5. 章节编排序号为:6. 一级标题用TNR,三号,加粗,不缩进二级标题用TNR,小三,加粗,不缩进三级标题用TNR,四号,加粗,不缩进四级标题用TNR,小四,加粗,不缩进各级标题下的正文用TNR, 小四,每段段首首行缩进2个字符,整篇文章采用1.5倍行距,整篇文章正文不少于5000字。
7. 每章开始另起一页,每级标题的实意词均首字母大写8. Bibliography 另起一页,“bibliography”这个词用TNR,三号,加粗,首字母大写,不缩进,每条参考文献按照给出的样式撰写,字体TNR, 小四,详见模板。
9. Acknowledgements 另起一页,排在参考文献之后,“acknowledgements”这个词用TNR,三号,加粗,首字母大写,剧中。
内容用TNR,小四,首行缩进2个字符, 1.5倍行距。
10. 页码设置,封面、学位论文作者声明、目录不要页码,中英文摘要用罗马数字页码如,Ⅰ,Ⅱ…,正文到最后一页用阿拉伯数字,1,2,3,4…….页码在下边线下居中放置,用小五号字体。
11. 参考文献格式说明:英语参考文献在前,逐条按字母顺序排列;中文参考文献在后,按照拼音姓氏的拼音先后顺序排列。
每条参考文献中按:作者. 书名. 出版社所在城市: 出版社, 年份.作者. 题目. 期刊名称. 年份, 第几期: 页码文献类别标注:M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著)C——论文集N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文R——研究报告 S——标准DB/OL——联机网上的数据库 DB/MT——磁带数据库M/CD——光盘图书 CP/DK——磁盘软件J/OL——网上期刊 EB/OL——网上电子公告12. 打印格式:论文(设计说明书)要求统一使用Microsoft Word软件进行文字处理,统一采用A4页面(210×297mm)复印纸打印。
2、字数要求不低于3000个单词或字, 统一采用a4(210x297mm)页面复印纸单面打印.其中上边距,下面距,左边距,右边距,页眉页脚装订线字间距为标准,行间距为倍行距.页眉内统一为:用5号宋体
1) 科学性:观点正确,论据充分可靠,结构合理,能反映出学生对本学科知识系统掌握的程度及其某一问题有较深理解很认识。
吴一安, 刘润清. “中国英语本科素质调查报告.” 外语教学与研究. 1993 (57): 32-35.
许力生. “跨文化的交际能力问题探讨.” 外语与外语教学. 2000 (7): 17-21. ……
摘要标题 四号宋体,加黑。 与下文空出 1 行。
A thesis presented to Business School of Xi’an International Studies University in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Arts
May 20, 2016
Class: Advisor:
西安外国语大学 毕业论文开题报告
毕业论文题目:A Comparative Analysis of the Dining Etiquette Between China and
America from a Cultural Perspective
Key Words: Culture; Culture Differences; Dining Etiquette
Table of Contents
四号宋体,加黑, 与下行不空行
可采用自动 生成目录方 式。
注意上下行 之间要对 齐。
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………1 2. Literature Review............................................................................................2
例如:一、介绍公司或公司产品Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuff,we wish toexpress our desire to trade with you in this line.我们专营中国食品的出口,希望与你方在这一行业建立贸易关系。
We are the largest garments trading company in Japan,andhave offices and representatives in all major cities and townsin Japan.我们是日本最大的服装贸易公司在日本的所有主要城镇都有我们的办事处和代理。
一、商务英语的教学目标商务英语属于专门用途英语范畴,即ESP(English for Specific Purposes),英语语言技能与商务专业知识的紧密结合是商务英语的突出特点。
1.1 封面论文题目:应是整个论文总体内容的体现,要引人注目,力求简短,严格控制在25字以内。
1.2 中英文摘要及关键词中英文摘主要是简明扼要地概括论文的内容,使读者不阅读论文就能获得其主要信息。
1.3 目录最多列至三级标题;各标题应简明扼要并标明页号。
1.4 正文要求4000-6000字。
1.5 参考文献参考文献是毕业论文不可缺少的组成部分,它反映毕业论文的取材来源,同时也是作者对他人知识成果的承认和尊重。
湖南商务职业技术学院毕业设计浅谈商务英语在对外贸易中的作用作者:指导老师:副教授完成日期: 2012年4月13日湖南商务职业技术学院制目录(List)摘要 (1)前言 (2)一商务英语的概念 (3)(1)商务英语的内涵 (3)(2)商务英语的特点 (3)二商务英语与对外贸易的关系 (5)(1)商务英语在对外贸易中的地位 (5)(2)商务英语在对外贸易中的传递知识 (6)三商务英语在对外贸易中的作用 (6)(1)商务英语是从事对外贸易的基础 (6)(2)商务英语在对外贸易中的专门用途 (7)(3)商务英语在对外贸易中起到的作用 (8)四结语 (9)致谢 (10)参考文献 (11)摘要(Abstract)中国是世界经济发展的动力源,也是WTO重要组成部分,生产与经营的各方面都与世界接轨。
在21 世纪初知识经济初见端倪的时代,商务英语作为英语的重要功能变体之一,正日益显示出其强大的生命力:其应用性和普及性是显而易见的。
Part1:What is the production possibilitiesProduction possibilities, refers to a certain elements used in production of two products, due to the distribution of the various elements, makes the production of two products there are several possibl e to cooperate. These possibl e coordination, is the possibility of production.production possibilities frontierpossibilities frontier. In production possibility boundary within production combination is feasibl e, and is l ocated in outsid e the production possibilities frontier. Production possibility curve is used to illustrate and d escribe und er the condition of certain resources and technol ogy can achieve the biggest output combination curve, it can be used for the choice of different combination of the production coul d not be achieved.production possibilities curveThe production possibilities curve can also be used to illustrate the potential and the probl em of excessive. Any point within the production possibility curve, production or potential, namely and und erused resources, there idl e resources; And any point outsid e the production possibilities (is unattainabl e existing resources and technical conditions; only the production possibility curve above points, is the allocation of resources the most efficient point.For exampl e,An economic by A, B and C these three workers. Each worker to work 10 hours a day, and can provid e two services: mowing the lawn and wash the car. In one hour,A can cut a