语文活动:一句话书评 PPT课件

诗虎___罗_邺___ 诗瓢___唐_球___. 诗骨___陈__子_昂_. 诗狂___贺__知_章_ .诗奴___贾__岛__ .诗家天子,七绝圣手
_王_昌__龄___ .五言长城_刘_长__卿___
《怎样写好文学短评》PPT优质课件 (共42张)

1. 主题思想及其表现。
⑴ 主题思想是什么,反映了怎样的社会现实。
⑵ 分析作品运用了哪些主要的表现手法(如想像、联想、象 征、渲染、烘托、对比、先抑后扬、托物言志、借景抒情、寓情 于景、直抒胸臆 、开门见山 、画龙点睛、卒章显志 、以小见大)
⑶这个主题表现的怎么样,正不正确,深不深刻,给人的启 示大不大。 赏析主题常用的术语有:中心突出、主题深刻、言近 旨远、言简意丰、意在言外、含蓄蕴藉、深化主题等。
《怎样写好文学短评》PPT优质课件 (共42张)
《怎样写好文学短评》PPT优质课件 (共42张)
(4)结构方式,如纵式结构、横式结构、纵横交 错式结构等;
(5)选材特点,如生动典型、来自生活、新鲜亲 切等;
(6)行文布局,如开门见山、卒章显志、画龙点 睛、以小见大、层层深入、过渡自然、前后呼应、伏笔 铺垫、欲扬先抑、详略得当等。
2. 作品的形象。 文学作品的形象指的是文学作品中创造出来的生动具体的、 能激发人们感情的生活图案,通常指文学作品中人物的精神面貌 和性格特征。 分析作品的人物形象主要应从两个方面进行分析: 一是揭示人物的典型意义,即作者通过这个人物反映出怎样 的社会现实。 二是简要分析人物主要的性格特征。
《怎样写好文学短评》PPT优质课件 (共42张)
《怎样写好文学短评》PPT优质课件 (共42张)
《怎样写、动静结合、正侧结合、虚实结合、点 面结合、明暗结合、声色结合、粗笔勾勒、白描工笔等;
(6)抒情方式,如直接抒情(直抒胸臆)、间接抒情(借景抒情、 寓情于景)等;
(7)意境的创设、修辞的运用等。 修辞手法主要指:比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、借代、双关、反问、 设问等修辞格(积极修辞)和整散结合、错落有致、讽刺幽默、朴素自 然、含蓄委婉、生动活泼、诗意美、立体感强(消极修辞)等语言特色。 赏析作品的艺术手法,主要从以上几个方面进行分析评价。

高中英语书评作文ppt全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Book Review: High School English TextbookIntroduction:Today, I am going to review the high school English textbook that has been widely used in classrooms across the country. This textbook covers a wide range of topics and skills necessary for high school students to excel in English language learning. In this review, I will discuss the content, structure, and overall effectiveness of the textbook.Content:The content of the textbook is comprehensive and covers a variety of skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each unit is carefully organized to guide students through different language tasks and activities. The reading passages are engaging and cover a wide range of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The writing tasks are varied and help students develop their writing skills effectively. The listening andspeaking activities are interactive and provide opportunities for students to practice their communication skills.Structure:The textbook is well-structured with clear unit objectives, key vocabulary, grammar points, and skills development sections. Each unit begins with an introduction to the theme and language focus followed by reading and comprehension activities. The grammar points are presented in a clear and concise manner with plenty of examples and exercises for students to practice. The listening and speaking activities are integrated throughout the units to provide students with opportunities to practice their language skills in a meaningful context.Effectiveness:Overall, I believe that this high school English textbook is highly effective in helping students develop their language skills. The content is relevant and engaging, the structure iswell-organized, and the activities are varied and interactive. The textbook provides students with a solid foundation in English language learning and prepares them for success in higher education and beyond.Conclusion:In conclusion, I highly recommend the high school English textbook for both teachers and students. It is a valuable resource that provides a comprehensive and engaging approach to English language learning. I believe that this textbook will continue to be a valuable tool for high school students as they work towards becoming proficient in the English language.