
现代教学方式1.互动式教学: 以学生为主体,让学生在讲师引导和促进下进行互动学习;2.多媒体教学: 利用现代多媒体教学手段,如PPT、录像等多媒体技术,结合学生实际情况和教学目标,对课程内容进行更直观、生动的展现。

In ”TryingYourHand",become knowledgeable on how to write a business card and fill in a passport withone’spersonal information; review the basicsentencestructure。
2。Writing sentences and reviewing Grammar
1.Page14Write and create,Page15Write and Translate
6. Say hello in different languages
7. Write a business card
1. Etiquette of meeting and introducing people
2. Etiquette of exchanging business cards
rmation Related to theReadingPassage

教材聚焦典型生活和职业场景,以富有生活化、职业性和时代性的选材,将英语技能放在职业场景中操练,注重对学生英语基本功和职业技能的全面培养,并创设“线上+ 线下”混合式外语教学生态,资源以立体化、多模态形式呈现,是比较适合我校学生实际的教材。


v. n. adj. adj.
Ido appreciateyour kindness.
9. It’s a pity that… = That’s too bad.
11.Ido apologizefor this.
Donna: Yeah, I have learned a lesson. Andy, it was very thoughtful of you to send methe get-well cardyesterday.
Andy: Well, I just hope you can recover soon.
Unit Two
SectionⅠ& SectionⅡ
Language Points:
1.rightadj. /n.have a right to do sth.
2.look forward to sth. /doing sth.
3. like + to do
2.Listento the tape for the first time without looking at the book.
3.Play the tape with a pause after each sentence for the second time
and ask the students to take notes of the key words.
Donna: Thank you. And I’d also like to thank you for these beautiful flowers.

三、课程设计1. 教学内容本课程从教材的1-12单元中选取对应的课文和语言点,设置不同的教学活动帮助学生掌握课程内容,并完成教材中的练习和作业。
2. 教学方法本课程采取听说读写相结合的教学方法,通过师生互动,小组讨论等多种形式的教学活动,帮助学生提高英语表达能力和交际能力,并激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。
3. 课程安排本课程全程共分为12个单元,每个单元大致按以下内容进行:•听力材料的听写、训练及模仿•语音语调的训练•阅读理解,扩充词汇,分析语法•词汇拓展及句型运用•与话题相关的口语题目讨论及练习•与话题相关的书面表达练习•与话题相关的文化背景知识的介绍和讲解4. 课程评估考核方案包括练习与作业开发、互动课堂参与度、期初、期中考核和期末考核。

新编实用英语综合教程1第1单元教案Unit 1 Greeting and Introducing PeopleSection I Talking Face to FaceTeaching purposes:1. The students should be able to understand greeting and introducing people and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people.2. The students should be able to master some words and expressions in greeting and introducing people. (Key words and expressions: welcome, present a project report, business card, on business, care for, introduce)Teaching procedures:Self-introduction and requirement 10minsStep 1 Lead-in:1. Warm-up questions: 5mins1) When are business cards exchanged between people?2) What are usually written on business cards?2. Students read and translate the business cards on Page 3&4(5 mins) and PPT under theguidance of the teacher(5 mins). And then translate the following exercise on workbook P8 in groups.(7 mins)3. Learn from PPT about other useful expressions of titles.(5mins)3. Students design their own business cards.(to class over)Step 2 Sample dialogue:1. Students read the dialogues in P1 and P4 (15 mins)after the teacher and try to find out theuseful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue. (5 mins)2. Do the exercise on P5 and P6, then check their answers.(12 mins)Step 3 Students practice the dialogues in groups.1.Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the fivesmall dialogues. (P 3 in workbook)2.Students role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups, and then in front of theclass. e.g. Please make a dialogue according to requirements. Task: Imagine you are Zhang and you meet Mr. Smith, an English teacher from the USA at the airport for the first time.Section II .Being All EarsTeaching purposes:It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions; read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.(Key words and expressions:1.Canada/The United States (of America) / the United Kingdom (of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland); England--Scotland--Welsh--Northern Ireland ;Britain;2.College3.Surprise surprise partyHis visit gave me a pleasant surprise. 他的来访使我感到惊喜。

新编实用英语综合教程教案课程名称:新编实用英语综合教程授课人:XXX课程时长:XX学时教学目标:1. 增强学生的英语语言应用能力,特别是听说能力。
2. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识,提高跨文化交际能力。
3. 拓宽学生的国际视野,增强国际竞争力。
教学内容:1. 英语基础知识:词汇、语法、语音等。
2. 实用英语应用:商务英语、旅游英语、酒店英语等。
3. 跨文化交际:文化差异、跨文化沟通技巧等。
教具和多媒体资源:1. 投影仪、电脑、音响等多媒体设备。
2. 英语教材、练习册、听力材料等。
3. 跨文化交际案例、图片、视频等教学资源。
教学方法:1. 讲授法:讲授英语基础知识,如词汇、语法、语音等。
2. 案例分析法:通过分析实际案例,让学生了解跨文化交际的实际情况。
3. 小组讨论法:组织学生进行小组讨论,提高口语表达和交流能力。
4. 角色扮演法:通过角色扮演,模拟实际场景,提高学生的英语应用能力。
教学过程:1. 导入(5分钟):通过提问导入,检查学生预习情况,引起学生的兴趣。
2. 讲授新课(45分钟):讲解英语基础知识和实用英语应用,结合案例分析,引导学生思考。
3. 巩固练习(20分钟):组织学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,巩固所学内容。
4. 归纳小结(10分钟):总结本节课的重点内容,对学生的表现进行评价,给出建议和指导。
评价与反馈:1. 设计评价策略:通过课堂表现、小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,以及课后作业和测试等形式进行评价。

