
Unitl1、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:•Neuron overload•Patients* high expectations・Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctor2、Mrs. Osorio^s condition:•A 56-year-old woman・Somewhat overweight•Reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension・Cholesterol on the high side without any medications for it•Not enough exercises she should take•Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan3、Good things:•Blood tests done•Glucose a little better•Her blood pressure a little better but not so great Bad things:• Cholesterol not so great•Her weight a little up•Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan 44、The situation:•The author was i n a moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts about Mrs.Osorio^s conditions and trying to resolve them all before the clock ran down.•Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions.•Mrs- Osorio seemed to care only about her “innocent — and completely justified 一request'5: the form signed by her doctor.•The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patient while completing documentation.5> Similarities:•In computer multitasking, a microprocessor actually performs only one task at a time. Like microprocessors, we human beings carft actually concentrate on two thoughts at the same exact time. Multitasking is just an illusion both in computers and human beings. Differences:•The concept of multitasking originated in computer science.•At best, human beings can juggle only a handful of thoughts in a multitasking manner, but computers can do much better.•The more thoughts human beings juggle, the less human beings are able to attune fully to any given thought, but computers can do much better.6、•7 medical issues to consider•5 separate thoughts, at least, for each issue•7 x 5 = 35 thoughts•10 patients that afternoon•35 x 10 = 350 thoughts•5 residents under the authors supervision•4 patients seen by each resident•10 thoughts, at least, generated from each patient•5 x 4 x 10 = anther 200 thoughts•350 + 200 = 550 thoughts to be handled in total•If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves about 10 thoughts that might get lost in the process.7、Possible solutions:・Computer-generated reminders•Case managers •Ancillary services•The simplest solution: timeUnit21、The author implies:• Peoples inadequate consciousness about the consequence of neglecting the re- emerging infectious diseases•Unjustifiability of peoples complacency about the prevention and control of theinfectious diseases•Unfinished war against infectious diseases2、Victory declarations:-Surgeon General William Stewart1 s hyperbolic statement of closing "the book oninfectious disease,•A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccines•The thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost over Whatfollowed ever since:-Appearance of new diseases such as AIDS and Ebola•Comeback of the old afflictions:» Diphtheria in the former Soviet Union» TB in urban centers like New York City» Rising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever•The fear of a powerful new flu strain sweeping the world3、Elaborate on the joined battle:•WHO established a new division devoted to worldwide surveillance and control ofemerging disease in October 1995.•CDC la unched a prevention strategy in 1994.-Congress raised fund from $6.7 million in 1995 to $26 million in 1997.4、The borders are meaningless to pathogenic microbes, which can travel from one country to another remote country in a very short time.5、TB:-Prisons and homeless shelters as ideal places for TB spread•Emerging of drug-resistant strain or even multi-drug-resistant strain•A ride on the HIV w A on by attacking the immunocompromisedGroup A strep:•A change in virulence•Mutation in the exterior of the bacteriumFlu:Constant changes in its coat (surface antigens) and resultant changes in its level of virulence6、Examples:•Experiment in England is seeing the waning immunity because of no vaccination.-Due to poor vaccination efforts, the diphtheria situation in the former Soviet Union is serious. f• The vaccination rates are dropping in some American cities, and it will lead to more diphtheria and whooping cough.7、The four areas of focus:•The need for surveillance•Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field-Appropriate prevention and control•Strong public health infrastructure8、The infectious diseases such as TB, flu, diphtheria and scarlet fever will never really go away, and the war against them will never end.Unit31、Teny's life before•She loved practicing Tae Kwon Do•She loved the surge of adrenaline that came with the controlled combat of tournaments.•She competed nationally, even won bronze medal in the trials for the Pan American Games.•She attended medical school, practiced as an internal medicine resident, and became an academic general internist.• She got married and got a son and a daughter.2、The symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease:•Loss of stamina and strength•Problems with balance•Bouts of horrific facial pain•Dips in visual acuity3、Terry did the following before she self-experimented:•She started injections.•She adopted many pharmacotherapies.•She began her own study of literature:» She read articles on websites such as PubMed.» She searched for articles testing new MS drugs in animal models.» She turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types ——dementia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington^ disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease.» She relearned basic sciences such as cellular physiology, biochemistry, andneurophysiology.4、A pproaches Terry mainly used:•Self-experimentation with various nutrients to slow neurodegeneration based on literature reports on animal models-Self-experimentation with neuromuscular electrical stimulation which is not an approved treatment for MS•Online search to identify the sources of micronutrients and having a new diet •Reduction of food allergies and toxic load5、C ases mentioned in the text:-Increased mercury stores in the brains of people with dental fillings•High levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in Iowa•The strong association between pesticide exposure and neurodegeneration•The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving metabolism of sulfur and/or B vitamins•Inefficient clearing of toxins6、W ith 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity being due to environmental factors other than the genes, we can take many healthproblems and the health care crisis under our control, for example, optimizing our nutrition and reducing our toxic load.Unit41、Two concepts:•Complementary medicine refers to the use of conventional therapies together withalternative treatments such as using acupuncture in addition to usual care to help lessen pain. Complementary and alternative medicine is shortened as CAM.-Alternative medicine refers to healing treatments that are not part of conventional therapies 一like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. They are called so because people used to consider practices like these outside the mainstream.2•TCM does not require advanced, complicated, and in most cases, expensive facilities.•TCM employs need les, cups, coins, to mention but a few.•Most procedures and operations of TCM are noninvasive.•The substances used as medicine are raw herbs or abstracts from them, and they are indeed all natural, from nature.•TCM has been practiced as long as the Chin ese history, so the efficiency i s proven and ensured.-Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM3^ It may be used as an adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensivemanagement program for a number of conditions: post-operative and chemotherapyinduced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.4、 A well-justified NO:•More intense research to uncover additional areas for the use of acupuncture•Higher adoption of acupuncture as a common therapeutic m odality not only in treatment but also in prevention of disease and promotion of wellness-Exploration and perfection of innovative methods of acupuncture point stimulation with technological advancement•Improved understanding of neuroscience and other aspects of human physiology and function by basic research on acupuncture•Greater interest by stakeholders•An increasing number of physician acupuncturists5、-Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidance:» Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient» Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas•Digression from either of the above guidence will lead to misuses of herbs, and will result in complications in patient6、•Randomized controlled trialsAdvantages:» Elimination of the potential bias in the allocation of participants to the interventiongroup or control group» Tendency to produce comparable groups» Guaranteed validity of statistical tests of significanceLimitations:» Difficulty in generalizing the results obtained from the selected sampling to the population as a whole» A poor choice for research where temporal factors are an issue» Extremely heavy resources, requiring very large sample groups•Quasi-experimentsAdvantages:» Control group comparisons possible» Reduced threats to external validity as natural environments do not suffer the sameproblems of artificiality as compared to a well-controlled laboratory setting.» Generalizations of the findings to be made about population since quasi・ experiments are natural experimentsLimitations :» Potential for non-equivalent groups as quasi-experimental designs do not use random sampling in constructing experimental and control groups.» Potential for low internal validity as a result of not using random sampling methods to construct the experimental and control groups•Cohort studiesAdvantages:» Clear indication of the temporal sequence between exposure and outcome» Particular use for evaluating the effects of rare or unusual exposure» Ability to examine multiple outcomes of a single risk factorLimitations:» Larger, longer, and more expensive» Prone to certain types of bias» Not practical for rare outcomes•Case-control studiesAdvantages:» The only feasible method in the case of rare diseases and those with long periodsbetween exposure and outcome» Time and cost effective with relatively fewer subjects as compared to other observational methodsLimitations :» Unable to provide the same level of evidence as randomized controlled trials as it is observational in nature» Difficult to establish the timeline of exposure to disease outcome•“N=l" trialsAdvantages» Easy to manage» InexpensiveLimitations :» Findings difficult to be generalized to the whole population» Weakest evidence due to the number of the subject7、•Synthesis of evidence is completely dependent on:» The completeness of the literature search (unavailable for foreign studies)» The accuracy of evaluation-There are situations in which no answer can be found for the questions of interest in RCTs and database analyses.•There's the requirement of using less stringent information rather than “hard data^8、-Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in society-Research and education•Political, economic, and social factorsUnit51、• Dis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from :» Continuous stress» Pain» Hardships•Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases.-Prompting elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseases.2、•Wellness is a state involving every aspect of our being: body, mind and spirit.•Manifestations of a healthy person:» Energy and vitality» A certain zip in gait» A warm feeling of peace of heart seen through behavior3、•Constant messages, positive and negative, are sent to our mind about the health of our body.•Physical symptoms are suppressed by people who go through life on automatic pilot. •Being well eq uals to being disease- or illness-free in the minds of them.•They confused wellness with an absence of symptoms.4、-People's minds are infected by spin:» Half-truth» Fearful fictions» Blatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceit•Spin is a result of unconscious living.•The kind of falseness is pandemic.5•Our body intelligence is suppressed or dormant from a lack of use.-There are tremendous amount of stress on a daily basis.・Our bodies are easily ignored for years because of a lack of recreation time.•Limiting, self-defeating and even self-destructive behaviors undermine our wellbeing and keep them from achieving our full potential.6・We grow more reluctant to take risks.•We lose the ability to feel and acknowledge our deepest feelings and the c ourage to speak our truth.•We continue to deny and repress our feelings to protect ourselves.-Fear, denial and disconnection from our bodies and feelings become anunconscious, self-protective habit, a kind of default response to life.7•A multi-faceted process:» Looking for roots of and resolutions for the issues in different dimensions» Building our wellness toolbox slowly» Picturing our whole state of being•Attention to the little stuff:» Examining our lives honestly and setting clear intentions to change» Striving to maintain a balance of our mind, body and spirit» Taking small steps in the way to perceive and resolve conflict8•Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously.•Get in touch with our genuine fe elings and emotions.・Come to terms with the toxic emotionsUnit61、In the past, most people died at home. But now, more and more people are cared inhospitals and nursing homes at their end of life, which of course brings a new set of questions to consider.2、•Sixty-four years old with a history of congestive heart failure•Deciding to do everything medically possible to extend his life•Availability of around-the-clock medical services and a full range of treatment choices, tests, and other medical care・Relaxed visiting hours, and personal items from home3、Availability of around-the-clock medical resources, including doctors, nurses, andfacility.4、•Taking on a job which is big physically, emotionally, and financially•Hiring a home nurse for additional help-Arranging for services (such as visiting nurses) and special equipment (like a hospital bed or bedside commode)5、•Health insurance-Planning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge plaimer or a social worker •Help from local governmental agencies•Doctor's supervision at home6、•Traditionally, it is only about symptom care.-Recently, it is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for people who are living with potentially fatal diseases.7、•Stopp ing treatment specifically aimed at curing an illness equals discontinuing alltreatment.•Choosing a hospice is a permanent decision.Unit71、• A dying patient•Decision whether to withdraw life-support machines and medication and start comfort measures•The family's refusal to make any decision or withdraw any treatments2>•The doctor as exclusive decision-maker•The patient as participant with little say in the final choice3、-Respect for the patient, especially the patient s autonomy•Patient-centered care•The patient as decision-maker based on the information provided by the doctor4、•Patients are forced to make decisions they never want to.-Patients, at least a large majority of them, prefer their doctors to make final decisions.•Shifting responsibility of decision-making to patients will bring about more stress to patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient is uncertain.5、Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethical transgression.6、•Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decisions on their own.•Balancing between paternalism and respect for patients autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.Unit81、•Research:An activity to test hypothesis, to permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby todevelopor contribute to generalizable knowledge・Practice:Interventions solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success•Blurred distinction:» Cooccurrence of research and practice like in research designed to evaluate a therapy » Notable departures from standard practice being called "experimental" with the terms "experimental^ and "research^ carelessly defined2、-Autonomy :Individuals treated as autonomous agents .•Protection:Persons with diminished autonomy entitled to protection•A case in point:Prisoners involved in research3•"Do no hamT as the primary principle・Maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms .・Balance between benefits and potential risks involved in every step of seeding the benefits4、•“Do no harm" as a fundamental principle of medical ethics•Extension of it to t he realm of research by Claude Bernard-Benefits and risks as a set "duct" in both medical practice and research5、•Unreasonable denial of entitled benefit and unduly imposed burden - Enrolment ofpatients in new drug trial: Who should be enrolled and who should not?•Equal treatment of equals:Determining factors of equality: age, sex, severity of the condition, financial status, social status6、•Definition:The opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them •Application:» A process rather than signing a written form» Adequate information as the premise» A well-informed decision as the expected result7、•Requirements for consent as entailed by the principle of respect for persons•Risk/benefit assessment as entailed by the principle of beneficence•More requirements of fairness as entailed by the principle of justice:» At the individual level: fairness » At the social level: distinction between classes。

Unit11、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:·Neuron overload·Patients* high expectations·Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctor2、Mrs. Osorio’s condition:·A 56-year-old woman·Somewhat overweight·Reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension·Cholesterol on the high side without any medications for it·Not enough exercises she should take·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan3、Good things:·Blood tests done·Glucose a little better·Her blood pressure a little better but not so great Bad things:·Cholesterol not so great·Her weight a little up·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan 44、The situation:·The author was in a moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts about Mrs. Osorio’s conditions and trying to resolve them all before the clock ran down.·Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions.·Mrs. Osorio seemed to care only about her “innocent —and completely justified —request”:the form signed by her doctor.·The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patient whilecompleting documentation.5、Similarities:·In computer multitasking, a microprocessor actually performs only one task at a time. Like microprocessors, we human beings carft actually concentrate on two thoughts at the same exact time. Multitasking is just an illusion both in computers and human beings.Differences:·The concept of multitasking originated in computer science.·At best, human beings can juggle only a handful of thoughts in a multitasking manner, but computers can do much better.·The more thoughts human beings juggle, the less human beings are able to attune fully to any given thought, but computers can do much better.6、·7 medical issues to consider·5 separate thoughts, at least, for each issue·7 x 5 = 35 thoughts·10 patients that afternoon·35 x 10 = 350 thoughts·5 residents under the authors supervision·4 patients seen by each resident·10 thoughts, at least, generated from each patient·5 x 4 x 10 = anther 200 thoughts·350 + 200 = 550 thoughts to be handled in total·If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves about 10 thoughts that might get lost in the process.7、Possible solutions:·Computer-generated reminders·Case managers·Ancillary services·The simplest solution: timeUnit21、The author implies:• Peoples inadequate consciousness about the consequence of neglecting the re-emerging infectious diseases·Unjustifiability of peoples complacency about the prevention and control of the infectious diseases·Unfinished war against infectious diseases2、Victory declarations:·Surgeon General William Stewart's hyperbolic statement of closing “the book on infectious disease”.·A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccines·The thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost overWhat followed ever since:·Appearance of new diseases such as AIDS and Ebola·Comeback of the old afflictions:» Diphtheria in the former Soviet Union» TB in urban centers like New York City» Rising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever·The fear of a powerful new flu strain sweeping the world3、Elaborate on the joined battle:·WHO established a new division devoted to worldwide surveillance and control of emerging disease in October 1995.·CDC launched a prevention strategy in 1994.·Congress raised fund from $6.7 million in 1995 to $26 million in 1997.4、The borders are meaningless to pathogenic microbes, which can travel from one country to another remote country in a very short time.5、TB:·Prisons and homeless shelters as ideal places for TB spread·Emerging of drug-resistant strain or even multi-drug-resistant strain·A ride on the HIV w^on by attacking the immunocompromisedGroup A strep:·A change in virulence·Mutation in the exterior of the bacteriumFlu:Constant changes in its coat (surface antigens) and resultant changes in its level of virulence6、Examples:·Experiment in England is seeing the waning immunity because of no vaccination. ·Du e to poor vaccination efforts, the diphtheria situation in the former Soviet Union is serious. '• The vaccination rates are dropping in some American cities, and it will lead to more diphtheria and whooping cough.7、The four areas of focus:·The need for surveillance·Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field·Appropriate prevention and control·Strong public health infrastructure8、The infectious diseases such as TB, flu, diphtheria and scarlet fever will never really go away, and the war against them will never end.Unit31、Terry's life before·She loved practicing Tae Kwon Do·She loved the surge of adrenaline that came with the controlled combat of tournaments.·She competed nationally, even won bronze medal in the trials for the Pan American Games.·She attended medical school, practiced as an internal medicine resident, and became an academic general internist.·She got married and got a son and a daughter.2、The symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease:·Loss of stamina and strength·Problems with balance·Bouts of horrific facial pain·Dips in visual acuity3、Terry did the following before she self-experimented:·She started injections.·She adopted many pharmacotherapies.·She began her own study of literature:» She read articles on websites such as PubMed.» She searched for articles testing new MS drugs in animal models.» She turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types — dementia,Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease.» She relearned basic sciences such as cellular physiology, biochemistry, and neurophysiology.4、Approaches Terry mainly used:·Self-experimentation with various nutrients to slow neurodegeneration based on literature reports on animal models·Self-experimentation with neuromuscular electrical stimulation which is not an approved treatment for MS·Online search to identify the sources of micronutrients and having a new diet ·Reduction of food allergies and toxic load5、Cases mentioned in the text:·Increased mercury stores in the brains of people with dental fillings·High levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in Iowa·The strong association between pesticide exposure and neurodegeneration ·The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving metabolism of sulfur and/or B vitamins·Inefficient clearing of toxins6、With 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, andautoimmunity being due to environmental factors other than the genes, we can take many health problems and the health care crisis under our control, for example, optimizing our nutrition and reducing our toxic load.Unit41、Two concepts:·Complementary medicine refers to the use of conventional therapies together with alternative treatments such as using acupuncture in addition to usual care to help lessen pain. Complementary and alternative medicine is shortened as CAM.·Alternative medicine refers to healing treatments that are not part of conventional therapies —like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. They are called so because people used to consider practices like these outside the mainstream.2·TCM does not require advanced, complicated, and in most cases, expensive facilities.·TCM employs needles, cups, coins, to mention but a few.·Most procedures and operations of TCM are noninvasive.·The substances used as medicine are raw herbs or abstracts from them, and they are indeed all natural, from nature.·TCM has been practiced as long as the Chinese history, so the efficiency i s proven and ensured.·Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM3、It may be used as an adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensive management program for a number of conditions: post-operative and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.4、A well-justified NO:·More intense research to uncover additional areas for the use of acupuncture ·Higher adoption of acupuncture as a common therapeutic modality not only in treatment but also in prevention of disease and promotion of wellness ·Exploration and perfection of innovative methods of acupuncture point stimulation with technological advancement·Improved understanding of neuroscience and other aspects of human physiology and function by basic research on acupuncture·Greater interest by stakeholders·An increasing number of physician acupuncturists5、·Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidance:» Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient»Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas·Digression from either of the above guidence will lead to misuses of herbs, and will result in complications in patient6、·Randomized controlled trialsAdvantages:»Elimination of the potential bias in the allocation of participants to the intervention group or control group» Tendency to produce comparable groups» Guaranteed validity of statistical tests of significanceLimitations:» Difficulty in generalizing the results obtained from the selected sampling to the population as a whole»A poor choice for research where temporal factors are anissue»Extremely heavy resources, requiring very large samplegroups• Quasi-experimentsAdvantages:» Control group comparisons possible»Reduced threats to external validity as natural environments do notsuffer the same problems of artificiality as compared to a well-controlledlaboratory setting.»Generalizations of the findings to be made about population since quasiexperiments are natural experimentsLimitations:» Potential for non-equivalent groups as quasi-experimental designs donot use random sampling in constructing experimental and controlgroups.»Potential for low internal validity as a result of not using random sampling methods to construct the experimental and control groups• Cohort studiesAdvantages:»Clear indication of the temporal sequence between exposure and outcome» Particular use for evaluating the effects of rare or unusual exposure» Ability to examine multiple outcomes of a single risk factorLimitations:» Larger, longer, and more expensive» Prone to certain types of bias» Not practical for rare outcomes• Case-control studiesAdvantages:» The only feasible method in the case of rare diseases and those with long periods between exposure and outcome» Time and cost effective with relatively fewer subjects as compared to other observational methodsLimitations:» Unable to provide the same level of evidence as randomized controlled trials as it is observational in nature» Difficult to establish the timeline of exposure to disease outcome• “N=1” trialsAdvantages» Easy to manage» InexpensiveLimitations:» Findings difficult to be generalized to the whole population» Weakest evidence due to the number of the subject7、• Synthesis of evidence is completely dependent on:» The completeness of the literature search (unavailable for foreign studies)» The accuracy of evaluation·There are situations in which no answer can be found for the questions of interest in RCTs and database analyses.·There's the requirement of using less stringent information rather than “hard data”8、·Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in society·Research and education·Political, economic, and social factorsUnit51、·Dis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from:» Continuous stress» Pain» Hardships·Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases.·Prompting elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseases.2、·Wellness is a state involving every aspect of our being: body, mind and spirit.·Manifestations of a healthy person:» Energy and vitality» A certain zip in gait» A warm feeling of peace of heart seen through behavior3、·Constant messages, positive and negative,are sent to our mind about the health of our body.·Physical symptoms are suppressed by people who go through life on automatic pilot.·Being well equals to being disease- or illness-free in the minds of them.·They confused wellness with an absence of symptoms.4、·People's minds are infected by spin:» Half-truth» Fearful fictions» Blatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceit·Spin is a result of unconscious living.·The kind of falseness is pandemic.5·Our body intelligence is suppressed or dormant from a lack of use.·There are tremendous amount of stress on a daily basis.·Our bodies are easily ignored for years because of a lack of recreation time. ·Limiting, self-defeating and even self-destructive behaviors undermine our wellbeing and keep them from achieving our full potential.6·We grow more reluctant to take risks.·We lose the ability to feel and acknowledge our deepest feelings and the courage to speak our truth.·We continue to deny and repress our feelings to protect ourselves.·Fear, denial and disconnection from our bodies and feelings become an unconscious, self-protective habit, a kind of default response to life.7·A multi-faceted process:» Looking for roots of and resolutions for the issues in different dimensions» Building our wellness toolbox slowly» Picturing our whole state of being·Attention to the little stuff:» Examining our lives honestly and setting clear intentions to change» Striving to maintain a balance of our mind, body and spirit» Taking small steps in the way to perceive and resolve conflict8·Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously.·Get in touch with our genuine feelings and emotions.·Come to terms with the toxic emotions1、In the past, most people died at home. But now, more and more people are caredin hospitals and nursing homes at their end of life, which of course brings a new set of questions to consider.2、·Sixty-four years old with a history of congestive heart failure·Deciding to do everything medically possible to extend his life·Availability of around-the-clock medical services and a full range of treatment choices, tests, and other medical care·Relaxed visiting hours, and personal items from home3、Availability of around-the-clock medical resources, including doctors, nurses, andfacility.4、·Taking on a job which is big physically, emotionally, and financially·Hiring a home nurse for additional help·Arranging for services (such as visiting nurses) and special equipment (like a hospital bed or bedside commode)5、·Health insurance·Planning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge plaimer or a social worker·Help from local governmental agencies·Doctor's supervision at home6、·Traditionally, it is only about symptom care.·Recently, it is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for people who are living with potentially fatal diseases.·Stopping treatment specifically aimed at curing an illness equals discontinuing all treatment.·Choosing a hospice is a permanent decision.Unit71、·A dying patient·Decision whether to withdraw life-support machines and medication and start comfort measures·The family's refusal to make any decision or withdraw any treatments2、·The doctor as exclusive decision-maker·The patient as participant with little say in the final choice3、·Respect for the patient, especially the patient s autonomy·Patient-centered care·The patient as decision-maker based on the information provided by the doctor 4、·Patients are forced to make decisions they never want to.·Patients, at least a large majority of them, prefer their doctors to make final decisions.·Shifting responsibility of decision-making to patients will bring about more stress to patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient is uncertain.5、Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethicaltransgression.6、·Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decisions on their own.·Balancing between paternalism and respect for patients autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.Unit81、·Research:An activity to test hypothesis, to permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge·Practice:Interventions solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success·Blurred distinction:» Cooccurrence of research and practice like in research designed to evaluate a therapy» Notable departures from standard practice being called “experimental” with the terms “experimenta l”and “research” carelessly defined2、·Autonomy:Individuals treated as autonomous agents .·Protection:Persons with diminished autonomy entitled to protection·A case in point:Prisoners involved in research3·“Do no harm” as the primary principle·Maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms . ·Balance between benefits and potential risks involved in every step of seeding the benefits4、·“Do no harm” as a fundamental principle of medical ethics·Extension of it to the realm of research by Claude Bernard·Benefits and risks as a set “duet” in both medical practice and research5、·Unreasonable denial of entitled benefit and unduly imposed burden:Enrolment of patients in new drug trial: Who should be enrolled and who should not?·Equal treatment of equals:Determining factors of equality: age, sex, severity of the condition, financial status, social status6、·Definition:The opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them ·Application:» A process rather than signing a written form» Adequate information as the premise» A well-informed decision as the expected result7、·Requirements for consent as entailed by the principle of respect for persons ·Risk/benefit assessment as entailed by the principle of beneficence·More requirements of fairness as entailed by the principle of justice: » At the individual level: fairness» At the social level: distinction between classes。

