




条款对照一、合同的缔结1. 中文版:本合同系双方当事人经友好协商一致,自愿签订,具有法律效力。

英文版: This contract is made and entered into by the Parties through friendly negotiation and voluntary agreement, and it shall have legal effect.二、租赁物的描述1. 中文版:甲方同意出租给乙方使用的房产位于X街,房屋面积为100平方米。

英文版: The property rented by Party A to Party B is located at X Street, with a total area of 100 square meters.三、租金支付1. 中文版:乙方同意每月租金为人民币1000元,于每月1日前支付至甲方指定账户。

英文版: Party B agrees to pay a monthly rent of RMB1,000, which shall be pd to the designated account of Party A before the 1st day of each month.四、租赁期限1. 中文版:本租赁合同有效期为一年,自签订之日起生效,到期前一个月内,双方应协商续签或解除合同事宜。

英文版: This lease agreement is valid for one year, starting from the date of signature. Within one month before the expiration, the Parties shall negotiate the renewal or termination of the contract.五、违约责任1. 中文版:若任何一方未履行本租赁合同规定的义务,应承担违约责任,并赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。



展会合同模板英文版Exhibition Contract Template。

An exhibition contract is a legally binding agreement between the organizer of an exhibition and the participating exhibitor. It outlines the terms and conditions of the exhibition, including the booth rental, payment terms, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of an exhibition contract template in English.1. Parties to the Contract。

The exhibition contract should clearly identify the parties involved in the agreement. This includes the name and contact information of the exhibition organizer and the participating exhibitor. It is important to accurately identify the legal entities of both parties to ensure that the contract is enforceable.2. Exhibition Details。

The contract should include detailed information about the exhibition, including the name, date, and location of the event. It should also specify the type of exhibition, such as a trade show, consumer exhibition, or industry-specific event. Additionally, the contract should outline the specific booth or exhibition space that is being rented by the exhibitor.3. Booth Rental and Payment Terms。




