



房地产专业术语(中英对照)1、住宅物业类(Residential flat)设施amenities基本家庭用品basic appliances佣金commission定金deposit实用率efficiency rate平面图floor plan备有家具furnished建筑面积gross area山景hillside view内部间隔internal layout投资investment业主landlord出租/租约lease管理费management fee实用面积net area座向orientation预付租金rent payable in advance住宅物业市场residential property market 自用self ?use平方尺square feet成交价transaction price空置单位vacant unit观景view回报yield2、楼花(property under construction)银行按揭bank mortgage售楼书brochure停车位car park space竣工日期completion date建筑材料construction material发展商developer电梯elevator法律问题legal question层楼level大厦模型model of the building付款方法payment method复式单位penthouse价目表price list楼花property under construction认购者purchaser河景rever view售楼处sales office示范单位show flat高层higher level客户资料表格client information form 看楼property inspection3、商铺(retail shop)买卖deal商场mall物业agreement premise手续procedure回报率rate of return余数remaining balance免租期rent-free period购物商场shopping arcade独家代理sole agent测量师surveyor租客tenant评估价值valuation4、条件磋商(term negotiation)最低价bottom line市场价值market rate超出预算over budget文件工作paper work临时租约provisional tenancy agreement条件合理reasonable5、法定协议悔约的一方defaulting party没收forfeit律师费legal cost临时买卖合约preliminary sale and purchase agreement 见证人witness6、按揭(mortgate loan)批核approve附带条件批核通知书conditional letter of offer符合eligible最优惠按揭利率minimum mortgage rate付清paid up按揭还款表repayment table7、约见律师(appointment with the solicitor)合约contract手续费handling fee田土厅物业查察费land search fee顾问费professional fee登记费registration fee签署sign律师费solicitor fee。




内容:1. 基础概念:- 建筑学 - architecture- 结构 - structure- 设计 - design- 施工 - construction- 建筑材料 - building materials2. 建筑元素:- 地基 - foundation- 地板 - floor- 墙体 - wall- 窗户 - window- 门 - door- 屋顶 - roof- 楼梯 - stairs3. 常用房间:- 卧室 - bedroom- 客厅 - living room- 厨房 - kitchen- 浴室 - bathroom- 书房 - study room- 阳台 - balcony4. 建筑样式:- 古典建筑 - classical architecture - 现代建筑 - modern architecture - 摩天大楼 - skyscraper- 山墙建筑 - vernacular architecture5. 建筑工程管理:- 施工图 - construction drawings- 预算 - budget- 进度管理 - schedule management- 资源分配 - resource allocation- 质量控制 - quality control6. 建筑法规:- 建筑许可证 - building permit- 建筑规划 - building regulations- 环评 - environmental impact assessment7. 建筑项目类型:- 住宅 - residential- 教育 - educational- 医疗 - healthcare- 文化 - cultural- 娱乐 - entertainment结论:本文档提供了建筑学专业英语翻译的参考,有助于学生更好地理解和应用相关术语。







1. 建筑类型建筑物可以分为各种类型,每种类型都有其独特的特点和功能。

以下是一些常见的建筑类型及其对应的英文翻译:•住宅建筑(Residential Building)•商业建筑(Commercial Building)•办公楼(Office Building)•学校(School)•医院(Hospital)•酒店(Hotel)•工厂(Factory)•体育馆(Sports Arena)•博物馆(Museum)•公共建筑(Public Building)2. 建筑要素在建筑设计和描述中,常使用一些特定的术语来描述建筑的各个要素。

以下是一些常见的建筑要素及其对应的英文翻译:•地基(Foundation)•结构(Structure)•外墙(Exterior Wall)•内墙(Interior Wall)•楼层(Floor)•屋顶(Roof)•窗户(Window)•门(Door)•楼梯(Stairs)•电梯(Elevator)•管道(Piping)•照明设备(Lighting Fixtures)•空调系统(Air Conditioning System)•暖气系统(Heating System)•排水系统(Drainage System)•电气系统(Electrical System)•防火系统(Fire Protection System)3. 建筑材料在建筑中,使用了许多不同类型的材料来构建建筑物。

以下是一些常见的建筑材料及其对应的英文翻译:•砖(Brick)•混凝土(Concrete)•木材(Wood)•玻璃(Glass)•钢(Steel)•石头(Stone)•瓷砖(Tile)•油漆(Paint)•屋顶瓦片(Roof Tiles)•地板(Flooring)•绝缘材料(Insulation Material)•管道材料(Piping Material)•电线(Electrical Wire)•涂料(Coating)•沥青(Asphalt)4. 建筑过程建筑工程通常分为不同的阶段,涵盖了从设计到建造的各个方面。








1. 房屋
•House: 房子,通常指独立的住宅。

•Apartment: 公寓,通常指一栋大楼中的多个住宅单元。

•Building: 楼房,可以指任何类型的建筑物,常用于大型建筑或商用建筑。

•Cottage: 小屋,一般是指乡村或农村地区的小型住宅。

•Villa: 别墅,通常是指别致豪华的住宅。

•Bungalow: 平房,只有一层的小型住宅。


2. 建筑材料

•Brick: 砖
•Concrete: 混凝土
•Steel: 钢
•Wood: 木材
•Glass: 玻璃
•Tile: 瓷砖
•Cement: 水泥
•Stone: 石头



