Insects_and_Humans 昆虫和人类
昆虫记中昆虫与人的相同之处的例子英文回答:In "The Insect World," also known as "Insectopedia," the author, Hugh Raffles, explores the fascinating world of insects and their similarities to humans. Throughout the book, Raffles highlights various examples of how insects and humans share certain characteristics and behaviors. Here are a few examples:1. Social structures: Just like humans, many insects live in complex social structures. Ants, for instance, live in colonies with a division of labor, where individuals have specific roles and responsibilities. Similarly, humans also live in societies with hierarchies and specialized roles, such as doctors, teachers, and engineers.2. Communication: Insects, like bees, use intricate communication systems to convey information to their fellow colony members. They use dances, pheromones, and vibrationsto communicate about food sources, potential threats, and mating opportunities. Similarly, humans rely on various forms of communication such as spoken language, body language, and facial expressions to convey messages and emotions.3. Cooperation: Insects, such as termites, exhibit remarkable cooperation when building intricate structures like termite mounds. Each termite has a specific task, and they work together to create a complex and functional structure. Humans also rely on cooperation and teamwork to accomplish tasks and build complex structures, like skyscrapers or bridges.4. Survival instincts: Insects have evolved various survival strategies, just like humans. For example, some insects mimic the appearance of dangerous or toxic species to ward off predators. Humans also have survival instincts, such as fight or flight responses, that help us navigate dangerous situations.中文回答:在《昆虫记》中,作者休·拉弗尔斯(Hugh Raffles)探索了昆虫的世界以及它们与人类的相似之处。
The microorganism which causes disease is pathogenic.
引起疾病的微生物具有致病性。 The people who study ecosystem are called
ecologists. 那些从事生态系统研究的人被称作生态学家。
Air is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21% by volume.
空气是一种气体混合物,氧气占空气体积的 21%。
All living things are made of very small cells, whose form can be seen with the aid of a microscope.
优柔寡断是他的主要缺点。 Indecision is his chief defect. Near-sightedness is a visual defect. 近视是一个视力缺陷。 内在的故障 an inherent defect
重复关系代词所代的名词,有时还可以在名 词之前加指示代词“这”或“该”。
At present, hundreds of millions of tons of diverse substances which are a source of harm to the health of people, plant life, and useful microorganisms are discharged to the atmosphere.
讲述昆虫故事的英文作文英文回答:In the verdant tapestry of nature, insects dance and buzz, performing their intricate roles in the delicate webof life. Their stories, often unnoticed by humans, are as diverse and fascinating as the insects themselves.One such tale unfolds in the lush undergrowth, where a humble caterpillar embarks on its astonishing metamorphosis. As it hangs suspended from a delicate silken thread, its body undergoes a remarkable transformation. Once a crawling creature, it emerges as a vibrant butterfly, its wings adorned with intricate patterns that flutter in the gentle breeze.In the canopy of a towering tree, a colony of antsworks tirelessly, their tiny bodies navigating the labyrinthine branches with unwavering determination. They laboriously gather food and construct their intricate nests,each individual contributing to the harmonious functioning