piece of grass or wash a car,B can cut a piece of grass or two car washing, and C can cut two pieces of grass or wash a car.So we can draw a production possibilities curvePart2: What is production efficiencyProduction efficiency refers to the fixed inputs, the process of the actual output and the ratio of maximum output between. Can refl ect a maximum output, goals, or the extent of the optimal operation of the service. Can also measure the individuals of economic output, cost, revenue, or profit und er the goal of performance.Production of the highest efficiency is to achieve production state of Pareto optimality.Pareto optimality is a kind of id eal state refers to the allocation of resources, the assumptions inherent in a group of peopl e and resources can be allocated, from a state of assigned to another state changes, on the premise of notmake anyone situation worse, makes a person better, at l east this is Pareto improvement or Pareto ave more room for Pareto improvement; In other words, Pareto improvement is achieved Pareto optimality of the path and method. Pareto optimality is the "id eal kingd om" fairness and efficiency.Production of Pareto optimalityPareto optimality for factors of production in different products to achieve the optimal input. For the two products, production of two products of the two elements of rate of substitution is equal to the marginal technol ogy. When meet this condition, the distribution of factors of production between the producers to reach Pareto optimality condition, that is to say, can't pass the reconfiguration of productive factors, increase the output of some producers, at the same time d oes not reduce the output of other producers.Part3:What is Opportunity costOpportunity cost is to point to in the face of the many scheme alternative d ecisions, is aband oned or options of the highest value is the opportunity cost of this d ecision. Opportunity cost is also known as alternative costs, alternative costs. Opportunity cost for a commercial company, can be the use of a certain amount of time or resources to produce a commodity, and l ost the use of these resources in the production of other best alternative opportunity is opportunity cost.In life, some of the money availabl e to measure of opportunity cost. For exampl e, when farmers get more land, if choose cannot choose chickens, pigs and pig's opportunity cost is to give up the benefits of chicken. But some opportunity costs often can't use money to measure, for exampl e, l earning to read in the library or enjoy the TV drama And opportunity cost refers to all choose in one of the biggest l oss, opportunity cost will change with the price and make a change, for exampl e by discard liking or value of options to make changes, and the value is will not make the opportunity cost of change. And if in the choice to give up to choose the highest value of the option (choice), then the opportunity cost will be preferred. And to make a choice, shoul d choose the highest value of the option (the l owest opportunity cost options), and give up to choose the most expensive option, namely l ose less is wise.Opportunity cost is usually includ es two parts: 1, the opportunity cost of using someones resources, that is, to pay to the owner of the resource of monetary cost is call ed the d ominant costs. 2, because the use of their own resources and give up other possibilities to get the maximum return of the price, also known as the hid d en costs.The premise of economic analysis of opportunity costUsing the concept of opportunity cost is the premise of economic analysis:1, the resource is scarce2, resources have many USES3, full use of the resources have been4, the resources can fl ow freelyOpportunity cost instanceWhen farmers get more land, if choose pigs cannot choose other poultry, the opportunity cost of raising pigs is to give up the benefits of chicken. Assuming that pigs can obtain A yuan, chickens can obtain B yuan, so is the opportunity cost of pig B yuan, the same, the opportunity cost of chicken is A yuan.Learning to read in the library or enjoy television brings happiness to choose between them. So the opportunity cost of l earning to read in the library is l ess enjoy TV brings joy, enjoy