

【2019-2020】3G版201X年4月30日雅思考试预测-范文模板 (2页)

【2019-2020】3G版201X年4月30日雅思考试预测-范文模板 (2页)

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2024年雅思口语1-4月份题库Part1本季新题:1. MemoryAre you good at memorizing things?Have you ever forgotten something important?What do you need to remember in your daily life?How do you remember important things?2. CelebritiesWho is your favourite celebrity in your country?What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true? Would you like to be a famous person in the news?3. AdvertisementIs there an advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child?Do you see a lot of advertising on trains or other transport?Do you like advertisements?What kind of advertising do you like?4. MoneyDo you prefer to save money or spend money?How do you save money?What do you think about payment apps or mobile payments?Do you use a credit card to buy things?Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?5. Social MediaWhen did you start using social media?Do you think you spend too much time on social media?Do your friends use social media?What do people often do on social media?6. Feeling boredDo you often feel bored?When would you feel bored?What do you do when you feel bored?Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?7. Crowded PlaceIs the city where you live crowded?Is there a crowded place near where you live?Do you like crowded place?Do most people like crowded places?When was the last time you were in a crowded place?8. Video gamesDo you play video games?Would you watch others play video games?Do you think people spend too much time playing video games? Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others?9. CakesDo you like to eat cakes or other sweet foods?Do you like to eat cakes as a child?Can you make cakes?Are there any traditional Chinese cakes?Do you like to have desserts after meals?10. SunglassesDo you often wear sunglasses?Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?Do you give sunglasses as gifts?Have you ever lost your sunglasses?11. SingingDo you like singing?Why?Have you ever learned how to sing?Who do you want to sing for?Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?12. Collecting thingsDo you collect things?Are there any things you keep from childhood? Would you keep old things for a long time? Why? Where do usually keep things you need?13. ColourWhat is your favourite colour?What colour do you dislike? Why?What colours do your friends like most?What colour makes you uncomfortable in your room?旧题:1. TravellingDo you like travelling?How often do you go travelling?Where do you usually travel?How do you feel when you are travelling?2. TransportHow do you go to work or go to school?What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? How far is it from your home to work or to school?Do you think people will drive more in the future?3. MapsDo you often use maps?Do you use paper maps?How often do you use maps on your phone?Do you have maps at home?4. ClothingWhat kind of clothes do you like to wear?Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes? Do you like wearing T-shirts?Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?5. Musical instrumentsHave you ever learned to play a musical instrument?What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?Do you think music education is important for children?6. NoiseDo you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?What kind of noises are there in the area where you live?Do you want to move to a quieter place?Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?Is making noise one of people’s rights?7. Tea or coffeeDo people like tea and coffee nowadays?Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guest?When was the last time you had a cup of coffee or tea?Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?8. RobotsAre robots important?Would robots affect people’s lives?Have you ever watched a movie about robots?Should we set a robot drive for us for long journeys?What can robots do for you at home?9. RunningDo you go running a lot?Where do you usually go running?When was the last time you went running?What do you think of running as a sport?10. GiftsHave you ever sent handmade gifts to others?Have you ever received to great gift?What do you consider when choosing a gift?Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?11. ChattingDo you like chatting with friends?What do you usually chat about with friends?Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend? Do you prefer to communicate face to face or via social media?Do you argue with friends?12. GeographyHow do you like geography?Do you think geography is useful?Have you ever learned geography?Do you want to be a geography teacher?13. filmsWhat films do you like?Did you often watch films when you were a child?Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?14. Helping othersDo you usually help people around you?How do you help people around you, such as neighbors family and friends?Do your parents teach you how to help others?Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?What have you done to help the elderly?15. FishingIs fishing popular in your country?Do you like eating fish?Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you? Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?-必问话题--Work or Study- Do you work or study?- What technology do you use at work?- What work do you do?- Why did you choose that type of work or job?- Do you miss being a student?- Do you like your job?- What subject are you studying?- Why did you choose to study that subject?- Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon?Home and Accommodation- Do you live in a house or apartment?- Which one do you prefer, house or apartment?- Can you describe the place where you live?- What room does your family spend most of the time in?- How long have you lived there?- Do you plan to live there for a long time?- Please describe the room you live in?- Which room do you like the most in your home?Why?- What part of your home do you like the most?Hometown- Where is your hometown?- Is that a big city or a small place?- How long have you been living there?- Do you like your hometown?- Is there anything you dislike about it?- What do you like (most) about your hometown?- Do you like living there?- Please describe your hometown a little- Do you think you’ll continue living there for a long time?The area you live in- Do you know any famous people in your area?- What are some changes in the area recently?- Do you like the area that you live in?Part2/3话题完整版人物类(6个)Part 3How can children help their parents at home?Should children be taught to help others?What makes children help each other at school?Should students do community service? Why?Do students in your country do volunteer work?Why do some people do volunteer work all over the world?Part 3What qualities should a leader have?What should people do without a good team leader?Why do some people dislike teamwork?Do you think young people are good team players?Part 3Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes? Who are more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people in the city?Are tourist attractions in the countryside more welcome than those in the city? What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country?Part 3What communication skills does a talkative person have?Is it good to be talkative?How should parents encourage their children to talk more?How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?On what occasions do you think a child should should talk less than usual? What jobs need employees to be talkative?Part 3What factors lead to success?What do people need to sacrifice for success?Which is more likely to be successful, family business or large corporations? Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment? Can you provide some examples of family business in your country?What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?Part 3Should students have physical education and do sports at school?What qualities should an athlete have?Is talent important in sports?Is it easy to identify children’s talents?What is the most popular sport in your country?Part 3When do you think children start to have their own opinions?Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?Who are the smart children likely to be influenced by?How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?Part 3Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between you and other people?Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?Where and how can people get to know new people?Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?Why do the individuals from the same family have different personalities? How does society influence a person’s personality?Part 3What foreign languages do Chinese children learn?Why do Chinese children learn English?Why are so many people learning English?How can you help children learn English?Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past? What are the benefits of the Internet for people’s learning?Part 3Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals?Which dishes area must at festivals?Should students learn to cook at school?Do you think cooking should a compulsory or elective course?地点类(4个)Part 3Do people have enough places to relax in your country?What do people usually do when they are relaxed?Is physical activity good for relaxation?Do you think that spending time in front of a screen helps people to relax?Do people have to spend a lot of money to relax?Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?Part 3Do young people like to go to parks?What do old people like to do in parks?What benefits can parks bring to a city?What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?Why do some people like planting flowers?Part 3What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?Why do some people like to visit historical sites?How can people preserve historical buildings?Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings? What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why?Part 3How can people access travel information?Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?What causes the differences between different regions of your country?Is it just youngsters who like to try new things, or do people of your parents' age also like to try new things?Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?物品篇(17个)Part 3What do people usually do when they get lost?What are the differences between paper and digital maps?What do you think of in-car GPS navigation system?What do people often do with a map?Why do most people prefer to us a paper map?How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your country?Part 3What kind of places should be noise-free?Can people bring children to these noise-free places?Why can't people make noise in places like churches, libraries and museums? What public morals should people follow in your country?Part 3What kind of movies do you think needs to be seen in the cinema to be fully appreciated?What can cinemas do to attract more audiences?Do you think people can learn new cultures through movies?Do most people prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Why?What are the advantages of going to the cinema with friends?Is going to the cinema still popular?Part 3What are the benefits of public facilities?Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?Do you think people would feel happier when they are in a park or a coffee shop? Why?Is a public park necessary in every area? Why?Part 3Do you think people in your country have long enough holidays?Which holidays are popular in your country?Are there any popular places for holidays in your country?What are the differences between old and young people when spending their holidays?Do you think having holidays help people learn other countries' cultures?Why do some people dislike holidays?Part 3Where do children learn skills in your country?What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others? What important skills should a child learn?What skills do you think teenagers should have?Who should teach teenagers skills?What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning skills?Part 3What kind of jobs do Chinese young people like to do?Do Chinese young people prefer to choose an interesting job or a job with a high salary?Do you think it is easier to get job now than in the past?Is it important to be successful in a job?Do you think AI will takeover many jobs?Can AI improve people's lives? If so, how?Part 3What goals should a society have?Do people need to have goals?What goals do people at your age have?Is it necessary to give advice to children?What goals do young people usually have?What should people do to achieve their goals?Part 3What equipment do you find difficult to use?What can you do with a laptop?What are the benefits of using technology in the workplace? Why do some people in the workplace dislike technology? Why do people buy a lot of household appliances?What do people often do with electronic devices?Part 3Can people tell a person’s personality by his or her clothes?On what occasions should people wear uniform?Why should students wear uniforms?Why should people at work wear uniforms?What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?Part 3What do you think of online advertising?Are there any great online advertisements?What do people usually buy?Why does buying new things make people happy?Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?Part 3Do you think people are taking too many photos these days ? What kinds of photos do people like to take?Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?Do you think equipment is important for photography?Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job? Why? Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?Part 3What rules should children follow at home in your country?On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?What rules should people follow when using public transport?What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?When people break rules, how would they be punished in your country?Part 3Does learning make people feel tired today?When do people usually feel tired?What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising? How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired?Part 3Do you think parents should give their children advice?Should teachers give students advice?Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice?How do people give young people and old people advice?What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice? Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher?Part 3What are the differences between painting and drawing?Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?How does building style affect people's lives?Should children learn to draw and paint? Why?How do young people share arts with others?Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed?Part 3Why do some children not like learning science at school?Is it important to study science at school?Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?How do you get to know about scientific news?Should scientists explain the research progress to the public?事件篇(19个)Part 3On what occasions do people have to do things in a hurry?Why do some people spend along time on having a meal?Would people feel more satisfied if they finished doing something quickly? What kinds of jobs need to be done quickly?What might make some people more productive than others in completing tasks?Part 3Is having outdoor activities important to people?Do people go outdoors more or less now than in the past?What can people do outdoors besides exercising?When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature?What can people do to get close to nature?Part 3How do companies train their staff to deal with complaints?What do people usually complain about?How do most people complain, in writing or by other methods?How do people often respond to poor customer service?How would you react if you received poor service at a restaurant?Part 3What kind of people tend to lose things more often than others?What kind of people tend to lose things more often than others?What kind of things do people often lose?Why do some people find lost things easier than others?What do you think are the reasons why some people pickup lost things and don't give them back?Part 3What are the main means of transport in your country?What can the government do to improve transport in your country?Do you think travelling was better in the past than it is now?Do you think that tourist attractions help people learn about new cultures?What difficulties do people often face when travellingDo you think technology makes travelling more difficult?Part 3How do people have a conversation with an elderly person?What can young people learn from old people?Do you think old people can work better than young people?What are the advantages of having people of different ages living in the same house? Has old people’s life quality improved when compared to the past?Do old people share the same interest as young people?Part 3What activities do children in your country often do?At what time do children often have activities?What are the differences between activities at home and at school?Why do some people like to participate in activities?What activities do people do in their free time?Does technology affect children's activities? If so, how?Part 3Are you often busy?What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure? What kind of pressure people may experience at work?How does technology help with time management?Does technology distract people?Part 3What are the differences between shopping in small shops and in big shopping malls?Why do some people like to buy expensive goods?What kinds of markets are there in China?Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?Part 3Should people be very kind when they help others?Should children be taught to be kind to others?Should parents give children advice?What kind of advice should parents give to their children?Can kids provide any help to parents?Part 3Do you think everyone's routine is different?Which jobs need a morning routine?Is a daily routine important?Do you think children need to have a routine too?Do you think routine is important for companies?Part 3-What kind of activities do young people like to do?-Why do some young people like adventurous activities?-Do you think older people would like to have changes?-Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?-What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?Part 3-How do most people respond to bad services?-Do you think services are better now than in the past?-What kind of services are bad services?-Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services? -Who should be responsible for bad services?-What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide?Part 3What are the things that make people feel proud of?Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task? What challenges do young people face today?How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?What are the most difficult jobs that people do?Part 3-Do you like new things or changes in life?-Why do some people quit and change jobs?-How to adapt to changes in life?-Who can adapt better to changes, children or adults?-When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you consider?-What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?Part 3On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?What do people do while waiting?Are most people patient while waiting?Do you like like to wait for a long time? Why?Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?Part 3What do people use computers for?Should students be allowed to use computers at school?What do you think of people addicted to playing computers?Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?Why do people often have problems when using new products?Part 3-Why do people like parties?-Why do some people not like going to parties?-Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties?-Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?-What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor's party?-What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place?Part3-Should everyone know history?-In what ways can children learn history?-What are the differences between learning history from books and from videos? -Is it difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings?-Who should be responsible for protecting historic buildings?。



