翻译写作指南- 欧洲委员会翻译写作手册Fight the Fog

1136 环球中医药2016年9月第9卷第9期 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine,September 2016,Vol.9,No.9Clarity and Grace)[6]的基础上,针对欧洲委员会的文件起草和翻译活动,编写了手册以指导欧盟内的文件写作与翻译㊂手册包括10个Hints 以及Online EU draft aids,从文本角度介绍篇章结构㊁句子㊁语态以及用词等要求,其中Hint2:Focus on the reader;Hint 6:Cut out excess noun;Hint8:Prefer active verbs to passive 等章节从新的角度诠释了文本翻译,也从一个全新的角度解读中医翻译㊂2 用英文写作的原则指导中医翻译理想的译文,应看不出翻译的痕迹,就像用母语直接写出来的那样㊂也就是说,应当把翻译看成一种写作的方式,只不过译者表达的不是自己的思想,而是他人的思想㊂既然翻译也是一种写作方式,那么所有的写作原则都应适用于翻译[7]㊂读者阅读中医文献的目的往往不是词㊁句,而是阅读整部文献,因此从语篇角度规约文本的写作原则,同样适用于中医翻译㊂2.1 读者为本手册中Hint 2:Focus on the reader,强调以读者为本㊂手册写到: always bear in mind the people you’re writing for:not your committee,your boss,or the reviser of your translation,but the end users.”任何译者在翻译或写作之前,首先要考虑读者是谁,并根据读者的需求,采取适合读者需求的写作或翻译策略,也就是译者应有 受众意识”㊂中医文献的受众大致分为三类:(1)海外中医从业者;(2)中医爱好者,对中医有一定的了解,但很有限;(3)潜在的中医受众㊂第一类人员,主要为海外中国医师和华侨,外国人主要是系统学习过中医的人员,母语为中文或精通中文;第二㊁三类人是中医受众的主要部分,其母语是英语,这一部分人群也是中医翻译的主要目标人群㊂中医是融合了文学㊁哲学等多种中国文化元素的人文医学㊂在当前形势下,中医除本身的医学功能外,还是 中国文化的先行者”,肩负着传播中国文化的任务㊂怎样翻译中医文献,特别是中国文化负载词与中医特有的概念,一直是翻译研究与争论的焦点㊂中医翻译策略讨论的焦点主要集中在 归化”与 异化”两方面㊂ 归化”:以目的语为依归㊂把中医特有概念以及中国文化元素尽量变为西方的东西,使读者能够接受,缺陷是弱化了中国文化; 异化”: 以我为准”[8],传达中医以及中国文化精髓,对于没有对等词的中医特有概念,多采用音译,译文生硬,较难吸引潜在的读者㊂对中医翻译而言,翻译策略不是简单的 归化”与 异化”,而是以读者能够读懂㊁接受的方式传达中医文化㊂译文应以修补改善西方普通大众读者对中国传统文化知之甚少的 缺点”为出发点,根据受众和相关制约因素,有针对性地巧妙设计译文话语,在满足受众预期的同时,给予他们新的预期,用他们容易接受的方式,向他们展示中国文化的精华[9],是一个双赢的过程㊂如: 气”译语的形成过程㊂→chi→air→refined substance→vital energy →material force→etherqi”气”指构成人体并维持人体生命活动的精微物质,是道家 气”概念在医学领域中的应用,属于中医文化独有的概念㊂学者们(极有可能是早期进入中国的西医学者)最初在介绍这个概念时,由于无法找到对应语,只得采用音译chi ,作为一种保全异质文化的译法㊂虽然译者主观上想全面传达 气”的概念,但当时世界对中医知之甚少,也缺乏系统的研究,对于没有中医背景的读者,无法从这个译语上了解其所蕴含的丰富意义,达到中西医交通的目的,因此逐渐被淘汰㊂取而代之的是另一译语air,虽然这个译语并不准确,但对于国外读者,比chi 容易理解㊂随着中医影响逐渐扩大,人们开始关注中医,研究 气”并逐步改善译语,refined substance 侧重 精微物质”;但 气”所包含的意义不止这些㊂随后出现vital energy,译语侧重核心概念 气机”,较之前几个译语有了较大改善,但 气”与自然的关系尚未得到很好的体现;随后出现ether 以及其他侧重宇宙万物的译语,最终形成了能为读者普遍接受的音译qi,在受众接受的条件下,较完整地传达了中医文化概念㊂气”的译语最初与现在都是音译(chi →qi),有时也用Qi㊂从最初不能接受音译到音译成为固定译语之间是一个异化→归化→异化的过程㊂最初音译chi,由于受到当时社会环境的限制以及缺少中医氛围的影响,读者不能理解译语所传达的意义,译语被淘汰㊂之后采用的都是 归化”译法,阐述了 气”的特质,有些译语并不准确,但读者凭借它对中医进一步了解,之后对译语不断选择修正,直至相对精准以致 异化”的过程㊂读者在这个过程中逐步加深对中医的理解,满足了其心理预期,译者也实现了传达中医文化的目的㊂从 气”的译文演变过程可以看出不考虑跨文化因素以及读者的认知情况,直接采取 异化”策略,译语显得生硬㊁可读性差,不能起到交流的作用,最终被取代㊂对异质文化的接受,是读者对异质文化有认同,并在一定理解的基础之上实现的㊂费孝通教授指出: 今天不同文明之间交流的一个关键,是努力了解 他人’的语言㊁传统,做到设身处地地用当地人的眼光来看待周围的事物 这本身就是对 异文化’的尊重和对 异文化’开放的心态㊂”[11]读者为本”的根本目的在于实现并促使受众接受中华文化,改变自己原来的看法㊁态度或行为㊂为了完成这一根本任务,译者有必要采取各种有效的说服手段㊂中医文化的传播是一个渐进的过程,需要译者精心设计,了解如何针对特定受众调整自己的话语以达到翻译目的,采用受众容易接受的方式积极加以引导,扩大受众视域,达到双赢㊂2.2 使用动词,减少多余名词,使句子简洁手册Hint 6:Cut out excess noun verb forms arelivelier 中写到: Verbs are more direct and less abstract than nouns.”强调在行文中使用动词,这里说的动词也包括非谓语动词㊂中医名词术语的翻译侧重使用名词以及名词短语,译语往往较长㊂如:在较为流行的几部汉英中医词典中, 辨证论治”和 八纲辨证”分别被译为determination of treatment based环球中医药2016年9月第9卷第9期 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine,September2016,Vol.9,No.91137on differentiation of syndromes和analysis and differentiation of pathologic conditions in accordance with eight principal syndromes,当这些术语用于句子以及文献翻译时易产生文本译语冗长㊁层次不清㊁译文歧义㊁文本可读性差等问题㊂英语动词的主要功能是担任谓语以构成句子㊂非谓语动词虽然不能担任谓语,但其具有动词的特点,例如及物动词后接宾语,并有各种时态语态等;名词是事物的名称,是静态词汇㊂当句子中名词成分过长时,句子没有层次,语意不清㊂因此在翻译中使用动词以及具有动词特征的非谓语动词可以突出句子结构层次,使句子各成分之间指代清楚,避免歧义,增加译文的可读性㊂手册给出了一些具体建议如: by the introduction of→by introducing;submit an application for→apply for等㊂下面请看两个例子㊂2.2.1 实例一 原文:在古代唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下,通过长期的医疗实践,它(中医)逐步形成并发展成为独特的医学理论体系,为中国人民的保健事业和中华民族的繁衍昌盛做出了巨大的贡献[12]㊂原译:Under the influence and guidance of the ancient Chinese materialism and dialectics,and through long term medical practice,traditional Chinese medicine was gradually established and developed into a unique medical system and made great contributions to the healthcare course of the Chinese people and prosperity and development of the Chinese nation.改译:Influenced by classical Chinese materialism and dialectics and improved through long term medical practice, traditional Chinese medicine has eventually evolved into a medical system with unique theory,contributing a great deal to the healthcare of Chinese people and development of Chinese na⁃tion.注解:本句的变化主要通过把under the influence and guidance of和made great contributions短语转化为influenced by和contributing,并增加了improved,使得主句修饰成分由主句之外三个分词短语引导,因而变得更加清晰㊁有层次㊂2.2.2 实例二 原文:中医药学是以整体观念为主导思想,以脏腑经络的生理和病理为基础,以辨证论治为诊疗特点的医学理论体系[13]㊂原译:Traditional Chinese medicine is a medical system characterized by the concept of organic wholeness as its principal theory,the viscera and channels as its physiological and pathological basis,and treatment based on syndrome differentiation as its diagnostic and therapeutic features.