标签:防爆灯价格,防爆灯价格表,防爆灯规格,防爆灯型号,最新防爆灯价格,防爆灯报价,防爆灯价格查询,防爆灯市场价编者按:造价通——是中华人民共和国国家标准《建设工程人工材料设备机械数据标准》(GB/T 50851-2013)的参编单位和唯一数据提供方。
材料名规格/型号单位品牌省份城市查询账号账号密码防爆灯增安型型号:BGL250,规格:BAD54(BGL)-e250只广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯增安型型号:BGL400,规格:BAD55(BGL)-e400只广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯增安型型号:BGL200,规格:BAD51(BGL)-e200只广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯增安型型号:BAD55NL400HZD,规格:BAD55-NL400HZ(吊杆式)只广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯型号:BAT52L400Z,规格:BAT52-L400Z(分体式)只广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯BXL-100(棚顶安装) 只量巨上海上海市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯BL-10Y40¡Á1套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯BL-10Y40¡Á2套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯BL-11Y40¡Á2套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯BL52-04 1¡Á40套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯隔爆灯具PAK-F121-150-J个三雄·极光广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯隔爆灯具PAK-F121-250-J个三雄·极光广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯FBL101-Y40¡Á套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯FBL101-Y40¡Á套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯FBL102-Y40¡Á套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯40W PAK-F101-136 套三雄·极光广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯18W 套雷士四川绵阳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯LY-FBD20 台润钿广东惠州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯1x13W,紧凑型节能灯)1×14w套广东惠州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯BND81-150W 套华荣上海上海市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯KL5M(A)光源类型 LED光源功率 1(W)电压3.7(V) 灯罩型式聚光只贵州贵阳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯型号 CBB 类型防爆照明灯防护等级 IP65 光源类型节能灯光源功率250(W) 电压 220(V)只北京北京市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯型号 LD-FB 类型防爆照明灯光源功率 50(W)防护等级 Ex dII BT4/T6 光源类型 LED 电压 220(V)只四川成都市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯40W/12V 盏广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯40W/12V 盏广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯40W/12V 套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯40W/12V 套广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯36W/220V 套三雄·极光广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯36W/220V 套TCL 广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯36W/220V 套佛山照明广东佛山市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯36W/220V 套欧普广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯220¡Á390 85 套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯220¡Á390 80套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯220¡Á390 100套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯220¡Á390 120套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯220¡Á390 135套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯270¡Á410 85套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯270¡Á410 80套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯270¡Á410 100套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯270¡Á410 120套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯270¡Á410 135套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯270¡Á410 165套朗莱福广东广州市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯型号: CFT1 光源功率:250(W)电压: 220(V) 外形尺寸: 300x400(mm)只山东烟台市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯光源功率: 2×36(W) 电压: 220(V)套安徽合肥市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯类型: 防爆荧光灯防护等级: P54 光源类型:防爆光源功率: 2×40(W) 电压: 220(V)套安徽合肥市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯LED 12V 5W 套赛欧菲广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯LED 12V 15W 套赛欧菲广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯LED 12V 5W 套赛欧菲广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯LED 12V 15W 套赛欧菲广东深圳市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯32W 套燎原天津天津市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯100W 个天津天津市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯BCD-200L100gZ 100W 套河北廊坊市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯BCD-200L100gZ 100W 套河北廊坊市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯1¡Á32套广东中山市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯200W小不含光源盏云南昆明市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯200W大不含光源盏云南昆明市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯36W/220V 套欧普海南海口市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796 防爆灯13W 配节能型光源套科朗四川成都市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯PAK-F101-136 个三雄·极光福建三明市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯PAK-F101-236 个三雄·极光福建三明市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯PAK-F101-128 个三雄·极光福建三明市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯PAK-F101-228 个三雄·极光福建三明市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796防爆灯13W 配节能型光源套科朗四川成都市jszjtxxj336 cccba335548796结后语:完整版防爆灯价格全国各地区加起来有共有数百页,因受限于百度文库文件上传大小、篇幅限制以及价格时效性原因,故而只上传了一部分。
1.7-2.6A 只 2
441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456
260 50 520 35 2700
900 405 460
48 196
325 66 175
123 123 59 236 178 90 92
96 98
117 施耐德
1.25-5A 24V
118 施耐德
119 施耐德
120 施耐德
380V 5A
电子式电机保护继 电器
380V 25A
电子式电机保护继 电器
380V 45A
141 施耐德 继电器交流接触器 LC1-D0610M7N
SCB056-02 NT4 1000A
143 bvssmann
只 10
55 菲尼克斯
56 菲尼克斯 57 安徽天康 58 施耐德 59 百特工控
60 菲尼克斯
61 百特工控
C P1-10L-02
C P1-10W-02
C P1-10B-02
C P2-10R-10
C P2-10G-10
C P2-10Y-10
C P2-10L-10
C P2-10W-10
C P2-10B-10
C P2-10R-01
C P2-10G-01
C P1-10R-11
C P1-10G-11
C P1-10Y-11
C P1-10L-11
C P1-10W-11
C P1-10B-11
C P1-10R-20
C P1-10G-20
C P1-10Y-20
C P1-10L-20
C P1-10W-20
C P1-10B-20
C P1-10R-02
C P1-10G-02
C L-541R
C L-541G
C L-541Y
C L-541L
C L-541W
C E3T-10R-01
C E3T-10R-20
C E3T-10R-02
C E3T-10R-11
C E3P-10R-01
C E3P-10R-20
MCB-10 (1NO)
MCB-01 (1NC)
产品名称:BXD51-F□D系列粉尘防爆动力配电箱(动力检修)产品名称:BZC53-F系列粉尘防爆操作柱防爆电机防爆电机是一种可以在易燃易爆厂所使用的一种电机,运行时不产生电火花。防爆电机主要用于煤矿、石油天然气、石油化工和化学工业。此外,在纺织、冶金、城市煤气、交通、粮油加工、造纸、医药等部门也被广泛应用。防爆电机作为主要的动力设备,通常用于驱动泵、风机、压缩机和其他传动机械。额定电压、额定电流、功率、转速和普通电机标注的一样。就是防爆电机多了防爆标志:Ex一、防爆型式+设备类别+(气体组别)+温度组别防爆型式:1.隔爆型Exd2.充砂型Ex q3.增安型Exe4.浇封型Ex m5.正压型Exp6.n型Exn7.本安型ExiaExib8.特殊型Exs9.油浸型Exo10.粉尘防爆型DIP A DIP B2二、设备类别 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备分为:I类:YB2低压防爆电机[1]煤矿井下用电气设备;II类:除煤矿外的其他爆炸性气体环境用电气设备。II类隔爆型“d”和本质安全型“i&rdq
库号:JX价格Βιβλιοθήκη 搜【润联网】查询主要技术参数:
可以取代现有的2.5KV A或4KV A干式变压器及手动防爆开关的多体控制方式。
装置分别配有带隔离RS-485/ RS-232标准异步通讯接口,通讯方式可采用通信电缆线。
220V/380V DIPA21TA,T6
6 BZM8050 系列防爆防腐照明 BZM8050 Series explosion-proof
corrosion-proof illumination switches
ExdeIICT4 Gb Exde IICT6 Gb /DIPA21TA,T6
AC/DC12~36V; AC/DC48V-~20V; DC220V;AC220V~380V AC/DC12V~36V, AC/DC48V~110V, DC220V, AC220V~380V ,
10A、0.5A 红色、绿色、黄色、 红色 红色 黑色 红色、绿色 红色 红色、绿色、黄色、白色
指示灯颜色为 红色、绿色、黄色、白色
12 BRJ8060 系列防爆热继电器 BRJ8060 Series explosion-proof
ExdeIIC Gb
thermal relay module
13 BSJ8060 系列防爆时间继电 BSJ8060 Series explosion-proof time ExdeIIC Gb
10A 红色、绿色、黄色、 红色 红色 黑色 红色、绿色、黄色、白色
指示灯颜色为 红色、绿色、黄色、白色
样本 230V
— CNEx12.1336U
— CNEx12.1335U
corrosion-proof piugs and sockets
6 / 90
▲ ▲
在密码设定的情况,如果遗忘密码,将不能正常使用产品。 我公司出厂的原始密码为(1、2、3、4)
