



器总成安装指导 - 带非快速拆卸式轴承
• 1.7. Install lockwashers and mounting bolts finger tight. Replace studs with lockwashers and bolts. Progressively tighten mounting bolts in a crisscross pattern starting with a lower bolt. Torque to 37-44 ft.lbs.(50-60N.m). • 1.7. 安装紧固螺栓和防松垫圈,用手拧紧。并将两个导向螺柱换成
1、I-Instruction of “Clutch Assembly” 离合器总成安装指导 - 带非快速拆卸式轴承
• 1.2. Install a new pilot bearing. The bearing must have a press fit. • Note1: Tap on the outer race only.Tapping on the inner race could cause damage to the pilot bearing. • Note2: Eaton strongly recommends the use of premium grade pilot bearing.The operating temperatures of the pilot bearing has increased the last several years.This creates operating conditions that are no longer acceptable to the standard pilot bearing and grease.Failure of the pilot bearing usually results in a warranty claim for drag and clutch noise. • 1.2. 在飞轮上正确安装新的导向轴承。轴承必须正确压装。 • 注意1:仅敲击外滚道。如敲击内滚道会导致对导向轴承的损伤。 • 注意2:伊顿强烈推荐使用高等级的导向轴承。导向轴承承受的温 度最近几年一直上升,这使标准的导向轴承和润滑脂不能满足工作 温度的要求。导向轴承工作性能出现问题会导致离合器拖扭或噪音。



50867 Model asm0001
伊顿430mm HD 离合器 - 基本性能
• 盖总成
• 额定压紧力31,500N,最大分 离力7,800N。 • 针对恶劣应用条件的全新压盘 设计,优化了压盘热容量和散 热能力。与同类产品相比, 430mm HD离合器具备更高的 摩擦稳定性和抗磨损能力。
© 2008 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
•430mm Pull Clutch, capacity 60,000 units •395mm Push Clutch, capacity 20,000 units
• 从动盘
• 低刚度(450 Nm/deg),大转角, 有效消除传动系中破坏性的扭 转振动, • 内置式转角限位机构,可靠实 现对扭转弹簧的过载保护,从 而延长弹簧使用寿命。
额定压紧力 31500N 最大分离力 7800N
6 弹簧减振器 带预减振, 减 振刚度450 Nm/deg
伊顿专有 有机材料
1966 Nm
磨损 量
伊顿HD离合器性能验证 - 中国重型商用车 起步工况统计与分析
选择该能量级作为抗 磨损试验的输入能量
12 11 10
12 10 8 6
•统计结果基于连续3天测 试数据 •车辆配置 •发动机: Hino P11C-UH


Synchro –9 双中间轴全同步器系列变速器
Synchro -9 Twin Countershaft Fully Synchronized Transmission
? 2002 Eaton Corporation. A l l rights reserved.
S9 transmission training manaul
特点 Characteristics
S-9(synchro-9)系列9档双中间轴全同步器变速器是美国伊顿公司最新投放市场的高科技产品, 整体采用了美国 EATON 公司先进的设计理念,主副箱组合设计,主箱为手操纵,副箱为 气操纵,具有 9个前进档, 1个倒档。
1. 主、副箱全同步器设计,配置有当今世界最先进的自动增力式同步器
倒档 Power Flow Reverse Gear
动力传递路线图 Power Flow
低速档 Power Flow LO Gear
动力传递路线图 Power Flow
Power Flow 1 stGear
动力传递路线图 Power
主变速器为手操纵,低 1-2 -3-4 及倒档在低档区, 5 -6-7 -8档在高 档区。有两个空档位置,一个在低档区 3-4 档,另一个在高档区 5 -6档。副变速器为气 操纵换档气压为 0. 75Mpa 。
RTS 型双H 换档机构操纵手球位置图 双H 换档机构气动线路示意图
装在双H 操纵装置中横向换档杆上的拨头直接控制双 H 气阀,使其 接通高档区的气路或低档区的气路,来实现高档区档位与低档区档 位的自由转换。双 H 气阀上的孔口 1为进气口,孔口 2和4为出气口 ,孔口 3和5 为排气口。


