
全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语二级《笔译实务》试卷Section1:English-Chinese Translation(50points)Translate the following two passages into Chinese.Passage1There they come,trudging along,straight upright on stubby legs,shoulders swinging back and forth with each step,coming into focus on the screen just as I’m eating my first bite of popcorn.Then Morgan Freeman’s voice informs us that these beings are on a long and difficult journey in one of the most inhospitable places on earth,and that they are driven by their“quest for love.”I’ve long known the story of the emperor penguin,but to see the sheer beauty and wonder of it all come into focus in the March of the Penguins,the sleeper summer hit,still took my breath away.As the movie continues, everything about these animals seems on the surface utterly different from human existence;and yet at the same time the closer one looks the more everything also seems familiar.Stepping back and considering within the context of the vast diversity of millions of other organisms that have evolved on the tree of life—grass,trees, tapeworms,hornets,jelly-fish,tuna and elephants—these animals marching across the screen are practically kissing cousins to us.Love is a feeling or emotion—like hate,jealousy,hunger,thirst—necessary where rationality alone would not suffice to carry the day.Could rationality alone induce a penguin to trek70miles over the ice in order to mate and then balance an egg on his toes while fasting for four months in total darkness and enduring temperatures of minus-80degrees Fahrenheit?Even humans require an overpowering love to do the remarkable things that parents do for their children.The penguins’drive to persist in behavior bordering 笔译实务(英语·二级)试卷第1页(共4页)on the bizarre also suggests that they love to an inordinate degree.I suspect that the new breed of nature film will become increasingly mainstream because,as we learn more about ourselves from other animals and find out that we are more like them than was previously supposed,we are now allowed to“relate”to them,and therefore to empathize.If we gain more exposure to the real—and if the producers and studios invest half as much care and expense into portraying animals as they do into showing ourselves—I suspect the results will be as profitable,in economic as well as emotional and intellectual terms—as the March of the Penguins.Passage2After years of painstaking research and sophisticated surveys,Jaco Boshoff may be on the verge of a nearly unheard-of discovery:the wreck of a Dutch slave ship that broke apart239years ago on this forbidding,windswept coast after a violent revolt by the slaves.Boshoff,39,a marine archaeologist with the government-run Iziko Museums, will not find out until he starts digging on this deserted beach on Africa’s southernmost point,probably later this year.After three years of surveys with sensitive magnetometers,he knows,at least, where to look:at a cluster of magnetic abnormalities,three beneath the beach and one beneath the surf,near the mouth of the Heuningries River,where the450-ton slave ship,the Meermin,ran aground in1766.If he is right,it will be a find for the history books—especially if he recovers shackles,spears and iron guns that shed light on how147Malagasy slaves seized their captors’vessel,only to be recaptured.Although European countries shipped millions of slaves from Africa over four centuries,archaeologists estimate that fewer than10slave shipwrecks have been found worldwide.If he is wrong,Boshoff said in an interview,“I will have a lot of explaining to do.”笔译实务(英语·二级)试卷第2页(共4页)He will,however,have an excuse.Historical records indicate that at least30 ships have run aground in the treacherous waters off Struis Bay,the earliest of them in1673.Although Boshoff says he believes beyond doubt that the remains of a ship are buried on this beach—the jagged timbers of a wreck are sometimes uncovered during September’s spring tide—there is always the prospect that his surveys have found the wrong one.“Finding shipwrecks is just so difficult in the first place,”said Madeleine Burnside,the author of Spirits of the Passage,a book on the slave trade,and executive director of the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society in Key West, Florida.“Usually—not always—they are located by accident.”Other slave-ship finds have produced compelling evidence of both the brutality and the lucrative nature of the slave trade.Section2:Chinese-English Translation(50points)Translate the following two passages into English.Passage1改革开放27年来,中国发生了巨大变化。

历年英语翻译资格考试二级笔译真题E-C TranslationCompulsory TranslationThere was, last week, a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis. Expecting a bumper harvest, Ukraine relaxed restrictions on exports. Overnight, global wheat prices fell by 10 percent.By contrast, traders in Bangkok quote rice prices around $1,000 a ton, up from $460 two months ago.Such is the volatility of today’s markets. We do not know how high food prices might go, nor how far they could fall. But one thing is certain: We have gone from an era of plenty to one of scarcity. Experts agree that food prices are not likely to return to the levels the world had grown accustomed to any time soon.Imagine the situation of those living on less than $1 a day - the “bottom billion,” the poorest of the world’s poor. Most live in Africa, and many might typically spend two-thirds of their income on food.In Liberia last week, I heard how people have stopped purchasing imported rice by the bag. Instead, they increasingly buy it by the cup, because that’s all they can afford.Traveling though West Africa, I found good reason for optimism. In Burkina Faso, I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better manage scarce water supplies, helped by nations like Brazil. In Ivory Coast, we saw a women’s cooperative running a chicken farm set up with UN funds. The project generated income - and food - for villagers in ways that can easily be replicated.Elsewhere, I saw yet another women’s group slowly expanding their local agricultural production, with UN help. Soon they will replace World Food Programrice with their own home-grown produce, sufficient to cover the needs of their school feeding program.These are home-grown, grass-roots solutions for grass-roots problems - precisely the kind of solutions that Africa needs. optionalTopic 1For a decade, metallurgists studying the hulk of the Titanic have argued that the storied ocean liner went down quickly after hitting an iceberg because the ship’s builder used substandard rivets that popped their heads and let tons of icy seawater rush in. More than 1,500 people died.Now a team of scientists has moved into deeper waters, uncovering evidence in the builder’s own archives of a deadly mix of great ambitio n and use of low-quality iron that doomed the ship, which sank 96 years ago Tuesday.The scientists found that the ship’s builder, Harland and Wolff, in Belfast, struggled for years to obtain adequate supplies of rivets and riveters to build the world’s three biggest ships at once: the Titanic and two sisters, Olympic and Britannic.Each required three million rivets, and shortages peaked during Titanic’s construction.