常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集之一以下是一些常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集合之一:1. 建筑设计- Architectural Design2. 建筑结构- Building Structure3. 建筑材料- Building Materials4. 建筑施工- Building Construction5. 建筑成本- Construction Cost6. 建筑风格- Architectural Style7. 建筑师- Architect8. 建筑规划- Building Planning9. 建筑模型- Architectural Model10. 建筑面积- Building Area11. 建筑高度- Building Height12. 建筑容积率- Plot Ratio13. 建筑法规- Building Codes and Regulations14. 建筑节能- Energy Efficiency in Buildings15. 建筑智能化- Intelligent Buildings16. 绿色建筑- Green Buildings17. 可持续建筑- Sustainable Buildings18. 建筑声学- Architectural Acoustics19. 建筑光学- Architectural Optics20. 室内设计- Interior Design21. 景观设计- Landscape Design22. 结构设计- Structural Design23. 给排水设计- Water Supply and Drainage Design24. 暖通空调设计- HVAC Design25. 电气设计- Electrical Design26. 消防设计- Fire Protection Design27. 智能化系统设计- Intelligent System Design28. 施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design29. 施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design30. 装饰装修设计- Decoration and Finishing Design31. 建筑声学设计- Architectural Acoustics Design32. 建筑光学设计- Architectural Optics Design33. 建筑热工设计- Architectural Thermal Design34. 建筑美学设计- Architectural Aesthetic Design35. 建筑环境设计- Architectural Environment Design36. 建筑风水学- Feng Shui37. 建筑日照分析- Solar Analysis for Buildings38. 建筑通风分析- Ventilation Analysis for Buildings39. 建筑声环境分析- Acoustic Environment Analysis for Buildings40. 建筑光环境分析- Daylighting Environment Analysis for Buildings41. 建筑热环境分析- Thermal Environment Analysis for Buildings42. 建筑面积计算- Building Area Calculation43. 建筑楼层高度- Storey Height44. 建筑消防设计- Fire Protection Design for Buildings45. 建筑结构安全评估- Structural Safety Evaluation for Buildings46. 建筑抗震设计- Seismic Design for Buildings47. 建筑防洪设计- Flood-resistant Design for Buildings48. 建筑工程招标- Building Engineering Tendering49. 建筑工程施工许可- Construction Permission for Building Projects50. 建筑工程造价咨询- Engineering Cost Consulting for Building Projects51. 建筑工程监理- Project Supervision for Building Projects52. 建筑工程验收- Acceptance of Building Projects53. 建筑工程质量检测- Quality Detection of Building Projects54. 建筑工程质量评估- Quality Evaluation of Building Projects55. 建筑工程质量保修- Quality Guarantee of Building Projects56. 建筑工程档案- Construction Project Archives57. 建筑工程安全- Construction Safety58. 建筑工程管理- Construction Project Management59. 建筑工程合同- Construction Contract60. 建筑工程保险- Construction Insurance61. 建筑工程材料- Construction Materials62. 建筑工程机械- Construction Machinery63. 建筑工程劳务- Construction Labor64. 建筑工程施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design for Building Projects65. 建筑工程施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design for Building Projects66. 建筑工程施工进度计划- Construction Progress Plan for Building Projects67. 建筑工程施工质量控制- Construction Quality Control for Building Projects68. 建筑工程施工安全管理- Construction Safety Management for Building Projects69. 建筑工程施工现场管理- Construction Site Management for Building Projects70. 建筑工程施工成本管理- Construction Cost Management for Building Projects71. 建筑工程施工环境保护- Environmental Protection in Building Construction72. 建筑工程施工节能管理- Energy-saving Management in Building Construction73. 建筑工程施工水土保持- Soil and Water Conservation in Building Construction74. 建筑工程施工质量控制要点- Key Points of Construction Quality Control for Building Projects75. 建筑工程施工安全控制要点- Key Points of Construction Safety Control for Building Projects76. 建筑工程施工质量验收规范- Acceptance Specification for Construction Quality ofBuilding Projects77. 建筑立面设计- Façade Design78. 建筑剖面设计- Section Design79. 建筑立面分析图- Façade Analysis Diagram80. 建筑剖面分析图- Section Analysis Diagram81. 建筑结构分析图- Structural Analysis Diagram82. 建筑平面图- Floor Plan83. 建筑立面图- Façade Drawing84. 建筑剖面图- Section Drawing85. 建筑轴测图- Axonometric Drawing86. 建筑渲染图- Architectural Rendering87. 建筑模型制作- Model Making88. 建筑绘画- Architectural Drawing89. 建筑表现图- Architectural Representation90. 建筑动画- Architectural Animation91. 建筑摄影- Architectural Photography92. 建筑信息模型- Building Information Modeling (BIM)93. 建筑环境评估- Building Environmental Assessment94. 建筑节能评估- Building Energy Efficiency Assessment95. 建筑可持续性评估- Building Sustainability Assessment96. 建筑健康评估- Building Health Assessment97. 建筑设备系统设计- Building Equipment System Design98. 建筑电气系统设计- Electrical System Design for Buildings99. 建筑给排水系统设计- Water Supply and Drainage System Design for Buildings 100. 建筑暖通空调系统设计- HVAC System Design for Buildings一般建筑术语英文翻译之二101. 建筑燃气系统设计- Gas System Design for Buildings102. 建筑消防报警系统设计- Fire Alarm System Design for Buildings103. 建筑智能化系统集成设计- Intelligent System Integration Design for Buildings 104. 建筑幕墙设计- Curtain Wall Design105. 建筑石材幕墙设计- Stone Curtain Wall Design106. 建筑玻璃幕墙设计- Glass Curtain Wall Design107. 建筑绿化设计- Greening Design for Buildings108. 建筑景观设计- Landscape Design for Buildings109. 建筑室内环境设计- Indoor Environmental Design for Buildings110. 建筑声学装修设计- Acoustic Decoration Design for Buildings111. 建筑光学装修设计- Optical Decoration Design for Buildings112. 建筑材料装修设计- Decorative Materials Design for Buildings113. 建筑历史与理论- Architectural History and Theory114. 建筑美学史- History of Architectural Aesthetics115. 现代建筑设计- Modern Architectural Design116. 后现代建筑设计- Postmodern Architectural Design117. 当代建筑设计- Contemporary Architectural Design118. 解构主义建筑设计- Deconstructivist Architectural Design119. 装饰艺术建筑设计- Art Deco Architectural Design120. 功能主义建筑设计- Functionalist Architectural Design121. 结构主义建筑设计- Structuralist Architectural Design122. 新古典主义建筑设计- Neoclassical Architectural Design123. 折衷主义建筑设计- Eclectic Architectural Design124. 绿色建筑设计- Green Architectural Design125. 人文主义建筑设计- Humanist Architectural Design126. 新地域主义建筑设计- New Regionalist Architectural Design127. 参数化建筑设计- Parametric Architectural Design128. 数字建筑设计- Digital Architectural Design129. 未来主义建筑设计- Futurist Architectural Design130. 智能化建筑设计- Intelligent Building Design131. 生态建筑设计- Ecological Architectural Design132. 城市设计- Urban Design133. 景观设计- Landscape Design134. 城市规划- Urban Planning135. 城市更新- Urban Renewal136. 城市改造- Urban Transformation137. 城市意象- Urban Image138. 城市设计理论- Urban Design Theory139. 城市生态设计- Urban Ecological Design140. 城市交通设计- Urban Transportation Design141. 城市基础设施设计- Urban Infrastructure Design142. 城市天际线设计- Urban Skyline Design143. 城市夜景设计- Urban Nightscape Design144. 城市滨水区设计- Urban Waterfront Design145. 城市开放空间设计- Urban Open Space Design146. 城市街道景观设计- Urban Streetscape Design147. 城市公园设计- Urban Park Design148. 城市居住区设计- Urban Residential District Design149. 城市商业区设计- Urban Commercial District Design150. 城市文化区设计- Urban Cultural District Design151. 城市行政中心设计- Urban Governmental District Design152. 城市会展中心设计- Urban Exhibition and Convention Center Design 153. 城市体育馆设计- Urban Stadium Design154. 城市图书馆设计- Urban Library Design155. 城市博物馆设计- Urban Museum Design156. 城市大剧院设计- Urban Theater Design157. 城市机场设计- Urban Airport Design158. 城市火车站设计- Urban Train Station Design159. 城市地铁站设计- Urban Subway Station Design160. 城市公交车站设计- Urban Bus Stop Design161. 城市景观照明设计- Urban Landscape Lighting Design162. 城市标识系统设计- Urban Signage System Design163. 城市公共艺术装置设计- Public Art Installation Design164. 城市家具设计- Urban Furniture Design165. 城市花坛设计- Urban Flower Bed Design166. 城市儿童游乐设施设计- Urban Playground Design167. 城市植栽设计- Urban Planting Design168. 城市排水系统设计- Urban Drainage System Design169. 城市防洪系统设计- Urban Flood Control System Design170. 城市消防系统设计- Urban Fire Protection System Design171. 城市应急救援系统设计- Urban Emergency Rescue System Design172. 城市废弃物处理系统设计- Urban Waste Management System Design 173. 城市给水系统设计- Urban Water Supply System Design174. 城市污水处理系统设计- Urban Wastewater Treatment System Design 175. 城市雨水排放系统设计- Urban Stormwater Management System Design 176. 城市空调系统设计- Urban Air Conditioning System Design177. 城市供暖系统设计- Urban Heating System Design178. 城市燃气供应系统设计- Urban Gas Supply System Design179. 城市电力供应系统设计- Urban Electrical Power Supply System Design180. 城市智能化管理系统设计- Urban Intelligent Management System Design 181. 城市绿色建筑认证体系- Green Building Certification Systems182. 城市绿色建筑评价体系- Green Building Evaluation Systems183. 可持续城市发展理论- Sustainable Urban Development Theory 184. 生态城市理论- Eco-city Theory185. 低碳城市理论- Low-carbon City Theory186. 紧凑城市理论- Compact City Theory187. 智慧城市理论- Smart City Theory188. 韧性城市理论- Resilient City Theory189. 多规合一城市规划体系- Integrated Urban Planning System 190. 城市设计哲学- Urban Design Philosophy191. 城市设计心理学- Urban Design Psychology192. 城市设计社会学- Urban Design Sociology193. 城市设计地理学- Urban Design Geography194. 城市设计经济学- Urban Design Economics195. 城市设计生态学- Urban Design Ecology196. 城市设计符号学- Urban Design Semiotics197. 城市设计现象学- Urban Design Phenomenology198. 城市设计未来学- Urban Design Futures Studies199. 城市设计艺术史- Urban Design Art History200. 城市设计与公共政策- Urban Design and Public Policy。



. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书planning proposals设计任务书design order标准规范standards and codes条件图information drawing设计基础资料basic data for design工艺流程图process flowchart工程地质资料engineering geological data原始资料original data设计进度schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案scheme, draft草图sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判negotiation可行性研究feasibility study初步设计preliminary design基础设计basic design详细设计detail design询价图enquiry drawing施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照sunshine风玫瑰wind rose主导风向prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电thunder and lightning飓风hurricane台风typhoon旋风cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量annual rainfall湿球温度wet bulb temperature干球温度dry bulb temperature冰冻期frost period冰冻线frost line冰冻区frost zone室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision不采暖地区region without heating provision绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室office服务用房service room换班室shift room休息室rest room (break room)起居室living room浴室bathroom淋浴间shower更衣室locker room厕所lavatory门厅lobby foyer诊室clinic工作间workshop电气开关室switchroom走廊corridor档案室archive电梯机房lift motor room车库garage清洁间cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室meeting room衣柜间ward robe暖风间H.V.A.C room饭店restaurant餐厅canteen, dining room厨房kitchen入口entrance接待处reception area会计室accountant room秘书室secretary room电气室electrical room控制室control room工长室foreman office开关柜室switch gear前室antecabinet (Ante.)生产区production area马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房utility room化验室laboratory room经理室manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙parapet雨蓬canopy屋脊roof ridge坡度slope坡跨比pitch分水线water-shed二毡三油2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层extra ply of felt檐口eave挑檐overhanging eave檐沟eave gutter平屋面flat roof坡屋面pitched roof雨水管downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积catchment area泛水flashing内排水interior drainage外排水exterior drainage滴水drip屋面排水roof drainage找平层leveling course卷材屋面built-up roofing天棚ceiling檩条purlin屋面板roofing board天花板ceiling board防水层water-proof course检查孔inspection hole人孔manhole吊顶suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙brick wall砌块墙block wall清水砖墙brick wall without plastering抹灰墙rendered wall石膏板墙gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙hollow brick wall承重墙bearing wall非承重墙non-bearing wall纵墙longitudinal wall横墙transverse wall外墙external (exterior) wall内墙internal (interior) wall填充墙filler wall防火墙fire wall窗间墙wall between window空心墙cavity wall压顶coping圈梁gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断glazed wall防潮层damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板sunshade阳台balcony伸缩缝expansion joint沉降缝settlement joint抗震缝seismic joint复合夹心板sandwich board压型单板corrugated single steel plate外墙板cladding panel复合板composite panel轻质隔断light-weight partition牛腿bracket砖烟囱brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪grade地面和楼面ground and floor素土夯实rammed earth炉渣夯实tamped cinder填土filled earth回填土夯实tamped backfill垫层bedding course, blinding面层covering, finish结合层bonding (binding) course找平层leveling course素水泥浆结合层neat cement binding course混凝土地面concrete floor水泥地面cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面terrazzo flooring马赛克地面mosaic flooring瓷砖地面ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅joist硬木毛地面hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡floor with 2% slope集水沟gully集水口gulley排水沟drainage trench沟盖板trench cover活动盖板removable cover plate集水坑sump pit孔翻边hole up stand电缆沟cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木(钢)门wooden (steel) door镶板门panelled door夹板门plywood door铝合金门aluminum alloy door卷帘门roller shutter door弹簧门swing door推拉门sliding door平开门side-hung door折叠门folding door旋转门revolving door玻璃门glazed door密闭门air-Tight door保温门thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门fire door(大门上的)小门wicket门框door frame门扇door leaf门洞door opening结构开洞structural opening单扇门single door双扇门double door疏散门emergency door纱门screen door门槛door sill门过梁door lintel上冒头top rail下冒头bottom rail门边木stile门樘侧料side jumb槽口notch木窗wooden window钢窗steel window铝合金窗aluminum alloy window百叶窗(通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗plastic steel window空腹钢窗hollow steel window固定窗fixed window平开窗side-hung window推拉窗sliding window气窗transom上悬窗top-hung window中悬窗center-pivoted window下悬窗hopper window活动百叶窗adjustable louver天窗skylight老虎窗dormer window密封双层玻璃sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁reinforced brick lintel窗扇casement sash窗台window sill窗台板window board窗中梃mullion窗横木mutin窗边木stile压缝条cover mould窗帘盒curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴pivot长脚铰链parliament hinge闭门器door closer地弹簧floor closer插销bolt门锁door lock拉手pull链条chain门钩door hanger碰球ball latch窗钩window catch暗插销insert bolt电动开关器electric opener平板玻璃plate glass夹丝玻璃wire glass透明玻璃clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃bullet-proof glass石英玻璃quartz glass吸热玻璃heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃polished glass着色玻璃pigmented glass玻璃瓦glass tile玻璃砖glass block有机玻璃organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯stair楼梯间staircase疏散梯emergency stair旋转梯spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯crane ladder直爬梯vertical ladder踏步step扇形踏步winder (wheel step)踏步板tread档步板riser踏步宽度tread width防滑条non-slip insert (strips)栏杆railing (balustrade)平台栏杆platform railing吊装孔栏杆railing around mounting hole扶手handrail梯段高度height of flight防护梯笼protecting cage (safety cage)平台landing (platform)操作平台operating platform装卸平台platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台stair landing客梯passenger lift货梯goods lift客/货两用梯goods/passenger lift液压电梯hydraulic lift自动扶梯escalator观光电梯observation elevator电梯机房lift mortar room电梯坑lift pit电梯井道lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖red brick粘土砖clay brick瓷砖glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖fire brick空心砖hollow brick面砖facing brick地板砖flooring tile缸砖clinkery brick马赛克mosaic陶粒混凝土ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦glazed tile脊瓦ridge tile石棉瓦asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏gypsum大理石marble汉白玉white marble花岗岩granite碎石crushed stone毛石rubble蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩pearlite水磨石terrazzo卵石cobble砾石gravel粗砂course sand中砂medium sand细砂fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥silicate cement火山灰水泥pozzolana cement白水泥white cement水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆thermal mortar防水砂浆water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆bituminous mortar纸筋灰paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰hemp cut lime mortar灰缝mortar joint素混凝土plain concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete轻质混凝土lightweight