Clutch - Basic Components 离合器基本部件
Driven Disc从动盘: This is the disc which is in contact with the engine flywheel and the pressure plate of the clutch assembly这是与发动机飞轮和离合器压盘都接触的零件
Hub 花键毂
Hub花键毂: A toothed component that mates with the transmission input shaft, and is the point of torque transfer to the transmission.与变速箱输入轴匹配的带齿零件,是传递扭矩到 变速箱的零件.
Clutch Basics 离合器基础
© 2008 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
What are the Basic “Functions” of a Clutch? 离合器的基本功能?
Functions of a Clutch 离合器功能
What are the Basic “Functions” of a Clutch? 离合器的基本功能?
Flywheel 飞轮 Clutch离 合器
• Disc is clamped by the clutch cover, connecting the engine crankshaft to the transmission input shaft从动盘被压盘夹 紧,将发动机曲轴和变速箱输入轴连接起来 • Transmission rotates with the engine变速 箱与发动机一起旋转



3、离合器的自由间隙和踏板自由行程 离合器自由间隙:离合器在正常接合状态下,分离杠杆内端与分离轴承之间应留 有一个间隙,一般为几个毫米。(如果没有自由间隙,会导致离合器打滑) 踏板自由行程:自由间隙反映到离合器踏板上,使踏板产生一个空行程,称 为踏板自由行程。踏板自由行程的调整:改变分离拉杆的长等。 离合器的自由间隙——离合器在正常接合状态下,分离杠杆内端与分离轴 承之间的间隙。 踏板自由行程——消除离合器自由间隙和分离机构、操纵机构零件的弹性 变形所需要离合器踏板的行程。
②保证传动系换挡时工作平顺 汽车行驶过程中,为了适应不断变化的行驶状况, 变速器需要经常换用不同挡位工作。换挡前必须将 离合器分离,以便中断动力,使原挡位的啮合齿轮 副脱开,并使变速器待接合部位的圆周速度逐渐相 等(同步),以减轻其啮合时的冲击,换挡完毕后, 再使离合器逐渐接合,以使汽车换用不同挡位行驶。
机械式 液压式 空气式 空气助力式
第二节 摩擦式离合器的构造
多簧离合器与膜片弹簧离合器比较 扭转减振器
第一节 概述 第二节 摩擦式离合器的构造 第三节 离合器的操纵机构 第四节 离合器的故障与检修
第一节 概述
功用 要求 种类 基本知识 组成 工作原理 结构分析 类型
离合器是汽车传动系中的重要总成,是通过 操纵机构,依靠主、从动部件之间的摩擦, 使发动机与变速器暂时分离和逐渐接合, 以切断或传递发动机给变速器的动力,保 证传动系换挡工作平顺。
(1)保证能传递发动机发出的最大转矩,并且还有一定的传 递转矩余力。 (2)能作到分离时,彻底分离,接合时柔和,并具有良好的 散热能力。 (3)从动部分的转动惯量尽量小一些。这样,在分离离合器 换档时,与变速器输入轴相连部分的转速就比较容易变 化,从而减轻齿轮间冲击。 (4)具有缓和转动方向冲击,衰减该方向振动的能力,且噪 音小。 (5)压盘压力和摩擦片的摩擦系数变化小,工作稳定。 (6)操纵省力,维修保养方便。



