PETER HALL the city of theory 文献综述
2007年6月第8卷 第2期长沙铁道学院学报(社会科学版)J un.2007Vol.8 No.2世界城市理论研究综述3郑伯红1,陈存友2(11中南大学土木建筑学院,湖南长沙 410075;21中南林业科技大学环境艺术设计学院,湖南长沙 410004)摘 要:从介绍国外世界城市研究的历史及背景入手,比较分析世界城市学说的主要观点,对若干代表性学派的研究范式之争进行述评,沿着理论演化的脉络,提出中国城市国际化理论模式。
关键词:世界城市;跨国公司;城市网络 系统的世界城市理论体系在我国尚未建立,许多城市都以各自发展的需要来理解世界城市,由此造成全国目前70多个城市定位为建成国际城市或世界城市的尴尬局面。
一、世界城市由来:国外研究历史与现状世界城市(world city ),又称为全球城市(global city )、国际城市(international city )。
作为学术用语,世界城市的概念,最早由西方城市和区域规划先驱哥底斯(Patrick G eddes )在1915年所著的《演化中的城市》一书中提出,并从经济和商业等两方面将“世界城市”描述为在世界商务中具有异乎寻常优势的那些城市。
1966年,著名英国城市规划专家霍尔(PeterHall )出版了他的著作“世界城市”(The world cities ),较为全面地描述了世界上主要的、具有国际影响力的城市,从此拉开了现代世界城市研究的序幕。
Abstract:City centers are global functional cores of the international metropolises. After case studies the paper summarizes economical and spacial characters of the city centers of the international metropolis. Then, by looking through the developing process of city centers, the paper gets that the continuing developing and changing processes are to meet the needs of the globalization and different emphases are put on the development. In the end, some suggestions on the development of the city center of Shanghai are brought out.关键词:全球化;国际大都市;城市中心Keywords:Globalization;International Metropolis;City Center全球化已经成为当前世界经济发展的突出特征之一。
The study on humor at home and abroad: Throughout the history, humor has been discussed by many scholars. Everyone has their own different opinions about it. The word “Humor” originates from the Latin word “liquid”, “fluid” or “moisture”. Ancient physiologists tend to consider man’s temperament as the balance of four kinds of humor, namely, choler, melancholy, blood and phlegm in our body. As the time went by, the word “humor” lost its original meaning and came to be used in its present sense. In modern usage, humor means the comic, the laughable, or that which is funny, witty, or in any way makes people laugh. The western countries had proposed three classical theories which are Release Thty Theory, they can be used to recommend the mechanism of humor. Attardo (1994), who defines humor as a technical term, covering anything that is perceived as funny, amusing, or laughable. Raskin (1985), who, in the least restricted sense, proposes to consider “humor” as an interchangeable word with “funny”.
作者简介:伊恩・博登,伦敦大学学院巴特雷特建筑系 主任,建筑与城市文化专业高级讲师。
曾经 撰写、 编辑出版了很多著作。
译者简介:王英,清华大学建筑学院,城市规划与设计 博士研究生收稿日期:2002-05-08生活在像伦敦这样的城市中,人们不可避免地要面对所有城市问题中最严峻的一些问题:人们如何理解这个城市、理解人们自身以及理解与这个地方相关的其他一切?很明显,对于城市这样一个易变、多元、不连贯的实体而言,答案虽然会有,但永远只能是暂时的、片面的。
很久以前,卡尔・朔尔斯克(Carl Schorske)在他一篇文章《欧洲人观念中的城市理念(TheIdea of the City in European Thought)》中指出,对城市的思考总会发生在社会遇到危机的时候[2]。
比如:法国思想家伏尔泰(Voltaire)、苏格兰政治经济学家亚当・史密斯(Adam Smith)以及德国哲学家费希特(Johann Fichte)等人认为城市是道德文明的载体;英国作家和艺术评论家约翰・罗斯金(JohnRuskin)、德国社会主义者恩格斯(FriedrichEngels)以及俄国作家托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)认为城市意味着贫穷、贪婪和阶级分化;马克思和德国哲学家施彭格勒(Oswald Spengler)等人相信城市同时具有正义和邪恶,既有充满生机的一面,也时刻面临挑战。
谈到这个问题,我认为应该提到两件事:其一是亨利・勒菲弗(HenriLefebvre)以及他的著作《空间的产生》(Production of Space,1991)[3],作者就我们目前如何认识城市提出了许多重要的观点;其二是《不可知的城市》(the Unknown City, 2001)一书,书中发表了一些伦敦的实例和调查研究。
医患间信任程度测量的国内外文献综述-医患关系论文-基础医学论文-医学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——自20 世纪90 年代以来,医患之间的矛盾引起了社会各界的广泛关注。
本文以patient trust、physician-patienttrust、doctor-patient trust、nurse-patient trust、physician trust为关键词在PubMed 进行检索,共检索到文献256 篇,其中综述25 篇、研究性论文231 篇,近5 年的文献97 篇( 占37. 9%) 。
以patient trust或physician trust和measure-ment / assessment / evaluation 为关键词,检索到医患间信任程度测量的文献共29 篇。
以患者信任、医患信任为关键词在CNKI 《中国期刊全文专题数据库》进行检索,共检索到文献39 篇,其中近5 年文献29 篇( 占74. 4%) ,理论性研究文献31 篇,针对医患间信任程度的实证性研究文献8 篇,多采用单一问题或条目来进行评价,其中 3 篇涉及患者信任评价工具的研究。
1 医患信任的概念大多数学者从患者的角度出发,对医患信任的概念进行了界定,提出医患信任是患者对医生能力和动机的信心,相信医生将从患者最大利益出发而做出符合预期的行为[7-9]。
作为一种复杂的社会心理现象,信任这一术语涉及多个层面或维度,包括认知维度( 基于理性和可操作性的判断) 和情感维度( 基于关系和情感契约,是通过与他人相互交往、移情和认同而产生的)[10-11]。
50世界建筑 2009/04Projektil 建筑师事务所由4个年轻人罗曼・布里赫塔、亚当・哈里尔、彼得・莱谢克和翁德雷・霍夫迈斯特在2002年创立。
Projektil 建筑师事务所从事私人和公共建筑设计、城市规划、室内设计和展览空间。
□The Projektil architekti studio was founded in 2002 by Roman Brychta, Adam Halir, Petr Lesek, and Ondrej Hofmeister.The first implemeted project was Slunakov - Center for Ecological Activities. This building won the Grand Prix of Czech Architecture in 2007. The following project -building which was opened in September 2008 is the regional RESEARCH LIBRARY in Hradec Kralove. The current implementation project is the National Technical Library in Prague which will open in September 2009.Projektil architects -a studio of four young architects -designs private and public buildings, urban plans, interior designs,and exhibition spaces. The architects are interested in innovations in typology and sustainable development. They invite experts,artists, scientists, and designers for cooperation on their projects.The motto for the work of the studio is: team, openness,and interdisciplinary discussion.□新图书馆是2002年建筑设计竞赛中的优胜方案,于2008年9月开放。