concrete细石混凝土fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土foamed concrete炉渣混凝土cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石granitic plaster斩假石artificial stone刷浆lime wash可赛银casein大白浆white wash麻刀灰打底hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材asphalt felt沥青填料asphalt filler沥青胶泥asphalt grout冷底子油adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝bitumastic oakum石棉板asbestos sheet石棉纤维asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝crack透裂split环裂shake干缩shrinkage翘曲warping原木log圆木round timber方木square timber板材plank木条batten板条lath木板board红松red pine白松white pine落叶松deciduous pine云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨white poplar桦木birch冷杉fir栎木oak榴木willow榆木elm杉木cedar柚木teak樟木camphor wood防腐处理的木材preservative-treated lumber胶合板plywood三(五)合板3(5)-plywood企口板tongued and grooved board层夹板laminated plank胶合层夹木材glue-laminated lumber纤维板fiber-board竹子bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属ferrous metal圆钢steelbBar方钢square steel扁钢steel strap,flat steel型钢steel section (shape)槽钢channel角钢angle steel等边角钢equal-leg angle不等边角钢unequal-leg angle工字钢I-beam宽翼缘工字钢wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧hot-rolled冷轧cold-rolled冷拉cold-drawn冷压cold-pressed合金钢alloy steel钛合金titanium alloy不锈钢stainless steel竹节钢筋corrugated steel bar变形钢筋deformed bar光圆钢筋plain round bar钢板steel plate薄钢板thin steel plate低碳钢low carbon steel冷弯cold bending钢管steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管seamless steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe黑铁管iron pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe铸铁cast iron生铁pig iron熟铁wrought iron镀锌铁皮galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝galvanized steel wire钢丝网steel wire mesh多孔金属网expanded metal锰钢managanese steel高强度合金钢high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金gold白金platinum铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze银silver铝aluminum铅leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯polythene, polyethylene尼龙nylon聚氯乙烯PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate聚苯乙烯polystyrene丙烯酸树酯acrylic resin乙烯基酯vinyl ester橡胶内衬rubber lining氯丁橡胶neoprene沥青漆bitumen paint环氧树脂漆epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆zinc oxide primer防锈漆anti-rust paint耐酸漆acid-resistant paint耐碱漆alkali-resistant paint水玻璃sodium silicate树脂砂浆resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝screws平头螺丝flat-head screw螺栓bolt普通螺栓commercial bolt高强螺栓high strength bolt预埋螺栓insert bolt胀锚螺栓cinch bolt垫片washerPaint 油漆底漆primer防锈底漆rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆anti-corrosion paint调和漆mixed paint无光漆flat paint透明漆varnish银粉漆aluminum paint磁漆enamel paint干性油drying oil稀释剂thinner焦油tar沥青漆asphalt paint桐油tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹red lead铅油lead oil腻子puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑architecture土木civil给排水water supply and drainage总图plot plan采暖通风H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning) 电力供应electric power supply电气照明electric lighting电讯telecommunication仪表instrument热力供应heat power supply动力mechanical power工艺process technology管道pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理architectonics建筑形式architectural style民用建筑civil architecture城市建筑urban architecture农村建筑rural architecture农业建筑farm building工业建筑industrial building重工业的heavy industrial轻工业的light industrial古代建筑ancient architecture现代建筑modern architecture标准化建筑standardized buildings附属建筑auxiliary buildings城市规划city planning厂区内within site厂区外offsite封闭式closed type开敞式open type半开敞式semi-open type模数制modular system单位造价unit cost概算preliminary estimate承包商constructor, contractor现场site扩建extension改建reconstruction防火fire-prevention防震aseismatic, quake-proof防腐anti-corrosion防潮dump-proof防水water-proof防尘dust-proof防锈rust-proof车流量traffic volume货流量freight traffic volume人流量pedestrian volume透视图perspective drawing建筑模型building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明illumination照度degree of illumination亮度brightness日照sunshine天然采光natural lighting光强light intensity侧光side light顶光top light眩光glaze方位角azimuth辐射radiation对流convection传导conduction遮阳sun-shade保温thermal insulation恒温constant temperature恒湿constant humidity噪音noise隔音sound-proof吸音sound absorption露点dew point隔汽vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理project manager (PM)设计经理design manager首席建筑师principal architect总工程师chief engineer土木工程师civil engineer工艺工程师process engineer电气工程师electrical engineer机械工程师mechanical engineer计划工程师planning engineer助理工程师assistant engineer实习生probationer专家specialist, expert制图员draftsman技术员technicianDrafting 制图总说明general specification工程说明project specification采用标准规范目录list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录list of drawings平面图plan局部放大图detail with enlarged scale...平面示意图schematic plan of......平剖面图sectional plan of...留孔平面图plan of provision of holes剖面section纵剖面longitudinal section横剖面cross (transverse) section立面elevation正立面front elevation透视图perspective drawing侧立面side elevation背立面back elevation详图detail drawings典型节点typical detail节点号detail No.首页front page图纸目录及说明list of contents and description图例legend示意图diagram草图sketch荷载简图load diagram流程示意图flow diagram标准图standard drawing...布置图layout of ...地形图topographical map土方工程图earth-work drawing展开图developed drawing模板图formwork drawing配筋arrangement of reinforcement表格tables工程进度表working schedule技术经济指标technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表list of buildings and structures编号coding序列号serial No.行和栏rows and columns备注remarks等级grade直线straight Line曲折线zigzag line虚线dotted line实线solid line影线hatching line点划线dot and dash line轴线axis等高线contour Line中心线center Line双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola切线tangent Line尺寸线dimension Line园形round环形annular方形square矩形rectangle平行四边形parallelogram三角形triangle五角形pentagon六角形hexagon八角形octagon梯形trapezoid圆圈circle弓形sagment扇形sector球形的spherical抛物面paraboloid圆锥形cone椭圆形ellipse, oblong面积area体积volume容量capacity重量weight质量mass力force米meter厘米centimeter毫米millimeter公顷hectate牛顿/平方米Newton/square meter 千克/立方米kilogram/cubic meter 英尺foot英寸inch吨ton加仑gallon千磅kip平均尺寸average dimension变尺寸variable dimension外形尺寸overall dimension展开尺寸developed dimension 内径inside diameter外径outside diameter净重net weight毛重gross weight数量quantity百分比percentage净空clearance净高headroom净距clear distance净跨clear span截面尺寸sectional dimension 开间bay进深depth单跨single span双跨double span多跨multi-span标高elevation, level绝对标高absolute elevation设计标高designed elevation室外地面标高ground elevation 室内地面标高floor elevation 柱网column grid坐标coordinate厂区占地site area使用面积usable area辅助面积service area通道面积passage area管架pipe rack管廊pipeline gallery架空管线overhead pipeline排水沟drain ditch集水坑sump pit喷泉fountain地漏floor drain消火栓fire hydrant灭火器fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器carbon dioxide extinguisher 卤代烷灭火器halon extinguisher。



. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby foyer诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washerPaint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 (heating、ventilation and air conditioning) 电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员 draftsman技术员 technicianDrafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale...平面示意图 schematic plan of......平剖面图 sectional plan of...留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter 千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation设计标高 designed elevation室外地面标高 ground elevation室内地面标高 floor elevation柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher。







构件方面的术语则包括墙体(wall)、楼板(floor)、屋顶(roof)、门窗(door and window)等。










建设,建筑,修建 to build, to construct建筑学 architecture修筑,建筑物 building房⼦ house摩天⼤楼 skyscraper公寓楼 block of flats (美作:apartment block)纪念碑 monument宫殿 palace庙宇 temple皇宫,教堂 basilica⼤教堂 cathedral教堂 church塔,塔楼 tower⼗层办公⼤楼 ten-storey office block柱 column柱列 colonnade拱 arch市政 town planning (美作:city planning)营建许可证,建筑开⼯许可证 building permission绿地 greenbelt建筑物的三⾯图 elevation设计图 plan⽐例尺 scale预制 to prefabricate挖⼟,掘⼟ excavation基 foundations, base, subgrade打地基 to lay the foundations砌好的砖列 course of bricks脚⼿架 scaffold, scaffolding质量合格证书 certification of fitness原材料 raw material底板 bottom plate垫层 cushion侧壁 sidewall中⼼线 center line条形基础 strip footing附件 accessories型钢 profile steel钢板 steel plate熔渣 slag飞溅 welding spatter定位焊 tacking引弧 generating of arc熄弧 quenching of arc焊道 welding bead坡⼝ beveled edges外观检查 visual inspection重⽪ double-skin⽔平⽅向弧度 radian in horizontal direction成型 molding直线度 straightness accuracy焊缝⾓变形 welding line angular distortion⽔平度 levelness铅垂度 verticality翘曲变形 buckling deformation对接焊缝 butt weld母材 parent metal法兰密封⾯ flange sealing surface夹层 interlayer表⾯锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration挠曲变 bending deformation超声波探伤 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压⼒容器 pressure vessel预制下料 prefabrication baiting排版直径 set-type diameter焊缝 welding line中幅板 center plate测量⽅法 measuring method基准点 datum mark跳焊 skip welding允许偏差 allowable variation补强板 stiffening plate开孔 tapping对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing⾓钢 angle iron安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle吊装⽴柱 hoisting upright column焊接钢管 welded steel pipe向⼼斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope带板 band plate槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring环⼝ collar extension局部变形 local distortion环缝 circumferential weld顶板 top plate拱顶 vault顶板加强肋 stiffening rib对接 butt joint胎具 clamping fixture卷板机 plate bending rolls中⼼⽀架 center bearing bracket椭圆度 ovality等分线 bisectrix搭接宽度 lap width点焊 spot welding搭接焊 overlap welding对称 symmetrically螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs放料阀 baiting valve液位计 content gauge芬兰维萨拉 Vailsla OY美国美科 "Met-coil, USA"集中式空调系统 centralized air conditioning system。






1. 地基和基础•地基 (Foundation)•承重墙 (Load-bearing wall)•地下室 (Basement)•地坪 (Floor slab)•地基工程 (Foundation engineering)•桩基础 (Pile foundation)•浅基础 (Shallow foundation)2. 结构•结构 (Structure)•梁 (Beam)•柱 (Column)•平屋顶 (Flat roof)•斜屋顶 (Sloping roof)•屋顶架构 (Roof truss)•桁架 (Truss)•钢筋 (Rebar)•混凝土 (Concrete)3. 墙体和隔断•墙体 (Wall)•砖 (Brick)•砌块 (Block)•隔墙 (Partition wall)•抹灰 (Plastering)•石膏板 (Plasterboard)•石膏板隔墙 (Drywall)•外墙 (Exterior wall)4. 结构细节•窗户 (Window)•门 (Door)•楼梯 (Staircase)•地板 (Flooring)•天花板 (Ceiling)•楼面 (Floor)•墙角 (Corner)•扶手 (Handrail)5. 室内装饰•装饰 (Decoration)•涂料 (Paint)•墙纸 (Wallpaper)•地毯 (Carpet)•地砖 (Floor tile)•室内灯 (Indoor lighting)•吊顶 (False ceiling)•窗帘 (Curtain)6. 零配件•水龙头 (Faucet)•马桶 (Toilet)•水槽 (Sink)•浴缸 (Bathtub)•淋浴 (Shower)•水管 (Piping)•暖气片 (Radiator)•插座 (Socket)7. 工程站点•建筑工地 (Construction site)•脚手架 (Scaffolding)•塔吊 (Tower crane)•施工队伍 (Construction team)•安全帽 (Safety helmet)•蓝图 (Blueprint)•管理员 (Supervisor)•施工机械 (Construction machinery)8. 常见缩写•HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning,暖通空调)•CAD (Computer-Aided Design,计算机辅助设计)•BIM (Building Information Modeling,建筑信息模型)•EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction,工程采购施工)•MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing,机械、电气和管道) 结论掌握建筑领域的英文术语和拼写对于与国际建筑社区的交流至关重要。



著名建筑英文介绍带翻译1. Empire State BuildingThe Empire State Building is an iconic skyscraper located in New York City, United States. Completed in 1931, it stood as the world’s tallest building for nearly 40 years. With its distinctive Art Deco style and towering height of 1,454 feet (443.2 meters), the Empire State Building has become a symbol of the city and a popular tourist attraction.帝国大厦帝国大厦位于美国纽约市,是一个标志性的摩天大楼。



2. Sydney Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera House is a world-renowned performing arts venue located in Sydney, Australia. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building is characterized by its unique sail-like design and is considered one of the 20th century’s most distinctive buildings. The Sydney Ope ra House hosts a variety of performances, including opera, ballet, and theater, and is an iconic symbol of both Sydney and Australia.悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院是位于澳大利亚悉尼的世界知名的表演艺术场所。



