
表1-9容量(大约)(L)推荐的油液及润滑剂发动机机油(再装满)带机油滤清器不带机油滤清器3.43.2API,SE,SF或SG*1冷却系(带储液罐和加热器)7 防冻液(乙二醇基)或软水手动变速驱动桥油液 4.7 APIGL-4*1自动变速驱动桥油液7.0DEXROM TM型动力转向油液—制动器及离合器油液—DOT3(US FMVSS NO.116)多用途润滑脂—NLGI No 2(锂皂基)表中:的详细内容参见“推荐的SAE粘度值”。
蓝鸟(C7 bluebird)限量版手册说明书

1Your Christopher Ward watch has been designedand engineered by highly talented craftspeopleto ensure not only accurate and precisetimekeeping but also to bring a real pride ofownership that only luxury items of the highestquality can ever hope to deliver.You have made an investment, a good one,and the aim of this handbook is to help youmake the most of that investment during whatI hope will be a lifetime of ownership.Christopher Ward TIme on Your sIde...ConTenTs THe BLueBIrd sTorY 2–5CHrIsToPHer WArd And BLueBIrd 6–7TeCHnICAL InformATIon 8–9oPerATIng InsTruCTIons 10–25 THe CW360 WATCH CAre ProgrAmme 26–27generAL InformATIon 282THe BLueBIrd sTorY100 years ago, sir malcolm Campbellwent to see maurice maeterlinck’s play,‘The Blue Bird’, at the Theatre royalHaymarket, in London, and the problemof what to call his racing car wasimmediately solved and the Bluebirdlegend was born.malcolm Campbell started racing seriously in1912, the year he re-named his car Blue Bird.Between 1924 and 1935, the adventurer setnine land speed records in various Bluebirds.In 1924 at Pendine sands near Carmarthen Bayhe took his 350HP V12 sunbeam to 146.16mph(235.22 km/h). eleven years later at theBonneville salt flats in utah, Campbell becamethe first person to drive an automobile over300 mph, averaging 301.337 mph (484.955 km/h)in two passes.Above; Malcolm Campbell in his supercharged 26.9-litre Napier powered Bluebird which reached 246mph in 1931. Right; Sir Malcolm and a young Donald with the 1927 Bluebird.Breaching the 300mph thresholdproved to be sir malcolm’slast record breaking achievementon land and the drama of theachievement has passed intolegend. The image of the hugeblue car standing in such an alienlandscape remains striking andmemorable.sir malcolm went on to set manyspeed records on water.donald Campbell was a Britishspeed record breaker who brokeeight world speed records in the1950s and 1960s. In 1964, he becamethe only person ever to hold boththe land and water speed recordsin the same year.Above; The supercharged Rolls-Royce V12 36.5-litre Bluebirdat Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, 1935.34donald was tragically killed in 1967 when his boat, Bluebird K7, overturned during his attempt to break the 300mph barrier on Coniston Water.for more than 50 years, from the 1910s to the mid-1960s, the Campbells’ astonishing series of world records underlined the technical expertise of British engineering and the courage of British adventurers. Between them, donald Campbell and his father had set eleven speed records on water and ten on land.gina Campbell, donald’s daughter, continued the family tradition in the 1980s and 1990s, especially on water. gina still gets hold of a boat’s throttle these days, while on land the torch is carried by her cousin, don Wales, whose mother, Jean, was donald’s sister. don and gina are aiming at new records with, typically, the most sophisticated up-to-date technology. But this time it is electric power, not diesel fuel or jet engines, that will propelthe latest Bluebird models.Above; The Campbell-Norris-Proteus CN7 Bluebird is prepared on Lake Eyre, Australia, in1964. Donald Campbell hit 403mph, a new world record. Above right; Donald smiling at Coniston, where he was killed in 1967. Right; Bluebird K7 on Coniston Water on 4th January 1967 just before the fatal crash.137.72 mph 138.08 mph146.16 mph 150.76 mph174.88 mph h206.95 mph246.09 mph253.97 mph272.46 mph276.82 mph301.13 mph403.10 mph126.33 mph129.56 mph130.93 mph141.74mph202.32 mph216.20 mph225.63 mph239.07 mp h248.62 mph260.35 mph276.33 mph5CHrIsToPHer WArd And BLueBIrd A BrITIsH PArTnersHIPWhen the Bluebird speed records team approached us to become theirOfficial Timing Partner for future speed record attempts it was an easy decision. We were incredibly impressed with the teams vision for developing high performance,eco-friendly vehicles, using the speed records as the (very) hot house for leading-edge new technologies, but our collective knowledge and personal memories of the Bluebird history proved a decisive calling card. As mike france, one of the Christopher Ward Co-founders puts it;“donald Campbell’s death in 1967 was a ‘JfK’ moment for me and many of my generation. He was a real-life ‘boy’s own’ hero and the prospect of being involved with the current generation of the Bluebird legend was justtoo marvellous an opportunity to miss.”As well as being responsible for the timingof the record attempts, a huge responsibility and source of pride for all at CW, this new partnership allows us to create unique timepieces to celebrate the history and achievements associated with the iconic Bluebird marque.The C7 Bluebird Limited edition needed to be a very special watch. We believe it is and that you are now the owner of a new icon that beautifully marks “more than100 years of breaking records”.682oPerATIng InsTruCTIons1011seTTIng THe TIme Array for a superior water resistance your crown is of the screw-in type. To get to position 1 turn the crown anti-clockwise until it releases itself.• Pull out the crown to position 3 (the watch stops).• T urn the crown until you reach thecorrect time e.g. 08.45 hr.• Push the crown back into position 1 and screw the crown in a clockwise directionin order to maintain water resistance.The crown should sit flush to the case.12seTTIng dATe (QuICK mode) Array• Pull out the crown to position 2 (the watchcontinues to run).• Turn the crown anti-clockwise until thecorrect date appears.• P ush the crown back into position 1 untilflush with the case and screw in.1314• The • The centre stop-second measures60 seconds per rotation.• The 1⁄10 second counter measures1 second per rotation.noTe: The Tenths hand stops rotating after 30 seconds, to save power, but will still display the correct Tenth's position when the control button is pressedTenths CoNTRoL BUTToNSPush-button A (start / stop)Push-button B (reset)• The crown is in position 1 (screwed in).• The 3 chronograph hands are at zero position. should this not be the case, the positions of the hands must be adjusted (see the chapter entitled ‘Adjusting the chronograph hands to zero position’).BAsIC funCTIonsExample:1Start: Press push-button A.2S top: to stop the timing, press push-button Aonce more and read the 3 chronographcounters: 4 min / 38 sec / 7⁄10 sec.3Z ero positioning:Press push-button B. (The 3 chronograph handswill be reset to their zero positions).Example of use:Timing a runner over 100m.1516Example:1 Start: (start timing).2S top: (e.g. 15 min 5 sec following 1 ).estart: (timing is resumed).top: (e.g. 13 min 5 sec following 3 ).time is shown)5 R eset:returned to their zero positions. 