“The board was in crisis mode,” said Jennifer Hooper McCarty, a member of the team that studied the company’s archive and other evidence. “It was constant stress. Every meeting it was, ‘There’s problems with the rivets, and we need to hire more people.’ “The team collected other clues from 48 Titanic rivets, using modern tests, computer simulations, comparisons to century-old metals and careful documentation of what engineers and shipbuilders of the era considered state of the art.The scientists say the troubles began when the colossal plans forced Harland and Wolff to reach beyond its usual suppliers of rivet iron and include smaller forges, as disclosed in company and British government papers. Small forges tended to have less skill and experience.Adding to the threat, the company, in buying iron for Titanic’s rivets, ordered No. 3 bar, known as “best,” not No. 4, known as “best-best,” the scientists found. They also discovered that shipbuilders of the day typically used No. 4 iron for anchors, chains and rivets.So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at least one instance relied on cheap materials.The scientists argue that better rivets would have probably kept the Titanic afloat long enough for rescuers to have arrived before the icy plunge, saving hundreds of lives.C-E TranslationCompulsory Translation“中国制造”模式遭遇发展瓶颈,这种模式必须要改进和提高。

全国翻译专业资格水平考试二级笔译实务真题全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试二级笔译实务真题【中译英】Passage 12000年,中国建成北斗导航试验系统,使我国成为继美、俄之后的世界上第三个拥有自主卫星导航系统的国家。
虽然目前它的定位精度与GPS还有一定的差距,但它具备了GPS 所没有的短报通信和位置报告的功能。
Passage 2中国和欧洲是两大战略力量,肩负推动全球经济发展、促进人类文明进步、维护世界和平的'崇高使命,双方正在形成不断放大的战略交集,中国是最大的新兴市场国家,欧盟是最大的发达经济体,“最大”与“最大”交融,一切都有可能,“新兴”与“发达”携手,优势就会倍增,中欧在新兴和发达经济体合作中可以成为典范。
【英译中】Passage 1Apple may well be the only tech company on the planet that would dare compare itself to Picasso.In a class at the company's internal university, the instructor likened the 11 lithographs that make up Picasso's "The Bull" to the way Apple builds its smartphones and other devicesThe idea is that Apple designers strive for simplicity just as Picasso eliminated details to create a great work of art.Steve Jobs established Apple University as a way to inculcate employees into Apple's business culture and educate them about its history, particularly as the company grew and the technical business changed. Courses are not required, only recommended, but getting new employees to enroll is rarely a problem.Randy Nelson, who came from the animation studio Pixar, co-founded by MrJobs, is one of the teachers of "Communicating at Apple." This course, open to various levels of employees, focuses on clear communication, not just for making products intuitive, but also for sharing ideas with peers and marketing products.In a version of the class taught last year, Nelson showed a slide of "The Bull," a series of 11 lithographs of a bull that Picasso created over about a month, starting in late 1945. In the early stages, the bull has a snout, shoulder shanks and hooves, but over the iterations, those details vanish. The last image is a curvy stick figure that is still unmistakably a bull."You go through more iterations until you can simply deliver your message in a very concise way, and that is true to the Apple brand and everything we do," recalled one person who took the course.In "What Makes Apple, Apple," another course that Nelsonoccasionally teaches, he showed a slide of the remote control for the Google TV, said an employee who took the class last year. The remote has 78 buttons. Then, the employee said, Nelson displayed a photo of the Apple TV remote, a thin piece of metal with just three buttons.How did Apple's designers decide on three buttons? They started out with an idea, Nelson explained, and debated until they had just what was needed - a button to play and pause a video, a button to select something to watch, and another to go to the main menu.The Google TV remote serves as a counter example; it had so many buttons because the individual engineers and designers who worked on the project all got what they wanted. But, Apple's designers concluded, only three were really needed.Passage 2Equipped with the camera extender known as a selfie stick, occasionally referred to as "the wand of narcissism,'' tourists can now reach for flattering CinemaScope selfies wherever they go.Art museums have watched this development nervously, fearing damage to their collections or to visitors, as users swing their sticks with abandon. Now they are taking action. One by one, museums across the United States have been imposing bans on using selfie sticks for photographs inside galleries(adding them to rules on umbrellas, backpacks, tripods),yet another example of how controlling crowding has become part of the museum mission.The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington prohibited the sticks this month, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston plans to impose a ban. In New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which has been studying the matter for sometime, has just decided that it, too, will forbid selfie sticks,too.New signs will be posted soon."From now on, you will be asked quietly to put it away,'' said Sree Sreenivasan, chief digital officer at the Met. "It's one thing to take a picture at arm's length, but when it is three times arm's length, you are invading someone else's personal space.'' The personal space of other visitors is just one problem. The artwork is another. "We do not want to have to put all the art under glass,'' said Deborah Ziska, the chief of public information at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, which bans selfie sticks.Last but not least is the threat to the camera operator, intent on capturing the perfect shot and oblivious to the surroundings. "If people are not paying attention in the Temple of Dendur, they can end up in the water with the crocodile sculpture,'' Sreenivasan said. We have so many balconies you could fall from and stairs you can trip on”At the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Thursday, Jasmine Adaos , a selfie-stick user from Chile, expressed dismay.”It’s just another product,” she said ”When you have a regular camera, it’s the same thing. I don’t see the problem if you’re careful,” But Hai Lin ,a student from Shandong, China, conceded that the museum might have at point .”You can hit people when they’re passing by.” she said.下载全文。