整定过程方式(人机屏 GOT 开机后显示运行界面如图(五) 第一步:在运行状态下如图五:按下参数设定键“”进入参数设定界面如图 6。 第二步:按下“SET”键一下,第一条“过载整定”数据区光标闪烁,按“▼▲”增减光标 为数值,按“”键移动光标至所需位置,直至输入所需数值,“过载整定”数据设定完成。 第三步:第二步完成后,光标自动进入“短路整定”数据区,参数设定同第二步,再按“ENT” 键后,自动进入功率因数设定区。 第四步:第三步完成后,光标自动进入“功率因数”数据区,参数设定同第二步,按“ENT” 键后,显示屏共同(GOT)参数设定完成。 第五步:数据设定完成后,按下确认键“▲”同时蜂鸣器出现“滴”的一声提示音,则表明人 机屏内部数据已传输进 PLC。注:(输入有效时,蜂鸣器响一次,输入无效时,蜂鸣器响三次)。
其中:未采用的键是 F1、F2、F3、F4、ALM 键 其它键的作用是“ESC”退出键:进入后按“ESC”键可返回原界面“Set”键:设定键,进
综掘工作面防爆开关电气原理图及常见故障处理目录一、KBZ-200/1140 660 II矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关 (2)二、KBZ-400 /1140II矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关 (3)三、KBZ─500/1140II KBZ─630/1140II 矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关 (5)四、QBZ─30、60/660(380)N矿用隔爆型可逆真空电磁起动器 (6)五、QBZ2─30、60 矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器 (9)六、QBZ2─80、120、200矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器 (10)七、QBZ(BQD)─80、120、200/1140(660)D矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器 (13)八、QJZ-200.300.400/1140(660)Ⅱ矿用隔爆兼本质安全型真空电磁起动器 (14)九、QJR系列矿用隔爆兼本质安全型交流真空软起动器 (16)十、ZBZ-4(2.0)M矿用隔爆型照明信号综合保护装置 (18)一、KBZ-200/1140 660 II矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关和你KBZ-400 /1140II 矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关电气原理接线图故障分析与排除KBZ-400 /1140II矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关电气原理图三、KBZ─500/1140II KBZ─630/1140II 矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关KBZ─500/1140II KBZ─630/1140II 矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关电气原理图四、QBZ─30、60/660(380)N矿用隔爆型可逆真空电磁起动器QBZ─30、60/660(380)N矿用隔爆型可逆真空电磁起动器电气原理图QBZ─30、60/660(380)N矿用隔爆型可逆真空电磁起动器接线图五、QBZ2─30、60 矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器QBZ2─30、60 矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器电气原理图六、QBZ2─80、120、200矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器QBZ2─80、120、200矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器电气原理图QBZ2─80、120、200矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器接线图七、QBZ(BQD)─80、120、200/1140(660)D矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器QBZ─80、120、200/1140(660)D矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器电气原理图八、QJZ-200.300.400/1140(660)Ⅱ矿用隔爆兼本质安全型真空电磁起动器QJZ-200.300.400/1140(660)Ⅱ矿用隔爆兼本质安全型真空电磁起动器电气原理图九、QJR系列矿用隔爆兼本质安全型交流真空软起动器QJR系列矿用隔爆兼本质安全型交流真空软起动器接线图QJR系列矿用隔爆兼本质安全型交流真空软起动器电气原理图十、ZBZ-4(2.0)M矿用隔爆型照明信号综合保护装置ZBZ-4(2.0)M矿用隔爆型照明信号综合保护装置电气原理图(英文版)easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the < code > and < rule >, lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management , strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the < code > and < rule > is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of theregulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with < > and < >. To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the supervision of "concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing" three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the < code > as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement < >, do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Becomemore perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Don't always take everything back to things, and don't get into a blind alley, don't want to face, don't be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind ofopen-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am not afraid of others behind me a knife, I afraid to look back and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not afraid of the truth to tell the best friend, I'm afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell don't 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when we are in a negative state of mind, you will find many depressed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritrea company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good mentality decided the fate of the! 7, people are tired, rest; heart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired and sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because the world no one can sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have youth,Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, wish the world all know, as has been the same; now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the heart move, everything in the world is followed by birth, Rangrang, important thing is often the most difficult to open one's mouth, because words will reduce itsimportance; to let strangers people care about your life in the good things, the original is not easy 10, do not blame, do not laugh at who, also don't envy who. Like a person is a kind of feeling, not like a person is true. The truth is easy to explain, I feel Is unspeakable. The best travel life is that you in a strange place found a long lost touched. 11, happy life not in the bustling in, and in the peace of mind; no matter how many grievances, how uncomfortable, and ultimately to heal themselves or their own, others may got you to comfort, but never know your heart is how wanjianchuanxin. 12, ma'am, like a movie, learn to appreciate, learn to be grateful, learn tolerance, and goodness, helping others. Instead of accusing the society, as into one; and an exception is better to give than to what 13, don't envy him A sum of, don't lose your life and the life, respectively is: the former is a we experienced cannot escape in a day finally will last minute, while the latter is our persistent, we want to cherish the memory of those people and things. 14, learn to smile, learn to strong, the world you know so many people, so many people and you are, you cannot change also can't let everyone like you, so also do not want to do. Life is too short to go crazy to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when temper, a blessing togo. A wounding elegant people, the key is to control their own emotions. With the mouth is the most stupid behavior. A control negative emotions than a can take a city more powerful water flow slow, language is expensive. People spent two years of time to learn to speak, but to spend a few years time to shut up. That is a kind of ability, that is a kind of wisdom. 16, life is not perfect, sometimes, growth is not a cry, not an eyeful of tears, there is no trace of emotion, there is no gleam of hope, no desire, no action, no static, there is only one kind of downward sinking feeling, sink A murky? 6? 7? 6? 7 sink? 6? 7? 6? 7 toward the bottom of the sink. 17, in some way, do not go, you will not know the other side scenery is beautiful. To you is not good, you do not mind too much, no one has an obligation to you; you learn knowledge, is you have weapons, you can start from scratch, but not unarmed; how do you treat people, does not represent how others treat you, if cannot see through this point, only inviting worry. 18, time is like a sponge in the water, as long as you are willing to squeeze, the total water is still there. Every life, after the ups and downs The best test of live, to life, survival and continuation, do not stop the struggle in the joys and sorrows of life on the road, so that different soul to bear life beat, acceptance ofsuffering. 