6 R epeat: as necessary.Example of use:overall time to complete a journey less the coffee breaks.ACCumuLATed TImIng17InTermedIATe or InTerV Example:1 Start: (start timing).isplay interval: aking up the measured time: advanced to the ongoing measured time).4 Stop: (final time is displayed).5 R eset: The 3 chronograph hands are returned to their zero positions.Please note:*f ollowing 3, further intervals or intermediates can be displayed by pressing push-button B .Example of use: 4 x 100m relay.one or several chronograph hands are not in their correct zero positions and have to be adjusted (e.g. following a battery change).• Pull out the crown to position 3 (all three chronograph hands are in their corrector incorrect zero position).• Keep push-buttons A and B depressed simultaneously for at least 2 seconds(the centre stop-second rotates by 360°corrective mode is activated).1819Adjusting the centre stop second single step A 1 x short ContinuousAlongWhen correct press button B to set.is now activated.single step A 1 x short ContinuousA longfor the minute counter is now activated.Adjusting the minute counter (position 9h)single step A 1 x short ContinuousA long• return the crown to position 1 (flush with the case).• can be carried out at any time.oPerATIng InsTruCTIonsExample: calculating the speed ofa race car over the course of a mile.a known distance of 1 mile. read off the speed on the tachymetric scale indicated by the central seconds hand. In this case, the race car is travelling at 85mph.Tachymetric scaleWATer resIsTAnCeAlthough your watch has been through vigorous static pressure testing, it is worth remembering that there are many variables that can affect the water resistance of your watch.for instance, arm movements during swimming and the sudden impact of diving and water sports will drastically increase the pressure the watch is under. Wearing your watch in the bath, shower, or sauna can also have an effect as a rapid increase in temperature can cause seals to expand and in extreme cases, malfunction or create condensation.for these reasons, the water resistance rating of your watch (as shown) should only ever be considered a guideline and we strongly recommend they are always adhered to.1 ATM (10 METRES)safe to wear your watch whilewashing your hands with tap water.3 ATM (30 METRES)Washing your car and/or general hosepipe usage.5 ATM (50 METRES)Water resistant to most household shower units.10 ATM (100 METRES)safe to use while snorkelling in open water.30 ATM (300 METRES)Ideal for experienced divers and those practising scuba-diving.50 ATM (500 METRES)Professional divers, experiencing prolonged exposure underwater.100 ATM (1000 METRES)Professional deep sea diving.As you would expect, we place as much emphasis on the quality of our straps andbracelets as we do our watches. We only use the finest leathers for our straps and ourpremium alligator straps are all ethically sourced from CITes approved farms in Louisiana.Similarly, we only use the finest metals in the construction of our bracelets, all of which are precision engineered for durability,efficiency and comfort. The following guidelines explain how easy it is to use and adjust your Christopher Ward strap or bracelet.LEAThER STRAP WiTh EASy RELEASE BUTTERFLy CLASPsTrAPs & BrACeLeTs1. Locate the clasp2. Press the quick-release3. Pull open the clasp4. Locate the opening5. Thread strap through6. secure the strap7. Close the clasp8. Complete123456781. Press to release2. expand adjustment3. Adjust pin position4. Close the clasp1. Press to release2. expand adjustment3. Adjust pin position4. Close the clasp1. Locate the release2. drag button back3. detach strap4. Align holes to click anew strap in positionmicro AdjustPressdiver’s extensionBRACELET WiTh MiCRo-ADJUSTMENTDiVER’S EXTENSioN (WhERE APPLiCABLE)QUiCK-RELEASE PiNS (WhERE APPLiCABLE)111222333444THe CW360 WATCH CAre ProgrAmmeChristopher Ward’s CW360 Watch Care Programme is designed to deliver you complete peace of mind and the best support possible throughout the lifetime ofyour ownership. The programmehas three key elements:our success depends on you being completely happy with your new Christopher Ward watch. If for any reason you aren’t, you have up to 60 days to return your watch, absolutely free of charge, and receive a replacement or full refund by return – and withoutany quibbles from us!Your watch, at its heart, has a top quality precision engineered swiss movement – so it’s very unlikely to give you problems with the minimum amount of care and attention, including a regular service. We recommend you return your watch to us every 3/4 years for a service, so our expert technicians can keep your fine timepiece in the peak of condition. (We recommend that whenever your quartz battery needs changing you consider having the watch servicedat the same time to keep it in perfect working order.)our innovative approach to servicing and repairing your Christopher Ward watch means that having your watch serviced or repaired doesn’t mean months of waiting followed by an exorbitant bill – which is pretty much the experience guaranteed by every other luxury watch brand. We have developed an easy, quick andaffordable expert service and repairs programme that doesn’t cost the earth and has your watch back where it belongs – on your wrist – in double-quick time.Visit our website for more details about the CW360 Watch Care Programmefrom small beginnings just a few short years ago (our first workshop was actually a refurbished chicken shed!), Christopher Ward has won a worldwide following for his eponymous watch brand and can justifiably claim to manufacture the most affordable luxury watches in the world. for many, the philosophy behind the brand, of trying to put luxury watches within the reachof everyone, is as attractive as the watches themselves, as is the very open approach of the business which means that Chris and the team spend a lot of time communicating personally with our customers – many of whom have become friends.As the owner of a Christopher Ward watch,if ever you need to get hold of us we are at your service. We have listed some useful contact details on the back cover.There is also always something new going onat our website at and, if you haven’t already discovered the independent forum dedicated to our brandat we would recommend a visit. Informative and fun,it’s a great place to hear the unexpurgated view of Christopher Ward of London!generAL InformATIonKeePIng In TouCH WITH CHrIsToPHer WArdCertifiCate of aUtHentiCitY MOdel SeriAl NuMber dATe CHeCKedChristopher Ward (London) Limited, 1 Park Street, MaidenheadBerkshire SL6 iSL United Kingdom***********************************.uk ****************************.uk。

1、简介 (1)2、功能特点说明 (1)3、操作面板说明 (1)3.1外观说明 (1)3.2显示区说明 (1)3.3按键和旋钮功能说明 (2)4、外型及开孔尺寸 (3)5、Y型变频器远程控制器后部的端子定义和说明 (3)6、操作说明 (3)6.1变频器远程控制器的参数设置界面说明 (3)变频器远程控制器的参数设置界面说明6.2变频器的设定参数项 (4)6.3变频器远程控制器的设定参数项 (4)制器操作方法 (8)6.4变频器远程控变频器远程控制器操作方法7、用户注意事项 (8)TH41TH41008Y 变频器远程控制器用户指南变频器远程控制器用户指南1、简介变频器远程控制器是一种远程操作变频器的智能仪表,可通过RS485网络远程通讯控制变频器的启动、停止、加速、减速、正反转,并实时显示变频器的设置频率、实际频率等状态信息,通讯距离可长达1200米(9600bps),有效减少变频器的干扰。
有手/自动功能(监听功能),便于组成计算机或PLC 的自动控制系统。
2、功能特点说明2.1 远程控制变频器的启动、停止、正转、反转、递增、递减变频器的频率。
2.2 可禁止变频器反转功能。