附录How Clutches WorkIf you drive a manual transmission car, you may be surprised to find out that it has more than one clutch. And it turns out that folks with automatic transmission cars have clutches, too. In fact, there are clutches in many things you probably see or use every day: Many cordless drills have a clutch, chain saws have a centrifugal clutch and even some yo-yos have a clutch.CIn!cp I山g?e CgIIeL入D!g?Lg山 o\ cgL 2poM!u? cIn!cp Iocg!!ou. eee 山oLe cIn!cp !山g?e2In this article, you'll learn why you need a clutch, how the clutch in your car works and find out some interesting, and perhaps surprising, places where clutches can be found. Clutches are useful in devices that have two rotating shafts. In these devices, one of the shafts is typically driven by a motor or pulley, and the other shaft drives another device. In a drill, for instance, one shaft is driven by a motor and the other drives a drill chuck. The clutch connects the two shafts so that they can either be locked together and spin at the same speed,or be decoupled and spin at different speeds.In a car,you need a clutch because the engine spins all the time,but the car's wheels do not. In order for a car to stop without killing the engine, the wheels need to be disconnectedf rom the engine somehow. The clutch allows us to smoothly engage a spinning engine to a non-spinning transmission by controlling the slippage between them.To understand how a clutch works, it helps to know a little bit about friction, which is a measure of how hard it is to slide one object over another. Friction is caused by the peaks and valleys that are part of every surface -- even very smooth surfaces still have microscopic peaks and valleys. The larger these peaks and valleys are, the harder it is to slide the object. You can learn more about friction in How Brakes Work.A clutch works because of friction between a clutch plate and a flywheel. We'll look at how these parts work together in the next section.Fly Wheels,Clutch Plates and FrictionIn a car’s clutch, a flywheel connects to the engine, and a clutch plate connects to the transmission. You can see what this looks like in the figure below.When your foot is off the pedal, the springs push the pressure plate against the clutch disc, which in turn presses against the flywheel. This locks the engine to the transmission input shaft, causing them to spin at the same speed.Pressure plateThe amount of force the clutch can hold depends on the friction between the clutch plate and the flywheel, and how much force the spring puts on the pressure plate. The friction force in the clutch works just like the blocks described in the friction section of How Brakes Work, except that the spring presses on the clutch plate instead of weight pressing the block into the ground.W h en the clutch pedal is pressed, a cable or hydraulic piston pushes on the release fork, which presses the throw-out bearing against the middle of the diaphragm spring. As the middle of the diaphragm spring is pushed in, a series of pins near the outside of the spring causes the spring to pull the pressure plate away from the clutch disc (see below). This r eleases the clutch from the spinning engine.Common ProblemsFrom the 1950s to the 1970s, you could count on getting between 50,000 and 70,000 miles from your car's clutch. Clutches can now last for more than 80,000 miles if you use them gently and maintain them well. If not cared for, clutches can start to break down at 35,000 miles. Trucks that are consistently overloaded or that frequently tow heavy loads can also have problems with relatively new clutches.Photo courtesy Carolina MustangClutch plateThe clutch only wears while the clutch disc and the flywheel are spinning at different speeds. When they are locked together, the friction material is held tightly against the flywheel, and they spin in sync. It's only when the clutch disc is slipping against the flywheel that wearing occurs. So, if you are the type of driver who slips the clutch a lot, you'll wear out your clutch a lot faster.Sometimes the problem is not with slipping, but with sticking. If