翻译资格考试二级笔译真题及答案【英译汉必译题】Milton Friedman, Free Markets Theorist, Dies at 94.Milton Friedman, the grandmaster of free-market economic theory in the postwar era and a prime force in the movement of nations toward less government and greater reliance on individual responsibility, died today in San Francisco, where he lived. He was 94.Conservative and liberal colleagues alike viewed Mr. Friedman, a Nobel prize laureate, as one of the 20th century’s leading economic scholars, on a par with giants like John Maynard Keynes and Paul Samuelson.Flying the flag of economic conservatism, Mr. Friedman led the postwar challenge to the hallowed theories of Lord Keynes, the British economist who maintained that governments had a duty to help capitalistic economies through periods of recession and to prevent boom times from exploding into high inflation.In Professor Friedman’s view, government had the opposite obligation: to keep its hands off the economy, to let the free market do its work.The only economic lever that Mr. Friedman would allow government to use was the one that controlled the supply of money — a monetarist view that had gone out of favor when he embraced it in the 1950s. He went on to record a signal achievement, predicting the unprecedented combination of rising unemployment and rising inflation that came to be called stagflation. His work earned him the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1976.Rarely, his colleagues said, did anyone have such impact on both his own profession and on government. Though he never served officially in the halls of power,he was always around them, as an adviser and theorist.“Among economic scholars, Milton Friedman had no peer,” Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, said t oday. “The direct and indirect influences of his thinking on contemporary monetary economics would be difficult to overstate.”Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman, said of Mr. Friedman in an interview on Tuesday. “From a longer-term point of view, it’s his academic achievements which will have lasting import. But I would not dismiss the profound impact he has already had on the American public’s view.”Mr. Friedman had a gift for communicating complicated ideas in simple and lucid ways, and it served him well as the author or co-author of more than a dozen books, as a columnist for Newsweek from 1966 to 1983 and even as the star of a public television series.【英译汉二选一】试题1Panama goes to polls on upgrade for canalPANAMA CITY: V oters were expected Sunday to approve the largest modernization project in the 92-year history of the Panama Canal, a $5.25 billion plan to expand the waterway to allow for larger ships while alleviating traffic problems.The government of President Martín Torrijos has billed the referendum as historic, saying the work would double the capacity of a canal already on pace to generate about $1.4 billion in revenue this year. Critics claim the expansion would benefit the canal’s customers more than Panamanians, and worry that costs could balloon, forcing this debt- ridden country to borrow even more.The project would build a third set of locks on the Pacific and Atlantic ends of thecanal by 2015, allowing it to handle modern container ships, cruise liners and tankers too large for its locks, which are 33 meters, or 108 feet, wide.The Panama Canal Authority, the autonomous government agency that runs the canal, says the project would be paid for by increasing tolls and would generate $6 billion in revenue by 2025.There is nothing Panamanians are more passionate about than the canal.“It’s incomparable in the hemisphere,” said Samuel Lewis Navarro, the country’s vice president and foreign secretary. “It’s in our heart, part of our soul.”Public opinion polls indicate that the plan would be approved overwhelmingly. Green and white signs throughout the country read “Yes for our children,” while tens of thousands of billboards and bumper stickers trumpet new jobs.“The canal needs you,” television and radio ads implore.“It will mean more boats, and that means more jobs,” said Damasco Polanco, who was herding cows on horseback in Nuevo Provedencia, on the banks of Lake Gatún, an artificial reservoir that supplies water to the canal.The canal employs 8,000 workers and the expansion is expected to generate as many as 40,000 new jobs. Unemployment in Panama is 9.5 percent, and 40 percent of the country lives in poverty.But critics fear that the expansion could cost nearly double the government’s estimate, as well as stoke corruption and uncontrolled debt.“The poor continue to suffer while the rich get richer,” said José Felix Castillo, 62, a high school teacher who was one of about 3,000 supporters who took to Panama City’s streets to protest the measure on Friday.Lewis Navarro noted that a portion of the revenue generated by each ton of cargothat passes through the waterway goes to education and social programs.“We aren’t talking about 40 percent poverty as a consequence of the canal,” he said. “It’s exactly the opposite.”【汉译英】【试题一】旅游是一项集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。

笔者 2019 年 7 月 2 日
2018 年 11 月全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试
《全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试》是全国实行统一、面向社会的、国内最 具权威的翻译专业资格考试(认证),是对参试人员口译或笔译方面双语互译能 力和水平的认定。截止 2019 年之前官方(中国外文局)从未公布历年考试真题, 2019 年 4 月首次公布真题,但由于定价太高,且网络虽散见历年回忆版试题, 但并不完整,且错误较多,不利于考生复习备考。故笔者收集整理校对近三年《二 级笔译实务》真题,供广大参加翻译专业考试人员参考使用。
Passage 1
New drone footage gives a glimpse of the damage that parts of Hawaii's Big Island sustained in the wake of volcanic explosions in recent days. Smoke can be seen billowing off the lava as it creeps down roads and through wooded areas toward homes. Fires are visible with terrifying streams of brightness breaking through the surrounding areas of black. After a day of relative calm, Kilauea roared back in full force on Sunday, spewing lava 3,00 feet in the air, encroaching on a half mile of new ground and bringing the total number of destroyed structures to 35.