2.3 从机监听功能。
2.4 若变频器有故障,则在故障代码显示区显示Exxx ,表示变频器的故障代码。
2.5 可以用无线的方式和变频器通信(外接无线收发模块THMK4070)。
3、操作面板说明3.1 外观说明① 液晶屏显示区,常态显示设定值、变频器实际频率、输出电流、输出电压、母线电压、输出功率、输出转矩、故障代码和运行时间等参数,指示变频器的状态;在参数设定状态显示参数项和参数值以及对该参数项的文字说明② 按键和旋钮区,有五个按键和一个旋转编码开关。
3.2 显示区说明常态下TH4108Y 液晶显示变频器远程控制器的显示屏可划分为5个显示区,常态下的显示区划分:① 设定值显示区,显示设定频率或设定转速值 ② 实际值显示区,显示实际频率或实际转速值③ 输出参数显示区,可显示读取的变频器输出电流、输出电压、母线电压、输出功率、输出转矩和故障代码等数值④ 运行时间显示区,按下RUN 键开始计时,在该区显示运行时间,显示格式为:00:00:00,依次为:小时:分钟:秒 按下STOP 键后运行时间自动清零⑤ 状态显示区,从左至右分别为:运转指示(运转时点亮运转时点亮运转时点亮),反向指示(反向反向时点亮时点亮),监听指示(监听时点亮监听时点亮监听时点亮),故障指示(出现故障时点亮故障时点亮故障时点亮),通讯指示(通讯正常时闪烁正常时闪烁正常时闪烁,监听状态或通讯异常时不显示图标) 3.3 按键和旋钮功能说明+SET/FUNSTOP/RESET 和SET/FUN 键定状态时同时按下STOP/RESET 和SET/FUN 键则退出参数设定状态4、外型及开孔尺寸外型及开孔尺寸(图4-2)变频器远程控制器外形外形尺寸(A×B×C)开孔尺寸(A×B)80×160×148mm (标准仪表)76×151mm(表4-1)外形及开口尺寸说明5、Y 型变频器远程控制器后部的端子定义和说明型变频器远程控制器后部的端子定义和说明(图4-1)Y 型变频器远程控制器后部端子定义5.1 端子中的GND 和VCC 是仪表供电电源输入端,供电范围:DC9~24V 。

1. 兒童安全座椅固定器(針對上方繫 帶的兒童安全座椅)(P.1-17)
2. 頭枕(P.1-6) 3. 安全帶(P.1-8)
- 預縮束緊式安全帶系統(P.1-32)
4. 簾幕式側邊撞擊輔助氣囊(* P.1-25) 5. 前座椅(P.1-2) 6. 前方撞擊輔助氣囊(P.1-25) 7. ISOFIX 兒童安全座椅系統(P.1-16)
zz 乘車時,不可將頭、手伸出車外。
zz 行車前請先調整座椅位置、車室內外後視鏡角度、空調… 等配備,調整至最合適駕駛位置,請勿在行車中調整顯示 幕、空調或音響系統,以便於能全神貫注操控車輛。
zz 隨時告知車上其他乘員關於車輛安全特性的正確使用。
zz NISSAN 汽車經銷商提供新車 1,000 及 5,000 公里工資 免費保養服務,為確保您車輛之優越性能,請務必按時實 施。
L42F-00-N2.indd 1
2009/4/16 上午 03:03:49
車後外觀 ....................................................... 0-4
儀錶及量錶.................................................... 0-8
乘客室 ........................................................... 0-5

2024 年,日产车载导航系统又有了新的改进和功能。
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altima使用手册摘要:一、日产Altima 简介1.Altima 的定位与特点2.适合的驾驶人群二、Altima 的使用说明1.车辆启动与关闭2.驾驶模式切换3.车辆行驶中的操作4.停车与熄火三、Altima 的维护保养1.定期保养的重要性2.更换机油与机油滤清器3.空气滤清器与燃油滤清器的更换4.制动系统检查与更换四、Altima 的安全驾驶1.遵守交通规则2.保持安全驾驶距离3.正确使用安全带与儿童座椅4.雨雪天气的驾驶技巧五、Altima 的常见问题与解决方法1.发动机故障灯亮起2.车辆抖动或异响3.制动系统异常4.空调系统故障正文:日产Altima 是一款定位于中高端市场的轿车,以其卓越的驾驶性能、舒适的乘坐体验和时尚的外观设计受到许多消费者的喜爱。
本使用手册将为您提供关于Altima 的使用说明、维护保养以及安全驾驶等方面的详细信息。
一、日产Altima 简介Altima 作为日产的一款代表作,其设计理念是满足驾驶者对驾驶乐趣和家庭用车的需求。
动力方面,Altima 提供了多种发动机选择,以满足不同消费者的需求。
此外,Altima 还配备了丰富的科技配置,如智能驾驶辅助系统、多媒体系统等。
二、Altima 的使用说明在驾驶Altima 前,请确保您已充分了解车辆的操作方法。
三、Altima 的维护保养为了保持Altima 的良好性能,请您务必定期进行保养。


四、车辆保养息及提醒05年蓝鸟机油价格:95元/升,0款发动机更换机油、机滤(含机油滤芯、空气滤芯),0款火花塞更换油液:2.5 L、4 L。

Instrument PanelDriver Information InterfaceThe driver information interface shows information such as the estimated travelable distance and fuel economy of the vehicle. It also displays messages such as warnings and other helpful information.■Accessing contents in the main displayPress the (home) button, then roll the left selector wheel to scroll to the content you want to see. Press the left selector wheel to see detailed information.■Switching the Display1Switching the DisplayTo go back to the previous screen, press the (back) button.You can edit, add, or delete the meter contents using the audio/information screen.2Customizing the Meter P.272Instrument Panel(Home) Button Left Selector WheelRoll the left selectorwheel.WarningsP.Safety SupportP.MaintenanceP.Rear Seat BeltsP.Driver AttentionP.Driving SupportP.Traffic SignP.NavigationP.Power/ChargeP.Eco DriveP.Power FlowP.Range & FuelP.Fuel EconomyP.Speed & Time P.AudioP.PhoneP.Instrument Panel■Sub displayPress the TRIP button to change the display.Shows the total number of miles or kilometers that your vehicle has accumulated.■OdometerOdometerOutside TemperatureTrip A Trip BTRIP ButtonInstrument Panel Shows the total number of miles or kilometers driven since the last reset. Meters Aand B can be used to measure two separate trips.■Resetting a trip meterTo reset a trip meter, display it, then press and hold the TRIP Button. The trip meteris reset to 0.0.Shows the outside temperature in Fahrenheit (U.S.) or Celsius (Canada).■Adjusting the outside temperature displayAdjust the temperature reading by up to ±5°F or ±3°C if the temperature readingseems incorrect.■Trip Meter■Outside Temperature1Trip MeterSwitch between trip meter A and trip meter B bypressing the TRIP Button.1Outside TemperatureThe temperature sensor is in the front bumper.Road heat and exhaust from another vehicle canaffect the temperature reading when your vehiclespeed is less than 19 mph (30 km/h).It may take several minutes for the display to beupdated after the temperature reading has stabilized.You can adjust the temperature reading.2Customized Features P.357Instrument PanelRoll the left selector wheel to switch between trip computer A and trip computer B.■Range & FuelLeft Selector WheelRollInstrument Panel ■Trip meterShows the total number of miles or kilometers driven since the last reset. Meters Aand B can be used to measure two separate trips.Resetting a trip meterTo reset the trip meter, display it, then press the left selector wheel and then selectReset.u The trip meter is reset to 0.0.■Average fuel economy (Avg. Fuel)Shows the estimated average fuel economy of each trip meter in mpg or l/100 km.The display is updated at set intervals. When a trip meter is reset, the average fueleconomy is also reset.■Instant fuel economyShows the instant fuel economy as a bar graph in mpg or l/100 km.■RangeShows the estimated distance you can travel on the remaining power and fuel. Thisestimated distance is based on the vehicle’s current fuel economy.1Trip meterSwitch between trip meter A and trip meter B byrolling the left selector wheel.When resetting the trip meter in the Range & Fuel,the trip meter in the sub display resets at the sametime.1Average fuel economy (Avg. Fuel)You can change when to reset the average fueleconomy.2Customized Features P.357Instrument PanelRoll the left selector wheel to switch between trip computer A and trip computer B.■Speed & TimeRollLeft Selector WheelInstrument Panel ■Trip meter2Trip meter P.148■Elapsed timeShows the time elapsed since Trip A or Trip B was reset.■Average speed (Avg. Speed)Shows the average speed in mph or km/h since Trip A or Trip B was reset.1Elapsed timeYou can change when to reset the elapsed time.2Customized Features P.3571Average speed (Avg. Speed)You can change when to reset the average speed.2Customized Features P.357Instrument Panel■CompassShows the compass screen.■Turn-by-Turn DirectionsWhen driving guidance is provided by the navigation system *, Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, turn-by-turn directions to your destination appear.2Refer to the Navigation System Manual 2Android Auto P.3262Apple CarPlay P.320■Navigation1NavigationYou can select whether to have the turn-by-turn display come on or not during the route guidance.2Customized Features P.357Turn-by-turn directions may not be available for all apps.When the compass or turn-by-turn directions are displayed, you can control some navigation system functions on the driver information interface by scrolling the left selector wheel.2Refer to the navigation systemModels with navigation systemCompassTurn-By-Turn Driving Directions*Not available on all modelsInstrument Panel2Driver Information Interface Warning andInformation Messages P.115Shows the remaining oil life and MaintenanceMinder TM.2Maintenance Minder TM P.533■Warnings1WarningsIf there are no Warnings, None message appears onthe driver information interface.If there are multiple warnings, you can roll the leftselector wheel to see other warnings.