雅思1-4月口语Part3题库答案(庆祝个人节日)What personal events do people usually celebrateWell, for most people, I believe, they tend to celebrate some special occasions, like wedding, birthday, or to memorize the special moment when you are hired, get admitted to an ideal university or such-like activities.The very reason underlying this phenomenon is that celebration works well when it comes to sharing our happiness with others we truly care about. There are of course some other tiny but meaningful events as well deserve celebrating, such as passing the final exam, getting praised by teachers or even getting up early for over half a year.How do people celebrate their personal eventsWell, the common way of people celebrating their personal events, I think, may be inviting their guests, including relatives, friends during school time, or colleagues at workforce, over to dinner. The invitees may bring some delicate gifts or red envelopes to the hosts, and send wishes to the heroes or heroines of the celebrations. In return, the hosts treat them with tasty drinks and dishes, making everyone a very happy and jovial person. B esides, there’s a rising trend among young generations to celebrate their special day by asking several close friends to go out. More often than not, the entertainment spots are their favorite. It’s very likely for them to celebrate something special by dieting in restaurant, chatting in a coffee bar, or singing in KTV.How much time do people need to prepare for celebrationsWell, the time spent on pr eparing may differ, depending on different circumstances. But, it’s safe to say that preparing for celebration won’t be that easy or time-saving as we might think.F irst, you know, we need to contact the guests one by one in advance, asking whether they’re free to attend the celebration. Then, for some grand ceremonies like wedding, the bridesmaid along with bridegroom should decide where, when and how to celebrate their important event. All of these trivial thingies might take time to consider.Do you thi nk it’s necessary to spend some money on celebrationsY eah, as far as I’m concerned, it’s quite necessary to spend some money on celebrations. Celebrations, in my mind, represent a special event happened in our life. Thus, why not celebrating it, making that day a memorable and cherished oneFor we human beings, we always look for a day when we could offer our thanks in a special day. Taking for example birthday celebration, we cheer for that special day simply because that’s the day of appreciation. Through celebrations, all the family members, close friends can gather together, providing an opportunity for us to express our gratitude to them.。




Part 2& part 3⼈Describe a person you know who is good at cooking. (2015年新题)Who the person isWhat your relationship with the person isWhat kind of food the person cooksWhy the person is good at cookingP3Nowadays do people eat at home or at a restaurant? Why?Do you think in the future people won’t eat at home?Where do people like to eat in China today?Eat at home or go outside, compare them.What food do people like to cook?Do you think schools should teach students how to cook?Describe a person you dislike but you have to be friendly to(2015年新题)Who the person isWhat she/he looks likeWhy you dislike him or herWhy you have to be friendly toP3What are the differences between being friendly and being polite?(这道变态的题⼜出现了)Describe a friend who you think is a good leader(2015年新题)Who the friend isHow you first metWhat the person doesWhy you think the person is a good leaderP3How do good leaders act?Who is more likely to be a leader, male or female?Nowadays females are earning more salary. Do you think this means there will be more female leaders? Can good leaders be trained?Do you think everyone can be leaders?Describe a family member who you want to work with.(2015年新题)Who the person isWhat kind of person he or she isWhether you worked with him or her beforeWhy you want to work with him or herP3What is the most common family business in your country?What are the benefits of working in a large company?Why do you think people should not stay in the same company for too long?Describe a person who has a good/an important job(⾼频)Who the person isWhat you usually do with the personWhy the person is important to youAnd explain how you respect the person.A beautiful or handsome friend(⾼频)Who the person isWhat he or she looks likeWhen you first met him or herWhat his or her personality isP3Do you think people’s appearance matters?Which is better, to have a lot of friends or just a few close friends?Is it important for salesperson to be beautiful or handsome?There are some skinny models in some magazines. Do you think it’s good for young people to read? What kind of things can be described as beautiful?Discuss the beauty of cities and beauty of the nature.Do you think it’s good for people to care too much about their appearance?A singer or band you like(⾼频)Who the singer or band isWhat kind of music they playWhy you like themWhen you listen to their musicP3What kinds of music are popular in China? Name a few.How do you practice singing?What are the benefits of singing?Do you think everybody can sing well?Does music industry tend to make more money or produce more good music?How do you think can we do to make more people accept a certain kind of music?Describe an older person you respect and is important to youWho the person isWhat you usually do with the personWhat the person did when he was youngAnd explain how you respect the person.P3Is there any other person thinking that he is fun?Do you think old people and young people should live together?Do you think people should help elderly people in the neighbourhood?Do you think grandparents are important to children?What do you think old people can learn from younger generation?What do you think of the fact that parents working far away, leaving children with their grandparents?A sportsperson who did well in games(⾼频)Who the person isHow you know about this personWhat sort of life they had before they became famousHow this person performedAnd explain why this person is important to your countryP3Do you think men and women like the same sports?Do you think children in China have enough time to do sports?What can be done about it?Is sport important to children?What are the differences between male’s favourite sports and female’s?What do famous people have in common?What characteristics do famous people have?。