Architecture in a Climate of ChangePage52-Page62Low energy techniques for housingIt would appear that,for the industrialised countries,the best chance of rescue lies with the built environment because buildings in use or in the course of erection are the biggest single indirect source of carbon emissions generated by burning fossil fuels,accounting for over 50 per cent of total emissions.If you add the transport costs generated by buildings the UK government estimate is 75 per cent.It is the built environment which is the sector that can most easily accommodate fairly rapid change without pain.In fact,upgrading buildings, especially the lower end of the housing stock,creates a cluster of interlocking virtuous circles. Construction systemsHaving considered the challenge presented by global warming and the opportunities to generate fossil-free energy,it is now time to consider how the demand side of the energy equation can respond to that challenge.The built environment is the greatest sectoral consumer of energy and,within that sector,housing is in pole position accounting for 28 per cent of all UK carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.In the UK housing has traditionally been of masonry and since the early 1920s this has largely been of cavity construction.The purpose was to ensure that a saturated external leaf would have no physical contact with the inner leaf apart from wall ties and that water would be discharged through weep holes at the damp-proof course level.Since the introduction of thermal regulations,initially deemed necessary to conserve energy rather than the planet,it has been common practice to introduce insulation into the cavity.For a long time it was mandatory to preserve a space within the cavity and a long rearguard battle was fought by the traditionalists to preserve this‘sacred space’.Defeat was finally conceded when some extensive research by the Building Research Establishment found that there was no greater risk of damp penetration with filled cavities and in fact damp through condensation was reduced.Solid masonry walls with external insulation are common practice in continental Europe and are beginning to make an appearance in the UK.In Cornwall the Penwith Housing Association has built apartments of this construction on the sea front, perhaps the most challenging of situations.The advantages of masonry construction are:● It is a tried and tested technology familiar to house building companies of all sizes.● It is durable and generally risk free as regards catastrophic failure–though not entirely.A few years ago the entire outer leaf of a university building in Plymouth collapsed due to the fact that the wall ties had corroded.● Exposed brickwork is a low maintenance system; maintenance demands rise considerably if it receives a rendered finish.● From the energy efficiency point of view,masonry homes have a relatively high thermal mass which is considerably improved if there are high density masonryinternal walls and concrete floors.Framed constructionVolume house builders are increasingly resorting to timber-framed construction with a brick outer skin,making them appear identical to full masonry construction.The attraction is the speed of erection especially when elements are fabricated off site. However,there is an unfortunate history behind this system due to shortcomings in quality control.This can apply to timber which has not been adequately cured or seasoned.Framed buildings need to have a vapour barrier to walls as well as roofs. With timber framing it is difficult to avoid piercing the barrier.There can also be problems achieving internal fixings.For the purist,the ultimate criticism is that it is illogical to have a framed building clad in masonry when it cries out for a panel,boarded,slate or tile hung external finish.Pressed steel frames for homes are now being vigorously promoted by the steel industry.The selling point is again speed of erection but with the added benefit of a guaranteed quality in terms of strength and durability of the material.From the energy point of view,framed buildings can accommodate high levels of insulation but have relatively poor thermal mass unless this is provided by floors and internal walls.Innovative techniquesPermanent Insulation Formwork Systems (PIFS) are beginning to make an appearance in Britain.The principle behind PIFS is the use of precision moulded interlocking hollow blocks made from an insulation material,usually expanded polystyrene.They can be rapidly assembled on site and then filled with pump grade concrete.When the concrete has set the result is a highly insulated wall ready for the installation of services and internal and exterior finishes.They can achieve a U-value as low as 0.11 W/m2K.Above three storeys the addition of steel reinforcement is necessary. The advantages of this system are:● Design flexibility; almost any plan shape is possible.● Ease and speed of erection;skill requirements are modest which is why it has proved popular with the self-build sector.Experienced erectors can achieve 5 m2 per man hour for erection and placement of concrete.● The finished product has high structural strength together with considerable thermal mass and high insulation value.Solar designPassive solar designSince the sun drives every aspect of the climate it is logical to describe the techniques adopted in buildings to take advantage of this fact as‘solar design’. The most basic response is referred to as‘passive solar design’.In this case buildings are designed to take full advantage of solar gain without any intermediate operations.Access to solar radiation is determined by a number of conditions:● the sun’s position relative to the principal facades of the building(solar altitude and azimuth);● site orientation and slope;● existing obstructions on the site;● potential for overshadowing from obstructions outside the site boundary.One of the methods by which solar access can be evaluated is the use of some form of sun chart.Most often used is the stereographic sun chart in which a series of radiating lines and concentric circles allow the position of nearby obstructions to insolation,such as other buildings,to be plotted.On the same chart a series of sun path trajectories are also drawn(usually one arc for the 21st day of each month); also marked are the times of the day.The intersection of the obstructions’outlines and the solar trajectories indicate times of transition between sunlight and shade. Normally a different chart is constructed for use at different latitudes (at about two degree intervals).Sunlight and shade patterns cast by the proposed building itself should also be considered.Graphical and computer prediction techniques may be employed as well as techniques such as the testing of physical models with a heliodon.Computer modelling of shadows cast by the sun from any position is offered by Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) with its‘Suncast’program.This is a user-friendly program which should be well within normal undergraduate competence. The spacing between buildings is important if overshading is to be avoided during winter months when the benefit of solar heat gain reaches its peak.On sloping sites there is a critical relationship between the angle of slope and the level of overshading.For example, if overshading is to be avoided at a latitude of 50 N,rows of houses on a 10 north-facing slope must be more than twice as far apart than on 10 south-facing slope.Trees can obviously obstruct sunlight.However,if they are deciduous,they perform the dual function of permitting solar penetration during the winter whilst providing a degree of shading in the summer.Again spacing between trees and buildings is critical.Passive solar design can be divided into three broad categories:● direct gain;● indirect gain;● attached sunspace or conservatory.Each of the three categories relies in a different way on the‘greenhouse effect’as a means of absorbing and retaining heat.The greenhouse effect in buildings is that process which is mimicked by global environmental warming.In buildings,the incident solar radiation is transmitted by facade glazing to the interior where it is absorbed by the internal surfaces causing warming.However,re-emission of heat back through the glazing is blocked by the fact that the radiation is of a much longer wavelength than the incoming radiation.This is because the re-emission is from surfaces at a much lower temperature and the glazing reflects back such radiation to the interior.Direct gainDirect gain is the design technique in which one attempts to concentrate the majority of the building’s glazing on the sun-facing facade.Solar radiation is admitted directly into the space concerned.Two examples 30 years apart are the author’s housein Sheffield,designed in 1967 and the Hockerton Project of 1998 by Robert and Brenda Vale.The main design characteristics are:● Apertures through which sunlight is admitted should be on the solar side of the building, within about 30 of south for the northern hemisphere.