your clutch won't release properly, it will continue to turn the input shaft. This can cause grinding, or completely p revent your car from going into gear. Some common reasons a clutch may stick are: Broken or stretched clutch cable - The cable needs the right amount of tension to push and pull effectively.Leaky or defective slave and/or master clutch cylinders - Leaks keep the cylinders from building the necessary amount of pressure.Air in the hydraulic line - Air affects the hydraulics by taking up space the fluid needs to build pressure.Misadjusted linkage - When your foot hits the pedal, the linkage transmits the wrong amount of force.Mismatched clutch components - Not all aftermarket parts work with your clutch.depress fully. If you have to press hard on the pedal, there may be something wrong. Sticking or binding in the pedal linkage, cable, cross shaft, or pivot ball are common causes. S o metimes a blockage or worn seals in the hydraulic system can also cause a hard clutch. Another problem associated with clutches is a worn throw-out bearing, sometimes called a clutch release bearing. This bearing applies force to the fingers of the spinning pressure plate to release the clutch.If you hear a rumbling sound when the clutch engages,you might have a problem with the throw-out.Types of ClutchesThere are many other types of clutches in your car and in your garage.An automatic transmission contains several clutches. These clutches engage and disengage various sets of planetary gears. Each clutch is put into motion using pressurized hydraulic fluid. When the pressure drops, springs cause the clutch to release. Evenly spacedridges, called splines, line the inside and outside of the clutch to lock into the gears and the clutch housing. You can read more about these clutches in How Automatic Transmissions Work.An air conditioning, compressor in a car has an electromagnetic clutch. This allows the compressor to shut off even while the engine is running. When current flows through a magnetic coil in the clutch, the clutch engages. As soon as the current stops, such as when you turn off your air conditioning, the clutch disengages.Most cars that have an engine-driven cooling fan have a thermostatically controlled viscous clutch -- the temperature of the fluid actually drives the clutch. This clutch is positioned at the hub of the fan, in the airflow coming through the radiator. This type of clutch is a lot like the viscous coupling sometimes found in all-wheel drive cars. The fluid in the clutch gets thicker as it heats up, causing the fan to spin faster to catch up with the engine rotation. When the car is cold, the fluid in the clutch remains cold and the fan spins s lowly, allowing the engine to quickly warm up to its proper operating temperature.Many cars have limited slip differentials or viscous couplings, both of which use clutches to help increase traction. When your car turns, one wheel spins faster than the other, which makes the car hard to handle. The slip differential makes up for that with the help of its clutch. When one wheel spins faster than the others, the clutch engages to slow it down and match the other three. Driving over puddles of water or patches of ice can also spin your wheels. You can learn more about differentials and viscous couplings in How Differentials Work.Gas-powered chain saws and weed eaters have centrifugal clutches, so that the chains or strings can stop spinning without you having to turn off the engine. These clutches work automatically through the use of centrifugal force. The input is connected to the engine crankshaft. The output can drive a chain, belt or shaft. As the rotations per minute increase, w eighted arms swing out and force the clutch to engage. Centrifugal clutches are also often found in lawn mowers, go-karts, mopeds and mini-bikes. Even some yo-yos are m anufactured with centrifugal clutches.C lu tches are valuable and necessary to a number of applications. For more information on clutches and related topics, check out the links on the following page.离合器工作原理如果您驾驶手动变速箱的汽车,您可能会惊讶地发现,它有一个以上的离合器。