19, indifferent to heart, calmly in table, elegant and comfortable life, do not take what is so important. The pursuit will be disappointed; to be alive, you will have trouble. Life is the most afraid of what all want to care about, but also what all grasp is not firm, without scenery, separated populations, such as not to desire, all docked in the fate of the end. Why is too rigid, the natural, to go stay not to live, let go of obsession, revel is 20, if the fate of the broken Hopes of sailing, please don't despair, the coast is still, if the fate of the withered petals of the beautiful, please do not sink, the spring is still, life will always be endless trouble, please don't helpless, because they are still alive, is still a dream, the sun still, we still. Lost, keep memories; to get, must work to; but the most important is good to cherish their own. 21, life, select the complex, is to choose the pain; choose a simple, is choose to be happy. The complex world like aSignificance of pride. Hope is the ornate palace, outside people admiring the magnificent, living in the deep knowledge of living it to pay the price. Simple world as a simple log cabin outside ridiculed shabby, the heart is willing to go live to know the joy. Suffering and joy is their own choice. 22, learn how to use a single powerful heart, let the past be the past,let the future come. Life is really the end of the end of an eagle is flying wings, life is constantly pursuit. Don't miss to regret, don't wait for old just miss. Time to return, seize every moment, again painstakingly again tired also Those struggling to fly. 23, life could not Yimapingchuan, even flat pavement, inevitably there will be a few pieces of roadblocks. Some of the rocks around the past, while others have to move it out. Just move others put the stone is very easy, because the stone from the appearance we can discern; difficult to myself to move away the heart of stone head. Leave time to spend with her, often reflect my heart, so as to remove your heart of stone. 24, everything does not have to be demanding, come to, everything does not have to care about, over the past; failing to do not frown, laugh it laugh. Results Don't demand, do to; life is a simple, calm and peaceful. Always not to choose their own path and regret, life is like a train, the scenery and then the United States will retreat, the passage of time and encounter will eventually drifting further and further away, before is always himself. 25, everyone has a weakness, weakness is true humanity. That has no weakness, a shallow person. That people think there is no weakness, mostly false. Life has shortcomings, there are shortcomings is the real life. That noone regret, or childish or numbness or Self deception. It is in tolerance of weakness and so on to accept, people live happily.Hello, everyone! I am a party member. The title of my speech is: < study and implement the party's two laws, doing practical play highway. 2015 October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the implementation of the < the probity of the Communist Party of China self-discipline criterion > and < Chinese Communist Party discipline and punishment regulations. We Heyuan male passers-by to respond positively to the call of the Central Committee of the party, earnestly organize the study "party two regulations", truly grasp the essence and gist, and in their respective positions, to hold the bottom line of the discipline, build a strong ideological line of defense, with the courage to play, the courage to fight tough and fearless spirit, at the crucial moment well to complete the task, with practical action to test the study and implement effect Because of discipline in the * * * * * * * * * * * story. Here, let me to cast a brick to attract jade, speak about our highway. Highway line section of the road surface transformation project, last year "towards the countryseized" will be seized one of the items. To complete this arduous task, as a project management office director Comrade, keep in mind from the Communist Party membership, recognize and identify the "bottom line", strict management, and strict adherence to the quality of the project. He not only set an example, honesty and self-discipline, but also requires the management of all the members of the O.K., do not eat the construction unit one meal, do not accept the construction unit a ceremony. In this way, they didn't really dare to adhere to the principle. No comrade, constantly put on reworking an emergency meeting to Comrade Zhen to speak louder, management tube too strict. Remember in Dongguan Street, 400 meters long cement concrete surface layer, because of various reasons, the smoothness of the poor in the bottom cavity, covering film traces and car imprinting quality problems, * * * inquiries, immediately rushed to the scene to understand and verify the situation, the convening of the management office, the construction units, supervision units, construction units, construction units construction time is tight, the economic loss and other reasons to intercede ******** unmoved. He said, "now a popular word, to the discipline and rules quite in front, there are no rules Radius, you construction team not accordancewith the technical specifications, quality problems, it must be to carry out rectification. Engineering quality responsibility be weightier than Mount Tai, if we manage to this matterPavement quality quantity are placed the matter, we this time to learn two regulations have what use? Still what is the Communist Party? "Finally, in his insisted, the road after rework, to solve these problems. In the construction of the new comrades and the project all the colleagues efforts, after four months of fighting, the project the main project was finally completed and passed inspection. Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles Piao, this is a splendid and romantic scene. But snow for the highway, it is a disaster, a serious threat to the traffic safety. This year, a month, a century of cold wave swept from North to south, and the snow blowing to Guangdong, but also to bear the blow To * * * * the highway. In January on the evening of 23, Lianping county city temperatures dropped to minus 2 degrees, a wide range of sudden rain sleet, before and after the provincial S341 line in Jiulianshan Mountain tunnel sections of the road appeared in the snow, lead to the passing vehicles skid, traffic is blocked. In the face of the sudden natural disasters, city and countyhighway department immediately launched the emergency plan for disaster prevention. As the front line of the main force, Lianping Highway Bureau of all Party members and cadres to remember the Party member responsibility, braving the biting cold wind, the first time rushed to the scene, on the icy pavement of salt disposal. Because the temperature is too low, just melt water immediately freezes, addition to the ice work to increase the difficulty. To ensure In addition to the re organization of the depths of the