● Windows facing west may pose a summer overheating risk.● Windows should be at least double glazed with low emissivity glass (Low E) as now required by the UK Building Regulations.● The main occupied living spaces should be located on the solar side of the building.● The floor should be of a high thermal mass to absorb the heat and provide thermal inertia,which reduces temperature fluctuations inside the building.● As regards the benefits of thermal mass,for the normal daily cycle of heat absorption and emission,it is only about the first 100 mm of thickness which is involved in the storage process.Thickness greater than this provides marginal improvements in performance but can be useful in some longer-term storage options.● In the case of solid floors,insulation should be beneath the slab.● A vapour barrier should always be on the warm side of any insulation.● Thick carpets should be avoided over the main sunlit and heatabsorbing portion of the floor if it serves as a thermal store.However,with suspended timber floors a carpet is an advantage in excluding draughts from a ventilated underfloor zone. During the day and into the evening the warmed floor should slowly release its heat, and the time period over which it happens makes it a very suitable match to domestic circumstances when the main demand for heat is in the early evening.As far as the glazing is concerned,the following features are recommended: ● Use of external shutters and/or internal insulating panels might be considered to reduce night-time heat loss.● To reduce the potential of overheating in the summer,shading may be provided by designing deep eaves or external louvres. Internal blinds are the most common technique but have the disadvantage of absorbing radiant heat thus adding to the internal temperature.● Heat reflecting or absorbing glass may be used to limit overheating.The downside is that it also reduces heat gain at times of the year when it is beneficial. ● Light shelves can help reduce summer overheating whilst improving daylight distribution.Direct gain is also possible through the glazing located between the building interior and attached sunspace or conservatory;it also takes place through upper level windows of clerestory designs.In each of these cases some consideration is required concerning the nature and position of the absorbing surfaces.In the UK climate and latitude as a general rule of thumb room depth should not be more than two and a half times the window head height and the glazing area should be between about 25 and 35 per cent of the floor area.Indirect gainIn this form of design a heat absorbing element is inserted between the incident solar radiation and the space to be heated;thus the heat is transferred in an indirectway.This often consists of a wall placed behind glazing facing towards the sun,and this thermal storage wall controls the flow of heat into the building.The main elements● High thermal mass element positioned between sun and internal spaces,the heat absorbed slowly conducts across the wall and is liberated to the interior some time later.● Materials and thickness of the wall are chosen to modify the heat flow.In homes the flow can be delayed so that it arrives in the evening matched to occupancy periods. Typical thicknesses of the thermal wall are 20–30 cm.● Glazing on the outer side of the thermal wall is used to provide some insulation against heat loss and help retain the solar gain by making use of the greenhouse effect.● The area of the thermal storage wall element should be about 15–20 per cent of the floor area of the space into which it emits heat.● In order to derive more immediate heat benefit,air can be circulated from the building through the air gap between wall and glazing and back into the room.In this modified form this element is usually referred to as a Trombe wall. Heat reflecting blinds should be inserted between the glazing and the thermal wall to limit heat build-up in summer.In countries which receive inconsistent levels of solar radiation throughout the day because of climatic factors (such as in the UK),the option to circulate air is likely to be of greater benefit than awaiting its arrival after passage through the thermal storage wall.At times of excess heat gain the system can provide alternative benefits with the air circulation vented directly to the exterior carrying away its heat,at the same time drawing in outside air to the building from cooler external spaces.Indirect gain options are often viewed as being the least aesthetically pleasing of the passive solar options,partly because of the restrictions on position and view out from remaining windows,and partly as a result of the implied dark surface finishes of the absorbing surfaces.As a result,this category of the three prime solar design technologies is not as widely used as its efficiency and effectiveness would suggest.Attached sunspace/conservatoryThis has become a popular feature in both new housing and as an addition to existing homes.It can function as an extension of living space,a solar heat store,a preheater for ventilation air or simply an adjunct greenhouse for plants.On balance it is considered that conservatories are a net contributor to global warming since they are often heated.Ideally the sunspace should be capable of being isolated from the main building to reduce heat loss in winter and excessive gain in summer.The area of glazing in the sunspace should be 20–30 per cent of the area of the room to which it is attached.The most adventurous sunspace so far encountered is in the Hockerton housing development which will feature later.Ideally the summer heat gain should be used to charge a seasonal thermal storage element to provide background warmth in winter.At the very least,air flow paths between the conservatory and the main building should be carefully controlled.Active solar thermal systemsA distinction must be drawn between passive means of utilising the thermal heat of the sun, discussed earlier,and those of a more‘active’nature Active systems take solar gain a step further than passive solar.They convert direct solar radiation into another form of energy.Solar collectors preheat water using a closed circuit calorifier.The emergence of Legionella has highlighted the need to store hot water at a temperature above 60 C which means that for most of the year in temperate climes active solar heating must be supplemented by some form of heating.Active systems are able to deliver high quality energy.However,a penalty is incurred since energy is required to control and operate the system known as the ‘parasitic energy requirement’.A further distinction is the difference between systems using the thermal heat of the sun,and systems,such as photovoltaic cells, which convert solar energy directly into electrical power.For solar energy to realise its full potential it needs to be installed on a district basis and coupled with seasonal storage.One of the largest projects is at Friedrichshafen.The heat from 5600 m2 of solar collectors on the roofs of eight housing blocks containing 570 apartments is transported to a central heating unit or substation.It is then distributed to the apartments as required.The heated living area amounts to 39 500 m2.Surplus summer heat is directed to the seasonal heat store which,in this case, is of the hot water variety capable of storing 12 000 m3.The scale of this storage facility is indicated by Figure 5.9.The heat delivery of the system amounts to 1915 MWh/year and the solar fraction is 47 per cent.The month by month ratio between solar and fossil-based energy indicates that from April to November inclusive,solar energy accounts for almost total demand,being principally domestic hot water.In places with high average temperatures and generous sunlight,active solar has considerable potential not just for heating water but also for electricity generation.This has particular relevance to less and least developed countries.环境变化影响下的建筑学房屋设计中的低能耗技术显而易见,在工业化国家,最好的营救机会依赖于建筑环境,因为不论是在使用的建筑或者是在建设的建筑,都是最大的、单一的、间接地由化石燃料的燃烧所引起的碳排放的源头,而这些站了所有排放的50%。