of their collective society.Beneath the surface of a tranquil pond, a delicate damselfly hatches from its eggs. Its translucent wings shimmer as it flutters above the water, its graceful movements reminiscent of a miniature ballet. It spends its days darting among water lilies, its iridescent body reflecting the sunlight in a kaleidoscope of colors.As the sun begins to set, a symphony of cicadas fills the air with their rhythmic chorus. Their piercing calls, once a nuisance to humans, now become a soothing lullaby, signaling the approach of nightfall. Crickets join in the nocturnal serenade, their chirping creating a gentle backdrop to the fading light.In the darkness of night, fireflies illuminate the surroundings with their enchanting glow. Their intermittent flashes of light, like miniature stars, guide losttravelers through the shadowy forest. They communicate with each other through their ethereal luminescence, creating amesmerizing display that captivates all who behold it.中文回答:在自然界这幅苍翠的挂毯上,昆虫们翩翩起舞,嗡嗡作响,在生命的微妙织锦中扮演着复杂的角色。
二、教学目标1. 了解并掌握昆虫的主要特征,能正确区分昆虫和其他节肢动物。
2. 学会描述常见昆虫的类型及其生活习性,理解昆虫生命周期的基本知识。
3. 认识到昆虫在生态系统中的作用,了解昆虫与人类生活的关系。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:昆虫标本,昆虫图片,教学PPT。
2. 学具:笔记本,彩色笔,放大镜。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)利用PPT展示各种昆虫图片,引导学生观察并说出它们的名字,激发学生对昆虫的兴趣。
2. 知识讲解(15分钟)(1)介绍昆虫的主要特征,如身体分为头、胸、腹三部分,三对足,一般有两对翅等。
3. 例题讲解(10分钟)通过PPT展示例题,引导学生运用所学知识解答。
4. 随堂练习(10分钟)让学生完成教材上的练习题,巩固所学知识。
5. 小组讨论(10分钟)分组讨论昆虫在生态系统中的作用,以及昆虫与人类生活的关系。
六、板书设计1. Insects2. 主要内容:(1)昆虫的主要特征(2)常见昆虫类型及生活习性(3)昆虫生命周期(4)昆虫在生态系统中的作用七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)列举三种昆虫,并描述它们的生活习性。
2. 答案:(1)示例:蝴蝶、蜻蜓、蜜蜂。
昆虫的世界介绍英文作文英文:In the world of insects, there are over one million different species. They are incredibly diverse in their appearance, behaviors, and habitats. Some insects are beneficial to humans, such as bees, which pollinate crops and produce honey. Others, like mosquitoes, can be harmful as they spread diseases like malaria.One interesting fact about insects is that they have three body parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. They also have six legs and two pairs of wings (although not all insects can fly). Insects have a hard exoskeleton that protects their body and allows them to move quickly and efficiently.Insects are also known for their unique behaviors. For example, ants work together in colonies to gather food and care for their young. Butterflies go through ametamorphosis process, transforming from a caterpillar to a beautiful winged creature. And some insects, like the cicada, have a distinct mating call that can be heard from far away.Overall, the world of insects is fascinating and diverse, with so much to explore and learn.中文:在昆虫的世界里,有一百多万种不同的物种。
❖ 昆虫(insect或entoma):3对足和2 对翅, 隶属于节肢动物门中的昆虫纲
❖ 昆虫在漫长的演化过程中,形成了许多独 特的适应特性,成为影响地球生态和人类 生活的重要因素。
第一节 昆虫纲的特征
❖ 一、昆虫纲的基本特征 ❖ (1)体躯由若干体节组成,并明显地集
❖ 据联合国粮农组织(FAO)报道,全世界5种重要 作物(稻、麦、棉、玉米、甘蔗)每年因虫害的损 失达2000亿美元;我国每年因害虫造成的损失至少 占农作物总产值的1/5以上;1992年我国棉铃虫大 暴发、造成棉花减产30%以上,直接经济损失达 100亿元。林、果、蔬、药等经济植物也无不受到 害虫的危害,一般损失15%~20%,有时还严重影 响出口创汇。经济植物产品在贮藏、加工期间也会 受到多种害虫侵害,如粮食在贮运过程中一般损失 5%~10%之间。
❖生物多样性(biodiversity)是指在 一定空间内生物的变异性,通常包 括遗传、物种和生态系统多样性3个 层次。
❖适应性是指生物通过各种行为对策 适应环境得以保存种群和繁衍后代 的能力。
❖ 总体而言,昆虫纲的繁盛主要表现在以下3个方面。
❖ 昆虫纲是动物界中包括物种最多的一个类群,目前 已命名的昆虫约计有100万种,占地球所有动物种 数的2/3,约占全球生物多样性的一半。
的原因是什么? ❖ 昆虫的益与害分别表现在哪些方面?