(Example)■MaintenanceInstrument PanelShows the current phone information.2Bluetooth ® HandsFreeLink ® P.381■PhoneInstrument Panel■Electric motorThe degree to which the electric motor isbeing powered is displayed by the readings onthe POWER side.■Battery charge in progressThe degree to which the High Voltage batteryis being charged is displayed by the readingson the CHARGE side.■Speed/Distance UnitsEnables you to show another unit on thedriver information interface, head-up display*and audio/information screen and set thedisplayed measurements to read in eithermiles and mph or km and km/h.Press and hold the left selector wheel whenyou select Power/Charge on the driverinformation interface. Each time you do this,the unit will change from miles, mph to km,km/h or vice versa. After this, a confirmationscreen will appear for a few seconds.■POWER/CHARGE Gauge*Not available on all modelsInstrument PanelShows the current audio information.2Audio System Basic Operation P.257Shows the traffic sign recognition system.2Traffic Sign Recognition System P.493■Audio■Traffic Sign Recognition SystemInstrument PanelAppears when any of the rear seat belts arelatched or unlatched.2Seat Belt Reminder P.46■Rear Seat Belt ReminderInstrument PanelThe Driver Attention Monitor analyzes steering inputs to determine if the vehicle is being driven in a manner consistent with drowsy or inattentive driving. If it determines that the vehicle is being driven in such a manner, it will display the degree of the driver’s attention on the driver information interface.When you select Driver Attention on thedriver information interface, bars on it light upin white to indicate the degree of the driver’sattention.2Accessing contents in the main displayP.143■Driver Attention Monitor 1Driver Attention Monitor The Driver Attention Monitor cannot always detect if the driver is tired or inattentive.Regardless of the system’s feedback, if you arefeeling tired, stop in a safe location and rest for as long as needed.Driver InformationInterfaceLeft Selector Wheel(Home) Button LevelInstrument Panel If two bars light up, the Driver Attention Level Low message will appear.If one bar lights up, the Driver Attention Level Low. Time For A Break message will appear, a beep will sound, and the steering wheel will vibrate.If this message appears, stop in a safe location and rest for as long as needed.The message will disappear when the left selector wheel is pressed or when the system has determined that the driver is driving normally.If the driver does not take a break and the monitor continues to detect that the driver is very tired, the message will appear again after approximately 15 minutes, accompanied by a beep and steering wheel vibrations.The message does not appear when thetraveling time is 30 minutes or less.Instrument Panel■The Driver Attention Monitor resets when:•The power system is turned off.•The driver unfastens the seat belt and opens the door while the vehicle is stopped.■For the Driver Attention Monitor to function:•The vehicle must be traveling above 25 mph (40 km/h).•The electric power steering (EPS) system indicator must be off.■Depending on driving conditions or other factors, the Driver Attention Monitor may not function in the following circumstances:•The steering assist function of the Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) is active.2Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) P.480•The condition of the road is poor, e.g. the surface is unpaved or bumpy.•It is windy.•The driver is frequently operating the vehicle in an assertive manner such as changing lanes or accelerating.■CustomizingYou can change the Driver Attention Monitor settings. Select Tactile And Audible Alert , Tactile Alert , or OFF .2Customized Features P.3571For the Driver Attention Monitor to function:The bars on the driver information interface remain grayed out unless the Driver Attention Monitor isfunctioning.Instrument PanelShows the distance between your vehicle andthe vehicle detected ahead.Informs you whether ACC with Low SpeedFollow and/or LKAS is activated or not. If ACCwith Low Speed Follow is activated, the setfollowing interval is displayed. If LKAS isactivated, the displayed lane marks change toindicate that LKAS is activated.2Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with LowSpeed Follow P.4642Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) P.480■Driving Support Information1Driving Support InformationIn case ACC with Low Speed Follow is not activated,when the distance between your vehicle and thevehicle ahead becomes too small, the section behindthe vehicle icon turns amber and alerts you.Amber gradation Icon of vehicle aheadDistance to vehicle aheadWhen ACC with Low Speed Follow andLKAS are OnSet Vehicle IntervalACC with Low Speed Follow on: The section behind the vehicle icon turns green.LKAS on: The lane outlines appear on the display.LKAS starts: The lane lines change to solid ones.LKAS suspend: The lane lines change to dotted ones.Instrument PanelIndicates the status of RDM, Low Speed Braking Control *, CMBS TM , and blind spot information system *, such as On, Off, or Failure, by color and letters.The following colors indicate the status of any of the above mentioned systems:•Green: The system is on.•Gray: The system is off.•Amber: There is a problem with the system.■Safety Support 1Safety Support If a system is indicated by the color amber, have your vehicle checked by a dealer immediately.To turn on or off each system, first rotate the leftselector wheel to switch displays. From the next display you can select which system to turn on or off.2RDM On and Off P.4912CMBS TM On and Off P.4532Blind spot information system on and offP.4452System On and Off P.461You can also confirm the status of each function bythe color of the safety support indicator.2Safety Support Indicator (Amber) P.1112Safety Support Indicator (Green/Gray)P.114Even when the Low Speed Braking Control icon is green, if the parking sensor is turned off for the rearonly, the brake assist will not operate when reversing.2Turning off All Rear Sensors P.518Models with Low Speed Braking ControlBraking Control Icon and Status *Not available on all modelsInstrument PanelShows the average fuel economy for the lastthree driving cycles (1-3), and the currentdriving cycle (0) in mpg or l/100 km.Each time you set the power mode to ON, thedisplay is updated, and the oldest record isdeleted.■Average Fuel Economy Recordsuu Gauges and Displays u Driver Information Interface Instrument Panel■Eco Drive Display The vehicle icon on the display moves forward or backward while driving.The more aggressive the acceleration is, the further the icon moves forward.The more aggressive the deceleration is, the further the icon moves backward.Keep the icon near the center of the circle for better fuel economy while driving.