第一部分历年真题英语二级笔译综合能力真题精选及详解(一)Section1Vocabulary and Grammar(25points)This section consists of3parts.Read the directions for each part before answering the questions.The time for this section is25minutes.Part1Vocabulary SelectionIn this part,there are20incomplete sentences.Below each sentence,there are4 choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word which best completes each sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1.If your car breaks down once every other day,it would be too much of a for anyone.A.nuanceB.threatC.nuisanceD.torment【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你的车子隔一天抛锚一次,对任何人来讲都是麻烦事。
2.Some people like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful in the market.A.bargainsB.barrelsC.barricadesD.batteries【答案】A【解析】句意:一些人喜欢周日去购物因为他们期待可以在市场上买到物美价廉的打折商品。

全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语二级笔译实务章节题库-汉译英【圣才出品】第2章汉译英◆外交关系类Practice12007年2月6日,国家主席胡锦涛在比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)同南非总统姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)举行会谈。
参考译文On February6,2007,Chinese President Hu Jintao held talks with his South African counterpart Thabo Mbeki in Pretoria.Both sides reviewed the successful experience and fruitful achievements of bilateral ties,especially those of the pragmatic cooperation,since the establishment of diplomatic ties nearly10years ago,and reached broad consensus on future development of bilateral relations. Both sides agreed to view and develop bilateral ties from a strategic and overallperspective,push forward their cooperation in all areas,strengthen coordinationand cooperation in African and international affairs,and actively push forward China-South Africa strategic partnership based on equality,mutual benefit and common development,so as to promote their friendship for generations.Hu pointed out that the two countries share a profound traditional friendship. Hu said that China firmly stood alongside the South African people during their long-term struggle against apartheid and that the Chinese-South African ties have enjoyed fast,multi-facet and all-round growth since the two countries established diplomatic ties10years ago.The two countries have had fruitful bilateral cooperation in economy and trade,science and technology,education,culture, tourism and justice with close people-to-people exchanges,he noted.Both sides have also maintained close communication and coordination in international affairs, he said.China is pleased with the sound momentum of the development of bilateral ties and appreciates South Africa’s adherence to the one-China policy and its support for China’reunification cause,said Hu.Practice21月18日,商务部副部长于广洲和白俄罗斯(Belarus)国家监察委员会主席洛马奇共同主持了中白经贸合作委员会第八次会议。

11月翻译资格考题二级英语笔译实务试卷及答案Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)( 60 point )This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional Translations" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". Translate the passage in Part A and your choice from passage in Part B into Chinese. Write "Compulsory Translation" above your translation of Part A and write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" above your translation of the passage from Part B. The time for this section is 100 minutes.Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(30 points)Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build.Many of the world's coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts - areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life - are also found in the deep ocean.These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems.Yet just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food products and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vessels are now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching everything in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor.Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry.Part B Optional Translations (二选一题)( 30 points )Topic 1 (选题一)Most of the world's victims of AIDS live - and, at an alarming rate, die - in Africa. The number of people living with AIDS in Africa was estimated at 26.6 million in late 2003. New figures to be published by the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS ( UNAIDS ), the special UN agency set up to deal with the pandemic, will probably confirm its continued spread in Africa, but they will also show whether the rate of spread is constant, increasing or falling.AIDS is most prevalent in Eastern and Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya having the greatest numbers of sufferers; other countries severely affected include Botswana and Zambia. AIDS was raging in Eastern Africa - where it was called "slim", after the appearance of victims wasting away - within a few years after its emergence was established in the eastern Congo basin; however, the conflicting theories about the origin of AIDS are highly controversial and politicized, and the controversy is far from being settled.Measures being taken all over Africa include, first of all, campaigns of public awareness and device, including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms. The latter advice is widely ignored or resisted owing to natural and cultural aversion to condoms and to Christian and Muslim teaching, which places emphasis instead on self-restraint.An important part of anti- AIDS campaigns, whether organized by governments, nongovernmental organizations or both, is the extension of voluntary counseling and testing ( VCT ) .In addition, medical research has found a way to help sufferers, though not to cure them.Funds for anti- AIDS efforts are provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities around the world; the fund was launched following a call by the UN Secretary-General in 2001. However, much more is needed if the spread of the pandemic is to be at least halted.Topic 2 (选题二)As a leader of a least developed country, I speak from experience when I say that poverty is too complex a phenomenon, and the strategies for fighting it too diverse and dependent on local circumstances, for there is no single silver bullet in the war on poverty.We have learned the hard way over the years. We have experimented with all kinds of ideas.Yet a report recently released by the World Economic Forum shows that barely a third of what should have been done by now to ensure the world meets its goals to fight poverty, hunger and disease by 2015 is done. I am now convinced that the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations in 2000 can only be attained through a global compact, anchored in national policies that take into account local circumstances.Aid and trade are both necessary, but they are not enough on their own. Neither is good governance enough in itself. Above all, nothing can move without the direct participation of local communities. I fear that we lecture too much. This is not the best way.I will give an example of how such a compact worked in Tanzania to achieve universal basic schooling.In the mid-1990s, almost all indicators for basic education were in free fall. The gross enrollment rate had fallen from 98 percent in the early 1980s to 77.6 percent in 2000. The net enrollment rate had likewise fallen, from over 80 percent to only 58.8 percent.Then several things happened. We