traffic safety, road people braved the icy put reflective cones and warning signs, endure cold at minus 2,3 of Jiulianshan patrols until one in the morning. Just before dawn, Lianping Highway Bureau personnel on the icy road salt ice melting processing until ten o'clock, ice melting ice success, the road gradually returned to normal traffic. In the cold winter night, which people do not miss the warm bed, which people do not miss the warm home. However, our highway on the road to the owners of the masses can go home early, the night fighting to secure the avoidance of the road safety and smoothness, fulfill their responsibility. Xi General Secretary Every Party member cadre cautioned against said: blacksmith needs self hard "." two regulations ", is our own hard standard test, more exercise every party members andcadres of the fire. We should continue to strengthen the party two regulations, conscientiously in practical work, practical play road, the road for the development of the cause of Heyuan and struggle.In the industry domain report the situation of road traffic in recent years, in the province highway departments of the concern and support, our bureau management department based on the job, loyalty duty, best service, to further promote the highway management standardization, legal, scientific and information technology to improve the management level and service quality. This will be my last work is as follows: first, around the center, go all out to greet the seizure in 2015, "meet national examination" is my bureau work. As the highway management department, we focus on the work of the center to strengthen road renovation and management as the focal point, further optimize the service environment, improve service levels. Inspection, the inspection group and the Ministry of transport, the Bureau under the leadership of the ministries and agencies highly evaluated and fully affirmed. (a) increase road area remediation efforts. The programme of work, strengthen the organization and leadership. The timelydevelopment of the city of <*** common trunk highway area environment remediation plan >, along the road signs and markings, traffic safety facilities, on both sides of the green, advertising signs, control area illegal construction and implementation of remediation tasks to the relevant departments, clear work time of the node to ensure rectification work timely. Set up road area special rectification work leading group, implement a bureau, the Bureau of the county (District), the project road site domain environment comprehensive improvement Mechanism. To ensure that the work carried out smoothly, the bureau also organized the city road managers participated in the regulation of road region and the relevant laws and regulations of the special training. 2. Active butt joint is reported, actively strive for the support of. Local Party committee and government support is the jobAs a magic weapon, I am one of the Bureau of the principal leaders repeatedly attack inspection "remediation and road area to the principal leaders of the municipal report. * * *, the Secretary of municipal Party committee, mayor * *, * * *, vice mayor of many times the rate of the relevant departments directly under the responsible person in-depth NationalHighway G105 line, G205 line, provincial S341 line and the other highway project site, on-site office, coordination solve engineering construction and environmental comprehensive renovation in the presence of difficulties and problems. Last year, national highway along the county (District) government led organizations deploy traffic, urban management, public security, land, environmental protection, industry and commerce, highways and other related departments, to carry out to dismantle illegal construction and ground structures, cleaning up illegal standard Records label "as the main content of the road domain integrated environmental remediation activities and achieved good results. 3. Pay attention to comprehensive management, improve the effectiveness of remediation. Road construction control management has been strengthened. According to the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations of the < Highway Law > and < highway safety regulations for the protection of > and so on, county * *, * * County People's Government on highway construction control area were delineated and issue a public notice, * * County People's government also approved by the executive meeting of the government through discussion, implementation of road boundary markers of 73 million yuan of special funds input,stake setting. According to statistics, last year the city has erected building control zone peg 820, construction control area boundary markers 815 . the second is highway greening and beautification work enhance the road area remediation effectiveness. Will highway greening and beautification work as road area remediation of a key, invite garden experts to guide the design of green, the implementation of high standards for ecological landscape highway activities to create, five years, I board greening mileage of more than 900 kilometers, appropriate road greening greening rate of 100%, effectively enhance the city road greening level and grade, adds a sharp scenery line for **********. Third, rectification of illegal construction and occupation of the road has been checked. By through the town, crossing the road on many occasions to carry out concentrated rectification actions, to clear the remnants of the wall, broken Archives of highways in strict accordance with the wall of building structures and the illegal deposits, remediation along the Jeeves, Jeeves placed advertisements and vehicle maintenance, car washing and other acts, standardize and purification on both sides of the highway billboards and other non road signs, I city of national and provincial highway basic elimination of the "dirty, chaotic, poor, blockingphenomenon, highway traffic environment purification, landscaping. (2) to strengthen the management on the basic data management. The level of the archives management regulations, formulate the < file management system >, the establishment of the road, the implementation of the file manager, file collection, filing, sorting, filing, confidentiality, custody, borrow, identification pin Destroy the standardization. 