the TV play is the opportunity cost of l ost by l earning to read in the library.If a person to have a house, the man to choose since the opportunity cost of living is the house rent others coul d have income. Because the opportunity cost is not involved in the actual money transactions, so also can become implicit costs.Part4:What is comparative advantageIn economics the theory of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a person or a country to produce a particular good or service at a l ower marginal and opportunity cost over another. Even if one country is more efficient in the production of all goods (absolute advantage in all goods) than the other, both countries will still gain by trading with each other, as l ong as they have different relative efficiencies.For exampl e: Assume that the Portuguese and British two countries, two products, namely, cl oth and wine into the resources for labor. 1 unit of production of cl oth, Portugal requires 4 hours of labor, and the need to 6 hours, in the production of cl oth, Portugal has the absolute advantage. 1 unit of wine production, Portugal need 2 hours, whil e the British need 12 hours, in the production of wine, Portugal also has the absolute advantage. That is to say, in the production of two products, Portugal has the absolute advantage, the British are at a disadvantage. However, Portugal in the two best can find the optimal, is its comparative advantage; Britain in the two bad, also can find carrier, is its comparative advantage.First of all, from the Portuguese sid e, in the production of cl oth, Portugal's labor productivity is 1.5 times that of Britain. Labor productivity in the production of wine, Portugal is the six times in the UK. 1.5 and 6 are the two countries the ratio of two products in labor productivity. 6 is greater than 1.5, that is to say, the two products in the production of cloth and wine, Portuguese and British labor productivity ratio, liquor ratio are higher than cloth, visibl e, Portugal has a comparative advantage in wine production.Secondly, from the British perspective, the production of 1 unit of cl oth need 6 hours, the Portuguese only need 4 hours, the ratio of their labor productivity to 2/3. That is to say, the labor productivity of the production of cl oth only two-thirds of Portugal. 1 units of production in the production of wine, the wine need to 12 hours, while Portugal only need to 2 hours, its labor productivity is the ratio of 1/6, the laborproductivity of the production of wine is 1/6 of the Portuguese. Two-thirds and 1/6, is the two countries, two products the ratio of labor productivity. Two-thirds more than 1/6, that is to say, the two products in the production of cl oth and wine, Britain and Portugal labor productivity ratio, the ratio of the cl oth is better than wine, visibl e, Britain has a comparative advantage in the production of cl oth.。
商务英语/应用英语专业毕业设计英文格式要求一.文档格式第一部分:封面,封底与诚信书: 在学校图书馆/教务处,由班长统一领取.页面设置:纸型为A4,上下页边距为2.54CM,左边距为3.0CM,右边距为2.6CM;第二部分:文章标题、毕业设计说明(或摘要,任选一)与关键词1.文章标题:二号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中题目:应在20个单词以内,能简明、具体、确切地表达论文的特定内容。
必要时可使用副标题;2.毕业设计说明(DESIGNING INSTRUCTION)或摘要(ABSTRACT): 英语大写, 四号,Times New Roman,加粗, ,首行空4格(若为摘要,后空两格,写摘要内容) ,后用小四号Times New Roman字打印摘要内容,双倍行距3.关键词(KEY WORDS):英语大写,四号Times New Roman,加粗,后空2格,后面词语用小四号Times New Roman字打印,词间用逗号隔开.(说明或摘要与关键词单独成页,附于目录之前)第三部分:目录1.目录:单独用一页,“目录—Table of Contents””二字为三号Times New Roman,加粗,居中;内容各章节为小四号Times New Roman ,两端对齐,两倍行距,若有二级、三级目录,请首行空2格。
第四部分:主体部分2 正文:设计正文都应包括前言(Preface),正体(Body)、结束语(conclusion);要求逻辑性强、文理通顺、层次分明、表达确切,有自己的见解和观点;1)背景标题:三号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格;背景内容:小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用1.5倍行距,首行空4个字符;2) 各级标题与正文的层次按以下格式编排:1 XXXX(一级标题)1.1 XXXX(二级标题)1.1.1 XXXXXXX(三级标题)一级标题(三号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)二级标题(四号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)三级标题(小四号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)四级标题格式同三级标题正文内容一律用小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用1.5倍行距3.正文中的图表正文中图、表均需编排序号,有图、表题目及说明(五号、Times New Roman),如:table 1.1.4.每页页脚居中注明页码, 页码起始从正文开始第1页。
如主要章节用阿拉伯数字1. , 2.,3. ,……排序,较小章节则用1.1, 1.2, 1.3…, 1.1.1, 1.1.2…。
2)论文的摘要不是“Lead in”,也不是目录的重复列举,而是文章的精华,即你的文章主要的观点有哪些。