❖ 大部分昆虫的个体较小,只需少量的食物便可满足 其生长发育和繁殖对营养的需求,同时也便于其隐 藏。
❖ 昆虫具有惊人的生殖能力,加之体小发育速度快, 因而两者构成了极高的繁殖率。大多数昆虫的产卵 量可达数百粒至数千粒,一年可完成数代,即使在 自然死亡90%的情况下,仍能保持一定的种群数量。
详细内容包括:学习昆虫的基本词汇,如bee (蜜蜂)、ant(蚂蚁)、butterfly(蝴蝶)、grasshopper(蚂蚱)等;掌握一般现在时态描述昆虫的特点和习性;了解昆虫的生活环境及其与人类的关系。
二、教学目标1. 能够正确发音并记忆昆虫的相关词汇。
2. 能够运用一般现在时态描述昆虫的特点和习性。
3. 培养幼儿对大自然生物的兴趣和热爱。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:昆虫卡片、挂图、视频、音频设备。
2. 学具:幼儿英语活动手册、画笔、彩色纸。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)教师带领幼儿观察校园里的昆虫,引导幼儿发现并说出昆虫的名字。
2. 例题讲解(10分钟)教师展示昆虫卡片,教授昆虫词汇,如bee、ant、butterfly、grasshopper等,并引导幼儿用一般现在时态描述昆虫的特点和习性。
3. 随堂练习(10分钟)幼儿两人一组,用所学的昆虫词汇和一般现在时态进行对话练习。
4. 情景剧表演(15分钟)教师组织幼儿分组,每组选择一种昆虫,编一个小故事,并表演出来。
六、板书设计1. 板书昆虫词汇:bee、ant、butterfly、grasshopper等。
2. 板书一般现在时态句子:The bee flies around the flowers.(蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。
)七、作业设计1. 作业题目:请用画笔和彩色纸制作一张昆虫卡片,并写上一句描述该昆虫特点的句子。
2. 答案示例:一张画有蝴蝶的卡片,句子为:The butterfly is beautiful.(蝴蝶很漂亮。
二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握昆虫基本词汇,如butterfly、ant、bee等;2. 使学生解昆虫特征和生活习性;3. 提高学生运用英语进行观察和描述能力;4. 培养学生对大自然好奇心和探索精神。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:昆虫特征和生活习性描述;2. 教学重点:昆虫词汇掌握和运用。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:昆虫图片、实物、PPT、板书用品;2. 学具:学生用书、练习本、彩色笔。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:展示昆虫图片,让学生观察并猜测它们名字,激发学生兴趣;2. 例题讲解:通过PPT展示昆虫图片,教授对应英文单词,如butterfly、ant、bee等,并引导学生用英语描述它们外貌特征和生活习性;3. 随堂练习:让学生两人一组,用英语互相描述对方所看到昆虫;5. 知识拓展:介绍一些有趣昆虫知识,如蝴蝶变态发育、蚂蚁社群行为等;6. 课堂小结:对本节课所学内容进行回顾,巩固知识点。
六、板书设计1. 板书《Insects》2. 内容:butterfly:美丽蝴蝶,有翅膀,喜欢吸食花蜜;ant:勤劳蚂蚁,有六条腿,善于合作;bee:忙碌蜜蜂,有翅膀,会酿蜜。
七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)根据所给图片,用英语写出昆虫名字;(2)用英语描述一种你喜欢昆虫,并说明原因。
答案:1. (1)butterfly、ant、bee;(2)I like the butterfly. It's beautiful and likes to drink nectar from flowers.八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:本节课通过实践情景引入、例题讲解、随堂练习等多种教学手段,让学生们在轻松愉快氛围中掌握昆虫英文词汇和描述方法。
3AM4U1Insects教案一、教学内容本节课选自《新视野英语》教材第三册第四章第一单元“Insects”,主要内容包括:1. 教材章节:第三册第四章第一单元。
2. 详细内容:介绍昆虫的种类、特征、生活习性以及与人类的关系。
二、教学目标1. 了解并掌握昆虫的基本分类和特征。
2. 能够用英语描述昆虫的特点和生活习性。
3. 提高学生对生物多样性的认识,增强环保意识。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:昆虫的分类和特征。
2. 教学重点:用英语描述昆虫的特点和生活习性。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、昆虫标本、图片、视频等。
2. 学具:笔记本、笔、词典等。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示昆虫标本和图片,激发学生对昆虫的兴趣,引出本节课的主题。
2. 新课内容呈现:结合PPT,讲解昆虫的分类、特征、生活习性等。
3. 实践情景引入:邀请学生扮演昆虫,用英语介绍自己的特点和生活习性。
4. 例题讲解:讲解如何用英语描述昆虫的特点,并提供例句。
5. 随堂练习:让学生运用所学知识,用英语描述昆虫的特点。
六、板书设计1. Insects2. 内容:Classification of insectsCharacteristics of insectsRelationships between insects and humans七、作业设计1. 作业题目:用英语写一篇关于你最喜欢的昆虫的短文,包括其特点、生活习性和与人类的关系。
2. 答案示例:八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生课后观察身边的昆虫,了解其生活习性,提高观察力和环保意识。
重点和难点解析:1. 教学内容的实践情景引入2. 教学过程的例题讲解和随堂练习3. 板书设计的内容布局4. 作业设计的内容与答案示例5. 课后反思及拓展延伸的针对性一、实践情景引入1. 选择具有代表性的昆虫标本和图片,突出昆虫的多样性。
Abstract:Everything has its two sides, and insects is certainly no exception. The world has known more than 1.5 million animals, of which there are one million kinds of insects above (representing 2 / 3). Not only are many kinds of insects, and the same number of individuals is also very impressive. The one hand, insects and human and natural resources competition for living space, on the other insects are also provided for human resources, who benefits from the concept of harm the economic interests of the people point of view, so for humans, insects, both he the harmful aspects also have useful, in this paper briefly explore the beneficial insects and harmful.关键词:昆虫有益性有害性资源论述一、昆虫简介昆虫是节肢动物门的一纲,身体分头、胸、腹三部,头部有触角、眼、口器等。
Folk customs of insect culture
The wedding auspicious worm