■Eco Drive Display/Drive Cycle Score/Lifetime Points 1Eco Drive Display Switch between the average fuel economy A and average fuel economy B by rolling the left selector wheel.Decelerationuu Gauges and Displays u Driver Information InterfaceInstrument Panel ■Drive Cycle Score/Lifetime PointsAppear for a few seconds when you set the power mode to VEHICLE OFF. Each has three stages. Depending on your driving style, the leaf icon(s) and the gauge increase or decrease to indicate that you have reached a different stage of fuel economy.■Resetting the Drive Cycle Score1.Make sure the shift position is in P. Turn the power mode to ON.2.If ECON mode is on, press the ECON button to turn it off.3.Turn the power mode to VEHICLE OFF.4.Turn the power mode to ON again.u Make sure to complete steps from 4 through 6 within 30 seconds.5.Depress the brake pedal twice.6.Press the ECON button twice.u The color of the ambient meter will turn to monochrome.7.Turn the power mode to VEHICLE OFF.Lifetime PointsAdvancinguu Gauges and Displays u Driver Information Interface Instrument Panel Displays the power flow of the motor and engine, indicating the vehicle’s power source and whether the battery is being charged.■Power Flow Monitor 1Power Flow Monitor While the vehicle is stationary with the engine running, the following may appear on the driverinformation interface.Power is supplied by the motor and the engine.Hybrid (HV)The engine is running and the motor is charging the HighVoltage battery.Power is being supplied by the engine only.Engine ONEngine OFFPower is supplied by the motor.Electric Vehicle (EV)The engine is running and the motor is charging the HighVoltage battery.Engine (Direct Drive)The motor is charging the High Voltage battery.Regeneration。
尼桑NV200 COMBI多功能车型产品手册说明书

NV200 COMBINISSANIntroducing a vehicle that is so exceptional, you’ll be pleasantly, and constantly, surprised every time you drive it. The Nissan NV200 COMBI is superbly compact and easy to manoeuvre out of any tight spot. Stylish and comfortable, the spaciousness and versatility of its interior means it’s tailor-made to your business or your lifestyle. And its low cost of ownership and impressively economical engines make every journey a revelation. Business or pleasure? It’s both.NISSANNV200COMBIt a k e y o ur b u s i n e s s a n d p e o p l e p l a c e sBUSINESSOR PLEASURE?REQUEST A CALL BACKBOOK A TEST DRIVELOCATE A DEALERSlide open one of the Nissan NV200 COMBI’s two sliding doors and another surprise awaits: the kind of interior spaciousness you would only imagine possible in larger vehicles. Add amazing versatility and you realise this is the vehicle that satisfies a multitude of requirements.Seating up to 7 people, the modular seating in the Nissan NV200 COMBI creates a wealth of possibilities. Both the second and third row of seats are foldable, providing outstanding flexibility for either business or leisure needs. Even when carrying the full complement of 7 people, the NV200 COMBI still has space for two large suitcases. Fold down the third row of seats and there’s a full 2.3m 3 of cargo space, while with both second and third row folded you can pack in an amazing 3.1m 3 of cargo. And its low floor height – just 524mm from ground level – means loading and unloading passengers or cargo is just that much more convenient. Work or play, the Nissan NV200 COMBI adapts beautifully.ALL WORK AND ALL PLAYNISSANNV200 COMBIs p a c i o u sNissan’s commitment to the environmentWhether you’re using the Nissan NV200 COMBI for your business or your family, economy is always top of mind. With the Nissan NV200 COMBI, cost of ownership is kept low thanks to the quality and durability of build materials. Quite simply, the Nissan NV200 COMBI is built tough. Thanks to Nissan’s excellent parts pricing the total cost of ownership is low and affordable.The 2.8 inch multifunctional display provides a wealth of information and helps to reduce running costs by supplying average and real time fuel consumption data instantly, along with recommendations on when to change gear, allowing the driver to operate more economically. In addition, the display also informs the driver about maintenance timing, for optimal servicing, along with a tachometer.But the Nissan NV200 COMBI’s economy reallystands out when it comes to fuel efficiency. Whether you choose the 1.6 litre petrol or the 1.5 litre turbo diesel engine, the Nissan NV200 COMBI has the power to transport your cargo smoothly and reliably wherever you need to go, together with a thrifty fuel consumption that delivers every time. Saving on costs isn’t all the Nissan NV200 COMBI does – it also has lower CO 2 emissions for reduced environmental effect.THE ONLY AREA THE NV200 COMBI SKIMPS ONNISSANNV200COMBIu s e f u l r e al t i m e i n f oWhite (S)<QM1><QAB>Silver (M)<KL0>Gray (M)<K51>Black (M)*<GN0><Z10>Red (S)*Pearl White (M)Blue Marine (M)<BW9>Brown (M)<CAP>(S) – Solid (M) – Metallic * Special orderBODY COLOURTRIMNISSANNV200COMBICOLOURS AND TRIMDIMENSIONSNISSAN’S COMMITMENT TO QUALITYTo provide each of our customers with a consistently high level of quality, we apply the same high quality standards worldwide – ensuring that all Nissan owners enjoy peace of mind for the lives of their vehicles.1 860 m m1 228 m m1 282 mm 2 040 mm2 725 mm 4 400 mm158 mmINTRODUCING NISSAN ASSURED, IT’S MORE THAN A PROMISE. AS PART OF THE NISSAN FAMILY YOU’RE GUARANTEED OUR COMMITMENT TO CUSTOMER CARE. A LASTING BOND BETWEEN YOU, YOUR VEHICLE AND THE NISSAN BRAND. THAT’S OUR PROMISE.CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE We promise to make your Nissan experience one to cherish, from your delivery day and everyday after, our commitment is to deliver a service experience you can trust – and believe in.CUSTOMER SUPPORT ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEWe keep you on the road 24/7. Should anything unexpected happen we guarantee you 24-hour roadside assistance, no matter the age of your Nissan, because it’s still a Nissan. Just call0800 NISSAN (46 77 26) anywhere, anytime.Terms and Conditions do apply. LICENCE RENEWAL REMINDERWe’ll remind you in advance so you can keep your licence disk up to date.3 YEAR OR 90 000KM SERVICE PLAN*For the first 3 years or 90 000km of driving your car, whichever comes first, you can rest easy knowing that our promise to you is a kept one. We’ll make sure your car is running smoothly and always on the road.* Service Plan optional on NV200 Combi.6 YEAR OR 150 000KM WARRANTYAs long as your car is under our warranty, we'll always have you covered if anything goes wrong. You don’t need to stress for the first 6 years or 150 000km, whichever comes first.SERVICE AND REPAIRS FREE VEHICLE HEALTH CHECKWe'll give your car a free health check on every major and minor service prior to anywhat needs to be done, and how much itwill cost.COMPETITIVELY PRICED PARTSWe deliver the highest care for your Nissanby fitting only Nissan Genuine Parts. Theexpertise of our Nissan trained teams willalso guarantee best value-for-money byfor your local dealer.COURTESY CARbe available within 48 hours. WE MAKE PROMISES. WE KEEP PROMISES.Call 0800 NISSAN (64 77 26)or visit www.nissan.co.za for more information.MAY 2018Follow Nissan on:Phone us toll free on: 0800 NISSAN (647 726)v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t : w w w.n i s s a n .c o .z a/NissanSouthAfrica @NissanzaI ntelligent Mobility guides everything we do. We’re using new technologies to transform cars from mere driving machines into partners. Together the journey is more confident, connected, and exciting. Whether it’s cars that share the task of driving with you, or highways that change your EV as you go along. I t’s all in the very near future. And it’s a future already taking shape in the Nissan you drive today.。