4)正文(3000-4000words):正文的一般格式是:ⅰ. 第一部分讲述前人所做的工作,存在问题,本课题研究的意义,理论依据,拟采取的方法和步骤。
ⅱ. 分析问题,提供有关论据ⅲ. 得出结论,说明已经做到了哪一步,还有哪些工作可做。
看下表:要求全部参考文献采用国际通用的著录符号,著录项目依次为:序号、主要著述者姓名、书名、出版地、出版社、出版年、页码;中外文分别排列,外文文献在前,中文文献在后;例如:[4]张韵斐. 现代英语词汇学概论[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 1986.网上文献的格式:[8] He, Gang, 2003. Grammaticalization: Construction and slot. /grammaticalization.htm.6)写英语文章绝对不可以用翻译软件,英汉句法是不同的,若发现有同学机器翻译了正文,一律重写或取消答辩资格。
第一篇:商务英语英文版毕业论文Putting Aside Some Money for the RainyDayEnjoying a Safely Happy LifeFrom People's Insurance Company (group) of China enlarge to the whole insuranceMajor: Business EnglishClass:Class 2 of 2007 Grade Name:xxxStudent ID:xxxxxxAbstractThe old said: “Nothing is so certain as the unexpected.”When people faced misfortune,sickness and disaster befallen all of a sudden that always made us feel quite alone and helpless mean a while. However, after the world’s development of insurance business, we can build a shelter for ourselves on the trip of our life to help us keep out the wind and rain, meanwhile, which can confirm our confidence. When I entranced into the insurance, firstly, I attended the training for the clerk freshly and acquired the qualification of insurance agent. Secondly, I went out of my company and started to touch the market, followed the charge to “run business”and familiar the basic process of insurance operation. At last, I should achieve to invite the customers, explained them the knowledge about insurance and identify the insurance policy. On this text I gave the truth state and feeling of affairs and which I realized and obtained to apperception the main idea of the specialized train and the treasure of group spirit. From these, I had my personal ability promotion and grasp human affairs of our society, to make a good beginning for the trip of my work.Key words: insurance;training; study; insure; invite the customers; written permissionFor the first time I entered my career to attend the meeting in the morning, I was attractive deeply by the atmosphere in the field of the meeting that their persistence and pursuit of insurance attract me greatly. They taught me by precept and example, the ship which I took which named IPCC started on its journey. I started my journey of insurance followed them and to experience the wonderful life in the world of insurance. The insurance is a piece of love and possession the awareness of insurance is become the necessary survival capability of our modern society. The former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: “I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever.”The journey of our life can’t be smoothly every times, though we are in the society which material civilization and scientific and technological civilization had extremely development, we still can’t avoid the nature of order that such matters as birth, death, illness and old age. Meanwhile we should overcome the accident which came unexpectedly and faced the fiercely pressure of competition. However, if we took insurance, that just like we sowed the beautiful flower of happiness which could bring us the harvest of fortune. She would open an umbrella for us before the cloudy and rainy coming to reduce the risk to us. Insurance is not the symbol of fortune but its safeguard. Buy the bills of insurance is not the consumption but the investment that could make your future better.My business knowledge had great improved by studying and training during a term, so I made a decision to myself that I must achieve brilliant achievements in this splendid industry. Work on the insurance must got the certificate about insurance agent which we should learn the basic law of insurance seriously and pass the examination. It’s a huge challenge and breakthrough to me because my major is English in my college times. I get up very early every morning then hurry to company and attend the training class for freshly to study the course seriously. When I back home every night I should revision the course seriously which I learnt during the day. Then I would fulfill the homework and sample examinations. When I come across the difficulty such as some professional words I would make a mark in the book and toask