篇2Title: Book Review of High School English TextbookIntroductionThe high school English textbook is an essential tool for students to learn and improve their English language skills. It covers a wide range of topics, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking. In this book review, we will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the high school English textbook and provide recommendations for improvement.Strengths of the High School English TextbookOne of the strengths of the high school English textbook is its comprehensive coverage of English grammar rules. The textbook provides clear explanations of grammar concepts and includes plenty of practice exercises to help students reinforcetheir understanding. Additionally, the textbook includes detailed explanations of sentence structure, verb tenses, and punctuation rules, which are crucial for students to develop strong writing skills.Another strength of the high school English textbook is its focus on vocabulary building. The textbook includes a wide range of vocabulary words, organized by themes and topics. This allows students to learn new words in context and helps them expand their vocabulary more effectively. The textbook also includes exercises and activities to help students practice using new vocabulary words in sentences and paragraphs.Furthermore, the high school English textbook includes a variety of reading passages and texts that are engaging and relevant to students' interests. The texts cover a range of genres, such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama, exposing students to different writing styles and perspectives. The textbook also includes comprehension questions and activities to help students improve their reading skills and develop critical thinking abilities.Weaknesses of the High School English TextbookDespite its strengths, the high school English textbook has some weaknesses that need to be addressed. One of theweaknesses is the lack of diversity in the reading passages and texts. The textbook predominantly features texts written by authors from English-speaking countries, which may limit students' exposure to different cultural perspectives and voices. Including texts by authors from diverse backgrounds and countries would help students develop a more global understanding of the English language and literature.Another weakness of the high school English textbook is its limited focus on speaking and listening skills. While the textbook provides opportunities for students to practice speaking and listening through group activities and discussions, more emphasis could be placed on developing oral communication skills. Including more speaking and listening exercises, such as role-plays, dialogues, and presentations, would help students become more confident and fluent speakers of English.Additionally, the high school English textbook could improve its writing instruction by providing more guidance on the writing process. The textbook currently focuses on teaching students how to write essays, reports, and letters, but more attention could be given to pre-writing