学术英语医学课后词组 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】Unit 1 动脉旁路1.neuron overload 神经过载2.a typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊3.DEXA scan DEXA扫描4.medical practicing 行医5.blood pressure control 血压控制6.health maintenance 健康保持7.Mammogram report 乳房X线检查报告8.physical examination 体检9.side effect of a medication 药物的副作用10.perpetual panic 永久的恐慌11.practicing physicians 职业医生12.transplant field 移植领域13.medical budget 医疗预算14.paracetamol tablet 扑热息痛药片15.childproof cap 防孩子打开的盖子16.randomized clinical trial 随机临床试验17.Random allocation 随机分配18.patient prognosis 病人的预后19.control group 对照组20.a 10-year follow-up study 10年的跟踪研究21.a medical ward 内科病房22.infectious hepatitis 传染性肝炎23.Severe malaise 身体严重不适24.bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢25.permanent liver damage 永久的肝损伤26.exacerbate pathophysiology 加重病理生理状况27.Medical literature 医学文献28.clinical investigation 临床调查29.incedence of relapse 复发率30.clinical epidemiology 临床流行病学31.strict bed rest 严格的卧床休息32.hospital stay 住院33.recurrent jaundice 反复发作的黄疸34.clinical course 临床病程35.intravenous morphine 静脉注射吗啡36.diastolic blood pressure 舒张压37.brain perfusion 大脑血灌输38.primary care初级保健39.aorto-coronary arterial bypass主动脉冠状助工作rmed treatment decision 知情治疗决41.an international humanitarian group一个国际人道组织42.the Red Cross 红十字会43.The first major relief effort 第一次重大援44.casualty of war 战争中的人员伤亡45.emergency relief efforts 紧急援助Unit 31.the surge of adrenaline 肾上腺素激增2.an internal medicine residency 内科实习期3.an autoimmune disease 自体免疫4.loss of stamina 丧失持久力5.transient weakness 短暂的虚弱6.becoming bedridden 卧床不起7.a building block基本构件8.an animal model 动物模型9.to slow neurodegeneration减缓神经退化10.to excrete toxins排除毒素11.to optimize nutrition 优化营养12.toxic load毒素载量13.the risk of relapse 复发危险14.physician self-experimentation医生自我实验15.a clinical trial 临床试验16.neuromuscular electrical stimulation 神经肌肉电刺激17.physical therapist 理疗师18.the impact of micronutrients 微量营养素的影响19.brain function 脑功能20.track the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动21.coordination of emotions 情绪协调22.cardiovascular reactions 心血管反应23.feeling of rapport 亲密感觉24.rapid entrain 迅速同步25.emotional contagion 情绪传染26.to mutually regulation 互相调节27.a psychobiological unit生物心理单元28.emotional solace情感慰藉29.functional magnetic resonance imaging功能性磁共振成像30.to activate brain zones激活该脑部区域31.to make it mandatory 使之成为强制性32.a(n) dubious project无把握的项目33.medical background医学背景34.proof of concept概念验证35.dose regimen 剂量方案plications or concomitant conditions并发症与合并症37.anti-tumor agents 抗肿瘤的药剂38.standard therapy标准疗法39.pharmacology properties 药理学特性40.poor solubility 溶解性差41.in vivo pharmacology 体内药理学Unit 51.a health crisis 健康危机2.physical symptoms 身体症状3.Energy and vitality 能量和活力4.be completely immune from sth.对某事完全免疫5.virus of falseness 虚假的病毒6.stressful lifestyle 有压力的生活方式7.robust emotion 健全的感情8.fragile health 脆弱的健康9.to balance our mind ,body and spirit平衡心理、身体和精神10.spiritual life精神生活11.the blockage to wellness 通向身心健康的“路障”12.repressed emotions 被压抑的感情13.genuine feelings and emotion真情实感14.physiological influences 心理影响15.fully integrated human beings 十全十美的人16.decaying teeth 蛀牙17.nutrition professor 营养教授18.burgeoning waistline 迅速膨胀的腰围19.bottled water 瓶装水20.caloric intake 热量摄入21.to curb appetite 节制食欲22.grains and protein 谷物和蛋白质23.childhood obesity 儿童肥胖症24.lean protein 精益蛋白质25.dietary habits 饮食习惯26.quality of life 生活质量27.diary category 乳制品类28.prevention of diabetes糖尿病的预防29.sodium content 钠的含量Unit 71.a nursing station 护士站2.life-support machines 生命维持系统fort measures 舒适护理措施4.to withdraw treatments 停止治疗5.paternalistic decision-making process 家长式决策程序6.patient empowerment 给病人授权7.medical ethicists 医学伦理学家8.ethical principles 伦理准则9.clinical ideal 临床理念10.patient-centered care 以病人为中心的护理11.patient autonomy 病人自主权12.treatment options 治疗选择13.exclusive purview 专属领域14.emergency decisions 紧急状况下做的决定15.physician restraint 对医生的限制16.anxiety and confusion 焦虑与困惑17.ethical transgression 违背伦理18.family practice 家庭医疗19.widespread metastases 广泛转移20.aggressive treatment 积极治疗21.primary lesion 原发病灶22.to recommend follow-up 建议随访23.electronic record 电子病历24.pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞puterized tomography CT,计算机断层扫描26.bilateral infiltrates双侧浸润27.a(n) chest X-ray(X线胸片)28.left lower-lobe pneumonia左下肺叶肺炎borcd breathing呼吸困难30.the hospice team临终关怀团队31.chronic illness慢性病32.psychosocial aspects 社会心理学领域33.evidence-based guidelines 循证临床指南34.to implement a plan of care 实施治疗方案。

1. Anatomy - 解剖学
2. Physiology - 生理学
3. Pathology - 病理学
4. Pharmacology - 药理学
5. Microbiology - 微生物学
6. Genetics - 遗传学
7. Immunology - 免疫学
8. Epidemiology - 流行病学
9. Diagnosis - 诊断
10. Treatment - 治疗
11. Surgery - 外科手术
12. Radiology - 放射学
13. Cardiology - 心脏病学
14. Oncology - 肿瘤学
15. Neurology - 神经病学
16. Gastroenterology - 胃肠病学
17. Obstetrics - 产科学
18. Pediatrics - 儿科学
19. Dermatology - 皮肤病学
20. Psychiatry - 精神病学
21. Anesthesia - 麻醉学
22. Endocrinology - 内分泌学
23. Cardiac - 心脏的
24. Respiratory - 呼吸的
25. Digestive - 消化的
26. Nervous - 神经的
27. Muscular - 肌肉的
28. Skeletal - 骨骼的
29. Vascular - 血管的
30. Immune - 免疫的

1. Seasonal Influenza病毒感染viral infection疫苗vaccine体征sign症状symptom咳嗽cough关节痛joint pain咽喉痛sore throat流鼻涕runny nose高危人群people at high risk/ high-risk group 潜伏期incubation period并发症complication抗病毒药antiviral drug住院治疗hospitalization新陈代谢metabolism2. Diabetes胰腺pancreas胰岛素insulin激素hormone血糖blood sugar/ glucose血脂blood lipid高血糖hyperglycemia, raised blood sugar, high blood sugar血管blood vessel胰岛素依赖型insulin-dependent多尿polyuria烦渴polydipsia视网膜病retinopathy神经病变neuropathy视网膜retina麻木numbness截肢amputation肾衰kidney failure胆固醇cholesterol妊娠期的gestational出生前的prenatal3. Ear Infection中耳middle ear鼓膜ear drum急性中耳炎acute otitis media咽鼓管Eustachian tube黏液mucus 听力迟钝dulled hearing穿孔v. perforate耳痛earache缓解v. relieve; ease抗生素antibiotic开处方v. prescribe副作用side-effect腹泻diarrhea乳突炎mastoiditis4. Cardiovascular Disease心血管疾病cardiovascular disease冠心病coronary heart disease心脏病发作heart attack脑血管疾病cerebrovascular disease高血压raised blood pressure/ high blood pressure/ hypertension外周动脉疾病peripheral artery disease风湿性心脏病rheumatic heart disease先天性心脏病congenital heart disease心力衰竭heart failure中风stroke脂肪沉积fatty deposit内壁inner wall血管blood vessel动脉粥样硬化atherosclerosis血块blood clot呼吸短促shortness of breath呼吸困难difficulty in breathing头晕的light-headed/ faint冷汗cold sweat恶心nausea呕吐vomit麻木numbness失去知觉unconsciousness绝经,更年期menopause5. Obesity and Overweight肥胖obesity超重overweight卡路里calorie高热量食物energy-dense food维生素vitamin矿物质mineral微量营养素micronutrient骨关节炎osteoarthritis营养不良undernutrition6. HIV and AIDS免疫缺陷immunodeficiency逆转录酶病毒retrovirus免疫系统immune system机会感染opportunistic infection晚期the advanced stage输血blood transfusion妊娠期pregnancy哺乳期breastfeeding传播transmission免疫细胞immune cell分娩delivery发病机理pathogenesis营养不良malnutrition7. Hepatitis发炎inflammation横膈膜diaphragm腹部abdomen肝动脉hepatic artery门静脉portal vein主动脉aorta肝细胞hepatic cell慢性肝炎chronic hepatitis自体免疫的autoimmune乙肝携带者carriers of hepatitis B性传播疾病sexually transmitted disease 肿胀swell肝硬化cirrhosis脓pus黄疸jaundice血浆plasma疤痕scar糖原glycogen荨麻疹hives粪便feces碳水化合物carbohydrate换气过度hyperventilation 8. Cancer恶性的malignant良性的benign肿瘤tumor, neoplasm转移metastasis死亡率mortality发病率morbidity癌前病变precancerous lesion遗传因素genetic factor物理致癌物physical carcinogen化学致癌物chemical carcinogen生物致癌物biological carcinogen电离辐射ionizing radiation寄生虫parasite细胞修复机制cellular repair mechanism 肿块lump疼痛的;痛处sore持续性消化不良persistent indigestion 乳房X线照相术mammography细胞学cytology巴氏涂片pap smear宫颈癌cervical cancer外科手术surgery放疗radiotherapy化疗chemotherapy超声ultrasound内镜检查endoscopyX线照相术radiography病理学pathology9. Hypertension高血压hypertension, high blood pressure 心搏heart beat泵pump收缩压systolic pressure舒张压diastolic pressure高血压前期prehypertension原发性高血压essential hypertension继发性高血压secondary hypertension 心律不齐irregular heartbeat胸痛chest pain电解质electrolyte心电图electrocardiogram超声心动图echocardiogram抑制剂inhibitor利尿剂diuretic阻滞剂blocker血管扩张剂vasodilator复发relapse10. Basic Anatomy --- Tissues and Organs 上皮组织epithelial tissue结缔组织connective tissue肌肉组织muscle tissue神经组织nerve tissue肌腱tendon韧带ligament软骨cartilage神经元neuron神经胶质细胞glial cell脊髓spinal cord表皮epidermis真皮dermis皮下层subcutaneous layer脂肪组织adipose tissue骨骼系统skeletal system肌肉系统muscular system循环系统circulatory system神经系统nervous system呼吸系统respiratory system消化系统digestive system泌尿系统urinary system内分泌系统endocrine system生殖系统reproductive system淋巴/ 免疫系统lymphatic/ immune system 骨骼肌skeletal muscle平滑肌smooth muscle心肌cardiac muscle营养物质nutrient激素hormone食管esophagus肠intestine淋巴lymph淋巴结lymph node淋巴管lymph vessel白细胞white blood cell / leukocyte腺体gland 11. The Disease SARS严重急性呼吸道综合征severe acute respiratory syndrome高烧high fever寒战chill干咳dry/ nonproductive cough低氧症hypoxia机械通气mechanical ventilation肺炎pneumonia非典型的atypical冠状病毒coronavirus呼吸飞沫respiratory droplet飞沫传播droplet spread呼吸窘迫综合症respiratory distress syndrome打喷嚏v. sneeze空气传播airborne spread接触传染的contagious预防precaution抗病毒的antiviral样品specimen培养culture12. Fracture外伤性骨折traumatic fracture病理性骨折pathologic fracture开放性骨折open fracture闭合性骨折closed fracture稳定性骨折stable fracture不稳定性骨折unstable fracture断裂disruption骨膜periosteum青枝骨折greenstick粉碎性骨折comminuted fracture局部疼痛localized pain畸形deformity触痛tenderness水肿edema肌肉痉挛muscle spasm瘀斑ecchymosis复位reduction骨化ossification固定immobilization无血管性坏死avascular necrosis静脉血栓形成venous thrombosis 脂肪栓塞fat embolism休克shock病原体pathogen机能障碍dysfunction术前准备preoperative preparation 便秘constipation肾结石renal calculi萎缩atrophy低血压hypotension门诊病人outpatient13. Respiratory System咽pharynx喉larynx气管trachea支气管bronchus横隔diaphragm分子molecule扩散作用diffusion氧化oxygenation代谢废物metabolic waste酸碱平衡acid-base balance上呼吸道upper respiratory tract 下呼吸道lower respiratory tract 换气ventilation吸气inhalation呼气exhalation呼吸衰竭respiratory failure毛细血管capillary肺气肿emphysema支气管炎bronchitis哮喘asthma微生物microbe酸中毒acidosis碱中毒alkalosis14. Depression抑郁症depression心悸palpitation出生后的postnatal抗抑郁剂antidepressant。

医学学术英语主要词汇汇总单词以下是医学学术英语中的一些主要词汇:1. Anatomy 解剖学2. Physiology 生理学3. Pathology 病理学4. Pharmacology 药理学5. Epidemiology 流行病学6. Microbiology 微生物学7. Immunology 免疫学8. Genetics 遗传学9. Biochemistry 生物化学10. Molecular biology 分子生物学11. Biotechnology 生物技术12. Radiology 放射学13. Cardiology 心脏病学14. Neurology 神经病学15. Oncology 肿瘤学16. Gastroenterology 胃肠病学17. Pediatrics 儿科学18. Obstetrics and gynecology 妇产科学19. Psychiatry 精神病学20. Dermatology 皮肤病学21. Ophthalmology 眼科学22. Orthopedics 骨科学23. Anesthesiology 麻醉学24. Surgery 外科学25. Cardiac surgery 心脏外科学26. Neurosurgery 神经外科学27. Radiography 放射线摄影术28. Ultrasound 超声波29. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 磁共振成像30. Laboratory 实验室31. Clinical 临床的32. Diagnosis 诊断33. Treatment 治疗34. Prognosis 预后35. Symptoms 症状36. Disease 疾病37. Virus 病毒38. Bacteria 细菌39. Infection 感染40. Immune system 免疫系统41. Cell 细胞42. DNA DNA43. RNA RNA44. Protein 蛋白质45. Enzyme 酶46. Antibiotic 抗生素47. Epidemic 流行病48. Pandemic 大规模的流行病49. Outbreak 爆发50. Vaccine 疫苗。

