美容院业绩增长100%的策略与方法 作者:王勇刚




1. 阅读对象本文阅读对象:商户系统(在线购物平台、人工收银系统、自动化智能收银系统或其他)集成微信支付涉及的技术架构师,研发工程师,测试工程师,系统运维工程师。

2. 术语1. 支付模式1) 被扫支付被扫支付是用户展示微信上“我的刷卡条码/二维码”给商户系统扫描后直接完成支付的模式。


2) 扫码支付扫码支付是商户系统按微信支付协议生成支付二维码,用户再用微信“扫一扫”完成支付的模式。

该模式适用于P C 网站支付、实体店单品或订单支付、媒体广告支付等场景。

3) 微信内网页支付微信内网页支付是用户在微信中打开商户的H5 页面,商户在H5 页面通过调用微信支付提供的JSAPI 接口调起微信支付模块完成支付。

应用场景有:•用户在微信公众账号内进入商家公众号,打开某个主页面,完成支付;•用户的好友在朋友圈、聊天窗口等分享商家页面连接,用户点击链接打开商家页面,完成支付•将商户页面转换成二维码,用户扫描二维码后在微信浏览器中打开页面后完成支付4) APP 支付APP 支付又称移动端支付,是商户通过在移动端应用APP 中集成开放SDK 调起微信支付模块完成支付的模式。

5) 普通浏览器网页支付模式正在建设中,敬请期待。

2. 名词解释1) 微信公众平台微信公众平台是微信公众账号申请入口和管理后台。



2) 微信开放平台微信开放平台是商户APP 接入微信支付开放接口的申请入口,通过此平台可申请微信APP 支付。


3) 微信商户平台微信商户平台是微信支付相关的商户功能集合,包括参数配置、支付数据查询与统计、在线退款、代金券或立减优惠运营等功能。


4) 微信支付系统微信支付系统是指完成微信支付流程中涉及的API 接口、后台业务处理系统、账务系统、回调通知等系统的总称。

5) 商户收银系统商户收银系统即商户的POS 收银系统,是录入商品信息、生成订单、客户支付、打印小票等功能的系统。









表1 微信⽀付⽬录及URL设置需要注意的是,如果使⽤上述⽅法,要将域名换成⾃⼰的域名,其他的结构及层次可不变。




接⼝开发JS API⽀付JS API⽀付的实现⽐较简单,官⽅也提供了Demo,在此基础上修改部分参数即可。

修改后的⼀个⽰例如下:[js]1. <?php2. include_once("WxPayHelper.php");3. $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();4. $wxPayHelper = new WxPayHelper();5. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("bank_type", "WX");6. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("body", "微信⽀付开发教程");7. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("partner", PARTNERID);8. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("out_trade_no", $commonUtil->create_noncestr());9. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("total_fee", "1");10. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("fee_type", "1");11. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("notify_url",12. "/wxpay/notify/");13. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("spbill_create_ip", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);14. $wxPayHelper->setParameter("input_charset", "GBK");15. $biz_package=$wxPayHelper->create_biz_package();16. ?>上述代码中,主要修改了两个参数:notify_url为接收交易通知的路径,这个⼀定要改为⾃⼰服务器上的⼀个路径;spbill_create_ip为⽤户客户端的IP,不改关系也不⼤,不过改⼀下更规范些。


不溜 不喽 不特止 布甸 擦鞋 睬 菜牌 罉 嘈 扱 插苏 查实 搽 差池 差唔多 觇 孱 长拉拉 长气 抄 炒鱿鱼 觘 车大奅 车呔 车衫 車厘子 唓 掣 橙 嗤 痴缠 黐 黐线 匙羹 豉油 冲凉 仇口 出粮 除 啜 传呼机 吹水 吹胀 唇膏 蠢 凑啱 措措埋埋
不仅仅 布丁 拍马屁 理 菜单儿/菜谱
婴儿 扫帚 色当
桑切斯 衣服 上午 米酒 稍微 大白菜 身体发热 身体

打算,预计 陌生、生疏 活生生 水果
Sandwich sauna SEDAN ARDENNES Sex salad Salad sharkskin Sergeant Size
Number Number one
生萝卜 生性 胜瓜 省 失魂 失魂鱼 师奶 湿水鸡 十分之 时髦 实 实质质 拾下拾下 食 食烟 食晏 食滞 史特拉斯堡 士巴拿 士担 士的 士点 士多 士多啤梨 士叻 士碌架 士啤呔 士域祇 事关 事头婆 是必 是但 嗜正 噬 收爹 收工 收皮 手板 手多多 手瓜 手机 手信 瘦骨仙 瘦蜢蜢 梳打 梳化 疏离
勺子 咳嗽 飞机女服务员 搀杂 搞混了
裤子 快乐 資料夾/檔案 利索,很快 宽 宽阔

破烂 罗纳尔多 朗斯 漱口 搞什么行业 爸爸 老处女 老头 妈妈 爱人 骗子
Copy Order Office Off All Foreman
Coca Cola
老细 老嘢 老友记 叻 勒哈费尔 簕 雷恩 镭射 嘞 脷 冷衫 喱 嚟 里昂 利尔 栗米 笠 联针 摙 僆 凉瓜 凉爽 撩 鹩哥 捩 猎 擸 擸擸乱乱 林林森森 拎 零零丁丁 领呔 呤 龙眼 漏口佬 漏气 录像机 渌 睩 碌 碌葛 碌士 辘 褛 绿油油 挛 挛挛蜎蜎













































WibuKey 中文使用说明书
1 / ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้7
适用于Windows,MacOS,Linux/UNIX,OS/2和DOS IBM兼容计算机和Macintosh Version 6.0,Aug 2010
2 WIBU-KEY 开发光盘的使用.............................................................................................16
2.1 WIBU-KEY 开发组件的安装 ............................................................................................................... 16 2.1.1WIBU-KEY 开发组件的组成 ............................................................................................................. 16 2.1.2 WIBU-KEY 开发组件光盘组成......................................................................................................... 16 2.2 WIBU-KEY 的自动加密工具使用 ..................................................................................................... 17 2.2.1 AxProtector 自动加密 ..................................................................................................................... 17 2.3 编辑WIBU-KEY加密锁....................................................................................................................... 23 2.3.1创建和修改基本单元....................................................................................................................... 25 2.3.2 附加单元的创建和修改.................................................................................................................. 26 2.3.3 修改 WIBU-BOX 的配置属性........................................................................................................... 26 2.3.4 WIBU-BOX 编辑实例 ....................................................................................................................... 27 2.4 使用 API 函数加密............................................................................................................................. 28 2.5 远程编辑........................................................................................................................................... 30 2.5.1 客户端的远程编辑 ........................................................................................................................ 31 2.5.2 使用WKLIST编辑远程升级文件 ..................................................................................................... 32

























































2024年外研版四年级英语秋季学期专项阅读理解班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【阅读理解】1. 阅读理解,判断下面的句子与文章描述是否相符,相符“√”,不相符打“×” 。

This is Amy’s family. There are seven people in her family. Her parents are doctors. They work in a big hospital(医院). They are good doctors. Her uncle and her aunt are teachers. Her uncle is a math teacher. Her aunt teacher(教)English. They are not in the same(相同的)school. Her uncle works in No.2 Primaryschool(第二小学), and her aunt is in No.3 primary school(第三小学). Amy has twin(双胞胎)brothers. They are only three years old. Amy is eleven. She is in No.3 Primary School, too. It’s a big and happy family.( ) 1. There are five people in Amy’s family.( ) 2. Amy’s uncle is an English teacher.( ) 3. Amy’s parents work in a big hospital.( ) 4. Amy has a brother.( ) 5. Amy is a student.2. 阅读下文,回答问题。

On the beachIt is a fine day. A lot of people go to the beach to enjoy sunshine. Some people are swimming like fishes in the sea. On the beach,some young people are playing volleyball. Some of them are lying under the coconut trees. And some old people are chatting with each other. What are the children doing? Look! They are making castles with spade and sand. They are having fun。