the teacher the next day. All the teachers explained to me patiently and take examples to make me understand deeply which make me had great progress.After that I attended a exam about the certificate about insurance agent which organized by the administration of insurance agent. I entered the exam room nervous in a hot summer for this time only could success and couldn’t be failing to me as it’s the conclusion of this period study. After two hours later, I got the excellent marks—90 to pass the exam, meanwhile, I got the certificate about insurance agent. The period of training is over. The manager arranged me to the Personal Insurance Department to exercise my market ability and got to the goal that combined the theory with practice. I visited the consumers with my charge everyday to found out their demands and how much they perceive the insurance during which I realized several basic processes that our company operation. That’s made me great mirror and promotion during my following work. I also learnt to invite some consumers to attend the product explaining meeting of our company. I combined what I had learnt with the imitation last several days showed the basically items to the consumers and explained patiently when they were understood a little that made the consumers very satisfied to me. However, not all of them recognized insurance for the first sight and invitation, even to sign bills in the first meeting. That need us to visit them more times, told them the knowledge and profit of the insurance. Everyday I worked hard to visit the consumers till list a bill totally by myself successful. In my opinion, that would be OK and I could take a breath, however, I never thought that consumer’s ID card would over date in two years. The consumer’s considered whether his profit could got easily in the future, he asked to changed his data information. Because the materials about him were handed on to the department concerned to check out by basic process of our company. In this circumstance, he should went to the Police government for I asked the cheeked guarantee department specially that they said he went to list a proof about his ID card wouldn’t use in two years. But he still couldn’t set his heart at rest and insisted on to changed the information materials which means that all of his billswould rewrite meanwhile all his materials should rechecked one by one. It brings me many troubles in my work.In our service industry we should make all our efforts to make consumers satisfied and think about them all the times. So I handle insurance procedure for him again, according to his mind, changed the beneficiary’s information which made him very satisfied with my service and he said “thanks a lot”to me. Heard this, I felt very excited though I was tired for the consumers’approved my work.I learnt that in service industry we should establish the consumer is first and think before customers were thinking, anxious before customers anxious, try our best to make the service better could win therespect ,understanding, trust and supporting. Thereby express the head effecting and the expansion of service work make the road extender and broader. In insurance is like this, so does others. Only experience the practical inthe society can people master the gnosis and enhance their abilities. That is to say, read a lot and make trip further. Through the contact with customers, I learnt the way how to get along with others, enhance the accomplishment, realized that before we are doing something should we get along with people quite well at first. Meanwhile, I learnt the life is not easy and work is hard. Only as busy as a bee is the truth and no one can successful in a haphazard fashion.The accident of BaiJing Bay caused civilian pay great attention on it, meanwhile it provide the companies of insurance great opportunity. Almost all of the news media reported the event, thus the leader of our company received the invitation from The First Time came to the scene of the accident and replied the journalists’report in which he gave a detail descriptions on the knowledge of family property’s insurance, then answered the questions that civilian misunderstands. By the survey of the civilian, we can