decided at the top political level that basic education would be a top priority, and adopted a five-year Primary Education Development Plan to achieve universal basic education by 2006 - nine years ahead of the global target.Good governance produced more government revenues, which quadrupled over the last eight years. In 2001, we received debt relief under the World Bank's enhanced HIPC ( heavily indebted poor countries ) Initiative. Subsequently, more donors put aid money directly into our budget or into a pooled fund for the Primary Education Development Program ( PEDP ) .The government's political will was evidenced by the fact that over the last five years the share of the national budget going to poverty reduction rose by 130 percent. We abolished school fees in primary schools.Then we ensured that all PEDP projects are locally determined, planned, owned,implemented and evaluated. This gave the people pride and dignity in what they were doing. After only two years of implementing PEDP, tremendous successes have been achieved.Section 2: Chinese- English Translation (汉译英)( 40 point )This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional Translations" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2".Translation the passage in Part A and your choice from passage in Part B into English. Write "Compulsory Translation" above your translation of Part A and write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" above your translation of the passage from Part B. The time for this section is 80 minutes.Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)( 20 points )进入新世纪,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂的变化。

英语二级口译综合能力真题精选及详解(二)Part IListen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. Blacken the letter “A” on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET if you think the statement is true, or the letter “B” if you think it is false. You will hear each passage only once. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, 2 points for each statement.1. The two men have been very intimate and reliable friends throughout their lives. 【答案】B【解析】事实细节的判断。
录音中提到的startling intimacy可对应题干中的very intimate,而“…had shared confidences, swapped advice and supported each other’s ambition”则与题干中的reliable friends含义想通。
而题干中throughout their lives却与原文中的most of their lives不吻合,由此可知该题表述有误。
【录音原文】For most of their lives, the two men had shared confidences, swapped advice and supported each other’s ambitions. The dozens of letters that Justice Blackmun saved document a relationship of sometimes startling intimacy.2. The children’s health insuran ce program in Florida was intended to help kids from low-income families.【答案】A【解析】词义理解。

Section 1: English-Chinese translation(英译汉)(50points)Passage 1Y ou’ve temporarily misplaced your cell phone and anxiously retrace your steps to try to find it. Or perhaps you never let go of your phone—it's always in your hand, your pocket, or your bag, ready to be answered or consulted at a moment’s notice. When your battery life runs down at the end of the day, you feel that yours is running low as well. New research s hows that there’s a psychological reason for such extreme phone dependence: According to the attachment theory, for some of us, our phone serves the same function as the teddy bear we clung to in childhood.Attachment theory proposes that our early life experiences with parents responsible for our well-being, are at the root of our connections to the adults with whom we form close relationships. Importantly, attachment in early life can extend to inanimate objects. Teddy bears, for example, serve as “transitional objects.” The teddy bear, unlike the parent, is always there. We extend our dependence on parents to these animals, and use them to help us move to an independent sense of self.A cell phone has the potential to be a “compensatory attachment”obje ct. Although phones are often castigated for their addictive potential, scientists cite evidence that supports the idea that “healthy, normal adults also report significant emotional attachment to special objects”Indeed, cell phones have become a pervasive feature of our lives: The number of cell phone subscriptions exceeds the total population of the planet. The average amount of mobile or smartphone use in the U.S. is 3.3 hours per day. Phones have distinct advantages. They can be kept by your side and they provide a socialconnection to the people you care about. Even if you’re not talking to your friends, lover, or family, you can keep their photos close by, read their messages, and follow them on social media. Y ou can track them in real time but also look back on memorable moments together. These channels help you “feel less alone”. Passage 2Many countries have adopted the principle of sustainable development it can combat environment deterioration in air quality, water quality and production in developing countries. Health education serves as a viable role for every member in the world. But some argue that it's a vague idea, some organizations may use it in its own interests, whether environmental or economic is the nature of interests. Others argue that sustainable development in developing countries overlook the local customs, habitude and people.Whereas interdependence is desirable during times of peace, war necessitates competition and independence. Tariffs and importation limits strengthen a country's economic vitality while potentially weakening theeconomies of its enemies. Moreover, protectionism in the weapons industry is highly desirable during such circumstances because reliance on another state for armaments can be fatal.For the most part, economists emphasize the negative effects of protectionism. It reduces international trade and raises prices for consumers. In addition, domestic firms that receive protection have less incentive to innovate. Although free trade puts uncompetitive firms out of business, the displaced workers and resources are ultimately allocated to other areas of the economy.Imposing quotas is a method used to protect trade, since foreign companies cannot ship more products regardless of how low they set their prices. Countries that hope to help a new industry thrive locally often impose quotas on imported goods. They believe that such restrictions allow entities in the new industry to develop their own competitive advantages and produce the products efficiently.Protectionism’s purpose is usually to create jobs for domestic workers. Companies that operate in industriesprotected by quotas hire workers locally. Another disadvantage of quotas is the reduction in the quality of products in the absence of competition from foreign companies. Without competition, local firms are less likely to invest in innovation and improve their products and services. Domestic sellers don’t have an incentive to enhance efficiency and lower their prices, and under such conditions, consumers eventually pay more for products and services they could receive from foreign competitors. As local companies lose competitiveness, they become pressured to outsource jobs. In the long-run, increasing protectionism commonly leads to layoffs and economic slowdown. Section 2: Chinese-English translation(汉译英)(50points)Passage 1。