扬·盖尔(Jan Gehl)个人简介扬·盖尔(丹麦语:Jan Gehl,1936年9月17日出生)。
为表彰他对城镇规划的杰出贡献,国际建筑师联盟向扬·盖尔先生颁发了帕特里克·阿伯克罗姆比(sir Patrick Abercrombie)奖,爱丁堡的海里亚特一瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)授予他荣誉博士学位。
BCL对peter Hall的采访
![BCL对peter Hall的采访](
Lessons from Europe: Challenges and Opportunities of ChineseUrbanism in Transition– A dialogue with Prof. Sir Peter Hall 欧洲的启示:转型期中国城市化的挑战与机遇– Prof. Sir Peter Hall 访谈受访嘉宾:Peter Hall, 英国著名城市地理学家,英国皇家科学院院士,英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)巴特雷规划学院教授。
采访者:沈尧,英国伦敦大学学院巴特雷建筑学院空间研究中心博士研究生,北京城市实验室(BCL)学生会员;刘瓅珣,英国伦敦大学学院巴特雷规划学院博士研究生INTRODUCTIONThis interview stems from two events happened in the begging of 2014: on one hand, Prof. Sir Peter Hall published his latest book – Good City, Better Life: How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism – which has considerably drawn lots of attention in the international filed of urban planning; on the other hand, Chinese government just released the latest national planning strategies for the following 6 years – National New Urbanisation Planning (2012-2014)- which has described the detailed developing indices for the urbanisation in the near future. The former one is related to the thoughts of a well-known scholar about the challenges that British cities are facing, including economy balance, housing development, integrated planning of transport and land use, sustainable neighbourhood development and good mechanism of urban regeneration (Hall, 2014), whereas the latter one is about the adjustment of aims of urbanisation in the biggest developing country. The new developing goals are explicitly put into words covering five topics as the following: improving the quality of urbanisation, optimizing the spatial structures of metropolitans, promoting the sustainability, ameliorating the public service and completing the market mechanism (Chinese National Council, 2014). It is not hard to recognise that these two events concern some similar aspects of urbanisation. Hence, what we really care here is whether the proposed “New Urbanisation” in China could learn from the art of urbanism in Europe.This interview starts from a discussion about the necessity and possibility for Chinese cities learning from the present experience in Europe. In the main part, two key issues emerging not only in Chinese urbanism but also international modernisation are addressed: the development of megalopolis and the population urbanisation. Based on the Prof. Sir Peter Hal l’s recent thoughts of European cities, this interview explores the relevant issues in proposed new urbanisation planning and highlights the benefits of the lessons from Europe.引言:从2014年初的两件事说起本次采访构思于两个事件的时间交汇节点:一方面,彼得霍尔教授的新书《Good City, Better Life: How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism》发表并受到了国际规划学界的强烈关注;另一方面,国务院发布了《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020)》(下文称《新城化规划》或者“新城化’),对接下来6年的中国城市化战略做了具体的描述。
原文:That long-rehearsed notion of American exceptionlism tends to recur whenever yo u seriously engage withevents in that country. For one thing, the United States is a vast continental-scale country--far larger in area, although not of course inopulation or GDP, than our European Union, let alone our tiny island or the even tinier strip of denselyrbanised territory that runs from the Sussex Coast to the M62. For another--an associated (but too oftengnored)thing--the United States has a federal system of government, meaning that your life (and even, if youappen to be a murderer, your death) is almost totally dependent on the politics of your own often-obscure Stateapitol, rather than on those of far-distant Washington, DC.And, stemming from those two facts, America is an immensely Iocalised and even islatednation. Particularlyif you happen to live in any of the 30 or so states that form its deep interior heartland, from an Americanvantage point the world--even Washington, let alone Europe or China--really is a very long way away.Although no-one seems exactly to know, it