2, standardized management, enhance service image (a) evaluation system to further improve in order to strengthen and standardize guidance and assessment of each county (area) bureau of highways management work, the Bureau developed a <*** City Highway Bureau highways management assessment implementation measures (Trial). To regularly check for half a year, year-end assessment and irregular random sampling combined, taking the spot road inspections, sampling sections, listening to the reports, archives data check, for each county (area) bureau of highways management work implementation of the special assessment. According to the annual comprehensive assessment appraisal score results, evaluation of outstanding, excellent compliance and Not up to the standard of four grades. And in accordance with the level of assessment, the award on behalf of dial highway management funds. Total score is above95%, is excellent, 10 million yuan reward; total score of 90 - 94 for excellent, 8 million yuan reward; for the total score of 80 - 89 points for standard, reward 50000 yuan. On the total score is less than 79 points for non-compliance unit, circulate a notice of criticism. (II) Sheung inspection work to further standardize a is in place to ensure the inspection. National and provincial trunk highway patrol monthly not less than 20 days, State Road a week of not less than 3 times, dart a week of not less than 2 times. The second is to explore and promote the electronic patrol monitoring.City highway patrol vehicles are installed on the highway patrol vehicle monitoring system; highway law enforcement personnel are equipped with a recorder for law enforcement, on the process of supervision and law enforcement to ensure evidence has played an effective role. The third is unified and standardized inspection ledger records, inspection equipment use and management of the electronic Patrol information storage utilization. The fourth is the establishment of highway maintenance and inspections mechanism. The city's 19 country and provincial trunk highway maintenance center equipped with the CPPCC keeper, and to develop a road of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference tube memberresponsibilities. According to statistics, in 2015 (on the road. Day.... Stop the road mileage, 17 cases; clean up debris on both sides of the road 20 , demolition billboard 30, demolition chaotic scaffolding house 3, clean Lane Hawking 15.) (3) road permit work to further strengthen the implementation of administrative licensing system, strengthen the supervision and administration of the licensing. Strict implementation of the < Guangdong Province highways license implementation measures >. According to the provisions of the road approval procedures and processes to carry out road license, do according to the law, the license in accordance with the law, shall be subject to examination and approval of the. Implement the collective examination and approval, to strengthen supervision. Highways and approval of business implementation of technical review of administrative approval and separation, the audit focused on the more complex involved in the road licensing matters, collective decision-making, to improve the scientific nature of the road administrative examination and approval, reduce approval corruption risks. Second is to promote the In administrative permission of information technology to improve service quality. According to the <*** Provincial People's Government Office on Issuing 2014 improveand expand the spirit of the relevant documents of the online business hall of program of work notice > and ministries and provincial and municipal government, I realized the butt of Guangdong Province highway information network and provincial network business hall * * * branch office highways licensing examination and approval work. Simplify the licensing process, and strengthen the office system, optimize the quality of service. (4) image of the team to further enhance a is grasp Windows image.2015 years, my bureau highways licensing in the city administrative service center settings window service. According to the <** provincial highway The provisions of the administrative licensing service window management way > and < on regulating the content of the public notice >, I Bureau for damaged highway capacity compensation standard, occupied by highway repair (lost) compensation expenses standards, in accordance with the law of administrative licensing items, the communications administrative license implementation procedures into the line on the wall publicity, in the service window is equipped with all kinds of application fill in sample, administrative licensing service guide brochure, in a conspicuous place public commitment to the system and advisory telephone complaints, for the masses provides warm and。
CPV10 Ex-i 防爆终端伞式阀门说明书
Terminal de válvulas CPV10 Ex-iProtección EX•El terminal CPV es especialmen-te adecuado para conceptos de instalación descentralizados.•Alto grado de robustez, dado que las válvulas son metálicas •Multipolo neumático con pasa-muros que permite la instala-ción en armario de maniobra.Estanquidad según IP65•Gran caudal con espacios de montaje muy reducidos•Hasta 16 válvulas de 3/2 vías por terminal•Válvulas con múltiples funcio-nes•Sistema de montaje e instala-ción para ahorrar tiempo •Multipolo neumáticoTerminal de válvulas CPV10 Ex-i: de seguridad intrínseca, diseñado para aplicaciones en zonas con peligro de explosión según clasificación ATEX 2 (zona 1). Ideal para el máximo caudal en espacios reducidos.Una solución única: la forma constructiva. La combinación flexible de prestaciones neumáticas, técnicas de conexión eléctrica y tipos de mon-taje versátiles.Zona Ex: ZONA 2Zona Ex: ZONA 1213.4.PSIProduct Short InformationTipoZONA 2ZONA 1CPV10/CPV14/CPV18CPV10 Ex-iN° de referencia del módulo 18200/18210/182********Tamaño de las válvulas en mm 10/14/1810Caudal en l/min 400/800/1600400Conexión eléctricaIndividual, multipolo, bus de campo Conexión individual Funciones de las válvulas2x 2/2 vías, 2x 3/2 vías, 5/2 vías, 3x de 2/2 víasmonoestable e impulso, válvula de 5/2 vías, monoestable / biestable,posición intermedia 5/3 vías,2x de 2/2 víasgenerador de vacío y válvula de 2/2vías para impulso de eyección,generador de vacío Multipolo neumáticosísíPresión de funcionamiento -0,9 ... 10 bar 0 ... 10 bar Presión de pilotaje3 ... 8 bar3 ... 8 barAccionamiento auxiliar manual pulsando, con retención, bloqueo pulsando, con retención, bloqueo Indicación por LED sínoTemperatura ambiente -5 ... +50 °C -5 ... +50 °C Clase de protección IP65IP40HomologacionesII 3G Ex nA II T4 XII 2G Ex ib IIC T5 II 3D Ex tD A22 IP54 T110 °C -5 °C < T a < 50 °C130808R e s e r v a d o e l d e r e c h o d e m o d i f i c a c i ónTerminal de válvulas CPV10 Ex-iDatos técnicos CPV Ex-i con multipolo neumáticoEl terminal de válvulas con multi-polo neumático, en sus diferen-tes variantes, simplifica la instalación de las conexiones neumáticas. En lugar de varios pasamuros y del conexionado de tubos, la instalación puede rea-lizarse con una sola perforación de pared. Con junta para protec-ción IP65, para montaje en arma-rios de maniobra cerradosCPV10 Ex-i en Zona 1/2: Termi-nal de válvulas autoprotegido (multipolo neumático) e I/Oremotas en armario de maniobraCPV10/14/18 en Zona 2: Termi-nal de válvulas con bus de campo (multipolo neumá t ico) y módulo I/= en armario.Conexiones de alimentación y tomas de tra-bajo en el multipolo neumáticoConexiones de alimentación al terminal de válvulas y tomas de trabajo en el multipolo neumáticoAplicación de CPV10 Ex-i en zonas con riesgo de explosión CPV10 Ex-i (Tipo: CPV10-Ex-VI)es un terminal de válvulas con ejecución autoprotegida para zonas con riesgo de explosión.De este modo, el terminal se instala directamente en la zona Ex con un sistema remoto I/O autoprotegido. Gracias al multi -polo neumático para armarios de maniobra, la instalación neu -mática puede efectuarse fuera del armario, simpli f icando el trabajo notablemente.Los controles adecuados son p. ej:• Siemens ET200 iSP • ABB sistema I/O S900• BARTEC 17-584F-6200• Pepperl&Fuchs IS-RPI• Stahl I.S.1. Remote I/O-System Tipo 9475• Stahl Ex-i separador Tipo 9175• Turck excom Remote-I/O-System Advertencia: Reservado el dere-cho a introducir cambios técnicos.Festo AG & Co. KGRuiter Strasse 8273734 Esslingen Tel. +49 711 347-0 Fax +49 711 347-2144*******************************。