英语二级笔译证书考试英译汉真题精选(22篇)及参考译文Passage 1Over the last several decades, it has become accepted wisdom that improving the status of women is one of the most critical levers of international development. When women are educated and can earn and control income, a number of good results follow: infant mortality declines, child health and nutrition improve, agricultural productivity rises, population growth slows, economies expand, and cycles of poverty are broken.But the challenges remain dauntingly large. In the Middle East, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, large and persistent gender gaps in access to education, health care, technology, and income—plus a lack of basic rights and pervasive violence against women—keep women from being fully productive members of society. Entrenched gender discrimination remains a defining characteristic of life for the majority of the world’s bottom two billion people, helping sustain the gulf between the most destitute and everyone else who shares this planet.Narrowing that gulf demands more than the interest of the foreign aid and human rights communities, which, to date, have carried out the heavy lifting of women’s empowerment in developing countries, funding projects such as schools for girls and microfinance for female entrepreneurs. It requires the involvement of the world’s largest companies. Not only does the global private sector have vastlymore money than governments and nongovernmental organizations, but it can wield significant leverage with its powerful brands and by extending promises of investment and employment. Some companies already promote initiatives focused on women as part of their corporate social—responsibility programs—in other words, to burnish their images as good corporate citizens. But the truly transformative shift—both for global corporations and for women worldwide—will occur when companies understand that empowering women in developing economies affects their bottom lines.(2011年5月试题) 参考译文过去几十年,人们已逐渐达成共识,认为改善妇女地位是国际发展最重要的手段之一。

2024年10月CATTI全国翻译资格考试二级笔译真题英译汉第一篇Mortgage rates dropped again this week,after plunging nearly half a percentage point last week.The30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged6.58percent in the week ending November22,down from6.61 percent the week before.A year ago,the30-year fixed rate was3.10%.Mortgage rates have risen throughout most of2022,spurred by the Federal Reserve's unprecedented campaign of hiking interest rates in order to tame soaring inflation.But last week,rates tumbled amid reports that indicated inflation may have finally reached its peak.This volatility is making it difficult for potential home buyers to know when to get into the market,and that is reflected in the latest data which shows existing home sales slowing across all price points. Mortgage rates tend to track the yield on10-year US Treasury bonds.As investors see or anticipate rate hikes,they make moves which send yields higher and mortgage rates rise.The10-year Treasury has been hovering in a lower range of3.7% to3.85%since a pair of inflation reports indicating prices rose at a slower pace than expected in October were released almost two weeks ago.That has led to a big reset in investors'expectations about future interest ratehikes,said Danielle Hale,Realtor chief economist.Prior to that,the 10-year Treasury had risen above4.2%.However,the market may be a bit too quick to celebrate the improvement in inflation.At the Fed's November meeting,chairman Jerome Powell pointed to the need for ongoing rate hikes to tame inflation.This could mean that mortgage rates may climb again,and that risk goes up if next month's inflation reading comes in on the higher side. While it's difficult to time the market in order to get a low mortgage rate, plenty of would-be home buyers are seeing a window of opportunity.Following generally higher mortgage rates throughout the course of 2022,the recent swing in buyers'favor is welcome and could save the buyer of a median-priced home more than$100per month relative to what they would have paid when rates were above7%just two weeks ago.As a result of the drop in mortgage rates,both purchase and refinance applications picked up slightly last week.But refinance activity is still more than80%below last year's pace when rates were around3%. However,with week-to-week swings in mortgage rates averaging nearly three times those seen in a typical year and home prices still historically high,many potential shoppers have pulled back.A long-term housing shortage is keeping home prices high,even as the number of homes on the market for sale has increased,and buyers and sellers may find it more challenging to align expectations on price.英译汉第二篇I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations,and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket,they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.Even if one didn’t know from concrete examples that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred,one could deduce it from general principles.Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive.You play to win,and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.On the village green,where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved,it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise:but as soon as the question of prestige arises,as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose,the most savage combative instincts are aroused.Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this.At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare.But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators:and,behind the spectators,of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests,and seriously believe–at any rate for short periods–that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.As soon as strong feelings of rivalry are aroused,the notion of playing the game according to the rules always vanishes.People want to see one side on top and the other side humiliated,and they forget that victory gained through cheating or through the intervention of the crowd is meaningless.Even when the spectators don’t intervene physically they try to influence the game by cheering their own side and‘rattling’opposing players with boos and insults.Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play.It is bound up with hatred,jealousy,boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence:in other words it is war minus the shooting.If you wanted to add to the vast fund of ill-will existing in the world at this moment,you could hardly do it better than by a series of football matches between Jews and Arabs,Germans and Czechs,Indians and British,Russians and Poles,and Italians and Jugoslavs,each match to be watched by a mixed audience of100,000spectators.I do not,of course, suggest that sport is one of the main causes of international rivalry; big-scale sport is itself,I think,merely another effect of the causes that have produced nationalism.Still,you do make things worse by sending forth a team of eleven men,labeled as national champions,to do battle。

