarietyanalysisbasedonquestion9,wegetfigure4below.result: 2.1.4onborrowingbooksaccordingtothestatisticsbasedonquestion7and8,we learnthat41.33%ofthestudentsborrowlessthan10booksinonesemesterwhile7.33%borrowmore than30.70%saythattheycanfinishreadingmostpartsoftheborrowedbooksbefore returningthem.thisisagoodphenomenon.sincedifferentpeoplehavedifferent plansforstudy,sometimestheydon’tneedtofinishthewhole.instead,somepartsof booksareenough.2.1.5onfacilitiesandreadingroomsinconsequenceofquestion6,itisknowntha tstudentsliketogotothenaturalscience5篇三:英语调查报告范文英语调查报告范文英语>调查报告>范文(一)目前,高等学校在职业教育方面存在着一些突出问题,学校教育与学生就业及市场对人才的需求相脱节,教学实效性较差,教学工作处于尴尬局面。
调查报告 英语调查报告开头格式

英语调查报告开头格式scope, process and method, and the personnel composition of the survey itself, from which leads to the central question or basic conclusions; the second is that the survey of the historical background, development, current situation, generally after the main achievement the basic situation, problems, and then put forward center problem or main ideas; the third is to directly generalize the results of the survey, such as certain practices, pointed out the problem, and that the content of the center effect. It play an important role, should be concise summary, straight cut theme.2. subjects. This is the most important part of the survey report. This part describes the basic situation, practice and experience of the investigation, as well as the specific knowledge, opinions and basic conclusions obtained from the analysis of the materials obtained from the investigation.3. at the end. At the end of the writing more, can put forward methods and Countermeasures to solve the problem or the next improvement work; or a summary of the main points, further deepen the theme; or ask questions, leading to further peoples thinking; or the prospect that a call and inspiration.翻译调查报告一般由标题和正文两部分组成。

1. 文章标题英文标题一般在10个实词以内,最多不超过15个实词,避免使用非公知公用的缩略词、代号等。
2. 作者简介作者真实姓名,作者单位全称、所在城市、邮编;如有多名作者,在每一作者姓名右上角依次标出与作者单位相对应的序号,如: CHUN Yu 1, DONG Xiao-xue2 ( of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China; 2. School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China)。
如:ZHANG Ying-hui。
3. 论文如有涉密问题或已在公开期刊上发表,请在篇首页地脚处注明。
4. 摘要英文摘要一般为150-180个实词,中文摘要一般在300字以内,中英文摘要应基本一致。
其内容应包括研究目的、方法、结果、结论等,禁用“本文”、“作者”、“This paper”等作主语。

调查类作文开头模板英语英文回答:How to Write a Survey Essay Opening Paragraph。
A survey essay is a type of academic essay that summarizes and analyzes the results of a survey. The opening paragraph of a survey essay is crucial as it provides the reader with an overview of the topic, the purpose of the survey, and the main findings. Here are some tips on how to write an effective survey essay opening paragraph:1. Start with a hook. The first sentence of your opening paragraph should grab the reader's attention and make them want to read more. This could be a surprising statistic, a personal anecdote, or a thought-provoking question.2. Introduce the topic. Briefly introduce the topic ofyour essay and the purpose of the survey. What are youtrying to learn about? Why is this topic important?3. Describe the survey. Provide a brief overview of the survey, including the number of participants, the demographics of the participants, and the methods used to collect the data.4. State the main findings. Summarize the main findings of the survey. What are the most important trends orpatterns that you observed?5. Preview the rest of the essay. The final sentence of your opening paragraph should preview the rest of the essay. This could be a brief statement of the argument you will be making or a description of the structure of the essay.Example Survey Essay Opening Paragraph:The rise of social media has had a significant impacton the way we communicate, interact, and access information.A recent survey of 1,000 adults found that 75% ofrespondents use social media on a daily basis. The survey also found that social media use is associated with increased levels of social isolation, anxiety, and depression. This essay will explore the findings of this survey and discuss the implications of social media use for our mental health.中文回答:调查类作文开头段模板。