Unit11、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:·Neuron overload·Patients* high expectations·Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctorcondition:2、Mrs. Osorio’s·A 56-year-old woman·Somewhat overweight·Reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension·Cholesterol on the high side without any medications for it·Not enough exercises she should take·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan3、Good things:·Blood tests done·Glucose a little better·Her blood pressure a little better but not so great Bad things:·Cholesterol not so great·Her weight a little up·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan 44、The situation:·The author was in a moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts aboutMrs. Osorio’s conditions and trying to resolve them all before the clock ran down.·Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions.and completely justified ·Mrs. Osorio seemed to care only about her “innocent ——request”:the form signed by her doctor.·The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patient whilecompleting documentation.5、Similarities:·In computer multitasking, a microprocessor actually performs only one task at a time. Like microprocessors, we human beings carft actually concentrate on two thoughts at the same exact time. Multitasking is just an illusion both in computersand human beings.Differences:·The concept of multitasking originated in computer science.·At best, human beings can juggle only a handful of thoughts in a multitasking manner, but computers can do much better.·The more thoughts human beings juggle, the less human beings are able to attune fully to any given thought, but computers can do much better.6、·7 medical issues to consider·5 separate thoughts, at least, for each issue·7 x 5 = 35 thoughts·10 patients that afternoon·35 x 10 = 350 thoughts·5 residents under the authors supervision·4 patients seen by each resident·10 thoughts, at least, generated from each patient·5 x 4 x 10 = anther 200 thoughts·350 + 200 = 550 thoughts to be handled in total·If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves about 10 thoughts that might get lost in the process.7、Possible solutions:·Computer-generated reminders·Case managers·Ancillary services·The simplest solution: timeUnit21、The author implies:Peoples inadequate consciousness about the consequence of neglecting the re- emerging infectious diseases·Unjustifiability of peoples complacency about the prevention and control of theinfectious diseases·Unfinished war against infectious diseases2、Victory declarations:·Surgeon General William Stewart's hyperbolic statement of closing “the book on infectious disease”.·A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccines·The thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost overWhat followed ever since:·Appearance of new diseases such as AIDS and Ebola·Comeback of the old afflictions:Diphtheria in the former Soviet UnionTB in urban centers like New York CityRising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever·The fear of a powerful new flu strain sweeping the world3、Elaborate on the joined battle:·WHO established a new division devoted to worldwide surveillance and controlof emerging disease in October 1995.·CDC launched a prevention strategy in 1994.·Congress raised fund from $6.7 million in 1995 to $26 million in 1997.4、The borders are meaningless to pathogenic microbes, which can travel fromone country to another remote country in a very short time.5、TB:·Prisons and homeless shelters as ideal places for TB spread·Emerging of drug-resistant strain or even multi-drug-resistant strain·A ride on the HIV w^on by attacking the immunocompromisedGroup A strep:·A change in virulence·Mutation in the exterior of the bacteriumFlu:Constant changes in its coat (surface antigens) and resultant changes in its levelof virulence6、Examples:·Experiment in England is seeing the waning immunity because of no vaccination. ·Du e to poor vaccination efforts, the diphtheria situation in the former Soviet Union is serious. 'The vaccination rates are dropping in some American cities, and it will lead to more diphtheria and whooping cough.7、The four areas of focus:·The need for surveillance·Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field·Appropriate prevention and control·Strong public health infrastructure8、The infectious diseases such as TB, flu, diphtheria and scarlet fever will never really go away, and the war against them will never end.Unit31、Terry's life before·She loved practicing Tae Kwon Do·She loved the surge of adrenaline that came with the controlled combat of tournaments.·She competed nationally, even won bronze medal in the trials for the Pan American Games.·She attended medical school, practiced as an internal medicine resident, and became an academic general internist.·She got married and got a son and a daughter.2、The symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease:·Loss of stamina and strength·Problems with balance·Bouts of horrific facial pain·Dips in visual acuity3、Terry did the following before she self-experimented:·She started injections.·She adopted many pharmacotherapies.·She began her own study of literature:She read articles on websites such as PubMed.She searched for articles testing new MS drugs in animal models.She turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types — dementia,Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease.She relearned basic sciences such as cellular physiology, biochemistry, andneurophysiology.4、Approaches Terry mainly used:·Self-experimentation with various nutrients to slow neurodegeneration based on literature reports on animal models·Self-experimentation with neuromuscular electrical stimulation which is not an approved treatment for MS·Online search to identify the sources of micronutrients and having a new diet ·Reduction of food allergies and toxic load5、Cases mentioned in the text:·Increased mercury stores in the brains of people with dental fillings·High levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in Iowa·The strong association between pesticide exposure and neurodegeneration·The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving metabolism of sulfur and/or B vitamins·Inefficient clearing of toxins6、With 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, andautoimmunity being due to environmental factors other than the genes, we cantake many health problems and the health care crisis under our control, for example, optimizing our nutrition and reducing our toxic load.Unit41、Two concepts:·Complementary medicine refers to the use of conventional therapies together with alternative treatments such as using acupuncture in addition to usual care to help lessen pain. Complementary and alternative medicine is shortened as CAM.·Alternative medicine refers to healing treatments that are not part of conventional therapies —like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. They are called so because people used to consider practices like these outside the mainstream.2·TCM does not require advanced, complicated, and in most cases, expensivefacilities.·TCM employs needles, cups, coins, to mention but a few.·Most procedures and operations of TCM are noninvasive.·The substances used as medicine are raw herbs or abstracts from them, andthey are indeed all natural, from nature.·TCM has been practiced as long as the Chinese history, so the efficiency i s proven and ensured.·Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM3、It may be used as an adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensive management program for a number of conditions: post-operativeand chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.4、A well-justified NO:·More intense research to uncover additional areas for the use of acupuncture ·Higher adoption of acupuncture as a common therapeutic modality not only in treatment but also in prevention of disease and promotion of wellness·Exploration and perfection of innovative methods of acupuncture point stimulation with technological advancement·Improved understanding of neuroscience and other aspects of human physiology and function by basic research on acupuncture·Greater interest by stakeholders·An increasing number of physician acupuncturists5、·Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidance:Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patientCorrect selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas·Digression from either of the above guidence will lead to misuses of herbs, andwill result in complications in patient6、·Randomized controlled trialsAdvantages:Elimination of the potential bias in the allocation of participants to the intervention group or control groupTendency to produce comparable groupsGuaranteed validity of statistical tests of significanceLimitations:Difficulty in generalizing the results obtained from the selected sampling to the population as a wholeA poor choice for research where temporal factors are anissueExtremely heavy resources, requiring very large samplegroupsQuasi-experimentsAdvantages:Control group comparisons possibleReduced threats to external validity as natural environments do notsuffer the same problems of artificiality as compared to a well-controlledlaboratory setting.Generalizations of the findings to be made about population since quasiexperiments are natural experimentsLimitations:Potential for non-equivalent groups as quasi-experimental designs donot use random sampling in constructing experimental and controlgroups.Potential for low internal validity as a result of not using random sampling methods to construct the experimental and control groupsCohort studiesAdvantages:Clear indication of the temporal sequence between exposure and outcomeParticular use for evaluating the effects of rare or unusual exposureAbility to examine multiple outcomes of a single risk factorLimitations:Larger, longer, and more expensiveProne to certain types of biasNot practical for rare outcomesCase-control studiesAdvantages:The only feasible method in the case of rare diseases and those with longperiods between exposure and outcomeTime and cost effective with relatively fewer subjects as compared to other observational methodsLimitations:Unable to provide the same level of evidence as randomized controlled trialsas it is observational in natureDifficult to establish the timeline of exposure to disease outcomeN=1” trials“AdvantagesEasy to manageInexpensiveLimitations:Findings difficult to be generalized to the whole populationWeakest evidence due to the number of the subject7、Synthesis of evidence is completely dependent on:The completeness of the literature search (unavailable for foreign studies)The accuracy of evaluation·There are situations in which no answer can be found for the questions of interest in RCTs and database analyses.·There's the requirement of using less stringent information rather than “hard data”8、·Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in society·Research and education·Political, economic, and social factorsUnit51、·Dis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from:Continuous stressPainHardships·Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases.·Prompting elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseases.2、·Wellness is a state involving every aspect of our being: body, mind and spirit.·Manifestations of a healthy person:Energy and vitalityA certain zip in gaitA warm feeling of peace of heart seen through behavior3、·Constant messages, positive and negative,are sent to our mind about the health of our body.·Physical symptoms are suppressed by people who go through life on automatic pilot.·Being well equals to being disease- or illness-free in the minds of them.·They confused wellness with an absence of symptoms.4、·People's minds are infected by spin:Half-truthFearful fictionsBlatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceit·Spin is a result of unconscious living.·The kind of falseness is pandemic.5·Our body intelligence is suppressed or dormant from a lack of use.·There are tremendous amount of stress on a daily basis.·Our bodies are easily ignored for years because of a lack of recreation time. ·Limiting, self-defeating and even self-destructive behaviors undermine our wellbeing and keep them from achieving our full potential.6·We grow more reluctant to take risks.·We lose the ability to feel and acknowledge our deepest feelings and the courage to speak our truth.·We continue to deny and repress our feelings to protect ourselves.·Fear, denial and disconnection from our bodies and feelings become an unconscious, self-protective habit, a kind of default response to life.7·A multi-faceted process:Looking for roots of and resolutions for the issues in different dimensionsBuilding our wellness toolbox slowlyPicturing our whole state of being·Attention to the little stuff:Examining our lives honestly and setting clear intentions to changeStriving to maintain a balance of our mind, body and spiritTaking small steps in the way to perceive and resolve conflict8·Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously.·Get in touch with our genuine feelings and emotions.·Come to terms with the toxic emotionsUnit61、In the past, most people died at home. But now, more and more people are caredin hospitals and nursing homes at their end of life, which of course brings a newset of questions to consider.2、·Sixty-four years old with a history of congestive heart failure·Deciding to do everything medically possible to extend his life·Availability of around-the-clock medical services and a full range of treatmentchoices, tests, and other medical care·Relaxed visiting hours, and personal items from home3、Availability of around-the-clock medical resources, including doctors, nurses, andfacility.4、·Taking on a job which is big physically, emotionally, and financially·Hiring a home nurse for additional help·Arranging for services (such as visiting nurses) and special equipment (like ahospital bed or bedside commode)5、·Health insurance·Planning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge plaimer or a social worker·Help from local governmental agencies·Doctor's supervision at home6、·Traditionally, it is only about symptom care.·Recently, it is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for people who are living with potentially fatal diseases.7、·Stopping treatment specifically aimed at curing an illness equals discontinuing all treatment.·Choosing a hospice is a permanent decision.Unit71、·A dying patient·Decision whether to withdraw life-support machines and medication and startcomfort measures·The family's refusal to make any decision or withdraw any treatments2、·The doctor as exclusive decision-maker·The patient as participant with little say in the final choice3、·Respect for the patient, especially the patient s autonomy·Patient-centered care·The patient as decision-maker based on the information provided by the doctor4、·Patients are forced to make decisions they never want to.·Patients, at least a large majority of them, prefer their doctors to make final decisions.·Shifting responsibility of decision-making to patients will bring about more stress to patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient is uncertain.5、Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethicaltransgression.6、·Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than havingthe patient make decisions on their own.·Balancing between paternalism and respect for patients autonomy constitutes alarge part of medical practice.Unit81、·Research:An activity to test hypothesis, to permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge·Practice:Interventions solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success·Blurred distinction:Cooccurrence of research and practice like in research designed to evaluate a therapyNotable departure s from standard practice being called “experimental” withl”and “research” carelessly definedthe terms “experimenta2、·Autonomy:Individuals treated as autonomous agents .·Protection:Persons with diminished autonomy entitled to protection·A case in point:Prisoners involved in research3·“Do no harm” as the primary principle·Maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms .·Balance between benefits and potential risks involved in every step of seedingthe benefits4、·“Do no harm” as a fundamental principle of medical ethics·Extension of it to the realm of research by Claude Bernard·Benefits and risks as a set “duet” in both medical practice and research 5、·Unreasonable denial of entitled benefit and unduly imposed burden:Enrolment of patients in new drug trial: Who should be enrolled and who should not?·Equal treatment of equals:Determining factors of equality: age, sex, severity of the condition, financial status, social status6、·Definition:The opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them·Application:A process rather than signing a written formAdequate information as the premiseA well-informed decision as the expected result7、·Requirements for consent as entailed by the principle of respect for persons ·Risk/benefit assessment as entailed by the principle of beneficence ·More requirements of fairness as entailed by the principle of justice: At the individual level: fairnessAt the social level: distinction between classes。

Unit11、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:·Neuron overload·Patients* high expectations·Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctor2、Mrs. Osorio’s condition:·A 56-year-old woman·Somewhat overweight·Reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension·Cholesterol on the high side without any medications for it·Not enough exercises she should take·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan3、Good things:·Blood tests done·Glucose a little better·Her blood pressure a little better but not so great Bad things:·Cholesterol not so great·Her weight a little up·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan 44、The situation:·The author was in a moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts about Mrs. Osorio’s conditions and trying to resolve them all before the clock ran down.·Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions.·Mrs. Osorio seemed to care only about her “innocent —and completely justified —request”:the form signed by her doctor.·The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patient whilecompleting documentation.5、Similarities:·In computer multitasking, a microprocessor actually performs only one task at a time. Like microprocessors, we human beings carft actually concentrate on two thoughts at the same exact time. Multitasking is just an illusion both in computers and human beings.Differences:·The concept of multitasking originated in computer science.·At best, human beings can juggle only a handful of thoughts in a multitasking manner, but computers can do much better.·The more thoughts human beings juggle, the less human beings are able to attune fully to any given thought, but computers can do much better.6、·7 medical issues to consider·5 separate thoughts, at least, for each issue·7 x 5 = 35 thoughts·10 patients that afternoon·35 x 10 = 350 thoughts·5 residents under the authors supervision·4 patients seen by each resident·10 thoughts, at least, generated from each patient·5 x 4 x 10 = anther 200 thoughts·350 + 200 = 550 thoughts to be handled in total·If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves about 10 thoughts that might get lost in the process.7、Possible solutions:·Computer-generated reminders·Case managers·Ancillary services·The simplest solution: timeUnit21、The author implies:• Peoples inadequate consciousness about the consequence of neglecting the re-emerging infectious diseases·Unjustifiability of peoples complacency about the prevention and control of the infectious diseases·Unfinished war against infectious diseases2、Victory declarations:·Surgeon General William Stewart's hyperbolic statement of closing “the book on infectious disease”.·A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccines·The thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost overWhat followed ever since:·Appearance of new diseases such as AIDS and Ebola·Comeback of the old afflictions:» Diphtheria in the former Soviet Union» TB in urban centers like New York City» Rising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever·The fear of a powerful new flu strain sweeping the world3、Elaborate on the joined battle:·WHO established a new division devoted to worldwide surveillance and control of emerging disease in October 1995.·CDC launched a prevention strategy in 1994.·Congress raised fund from $6.7 million in 1995 to $26 million in 1997.4、The borders are meaningless to pathogenic microbes, which can travel from one country to another remote country in a very short time.5、TB:·Prisons and homeless shelters as ideal places for TB spread·Emerging of drug-resistant strain or even multi-drug-resistant strain·A ride on the HIV w^on by attacking the immunocompromisedGroup A strep:·A change in virulence·Mutation in the exterior of the bacteriumFlu:Constant changes in its coat (surface antigens) and resultant changes in its level of virulence6、Examples:·Experiment in England is seeing the waning immunity because of no vaccination. ·Du e to poor vaccination efforts, the diphtheria situation in the former Soviet Union is serious. '• The vaccination rates are dropping in some American cities, and it will lead to more diphtheria and whooping cough.7、The four areas of focus:·The need for surveillance·Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field·Appropriate prevention and control·Strong public health infrastructure8、The infectious diseases such as TB, flu, diphtheria and scarlet fever will never really go away, and the war against them will never end.Unit31、Terry's life before·She loved practicing Tae Kwon Do·She loved the surge of adrenaline that came with the controlled combat of tournaments.·She competed nationally, even won bronze medal in the trials for the Pan American Games.·She attended medical school, practiced as an internal medicine resident, and became an academic general internist.·She got married and got a son and a daughter.2、The symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease:·Loss of stamina and strength·Problems with balance·Bouts of horrific facial pain·Dips in visual acuity3、Terry did the following before she self-experimented:·She started injections.·She adopted many pharmacotherapies.·She began her own study of literature:» She read articles on websites such as PubMed.» She searched for articles testing new MS drugs in animal models.» She turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types — dementia,Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease.» She relearned basic sciences such as cellular physiology, biochemistry, and neurophysiology.4、Approaches Terry mainly used:·Self-experimentation with various nutrients to slow neurodegeneration based on literature reports on animal models·Self-experimentation with neuromuscular electrical stimulation which is not an approved treatment for MS·Online search to identify the sources of micronutrients and having a new diet ·Reduction of food allergies and toxic load5、Cases mentioned in the text:·Increased mercury stores in the brains of people with dental fillings·High levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in Iowa·The strong association between pesticide exposure and neurodegeneration ·The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving metabolism of sulfur and/or B vitamins·Inefficient clearing of toxins6、With 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, andautoimmunity being due to environmental factors other than the genes, we can take many health problems and the health care crisis under our control, for example, optimizing our nutrition and reducing our toxic load.Unit41、Two concepts:·Complementary medicine refers to the use of conventional therapies together with alternative treatments such as using acupuncture in addition to usual care to help lessen pain. Complementary and alternative medicine is shortened as CAM.·Alternative medicine refers to healing treatments that are not part of conventional therapies —like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. They are called so because people used to consider practices like these outside the mainstream.2·TCM does not require advanced, complicated, and in most cases, expensive facilities.·TCM employs needles, cups, coins, to mention but a few.·Most procedures and operations of TCM are noninvasive.·The substances used as medicine are raw herbs or abstracts from them, and they are indeed all natural, from nature.·TCM has been practiced as long as the Chinese history, so the efficiency i s proven and ensured.·Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM3、It may be used as an adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensive management program for a number of conditions: post-operative and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.4、A well-justified NO:·More intense research to uncover additional areas for the use of acupuncture ·Higher adoption of acupuncture as a common therapeutic modality not only in treatment but also in prevention of disease and promotion of wellness ·Exploration and perfection of innovative methods of acupuncture point stimulation with technological advancement·Improved understanding of neuroscience and other aspects of human physiology and function by basic research on acupuncture·Greater interest by stakeholders·An increasing number of physician acupuncturists5、·Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidance:» Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient»Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas·Digression from either of the above guidence will lead to misuses of herbs, and will result in complications in patient6、·Randomized controlled trialsAdvantages:»Elimination of the potential bias in the allocation of participants to the intervention group or control group» Tendency to produce comparable groups» Guaranteed validity of statistical tests of significanceLimitations:» Difficulty in generalizing the results obtained from the selected sampling to the population as a whole»A poor choice for research where temporal factors are anissue»Extremely heavy resources, requiring very large samplegroups• Quasi-experimentsAdvantages:» Control group comparisons possible»Reduced threats to external validity as natural environments do notsuffer the same problems of artificiality as compared to a well-controlledlaboratory setting.»Generalizations of the findings to be made about population since quasiexperiments are natural experimentsLimitations:» Potential for non-equivalent groups as quasi-experimental designs donot use random sampling in constructing experimental and controlgroups.»Potential for low internal validity as a result of not using random sampling methods to construct the experimental and control groups• Cohort studiesAdvantages:»Clear indication of the temporal sequence between exposure and outcome» Particular use for evaluating the effects of rare or unusual exposure» Ability to examine multiple outcomes of a single risk factorLimitations:» Larger, longer, and more expensive» Prone to certain types of bias» Not practical for rare outcomes• Case-control studiesAdvantages:» The only feasible method in the case of rare diseases and those with long periods between exposure and outcome» Time and cost effective with relatively fewer subjects as compared to other observational methodsLimitations:» Unable to provide the same level of evidence as randomized controlled trials as it is observational in nature» Difficult to establish the timeline of exposure to disease outcome• “N=1” trialsAdvantages» Easy to manage» InexpensiveLimitations:» Findings difficult to be generalized to the whole population» Weakest evidence due to the number of the subject7、• Synthesis of evidence is completely dependent on:» The completeness of the literature search (unavailable for foreign studies)» The accuracy of evaluation·There are situations in which no answer can be found for the questions of interest in RCTs and database analyses.·There's the requirement of using less stringent information rather than “hard data”8、·Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in society·Research and education·Political, economic, and social factorsUnit51、·Dis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from:» Continuous stress» Pain» Hardships·Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases.·Prompting elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseases.2、·Wellness is a state involving every aspect of our being: body, mind and spirit.·Manifestations of a healthy person:» Energy and vitality» A certain zip in gait» A warm feeling of peace of heart seen through behavior3、·Constant messages, positive and negative,are sent to our mind about the health of our body.·Physical symptoms are suppressed by people who go through life on automatic pilot.·Being well equals to being disease- or illness-free in the minds of them.·They confused wellness with an absence of symptoms.4、·People's minds are infected by spin:» Half-truth» Fearful fictions» Blatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceit·Spin is a result of unconscious living.·The kind of falseness is pandemic.5·Our body intelligence is suppressed or dormant from a lack of use.·There are tremendous amount of stress on a daily basis.·Our bodies are easily ignored for years because of a lack of recreation time. ·Limiting, self-defeating and even self-destructive behaviors undermine our wellbeing and keep them from achieving our full potential.6·We grow more reluctant to take risks.·We lose the ability to feel and acknowledge our deepest feelings and the courage to speak our truth.·We continue to deny and repress our feelings to protect ourselves.·Fear, denial and disconnection from our bodies and feelings become an unconscious, self-protective habit, a kind of default response to life.7·A multi-faceted process:» Looking for roots of and resolutions for the issues in different dimensions» Building our wellness toolbox slowly» Picturing our whole state of being·Attention to the little stuff:» Examining our lives honestly and setting clear intentions to change» Striving to maintain a balance of our mind, body and spirit» Taking small steps in the way to perceive and resolve conflict8·Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously.·Get in touch with our genuine feelings and emotions.·Come to terms with the toxic emotions1、In the past, most people died at home. But now, more and more people are caredin hospitals and nursing homes at their end of life, which of course brings a new set of questions to consider.2、·Sixty-four years old with a history of congestive heart failure·Deciding to do everything medically possible to extend his life·Availability of around-the-clock medical services and a full range of treatment choices, tests, and other medical care·Relaxed visiting hours, and personal items from home3、Availability of around-the-clock medical resources, including doctors, nurses, andfacility.4、·Taking on a job which is big physically, emotionally, and financially·Hiring a home nurse for additional help·Arranging for services (such as visiting nurses) and special equipment (like a hospital bed or bedside commode)5、·Health insurance·Planning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge plaimer or a social worker·Help from local governmental agencies·Doctor's supervision at home6、·Traditionally, it is only about symptom care.·Recently, it is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for people who are living with potentially fatal diseases.·Stopping treatment specifically aimed at curing an illness equals discontinuing all treatment.·Choosing a hospice is a permanent decision.Unit71、·A dying patient·Decision whether to withdraw life-support machines and medication and start comfort measures·The family's refusal to make any decision or withdraw any treatments2、·The doctor as exclusive decision-maker·The patient as participant with little say in the final choice3、·Respect for the patient, especially the patient s autonomy·Patient-centered care·The patient as decision-maker based on the information provided by the doctor 4、·Patients are forced to make decisions they never want to.·Patients, at least a large majority of them, prefer their doctors to make final decisions.·Shifting responsibility of decision-making to patients will bring about more stress to patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient is uncertain.5、Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethicaltransgression.6、·Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decisions on their own.·Balancing between paternalism and respect for patients autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.Unit81、·Research:An activity to test hypothesis, to permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge·Practice:Interventions solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success·Blurred distinction:» Cooccurrence of research and practice like in research designed to evaluate a therapy» Notable departures from standard practice being called “experimental” with the terms “experimenta l”and “research” carelessly defined2、·Autonomy:Individuals treated as autonomous agents .·Protection:Persons with diminished autonomy entitled to protection·A case in point:Prisoners involved in research3·“Do no harm” as the primary principle·Maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms . ·Balance between benefits and potential risks involved in every step of seeding the benefits4、·“Do no harm” as a fundamental principle of medical ethics·Extension of it to the realm of research by Claude Bernard·Benefits and risks as a set “duet” in both medical practice and research5、·Unreasonable denial of entitled benefit and unduly imposed burden:Enrolment of patients in new drug trial: Who should be enrolled and who should not?·Equal treatment of equals:Determining factors of equality: age, sex, severity of the condition, financial status, social status6、·Definition:The opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them ·Application:» A process rather than signing a written form» Adequate information as the premise» A well-informed decision as the expected result7、·Requirements for consent as entailed by the principle of respect for persons ·Risk/benefit assessment as entailed by the principle of beneficence·More requirements of fairness as entailed by the principle of justice: » At the individual level: fairness» At the social level: distinction between classes。