第一条 租赁物及用途1.1 甲方将其合法拥有的位于【地址】的【房产证编号】房产(以下简称“租赁物”)出租给乙方使用。

1.2 乙方租赁租赁物用于【用途】,并保证租赁物的使用符合国家法律法规及甲方的要求。

第二条 租赁期限2.1 本合同租赁期限为【】年,自【】年【】月【】日起至【】年【】月【】日止。

2.2 租赁期满后,如乙方需继续租赁,应于租赁期满前一个月向甲方提出书面续租申请,经甲方同意后,双方另行签订租赁合同。

第三条 租金及支付方式3.1 乙方应按【】元/月的标准向甲方支付租金。

3.2 租金支付方式为每【】个月支付一次,乙方应在每月的【】日前将租金支付至甲方指定的账户。

第四条 保证金4.1 乙方应在签订本合同时一次性向甲方支付【】元作为保证金。

4.2 租赁期满或合同解除后,甲方在确认租赁物无损坏、无欠费等情况下,无息退还乙方保证金。

第五条 甲方权利与义务5.1 甲方应保证租赁物的所有权、使用权等合法权益。

5.2 甲方负责维修租赁物及附属设施,确保租赁物正常使用。

5.3 甲方有权在租赁期满或合同解除后,要求乙方将租赁物恢复原状。

第六条 乙方权利与义务6.1 乙方应按照合同约定用途使用租赁物,不得擅自改变用途。

6.2 乙方应爱护租赁物及附属设施,如因乙方原因导致租赁物损坏,乙方应承担维修费用。

6.3 乙方应在租赁期满或合同解除后,将租赁物恢复原状。

第七条 违约责任7.1 甲乙双方应严格履行本合同约定,如一方违约,应承担违约责任。



展会英文合同范本Exhibition ContractThis Exhibition Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between:Exhibitor:Name: [Exhibitor's Name]Address: [Exhibitor's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Telephone: [Telephone Number]E: [E Address]andOrganizer:Name: [Organizer's Name]Address: [Organizer's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Telephone: [Telephone Number]E: [E Address]WHEREAS, the Organizer is organizing an exhibition (the "Exhibition") at [Venue] on [Dates]; andWHEREAS, the Exhibitor desires to participate in the Exhibition and rent exhibition space from the Organizer.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contned herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Exhibition SpaceThe Organizer agrees to rent to the Exhibitor the exhibition space described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Exhibition Space") for the purpose of exhibiting the Exhibitor's products and/or services.2. Exhibition PeriodThe Exhibition shall be held from [Start Date] to [End Date], inclusive (the "Exhibition Period").3. Rental FeeThe Exhibitor shall pay to the Organizer the rental fee for the Exhibition Space in the amount of [Rental Fee Amount] (the "Rental Fee"). The Rental Fee shall be pd in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto.4. Use of Exhibition SpaceThe Exhibitor shall use the Exhibition Space only for the purpose of exhibiting the Exhibitor's products and/or services and shall not use the Exhibition Space for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the Organizer. The Exhibitor shall ply with all rules and regulations of the Exhibition as set forth the Organizer.5. Set-up and DismantlingThe Exhibitor shall be responsible for the set-up and dismantling of its exhibition booth within the specified time periods as set forth the Organizer. The Exhibitor shall ensure that the set-up and dismantling are carried out in a safe and orderly manner and shall not cause any damage to the Exhibition Venue or to the property of other exhibitors.6. InsuranceThe Exhibitor shall obtn and mntn at its own expense insurance coverage for its exhibition booth, products, and equipment during the Exhibition Period. The insurance coverage shall include but not be limited to general liability insurance, property insurance, and product liability insurance. The Exhibitor shall provide the Organizer with a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage prior to the start of the Exhibition.7. Intellectual PropertyThe Exhibitor represents and warrants that it has the right to exhibit its products and/or services at the Exhibition and that such exhibition does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. The Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold the Organizer harmless from any clms, damages, or losses arising out of or in connection with any alleged infringement of intellectual property rights.8. Cancellation and Termination(a) Either party may cancel this Contract giving written notice to the other party at least [Cancellation Notice Period] days prior to the start of the Exhibition Period. In the event of such cancellation, the Organizer shall refund the Rental Fee to the Exhibitor less a cancellation fee in the amount of [Cancellation Fee Amount].(b) The Organizer may terminate this Contract immediately if the Exhibitor fls to ply with any of the terms and conditions of this Contract. In the event of such termination, the Exhibitor shall forfeit the Rental Fee and shall be liable for any damages or losses suffered the Organizer as a result of the Exhibitor's breach.9. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any flure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract to the extent such flure or delay is caused an event of force majeure, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of God, war, terrorism, strikes, lockouts, or other labor disputes. In the event of an event of force majeure, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party and shall use its best efforts to resume performance of its obligations as soon as practicable.10. ConfidentialityThe parties agree to keep confidential all information and materials provided the other party in connection with this Contract and the Exhibition. Such information and materials shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of the providing party.11. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution]. The arbitration shall be held in [Arbitration Location].12. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Exhibitor: [Exhibitor's Name]By: [Authorized Signature]Date: [Date]Organizer: [Organizer's Name]By: [Authorized Signature]Date: [Date]Exhibit A Exhibition Space DetlsExhibit B Payment SchedulePlease note that the above contract is a sample and may need to be customized to meet the specific requirements of the exhibition and the parties involved. It is remended that you consult with a legal professional before entering into any contract.。



租赁合同中英文对照版甲方(出租方):[出租方全称]Party A (Lessor): [Full Name of the Lessor]乙方(承租方):[承租方全称]Party B (Lessee): [Full Name of the Lessee]根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,就租赁事宜达成如下协议:In accordance with the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, the parties hereto, on the basis of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, have reached the following agreement on the matter of lease:1. 租赁物1. Leased Property甲方同意将位于[详细地址]的房产出租给乙方使用,租赁物的详细情况如下:Party A agrees to lease the property located at [Detailed Address] for use by Party B, the details of the leased property are as follows:2. 租赁期限2. Lease Term租赁期限自[起始日期]至[结束日期],共计[租赁期限]。

The lease term shall be from [Start Date] to [End Date], totaling [Lease Term].3. 租金及支付方式3. Rent and Payment Method租金为[租金金额]元/月,乙方应于每月的第[支付日]日前支付给甲方。




第一条租赁物1.1 本合同项下的租赁物为:(详细描述租赁物的名称、型号、数量、规格、质量等)。

1.2 甲方应保证租赁物符合我国相关法律法规及乙方使用需求。

第二条租赁期限2.1 本合同租赁期限为____年,自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止。