(40 words)改译:The idea of organic wholeness plays a dominant role in traditional Chinese medicine,which,physiologically and path⁃ologically based on the states of the viscera and channels,is mainly characterized by treatment according to syndrome differ⁃entiation.(35words)注解:改译后的句子字数与原句字数相差不多,只是把 以脏腑经络的生理和病理为基础,以辨证论治为诊疗特点的医学理论体系”用动词体现,处理为一个定语从句,把原译中主句的修饰成分融入从句中,使原文在一个主句㊁一个从句中展开,层次清晰㊁意思简洁㊂李照国教授在论中医翻译时提出 中医翻译简洁性原则”,指出 中医用语的特点是简明扼要,将其翻译成英语或其他语言理应保持这一特点”[14]㊂中医翻译的基础 中医名词术语的翻译主要是将其译为名词以及名词词组,因此在篇章层面上,适当使用这些术语的动词及其变体是实现中医翻译简洁化的一种有效策略㊂使用动词,减少多余名词不仅有助于句子简洁㊁清晰,也在一定程度上简洁了文本,达到手册强调的Keep it short and simple原则,并为翻译词汇的选择提供了一种新的视角,也从另一个侧面印证了中医翻译的简洁性原则,对中医英语翻译具有较大启示作用㊂2.3 使用主动语态手册Hint8:Prefer active verbs to passive,提出在写作与翻译时多用主动语态㊂被动句虽然有突出主语的作用,但易造成句子结构失衡,影响理解㊂重要的一点是在某些场合下被动语态会有混淆㊁逃避责任,模糊概念之嫌,如:In decocting,the routine procedures were neglected,此句中,作者为了避免说出谁破坏了程序而使用了被动句㊂现代科技英语中,使用主动语态已形成一种趋势㊂主动语态可以明确动作的实施者,并在语篇中起到句式变化的作用,使文献具有一种 素雅之美”㊂‘美国医学协会编辑手册“(The American Medical Association Manual of Style)指出 In general,the active voice is preferred,except in instances in which the actor is unknown or the interest concerns what is acted on.”[15]㊂由于国内医学写作信息相对滞后,相当部分的英语语言学者仍认为被动语态的使用是医学英语的一个显著语言特征[16]㊂中医文献隶属医学范畴,中文的 意合”语言特质使中医翻译积极使用被动语态以彰显其医学属性㊂中医原文中经常出现的无主句等句式,一般都译为被动句,但事实上主动句也是可接受的㊂下面就以倪毛信和吴连胜㊁吴奇父子的两个‘黄帝内经“著名译本中‘素问㊃阴阳应象大论“里的一句话举例说明㊂2.3.1 实例一 原文:故物生谓之化,物极谓之变,阴阳不测谓之神,神用无方谓之圣㊂译文1(被动):The growth of all things is called the trans⁃formation,when the growth develops into its extreme stage,it is called the change,when the change of Yin and Yang becomes unanticipated,it is called divinity,when the property of the divinity is changing constantly,it is sacred[17].译文2(主动):Within the dynamic principles lies an intelligence that is difficult to know.The birth and growth of the myriad things we call hua.Growth to the extreme point we call bian.The mysteries of Yin and Yang are not graspable.We call this shen.To be able to grasp the underlying principles,and to1138 环球中医药2016年9月第9卷第9期 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine,September2016,Vol.9,No.9be capable of applying them flexibly is called sheng.This means sage or wise ones[18].注解:译文1按照中文句式主要采用被动句式,并按照排比关系展开,有较强的修辞韵味;译文2没有完全遵循中文句式而是将译文处理为主动句式㊂两个译文各有所长,接受度都很高㊂因此,中医翻译时,可根据需要把中文的特殊句式译为英文主动句式,丰富译文句式,提高译文可读性㊂Hadllidy的系统功能语法理论认为,主位(theme)是已知信息,通常是句首的主语,述位(rheme)是未知信息位于主位之后[19]㊂Mona Baker认为述位的语篇价值比主位更高,因为信息核心内容都在述位[20]㊂从这个意义上讲,采用主动句,可突出研究发现,使表达更加简练㊂强调使用主动语态,并不意味着不能使用被动语态㊂But you don’t have to avoid passives at all costs.They can be useful,for example when there’s no need to say who is responsible for the action because it’s obvious.而应根据译文需要灵活选择句式㊂请看下面的例子㊂2.3.2 实例二 原文:一难曰:十二经皆有动脉,独取寸口,以决五脏六腑死生吉凶之法,何谓也?译文:Question one:All the twelve meridians have their own corresponding arteries,why only cunkou is selected for diagnosing visceral diseases and making prognosis as well?注解:本句 取”穴之人,人所共知,因此,采用被动语态则更为简洁㊂从语篇层面上看,在翻译中医句子时,有些句式可根据需要以主动语态译出,使文字简洁㊁清晰㊁表达有力㊂在医学文献中不单纯依赖于某一句型或语态格式,交替使用主动㊁被动语态以及其他句型,既能满足意义表达,又避免了频繁使用单元句型或语态,提升译文质量㊂3摇结语在理论层面通过对手册中主要观点的分析,可以看出手册同样对中医翻译具有指导意义㊂目前中医英译的相关研究主要集中在术语的翻译上,中医术语标准化的研究也集中在词和词组的翻译层面㊂手册从语篇角度审视译文的段落㊁句子以及词汇,并提出了一系列全新的概念如:使用动词;使用主动句式;用词具体㊁不要抽象等,为中医翻译的研究与术语标准的制定提供了一种新的参照㊂手册中的重要观点与中医翻译理论㊁跨文化交流理论与语言学相关理论相契合,在指导中医翻译上有一定学术价值㊂翻译是写作的一种形式,英文写作策略与翻译策略之间的关系应该是global与local的关系,从写作角度指导翻译侧重整体表达,而翻译策略更侧重具体词句,二者结合能够促进中医翻译质量的提高㊂中医翻译研究在实践层面较少具体的指导,因此手册的具体规定对中医翻译实践具有指导意义如:读者为本(reader first),制定了译文的最终走向;使用动词,减少多余名词(cut out excess noun)使译文简洁;使用主动语态可对科技英语中被动语态的使用有新的认识;用词要具体不要抽象,明确了选词的原则等㊂此外手册还对文本的长度㊁句子的字数等提出具体要求,对中医翻译实践有较强的指导作用,对中医药出口文件的制备也有重要参考价值㊂参考文献[1] 牛喘月.再论中医英语翻译的原则[J].中西医结合学报,2004,(3):235⁃238.[2] 世界卫生组织(西太平洋地区).WHO西太平洋地区传统医学名词术语国际标准[S].北京:北京大学医学出版社,2009.[3] 世界中医药学会联合会.中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准[S].北京:人民卫生出版社,2008.[4] Directorate⁃general for translation,European commission.Fightthe Fog:How to Write Clearly[S].http://ec.europs.eu/translation,2010.[5] Martin 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我为什么写作Lesson 12: Why I Write从很小的时候,大概五、六岁,我知道长大以后将成为一个作家。
From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer.从15到24岁的这段时间里,我试图打消这个念头,可总觉得这样做是在戕害我的天性,认为我迟早会坐下来伏案著书。
Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to adandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books.三个孩子中,我是老二。
I was the middle child of three, but there was a gap of five years on either side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight- For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays.我像一般孤僻的孩子一样,喜欢凭空编造各种故事,和想像的人谈话。