Unit One1.the entire previous history of humankind (人类)2.due principally (chiefly) to3.to rescue (save) civilization from4.the dread (fearful) shadow of diseases5.the conscience (觉悟) and concern of scientists6.driving forces (动力)7.to advance (promote) health8.the amplification (增大) of virus9.tissue culture (培养)10.killed and live attenuated (减弱 ) vaccines11.national immunization (免疫) days12.monitoring (监测) methods13.worldwide eradication (elimination) of polio14.little reason for complacency (自满)15.microbial (微生物) enemies16.temporary (暂时) victories17.be adept (skillful) at developing new defenses18.to facilitate (使便利) the spread of epidemics19.political and economic mismanagement (管理不善)20.the deprivation (poverty) of population21.to address (deal with) the largest disease burden22.major scourge (灾祸) such as malaria and AIDS23.in an interdisciplinary (跨学科的) way24.talented (有才能的) young scientists25.to underwrite (support) their mission26.stunning pace (speed, rate) of change27.potential, passion, and perception (洞察力) ofscientists28.need to be tapped (explored) 29.to address (attend to) global health needs30.to make deliberate (慎重的) use of it31.to bear (keep) in mind that32.strategically (战略上) placed on33.the scientific underpinning (基础) of policy34.evidence-based (循证) policy35.policy setting (establishment)36.to bear on (影响) the well-being of people37.a(n) terminally ill patient (临终病人)38.metastatic (转移) renal cancer39.our beloved (热爱的) profession40.our zeal (enthusiasm) for medical science41.bedside (clinical) care42.to conduct groundbreaking (突破的) research43.a(n) noble (崇高的) calling44.a(n) oral formulation (口服制剂) of morphine45.bone metastasis (转移)46.radicular (根的) pain47.spinal (脊柱) root48.to counsel (忠告) the terminally ill patient49.to reflect upon (反省) my profession50.caring and compassionate (有同情心的)51.chemotherapeutic (化疗的) agents52.to shower their patients with genuine (true) love andcompassion53.emotional and physical (身体的) support54.dignity (尊严) and compassionbination (cooperation) of physicians and nurses56.to attend to (address, meet, satisfy) the physicalneeds of sick57.the bureaucrats (官僚) and administrators58.the inflated price tag (物价上涨)59.precious (very, extremely) few60.the threat of litigation (诉讼)61.an ethical, legal, and economic consensus(agreement)62.to allocate (分配) these resources63.to pass health care legislation (立法)64.assembly-line mentality (理念)65.unethical in the extreme (极度,非常)66.the application of scientific inquiry (investigation)67.to die naturally and humanely (人道地)68.inauguration (就职) speech69.to garner (acquire, obtain) more support70.to venture (go) beyond71.the walls of the ivory tower (象牙塔)72. a more entrenched (deeply rooted) obstacle73.lip service (口惠)74.a(n) innovative (革新的) program75. a growing nucleus (核心) of76.between academia (学术界) and industry77.the messy fray (争论) of democracy78.the scientific community (科技界)79.a(n) chaotic (混乱的) realm80.a(n) enlightened (文明的) citizenry81.politicians and lobbyists (说客)Unit Two1.the acquisition (获得) of knowledge2.a(n) prized (珍贵的) commodity3.the role of breadwinner (家庭支柱)4.the family boarding (供膳宿的) house5.(勤劳地) industriously generated profits6.Dad’s consistent (一贯的) message7.extracurricular (课外的) activities8.a(n) avid (渴求的) reader9.glowing approbation (称赞)10.distinctly different flavors (韵味)11.a(n) academic (教学的) physician12.to delight in (热衷于) learning13.to need a(n) reminder (提示)14.collegial teasing (逗乐)15.at the crack of dawn (黎明)16.to smile graciously (和蔼地)17.in a very heavy accent (口音)18.nostalgic (怀旧的) reminiscence19.the privilege (特权) of learning20.reverence (respect) for knowledge21. a frustrating and inefficient (低效率的) process22.to assemble (收集) paper charts23.to become intimately (深深地) aware of24. a young, enthusiastic, idealistic (理想主义的)person25.a(n) compassionate (有同情心的) clinician26.to employ that knowledge reliably (可靠地)27.to immerse (沉浸) myself in the hospital28.jam-packed (crowded) emergency departments29.primary (初级的) prevention30.extraordinary (极度的) waste31.to remedy (correct) these problems32.insightful (有见识的) teachers and colleagues33.miraculous (奇迹般的) tools34.to orchestrate (coordinate) conversation andcooperation35.interdisciplinary (交叉学科的) teamwork36.the medical establishment (system)37.untapped (未汲取的) resource38.to channel (引导) the energy into39.exuberant (精力旺盛的) practitioners40.disparities (差异) of quality41.health care settings (环境)42.introductory (入门的) science course43.the distinguished (杰出的) committee of scientists44.natural phenomena (现象)45.active inquiry (exploration)46.quality assessments (评估)47.to explicitly (明确地) measure48.to energetically (积极地) advertise and explain49.accelerate (加快) the redefinition of scienceeducation50.to need urgently (急迫地)Unit Three1.a(n) general (普外) surgeon2.specialty (专科) surgeons3.a(n) plastic (整形) surgeon4. a hospital administrator (行政人员)5.to review a(n) untimely(过早的) death6.to reprimand (训斥) a disgraced colleague7.medical consultation (会诊)8.the melding (combining) of music and medicine9.a(n) gifted (有天赋的) musician 10.to bestowed (赐予) the gift of prophecy11.the camaraderie (同志情谊) of making musictogether12. a time capsule (时光锦囊)13.a(n) theme (主题) party14.in the seasonality (季节性) of medical practice15.the cruelest hoax (戏弄)16.blossoms (生气盎然) of rebirth17.child abuse (儿童虐待)18.to become prevalent (盛行的)19.domestic violence (家庭暴力)20.psychiatric (精神病的) symptoms21.to share similar concerns (忧虑)22.to approach (treat) music as therapy23.entertainment (娱乐) value24.to remove one’s inner (内心)restlessness25.to quiet the agitation (anxiety) of ceaseless thinking26.the reduction of psychophysiologic (心理生理的)stress27.on a(n) therapeutic (治疗的) level28.the harried (被烦扰的) left hemisphere29.the limbic system (大脑边缘系统)30.pitch and rhythm (节奏)31.to have alternative (可选择的) plans32.bodily (physical) health33.enrichment (充实) of the spirit34.nostalgic (怀旧的) foray into the music of the 1940s35.to add balance to one’s existence (生存)36.the harmonies (和声) and rhythms37.statistically (统计上) significant38.anniversary (周年纪念日) dinner candles39.the diagnoses that reek (散发出) frustration40.the rule out (exclude) fibromyalgia41. a free-flowing account (叙述) of her symptoms42.to resort to (诉诸) the last refuge43.the harried (被烦扰的)physician44.the wind-driven sleet (雨夹雪)45.the capricious (变化莫测的) nature of the events46.the conspiracy (阴谋) of machinery47.near the edge (边缘) of tolerance48.to restore equanimity (镇定,平静)49. a service profession (occupation)50.poorly articulated (expressed)51.to succumb to (die of) melanoma52.bone metastases (转移)53.to ease (relieve) the loneliness, fear, and emotionalsuffering54.to have unrealistic (不切实际的) expectations55.a(n) attentive (专心的), understanding ear56.the currency of the realm (领域里的流行)57.the medical interview (问诊)58.to notice my heart pounding (beating)59.the feel of sweat on one’s forehead (前额)60.a(n) triage (病人鉴别分类) sheet61.grumbling (饥肠辘辘的)stomach62.racism and hatred (仇恨)63.aches (疼痛) and pains64.billing sheets (账单)65.primary physician (初级保健医生)66.to access (use) the computer 67.periodic (定期的) checks68.to shrug one’s shoulders (耸肩)Unit Four1.with the advent of (随着……的到来)2.become laden with (full of)3.corporate (公司) management4.to articulate (voice) age-old frustrations5.forward-thinking and laudable (值得称赞的)concepts6.preventive interventions (介入)7.reparative (治疗的) interventions8.those in pinstripes (商人)9.conceptual (观念的) constructs10.ostensibly (obviously) because11.allied (同行的) health professionals12.routine (常规的) medical care13.to carry a(n) connotation (含义) of14.integral (组成部分的) components15.to give the advantage of (有利于)16.to diluting (稀释) identification17.the recipient (接受者) of medical care18.to endure (忍受) pain calmly19.the vernacular (jargon) of managed care20.more literally (确切地)21.to provide an impetus (动力) for22.of a(n) Faustian (浮士德式的) nature23.society in general (整个社会)24.to serve a(n) nominative (称谓的) function25.too obtuse (迟钝的) to declare openly26.as accurately (精确地) as possible27.the jargon (vernacular) of managed care28.in the final analysis (总之)29.to make a(n) career of (以……为事业)30.to acquiesce (默许) the shifting currents31.the timbre (基调) of the debate32.to stretch (extend) myself toward the model33.seemly, fitting, and decent (正派的)34.to increase consistency (一致性) of record keeping35.to decrease the cost of transcription (抄写)36.on a(n) whim (一时的兴致)37.to leaf through (翻阅) records38.the terse (concise) language39.between tidy and almost illegible (难以辨认的)40.a(n) reproducible (可复制的) and less personalformat41.to stir (使激动) and touch me42.peripheral neuropathy (神经病)43. a mind jumbled and bruised (被挫伤)44.with my own slant (观点) on things45.to scratch one’s head (感到困惑)46.to decipher (decode) what I really meant47.loopy (潦草的) handwriting48.hospice (临终关怀) volunteer49.to make eye contact (眼神交流)50.behavioral (行为的) disturbance51.have the right to privacy (隐私)52.depressive disorder (忧郁症)53.a(n) concrete (具体存在的) plan54.to voice (articulate) grievances55.without discrimination of reprisal (报复) 56.the newspaper obituary (讣告)57.outrageous (不寻常的) acts58.everyday rebellious (反抗)Unit Five1.annual (yearly) meeting2.especially timely (in time)3.harsh (严厉的) penalty4.scientific illiteracy (ignorance)5.unprecedented (前所未有的) financial and policysupport6.the general citizenry (公民)7.to hold scientists in high regard (respect)8.the integrity (honesty) and credibility of science9.a(n) spate of (大量) recent incidents10.research accomplishments (研究成果)11.the implications (影响和结果) of scientificdiscoveries12.substantial (巨大的) tension13.religious (宗教的) beliefs14.embryonic (胚胎的) stem cells15.scientific advances (进展)16. a high priority (当务之急,头等大事)17.a(n) genuine (真诚的) dialogue18.inappropriate (improper) behavior19.out of proportion (不成比例) to20.widely publicized examples (广泛报道的事例)21.scientific misconduct (不端行为)22.accusations (指责) of misconduct23.to tarnish (玷污,败坏) the image24.to diminish (降低) the credibility ofEdit by Jason Tang25.the entire scientific enterprise (事业)26.undisclosed (未披露的) conflicts of interest27.to overinterpret (夸大其词) scientific facts28.scientific behavioral norms (规范) and standards29.allegorically (比喻地) speaking30.to listen for clues (evidences) of disease31.to look for signs of pathology (病理)32.bloodshot (充血的) eyes33.to no avail (无济于事)34.blunt chest trauma (创伤)35.mutual partings of the way (分道扬镳)36.declared (公然的) and naked hate37.medicolegal (医学法律的) liabilities38.in imminent (immediate) danger39.in the ideal and neutral configuration (处境)40.to update (更新) him on his condition41.to order serial radiographs (系列X光照相检查)42.to obtain daily arterial (动脉的) blood gases43.to follow hematocrits (血细胞比容)44. a broken, ailing (病态的), and sorry soul45.surgical intervention (介入)46.shell of prejudice (偏见,歧视)47.intellectual (理智的) isolation48.to accept consolation (安慰)49.legend has it (据传说)50.a(n) inscription (铭文) bearing the words51.to uncover (reveal) truths52.odd scraps (零碎) of evidence53.the paucity (lack) of data54.gender (sex) roles 55.the combustibility (易怒性) of the interface56.to steer clear of (avoid)57.under the unifying framework (框架)58.human behavioral ecology (生态学)59.to pursue (explore) similar questions60.the ethnographic (人种学的) data61.outdated (obsolete, out-of-date) versions62.mathematical (数学的) analyses63.to foster (nurture) dialogue between64.highly interconnected (互相连接的) cities65.diverse (distinct, different) areas of research66.to deliver (传递) an optimistic messageUnit Six1.successive (相继的) generations2.functionality and versatility (多用途)3.added (附加的) functionality4.moral (道德的) standards5.ethical (伦理的) principles6.behavioral (行为的) guidelines7. a long and arduous (艰巨的) evolutionary process8.social discord (不和谐)9.to make improvement (改进)10.remote ancestors (祖先)11.the evolutionary (进化的) tree12.solitary (独居的) predators13.a(n) extended family (大家庭)14.wandering (居无定所的) bands15.a(n) embryonic (萌芽期的) Golden Rule16.the physical environment (物质环境)17.parental supervision (监护)Edit by Jason Tang18.the practice of monogamy (一夫一妻制)19.verbal symbols (语言符号)20.ancestral primates (灵长类)21.Homo sapiens (智人)22.archaic (古代的) humans23.in extreme (极端的) cases24.think in abstractions (抽象)25.in critically (vitally) important ways26.to populate (定居) the habitable world27.formed confederations (同盟) of tribes28.to multiply explosively (剧增地)29.on a(n) grander (large) scale30.trade and commerce (商业)31.cultural markers (标识)32.conventions (社会习俗) in dress and manners33.the basic template (model)34.kingdoms and empires (帝国)35.the time frames (时段)36.at the dawn (拂晓) of a new millennium37.galloping (飞速的) technological change38.to facilitate (promote) cooperation39.fully explored an defined (被定义)40.our archive (档案) of past experience41.fore-thinking (超前意识的) imagination42. a date with immortality (流芳百世)43.natural riches (resources)mon kinship (亲属关系)45.to have a social dimension (aspect)46.noble ambitions (抱负)47.a(n) fiercely (激烈地) competitive world 48.impartial (无偏见的) consideration49.pretexts and apologias (辩解)50.the scientific enterprise (事业)51.to pay particular heed (attention) to52.social implications (consequences)53.the scientific endeavor (effort)54.trust in authority (权威)55.mores and prejudices (偏见)56.objective and reliable (可靠的)57.a(n) stern (strict) restraintmunal (collective) will59.fertility (受孕) clinics60.to create quite a stir (轰动)61.a(n) affront (冒犯) to human dignity62.those on the fringes (极端分子)63.with credentials and track records (业绩)64.to pioneer the use of (首先使用)65.reproductive (生殖的) biology66.surrogate (代孕) mums67.adoption (领养) agencies68.a(n) jolt (刺激) of electricity69.a(n) staggering (惊人的) 97 per cent70.a(n) reckless (鲁莽的) waste of time and energy71.miscarriages or abortions (堕胎)72.sickly of deformed (畸形的)73.the sole (only) survivor74.wrong instincts (直觉)Unit Seven1.the scientific triumphs (accomplishment)2.the past millennium (千年)Edit by Jason Tang3.to honor (敬重) the origins of science4.to give grateful (感激的) thanks to5.a(n) magical (神秘的) view6.in concrete (具体的) terms7.rational (理性的) argument8. a natural mode (pattern) of thought9.to be beautifully illustrated (举例说明)10.to have the honor (荣幸) of11.the opposite angles (对角)12.the centre of gravity (重心)13.to arrive at (reach) a proof14.an elegant rebuttal (反驳)15.applied (应用) mathematician16.vigorous (激烈的) debate and discussion of evidence17.the admiration (赞赏) of one’s peers18.to challenge authority (权威)19.to point out forcibly (强烈地)20.debt and credit (借贷)21.political disputes (争论)22.social castes (等级)23.national boundaries (国界)24.philosophical distinctions (辨别)25.in the philosophy biz (圈子)26. a dichotomy or a(n) continuum (连续体)27.mental constructs (构想)28.highly abstract (抽象的) things29.to spill much ink over (花费大量笔墨)30.autonomous (独立自主的) individuals31.dress codes (规范)32.at one’s core (核心) 33.the interaction of individuals (个人)34.primary (基本的) sensations35.the end of the scale (标度终点)36. a highly vociferous (激烈的) debate37.in circles of philosophy (在哲学圈里)38.be wet blankets (令人扫兴的人) at parties39.abstruse (深奥的) conditions40.chemical composition (成分)41.at the cutting edge (前沿) of science42.genetically modified (转基因的) crops43.to make headlines (成为报纸的头条新闻)44.the influential (有影响的) climate researcher45.to strike a balance (达到平衡)46.the justifiability (合理性) of animal experiments47.celebrity endorsement (support)48.to make assertions (claims)49.eminent (著名的) researchers50.to sign a(n) declaration (宣言)51.an impressive rejoinder (rebuttal)52.to trace (追溯) the origins of53.to engender (produce) trust54.the imprimatur (recognition) of the scientificacademy55.in the refereed (审阅的) literature56.lobby groups (游说集团)57.to place a clear obligation (responsibility) on58.to substantiate (prove) it with evidence59.in all probability (很可能地)60.intellectual authority (权威)61.to provide invaluable weight (重量) of evidenceEdit by Jason Tang62.the reliable (可信的) outcome63.toxicity (毒性) testing64.to toss a coin (掷硬币决定)65.authority figures (权威人士)66.scientific credibility (可信性)67.expensive and time-consuming (耗时的)68.intellectual integrity (honesty)Unit Eight1.the theory of relatively (相对论)2.thinking strategies (策略)3.to illuminate (阐明) nothing4.the piles of data (成堆的数据)5.run-of-the-mill (ordinary) physicists6.extraordinary (非凡的) genius7.a(n) extraordinarily (异常地) high IQ8.considerable debate (argument)9.average (平均的,普通的) intelligence10.to fixate on (注意力集中于) something11.the most promising (likely) approach12.to be arrogantly (傲慢地) certain of13.to find a needle in a haystack (大海捞针)14.to be encountered (遇上) a problem15.to be skewed (偏离) by the prism of past experience16.to foster rigidity (僵化) of thought17.superficially (浅薄地) similar18.to lead the thinker astray (误入歧途)19. a gene pool (基因库)20.genetically encoded (编码的) wisdom21. a rich repertoire (collection) of ideas and concepts22.to survive and prosper (蓬勃发展) 23.to become stagnant (停滞的)24.the most distinguished (卓越的) experts25.to be conditioned (制约的) to think26.a(n) expert (专家) taxonomist27.the textbook case (典型例子)28.analogous (可比拟的) to biological evolution29. a rich diversity of alternatives and conjectures (假设)30.a(n) departure (背离) from reproductive knowledge31.a(n) prodigious (immense) variety of novel andoriginal ideas32.a(n) thumbnail (简略的) description33.to be biased (有偏见的) toward his usual way ofseeing things34.the essence (实质) of the problem35.to abandon (抛弃) the initial approach36.a(n) environment-friendly (环保的) fuel37.to make his thought graphically (通过图表) visible38.visual and spatial (空间的) abilities39.immense (huge) productivity40.the laws of heredity (遗传)41.to make juxtapositions (并置)42.to tolerate ambivalence (矛盾心理) betweenopposites43.two incompatible (不兼容的) things44.to perceive resemblance (similarities)45.to draw a(n) analogy (类比)46.to render an overwhelming verdict (裁定)47. a cultural icon (偶像)48. a rather fuzzy (模糊的) understandingEdit by Jason Tang49.the vastness (浩瀚) of the universe50.previously held unquestionable (无懈可击的)51.to cast (投) doubt on52.the reliability (可靠性) of the investigators’conclusions53.the origin (起源) of genius54.to yearn for (desire) genius55.the intermingling (mix) of culture, history, and lifeexperience56. a history dating back to (追溯到) Plato57.to think the reverse (相反)58.to govern (control) all organic life59.an interacting hierarchy (order) of feedback systemsmunities and ecosystems (生态系)61.intellectual intuition (直觉)62.to face strong opposition (反对)63.a(n) doctrinal (dogmatic) viewsUnit Nine1.of ultimately lawful materialism (唯物论)2.as concisely (简明地) as possibleanizes systematic enterprise (事业)4.to condense (压缩) the knowledge5.testable laws and principles (原理)6.diagnostic (特征的) features7.confirmed or discarded (rejected)8.to abstract (抽象化) the information9.aesthetically (审美地) most pleasing10.universally (普遍地) accepted scales11.rendered unambiguous (明确的)12.proved consistent (一致) with one another 13.ineradicable (根深蒂固的) technical base14.to satisfy (meet) personal psychological needs15.to consume (take) large amounts of time16.to yield (produce) negative or ambiguous results17.administrative (行政的) duties18.original (原创性的) research19.no holds barred (无清规戒律约束)20.the frontier (前沿) of science21.a(n) abstracted (抽象化的) world22.the mother lode (矿脉)23.to practice elitism (精英主义) without shame24.to set foot on virgin soil (处女地)25.interpretation (阐释) and explanation26. a scattering of icons (偶像)27. a great deal of bickering (口角,争端)28. a loose confederation (联邦)29.petty fiefdoms (封地)30.to hope for a strike (意外成功)31.the least conspiratorial (搞阴谋的) of professions32.the population at large (大众)33.from generous to predatory (贪婪的)34.(from) well-adjusted to psychopathic (精神变态的)35.(from) causal (散漫的) to driven36.(from) gregarious to reclusive (隐居的)37.clinically certifiable (可证明)38.from venal (贪污腐败的) to noble39.in the temple (殿堂) of science40.to achieve utilitarian (功利的) ends41.convincingly validated (verified/proved)42.to steer (驾驶,航行) for blue water医学主题英语——阅读探索及语言应用课后词组Edit by Jason Tang43.to suffer boredom (单调)44.under varying (changing) circumstances45.statistical (统计的) analyses46.to reject null (无价值的) hypotheses47.a(n) reputable (声誉好的) peer-reviewed journal48.to be indissolubly (坚不可摧地) united49.a(n) whiz-kid (outstanding) professor50.a(n) obscure (无名气的) journal51.to stiffen a slightly floppy (weak) argument52.class or creed (宗教信仰)anized skepticism (怀疑态度)54.social conventions (习俗)55.mundane (世俗的) practice56.publish or perish (死亡)57.to cite generously and meticulously (一丝不苟地)58.to fudge (捏造) data59.to vilify (贬低) out opponents60.personal credibility (可信性)61.driven, shaped and honed (被磨练)62.to humbly (谦虚地) accept realities63.social imperatives (obligations)petitive ambition (desire)65.a(n) obsolete (out of date) ethos66.to maximize (最大化) pleasure67.to minimize (最小化) pain68.to laud (称赞) a desirable personal characteristic69.to avoid complacency (自满)70.to be wired (conditioned) to respond positively11。