appears that an amazingly small number of Americans have apassport: maybe one in five at most. And since I was reliably told on my recent visit that many Americans thinkthey need one to visit Hawaii, it's a fair bet that even fewer have ever truly ventured abroad.That thought recurred repeatedly on the flight back, when in the airport bookstall I picked up a best-sellingpiece of the higher journalism in which America excels, What's the Matter with Kansas?, by Thomas Frank. Anative of Kansas, Frank poses the question: why in 2000 (and again in 2004) did George W. Bush sweep somuch of his home state--as of most of the 'red America' heartland states--when the people who voted for himwere voting for their own economic annihilation? For Frank convincingly shows that they were denying theirown basic self-interests--sometimes to the degree that they were helping to throw themselves out of work.The strange answer is that in 21st-century America, the neo-conservatives have succeeded in fighting electionson non-economic, so-called moral issues--like abortion, or the teaching of intelligent design in the publicschools. And the people at the bottom of the economic pile are the most likely to vote that way.Well, we're a long way behind that curve--or ahead of it, you might say. But American trends, howeverimplausible at the time, have an alarming way of arriving in the UK one or two decades later (just look at trashTV). Who knows? Maybe by 2016, orearlier, our own home-grown anti-evolutionists will be busily engaged inmass TV burnings of 10 [pounds sterling] notes--assuming of course that by then the portrait of Darwin hasn't been replaced by a Euro-bridge. Meanwhile, vive la difference.Yet, despite such fundamental divides, the interesting fact is that in academic or professional life the intellectualcurrents and waves tend to respect no frontiers. Considerfor instance how the American New Urbanismmovement has swept the UK, particularly after John Prescott so enthusiastically adopted it and made it aLeitmotif of his Urban Summit a year ago. And now, as Mike Teitz shows in his piece in this issue of Town&Country Planning, there's yet another remarkable development: apparently in complete independence, acityregionmovement is spring up over there, uncannily similar in some ways to what's happening here.Just compare some parallels.Here, we had metropolitan counties from 1973, when a Tory government created them, to 1986, when a Torygovernment abolished them. There, they had a movement for regional 'councils of governments'--but they wereweak and unpopular, and effectively faded away.Now, we have a movement for city-regions as voluntary bottom-up federations of local authorities in certainareas, like the West Midlands or Greater Manchester, but without any suggestion that this means localgovernment re-organisation. And there, they have what Mike Teitz calls regionalism by stealth: in California'slarger metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles or the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a new movement thatmakes no attempt to create new regional agencies, but instead uses any convenient existing agency in order toinvolve local governments closely in updating their land use plans to reflect regional goals.There's one significant feature of the Californian model that maybe has no parallel on this side: it usesincentives, such as the availability of federal transportation improvement funds, to win local collaboration. Butina sense, you could argue that a major new initiative from our Department for Transport—regionalprioritysation, whereby the new regional planning bodies set their own priorities for investment--could work inthe same way: these bodies, all of which are producing new-style regional spatial strategies, are now having torelate these to their planned investments in roads or public transport.Of course, there are huge differences. First, ours is a typical top-down initiative, a kind of downward devolutionby order of Whitehall, and it remains unclear whether Whitehall won't after all second-guess the regionalpriorities, as with the 260 million [pounds sterling] Manchester Metrolink extensions which form a huge chunkof the North West priority list but which have already been rejected by Alistair Darling. And second,theexercise is being performed by regional strategic planning bodies that operate at a much larger spatial scale thanthe city-regions: the North West, for instance, contains no less than three such city-regions as defined in theNorthern Way strategy--or three somewhat different city-regions (plus one other) as defined in a new report forOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister from the Universities of Salford and Manchester, AFramework for CityRegions.Nonetheless, it's precisely since John Prescott's failed attempt to give such bodies democratic legitimacy, in theNorth East referendum, that the city-regionidea hassurfaced--clearly as an alternative to it. It's not entirely outof the question, although it would be exceedingly messy, to conceive of a new city-regional structure carved outof the present regional structure.So, on either side of the Atlantic, this may be a false dawn. It's certainly one that looks inchoate, untidy and atodds with existing formal structures of government. But perhaps that's symptomatic of a new postmodern (orpost-postmodern) style by which societies like ours run their affairs. Interestingly, similarinitiativesareemerging in France and Germany. Together, they could represent the beginnings of something significant.Sir Peter Hall is Professor of Planning and Regeneration in the Bartlett School of Planning, University CollegeLondon, and President of the TCPA. The views expressed here are his own.翻译内容:城市的共同点霍尔·彼得每当认真参与并研究这个国家的大事时长期存在的美国例外论就会反复出现在脑海里。
文献综述 客户满意度
![文献综述 客户满意度](
2满意度概念1965年Cardozo [1]首次将“CS”即“顾客满意”这一概念引入营销领域,此后顾客满意度的研究迅速发展起来,各个专家、学者经过研究对顾客满意的定义,基本上可以概括为两类:(1)以消费过程中的行为定义的顾客满意度这一观点被称为特定交易观点,是从顾客个人行为的角度出发的认为顾客满意是事后对购买中某种特定行为的评价。
Wilton (1988)把顾客满意定义为顾客对所购买产品或服务的实际品质与先前预期之间差异的评价[5]。
Peter Hall, Cities of Tomorrow
![Peter Hall, Cities of Tomorrow](
Peter Hall, Cities of TomorrowChapter 4: “The Garden City”CP 200 / Marissa Ellis Plouin Key figures:- Ebenezer Howard(H) (1850- 1928): central figure in Garden City movement, largely misunderstood. Author of (original title): To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform (1898),reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of Tomorrow. H developed ideas in 1880s and 1890s inLondon; spent 18760s and 70s in Chicago (where idea of “Garden City” nomenclature emerged?), then returned to London with family. In anarchist tradition. Sought social change through GCmovement –i.e. not an aesthetic movement, in his eyes, even though many others didn’t adhere to H’s social vision.- Raymond Unwin & Barry Parker: architects-planners following H’s vision; designed first GC (Letchwo rth) in 1904; often major flaw in designing GC’s: their design standards were so high that the lowest-paid couldn’t afford to live there (defeating H’s original intention). Struggled withquestion: informal or formal urban design? Focus on human scale: people in places. Viewed their key job as promoting beauty or amenity (interchangeable, in their eyes): “above all, we shallinfuse the spirit of the artist into our work.” Pursued social ends: sought to prevent complete class separation present in modern English town (though their plan not entirely integrated either). Co-housing idea.- Clarence Stein and Henry Wright: GC architects in America. Unique contributions include Radburn layout of traffic and ped circulation, which they developed for GC “Radburn” in 1928.- Clarence Perry: sociologist-planner, emphasized “neighborhood unit” as a political/moral unit: - Garden Cities Association: estab by Howard in 1899; later renamed Garden Cities and Town Planning Assoc” (to include Gsuburbs –& GC’s relegated to subsidia ry role)Predecessors/influences:-Benjamin Ward Richardson’s “Hygeia,” or “City of Health”o All found in Garden City (GC) concept: low density, good housing, wide roads,underground railway, plenty of open space-Edward Gibbon Wakefield: idea of planned colonization of the poor (among others to have this idea)o Once a city reaches a certain size, a second city, separated from the first by a greenbelt, should be started –original notion of “Social City”-James Silk Buckingham’s plan for model town:o Central place, radial avenues, peripheral industries “successful industrialdecentralization from congested city,” which was key to GC-Various thinkers who advocated removing poor from central city into country to work-live camps (Alfred Marshall, Canon Barnett’s Toynybee Commission, General Wm. Booth, Peter Kropotkin,Charles Booth…)-Edward Bellamy’s sci-fi novel, Looking Backward-“Back to Land” movement, flourishing among intelligentsia from 1880-1914: fueled by urban growth and squalor, agricultural depression, nostalgia, quasi-religious motives, anti-VictorianconventionsCharacteristics of the Garden City:-GC proposed to solve/improve problems of Victorian city by exporting people and jobs to new, self-contained constellations of new towns built in open countryside, far from slums, pollution and high land values of city.