北外的阅读也一直是重头戏,前几年的真题中,有些年份的真题是主观问答,有些是客观选择,但材料大多来自英国的Economist和Financial Times,北外的考试更重视前者。

In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.在餐厅里,我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。
高级英语1 Unit5Conservatives and Liberals翻译

The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservative and that of innovation, are very old, and have disputed the possession of the world ever since it was made. This quarrel is the subject of civil history. The conservative party established the reverend hierarchies and monarchies of the most ancient world. The battle of patrician and plebian, of parent state and colony, of old usage and accommodation to new facts, of the rich and, of the poor, reappears in all countries and times. The war rages not only in battlefields, in national councils, and ecclesiastical synods, but agitates every man’s bosom with opposing advantages every hour. On rolls the old world meantime, and now one, now the other gets the day, and still the fight renews itself as if for the first time, under new names and hot personalities.这个国家存在着两个政党,保守党和革新党。

5篇english短作文Essay 1。
English:In the realm of education, the influence of technology cannot be overstated. It has revolutionized the way we access and process information, facilitating a plethora of transformative learning opportunities. From interactive simulations to virtual reality experiences, technology has become an indispensable tool for educators, enabling them to engage students, enhance comprehension, and cater to diverse learning styles.Chinese:在教育领域,技术的影响不容低估。
Essay 2。
English:Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the field of healthcare, offering the potential to revolutionize patient care and improve overall health outcomes. By leveraging advanced algorithms and vast datasets, AI-powered systems can assist in disease diagnosis, predict patient risk, and develop personalized treatment plans. In the future, AI is expected to play an even more prominent role in healthcare, empowering patients with greater autonomy and enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions.Chinese:人工智能(AI)已成为医疗保健领域的一股变革力量,它提供了彻底改变患者护理和改善整体健康成果的潜力。

读书俱乐部招募的英语作文英文回答:A Vibrant Literary Community: Join Our Book Club!Are you an avid reader seeking intellectual stimulation and meaningful connections? Look no further than our esteemed book club! We are a vibrant community of passionate book lovers who gather to explore the written word, share perspectives, and forge lasting friendships.Our club offers an eclectic selection of literary genres, from classic novels and captivating memoirs to contemporary thrillers and insightful non-fiction works. We carefully curate our book list to cater to diverse tastes and foster lively discussions.Each month, we embark on a literary journey, delving into a chosen novel and engaging in thought-provoking conversations. Our sessions are guided by experiencedfacilitators who encourage active participation, critical thinking, and respectful dialogue.Beyond our monthly meetings, we host additional events that enrich our literary experience. We organize author talks, visit bookstores, and participate in book-themed workshops to expand our knowledge and connect with fellow bibliophiles.If you are an enthusiastic reader with a thirst for knowledge, a desire for companionship, and a passion for the written word, we warmly invite you to join our book club. Together, we will create a thriving literary community where ideas flow freely, friendships blossom, and the love of books becomes a shared bond.中文回答:活力四射的литературноесообщество,加入我们的读书俱乐部!你是热心的读者,寻求知识启迪和有意义的联系吗?不要再观望,我们的尊贵读书俱乐部正是为你量身打造!我们是一群充满激情的爱书人,汇聚在一起探讨书面文字,分享观点并建立持久友谊。