Nissan 开始引擎指南说明书

Driving Starting the Engine1.Make sure the parking brake is applied.u The parking brake and brake systemindicator (red) comes on for 15 secondswhen you pull up the electric parkingbrake switch.2.Check that the transmission is in P, thendepress the brake pedal.u Although it is possible to start the vehiclein N, it is safer to start it in P.2.Check that the shift lever is in N. Thendepress the brake pedal with your rightfoot, and the clutch pedal with your leftfoot.u The clutch pedal must be fully depressedto start the engine.1Starting the EngineKeep your foot firmly on the brake pedal whenstarting the engine.The engine is harder to start in cold weather and inthinner air found at altitudes above 8,000 feet (2,400meters).When starting the engine in cold weather, turn off allelectrical accessories such as the lights, climatecontrol system, and rear defogger in order to reducebattery drain.If you live in a region where winter is extremely cold,an engine block heater will improve starting andwarming of the engine. Consult a dealer for details.If the exhaust system sounds abnormal or you cansmell exhaust gas inside the vehicle, have your vehiclechecked by a dealer. There may be a problem withthe engine or exhaust system.The immobilizer system protects your vehicle fromtheft.If an improperly coded device is used, the engine’sfuel system is disabled.Electric Parking Brake SwitchManual transmission modelsDriving3.Press the ENGINE START/STOP button without depressing the accelerator pedal.You can turn the engine off when the vehicle is completely stopped.1.Put the transmission into P .2.Press the ENGINE START/STOP button.•If the shift lever is in N , press the ENGINE START/STOP button.•If the shift lever is in any gear other than N , depress the clutch pedal, then press the ENGINE START/STOP button.■Stopping the Engine1Starting the EngineBring the smart entry remote close to the ENGINE START/STOP button if the battery in the smart entry remote is weak.The engine may not start if the smart entry remote is subjected to strong radio waves.Do not hold the ENGINE START/STOP button to start the engine.If the engine does not start, wait at least 30 seconds before starting the engine again.Manual transmission models。

2011款Nissan日产Altima轿车用户手册2011 NISSAN ALTIMA L32-D2011 ALTIMAOWNER’S MANUALPrinting : November 2010 16Publication No.: O OM1E M0E 0L32U1 0L32U2For your safety, read carefully and keep in this vehicle.L32-DPrinted in U.//.EWORD READ FIRST?THEN DRIVE SAFELYBefore driving your vehicle, please read thisWelcome to the growing family of new NISSANMODIFICATION OF YOUR VEHICLEOwner’s Manual carefully. This will ensure famil-owners. This vehicle is delivered to you withThis vehicle should not be modified.confidence. It was produced using the latest iarity with controls and maintenance require-Modification could affect itsments,assistingyouinthesafeoperationofyourtechniques and strict quality control.vehicle. performance, safety or durability, andThis manual was prepared to help you under-may even violate governmentalstand the operation and maintenance of yourWARNINGregulations. In addition, damage or per-vehiclesothatyoumayenjoymanymileskilome-formanceproblemsresultingfrommodi-tersofdrivingpleasure.Pleasereadthroughthis IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION RE-fications may not be covered undermanual before operating your vehicle. MINDERS FOR SAFETY!NISSAN warranties.Follow these important driving rules toA separate Warranty Information Bookletexplains details about the warranties cov- help ensure a safe and comfortable tripfor you and your passengers!ering your vehicle. The “NISSAN Serviceand Maintenance Guide” explains details● NEVER drive under the influence of al-about maintaining and servicing your ve-cohol or drugs.hicle. Additionally, a separate Customer● ALWAYS observe posted speed limitsCare/Lemon Law Booklet U.S. only willand never drive too fast for conditions. explain how to resolve any concerns youmay have with your vehicle, as well as● ALWAYSgiveyourfullattentiontodriving clarifyyourrightsunderyourstate’slemon andavoidusingvehiclefeaturesortakinglaw.other actions that could distract you.Your NISSAN dealership knows your vehicle● ALWAYS use your seat belts and appro- best. When you require any service or have any priate child restraint systems. Preteen questions,theywillbegladtoassistyouwiththe childrenshouldbeseatedintherearseat.extensive resources available to them.● ALWAYSprovideinformationaboutthe properuseofvehiclesafetyfeaturestoall occupants of the vehicle.● ALWAYS review this Owner’s Manualfor important safety information.WHEN READING THE MANUAL This manual includes information for all options CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65available on this model. Therefore, you may find WARNINGsome information that does not apply to yourvehicle.WARNINGAll information, specifications and illustrations in Engine exhaust, some of its constituents,this manual are those in effect at the time ofand certain vehicle components containprinting. NISSAN reserves the right to changeor emit chemicals known to the State of specificationsordesignwithoutnoticeandwith-California to cause cancer and birth de-out obligation.fects or other reproductive harm. In addi-tion, certain fluids contained in vehiclesIMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUTand certain products of component wearTHIS MANUALcontain or emit chemicals known to theYouwillseevarioussymbolsinthismanual.They State of California to cause cancer andare used in the following ways:birth defects or other reproductive harm.APD1005Ifyouseethissymbol,itmeans“Donotdothis”CALIFORNIA PERCHLORATEWARNINGor “Do not let this happen.”ADVISORYThis is used to indicate the presence of ahazard that could cause death or seriousSome vehicle parts, such as lithium batter-personal injury. To avoid or reduce the If you see a symbol similar to these in an illustra-ies, may contain perchlorate material. Therisk, the procedures must be followed tion, it means the arrow points to the front of thefollowing advisory is provided: “Perchlorateprecisely. vehicle.Material ? special handling may apply, See//0>/hazardouswaste/perchlorate.”CAUTIONArrows in an illustration that are similar to theseThis is used to indicate the presence of