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Nucleation of silicon on Si3N4coated SiO2
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Norwegian University of Science and Technology,7491Trondheim,Norway
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received in revised form
Communicated by P.Rudolph
Available online19July2011
a b s t r a c t
Control of the nucleation during directional solidification of solar cell silicon is important in order to be
able to control the growth and number of grains formed.A certain amount of undercooling is required
to obtain dendritic growth with faceted twins(which has shown promising results for structure
control),but a too high undercooling will lead to extensive nucleation which will oppose the positive
effect of a small number of large grains with controlled growth directions.In the present experiments,
the nucleation undercooling of silicon on Si3N4coated SiO2with variation in coating parameters has
been investigated.Experiments were performed with the sessile drop method,and with differential
thermal analysis,with a cooling rate of20K/min.There were no significant differences in nucleation
undercooling between the different variations in coating.The undercooling does not seem to be
dependent on coating thickness,oxygen concentration,wetting angle or roughness at the given
cooling rate.
&2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.
The solar cell industry is developing fast in several directions,and
in order for the multicrystalline solar cell to be able to compete with
monocrystalline cells and other new alternatives,the efficiency has
to be improved.The solidification process of multicrystalline silicon
is important for thefinal efficiency of the solar cell.Grain size,grain
orientation,and impurity distribution/concentration are all proper-
ties dependent on solidification parameters.Some of these char-
acteristics like the number of,the size,and orientation of grains are
again dependent on the nucleation of silicon,and it is therefore
important to be able to control this mechanism.
Recently several solidification experiments have been per-
formed by Fujiwara et al.[1–4].They studied grain growth,and
were able to increase the crystals size by an initial faceted
dendritic growth followed by traditional planar front directional
solidification.The dendritic growth results in fewer and larger
grains,which again lead to less grain boundaries were recombi-
nation can take place.Fujiwara et al.[1]investigated how
different cooling rates influenced the size of undercooling needed
to obtain faceted dendritic growth.The present work has been
performed in order to study how/if the substrate on which the
silicon grows will influence the undercooling and nucleation of
silicon.Si3N4coated SiO2has been chosen as a substrate since
multicrystalline silicon ingots are normally cast in Si3N4coated
Nucleation is the dominant process in the beginning of solidifica-
tion and leads to the establishment of thefinal grain number.
Heterogeneous nucleation undercooling depends strongly on the
wetting angle between the nucleus and the nucleating substrate.
This implies that the nucleation is dependent on the substrate
roughness,composition,thickness,etc.[5].Another aspect is impu-
rities.Impurities in the bulk have been studied by several authors,
and it has been shown that silicon often nucleate from Si3N4-or
SiC-particles[6].This nucleation can cause the formation of an
equiaxed zone instead of the desired columnar zone[7,8].It has
been documented that particles like this are present in the bottom
of the ingot[9].
The substrate’s influence on undercooling for solidification of
silicon has not been studied thoroughly,but some investigations
in the area has been done.Appapillai et al.[10]investigated
nucleation undercooling for silicon samples coated with different
materials among others Si3N4.They foundfinely spaced nuclea-
tion sites near the edge of the samples coated with dry oxides
(high undercooling),which indicated that the nucleation started
in this region.For the silicon nitride coated samples the nuclea-
tion sites were further apart.This resulted in the conclusion that a
lower undercooling gave fewer grains,which is consistent with
classical nucleation theory.This shows the importance of the
ability to control the nucleation more precisely.They also showed
that the chemical composition played an important role in
nucleation.The oxides had a higher interfacial stability resulting
in a higher undercooling than the Si3N4.
The present work has been performed to investigate which
coating parameters influence the nucleation undercooling of
silicon on Si3N4coated SiO2.This is done in order to be able to
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Journal of Crystal Growth
0022-0248/$-see front matter&2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.
ÃCorresponding author.Tel.:þ4773594903;fax:þ4773550203.
E-mail address:ingvild.brynjulfsen@material.ntnu.no(I.Brynjulfsen).
Journal of Crystal Growth331(2011)64–67