2018-2019学年浙江省温州外国语学校九年级下学期英语返校考(解析版 无听力)

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二、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15 分)


1.Good news! China will host ________ 2022 Winter Olympic Games .







2.Sara has looked at the _______ for five minutes, but she hasn’t decided what to eat .







3.The twins stopped fighting after their mother ______ the apple into two halves.






【解答】考察动词过去式。在他们的妈妈将苹果分成两半之后,这对双胞胎停止了争吵。A 分开,B呈上,C携带,搬运,D带来。故选A。

4.Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s just not very _______.






5.--Vicky, please be careful _________the door when you are left home alone.

--Yes, Mum. I’ll shut it when I’m in and lock it when I go out.






【解答】考察介词和固定搭配。--维基,当你单独待在家时请你仔细看一下门。--好的,妈妈。当我在家时以及出门时我会关好门的。本题考查固定搭配be careful with对...上心。故选A。

6.The boy couldn’t follow what the teacher said unless it_________for several times.


【B】has repeated

【C】is repeated

【D】was repeated



7.Nowadays people like to eat out at the Spring Festival ,_______young people.






8.--Did anyone call me when I was out ?

-- Yes. A man who called________ Tom .







9.-- Can you tell me when you are going to arrive there?

--I’m not sure . But I’ll ring you up as soon as I_________ there tomorrow .



【C】will arrive

【D】has arrived



10.-- Look. Some people are running the red lights.

--We should wait ________ others are breaking the rules.






