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能介绍个好的商店吗?Are there any unusual things produced in this town?这个镇有什么特产吗?Where can I buy it?我在哪里能买到Is there a duty-free shop?这有免税店吗?What time do stores open?什么时候商店开始营业?I d like to buy kitchenware我想买厨房用具Which shop has the best range of goods?哪个商店有最好的商品Could you recommend a boutique which is popular among young people?你能推荐我一些年轻人喜欢的流行店吗?国外购物时英语口语Where can I buy cloth?在哪能买到布料What do you sell on the second floor?你们在2楼卖什么?Excuse me. Can you help me?打扰一下。
国外购物常用英语口语带翻译(2)你们接受旅行支票吗?Do you accept this credit card?你们收这种信用卡吗?What kind of credit cards do you accept?你们接受什么样的信用卡?Is there a money exchange counter?这有两替所吗?Can I pay in Chinese Yuan and US dollars mixed?我能付人民币和美圆吗?Is there a mistake in this bill?是不是帐单有错误购物实用英语口语带翻译Could you check it again?你能再检查一下吗?You gave me the wrong change.你找错钱拉Can I have a receipt, please能给我个收条吗?I don t have my change back yet.还没有找我钱呢I already paid我已经付钱了Could you tell me how to make it tax-free?能告诉我怎么使他免税May I have the form for tax refund?能给我张退税表吗?Where can I get a form for tax refund?我在哪能得到退税表Could you deliver it to Boston hotel?你能把它送到波士顿酒店吗?I d like to have it today我今天想要What should I do to send this to Japan?把这个送回日本我需要做些什么?Could you send it to my address in China?你能送回在中国的这个地址吗?By air (sea) mail, please空(水)运How long does it take to reach Chinese by air mail?空运多久能到中国出国必备购物英语口语Can I take an insurance?能带上保险吗?How much does it cost by air mail?空运多少钱?Do I have to declare?我要申报吗?Will I have any difficulties with customs?我过海关有什么困难吗?I think this is broken here我想是这坏拉It doesn t work at all根本不好用Could you fix it or give me a refund?你能修好他或是退款给我I found a stain here这有个污点Could you exchange this, please?能换这个吗?Could you change it for a new one?能换个新的吗?I d like to return this我想退掉它Can I have a refund?能退给我钱吗?Could you alter this, please?能改变这个吗?The waist needs taking in (letting out) by 3 centimeters 腰需要收(放)3公分Could you make it longer (shorter)?能做长(短)点吗?Does it take a long time?用很长时间吗?Can you make it a little earlier?能早点做吗?I put money in this vending machine, but a coke didn t come out.我放钱进自动售货机拉,可是没有可乐出来1.商店购物英语口语对话2.关于购物英语交际用语3.简单购物英语情景对话大全4.日常购物英语口语对话带翻译5.销售常用英语口语大全国外购物常用英语口语带翻译如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天在这里为大家分享一些国外购物常用英语,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助!国外购物常用口语Is it far from here?离这远吗?Could you tell me how to get there?能告诉我怎么到那吗?Where is the nearest supermarket from here?最近的超市在哪?Where can I buy a roll of film?在哪能买到胶卷?Where is the shopping area in this town?购物区在城镇的什么地方?Where is the biggest shopping center?哪有最大的购物中心?Is there a department store around here?附近哪有百货商店?I d like to buy a leather jacket. Could you recommend a good shop?我要买一件皮衣。
