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spider web:
Most spiders produce silken thread to build webs, and some spider silk strands are stronger than steel strands of the same thickness. The spiΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduer, after spinning its web, will then wait on, or near, the web for a prey animal to become trapped. The spider can sense the impact and struggle of a prey animal by vibrations(震动) transmitted along the web lines.
3. From the look on her face, it was obvious to everyone what she meant. (Line 67) What was the possible message conveyed by the look on her face?

8. “That’s interesting,” said Camilla. “Did you notice that when the crab stopped, the spiders stopped too? They were confused when it stopped moving.” (Line 168) What was the significance of this discovery?
II. Difficult points of the Text
“Then the black men we saw today must have been different ones,” … (Line 28) Who were the black men Chloe saw?
II. Difficult points of the Text

“The others” refers to the project members who went up the mountain.
5. It must have been quick --- as it was with David … (Line 77) What does “it” refer to?
6. “Spider-watching,” she told me. “… Will you come up with me tomorrow?” (Line 115) What did Camilla want to do on another spiderwatching trip? She wanted to find out how fast the spiders were making progress. Then they would be able to work out how much time they would have before the spiders reached the settlement, or whether they should move further north so that they would have more time before the spiders reached them.
insect intelligence:
Scientific researches show that social insects, those who share resources and reproduce cooperatively, such as bees, ants, and wasps(黄 峰) are capable of certain intelligent behavior. Individually, one insect may not be capable of much; collectively, social insects are capable of achieving great things: building and defending a nest, foraging(搜查) for food, taking care of the brood (昆虫等)一次产出的卵), allocating labor, forming bridges, and much more.
5. It must have been quick --- as it was with David … (Line 77) What does “it” refer to?

“It" refers to death.
6. “Spider-watching,” she told me. “… Will you come up with me tomorrow?” (Line 115) What did Camilla want to do on another spiderwatching trip?
The look on her face implied that all of them were dead.
4. The others had no chance. (Line 76) What does “the others” refer to?
4. The others had no chance. (Line 76) What does “the others” refer to?
Unit 4
Web (II)
John Wyndham
Further Information on Text-related Details
a material used to kill insects in all developmental forms. Insecticides are used in agriculture, medicine, industry and the household. The use of insecticides is believed to be one of the major factors behind the increase in agricultural productivity in the 20th century. Nearly all insecticides have the potential to significantly alter ecosystems; many are toxic (有毒的) to humans; and others are concentrated in the food chain. It is necessary to balance agricultural needs with environmental and health issues when using them.
2. As they were about to leave, Charles gave Camilla a gun. (Line 56) Why did Charles give Camilla a gun?
2. As they were about to leave, Charles gave Camilla a gun. (Line 56) Why did Charles give Camilla a gun?
1. “Then the black men we saw today must have been different ones,” … (Line 28) Who were the black men Chloe saw? They were the islanders who came with the members of the Project to the island and stayed.
8. “That’s interesting,” said Camilla. “Did you notice that when the crab stopped, the spiders stopped too? They were confused when it stopped moving.” (Line 168) What was the significance of this discovery? This showed the spiders could only see moving objects. People could take advantage of this to escape the attack from spiders.
spider bites:
Spiders are widely known, and feared by some, for their capability of biting human beings. While most spiders are believed to be harmless to people, some spiders have bites which are known to be medically significant, and which can produce noticeable symptoms in humans. For approximately 200 species in 20 genera, moderate o severe symptoms can result, including necrotic wounds, systemic toxicity, and in some cases, death. Four genera are positively known to have potentially lethal(致命的) bites.
7. We sat down and looked at the view, filled with amazement. (Line 138) Why were they filled with amazement?
7. We sat down and looked at the view, filled with amazement. (Line 138) Why were they filled with amazement? They were amazed by the view they saw: the area from the coastline to about halfway up the hillside was covered by the web that was so thick to see through; it must have been millions and millions of spiders to make so much of it.
the totem:

One of the islanders had a spider design on his chest. It is the totem(图腾) of the islanders on Tanakuatua. Totem is an animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the sign of a clan or family and sometimes worshiped as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.

Charles was worried there might be dangers other than attack from the spiders.
3. From the look on her face, it was obvious to everyone what she meant. (Line 67) What was the possible message conveyed by the look on her face?