strategies, such as brainstorming, outlining, and drafting. Providing students with step-by-stepinstructions on how to plan and organize their writing would help them become more effective writers.Recommendations for ImprovementTo improve the high school English textbook, the following recommendations can be considered:1. Include more diverse reading passages and texts by authors from different cultural backgrounds and countries to expose students to a wider range of perspectives.2. Increase the focus on speaking and listening skills by incorporating more speaking and listening exercises, such as role-plays, dialogues, and presentations, into the textbook.3. Provide more guidance on the writing process by including pre-writing strategies, such as brainstorming, outlining, and drafting, to help students plan and organize their writing effectively.By implementing these recommendations, the high school English textbook can become a more comprehensive and effective tool for students to learn and improve their English language skills.ConclusionIn conclusion, the high school English textbook is a valuable resource for students to develop their English language skills. While the textbook has strengths in its coverage of grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills, there are areas for improvement, such as increasing diversity in reading texts and enhancing speaking and listening instruction. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this book review, the high school English textbook can better meet the needs of students and help them achieve success in learning English.篇3Title: Book Review of High School English TextbookGood afternoon, everyone. Today, I would like to share with you my review of the high school English textbook that we have been using in class. This review will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.Slide 1: Introduction- Title: High School English Textbook Review- Introduction to the textbook we have been using in class- Overview of topics covered in the textbookSlide 2: Pros of the Textbook- Engaging content that is relevant to high school students- Clear explanations and examples to help students understand the material- Varied activities and exercises to practice the skills taught in each unitSlide 3: Cons of the Textbook- Lack of cultural diversity in the examples used- Limited resources for self-study and practice outside of the classroom- Some topics may be too challenging for certain studentsSlide 4: Suggestions for Improvement- Include more diverse examples and perspectives to reflect the global nature of English language and culture- Provide additional resources such as online quizzes and interactive activities for students to practice English outside of the classroom- Simplify complex topics and provide additional support for students who may struggle with certain conceptsSlide 5: Conclusion- Overall, the high school English textbook has been a valuable resource for our class- Despite some shortcomings, the textbook has helped us improve our English skills and prepare for exams- I would recommend this textbook to other high school students studying EnglishThank you for your attention. I hope you found this review helpful. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to ask.。