-Features:o limited populationso towns surrounded by agric greenbeltso connection to other towns via rapid transito→ each GC an element in a regional complexo each city offered vast range of jobso integration of technology and industryo at heart of plan: FREEDOM & CO-OPERATION: H less interested in physical forms than in social processes: urban land values that were built up in GC would flow back tocommunity in form of social services, welfare; → INSTEAD: at heart of H’s plan wasFREEDOM & CO-OPERATION: H much less interested in physical forms than in socialprocesses → citizens would own land in perpetuity; in short: urban land values that werebuilt up in GC would then flow back to community, in form of social services, welfare[note that this idea never materialized in practice]-H’s famous diagram of the “Three Magnets” (Town, Country and Town-Country) → the GC was the physical realization of “Town-Country”Process of establishing Garden City:-group of people borrow $$ to establish GC in countryside, far from city to ensure cheap land values-move factories there, then workers, then build homes there-fixed limit (32,000 people, or 1,000 acres of land)-surrounded by large, permanent greenbelt (owned by company), which contained farms and urban institutions (i.e. reformatories and convalescent homes)-when city reached population limit → another GC started at short distance away→ over time, a vast planned agglomeration would be developed, offering a vast range of jobsand all GCs would be connected by a rapid transit system→GC has all economic and social opportunities of giant city-pre-dated FDR’s and Keynes’ ideas in 1930s that society could spend its way out of a recession –though, importantly, H’s idea was without large-scale state intervention-H’s plan to be realized through small-scale enterprises: everyone a craftsman or an entrepreneurH didn’t just develop plans: also developed implementation strategies-Plan could be developed incrementally by a series of separate local initiatives-1899: H set up Garden City Association (GCA) to discuss his ideas and potential modifications;by 1902, GCA had garnered much popular support, even among powerfulPhysical realizations of the Garden City:-Letchworth: first GC, 34 mi from London. Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker architects-planners. Trouble securing necessary financing for project →H soon realized that $$ wouldn’tcome from like-minded radicals but instead he’d need the $upport of powerful, rich bus inessmen o George Bernard Shaw saw key problem in H’s financial strategy for GC: capitalists would NOT invest in GC if they would later be forced to share profits, as H’s plansuggested; GBShaw said that the only way to realize GC would be to nationalize it likethe telegraph and the public road. GBShaw proved right: Letchworth underfinanced o eventually H’s central ideas about leases for residents and wealth-sharing were eased out of frame, like H….what survived: watered-down essence of H’s vision. With govtsubsidized decentralization schemes post WWII, GC at last completed in Letchworth, atslightly smaller scale than originally imagined.-Hampstead: a suburb! – not a city – with a high social purpose; informal layout, irregular curving streets, cul-de-sacs, variety of housing types.→ leads to polemic: Garden City or Garden Suburb?→ GCA decides that their objective should be both→ in practice, Garden Suburb or Garden Village viewed as more realistic objective thanthe Garden City (1906) → GCA changed n ame to “Garden Cities and Town PlanningAssoc” (& GC’s relegated to subsidiary role)▪Still, some angry that ppl were calling non-GC’s GC’s – GC name had beenunscrupulously appropriatedGC Movement between the Wars:1918-1919: GC movement faces double crisis:(1) building of “satellite towns” next to cities, i.e. garden suburbs depending on citiesfor employment (as opposed to self-sustaining/employing GC’s)(2) public housing: almost none of the public housing built between the wars wasbuilt in the form o f true GC’s→ Association was campaigning simultaneously for more public housing and for GCs.