aindicate movement or action.hazard that could cause minor or moder-ate personal injury or damage to your ve-hicle.Toavoidorreducetherisk,thepro-cedures must be followed carefully.Arrows in an illustration that are similar to thesecall attention to an item in the illustration.BLUETOOTH is a trademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.,U.S.A. and licensedto Visteon andClarion.XM Radio requiressubscription, soldseparately. Notavailable in Alaska,Hawaii or Guam. Formore information,visit .xmradio-2010 NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC.All rights reserved. No part of this Owner’sManualmaybereproducedorstoredinaretrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form, or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of Nissan North America, Inc.NISSAN CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM NISSAN CARESBothNISSANandyourNISSANdealerarededicatedtoservingallyourautomoti veneeds.YoursatisfactionwithyourvehicleandyourNISSANdealerare our primary concerns. Your NISSAN dealer is always available to assist you with all your automobile sales and service needs.However,ifthereissomethingthatyourNISSAN TheConsumerAffairsDepartmentwillaskforthe YoucanwritetoNISSANwiththeinformationat:dealercannotassistyouwithoryouwouldliketo following information: For U.S. customersprovide NISSAN directly with comments orNissan North America, Inc.Your name, address, and telephone numberquestions, please contact the NISSAN Con-Consumer Affairs Departmentsumer Affairs Department using our toll-free ? Vehicle identification number attached to theP.O. Box 685003number: top of the instrument panel on the driver’sFranklin, TN 37068-5003sideFor U.S. customersFor Canadian customers1-800-NISSAN-1 ? Date of purchaseNissan Canada Inc.1-800-647-72615290 Orbitor DriveCurrent odometer readingMississauga, Ontario L4W 4Z5For Canadian customersYour NISSAN dealer’s name1-800-387-0122 or via e-mail at:Your comments or questionsFor U.S. customersnnaconsumeraffairs@nissan-usaORFor Canadian customersinformation.centre@nissancanadaWe appreciate your interest in NISSAN and thank you for buying a quality NISSAN vehicle.Table of Illustrated table of contents 0 ContentsSafety?Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1Instruments and controls 2Pre-driving checks and adjustments3Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems4Starting and driving5In case of emergency6Appearance and care7Maintenance and do-it-yourself8Technical and consumer information9Index100 Illustrated table of contentsAir bags, seat belts and child restraints0-2 Instrument panel..0-8 Exterior front..0-3 Engine compartment check locations.0-10 Exterior rear0-5Warning/indicator lights0-12Passenger compartment.0-7AIR BAGS, SEAT BELTS AND CHILD RESTRAINTS1. Top tether strap anchor P. 1-272. Rear seat belts P. 1-143. Roof-mounted curtain side-impactsupplemental air bag P. 1-414. Front seat-mounted side-impactsupplemental air bag P. 1-415. Head Restraints P. 1-106. Front seat belts P. 1-147. Side-impact air bag pressure sensordriver’s side shown; passenger’s sidesimilar P. 1-578. Supplemental front-impact air bagsP. 1-419. Seats P. 1-210. Occupant classification sensorpattern sensor P. 1-5011. Seat belt with pretensioner P. 1-5512. LATCH Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren system P. 1-25See the page number indicated in paren-theses for operating details.LII20010-2 Illustrated table of contentsEXTERIOR FRONT Coupe1. Power windows P. 2-432. Windshield P. 8-213. Windshield wiper and washer switchP. 2-284. Engine hood P. 3-235. Tie down P. 6-146. Fog light switch if so equippedP. 2-347. Headlight and turn signal switchP. 2-298. Replacing bulbs P. 8-289. Tire pressure P. 8-3810. Flat tire P. 6-211. Tire chains P. 8-4612. Mirrors P. 3-2913. Door locks, NISSAN Intelligent Key, keys P. 3-4, 3-6, 3-2LII0114Illustrated table of contents 0-3Sedan1. Power windows P. 2-432. Windshield P. 8-213. Windshield wiper and washer switch P. 2-284. Engine hood P. 3-235. Tie down P. 6-146. Fog light switch if so equippedP. 2-347. Headlight and turn signal switchP. 2-298. Replacing bulbs P. 8-289. Tire pressure P. 8-3810. Flat tire P. 6-211. Tire chains P. 8-4612. Mirrors P. 3-2913. Door locks, NISSAN Intelligent Key,keys P. 3-4, 3-6, 3-2See the page number indicated in paren-theses for operating details.LII00940-4 Illustrated table of contentsEXTERIOR REAR Coupe1. Rear window and outside mirrorif so equipped defroster switchP. 2-292. Interior trunk lid release P. 3-243. Trunk lid P. 3-234. Vehicle loading P. 9-135. Opener operation P. 3-236. Replacing bulbs P. 8-287. Fuel-filler cap, fuel recommendationP. 3-25, P. 9-38. Fuel-filler door P. 3-25WII0125Illustrated table of contents 0-5Sedan1. Rear window and outside mirrorif so equipped defroster switchP. 2-292. Interior trunk lid release P. 3-243. Trunk lid P. 3-234. Vehicle loading P. 9-135. Opener operation P. 3-236. Replacing bulbs P. 8-287. Fuel-filler cap, fuel recommendationP. 3-25, P. 9-38. Fuel-filler door P. 3-259. Child safety rear door lock P. 3-6LII00950-6 Illustrated table of contentsPASSENGER COMPARTMENT1. Interior trunk access P. 1-82. Moonroof if so equipped P. 2-463. Sun visors P. 3-284. Interior lights, illuminated entry P. 2-495. HomeLink universal transceiverif so equipped P. 2-516. Automatic anti-glare rearview mirrorif so equipped P. 3-297. Glove box P. 2-418. Front cup holders P. 2-409. Front console P. 2-4110. Front seat P. 1-211. Rear seat P. 1-8See the page number indicated in paren-theses for operating details.WII0126Illustrated table of contents 0-7INSTRUMENT PANEL 5. Driver supplemental air bag/hornP. 1-41, P. 2-356. Cruise control main/set switchP. 5-207. Windshield wiper and washer switchP. 2-288. Ignition switch P. 5-79. Hazard warning flasher switch P. 2-3410. Front passenger air bag status lightP. 1-5111. Front passenger supplemental air bagP. 1-4112. Glove box P. 2-4113. Navigation system* if so equippedP. 4-214. Covered storage box P. 2-4215. Heater and air conditioner automaticP. 4-2616. Heater and air conditioner manualP. 4-1917. Shift selector P. 5-11WIC159818. Audio system controls if so equipped/1. Vents P. 4-18 3. Steering wheel switch for audio controlStorage if so equipped2. Headlight/fog light if so equipped/turnif so equipped/Bluetooth Hands-freeP. 4-29, P.2-42signal switch P. 2-29Phone System if so equipped19. Tilt/telescopic steering wheel controlsP. 4-95, P. 4-91, P. 4-106P. 3-284. Meters and gauges P. 2-30-8 Illustrated table of contents20. Vehicle information display controlsP. 2-1721. Hood release P. 3-2322. Trunk opener P. 3-23Vehicle Dynamic Control VDC OFFswitch P. 2-36NISSAN Intelligent Key? port P. 5-7*:RefertotheseparateNavigationSystemOwn-er’s Manual if so equipped.See the page number indicated in paren-theses for operating details.Illustrated table of contents 0-9ENGINE COMPARTMENT CHECK LOCATIONSQR25DE engine1. Power steering fluid reservoir P. 8-142. Engine oil filler cap P. 8-103. Brake fluid reservoir/Clutch fluidreservoir M/T model P. 8-15, 8-154. Air cleaner P. 8-205. Fuse block P. 8-236. Battery P. 8-167. Fuse/fusible link box P. 8-238. Engine oil dipstick P. 8-109. Radiator cap P. 8-810. Drive belt location P. 8-1811. Engine coolant reservoir P. 8-812. Windshield-washer fluid reservoirP. 