写作后的反思和 总结:回顾自己 的写作过程,总 结经验和教训, 不断提高自己的 文学评论水平
与他人交流和分 享:参加文学评 论的讨论和交流 活动,分享自己 的观点和见解, 促进文学评论的 发展和进步
文学评论的定义与重要性 文学评论的基本要素 文学评论的写作技巧 本次课程的回顾与总结
• 逻辑结构安排
● 引论:简要介绍文学评论的定义、目的和意义 ● 本论:按照文学评论的基本要素,逐一介绍写作技巧 ● 结论:总结全文,强调文学评论的重要性和意义 逻辑结构安排
• 逻辑结构安排
● 引言:简要介绍文学评论的定义、目的和意义 ● 正文:按照文学评论的基本要素,逐一介绍写作技巧 ● 结论:总结全文,强调文学评论的重要性和意义
艺术手法分析:探讨作品所运用的 艺术手法及其效果
人物形象分析:分析人物性格特点, 理解人物形象塑造
语言风格分析:品味作品语言风格, 感受作者表达技巧
情节安排:评价作品的情节 是否紧凑、合理、引人入胜
人物塑造:评价作品中的人物 形象是否鲜明、立体、有血有
语言风格:评价作品的语言 是否流畅、生动、形象
主题思想:评价作品的主题思 想是否深刻、有启发性,能够
作品价值的评估:分析作品的主题、结构、语言等方面的特点,探讨作品的艺术价值和社会 意义
作品影响力的评估:分析作品对读者、文学史、社会等方面的影响,探讨作品在文学领域中 的地位和作用
• 以下是用户提供的信息和标题: • 我正在写一份主题为“如何写文学评论”的PPT,现在准备介绍“文学评论的注意事项”,请帮我生成“语言简练,避
Unit 11 Book Report如何写书评观后感.ppt

Verbs: depends on the genre of the book; Phrases: depends on the genre of the book;
A good book review should introduce the
author and the book objectively.
Tenses: mostly the simple present tense
We can also use the simple past tense in the introduction paragraph to state information about the author: his birth place and the time of writing and publishing the book;.
information about the author (name, nationality, his times, social and historical background that led to the writing of the book), title^ genre^ publishing information ^ main contents of the book ^ your comments on the book

请参照以上示例,选择你熟悉的两部名著(在古今中外均 可),各写一则一句话书评。 1.《庄子》 2.《资治通鉴》 3.《颜氏家训》 4.《聊斋志异》 哲学的天籁; 帝王的镜子; 一位父亲的叮咛; 瓜棚下的怪谈;
5、论语: 垂范万代 流芳百世 6、呐喊: 沉睡的春雷 7、朝花夕拾 : 抒情风俗画 8、子夜: 我们的出路何在 9、雷雨 : 黎明前的动荡
有些书评只言片语,便能表现一部作品的写 作特点、揭示其主题或写作目的,如:
先民的歌唱 ①史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚;
《平凡的世界》 普通人的生活,一个时代的奋斗。
西游记: 1、不朽的神话 2、不畏艰难方能修得正果 3、神魔世界,世间百态 4、以神魔争斗显智慧之光 水浒传: 1、农民起义的历史画卷 2、虎吼梁山的群雕 3、铁血男儿的悲歌 4、泼墨绘成群英谱 5、扑面而来的侠义风 6、国人成熟记 7、105个男人和3个女人
三国演义 : 1、风云际会的壮美史诗 2、百年龙争虎斗 3、人生智谋的形象宝典 4、三国刀光剑影,百年龙争虎斗 红楼梦: 1、封建文化的百科全书 2、失去的大观园 3、字字是泪,句句是谜 4、大厦将倾的挽歌 5、风月宝典中的百科全书 6、满纸荒唐言,应知“真实隐”; 一把辛酸泪,可懂假语村。 7、辛酸泪的结晶,文学史的颠峰
兰溪五中 小林
读过一本书或一篇文章,把自己的感受、见解写成文章, 这就是“书评”。 所知 感悟式 所感 所悟 评论式 知识事理 真情实感 人生哲理
内容:作者所表述的。 文体:他或她是怎样表述的。
用有力度词语,适当使用修辞,简短地表述 。

3、研究性书评 即以作者的著述为客体,依据自己的学术功 底和知识背景,融汇其他的相关知识和书 籍资料,把书中阐发的问题引申开来,作 进一步的分析研究,力求找到新的启示, 构建一套新的解释逻辑。
(三)如何着手写书评? 1、选择图书 2、阅读 3、查阅被评图书的有关资料 (1)有关作者的背景材行比较; (3)查明该书是否已作过书评,为书评撰写确立新 的角度; (4)了解读者对被评图书的反馈意见; (5)了解被评图书的出版与发行情况。 4、列出写作提纲 5、撰写书评初稿 6、修改定稿
4、文章中,介绍所读书籍内容的文字不得超 过篇幅的3/4。余下的篇幅主要用于评论该 书,或者是进一步应用该书中所提到的某 些你感兴趣的问题或观点或视角,分析现 实社会中的现象。不必求全,但讲独到。 如此则得分较高。如能公开发表,则可得 满分。 5、文章中,标题应用要恰到好处。各个部分, 最好要有概括性的标题。
1、在至少精读一本与本课程有关的书籍基础 上,亲自撰写一篇读书报告或者书评。字 数不限。 关键是在阅读中思考,在思考中训练专业思 维,并尽量学会和掌握论文写作套路和相 关学术规范。
2、最好是阅读学术专著,而非通论性的教材。 尽量不要阅读文学作品,非要选择看文学 作品的话,必须从本专业视角评析。 3、文章中,可以引用他人原话,但必须注明 出处,不得大段不加思考地照搬别人成果, 否则得分较低。具体格式可参见《社会学 研究》、《社会》、《中国书评》、《读 书》、《二十一世纪》、《书屋》、《博 览群书》中所刊登的书评。
(四)书评的架构? 1、导论 在这部份,书评者必须说明这本书的研究课 题及论点对学科有何贡献。 2、主体 在这一部份,你必须描述这本书作者所提出 的观点,并说明作者的依据是什么? 3、结论 在该部分,书评者的焦点则在对这本书的评 论。
《怎样写好文学短评》 优秀课件 PPT(共42张)

(4)结构方式,如纵式结构、横式结构、纵横交 错式结构等;
(5)选材特点,如生动典型、来自生活、新鲜亲 切等;
(6)行文布局,如开门见山、卒章显志、画龙点 睛、以小见大、层层深入、过渡自然、前后呼应、伏笔 铺垫、欲扬先抑、详略得当等。
赏析作品的构思技巧,主要从以上几个方面进行分 析评价。
②“部分”,就是对重要部分仔细地阅读,找出画龙点睛的句 子;通过分析研究,加深印象,从而把握文章的主要内容,抓住主 要的特色,初步形成观点。
③“总体”,就是再次浏览全文,获得对作品完整的认识,最 后对作品的思想内容和艺术特色作出自己准确的判断。
其次,选准角度。这也是至关重要的一步。角度要准,即能 透视作品的主要意义或能表现作品的主要写法。角度宜小不宜大, 以免下笔力不从心而流于空泛。