1CBRZ603防爆固定安全照明灯2CBFC8100外场防爆强光泛光灯3CBFC8110防爆泛光灯4CBFC8110(A)防爆泛光灯内场防爆强光泛光灯(镇流器箱)6CBFC8120内场防爆节能泛光灯7CBFC8120内场防爆LED 泛光灯内场防爆应急灯(镇流器箱)内场防爆灯(镇流器箱)10CBFC8140内场防爆灯11CBFC8182长寿低耗防爆灯防爆投光灯(镇流器箱)防爆投光灯(镇流器箱)防爆道路灯(镇流器箱)防爆道路灯(镇流器箱)16CBPC8700防爆平台灯17CBPC8710防爆平台灯18CBPC8720防爆平台灯19CBPC8720LED LED 防爆平台灯20CBPC8730防爆平台灯粉尘内场防爆强光泛光灯(镇流器箱)22CBFC8930粉尘内场防爆灯23CBYW6223粉尘防爆标志灯24CBXW6229节能防爆应急工作灯矿用隔爆型投光灯(镇流器箱)26DGS70/127B(B)矿用隔爆型照明灯27DGS70/127B(C)矿用隔爆型巷道灯28DGS24/127L(A)矿用隔爆型LED 巷道灯29DGY100/24防爆泛光灯30CBKD-B 隔爆型防爆视孔灯31CBKD-C隔爆型防爆视孔灯固定式防爆类序号型号名称外形尺寸(mm)重量(kg 605×435×15516.575×342×26511146×134 1.4445×600×320374.44.1380×265×125 4.55CBFC8120390×265×160321×240×876380×265×125 4.58CBFC8120390×265×160305×215×1654.47410×2658280×3607.59CBFC8130265×430329×310×1236.613CBTC8210505×375329×310×12314612CBTC820014CBLC8600445×430329×310×1233.66290×215329×310×1237.2615CBLC8610630×375×182329×310×12311.6290×190 3.3180×150 2.4445×4307.2394×4188.521CBFC8920390×265×160321×240×874.54.1265×430 6.6320×184×478415×2257.625DGS70/127B(A)285×176321×240×8744.1420×2008.6325×217×2558.7286×294×94 3.2265×255 1.8305×3252.6465×160×89 4.5200×125332CBAT53防爆泛光灯33CBAX81隔爆型防爆灯34CBMD 防爆马路灯(IIB 、IIC 、e)35CBPD 防爆马路灯(IIB 、IIC 、e)36CBYD-9/20隔爆型防爆标志灯厂用防爆灯(镇流器箱)1CNFC9100防眩棚顶灯防眩应急棚顶灯(镇流器箱)3CNFC9110高效顶灯防眩泛光灯(镇流器箱)防眩应急泛光灯(镇流器箱)6CNFE9121/ON LED 应急顶灯7CNFC9121/ON LED 顶灯8CNFE9178YJ 固态应急照明灯9CNFC9178固态免维护顶灯10CNFC9181/NP 节能通道灯11CNFC9181/NX 长寿防眩顶灯防眩应急泛光灯(镇流器箱)防眩应急通路灯(镇流器箱)14CNSC9720防眩通路灯15CNSC9720A 铁路隧道灯16CNSC9700防眩通路灯17CNSC9700A 通路灯18CNLC9600通路灯防震强光投光灯(镇流器箱)防震型投光灯(镇流器箱)21CNGC9810/CNGC9810A 高顶灯22CNJC9500/CNTC9300变焦灯/小型投光灯高效大功率投光灯(镇流器箱)高效投光灯(镇流器箱)高效大功率投光灯310×571×241305×220302×248×79 3.337CBYC6170270×365321×240×874.14.1固定式专业类序号型号名称外形尺寸(mm )重量(kg )300×300×210 5.32CNFE9100300×300×210200×235×905.33.6225×330 4.44CNFC9112261×195200×350×901.×350×135 1.85CNFE9112261×195200×235×90180×110×520.6310×220×279 2.8350×135×55 1.2230×240×50 1.9310×220×279 3.612CNFE9180310×220×279215×181×1243.34.313CNSE9720350×305×210215×181×12444.2405×540×18513.405×540×18513.350×305×210 5.2350×305×210 5.2885×283×39011.19CNTC9200/CNTC9200A 605×525350×220×1606.817.20CNTC9210/CNTC9210A 435×420240×220×1605.28.123CNTC9240715×622×311350×220×160590×4207.2410×210×2056.42217.24CNTC9250602×425×414350×220×16014.17.25CNTC9251510×250×3457(镇流器箱)26CNYC9310长寿防眩平面灯27CNGC9800/CNGC9800A 高顶灯28CNGC9830防眩悬挂灯29CNGC9850高效场馆顶灯30CNGC9860/CNGC9860A高顶灯防水防震泛光灯(镇流器箱)防眩泛光灯(镇流器箱)33CNFC9131节能型热启动泛光灯34CNFC9140节能型广场灯35CNFC9170S 固态免维护顶灯36CNFC9171S 固态免维护顶灯37CNFC9173固态免维护顶灯38CNFC9175长寿顶灯39CNFC9176长寿顶灯40CNSC9200隧道灯外场强光投光灯(镇流器箱)外场强光投光灯(镇流器箱)43CNTC9230高效中功率投光灯44CNTW9270大功率外场投光灯45CNSC9730防眩通路灯防眩应急通路灯(镇流器箱)47CNXE9140A 固态应急标识灯48CZT6900A/B/C 防水防尘防震投光灯49CNFC9179固态免维护阅读灯50CNGC9820防眩悬挂灯51CNFC9180防眩泛光灯52CMZH2202高效节能专业油站灯53CMZH2203高效节能专业油站灯54CNYC9321/CX 防震房舱灯55CNYC9330/NX宽压荧光灯600×600×57 3.625CNTC9251240×220×160593×77023570×480108.331CNFC9132266×221×300321×240×87655×66012.760×65522.64.132CNFC9131266×221×300321×240×8764.1149×76×850.4156×450.6678×440×16517678×440×16516.145×235 2.4561×160×2856200×750.8256×365×115 3.842CNTC9221608×344×602350×220×1602017.41CNTC9220678×440×16516.620×565×23015.2117.636×562×285350×220×16046CNSE9730350×385×130240×220×16088.1281×150 2.5370×4708.4350×385×1308310×220×279 5.4520×520×22011.149×73×850.4640×740111250×110×502.5583×583×30010.415×115×50 1.4移动式照明类1CBJ7202CMSL47003CBXD6000LED 4CBNW60195CBW61006CBW6100B 7CBW61018CBF62009CZW630010CFW630011CBST630112CBST6301B 13CFW632014CBST630515CBST630216CBQ650017CBWM650118CBQ650219CBFG660020CBFG660021CBJW762022CRHJ60A 23CH-350024CFL484025CFL4841/LU 26CFL4870/LZ227CJS500028CT518029CG520030CG520131CJIW530032CF620134CQFW622035CYW6211/HK136CST6302(B)37CST630338CFW6310/CFW6310A40CQ6601序号型号名称外型尺寸(mm )固态防爆头灯76×75.5×57.5多功能袖珍信号灯39×113袖珍防爆强光电筒206×42多功能磁力强光工作灯221.5×103.5×87微型防爆电筒120.5×25.5微型防爆电筒150×34微型防爆电筒128.5×29.5防爆方位灯69×38×46多功能强光头灯81×67×62防爆行灯110×379手提式防爆探照灯162×69LED 手提式防爆探照灯193×69防爆行灯87×379手提式防爆探照灯234×121手提式防爆探照灯236×125便携式防爆强光灯157×180×74微型防爆工作帽灯101×37×70强光防爆工作帽灯305×152×230系列防爆泛光灯680×285×235防爆泛光工作灯680×285×235固态微型强光防爆电筒134×29消防员呼救器82×55×48.5遥控强光灯200×252×300信号指示灯401×85×26发光指挥棒440×34多功能声光报警器167×96.5×99军用便携搜索灯211×106×138.5智能遥控车载探照灯227.5×198×177.5固态高能强光电筒183×62微型多功能信号灯184×62便携式超强气体探照灯306.5×180×180远程方位灯130.5×88×43270×105(收缩)350×105(展开)33CF6202双面方位灯(镇流器箱)强光探照灯151×142遥控探照灯350×310×265军用超高亮度氙气灯126×236手提式探照灯222.5×132轻便式装卸灯118×109×26039CBFG6600-J泛光工作灯(三角支架)680×285×2351000-2600便携式多功能强光灯294×114×17241CBW710042CRJW711043CJW762144CXST2000A45CQY3000A46CQY3000B47CQY3000T48CQY9000A49CQY9000B50CQY670051CQY680052CQY680153CQY680254CQY160055CQY1500制表:审核:军用便携搜索灯47×84×386摄影工作灯69.5×220警用强光手电筒157×32.5便携式升降应急投光灯480×323×480全方位自动升降工作灯2000×500×370便携式升降应急投光灯700×160×450全方位自动升降工作灯900×475×600大功率移动工作灯1200×900×350大功率遥控自动升降工作灯1250×800×250便携式升降移动照明车480×330×520全方位大型移动照明车2000×800×500全方位遥控自动升降工作灯2000×500×800全方位大型移动照明车800×500×1600系列大功率球灯1530×950×220全方位拖车照明灯塔A(B)型3680×1365×1335原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品重量(kg)备注16.2111.4374.44.14.564.54.4787.56.61463.667.2611.363.原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品 无样品无样品3.34.14.1原尺寸、无样品重量(kg )备注5.原尺寸、无样品14.317.2原尺寸、无样品7原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品3.623108.312.422.764.1原尺寸、无样品64.10.40.61716.52.460.83.8原尺寸、无样品2017.2原尺寸、无样品16.815.22117.重量(kg )备注原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品0.9原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品1.71.5 0.3 53 46.586350 3045.4596461235 840原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品原尺寸、无样品。
可以取代现有的2.5KV A或4KV A干式变压器及手动防爆开关的多体控制方式。
装置分别配有带隔离RS-485/ RS-232标准异步通讯接口,通讯方式可采用通信电缆线。
K ·06 -4
压力控制器系列 Pressure Controller
KY16 选型表
型号代码 CODE
KY16 ·2 23· 2 0 ·Z12 - 01
基 KY 本 KC 系 16 列 16A
压力开关 KY-Pressure Switch 差压开关 KC-Differential Pressure Switch 防爆系列 Explore-proof series 防爆双点系列 Explosion-proof Double Points Series
Parameter 1. Be suitable to grasp and fix kindly steel wire or tape armour cable 2. Apply to the case whose explosion suppression and sealing
demand up to IP166. 3. The material could be brass or stainless steel, plating available. 4. The design accords with GB3836 & BS6121
KY16 Series features a variety of switch types, specifications, working ranges, pressure sensors and wetted materials. Available welded diaphragm sensor and bellows sensors. Various types of microswitch. Optional 1 or 2 SPDT switches and hermetically sealed switch. Typical applications include petrochemical plants, refineries, oil pipelines, and where dust, explosive or high explosive atmospheres exist.