8-15See the page number indicated in paren-theses for operating details.LDI05530-10 Illustrated table of contentsVQ35DE engine1. Power steering fluid reservoir P. 8-142. Engine oil filler cap P. 8-103. Brake fluid reservoir/Clutch fluidreservoir M/T model P. 8-15, 8-154. Air cleaner P. 8-205. Fuse block P. 8-236. Battery P. 8-167. Fuse/fusible link box P. 8-238. Engine oil dipstick P. 8-109. Radiator cap P. 8-810. Drive belt location P. 8-1811. Engine coolant reservoir P. 8-812. Windshield-washer fluid reservoirP. 8-15See the page number indicated in paren-theses for operating details.LDI0552Illustrated table of contents 0-11WARNING/INDICATOR LIGHTS Warning Name Page Warning Name Page Indicator Name Pagelight light lightAnti-lock Braking 2-11 Low tire pressure 2-12 Cruise set switch 2-15 System ABS warn- warning light indicator lightoring lightFront passenger air 2-15Master warning light 2-13bag status lightBrake warning light 2-11High beam indicator 2-15Seat belt warning 2-14light bluelight and chimeorMalfunction Indica- 2-15Supplemental air 2-14tor Light MILbag warning lightCharge warning 2-11Security indicator 2-27Indicator Name Pagelight lightlightContinuously Vari- 2-12Continuously Vari- 2-14 Slip indicator light 2-16 able Transmissionable TransmissionCVT check warn-CVT position indi-ing light if socator light if soTurn signal/hazard 2-16equippedequipped indicator lightsEngine oil pressure 2-12Cruise main switch 2-14Vehicle Dynamic 2-16warning lightindicator lightControl VDC OFFindicator light0-12 Illustrated table of contents1 Safety?Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint systemSeats..1-2 Child restraints..1-23Front manual seat adjustment Precautions on child restraints1-23 if so equipped..1-2 LATCH Lower Anchors and Tethers forCHildren System1-25Front power seat adjustmentRear-facing child restraint installation usingif so equipped for driver’s seat1-4LATCH1-27Folding rear seat..1-8Rear-facing child restraint installation usingHead restraints..1-10the seat belts.1-29Seat belts.1-14Forward-facing child restraint installationPrecautions on seat belt usage1-14using LATCH.1-32Pregnant women1-17Forward-facing child restraint installationInjured persons..1-17using the seat belts.1-34Three-point type seat belt with retractor.1-17Installing top tether strap..1-38Seat belt extenders.1-20Booster seats1-38Seat belt maintenance..1-20Supplemental restraint system1-41Child safety..1-21Precautions on supplemental restraintInfants.1-22 system1-41Small children1-22 Supplemental air bag warning labels.1-56 Larger children..1-22 Supplemental air bag warning light..1-57SEATS ● The seatback should not be reclined anymorethanneededforcomfort.Seatbelts are most effective when the pas- sengersitswellbackandstraightupintheseat.Iftheseatbackisreclined,therisk of sliding under the lap belt andbeing injured is increased.CAUTIONWhen adjusting the seat positions, besure not to contact any moving parts toavoid possible injuries and/or damage.FRONT MANUAL SEATARS1152ADJUSTMENT if so equipped● For the most effective protection whenWARNINGthevehicleisinmotion,theseatshould● Do not ride in a moving vehicle whenbe upright. Always sit well back in thethe seatback is reclined. This can beseat with both feet on the floor anddangerous. The shoulder belt will notadjust the seat properly. See “Precau-be against your body. In an accident,tions on seat belt usage” later in thisyou could be thrown into it and receivesection.neck or other serious injuries. Youcould also slide under the lap belt and ●Afteradjustment,gentlyrockintheseatto make sure it is securely locked.receive serious internal injuries.● Donotleavechildrenunattendedinsidethevehicle.Theycouldunknowinglyac-tivateswitchesorcontrols.Unattendedchildrencouldbecomeinvolvedinseri-ous accidents.1-2 Safety?Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint systemWRS0738 WRS0739 WRS0740Forward and backward Reclining Seat lifter if so equipped for driver’sseatPullthecenterofthebarupandholditwhileyouToreclinetheseatback,pulltheleverupandleanslidetheseatforwardorbackwardtothedesiredback.Tobringtheseatbackforward,pulltheleverPulluporpushdowntheadjustinglevertoadjustposition. Release the bar to lock the seat in upandleanyourbodyforward.Releasetheleverthe seat height until the desired position isposition. to lock the seatback in position.achieved.The reclining feature allows adjustment of theseatback for occupants of different sizes foradded comfort and to help obtain proper seatbeltfit.See“Precautionsonseatbeltusage”laterinthissection.Also,theseatbackcanbereclinedto allow occupants to rest when the vehicle isstopped and the transmission is in P Park or NNeutral position with the parking brake fullyapplied.Safety?Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-3WRS0841Coupe● The power seat motor has an auto-resetFRONT POWER SEAT ADJUSTMENTCAUTIONoverload protection circuit. If the motorif so equipped for driver’s seat● Donotoperatethepowerreclineswitchstops during operation, wait 30 seconds,when the seatback has been manuallythen reactivate the switch.Operating tipsreleased using the upper seatback re-● Do not operate the power seat switch for a1lease leverDoing so can damageWARNINGlong period of time when the engine is off.the seat.Beforedrivingthevehicle,returntheseat- This will discharge the battery.● Do not pull on the upper seatback re-back to an upright seating position afterlease lever or the trim to return themanuallyreleasingit.Also,makesuretheseatback to a normal seating position.seat is locked in place. Failure to do soDoing so may damage the seat.may cause the seat to move in a collisionorsuddenstop.Thismayresultindamageto the seat or personal injury.1-4 Safety?Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint systemhicle is stopped and the transmission is in PPark or N Neutral position with the parkingbrake fully applied.WRS0751Sedan● Pull up on the upper seatback release leverRecliningto release the seatback only. Push the seat-Move the recline switch backward until the de-back forward to allow for access to itemssired angle is obtained. To bring the seatbackbehind the front seat. Push the seatback toforward again, move the switch forw。



上车准备:1. 检查车辆周围:上车前应仔细检查车辆周围是否有障碍物或其他车辆,以确保安全。
2. 调整座椅和镜子:根据个人需求,调整座椅的位置和角度,使得舒适且易于操作。
3. 系好安全带:上车后,将安全带插入插扣,并确保它紧密贴合身体,提供最大的保护。
起步:1. 启动引擎:将钥匙插入点火开关中,并轻轻向前或向后转动钥匙,直到汽车发动起来。
2. 放松手刹:如果手刹拉起,请将手刹松开,以便车辆可以自由行驶。
3. 按下离合器:对于手动变速器车辆,在起步前,按下离合器踏板,以与发动机分离。
行驶:1. 按下刹车踏板:根据需要,轻按或深踩刹车踏板,控制车辆的速度和停止。
2. 按下油门踏板:根据需要,轻轻踩下油门踏板,增加车速或加快行驶。
3. 操作转向盘:通过转动转向盘来改变车辆的方向。
4. 使用转向灯:在转弯或变道之前,应使用转向灯发出转弯信号。
5. 观察后视镜和侧视镜:及时观察后视镜和侧视镜,以了解周围车辆的位置和动向,确保行驶安全。
停车:1. 减速:接近停车点时,减慢车速,并适时松开油门和刹车踏板。
2. 转向:在停车点前适当转动转向盘,以便车辆转向准确地进入停车位。
3. 刹车:将刹车踏板逐渐踩下,使车辆停止在停车点。
4. 拉手刹:拉起手刹,以防止车辆意外滑动。
5. 关闭引擎:在车辆完全停稳后,拉起手刹,关闭引擎并取下钥匙。
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