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跨境电商术语中英文对照跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce)已成为全球贸易的重要模式之一,为了方便交流和合作,不同国家和地区的商家和消费者共同使用一套统一的术语对跨境电商进行描述和定义。
一、术语对照表1. 跨境电商: Cross-border E-commerce2. 平台:Platform3. 跨境电商零售进口:Cross-border E-commerce Retail Import4. 跨境电商综合试验区:Comprehensive Experimental Zone for Cross-border E-commerce5. 跨境支付:Cross-border Payment6. 跨境物流:Cross-border Logistics7. 海外仓:Overseas Warehouse8. 跨境退款:Cross-border Refund9. 征税:Taxation10. 关税:Customs Duty11. 物流信息追踪:Logistics Tracking12. 全球供应链管理:Global Supply Chain Management13. 汇率风险:Exchange Rate Risk14. 电子商务法:E-commerce Law15. 税收政策:Tax Policies二、重要术语解释1. 跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce)跨境电商是指商家通过网络将产品或服务销售到其他国家或地区,并进行国际物流和跨境支付的一种商业模式。
2. 平台(Platform)平台是指提供跨境电商服务的在线市场或网站。
3. 跨境电商零售进口(Cross-border E-commerce Retail Import)跨境电商零售进口是指消费者通过跨境电商平台直接购买跨境商品并直接进行个人清关放行的行为。
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导语:海淘就是通过互联网检索海外商品信息,并通过电子订购单发出购物请求,然后填上私人信用卡号码,由海外购物网站通过国际快递发货,或是由转运GS 代收货物再转寄回国。
下面是YJBYS 小编收
Buyer protection:买方权益保护
Bidding & buying help:出价&购物向导
Gift cards:代金券
Customer service:客服
Order tracking:订单追踪/查询订单
E-gift card:电子代金卡
Mobile gift card:手机代金卡
Manage my account:管理我的账户
Manage my reward:管理我的回赠
Countries we ship to:货物运到城市
Top products:热销商品
Pay my bill:我要支付
Return policy:退货须知
Start selling:开始销售
Learn to sell:学习如何销售。
跨境电商的常见术语1. 跨境电商(Cross-border e-commerce):指不同国家之间进行的电子商务交易。
2. 跨境电商平台(Cross-border e-commerce platform):提供跨境交易服务的在线平台,如亚马逊(Amazon)、阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等。
3. B2C(Business-to-Consumer):指商家直接面向消费者进行销售的模式。
4. B2B(Business-to-Business):指商家之间进行的商业交易,如供应商和批发商之间的交易。
5. C2C(Consumer-to-Consumer):指消费者之间直接进行交易,如在线拍卖网站。
6. FBA(Fulfillment by Amazon):指通过亚马逊物流服务将产品存储在亚马逊仓库并由其处理包装和配送的服务。
7. 仓储与物流(Warehousing and logistics):指处理商品仓储和运输的环节。
8. 海外仓(Overseas warehouse):位于跨境电商目标市场国家的仓库,用于更快和更便宜地发货。
9. 跨境支付(Cross-border payment):指不同国家之间进行的支付交易,通常涉及货币兑换和国际支付手续。
10. 关税(Customs duty):指进口商品需要支付给国家的税款。
11. 跨境电商企业(Cross-border e-commerce enterprise):专门从事跨境电商业务的公司,如跨境电商平台运营商、跨境物流服务提供商等。
12. ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning):企业资源计划,指用于对企业各部门和业务流程进行整体管理的软件系统。
13. 跨境电商代购(Cross-border e-commerce purchasing):指消费者通过跨境电商平台购买海外商品。
14. 清关(Customs clearance):指商品从一个国家进口到另一个国家时需要完成的海关手续。
• 2.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么、喜欢什么或 向顾客推荐物品时的用语: • Which shirt(pen...) do you like﹖ • 你想买哪一件衬衫(笔……)? • What size(color、kind...)do you want﹖ • 你想买哪种型号(颜色、种类……)? • Do you like this size(color、kind…)﹖ • 你喜欢这种型号(颜色、种类……)吗? • Is this(Are these)all right﹖ • 这个(这些)可以吗? • What about these(those)﹖ • 这些(那些)怎么样? • What else would you like﹖ • 你还想要点什么?