-Wythenshawe in Manchester: introduced three American planning principles, borrowed by Parker from the NYC and the American planning movement:(1) Neighborhood unit(2) Radburn layout(3) Parkway = limited access highways designed for private-car traffic only; deliberatelylandscaped to provide a recreation experience▪Parker’s “genius”: combine parkway with American tradition of parkways asaccess roads to residential areas linked to civic parks▪Parkway: provide the main element of circulation for entire GCGarden City in Europe:-Elsewhere in Europe: GC notion just as confused/diluted-Planning ideas exchanged frequently from one country to another-Spain: Arturo Soria y Mat a’s La Ciudad Lineal (1882-1892): tramway/lightrail system running out from big city would give it extraordinary linear accessibility, permitting development of plannedlinear garden city… Never became more than a commuter suburb-France: Toni Garnier’s Cité Industrielle (1899-1900; 1904; 1917): city economically dependent ona single huge metallurgical plant; physical plan dominated by strong axial boulevards and housingon rectangular grids …Never built-Germany: Theodor Fritsch’s Die Stadt der Zukunft (“City of the future”)o Fritsch obsessed that H had stolen his ideas (Hall says no)o Circular form, division of land uses, open land at center and surrounding greenbelt; low-rise housing, peripheral industry, communal land ownership▪BUT: unlike H’s GC: lacks spe cific function of urban decentralization, which was central to H’s thinking▪AND: highly racially/socially segregated▪→H’s ideas won out over Fritsch’s –it was H’s ideas that influenced Europe,America, elsewhereHoward’s GC (mis)translated in Europe:-France: GC became “cité jardin” => suburb, not a city-Germany: created GCA equivalent; idea supported by German industrialistso Pre-WWI:▪Magarethenhöhe▪Hellerau•These represented “left-wing” side of German GC movement: alsoanother side:o Fear of Giant City, as a place of biological decline of race; needto recolonize declining countrysideo Parallel to Britain, post WWI: fear of revolutionGarden Cities in Far Places-Japan: railway companies built GCs around Tokyo and Osaka in 1910s and 20s: but actually pure commuter suburbs without any social purpose (i.e. profits went to train companies that built them, not communities as in H’s idea)-Australia: movement associated with “Building Houses for Heroes” after WWIGarden City in America:-In America, GC never quite developed as H would have hoped.-Regional Planning Association of American in 1920s interested in reg planning and GCs-Key architects: Clarence Stein and Henry Wright (whose unique contributions include Radburn layout of traffic and ped circulation, which they developed for GC “Radburn” in 1928); joined byClarence Perry,sociologist-planner, emphasized “neighborhood unit” as a political and moralunit:o Objective of neighborhood unit: socialization of immigrants and their childreno N.U. charac by: small size/low density; local school and playground, local shops, central point/common place for encouraging community institutions; keep out through traffic -Radburn: little social mix (no blacks, Jews); houses clustered on cul-de-sac; central open space *** Stein-Wright Radburn cities: the most important American contribution to GC tradition. *** Other American interpretations of GC:-Greenbelt cities developed by Rexford Guy Tugwell’s Resettlement Administration in early years of New Deal (1935-38)-1935: FDR created Resettlement Admin and Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, which gave govt power of Eminent Domain (compulsory purchase of land)-Three greenbelt cities developed: Greenbelt, MD; Greenhills, OH; Greendale, WIo But future projects died out when fed legislation in 1936 held that 1935 Emergency Relief Appropriations Act invalid-Greenbelt cities less important for what they did than what they symbolized: complete federal control over development, bypassing local govt altogether → provided a model for post-war new towns (but everyone hated them)-Anomaly in GC movement: only place govt stepped in to do GC was in U.S. → last place we’d expect – and no wonder it failed ☺→ New towns in Britain: the state takes over:-post-WWII Europe: state took control-Britain: committee recommends public corporation to fun new towns, thus paying up lip service toH but avoiding substance of H’s ideas to fund creation of self-governing local welfare stateso Top-down triumphed over bottom-up-New Town Act 1946: designated 13 new towns in Britain。