D1xB2X05、D1xB2X10、D1xB2X15 和 D1xB2X21 在危险场所 使用的氙光信
1) 警告∙存在爆炸性环境时切勿打开∙切勿在通电的情况下打开∙潜在的静电带电危险 - 只能用湿布进行清洁∙高压电击危险。
断开电源后等待 5 分钟,然后再打开外壳∙请勿涂漆∙为了降低危险环境着火的风险,第一次管道运行必须距离外壳 18 英寸以内的位置连接一个密封接头。
后续的管道运行必须配备一个密封接头,其连接尽可能靠近外壳壁,但在任何情况下都不能超过管道的尺寸或超过 50 毫米,以较小者为准。
∙为了防止 A、B、C 和 D 组空气着火 - 参见化学相容性说明Avertissement:∙ NE PAS OUVRIR UN PRESENCE D’ATMOSPHERE EXPLOSIVE∙ NE PAS OUVRIR ENERGIE∙ DANGER POTENTIEL CHARGEÉLECTROSTATIQUE - NETTOYERUNIQUEMENT AVEC UN CHIFFONHUMIDE∙ HAUT TENSION, RISK DE CHOC.ATTENDEZ 5 MINUTES APRES AVOIRDEBRANCHE L’ALIMENTATION AVANTD’OUVRIR LA BOITIER∙ NE PAS PEINTURER∙ POUR RÉDUIRE LE RISQUED'INFLAMMATION DES ATMOSPHÈRESDANGEREUSES, LE PREMIER CONDUITDE CONDUIT DOIVENT AVOIR UNRACCORD D'ÉTANCHÉITÉ RACCORDÉ ÀMOINS DE 18 POUCES DEL'ENFERMEMENT. POUR SUBSÉQUENTLES CONDUITES DE CONDUIT LADISTANCE ENTRE LA SURFACE DE LAMASSE DE REMPLISSAGE AU PLUSPRÈS DE L’ENVELOPPE DOIT ÊTREAUSSI PETITE QUE CE QUI ESTRÉALISABLE MAIS EN AUCUN CASSUPÉRIEURE À LA PLUS PETITE DESDIMENSIONS CORRESPONDANT À LATAILLE DU CONDUIT OU À 50 MM.∙ POUR PRÉVENIR L'INFLAMMATION DESATMOSPHÈRES DES GROUPES A, B, C ETCOMPATIBILITÉ CHIMIQUE2) 等级和标记信息2.1 火灾报警等级以下型号被认证为视觉报警设备,用于火灾报警用途 - 在与透明或红色镜头盖配合使用时,专用模式视觉报警设备符合UL1638 / CAN/ULC-S526 标准:D1xB2X05DC024 / D1xB2X10DC024 / D1xB2X15DC024 /D1xB2X21DC024同轴光输出符合 UL1638 标准:型号cd 中的光强度透明镜头红色镜头D1xB2X05DC024 - 1Hz 20.44 5.89D1xB2X05DC024 - 1.33Hz 14.47 4.17D1xB2X05DC024 - 1.5Hz 11.1 2.13D1xB2X10DC024 - 1Hz 69.81 23.66D1xB2X10DC024 - 1.33Hz 49.42 16.75D1xB2X10DC024 - 1.5Hz 35.71 8.57D1xB2X15DC024 - 1Hz 98.61 31.83D1xB2X15DC024 - 1.33Hz 69.81 22.53D1xB2X15DC024 - 1.5Hz 50.44 11.53D1xB2X21DC024 - 1Hz 215.85 70.74D1xB2X21DC024 - 1.33Hz 155.12 50.84D1xB2X21DC024 - 1.5Hz 137.47 45.052.2 用于火灾报警系统的浪涌电流额定值型号标称电压电压范围闪光频率峰值浪涌电流RMS浪涌电流D1xB2X05DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc1Hz 955mA 370mA1.33Hz 960mA 370mA1.5Hz 955mA 365mA双闪960mA 355mAD1xB2X10DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc1Hz 970mA 700mA1.33Hz 970mA 700mA1.5Hz 990mA 700mA双闪990mA 695mAD1xB2X15DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc1Hz 990mA 925mA1.33Hz 990mA 930mA1.5Hz 990mA 925mA双闪990mA 905mAD1xB2X21DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc1Hz 1590mA1220mA1.33Hz 1710mA 1240mA1.5Hz 1590mA 1240mA双闪1650mA 1200mA______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ European Safety Systems Ltd.ImpressHouse,MansellRoad,Acton,************************电话: +44 (0)208 743 2.3 美国和加拿大的 NEC 和 CEC 分类/区域等级D1xB2X 氙气信标符合以下标准:UL 1203 (Ed. 5) 2018 UL1638A (Ed. 1) 2016 UL1638 (Ed.5) 2017CSA C22.2 No. 30-M1986 (Ed. 3) 2016 CSA C22.2 No. 25 (Ed. 4) 2017 CSA C22.2 No. 205 (Ed.3) 2017D1xB2X05DC012、D1xB2X05DC024 和 D1xB2X05DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T5 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T6 Ta -55°C 到 +65°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T5 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X05AC115 和 D1xB2X05AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4A Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T5 Ta -55°C 到 +55°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T6 Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T4 Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +40°CD1xB2X10DC024 和 D1xB2X10DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4A Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T5 Ta -55°C 到 +50°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T4 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X10AC115 和 D1xB2X10AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4 Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4A Ta -55°C 到 +55°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T4 Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +40°CD1xB2X15DC024 和 D1xB2X15DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T3C Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4 Ta -55°C 到 +55°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T4 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X15AC115 和 D1xB2X15AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4 Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4A Ta -55°C 到 +55°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T4 Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +40°CD1xB2X21DC024 和 D1xB2X21DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T3B Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T3C Ta -55°C 到 +75°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4 Ta -55°C 到 +50°CClass II Div 1 Group EFG T3C Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +40°CD1xB2X21AC115 和 D1xB2X21AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T3C Ta -55°C 到 +60°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4 Ta -55°C 到 +55°C Class I Div 1 Group ABCD T4A Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class II Div 1 Group EFG T4 Ta -55°C 到 +40°C Class III Div 1 Ta -55°C 到 +40°C必须根据国家电气规范/加拿大电气规范安装2.4 美国 NEC 分类/区域等级D1xB2X 