法语专四作文写作模板及范文英文回答:The Importance of Cultural Exchange in Today's World。
Cultural exchange is the sharing of ideas, beliefs, and practices between different cultures. It can take many forms, such as through travel, education, or the arts. In today's globalized world, cultural exchange is more important than ever before.There are many benefits to cultural exchange. One of the most important is that it can help to promote understanding and respect between different cultures. By interacting with people from other cultures, we learn about their perspectives and values. This can help us to break down stereotypes and prejudices, and to see the world from a different point of view.Cultural exchange can also help to foster economicdevelopment. When people from different cultures come together to share their ideas and knowledge, it can lead to new innovations and products. This can benefit both the countries involved and the world as a whole.In addition, cultural exchange can help to promotepeace and stability. By building bridges between different cultures, we can help to reduce conflict and promote understanding. This can make the world a more peaceful and harmonious place.There are many ways to promote cultural exchange. Oneof the most effective is through education. By including cultural exchange programs in schools and universities, we can help to raise awareness of the importance of cultural diversity and to give young people the opportunity to experience other cultures firsthand.Cultural exchange can also be promoted through the arts. By supporting artists from different cultures and by making their work available to a wider audience, we can help to break down barriers and promote understanding.Finally, cultural exchange can be promoted through travel. By visiting other countries and interacting with people from different cultures, we can learn about their perspectives and values. This can help us to become more open-minded and tolerant.Cultural exchange is essential for building a more peaceful, prosperous, and just world. By promoting cultural exchange, we can help to break down barriers, foster understanding, and make the world a better place.中文回答:文化交流在当今世界的重要性。

目录1. 遵守规则 (4)英文全文 (4)2 老年化 (6)英文全文 (6)3 儿童看电视 (7)英文全文 (8)4 即抛文化 (9)英文全文 (10)5 城乡迁徙 (11)英文全文 (12)6 廉价航空 (13)英文全文 (14)7 规则法律 (15)英文全文 (16)8 远程教育 (18)英文全文 (19)9 税收 (20)英文全文 (21)10 学校道德教育 (22)英文全文 (23)11 艺术投资 (25)12 志愿工作 (27)英文全文 (28)13 刑罚 (30)英文全文 (30)14 离家居住 (32)英文全文 (33)15 快餐 (35)英文全文 (35)16 大学知识 (37)英文全文 (37)17 大学学费 (40)英文全文 (40)18 禁止广告 (42)英文全文 (43)19 商品进口 (44)英文全文 (45)20 全球语言 (47)英文全文 (47)21 政府指导健康生活 (48)英文全文 (49)22 换工作 (50)1. 遵守规则全文翻译1:遵守规则论述类题目写作要点Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think children controlled too much cannot deal with problem themselves in adulthood. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.孩子们要在家里或学校遵守不同的规定。


中英双译文章篇1:运动员的情操Sportsmen's Values亦云Yi Yun在世界锦标赛决赛时,一位跳板跳水名将被他的同胞战友击败,却热烈拥抱胜利者,满含热泪向观众挥手告别。
A veteran springboard diver, defeated by his compatriot in the finals of a worldchampionship, offering congratulations to the victor in a warm embrace and waving a tearfulfarewell to the audience. An outstanding female fencer falling in a decisive set not under theattack of her rival’s sword but as a result of a muscular spasm of her own.这类事情在体坛司空见惯,但是这些英雄的悲剧场景不仅使失败的英雄热泪盈眶,而且使观众为之落泪。
Those are common occurrences in the athletic world but they are scenes of tragic heroismbringing tears to the eyes of the outgoing heroes as well as the audience. Sportsmen spendthe best part of their lives in tough training and fierce competitions fighting for ever betterrecords. When it bccomcs evident they are on the decline they still make strenuous efforts togive their best so as to bring a satisfactory end to their brilliant career.人生能有几回搏!生命有限,竞技生命更是短暂的。
英语四级范文god of war

The God of War: A Journey of Triumph andRedemptionIn the ancient realm of神话之地, a legend was bornthat would shake the foundations of destiny and rewrite the fate of gods. It was the story of the God of War, a beingof unmatched power and unrelenting fury, whose name was known throughout the realm as a symbol of both fear and awe. The God of War was once a mortal warrior, a man of courage and honor who rose to greatness through his own strength and will. He fought valiantly against the forcesof darkness, defending his people and upholding the balance of the universe. But in his quest for absolute power, he made a deal with the devil, sacrificing his soul for the strength to defeat his enemies. Little did he know thatthis pact would transform him into a being of pure destruction, leaving him trapped in a cycle of violence and madness.As the God of War, he waged relentless wars, crushinghis foes underfoot and leaving a trail of devastation inhis wake. His name became synonymous with death and destruction, and his reign of terror left the people of therealm in abject fear. But amidst the ashes of his conquests, a spark of redemption began to flicker.A prophesy foretold that the God of War's reign would come to an end when a chosen one, a mortal warrior blessed with the power of light, would rise up to challenge him. This chosen one would be the only one capable of breaking the cycle of violence and restoring balance to the realm.In his quest for absolute power, the God of War had overlooked the power of love and redemption. For centuries, he had been blind to the suffering he had caused and the pain he had inflicted upon others. But as the chosen one drew nearer, the God of War began to feel a pang of conscience, a spark of humanity that had been dormantwithin him for so long.The final battle between the God of War and the chosen one was epic in scale and激烈程度. The clash of their weapons echoed throughout the realm, and the power they unleashed shook the heavens and the earth. But in the end,it was not the might of the God of War that brought downthe chosen one, but the power of love and forgiveness.As the chosen one laid defeated at his feet, the God of War looked down at him with newfound clarity. He realized that the true strength did not lie in the number of enemies he had slain or the territories he had conquered, but in the love he had given and the redemption he had found. With a heavy heart, he lifted his sword and brought an end to his own reign of terror.In his final moments, the God of War's essence ascended into the heavens, leaving behind a void that would never be filled. But in his absence, a new era of peace and harmony began to flourish in the realm. The people of the land looked upon the sky with gratitude and hope, knowing that the God of War had finally found his way to redemption.And so, the legend of the God of War came to an end, but his story lived on in the hearts of those who had witnessed his rise and fall. They learned that true power was not measured by the number of lives taken, but by the lives transformed and the love shared. And in the memory of the God of War, they found the strength to build a world filled with light and hope.**战神:胜利与救赎之旅**在神话之地的古老领域,一个传奇诞生了,它将动摇命运的根基并改写众神的命运。