雅思口语题库(新题+保留题)2020年1月-4月口语季-1-目录Part1新题+旧题 (5)Museum (5)Major (5)Friend (5)Pen/pencil (5)Science (5)Water sports (6)Art/Gallery (6)Voice (6)Walk or Running (6)Cake (7)Tea or Coffee (7)Patience (7)Music (7)Math (7)Laugh (8)Spending time by yourself (8)Park (8)haircut (8)Where you live (9)Work or Study (9)Jeans (9)Visiting hometown (9)Vacation (10)Languages (10)Photos (10)Part2&3人物类(新题) (11)教会你道理的人 (11)长时间陪伴的家人 (11)新闻里常出现的你想见的人 (12)Part2&3人物类(保留题) (13)擅长一项工作的人 (13)常坐飞机的人 (13)Part2&3经历类(新题) (14)一次被延迟的重要旅行 (14)跟你道歉的经历 (14)一次团队合作经历 (15)想要达成的目标 (15)帮助某人的经历 (16)面对的挑战 (16)天气导致改变计划 (17)乘坐公共交通的旅行 (17)不用手机的时候 (18)一次重要的旅行 (18)Part2&3经历类(保留题) (19)有趣的谈话 (19)很累但要保持清醒的时刻 (19)和朋友说谎的经历 (20)庆祝成就 (20)愉快的一天(特别的一天) (21)第一次见某人 (21)无聊的经历 (22)向别人借东西的经历 (22)失而复得的东西 (23)Part2&3事物类(新题) (24)一个有趣的动物 (24)一家成功的小公司 (24)不想做的工作 (25)一次兴奋的时候 (25)一次喜欢的表演 (26)第一次很难用的东西 (26)收到重要的信息 (27)一个理想的居所 (27)有用的技能 (28)在者网上看到的一篇文章 (28)一套制服 (29)Part2&3事物类(保留题) (30)长时间准备的礼物 (30)地区特产 (30)想与朋友探讨的电影 (31)跟家人一起的休闲活动 (31)童年玩具 (32)得到的工作或学习建议 (32)家里的图片 (33)室内游戏 (33)喜欢的天空 (34)Part2&3地点类(新题) (35)你家乡发生的变化 (35)一个拥挤的地方 (35)Part2&3地点类(保留题) (36)小时候的学校 (36)读书写字的地方 (36)多彩的地方 (37)想要到访的新建筑 (37)使用说明:1.本题库整理截止至1月5日,因此可能并非完整题库,一般变题两周时间(也就是到1月12日),题库才会固定,我们会实时跟进在公众号【屠鸭GO】上。

4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案

4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案

4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案整理一下年1月至4月雅思口语Part1新题及笔者所做的参考答案,希望能给各位考生作参考。



Topic 1 Computer1.How often do you use your computer?I use my computer every day, for browsing news, making purchase online, as well as for downloading learning apps.2.What kinds of computers are popular in China?I guess maybe office computers and laptops. For brand,I believe apple-brand computers take up the most market share among Chinese people.3.Who taught you how to use a computer?Actually I’m a self-taught computer learner, but I first learned computer with the help of my high school teacher Mr. Thompson,from Britain.4.Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?No doubt. Computers have largely facilitated our lifeas we don’t have to worry about abhorrent calculations, and online shopping as well as friend-making software have benefitted us quite a lot.Topic 2 Park/Garden1.Are public gardens very important in China?I assume yes. Public gardens may help to purify the air as well as provide us with a good place to stroll in. After tiring work or study, we feel at ease in the garden with all kinds of flowers in the eyesight. Also the garden is a symbol of local “green-belts〞.2.Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?I guess yes, but there is no garden nearby my house. I wish there were more.3.What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?Well, I would say, they beautify the city and enhance tourism by attracting visitors. What’s more, they are often where couplesflirt.4.Do gardens play the same role for old people and young people?I don’t think so. Old people tend to walk in the garden to kill time or loneliness, while for young people, the garden is a cosy place for them to talk about love.Anyway, the garden is a nice place for all ages of people to relax and to read.5.Do you think gardens have any value for children?For children, the garden is a childhood memory cos when they grow up and recall the past, they at least share something in common that they experienced all together.6.Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens?Public gardens, of course, since public gardens are well-constructed with various public facilities. A boisterous but good-natured crowd may have fun together.Or: Private gardens of course, cos we grow plants anytime available to build up our own independent space.Topic 3 Science1.Do you like science?I do, science is the pillar of economic development and it’s against superstition.2.Are there many science museums in your hometown?I guess yes, like the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.3.Did you like science classes when you were young?I did, although they were kind’a demanding for me. I learned the mysteries of the world through science classes.4.Do you think school children should learn both art classes and science classes? Well, that depends. It’s hard to say cos for students who have an extremely keen interest in a certain subject that they also excel at, I don’t think it’s necessary to learn both; but for those who don’t show a particular preference, maybe it’s better to integrate art classes with science classes.Topic 4 Handcrafts1.Do you like to collect things made by hand?I do, like puppets2.Did you ever take handcrafts lessons at school?I remember I did, but only few, about paper-cut.3.Are handcrafts popular in China?Certainly. Handcrafts are the traditional Chinese culture as we often send handmade gifts to our friends as a custom, such as paper-cuts and embroidery.4.Do you think children should learn more about handcrafts?In China, yes. Making handcrafts may exercise children’s imagination and creativity since they are at the best age to learn new things.Topic 5 Study Efficiency1.Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?I prefer to study in the morning cos my mind is active after a good rest at night. We have the old saying: the best season during a day is the morning.2.Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?I reckon because they don’t have a good rest, say they stayed up late the night before. Some people have really irregular timetables.3.What do you do to improve learning efficiency?I would say, to integrate work with leisure, have a clear division of work and rest by making a clear schedule. Keeping a good mood also matters a lot.Topic 6 Bicycles1.How often do you ride bicycles?Nearly once a week. / Every day.2.Is it difficult to learn how to ride a bicycle?It’s just ok. I’m afraid of falling off. And we have to keep balance, actually. This maybe is the most difficult part for a beginner.3.Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?In intermediate and small cities yes, but I don’t think riding a bike is something good in a large city like in Beijing, we have a really fast pace of life every day, we’re tired. I just don’t wanna make myself worse.4.When was the last time you used your bicycle?If I’m not mistaken, it was ___ days ago.5.Do you think bicycle is very convenient for people to use in modern life?Of course yes, bicycle is a symbol(象征) of green and clean transport. We don’t have to worry about traffic jams riding a bike. It’s also economical(代替cheap). 6.How would you teach your children how to ride a bicycle?I’d let my children learn it by themselves.Topic 7 Dancing1.How often do you dance?I don’t form a routine. I dance on an irregular basis,say, when I’m happy, I’d dance quite often.2.Is dancing difficult to learn?Yes, cos the dancing gestures and postures are sometimes really tough to learn well. Good dance requires really high flexibility.3.Would you learn dancing in the future?I would consider it. It makes me fit and helps to cultivate femininity (适合女考生) or good temperament (适合男考生).4.Where do Chinese people usually go dancing?Personally, we would like to dance in the ball or forthe older people, in the park, like the square dancing.以上笔者所撰参考答案。





Part1(共包含65个话题范文解析)1.Forest1)When was the last time you went to a forest?Sample answer:When I was an exchange student in Taiwan several years ago,I went to Ali Mountain with my roommates.I was so exciting because there were so manyhard-wood trees that I hadn’t seen before.The scenery was appealing like what we see in fictitious films.We also took the train and watched the beautiful landscape at the same time which was a precious memory for all of us.解析:从个人的经历的角度来讲,包含何时去的,同行的人以及具体的体验和细节。


2)Do you like going to a forest if you are free?Sample answer:I’dlike to.Travelling to a forest is an excellent experience and can refresh my mind.However,I live in a megacity and it’snot feasible for me to go to a forest as I wish.解析:可以从肯定和否定两个角度来讲,并阐述自己的理由。