英文调查报告范文关于中学生英语学习全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Survey Report on High School Students' English LearningHi everyone! Today I want to share with you all about the survey I did on our classmates' English learning. I asked 50 students from different grades and classes about how they feel about learning English in school. Here are some interesting findings!First of all, most of the students said that they like learning English because it is fun and interesting. They enjoy watching English movies and listening to English songs. Some students even said that they want to travel to English-speaking countries in the future, so they see learning English as a way to communicate with people from different cultures.However, some students also mentioned that they find English grammar and vocabulary difficult to remember. They said that they often mix up tenses and have trouble with spelling and pronunciation. Some students suggested that they needmore practice exercises and games to help them improve their language skills.When asked about their favorite English teacher, many students mentioned teachers who are enthusiastic and creative in their teaching methods. They said that these teachers make learning English fun and engaging, which motivates them to study harder.In conclusion, most of the students have a positive attitude towards learning English, but they also face challenges in grammar and vocabulary. They appreciate teachers who make learning fun and engaging. To improve their English skills, students suggest more practice exercises and games in the classroom.That's all for my report! Thank you for listening, and let's keep on learning English together!篇2Title: A Survey Report on Middle School Students' English LearningHi everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the results of a survey we conducted about middle school students' Englishlearning. We asked 100 students from different schools about their thoughts and experiences with learning English. Let's dive into the findings!First of all, we found that 80% of the students think English is an important subject to learn. They believe that it will help them communicate with people from around the world and improve their future career opportunities. However, some students mentioned that they find English grammar and vocabulary difficult to learn.When it comes to their favorite English activities, 60% of the students enjoy watching English movies and TV shows. They think it's a fun way to improve their listening and speaking skills. Meanwhile, 30% of the students prefer reading English books and articles to expand their vocabulary and knowledge.In terms of the challenges they face in learning English, 40% of the students said they struggle with speaking fluently. They feel shy and nervous when practicing English with their classmates or teachers. Additionally, 30% of the students find it hard to remember complex grammar rules and words.To overcome these challenges, 50% of the students suggested that having more interactive and engaging activities in English classes would be helpful. They want to play games, dogroup projects, and have conversations in English to make learning more enjoyable. Moreover, 20% of the students recommended watching more English videos and listening to English songs to practice their listening skills.In conclusion, most middle school students value learning English and understand its importance in today's globalized world. However, they face challenges such as speaking fluently and remembering complex grammar rules. By incorporating more interactive activities and using multimedia resources, teachers can help students improve their English skills and make learning more enjoyable.That's all for the survey report! Thank you for listening, and I hope you find these insights helpful for your own English learning journey. Let's keep practicing and improving together!篇3Title: Survey Report on Middle School Students' English LearningHi everyone! Today I want to share with you the results of the survey I conducted on middle school students' English learning. I asked some of my classmates about their opinionsand experiences with learning English, and here is what I found out!First of all, most of the students I interviewed said that they think English is an important subject to learn. They believe that knowing English can help them communicate with people from all over the world and can also open up more opportunities for them in the future.When it comes to their favorite way of learning English, many students said that they enjoy watching English movies and TV shows. They believe that this helps them improve their listening and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way. Some students also mentioned that they like practicing English with their friends, either by talking to each other in English or by playing games that involve using English words.On the other hand, some students find English grammar to be quite challenging. They said that remembering all the rules and exceptions can be difficult, especially when they are trying to write essays or reports in English. However, they also mentioned that they find it helpful to practice writing regularly and to ask their teachers for help when they have questions.Overall, most students seem to enjoy learning English and are motivated to improve their skills. They understand theimportance of being able to communicate in English and are willing to put in the effort to become more proficient in the language.In conclusion, English learning is an important part of middle school education, and it is encouraging to see that students are actively engaged in the process. By continuing to practice and study English, they will be better equipped to succeed in their future endeavors. Keep up the good work, everyone!That's all for my survey report. Thanks for reading!篇4Title: A Survey Report on High School Students' English LearningHello everyone! Today I want to share with you the results of the survey I conducted on high school students' English learning.I asked 100 students from different schools about their English learning habits, difficulties, and opinions. Let's take a look at what they said!First of all, most students agreed that English is an important subject and they understand the significance of learning it. However, many students mentioned that they find Englishgrammar to be the most challenging part. They also feel nervous when speaking in English and have difficulty understanding native speakers.When it comes to study habits, the majority of students said that they study English for at least an hour every day. They like to watch English movies, listen to English songs, and read English books to improve their language skills. However, some students admitted that they often procrastinate and don't practice speaking enough.In terms of resources, students rely heavily on textbooks, online resources, and language apps for their English learning. They find online platforms like Duolingo and YouTube to be helpful in improving their listening and speaking skills. Some students also mentioned that they attend English tutoring classes to get extra help.Overall, the survey results show that high school students are actively engaging in English learning and trying their best to improve. They have identified their weaknesses and are working on overcoming them. With determination and regular practice, I believe that they will continue to make progress in their English language skills.That's all for the survey report! Thank you for listening and keep up the good work in your English learning journey! Let's continue to strive for excellence in mastering the English language!篇5Title: A Survey on High School Students' English Learning HabitsHi everyone! I did a survey on high school students' English learning habits, and I want to share my findings with you all.Firstly, I found out that most students spend about 1-2 hours a day studying English. Some students study for longer periods, especially before exams. Some students also mentioned that they watch English movies or TV shows to improve their listening skills.Secondly, most students prefer to study English with friends or classmates. They often do group study sessions or practice speaking English together. Some students also mentioned that they use language learning apps or websites for additional practice.Thirdly, I found that many students struggle with grammar and vocabulary. Some find it hard to remember new words or understand complex grammar rules. However, most students believe that practice makes perfect, and they keep trying to improve their English skills.Lastly, I asked students about their future plans involving English. Many students expressed their desire to study abroad or work in an English-speaking country. They believe that having good English skills will help them in their future careers.In conclusion, high school students have different ways of learning English, but they all share the same goal of improving their language skills. By studying hard and practicing regularly, they believe that they can achieve success in their English learning journey. Thank you for reading my survey report!篇6Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about a survey I did on how middle school students learn English. I asked a bunch of my friends in different grades and here's what they said.First off, most of my friends said that they learn English in school. They have English classes a few times a week where theylearn grammar, vocabulary, and reading and writing skills. Some of them also have speaking and listening practice.A lot of my friends said that they enjoy learning English because it's fun to learn about different countries and cultures. They like watching English movies and TV shows, listening to English songs, and even chatting with people from other countries online.But some of my friends said that they find English difficult. They struggle with grammar rules, pronunciation, and spelling. They also find it hard to remember all the vocabulary words they need to know.When I asked my friends how they study English outside of school, a lot of them said they use English learning apps and websites. They watch English videos on YouTube, read English books, and practice speaking with their friends.Overall, most of my friends said that they think learning English is important because it can help them in the future. They said it can open up opportunities for them to travel, study abroad, and even get better jobs.So, that's what my friends had to say about learning English in middle school. It seems like most of them enjoy it and see thevalue in learning a new language. Thanks for listening to my report!。