Directorate-General for Translation European CommissionHOW TO WRITE CLEARLYThis booklet is intended for all writers of English at the European Commission. Whether your job is drafting or translating, here are some hints – not rules – that will help you to write clearly and make sure your message ends up in your readers’ brains, not in their bins.Put the reader first page 2Use verbs, not nouns page 3page4abstractnotConcrete,passive5pagenotActive,Whodunnit? Name the agent page 6Making sense – managing stress page 7KISS: Keep It Short…. page 8pageSimple9 …andFalse friends … page 10pitfallspage11otherand…References page 12Put the reader firstThere are three groups of people likely to read Commission documents:1. EU insiders (colleagues in the Commission or other institutions)2. outside specialists3. the general public.The third group is by far the largest and most important. As more Commission documents are made accessible to the general public, criticism of FOG will increase.Always bear in mind the people you're writing for: not your committee, your boss, or the reviser of your translations, but the end users. They are in a hurry. Don't overestimate their knowledge, interest or patience.Whatever the type of document - legislation, a technical report, minutes, a press release or speech - you can enhance its impact by writing clearly. Try to see your subject matter from your readers' point of view; try to involve them ("you" is an under-used word in Commission documents); and try not to bore them.You can avoid irritating half your readers by replacing gender-specific words (replace "layman" by "lay person"; "salesgirl" by "sales assistant"; "workman" by "worker").Avoid "he, she/ his, her" by using "they/ their" instead.Use verbs, not nounsOne simple step to clearer English is to change ...this... ... to this :by the introduction of by introducingfor the allocation of for allocatingof the provision of of providingWhat are we doing here? Turning a noun back into a verb. English prefers verbs to nouns. Many words ending in "-ion" are simply verbs in disguise. They are called "nominalisations" (yes, another word ending in "-ion"). Look at these:submit an application for apply forcarry out an evaluation of evaluateimplement an investigation of investigateand there are others which don't end in "-ion":conduct a review of reviewperform an assessment of assesseffect a renewal of renewSo we can improve an unclear text by turning some nouns back into verbs: The committee came to an agreement to the effect thata study should be carried out by the consultants into thefeasibility of the provision of national funding.The committee agreed that the consultants should studythe feasibility of providing national funding.Sabotage! You can take advantage of this if you want.If the consultants' report is too candid about the non-feasibility of providing national funding, just effect the nominalisation of all their hard-hitting verbs and the result will be sufficiently soporific to send your readers to sleep.Concrete, not abstractEnglish is a notoriously blunt language. Too much abstract language (FOG) may make your reader suspect that something real and unpalatable is being wrapped up in verbiage.In general, if you have a choice between an abstract word and a more concrete one that means the same, choose concrete. It will make your message more direct.Sometimes, instead of this ... : ... you could try this:establish fixemphasise highlightorient steerouteliminate cutdetermine settargetobjective goal,initiating impulse triggeremployment opportunities jobsnegative evolution downward spiraldecisive innovation breakthroughSabotage! You can take advantage of this if you want."These countries are asking for dates and facts, but all we can give them is prevarication and obfuscation."Active verbs, not passive...Another easy step to clearer English is to use verbs in the active voice ("the car hit the tree") rather than the passive ("the tree was hit by the car"). Compare these:New guidelines have been laid down by the President in the hope thatthe length of documents submitted by DGs will be restricted to 20 pages.The President has laid down new guidelines in the hope that DGs will restrict the length of documents to 20 pages.Look how we can improve a text by cutting out passives ... :bad: A recommendation was made by the European Parliament that consideration be given by the Member States to a simplification of the award procedure.a bit better:The European Parliament made a recommendation that the Member States give consideration to a simplification of the award procedure.and then by cutting out abstract nominalisations:much better: The European Parliament recommended that the Member States consider simplifying the award procedure....except where passives are useful You don't have to avoid passive verbs at all costs. They can be useful:1.If there's no need to say who was responsible for the action because it'sobvious. ("All Commission staff are encouraged to write clearly.")2.If you want to focus attention on the receiver of the action by putting thatfirst. ("One of the most controversial members of the European Parliament has been interviewed by the press about the proposal.")3.If you want to position old or known information at the start of thesentence, so you can put new or surprising information at the end. ("After the Summit the President was interviewed by a ten-year-old pupil from the European School.")And of course:4.Sabotage! If you want to evade responsibility."In my department the advice on clear English has been disregarded."Whodunnit? Name the agentIf you follow the advice to use active verbs instead of passive ones, your writing will become clearer because you will be forced to name the agent - that is, the person or organisation or thing that carries out the action.It's easy to identify the agent here ... :This proposal was approved at Commission level.The Commission approved this proposal.... but not so easy here:It is considered that tobacco advertising should be banned in the EU.Who considers? The writer, the Commission, the public, the medical profession?Why not name the agent?Remember that EU texts have to be translated into several other languages - not all of which can be quite as foggy and impersonal as English. By writing vague English you are asking for non-matching translations, as each translator tries to guess what you might have meant and comes up with a different solution.Don't be afraid to make "I" or "we" the agent.This is perfectly acceptable, even in technical documents, and will make your meaning much clearer:You have been informed of our acceptance of your project application.We have informed you that we have accepted your project application. Don't be afraid to make an inanimate object the agent(e.g. "The Directive calls upon employers to cut working hours.") This is tabooin some other languages, but correct in English.Making sense - managing stressSometimes you have to write (or improve) a text containing a mass of facts and ideas. Here are some ways of untangling the information so that readers will understand each sentence the first time they read it.Name the agents of each action and put the actions in the order in which they occur.Its decision on allocation of ESF assistance will be taken subsequent to receipt of all project applications at the Committee's meeting.When all applicants have submitted their project applications, theCommittee will meet to decide how much ESF aid it will grant to each one. Put old or known information at the beginning of the sentence andnew or complex information at the end.This makes sentence linking easier, and helps the reader to follow the thread of your argument:THE COURT OF AUDITORS' REPORT criticises agricultural spending and proposes some new measures to prevent fraud.THEIR PROPOSALS include setting up a special task force with powers to search farms.SUCH POWERS are not normally granted to Commission officials, but fraud prevention is now one of the EU's main priorities.(Note that the passive verb is OK in the last sentence because it fits in with the flow of information).Make sure your sentences have strong endings - that's the bit readers will remember.If necessary, move less important information to the left. Try to avoid feeble endings.Complete institutional reform is advocated by the report in most cases.What the report advocates, in most cases, is complete institutional reform. Some more ways of putting important information in the best position - at the end of the sentence:For EU enlargement several alternative scenarios could be considered.There are several scenarios that we could consider for EU enlargement.The accession of new Member States in several stages now seems likely.It now seems likely that new Member States will join in several stages. KISS: Keep It Short and SimpleShort ...The value of a document is not proportional to its weight. Your readers will not respect you more because you have written 100 pages instead of 20. In fact they are more likely to resent you for making such demands on their time. The Members of the Commission have repeatedly asked for documents to be more succinct, and the Secretariat General has even been known to reject over-long documents.Some ways to cut out FOG:1.Don't state the obvious. Trust your readers' common sense.2.Don't clutter your text with redundant expressions like "as is wellknown", "it is generally accepted that", "in my personal opinion',"and so on and so forth", "both from the point of view of A and fromthe point of view of B".3.Don't waste words telling readers what the text is going to say, orreminding them what it said earlier. Just say it. Once.Shorter documents tend to have more impact, and so do shorter sentences. Asa guide:1 document = 20 pages at the most1 sentence = 20 wordsBut varying sentence length makes for more interesting reading.... and Simple:English is a very rich language with a wide choice of different expressions meaning the same thing. Use simple words where possible. Simple language will not make you seem less learned or elegant: it will make you seem more credible. Foggy phrasing often reflects foggy thinking.in view of the fact that aswith respect to ona certain number of somethe majority of mostpursuant to underwithin the framework of underaccordingly, consequently sofor the purpose of, in order to toin the event of ifif this is not the case if notif this is the case if soconcerning, regarding aboutwith reference to, with regard to aboutSimple, uncluttered style calls for the positive form, not the negative It is not uncommon for applications to be rejected, so do notcomplain unless you are sure you have not completed yoursin correctly.It is quite common for applications to be rejected, socomplain only if you are sure you have completed yourscorrectly.False friends and other pitfallsFalse friendsIt is understandable that we get our languages mixed up in a multilingual environment like the European Commission. Interference between French and English is particularly common. But "Frenglish" expressions which might be permissible in-house are meaningless to outside readers. They are alienating and they create FOG.Here are some of the more common "faux amis" in Commission use:Frenchacquiscommunautaireacquis body of EU lawactuel actual current,topical adéquat adequate suitableassister àassist at attend, participatecapacité capacity ability,capability compléter complete supplementcontrôler control supervise,check disposer de dispose of have, keepéventuel eventual anyimportant important largematériel material supplies,equipment opportunité opportunity advisabilitypays candidats candidates applicantcountriespays tiers third countries non-member countries perspectives perspectives prospects,outlookprévu foreseen provided for, plannedstagiaire stagiaire traineeStatut (des fonctionnaires)Statute StaffRegulationsEurojargon and EurospeakJargon is a language used by any group of insiders or specialists to communicate with each other in a way that cannot always be understood by outsiders. If you want outsiders to understand, don't use Eurojargon (comitology, habilitation, European construction, etc.).Euro speak, on the other hand, is a potentially useful language coined to describe European Union inventions and concepts which have no exact parallel at national level. There are only a few of these (e.g. subsidiarity, codecision, convergence, economic and social cohesion) and correspondingly few real excuses for using Eurospeak.Spell it outKeep a tight rein on abbreviations and acronyms.(ERDF + EAGGF + CAP = ZZZ). Write them out in full wherever possible.ReferencesMuch of the advice given in this booklet is adapted from: "The Plain English Guide" by Martin Cutts, Oxford University Press, 1996 and"Style: Toward Clarity and Grace" by Joseph M. Williams, The University of Chicago Press, 1995 which are highly recommended.Readers wanting more detailed information on in-house conventions for http://ec.europa.eu/translation/writing/style_guides/english/index_en.htm spelling, punctuation and usage should consult the English Style Guide produced by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) and available athttp://ec.europa.eu/translation/writing/style_guides/english/index_en.htm.Important:All the examples of FOG in this guide are fictional. Any resemblance to anypast, present or future EU document is coincidental.Directorate-General for TranslationEuropean Commissionec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/index_en.htm ec.europa.eu/translation/index_en.htm。