建筑英文大全1. 概述建筑是人类文明发展的重要组成部分,是人们居住、工作、学习和娱乐的场所。



2. 建筑材料•Concrete:混凝土•Steel:钢铁•Brick:砖•Wood:木材•Glass:玻璃•Ceramic:陶瓷•Stone:石材•Clay:黏土•Tile:瓷砖•Asphalt:沥青3. 建筑结构•Foundation:基础•Beam:梁•Column:柱•Wall:墙•Roof:屋顶•Floor:地板•Ceiling:天花板•Staircase:楼梯•Balcony:阳台•Elevator:电梯4. 建筑类型•Residential building:住宅建筑•Commercial building:商业建筑•Educational building:教育建筑•Government building:政府建筑•Industrial building:工业建筑•Hospital building:医院建筑•Sports facility:体育设施•Cultural facility:文化设施•Religious building:宗教建筑•Skyscraper:摩天大楼5. 建筑流程•Design:设计•Planning:规划•Construction:建设•Renovation:翻修•Demolition:拆除•Inspection:检查•Permit:许可证•Budget:预算•Project management:项目管理•Quality control:质量控制6. 结论本文档提供了一份建筑英文大全,包括建筑材料、建筑结构、建筑类型和建筑流程等方面的词汇。











以下是一些常用的建筑术语及其英文翻译示例:1.建筑类型 (Building Types):住宅建筑 (Residential Buildings)、商业建筑 (Commercial Buildings)、功能建筑 (Functional Buildings)等。

2.建筑结构 (Building Structure):框架结构 (Frame Structure)、钢结构(Steel Structure)、混凝土结构 (Concrete Structure)等。

3.建筑风格 (Architectural Style):现代主义 (Modernism)、古典主义(Classicism)、后现代主义 (Postmodernism)等。

4.建筑材料 (Building Materials):砖 (Brick)、钢筋 (Rebar)、玻璃(Glass)等。

5.建筑设计 (Architectural Design):平面规划 (Site Planning)、立面设计 (Facade Design)、室内设计 (Interior Design)等。

6.建筑施工 (Construction):土建施工 (Civil Construction)、装修施工(Interior Finishing)、电气安装 (Electrical Installation)等。








1. 建筑部件•地基:Foundation•墙体:Wall•地板:Floor•天花板:Ceiling•门:Door•窗户:Window•楼梯:Staircase•柱子:Column•梁:Beam•屋顶:Roof•楼层:Level2. 房间和空间•客厅:Living room•卧室:Bedroom•厨房:Kitchen•卫生间:Bathroom•书房:Study•餐厅:Dining room•储藏室:Storage room•门厅:Hallway•阳台:Balcony•车库:Garage3. 建筑风格•古典风格:Classical style•现代风格:Modern style•后现代风格:Postmodern style•工艺风格:Craftsman style•民族风格:Ethnic style•新古典主义:Neoclassical style•北欧风格:Nordic style•地中海风格:Mediterranean style•亚洲风格:Asian style•别墅风格:Villa style4. 建筑结构•钢结构:Steel structure•钢筋混凝土结构:Reinforced concrete structure •木结构:Wooden structure•砖混结构:Brick and concrete structure•钢框架:Steel frame•钢管脚手架:Steel pipe scaffolding•预制结构:Prefabricated structure•框剪结构:Portal frame structure•悬索结构:Suspension structure•平面网壳结构:Plane grid shell structure5. 建筑材料•混凝土:Concrete•砖块:Brick•钢材:Steel•木材:Wood•玻璃:Glass•幕墙:Curtain wall•瓷砖:Tile•大理石:Marble•金属板:Metal sheet•屋面瓦:Roof tile6. 建筑工艺•打桩:Piling•混凝土浇筑:Concrete pouring•砌砖:Bricklaying•抹灰:Plastering•涂料涂装:Painting•拉霸子:Leveling ruler•钢筋焊接:Rebar welding•砂浆抹灰:Mortar plastering•油漆刷墙:Paint brushing•瓷砖铺贴:Tile laying7. 建筑规划•总平面布局:Master plan•建筑设计:Architectural design•结构设计:Structural design•电气设计:Electrical design•给水排水设计:Water and drainage design•绿化设计:Landscape design•室内设计:Interior design•建筑施工:Construction•工程监理:Project supervision•资料备案:Documentation filingConclusion通过本文的介绍,我们了解了一些常见的建筑术语的英文翻译。

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英语翻译1外文原文出处:Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering, 1, Volume 10, Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting, Pages 329-342补充垂直支撑对建筑物抗震加固摘要:大量的钢筋混凝土建筑物在整个世界地震活跃地区有共同的缺陷。


































英文原文1Supplemental Vertical Support as a Means for Seismic Retrofitof BuildingsCraig D. ComartinGeotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering, 1, Volume 10, Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting, Pages 329-342 #Abstract A large number ofconcrete buildings inseismically active areasthroughout the world exhibit acommon deficiency. Weakcolumns, in one or more stories,lose vertical load-carryingcapacity as a result of lateraldistortion. This chapterpresents a conceptual strategyfor retrofit comprising theinstallation of supplemental vertical supports to prevent collapse. This procedure utilizes a risk-based perspective based on recent research on the realistic capacity of concrete columns, dynamic instability, and the effects of in-cycle degradation of strength in building systems and components. An example building is used to illustrate the application of the concept.1 Introduction and BackgroundBuildings subject to earthquake shaking have a potential to reach a point of dynamic instability at which they collapse due to theoretically unlimitedlateral displacement.Many buildings, however, lose the ability to support vertical loads and collapse at smaller levels of shaking intensity than that which would otherwise cause lateral dynamic instability (see Fig. . The procedures proposed here are intendedto identify buildings prone to preemptive vertical load collapse and improve their safety by the installation of supplemental vertical supports. Maintaining the capability to support vertical loads changes the critical collapse mechanism to lateral dynamic stabilitywhich occurs at larger and lessprobable lateraldisplacements (see Fig. .Experience in pastearthquakes around the worldindicates that concrete framesinfilled with unreinforcedmasonry (URM) have beenparticularly prone to collapse.This most often is due to a weak first story caused by the omission of all or a substantial portion of the infill to allow for retail, parking, or other uses conducive toopen spaces. The infill in upper stories restrains frame action and forces the flexible lower floor to absorb most of the energy demand and drift.There are several alternatives for retrofit strategy that have been implemented in the past:1. The infill on upper floors could be removed and replaced with less stiff and less strong materials.2. The infill on upper floors could be isolated from the structure by installing joints with gaps to prevent interaction with the frame.3. The lower floor, or floors, could be strengthened with new structural walls。

These Measures (Items 1, 2, and 3) are effective in reducing the ductilitydemand in the weak story or stories. However, all of them are costly and intrusive. In the US, it is not unusual for the costs of these types of retrofit to exceed half of the replacement value of the building.4. Wrap the columns in the weak story with jackets of steel, concrete, fiberglass, or carbon fiber.、The fourth option can increase both the strength and ductility of the columns enough to reduce the collapse risk for most buildings. The cost is somewhat less than for the first three alternatives; however the overall performance would also be less with more damage focused in the weak floor. Column jacketing is popular in the US, but the costs can still be high. In developing countries, the advanced technologies forsome types of jackets may notbe readily available.The procedure proposedhere incorporates anotheralternative that has been usedin the US to reduce collapserisk. This strategy is toprovide supplemental verticalsupports designed to prevent preemptive vertical load collapse (see Fig. . These are intended to support loads that are transferred from shear critical columns as they are damaged and begin to fail. The supplemental supports are typically steel shapes, pipe shoring, or timber shores. They are often installed near individual columns, but also can be placed beneath capable horizontal framing. This technique is effective in reducing collapse risk by avoiding the preemptive vertical collapse mode。