• face powder 粉 compact 粉盒 powder puff 粉扑 cold cream 香脂 vanishing cream 雪花膏 perfume, scent 香水 perfume spray 香水喷子 coat hanger 挂衣架 clothes-peg, clothes pin 晒衣夹 string bag, net bag 网兜 thermos bottle 热水瓶 cap, cork 热水瓶瓶盖 travellers' water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壶 lunch box, canteen 饭盒 thread 线 needle 针 button 钮扣 zipper 拉链 key-ring 钥匙圈
• 在3楼。 • It's on the third floor. • *on the...floor是“(楼的)……层”。美国的1楼是 the first floor,2层是the second floor。英国的1 楼是“the ground floor”,2楼是“the first floor”, 两种说法相差1层,所以要注意。 • 是往下? • Going down? *乘坐电梯时向对方询问“是下楼 吗?”,如果问“是上楼吗?”可说Going up?。
shopping centre 商业中心区department store 百货商店children''s goods store 儿童用品商店antique shop 古玩店second-hand store 旧货店counter 柜台stall, stand 售货摊show window 橱窗show case 玻璃柜台shelf 货架cash desk, cashier''s desk 收银处price tag 标价签prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定价discount 打折扣change 零钱购物常用的英语短语to keep the bill 留发票to wrap up 包装free of charge 不收费to deliver 送be al sold out, out of stock 售空shop assistant, salesman 售货员saleswoman 女售货员glassware counter 玻璃器皿部enamel ware 搪瓷器皿haberdashery 男子服饰用品confectionery 糖果糕点cosmetics 化妆用品stationery 文具fabrics 纺织品dry goods 服装ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装men''s wear 男服购物相关英语词汇带翻译商业广场shopping mall /business plaza;购物中心shopping center;百货商场department store;连锁店chain store;特许专卖店franchised store;名牌直销店outlets;服饰精品店boutique;食品杂货店grocery;便利店convenience store; 超市supermarket;货摊vendor's stand。
海外购服饰类、鞋类、外国购物网站常用词中英文对照服饰类、鞋类常用词:(一)服饰类型、服饰面料:acryl压克力all-weather coat风雨衣anorak, duffle coat带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣apparel and accessories服饰apron围裙artificial fur and leather garment人造毛皮、服装bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit游泳衣bathing trunks游泳裤bathrobe浴衣bell-bottom trousers喇叭裤belt腰带beret贝蕾帽bikini比基尼泳衣blouse紧身女衫blouse女衬衫boot靴子Bottoms 裤子bow tie蝶形领带bowler hat圆顶硬礼帽braces裤子背带(美作:suspenders)brassiere, bra乳罩breeches马裤briefs短内裤,三角裤broad-brimmed straw hat宽边草帽business suit职业服buttonhole钮扣孔Camisole吊带裙canvas shoes, rope soled shoes帆布鞋cap便帽cape披风cardigan开襟毛衣cashmere羊毛Casuals休闲服chemical fiber garment化纤服装children‘s wear童装Chinese style coat中式上衣Chinese style slack中式裤clog木拖鞋/木屐coat大衣coat女大衣corselet紧身胸衣cotton wadded jacket/trousers棉袄/棉裤cotton棉cowboy wear牛仔服cravat领巾cuff袖口culotte裙裤custom made定制服装detachable collar假领,活领dinner jacket无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo) divided skirt, split skirt裙裤dot圆点花double-breasted suit双排扣外衣down garment羽绒服down wadded trousers羽绒裤dress coat, tails燕尾服,礼服dress连衣裙dress女服dust coat风衣Eastern and Western style coat中西式大衣evening dress夜礼服evening dress夜礼服everyday clothes便服fashion时装flare skirt喇叭裙flat 平底鞋flower pattern花纹花样formal dress礼服frock coat双排扣长礼服full dress uniform礼服制服fur coat皮大衣fur or leather garment裘革服装fur stole毛皮长围巾galosh, overshoe套鞋garments外衣girdle腰带glove手套gown, robe礼袍habit个人依习惯.