欧洲文学英语作文模板范文European Literature: A Rich Tapestry of Cultural Expression。
European literature is a rich tapestry of cultural expression that has evolved over centuries, reflecting the diversity and complexity of the continent's history, traditions, and values. From the epic poems of ancient Greece and Rome to the modernist novels of the 20th century, European literature has shaped the way we understand ourselves and the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the key themes, movements, and authors that have defined European literature, and examine how it has influenced and been influenced by the broader cultural, social, and political context of the continent.One of the defining characteristics of Europeanliterature is its diversity. From the romantic poetry of William Wordsworth to the existentialist novels of Albert Camus, European literature encompasses a wide range ofgenres, styles, and themes. This diversity reflects the complexity of European history and culture, as well as the continent's long tradition of cross-cultural exchange and interaction. European literature has been shaped by the interaction of different languages, religions, and artistic traditions, resulting in a rich and multifaceted body of work that continues to inspire and challenge readers around the world.At the same time, European literature is also marked by certain common themes and preoccupations. Many European writers have grappled with questions of identity, belonging, and alienation, reflecting the continent's long history of social and political upheaval. From the existential angstof Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" to the postcolonial reflections of Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart," European literature has often served as a mirror to the continent's changing social and political landscape,offering insights into the human experience that resonate across time and place.European literature has also been shaped by a series ofinfluential movements and schools of thought. From the Romanticism of the 19th century to the modernism of theearly 20th century, European literature has been marked bya series of literary revolutions that have challenged traditional forms and conventions. These movements haveoften been driven by a desire to break free from the constraints of the past and explore new ways ofrepresenting the world and the human experience. The result has been a series of innovative and groundbreaking worksthat have expanded the boundaries of literary expressionand inspired generations of writers and readers.Of course, no discussion of European literature wouldbe complete without mentioning some of the continent's most influential and celebrated authors. From the timeless wisdom of Shakespeare to the visionary prose of James Joyce, European literature has been shaped by a series of iconic figures whose works continue to captivate and inspire readers around the world. These authors have not only left behind a rich and enduring literary legacy, but have also played a crucial role in shaping the way we understand and interpret the world around us.In conclusion, European literature is a rich and diverse tradition that has been shaped by centuries of cultural, social, and political change. From its diverse range of genres, styles, and themes to its influential movements and iconic authors, European literature continues to offer a wealth of insights into the human experience and the world we inhabit. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, European literature will undoubtedly continue to inspire and challenge us, offering new perspectives and new ways of understanding ourselves and the world around us.。
The Green Issue_notes

The Green Issue1.carbon footprint: your carbon footprint is the impact you make on the planet from your use of energy. It is a representation of the effect human activities have on the climate in terms of the total amount of greenhouse gases produced (measured in units of carbon dioxide). So, it is a measure of the impact we make individually on the earth by the choices we make regarding our lifestyles. Many activities generate carbon emissions, which contribute to accelerating global warming and climate change. A total carbon footprint/emission quantification would include energy related emissions from human activities - that is, from heat, light, power and refrigeration and all transport related emissions from cars, freight and distribution, etc.2.Closing credits 是闭幕/电影、电视完结时工作人员/演员名单3.Al Gore: Former US vice president Al Gore is still campaigning –for urgent action to reverse the effects of global warming. He served as the 45th vice president of the United States in the Clinton administration from 1993 to 2001. 美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔谈论全球变暖问题已经有很多年的时间了,但直到以他的政治和环保经历为主线的纪录片《难以忽视的真相》获得奥斯卡奖之后,戈尔的这番见解才成为一个真正的传媒事件。