There are some species which are known as the long for a beautiful and auspicious symbol,and bees and silkworm are typical representative
New insects times
The global temperature is rising which may cause the insects break through before activity space and rapid increasely; This will be form a potential threat for human Spy insects
Resident Evil
Beneficial insects
pollinator species
With the development of modern agriculture, the technology of pollination by utilizing pollinating insects is becoming more and more important
Insect stamps
Many colour beautiful insects are printed on stamps, In stamps exhibit the elegant demeanour of many insect species this kind of insects stamp are attracted by kinds of stamp collecters
关于昆虫的英语作文English: Insects are a fascinating and diverse group of animals that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. With over a million described species, insects make up the majority of known animal species on Earth. They can be found in nearly every habitat, from the depths of the ocean to the tops of the highest mountains. Insects are important pollinators, helping to facilitate the reproduction of plants, and are also vital decomposers, breaking down organic matter and returning nutrients to the soil. Despite their small size, insects can be incredibly strong and resilient, able to survive in extreme environments and adapt to changing conditions. In addition to their ecological significance, insects also play a role in human culture and economy, with some species being kept as pets, used for food, or even utilized in medical research. Overall, insects are a highly adaptable and diverse group of animals that deserve our respect and admiration for their incredible contributions to the world around us.中文翻译: 昆虫是一个迷人且多样化的动物群体,在生态系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。
关于昆虫的英语小作文英文回答:Insects are a diverse and fascinating group of organisms that play a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem. They are the most abundant group of animals on the planet, with over a million known species. Insects can be found in almost every habitat on Earth, from the tropics to the poles.Insects have a wide range of adaptations that allow them to survive in a variety of environments. They have exoskeletons that protect them from predators and the elements. They also have wings that allow them to fly, which gives them access to a wide range of food sources.Insects are important pollinators. They help to fertilize plants, which is essential for the production of fruits and vegetables. Insects are also a food source for many animals, including birds, bats, and reptiles.However, some insects can be pests. They can damage crops, spread diseases, and annoy humans. Insects can also be vectors for diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever.Despite the challenges they can pose, insects are essential to the Earth's ecosystem. They play a vital rolein the food chain and help to fertilize plants. Insects are also important for recycling nutrients and decomposing organic matter.中文回答:昆虫是一群种类繁多且令人着迷的生物,它们在地球生态系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。
昆虫的作文英文3篇高分英语作文1:insectYou may wonder, why do spiders become our frie nds? Because they will destroy so many insects, an d insects, including the most powerful enemy of h uman beings, will make it impossible for us to sur vive in this world. They will devour all our crops a nd kill our sheep and cattle. If it is not for protect ing us from insect eating animals, we have a great responsibility for the birds and animals that eat in sects, but they will kill the spider together A small fraction of the amount destroyed by spiders.Unlike other insectivores, spiders never hurt us or our property.中文翻译:你可能会想,为什么蜘蛛会成为我们的朋友呢?因为它们会毁灭这么多昆虫,而昆虫包括人类最强大的敌人昆虫会使我们无法在这个世界上生存它们会吞噬我们所有的庄稼,杀死我们的羊群和牛群,如果不是为了保护我们不受食虫动物的伤害,我们对吃昆虫的鸟和兽负有很大的责任,但它们加在一起只杀死了蜘蛛所消灭的数量的一小部分。