学术英语(医学)课后词组Unit 11. overload 神经过载typical 典型的诊所就诊DEXA扫描行医5. control 血压控制健康保持7. report 乳房X线检查报告8. examination 体检9. of a medication 药物的副作用永久的恐慌11. physicians 职业医生12. field 移植领域医疗预算扑热息痛药片15. cap 防孩子打开的盖子16. clinical trial 随机临床试验随机分配病人的预后19. group 对照组10-year study 10年的跟踪研究medical 内科病房传染性肝炎身体严重不适胆红素代谢damage 永久的肝损伤加重病理生理状况医学文献临床调查29. of relapse 复发率临床流行病学严格的卧床休息住院反复发作的黄疸临床病程35 morphine 静脉注射吗啡36 blood pressure 舒张压大脑血灌输38. care初级保健arterial 主动脉冠状动脉旁路40. treatment decision知情治疗决international grou p一个国际人道组织Red 红十字会first major effort第一次重大援助工作44 of war 战争中的人员伤亡45. relief efforts 紧急援助、Unit 21 disease(再现疾病)flu 新流感变种and 抗生素和疫苗4. disease传染病5 disease新现疾病6 strategy预防策略腺鼠疫8. microbes病原微生物heath 公共卫生机构抗药性of antibiotic thera py抗生素治疗疗程猩红热level of 毒性水平流感大流行表面抗原16. shift基因改变神经性并发症of 免疫力减弱health 公共卫生基础设施malaria 一个疟疾病例21. flu猪流感22. bacillus结核杆菌of morbidity发病率水平保健专业人士25 tuberculosis潜伏结核病结核素皮试27. programmes筛查计划28. gamma tests γ干扰素测试药物毒性disease一种可治愈的病31, infectious disease难治的传染病unknown 一种未知的病原体gastric 慢性胃溃疡34 to carries of disease接触带病者35,genetic 基因重组of 生物恐怖活动病原37. infections通过食物传播的传染病Unit 3surge of 肾上腺素激增internal medicine 内科实习期disease 自体免疫of 丧失持久力5. weakness 短暂的虚弱卧床不起building 基本构件animal 动物模型slow 减缓神经退化toxins排除毒素nutrition 优化营养毒素载量risk of 复发危险医生自我实验clinical 临床试验16. electrical stimulation神经肌肉电刺激理疗师impact of 微量营养素的影响脑功能2 the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动21 of emotions 情绪协调22. reactions 心血管反应of t 亲密感觉情绪传染互相调节unit生物心理单元情感慰藉resonance 功能性磁共振成像brain zones激活该脑部区域make it 使之成为强制性project 无把握的项目background 医学背景of 概念验证剂量方案36. or concomitant cond itions并发症与合并症37 agents 抗肿瘤的药剂标准疗法39. properties 药理学特性溶解性差41. pharmacology 体内药理学Unit 41. medicine 补充医学2. medicine 替代医学medical 医疗模式4. and herbs 针灸和草药treatment 辅助治疗6. a and vomiting 恶心,呕吐7. dental pain 术后牙痛. trials 临床试验9. therapy 物理疗法,理疗10 modalities 治疗方法therapeutic 治疗干预design 研究设计e 磁共振tomography 正电子发射型计算机断层成像15 effect 止痛效果生物医学界17. unit康复中心18. acupuncturist 持照针灸师治疗策略草药配方wide array of 各式各样的并发症22. East-West medicine 中西医结合23. abdominal pain 急性腹痛medicines 施药,用药外科手术科学评估27. statistics患病率统计prevalence28. therapies 传统疗法29. models of care询证医学模式压力处理31 nervous system 周围神经系统.peripheral生理机制and studies 机制和还原式研究34. research 效益研究临床结果36. and clinical studies 临床前及临床研究37 mechanisms可能的机制38 therapies 推拿治疗39. medicine 顺势疗法40. medicine 自然疗法41. and yoga冥想与瑜伽Unit 5health 健康危机s 身体症状and 能量和活力completely I from sth.对某事完全免疫5. of falseness 虚假的病毒有压力的生活方式7. t emotion 健全的感情8. health 脆弱的健康our mind ,body and spir it平衡心理、身体和精神10. life精神生活to wellness 通向身心健康的“路障”12. emotions 被压抑的感情13. feelings and emotion 真情实感14. l influences 心理影响human beings 十全十美的人16. teeth 蛀牙17 professor 营养教授迅速膨胀的腰围19. water 瓶装水热量摄入curb 节制食欲and 谷物和蛋白质儿童肥胖症24 protein 精益蛋白质25. habits 饮食习惯26. of life 生活质量27. category 乳制品类of 糖尿病的预防钠的含量Unit 61. homes养老院2 care临终关怀heart 充血性心衰24小时随叫随到5 care unit冠心病监护室to treatment对治疗有反应nursing 专业护理机构8. care生命终末期护理9. care舒适护理planner出院计划专员11 care症状护理12 care姑息疗法13. illness绝症obstructive disease慢性阻塞性肺病15. treatments实验性治疗精神顾问all treatment终止所有治疗go through 经历透析PAP 巴氏涂片检查relationship医患关系provide 提供常规医护22. examinations预防性检查the path离开熟路,另辟蹊径into a shape塑形a prescription照旧处方再开药vitro 体外受精27. biology基础生物学research胚胎干细胞研究with an outside与圈外人合作baby试管婴儿31. sciences生殖科学administer 施用激素isolate eggs 分离未成熟卵子34. observations经验观察35. work首创研究fibre-optic 光导纤维内窥镜37. guidelines伦理原则社会关注39. couples不孕不育夫妇40. disease遗传疾病囊泡性纤维症伦理困境Unit 7nursing 护士站2. machines 生命维持系统舒适护理措施treatments 停止治疗5. decision-making proces s 家长式决策程序给病人授权医学伦理学家伦理准则临床理念10. care 以病人为中心的护理病人自主权治疗选择13. purview 专属领域14. decisions 紧急状况下做的决定对医生的限制16. and confusion 焦虑与困惑违背伦理家庭医疗广泛转移20. treatment 积极治疗21 lesion 原发病灶recommend 建议随访电子病历肺栓塞计算机断层扫描CT双侧浸润X-ray X线胸片pneumonia 左下肺叶肺炎29. breathing 呼吸困难hospice 临终关怀团队31. illness 慢性病32 aspects 社会心理学领域循证临床指南a plan of care 实施治疗方案Unit 8人体研究对象2. research 生物医学研究公认的治疗formal 正式方案principle of 有利原则principle of 公正原则7. agents 有自主能力的行为者8. autonomy 自主性减弱risk of harm 使……面临受害危险希波克拉底誓言in 分配的公正性知情同意and outcomes 公正的程序和结果table 手术台ethical 伦理责任neurosurgeon 儿科神经外科医生pediatricthe surgery 做手术血流19. care 重症监护20. father 义父21. father 生父22. needs 心理需要23. judgment 医学判断24. therapy 职业疗法meningitis 感染脑膜炎die of an 死于感染血管in 循环的不平衡of human research subjec ts 人类研究对象的安宁approve or all researc h activities 批准或不批准所有的研究活动review a 审查一个研究计划risk of civil or criminal 有民事或刑事责任的危险参考答案Unit 11. neuron 神经2. office visit(诊所)就诊3. scan 扫描4. medical practice 行医5. blood pressure 血压6. maintenance(健康)保持7. mammogram 乳房X线 8. physical 身体9. side effect 副作用10. panic 恐慌11. practicing 执业12. transplant 移植13. budget 预算14. tablet 药片15. childproof 防孩子16. randomized 随机17. allocation(随机)分配18. prognosis 预后19. control 对照20. follow-up 跟踪21. ward 病房22. hepatitis 肝炎23. malaise 身体不适24. metabolism 代谢肝病理生理27. literature 文献28. investigation 调查29. incidence 率30. epidemiology 流行病学 31. bed rest 卧床休息32. hospital stay 住院33. jaundice 黄疸34. course 病程35. intravenous 静脉注射36. diastolic 舒张37. perfusion 灌注38. primary 初级39. bypass(冠脉)旁路40. informed 知情41. humanitarian 人道主义 42. the Red Cross 红十字会 43. relief 援助44. casualty 人员伤亡45. emergency 紧急Unit 21. re-emerging 再现2. strain 变种3. vaccine 疫苗4. infectious 传染性的5. emerging 新出现6. prevention 预防7. plague 鼠疫8. pathogenic 病原的9. authorities 机构10. drug resistanc 抗药性 11. course 疗程12. scarlet fever 猩红热13. virulence 毒性14. pandemic 大流行15. antigen 抗原16. genetic 基因的17. neurological 神经性18. immunity 免疫力19. infrastructure 基础设施 20. case 病例21. swine 猪22. tuberculosis 结核23. morbidity/incidence发病率24. professionals 专业人士 25. latent 潜伏26. skin test 皮试27. screening 筛查28. interferon 干扰素29. toxicity 毒性30. curable 可治愈的31. intractable 难治的32. pathogen 病原体33. ulcer 溃疡34. exposure 接触(带病者)35. recombination 重组36. bioterrorism 生物恐怖活动37. foodborne 生物传播Unit 31. adrenaline 肾上腺素2. residency 实习3. autoimmune 自身免疫4.stamina 持久力5. transient 短暂的6. bedridden 卧床不起7. building block 基本构件 8. model 模型9. neurodegeneration 神经退化排除(毒素) 优化载量复发自我实验试验神经肌肉治疗师微量营养素功能跟踪协调心血管亲密同步传染调节生物心理慰藉MRI激活强制性无把握的背景概念方案并发症抗肿瘤标准的药理学的溶解性vivo 体内Unit 41. complementary 补充2. alternative 替代(医学)3. paradigm 模式4. acupuncture 针灸5. adjunct 辅助6. nausea 恶心7. post-operative 术后8. clinical 临床的9. physical therapy 理疗10. therapeutic 治疗(方法) 11. intervention 干预12. design 设计13. resonance 共振14. emission 发射PET15. analgesia 止痛16. establishment(生物医学)界17. rehabilitation 康复18. licensed 持照(针灸师)19. strategies 策略20. formulas 配方21. wide array 各式各样的 22. integrative(中西医)结合 23. acute 急性的24. administer 给药25. procedure 程序26. evaluation 评估27. prevalence 患病率28. conventional 传统(疗法) 29. evidence-based 循证的 30. management(压力)处理 31. peripheral外周/外围 32. mechanisms 机制33. reductionistic 还原式的效益 35. outcomes 结果36. preclinical 临床前37. plausible 可能的38. manipulative 推拿39. homeopathic 顺势40. naturopathic 自然(疗法) 41. meditation 冥想Unit 51. crisis 危机2. symptoms 症状3. vitality 活力4. immune 免疫5. virus 病毒6. lifestyle 生活方式7. robust 健全的8. fragile 脆弱的9. balance 平衡10. spiritual 精神的11. blockages 路障12. repressed 被压抑的13. genuine 真实的(真情实感)14. physiological 心理15. integrated 整合的(十全十美)16. decaying teeth 蛀牙17. nutrition 营养18. waistline 腰围19. bottled 瓶装(水)20. intake 摄入21. appetite 食欲22. protein 蛋白质23. obesity 肥胖症24. lean 精益的(蛋白质)25. dietary 饮食(习惯)26. quality 质量27. dairy 乳制品28. diabetes 糖尿病29. content 含量Unit 61. nursing home 养老院2. hospice 临终(关怀)3. failure(心)衰around-the-clock24小时随叫随到5. coronary 冠心病6. respond(对治疗有)反应7. facility 机构8. end-of-life 终末期9. comfort 舒适的(护理)10. hospital discharge出院 11. care(症状)护理12. palliative 姑息的13. fatal illness 绝症14. pulmonary 肺的COPD15. experimental 实验性的 16. advisors 顾问17. discontinue 终止18. dialysis 透析19. smear 涂片20. provider 医患关系21. care-as-usual 常规医护 22. preventive 预防性23. beaten 常用的 offthe beaten path 离开熟路,另辟蹊径24. mold into the shape塑形25. renew 重新开始 torenew a prescription 照旧处方再开药26. fertilization 授精27. basic 基础的(生物学)28. stem cell 干细胞29. collaborate 合作30. test-tube 试管(婴儿)31. reproductive 生殖的32. hormones 激素33. immature 未成熟的34. empirical 经验(观察)35. pioneering 首创的36. endoscope 内镜37. ethical 伦理的38. concern(社会)关注39. infertile 不孕不育的40. inherited 遗传性的41. fibrosis 纤维化42. dilemmas 困境Unit 71. station(护士)站2. life-support 生命维持(系统)3. measures 护理措施4. withdraw 停止(治疗)5. paternalistic 家长式的6. empowerment 授权7. ethicists 伦理学家8. principles 准则9. ideal 理念以病人为中心的11. autonomy 自主权12. options 选择13. exclusive purview 专属的(领域)14. emergency 紧急(决定)15. restraint 限制16. anxiety 焦虑17. transgression 违背18. practice(家庭)医疗19. metastases(广泛)转移20. aggressive 积极的21. primary 原发22. follow-up 随访23. record 病历24. embolism 栓塞25. tomography 断层摄像CT26. infiltrates 浸润27. chest 胸28. lower-lobe 左下叶29. labored(呼吸)困难30. team 团队31. chronic 慢性的32. psychosocial 社会心理 33. guidelines 指南34. implement 实施(治疗方案)Unit 1 动脉旁路overload 神经过载typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊scan DEXA扫描practicing 行医pressure control 血压控制maintenance 健康保持report 乳房X线检查报告 examination 体检effect of a medication 药物的副作用panic 永久的恐慌physicians 职业医生field 移植领域budget 医疗预算tablet 扑热息痛药片cap 防孩子打开的盖子 clinical trial 随机临床试验allocation 随机分配prognosis 病人的预后group 对照组10-year follow-up study10年的跟踪研究medical ward 内科病房hepatitis 传染性肝炎malaise 身体严重不适metabolism 胆红素代谢liver damage 永久的肝损伤pathophysiology 加重病理生理状况literature 医学文献investigation 临床调查of relapse 复发率epidemiology 临床流行病学bed rest 严格的卧床休息stay 住院jaundice 反复发作的黄疸course 临床病程morphine 静脉注射吗啡blood pressure 舒张压perfusion 大脑血灌输care初级保健arterial bypass主动脉冠状助工作treatment decision 知情治疗决internationalhumanitarian group一个国际人道组织Red Cross 红十字会first major reliefeffort 第一次重大援 ofwar 战争中的人员伤亡relief efforts 紧急援助Unit 3surge of adrenaline 肾上腺素激增internal medicineresidency 内科实习期autoimmune disease 自体免疫of stamina 丧失持久力weakness 短暂的虚弱bedridden 卧床不起building block基本构件animal model 动物模型slow neurodegeneration减缓神经退化excrete toxins排除毒素optimize nutrition 优化营养load毒素载量risk of relapse 复发危险self-experimentation医生自我实验clinical trial 临床试验electrical stimulation神经肌肉电刺激therapist 理疗师impact ofmicronutrients 微量营养素的影响function 脑功能the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动of emotions 情绪协调reactions 心血管反应of rapport 亲密感觉entrain 迅速同步contagion 情绪传染mutually regulation 互相调节psychobiological unit生物心理单元solace情感慰藉magnetic resonanceimaging功能性磁共振成像activate brain zones激活该脑部区域make it mandatory 使之成为强制性(n) dubious project无把握的项目background医学背景of concept概念验证regimen 剂量方案or concomitant conditions并发症与合并症agents 抗肿瘤的药剂therapy标准疗法properties 药理学特性solubility 溶解性差vivo pharmacology 体内药理学 Unit 5health crisis 健康危机 symptoms 身体症状and vitality 能量和活力 completely immune from sth.对某事完全免疫of falseness 虚假的病毒 lifestyle 有压力的生活方式emotion 健全的感情health 脆弱的健康balance our mind ,body and spirit平衡心理、身体和精神life精神生活blockage to wellness 通向身心健康的“路障”emotions 被压抑的感情feelings and emotion真情实感influences 心理影响integrated human beings 十全十美的人teeth 蛀牙professor 营养教授waistline 迅速膨胀的腰围water 瓶装水intake 热量摄入 curb appetite 节制食欲and protein 谷物和蛋白质obesity 儿童肥胖症protein 精益蛋白质habits 饮食习惯of life 生活质量category 乳制品类of diabetes糖尿病的预防content 钠的含量Unit 7nursing station 护士站machines 生命维持系统measures 舒适护理措施withdraw treatments 停止治疗decision-making process家长式决策程序empowerment 给病人授权ethicists 医学伦理学家principles 伦理准则ideal 临床理念care 以病人为中心的护理autonomy 病人自主权options 治疗选择purview 专属领域decisions 紧急状况下做的决定restraint 对医生的限制and confusion 焦虑与困惑transgression 违背伦理practice 家庭医疗metastases 广泛转移treatment 积极治疗lesion 原发病灶recommend follow-up 建议随访record 电子病历embolism 肺栓塞tomography CT,计算机断层扫描infiltrates双侧浸润(n) chest X-ray(X线胸片)lower-lobe pneumonia左下肺叶肺炎breathing呼吸困难hospice team临终关怀团队illness慢性病aspects 社会心理学领域guidelines 循证临床指南implement a plan of care实施治疗方案。