例如:“How are you?”、“What’s up?”、“How’s it going?”等。
例如:“How do you usually greet your friends?”、“How would you introduce yourself in English?”等。

教案2013 ~2014 学年第一学期课程名称:公共英语 I课程类别:所属系部:公共教学部任课教师:职称:授课班级:使用教材:新编实用英语 I二○年月章节或项目名称授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标)重点与难点教学方法与手段Unit 1- Section 1 Talking face to face- Section 2 Being all ears授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 6 周第 6 周星期五五节次5-67-81. Greeting people and giving responses;2. Saying good-bye to people;3. Exchanging personal information;4. Introducing people to each other.1. Greeting people and giving responses: first meeting and meeting again;2. Communicating personal information;3. Introducing people to each other;4. Key words and expressions.Teaching and role play教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等) 1. New words and expressions 10min2. Talking face to face 20min3. Practice the dialogues 10minBeing All Ears Review节S tudents have learned how to greet people and give responses, and exchange personal informations1. Make up dialogues for greeting and introducing people referring to the dialogues in the Workbook.2. Do the Put-in-use exercises.3. Preview Passage I and the exercises.第一节第二教学 小结作业 布置35min 5min章节或项目名称授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) Unit 1- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage I授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 7 周星期一一节次7-85-6第 7 周and British people greet each 5. How Americanother;6. Key words and expressions.5. How American and British people greet each other;6. Key words and expressions;7. Translate the Chinese sentences into English. Teaching and role play教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)重点与难点1. Review the useful expressions about 5minhow to greet people and give responses;第一2. The way Americans greet;3. Useful words and expressions.20min15min节第二1. Reading of the passage;2. Do and explain the exercises.3. Review10min25min5 min节教学小结作业布置Students have learned the way how American and British people greet each other.4. Learn by heart of Passage I;5. Preview Passage II and the exercises.章节或项目名称 Unit 1- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage II授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) 授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 7 周第 7 周星期五五7. Self-introduction;8.Description of a person’s appearance;9. Key words and expressions.节次5-67-8重点与难点8. Key words and expressions.9.Description of a person’s appearance;10. Self-introduction.Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一节第二1. Review useful words and expressions;2. A little about me;3. Useful words and expressions.1. Read aloud of the passage;2. Do and explain the exercises;3. Rewrite the story in the third person;4. Review10min20min10min5min20min10min5min节教学小结作业布置Students have learned how to introduce themselves and depicta person’s appearance.6. Review what we have learned;7. Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand and Grammar.章节或项目名称 Unit 1- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 8 周第 8 周星期一一节次7-85-61. Writing a business card;教学目标 (知识 2. Basic sentence structure; 目标/能力目标)重点与难点1. Writing a business card;2. Basic sentence structure; Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)教学小结作业布置1. Review the useful expressions about 10minhow to introduce oneselves and depict aperson’s appearance;2. Translate business cards; 15min3. Ask students to write a business card of 15minthemselves.1. Sentence writing and grammar review; 20min2. Do and explain the exercises; 15min3. Review. 5min1. Students have learned how to write a business card ;2. Basic sentence structure.1. Review what we have learned;2. Remember the new words and impressions;3. Do the exercises in the workbook;4. Preview Unit 2.第一节第二节章节或项目名称Unit 2- Section 1 Talking face to face- Section 2 Being all ears 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) 授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第8 周第8 周星期五五节次5-67-81. Expressing pleasure and thanks on receiving agift;2. Congratulating and responding;3. Expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness;1. Congratulating and responding;2. Expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness;3. Key words and expressions.Teaching and role play教学方法与手段重点与难点教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)10min第一1. New words and expressions2. Talking face to face3. Practice the dialogues20min10min节1. Being All Ears 35min 第2. Review 5min教学小结作业布置Students have learned the useful expressions of expressing pleasure and thanks on receiving a gift and expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness.1. Make up dialogues for giving and replying to a gift;2. Do the Put-in-use exercises.3. Preview Passage I and the exercises.二节章节或项目名称 Unit 2- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage I授课类型理论 实验 实训 其它 √ □ □□教学目标 (知识 授课进度 班级 地点 周次 星期 节次 符合 √ 建筑 教 1321 B205超前 □滞后 □ 装饰 教 1321 B207停补 □1. Gift culture ;2. Culture differences in expressing friendship ; 目标/能力目标)3. Key words and expressions.重点与难点1. Culture differences in expressing friendship;2. Key words and expressions;3. Translate the Chinese sentences into English.Teaching and practising教学方法 与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第 9 周 一 5-6第 9 周 一 7-81. Review the useful expressions about 5minhow to reply to a gift card;第一2. Different attitudes towards gift-giving;3. Useful words and expressions.20min15min节第1. Read aloud the passage;2. Do and explain the exercises.3. Review10min25min5 min教学小结作业布置Students have learned the two different attitudes towards gift-giving.1. Learn by heart of Passage I;2. Preview Passage II and the exercises.二节章节或项目名称Unit 2- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage II授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□1. How to班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第10周第10周write a thank-you note;星期一一节次7-85-6教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) 2. Gift culture;3. Key words and expressions.