万能作文模板2:昆虫I like insects best. My favorite insect cicada has tw o names, also called cicada. Cicada is a common s mall animal in summer.It has six legs. Its front foot is a machete, which c an be used as its weapon. It has a hook on each f oot.The cicada wing is like a piece of broken glass. Pu t the cicada on the ground and drill out when it g rows up. I heard that the cicada shell can be used as the juice of medicine eating branches, as long as the mouth is blocked The cicada dad can clearl y suck the juice and call "motor".As long as you press it, you can call it. His voice i s very loud. You can hear clearly that I often go t o catch cicadas with children within 30 meters.When we come to the tree, we see many cicadas on the tree. When the wind blows a cicada flying down, I catch it into a big bottle, and then put it into a basin filled with water. It will climb into me Think of the water: it may want to drink water, n ever thought it can swim, it will dive, it flapping it s small wings in the water, and then dive into the water, in the water, it is water, a lot of bubbles, I took it out of the water, it is not when I put it o n the ground, it is like the top of the rotation, win gs open, happy singing.中文翻译:我最喜欢昆虫我最喜欢的昆虫蝉蝉有两个名字,也叫蝉,蝉蝉是夏季常见的小动物,它有六条腿,前脚是弯刀,可以作为它的武器,它每只脚上都有一个钩,蝉翼像一块破碎的玻璃把蝉放在地上,长大后钻出来,我听说蝉壳可以做药食枝的汁液,只要把嘴堵住,就可以明确地吮着汁蝉爸爸跟着叫“马达”,只要按一下就能叫起来,他的声音很响,三十米就能清楚地听到我经常和小朋友去捉蝉,我们来到树下,看到树上有许多蝉,当风吹起一只蝉飞下来时,我把它捉到一个大瓶子里,然后放进一个装满水的盆里,它会爬进我想的水中:它可能想喝水从来没想过它会游泳,它会跳水它在水中拍打小翅膀,然后潜入水中,在水中,它是水,冒了很多泡泡我把它从水里拿出来的,它不是当我把它放在地上时叫的,它是一样的顶部旋转,翅膀张开,高兴地唱着歌。
仿写《昆虫备忘录》作文英文回答:Insect Memoirs.Chapter 1: The World of Insects.As an insect, I have always been fascinated by the diverse and intricate world we inhabit. From the buzzing bees to the colorful butterflies, insects are an essential part of the ecosystem. We come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, each with our own unique characteristics and abilities. For instance, ants are known for their exceptional teamwork and organization, while dragonflies showcase their incredible speed and agility. Insects have adapted to various environments, from the depths of the rainforest to the arid deserts, showcasing our resilience and ability to survive in even the harshest conditions.中文回答:昆虫备忘录。
昆虫作文三年级300字左右Insects are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in the ecosystem.昆虫是迷人的生物,它在生态系统中扮演着至关重要的角色。
First and foremost, insects act as pollinators for many plants, ensuring the reproduction and survival of numerous species.首先,昆虫为许多植物传粉,确保了许多物种的繁殖和生存。
Moreover, they serve as a source of food for various animals, forming a critical part of the food chain.此外,它们也是各种动物的食物来源,构成了食物链中至关重要的一环。
In addition, insects contribute to the decomposition of organic matter, aiding in the recycling of nutrients in the environment.此外,昆虫还有助于有机物质的分解,有助于环境中营养物质的循环。
Despite their essential role in the ecosystem, insects are often misunderstood and even feared by humans.尽管昆虫在生态系统中的重要作用,常常被人类误解甚至害怕。
Many people find insects repulsive due to their appearance or behavior, leading to a lack of appreciation for their significance.许多人由于昆虫的外观或行为而感到厌恶,导致他们对昆虫重要性的认可不足。
昆虫记的精彩语句以下是《昆虫记》中的一些精彩语句:1. "我所担忧的是,如果我们不努力去了解他们,永远不会明白昆虫的困境及他们所付出的牺牲。
" - "What concerns me is that if we make no effort to understand them, we shall never understand, nor appreciate, the perils and sacrifices of insects."2. "昆虫对生活的捕食,是人类对战争的捕食。
" - "Insects prey upon life as mankind preys upon war."3. "不同于人类,昆虫从不湮灭自己种族的成员。
" - "Insects never exterminate their own kind as mankind does."4. "昆虫是自然的艺术品,是大地上的闪烁之星。