三、文学短评的写作方法与过程 文学短评以评价短小作品的思想内容和艺术特色为主,而且 只要求选其一点来写。
首先,读懂作品。这是写好文学短评的关键。写作之前,要 仔细阅读全文,精读作品,找出作品中画龙点睛的句子,认真揣 摩、品味作品中重要的词语、句子、段落,明确文章的主旨,理 清文章的思路和结构层次,力争有较深的感受和独到的发现。
文学短评是指对各种文学思潮、文学流派、文学作品、文学 发展史、文学理论进行分析和评价的文章。
高中学生写文学评论,一般只要求对具体的文学作品进行分 析和评价,写200字——800字的文学短评。这种文学短评虽然 篇幅短小,但是它也必须是一篇结构完整、层次清晰、观点鲜明、 语言流畅、短小精悍的文章。文学短评也有人称它为鉴赏短文。
文学短评“麻雀虽小”,但应“五脏俱全”。写作时要以文 艺理论为指导,以作品材料为依据,紧扣作品,有的放矢,评析 原文的主要内容或主要特色。

高中英语书评作文ppt全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Book Review Presentation on High School English TextbookIntroductionToday, I would like to present a book review on the high school English textbook we have been using this year. This textbook has been an essential tool in helping us improve our English language skills by providing comprehensive lessons, engaging activities, and useful resources. In this presentation, I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook, as well as my overall impressions and recommendations.StrengthsOne of the biggest strengths of this textbook is its thorough coverage of grammar rules, vocabulary, and language structure. The lessons are well-organized and easy to follow, making it easier for students to understand and apply the concepts. Additionally, the textbook includes a variety of exercises andactivities that help reinforce the learning material and improve our language proficiency.Another strength of this textbook is its inclusion of authentic materials, such as articles, stories, and dialogues. These materials provide real-life examples of English language usage and help us develop our reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Moreover, the textbook offers cultural insights and information about English-speaking countries, enhancing our understanding of the language and its context.WeaknessesDespite its many strengths, the textbook also has some weaknesses that are worth mentioning. One of the weaknesses is the lack of interactive multimedia resources. While the textbook does include some audio recordings and videos, more interactive tools and multimedia resources could enhance the learning experience and make the lessons more engaging for students.Another weakness of the textbook is its limited focus on practical communication skills. While the textbook covers grammar and vocabulary extensively, there could be more emphasis on speaking and listening activities that simulatereal-life communication situations. Developing these skills iscrucial for language proficiency and should be given more attention in the textbook.Overall ImpressionsOverall, I believe that this high school English textbook is a valuable resource for students who are looking to improve their English language skills. The textbook provides a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and language structure, as well as authentic materials that help students develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. While there are areas that could be improved, the textbook offers a comprehensive and well-structured approach to learning English.RecommendationsTo make the textbook even more effective, I recommend including more interactive multimedia resources, such as online exercises, games, and simulations. These resources could help engage students and make the