雅思口语完整题库+高分素材2020年1月-4月口语季雅思干货,更多雅思资料请加微信:yangtuo1125-1-目录Part1新题+旧题 (4)Museum (4)Major (4)Friend (5)Pen/pencil (5)Science (6)Water sports (6)Art/Gallery (7)Voice (7)Walk or Running (7)Cake (8)Tea or Coffee (8)Patience (8)Music (9)Math (10)Laugh (10)Spending time by yourself (11)Park (11)haircut (12)Where you live (12)Work or Study (13)Jeans (13)Visiting hometown (14)Vacation (14)Languages (14)Photos (15)Part2&3人物类(新题) (16)教会你道理的人 (16)长时间陪伴的家人 (18)新闻里常出现的你想见的人 (20)Part2&3人物类(保留题) (22)擅长一项工作的人 (22)常坐飞机的人 (24)Part2&3经历类(新题) (26)一次被延迟的旅行 (26)跟你道歉的经历 (28)一次团队合作经历 (30)想要达成的目标 (32)帮助某人的经历 (34)面对的挑战 (36)天气导致改变计划 (37)乘坐公共交通的旅行 (39)不用手机的时候 (40)一次重要的旅行 (42)Part2&3经历类(保留题) (43)有趣的谈话 (43)很累但要保持清醒的时刻 (45)和朋友说谎的经历 (47)庆祝成就 (48)愉快的一天(特别的一天) (50)第一次见某人 (52)无聊的经历 (54)向别人借东西的经历 (56)失而复得的东西 (58)Part2&3事物类(新题) (60)一个有趣的动物 (60)一家成功的小公司 (62)不想做的工作 (64)一次兴奋的时候 (66)一次喜欢的表演 (68)第一次很难用的东西 (70)收到重要的信息 (72)一个理想的居所 (74)有用的技能 (76)一篇关于健康的文章 (77)一套制服 (79)Part2&3事物类(保留题) (81)长时间准备的礼物 (81)地区特产 (83)想与朋友探讨的电影 (84)跟家人一起的休闲活动 (86)童年玩具 (88)得到的工作或学习建议 (90)家里的图片 (92)室内游戏 (94)喜欢的天空 (96)Part2&3地点类(新题) (98)你家乡发生的变化 (98)一个拥挤的地方 (100)Part2&3地点类(保留题) (102)小时候的学校 (102)读书写字的地方 (104)多彩的地方 (105)想要到访的新建筑 (107)-3-Part1新题+旧题Museum1)Do you enjoy reading?2)What kind of books do you like?3)Do you like going to museums?4)Were you interested in history when you were young?5)When did you read a book about history last time?1)Yes obviously.Although I describe myself as a sociable person,I also enjoy reading,since reading is the thingthat can help me calm down and2)I prefer detective stories like Holmes.I find it really exciting to let myself sink in the world of inference and Ialways dream about having a friend like Watson,who can accompany me to work out numerousproblems. 3)Yes I do.Visiting places like museums provides me with the chance to know about history and things aboutour ancestors,I believe it is an educative place for people of all ages to visit.4)When I was young,my parents told me a lot of the historic stories of China and also other countries,at thattime I thought history the subject is also about listening to the stories so I looked forward to learning the subject very much.But later when I actually learn about it,I found that there are also boring issues and things like the impact of the movement,the background of the new policy for me to memorize,so gradually I lost my interest.5)I am not a fan of history,so to be honest,the last time I read a book about history is the vacation that I was insenior high school,which is a task given by my history teacher.I found it really boring to read history, although it offers me with the opportunity to learn about things in the past and make me moreexperienced.Major1)What’s the most important part of your major?2)What’s the most interesting part of your major?3)Which one is more important,the teacher or the student?4)Is what you have studied closely related to your ideal job in the future?/Do you think it(your subject)will be helpful for you in the future?5)What can you learn from these courses?6)Are there any differences before and after studying these courses?What are they?1)My major is marketing,and for me the most important thing is to understand customers’needs and wants toserve them and co-operate with the R&D department to produce goods to satisfy their needs,and this is also difficult since sometimes customers themselves do not know what they actually need.2)My favorite course is microeconomics,since it is amazing for it to explain so many phenomenons and issueswith its theories,ranging from business activities,prisoner's dilemma,to daily activities.And it also enables the students to rethink about the things happening around themselves and give them the explanation in terms of economics.3)Both of the two are important.For teachers,it is important for them to shoulder the responsibilities to try tomake every student understand the knowledge they have taught,and for students,it is their task to respond to the teachers and spare every effort to work hard and get good results.4)I do not think so.Since I have done some internship before,and what I found is that sometimes marketing ismuch more than using the theories and models I learned from class,it is more related to connecting the company and the customers,it is a thing that needs the help of the whole company.5)I learned about various models,formulas,theories,and different solutions to problem that may happen inthe marketing process.It is of some use when companies really do marketing,but what needed to be learn is much more than these theories.To learn marketing well,one always have to make real actions.6)Well,marketing is a major that everyone knows something about it.The biggest difference before and after Istudy the courses is that I become more rational about the sales in the supermarket since I know they are all marketing,and also I think my knowledge network becomes clearer.Friend1)Do you have friends far away?2)Do you keep contact with your childhood friends?Why?3)Do you consider yourself as a good friend?1)Yes,she is one of my best friends in the university.We knew each other in our university life,and then wewent to different countries for study and work.Now,she lives in America and I work in Shanghai.The distance between us is pretty far,but we still try to find some time to contact with eachother.2)Unfortunately,I don’t do so.This is mainly because we both have different social circles as we grew up,andwe had fewer and fewer common topics.Now,it is embarrassing for us to have an afternoon tea with each other.3)I think so,because as a friend,I’m willing to listen to my friend’s complaints and doubts,and then I would liketo give some advices for her.In addition,I will try to find some helpful things to do to upgrade ourselves.For example,my friend and I have set a goal for cultivating the exercise habit.We do pump it up three times a week in the dormitory,and we have keep this for nearly half a year.Pen/pencil1)Which one do you prefer,pen or pencil?2)Which one do you used to use,pen or pencil?3)How do you feel if someone gives you a pen or pencil?4)When did you buy a pen or pencil last time?1)I prefer using pencils now.I used to write with a pen in my high school,but I find it is more convenient to usepencils.If I write something wrong,it is easier to change when I write inpencil.2)As I have said before,I used to use pen in my high school.High school students are required to use pen inexams,so our teachers ask us to write our homework and tests in pen so that we can adapt to do so in the exam.3)In my childhood,it should be a nice and pleasant gift for me because I liked collecting different pens andpencils,especially those pretty ones.But now,I couldn’t say it is a surprising gift because I don’t use them very often and I’m not a person enjoy writing.Instead,I’m used to typing on my laptop.4)I’m not sure the exact date,but it may be two months ago.As I’m a university student,I still have to use pensand pencils regularly,although most of our homework are required to be submitted in digital versions.And two months ago,I just experienced my mid-term exams,so I had to use pens in my exam.I remember in case of not enough pens,I bought some that time.Science1)Have you ever had science classes?2)Is there a science class in primary school?Do you think it is important?3)Should people learn science?4)Do you like science classes?5)What kind of science do you do?6)Is science important?1)Yes,of course I have taken science classes when I was in primary school.The teacher did some simple butinteresting experiments to teach us some basic knowledge about science.2)As far as I know,science classes are quite common in primary schools of China and science has become asubject of curriculum in elementary education.3)Yes,I do.Having science classes is efficient in satisfying children’s curiosity and helps them know more aboutthe world and nature.If without science classes,they will miss these precious chances to keep close ties with the whole planet.4)Yes,they should know more about science because it makes them explore the world in a deeper way andadapt themselves to this ever changing society.5)Well,it really depends on whether the lessons are difficult or not.Like if they are easy to understand andpractical in daily life,I am ok with them.But if they are super complicated and beyond my comprehension, then I am not into them.6)I have done plenty of researches in astronomy since I’m quite interested in star ing telescopesto watch sky is one of my favorite things,which really delights me when exploring the unknownworld.7)Yes,science definitely plays a vital role in the world evolution and human development,which is penetratedin every sector of people’s daily life.For instance,without basic scientific knowledge,people will never tell the weather for the next day,not to mention the appropriate clothes to wear.Without science,the whole nature and human beings will be haunted by darkness and chaos.Water sports1)Is water sports popular?2)What water sports do you like?1)I’m not that sure,but from what I can see,from the young people around me,they tend to favor water sports,such as scuba diving and surfing,to have fun,but maybe for others,especially the old generation,they will probably not be into it.2)I’m into all kinds of water sports,in terms of extreme ones,I’m keen on scuba diving and surfing becausedoing it makes me feel excited and I really get a good kick out of it.And in terms of something gentle,I prefer water yoga because it helps me keep fit.Art/Gallery1)Do you like art?2)Do you often go to gallery?3)Do you hang any pictures in your room?1)Well,it really depends on what kind of art it is,like if it’s realism painting that’s quite impressive,and I am able tocomprehend it,then I’m fond of it,but if it’s something beyond my understanding,then I’m not into it.2)I go to art gallery every now and then,like twice a month,if I am not caught up with work,then I will gothere with my friends to unwind myself,but if I am quite busy,then I won’t go.3)Yes,I do.I’m the type of person who is interested in colorful things so that I hang a copy of VanGogh’s sunflower paintings in my room to light up my mood.Voice1)Does your voice sound similar to your parents’?Why?2)Do you enjoy listening to your voice?3)Has your voice ever changed?1)I think my voice sounds similar to my mother’s.I spent a lot of time with my mom when I was little and Imimicked and followed her way of speaking.2)Well,when I practiced my speaking skills,I usually record my answer and listen to it by myself.To tell thetruth,I don’t like my voice.I think it sounds like a boy and sometimes I cannot recognize my voice.3)I haven’t notice that.But I think my voice has become lower with years.Walk or Running1)Do you enjoy running?Why?2)When did you do a long running last time?Why?3)Where do you walk?4)Do you think you walk more than before?5)Do you think people will walk more in the future?6)What types of sports TV programs do you enjoy watching?1)Yes,I enjoy running,that really helps me get rid of stress and brings me freedom even just for a few minutes.2)I ran about40minutes last night on a treadmill.I was really nervous about this test and running could helpme relax.3)I enjoy walking in the park nearby my home,where has a great view.My family and I usually take a walkafter dinner.4)I don’t think so.The shared bicycle,like ofo and halo,is very popular and convenient recently.I usually ridea bike instead of walking.5)I don’t think so.More traffic tools have been invented to facilitate people’s daily life recently,for example,the self-balance bike and electric bicycle.People can save the walking time to do some otherthings.6)I enjoy watch ball games,for example table tennis,basketball and badminton.My family and I like towatch the live coverage of world-class competition.Cake1)Do you like eating cakes?2)When do you have cakes?3)How do Chinese people feel about desserts?1)I like eating cakes,but my dentist keeps saying I ought to try to wean myself on sugary to protect myteeth.2)I have cakes once a month.I will reward myself by a piece of tiramisu if I work hard and exercise regularly inthis month.3)Chinese people like desserts and we have different types of desserts for different seasons and festivals.And each province has its typical desserts.Tea or Coffee1)What do Chinese people prefer?Tea or coffee?Why?2)What do you usually prepare for your guests,tea or coffee?3)When did you drank coffee or tea last time?1)For most Chinese,especially the older people,they prefer tea because they think tea is healthier.But someyoung people enjoying drinking coffee because coffee can refresh them when they are tired.2)It depends on the preference of the guest if I know what they like.Generally,I will prepare tea because I liketea more than coffee.3)Last time I drink coffee is several days ago when I prepared my final exam.I have to stay up late,so I drankcoffee to refresh myself.Patience1)Is being patient very important?Why or why not?2)Are you a patient person?3)When you are not patient,what do you do?4)What are the things that make you impatient?5)What do you do when waiting for bus?1)Patience is important because it enables us to control our emotions or impulses when faced with difficulties.2)Yes,I think I am a patient person.I can tolerate waiting,delay or frustration without becoming agitated or upset.Plus,I usually take the time to assess the situation,see the big picture,and weigh any pros and cons,which results in better decision-making.3)When I am not patient,I will take a deep breath and count silently to myself,which help control over my emotions.4)I describe myself as a calm person,and I am always patient.Maybe the thing that drives me crazy is thatothers do not show enough respect to me,like using my shampoo without my permission,or wearing my newly-bought dress to go to the party without even telling me.5)I always check my phone to make sure if there are new messages.If there aren’t any,I will go through thenews to see what is happening both in home and abroad.Music1)Do you like