身份而着的服装handkerchief手帕hat带沿的帽子headdress头饰heel鞋后跟hood风帽housecoat, dressing gown晨衣(美作:duster) hunting猎装hood套头衫infant‘s wear婴儿服装jacket短外衣夹克jacket夹克衫jeans牛仔裤jeans牛仔裤jellaba, djellaba, jelab带风帽的外衣jerkin猎装jumper skirt背心裙jumpersuit连衣裙kimono和服knicherbockers灯笼裤knickerbockers灯笼裤knickers儿童灯笼短裤knickers女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤knitted shawl头巾,编织的头巾lace鞋带lapel (上衣)翻领layette婴儿的全套服装line skirt斜裙linen麻mac, mackintosh, raincoat橡胶雨衣mantle, cloak斗篷mantle斗篷middy blouse水手衫mini-skirt超短裙moccasin鹿皮鞋muff皮手筒natural fabric天然纤维nightgown, nightdress女睡衣night-grown睡袍nightshirt男式晚礼服nylon尼龙one piece连体泳衣overalls背带裙overalls工装裤overcoat男式大衣Panama hat巴拿马草帽panties女短内裤patent leather shoes黑漆皮鞋patterns花样peaked cap, cap with a visor尖顶帽pelisse皮上衣pijamas睡衣袍pinafore (带护胸)围裙pleated skirt褶裙plus fours高尔夫球裤,半长裤pocket衣袋polo shirt球衣polyester伸缩尼龙poncho篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)pyjamas睡衣裤(美作:pajamas)Qipao旗袍ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes成衣ready-to-wear成衣ride breeches马裤roll-neck sweater高翻领运动衫rompers连背心的背带裤round-neck sweater圆领运动衫sandal凉鞋scarf, muffler围巾shawl大披巾sheepskin jacket羊皮夹克shirt衬衫shoe鞋short dressing gown短晨衣short trousers短裤short-sleeved sweater短袖运动衫silk garment丝绸衣服silk丝skirt裙子skirt西服裙sleeve袖子slip, petticoat衬裙slippers便鞋/拖鞋Sneakers旅游鞋Sandals+ Flip Flops凉鞋Scarves时尚围巾socks短袜sole鞋底stays, corset束腰,胸衣stockings长袜straight skirt筒裙stripe条纹suit男外衣suit, outfit, ensemble套服suspender belt吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt) suspenders袜带(美作:garters)swallow-tailed coat燕尾服sweater运动衫synthetic fabric混合纤维tailcoat, morning coat大礼服tailored suit女式西服tartan plaid格子花(美作:tartan)three-piece suit三件套three-quarter coat中长大衣tie领带(美作:necktie)tiered skirt节裙tights, leotard紧身衣裤Tights + leggings紧身打底裤Tops上衣top hat高顶丝质礼帽topcoat夹大衣town clothes外衣trench coat风衣trousers裤子trousers西裤trousseau嫁妆T-shirt短袖圆领衫,体恤衫tunic长袍turban头巾turnup裤角折边,挽脚twinset两件套,运动衫裤ulster一种长而宽松的外套underpants, pants内衣裤(美作:shorts) underskirt内衣underwear, underclothes内衣裤uniform制服veil面纱vest背心vest汗衫(美作:undershirt)V-neck V型领waistcoat背心wardrobe服装clothing服装wedding gown新娘礼服Wedges and heels高跟鞋wing collar硬翻领,上浆翻领women‘s wear女式服装wool毛料woolen garment毛呢服装working wear劳动保护服worsted呢料Wristlets腕饰young men‘s jacket青年装zhong Shan jacket中山装(二)颜色:红色类红色red朱红vermeil; vermilion; ponceau粉红pink; soft red; rose bloom梅红plum;crimson;fuchsia red玫瑰红rose madder; rose桃红peach blossom; peach; carmine rose樱桃红cherry; cerise桔红reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon 石榴红garnet枣红purplish red; jujube red; date red莲红lotus red浅莲红fuchsia pink豉豆红bean red辣椒红capsicum red高粱红Kaoliang red芙蓉红hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy胭脂红rogue red carmine; cochineal; lake鲑鱼红salmon玳瑁红hawksbill turtle red海螺红cadmium orange宝石红ruby red玛瑙红agate red珊瑚红coral金红bronze red铁红iron oxide red铁锈红rust red镉红cadmium red铬红chrome red砖红brick red土红laterite; reddle郎窑红lang-kiln red均红Jun-kiln red釉底红underglaze red威尼斯红Venetian red法国红French vermilion茜红alizarin red; madder red洋红carmine; magenta品红pinkish red; magenta猩红scarlet red; scarlet; blood red油红oil red紫红purplish red; madder red; wine red; wine; carmine; amaranth; claret; fuchsia; magenta; heliotrope; mauve 玫瑰紫红rose carmine; rose mauve深紫红prune; mulberry深藕红conch shell棕红henna暗红dark red; dull red鲜红scarlet red; scarlet; bright red; fresh red; blood red; madder; ruby; cerise; cherry血红blood red; incarnadine血牙红shell pink; peach beige绯红scarlet; crimson; geranium pink米红silver pink深红deep red; crimson淡红light red; carnation橙色类橙色orange黄色类黄色yellow桔黄orange; crocus; gamboge; cadmium orange深桔黄,深橙deep orange浅桔黄,浅橙clear orange; light orange; rattan柠檬黄lemon yellow lemon citrine citron玉米黄maize橄榄黄olive yellow樱草黄primrose yellow稻草黄straw yellow芥末黄mustard杏黄apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow蛋黄vitelline; yolk yellow;egg yellow藤黄rattan yellow鳝鱼黄eel yellow象牙黄ivory日光黄sunny