Sennheiser IE 100 PRO Wireless 快速使用指南说明书

Sennheiser IE 100 PRO Wireless 快速使用指南说明书

Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KGAm Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany Publ. 02/22, 587443/A02IE 100 PRO WirelessModel: SEBT 1Quick Guide KurzanleitungGuide de démarrage rapide Guida rapidaInstrucciones resumidas Instruções resumidasBeknopte gebruiksaanwijzing Krótka instrukcja obsługi SnabbguideKort vejledning PikaohjeΣύντομες οδηγίεςKısa KılavuzКраткая инструкция快速指南快速使用指南 요약 안내서or online at/download IE 100 PRO_Sennheiser Documentation AppIn the boxLeftRightSoft pouchCleaning tool Safety GuideQuick Guide pliance Com-SheetSafety GuideQuick Guidepliance Com-SheetSafety GuideQuick Guide pliance Com-SheetSilicone adaptersL MSFoam adapters (M)Silicone adaptersLMSFoam adapters (M)IE PRO BT ConnectorBAUSB-AUSB-CUSB-AUSB-C1,5 HRS“Connected““Power on“3x3x3x“Power off“3sHold OFFON1x“Lostconnection““Pairing“MenuAdd Device3x3xIE PRO BT Module“Device (1) connected““Pairing successful“MenuBluetooth on Bluetooth offOFFOFF5sHoldMenuBluetooth on Bluetooth offON ONWearing the earphonesReplacing the ear adapters Optimum cable routingCharging with BT Connector Bluetooth pairingSwitching the headphones on/offChanging the cableIE PRO BT Connector1234IE 100 PROIE 100 PR OA BSoft pouchUSB-AUSB-CCleaning toolBlack cable for IE 100 PRO+Silicone adaptersLSA1xB2xIE 100 PROIE PRO BT Connector (Model: SEBT1)IE 100 PRO Wireless (Model: SEBT1)IE 100 PROIE PRO Bluetooth Connector (Model: SEBT1)CleaningMusic functions Adjusting the volume Voice assistantCall functions Specifications123x1x2xPlay/PauseNextPrevious2sHold 2sHold MUTE UNMUTE2sHold 1x1xRejectEnd1xActivating/deactivating the voice assistantAcceptModel: IE 100 PROModel: SEBT1Frequency response ImpedanceSound pressure level (SPL)Total harmonic distortion (THD)Noise attenuation Magnetized field strength Temperature range20 Hz - 18,000 Hz 20 Ω115 dB (1 kHz / 1 V rms )< 0.1 % (1 kHz, 94 B)< 26 dB 1.63 mT Model: SEBT1Bluetooth®VersionTransmission frequency Modulation Profiles Output power CodecBluetooth 5.0 compatible, class 1, BLE 2,402 Mhz to 2,480 MHz GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK HSP, HFP, AVRCP, A2DP 10 mW (max)SBC, aptX®, aptX® LL, AACOperation -5 °C ... +50 °C Storage-20 °C ... +70 °C Relative air humidity< 95 %Wearing style Microphone principleMicrophone frequency response Microphone sensitivity Microphone pick-up pattern (speech audio)Power supply built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Bluetooth® neckband cable MEMS100 Hz - 8,000 Hz(as per ITU-T P.79) -42 dBV/Pa omni-directional3.7 V ⎓, 100 mAh USB charging 5 V ⎓, 100 mA max.Magnetic field strength 1.63 mT (with IE 100 PRO)0.23 mT (without headphone)Weightapprox. 13 gOperating time10 hrs (music playback via SBC)with rechargeable battery;240 hrs in standby mode Charging time of rechargeable batteriesapprox. 2.5 hrsTemperature rangeOperation Charging Storage+5 °C ... +40 °C ± 5 °C +10 °C ... +40 °C ± 5 °C -20 °C ... +70 °CTemperature rangeOperation Storage10 ... 80 %, non-condensing 10 ... 90 %The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG is under license.Information and AccessoriesApple®, IPad® and iPhone® are trade-marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.。