music?2)What's your favorite type of music?3)Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?4)Which instrument would you prefer to study-the piano or the violin?5)Do you think it's important for children to learn(to play)a musicalinstrument?6)Do you think listening to music really helps you?7)When do you listen to music?8)Have you ever shared music with your friends?1)Yes,I do.I listen to music almost every day.I like to listen to music before I go to bed.The melody and rhythm helpme to relax and have a sound sleep.2)Country music is my favorite.My favorite country music singer is Taylor Swift who is gorgeous and gifted,herfamous song,Love Story,is my favorite song of this type.However,Taylor now turns into a pop singer who makes me feel a little bit sad and disappointed.3)Yes,I have learned how to play guitar since I was10years old.Now,with more than10years'practice and study,Iam a master of guitars.I perform every year at the anniversary celebration of our university.4)I prefer to study how to play the violin.As I have mentioned,I can play the guitar well,and the way to play theviolin is somehow similar to the guitar.I mean both of the instruments require the player to use the left hand to press the string.I believe it is easier for me to learn the violin.5)Yes,I do.Learning a musical instrument can help children to cultivate their interest in music and art.They will alsodiscover the beauty of music and composition thus developing aesthetic value.6)Yes,I think music is the best medicine to cure my pain and sorrows,it is just like magic.I mean,it is so magicalfor music to express so many different moods only with the change of the beat and sequence of the notes.When I listen to the melody of mu favorite song,I feel cured and are ready to continue mywork.7)Actually I am not fully used to listening to music when I am doing my homework,just like other students do.Iam more used to listening to the music when I feel lonely,tired,or sad,since I think it is a good way to cheer myself up.8)Yes we do share songs with each other.It has become a hit today to share songs in social medias to expressfeelings,or only to share them without any purpose.For me,the reason for me to share is that I want to like these songs with good melody or moving lyrics to my friends,just like sharing my birthday cake.Math1)Do you think mathematics is important?2)Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well?3)Are girls generally good at mathematics?4)Do you often use a calculator?5)Are you good at mathematics?6)Is it important to use mathematics in your field?7)Are you good at remembering numbers?1)Yes,I think it is.We all need a basic grounding in maths so that we can do daily tasks,like managing our money,working out bills,and so on.But for some advanced mathematics,it depends on what you do.For example,if you are a programmer,math would be very important.But if you are a writer,math is not quiteuseful.2)Yes,of course.Learning math is just like solving puzzles.My math teacher once told me it would be satisfyingwhen you could get an answer.Unfortunately,as I grew up,especially after being introduced to more advanced math,I can hardly feel this sense.So personally I find it quite difficult to learn mathwell.3)Emm…I do not think girls are generally good at mathematics,especially advanced mathematics.Although girlsare generally careful enough to do some simple math problems and calculations,they behave worse in mathematical logic.Plus,many girls consider math is too far over their heads.4)It depends.I like to exercise my brain with some simple calculations,but I use a calculator to cope with thecomplex stuff.5)I have to say,no,I am not.When I was in junior high school,I tend to be the top students since I was reaalygood at maths,but afterwards,when I started senior high school,things becomes different and sometimes I found it difficult to work out these problems,sometimes I cannot even find the right formula touse.6)Yes of course,maths is important in commercial majors like marketing.Sometimes we have to do surveys andanalyze the raw data to reach to a conclusion.Without good skills in maths and statistics,sometimes it is difficult to complete the process.7)Yes I am.I have the ability of memorizing phone numbers,whenever others tell me a number through phone,do not need to write it down on the piece of paper,instead,I am able to memorize it until I call this number to the person I would like to talk with.Laugh1)Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh?2)When did you laugh last time?3)Do you think it important to laugh with friends?1)Yes,I really like,such movies or TV shows make me feel relaxed and happy.When I was in bad mood,I’m muchmore willing to watch comedies,because they can help me to transfer my attention and go out of the shadow. 2)I’m a girl who really like to laugh,so I think last time I laugh should be yesterday.I was watching a talkingshow program yesterday night,and there were some jokes in the show which make me laugh out of tears.Even now I think of them,I still find it was funny.3)Yes,of course.In my opinion,friends mean people who I would like to spend time with them.The timeshould be joyful,pleasant and ughing with friends seems to be the happy experience,and it helps to reinforce our friendship.Spending time by yourself1)Do you like spending time by yourself?2)What did you do last time you were by yourself?3)What do you usually do when you spend time by yourself?1)Yes,I enjoy spending time by myself.In other words,I enjoy doing something alone.We have to social withothers not only in life but in our work time.It has been more and more difficult to have our real private time,I mean the time just for myself.Therefore,I like to do something alone to enjoy that private time whichmakes me to think something or just relax.2)I read a book before I slept.Always,the bed time completely belongs to me,and I choose to read books atthat time.I remember I read a detective book last night,and the plot was pretty attractive and a little scaring.I like that book and I wonder what happened then,so I still will read it tonight.3)One of my habits is baking,and usually I do it when I’m alone.And every time I do baking,I hope no onewould disturb me.Focusing on it makes me feel relaxed and peace.It is a kind of way to release my pressure in daily life.Also,I would like to read books which I’m interested in to spend time bymyself.Park1)Are public parks very important in China?2)Are there many public gardens in China?3)Do you think there are enough parks or gardens in your hometown?4)What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?5)Why do people who live in cities like publicgardens?1)Yes.In China,you can see lots of parks.It not only does god to the environment,but also provides a placefor he old to do morning exercise.2)Yes.These parks not only do god to the environment,but also provide a place for he old to do morning exercise.3)I think so.in my hometown,you can see public parks nearly everywhere ad it’s enough for people to havea rest or do morning exercise.4)Plants in gardens can absorb the pollution in the air and people can rest ad do morning exercise ingardens.5)Because people in cities seldom have chance to go to countryside to enjoy the fresh air and contact withnature.However,gardens are the only way city people can enjoy the nature.haircut1)What’s your favorite hairstyle?2)How often do you have your hair cut?3)How much do you usually spend on your haircut?4)Do you often change your haircut?1)I prefer short hair because it is easy to handle.I've kept short hair style for xxx years.2)I go to the barber's once a month.3)It usually takes me40rmb to have my hair cut.4)I seldom change my hairstyle./I change my hairstyle once every year.Where you live1)Which town or city do you live in?2)Are you going to move in the near future?3)Do you live in a house or an apartment?4)Do you plan to live there for a long time?5)What can you see from your window of your flat or your house?6)Have you ever lived in the countryside?7)Will you live in the countryside in the future?1)I live in Shanghai with my parents.We moved to this lovely city three years ago.I enjoy living in Shanghaiand I have made some new friends here.2)I plan to move to Qingdao where is a coastal city in the east of China.I have been to Qingdao last year.The beautiful weather and delicious seafood attract my interests.3)I live in a apartment which is located in the center of my hometown.Its transportation is veryconvenient.4)No,I will move to another place when I graduate.Because I want to live by myself and try to be independentrather than relying on my parents.5)From my window,I can see the building next to my apartment.It was an office building that includes manylittle companies.6)I didn’t live in the countryside for a long time,but I usually spent my summer holiday in the countryside in myprimary school because my grandparents lived there.Since my parents both have their work in the day,I was asked to go to the countryside when I was in summer holiday.In my memory,the life there was interesting.I had peers to play together and my grandparents cooked yummy dishes.Most importantly,I didn’t have to do homework that time.7)I don’t think so,because I have lived in city for almost20years,and I have been used to living in cities.Thismeans it is very inconvenient for me to live in the countryside.My company,my friends and my parents are all in the city,I will feel lonely if l go to the countryside.Work or Study1)Where do you work?2)What kind of job do you do?3)What have you learned from your job?4)What do you major in?5)Are you happy with the subject you are studying in?6)What have you learned in your area of studies?1)I work in a travel agency as a tour conductor.My company is located in Shanghai and mainly focuses oninternational travelling,especially travelling to European countries.2)I work as a tour conductor for international travel.My responsibilities are to order the tickets andaccommodation for our guests and introduce the tourist attractions to them.3)I work for international travels,so I have opportunities to travel abroad and experience diverse cultures fromdifferent countries.Besides,my job promotes my communication skills because I need to chat with my customers from all walks of life in journey.4)My major is English education and I focus on the teaching strategies in classroom for students who do notspeak English as their first language.5)I enjoy learning my subjects and I think my major is very useful for the current education situation of Englishin China.6)I learned the teaching strategies in language classrooms.For example,how to plan a lesson,how tocommunicate with students and how to assess students language competence are all the categories I need to work on.Jeans1)How often do you wear jeans?2)Do you like wearing jeans?3)Why are jeans popular?4)Will jeans be popular in the future?1)I don’t wear jeans very often because I think jeans are too casual for work.I only wear jeans on weekendsfor informal occasions.2)I like wearing jeans because jeans are durable,especially Denim.Denim is typically thicker than regularpants and,if taken well care of,can last for years.3)Because that jeans are versatile and can be worn with casual and dressy casual outfits.In some companies,theycan even be worn to work.Apart from that,jeans can also be dressed up with a nice shirt or sports jackets.4)Jeans have been worn for more than100years and are by far the most popular style.I believe jeans aretime-tested and will be popular in the future.Visiting hometown1)How often do you go back to your hometown?2)How often do you visit your grandparents?3)What do you bring as gifts when you go back for visits?4)Do you enjoy visiting friends more or families more?1)Since I’m a college student,I go back to my hometown on every summer and winter holiday.So,I go backtwice a year.But if there’s something emergency happens at home,I’ll also go back then.2)Well,that really depends.As my grandparents live in the rural area,so I need to catch a two-hour bus to go totheir place.And during my staying at home,time is really limited,so the real circumstance maybe they will come and see me at my home.I feel bad about that,I should go and visit them moreoften.3)Normally that would be the local food and snacks from the place I currently live in.For other times,I’ll bringsome souvenirs when I was just back from a trip to home.I think it’s a good tradition because it shows my love and caring to my family.4)To be honest,I enjoy visiting my friends more.Cause they share common topics and interests with me,Inever find it boring staying with them.Whereas as for my families,they may expound something mechanically to me and ask me to do it.I feel uncomfortable doing so,but on the other side,I love my family.So,it’s really a dilemma for me,every time when I visit them,I feel struggle inside.Vacation1)How often do you go on vacation?2)Do you want a long or short vacation?3)What was the most exciting thing you experienced in a trip?4)Tell me about your dream vacation.1)I go on vacation twice every year.In July and August,my family go abroad together to relax ourselves aftermonths of hard works.In winter vacation,which is around Febuary,I would go back to myhometown.2)I prefer a short vacation.Sometimes I get bored in summer vacation and find nothing to do in late August.Short vacation is better for relaxation and is easy to get back to work.3)When I was on vacation in Hawaii,I went scuba diving and saw various of fishes and marine species,forinstance schools of jelly fish,pen fish,even clusters of sea cucumbers.4)My dream vacation is going to the Great Britain with person I like.It does not need to a long vacation----afew days would be fine.We can get up in late morning and have brunch in the cafe with great view.In the afternoon,we would spend some times on sightseeing.I want to go to aquarium,castle and theme parks.Languages1)How many languages do you speak?2)How did you learn the language you speak?3)Do you think English is hard to learn?。