know that most of them didn’t know the insurance at all; some of them even didn’t know the existing of this kind of insurance. Our company threw great promotion to propaganda by clerks of us, some of the citizens gradually have the conscience and demand to buy the insurance of family property in PICC. Some people lived in the strict that houses had damaged said that if they had known the accidentwould happened they should bought the insurance at first, but it’s late. Things do like this, no one will know the accident would happen. But when it happened, it was fried egg whites with black mushroom and ham to the one who bought the insurance. However, the accident to a family who didn’t buy the insurance were a huge burden just as add insult to injury. In this moment, the valuable of insurance is reflected totally.Through the experience of the internship in the insurance company, I enhanced in all directions and acquired great achievement. That gave me a basic experience to my work in the future. I am firmly confident that the road of my career would become broader and broader ensuring me a bright future.第二篇:商务英语毕业论文浅谈听说法在商务英语教学中的运用摘要:在经济全球化的进程中,我国与世界各国的经济合作越来越频繁,国际商务领域日益广泛,商务英语已成为重要的交流工具。
商务英语论文参考文献格式用Times New Roman。
每一条目顶格, 如某一条目超过一行,从第二行起“悬挂缩进”2字符。
例如:Brinkleyork: Knopf, 1993.专著名中如果还包含其他著作或作品名,后者用斜体。
例如:Dunn, Richard J ed. Charlotte Bront?: Jane EyreNew York: Norton, 1971.A.两个至三个作者第一作者的姓在前,名在后,中间用逗号隔开;其余作者名在前,姓在后,中间无逗号;每个作者之间用逗号隔开,最后一个作者的姓名前用“and”,后用句号。
例如:B. 三个以上作者第一作者姓名(姓在前,名在后,中间加逗号)后接“etal.”,其他作者姓名省略。
例如:University of Hawaii Press, 1997.C. 同一作者同一年出版的不同文献,参照下例:Widdowson, Henry G1998a.Widdowson, Henry G. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1998b.参照下例:Thompson, Pett. “Modal Verbs in Academic Writing”. In Ben Kettlemann & York: Rodopi, xx: 305-323.参照下例:Fagan, Jeffrey. “Gangs and Drugs”. ork: Macmillan, xx.参照下例:Murphy, Karen. “Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in PrimaryClassrooms”.(5)网络文献参照下例:----“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About URL” ..参照下例:皮亚杰.构造主义[M] .北京:商务印书馆,1984.参照下例:杨忠,张韶杰.认知语音学中的类典型论[J] .外语教学与研究,1999,(2):1-3.参照下例:梁佳.大学英语四、六级测试试题现状的理论分析与问题研究[D] .湖南大学,xx.参照下例:许小纯.含义和话语构造[A].李红儒.外国语言与文学研究[C] .哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社,1999:5-7.。
商务英语论文范文(4)2.5 Negotiation StructureCultural differences also impact on negotiation structure. Different countries have different negotiation structure, so do the team. The team in eastern countries feel that time is abundant and humans should not follow the timetable blindly. For example, Chinese people are famous for the length of their negotiations; they spend much time in the non-task sounding stage of negotiation to establish rapport and get to know their partners. Chinese people usually discuss many issues at one time, without an apparent order, they may skip from one issue to another and they may also come back to points which in the eyes of their Western partners have already been settled and concessions are made or all issues at the end of the discussion.However, the team in western countries regard time as money and would like to set fixed agendas. Western countries are emblematic of the “time is money” culture, where time i s a scarce resource. People would try to achieve its optimal allocation between the competing ways of using it. They establish timetables and deadlines. Norms tend to be strict regarding time schedules. When a discussion with someone lasts longer than planned, they will politely stop the conversation, in order to keep their schedule.2.6 Negotiation StyleNegotiation practices differ from one culture to another and cultural difference can impact on “negotiation style” --- the way people from different cultures conduct themselves. Here, we divide negotiation style into the eastern negotiation style and the western one. China and Japan are the typical countries of the East,while America the West.Chinese culture is a high–context culture. In a high-context culture, the emphasis on communication is indirectness and ambiguity. Most of the information is in the context while little is in the explicit part of the message. The external environment, situation and non-verbal behavior are crucial in understanding communications. People