这套丛书现已出版了13集,其中霍尔的著作占了5集,它们是《桥》、《字母城市》(The Alphabetical City,1980)、《桥宅》(Bridge of Houses,1981)、《乡村和城市住宅类型》(Rural and Urban House Types,1983)、与范顿(J.Fenton)合著的《杂交建筑》(Hybrid Buildings,1985)以及《城市边沿》(Edge of a City,1992)。
Case Study 1 Age and Status两位同事的矛盾使一家数据处理公司的总经理遇到了麻烦。
一方是一位踌躇满志的法裔加拿大小伙子,另一方是一位有特许签证的年长的中国女性,而此前两人确实很好的合作伙伴…..Case description:Questions:1.What do you think caused the conflict?2. What would you do to resolve the conflict if you were the general manager?矛盾冲突这位年长的中国女士投入极大的热情和精力开发产品.却在最后的关键时刻拒绝与年轻的同事一同去向议员做推介:当经理和同事问其原因.她并未做任何明确的回答:而当经理改变策略,不再直接询问原因,而是迂回地讲起自己的困境时,她才道出自己的顾虑。
文献综述 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》
![文献综述 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》](
An Analysis of White Male Images inUncle Tom's Cabin
Mandy Reid.Racial Profiling:Visualizing Racial Science on the Covers of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852-1928[J].Routledge, 2008(12):369-387
Molly Farrell.Dying Instruction: Puritan Pedagogy in Uncle Tom’s Cabin[J].American Literature, 2010(2):244-269
Ⅰ(基础)1. E. Howard,1898,Tomorrow:A Peaceful Path to Real Reform,金经元译,《明日的田园城市》,北京:商务印书馆,20002. L. Mumford,1961,The City in History,倪文彦和宋俊岭译,《城市发展史:起源、演进和前景》,中国建筑工业出版社,1989/20053. Clara Greed,2000,Introducing Planning,王雅娟和张尚武译,《规划引介》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,20074. John M. Levy,2002,Contemporary Urban Planning(5th ed.),孙景秋等译,《现代城市规划》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,20035. J. Jacobs,1961,The Death and Life of Great American Cities,金衡山译,《美国大城市的死与生》,南京:译林出版社,20056. Edmund Bacon,,1967,Design of Cities,黄富厢和朱琪译,《城市设计》,中国建筑工业出版社,20037. Christopher Alexander,1987,A New Theory of Urban Design,陈治业,童丽萍,《城市设计新理论》,北京:知识产权出版社,20028. Ian McHarg,1969,Design with Nature,芮经纬译,《设计结合自然》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,19999. I. Calvino,Invisible Cities,《看不见的城市》10. Peter Hall,1992,《Urban and Regional Planning (3rd ed.)》,Routledge11. Jonathan Barnett,1974,《Urban Design as Public Policy: Practical Methods for Improving Cities》12. William H. Whyte,1980/2001,《The Social Life of Small Urban Places》,Project for Public Spaces Inc13. Spiro Kostof,1991,The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History,单皓译,《城市的形成:历史进程中的城市模式和城市意义》,北京,建筑工业出版社,2005;1992,The City Assembled: The Elements of Urban Form Through History14. F.S. Chapin, Jr 和E.J. Kaiser,《Urban Land Use Planning(3rd ed.)》,University of Illinois Press15. Barry Cullingworth and Vincent Nadin,2002,《Town and Country Planning in the UK(13th ed.)》,London and New York:RoutledgeⅡ(提升)1. L.S. Bourne编,1982,《Internal Structure of the City (2nd ed.)》,Oxford University Press2. 蔡禾主编,2003,城市社会学:《理论与视野》,广州:中山大学出版社3. Scott Campbell和Susan Faninstein编,1996,《Readings in Planning Theory》,Malden:Blackwell Publishers4. Susan Faninstein 和Scott Campbell编,1996,《Readings in Urban Theory》,Malden:Blackwell Publishers5. Michael Dear,2000,The Postmodern Urban Condition,李小科等译,《后现代都市状况》,上海:上海教育出版社,20046. William N. Dunn,1994,Policy Analysis: An Introduction(2nd ed.),谢明等译,2002,《公共政策分析导论》,北京:中国人民大学出版社7. Robert Fishman,1994,《Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century:Ebenezer Howard,Frank Lloyd Wright》,Le Corbusier,Cambridge and London:The MIT Press8. Robert Freestone编,2000,《Urban Planning in a Changing World:The Twentieth Century Experience》,New York:E & Fn Spon9. 郭彦弘,1992,《城市规划概论》,中国建筑工业出版社10. Peter Hall,1988,《Cities of Tomorrow:An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in Twentieth Century》,Basil Blackwell11. David Harvey,1973,《Social Justice and the City》,Edward Arnold12. K. Lynch,1981,A Theory of Good City Form,林庆怡等译,《城市形态》,北京:华夏出版社,200113. J.B. McLoughlin,1968,Urban and Regional Planning:A Systems Approach,王凤武译,《系统方法在城市和区域规划中的应用》,中国建筑工业出版社,198814. James Holston,《The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasilia》15. Euquenie Birch编,2007,《The Urban and Regional Planning Reader》Ⅲ(高级)1. J. Friedmann,1987,《Planning in the Public Domain:From Knowledge to Action》,Princeton University Press2. Nan Ellin,1996,Postmodern Urbanism,张冠增译,《后现代城市主义》,上海:同济大学出版社,20073. S.S. Fainstein,1994,《The City Builders:Property,Politics,and Planning in London and New York》,Blackwell4. John Forester,1989,《Planning in the Face of Power》,University of California