Hometown Whats (the name of) your hometown? Is that a big city or a small place? Please describe your hometown a little. How long have you been living there? Do you like your hometown? Do you like living there? What do you like (most) about your hometown? Is there anything you dislike about it? Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
Street Market What do people in your country prefer? Street market or Supermarket? Are there many street markets in China? What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? What do street markets sell?
Haircut How often do you have a haircut? How long have you had your current haircut? Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? Do you like to have your hair cut?
The area you live in Do you like the area that you live in? What are some changes in the area recently? Do you know any famous people in your area? Where do you like to go in that area?



2020年4月30日雅思口语机经预测近期口语新题和高频热点题1.Part 2 Describe a photoyou like/ Describe your favoritephotograph2.Part 2 Describe anitem of clothing that someone sent toyou/that was bought for you.3.Part 2 Describe a speacialtrip/a long journey br car/train you enjoyed.4.Part 2 Describe a long car journey5.Describe a family ( type ) you like6.Part2 Describean interesting wild animal in yourcountry.7.Part 2 Describe a difficult decision/animportantdecision that you have made.8.Part 2 Describesomething important you once forgot todo.9.Part2 Describe a long walk you enjoyed10.Part2 Describe a person who has apologized to you11.Part2 Describe a song/describe your favorite song/Describea song that has a special meaning to you.12.Part2 Describethe first foreign country/an interestingcountry/another country you would loveto visit13.Part2 Decribe a famous person you know from thenews/Describe a foreigncelebrity/a famous person who is notfrom your country, and u like to meet14.Part 2 Describe your best friend15.Part 2 Describe anarticle you read from the internetor books about healthy life16.Part2 Describe a childhood Toy /Describe a toy thatyou enjoyed playing with inyour childhood.17.Part 2 Describean exciting sport you would like toplayPart 3 What are extreme sports? what do you think ofthem?Should people take extreme sports?18.Part2 Describe a bad weather situation thataffectedyou19.Part 2 Describe ahappy event from your childhood thatyou remember20.Part2 Describe a place with a lot of noise最重点必看1近期口语新题和高频热点题11.Part 2 Describe a photoyou like/ Describe your favoritephotographYou should say:Where was the photo taken?Who took the photo?What can be seen from the photo?Explain why it is the favorite photograph for2.Part 2 Describe anitem of clothing that someone sent toyou/that was bought for you.3.Part 2 Describe a speacialtrip/a long journey br car/train you enjoyed.You should saywhere you wentwhen and why you went therewhat landscapes you sawand explain why this was such an unforgettable trip.4.Part 2 Describe a long car journeyYou should say:where you wentwhat you did at this placewho you went there withand explain why you went on that journey by car.5.Describe a family ( type ) you likeYou should sayWhere the family livesWho the members of the family areHow you got to know themAnd explain why you like this family6.Part2 Describean interesting wild animal in yourcountry.You should say:What is it?What does it look like?When and where did you see it?And why is this wild animal interesting.7.Part 2 Describe a difficult decision/animportantdecision that you have made. You should say:what the decision washow you made your decisionwhat the results of the decision were and explain why itwasimportant8.Part 2 Describesomething important you once forgot todo.You should say:what you forgot to dowhen this happenedwhere it happenedand explain why you forgot to do this.9.Part2 Describe a long walk you enjoyed10.Part2 Describe a person who has apologized to you11.Part2 Describe a song/describe your favorite song/Describea song that has a special meaning to you.You should say:what song it iswhen you first heard itwhat the song is aboutand explain why this song has a special meaning to you.12.Part2 Describethe first foreign country/an interestingcountry/another country you would loveto visitWhich country would you like to visit? why do you want tovisitthis country? What attracts you most in this country?13.Part2 Decribe a famous person you know from thenews/Describe a foreigncelebrity/a famous person who is notfrom your country, and u like to meet14.Part 2 Describe your best friend15.Part 2 Describe anarticle you read from the internetor books about healthy life16.Part2 Describe a childhood Toy /Describe a toy thatyou enjoyed playing with inyour childhood.You should say:what it looked likehow you got this toywhat you did with this toyand explain why you enjoyed playing withthis toy.17.Part 2 Describean exciting sport you would like toplayPart 3 What are extreme sports? what do you think ofthem?Should people take extreme sports?18.Part2 Describe a bad weather situation thataffectedyou19.Part 2 Describe ahappy event from your childhood thatyou remember wellWhat the event wasWhen and where it happenedWhat you saw or didAnd explain why you remember this event so well20.Part2 Describe a place with a lot of noisePart 1高频题1.Part1 NameWhat is yourname? How should I call you? Does your namehave any special meaning orsignificance?2.Part 1 Personal Present SituationAre you a student or do you have a job?Study What kind of schooldo you attend? What do you likemost about your studies? What is your major? Isthat a verypopular subject to study in your country? Is your subjectverychallenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do whenyou have a difficultywith your studies? Why did youchoose ...as your major? What's more importantwhen studying -the student or teacher?3.livingplace/house/apartmentPart 1/Part3 Do you livein a house or a flat/apartment?What is your house/flat like? What furniture orappliances doyou have in your home? which part of the apartment do youwant tomake a change? What kind of house or flat do you wantto live in in the future?Do you like the decoration in yourhome? Why or why not? Will you move toanother house or flatin the near future? What do you think of theneighborhoodwhere you live? How long have you lived there?How do you like it? What areyour neighbors like?4.Part 1 HometownPart1 Whereare you from? What’sthemostimpressive/interesting part of your hometown? Has yourhometownchanged in recent years?最重点必看2近期口语新题和高频热点题21.Part 2 Describe a person you know that has made acontribution to thesocietyYou should say:Who this person isHow do you know about this person.What contribution he/she made2.Part 2 Describe astreet that you like to visit.You should say:Where it isHow often you go thereWhat you like to do thereand explain why you like it.3.Part 2 Describe a success in yourlife4.Part2 Describe a novel or a story you thoughtparticularly interesting.5.Part2 Describe a practical skill /the thing you wanttolearn but can’t learn now6.Part 2 Describe a timewhen you enjoy looking at abeautiful sky7.Part2 Describe aspecial dinner/Describe yourfavorablemeal/a memorable meal or dinner you had.You should say:what you atewhere you had this mealwho you ate withand explain why this was a special meal to you.8.Part 2 Describe an oldperson you respect/a familymember/a family member you spend much time with/youwant towork with9.Part2 Describe an interesting historical event in yourcountryWhat it wasWho it involvedWhen it wasWhy you think it was interesting10.Part2 Describe a law about environmental protection /apopular law/good lawrecently issued/Describe a good law inyour country.You should say:what the law ishow you first learned about this lawwho benefits from this lawand explain why you think this is a goodlaw.11.Part 2 Describesomething useful you borrowed Youshould sayWhat the thing wasWhen you borrowed itWhom you borrowed it fromAnd explain why you borrowed the thing.12.Part 2 Describe angoal you want to achieve in thefuture/Describe an ambition you don't achieve now13.Part 2 Describe aperson you like to stay with/Describean old person you respect/Describe an oldperson who you liketo talk to.You should say:who this person ishow you know them what you usually talk aboutand explain why you like to talk to him or her.Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink thatChinese people are very patient?最重点必看31.Part 2 Describe a place/a village youvisited that hasbeen affected by pollution2.Part 2 Describe aproduct/anelectronic product youbought and feel happy aboutWhat it isHow it is usedAdvantages and disadvantages3.Describe what you woulddo if you had a day off, freefrom work or studyYou should say:where you would gowhat you would do therewho you would go withand explain how you think you would feel at the end ofthis day.4.Part 2 Describe a paidjob you or someone elsedid/Describe a person you know who has an importantjob.You should say:Who the person isWhere the person worksWhat the person does in the jobAnd explain why you think the person’s job is important.5.Part 2 Describe a stageof your life that you enjoyed.You should say:how old you were (or, when this stage of your life tookplace)how long it lastedwhere you were living at the time / Who you were livingwith atthe timewhat you were doing during this stageand explain why you think this was an enjoyable stage ofyour life.6.Part2 Describe an ideal house/ place you want to liveinWhere your ideal house should be?What will it be like?Why do you like to live in such a house?7.Part 2 Describe an interestingconversation/Describe aconversation with a stranger you hadPart 3 What are themost frequent topics of conversationthat people (in your country) talk about?Can you think of any situations when two strangers mightengagein a conversation? Compare (the differences) betweenthe different kinds ofconversations that you have (or, atypical person has) with the different(types of) people inyour life. Is there much difference between men and womenwhenthey have a conversation with other people of the same gender?8.Describe an occasionyou waited for someone.You should say:when it happenedwho you were waiting forwhere you waitedand explain how you felt when you were waiting.9.Part 2 Describe a dreamyou had10.Part2 Describe afestival that is difficult for you toget together/Describe a festivalthat is important in yourcountry/one of your favorite festivals一般重点【20201914233021318202735121931版】1.Part2 Describe a personyou know who can speak a secondlanguageYou should sayWho this person isHow you know themWhat language they speakAnd explain why you think this person can master thislanguage2.Part 2 Describe anindoor game(not a sport) when u werechild/in your childhood.You should say:what the game waswhen, where and with whom you usually played ithow you played itand explain what was special about this game.Part3 Whatare the differences in the things that childrendo now and what they did in thepast?3.Part2 Describe a fashionableperson/a person who dresseswellYou should sayWho the person isHow you know themWhat clothes they like to wearAnd explain why you think they dress well4.Describe a person wholikes to travel by planewho this person ishow you know this personwhere this person has travelled toand explain why this person likes to travel by plane5.Part2 Describe aperson you had disagreement with/Describe a person who you dislike but have to be friendly towho the person iswhy you dislike him or herwhy you have to be friendly to6.Part 2 Describe a smallbut successful companyYou should say:the name of this companywhat this company doeswhat kinds of people work in this companyand explain why you think thiscompany is successful.Part 3 What are the characteristics of a smallcompany/business?How can a small company /business be runsuccessfully?7.Part2 Describe a successful company/Describe a familybusiness you know8.Part2 Describe aneducational trip you tookYou should sayWhere you wentWhat you did thereWho you went there withAnd explain why you thought this trip was educational。