depend heavily upon covert clues to interpret a message given under a certain context. And also, Chinese negotiators also look forward to long-term partnership. They are not in a hurry to push for an agreement. Generally, there is a slow start to “warm up”, and then it is followed by some tentative suggestions.In the international business negotiation, saving face and achieving harmony are more important factors than achieving higher sales and profits for Japanese. As far as the Japanese negotiators are concerned, they try to build up a long-term relationship in the course of negotiation. Therefore, they prefer personal contacts in an informal way. For them, trust is more important than agreements. The reason why there is a low ratio of success between American and Japanese negotiators lies mainly in this point. Besides, Japanese negotiators try their best to avoid an open conflict between both parties. Consequently, they often ask a third party to function as go-betweens. In this way, they can prevent an unpleasant feeling from coming up on both sidesThe impression Americans leave us on the negotiating table is flexibility, straightness and zest. They never express themselves with vague words. They say “Yes” or “No” directly. Consequently, during a negotiation they like people speaking without reservation. When any conflict appears in a negotiation,Americans aim to solve the problem and never mind if you have adequate proof and dispute with them. Meanwhile, if you want to ease up the atmosphere and respond with a smile, it will be reckoned as insincere and as if you are in the wrong way. In addition, Americans respect human rights, and they can not tolerate throwing stones at a certain person behind him. American negotiators often act in an impersonal way ---“business is business” is their view, American negotiators are always mission-driven---anxious to bring parties concerned into agreement, and they have little interest in building up any relationship. Furthermore, American negotiators like to be openly challenged for the negotiation, and they think it is quite normal if they run into any conflict with any party concerned.2.7 Decision-making ProcessDecisions are made differently in different groups. They may be made by individuals or by the group as a whole. Some groups accept the decision of the majority of the group members, but other groups seek consensus among group members and will not make a decision until all members have agreed. Knowing how your counterpart makes decisions is vital to help gauge the approach you should take to persuade him or her. Take Japan and America as typical eastern and western countries for example.American people make decisions based upon the bottom line and cold, hard facts. They believe not people, but statistics and performance count. Business is business. In American view, a business negotiation is a problem-solving activity, and the solution is a deal that suits both parties.The decision making process is just like a cost-benefit analysis applied to all parties who would be touched by the decision. A decision is considered right because it produces thegreatest net benefit when all the costs and benefits to all the affected parties are taken into account. So the Americans usually list the possible effects and estimate the magnitude of their costs and benefits as accurately as possible.In general, decision-making in Japan is a communal affair requiring unanimous approval by management. In this decision-making style, everyone must be convinced, not just the key decision-maker. Upper-level managers do not make fast, on-the-spot decisions. Most Japanese companies use some form of a system of decision-making known as document system. In the lower layer of management, usually at the section level, a manager drafts a proposal after achieving consensus within his own group.The proposal is circulated to the heads of other sections and departments. These heads study the proposal. If they approve, they stamp their name seals on it. If they disapprove, they either refuse to stamp it or put their seals on it upside down. Then the document is passed up through the differentlevels of management until it reaches the president. If everyone stamps the