全国翻译专业资格〔水平〕考试英语二级笔译实务模拟试题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)This section consists of two parts, Part A - “Compulsory Translation“ and Part B - “Choice o f Two Translations“consisting of two sections “Topic1“ and “Topic2“.For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into Chinese. Above your translation of Part A, write “Compulsory Translation“ and above yourtranslation from Part B, write “Topic 1“ or “Topic 2“ and wr ite your translations on the ANSWER S HEET (60 points, 100 minutes).Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)〔30 points〕The Dreadlock DeadlockIn the fall of 1993 Christopher Polk transferred from FedEx”s hub in Indianapolis to take over a delivery route in Flatbush District, Brooklyn, N.Y. But moving to the country”s largest community of Caribbean and African immigrants only precipitated a far more profound journey.“I w as becoming culturally aware of the history of the black people,“ says Polk, now 31, “and that g ave me these spiritual questions.“ His answer came providentially, by way of a music video featuring Lord Jamal, who raps about the Rastafarian belief in the sanctity of dreadlocks - the c ords of permanently interlocked strands first worn by African chiefs perhaps 6,000 years ago.Now a practicing Rastafarian, Polk sports thick garlands that gently cascade onto his shoulders. “Your hair is your covenant,“ he says. “Once you grow your locks, it puts youon a p ath.“Unfortunately, that path was a colli sion course with Federal Express”s grooming policy, which requires men to confine their dos to “a reasonable style.“ After years of deliberation, Polk”s bosses gave him a choice: shear his locks or be transferred to a lower-paid job with no customer c ontact. He refused both options and was terminated in June 2022.His tale is not unique. Although Rastafarians number about 5,000 nationally, today dreadlocks, twists or braids are at the height of fashion, nearly as common as Afros were 30 years ago. If Afros symbolized militancy, dreads signal a more spiritual self-declaration, a figurative locking with African ancestors. As Stanford professor Kennell Jackson, who teaches a course called “African Coiffures and Their New World Legacies,“ puts it, “There”s a divinity to these locks.“Divine or not, some employers consider them unacceptably outré.Six other New York-area FedEx employees have lost their jobs because of dreadlocks. They have sued, alleging religious discrimination; the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and New York”s attorneygeneral h ave also charged FedEx with violating religious protections in the Civil Rights Act.The dreadlock deadlock may be easing. FedEx altered its policy slightly a few weeks ago: in the future, observant employees who seek a waiver may wear their locks tucked under uniform hats, says a company spokeswoman. The concession isn”t enough to settle the lawsuits yet. The EEOC also wants reinstatement for the fired drivers, says trial attorney Michael Ranis. He”s optimistic. Some new styles, he knows, grow more appealing over time.Part B Choice of Two Translations (二选一题)〔30 points〕Topic 1 (选题一)Eurasians: The New Face of AsiaFusion is in, not only as an abstract fashion concept, but in that most grounded of realities: mixed-blood people who walk, talk, and produce even more multiracial progeny. Most strange of all, these hybrids are finding themselves hailed as role models for vast masses in Asia with no mixed blood at all. “When I think of Asia, I don”t necessarily think of people who look likeme,“ says Declan Wong, a Chinese-Dutch-American actor and producer, “But somehow we”ve become the face that sells the new Asia.“So maybe Asia”s Eurasian craze is driven by the theories of that whitest of white men, economist Adam Smith. As the world gets smaller, we look for a global marketing mien, a one-size-fits-all face that helps us sell Nokia cell phones and Palmolive shampoo across the world.“For any business, you can”t think locally any more,“ says Paul Lau, general manager at Elite Model Management in Hong Kong, who has built up a stable of Eurasians for his internationally minded clients. “At the very least, you need to think regionally. Ideally, you should think globally.“ A global ima ge helps sell products, even if no one but Filipinos would ever wantto b uy duck-fetus eggs or Thais the most pungent variety of shrimp paste. Yanto Zainal, president o f Macs909, a boutique ad agency in Jakarta, used all indos for a campaign for the local Matahari department store chain. “The store wanted to promote a more cosmopolitan image,“ he says. “Indos have an international look but can still be accepted as Indonesian.“Channel V, the Asia-wide music television channel, was one of the first to broadcast the message of homogenized hybridism. “We needed a messenger that would fit in from Tokyo to the Middle East.“Says Jonnifer Seeto, regional sales marketing manager for the channel, which began beaming its border-busting images in 1994. Star Veejay Asha Gill personifies the global look. When asked what her ethnic heritage is, Gill, a Malaysian citizen, simply shrugs. “Oh,who knows,“she says. “I”m half Punjabi, mixed with some English, a little French and dribs and drabs of God knowswhat else.“ The 29-year-old speaks crisp British English, fluent Malay, and a smidgen of Punjabi. She grew up in a Kuala Lumpur neighborhood that was mostly Chinese, attended an English-speakingschool and was pals with Malay and Indian kids. Gill”s Channel V show, broadcast in English, has a strong following in Malaysia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. “I”m Hitler”s worst nightmare,“ she s ays. “My ethnicity and profession make me a global person who can”t be defined in just one category.“Topic 2 (选题二)MatterLook at all the things around us: chairs, desks, cupboards, papers and pens in our classroom; motor cars, bicycles and buses in the streets; trees, plants and animals in the countryside; birds, aeroplanes and clouds in the sky; fishes, seaweeds and corals in the sea; stars, the moon andthe sun in outer space. These and all other things including the human body, are examples of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight.What is Matter Made of?Since ancient times, learned men or philosophers have thought about matter and what it is made up of. One group of philosophers thought that matter was made up of a substance called“hyle“(实质). Another group of philosophers said that matter was made up of four substances, namely e arth, water, air and fire. A third group believed that matter was made up ofvery tiny particleswhich were too small to be seen. These particles were so small that they could never be further divided into smaller particles. They gave t he particles the name atoms which means “those which c annot be divided.“The difference between the various kinds of atoms and the ways in which they were joined were supposed to result in the different kinds of matter.All these ideas arose purely from the mind and were not based on investigation. For many years, people believed in the second idea. But actually it is the third idea that is nearer to our present concept of matter.Dalton”s Atomic TheoryIn the early nineteenth century, Dalton, an English school teacher, stated in this atomic theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles, which he also called atoms. His laboratory work showedhim that atoms could neitherbe divided into smaller partsnor could they be destroyed. He pictured matter as being made up of tiny solid spherical atoms. Today the idea of the atoms has been accepted. But further work has shown that contrary to Dalton”s findings, atoms are made up of even smaller particles.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英)This section consists of two parts, Part A -- “Compulsory Translation“ and Part B - “Choice o f Two Translations“consisting of two sections “Topic1“ and “Topic2“.For the passage in PartA and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write “Compulsory Translation“ and above your translation from Part B, write “Topic 1“ or “Topic 2“ and write your translations on the ANSWER S HEET (40 points, 80 minutes).Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)〔20 points〕中国政府高度重视人口与进展问题,将人口与进展问题作为国民经济和社会进展总体规划的重要组成局部列入议事日程,始终强调人口增长与经济社会进展相适应,与资源利用和环境保护相协调。

