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2014-2015学年第二学期期中考试试卷 七年级英语学科 客观题 2015年 4 月 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、听力部分(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A. 听对话,选择最佳答案 ( )1. A. The man's. B. The woman’s. C. The man's daughter's. D. The woman's daughter's. ( )2. A. Room 306. B. Room 304. C .Room 206. D .Room 406. ( )3. A. On the right. B. In front of the street. C. On the left. D. Next to the supermarket. ( )4. A. It's raining. B. It's fine. C. It's cold. D. It will rain and be cold. ( )5. A. He is in Beijing. B. He is in Nanjing. C. He is here. D. He lives in Shanghai. B .听短文,选择正确答案 ( )6. Which floor are the two rooms on? A. The 2nd. B. The 4th. C. The 3rd. D. The 5th. ( )7. How far is the hotel from the sea? A. Very far. B. Very near. C. We don't know. D. 1 kilometer from the sea. ( )8. How much does Peter have to pay for his rooms for a night? A. $ 200. B. $400. C. $600. D. $800. ( )9. Which meal doesn't Peter have to pay for? A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Supper. D. Lunch & supper. ( )10. When can Peter arrive at this hotel? A.Today. B. Not decided. C. August 5th. D. August 15th

二、单选(20’) ( ) 11. There ’s ________ one-legged desk in ________ classroom. A. an; the B. a; the C. /; the D. an; a ( )12. Taiwan is ________ the east of China and _______the east of Fujian. A, in, in B. in, to C. to, on D. to, to ( ) 13. Walk ________ Guanqian Street and the shop is about ten ________walk. A. along; minutes ’ B. cross; minutes C. over; minute’s D. down; minutes ( ) 14. _________ cute the little panda is! It looks like its mother. A. What B. Why C. How D. If ( ) 15. --Must I finish my homework now, Mum? --No, you ________. A. mustn ’t B. needn ’t to C. don ’t have to D. don ’t have ( ) 16. --Excuse me. ____________? --Turn right, and you ’ll see it. Which of the following is NOT right? A. where is the post office B. which is the way to the post office

C. how can I get to the post office

D. the way to the post office

( ) 17. There are many shops on _____side of the road, and some restaurants on _____ side.

A. one; another

B. one; the other

C. other; another

D. one; other

( ) 18. Look, these are ___________ bicycles. They are cool.

学 班级 姓 考试 ----------------------------------------------密---------------------------------封----------------------------------线---------------------------------------------------

A. Jim and Tom’s

B. Jim’s and Tom

C. Jim’s and Tom’s

D. Jim and Tom ( )19. The house is big enough for us ___________.

A. to live

B. living in

C. to live in

D. live in

( ) 20. --Who teaches _________ English?-- _________.

A. he; No one

B. his; Nobody

C. him; No one

D.him; Nothing ( ) 21. --Let’s go to the sports centre, shall we? --_______.

A. Good idea

B. I know

C. OK, let’s go

D. Both A&C

( ) 22. --Can I speak to Daniel, please? --Yes. ___________

A. I’m speaking.

B. You can.

C. Hold on, please.

D. Who are you?

( ) 23.Can we go to the poor areas _______ the children there______ their study?

A. help, to do

B. to help, with

C. to help, doing

D. help, with

( ) 24.________ he free this Friday afternoon?

A. Will

B. Does

C. Is

D. Are

( ) 25. ---I have a photo ______ Mount Fuji.

--– Please ______ it here tomorrow. Le t’s have a look.

A. of, bring

B. for, to bring

C. of, take

D. for, to take ( ) 26. My mother hopes you ______ to my home.

A. to come

B. is going to come

C. will come

D. coming

( ) 27. --What does Eddie like? -- He, ______ his brother, also ________ eating hamburgers.

A. likes; like

B. like; like

C. likes; likes

D. like, likes

( ) 28. --Don’t talk in class, _________? --Ok, ________.

A. won’t yo u, I will

B. will you, I won’t.

C. will you, I will

D. won’t you, I won’t

( ) 29. 220,309 should be read____________.

A. two thousand and twenty thousands three hundred and nine

B. two hundred and twenty thousand and three hundred and nine

C. two hundred and twenty thousands and three hundred and nine

D. two hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and nine

( ) 30. ______ students in our city will take part in the writing composition next month.

A. Two hundred

B. Hundreds

C. Two hundreds

D. Hundred


Many people like to keep dogs. They call their dogs "Baby" or other beautiful names, 31 I call my dog "Little Kid".

When l went to 32 his license(许可证),I met one of my friends. I told him l would like to have a license 33 Little Kid and he said, "I'd like to have 34 for my kid (孩子), too." Then I told him," But this is a dog."

When I got married(结婚)and went on my honeymoon, I 35 the dog with me. I told the hotel worker that l wanted a 36 for my wife and me and a room for Little Kid. He asks," Why don't you and your kid 37 in a room?" Then I said, "You don't understand. Little Kid is my dog. My wife doesn't 38 him.

When my wife and I separated(分开),we went to court(法庭).I said," Your Honor, I only want to have my Little Kid.”The judge(法官)said," You are a good 39 .”Then I told him," Little