Section 6: Parts DataDC50X264310131211216547Cabinet GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9960-285-008Door Assy., Loading Complete-Wht (2)* 9960-285-011Door Assy., Loading Complete-SS (2)* 9960-285-007Door Assy., Loading Complete-Chrome/BLK/SS (2)1 9960-284-002Door Assy., Loading-SS(ring only) (2)1 9960-284-004Door Assy., Loading-Chrome(ring only) (2)2 9982-353-002Plate Assy., Hinge (Wht) No Pin (2)2 9982-353-001Plate Assy., Hinge (SS) No Pin (2)* 9545-012-015Screw, Hinge to Door (8)* 8640-413-002Nut, Hinge to Door (8)3 9212-002-004Glass, Door (2)4 9206-413-002Gasket, Glass Black (2)* 9548-117-000Support, Door Glass (2)5 9206-420-005Gasket, Outer Rim Black (2)6 9244-082-001Handle, Loading Door (2)* 9545-018-017Screw, Handle 1/4-20 x 3/8 (4)* 9531-033-003Stud, Door Catch (2)* 8640-413-001Nut, Hex (2)* 8640-413-003Nut, Acorn (2)* 9086-015-002Catch, Loading Door (2)* 8638-190-009Pop Rivet for mtg. catch (4)* 8641-582-006Lockwasher (4)* 8640-399-001Spring Nut (6)7 9989-521-003Panel Assy., Front- Lower (Wht) (1)7 9989-521-001Panel Assy., Front- Lower (SS) (1)8 9989-517-003Panel Assy., Front- Upper (Wht) (1)8 9989-517-001Panel Assy., Front- Upper (SS) (1)* 9277-054-001Insulation Front Panel, half moon (top) (2)* 9277-054-002Insulation Front Panel, half moon (bottom) (2)9 9545-008-014Screw, FLHDCR, 10B x 1 (14) (6)* 8641-585-001 Lockwasher* 8640-399-001Nut, Spring (12)10 9544-069-002Strap, Hinge (Wht) (2)10 9544-069-005Strap, Hinge (SS/Black) (2)* 9545-012-028Screw, Hinge to Panel (8)11 9545-052-001Screw, Door to Hinge Strap (Special Black Type) (2)12 8641-436-003Washer, Fiber (2)13 9021-041-001Acceptor, Coin (1)* 9486-149-001Retainer, Coin Acceptor (2)14 9545-053-002Screw (4)* 9801-099-001Switch, Optical (1)Cabinet Group ContinuedKey Part Number Description Quantity15 9994-032-001Escutcheon, Upper (1)16 9435-039-002Trim, Overlay-Upper Blue (1)16 9435-039-001 Trim, Overlay-Upper Black (1)17 9994-033-001Escutcheon, Lower (1)18 9435-023-001Trim, Overlay-Lower Blue (1)18 9435-031-001Trim, Overlay-Lower Black (1)* 9545-020-009Screw (20)19 9412-167-002Nameplate Stack Dryer Express Blue (1)19 9412-167-001Nameplate Stack Dryer Express Black (1)20 9866-005-001Lint Drawer Assembly Blue (2)20 9866-005-004Lint Drawer Assembly Black (2)21 9435-024-001Overlay Trim, Lint Drwr-Blue (1)21 9435-032-001Overlay Trim, Lint Drwr-Black (1)* 9532-074-003Felt Seal ( back of lint screen assembly ) (2)* 9805-033-002Lint Screen Assembly ONLY (no front) (2)* 9555-057-008Replaceable Lint Screen Only (2)22 8650-012-004Lock and Key, Lint Drawer (2)* 6292-006-010Key 6101 only (2)* 9095-043-001Cam, Lock (2)* 9545-008-001Lint Screen Strap Hold Down Screws 10Bx 1/4 (32)23 9857-198-001Controls Assy, Blue (1)23 9857-198-003Controls Assy, Black (1)* 9627-869-001Harness, Electronic Control (1)24 8650-012-003Lock and Key, Control (1)* 9095-041-001Cam, Lock (1)* 6292-006-007Key only 6324 (1)* 9627-855-003Harness, Heat Sensor (1)* 8640-276-002Wire Nut Connector Grey (4)25 9501-004-003Sensor Temp Control (2)26 9501-008-001Bracket for Heat Sensor Mounting (Under Basket) w/ sensor..2* 9545-045-005Screw, Round Head (Mounts sensor; phillips head) (2)* 9209-037-002Gromm.et, 3/16 ID (2)* 8544-006-001Leg, Leveling 1/2” (4)* 9074-320-001 Cover, Cabinet (Top) (1)* 9277-041-017 Insulation Cabinet Cover (1)* 9732-276-001Kit for Dryers without Neutral and using 208-240 volt (1)* 9732-102-013LP Kit for 50Lb Stk Dryers (1)* 9732-243-001Stack Dryer Trunion Puller (1)* 9544-041-002 Strap - Bead Tie (1)27 9942-038-005 Vault, Coin Box (1)* 9545-008-024 Screws, Mounting-Coin Vault (2)28 9897-099-002 Coin Box Assy, Large Blue (1)28 9807-099-004 Coin Box Assy, Large Black (1)191526252792531089Control Parts GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9857-198-001Controls Assy, Electronic Mounted With Membrane Switch, BLU (1)* 9857-198-003Controls Assy, Electronic Mounted With Membrane Switch, BLK (1)1 9826-008-001 Trough Assembly (1)2 9032-062-002 Button-Push, Control, Blue (2)2 9032-062-001 Button-Push, Control, Black (2)3 9538-166-011Spacer-Metal, 4mm (4)4 9486-158-001 Retainer-Push Button (2)5 8640-424-002Nut-Hex, Elastic stop, #4-40 (4)6 8652-130-038Terminal-Grounding clip (1)7 9534-365-001Spring-Flat, Control (1)8 9545-008-001Screw-Hex, #10B x 1/4 (2)9 9545-044-010 Screw-Hex, #10B x 1/4 (10)9 8641-582-005Washer-External tooth, #6 (10)10 9435-038-001Overlay-Control, Coin, Black (1)10 9435-038-002Overlay-Control, Coin, Blue (1)11 9021-041-001Acceptor-Coin, Optical (1)* 9486-149-001Retainer, Coin Acceptor (1)12 9545-053-002Screw (4)* 9801-099-001 Optical Sensor, Replacement (1)Note: Jumpers required if using 1.5 Control on Older Machines (P9 Connection)* 8220-155-001 Wire Assy, Jumper, 30Lb Stack Coin (1)* 8220-155-002 Wire Assy, Jumper, 50Lb Stack Coin (1)Door Switch GroupPart NumberDescription Quantity9539-487-001Door Switches (2)Hinge Plate Cover1 9074-340-002 Cover-Hinge, Black .....................................................................22 8636-008-010 Screw-TRHDCR, 10B x 3/8, Black.. (4)12Bearing Housing GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity J1 9241-189-002 Housing, Bearing (2)J2 9036-159-003Bearing, Ball Rear..................................................................... .2 * 9538-183-001 Spacer, Bearing (2)* 9036-159-001Bearing, Ball Front .................................................................... .2 J5 9545-017-017Bolt, 1/2 x 3/4 . (8)J7 8640-417-002Nut, 1/2 (8)* 9803-201-001Bearing Housing Complete Ass’y (includes bearings,spacer) (2)J4 9545-017-018Screw 1/2 x 1 1/2 (4)Burner Housing GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9803-207-001 Housing Assembly, Burner (2)1a 9452-730-001Service Burner Plate Front... (2)1 9452-729-001 Service Plate baffl e Recirculation Chamber Clean Out (2)* 9545-008-006Screws (8)2 9545-008-001Screw (16)18 9003-220-001Angle, Burner Support (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)17 9048-020-002Burner, Main (4)* 9545-008-006Screw 10AB x 3/8” (4)* 9454-824-001 Panel, Back Burner Housing (2)4 9545-008-001Screw 10B x1/4” (8)5 9875-002-003Electrode Assy, Ignition (2)19 9545-045-001Screw, Electrode Mtg 8B x 1/4” (4)7 9379-186-001Valve, Gas Shut Off (1)8 9857-134-001Control Assy, Gas (2)9 9381-012-001Manifold, Assy (2)* 9425-069-021Orifi ce, Burner-Natural #27 (4)* 9425-069-022Orifi ce, Burner-LP #44 (4)10 9029-175-001Bracket, Manifold (2)22 8615-104-038Pipe Plug in end of Burner Manifold (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)12 9576-203-002Thermostat, Hi-Limit (2)* 9538-142-001Spacer, Hi-Limit (4)* 9545-045-007 Screw 8B x 3/4” (4)13 9074-329-001Cover, Hi-Limit Stat Ignitor (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (6)* 9576-207-008Thermostat, Safety Shutoff (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)15 9825-062-001Cover, Safety Stat (2)* 9545-008-024Screw (6)16 9857-116-003Control, Ignition Fenwall (3 trybox) (2)* 9732-102-013Kit, LP Conversion 50Lb Stack Kit (2)* 9838-018-003Welded One Piece Gas Pipe Assembly (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Burner Housing Group Photos10221092221851A141594851613Rear ViewKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9627-861-001Wire Harness Overtemperature Switch/Air Switch (2)* 9801-098-001Switch Assy, Air Flow (2)1 9539-461-009Switch, Air Flow (2)2 9029-200-001 Bracket, Switch- Air Flow (2)3 9008-007-001Actuator, Switch (2)4 9451-169-002Pin, Cotter (2)5 9545-020-001Screw 4-40 x 5/8” (4)* 8640-401-001Nut, Special Twin .