• 允许发动机运转而车辆保持不动
• Provides a way to break torque to select and change gears. • 在需要选档和换档时切断扭矩传递
How Does it work ? – Engaged 怎样工作? – 接合状态
Transfer Torque传递扭矩
• Spline size花键尺寸 • Facing type摩擦面 • Pre-damper预减振 • Damper rate减振弹簧 刚度 • Organic Facings有机 材料摩擦面
Spring Collector弹簧收集器
Collector收集器: Allows a connection point to the diaphragm spring and the release bearing. Allows for clutch engagement and disengagement.连接膜片弹簧和分离轴承,让 离合器分离与接合.
How Does it work ? – Disengaged 怎样工作 – 分离状态
Flywheel 飞轮 Clutch离 合器
Clean Release / Breaks Torque 清晰的切断扭矩 • Pressure plate separates from the disc压盘 与从动盘分离 • Transmission is disconnected from the engine变速箱与发动机分离
• Provides a way to translate engine rotation into transmission rotation, • 将发动机的转动传递到变速箱的转动 • Provides a way to allow the engine to run without the truck moving,



t f i h S a r t l U n a l l a t s n I ™” M D “Medium Duty Clutch in 4 Steps! :l a i r e t a M e c n e r e f e R LMT-1314C e clutch. h t k c o l n u l l i w s i h T . 0 0 5 1 e v o b a M P R e n i g n e e s a e r c nt code and n e m e g a g n e s i d h c t u l c a t e s l l i w s i h t od o te r u l i a . r a e go t n i o g t o n l l i w n o i s s i m s n a rt e h t d n a e d o c : e t o N other r o s n o i t po e c n a ts i se R r e p m a T S S V e l b a m m a r g o r P g the required n i hc a e r t n e ve r p h c i h w s t i m i l d e ep s e n i g n e l a i c i f i t r a t of the clutchn e m e g a g n e s idr ep o r p t n e v e r p y a m M P R 0 0 5 1e options may need to s e h T .n o it a l l a t s n i l a i t i n i r e t f a e c i v e d g n i k c o l locking device is disengaged. h- c t u l c e h t r e t f a l i t n u d e l b a s i d e b with Service Rangerh c t u l c e t a r b i l a c e R / a t a d h c t u l c e v a . n o y e k n r u n the gear display. o s i ” N “ d i l o s a y f i r e . e n i g n e t r a t SNote: If Ser v iceRanger is available, proceed to Step 12.“Special Functions” mode is activated.arrows indicating UltraShift Touch Point Resent is selected).After the “1” is displayed, depress the throttle pedal to the floor and hold for 3-5 seconds (the gear display will change back to a “0” with down arrows indicating the routine has been successfully completed.Key off or select any mode and the UltraShift systemreturns to normal operation. Gen 3• Using se rvice ranger, select “Advanced Product Function” • Select UltraShift transmission model (Gen 3) from menu tree in the upper left.• Select the V PA/SnapShot Utility and launch the function. • Read the APF description and select “Next” • Enter the vehicle info and select “Next.”• Select “V PA” from the dropdown “Data Source” field.• Enter an output file name and location using Browse Button or use default filename and location shown.Note: If the default filename and location is used, the VPA data file will be saved to the ServiceRangerData folder in the VPA subfolder on the C:\drive.• Select the “start transfer” button to download data from transmission controller and then select “Next.” • The output file can now be viewed, select “Finish” • Select “Clutch Se rvice Utility” to launch function. • Read the APF description then select “Next.”• Select the “Clear Clutch Data” button to clear data from transmission controller.• If successful proceed to next step, if unsuccessful exit function and re-enter. Contact Roadranger Call Center 1-800-826-4357 for help.• Select the “Calibrate Clutch” button to calibrate new cultch and then Select “Finish” when complete.le e h w y l F d n a g n i s u o H l e e h w y l F e n i g n E e r u s a e M e v o m e R . r a e w h c t u l c e r u t a m e r p e b l l i w e r e h t r o s n o i t a c if i c e p s e s e h t t e e m t s u m l e e h w y l f d n ag n i s u oh l e e h w y l f e ni g n E : g n i w o l l o f e h t k c e h c d n a r o t a c i d n i l a i d a e s U . y r d d n a n a e l c e b t s u m s e c a f r u s t c a t n o c e g u a g l l A . g n i r a e B t o l i P d l o t u o n u R e c a F l e e h w y l F o t e s a b r o t a c i d n i l a i d e r u c e S t u P . e c a f g n i s u o h l e e h w y l f h t i w t c a t n o c n i r e g n i f e g u a g r e t u o e h t r a e n e c a f l e e h w y l f e n o l e e h w y l f e t a t o R . e g d e s i t u o n u r m u m i x a M . n o i t u l o v e r .) m m 0 2 . ( " 8 0 0 . Runout e r o B g n i r a e B t o l i P o t e s a b r o t a c i d n i l a i d e r u c e S n o i t i s o P . e c a f g n i s u o h l e e h w y l f s t c a t n o c t i t a h t o s r e g n i f e g u a g e t a t o R . e r o b g n i r a e b t o l i p . n o i t u l o v e r e n o l e e h w y l f " 5 0 0 . s i t u o n u r m u m i x a M . ) m m 3 1 . (. D . I g n i s u o H l e e h w y l F o t e s a b ro t a c i d n i l a i d e r u c e S r e g n i f e g u a g t u P . t f a h s k n a r c g n i s u o h l e e h w y l f t s n i a g a e n o l e e h w y l f e t a t o R . D . I t o l i p t u o n u r m u m i x a M . n o i t u l o v e r .) m m 0 2 . ( " 8 0 0 . s i e c a F g n i s u o H l e e h w y l F o t e s a b r o t a c i d n i l a i d e r u c e S . e g d e r e t u o e h t r a e n l e e h w y l f t c a t n o c n i r e g n i f e g u a g t u P l e e h w y l f f o e c a f h t i w e n o l e e h w y l f e t a t o R . g n i s u o h t u o n u r m u m i x a M . n o i t u l o v e r .) m m 0 2 . ( " 8 0 0 . s i Eaton Corporation • Truck Components OperationsP .O. Box 4013 • Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA ww ©2011 Eaton Corporation • All rights rese rved.Printed in USA. CLMT1320 0911 WPEaton DM ClutchesMore time on the roadCheck T ransmission For W ear Replace any worn components.the disc.Remove the guide studs and install the two remaining mounting bolts. Tighten the clutch mounting bolts in a crossing pattern as on any other clutch and torque to3/8"-16 UNC X 2.25" with lockwashers, minimum grade 5 covered by the Hex Cap Screw specification under ASME B18.2.1 1996. Torque to 30 - 35 lbs. ft.。