学术英语(医学)课后词组Unit 11.neuron overload 神经过载2.a typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊3.DEXA scan DEXA扫描4.medical practicing 行医5.blood pressure control 血压控制6.health maintenance 健康保持7.Mammogram report 乳房X线检查报告8.physical examination 体检9.side effect of a medication 药物的副作用10.perpetual panic 永久的恐慌11.practicing physicians 职业医生12.transplant field 移植领域13.medical budget 医疗预算14.paracetamol tablet 扑热息痛药片15.childproof cap 防孩子打开的盖子16.randomized clinical trial 随机临床试验17.Random allocation 随机分配18.patient prognosis 病人的预后19.control group 对照组20.a 10-year follow-up study 10年的跟踪研究21.a medical ward 内科病房22.infectious hepatitis 传染性肝炎23.Severe malaise 身体严重不适24.bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢25.permanent liver damage 永久的肝损伤26.exacerbate pathophysiology 加重病理生理状况27.Medical literature 医学文献28.clinical investigation 临床调查29.incedence of relapse 复发率30.clinical epidemiology 临床流行病学31.strict bed rest 严格的卧床休息32.hospital stay 住院33.recurrent jaundice 反复发作的黄疸34.clinical course 临床病程35.intravenous morphine 静脉注射吗啡36.diastolic blood pressure 舒张压37.brain perfusion 大脑血灌输38.primary care初级保健39.aorto-coronary arterial bypass主动脉冠状动脉旁路rmed treatment decision知情治疗决41.an international humanitarian group一个国际人道组织42.the Red Cross 红十字会43.The first major relief effort第一次重大援助工作44.casualty of war 战争中的人员伤亡45.emergency relief efforts 紧急援助Unit 21.re-emerging disease(再现疾病)2.new flu strain新流感变种3.antibiotics and vaccines抗生素和疫苗4.infectious disease传染病5.emergent disease新现疾病6.prevention strategy预防策略7.bubonic plague腺鼠疫8.pathogenic microbes病原微生物9.public heath authorities公共卫生机构10.drug resistance抗药性11.an course of antibiotic therapy抗生素治疗疗程12.scarlet fever猩红热13.the level of virulence毒性水平14.flu pandemic流感大流行15.surface antigen 表面抗原16.genetic shift基因改变17.neurological complications 神经性并发症18.waning of immunity免疫力减弱19.public health infrastructure公共卫生基础设施20.a malaria case一个疟疾病例21.swine flu猪流感22.tuberculosis bacillus结核杆菌23.the level of morbidity发病率水平24.health professional保健专业人士tent tuberculosis潜伏结核病26.tuberculin skin test结核素皮试27.screening programmes筛查计划28.interferon gamma tests γ干扰素测试29.drug toxicity药物毒性30.an curable disease一种可治愈的病31,intractable infectious disease难治的传染病32.an unknown pathogen一种未知的病原体33.chronic gastric ulcer慢性胃溃疡34.34.exposure to carries of disease接触带病者35,genetic recombination基因重组36.agent of bioterrorism生物恐怖活动病原37.foodborne infections通过食物传播的传染病Unit 31.the surge of adrenaline 肾上腺素激增2.an internal medicine residency 内科实习期3.an autoimmune disease 自体免疫4.loss of stamina 丧失持久力5.transient weakness 短暂的虚弱6.becoming bedridden 卧床不起7.a building block基本构件8.an animal model 动物模型9.to slow neurodegeneration减缓神经退化10.to excrete toxins排除毒素11.to optimize nutrition 优化营养12.toxic load毒素载量13.the risk of relapse 复发危险14.physician self—experimentation医生自我实验15.a clinical trial 临床试验16.neuromuscular electrical stimulation 神经肌肉电刺激17.physical therapist 理疗师18.the impact of micronutrients 微量营养素的影响19.brain function 脑功能20.20.track the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动21.coordination of emotions 情绪协调22.cardiovascular reactions 心血管反应23.feeling of rapport 亲密感觉24.rapid entrain 迅速同步25.emotional contagion 情绪传染26.to mutually regulation 互相调节27.a psychobiological unit生物心理单元28.emotional solace 情感慰藉29.functional magnetic resonanceimaging功能性磁共振30.to active brain zones激活该脑部区域31.to make it mandatory使之成为强制性32.a dubious project 无把握的项目33.medical background 医学背景34.proof of concept 概念验证35.dose regimen 剂量方案plications or concomitant conditions并发症与合并症37.anti-tumor agents 抗肿瘤的药剂38.standard therapy标准疗法39.pharmacology properties 药理学特性40.poor solubility 溶解性差41.in vivo pharmacology 体内药理学Unit 4plementary medicine 补充医学2.alternative medicine 替代医学3.a medical paradigm 医疗模式4.acupuncture and herbs 针灸和草药5.adjunct treatment 辅助治疗6.nausea and vomiting 恶心,呕吐7.post-operative dental pain 术后牙痛8.clinical trials 临床试验9.physical therapy 物理疗法,理疗10.therapeutic modalities 治疗方法11.a therapeutic intervention治疗干预12.Research design 研究设计13.magnetic resonance 磁共振14.positron emission tomography 正电子发射型计算机断层成像15.analgesia effect 止痛效果16.biomedical establishment 生物医学界17.rehabilitation unit康复中心18.licensed acupuncturist 持照针灸师19.therapeutic strategies治疗策略20.herbal formulas草药配方21.a wide array of complications 各式各样的并发症22.Integrative East-West medicine 中西医结合23.acute abdominal pain 急性腹痛24.to administer medicines 施药,用药25.surgical procedure 外科手术26.scientific evaluation 科学评估27.prevalence statistics患病率统计28.conventional therapies 传统疗法29.evidence-based models of care询证医学模式30.stress management 压力处理31.peripheral nervous system 周围神经系统32.physiologic mechanisms生理机制33.mechanistic and reductionistic studies 机制和还原式研究34.cost-effectiveness research 效益研究35.clinical outcomes 临床结果36.preclinical and clinical studies 临床前及临床研究37.plausible mechanisms可能的机制38.manipulative therapies 推拿治疗39.homeopathic medicine 顺势疗法40.naturopathic medicine 自然疗法41.meditation and yoga冥想与瑜伽Unit 51.a health crisis 健康危机2.physical symptoms 身体症状3.Energy and vitality 能量和活力4.be completely immune from sth.对某事完全免疫5.virus of falseness 虚假的病毒6.stressful lifestyle 有压力的生活方式7.robust emotion 健全的感情8.fragile health 脆弱的健康9.to balance our mind ,body and spirit平衡心理、身体和精神10.spiritual life精神生活11.the blockage to wellness 通向身心健康的“路障”12.repressed emotions 被压抑的感情13.genuine feelings and emotion真情实感14.physiological influences 心理影响15.fully integrated human beings 十全十美的人16.decaying teeth 蛀牙17.nutrition professor 营养教授18.burgeoning waistline 迅速膨胀的腰围19.bottled water 瓶装水20.caloric intake 热量摄入21.to curb appetite 节制食欲22.grains and protein 谷物和蛋白质23.childhood obesity 儿童肥胖症24.lean protein 精益蛋白质25.dietary habits 饮食习惯26.quality of life 生活质量27.diary category 乳制品类28.prevention of diabetes糖尿病的预防29.sodium content 钠的含量Unit 61.nursing homes养老院2.hospice care临终关怀3.congestive heart failure充血性心衰4.available around-the-clock24小时随叫随到5.coronary care unit冠心病监护室6.to respond to treatment对治疗有反应7.skilled nursing facility专业护理机构8.end-of-life care生命终末期护理fort care舒适护理10.hospital discharge planner出院计划专员11.symptom care症状护理12.palliative care姑息疗法13.fatal illness绝症14.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease慢性阻塞性肺病15.Experimental treatments实验性治疗16.spiritual advisor精神顾问17.to discontinue all treatment终止所有治疗18.to go through dialysis经历透析19.A PAP smear巴氏涂片检查20.patient-provider relationship医患关系21.to provide care-as-usual提供常规医护22.preventive examinations预防性检查23.off the beaten path离开熟路,另辟蹊径24.to mold into a shape塑形25.To renew a prescription照旧处方再开药26.in vitro fertilization体外受精27.basic biology基础生物学28.embryonic stem cell research胚胎干细胞研究29.to collaborate with an outside与圈外人合作30.a test-tube baby试管婴儿31.reproductive sciences生殖科学32.to administer hormone施用激素33.to isolate immature eggs 分离未成熟卵子34.empirical observations经验观察35.pioneering work首创研究36.a fibre-optic endoscope光导纤维内窥镜37.ethical guidelines伦理原则38.societal concern社会关注39.infertile couples不孕不育夫妇40.inherited disease遗传疾病41.Cystic fibrosis囊泡性纤维症42.ethical dilemma伦理困境Unit 71.a nursing station 护士站2.life-support machines 生命维持系统fort measures 舒适护理措施4.to withdraw treatments 停止治疗5.paternalistic decision-making process 家长式决策程序6.patient empowerment 给病人授权7.medical ethicists 医学伦理学家8.ethical principles 伦理准则9.clinical ideal 临床理念10.patient-centered care 以病人为中心的护理11.patient autonomy 病人自主权12.treatment options 治疗选择13.exclusive purview 专属领域14.emergency decisions 紧急状况下做的决定15.physician restraint 对医生的限制16.anxiety and confusion 焦虑与困惑17.ethical transgression 违背伦理18.family practice 家庭医疗19.widespread metastases 广泛转移20.aggressive treatment 积极治疗21.primary lesion 原发病灶22.to recommend follow-up 建议随访23.electronic record 电子病历24.pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞puterized tomography 计算机断层扫描CT26.bilateral infiltrates 双侧浸润27.a chest X-ray X线胸片28.left lower-lobe pneumonia 左下肺叶肺炎bored breathing 呼吸困难30.the hospice team 临终关怀团队31.chronic illness 慢性病32.psychosocial aspects 社会心理学领域33.evidence-based guidelines 循证临床指南34.to implement a plan of care 实施治疗方案Unit 81.human subject 人体研究对象2.biomedical research 生物医学研究3.accepted therapy 公认的治疗4.a formal protocol 正式方案5.the principle of beneficence 有利原则6.the principle of justice 公正原则7.autonomous agents 有自主能力的行为者8.diminished autonomy 自主性减弱9.be exposed to risk of harm 使……面临受害危险10.Hippocratic Oath 希波克拉底誓言11.fairness in distribution 分配的公正性rmed consent 知情同意13.fair procedures and outcomes 公正的程序和结果14.the operating table 手术台15.an ethical obligation 伦理责任16.a pediatric neurosurgeon 儿科神经外科医生17.to perform the surgery 做手术18.blood flow 血流19.intensive care 重症监护20.adoptive father 义父21.biological father 生父22.psychological needs 心理需要23.medical judgment 医学判断24.occupational therapy 职业疗法25.to contract meningitis 感染脑膜炎26.to die of an infection 死于感染27.blood vessel 血管28.imbalances in circulation 循环的不平衡29.the welfare of human research subjects 人类研究对象的安宁30.to approve or disapprove all research activities 批准或不批准所有的研究活动31.to review a protocol 审查一个研究计划32.at risk of civil or criminal liability 有民事或刑事责任的危险Unit 91.medical school curriculum 医学院课程2.the medical education community 医学教育界3.to meet the public’s expectations 达到公众的期待4.personal attributes 个人品质5.to place value on 看重6.clinical maladies 临床疾患7.diagnostic errors 诊断错误8.classic manifestations 典型临床表现9.the civic mindedness of physicians 医生的民本意识10.polite chatter 礼貌的闲谈11.bedside manner 医生对患者的态度,临床举止12.to scan hospital directories 搜索医院名录13.a integral part 不可分割的一部分14.underserved communities 服务匮乏的社区15.primary care shortage 初级保健缺乏16.certification evaluations 证书评估17.to address the needs 应对需要18.the basics of anatomy 解剖基础知识19.a teaching hospital 教学医院20.an academic medical center 学术医学中心21.to affiliate with teaching hospitals 隶属于教学医院22.continuing medical education credits 继续医学教育学分Unit 101.medical coverage 医疗保险支付范围2.Medicare and Medicaid 医疗保险和医疗救助3.a single-payer system 单一支付者系统4.to subsidize the uncovered 补贴无保险的人5.to deliver value care 提供医疗6.duplicative tests 重复的检查7.a sustained study 长期的研究8.vision deficits 视力缺陷9.a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)经食管超声心动图10.an trial thrombus 心房血栓11.a massive embolic stroke 大面积栓塞型脑中风mon carotid artery 颈总动脉13.intracranial branches 颅内段14.middle cerebral artery syndrome 大脑中动脉综合征15.intracranial bleeding 颅内出血16.brain-stem herniation 脑干脱疝17.neurologic recovery 神经功能恢复18.mechanical ventilation 机械通气19.anticoagulant treatment 抗凝血治疗20.intravenous infusions 静脉输液21.an academic surgeon 学术型外科医生22.hospital administrators 医院管理者23.inbound ambulances 入院的救护车24.elective surgery 可做可不做的手术25.acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗死26.time-critical conditions 对治疗时间要求紧迫的疾病27.cardiac arrest 心搏停止28.traumatic injuries 外伤,创伤29.percutaneous coronary intervention 经皮冠状动脉介入术30.a multi-payer model 多家支付者模式31.universal insurance programs 全民保险计划32.for-profit insurance 以盈利为目的的保险33.pharmaceutical companies 制药公司34.home-brewed remedies 自创的治疗方法35.pay the bill out-of-pocket 自掏腰包付费。

UNIT 1 A Doctor’s LifeTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 1, students (Ss) are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Teaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1.Start the class by sharing your experiences with doctors.2.Brainstorming task:1)Ask Ss to brainstorm what they know about a doctor’s life and practice.2)Write down the key words on the chalkboard.3)Ask Ss to have a short discussion on different aspects of a doctor’s life. Ssare encouraged to use the key words in discussion.The following is a list of suggested key words:3.Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1.When preparing for and planning the class, the teacher (T) can search “doctor’slife” on the Internet and find out what people say and think about a doctor’s life.Start the class by introducing the findings. This is a natural continuation of Lead-in.2.Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.3.Integrate Task 2/ Language building-up/ Text A when a parentheticalstatement is dealt with.4.When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5.If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus1.… that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down. (P2, Para. 1)两个破折号之间是插入语,补充说明病人冷不丁提出的要求(stray request)也可能是相当中肯的(relevant),即便如此,对聚精会神的医生来说也是“灾难性的”。

Unit 9 Medical Education
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Useful expressions
•There are many text that describe in eloquent terms the value that patients place on being truly cared for by a physician. •Members of the medical profession have too often equated caring with treatment, and have tended at times to limit their role to providing treatment leading to a cure.
•The changes that have been adopted are truly impressive, yet there is still more to be accomplished.
Unit 9 Medical Education
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Unit 9 Medical Education
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Topics for presentation
3 Why is it wrong to equate becoming a physician with possessing a body of knowledge and a set of skills? • A body of knowledge and a set of skills required vary depending upon the particular career path a physician has chosen. • Besides a body of knowledge and a set of skills a physician also should possess some personal attributes to meet the public’s expectations and to define the essence of what it means to be a physician.
学术英语—医学Unit 4整理