氙气信标符合以下标准:UL 60079-0 (Ed. 6) 2017 UL 60079-1 (Ed.7) 2015 UL 60079-31 (Ed.2) 2015D1xB2X05DC012、D1xB2X05DC024 和 D1xB2X05DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T5 Ta -55°C 到 +75°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T6 Ta -55°C 到 +60°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T99°C Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X05AC115 和 D1xB2X05AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T5 Ta -55°C 到 +50°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T153°C Ta -55°C 到 +70°CD1xB2X10DC024 和 D1xB2X10DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T5 Ta -55°C 到 +45°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T132°C Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X10AC115 和 D1xB2X10AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T3 Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +65°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T153°C Ta -55°C 到 +70°CD1xB2X15DC024 和 D1xB2X15DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T3 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +65°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T132°C Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X15AC115 和 D1xB2X15AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T3 Ta -55°C 到 +70°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +65°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T153°C Ta -55°C 到 +70°CD1xB2X21DC024 和 D1xB2X21DC048 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T3 Ta -55°C 到 +80°C_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ European Safety Systems Ltd.ImpressHouse,MansellRoad,Acton,************************电话: +44 (0)208 743 Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +45°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T181°C Ta -55°C 到 +80°CD1xB2X21AC115 和 D1xB2X21AC230 氙气信标评级如下:Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T3 Ta -55°C 到 +60°C Class I Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Ta -55°C 到 +50°C Zone 21 AEx tb IIIC T153°C Ta -55°C 到 +60°C安装时必须遵守国家电气规范。
技术参数1、防爆形式:隔爆型2、防爆标志:ExdⅡCT63、工作电压:DC24V(指示灯电源)4、报警电流:≤10mA5、触点容量:0.5A(可根据用户要求设计)6、保护等级:IP657、使用环境:温度:-20℃~+50℃;相对湿度:≤95% 不结露;大气压力:80KPa~110KPa8、进线口径:M22x1.5(进线口的数量及大小可以根据用户的要求设计生产)9、重量:1.1kgJDXS—1232型防爆消火栓按钮产品描述JDXS-1232型防爆消火栓按钮(简称按钮)为非编码开关型按钮,适用于安装在含有ⅡC级T6温度组别的爆炸性气体环境场所,当人工确认火灾事故发生后,按下此按钮,即可向火灾报警控制器发出启泵请求信号或直接启动消防水泵控制系统。
技术参数1、防爆形式:隔爆型2、防爆标志:ExdⅡCT63、工作电压:DC24V(指示灯电源)4、触点容量:0.5A或7A(触点容量可按用户要求设计)5、触点数量:两个常开触点(可根据用户要求设计一个触点,常开、常闭任选)6、防护等级:IP657、使用环境:温度:-20℃~+50℃ 相对湿度:≤95%不结露;大气压力:80kPa~110kPa8、进线口径:2-M22×1.5(进线口的数量及大小可以根据用户的需求设计生产)9、重量:I型:1kg ;II型:1.1 kgJDSB型防爆手动按钮产品描述JDSB防爆火灾手动报警按钮(简称按钮)为非编码开关型按钮,适用于安装在含有ⅡC级T6温度组别的爆炸性气体环境场所,当人工确认火灾事故发生后,按下此按钮,即可向火灾报警控制器发出报警信号。
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刘嘉怡 咨询问题: 1 匹防尘高温空调相关问题
问题概述: 你这个 1 匹防尘高温空调是什么特点? 客服编号 08102: 您好,您咨询这款 1 匹防尘高温空调是风扇电机二级保护 润联会员:
2016-01-20 14:21 载兴安 咨询问题: 高品质图尔克防爆 BI2-G12-Y1X NI5-G12-Y1X 接近开关 保质一年相关问 题
5,总线电压: DC15V--20V 。 6,响应时间: ≤10S。 7,防爆等级: ExdIICT6。 8,防护等级: IP65。 9,工作环境温度: -40℃~+70℃。 10,环境相对湿度: ≤90%RH。
浏览所有咨询信息>> 发表咨询购买之前,如有问题,请咨询!
您好,这款电动阀操作原理 电动阀通常由电动执行机构和阀门连接起来, 经过安装调试后成为电动阀。电动阀使用电能作为动力来接通电动执行机构驱动 阀门,实现阀门的开关、调节动作。从而达到对管道介质的开关或是调节目的。 电磁阀是电动阀的一个种类;是利用电磁线圈产生的磁场来拉动阀芯,从而改变
阀体的通断,线圈断电,阀芯就依靠弹簧的压力退回。 润联会员: 2016-01-20 15:52 历芷容 咨询问题: BLS 系列防爆水冷冷水机组 BLS110 相关问题 问题概述: 你们这款 BLS 系列防爆水冷冷水机组 BLS110 的冷却水流量是多少
2016-01-20 14:31 生景辉 咨询问题: 防爆空调 2 匹 BKGR-50 相关问题
问题概述: 你这个防爆空调 2 匹 BKGR-50 是什么适用范围? 客服编号 08104: 您好,您咨询的这款防爆空调 2 匹 BKGR-50 是本产品适用于石油化工、冶金、 医药、纺织、食品、生物工程、航天航空工程及军工等爆炸性环 境中,有温度控制要求的场所; 润联会员:
客服编号 08148:
防爆声光报警器 YDLB-LA-10A 您好欢迎咨询 这是设备可以在矿上 和井 下使用的 现货 报价不含税运的
2016-01-20 16:20
Z941H-16C 开关型防爆调节电动闸阀 DN150/6 寸相关问题
客服编号 08139:
2016-01-20 10:46 凤天睿 咨询问题: HD-LW5603 防爆点型可燃气体探测器相关问题
问题概述: 你好,我想问一下 HD-LW5603 防爆点型可燃气体探测器的简单参数是多 少? 客服编号 08047: 您好,您咨询的这款产品的工作电压: DC 20--28V。 3,工作电流(DC24V):≤50 mA 。 4,报警电流(DC24V):≤100mA。
防爆照明开关 SW-10 防爆照明开关 BZM-10 单联 单控防爆开关
2016-01-20 17:08
防爆声光报警器 YDLB-LA-10A 相关问题
防爆声光报警器 YDLB-LA-10A 您好请问 这个设备 都是在什么环境下使 用的呢 是有现货的吗 报价是含运费含税收的吗
问题概述: 你这个高品质图尔克防爆 BI2-G12-Y1X NI5-G12-Y1X 接近开关 保质一年 是什么参数的? 客服编号 08090: 您好,您咨询的这款高品质图尔克防爆 BI2-ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้12-Y1X NI5-G12-Y1X 接近开关 保质一年是 NI5-G12-Y1X 润联会员:
2016-01-20 10:46 房曼蔓 咨询问题: AT0501AH 型氢气防爆气体探测器相关问题
问题概述: 你好,我想问一下 AT0501AH 型氢气防爆气体探测器的相关参数是多少? 客服编号 08048: 您好,您咨询的这款产品的工作电压:15V~35V 工作温度:-40℃-70℃ 温度范围:≤93%RH 无凝露 功耗:1.5W(DC24V). 出线孔连接螺纹:G1/2 内螺纹.防护等级:IP66. 防爆标志:ExdllCT6 润联会员:
润联会员: 2016-01-20 15:06 素芳林
咨询问题: 直动式船用防爆行程开关 LX918-11Z 相关问题
问题概述: 你好你们这款直动式船用防爆行程开关 LX918-11Z 电流多大? 客服编号 08115: 你好,我们这款直动式船用防爆行程开关 LX918-11Z 电流 5A 润联会员:
客服编号 08131: 您 好 我 们 这 款 BLS 系 列 防 爆 水 冷 冷 水 机 组 BLS110 的 冷 却 水 流 量 是 m3/h23.5 欢迎致电润联
润联会员: 2016-01-20 15:42 多白竹
咨询问题: 防爆电笛 DDKB-1 相关问题
问题概述: 你这防爆电笛 DDKB-1 的适用范围有哪些啊? 客服编号 08124: 您好,您咨询的这款防爆电笛 DDKB-1 的适用范围如下: 1. 爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1 区、2 区; 2. 可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB; 详情请咨询人工台,谢谢再见。