伊顿混合动力介绍General Hybrid Overview For ZT -CN

伊顿混合动力介绍General Hybrid Overview For ZT -CN

早期提供样车的目的: • 型式认可 • 客户反馈 • 可靠性评估
CSVT 设计: • 先进的部件及整合系统 • 提升燃油经济性 • 确保可靠性和耐久性
发动机 变速箱 电机 电池 逆变器 电器附件 Front End Accessory Drive (FEAD) 电路结构
AutoShift (AMT)
柴油机和电动机共同驱动模式 (电机助力)
Proprietary & Confidential
发动机 扭矩
AutoShift (AMT)
发动机 扭矩
柴油机单独驱动模式 (备用)
Proprietary & Confidential
发动机 扭矩
AutoShift (AMT)
再生制 动扭矩
Proprietary & Confidential
• 只有一个电机和逆变器 – 低成本,高可靠性 • 电机有良好的低速高扭矩特性 (能够很好的与柴油发动机 匹配) – 在发动机工作转速内具有很高的效率 – 最大转速2500rpm(44kW & 420 Nm) – 性能优越,每加仑油耗行驶的里程长 • 直接驱动结构 – 系统简化, 成本低, 可靠性高 – 发动机单独驱动模式可作为备用



























操作变速器前通读本手册车辆启动前驾驶员要坐在驾驶员座椅上,按空档(N),拉起手刹如果启动发动机时变速器没有在空档位(N),立刻检查车辆你在操作车辆过程中如果要停车或暂时下车,一定要按空档(N),拉起手刹,并在车轮处加塞块出于安全的原因,变速器挂档前请踩住刹车踏板进行任何焊接操作前,24V电池的正极和负极必须完全断开高压警告标识使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图本手册中的紧急关机程序会说明如何在紧急情况时关闭电源警告标识 (i)紧急关机程序 (1)发生火灾时的紧急程序 (2)发生交通事故时的紧急程序 (2)高压元件特征 (3)换档按钮说明 (4)启动和停车 (5)倒档 (6)前进档-自动换档模式 (6)前进档-手动换档模式 (6)低速档 (7)再生制动模式 (7)一般型号信息 (8)故障排除 (9)档位卡死 (9)正确润滑 (10)正确的油面高度: (11)混合动力冷却系统 (11)紧急关机程序方法1:关钥匙(推荐)发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电方法2:断开24V电池发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭方法3:拔掉混合动力控制器的保险丝(30A)混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电这些程序只适用于紧急情况,车辆维修时请参见《维修手册》中的相关内容发生火灾时的紧急程序如果车辆发生火灾:1.使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图发生交通事故时的紧急程序如果条件允许,请把车推到路肩上并停车1.拉手刹2.按空档(N)3.关钥匙4.如果安全的话,下车高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图高压元件特征所有的高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签;每一个高压元件都有明显的警告或危险标识。


减振弹簧:减小扭转刚度,缓和冲击,使离合器工作平稳,从而 使离合器各元件的自振频率下降,避免产生高器盘、从动片三者之间的相
对往复摆动,消耗扭转振动的能量,从而使扭转 振动迅速衰减。
减振器阻尼片10 盘毂11
DSP型(拉式) 结构特点:盖与膜簧无联接,膜片弹簧反装,
四、 和推式离合器相比的优点
相对于推式离合器取消了支撑圈、隔套、支承铆钉等,结构更简单, 零件数目少,重量轻。
4.升程好,分离彻底。在接合状态夹紧力作用下,盖变形都是在支 承处向上变形,但是拉式力臂远小于推式作用力臂,所以拉式离器盖 变形小,即刚度大。
5.踏板操纵更轻便(拉式杠杆比大于推式,且中间支承少,减少了 摩擦损失,传动效率高,踏板操纵轻便 ,拉式踏板力比推式可减少 25%~30%)。
四 不足 1.需要专门的分离轴承,较复杂。 2.离合器的分离指与分离轴承嵌装在一起,结构复杂,装配及拆卸 较困难。
五、离合器主要性能参数 1、盖总成
P1—工作压紧力(新压紧力) P2—磨损后工作压紧力(旧压紧力) Q—磨损量 X1—工作点位置(从动盘总成厚度) X2—磨损后工作点位置
λmin—分离行程(最小) λmax—分离行程(最大) Fac—分离点分离力 Fa1—安装状态最大分离力 Fa2—磨损状态最大分离力 h—压盘升程 △—压盘倾斜量(压盘跳动)
2、在换挡时将发动机与传动系分离,减少变速器 中换挡齿轮中间的冲击;