2020年雅思口语模拟试题及答案(卷二)雅思口语相关话题:Meal1. What kinds of meals do you like?2. Do you often dinner with your family or friends?3. When do you usually eat dinner?4. Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?5. And what is your favourite cuisine?6. What kinds of meals do you like?7. Do you often dinner with your family or friends?8. When do you usually eat dinner?9. Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?10. And what is your favourite cuisine?雅思口语part1参考答案Oh, I adore different meat plates…My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops…However, I don’t like to cook…That's why I often eat ready meals and take-aways.Well, I try to dinner with my family as often as possible…Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for such dinners due to my busy schedule...I usually have main meal at about 4 p.m. …I'm starving hungry by then and sometimes overeat myself...Yes, there are…I’m not a fussy eater, but I really hate onions andseafood…I try to avoid meals that might contain these products…Well, I love French cuisine for its versatility and flavorful ingredients.... French cuisine has a variety of dishes, starting from their famous onion soup and ending with cheese fondue... Also, it rarely uses artificial ingredients or flavors.Oh, I adore different meat plates…My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops…However, I don’t like to cook…That's why I often eat ready meals and take-aways.Well, I try to dinner with my family as often as possible…Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for such dinners due to my busy schedule...I usually have main meal at about 4 p.m. …I'm starving hungry by then and sometimes overeat myself...Yes, there are…I’m not a fussy eater, but I really hate onions and seafood…I try to avoid meals that might contain these products…Well, I love French cuisine for its versatility and flavorful ingredients.... French cuisine has a variety of dishes, starting from their famous onion soup and ending with cheese fondue... Also, it rarely uses artificial ingredients or flavors.1.what is the busiest part of the day for you?From about 10 o'clock to noon. That is when i have to take care of my work and tings are a bit hectic.2.What part of your day do you like best?My favourite part of the day is late afternoon, because the day's work is coming to an end, I can go home, and i have the evening to look forward to, and the weather is generally pleasant and cool.3.Do you usually have the same routine every dayAlmost. I start my day with coffee, then rush to the train station to go to work and back home. Not too much room for flexibility when you work 9 hours a day and you are 12 hours out of the house. I dream of becoming a freelancer especially for this reason.4.What is your daily routine?In a typical weekday I have to wake up a bit early and revise my university lessons and then I rush to the university campus to attend the lecture. At around 2.00 pm I eat my lunch in the cafeteria and spent the whole evening in the library. After I return home at around 7.00 pm I spent my time in my study room and have my dinner with my family members. I watch a news channel for an hour and then get back to my room. I read a story book for a while and at around 1.00 am I go to bed.5.Do you ever change your routine?I always want some changes in my life, so my routines also are constantly changing. I do not like to have mundane or routine set of activities each day, that would be boring. Also, having different patterns can keep others guessing about your whereabouts, just adds to the。




由于2月份雅思考试已取消,本次预测话题适用于2020年3月-4月参加雅思考试的考生,可下载打印高清版进行复习准备,本次话题库共包含part1、part2、part3 三部分话题。

PART1:共37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题PART2&PART3:共48个话题,新题23题,旧题25题PART1 话题-(本部分包含37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题)PART1 新题回库(共13题)LaughDo you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh?Do you usually make your friends laugh?Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?Do you think it’s important to laugh with friends?ArtDo you like art?Have you ever visited an art gallery?Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?Have you ever had art classes?Pen & PencilDo you usually use pen or pencil?Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil?When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present? Water sportHave you done water sports?What water sports do you like doing?Are water sports popular in China?What kind of water sports do you want to try?CakeDo you like dessert?Do you like eating cakes?What desserts do Chinese people like?Have you ever made cakes?Science classDo you like science class?Did you have science class in primary school or high school?What kind of science did you do at school?Do you think science classes are important?Spending time by yourselfDo you usually spend time by yourself?What did you do last time you were by yourself?How do you usually spend your time by yourself?Do you like spending time by yourself?HistoryHave you ever been to historical museums?Do you like history?When was the last time you read about history?Did you like history when you were young?SceneryIs there good scenery in your hometown?When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with scenic views?Do you like to take pictures of good scenery with your smartphone? Why? Is there good scenery in cities?NumberWhat’s your favorite number?Are you good at remembering phone numbers?Do you usually use numbers?Are you good at math?ParkDo you often go to a park?What activities can be done in a park?Do you think people like going to parks? RunningHow often do you go for a run?Where do you usually go running?Do you like running?Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? BreakDo you prefer a long break or several short breaks? What do you usually do during a break?Why do you need to take a break?How often do you take a break?PART1旧题(共24题)Public holidayHow many public holidays do you have in China? Do you think people need more public holidays? How do you usually spend your holidays?Which holiday is your favorite?PatienceWere you patient when you were young?How do you feel when other people are not patient?Were you less or more patient when you were angry?The area you live inDo you like the area that you live in?What are some changes in the area recently?Do you know any famous people in your area?Where do you like to go in that area?PhotosDo you like to take photos?Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? How often do you take photos?In what situations do you take photos?How do you keep your photos?TravelDo you like travelling?Which cities have you travelled to?What kind of cities do you like to travel to?What is the place that left you the deepest impression when travelling? MusicWhen do you listen to music?How much time do you spend listening to music every day?What kinds of music do you like to listen to?What's your favorite kind of music?Have you ever been to a concert before?Work or studyWhat work do you do?Do you like your job?Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?Do you miss being a student?Why did you choose to study that subject/ Why did you choose to study those subjects?What subjects are you studying?Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?Are you looking forward to working?Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)Tea and coffeeDo Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?。