learning experience more enjoyable and effective. Additionally, I suggest incorporating more speaking and listening activities that focus on practical communication skills and real-life situations. By addressing these areas, the textbook can better prepare students for using English in everyday contexts.ConclusionIn conclusion, the high school English textbook we have been using this year is a valuable resource for improving our language skills. With its comprehensive lessons, engaging activities, and authentic materials, the textbook provides a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and language structure. While there are areas that could be improved, the textbook offers a well-structured approach to learning English and can greatly benefit students in their language development. Thank you for listening to my book review presentation.篇2Title: High School English Book Review PresentationIntroduction:In high school, students are often required to read various English novels and works of literature as part of their curriculum. One common assignment is to write a book review to showcase their understanding and analysis of the book. In this presentation, we will delve into how to effectively create a book review for a high school English class.Content:1. Introduction- Brief summary of the book- Author's background and writing style- Setting and themes of the book2. Characters- Main characters and their development- Relationships between characters- Character motivations and conflicts3. Plot- Beginning, middle, and end of the story- Plot twists and suspenseful moments- How the plot connects to the themes of the book 4. Writing Style- Tone and language used by the author- Descriptive language and imagery- Use of dialogue and narration5. Themes- Major themes explored in the book- Symbolism and metaphors used by the author- Connections between the themes and real-life issues6. Personal Reflection- Your thoughts and feelings about the book- What you found most impactful or memorable- How the book has influenced your perspective on literature or lifeConclusion:In conclusion, writing a book review for a high school English class can be a rewarding experience that allows you to deepen your understanding of the book and connect with its themes and characters. By following the structure outlined in this presentation, you can create a comprehensive and insightful review that showcases your analytical skills and appreciation for literature.篇3Title: Book Review: High School English TextbookIntroduction:In today's digital age, traditional textbooks may seem outdated to some, but they still play a crucial role in education. High school English textbooks are particularly important, as they help students develop language skills, critical thinking, and cultural awareness. In this book review, we will take a closer look at a popular high school English textbook and evaluate its content, structure, and overall effectiveness in teaching the English language.Content:The content of the high school English textbook is diverse and comprehensive. It covers various aspects of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing skills, and speaking practice. The textbook also includes cultural