调查报告英语范文篇一:调查报告英语作文Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of thestudents think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dearparents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to doevery they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us lesshomework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.篇二:英语调查报告格式a survey about the patriotic emotion of university students nowadays, china is developing very fast. and this is a greatchance for us to catch up with those world powers. but we are also faced with manyproblems. for instance, our national security can`t be guaranteed, and our motherlandhas not been unified. so, it`s really of vital importance for us chinese to love ourmotherland, especially our youngsters, who are the hope of our organize this investigation in order to find out the current condition of howuniversity students love our country. according to the results, we want to put forwardsome useful suggestions for the patriotism education in university. and we hope ourinvestigation could be helpful for our patriotismeducation. firstly, we makequestionnaires concerned with patriotism. then we distributed them to our classmates.after they finished doing them, we take them back and get our conclusion from theiranswers. after we got the statistical data according to the answers to thequestionnaire, we made the graphics below to reveal the results. some of the graphicsare shown below. statistical results of question 1:statistquestion 2: ical results ofstatistical results of question 3:statistical results of question 5:statistical results of question 6:the results of our survey show to us that the contemporary college students havegood patriotic feelings. we have relatively deep understanding of patriotism and mostof us are willing to accept patriotism education. we are concerned about the history,tradition and production condition of china. we also enjoy the achievement after the reformand opening up of china. few of our college students tend to escape joining the army,and what is encouraging is that almost all the students are proud of our race andcountry.thank you for your appreciation ! thank you. members:篇二:调查报告范文2 (英文)1. introductionlibrary is always a symbol of the university. it provides college students withmanypurposethe survey sets its goal at investigating how well the college students can takeadvantage of the resources provided in our school library. then, we hope to give somesuggestions to our school library so that it can be improved in some aspects.subjectsin order to make the survey more persuasive, we did the research among studentsin our university including both undergraduates and postgraduates. 157 copies ofquestionnaires in total were handed out and 150 were collected back which areeffective. interviewees are from different majors and different grades. 41 of themare freshmen, 42 are sophomore, 21 are junior students, 30 are senior students and6 are postgraduates.time and placetime: the survey takes about one week, from november 10th to november 16th, XX.the questionnaires were distributed on november 10th and collected back on november11th.place: hebei polytechnic universityinstrumentquestionnaires are used to collect data. considering the questionnaire in englishmay bring some trouble to the interviewees with different english levels, we adoptthe chinese version instead of the english one(see english and chinese versions inappendices). 1the interviewees are selected at random to make the data more reliable. forinstance, the questionnaires are given to the students studying in classrooms andto those staying in dormitories. what’s more, students from all grades are made sureto participate in this investigation.2. data collection and analysison 10th november, we investigated 157 students, among whom 150 returned theirquestionnaires. the rest did not return or finish for some reasons. to ensure the validity of the survey, the six members in our team were dividedinto three groups to hand out the questionnaires, going to different places andinvestigating different students. most of the interviewees were willingly to helpus with the survey. they finished the questionnaires carefully. among thequestionnaires returned, some questions were not answered, and some were answeredcasually, which brought us some trouble when we did the data collection. in general, most of the information we collected was useful and accurate.data analysis on the use of booksthe analysis on the use of books is based on question 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and10.frequency analysisaccording to question 2 and 4, we get a result as follows (see figure 1).figure 1 2result:as it can be seen from figure 1, most students go to library once or twice a week.some students go there more than five times a week. the freshmen and junior studentsgo to the library more frequently. reasons:1) the freshmen have more spare time and they are curious about the library where they can find almost all the books andperiodicals they are interested in.purpose analysisquestion 5 is designed to know the college students’ purposes of going to the school library. figure 2 3figure3result:figure 2 and 3 reveal that the sophomores and the junior students can make fulluse of the resources in the library. their purposes are clear: they hope to improvethemselves on all aspects. while the freshmen have less pressure, so they prefer theperiodicals just for entertaining and widening their horizon. the seniors andpostgraduates like to read periodicals because they want to help with homework oressay writing and know more about currentbook variety analysisbased on question 9, we get figure 4 :on borrowing booksaccording to the statistics based on question 7 and 8, we learn that % of the students borrow less than 10 books in one semester while % borrow more than30. 70% say that they can finish reading most parts of the borrowed books beforereturning them. this is a good phenomenon. sincedifferent people have different plansfor study, sometimes they don’t need to finish the whole. instead, some parts ofbooks are enough.on facilities and reading roomsin consequence of question 6, it is known that students like to go to the naturalscience 5篇三:英语调查报告范文英语调查报告范文英语>调查报告>范文(一)目前,高等学校在职业教育方面存在着一些突出问题,学校教育与学生就业及市场对人才的需求相脱节,教学实效性较差,教学工作处于尴尬局面。

英语调查报告范文格式英语回答:Introduction.This survey report provides insights into the results of a survey conducted to gather information on a specific topic. The survey was designed to collect data from a representative sample of the population and to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue being studied.Methodology.The survey was conducted using a variety of methods, including online surveys, phone interviews, and in-person interviews. The target population was identified, and a random sample of individuals from the population was selected to participate in the survey.Data Collection.Data was collected using a structured questionnaire that included a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions. The questions were designed to gather information on the topic of interest and to provide insights into the perspectives of the respondents.Data Analysis.The collected data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data and to identify patterns and trends. Inferential statistics were used to test hypotheses and to make inferences about the population from which the sample was drawn.Results.The survey results provide valuable insights into the topic of interest. The respondent demographics, the distribution of responses to individual questions, and the overall trends in the data are presented in a clear andconcise manner.Discussion.The results of the survey are discussed in detail, and the implications of the findings are explored. The strengths and limitations of the survey are also discussed, and recommendations for future research are provided.Conclusion.The survey report provides a comprehensive overview of the topic of interest and offers valuable insights into the perspectives of the respondents. The results of the survey can be used to inform policy decisions, develop programs, and guide future research on the topic.中文回答:引言。