[导读]为方便考生备战4.30雅思考试,小编整理出4.30雅思作文G类预测,希望考生根据4月雅思预测来提高成绩,预祝考友们考试顺利通过!4月雅思预测:4.30雅思作文G类预测大作文重点按顺序如下:年青人老年人问题,妇女问题,语言学习,旅游,全球化,文化,医疗社会福利, 动物保护,教育,媒体,社会经济工作问题,科技,交通问题,城乡差别,艺术,节假日休闲,家庭生活等话题,要求同学们多准备这方面的词汇和句型。


小作文重点排列应该是一级重点:曲线-柱状图-表格-饼图二级:表格-柱状图-曲线-饼图的结合图三级:流程图20%机率,地图20%机率,稍微准备(2009年9.26刚考完流程图,2010年1月23日和5月15日考了地图,5月20日考了流程图,5月29日,6月17日,6月26日,7月10日刚考完地图,10月14日考了个两个考古工具图,12月11日考了地图).4.30雅思作文G类预测:大作文1.Health services are the basic necessity for a person. Private companies have made the health services quite costly for ordinary individuals. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh its disadvantages?2.As technology develops, more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent. Is this a positive or a negative development?3. Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone?s life. Some people say that advertising is a positivepart of our lives while others say it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.4. Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree?或In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.5.Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the stu dents’ performance. What is your opinion?6. Some people say the popularity of English and tourism will harm the minorities and minor languages, To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion. /Globalization will inevitablely lead to the loss of a variety of languages and cultures.Give reasons and solutions.7. Damage to environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living. To what degree do you agree or disagree to this position?8. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying outis a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.9. Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities. To improve this situation, some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years. Others, however, believe every one has the free right to choose where to work. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.10. Some people prefer to do the same job in the same place, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides./ People spend more and more time at their work place and don’t spend enough time with family and friends. Why is this happening? What consequences can this have for the family life and society?11. “The media plays a valuable role in keeping us informed and entertained. However, many people believe it has too much po wer and freedom.” Discuss your views on this, giving examples and presenting a balanced argument both in favor of, and against, the power and freedom of the media.12. In the past people thought that education was only for young people. Now it is believed that education is for a person's whole life. Do you agree? State with you own experience and specific details.13. Writes an essay considering and assessing arguments forand against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.14.Some peoplethink children should learn to compete,but others think that children should be taught to cooperate. Express some reasons of both views and give your own opinion.15. More and more people using mobile phone and computer to instead of letters. Will letter disappear completely? Agree or disagree? How important of letter writing you think are?16.What is your opinion about a success of a team: does it depend on mental attitude of the whole team or on the strongest individuals?17.More and more women go out to work. Is it the government’s responsibility to subsidize them and provide free staff and facilities to care for their children? To what extent do you agree or disagree to this idea?18. Creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas (words, pictures, music and films. However some people think government should take some restriction with them. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give your reasons with own knowledge and give examples.19.Some people think that children of different abilities should be educated together. Other people think that it’s better to teach the intelligent children separately and with specialtreatment. What do you think?use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.20.Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use for the international communication. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?21. Most people have dreams of one day becoming rich. But does the average person have the ability to make a lot of money? Think about this question. Then write about 250 words describing your thoughts22. Young people are important resources to their country, but governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. Please show those problems and give your ideal suggestions to solve them.23. Although it is a freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?What’s your opinion?24. The development of science and technology benefit our life. However, scientists cannot find effective solutions to the problems they created. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion?25. A lot of countries have schools that focus only on themales or females. What are the advantages and disadvantages of unisexual schools?26.For many years the nuclear family, consisting of father, mother, and children, was considered to be the normal family pattern in China's society. Yet in many other cultures and in our own in the past, three generations--grandparents, parents, and children--often have lived together. What are the advantages and disadvantages of three generations living together? Give specific examples in a 250-word essay.27.Some people say that c h i l d r e n s h o u l d b e d i s c i p l i n e d i n t h e i r e a r l y a g e , a n d p u n i s h m e n t s h o u l d b e u s e d . T o s o m e e x t e n t d o y o u a g r e e ? W h a t k i n d o f p u n i s h m e n t c a n b e u s e d b y t e a c h e r sa n d p a r e n t s ?b r b d s f i d = " 1 6 8 " > b r b d s f i d = " 16 9 " > 2 8 . M a n y f a m i l i e s a r e h a v i n g f e w e r c h i l d r e n . H a v i n g e v e n j u s t o n e c h i l d c a n h a v e a d r a m a t i c i m p a c t o n t h e p a r e n t s ' l i v e s . W r i t e a b o u t t h i s i m p a c t i n a b o u t 2 5 0 w o r d s . Y o u c a n d i s c u s s t h e n e g a t i v e i m p a c t , t h e p o s i t i v e i m p a c t , o r b o t h . b r b d s f i d = " 17 0 " > b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 1 " >2 9 . N o w a d a y s m u s e u m s h a v e b e c o m e m o r e a nd m o re i m p o r t a n t . W h a t a r e t h e p u r p o s e s of p l a c e s s u c h a s m u s e u m s a n d h o w s h o u l d t h e y b e f u n d e d ? b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 2 " > b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 3 " >。

2020年4月30日雅思听力真题预测(Section 3)

2020年4月30日雅思听力真题预测(Section 3)
30. Budget …E
31. Comment …D
26. 拿到quesห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ionnarie后女的有什么看法:
A. divided into 2 parts to argue
B. 重点看受访者的意见
C. take into consideration of both sides
27. 调查报告很自信feel confident:
A. earn respect
2020年4月30日雅思听力真题预测(Section 3)
Multiple Choices:
21. the subjects in questionnaire/survey are:
A.tourist in the hotel in this area B.local resident C.people who are living in this area
22. 调查怎样记录 result of questionnarie:
B. technology ...
A.Internet B.National Press Journalist C.Local Newspaper D.Radio E.Council meeting munity reference
28. Map —B
29. Photos …C
A. directly reply via electronic digital ...



2020年4月30日雅思写作犯罪类题目预测犯罪类1、Some people believe that if a police force carries a gun, it will encourage higher levels of violence in the whole society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2、In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?3、Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Others believe that most crime is committed by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.4、Some people think that all the lawbreakers should be taken into the prison, while others believe that there are better alternatives, (for example, doing some work or learning some skills in the community). Discuss both views and give your opinion.5、Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?6、Today prison is the most common solution for crime. But some people think that it would be a more effective way to provide them with better education to prevent them from becoming criminals. Do you agree or disagree?7、Many people are afraid to leave home because of crimes. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crimes, but others feel little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.8、Nowadays some individuals behave in an anti-society way, such as committing a crime. In general, it is the society to blame. What causes the anti-social behaviors of individuals? Who should be responsible for dealing with it?。

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全名,含义,如何称呼你,未来换否, 什么名字在中国比较流行
Study or work
Sunny day
Rainy day
Lateness and punctuality
Public transport
Trees and forest/plant
Shopping and online shopping
物会取代street shopping吗
City and countryside
Busy or not
Daily Routines
Painting and drawing
TV program
Computer and internet
Mobile phone
A building that you think is unusual
A place near water
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you enjoyed being near the water at this place
House moving
An intelligent person
A comic actor/actress
A future plan you have
A family business
A science class
A film you dislike
A TV program you like/dislike
A competition you took part in
A restaurant impressing you a lot
A place where you learnt about a new culture
An antique or old object your family has kept for a long time
Something you saved money for
A recent change to your life
A difficult time you went through
Something you forgot (物品)/Something you forgot to
A training course you had
A positive event in your teenager time
A subject you disliked in high school
A famous/successful person in your country
A friend you haven’t met for a long time
Someone with an important job
A stranger who helped you/who you helped
Someone who paid you a visit at your home recently
Favorite singer/musician/music band
A foreign place(been to/want to go to)
A city (been to/want to go to/important city in your country)
A beautiful flat or house you visited
A room you spent a lot of time in
A book( you read for many times/you want to read again)
A photo which you are in
An important letter or email you received
A popular product made in your country
An electronic equipment (not computer) you bought for your home
A piece of clothing (in important situation)
A historic event
A childhood story
A sport event/something good for health
A performance you watched
A conversation with a stranger
Your favorite season or time in a year
A decision taking a long time to make
A group activity you took part in
Experience of moving to a new place to live
A party you want to throw
A job you’d like to try
A radio program you like
A useful website you often browse An advertisement。