proposal, it becomes a company policy. If not, it is usually sent back to its originator with certain suggestion. Thus all the middle managers in companies using this system perform almost all the planning functions for the company, deciding what will be done, when and how.Chapter Three Coping Strategy of Negotiating across CulturesThe culture differences in cross-cultural communication have various impacts on operation of enterprises. These differences will influence negotiation and management of transnational operation; what’s more, it may have bad effects on theharmonious relationship between our country and foreign countries. Maybe that will lead to the missing of market opportunities, the increase of trade cost and the low efficiency of company management. So, it is really necessary for us all to eliminate and avoid disadvantageous effects.3.1 Making Preparations before Negotiation.The negotiators must make good preparations if they want control the development of negotiation successfully in the complex situation. Only do they make good preparations can they make changes freely according to the situation of negotiation and avoid the happening of conflicts. Because the international business negotiation involves extensive aspects, more preparations are needed. The preparations often include the analysis of the negotiators themselves and the opponents; the constitution of negotiation group, elaborating the negotiating goal and strategy and going on imitation negotiation when necessary. When making preparations, you should try to know the opponents while you analyze yourselves. Analyzing yourselves mainly refers to studying if the project is feasible. To knowing about the opponents means understanding their strength such as credit status, the policy、 business customs and regulations of their countries and theconditions of their negotiating members and so on.3.2 Overcoming Cultural PrejudiceTolerating different cultures and overcoming cultural prejudice contribute to better communicating with each other and understanding each other. West people often think that they are powerful, capable and experienced, so sometimes, we need to recognize then and give then some good comments. We should learn about the foreign cultures before negotiation andaccept and understand their cultures in negotiation, because every country regard their own cultures as a matter of course and hope that their culture could be recognized and accepted.3.3 Conquering Communication BarriersTwo trains running at different railways in the opposite direction will collide with each other; maybe this is the best arrangement for trains. But to communication between people, there won’t be communications if people go ahead according to their own ways. Trains will collide with each other if they run on the same railway at the opposite direction. But if we measure by the objective of people’s communication, only we meet each other, can we have communication and friendship. In negotiation, sometimes we can’t make much progress although we have talked for long time. And sometimes both parties are not satisfied. After thinking, that is caused by communication barriers which happen easily in cross-cultural negotiation. We should make sure if there appear communication barriers, if so, we must overcome them. Generally speaking, we should pay more attention to the following three communication barriers in cross-cultural negotiation: the communication barriers caused by culture background of both; the ones caused by misunderstanding of the contents and information from the partner; the ones caused by not being willing to accept the opponent’s contents and ideas.。
6.英文条目中外国作者姓名的写法遵循名前姓后(First Name First)的原则,如John Kennedy;中国人姓名的拼音参照英文作者姓名的写法,如Xiaoming Li;中文条目中中国人的姓名遵循中文姓名的书写习惯,如李晓明。
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如:1 Leonard Shatzkin and Gregory Crane, eds, Three Principles: Overcoming the Book Crisis(Boston:Houghton Mifflin, 1982), 35.3.编著、论文集中的论文论文作者, “论文名,” in 斜体书名, ed. 编著或论文集编者名姓(不颠倒) (出版社所在城市名: 出版社名称, 出版年份), 页码. 如:2 Paul Starr, “The Electronic Reader,” in Reading in the 1980s, ed. Stephen Braubard (New York: Bowker,1983), 78.如果编著或论文集有多个编者,Ed.改为Eds.。
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