英语作文调查报告模板【一】 A Report on Children's Gratitude to Their ParentsChildren's lives are given by their parents and originally,children should be grateful to ,not all the children can do report made recently suggests that one-fourth of the people think that to raise children is the duty of their parents and so children needn't express any gratitude to one-fourth of the people suppose that there is a big gap between them and their don't know how to communicate with their parents,let alone to say say that they hate to express any is boring.To respect parents and express our gratitude tothem is a good tradition of Chinese far as I am concerned,to we should show our respect and gratitude to our give birth to us,and undoubtedly we are supposed to be grateful to them in return.英语作文调查报告模板【二】 A survey of good places in our cityLast week we did a survey of the readers about good places in our this is what we of the high schools are good,and the High School is the best in our has the best teachers and it's the most 's Hospital is the best of has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest Cinema is the has the biggest best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing has the best quality and it's the most for radio station,most young people think Hefei 168 FM is the best radio has the most news and the most interesting music.。

英文调查类作文开头1. Hey guys, I'm doing a quick survey and I need your help. Can you spare a minute to answer a few questions?2. So, what's your favorite type of music and why? Is it the lyrics, the beat, or something else that draws you in?3. Have you ever traveled abroad? If so, what was the most memorable part of your trip? If not, where would you like to go and why?4. What's your go-to comfort food when you're feeling down or stressed? Do you have a special recipe or do you just order in?5. Do you believe in aliens or other forms of intelligent life beyond Earth? Why or why not? And if you do, what do you think they might be like?6. Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Like seeing a ghost, hearing strange noises, or feeling a presence that couldn't be explained?7. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done? Did it turn out the way you expected or were there some unexpected twists and turns?8. Do you think technology has brought us closer together or driven us further apart as a society? How has it affected your personal relationships?。

调查报告英文版格式篇一:英文论文报告格式-汇总篇Report titleUnit Code and Unit NameDeclarationI hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.原创性声明兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。
Signature(签名): ________________Date(时间):________________Table of Contents(字体Times New Roman, 四号,)(空一行)1. Introduction ...................................... ................................................... . (4)2. Sample title ............................................. (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... .. (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (5)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (5)3. Conclusion ........................................ ................................................... (5)Bibliography ...................................... ................................................... (6)Appendices I ................................................. .............................................. 7 (制作目录请选择菜单中的:插入——引用——索引和目录——目录——确定,即可,然后将字体改为小四号。