重点与难点1. Key words and expressions.2. How to write a thank-you note;3. Self-introduction.Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)1. Review useful words and expressions; 10min2. Thank- you notes are heart-warming; 20min 第3. Useful words and expressions. 10min一节1. Read aloud of the passage; 5min2. Do and explain the exercises; 20min 第3. Retell the last two paragraphs without 10min looking at the book;二 4. Review 5min 节教学小结作业布置Students have learned how to write a thank-you note.1. Review what we have learned;2. Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand andGrammar.章节或项目名称授课类型理论 实验 实训 其它 √ □ □□教学目标 (知识 目标/能力目标)Unit 2- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar授课进度 班级 地点 周次 星期 节次 符合 √ 建筑 教 第 101321 B205 周超前 □滞后 □ 装饰 教 第 101321 B207 周停补 □1. Writing and replying to a thank-you note,acongratulation letter and a letter of apology ; 2. Use of articles:a,an,the;1. Writing and replying to a thank-you note,acongratulation letter and a letter of apology ; 2. Use of articles:a,an,the;Teaching and practicing教学方法 与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)重点与难点五 5-6五 7-8教学小结作业布置1. Review the words and expressions; 10min2. Translate thank-you note, acongratulation letter and a letter of 15minapology;3. Ask students to write congratulation 15minletter.1. Sentence writing and grammar review; 20min2. Do and explain the exercises; 15min3. Review. 5minStudents have learned how to write a congratulation letter and how to use of articles:a,an,the.1. Review what we have learned;2. Remember the new words and impressions;3. Do the exercises in the workbook;4. Preview Unit 3.第一节第二节章节或项目名称 Unit 3- Section 1 Talking face to face- Section 2 Being all ears 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□1. Asking班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 11周第 11周星期一一where a particular place is ;节次7-85-6教学目标 (知识 2. Showing derections; 目标/能力目标)重点与难点1. Asking where a particular place is ;2. Showing derections;3. Key words and expressions. Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)1. New words and expressions 10min2. Talking face to face 20min 第3. Practice the dialogues 10min一节1. Being All Ears 35min2. Review. 5min 第二节教学小结作业布置Students have learned how to ask where a particular place is and show directions.1. Review what we have learned;2. Remember the new words and impressions;3. Do the Put-in-use exercises.4. Preview Passage I and the exercises.章节或项目名称 Unit 3- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage I授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□1. Different班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 11周第 11周星期五五feelings about traveling ;节次5-67-8教学目标 (知识 2. Key words and expressions. 目标/能力目标)重点与难点1. Different feelings about traveling ;2. Key words and expressions.3. Translate the Chinese sentences into English. Teaching and practising教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)1. Review the useful expressions about 5minhow to ask where a particular place is第and show directions.;2. I hate flying; 20min一 3. Useful words and expressions. 15min 节1. Read aloud the passage; 10min2. Do and explain the exercises. 25min 第3. Review 5 min教学小结作业布置Students have learned the different feelings about traveling and useful expressions.3. Learn by heart of Passage I;4. Preview Passage II and the exercises.二节章节或项目名称 Unit 3- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage II授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□1.I’d been班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 12周第 12周星期一一treated like a friend in need;节次7-85-6教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) 2. different feelings about traveling;3. Key words and expressions.重点与难点1. I’d been treated like a friend in nee d;2. different feelings about traveling;3. Key words and expressions. Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)1. Review useful words and expressions; 10min2. I’d been treated like a friend in need ; 20min 第3. Useful words and expressions. 10min一节5. Read aloud of the passage; 5min6. Do and explain the exercises; 20min 第7. Retell the last two paragraphs without 10min looking at the book;二 8. Review 5min 节教学小结作业布置Students have learned the different feelings about traveling and useful expressions.3. Review what we have learned;4. Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand andGrammar.章节或项目名称授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) Unit 3- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 12周第 12周星期五五节次5-67-81. Understanding and writing of road and officesigns ;2. Forming of plural nouns;1. Understanding and writing of road and officesigns ;2. Forming of plural nouns;Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)重点与难点教学小结作业布置1. Review the words and expressions; 10min2. Translate the guiding direction of acompany and the shopper’s guide of a15minshopping mall ;3. Do and explain the exercises. 15min1. Sentence writing and grammar review; 20min2. Do and explain the exercises; 15min3. Review. 5minStudents have learned how to write a congratulation letter and how to use of articles:a,an,the.1. Review what we have learned;2. Remember the new words and impressions;3. Do the exercises in the workbook;4. Preview Unit 4.第一节第二节章节或项目名称Unit4- Section 1 Talking face to face- Section 2 Being all ears 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) 授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第13周第13周星期一一节次7-85-61. Making/keeping/postponing/putting off anappointment according to a work timetable;2. Making reservations according to a timetable offlights and trains;1. Making/keeping/postponing/putting off anappointment according to a work timetable;2. Making reservations according to a timetable offlights and trains;3. Key words and expressions.Teaching and role play教学方法与手段重点与难点教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一节第1. New words and expressions2. Talking face to face3. Practice the dialogues3. Being All Ears4. Review10min20min10min35min5min教学小结作业布置Students have learned the useful expressions of making reservations according to a timetable of flights and trains.1. Make up dialogues for making an appointment according toa work timetable;2. Do the Put-in-use exercises.3. Preview Passage I and the exercises.