#4-40 (2)* 9550-169-003Shield, Switch (2)6 9376-322-001Motor, Drive (2)7 9452-770-001Plate, Motor Mounting (1)* 9545-029-008Bolt 3/8” - 16 x 3/4” (8)* 8641-582-003Lockwash Spring 3/8 (8)8 9545-018-019Screw, Motor Plate to Back Assy. 1/4-20x 2 1/2 (8)* 8641-582-007Lockwasher 1/4 (8)9 9538-163-006Spacr (8)* 8641-581-017Flat Washer 1/4 x 7/8 (24)* 9209-086-002Rubber Grommet (8)* 9538-166-006Grommet Spacers (8)* 9545-028-013Screw, Set (4)10 9962-018-002Back Assy, Blower Hsg (2)11 9991-053-001Support Assy, Intermed. Pulley (2)12 9545-029-010Bolt, Rd Hd 3/8-16 x 1 1/4 (6)12 8640-415-004Nut Flange Wizlock 3/8” - 16 (6)12 8641-581-035Washer, Flat (6)13 9545-029-003Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1 1/2 (2)14 9861-022-001Arm Assy-Tension, Complete (2)* 9487-200-003Ring-Retaining (6)15 9908-048-003Pulley Assy, Intermediate with bronze fl ange bearing (2)* 9036-145-002Bronze Flange Bearing (4)16 9908-047-002Pulley Driven Tumbler (2)17 9040-076-009Belt, Drive Motor (2)18 9040-073-011Belt, Driven Intermediate to Tumbler (2)19 9534-151-000Spring, Tension (2)20 9099-012-005Chain, Tension (2)21 9248-022-002Hook, Tension (2)* 9451-146-001Pin, Damper Hinge (2)* 9074-334-001 Cover Duct Upper (1)22 9973-032-001 Heat Recirculation Assembly Duct (2)* 9453-169-013Motor Pulley - Driver (1)* 9545-028-013Set Screws (2) (2)* 9278-043-001Impeller23 8641-581-026Washer, Flat 1/2” for Tumbler Pulley (2)24 9545-017-009Bolt, 1/2”-13 x 1 1/4 (2)25 8641-582-016Washer, Star 1/2” for Tumbler Pulley (2)* 9545-008-001Screw 10 Bx 1/4” (6)* 9545-014-004Bolt, 5/16-18 x 5/8” (8) (8)5/16-18* 8640-400-003Nut,* 9538-184-001Spacer, Shaft (2)* 9487-234-005Ring Tolerance (2)* 9125-007-001Damper Inside Duct Exhaust (2)* 9125-007-002Damper Inside Duct Exhaust (1)* 8520-141-000Nut, Spring (4)* 9074-335-001Cover Duct Lower (1)* 9545-008-024Screw 10ABx 3/8” (72)* 9029-173-001Bracket for Wire Harness Under Burner Housing (2)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Rear View Photos1264722Rear Panel & Cover GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity19208-090-001Rear Guard Side Panel 1 (2)4 9545-008-024Screws 10 AB x 3/8 (30)5 8502-649-001Label - Connection Electrical (1)8 9208-089-001Rear Guard Back Panel (2)10 8502-600-001Label Warning & Notice (1)11 8502-645-001Label - Instructions (1)12 9109-113-001Transition Assembly Outlet (1)13 9074-320-001 Top Cover Dryer Panel (1)14 9550-188-001 Top Burner Housing Heat Shield Inlet (1)15 9074-321-001 Top Panel Burner Housing Cover (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/141851113121514Tumbler GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity 9848-131-001Tumbler Assembly Galvanized w/spider (2)G2 9568-013-001Spider Assembly (2)G3 9497-226-002Rod, Tumbler (6)G4 8640-417-005Nut, 1/2 - 13 (6)G6 8641-590-002Washer, Special (6).............................................................................AR G7 9552-013-000Shim* 9848-130-002Tumbler Assembly Stainless Steel (2)G1 9848-130-001Tumber Assembly Galvanized (2)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Control Assembly GroupKey Part Number DescriptionQuantity* 9857-189-001 Control Assmbly Complete (all below included) .............................1* 9108-117-001 Control Box Cover ..................................................................... 1* 8220-001-478 Wire Assembly Green 7” ............................................................ 1* 8639-621-007 Screw #10-32 x 12 Green ............................................................1* 8641-582-006 Lockwasher Ext Tooth #10 ..........................................................13 9897-026-002 Terminal Block Main Power Middle ...............................................14 9897-026-001 Terminal Block ............................................................................2* 9545-045-012 Screw #8 ABx 1/2 for terminal block ............................................6 5 8711-011-001 Transformer Ignition ...................................................................2* 9545-008-024 Screws 10AB x 3/8” ...................................................................46 9982-348-001 Plate Assembly MTG Ignition Control............................................2* 9545-008-024 Screws 10B x 1/4” MTG Above Plate and Others ...........................47 9857-116-003 Ignition Control ..........................................................................2* 8640-411-003 #6-32 Nuts ................................................................................48 9631-403-009 Wire Assembly High Voltage Upper ..............................................19 9627-860-001 Wire Harness Ignition Control Upper ............................................110 9627-860-002 Wire Harness Ignition Control Lower ............................................1* 9053-067-002 Bushing Wire 7/8” .......................................................................413 9200-001-002 Fuseholder Assembly ..................................................................314 8636-018-001 Fuse 1.5 Amp .............................................................................315 5192-299-001 Relay Power ...............................................................................216 9897-035-001 Terminal Block Assembly Main Power Inlet ...................................1* 9545-008-024 Screw #8 AB x 1/2” ....................................................................2* 8220-062-036 Wire Assembly Red/Black 14” ......................................................1* 8220-062-037 Wire Assembly Red/White 14” .....................................................1* 8220-062-038 Wire Assembly White 14” ............................................................221 9627-864-004 Wire Harness Motor Extension .....................................................2* 9527-007-001 Stand Off - Wire Saddle / Arrowhead ..........................................13* 9545-031-005 Screw 6 B x 3/8” ........................................................................422 9558-029-003 Strip Terminal Marker (Behind Input Power) ..................................124 9627-863-001 Wire Harness Main Extension Access Under Burner Housing .........123 9631-403-008 Wire Ass’y - High Voltage Lower ..................................................125 9627-859-001 Wire Harness - Main Power (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Control Assembly GroupPart # 8533-085-001 9/1416252223245Coin AccecptorKey Part Number Description Quantity1 9021-041-001Coin Accecptor, Optical (1)Replacement (1)2 9801-099-001Sensor-Optical,3 9545-039-002Screw, Heighth Bar, 3mm (2)* 9486-136-001 Retainer, Coin Acceptor (1)* 9545-053-002 Screw (4)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Section 7: VoltageConversionPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Instructions - Convert a Dual Voltage Stack Dryer from 120V to 208-240V with Neutral Wire Only1. Remove incoming power from the dryer. Use a known working voltmeter to check power.2. Remove the cover of both the upper and lower control box assemblies from the dryer using a 5/16” wrench.3. Move the black/blue wire from the N position of the main power terminal block to the L2 position of the mainpower terminal block in the upper control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.4. Move the white wire of the upper motor harness to an upper inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.5. Move the orange wire of the upper motor harness to an upper inner left terminal in the middle terminal block inthe lower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.6. Move the white wire of the lower motor harness to a lower inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.7. Move the orange wire of the lower motor harness to a lower inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.8. Reconnect power to the dryer and test to ensure proper operation; one line voltage to L1, one line voltage to L2,the neutral to N, and the earth ground to E.9. Reinstall the cover of both the upper and lower control box assemblies from the dryer using a 5/16” wrench.Part # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Section 9: MaintenancePart # 8533-085-001 9/14MaintenanceDaily1. Clean lint screen by unlocking and sliding out in their tracks for access. Use soft brush ifnecessary. Failure to do so will slow drying and increase gas usage and temperatures through out the dryer.2. Check lint screen for tears. Replace if necessary.Monthly1. Remove lint accumulation from end bells of motor.2. Clean lint from lint screen compartment.3. Remove lint and dirt accumulation from top of the dryer and all areas above, and around theburners and burner housing. Failure to keep this portion of the dryer clean can lead to a buildup of lint creating a fi re hazard.4. Inspect Recirculation burner housing for excessive buildup.5. Place a few drops of light oil on top and bottom pivots of the clothes door hinge.6. Grease bearings and shaft of intermediate drive pulley.Quarterly1. Check belts for looseness, wear or fraying.2. Inspect gasket of door glass for excessive wear.3. Check tightness of all fasteners holding parts to support channel.4. Check tightness of tumbler shaft retaining nut. MUST MAINTAIN 150 FOOT LBS.5. Remove lint accumulation from primary air ports in burners.6. Grease pivot pins and tension arms where in contact with each other.Semiannually1. Remove and clean main burners.2. Remove all orifi ces and examine for dirt and hole obstruction.3. Remove all lint accumulation. Remove front panel, lint screen housing and remove lintaccumulation.Annually1. Check intermediate pulley bearings for wear.2. Check and remove any lint accumulation from exhaust system.NOTE: DRYER MUST NOT BE OPERATED WITHOUT LINT SCREEN IN PLACE。