The investigation report generally consists of two parts: title and body.(1) title. The title can be written in two ways.A is the title of the standardized format, namely "post subject" and "practice", the basic format for "* * * * about investigation report", "survey report on x x x x", "x x x x survey", etc. The other type is a free heading, which includes a combination of statements, questions and positive side questions.(2) the text. The main body is divided into three parts: preface, subject and end.1. Introduction. There are several kinds of writing: the first is the cause of the survey is written or purpose, time and place, object or range, after and method, and the investigation on the personnel composition of itself, which lead to central issue or basic conclusion; The second kind is to indicate the historical background of the investigation object, thebasic situation of the development, the reality, the main achievements, the outstanding problems, etc., and then raise the central question or main point; The third kind is to open the door to see the results of the survey directly, such as affirmative action, pointing out problems, prompt influence, and the content of the statement. The foreword plays the role of the finishing point, should be concise summary, direct tangential theme.2. Main body. This is the most important part of the survey, this part of the detailed investigation and study, practice and experience, the basic situation of the research and analysis the materials obtained in the specific knowledge, ideas and basic conclusions.3. End. At the end, there are also many ways to writea solution to the problem, some countermeasures or Suggestions for further improvement. Or summarize the main points of the full text, further deepen the theme; Or ask questions that raise further thought; Or looking ahead, giving inspiration and a call.I * * in the village of new rural construction for research, the focus on * * of the specific conditionsof the village the new rural construction makes this report, report, on new rural policy and the reform of taxes and fees policy, construction of new rural economy, rural social security problems, rural basic education and agricultural science and technology culture, construction of urbanization, the rural medical and health care, etc.I. the state of nature and economic development** village, located in central zhejiang province, is a combination of the original new ridge village and the oxen village. The current population is about 2,000, the labor force is about 1200, and the labor service personnel are about 300, with 15 party members and 42 party members. The total land area of the village is square kilometers. Per capita income is about 6,000 yuan. In the government department, under the advocacy of * * village to production development as the center, in order to improve the level of productivity, farmers' income, collective income as the foothold, in village and town planning as the breakthrough point, to CunTun regulation of four change "four clean-ups" as the breakthrough point, to cultivate new farmers as thebasic point, promoting socialist new rural construction, made gratifying achievements.The dominant industry in the village is agriculture and animal husbandry. The main agricultural products are: rice, wheat, corn, and in farming, the chicken and duck became the main livestock in recent years. Since the village and group, the village adhere to the scientific outlook on development as guidance, the rapid development of economy, vigorously promotes the village domain around the local unique advantages, vigorously develop production of grapes, grape has become main source of income of farmers economic support. The construction of key projects around the country, increasing the pace of local employment and entrepreneurship, and making every possible effort to increase farmers' income, created a group of migrant workers with vision, technology and management. In order to improve the appearance of the village, the infrastructure construction has been greatly improved, and the development of rural roads has been breakthrough, and the conditions of farmers' living conditions and transportation conditions have greatlyimproved. Surrounding the construction of a new village, the scientific establishment of the village planning of residential areas, and the strengthening of guiding management, the "cultural square" of the entertainment of the peasants has been established.Ii. Basic conditions and the status of democratic constructionIn recent years, with the central, provincial, municipal, district and township party committees and governments at all levels of the support policy and the implementation of village of * * in the economic structure adjusting, infrastructure construction, increasing farmers' income, etc, have greatly improved, the construction of material civilization, spiritual civilization and political civilization has made certain achievements, promote the development of local economy and various social undertakings.(1) the situation of agricultural productionThe existing farmland of ** village is 2680 mu, the per capita arable land area is mu, the whole village is mainly in the apple and vegetable industry, the development of the industry lags behind. At the end ofthe 20th century, the per capita net income of farmers was about 3,100 yuan. Industrial structure situation: ** village one, two groups are mainly apple, grain cultivation; Three or four groups are mainly vegetable plantings; The five groups were mainly trees, dried fruits, tobacco and food crops.(2) implementation of relevant rural policiesThe policy of supporting agriculture and rural areas has been further implemented, and the construction of social public infrastructure in the whole village has been further developed. The village basically realizes the village road, the electricity, the water, the general television, the electricity message. Now xx village has a health clinic, which solves the problem of villagers' difficulty in medical treatment; There is a science and technology activity room in the village; The whole village enjoys 120 people in the rural area. The living allowance for the elderly is 6 people over 65 years old. The difficulties are basically saved. The number of the new rural cooperative medical insurance is 1,424, and the participation rate is 90%.(3) construction of rural grass-roots organizationsThere are five members of the "two committees" of the village: 4 members of the village party branch and 3 members of the villagers committee; There are 42 party members in the village, including 39 male members and 4 female members. Annual party membership meeting 2 -- 3 times; Administration of village affairs, finance, government affairs public, adhere to the democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, strengthen, and masses relationship between the party and the masses, mobilize the enthusiasm of villagers' participation in government affairs, the affairs.The purpose and significance of the new socialist countryside(1) purpose of new rural constructionFor a long time, agriculture, rural areas and farmers problems has been the decision process of our construction of well-off society in an all-round way and modernization of the key issues, and relationship between the party and the state overall work of thefundamental problems. Without the solid foundation of agriculture and the accumulation and support of agriculture, there can be no national independence and industrial development. Without the stability and all-round progress of the countryside, there can be no stable and comprehensive progress of the whole society. It is impossible to have a well-off life without the peasants. The agricultural abundant, the basic prison; Rural stability, social security; The farmer is rich, then the state chang. Only close to 100 million farmers will participate in the modernization process in order to live up to the overall national economy and achieve sustainable development. Only the vast majority of rural backwardness has changed significantly to achieve a broader and higher level of prosperity. Therefore, the village must undertake new rural construction to develop.(2) the significance of the new rural construction1. Building a new socialist countryside is an inevitable requirement for building a harmonious socialist society. The construction of new socialist countryside is unified with solving the problem of"three farmers". In the process of building a harmonious society, the problem of solving the problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the whole and fundamental problem. The construction of a harmonious rural society is different from the city, should be closely combined with rural construction of the actual, the rural construction become a economic prosperity, facilities, complete functions, beautiful environment, good ecological, civilization and progress of the socialist new countryside.To build a new socialist countryside is the fundamental way to balance urban and rural development and achieve common prosperity. Social justice and common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism and also the basic characteristics of the new socialist countryside. To build a new socialist countryside, to adhere to the development value, development first, taking economic construction as the center, by speeding up the pace of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization and agricultural modernization, narrowing gap between urban and rural areas, so as to realize rural societyby the food and clothing to the well-off.Iv. Problems existing in the construction of new rural areas(1) economic construction is developing slowly and the material foundation is weakSimple agricultural production, the conventional agricultural production occupy the dominant position in the countryside, peasants consciousness is relatively deep, agricultural industrialization lag, characteristic agriculture scale agriculture formed the advantage, lack of industry, market information lag behind. The main causes of low income and slow economic construction. Agricultural production structure is single, lack of other sideline development. Our village is located in the middle of the middle zhejiang basin, and the villagers of this village are a village with agriculture as its main development. In comparison with the total number of land, it can be counted as a village with few people. However, for decades, villagers in this village have not made any breakthrough or innovation in agricultural production. The crops are single, no wonder wheat, corn, cotton. There are noagricultural products in the village, not to mention the processing of agricultural products. In vegetable, fruit, animal husbandry development lags behind, the rural policy issued by the state for advocating rural requirements to develop a variety of business model and has implemented in the village.(2) the rural basic education is not comprehensive enoughThe situation of education in rural areas is the "low enrollment rate of school-age children", "high dropout rate" and "backward education", and even some regions have ignored education at all. Busy building, eager to live in a new house, the reader is gradually reduced. Housing construction scale development in recent years in our village is very big, make village CunMao also look brand-new, but there was a bad trend: people at the university of reading, a large part of the villagers only on the immediate interests, for the most part family income to housing construction, and less for their children to study. There are a large number of children in the village who go out to earn money after they graduate from junior high school. Sucha light knowledge and lack of knowledge can have profound negative effects. There is less "ink" in the village name, and a lack of scientific knowledge. In the village, there is a widespread phenomenon that villagers don't understand science, don't use science, don't believe in science, and some people think that scientific farming is still being ridiculed by people around them, and that it is just a mess. The lack of scientific knowledge seriously restricts the development of villages and restricts the "money bags" of villagers. In recent years, there have been a number of scientists in the countryside who have been talking about scientific farming activities. There are not many listeners, and the people who have listened to them have not done so.(3) the ideology of farmers is weakThe party's ideological cohesion in the countryside has declined. The lack of effective measures to manage and organize farmers has been lacking because some grassroots organizations have ignored the idea of farmers' thinking education and guidance. Due to the heavy personal workload of thevillage cadres, the farmers can not make regular education.(4) lack of understanding of new rural constructionSome party members and cadres have little understanding of the new rural construction, the urgency of speeding up development and the lack of sense of responsibility, and the thought of "waiting, leaning, and want" is serious. Peasants overall production level is not high, the quality consciousness, commodity consciousness weak, agricultural industrialization construction starting point is low, agricultural leading enterprises small, driving ability is not strong, the hard work of all kinds of professional associations.5. Research methods and harvest of new rural construction social practiceThe research mainly USES the field investigation, the theory connects the actual strategy. Learn about history by looking at "village Chronicles" and learn what they think by visiting the masses. During the investigation, the villagers put forward some Suggestions on the development of the village. In viewof the problems that exist in this village, I also think a lot of thoughts and ideas about changing the current situation of the village and getting rich quickly.