二节章节或项目名称授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标) Unit 4- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage I授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第13周第13周星期五五节次5-67-81. Punctuality and keeping promises in socialactivities;2. Key words and expressions.1. Punctuality and keeping promises in socialactivities;2. Key words and expressions.Teaching and practising教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)重点与难点1. Review the useful expressions about 5minhow to make reservations according to a第timetable of flights and trains; 20min2. Punctuality and keeping promises in 15min 一social activities;3. Useful words and expressions.节第1. Read aloud the passage;2. Do and explain the exercises.3. Review10min25min5 min教学小结作业布置Students have learned that it is important to be punctual, to have a strong conception of time in social activities.1. Learn by heart of Passage I;2. Preview Passage II and the exercises.二节章节或项目名称Unit 4- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage II授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□1. Methods班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第14周第14周of organizing time星期一一节次7-85-6教学目标 (知识2. Key words and expressions. 目标/能力目标)重点与难点1. Methods of organizing time2. Key words and expressions .Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第一3. Review useful words and expressions; 10min4. Begin each day with a fresh plan of 20minattack; 10min 5. Read aloud of the passage.节1. Students choose some expressions and 5minsentences from the passage;第二2. Useful words and expressions.3. Do and explain the exercises;4. Review10min20min5min节教学小结作业布置Students have learned the methods of organizing time.1. Review what we have learned;2. Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand andGrammar.章节或项目名称 Unit4- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 14周第 14周星期五五节次5-67-81. Writing a timetable and a schedule;教学目标 (知识 2. Use of verb tenses.目标/能力目标)Use of verb tenses.重点与难点Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)教学小结作业布置1. Review the words and expressions; 10min2. Ask students to write a timetable and aschedule. 15min15min1. Sentence writing and grammar review; 20min2. Do and explain the exercises; 15min3. Review. 5minStudents have learned how to write a schedule and how to use the verb tenses.1. Review what we have learned;2. Remember the new words and impressions;3. Do the exercises in the workbook;4. Preview Unit5.第一节第二节章节或项目名称 Unit5- Section 1 Talking face to face- Section 2 Being all ears 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标)重点与难点授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 15周第 15周星期一一节次7-85-61. Understanding the forecast of global or localweather conditions;2. Talking about weather changes.3. Key words and expressions.1. Talking about weather changes.2. Talking about the weather to start a conversation.3. Key words and expressions.Teaching and role play教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)第4. New words and expressions5. Talking face to face6. Practice the dialogues10min20min10min 5. Being All Ears 35min第 6. Review 5min教学小结作业布置Students have learned the useful expressions of talking aboutmaking comments on weather conditions.4. Make up dialogues for talkingconditions ;5. Do the Put-in-use exercises.6. Preview Passage I and the exercises.the weather to start a conversation andabout the weather一节二节章节或项目名称 Unit 5- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage I授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 15周第 15周星期五五节次5-67-81. Weather report for different places;教学目标 (知识 2. Key words and expressions. 目标/能力目标)重点与难点1. Weather report for different places;2. Key words and expressions. Teaching and practising教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)4. Review the key words and useful 5minexpressions第一5. Is it going to be a fine day;6. Useful words and expressions.20min15min节第4. Read aloud the passage;5. Do and explain the exercises.6. Review10min25min5 min教学小结作业布置Students have learned weather report for differentthe useful expressions.1. Learn by heart of Passage I;2. Preview Passage II and the exercises.places and二节章节或项目名称 Unit 5- Section 3 Maintain a Sharp EyePassage II授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 16周第 16周星期一一节次7-85-61. British people ’s habits :talking about the weather教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标)to start a conversation.2. Key words and expressions1. British people’s habits :talking about the weatherto start a conversation.2. Key words and expressionsTeaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)重点与难点6. Review useful words and expressions; 10min7. British people like talking about the 20min 第 weather; 10min8. Read aloud of the passage.一节5. Students choose some expressions and 5minsentences from the passage;第二6. Useful words and expressions.7. Do and explain the exercises;8. Review10min20min5min节教学小结作业布置Students have learned the British people’s habits of talking about the weather to start a conversation.3. Review what we have learned;4. Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand andGrammar.章节或项目名称 Unit5- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar 授课类型理论实验实训其它√□□□教学目标 (知识目标/能力目标)重点与难点授课进度符合√超前□滞后□停补□班级建筑1321装饰1321地点教B205教B207周次第 16周第 16周星期五五节次5-67-8 Teaching and practicing教学方法与手段教学过程(教学环节、各环节要点、时间分配等)4. Review the words and expressions; 10min5. Translate thank-you note, a第congratulation letter and a letter of 15min apology;一 6. Ask students to write congratulation 15minletter.节第4. Sentence writing and grammar review;5. Do and explain the exercises;6. Review.20min15min5min教学小结作业布置Students have learned how to write a congratulation letter and how to use of articles:a,an,the.8. Review what we have learned;9. Remember the new words and impressions;10. Do the exercises in the workbook;11. Preview Unit 6.二节。
新编实用英语综合教程1-unit 6-教案