" - "Insects are the art of nature, the shining star upon the earth."5. "昆虫的世界是一个无尽的神秘与变化的天堂。
" - "The world of insects is an endless realm of mystery and metamorphosis."6. "昆虫使我们想起人类的弱点和可怜。
" - "Insects remind us of human weaknesses and pity. How small and how depraved we are."7. "昆虫是情感的诗歌以及遵循天命的完美节奏的代表。
带有毒的昆虫作文很简单英文回答:Dealing with poisonous insects can be a challenging task for many people. These insects can pose a threat to humans and animals, and it's important to know how to handle them safely. One of the most common poisonous insects is the black widow spider, which can be found in various parts of the world. Their venom is highly toxic and can cause severe reactions in humans if bitten.When dealing with poisonous insects, it's important to take precautions to protect yourself. This can include wearing protective clothing, such as gloves and long sleeves, when working in areas where these insects are present. It's also important to be aware of your surroundings and to avoid provoking or disturbing these insects, as this can increase the risk of being bitten or stung.If you do encounter a poisonous insect, it's important to remain calm and to slowly and carefully move away from the area. It's also important to seek medical attention if you are bitten or stung, as the venom from these insects can cause serious health issues if not properly treated.In some cases, it may be necessary to remove or exterminate poisonous insects from an area to ensure the safety of humans and animals. This should always be done with caution and with the help of a professional, as attempting to remove these insects on your own can be dangerous.Overall, dealing with poisonous insects requires caution, awareness, and the proper knowledge of how to handle these creatures safely. By taking the necessary precautions and seeking help when needed, it is possible to minimize the risks associated with these insects and to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.中文回答:处理有毒昆虫对许多人来说可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。
昆虫记的梗概450字作文英文回答:In "The Insect Play," the play written by the Czech brothers Karel and Josef Čapek, the authors use insects as a metaphor for human society. The play is divided into three acts, each representing a different stage of human development.In the first act, the insects are portrayed asprimitive creatures, living in a chaotic and brutal world. They fight for survival, just like humans in their early stages of civilization. The authors use this act to highlight the struggle for power and dominance that exists in both insect and human societies.In the second act, the insects have evolved into a more organized society, with a clear hierarchy and division of labor. This act reflects the industrialization and urbanization of human society. The authors explore themesof exploitation and oppression, as the insects at the topof the social ladder exploit and control those beneath them.Finally, in the third act, the insects have reached a stage of decadence and decline. They have become complacent and self-indulgent, much like the aristocracy of human society. The authors use this act to criticize thecorruption and decay that can occur in any social system.Overall, "The Insect Play" serves as a satirical commentary on human society and its flaws. It reminds usthat no matter how advanced or civilized we may think we are, we are still subject to the same struggles and vicesas the insects in the play.中文回答:在《昆虫记》这部由捷克兄弟卡雷尔和约瑟夫·恰佩克写的戏剧中,作者运用昆虫作为人类社会的隐喻。
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“We’ve been here for 100 million years and we’ll be here long after you!”