(1) developing agricultural products, expanding the production scale of agricultural products and making deep processing of agricultural products Some villagers in the village say that it is not that they do not want to develop the production of agricultural products, but because of the small scale of production, the scale of this single-family unit is easy to make the sale of agricultural products difficult. "The villagers said," there are too few to be planted. People don't want to come and collect, and they keep prices down." In the village cadres should be called for the development of agricultural special products, the production of planting, formed the scale of production, the village into a predominantly some agricultural special products production base, to attract buyers to purchase, and on this basis has called on the ability of the villagers are farmers special products deep processing, too big production chain, to obtain the economic benefits.(2) to conduct agricultural trade meetings and expand the income and consumption channels of villagers Like our village, the village of yanchang is a typical example of rural development. In the village, the leader, in line with the idea of "getting rich in the first place", invested in building houses and building factories and schools in the village. In order to achieve economic benefits, the "yuanxiao fair", a large-scale peasant trade meeting, has been carried out in the form of "yuanxiao", which has driven the economic development of its villages to a large extent. The pattern of developing rural economy like this is worthy of reference. It is to carry out the agricultural trade promotion activities in this village, and promote the villagers' multi-faceted and multi-channel income. In addition, we can also absorb foreign investment if we have the opportunity.(3) improve irrigation systems in water and expand the scope of artificial riversIt is an objective reason that our village is far from rivers, lakes and water sources. But we can make full use of human resources, constantly improveirrigation systems in water and expand the scope of artificial flow. With the continuous development of the village economy, the villagers dug the underground well in order to increase revenue and income. The village also organized two activities to excavate artificial rivers, which benefited the villagers. Leaders of our village should continue to play a role in solving the problem of water and water in front of the villagers.(4) enrich the minds of farmers and increase the knowledge of farmers' scientific farmingOf the villagers interviewed,percent of the villagers believed that the biggest factor restricting the development of the village was scientific knowledge. This data shows that some villagers are aware of the importance of scientific farming. As now, the activities of science and technology workers in the countryside should continue. In order to carry out practical experiments in the village, villagers can get a taste of scientific farming, so as to achieve stable and productive destinations with scientific knowledge.Vi. Main ideas of new rural construction(a) seriously organize the party cadres and themasses to learn more deeplyIn accordance with the "production development, wealthy life, polite phenomenon, clean and tidy appearance and democratic management", around realizing agricultural characteristics, the road to the house in a neat and the varieties, CunFeng folk civilized, harmonious social order, insists on unified planning and step-by-step implementation, to the point, the whole advancement, through the construction of new countryside give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations fighting forts, party member's cutting edge exemplary role which embody, the villagers' self management, self education, self service to be more perfect, establish and improve various system, has been a steady rise in farmers' income, the village-level collective economy development, village CunMao obvious change, the villagers quality improved obviously, CunFeng folk custom civilization, stable and orderly social environment, make the community a WenMing Village, FuYu Village and harmonious village, in the entire town take the lead to achieve the comprehensive constructionwell-off society's goals.(2) emancipate the mind, keep pace with The Times, innovate development ideas, seize the key, gather strength and optimize the development environment We will actively promote agricultural informatization, industrialization, optimize industrial structure, improve rural basic conditions, and improve rural sustainable development capacity. Agricultural industrialization, commercialization, specialization, regionalized production methods. On the basis of ensuring grain acreage, we will vigorously develop efficient and economic crops and animal husbandry, and form a brand and characteristic agricultural demonstration base in the village.(3) to accelerate the development of rural agricultural education and realize the balanced development of urban and rural educationWe should earnestly grasp the work of "puix", vigorously popularize education in senior high school, and co-ordinate the development of education, education and education. We will further improve the system of urban and rural schools, organize urbanschools to select principals, teachers to teach in rural primary and secondary schools, and continuously improve the management level and teaching quality of rural schools. Further increase the help of poor students to prevent students from being deprived of school due to family poverty.Reasons for the success of new rural construction To advance the construction of a new socialist countryside, we must give full play to the battle forts of the grass-roots party organizations and the exemplary role of party members.* * village in the new rural construction, pay attention to strengthening the construction of rural grassroots party organizations, carry out rural "triple lianchuang", "party members and holds no post positioned placement", "party branch and the pair to assist farmers" and other activities, organize and conduct modern distance education of rural party members and cadres, and further enhance the rural party member cadre to take the lead to get rich, the ability to lead the masses to get rich together. We will strengthen democracy and political development inrural areas, further improve the "three public areas" of village affairs, finance and party affairs, and effectively guarantee the people's right to know, participate in, decision-making and supervision., therefore, the construction of new socialist countryside, must cultivate a creativity, strong fighting strength and cohesion of the basic unit party member cadres, should choose light age, culture, social sense of responsibility strong reserve village-level cadres as cultivating object, improve their influence in the crowd, consciously exercise and improve their consciousness of ruling, the ruling ability, and take the lead in entrepreneurship and the ability to lead the masses to get rich together.To promote the construction of a new socialist countryside, we must focus on the new pattern of overall urban and rural development, and further narrow the gap between urban and rural areas.** village, located in the northern part of pujiang county, is a remote village with inconvenient transportation and information. After 20* years, the traffic situation of the village has been greatlyimproved with the completion of the traffic of the four seas. At present, the village is only a few minutes away from downtown and township. Urban-rural integration and urban-rural integration create an extremely favorable development opportunity for the new rural construction of the village. The development of urban and rural development is the requirement of the scientific outlook on development and the need for the construction of new socialist countryside.* * village new rural construction practice has proved that to make the balance urban and rural economic and social development strategy implement, according to the actual situation of the rural, the focus of the current and future a period and focus is to increase for the supply of rural public products, mainly include: to strengthen rural roads, water conservancy, communications, electricity and other infrastructure construction; We will strengthen the construction of public services such as rural science and technology, education, culture and health, and strengthen the construction of rural social security and social security systems. At the same time, governments at alllevels should formulate development plans, determine industrial policies, use economic leverage and other means to coordinate urban and rural development, and gradually realize a new pattern of urban and rural integration.To advance the construction of a new socialist countryside, we must adhere to the principle of sustainable development and do our best to prevent blind input.The construction of the new countryside is a project that is funded only by capital, has no or very few economic returns, and the amount of investment is relatively large. A village to complete the "small five", sewage and electric wire to repair the standardized transformation, investment less than a million yuan, more than ten million yuan. Although the financial support for new rural construction is more powerful, it is not enough to meet the expenditure of new rural construction projects.In order to complete the new rural construction as soon as possible, some villages actively seek projects from their superiors, regardless of the bank loans; Inorder to pursue political achievements, the two cadres of the village and the communist party of China, in order to pursue their political achievements, have made great efforts to build high grade and high taste pavilions in spite of the financial resources of the countryside, resulting in large-scale losses of collective assets. Based on sustainable development, the top of the village to take active measures, reasonable development and utilization of natural resources and strengthen environmental protection and ecological construction, developing circular economy, comprehensive to speed up the pace of building a well-off and harmonious new countryside, and promote comprehensive development of village economy, out of a conform to the new socialist countryside basic characteristics and the new way of development direction.8. Experience in new rural constructionIs a innovative leadership style, give full play to the township, the core of leadership role, enterprise's support, standing by the body of the function and community service, integrating resources,forming resultant force, provides the powerful organization guarantee for the construction of new countryside, is the important guarantee for paying special attention to the new rural construction.2 it is to constantly adjust and improve the work way of thinking and find out the breakthrough point, the implementation of each work measures, give full play to the resource advantage, a leading enterprises, the community's economic and social development, to ensure the steadily push forward new rural construction, promote the healthy, harmonious and sustainable development of collective economy, and is an effective way of new rural construction.3 it is to strengthen team construction, strengthen the team cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the "two committees", always put the solved "someone handle affairs" as the premise of "rich", give full play to the exemplary role of party cadres, devoted to "suffering" four modernizations construction, developing the collective economy, strive to hometown's contributions to economic construction and social development, is the determinant of payingspecial attention to the new rural construction.Four is to create a good external environment, to win at all levels of government and the higher authorities concerned about and support, for the new rural construction and the development of collective economy to increase the power, is the key of new rural construction emphatically.9. Social practice perceptionCollege students to participate in practice, was WuSiQing years pioneered "moves towards the society and into people" glorious tradition, is education combined with production practice in the new era of the manifestation, is the young students will own value and an important link in the motherland fate is closely linked. We want to become a modernization of useful talents, as soon as possible to adapt to the needs of the society, will be during the period of study, take an active part in social practice activities, social cognition, identify yourself, adjust and improve themselves, exercise self in difficulties and setbacks, to adapt to the later work. This is the main purpose of my practice. Seize the favorable opportunity toparticipate in the activities of various forms of summer practice, to guide our learning book knowledge and commitment to social practice to unify, improve the ability of solving practical problems, has the very vital significance.。