新编实用英语综合教程1-u n i t6-教案

Unit 7: Living in the FuturePart 1: Introduction1.1 Overview of the UnitIn Unit 7, we will explore the theme of "Living in the Future." This unit will focus on discussing various aspects of future life, including technological advancements, environmental issues, and societal changes. We will engage in discussions, debates, and presentations to enhance our English language skills while delving into thought-provoking topics.1.2 Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this unit, students should be able to:- Discuss the potential impact of technology on future living - Analyze and discuss environmental challenges and solutions - Debate societal changes and their implications- Deliver a presentation on a future-oriented topicPart 2: Vocabulary and Language Functions2.1 Key VocabularyThis section will introduce new vocabulary related to future living, such as technological terms, environmental terms, and words related to societal changes. Students will practice usingthe new vocabulary in various exercises and activities to enhance their language proficiency.2.2 Language FunctionsIn this section, students will learn and practice language functions that are essential for discussing future scenarios, such as making predictions, expressing possibilities, and speculating about the future. Through interactive exercises, students will be proficient in using these language functions in both spoken and written contexts.Part 3: Reading and Comprehension3.1 Reading TextsThe unit will include a variety of reading texts that focus on different aspects of living in the future. These texts may cover topics such as futuristic technology, sust本人nable living, or societal trends. Students will engage in readingprehension activities to enhance their understanding of the texts and develop their critical thinking skills.3.2 Discussion QuestionsFollowing the reading texts, students will participate in group discussions based on thought-provoking questions related tothe readings. These discussions will encourage students to express their opinions, support their arguments with evidence from the texts, and engage in constructive dialogue with their peers.Part 4: Speaking and Listening4.1 Speaking ActivitiesThis section will provide opportunities for students to engage in various speaking activities, such as role-plays, debates, and group discussions. By actively participating in these activities, students will improve their speaking skills, fluency, and ability to articulate their thoughts on future-oriented topics.4.2 Listening ComprehensionStudents will listen to audio recordings related to future living andpleteprehension tasks to test their listening skills. These listening activities will expose students to different accents, speech patterns, and conversational styles, thereby enhancing their ability to understand spoken English in real-life contexts.Part 5: Writing and Presentation5.1 Writing TasksIn this section, students will be assigned writing tasks thatrequire them to articulate their thoughts and ideas about future living. These tasks may include opinion essays, argumentative essays, or creative writing exercises that encourage students to showcase their language proficiency and critical thinking skills.5.2 Presentation SkillsStudents will prepare and deliver presentations on future-oriented topics of their choice. This will allow them to demonstrate their public speaking abilities, present information in a clear and organized manner, and engage their peers in constructive discussions about the future.Part 6: Assessment and Evaluation6.1 Formative AssessmentsThroughout the unit, students will be assessed through formative assessments, such as quizzes, class participation, and performance in various activities. These assessments will provide ongoing feedback to students and help them track their progress in mastering the unit's content and language skills.6.2 Summative AssessmentAt the end of the unit, students will be assessed through a summative evaluation, which may include aprehensive test, awritten assignment, and a presentation. This assessment will gauge students' overall understanding of the unit's content and their ability to effectivelymunicate and express their thoughts on future living.Part 7: Extension Activities7.1 Field Trips and Guest SpeakersAs an extension of the unit, students may have the opportunity to participate in field trips to relevant locations, such as science museums, environmental organizations, or technologypanies. Additionally, guest speakers may be invited to share their expertise on future-oriented topics and engage students in discussions and QA sessions.7.2 Project-Based LearningStudents may engage in project-based learning activities that involve researching, designing, and presenting a project related to living in the future. This collaborative, hands-on approach will allow students to apply their knowledge and creativity to real-world scenarios and showcase their skills in a culminating project.In conclusion, Unit 7: Living in the Future will provide studentswith aprehensive and engaging exploration of future-oriented topics, equipping them with the language skills, critical thinking abilities, and global awareness necessary for living and thriving in a rapidly changing world. Through a variety of interactive activities, discussions, and assessments, students will g本人n valuable insights and develop their language proficiency in the context of futuristic themes.。

教案2015~2016 学年第 1 学期课程名称:公共英语课程类别:英语所属系部:公共教学部任课教师:姚伏生职称:助教授课班级:使用教材:《新编实用英语》安徽职业技术学院教务处制二○一五年十月教案头教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!SectionⅠTalking Face to FaceI.Imitating Mini-talks1. pair worka. The students are asked to read the first three talks in pairs and speak out the sentences used when people meet for the first time.b. The students are then asked to read the last two talks in pairs and speak out the sentences used when people meet again.2. The teacher may give more expressions for the students to practice.II. Acting out tasksPair work. The students make short conversations by following the above mini-talks.III. Studying Business Cards1.The students read the business cards and answer some questions.Questions for the two cardsa.What’s the nam e of the man?b.Where does he work?c.What is his job?d.Where is his working place?2.The students read the letter again and then translate it orally under the guidance of the teacher.IV Following sample dialoguesThe students read the dialogues and speak out the following sentences of greeting and introducing people. Then the students will be asked to practice them.1.Hello, nice to meet you . My name is .......2. How do you do, ... I’m ....3. Welcome to ...4. Here is my card.5. Hi, long time no see6. How nice to see you again7. Haven’t seen you for ages8. What a pleasant surprise!V Putting language to useThe students do the exercises 5 and 6 according to the knowledge they have mastered in the dialogues.教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!Section ⅡBeing All EarsI Learning sentences for workplace communicationThis part is to train the students to understand and speak out the sentences.4.The students listen to ten English sentences given in the course book and repeat them in the pauseallowed, trying to understand and learn to speak them out by referring to their Chinese meanings.5.The students listen to ten sentences , and match them with their Chinese translations.6.The students listen to six sentences giving in the course book, and then choose their right responses.2.II Handing a dialogue s.This part is moving from the sentence to the dialogue level.The students listen twice to a dialogue, and then decode the message given in the course book by finding the correct choiceIII. Understanding a short speechThis part of training is carried out to help the students to follow the continuous oral presentation of a specific practical activity which is oriented to the unit topic.1. The students listen to the speech twice and during the second listening, put back the missing words in the blanks.2. The students listen to the speech again and match the information in Column A with the choices in Column B.教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!Section III Trying Your HandI Practicing applied writing1. Sample analysisThe teacher makes the following brief analysis of the format and language used in business cards. The teacher may take Sample 1 as an example for the analysis and asks the students some questions:a.What’s the name of the man?b.Where does he work?c.What is his job?d.Where is his working place?2.personal information must be included in a business cardfull name job working place unit address telephone number E-mail FaxII Writing sentences and reviewing grammarThe teacher introduce basic sentence structures with the following examples.1. 主语+谓语(+宾语)(+状语)Animals can’t speak (主+谓)Mary runs every morning (主+谓+状)They speak English (主+谓+宾)I gave him a visiting card.(主+谓+间宾+直宾)She loves dogs very much. (主+谓+宾+状)2.主系表He is a man3.There be 句型There is a dog in the room教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!Section ⅣPassage I The Business Cards:I. Warming-up questionsi. What do you think of a business card?ii. What tips should you know about the business card?II. Ask the students to skim the passage and answer the questions on Page 16.1. Have you got your business cards or networking cards? If not, why not?2. How do you understand the title of the passage The Business Card: a Social Faux Pas?A business card is a useful tool of social networking and business connection. It is socially awkward if you find yourself without one when you need to exchange it with a new business partner.3.Why does the author say “missed connections are missed opportunities for business”? Because business cards are a useful marketing tool. If you forget to bring them with you, it May leave the impression that you are unprepared for doing business.4. Can you explain the tips in your own words?1) If you don't have a job, prepare your cards for networking.2) If your business cards are out of date, make them up to date.3) You should set a goal of handing out a certain number of cards every day.4) Practice what you will say for handing out your cards. Take every opportunity to handout your cards.5) Ask your social network to help you send out your cards.5. What does the last sentence mean?You should work in a clever way: better work isn't necessarily harder!III. Ask students to read the new words and expressions and check their pronunciation.IV. Play the tape for the students and ask them to imitate.V. Analyze the passage and explain the language and difficult sentences.Para11. ask for sth: want sthMay I ask for a photo of your little daughter? 我能要一张你小女儿的照片吗?ask for sbHe is very ill and keeps asking for his daughter. 他病得很厉害, 再三要求见他的女儿。