目录第一章产品概述 (3)1.1功能 (3)1.2一般规格 (3)1.3各部分名称 (4)1.4外型尺寸及安装方法 (7)第二章编辑软件TK100 (8)2.1 TK100基本概述 (8)2.2编辑用户画面 (8)2.3保存工程 (32)2.4下载画面 (33)第三章操作方法 (33)3.1联机通讯 (33)3.2切换画面 (34)3.3系统口令 (34)3.4修改数据 (35)3.5开关量控制 (36)第四章与PLC的连接方法 (37)4. 1深圳丰菱科技FL系列 (37)4.2三菱FX系列 (38)4.3西门子S7-200系列 (39)4.4欧姆龙C系列 (39)4.5施耐德NEZA/TWIDO系列 (40)4.6 台达DVP系列 (41)4.7松下FP系列 (41)4.8 LG Master-K CNet系列 (42)4.9 LG系列 Modbus 协议 (43)4.10 LG Master-K 120S 编程口通讯 (44)4.11 FACON永宏系列 (44)4. 12 光洋S系列 (45)4.13 ECOSTEP 系列 (46)4.14 AB Micrologix系列 (47)4.15 MODBUS RTU/ASCII/EMERSON/RTU EXTEND (48)4.16 MODBUS SERVER (49)4.17 九天丰菱自由协议 (50)4.18 SAIA PCD S-BUS协议 (51)4.19 VIGOR PLC (52)4.20 EMERSON EC20系列PLC (53)4.21 KEYENCE KV系列PLC (54)eView TK100 V1.0.0 组态软件Release Note (55)附录1:自由协议文档 (59)附录2:其它注意事项 (61)附录3:TK100组态新增功能 (62)第一章产品概述1.1功能TK100是一个小型的人机界面,主要与各类PLC(或带通信口的智能控制器)配合使用,以文字或指示灯等形式监视、修改PLC内部寄存器或继电器的数值及状态,从而使操作人员能够自如地控制机器设备。