学术英语医学Academic English for MedicineUnit 4 Alternative medicineText ATopics for presentation1. Give a brief explanation of the two concepts: complementary medicine and alternative medicine. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)CAM: a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine Complementary medicine : use of CAM together with conventional medicineAlternative medicine: use of CAM in place of conventional medicine2. To what extent do you agree with the authors opinion on traditional Chinese medicine being “affordable, low tech, safe and effective”? Facilities: simple, inexpensiveTechnology: needles, cups, coinsMost procedures and operations: noninvasiveThe substances used as medicine: indeed all natural, from nature, raw herbs or abstracts from them Effectiveness: proven and ensured with a long history The theories and practices: new light shed with ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi3. Summarize the clinical uses of acupuncture.An adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensive management program forpost-operative and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting post-operative dental painAddiction stroke rehabilitation headache menstrual cramps tennis elbow fibromyalgia myofascial pain osteoarthritis low back pain carpal tunnel syndrome and asthma4 Do you think the author is overoptimistic in predicting a wider future use of acupuncture in the US?●Research: TCM framework VS BiomedicalModality●Future clinical trials that test acupuncture withinthe framework of traditional Chinese medicine are likely to provide a more appropriate and clinically meaningful assessment of acupuncture efficacythan the current generation of clinical trials which use a diagnosis framed primarily in biomedicalterms4. Do you think the author is overoptimistic in predicting a wider future use of acupuncture in the US?●Research: The right track to follow●Unlike drugs, acupuncture is more akin tosurgery and physical therapy in terms oftherapeutic modalities.●For the time being, evidence based on largecase series should be considered in determiningrecommendations for clinical practice.●Adoption / Use●-Proven useful in additional areas●-Used not only for treatment but also forprevention and promotion of wellness●-Exploration and perfection to becontinued5. Explain how inappropriate uses of herbs may result in complications.Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidance -Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient-Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulasDigression from either of the above conditions, misuses of herbs, will result in complications in patient6.Various approaches to herbal study are mentioned in the text. Pick one to discuss the advantages and limitations.randomized controlled trialsquasi-experimentscohort studiescase-control studies“N=1”trials7. What are the difficulties in investigating herbal therapies?Dependence of synthesis of evidence on-The completeness of the literature search (Unavailable for foreign studies)-The accuracy of evaluationNo answers to be found for the questions of interestRequirement of using less stringent information rather than “hard data”8.What are the factors to consider when we integrate eastern and western medicine?Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in societyResearch and educationPolitical, economic and social factorsUseful expressions●…Panel conservatively recommended thatacupuncture may be used as an adjuncttreatment…(Para.3)●The panel ascertained that acupuncture can beused to treat …(Para.3)●It is also recommended as an adjunct treatmentor…(Para.3)●When appropriately prepared and used, herbscan be safe and effective. (Para.8)●Clinical research methodologists should take thetheoretical construct and clinical approach ofTCM into consideration when designing trials.(Para.9)●Research designs such as randomized controlledtrials26 have advantages and disadvantages indetermining the efficacy of any therapeuticintervention, and can be carried out for botanicals, as seen by a study on herbal formulas for irritable bowel syndrome. (Para.9)●It is essential that researchers and practitionersbe educated in both traditional and westernmedicines in order to perform researchappropriately and treat patients effectively.(Para.10)Difficult Sentences●Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture,herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on someof the theories and practices of TCM.●全世界有关针灸、草药、按摩和太极拳的持续研究已阐明了中医的有些理论和实践。

学术英语医学课后词组集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-Unit 1 动脉旁路1.neuron overload 神经过载2.a typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊3.DEXA scan DEXA扫描4.medical practicing 行医5.blood pressure control 血压控制6.health maintenance 健康保持7.Mammogram report 乳房X线检查报告8.physical examination 体检9.side effect of a medication 药物的副作用10.perpetual panic 永久的恐慌11.practicing physicians 职业医生12.transplant field 移植领域13.medical budget 医疗预算14.paracetamol tablet 扑热息痛药片15.childproof cap 防孩子打开的盖子16.randomized clinical trial 随机临床试验17.Random allocation 随机分配18.patient prognosis 病人的预后19.control group 对照组20.a 10-year follow-up study 10年的跟踪研究21.a medical ward 内科病房22.infectious hepatitis 传染性肝炎23.Severe malaise 身体严重不适24.bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢25.permanent liver damage 永久的肝损伤26.exacerbate pathophysiology 加重病理生理状况27.Medical literature 医学文献28.clinical investigation 临床调查29.incedence of relapse 复发率30.clinical epidemiology 临床流行病学31.strict bed rest 严格的卧床休息32.hospital stay 住院33.recurrent jaundice 反复发作的黄疸34.clinical course 临床病程35.intravenous morphine 静脉注射吗啡36.diastolic blood pressure 舒张压37.brain perfusion 大脑血灌输38.primary care初级保健39.aorto-coronary arterial bypass主动脉冠状助工作rmed treatment decision 知情治疗决41.an international humanitarian group一个国际人道组织42.the Red Cross 红十字会43.The first major relief effort 第一次重大援44.casualty of war 战争中的人员伤亡45.emergency relief efforts 紧急援助Unit 31.the surge of adrenaline 肾上腺素激增2.an internal medicine residency 内科实习期3.an autoimmune disease 自体免疫4.loss of stamina 丧失持久力5.transient weakness 短暂的虚弱6.becoming bedridden 卧床不起7.a building block基本构件8.an animal model 动物模型9.to slow neurodegeneration减缓神经退化10.to excrete toxins排除毒素11.to optimize nutrition 优化营养12.toxic load毒素载量13.the risk of relapse 复发危险14.physician self-experimentation医生自我实验15.a clinical trial 临床试验16.neuromuscular electrical stimulation 神经肌肉电刺激17.physical therapist 理疗师18.the impact of micronutrients 微量营养素的影响19.brain function 脑功能20.track the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动21.coordination of emotions 情绪协调22.cardiovascular reactions 心血管反应23.feeling of rapport 亲密感觉24.rapid entrain 迅速同步25.emotional contagion 情绪传染26.to mutually regulation 互相调节27.a psychobiological unit生物心理单元28.emotional solace情感慰藉29.functional magnetic resonance imaging功能性磁共振成像30.to activate brain zones激活该脑部区域31.to make it mandatory 使之成为强制性32.a(n) dubious project无把握的项目33.medical background医学背景34.proof of concept概念验证35.dose regimen 剂量方案plications or concomitant conditions并发症与合并症37.anti-tumor agents 抗肿瘤的药剂38.standard therapy标准疗法39.pharmacology properties 药理学特性40.poor solubility 溶解性差41.in vivo pharmacology 体内药理学Unit 51.a health crisis 健康危机2.physical symptoms 身体症状3.Energy and vitality 能量和活力4.be completely immune from sth.对某事完全免疫5.virus of falseness 虚假的病毒6.stressful lifestyle 有压力的生活方式7.robust emotion 健全的感情8.fragile health 脆弱的健康9.to balance our mind ,body and spirit平衡心理、身体和精神10.spiritual life精神生活11.the blockage to wellness 通向身心健康的“路障”12.repressed emotions 被压抑的感情13.genuine feelings and emotion真情实感14.physiological influences 心理影响15.fully integrated human beings 十全十美的人16.decaying teeth 蛀牙17.nutrition professor 营养教授18.burgeoning waistline 迅速膨胀的腰围19.bottled water 瓶装水20.caloric intake 热量摄入21.to curb appetite 节制食欲22.grains and protein 谷物和蛋白质23.childhood obesity 儿童肥胖症24.lean protein 精益蛋白质25.dietary habits 饮食习惯26.quality of life 生活质量27.diary category 乳制品类28.prevention of diabetes糖尿病的预防29.sodium content 钠的含量Unit 71.a nursing station 护士站2.life-support machines 生命维持系统fort measures 舒适护理措施4.to withdraw treatments 停止治疗5.paternalistic decision-making process 家长式决策程序6.patient empowerment 给病人授权7.medical ethicists 医学伦理学家8.ethical principles 伦理准则9.clinical ideal 临床理念10.patient-centered care 以病人为中心的护理11.patient autonomy 病人自主权12.treatment options 治疗选择13.exclusive purview 专属领域14.emergency decisions 紧急状况下做的决定15.physician restraint 对医生的限制16.anxiety and confusion 焦虑与困惑17.ethical transgression 违背伦理18.family practice 家庭医疗19.widespread metastases 广泛转移20.aggressive treatment 积极治疗21.primary lesion 原发病灶22.to recommend follow-up 建议随访23.electronic record 电子病历24.pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞puterized tomography CT,计算机断层扫描26.bilateral infiltrates双侧浸润27.a(n) chest X-ray(X线胸片)28.left lower-lobe pneumonia左下肺叶肺炎borcd breathing呼吸困难30.the hospice team临终关怀团队31.chronic illness慢性病32.psychosocial aspects 社会心理学领域33.evidence-based guidelines 循证临床指南34.to implement a plan of care 实施治疗方案。
学术英语——医学Unit 5整理

学术英语医学Academic English for Medicine●医学词汇中表示否定的词缀前缀一、表示缺,少,无,非,消等如:acholia (无胆汁); achromate (色盲); afebrile (不发热的); afunction (机能丧失); amenia (闭经); aseptic (无菌的); astatic (不稳定的, 无定向的), aperiodic ( 非周期的)二、an- 表示无, 非, 缺, 不等如:Anemia(贫血); anepia(言语不能, 失语症); anesthesia(麻醉, 感觉缺失); anoxia(缺氧症); analgesia(痛觉缺失); anorexia (食欲缺乏)三、anti-表示反抗, 逆, 防, 耐, 消, 去, 解对, 非等如:Antiarthritic(抗风湿药物); antibiotic(抗生素); antibody(抗体); anticoagulant(抗凝血剂); antidote(解毒剂); antiemetic(止吐剂); antigen(抗原); antipyretic(退热剂); antitoxin(抗毒素)四、contra-表示反, 逆,抗等如: Contraception(节育, 避孕); contraindication(禁忌症), contraincision(对口切开); contralateral (对侧); contrast(对比); contrast media(造影剂)八. in- 表示不, 无,非, 未等. im-, il-, ir- 是其同原变体, im- 用在m, p开头的词前, il-,用在l开头的词前, ir-用在r开头的词前.Incompetence (机能不全); incontinence (失禁); incurable(不治的); indigestion (消化不良); inorganic (无机的); immune (免疫的); immature(未成熟的);impotence (阳痿,虚弱); irregular(不规则的); irrhythmia (心律失常); illogical; illimitable; illegal九. mal- 表示不良,坏,恶. 例如:maladjustment (失调); maldevelopment (发育不良); Malformation (畸形); malfunction (功能障碍); malposed (错位的)十.mis- 表示错,误,坏等. 例如:Miscarriage (流产); misdiagnosis (误诊)十一. non-表示非,不,无,抗,未,防等.non-aging(未老化的); non-protein(非蛋白);non-pathogenic(非病原的); nontoxic (无毒的); nonviable(不能生活的)十二. un- 表示不, 无, 未,去,失,非等. 例如: Unconscious (神志不清); uneasy/unrest(不安); undifferentiation (未分化); undoubted (无疑); unequal (不相等的); unsaturated (不饱和的); unwell(不适, 有病)十三.under- 表示不足; 欠,不; 低, 在下等. 例如: Undernutrition / undernourishment (营养不良); underestimate (低估); undersaturation (欠饱和); underweight(体重不足); underdiagnosis (漏诊)十四. 后缀–free表示无---的例如: Sugar-free urine(无糖尿) ; symptom-free(无症状) 十五. 后缀-less表示无---的; 不---的例如:Symptomless (无症状的); senseless (无感觉的)十六.后缀-proof 表示防---的; 耐---的; 不透---的例如:Fool-proof(容易操作的); fire-proof(防火的); sound-proof(隔音的); time-proof(耐久的);water-proof (防水的)复习:相反 dis- disease/disorder/disability困难/障碍 dys- dysfunction/ dyspnea不良 mal-malfunction/malnutrition/malpractice炎症 -itisappendicitis/bronchitis/arthritis瘤/块 -oma lymphoma/adenoma/ hematoma血症 -emia leukemia/ septicemiaUnit 5 Healthy LivingText AUseful expressions●Imbalance can arise from many different sources,such as continuous stress, pain, and hardships.How we eat, work out conflict, and navigatethrough life can negatively or positively affect our health. We who live consciously and intentionally have an amazing amount of power over our lives and health.●These loops contribute to limiting, self-defeating,and even self-destructive behaviors thatundermines our well-being and keeps them fromachieving our full potential.●Like most ingrained emotional, psychological,and behavioral patterns, spin traps repeat andproduce the same old patterns over and over until they are recognized, healed, and changed.●By disconnecting from our bodies andabandoning themselves in this way, we tend tolose a sense of our natural self-confidence. Wegrow more reluctant to take risks.●They lose our ability to feel and acknowledge ourdeepest feelings and the courage to speak ourtruth.●Most of the issues that we face in life, be theyphysical or emotional, have our roots andresolution in different dimensions.●Most of the issues that we face in life, whetherthey should be physical or emotional, have ourroots and resolution in different dimensions.Difficult Sentences●However, some people go through life on automaticpilot. (Para.2)然而,有些人的生活是走一步,算一步。

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Superficial [ˌsu:pəˈfɪʃl] adj.浅 Superior [su:ˈpɪəriə(r)] adj.位于…上 Supine [ˈsu:paɪn] adj.仰卧 System [ˈsɪstəm] n.系统 Tissue [ˈtɪʃu:] n.组织 Transverse (axial) plane [ˈtrænzvɜ:s (ˈæksiəl) pleɪn]横截面 Urinary system [ˈjʊərɪnəri] n.泌尿系统 Viscera [ˈvɪsərə] n. 内脏 Voluntary muscle [ˈvɔləntəri ˈmʌsl] 随意肌
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01 Introduction and words analysis
Anatomy [əˈnætəmi] n.解剖学 Biologist [baɪˈɒlədʒɪst] n.生物学家 Cardiac [ˈkɑ:diæk] adj.心脏的 Clinical manifestation [ˈklɪnɪkəl ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃən] n.临床表现 Common disease [ˈkɒmən dɪˈzi:z] n.常见疾病 Electrocardiogram [ɪˌlektrəʊˈkɑ:diəʊgræm] n.心电图 Enteritis [ˌentəˈraɪtɪs] 肠炎 Gastrectomy [gæs'trektəmɪ] n.胃切除术 Gastritis [gæˈstraɪtɪs] n.胃炎 Gastroenterology [ˌgæstrəʊˌentə'rɒlədʒɪ] n.胃肠学 Hematology [ˌhi:mə'tɒlədʒɪ] n.血液病学 Hepatitis [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs] n.肝炎 Hyperthyroidism [ˌhaɪpəˈθaɪrɔɪdɪzəm] n.甲状腺功能亢进 Hypogastric [ˌhaɪpə'gæstrɪk] adj.胃下的 Leukocyte ['lu:kəˌsaɪt] n.白细胞 Prefix [ˈpri:fɪks] n.前缀 Root [ru:t] n.词根 Sign [saɪn] n.体征 Suffix [ˈsʌfɪks] n.后缀 Symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n.症状 Terminology [ˌtɜ:mɪˈnɒlədʒi] n. 术语学 Treatment [ˈtri:tmənt] n.治疗