Unit 1 Hello, HiUnit Goals1.Greet people and give responses: first meeting and meeting again2.Exchange personal information: name/address/telephone number/job/study3.Introduce people to each other4.Meet people at the airport5.Say goodbye to others6.Say hello in different languages7.Write a business cardWhat should you know about1.Etiquette of meeting and introducing people2.Etiquette of exchanging business cards3.Basic sentence structuresSection I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / T alkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageEnglish Expressions Borrowed from FrenchOver the long years, the English language has borrowed a great number of French words or expressions. Some of them have been so absorbed in English that speakers might not realize their origin. Other expressions like “faux pas” have retained their “Frenchness”, with which spe akers tend to sound modern. These expressions are often written in italics. The following are a few French expressions which are commonly used in English.1. Faux Pas: It refers to a socially awkward or tactless act, a foolish mistake, something that should not be done. 失礼2. au pair: A foreign female student who works for a family (cleaning and/or teaching the children) in exchange for room and board. 帮助料理家务换取住宿的外国女学生3. Bon appétit: The closest English equivalent is “Enjoy your meal” . 用餐愉快4. esprit de c orps: It is similar to “group spirit” or “morale”. 团队精神5. rendez-vous: In English it means “go to”. It can be used as a noun or a verb. 约会6. RSVP: This abbreviation stands for Répondez, s'il vous plaît, which means “Respond, please”.敬请回复7. bon voyage: a way of saying goodbye and wishing good luck 一路平安The Business Card: a Social Faux PasYou, like most people, probably have been in such a situation where you are being asked for a business card, and while reaching for it ... and ... oops ... “I'm sorry, I must be out at the moment” or “they must be in my other bag” or “I left them at the office, I'm sorry,” and the conversation continues on with some sort of story about how this “never happens to me” or “I knew I was forgetting something this morning ...”Missed connections are missed opportunities for business. Business cards are a useful marketing tool, and an easy one to have with you at all times. Not having your cards can be seen as being unprepared to market yourself and your business. Don't start that new contact leaving them thinking “that person is already unprepared”.“Never leave home without it ...” There are so many things we often have to remember in this go-go world we are living in … but your business cards should ALWAYS be with you.Here are a few tips for you to go take care of this right now, so you don't get caught in this situation:✧ If you don't have a job, get Networking Cards.✧ If you are employed, and haven't had new cards in 2 or more years,it couldbe time for an update: info update and photo update ...✧ Perhaps set a goal of handing out 5 cards a day.✧ Practice what you will say when handing them out. On a daily basis, there are so many opportunities to do so. Grocery store lines, coffee shops, waiting on your car wash, meetings, and even the dog park!✧ Ask your network to network with and for you also by handing out a few!Work smarter, not necessarily harder!Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 2) Missed connections are missed opportunities for business. Analysis: Missed is a verb's past participle used here as an adjective. The repeated use of the same word could bring out a stronger effect. Translation: 错失了联系就错失了商机。