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HYPE MOBILE 快速入门指南说明书

HYPE MOBILE 快速入门指南说明书

Quick start user manualSection 1The warnings in this manual must be observed together with the "USER MANUAL - Section 2".Le avvertenze nel presente manuale devono essere osservate congiuntamente al “MANUALE D’USO - Sezione2”.Die Warnungen in diesem Handbuch müssen in Verbindung mit der "BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG - Abschnitt 2" beobachtet werden”.Les avertissements specifiés dans ce manuel doivent être respectés ainsi que les "CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES -Section 2"Las advertencias del presente manual se deben tener en cuenta conjuntamente con las del “MANUAL DEL USUARIO” - Sección 2”.A.E.B. Industriale Srl Via Brodolini, 8 Località Crespellano 40053 VALSAMOGGIA BOLOGNA (ITALIA)Technical DataSpeaker Type : 2-way battery speaker with wireless microphone (handheld or bodypack versions)Acoustical dataFrequency Response [-10 dB]: 62 – 20000 Hz Frequency Response [-6 dB]: 66 – 18100 Hz Max SPL (1 m): 123 dBHF compression driver : 1" Exit (voice coil : 1”) LF : 10” (voice coil : 1.5”)Crossover frequency : 2400 Hz Dispersion : 90° (H) x 45° (V)AmplifierAmp Technology : Amp SMPS Power Supply Amp Class : Class-D RMS Power : 95 WPeak Power: 190 WCooling: Passive (convection)Operating voltage range:220-240V~/100-120V~ 50-60 Hz (factory set) Operating temperature: [-10 +55] °CCharger operating temperature: [-0 +44] °CB-HYPE MOBILE batteryBattery type : LI-Ion (25.9 V / 2200 mAh) Charging time: Less than 2 hours Mean usage time: 4 hoursIntegrated transmitter ChargerRechargeable Device: HT-BHM handheld only (Ni-MH rechargeable batteries only)Audio Media PlayerSupported audio formats: .mp3, .wav, .wmaRF sectionAvailable bands: 542-566 / 638-662 / 863-865 MHz (factory set)RF selectable channels: 8Transmission range: up to 35 m (114.82 in)Input / OutputMains connections : VDESignal I/O : (Balanced) 1x combo (XLR/TRS) IN, 1x stereo RCA IN, 1x mini-jack IN, 1 x TRS link OUTMixer controls: Volume controls, EQ, CH1/RF priorityMechanicsHousing: Plastic cabinet Grille : Full grilleHandles : 1 for each side, 1 on top (retractable) Mounting pole: yes, 36 mm Width : 300 mm (11.81 in) Height : 568 mm (22.36 in)Depth : 301 mm (11.86 in)Weight (without transmitter): 12.5 kg (27 lbs.)Download the complete user manual on: /EN/Downloads.aspx , or scan with your QR Reader App to download it. EMI CLASSIFICATIONAccording to the standards EN 55103 this equipment is designed and suitable to operate in CLASS B Electromagnetic environments. FCC CLASS B STATEMENT ACCORDING TO TITLE 47, PART 15, SUBPART B, §15.105This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.B-HYPE MOBILE contains transmitter module:HANDHELD VERSION Æ FCC ID:2ADDV-HTBHM (USA) IC:12207A-HTBHM (CANADA) BODYPACK VERSION Æ FCC ID: 2ADDV-BTBHM (USA) IC: 12207A-BTBHM (CANADA)WARNING: Make sure that the loudspeaker is securely installed in a stable position to avoid any injuries or damages to persons or properties. For safety reasons do not place one loudspeaker on top of another without proper fastening systems. Before hanging the loudspeaker check all the components for damages, deformations, missing or damaged parts that may compromise safety during installation. If you use the loudspeakers outdoor avoid spots exposed to bad weather conditions.Contact dB Technologies for accessories to be used with speakers. dBTechnologies will not accept any responsibility for damages caused by inappropriate accessories or additional devices.Features, specification and appearance of products are subject to change without notice. dBTechnologies reserves the right to make changes or improvements in design or manufacturing without assuming any obligation to change or improve products previously manufactured.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by AEB Industriale SRL is under license. Other Trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.POWER SUPPLY SPECIFICATIONS (POWER ABSORPTION)Draw at 1/8 of full power in average use conditions (*): 0.35 A (220-240V~) - 0.57 A (100-120V~) Draw at 1/3 of full power in maximum use conditions (**): 0.65 A (220-240V~) - 1.3 A (100-120V~) Power absorption with speaker turned on without signal (idle): 16 W* INSTALLER NOTES: The values refer to 1/8 of full power, in average operating conditions (music program with infrequent or no clipping). It is recommended to consider them the minimum sizing values for any type of configuration.** INSTALLER NOTES: The values refer to 1/3 of full power, in heavy operating conditions (music program with frequent clipping or activation of the limiter).9) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES AND RF BANDSDepending on the voltage range, two or three RF bands are available to the user of B-HYPE MOBILE:x 542-566 MHz (8 channels) x 638-662 MHz (8 channels) x 863-865 MHz (8 channels) * *not available for 100-120V~In order to change the wireless band the user must:- Change the receiver R-BHM- Change the transmitter (HT-BHM or HM-BHM )See the complete manual for further details.In this page you can find the reference tables about main accessories and frequency bands.Check the complete user manual on for further information about the system and available accessories.Scarica il manuale completo da per ogni ulteriore informazione sul sistema e sugli accessori disponibili.Für weitere Informationen und verfügbares Zubehör lesen sie bitte die vollständige Bedienungsanleitung unter .Vérifiez le manuel de l'utilisateur complet sur pour des informations complémentaires du système et des accessoires disponibles.Compruebe el manual de usuario completo sobre para la información adicional sobre el sistema y accesorios disponibles.Check periodically the website for any documentation, and new accessories update.Thank you for choosing a dBTechnologies Product!B-HYPE MOBILE is the new powerful bi-amped dBTechnologies battery speaker, available in two versions: handheld transmitter (B-HYPE M HT bundle ) or bodypack transmitter (B-HYPE M BT bundle ). It is equipped with: one 1” compression driver exit (1” voice coil) and one 10” woofer (1.5” voice coil). The input section allows the user to connect: up to three cabled inputs, one wireless microphone, and different media inputs (included a Bluetooth ® one). The user can also connect the audio output to a second active speaker. The control section is equipped with a convenient equalizer and a CH1/RF priority function that mutes all the other channels, if the user is speaking. The long-lasting lithium battery allows an easy and portable usage for your music performances. Check the site for the complete user manual! 1) UNPACKING The box contains:NEVER USE THE HANDLES TO SUSPENDTHE SPEAKER. THE USER MUST READ THE COMPLETE USER MANUAL AFTER THE FIRSTSWITCH-ON AND FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.2) BEFORE YOU STARTa) Mount the antennasb) Place the batteries (not included)Please note that for the correct use of the integrated charger of B-HYPE MOBILE, only Ni-MH batteries mustbe used with the HT-BHM.3) A CONTROLS OVERVIEWThe top and rear panel can be divided in main sections:x MEDIA PLAYER SECTIONx CONNECTIONS AND CONTROL SECTION x RECEIVER MODULE R-BHM x BATTERY HOLDER x HT-BHM CHARGER x MAINS SECTIONIn the following chapters these sections are presented and they are recalled with reference to this scheme.7) MEDIA PLAYER SECTIONIn this section you can find:x SD Audio Input: x USB Audio Input: x Controls buttonsa) Audio reproduction from USB flash drive / SD CARD1. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (see chapter 4 forfurther information), and check that the MASTER volume and the Bluetooth ®/USB/SD one is on amedium/low level (see chapter 5).2. Insert the correct device (a USB flash drive or SDCARD). Please note that only MP3, WAV andWMA files can be read and that the player canread only one media source at a time.3. Push the button for a few seconds.Once the reader is on, you can select the audiosource by shortly pressing the same button.4. Push the buttonsto play/pause, search through the folders,repeat/change the equalization, rewind, fastforward a track respectively.5. Adjust the MASTER and Bluetooth ®/USB/SDvolumes.b) Audio reproduction from Bluetooth ® device1. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (see chapter 4 forfurther information), and check that the MASTER volume and the Bluetooth ®/USB/SD one is on a medium/low level (see chapter 5). 2. Push the button for a few seconds toturn on the player.3. Once the reader is on, you can select the audiosource by shortly pressing the same button.4. Enable Bluetooth ® transmission on your deviceand check that its “visibility mode” is enabled. 5. Once the communication is established, thename of your device is displayed on the screen. Adjust the source volume, and the MASTER and Bluetooth ®/USB/SD ones.8) THE HT-BHM CHARGER “RECHARGE” mode allows the user to charge not only the internal LI-Ion battery, but also the HT-BHM transmitter. HT-BHM can be charged also in “ON” mode, while B-HYPE MOBILE is turned on. In order to correctly charge the transmitter: 1. Use the correct HT-BHM batteries (Ni-MH AA type only) 2. Insert properly the handheld transmitter in the charger on the rear panel 3. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (“Power” LED green) or select the “RECHARGE” mode (“Charge” LED red). 4. The Led of HT-BHM charger can be: x RED – the batteries are charging x GREEN – the batteries are fully charged x FLASHING RED – the batteries in the transmitter are not of the correct type6) TURN ON AND SYNCHRONIZE THE TRANSMITTER TO THE RECEIVER----------------------------------A – STATUS LEDB – POWER/MUTE SWITCHC – IR LENSD – GAIN (INPUT SENSITIVITY)E – PLASTIC SCREWDRIVER FOR [D] GAINF – BATTERY COVER-----------------------------------------------------------------------G – ANTENNA H – STATUS LEDI – POWER/MUTE SWITCHL – 4-POLE CONNECTOR FOR HEADSET M – PLASTIC SCREWDRIVER FOR [N] GAIN N – GAIN (INPUT SENSITIVITY) O – IR LENSP – BATTERY COVER1. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (see chapter 4 forfurther information), and check that the MASTER Volume is on a medium/low level (see chapter 5). 2. Unscrew the battery cover [F ] of HT-BHM or openthe [P ] one of BT-BHM.3. On the transmitter, hold down for a few secondsthe “POWER” button [B ], or [I ] (for HT-BHMorBT-BHM). Please note that a short pressure enables “MUTE” status when the transmitter is on.4. On the receiver, select one of the eight availablechannels by shortly pressing [X ] or [Z ] buttons. 5. Hold down for a few seconds the [X ] button, thenrelease it. The CHANNEL number in the display starts blinking.6. The IR LENS of the transmitter must face the displayof the RECEIVER MODULE R-BHM as shown in the pictures.7. The transmitter is then synchronized with thereceiver in a few seconds, and the CHANNEL number in the display becomes fixed.8. RF indicator in the display shows the wirelessreception intensity with a synchronized transmitter, the AF the audio volume one. You can enter the related submenus by pressing SET button. In the transmitter you can set the gain ([D ] or [N ]) with the related screwdriver [E ] or [M ].9. Screw the battery cover [F ] of HT-BHM or close the[P ] one of BT-BHM .4) MAINS SECTIONThe mains section contains:x Mains VDE connector x Mains switchThe B-HYPE usage modes, once the VDE cable is connected are:x ON (B-HYPE MOBILE is fully operative and itcan operate with the battery without the mains cable, if charged, or with the mains cable inserted) x OFFx RECHARGE (the battery located in BATTERYHOLDER section charges with the power cord inserted, the B-HYPE MOBILE is turned off)5) CONNECTIONS, CONTROLS, STATUS LEDsIn this section you can find:x CH1: Balanced\Unbalanced input (XLR/TLRcombo connector type) with input sensitivity switch (LINE/MIC) and channel volume control. x CH2: Aux input connector for 3,5 mm jack andRCA stereo input connectors with channel volume control.x Master section with EQUALIZER rotaries(Treble and Bass separated regulations) and MAIN volume control.x Bluetooth ®/USB/SD volume control.x Unbalanced Line Output. The signal which canbe connected to another active loudspeaker is the output of the B-HYPE mobile mixer (so it is affected by all volume controls).x CH1/RF Priority. If in “On” position the sourceaudio level of CH2 and of Bluetooth ®/USB/SD is instantly reduced by the presence of the CH1/RF signal).x Control LEDs:1. POWER: green when B-HYPE MOBILE is on.2. CHARGE: red when B-HYPE MOBILE is inRECHARGE mode or in ON mode. It becomes green when the battery is fully charged.3. BATTERY LEVEL: four-stage LEDs that showthe battery status.At the first switch-on, in order to charge the lithium battery integrated in the B-HYPE MOBILE, simply plug the VDE mains cable and switch to “RECHARGE” till the CHARGE LED becomes green.An example of connections in B-HYPE MOBILE is represented below, purely for information.CAUTION: RISK OF EXPLOSION IF THE BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. BATTERY INSTALLATION AND REPLACEMENT MUST BE CARRIED OUT BYPERSONNEL IN POSSESSION OF ENOUGH TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE OR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE ABLE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THE CONNECTIONS.DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO WATER. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT NEAR ANY HEAT SOURCE AND KEEP IT AWAY FROM NAKED FLAMES.。