这里,我写下诗行英语作文Immerse Yourself in the Lyrical Symphony of Poetry.Within the boundless realm of literary expression, poetry stands as a radiant beacon, illuminating emotions and painting vivid tapestries of imagination. As words dance across the page, they weave narratives that resonate within the depths of our souls, evoking a kaleidoscope of sensations. Poetry is a sanctuary where language transforms into an ethereal symphony, beckoning us to delve into its enchanting embrace.Composing poetry is not merely a technical exercise; it is an alchemy that transmutes raw emotions and fleeting thoughts into enduring works of art. Crafting a poem requires an astute understanding of rhythm, rhyme, and the evocative power of language. The poet must possess a keen eye for sensory details and the ability to distill complex feelings into concise, yet evocative phrases.To embark on this literary journey, it is essential to cultivate a deep appreciation for the nuances of language. Read extensively, immerse yourself in the works of renowned poets, and allow their artistry to inspire your owncreative impulses. Engage with poetry on an emotional level, letting the words wash over you and resonate within the chambers of your heart.As you delve into the world of poetry, you willdiscover a vast array of styles and forms. From thesonnet's intricate structure to the free verse's unbound fluidity, each genre offers unique possibilities for expression. Experiment with different styles, allowing yourself to be guided by your intuition and the dictates of your imagination.In the tapestry of poetry, imagery plays a pivotal role in transporting readers into vivid landscapes and painting unforgettable scenes. Engage your senses and evoke tangible experiences through the use of sensory language. Paint pictures with words, allowing the reader to visualize the sights, sounds, tastes, and textures that populate yourpoetic universe.Rhythm and rhyme, the heartbeat and melody of poetry, add musicality and enhance the emotional impact of your words. Experiment with different rhythmic patterns, letting the cadence of language guide the flow of your thoughts. Employ rhyme judiciously, allowing it to provide a subtle accent or a powerful punchline.Beyond technical prowess, the essence of poetry lies in its ability to communicate genuine emotions and profound insights. Explore the depths of your own experiences, drawing inspiration from both joy and sorrow, love and loss. Allow your vulnerability to shine through, for it is in the raw and authentic that true poetry takes flight.Poetry is not merely a solitary pursuit; it is a bridge that connects hearts and minds across time and space. Engage with literary communities, attend poetry readings, and share your work with others. Seek constructivecriticism and be open to learning from the perspectives of fellow poets.Composing poetry is a journey of self-discovery, a transformative experience that enriches both the writer and the reader. As you delve into this lyrical realm, embrace the power of language and allow your imagination to soar. Let the words flow from your pen or keyboard, shaping themselves into enduring works of art that touch the hearts and uplift the spirits of generations to come.。