references, literary texts, and real-life examples to help students understand the language in context. Each unit is carefully designed to build on previous knowledge and gradually increase the level of difficulty, making it suitable for students of different proficiency levels.Structure:The textbook is well-organized and easy to navigate. It is divided into units, each focusing on a specific language skill or theme. Each unit begins with an introduction that outlines thelearning objectives and provides an overview of the content. The units are further divided into lessons, exercises, and activities that allow students to practice and reinforce their understanding of the material. The textbook also includes review sections,self-assessment quizzes, and supplementary materials to help students track their progress and improve their language skills.Effectiveness:Overall, the high school English textbook is highly effective in teaching the English language. It provides a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary, encourages critical thinking and creativity, and fosters a love for literature and language learning. The textbook's interactive approach, engaging content, and real-world applications make learning English fun and meaningful for students. Teachers also appreciate the textbook's flexibility, adaptability, and alignment with educational standards, making it a valuable resource in the classroom.Conclusion:In conclusion, the high school English textbook is a valuable resource for both students and teachers. Its comprehensive content, structured approach, and effective teaching methods make it an essential tool for learning English. By using this textbook, students can improve their language skills, developcritical thinking, and gain a deeper understanding of the English language and culture. Overall, the high school English textbook is a must-have for high school students studying English as a second language.。

张开小小的双臂,飞快的跑过来,给老师一 个大大的拥抱,还不忘抒发一下强烈的感情: “老师,我爱你。”是的,我也爱你。因为从入 学时的完全不在状况,不知道上课下课时怎么回 事,只顾自娱自乐的顽劣甚至扰乱课堂,影响大 家,到如今能安静的听课,从简单的拼音都不会, 简单的字不认识到如今的可以流畅的完成试卷, 且成绩不错,那是我们师生一起努力的结果啊。
以“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”, “不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?没有人能随 随便便成功”等勉励那些缺乏吃苦精神的 学生;
以“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”、 “天生我材必有用”等勉励那些有自卑感 的学生;
以“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为”、“人谁无过, 过而能改,善莫大焉”等来提醒那些犯错的学生;
可以融进对人生哲理的思考内容 “当你拥有的时候,你并不知道珍惜,一旦失
去了,你就会知道它的可贵。岁月不居,时节如 流,只有把握住现在,才是你最明智的选择。人 是一切社会关系的总和,与同学们融为一体,你 会觉得这世界是非常美好的。”
记得开学时,爸爸就告诉老师泽烨记忆 有多么好,那么长的作品都能背下来,真 是太了不起了!记住你很棒,真的很棒, 只要专心倾听,认真思考,没有什么能难 倒你。以后可不许说我不会做这样的话了。
“绿”字是一个表颜色的形容词,用在诗中 变成了使动用法的动词,有色彩感和动态感 ,给人以视觉上的形象美。从修辞上讲这是 一种移觉手法,也叫通感。风一般只能以听 觉和感觉辨别,但春天却是惠风和畅,吹面 不寒,过耳无声的。现在用“绿”去描写它 ,化不十分容易传达的听觉、感觉而为视觉 ,即见出春风的到来,又表现出春风到后江 南水乡的变化,一派生机,欣欣向荣,给人 以强烈的美的感受。
书评的结尾,意在与读者共享好书。 例一: 《随民意而走笔》(评李森《思想的纬度》) :
“随民意而走笔,追求思想的纬度。这样的随笔, 是文坛的需要,也是读者的需要。”
例二:《美国怎么了——评保罗·克鲁格曼新著》 (评《一个自由主义者的良心》 ) :“可以预料,本书在 中国读者之中,也势必会像在美国一样引起广泛争 论,但笔者可以断言,你可以对克鲁格曼的观点表 达不同意见,但推翻他近乎天衣无缝的严密论证, 实属一项艰巨的学术与智力挑战。若谓不信,请先 读本书,再下断言。”
(5)散文性(书话)。一种散文化的书评, 评论书的内容,也评论书的编辑或装帧,更 喜欢谈其作者或相关掌故,篇幅不长,但言 之有物、生动活泼、较少拘束,除具备书评 的一般功能之外,还具有较高的文学价值。
1.介绍 2.评论 3.推荐
对所评的书的内容作言简意赅的概括叙述, 让读者对该书的内容有一个大概了解。