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Delta DOP-107BV HMI 用户指南说明书

Delta DOP-107BV HMI 用户指南说明书

DOP -107BVHigh color ‧Wide screen ‧User-friendlyDelta Electronics, Inc.No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan City33068, TaiwanInstruction Sheet(1) General precautionsThank you for purchasing this product. This instruction sheet provides information about the DOP-100series HMI. Before using this product, please read through this instruction sheet carefully to ensure the correct use of the product. Please keep this sheet handy for quick reference whenever needed. Before finishing reading this sheet, please follow the instructions below:⏹ Install the product in an indoor location, which is free of vapor, corrosive and inflammable gas andliquids.⏹ Please refer to the wiring diagram when connecting the wires.⏹ Ensure your HMI is correctly grounded. The grounding method must comply with the nationalelectrical standard (please refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code, 2005 Ed.). ⏹ Do not disassemble the HMI or change the wiring when power is on.⏹ Do not touch the power supply when power is on, or it may cause electric shock.⏹ When the HMI displays a low power notification and requires a battery change, please contactyour local distributor or Delta Customer Service Center for the replacement. Do not change the batteries by yourself.⏹ This product can be used with other industrial automation equipment. Please read through thissheet carefully and install the product according to the instructions to avoid danger. ⏹ Cleaning method: please use a dry cloth to clean the product. ⏹ This product must be used at an altitude below 2,000 m.⏹ If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided bythe equipment may be impaired.⏹ For repair and maintenance, please contact Delta Electronics, Inc. Address: No.18, Xinglong Rd.,Taoyuan City, Taiwan. TEL: +886-3-3626301.If you have any inquiry during operation, please contact our local distributors or Delta salesrepresentatives. The content of this instruction sheet may be revised without prior notice. Please consult our distributors or download the latest version at Delta’s website (/ia).(2) Communication port pin assignmentDOP-107BV COM1COM PortPinMODE1MODE2 MODE3COM1 COM2 COM1 COM2 COM1 COM2 RS-232RS-485RS-485 RS-485RS-232RS-4221 - - D+ - - TXD+2 RXD - - - RXD -3 TXD -- - TXD- 4 -D+-D+-RXD+5GNDGNDGND6- -D- - - TXD- 7 RTS - - - RTS - 8 CTS - - - CTS - 9- D--D--RXD- Note: mark “-” means connection is not required.(3) Description of each partDOP-107BV (front view)AOperation / display areaDOP-107BV (rear view)A USB Slave B USB Host CPower input terminal (24 AWG wire min.)DCOM1(4) Mounting dimensionsDOP-107BVUnit: mm (inch)Operation temperature: 0o C to 50o C (32o F to 122o F)Storage temperature: -20o C to 60o C (-4o F to 140o F)(5) Installation and wiringPrecautions: ⏹ Incorrect installation direction may result in malfunction.⏹To ensure the HMI is well ventilated, make sure there is sufficient space between the HMI and the adjacent objects or walls.⏹ This product should be used on a case / platform which conforms to enclosure Type 4X standard (for indoor use only).⏹ The maximum panel thickness for mounting must be no greater than 5 mm. ⏹Copper conductor only.Installation steps:Step 1: Put the waterproof gasket into the HMI and then insert the HMI into the panel cutout. Step 2:Place the fasteners into the slots and tighten the screws until reaching the panel cutouts.Step 3: Tighten the screws with the torque less than 0.5 N-M / 0.7 N-M to avoid damage to the plastic case.DOP-107BV torque: 6.17 lb-inch (0.7 N-M)Step 4: For heat dissipation, please keep a minimum clearance of 60 mm on the rear of the HMI.Wiring:Type Wire gauge (AWG)Stripped length Torque Solid 24 - 12 7 - 8 mm 5 kg-cm (4.3 lb-in) Stranded 24 - 127 - 8 mm5 kg-cm (4.3 lb-in)Please refer to the following diagram when wiring the power connector. The temperature rating of the cable must be greater than 75°C (167°F).(6) Hardware specificationsModel DOP-107BVDisplayPanel type 7" TFT LCD (65535 colors)Resolution 800 x 480 pixelsBacklight LED backlight (half-life under room temperature 25o C > 20,000 hours)*1 Display range 154.08 mm * 85.92 mmBrightness 400 cd / m² (Typ.)CPU ARM Cortex-A8 (800 MHz)Flash ROM 256 MbytesRAM 256 MbytesTouchscreen 4-wire resistive touchscreen > 1,000,000 operated Buzzer Multi-tone frequency (2 K – 4 KHz) / 80 dB Network interface N/AUSB 1 USB Slave Ver 2.0; 1 USB Host Ver 2.0SD N/ASerial communicationport COM1 RS-232 (supporting flow control) / RS-485*2 COM2 RS-422 / RS-485*2COM3 N/AAuxiliary function key N/A Calendar Built-in Cooling method Natural coolingApprovals CE / UL (please use shielding network cable and magnetic ring with the filter of300 ohm / 100 MHz)Panel waterproof level IP65 / NEMA4 / UL TYPE 4X (indoor use only)Operation voltage*2DC +24V (-15% to +15%) (please use an isolated power supply) Supplied by Class 2 or SELV circuit (isolated from MAINS by double insulation)Leakage current 500 V AC for 1 minute (between DC24V terminal and FG terminal) Power consumption*28.6 W (Max)*3Backup battery 3V lithium battery CR2032 × 1Backup battery lifeAbout 3 years or more at 25o C (subject to operation temperature and condition)Operation temperature 0o C to 50o C (32o F to 122o F) Storage temperature -20o C to +60o C (-4o F to 140o F)Operating environment 10% - 90% RH [0o C - 40o C], 10% - 55% RH [41o C - 50o C];pollution degree: 2Vibration resistance Conforms to IEC61131-2: continuous vibration 5 Hz - 8.3 Hz with amplitude 3.5 mm; 8.3 Hz - 150 Hz with amplitude 1GShock resistanceConforms to IEC60068-2-27:11 ms, 15 G Peak, in X, Y, Z directions each for 6 timesDimension(W) x (H) x (D) mm215 x 161 x 35.5Mounting dimension(W) x (H) mm196.9 x 142.9Weight Approx. 700 gNote:1. The half-life of the backlight is defined as the maximum luminance being reduced by 50% when themaximum drive current is supplied to the HMI. The life of LED backlight shown here is estimated at the room temperature of 25o C with ambient humidity.2. The withstand voltage of the isolated power circuit is 1500V peak for 1 minute.3. The HMI power consumption is the power consumed when the HMI is not connecting with otherperipheral devices. To ensure normal operation of the HMI, the recommended capacity of the power supply is 1.5 to 2 times of the specified power consumption.4. Isolated power supply is recommended.5. For DOPSoft programming software for the DOP-100 series and the user manual, you can downloadthem at /ia.6. The DOP-100 series can be used with other industrial automation equipment. Please read through thissheet carefully and install the product according to the instructions to avoid danger.DOP -107BVYüksek Renk ‧ Geniş Ekran ‧ Kullanıcı DostuDelta Electronics, Inc.No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan City 33068, TaiwanBilgi Dokümanı(1) ÖnsözBu ürünü satın aldığınız için teşekkür ederiz. Bu bilgi dokümanı DOP-100 serileri için bilgiler sağlar. Ürünü kullanmadan önce, doğru şekilde kullanım sağlamak için lütfen dokümanı tamamen okuyunuz. Ayrıca daha sonra ihtiyaç duyulduğunda kullanabilmek için bu dokümanı iyi muhafaza ediniz. Bu dokümanı okumayı bitirdikten sonra lütfen aşağıda yazılı olan talimatları uygulayınız.⏹ Ürünün kurulumunu aşındırıcı, yanıcı gaz veya sıvılardan uzak, temiz ve kuru yerlere yapınız.Sadece iç mekânda kullanınız⏹ Tüm bağlantıların dokümanda belirtildiği gibi olduğuna emin olunuz.⏹ HMI toprak bağlantısının doğru olduğuna emin olunuz. Topraklama metodu uluslararası elektrikstandardına uyumlu olmalıdır (NFPA 70: National Electrical Code, 2005 Ed). ⏹ Ürün enerjili iken HMI’ı sökmeyiniz ve bağlantılara müdahale etmeyiniz.⏹ Çalışma sırasında güç kaynağına dokunmayınız. Aksi halde elektrik çarpması meydana gelebilir. ⏹ HMI düşük pil uyarısı gösterirse ve pil değişimi gerekirse lütfen firmamız ile temasa geçiniz,kendiniz değiştirmeyiniz.⏹ DOP-100 serisi endüstriyel otomasyon ekipmanı olarak kullanılır. Lütfen bu dokümanı dikkatliokuyun ve tehlikeli durumları önlemek için ürünü belirtilen direktiflere uygun kurunuz. ⏹ Temizleme metodu: Ürünü temizlemek için kuru bir bez kullanınız. ⏹ Ürün 2000m altında bir rakımda kullanılmalıdır.⏹ Eğer ürün imalatçı tarafından belirtilmeyen bir şekilde kullanılıyorsa, ürün tarafından sağlanankoruma bozulabilir.⏹ Ürünle ilgili sorularınız için firmamız ile kontak kurabilirsiniz.Ürünün kullanımı ile ilgili sorularınız için teknik servisimizle kontak kurabilirsiniz. Bu bilgi dokümanının içeriği herhangi bir bildirime gerek duyulmadan değiştirilebilir. Dokümanın son versiyonunu internetten indirebilirsiniz. /ia .(2) Haberleşme PinleriDOP-107BV COM1COM PortPinMOD 1MOD 2 MOD 3 COM1COM2 COM1 COM2 COM1 COM2 RS-232RS-485RS-485 RS-485RS-232RS-4221 - - D+ - - TXD+2 RXD - - - RXD -3 TXD- - - TXD- 4 -D+-D+-RXD+5GNDGNDGND6 - - D-- - TXD- 7 RTS - - - RTS - 8 CTS - - - CTS - 9- D--D--RXD- Not: “-“ olarak yazılan pinlere bağlantı yapılmaz.(3) Parça AçıklamalarıDOP-107BV (Öm Görünüm)ADokunmatik Ekran / DisplayDOP-107BV (Arka Görünüm)A USB Slave B USB Host CGüç Giriş Soketi (24 AWG wire min.)DCOM1(4) Montaj ÖlçüleriDOP-107BVBirim: mm (inch)Çalışma Sıcaklığı: 0o C ~ 50o C (32o F ~ 122o F)Depolama Sıcaklığı: -20o C ~ 60o C (-4o F ~ 140o F)(5) Montaj ve KablolamaÖnlemler: ⏹ Yanlış kurulum arızalara sebep olabilir.⏹HMI’ın iyi havalandırıldığından emin olmak için, HMI ile yakın objeler veya duvarlar arasında yeterli boşluk olduğundan emin olun.⏹ Bu ürün, 4X standartına uygun bir kasa / platform (sadece kapalı alanda kullanım) üzerinde kullanılmalıdır.⏹ Montaj için kullanılan panelin kalınlığı 5 mm’den az olmalıdır. ⏹Sadece bakır kondansatör.Montaj Adımları:Adım 1:HMI içine su geçirmez contanın takıldığına emin olunuz ve sonra pano boşluğuna yerleştiriniz.Adım 2:Montaj aparatlarını HMI’ın yuvalarına yerleştiriniz ve sonra panoya değene kadar vidaları sıkınız.Adım 3:Plastik kasaya zarar vermemek için vidayı 0.5 N-M’den fazla 0.7 N-M’den az tork ile sıkınız. DOP-107BV Tork: 6.17 lb-inch (0.7N-M) Adım 4:Isı dağılımı sağlanabilmesi için HMI arka paneli ile duvar, kurulum yüzeyi veya başka kontrol cihazı ile arasında en ez 60 mm boşluk bırakınız.Kablolama:Tip Kablo Ölçüsü (AWG)Soyma UzunluğuTork Tek Damarlı 24 - 12 7 - 8 mm 5 kg-cm (4.3 lb-in) Çok Damarlı 24 - 127 - 8 mm5 kg-cm (4.3 lb-in)Besleme konektörü bağlantısının aşağıdaki şekilde gösterildiği gibi yapıldığına emin olunuz. Kablo sıcaklık dayanım derecesi 75o C (167o F)’den yüksek olmalıdır.Please refer to thefollowing diagram when wiring the power connector. The temperature rating of the cable must be greater than 75°C (167°F).(6) Donanımsal ÖzelliklerModel DOP-107BVEkranPanel Tipi7" TFT LCD (65535 Renk)Çözünürlük 800 x 480 PikselAydınlatma LED Aydınlatma (Yarım ömürde 25o C’de 20,000 saatten az) *1 Ekran Ölçüsü 154.08 mm * 85.92 mmParlaklık 400 cd / m² (Tipik.)CPU ARM Cortex-A8 (800 MHz)Flash ROM 256 MbytesRAM 256 MbytesDokunmatik 4 kablolu Rezistif Dokunmatik Ekran > 1,000,000 dokunma Buzzer Multi-tone frequency (2 K – 4 KHz) / 80 dB Ethernet Arabirimi YokUSB 1 USB Slave Ver 2.0; 1 USB Host Ver 2.0SD YokSeri HaberleşmePortu COM1 RS-232 (Flow Kontrol Destekler) / RS-485*2 COM2 RS-422 / RS-485*2COM3 YokFonksiyon Tuşları Yok Takvim DahiliSoğutma Metodu Doğal SoğutmaSertifikalar CE / UL (Lütfen ekranlı Ethernet kablosu ve 300 ohm/100 MHz filtre ilemanyetik halka kullanınız)Su Geçirmezlik Seviyesi IP65 / NEMA4 / UL Tip 4X (Bina içi kullanım içindir)Çalışma Voltajı*2DC +24V (-15% ~ +15%) (Lütfen dahili filtreli güç kaynağı kullanınız.) SELV ile beslenir. (Şebeke hattından çift yalıtım ile izole edilmiştir)Kaçak Akım Dayanımı 1 dakika için 500 V AC (DC24V terminal ve FG terminalleri arası) Güç Tüketimi*28.6 W (Max)*3Yedekleme Pili 3V lithium battery CR2032 × 1Yedekleme Pil Ömrü Normal koşullarda 25o C’de 3 yıl veya daha fazla.Çalışma Sıcaklığı 0o C ~ 50o C (32o F ~ 122o F)Depolama Sıcaklığı -20o C ~ +60o C (-4o F ~ 140o F)Çalışma Ortamı 10% ~ 90% RH [0o C - 40o C], 10% ~ 55% RH [41o C - 50o C];Kirlenme Derecesi: 2Titreşim Direnci IEC61131-2 ile uyumlu; Sürekli: 5 Hz ~ 8.3 Hz 3.5 mm, 8.3 Hz ~ 150 Hz 1 G Şok Direnci IEC60068-2-27 ile uyumlu: 11 ms, 15 G Pik, X, Y, Z yönünde 6 kereÖlçüleri(G) x (Y) x (D) mm215 x 161 x 35.5Kurulum Ölçüleri(G) x (Y) mm196.9 x 142.9Ağırlık Yaklaşık. 700 gNot:1. Arka ışık yarı-ömrü maksimum besleme akımı HMI'ya uygulandığında orijinal parlaklığın %50oranında azaltılmış olması olarak tanımlanır. Burada gösterilen LED aydınlatma ömrü 25o C normal sıcaklık ve nem koşullarında tahmini bir değerdir.2. İzoleli güç devresi dayanma voltajı 1 dakika için 1500 V pik.3. HMI güç tüketimi herhangi bir cihaza bağlı değil iken tükettiği güçtür. Normal çalışma için tavsiyeedilen güç kaynağı tüketilen gücün 1.5 ~ 2 katıdır.4. İzoleli güç kaynağı kullanılması tavsiye edilir.5. DOP-100 serisi ürünlerin program editörü olan DOPSoft programı ve kullanıcı manuel’i websayfamızdan indirilebilirsiniz. /ia.6. DOP-100 serisi endüstriyel otomasyon donanımı olarak kullanılabilir. Tehlikeleri önlemek için bu bilgidokümanını dikkatlice okuyun ve belirtilen direktiflere göre kurulumu gerçekleştirin.DOP -107BV高彩‧寬螢幕‧友善人機介面Delta Electronics, Inc,No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan City33068, Taiwan安裝說明(1) ⼀般注意事項感謝您使用本產品,本人機介面安裝說明書提供DOP-100系列人機介面的相關資訊。





2.由于Beini是linuX系统,不能直接在window 下运行,要么通过硬盘引导程序直接运行,要么通过U盘引导启动,还有就是通过虚拟机运行,经过店主测试,认为通过U盘引导启动更加简单,更适合初学者,因此在软件包中只配置了USB启动盘制作软件,如果客户需要,本店也可以提供硬盘引导程序或虚拟机程序本软件包要求的硬件条件:1.电脑配有无线网卡,笔记本一般都自带无线网卡,不需要另外配置,如果是台机的则还需要另外配置USB无线网卡,另外beini虽然支持大部分无线网卡,但也可能有一部分网卡beini不支持,而且不同版本的BEINI所支持的无线网卡也不尽相同,请事先提供你的无线网卡型号,店主将会根据你的无线网卡型号提供合适版本的的beini镜像,方便你的安装。