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Directorate-General for Translation European CommissionHOW TO WRITE CLEARLYThis booklet is intended for all writers of English at the European Commission. Whether your job is drafting or translating, here are some hints – not rules – that will help you to write clearly and make sure your message ends up in your readers’ brains, not in their bins.Put the reader first page 2Use verbs, not nouns page 3page4abstractnotConcrete,passive5pagenotActive,Whodunnit? Name the agent page 6Making sense – managing stress page 7KISS: Keep It Short…. page 8pageSimple9 …andFalse friends … page 10pitfallspage11otherand…References page 12Put the reader firstThere are three groups of people likely to read Commission documents:1. EU insiders (colleagues in the Commission or other institutions)2. outside specialists3. the general public.The third group is by far the largest and most important. As more Commission documents are made accessible to the general public, criticism of FOG will increase.Always bear in mind the people you're writing for: not your committee, your boss, or the reviser of your translations, but the end users. They are in a hurry. Don't overestimate their knowledge, interest or patience.Whatever the type of document - legislation, a technical report, minutes, a press release or speech - you can enhance its impact by writing clearly. Try to see your subject matter from your readers' point of view; try to involve them ("you" is an under-used word in Commission documents); and try not to bore them.You can avoid irritating half your readers by replacing gender-specific words (replace "layman" by "lay person"; "salesgirl" by "sales assistant"; "workman" by "worker").Avoid "he, she/ his, her" by using "they/ their" instead.Use verbs, not nounsOne simple step to clearer English is to change ...this... ... to this :by the introduction of by introducingfor the allocation of for allocatingof the provision of of providingWhat are we doing here? Turning a noun back into a verb. English prefers verbs to nouns. Many words ending in "-ion" are simply verbs in disguise. They are called "nominalisations" (yes, another word ending in "-ion"). Look at these:submit an application for apply forcarry out an evaluation of evaluateimplement an investigation of investigateand there are others which don't end in "-ion":conduct a review of reviewperform an assessment of assesseffect a renewal of renewSo we can improve an unclear text by turning some nouns back into verbs: The committee came to an agreement to the effect thata study should be carried out by the consultants into thefeasibility of the provision of national funding.The committee agreed that the consultants should studythe feasibility of providing national funding.Sabotage! You can take advantage of this if you want.If the consultants' report is too candid about the non-feasibility of providing national funding, just effect the nominalisation of all their hard-hitting verbs and the result will be sufficiently soporific to send your readers to sleep.Concrete, not abstractEnglish is a notoriously blunt language. Too much abstract language (FOG) may make your reader suspect that something real and unpalatable is being wrapped up in verbiage.In general, if you have a choice between an abstract word and a more concrete one that means the same, choose concrete. It will make your message more direct.Sometimes, instead of this ... : ... you could try this:establish fixemphasise highlightorient steerouteliminate cutdetermine settargetobjective goal,initiating impulse triggeremployment opportunities jobsnegative evolution downward spiraldecisive innovation breakthroughSabotage! You can take advantage of this if you want."These countries are asking for dates and facts, but all we can give them is prevarication and obfuscation."Active verbs, not passive...Another easy step to clearer English is to use verbs in the active voice ("the car hit the tree") rather than the passive ("the tree was hit by the car"). Compare these:New guidelines have been laid down by the President in the hope thatthe length of documents submitted by DGs will be restricted to 20 pages.The President has laid down new guidelines in the hope that DGs will restrict the length of documents to 20 pages.Look how we can improve a text by cutting out passives ... :bad: A recommendation was made by the European Parliament that consideration be given by the Member States to a simplification of the award procedure.a bit better:The European Parliament made a recommendation that the Member States give consideration to a simplification of the award procedure.and then by cutting out abstract nominalisations:much better: The European Parliament recommended that the Member States consider simplifying the award procedure....except where passives are useful You don't have to avoid passive verbs at all costs. They can be useful:1.If there's no need to say who was responsible for the action because it'sobvious. ("All Commission staff are encouraged to write clearly.")2.If you want to focus attention on the receiver of the action by putting thatfirst. ("One of the most controversial members of the European Parliament has been interviewed by the press about the proposal.")3.If you want to position old or known information at the start of thesentence, so you can put new or surprising information at the end. ("After the Summit the President was interviewed by a ten-year-old pupil from the European School.")And of course:4.Sabotage! If you want to evade responsibility."In my department the advice on clear English has been disregarded."Whodunnit? Name the agentIf you follow the advice to use active verbs instead of passive ones, your writing will become clearer because you will be forced to name the agent - that is, the person or organisation or thing that carries out the action.It's easy to identify the agent here ... :This proposal was approved at Commission level.The Commission approved this proposal.... but not so easy here:It is considered that tobacco advertising should be banned in the EU.Who considers? The writer, the Commission, the public, the medical profession?Why not name the agent?Remember that EU texts have to be translated into several other languages - not all of which can be quite as foggy and impersonal as English. By writing vague English you are asking for non-matching translations, as each translator tries to guess what you might have meant and comes up with a different solution.Don't be afraid to make "I" or "we" the agent.This is perfectly acceptable, even in technical documents, and will make your meaning much clearer:You have been informed of our acceptance of your project application.We have informed you that we have accepted your project application. Don't be afraid to make an inanimate object the agent(e.g. "The Directive calls upon employers to cut working hours.") This is tabooin some other languages, but correct in English.Making sense - managing stressSometimes you have to write (or improve) a text containing a mass of facts and ideas. Here are some ways of untangling the information so that readers will understand each sentence the first time they read it.Name the agents of each action and put the actions in the order in which they occur.Its decision on allocation of ESF assistance will be taken subsequent to receipt of all project applications at the Committee's meeting.When all applicants have submitted their project applications, theCommittee will meet to decide how much ESF aid it will grant to each one. Put old or known information at the beginning of the sentence andnew or complex information at the end.This makes sentence linking easier, and helps the reader to follow the thread of your argument:THE COURT OF AUDITORS' REPORT criticises agricultural spending and proposes some new measures to prevent fraud.THEIR PROPOSALS include setting up a special task force with powers to search farms.SUCH POWERS are not normally granted to Commission officials, but fraud prevention is now one of the EU's main priorities.(Note that the passive verb is OK in the last sentence because it fits in with the flow of information).Make sure your sentences have strong endings - that's the bit readers will remember.If necessary, move less important information to the left. Try to avoid feeble endings.Complete institutional reform is advocated by the report in most cases.What the report advocates, in most cases, is complete institutional reform. Some more ways of putting important information in the best position - at the end of the sentence:For EU enlargement several alternative scenarios could be considered.There are several scenarios that we could consider for EU enlargement.The accession of new Member States in several stages now seems likely.It now seems likely that new Member States will join in several stages. KISS: Keep It Short and SimpleShort ...The value of a document is not proportional to its weight. Your readers will not respect you more because you have written 100 pages instead of 20. In fact they are more likely to resent you for making such demands on their time. The Members of the Commission have repeatedly asked for documents to be more succinct, and the Secretariat General has even been known to reject over-long documents.Some ways to cut out FOG:1.Don't state the obvious. Trust your readers' common sense.2.Don't clutter your text with redundant expressions like "as is wellknown", "it is generally accepted that", "in my personal opinion',"and so on and so forth", "both from the point of view of A and fromthe point of view of B".3.Don't waste words telling readers what the text is going to say, orreminding them what it said earlier. Just say it. Once.Shorter documents tend to have more impact, and so do shorter sentences. Asa guide:1 document = 20 pages at the most1 sentence = 20 wordsBut varying sentence length makes for more interesting reading.... and Simple:English is a very rich language with a wide choice of different expressions meaning the same thing. Use simple words where possible. Simple language will not make you seem less learned or elegant: it will make you seem more credible. Foggy phrasing often reflects foggy thinking.in view of the fact that aswith respect to ona certain number of somethe majority of mostpursuant to underwithin the framework of underaccordingly, consequently sofor the purpose of, in order to toin the event of ifif this is not the case if notif this is the case if soconcerning, regarding aboutwith reference to, with regard to aboutSimple, uncluttered style calls for the positive form, not the negative It is not uncommon for applications to be rejected, so do notcomplain unless you are sure you have not completed yoursin correctly.It is quite common for applications to be rejected, socomplain only if you are sure you have completed yourscorrectly.False friends and other pitfallsFalse friendsIt is understandable that we get our languages mixed up in a multilingual environment like the European Commission. Interference between French and English is particularly common. But "Frenglish" expressions which might be permissible in-house are meaningless to outside readers. They are alienating and they create FOG.Here are some of the more common "faux amis" in Commission use:Frenchacquiscommunautaireacquis body of EU lawactuel actual current,topical adéquat adequate suitableassister àassist at attend, participatecapacité capacity ability,capability compléter complete supplementcontrôler control supervise,check disposer de dispose of have, keepéventuel eventual anyimportant important largematériel material supplies,equipment opportunité opportunity advisabilitypays candidats candidates applicantcountriespays tiers third countries non-member countries perspectives perspectives prospects,outlookprévu foreseen provided for, plannedstagiaire stagiaire traineeStatut (des fonctionnaires)Statute StaffRegulationsEurojargon and EurospeakJargon is a language used by any group of insiders or specialists to communicate with each other in a way that cannot always be understood by outsiders. If you want outsiders to understand, don't use Eurojargon (comitology, habilitation, European construction, etc.).Euro speak, on the other hand, is a potentially useful language coined to describe European Union inventions and concepts which have no exact parallel at national level. There are only a few of these (e.g. subsidiarity, codecision, convergence, economic and social cohesion) and correspondingly few real excuses for using Eurospeak.Spell it outKeep a tight rein on abbreviations and acronyms.(ERDF + EAGGF + CAP = ZZZ). Write them out in full wherever possible.ReferencesMuch of the advice given in this booklet is adapted from: "The Plain English Guide" by Martin Cutts, Oxford University Press, 1996 and"Style: Toward Clarity and Grace" by Joseph M. Williams, The University of Chicago Press, 1995 which are highly recommended.Readers wanting more detailed information on in-house conventions for http://ec.europa.eu/translation/writing/style_guides/english/index_en.htm spelling, punctuation and usage should consult the English Style Guide produced by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) and available athttp://ec.europa.eu/translation/writing/style_guides/english/index_en.htm.Important:All the examples of FOG in this guide are fictional. Any resemblance to anypast, present or future EU document is coincidental.Directorate-General for TranslationEuropean Commissionec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/index_en.htm ec.europa.eu/translation/index_en.htm。