Press5. P. Healey,1997,《Collaborative Planning:Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies》,MacMillan6. Edward W. Soja,2000,《Postmetropolis:Critical Studies of Cities and Regions》,后大都市(该书有中文译本,是上海教育出版社出的,因书不在身边,不列版本)7. Nigel Taylor,1998,《Urban Planning Theory Since 1945》,(该书有中文译本,是中国建筑工业出版社出的,因书不在身边,不列版本)8. Sharon Zukin,1991,《Landscapes of Power:From Detroit to Disney World》,Berkeley,Los Angeles and London:University of California Press9. Manuel Castells,1972/1977,《The Urban Question:A Marxist Approach》,The MIT Press10. Michael Dear和A. J. Scott编,1981,《Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalistic Society》,11. Mike Davis,1990,《City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles》,Verso12. A. J. Scott和E. W. Soja编辑,1996,《The City: Los Angeles and Urban Theory at the End of the Twentieth Century》,13. L Sandercock编,1998,《Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History》,University of California Press14. Ruth Eaton,2002,《Ideal Cities:Utopianism and the (Un)Built Environment》, Thames & Hudson Ltd15. Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson编,2000,《A Companion to the City》,Malden:Blackwell Publishers LtdⅣ(研究)1. Zygmunt Bauman,1987,Legislators and Interpreters:On Modernity,Post-Modernity and Intellectuals,洪涛译,2000,《立法者与阐释者:论现代性、后现代性与知识分子》,上海:上海人民出版社2. Gary Bridge和Sophie Watson编,2002,《The Blackwell City Reader》,Blackwell3. Henri Lefebvre,1991,《The Production of Space》,由Donald Nicholson-Smith译,Oxford and Cambridge:Blackwell4. Paul Rabinow,1989,《French Modern:Norms and Forms of the Social Environment》,MIT Press5. L. Sandercock,2003,《Cosmopolis Ⅱ:Mongrel Cities of the 21st Century》,London and New York:Continuum6. Karl Mannheim,Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge,黎鸣等译,《意识形态和乌托邦》,北京:商务印书馆,20007. William H. Whyte,1956,《The Organization Man》,Anchor8. Hannah Arendt,1958,The Human Condition,竺乾威等译,《人的条件》,上海:上海人民出版社,19999. Mancur Olson,1965,The Logic of Collective Action:Public Goods and the Theory of Groups,,陈郁等译,《集体行动的逻辑》,上海:上海三联书店和上海人民出版社,199510. John Rawls,1971,A Theory of Justice,何怀宏等译,《公正论》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,198811. Richard Sennett,1976,《The Fall of Public Man:On the Social Psychology of Capitalism》,Faber and Faber limited12. Michel Foucault,1982,《Space, Knowledge, and Power》,13. M. Castells,1983,《The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements》,University of California Press14. Frank Fischer和John Forester编,1993,《The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning》,Duke University Press15. M. Castells,1996,The Rise of the Network Society,《网络社会的兴起》;1997,The Power of Identity,《身份的权力》;1998,End of Millennium,《千年的终结》(这三本书均有中文译本,因书不在身边,不列版本)。
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PETER HALL " The City of Theory" 综述——节选自Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the 20th Century(一)Peter Hall其人Peter Hall 是英国社会研究院(Institute of Community Studies)院长,伦敦大学建筑与规划学院(Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning)规划系教授。
他从剑桥大学获博士学位,曾经在雷丁大学(1968-1988)、加州大学伯克利分校(1980-1992)任教,是UC Berkley 城市与区域规划终身教授。
同时,Peter Hall在教职之外还曾担任多项公职。
Peter Hall撰写及编辑了30多部城市和区域及相关问题的著作,包括《伦敦2000》(London 2000),《规划与城市增长:英美比较》(Planning and Urban Growth),《明天的城市》(Cities of Tomorrow),《文明中的城市》(Cities in Civilization)等。
本文正节选自其最有影响力的作品之一《明天的城市》(Cities of Tomorrow)。
英国的学术界与政界泾渭分明,Peter Hall作为地理学家和规划师,是不多的能在学术界与政界兼具影响力的学者。
这批学者经历了1960年社会激变,深受法国马克思主义哲学家列斐伏尔(Lefebvre)的影响,将城市空间的变化视为社会政治经济变化的反映,强调将空间变化与不同空间尺度乃至全球尺度的资本循环和经济社会变迁相联系(Lefebvre 1991)。
一是1930年至1955年的“史前“阶段,二是50年代末到60年代末的系统论阶段,三是70年代以后对“新范式”(new paradigm)的探寻,这一阶段颇受西方新马克思主义思潮的影响,认为规划作为一种意识形态是对社会问题和社会改革的反映,主张规划者发挥社会工作者的角色。
(三)内容评述3.1 “史前”阶段20世纪初,城市规划学科逐渐形成,到30年代,各大学陆续成立独立的城市规划学院。
Michael Batty指出,对老百姓而言,规划和法律与医学一样,是一门神秘的学科,但事实上,规划与这些传统学科大相径庭,它并不具备一套坚实的理论体系,而是在传统的建筑学科中加入分散的社会学片段。
此后的很多学者也指出,规划中有理论(some theory in planning),但并没有一整套规划理论(no theory of planning)。
规划在此阶段被认为是提供一个确定的土地利用计划(fixed land-use plan),而没有认识到规划是一个延续的过程。
3.2 系统论阶段60年代,西方社会形态发生着剧烈的变革。
如Michael Batty的评论,城市规划在1960至1970十年间的变化大于其在过去100年,甚至1000年间变化的总和。
因此,在60年代后期,规划学者开始了对“新范式”(new paradigm)的探寻。
3.3 寻找“新范式”这一时期,来自主要两方面的冲击造成了系统论规划的变革。
Melvin Webber也提出规划师成为Probabilistic Planner。
同时,一些学者批判,城市规划的内涵过于宏大,但深度不足,Aaron Wildavsky指出,“如果规划什么都是,那么它就什么都不是”。
正如著名马克思主义规划学者David Harvey指出,“建成环境的首要功能是有利于生产、消费、流通和消费”,规划的产生和应用所要达到的原则是其最重要的活动要有利于自我再生产。
这一思潮中重要的学者包括亨利﹒列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)、曼纽尔﹒卡斯特尔斯(Manuel Castells)、戴维﹒哈维(David Harvey)等。