无线网络安全检测软件包采用USB引导启动的安装步骤一,USB引导盘的制作1.把U盘格式化,格式化成FAT32模式,U盘应至少有256M的容量(读卡器加存储卡也可以,有的MP3,MP4也可以)2.把Beini122.rar解压到电脑上,里面有两个文件夹,tce文件夹 boot文件夹,如果是提供的beini是ISO镜像文件,解压以后也可以获得这两个文件。

3.打开unetbootin(USB启动盘制作工具)选择:自定义方式内核:是填写刚才解压出来的里面的boot文件夹下的bzImage文件Initrd:填写boot文件夹下tinycore.gz文件选项:选择好前两个项有时会自动填写好,如果没填写好请填 boot\isolinux\isolinux.cfg文件,选好后会出现 quiet waitusb=6)类型: USB驱动驱动器:自己的U盘点确定等制作完成,这时不要重新启动。



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第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

AWhat is PayQuick?PayQuick is a fast payment service for shopping in the biggest supermarket in UK — Tesco. It allows you to add your credit or debit card details to the app so you can use your smartphone to pay for your shopping with just one scan, which means you can go wallet-free in all UK Tesco stores.What are the benefits?●Collect your Tesco points automatically●Pay for your weekly shopping up to £250●Use PayQuick offline, even with no signal●Track your spending in TescoHowever, only one qualifying deal per week will collect the extra Tesco points. Additional payments in the same week won't receive extra points. Tesco points will be added to your future Tesco points statement.How to get your PayQuick?Available to new customers who sign up by 3rd March 2024, the PayQuick app can be downloaded from theApp Store or our official website. Once you have the app on your phone, register your personal details on the app to get an account. Note that for each customer, only one account is allowed and a family shared account will not be acknowledged. Finally, with all the preparation work done, you'll be ready to shop using just your phone.Plus, there's no need to worry about your bank details being stored on your phone — they’re all securely protected in our data centers. So not only is it quicker and easier, it’s safer than going shopping with your wallet as well.21. If customers use PayQuick in UK Tesco stores, they can ______.A. purchase things only offlineB. get their Tesco points automaticallyC. keep track of their daily spendingD. pay for their shopping without limit22. Which is NOT a must for PayQuick users?A. To register by 3rd March 2024.B. To download the PayQuick app.C. To bring their phones with them.D. To share the account with their family.23. What is the author's intention in writing this passage?A. To ensure the safety of PayQuick.B. To stress the importance of PayQuick.C. To popularize the use of PayQuick.D. To illustrate the application of PayQuick.BTonight, our family was going out to play under the full moon.My husband Todd and I first started going on full moon walks for ourselves, as we needed these little doses of moonlight to stay happy, though sometimes we had to hike through the forest to find a perfect spot. But after we became parents, we did this for our children. We wanted to show Sierra and Bryce that it was not necessary to travel far from home to have an adventure and learn something new, and that there was much magic in the natural world, available to all.Once we arrived at our location, Sierra and I stood holding hands, waiting to cheer the full moon in its rising—a thin sliver of the appealing moon emerged above the ridge of the mountain afar. Soon, more of the moon came out until it turned into a brilliant orange sphere. Todd explained to Sierra and Bryce that the moon generates no light, but simply acts like a mirror, reflecting the sunlight back to us. “Does the moon's face change?” Bryce asked. I told him that the moon rotates (旋转) around the earth, but does not spin by itself, so the same side of the moon is always facing the earth. Sierra remarked that the moon looked larger and closer when it was rising. I explained that it is a visual illusion (错觉) because it is so close to the horizon that the moon magically tricks our eyes into comparing itwith nearby objects, thus creating the impression of the increased size.Much of the knowledge that I shared with the kids was learned from my parents. During my childhood, they would take me on educational adventures out in the woods, and as I later found, so did their parents. So every time I go for a full moon walk with my beloved family, I thank those wise educators who came before me.To educate, sometimes all it takes is going outdoors and gazing up at the heavens.24. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refer to?A. Going on a hike through the forest.B. Taking a walk under the full moon.C. Watching magic shows every month.D. Traveling far from home for adventure.25. What can we learn from their family outing?A. The kids were reluctant to participate.B. Todd mentioned the mirror to explain sunlight.C. The kids exhibited a spirit of exploration about the moon.D. The author used a magic trick to explain the larger moon.26. Which of the following best describes the parents?A. Creative and faithful.B. Selfless and brave.C. Inspiring and generous.D. Insightful and patient.27. What does the story convey to the readers?A. Life is what you make it.B. Every cloud has a silver lining.C. Nature is the best teacher.D. God helps those who help themselves.CAs humanity has got richer, animal's roles have changed. People need their services less than before. Fewer wolves and thieves meant less demand for dogs for protection; the internal combustion engine (内燃机) made horses unneeded; modern sanitation (卫生设备) kept rats in check and made cats less useful. Domestic animals are no longer necessities, but commonly seen companions. Pet-keeping seems to become more and more popular, as a recent survey found that 69% of American households keep at least one pet.The pet business is growing even faster than pet numbers, because people are spending more and more money on them. No longer are they food-waste-recyclers, fed with the remains that fall from their masters’ tables. Pet food shelves are full of cuisines tailored to satisfy a range of appetites, including ice cream for dogs and foods for pets that are old, diabetic, or suffer from sensitive digestion.In the business, this is called “pet humanization” — the tendency of pet owners to treat their pets as part of the family. This is obvious in the names given to dogs, which have evolved from Fido, Rex, and Spot to Bella, Lucy, and Max.People still hold the false assumption that pets must be working for humanity in some way, perhaps making people healthier or less anxious. But the evidence for that is weak. New research suggests that dogs have evolved those “cute eyes” to affect human emotions and control them, which works very well. Humans now work very hard to pay for the care of their pets. For example, Americans often refer to themselves not as cat owners but as the cat's “mommy” or “daddy”. South Koreans go one step further, describing themselves as cat “butlers (管家)”. Watch an unlucky man walking his dog, plastic bag in hand to pick up its mess, and we have to doubt: who's in charge now? Is this relationship what we really want?28. What can we learn about the animal-keeping trend?A. People's needs for animal services are increasing.B. The price for purchasing a domestic pet is on the rise.C. Pet foods are less various and customized than before.D. Both the pet number and the pet business are growing.29. Which of the following is the evidence of “pet humanization”?A. Pets’ ability to make their owners less anxious.B. Human's increasing investment in pet-keeping.C. Pet's roles as both working staff and companions.D. The owners' preference to give pets human names.30. What is the author's attitude towards the current human-pet relationship?A. Skeptical.B. Conservative.C. Unclear.D. Approving.31. Which might be the best title of the passage?A. The Changing Roles of PetsB. The Growing Trend of Pet BusinessD. The Pros and Cons of Keeping PetsC. The Craze for Pet-keepingDHibernation (冬眠) is a classic topic of science fiction. In movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, or Passengers, crew members are put into a state of sleep to take year-long journeys to space. Now a new study from Washington University has shown that human hibernation may soon become a reality.The research team carried out tests on rats — animals that do not naturally hibernate. They first identified a group of neurons (神经元) in a deep brain region, which were found to be involved in controlling bodytemperature during hibernation. They showed that, in mice, these neurons could be stimulated using ultrasound (超声波), which was delivered through a helmet without causing an injury.When receiving the ultrasound, the mice showed a drop in body temperature of about3°C, and their heart rates fell by about 47%. When the ultrasound system was switched off, they woke up again. The result was “surprising and fascinating”, said Hong Chen, a professor who led the work.Researchers are also trying to determine how to harness the power of hibernation to help humans. They believe that it could be key to addressing health conditions like heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, hibernation’s ability to slow aging, which was observed in bats, could benefit space exploration, enabling longer missions with less food requirements. Research in animals also suggests that bodies of hibernating astronauts might lose less bone and muscle, making them fit and ready to start challenging exploration soon after they wake up.By unlocking the secrets of this remarkable process, researchers may uncover ways to improve human health, as well as gain new insights into the natural world. Therefore, the exploration of hibernation is an exciting area that is sure to yield numerous benefits in the years to come.The scientists now plan to look at how lowered body temperature might affect the cognitive abilities of humans. “Our next experiments will test working memory in monkeys. This is important because while astronauts physically hibernate as they fly into deep space, their brain still needs to be working,” said Chen.32. How did researchers put rats into hibernation?A. By lowering their body temperature.B. By activating specific brain neurons.C. By putting a regular helmet on them.D. By using ultrasound through an operation.33. What does the underlined word “harness” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Employ.B. Challenge.C. Overlook.D. Discover.34. What advantage might hibernation bring to humans?A. It improves people's mental health.B. It predicts a variety of heart diseases.C. It helps astronauts keep physically fit.D. It enables astronauts to build up muscle.35. What's the purpose of the last paragraph?A. To point out the significance of the study.B. To bring out the focus of follow-up studies.C. To discuss other factors affecting hibernation.D. To explain practical applications of the finding.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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