英语调查报告范文格式English:An English survey report typically begins with an introduction that outlines the purpose and objectives of the survey, describing what information was sought and why. This is followed by a methodology section, which details how the survey was conducted, including information about the population sampled, the tools used for data collection (such as online questionnaires or face-to-face interviews), and the response rate. The core of the report consists of the findings section, which presents the data collected through charts, graphs, and text analysis, emphasizing key discoveries and trends. Each significant finding is often accompanied by supporting data to validate the conclusions drawn. Following the findings, a discussion section i nterprets the results, linking them back to the survey’s objectives and discussing implications, limitations, and possible areas for future research. The report concludes with a summary that reiterates the most important findings and their implications for the field or stakeholders involved. Recommendations may also be offered based on the insights gained. This structure ensures a clearand systematic presentation of information, facilitating understanding and further action based on the survey results.中文翻译:英语调查报告通常以介绍开始,概述了调查的目的和目标,描述了寻求什么信息以及为什么。

英语调查报告开头格式范文The survey report is generally composed of two parts of the title and the text.(1) the title. There are two kinds of writing in the title. One is the standard Title format, namely subject and language, the basic format of * * * * * * about the investigation report, on the * * * * the survey report, * * * * survey. The other is a free title, including statements, questions and the combination of three.(two) the text. The text is generally divided into three parts: preface, subject and end.1. preface. There are several writing: the first is the investigation of the state of origin or purpose, time and place, object or scope, process and method, and the personnel composition of the survey itself, from which leads to the central question or basic conclusions; the second is that the survey of the historical background, development, current situation, generally after the main achievement the basic situation, problems, and then put forward center problem or main ideas; the third is to directly generalize the results ofthe survey, such as certain practices, pointed out the problem, and that the content of the center effect. It play an important role, should be concise summary, straight cut theme.2. subjects. This is the most important part of the survey report. This part describes the basic situation, practice and experience of the investigation, as well as the specific knowledge, opinions and basic conclusions obtained from the analysis of the materials obtained from the investigation.3. at the end. At the end of the writing more, can put forward methods and Countermeasures to solve the problem or the next improvement work; or a summary of the main points, further deepen the theme; or ask questions, leading to further peoples thinking; or the prospect that a call and inspiration.翻译调查报告一般由标题和正文两部分组成。