运用多种修辞手法,如比喻、拟人、 排比等,使语言更加生动、形象。
在开始写作前,先确定书评的主 题,围绕主题展开论述。
合理安排段落和布局,使文章条理 清晰,逻辑严密。
使用适当的过渡词或句子,使段落 之间的衔接更加自然。
在表达自己的观点时,尽量保持 客观、中立的态度,避免过于主
结合实例分析,对书评写作的要点和注意事项进行归纳和总结,帮助学习者全面掌握书评写作的技巧和方法,提 高书评写作水平。
书评可以根据不同的标准进行分类,如根据 书籍类型、评价标准和写作风格等。
根据书籍类型的不同,书评可以分为文学类 书评、社科类书评、科技类书评等。根据评 价标准的不同,书评可以分为正面评价、负 面评价和中性评价等。根据写作风格的不同 ,书评可以分为客观分析型、主观感受型和 夹叙夹议型等。不同类型的书评各有其特点 ,但都旨在帮助读者更好地理解和评价书籍
在表达个人观点时,应保持对原作内容的忠实, 不随意改变作者的原意或对原作进行篡改。
在评价作品时,应保持客观、理性的态度,从作品的主题、结构 、语言等方面进行分析。
书评应基于作品本身的质量和价值进行评价,避免将个人情感或偏 见带入评价中。
可以通过与其他同类作品进行比较,客观地评价作品的优势和不足 。

2. 作品的表现手法。
分析作品运用了哪些主要的表现手法(如想像、联想、 象征、渲染、烘托、对比、先抑后扬、托物言志、借景 抒情、寓情于景、直抒胸臆 、开门见山 、画龙点睛、 卒章显志 、以小见大)。
比如,曹操《短歌行》运用比兴手法和典故表述心志, 陶渊明《归园田居》用白描手法呈现日常生活画面,李 白《梦游天姥吟留别》用瑰丽的想象表现梦境,而白居 易《琵琶行》把抽象无形的音乐化为具体可感的形象等。
首联“猿啸哀”、“鸟飞回”,诗人摘取猿鸟的意象,听感上是怪异、悲哀 的,视觉上是孤寂、冷落的。这与作者此时的身世非常匹配:老病缠身、与家人 分隔,登高而不见亲友,欲喜却心生忧愁。境遇不同,眼前能看到的便和常人不 同了。诗中的所见所闻,都暗含着诗人所感。
一是要分析作品的语言特点,如准确、简练、生动、形象、 清新、绚丽、质朴等;
二是要品味作品的语言风格,如幽默、辛辣、平实、自然、 明快、简明、含蓄、深沉等;
三是要分析作品所运用的修辞手法,如比喻、比拟、设问、 反问、借代、对偶、对比、夸张、反语、双关、互文、反复等。
例1:正如诗文的题目《归园田居》,诗人写作时的语言与描 绘的图景也充满了生活气息,简朴自然。之所以能有这种效果, 正是因为诗人擅长于白描。
起笔先落于所居宅院的大环境,不加修饰,直接用“十余 亩”“八九间”展现住宅所处格局的四四方方。再描写宅邸前的 “榆柳”“桃李”,虽形成了对仗,却没有用任何华丽的词语描 绘植物外形如何,仅是简单地述说情况。视角又拉远至整个村落 后,再落笔于小处景物——“狗吠”和“鸡鸣”,给人以错落有 致的美感。诗中几乎没有词语直接点明田园如何安适、古朴,只 是简单勾勒出有什么景物,仍能让读者自由想象出一幅乡村的美 丽图景。
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3、研究性书评 即以作者的著述为客体,依据自己的学术功 底和知识背景,融汇其他的相关知识和书 籍资料,把书中阐发的问题引申开来,作 进一步的分析研究,力求找到新的启示, 构建一套新的解释逻辑。
(三)如何着手写书评? 1、选择图书 2、阅读 3、查阅被评图书的有关资料 (1)有关作者的背景材料; (2)被评图书的有关材料,阅读同类书,并与同类 书进行比较; (3)查明该书是否已作过书评,为书评撰写确立新 的角度; (4)了解读者对被评图书的反馈意见; (5)了解被评图书的出版与发行情况。 4、列出写作提纲 5、撰写书评初稿 6、修改定稿
(六)书评写作过程中的注意事项? 1、写作原则上 (1)告诉读者有关这本书的内容; (2)提供读者对这本书的评价。 2、写作要求上 (1)必须对所评论的书作过深入的研究,从头到尾, 反复阅读; (2)本人对所评书的研究对象也作过一定的研究, 或至少有所涉猎; (3)应该熟悉同一领域的其他研究成果(包括中国的 和外国的),这样才能对所评书的成就和不足加以 客观的评论
一、课程作业要求 二、课堂要求 三、如何撰写书评
1、在至少精读一本与本课程有关的书籍基础 上,亲自撰写一篇读书报告或者书评。字 数不限。 关键是在阅读中思考,在思考中训练专业思 维,并尽量学会和掌握论文写作套路和相 关学术规范。
2、最好是阅读学术专著,而非通论性的教材。 尽量不要阅读文学作品,非要选择看文学 作品的话,必须从本专业视角评析。 3、文章中,可以引用他人原话,但必须注明 出处,不得大段不加思考地照搬别人成果, 否则得分较低。具体格式可参见《社会学 研究》、《社会》、《中国书评》、《读 书》、《二十一世纪》、《书屋》、《博 览群书》中所刊登的书评。
3、写作风格上 正确使用文法及写作技巧 (1)整篇保持客观 (2)段落需完整发展一个观点 (3)句子保持完整 (4)字词应专业但不浮夸
4、写作标准上 (1) “新” 就是要有新的观点、新的视角、新的思维方法; (2) “深” 就是要有深刻独到的见解; (3)“真” 就是要有真知灼见,真情实感; (4)“准” 是指准确,也就是要实事求是; (5)“活” 是指语言文字生动活泼,富有艺术魅力。
4、文章中,介绍所读书籍内容的文字不得超 过篇幅的3/4。余下的篇幅主要用于评论该 书,或者是进一步应用该书中所提到的某 些你感兴趣的问题或观点或视角,分析现 实社会中的现象。不必求全,但讲独到。 如此则得分较高。如能公开发表,则可得 满分。 5、文章中,标题应用要恰到好处。各个部分, 最好要有概括性的标题。
(一)何为书评? 书评,即评论或介绍书籍的文章,是以“书” 为对象,实事求是的、有识见的分析书籍 的形式和内容,探求创作的思想性、学术 性、知识性和艺术性,从而在作者、读者 和出版商之间构建信息交流的渠道。
(二)有哪些书评? 1、推介性书评 是目前各类刊物中最常见的书评文体。它的 写作格式比较简单,先是作者和该书的内 容介绍,然后是溢美之词的堆砌。 2、评介性书评 即把书的内容吃透弄懂,梳理清楚各个知识 点,揣摩作者的写作理路,根据自己的阅 读经验进行适当点评。
(四)书评的架构? 1、导论 在这部份,书评者必须说明这本书的研究课 题及论点对学科有何贡献。 2、主体 在这一部份,你必须描述这本书作者所提出 的观点,并说明作者的依据是什么? 3、结论 在该部分,书评者的焦点则在对这本书的评 论。
(五)书评主体部分如何设计问题? 1、你对这本书的全面看法是什么? 2、确认作者的论题,并以你自己的语言予以诠释 3、作者的目的是什么? 4、你觉得作者所提出、解释及支持的主要论点是什么? 5、作者的研究取向(approach) 是什么? 6、作者运用了哪些研究方法(methods) ? 7、阅读此书后,你具有哪些新的视野? 8、你认为作者的说法是公允及正确的吗? 9、你对作者的评论是什么?这本书有哪些缺点? 10、你的推荐是什么?
6、文章的阅读对象不仅仅是我,还有其他读 者。所以一些用于打动和寒暄我的话免写。 7、统一使用练习本或软面抄撰写。并在封面 写上名字、学号、课程名称。 8、原则上不接受电子版,不听劝告者得分较 低。 9、交稿日期:2019年6月18日。 请班长代收,并按学号排序,准时交给我。
1、不得喧闹。如制止无效,则一次扣平时成 绩5分。 2、关闭手机或调成静音,第一次响铃扣平时 成绩5分,第二次响铃再扣平时成绩10分, 第三次响铃再扣平时成绩20分,依此类推。 3、提倡积极参与课堂活动,一次加平时成绩 5分。