Insect Agricultural Products: Silk
• Silk is produced by the caterpillar of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, to form its coccon. Silk production began in China in3000 B.C.
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Insect Disease Vectors: Malaria
• Caused by different species of Plasmodium microorganisms and vectored by mosquitoes in the genus Anopheles. Causes high, recurring fever and sometimes death. Malaria kills an estimated 1 to 3 million deaths per year (mostly African children under 5) and causes 300-500 million cases of serious illness. Considered a major impediment to economic development in Africa. Control involves mosquito abatement and drug treatment.
Insects and Culture
• Insects in Religion & Myth
– Ancient Egypt: Dung beetle (Scarab) rolled the sun across the sky and carried the souls of the dead. – Maori - souls of the dead return as butterflies – Native American groups butterflies symbolize rebirth Hopi -Butterfly Kachina
– Kafka’s Metamorphosis – Don Marquis’s Archy and Mehitabel
Theatre and Movies
Insects in the Movies
• Insect Horror Movies:
Them! The Fly Mothra The Swarm Tarantula The Black Scorpion The Incredible Shrinking Man The Exorcist II: The Heretic The Hellstrom Chronicle Arachnophobia
Insects and the Arts
• Insects have served as inspiration for all human art forms: Visual arts
– Andrew Wyeth’s Winter Bees
• •
– Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumblebee
Insects are high in Protein! Insects = 64% protein Fish = 32% Berries = 3%
Insects and Human Health
• • Blood-feeding insects serve as vectors for many human diseases. Some of these diseases have profoundly affected human history: Examples:
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Insects and Food: Pollinators
• • Most fruit and vegetable crops require insect pollination. Main pollination - honeybee (Apis mellifera) introduced from Europe. Annual value of honeybee pollination in United States: $1.8-18 billion. Alternate managed pollinators: bumblebees (greenhouse crops) alfalfa leafcutter bee in alfalfa.
Insects & Humans:
Where ever we go, there they are.
The intertwined lives of insects and people
• Insects and agriculture • Insects and human health • Insects and human culture
• • • Bubonic plague- The Black Death Human mortality rate of 30-75% Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, vectored by the Oriental rat flea and reservoired in rats. Long present in Asia, the Crusades brought the disease to Europe in 1347. By 1352, 25 million people (1/3 the total population) were dead. Recurrent plague outbreaks continue to the present.
• •
Global Risk of Malaria in 2003 (WHO)
Insects for Medical Treatment
• Insects are important models for medical research, particularly in genetics and neurobiology. Example: Drosophila melanogaster Blowfly maggots - used to remove decaying flesh.
Ring a round the rosy A pocketful of posies Atishoo! Atishoo! We all fall down.
Insect Disease Vectors: Yellow Fever
• Yellow fever is a viral disease vectored by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Symptoms - acute onset of high fever, aches, vomiting, jaundice. Death may occur within 3 days. Limited treatment options, but a vaccine is effective prevention. Still common in Africa and parts of Latin America. Played a major role in military campaigns and efforts to build the Panama Canal in 1905.
Insects and Agriculture: Competitors
• Pests (insects, weeds, fungi and vertebrates) cause the loss of about 1/3 of all agricultural products. Direct insect pests: feed on the harvested portion of crop. Indirect insect pests feed on other plant parts, reducing plant vigor and/or spreading disease. Stored product insect pests feed on harvested food products.
Movies with Insect Heroes:
Spiderman I & II Antz Bug’s Life Angels & Insects Joe’s Apartment
Movies with insects in supporting roles:
Mysterious Island Silence of the Lambs Days of Heaven Men in Black
Insects AS Food
• Many non-Western cultures regularly consume insects.
– – – – Ant eggs, pupae and adults Bees larvae and pupae Wasps - popular in Asia Lepidoptera larvae- the famous wichetty grub! – Grasshoppers- eaten by a – Termites
– Bubonic plague – Yellow fever