yellow石黄mineral yellow土黄earth yellow; yellowish brown; yellow ocher; golden apricot砂黄sand yellow金黄golden yellow, gold铁黄iron oxide yellow; iron buff镉黄cadmium yellow铬黄chrome yellow钴黄cobalt yellow深黄,暗黄deep yellow棕黄tan青黄bluish yellow灰黄isabel sallow grey yellow米黄apricot cream cream嫩黄yellow cream鲜黄cadmium yellow canary鹅黄light yellow中黄midium yellow浅黄light yellow;pale yellow;buff淡黄jasmin(e); primrose绿色类绿色green豆绿pea green bean green浅豆绿light bean green; asparagus green橄榄绿olive green olive茶绿tea green celandine green plantation葱绿onion green pale green苹果绿apple green原野绿field green森林绿forest green洋蓟绿artichoke green苔藓绿moss green bracken green草地绿,草绿grass green meadow green oliver green olive drab水草绿water grass green深草绿jungle green灰湖绿agate green水绿aqua green海水绿marine green酸性绿acid green水晶绿crystal green玉绿jade green石绿mineral green松石绿spearmint; viridis铜绿verdigris铜锈绿patina green镉绿cadmium green铬绿chrome green钴绿cobalt green孔雀绿peacock green威尼斯绿Venetian green巴黎绿Paris green king's green墨绿blackish green green black; jasper; dark green deep green墨玉绿emerald black深绿dark green petrol; Chinese green; bottle green暗绿sap green dark green deep green青绿dark green碧绿azure green; turquoise green viridity翠绿emerald green; jade green bright green verdancy viridity深翠绿viridian蓝绿blue green aquamarine黄绿yellow green灰绿grey green sage green hedge green; mignonette; sea spray; celadon褐绿breen品绿light green malachite green鲜绿clear green; emerald green vivid green嫩绿pomona green verdancy中绿medium green; golf green浅绿light green淡绿pale green青色类青色cerulean blue blue green豆青pea green; bean green花青flower blue茶青tea green葱青onion green天青celeste; azure霁青sky-clearing blue石青mineral blue铁青electric blue river blue蟹青turquoise ink blue鳝鱼青eel green蛋青egg blue影青misty blue; white blue黛青bluish群青,伟青ultramarine暗青dark blue; deep cerulean藏青navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue靛青indigo大青smalt粉青light greenish blue鲜青clear cerulean浅青light blue; light cerulean淡青pale cerulean light greenish blue蓝色类蓝色blue天蓝sky blue; azure celeste; azure cerulean blue; Parisian blue蔚蓝azure; sky blue月光蓝moon blue海洋蓝ocean blue海蓝sea blue湖蓝acid blue深湖蓝vivid blue中湖蓝bright blue浅湖蓝canal blue清水蓝water blue冰雪蓝ice-snow blue孔雀蓝peacock blue宝石蓝sapphire; jewelry粉末蓝powder blue铁蓝iron blue钴蓝cobalt blue king's blue普鲁士蓝Prussian blue北京蓝Beijing blue士林蓝indanthrene blue品蓝reddish blue royal blue;king's blue靛蓝indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue菘蓝woaded blue石磨蓝stone-washed indigo藏蓝purplish blue; navy blue; navy海军蓝navy blue; navy宝蓝royal blue墨蓝blue black绿蓝turquoise blue紫蓝hyacinth;purplish blue浅紫蓝Dutch blue青蓝ultramarine深灰蓝blue ashes深蓝deep blue; dark blue navy blue mandarin blue Antwerp blue mazarine smalt ultramarine暗蓝deep blue; dark blue鲜蓝clear blue中蓝medium blue azure blue浅蓝light blue淡蓝pale blue baby blue calamine blue外国购物网站常用词中英对照买方相关词汇中英文对照:BUY/买方Registration/注册Buyer protection/买方权益保护Bidding & buying help/ 出价&购物向导Gift cards/代金券Customer service:客服Orders:订单Order tracking:订单追踪/查询订单E-gift card:电子代金卡Mobile gift card:手机代金卡Manage my account:管理我的账户Manage my reward:管理我的回赠Countries we ship to:货物运到……城市Stores/店铺Top products/热销商品Pay my bill:我要支付Return policy:退货须知卖方相关词汇中英文对照:SELL/卖方Start selling/开始销售Learn to sell/学习如何销售Business sellers/商家Affiliates/加盟其他:Get your order in 3-5 business days:表示3—5个工作日内处理您的订单。
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