•排挡杆推空档,起动发动机(如果发动机没有起动),让气 压升到正常值
•确定档区开关位于低档区(向下位置),如果不是,请向下 扳动档区开关
一般在换档时,车速的变化很小,因此我 们假定车速V不变 加档的时候,档位速比R减小,因此我们要 让发动机转速E也减小 减档的时候,档位速比R增大,因此我们要 让发动机转速E也增大
转速表反映了发动机的信息 。控制油门踏板使发动机加 速或减速,可以通过转速表 来了解这一变化。
•以6档减5档举例 排挡杆在6档,松油门到1300转 在转速表到达1300转时
迅速踩下离合器踏板,同时抬起油门踏板,将变速杆推 入空档。
随即松抬离合器踏板, 紧跟踏一下油门踏板,使发动机 转速增高。
在转速表到达1800转时 迅速踩下离合器踏板,将变速杆换入5档 再次松抬离合器踏板,同时平稳地踩下油门踏板
富勒变速箱的结构 •为了避免损坏齿轮,请使用二脚离合器法 进行换档 •为了避免换档拨叉的磨损,请不要将手一 直放在换档杆上 •不要空档滑行
•副箱有二个档位,高档和低档 •副箱也采用双中间轴设计 •副箱中有同步器,同步器采用独特的EFM航天 摩擦材料 •驾驶员拨动档区开关控制副箱换档 •副箱将动力输出到传动轴



3针 12V电源
8针 CAN500
转速传感器 •向TECU提供转速信号 •输入转速传感器位于中间轴 位置 •输出转速传感器为于后轴承 盖
一、系统组成、部件辨识及其功能 二、系统理论 三、高压安全规范 四、保养要求 五、系统故障诊断 六、维修工具
63.00 58.00 53.00 48.00 43.00 38.00 33.00 28.00 0.0% R2 = 0.4597
冷却风扇 2个动力电池组 维修开关 高压直流接口 连接逆变器
先进的锰基锂离子动力电池 ---- 功率高, 效率高, 重量轻, 高安全性的智能型电池!
•安装在整车上 •与电池包及逆变器连接 •按混合动力控制单元指令, 实时监控整个高压系统 •把电池包的高压直流电转换 成高压交流电,传输给电机 •把发电机的高压交流电转换 成高压直流电,输送给电池 包充电
1. 2. 踩刹车踏板 挂空档(N), 拉手刹
注: 切不可在D档的时候拉手刹, 进行停车:
1. 油耗升高 2. 传动系统易损坏
挂空档 (N), 拉手刹, 关钥匙 关好车门、车窗和天窗,尤其是在雨雪天气的时候
本车有很多电子控制系统,任何一个系统进水,都会导致 整车工作不正常,而且这种故障很难排除



离轴承架能够进入离合器盖总成以及分离指支撑卡环能够滑到离 合器分离轴承的槽口中。
1、Install transmission with “Quick-connect Bearing” 安装变速箱 -带可快速拆卸式轴承
• 1.14. To verify the release yoke has swung into position, attempt to move the end of the Release Yoke. (See picture) There should be approximately 9.0mm [.35”] of fore-aft movement. If there is more than that, repeat the procedure. • 1.14. 通过拨动分离拨叉的端部,检查分离拨叉端部前后移动量应 接近9毫米。如果此值超出,应重新安装变速器。 • 在确认安全的情况(未安装助力泵前),可将手从离合器观察窗口 伸入,感觉辫子的锁紧力,如果锁紧力很大,可能出现了分离轴承未完 全到位的情况,应重新安装变速箱
1、I-Instruction of “Clutch Assembly” 离合器总成安装指导 - 带非快速拆卸式轴承
• 1.5. Install disc onto aligning tool. • Important: Make sure the side marked “Flywheel Side” faces the flywheel. • 1.5. 将导向花键轴穿过从动盘。 • 重要:确保从动盘上标有“Flywheel Side”面朝向飞轮。
Removal and Installation of Clutch in Field 现场拆卸和安装离合器



LAS: 10 挡, 2250 Nm,总速比 15.4:1/17.5
VCS: 10 挡, 2250 Nm,总速比 19.7:1
MHP: 13 挡, 2800 Nm,总速比 16.8:1
© 2011 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
PV: 6 挡, 1160 Nm, 总速比 9.5:1
UltraShift HV 2005
UltraShift LHP & LEP 2006
© 2011 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
伊顿 AMT 产品系列
58 个AMT 型号
最大能匹配 3050 Nm发动机
VMS: 11 挡, 2250 Nm, overall ratio coverage 35.7:1 VXP/MXP: 18 挡, 3050 Nm,总速 比 19.7:1