Unit11、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:·Neuron overload·Patients* high expectations·Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctor2、Mrs. Osorio’s condition:·A 56-year-old woman·Somewhat overweight·Reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension·Cholesterol on the high side without any medications for it·Not enough exercises she should take·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan3、Good things:·Blood tests done·Glucose a little better·Her blood pressure a little better but not so great Bad things:·Cholesterol not so great·Her weight a little up·Her bones a little thin on her last DEXA scan 44、The situation:·The author was in a moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts about Mrs.Osorio’s conditions and trying to resolve them all before the clock ran down.·Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions.·Mrs. Osorio seemed to care only about her “innocent —and completely justified —request”:the form signed by her doctor.·The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patient while completing documentation.5、Similarities:·In computer multitasking, a microprocessor actually performs only one task at a time. Like microprocessors, we human beings carft actually concentrate on two thoughts at the same exact time. Multitasking is just an illusion both in computers and human beings. Differences:·The concept of multitasking originated in computer science.·At best, human beings can juggle only a handful of thoughts in a multitasking manner, but computers can do much better.·The more thoughts human beings juggle, the less human beings are able to attune fully to any given thought, but computers can do much better.6、·7 medical issues to consider·5 separate thoughts, at least, for each issue·7 x 5 = 35 thoughts·10 patients that afternoon·35 x 10 = 350 thoughts·5 residents under the authors supervision·4 patients seen by each resident·10 thoughts, at least, generated from each patient·5 x 4 x 10 = anther 200 thoughts·350 + 200 = 550 thoughts to be handled in total·If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves about 10 thoughts that might get lost in the process.7、Possible solutions:·Computer-generated reminders·Case managers·Ancillary services·The simplest solution: timeUnit21、The author implies:• Peoples inadequate consciousness about the consequence of neglecting the re- emerging infectious diseases·Unjustifiability of peoples complacency about the prevention and control of the infectious diseases·Unfinished war against infectious diseases2、Victory declarations:·Surgeon General William Stewart's hyperbolic statement of closing “the book on infectious disease”.·A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccines·The thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost over Whatfollowed ever since:·Appearance of new diseases such as AIDS and Ebola·Comeback of the old afflictions:» Diphtheria in the former Soviet Union» TB in urban centers like New York City» Rising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever·The fear of a powerful new flu strain sweeping the world3、Elaborate on the joined battle:·WHO established a new division devoted to worldwide surveillance and control of emerging disease in October 1995.·CDC launched a prevention strategy in 1994.·Congress raised fund from $6.7 million in 1995 to $26 million in 1997.4、The borders are meaningless to pathogenic microbes, which can travel from one country to another remote country in a very short time.5、TB:·Prisons and homeless shelters as ideal places for TB spread·Emerging of drug-resistant strain or even multi-drug-resistant strain·A ride on the HIV w^on by attacking the immunocompromisedGroup A strep:·A change in virulence·Mutation in the exterior of the bacteriumFlu:Constant changes in its coat (surface antigens) and resultant changes in its level of virulence6、Examples:·Experiment in England is seeing the waning immunity because of no vaccination.·D u e to poor vaccination efforts, the diphtheria situation in the former Soviet Union is serious. '• The vaccination rates are dropping in some American cities, and it will lead to more diphtheria and whooping cough.7、The four areas of focus:·The need for surveillance·Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field·Appropriate prevention and control·Strong public health infrastructure8、The infectious diseases such as TB, flu, diphtheria and scarlet fever will never really go away, and the war against them will never end.Unit31、Terry's life before·She loved practicing Tae Kwon Do·She loved the surge of adrenaline that came with the controlled combat of tournaments. ·She competed nationally, even won bronze medal in the trials for the Pan American Games.·She attended medical school, practiced as an internal medicine resident, and became an academic general internist.·She got married and got a son and a daughter.2、The symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease:·Loss of stamina and strength·Problems with balance·Bouts of horrific facial pain·Dips in visual acuity3、Terry did the following before she self-experimented:·She started injections.·She adopted many pharmacotherapies.·She began her own study of literature:» She read articles on websites such as PubMed.» She searched for articles testing new MS drugs in animal models.»She turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types —dementia,Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease.»She relearned basic sciences such as cellular physiology, biochemistry, and neurophysiology.4、Approaches Terry mainly used:·Self-experimentation with various nutrients to slow neurodegeneration based on literature reports on animal models·Self-experimentation with neuromuscular electrical stimulation which is not an approved treatment for MS·Online search to identify the sources of micronutrients and having a new diet ·Reduction of food allergies and toxic load5、Cases mentioned in the text:·Increased mercury stores in the brains of people with dental fillings·High levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in Iowa·The strong association between pesticide exposure and neurodegeneration·The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving metabolism of sulfur and/or B vitamins·Inefficient clearing of toxins6、With 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity being due to environmental factors other than the genes, we can take many healthproblems and the health care crisis under our control, for example, optimizing our nutrition and reducing our toxic load.Unit41、Two concepts:·Complementary medicine refers to the use of conventional therapies together with alternative treatments such as using acupuncture in addition to usual care to help lessen pain. Complementary and alternative medicine is shortened as CAM.·Alternative medicine refers to healing treatments that are not part of conventional therapies — like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. They are called so because people used to consider practices like these outside the mainstream.2·TCM does not require advanced, complicated, and in most cases, expensive facilities.·TCM employs needles, cups, coins, to mention but a few.·Most procedures and operations of TCM are noninvasive.·The substances used as medicine are raw herbs or abstracts from them, and they are indeed all natural, from nature.·TCM has been practiced as long as the Chinese history, so the efficiency i s proven and ensured.·Ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theories and practices of TCM3、It may be used as an adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensivemanagement program for a number of conditions: post-operative and chemotherapyinduced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.4、A well-justified NO:·More intense research to uncover additional areas for the use of acupuncture·Higher adoption of acupuncture as a common therapeutic modality not only in treatment but also in prevention of disease and promotion of wellness·Exploration and perfection of innovative methods of acupuncture point stimulation with technological advancement·Improved understanding of neuroscience and other aspects of human physiology and function by basic research on acupuncture·Greater interest by stakeholders·An increasing number of physician acupuncturists5、·Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidance:» Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient» Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas·Digression from either of the above guidence will lead to misuses of herbs, and will result in complications in patient6、·Randomized controlled trialsAdvantages:» Elimination of the potential bias in the allocation of participants to the intervention group or control group» Tendency to produce comparable groups» Guaranteed validity of statistical tests of significanceLimitations:»Difficulty in generalizing the results obtained from the selected sampling to the population as a whole» A poor choice for research where temporal factors are an issue» Extremely heavy resources, requiring very large sample groups• Quasi-experimentsAdvantages:» Control group comparisons possible» Reduced threats to external validity as natural environments do not suffer thesame problems of artificiality as compared to a well-controlled laboratorysetting.»Generalizations of the findings to be made about population since quasi-experiments are natural experimentsLimitations:»Potential for non-equivalent groups as quasi-experimental designs do not userandom sampling in constructing experimental and control groups.» Potential for low internal validity as a result of not using random sampling methods to construct the experimental and control groups• Cohort studiesAdvantages:» Clear indication of the temporal sequence between exposure and outcome» Particular use for evaluating the effects of rare or unusual exposure» Ability to examine multiple outcomes of a single risk factorLimitations:» Larger, longer, and more expensive» Prone to certain types of bias» Not practical for rare outcomes• Case-control studiesAdvantages:» The only feasible method in the case of rare diseases and those with long periods between exposure and outcome»Time and cost effective with relatively fewer subjects as compared to other observational methodsLimitations:» Unable to provide the same level of evidence as randomized controlled trials as it is observational in nature» Difficult to establish the timeline of exposure to disease outcome• “N=1” trialsAdvantages» Easy to manage» InexpensiveLimitations:» Findings difficult to be generalized to the whole population» Weakest evidence due to the number of the subject7、• Synthesis of evidence is completely dependent on:» The completeness of the literature search (unavailable for foreign studies)» The accuracy of evaluation·There are situations in which no answer can be found for the questions of interest in RCTs and database analyses.·There's the requirement of using less stringent information rather than “hard data”8、·Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in society ·Research and education·Political, economic, and social factorsUnit51、·Dis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from:» Continuous stress» Pain» Hardships·Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases.·Prompting elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseases.2、·Wellness is a state involving every aspect of our being: body, mind and spirit. ·Manifestations of a healthy person:» Energy and vitality» A certain zip in gait» A warm feeling of peace of heart seen through behavior3、·Constant messages, positive and negative,are sent to our mind about the health of our body.·Physical symptoms are suppressed by people who go through life on automatic pilot.·Being well equals to being disease- or illness-free in the minds of them.·They confused wellness with an absence of symptoms.4、·People's minds are infected by spin:» Half-truth» Fearful fictions» Blatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceit·Spin is a result of unconscious living.·The kind of falseness is pandemic.5·Our body intelligence is suppressed or dormant from a lack of use.·There are tremendous amount of stress on a daily basis.·Our bodies are easily ignored for years because of a lack of recreation time.·Limiting, self-defeating and even self-destructive behaviors undermine our wellbeing and keep them from achieving our full potential.6·We grow more reluctant to take risks.·We lose the ability to feel and acknowledge our deepest feelings and the courage to speak our truth.·We continue to deny and repress our feelings to protect ourselves.·Fear, denial and disconnection from our bodies and feelings become anunconscious, self-protective habit, a kind of default response to life.7·A multi-faceted process:» Looking for roots of and resolutions for the issues in different dimensions» Building our wellness toolbox slowly» Picturing our whole state of being·Attention to the little stuff:» Examining our lives honestly and setting clear intentions to change» Striving to maintain a balance of our mind, body and spirit» Taking small steps in the way to perceive and resolve conflict8·Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously.·Get in touch with our genuine feelings and emotions.·Come to terms with the toxic emotionsUnit61、In the past, most people died at home. But now, more and more people are cared inhospitals and nursing homes at their end of life, which of course brings a new set of questions to consider.2、·Sixty-four years old with a history of congestive heart failure·Deciding to do everything medically possible to extend his life·Availability of around-the-clock medical services and a full range of treatment choices, tests, and other medical care·Relaxed visiting hours, and personal items from home3、Availability of around-the-clock medical resources, including doctors, nurses, andfacility.·Taking on a job which is big physically, emotionally, and financially·Hiring a home nurse for additional help·Arranging for services (such as visiting nurses) and special equipment (like a hospital bed or bedside commode)5、·Health insurance·Planning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge plaimer or a social worker ·Help from local governmental agencies·Doctor's supervision at home6、·Traditionally, it is only about symptom care.·Recently, it is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for people who are living with potentially fatal diseases.7、·Stopping treatment specifically aimed at curing an illness equals discontinuing all treatment.·Choosing a hospice is a permanent decision.Unit71、·A dying patient·Decision whether to withdraw life-support machines and medication and start comfort measures·The family's refusal to make any decision or withdraw any treatments·The doctor as exclusive decision-maker·The patient as participant with little say in the final choice3、·Respect for the patient, especially the patient s autonomy·Patient-centered care·The patient as decision-maker based on the information provided by the doctor4、·Patients are forced to make decisions they never want to.·Patients, at least a large majority of them, prefer their doctors to make final decisions.·Shifting responsibility of decision-making to patients will bring about more stress to patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient is uncertain.5、Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethical transgression.6、·Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decisions on their own.·Balancing between paternalism and respect for patients autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.Unit81、·Research:An activity to test hypothesis, to permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge·Practice:Interventions solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success·Blurred distinction:» Cooccurrence of research and practice like in research designed to evaluate a therapy » Notable departures from standard practice being called “experimental” with the terms “experimental”and “research” carelessly defined2、·Autonomy:Individuals treated as autonomous agents .·Protection:Persons with diminished autonomy entitled to protection·A case in point:Prisoners involved in research3·“Do no harm” as the primary principle·Maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms .·Balance between benefits and potential risks involved in every step of seeding the benefits4、·“Do no harm” as a fundamental principle of medical ethics·Extension of it to the realm of research by Claude Bernard·Benefits and risks as a set “duet” in both medical practice and research5、·Unreasonable denial of entitled benefit and unduly imposed burden:Enrolment of patients in new drug trial: Who should be enrolled and who should not?·Equal treatment of equals:Determining factors of equality: age, sex, severity of the condition, financial status, social status6、·Definition:The opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them·Application:» A process rather than signing a written form» Adequate information as the premise» A well-informed decision as the expected result7、·Requirements for consent as entailed by the principle of respect for persons·Risk/benefit assessment as entailed by the principle of beneficence·More requirements of fairness as entailed by the principle of justice:» At the individual level: fairness» At the social level: distinction between classes。
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学术英语(医学)课后词组Unit 11.neuron overload 神经过载2.a typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊3.DEXA scan DEXA扫描4.medical practice 行医5.blood pressure control 血压控制6.health maintenance 健康保持7.mammogram report 乳房X线检查报告8.physical examination 体检9.side effect of a medication 药物的副作用10.perpetual panic 永久的恐慌11.practicing physicians 职业医生12.transplant field 移植领域13.medical budget 医疗预算14.paracetamol tablet 扑热息痛药片15.childproof cap 防孩子打开的盖子16.randomized clinical trial 随机临床试验17.random allocation 随机分配18.patient prognosis 病人的预后19.control group 对照组20.a 10-year follow-up study 10年的跟踪研究21.a medical ward 内科病房22.infectious hepatitis 传染性肝炎23.Severe malaise 身体严重不适24.bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢25.permanent liver damage 永久的肝损伤26.exacerbate pathophysiology 加重病理生理状况27.medical literature 医学文献28.clinical investigation 临床调查29.incidence of relapse 复发率30.clinical epidemiology 临床流行病学31.strict bed rest 严格的卧床休息32.hospital stay 住院33.recurrent jaundice 反复发作的黄疸34.clinical course 临床病程35.intravenous morphine 静脉注射吗啡36.diastolic blood pressure 舒张压37.brain perfusion 大脑血灌输38.primary care初级保健39.aorto-coronary arterial bypass主动脉冠状动脉旁路rmed treatment decision知情治疗决41.an international humanitarian group 一个国际人道组织42.the Red Cross 红十字会43.the first major relief effort第一次重大援助工作44.casualty of war 战争中的人员伤亡45.emergency relief efforts 紧急援助Unit 21.re-emerging/re-emergent/resurgent disease(再现疾病)2.new flu strain新流感变种3.antibiotics and vaccine抗生素和疫苗4.infectious disease传染病5.emergent/emergent disease新现疾病6.prevention strategy预防策略7.bubonic plague腺鼠疫8.pathogenic microbes病原微生物9.public heath authority公共卫生机构10.drug resistance抗药性11.an course of antibiotic therapy抗生素治疗疗程12.scarlet fever猩红热13.the level of virulence毒性水平14.flu pandemic流感大流行15.surface antigen 表面抗原16.genetic shift基因改变17.neurological complications 神经性并发症18.waning of immunity免疫力减弱19.public health infrastructure公共卫生基础设施20.a malaria case一个疟疾病例21.swine flu猪流感22.tuberculosis bacillus结核杆菌23.the level of morbidity/incident发病率水平24.health professional保健专业人士tent tuberculosis潜伏结核病26.tuberculin skin test结核素皮试27.screening programmes筛查计划28.interferon gamma tests γ干扰素测试29.drug toxicity药物毒性30.an curable disease一种可治愈的病31,intractable infectious disease难治的传染病32.an unknown pathogen一种未知的病原体33.chronic gastric ulcer慢性胃溃疡34.exposure to carries of disease接触带病者35,genetic recombination基因重组36.agent of bioterrorism生物恐怖活动病原37.foodborne infections通过食物传播的传染病Unit 31.the surge of adrenaline 肾上腺素激增2.an internal medicine residency 内科实习期3.an autoimmune disease 自体免疫4.loss of stamina 丧失持久力5.transient weakness 短暂的虚弱6.becoming bedridden 卧床不起7.a building block基本构件8.an animal model 动物模型9.to slow neurodegeneration减缓神经退化10.to excrete toxins排除毒素11.to optimize nutrition 优化营养12.toxic load毒素载量13.the risk of relapse 复发危险14.physician self-experimentation医生自我实验15.a clinical trial 临床试验16.neuromuscular electrical stimulation 神经肌肉电刺激17.physical therapist 理疗师18.the impact of micronutrient 微量营养素的影响19.brain function 脑功能20.track the emotional flow 跟踪情绪波动21.coordination of emotions 情绪协调22.cardiovascular reactions 心血管反应23.feeling of rapport 亲密感觉24.rapid synchronization 迅速同步25.emotional contagion 情绪传染26.to mutually regulate 互相调节27.a psychobiological unit生物心理单元28.emotional solace 情感慰藉29.functional magnetic resonance imaging功能性磁共振30.to activate brain zones激活该脑部区域31.to make it mandatory使之成为强制性32.a dubious project 无把握的项目33.medical background 医学背景34.proof of concept 概念验证35.dose regimen 剂量方案plication or concomitant conditions并发症与合并症37.anti-tumor agents 抗肿瘤的药剂38.standard therapy标准疗法39.pharmacological properties 药理学特性40.poor solubility 溶解性差41.in vivo pharmacology 体内药理学Unit 4plementary medicine 补充医学2.alternative medicine 替代医学3.a medical paradigm 医疗模式4.acupuncture and herbs 针灸和草药5.adjunct treatment 辅助治疗6.nausea and vomiting 恶心,呕吐7.post-operative dental pain 术后牙痛8.clinical trials 临床试验9.physical therapy 物理疗法,理疗10.therapeutic modalities 治疗方法11.a therapeutic intervention治疗干预12.research design 研究设计13.magnetic resonance 磁共振14.positron emission tomography 正电子发射型计算机断层成像15.analgesia effect 止痛效果16.biomedical establishment 生物医学界17.rehabilitation unit康复中心18.licensed acupuncturist 持照针灸师19.therapeutic strategy治疗策略20.herbal formula草药配方21.a wide array of complications 各式各样的并发症22.integrative East-West medicine 中西医结合23.acute abdominal pain 急性腹痛24.to administer medicines 施药,用药25.surgical procedure 外科手术26.scientific evaluation 科学评估27.prevalence statistics患病率统计28.conventional therapies 传统疗法29.evidence-based models of care询证医学模式30.stress management 压力处理31.peripheral nervous system 周围神经系统32.physiologic mechanism生理机制33.mechanistic and reductionistic studies 机制和还原式研究34.cost-effectiveness research 效益研究35.clinical outcomes 临床结果36.preclinical and clinical studies 临床前及临床研究37.plausible mechanisms可能的机制38.manipulative therapies 推拿治疗39.homeopathic medicine 顺势疗法40.naturopathic medicine 自然疗法41.meditation and yoga冥想与瑜伽Unit 51.a health crisis 健康危机2.physical symptom 身体症状3.energy and vitality 能量和活力4.be completely immune from sth.对某事完全免疫5.virus of falseness 虚假的病毒6.stressful lifestyle 有压力的生活方式7.robust emotion 健全的感情8.fragile health 脆弱的健康9.to balance our mind ,body and spirit 平衡心理、身体和精神10.spiritual life精神生活11.the blockage to wellness 通向身心健康的“路障”12.repressed emotions 被压抑的感情13.genuine feelings and emotion真情实感14.physiological influences 心理影响15.fully integrated human beings 十全十美的人16.decaying teeth 蛀牙17.nutrition professor 营养教授18.burgeoning waistline 迅速膨胀的腰围19.bottled water 瓶装水20.caloric intake 热量摄入21.to curb appetite 节制食欲22.grains and protein 谷物和蛋白质23.childhood obesity 儿童肥胖症24.lean protein 精益蛋白质25.dietary habits 饮食习惯26.quality of life 生活质量27.diary category 乳制品类28.prevention of diabetes糖尿病的预防29.sodium content 钠的含量Unit 61.nursing homes养老院2.hospice/end-of-life care临终关怀3.congestive heart failure充血性心衰4.available around-the-clock 24小时随叫随到5.coronary care unit冠心病监护室6.to respond to treatment对治疗有反应7.skilled nursing facility专业护理机构8.end-of-life/hospice care生命终末期护理fort care舒适护理10.hospital discharge planner出院计划专员11.symptom care症状护理12.palliative care姑息疗法13.fatal illness绝症14.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease慢性阻塞性肺病15.experimental treatments实验性治疗16.spiritual advisor精神顾问17.to discontinue all treatment终止所有治疗18.to go through dialysis经历透析19.a PAP smear巴氏涂片检查20.patient-doctor relationship医患关系21.to provide care-as-usual提供常规医护22.preventive examinations预防性检查23.off the beaten path离开熟路,另辟蹊径24.to mold into a shape塑形25.To renew a prescription照旧处方再开药26.in vitro fertilization体外受精27.basic biology基础生物学28.embryonic stem cell research胚胎干细胞研究29.to collaborate with an outside与圈外人合作30.a test-tube baby试管婴儿31.reproductive sciences生殖科学32.to administer hormone施用激素33.to isolate immature eggs 分离未成熟卵子34.empirical observations经验观察35.pioneering work首创研究36.a fibre-optic endoscope光导纤维内窥镜37.ethical guidelines伦理原则38.societal concern社会关注39.infertile couples不孕不育夫妇40.inherited disease遗传疾病41.cystic fibrosis囊泡性纤维症42.ethical dilemma伦理困境Unit 71.a nursing station 护士站2.life-support machines 生命维持系统fort measure 舒适护理措施4.to withdraw treatments 停止治疗5.paternalistic decision-making process 家长式决策程序6.patient empowerment 给病人授权7.medical ethicist 医学伦理学家8.ethical principle 伦理准则9.clinical ideal 临床理念10.patient-centered care 以病人为中心的护理11.patient autonomy 病人自主权12.treatment option 治疗选择13.exclusive purview 专属领域14.emergency decisions 紧急状况下做的决定15.physician restraint 对医生的限制16.anxiety and confusion 焦虑与困惑17.ethical transgression 违背伦理18.family practice 家庭医疗19.widespread metastases 广泛转移20.aggressive treatment 积极治疗21.primary lesion 原发病灶22.to recommend follow-up 建议随访23.electronic record 电子病历24.pulmonary emboli 肺栓塞puterized tomography 计算机断层扫描CT26.bilateral infiltrates 双侧浸润27.a chest X-ray X线胸片28.left lower-lobe pneumonia 左下肺叶肺炎bored breathing 呼吸困难30.the hospice team 临终关怀团队31.chronic illness 慢性病32.psychosocial aspects 社会心理学领域33.evidence-based guideline 循证临床指南34.to implement a plan of care 实施治疗方案Unit 81.human subject 人体研究对象2.biomedical research 生物医学研究3.accepted therapy 公认的治疗4.a formal protocol 正式方案5.the principle of beneficence 有利原则6.the principle of justice 公正原则7.autonomous agents 有自主能力的行为者8.diminished autonomy 自主性减弱9.be exposed to risk of harm 使……面临受害危险10.Hippocratic Oath 希波克拉底誓言11.fairness in distribution 分配的公正性rmed consent 知情同意13.fair procedure and outcomes 公正的程序和结果14.the operating table 手术台15.an ethical obligation 伦理责任16.a pediatric neurosurgeon 儿科神经外科医生17.to perform the surgery 做手术18.blood flow 血流19.intensive care 重症监护20.adoptive father 义父21.biological father 生父22.psychological needs 心理需要23.medical judgment 医学判断24.occupational therapy 职业疗法25.to contract meningitis 感染脑膜炎26.to die of an infection 死于感染27.blood vessel 血管28.imbalances in circulation 循环的不平衡29.the welfare of human research subjects 人类研究对象的安宁30.to approve or disapprove all research activities 批准或不批准所有的研究活动31.to review a protocol 审查一个研究计划32.at risk of civil or criminal liability 有民事或刑事责任的危险Unit 91.medical school curriculum 医学院课程2.the medical education community 医学教育界3.to meet the public’s expectation 达到公众的期待4.personal attribute 个人品质5.to place value on 看重6.clinical malady 临床疾患7.diagnostic errors 诊断错误8.classic manifestation 典型临床表现9.the civic mindedness of physicians 医生的民本意识10.polite chatter 礼貌的闲谈11.bedside manner 医生对患者的态度,临床举止12.to scan hospital directory 搜索医院名录13.a integral part 不可分割的一部分14.underserved communities 服务匮乏的社区15.primary care shortage 初级保健缺乏16.certification evaluations 证书评估17.to address the needs 应对需要18.the basics of anatomy 解剖基础知识19.a teaching hospital 教学医院20.an academic medical center 学术医学中心21.to affiliate with teaching hospitals 隶属于教学医院22.continuing medical education credits 继续医学教育学分Unit 101.medical coverage 医疗保险支付范围2.Medicare and Medicaid 医疗保险和医疗救助3.a single-payer system 单一支付者系统4.to subsidize the uncovered 补贴无保险的人5.to deliver value care 提供医疗6.duplicative tests 重复的检查7.a sustained study 长期的研究8.vision deficit 视力缺陷9.a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)经食管超声心动图10.an trial thrombus 心房血栓11.a massive embolic stroke 大面积栓塞型脑中风mon carotid artery 颈总动脉13.intracranial branches 颅内段14.middle cerebral artery syndrome 大脑中动脉综合征15.intracranial bleeding 颅内出血16.brain-stem herniation 脑干脱疝17.neurologic recovery 神经功能恢复18.mechanical ventilation 机械通气19.anticoagulant treatment 抗凝血治疗20.intravenous infusion 静脉输液21.an academic surgeon 学术型外科医生22.hospital administrator 医院管理者23.inbound ambulance 入院的救护车24.elective surgery 可做可不做的手术25.acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗死26.time-critical conditions 对治疗时间要求紧迫的疾病27.cardiac arrest 心搏停止28.traumatic injuries 外伤,创伤29.percutaneous coronary intervention 经皮冠状动脉介入术30.a multi-payer model 多家支付者模式31.universal insurance programs 全民保险计划32.for-profit insurance 以盈利为目的的保险33.pharmaceutical companies 制药公司34.home-brewed remedy 自创的治疗方法35.pay the bill out-of-pocket 自掏腰包付费。