二级笔译考试题及答案一、词汇翻译(共20分)1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文。
(每题1分,共10分) - 一带一路- 人工智能- 可持续发展- 供给侧改革- 共享经济- 创新创业- 精准扶贫- 互联网+- 移动支付- 绿色发展- 网络安全2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文。
(每题1分,共10分) - Belt and Road Initiative- Artificial Intelligence- Sustainable Development- Supply-Side Structural Reform- Sharing Economy- Innovation and Entrepreneurship- Targeted Poverty Alleviation- Internet Plus- Mobile Payment- Green Development- Cybersecurity二、句子翻译(共30分)1. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文。
(每题3分,共15分)- 中国政府致力于推动经济全球化,促进世界经济的稳定增长。
- 随着科技的发展,移动支付已经成为人们日常生活的一部分。
- 环境保护是实现可持续发展的关键,需要全社会的共同努力。
- 创新是引领发展的第一动力,创新驱动发展战略是实现现代化的必由之路。
- 一带一路倡议旨在加强国际合作,促进共同繁荣。
2. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文。
(每题3分,共15分)- The Chinese government is committed to promoting economic globalization and fostering stable growth of the world economy.- With the development of technology, mobile payment has become a part of people's daily life.- Environmental protection is key to achieving sustainable development and requires the joint efforts of the whole society.- Innovation is the primary driving force for development, and the innovation-driven development strategy is the inevitable path to modernization.- The Belt and Road Initiative aims to strengthen international cooperation and promote common prosperity.三、段落翻译(共50分)1. 请将下列中文段落翻译成英文。

英语二级笔译综合能力真题精选及详解(四)Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 points)This section consists of 3 parts. Read the direction for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes.Part 1 Vocabulary SelectionIn this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C andD. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as requires on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. The explanation given by the manager yesterday was not at all ______ to us.A. satisfyB. satisfiedC. satisfactoryD. satisfying【答案】C【解析】句意:昨天经理给出的解释一点都不令人满意。
be satisfactory to sb.为惯用搭配,指“令…满意”。
2. Part of the funds will be used to ______ that old library to its original splendor.A. restB. recoverC. replaceD. restore【答案】D【解析】句意:部分基金将会被用来修复那座旧图书馆,以恢复其往日的光彩。
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第一部分真题精选英语二级笔译实务英译汉真题精选(42篇)及答案Passage1Where Shakespeare Slept,or So They SayTucked away in this small village in Buckinghamshire County is the former Elizabethan coaching inn where William Shakespeare is said to have penned part of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”Dating from1534,the inn,now called Shakespeare House,is thought to have been built as a Tudor hunting ter it became a stop for travelers between London and Stratford-upon-Avon,where Shakespeare was born and buried.It was“Brief Lives,”a17th-century collection of biographies by John Aubrey, that linked Shakespeare to the inn,saying that he had stayed there and drawn inspiration for the comedy while in the village.One of the current owners,Nick Underwood,said the local lore goes even further:“It is also said he appears at the oriel window on the top floor of the house on April23every year—the date he is said to have been born and to have died.”“In later years,the house later became a farm house,with150acres of land, but,over time,pieces were sold off,”Mr.Underwood said.“In the20th century,it was owned by two American families.”Now,he and his co-owner,Roy Elsbury, have put the seven-bedroom property on the market at1.375million,or$2.13 million.Despite its varied uses and renovations over the years,the4,250-square-foot,or395-square-meter,inn has retained so much of its original character that the organization English Heritage lists it as a Grade II property,indicating that it is particularly important and of“more than special interest.”Only27percent of the 1,600buildings on the organization’s register have this designation.“We knew of the house before we bought it and were very excited when it came up for sale.It is so unusual to find an Elizabethan property of this size,in this area,and when we saw it,we absolutely fell in love with it,”Mr.Underwood said.“We have taken great pleasure in working on it and living here.This house is all about the history.”In addition to being the owners’home,the property currently is run as a luxury guest house,with rooms rented for99to250a night.“Shakespeare House is a wonderful example of Elizabethan architecture,”said Dean Heaviside,the national sales director of Fine real estate agency,which is representing the owners.“It has been beautifully restored and offers a unique lifestyle,which brings a taste of the past together with modern-day comfort.It is rare to find a home like this on the market.”参考译文白金汉郡一座小村落深处,有一所伊丽莎白时期的车马驿站,据说莎士比亚曾在这里执笔创作了《仲夏夜之梦》的部分篇章。
”Passage2In Greenland,Ice and InstabilityThe ancient frozen dome cloaking Greenland is so vast that pilots have crashed into what they thought was a cloud bank spanning the horizon.Flying over it,you can scarcely imagine that it could erode fast enough to dangerously raise sea levels any time soon.Along the flanks in spring and summer,however,the picture is very different. For an increasing number of warm years,a network of blue lakes and rivulets of melt-water has been spreading ever higher on the icecap.The melting surface darkens,absorbing up to four times as much energy from the sun as snow,which reflects sunlight.Natural drain pipes called moulins carry water from the surface into the depths,in some places reaching bedrock.The process slightly,but measurably,lubricates and accelerates the grinding passage of ice towards the sea.Most important,many glaciologists say,is the break-up of huge semi-submerged clots of ice where some large Greenland glaciers,particularly along the west coast,squeeze through fiords as they meet the warming ocean.As these passages have cleared,this has sharply accelerated the flow of many of these creeping,corrugated and frozen rivers.Some glaciologists fear that the rise in seas in a warming world could be much greater than the upper estimate of about60centimetres this century made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year.(Seas rose less than30 centimetres last century.)The panel’s assessment did not include factors known to contribute to iceflows but not understood well enough to estimate with confidence.A scientific scramble is under way to clarify whether the erosion of the world’s most vulnerable ice sheets,in Greenland and west Antarctica,can continue to accelerate. The effort involves field and satellite analyses and sifting for clues from past warm periods.Things are definitely far more serious than anyone would have thought five years ago.参考译文格林兰岛被广袤的原始冰层所笼罩,飞行员曾将冰层误认为地平线上隆起的云堤,并与其迎头相撞。