11Leabharlann © 2011 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
Operation Features操作特性
Protection – Clutch Abuse离合器受损保护
If a launch is taking too long, or many launches have occurred in a short period of time, the clutch will overheat and could be damaged with continued operation. 短时间内频繁起步会引起离合器从动片过热,继续操作会导致从动片损坏。 • The operator is warned via the display flashing “CA” and a warning tone. Keep flashing until the clutch has cooled down – this will take several minutes. 挡位显示闪烁”CA”警告,待离合器冷却(几分钟)后再起步。


1.00 34 1.34 36 1.83 35 2.46 34 3.30 35 4.46 34 6.00 36 8.17 35 11.00 34 14.73 3.38 15.10
最大 速 倒档
扭矩 N.m
比 范 围
3%4 %
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• Provides a way to translate engine rotation into transmission rotation, • 将发动机的转动传递到变速箱的转动 • Provides a way to allow the engine to run without the truck moving, • 允许发动机运转而车辆保持不动 • Provides a way to break torque to select and change gears. • 在需要选档和换档时切断扭矩传递
Clutch - Basic Components 离合器基本部件
Release Bearing分离轴承: Serves as a stationary connection for the release linkage. Connects to the diaphragm spring.连接到膜片弹簧上,且与分离系统相连接.
How Does it work ? – Engaged 怎样工作? – 接合状态
Flywheel 飞轮
Transfer Torque传递扭矩
Clutch离 合器
• Disc is clamped by the clutch cover, connecting the engine crankshaft to the transmission input shaft从动盘被压盘夹 紧,将发动机曲轴和变速箱输入轴连接起来
Flywheel Ring / Bracket / Cover 支撑环/支架/盖
Flywheel Ring支撑环: Houses the Diaphragm Springs and Pressure Plate.支撑膜片弹簧 和压盘
Pressure Plate Bolts压盘螺栓
Pressure plate bolts压盘螺栓: Shoulder-head bolts threaded directly into top of pressure plate and through the drive straps.带肩端台阶螺栓穿过传动片直接拧到压盘 上部
Clutch Basics 离合器基础
© 2008 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
What are the Basic “Functions” of a Clutch? 离合器的基本功能?
Functions of a Clutch 离合器功能
What are the Basic “Functions” of a Clutch? 离合器的基本功能?
Clutch - Basic Components 离合器基本部件
Cover Assembly压盘总成: An assembly which is mounted on the flywheel, and squeezes the disc against the engine flywheel.安装到飞轮上,将从动盘压紧到发动机飞轮 上的零件
Functions of a Clutch
Transfer Torque 传递扭矩
Dampen Vibrations 使振动变弱
Smooth Engagement 柔和结合
Breaks Torque 切断扭矩
Clean Release 清晰的分离
Engage a Clutch Brake 离合器制动

Shipping Clips运输垫片
Shipping clip 运输垫片
Shipping Clips运输垫片: Fits between the flywheel bracket and the pressure plate
bolts. Used to “cage” pressure plate, in order to facilitate installation of driven discs. The clips are removed during the installations process.在压盘螺栓和架子之间,以在运输中保 持住压盘,有利于从动盘装配.在离合器安装过程中要拿走.
• Transmission rotates with the engine变速 箱与发动机一起旋转
How Does it work ? – Disengaged 怎样工作 – 分离状态
Flywheel 飞轮
Clutch离 合器
Clean Release / Breaks Torque
• Pressure plate separates from the disc压盘 与从动盘分离
• Transmission is disconnected from the engine变速箱与发动机分离
Clutch - Basic Components 离合器基本部件
Driven Disc从动盘: This is the disc which is in contact with the engine flywheel and the pressure plate of the clutch assembly这是与发动机飞轮和离合器压盘都接触的零件
What Does a Clutch Do? 离合器基本功能
The function of a clutch is to connect / disconnect the flow of power from the engine to the driveline离合器的基本功能是连接/切断发动机 到传动轴的动力传递
Functions of a Clutch
Transfer Torque 传递扭矩
Smooth Engagement 柔和结合
Breaks Torque 切断扭矩
Clean Release 清晰的分离
What are the Basic “Functions” of a Clutch?离合器 的基本功能?