石家庄财经职业学院授课计划表2013-2014 学年第一学期课程名称基础英语1课程所属系部基础部授课班级2013级会电8、10,助会2,会计12班任课教师马雪静填表日期2013年9月石家庄财经职业学院基础部系部 2013 — 2014学年第一学期授课计划表教师姓名:马雪静课程名称:基础英语1 专业:13级会电会电8、10,助会2,会计12班教案头Free TalkFirst, greet students and do a short self-introduction and tell my phone number and the location of my office to students to contact me conveniently.Second, ask the students to introduce themselves in English one by one, which aims to prompt students to speak as much English as possible. And the following questions can be covered when the teacher prompts students to speak more in English.1. What’s your name? Where are you from?2. What’s your major?I major in/My major is accounting.3. Why did you choose this college?4. What’s your deepest impression upon our college and our teachers in the college?5. What’s your hobby? What do you usually do after class?6. What’s your favorite color, book, course and etc and ask them why.7. How do you pay for your tuition fees? By your parents or yourself?8. Do you think English is very difficult to learn well? If so, what do you think is the most difficult when learning English?Third, ask the students some questions about their summer holiday to get acquainted with the students.1. What have you done during the summer holiday?2. Have you ever read any book or seen any intriguing film? And can you tell us the main idea of the book or the film?3. Have you had a part-time job in your holiday? And do you want to share your working experience with us, if you did very well?This helps them to develop their communication skills and helps them get comfortable with speaking and interacting with all the students in the class.Forth, introduce the aims and teaching procedures of the course for the students. And illustrate the makeup of the final grade and emphasize the discipline in the class and speech for each class.Finally, tell students how to learn English well:Speak without FearThe biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learning English re quires practice. Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.Use all of your ResourcesEven if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two. The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect.Surround Yourself with EnglishThe absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.”Listen to Native Speakers as Much as PossibleThere are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate. Thecloser ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become. Watch English Films and TelevisionThis is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective. By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents.Listen to English MusicMusic can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn English is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time. And if you like to sing, fine.Study As Often As Possible!Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language.Do Exercises and Take TestsMany people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with. Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing. Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you've learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.Record YourselfNobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!SectionⅠTalking Face to FaceI.Imitating Mini-talks1. pair worka. The students are asked to read the first three talks in pairs and speak out the sentences used when people meet for the first time.b. The students are then asked to read the last two talks in pairs and speak out the sentences used when people meet again.2. The teacher may give more expressions for the students to practice.II. Acting out tasksPair work. The students make short conversations by following the above mini-talks.III. Studying Business Cards1.The students read the business cards and answer some questions.Questions for the two cardsa.Wh at’s the name of the man?b.Where does he work?c.What is his job?d.Where is his working place?2.The students read the letter again and then translate it orally under the guidance of the teacher.IV Following sample dialoguesThe students read the dialogues and speak out the following sentences of greeting and introducing people. Then the students will be asked to practice them.1.Hello, nice to meet you . My name is .......2. How do you do, ... I’m ....3. Welcome to ...4. Here is my card.5. Hi, long time no see6. How nice to see you again7. Haven’t seen you for ages8. What a pleasant surprise!V Putting language to useThe students do the exercises 5 and 6 according to the knowledge they have mastered in the dialogues.教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!Section ⅡBeing All EarsI Learning sentences for workplace communicationThis part is to train the students to understand and speak out the sentences.1.The students listen to ten English sentences given in the course book and repeat them in the pauseallowed, trying to understand and learn to speak them out by referring to their Chinese meanings.2.The students listen to ten sentences , and match them with their Chinese translations.3.The students listen to six sentences giving in the course book, and then choose their right responses.1.II Handing a dialogue s.This part is moving from the sentence to the dialogue level.The students listen twice to a dialogue, and then decode the message given in the course book by finding the correct choiceIII. Understanding a short speechThis part of training is carried out to help the students to follow the continuous oral presentation of a specific practical activity which is oriented to the unit topic.1. The students listen to the speech twice and during the second listening, put back the missing words in the blanks.2. The students listen to the speech again and match the information in Column A with the choices in Column B.教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!Section III Trying Your HandI Practicing applied writing1. Sample analysisThe teacher makes the following brief analysis of the format and language used in business cards. The teacher may take Sample 1 as an example for the analysis and asks the students some questions:a.Wh at’s the name of the man?b.Where does he work?c.What is his job?d.Where is his working place?2.personal information must be included in a business cardfull name job working place unit address telephone number E-mail FaxII Writing sentences and reviewing grammarThe teacher introduce basic sentence structures with the following examples.1. 主语+谓语(+宾语)(+状语)Animals can’t speak (主+谓)Mary runs every morning (主+谓+状)They speak English (主+谓+宾)I gave him a visiting card.(主+谓+间宾+直宾)She loves dogs very much. (主+谓+宾+状)2.主系表He is a man3.There be 句型There is a dog in the room教案头Unit 1 Hello, Hi!Section ⅣPassage I The Business Cards:I. Warming-up questionsi. What do you think of a business card?ii. What tips should you know about the business card?II. Ask the students to skim the passage and answer the questions on Page 16.1. Have you got your business cards or networking cards? If not, why not?2. How do you understand the title of the passage The Business Card: a Social Faux Pas?A business card is a useful tool of social networking and business connection. It is socially awkward if you find yourself without one when you need to exchange it with a new business partner.3.Why does the author say “missed connections are missed opportunities for business”? Because business cards are a useful marketing tool. If you forget to bring them with you, it May leave the impression that you are unprepared for doing business.4. Can you explain the tips in your own words?1) If you don't have a job, prepare your cards for networking.2) If your business cards are out of date, make them up to date.3) You should set a goal of handing out a certain number of cards every day.4) Practice what you will say for handing out your cards. Take every opportunity to hand out your cards.5) Ask your social network to help you send out your cards.5. What does the last sentence mean?You should work in a clever way: better work isn't necessarily harder!III. Ask students to read the new words and expressions and check their pronunciation. IV. Play the tape for the students and ask them to imitate.V. Analyze the passage and explain the language and difficult sentences.Para11. ask for sth: want sthMay I ask for a photo of your little daughter? 我能要一张你小女儿的照片吗?ask for sbHe is very ill and keeps asking for his daughter. 他病得很厉害, 再三要求见他的女儿。

1.Make up dialogues for greeting and introducing people referring to the dialogues in the Workbook.
2.Do the Put-in-use exercises.
3.Preview Passage I and the exercises.
eful words and expressions.
1.Reading of the passage;
2.Do and explain the exercises.
5 min
Students have learned the way howAmerican and British people greet each other.
3.Practice the dialogues
Being All Ears
Students have learned how to greet people and give responses, and exchange personal informations
8.Key words and expressions.
9.Description of a person’s appearance;

新编实用英语综合教程1教案Lesson Plan for New Practical English Comprehensive Course 1。
Objective:Introduce students to the basic principles of English pronunciation and grammar.Develop students' reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.Increase students' vocabulary and cultural awareness.Materials:Textbook: New Practical English Comprehensive Course 1。
Whiteboard or chart paper.Markers.Audio-visual aids (optional)。
Procedure:1. Warm-up (5 minutes)。
Greet students and lead them in a few simple icebreakers to get them talking in English.Examples:Good morning/afternoon, class.How are you today?What is your name?2. Introduction (10 minutes)。
Explain the objective of the lesson and the importanceof learning English.Provide a brief overview of the topics covered in the textbook.Ask students to share their prior knowledge of English or any experiences they have had with the language.3. Lesson Development (45 minutes)。