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今天为大家介绍英语调查报告开头格式,欢迎阅读!英语调查报告开头格式The survey report is generally composed of twoparts of the title and the text.(1) the title. There are two kinds of writing inthe title. One is the standard Title format, namely"subject" and "language", the basic format of "* * ** * * about the investigation report", "on the * * ** the survey report", "* * * * survey". The other isa free title, including statements, questions and the combination of three.(two) the text. The text is generally divided into three parts: preface, subject and end.1. preface. There are several writing: the firstis the investigation of the state of origin or purpose, time and place, object or scope, process and method,and the personnel composition of the survey itself,from which leads to the central question or basic conclusions; the second is that the survey of thehistorical background, development, current situation, generally after the main achievement the basic situation, problems, and then put forward center problem or main ideas; the third is to directly generalize the results of the survey, such as certainpractices, pointed out the problem, and that the content of the center effect. It play an important role, should be concise summary, straight cut theme.2. subjects. This is the most important part of the survey report. This part describes the basic situation, practice and experience of the investigation, as wellas the specific knowledge, opinions and basic conclusions obtained from the analysis of the materials obtained from the investigation.3. at the end. At the end of the writing more, canput forward methods and Countermeasures to solve the problem or the next improvement work; or a summary ofthe main points, further deepen the theme; or ask questions, leading to further people's thinking; or the prospect that a call and inspiration.翻译调查报告一般由标题和正文两部分组成。

1. 文章标题英文标题一般在10个实词以内,最多不超过15个实词,避免使用非公知公用的缩略词、代号等。
2. 作者简介作者真实姓名,作者单位全称、所在城市、邮编;如有多名作者,在每一作者姓名右上角依次标出与作者单位相对应的序号,如: CHUN Yu 1, DONG Xiao-xue2 ( of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China; 2. School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China)。
如:ZHANG Ying-hui。
3. 论文如有涉密问题或已在公开期刊上发表,请在篇首页地脚处注明。
4. 摘要英文摘要一般为150-180个实词,中文摘要一般在300字以内,中英文摘要应基本一致。
其内容应包括研究目的、方法、结果、结论等,禁用“本文”、“作者”、“This paper”等作主语。

英语调查报告开头格式发布时间:2018-02-23来源:调查报告scope, process and method, and the personnel composition of the survey itself, from which leads to the central question or basic conclusions; the second is that the survey of the historical background, development, current situation, generally after the main achievement the basic situation, problems, and then put forward center problem or main ideas; the third is to directly generalize the results of the survey, such as certain practices, pointed out the problem, and that the content of the center effect. It play an important role, should be concise summary, straight cut theme.2. subjects. This is the most important part of the survey report. This part describes the basic situation, practice and experience of the investigation, as well as the specific knowledge, opinions and basic conclusions obtained from the analysis of the materials obtained from the investigation.3. at the end. At the end of the writing more, can put forward methods and Countermeasures to solve the problem or the next improvement work; or a summary of the main points, further deepen the theme; or ask questions, leading to further people's thinking; or the prospect that a call andinspiration.翻译调查报告一般由标题和正文两部分组成。
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scope, process and method, and the personnel composition of the survey itself, from which leads to the central question or basic conclusions; the second is that the survey of the historical background, development, current situation, generally after the main achievement the basic situation, problems, and then put forward center problem or main ideas; the third is to directly generalize the results of the survey, such as certain practices, pointed out the problem, and that the content of the center effect. It play an important role, should be concise summary, straight cut theme.
2. subjects. This is the most important part of the survey report. This part describes the basic situation, practice and experience of the investigation, as well as the specific knowledge, opinions and basic conclusions obtained from the analysis of the materials obtained from the investigation.
3. at the end. At the end of the writing more, can put forward methods and Countermeasures to solve the problem or the next improvement work; or a summary of the main points, further deepen the theme; or ask questions, leading to further people's thinking; or the prospect that a call and inspiration.