江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(2)江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(3)主任审阅授课教师年月日年月日江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)授课内容Unit 3 Road signs and commutingSection ⅠTalking Face to Face1.Warm-up Questions(1)Have you ever seen any bilingual road signs (in English and Chinese)? Do youthink they are helpful for foreigners to find directions when traveling in China? (2)Can you list some English words or phrases showing directions and locations? 2.Analyze the structure of the unit. Let the students know how to preview and myteaching process.3.Explain the structure of the map. And let the students talk face to face with theinformation from the map.4.Explain how to express the directions when you traveling the strange country andlet the students practice the conversation follow the samples.5.Explain the short dialogues, and then let the students practices the conversationswith their partner.6.Play the audio and let the students finish the exercises.江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(3)主任审阅授课教师年月日年月日江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)授课内容Unit 3 Road signs and commutingSectionⅡBeing All Ears1.Let the students train more how to express signs and directions to each other inorder to prepare for listening.2.Train listening: Listen to the audio, 1)Dialogue 2)Passage(1)Remind the students of some new words in the listening materials to write onthe blackboard.(2)Let the students listen to the materials of the dialogue and the passage.(3)Ask the students the answers, and then explain the listening materials andcorrect the wrong ones.江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(3)主任审阅授课教师年月日年月日江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)授课内容Unit 3 Road signs and commutingSection ⅢTrying Your HandsApplied Writing:Sample AnalysisThe teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in signs. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT. Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.Signs are often used in public places to show the requirements for people, to give information or to attract people’s attention. Signs can be used for different purposes, for examples, traffic signs give you important information about traffic rules, warn you about dangerous road conditions and help you find your way.The language on signs features the use of short words and phrases, supported by different symbols in various colors and shapes for easy identification. Some signs are written or printed in capital letters.Some traffic signs:(1)Dead End Road (2) No Entry (3) Enter Here (4) No Way Out(5)Keep In LaneSome warning signs:(1)Dangerous (2) Pavement Narrows Ahead (3) Bicycle Crossing Ahead(4) Traffic Lights Ahead. Slow downSome Other signs:(1)Put Litter Here (2) Beware of Dog (3) No Business Today (4) For Rent1.Do the exercise in class.2.Check their answers.Sentence writing and grammar revision1.表示不可数名词的数量概念,要使用单位名词。

Homework--- Ex. 5-6, P10.
计划布置 作
Ex.5, P10.
Ex.5, P10.
课 后 自 评
Unit One: Greeting and Introducing People (1)
■ 理论 □ 讨论 □ 习题 □ 实验 □ 技能训练 □ 设计 □ 实习
授 授课班级 课 监理 1003/1104
时 地隧 1101/1102 间
周次 6 6
星期 6 6
节次 2 2
日期 2011/10/8 2011/10/8
教 学 目 标 设 计
学 生 基 础 分 析
教 材 分 析
教 法 选 择
7. call 8. acquaint
Unit One: Passage 1
Difficult Sentences 1. The Way Americans Greet 2. Speaking of…time, I’ve got to run. 3. “Glad to meet you. I’m Miller. But call me Paul.” 4. But Americans do sometimes ask such questions. 5. In this way they can get better acquainted with you
2011 - 2012 学年 第一学期
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
6.Review what we have learned;
7.Preview and do the exercises in Trying your hand and Grammar.
Unit 1- Section 4 Trying your hand and grammar
1.Students have learned how to writea business card;
2.Basic sentence structure.
1.Review what we have learned;
2.Remember the new words and impressions;
3.Exchanging personal information;
4.Introducing people to each other.
1.Greeting people and giving responses: first meeting and meeting again;
municating personal information;
教 案
2013 ~2014 学年第 一 学期
职 称:
二○ 年 月
Unit 1- Section 1 Talking face to face
- Section 2 Being all ears
2.The way Americans greet;
eful words and expressions.
1.Reading of the passage;
2.Do and explain the exercises.
5 min
8.Description of a person’s appearance;
9.Key words and expressions.
8.Key words and expressions.
9.Description of a person’s appearance;
Unit 1- Section 3Maintain a Sharp Eye
Passage I
实验 □
实训 □
其它 □
超前 □
滞后 □
停补 □
3.Key words and expressions.
1.Culture differences in expressing friendship;
2.Key words and expressions;
3.Translate the Chinese sentences into English.
Unit 1- Section 3Maintain a Sharp Eye
Passage II
实验 □
实训 □
其它 □
超前 □
滞后 □
停补 □
3.Practice the dialogues
Being All Ears
Students have learned how to greet people and give responses, and exchange personal informations
1.Make up dialogues for giving and replying to a gift;
2.Do the Put-in-use exercises.
3.Preview Passage I and the exercises.
Unit 2- Section 3Maintain a Sharp Eye
Students have learned the useful expressions of expressing pleasure and thanks on receiving a giftand expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness.
1.Make up dialogues for greeting and introducing people referring to the dialogues in the Workbook.
2.Do the Put-in-use exercises.
3.Preview Passage I and the exercises.
其它 □
超前 □
滞后 □
停补 □
1.Expressing pleasure and thanks onreceivinga gift;
2.Congratulating and responding;
2.Translate business cards;
3.Ask students to write a business card of themselves.
1.Sentence writing and grammarreview;
2.Doandexplthe exercises in the workbook;
4.Preview Unit 2.
Unit 2- Section 1 Talking face to face
- Section 2 Being all ears
实验 □
实训 □
7.Translate the Chinese sentences into English.
Teachingand role play
1.Reviewthe useful expressions about how to greet people and giveresponses;
实验 □
实训 □
其它 □
超前 □
滞后 □
停补 □
1.Greeting people and giving responses;
2.Saying good-bye to people;
1.Reviewthe useful expressions about how to reply to a gift card;
2.Different attitudes towards gift-giving;
Teaching and role play
1.New words and expressions
2.Talking face to face
3.Practice the dialogues
1.Being All Ears
3.Introducing people to each other;
4.Key words and expressions.
Teaching and role play