2.2 租赁期满后,如乙方需继续租赁,应提前一个月通知甲方,并签订新的租赁合同。


第三条租金及支付方式3.1 租金为人民币(大写):____元整(小写):¥_____元/月。

3.2 乙方支付租金的方式为每__个月支付一次,每次支付__个月租金。

3.3 乙方应在每月__日前将租金支付至甲方指定的账户,逾期未付的,每逾期一日,乙方应支付应付租金的__%作为滞纳金。

第四条租赁物的使用、维护和保养4.1 乙方应按照租赁物的性质和用途合理使用租赁物,不得擅自改变租赁物的结构和性能。

4.2 乙方应妥善保管租赁物,采取有效措施防止租赁物丢失、损坏或被盗。

4.3 租赁期间,乙方承担租赁物的维修和保养责任。


第五条保险5.1 乙方应自行办理租赁物的保险手续,并承担保险费用。

5.2 保险事故发生时,乙方应立即通知甲方,并协助甲方处理相关事宜。

第六条合同的变更和解除6.1 任何一方要求变更或解除本合同,应提前一个月通知对方,并经双方协商一致。

6.2 因不可抗力导致合同无法履行,双方可协商变更或解除合同。

第七条违约责任7.1 双方应严格履行本合同的约定,如一方违约,应承担违约责任,向守约方支付相应的赔偿金。

7.2 乙方未按约定时间支付租金的,甲方有权提前解除本合同,并要求乙方支付违约金。

第八条争议解决8.1 本合同履行过程中发生的争议,双方应首先协商解决。



展会的合同模板英文This agreement is entered into as of [date], between [Exhibitor Name], located at [Exhibitor Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Exhibitor," and [Event Organizer Name], located at [Event Organizer Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer."1. Description of ExhibitionThe Organizer agrees to organize and host an exhibition titled [Exhibition Name] on [Exhibition Dates] at [Exhibition Venue]. The exhibition will showcase [description of exhibition, including purpose, theme, and participating companies/organizations].2. Booth RentalThe Exhibitor agrees to rent a booth at the exhibition for the purpose of showcasing [products/services]. The booth will be located at [Booth Location] and will measure [dimensions]. The rental fee for the booth is $[Amount] and must be paid in full by [Payment Due Date].3. Booth SpecificationsThe Exhibitor agrees to set up their booth in accordance with the specifications provided by the Organizer. The booth must be set up by [Set-up Deadline], and must remain open for the duration of the exhibition, from [Exhibition Hours].4. Exhibit MaterialsThe Exhibitor agrees to provide all necessary exhibit materials, including displays, signage, brochures, and promotional materials. The Exhibitor is responsible for the set-up, maintenance, and removal of all exhibit materials.5. InsuranceThe Exhibitor agrees to carry general liability insurance in the amount of $[Amount] to cover any damage or injury caused by their exhibit materials. The Exhibitor must provide proof of insurance to the Organizer upon request.6. PromotionThe Exhibitor agrees to promote their participation in the exhibition through their own marketing channels, including social media, email campaigns, and press releases. The Exhibitor may also use the Organizer's promotional materials with permission.7. RestrictionsThe Exhibitor agrees to comply with all rules and regulations set forth by the Organizer, including but not limited to noise restrictions, display limitations, and security measures.The Exhibitor may not sublet or assign their booth space without prior written consent from the Organizer.8. CancellationIn the event that the Exhibitor wishes to cancel their participation in the exhibition, they must notify the Organizer in writing at least [Number] days prior to the start of the exhibition. The Exhibitor will be responsible for any cancellation fees incurred by the Organizer as a result of the cancellation.9. IndemnificationThe Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer from any and all claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the Exhibitor's participation in the exhibition.10. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country] and any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [City/State].11. Entire AgreementThis agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Exhibitor and the Organizer and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed as of the date first above written.Exhibitor: _______________________________[Exhibitor Name]Organizer: _______________________________[Event Organizer Name]。



租赁合同范本中英文8篇篇1租赁合同Lease Contract甲方(出租人):__________________身份证/护照号:____________________地址:________________________________联系电话:____________________________乙方(承租人):__________________身份证/护照号:____________________地址:________________________________联系电话:____________________________鉴于甲方同意将其拥有的物业(以下简称“租赁物”)租赁给乙方使用,乙方同意按照本合同的规定租赁并支付租金及其他相关费用。

双方本着公平、公正、自愿的原则,经友好协商,达成以下协议条款:WHEREASin consideration of the fact that Party A agrees to lease the pro perty owned by it (hereinafter referred to as the “Leased Property”) to Party B for use and Party B agrees to lease and pay rent and other related costs in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, both parties, on the principles of fairness, impartiality and willingness, have reached the following agreement through friendly consultation:一、租赁物及租赁期限Article One: Leased Property and Lease Term1. 甲方同意将位于________________的物业(具体地址详见附件)租赁给乙方使用。



会展场地租赁合同中英文对照CONTRACT OF EXHIBITION PLACE LEASE合同编号:Contract Number:出租方(甲方):Lessor (Party A):承租方(乙方)Lessee (Party B):根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就会展场地租赁的有关事宜达成如下协议。

In accordance with “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”and other relevant laws and regulations, the Parties have, based on the principles of equality, willingness, fairness, honest and credit, entered into the Contract concerning issues related to lease of exhibition place and agreed as follows:第一条租赁场地及用途Article 1 Lease Place and Purpose1.具体位置:Location:2.用途:用于乙方举办活动。

Purpose: to use for the activities of by Party B.第二条租赁期限Article 2 Term of Lease1.租赁期限为:至;. The term of lease shall start from and end on ;第三条使用时限Article 3 Time Limited of Use1.乙方使用租赁区域的时限为时至时。






1. 租金总额为人民币[具体金额]元。

2. 乙方应在[具体时间]前支付[具体比例]的租金作为定金。

3. 剩余租金应在[具体时间]前支付完毕。

1. 甲方应确保场地符合乙方举办会展的基本要求。

2. 提供必要的场地设施及相关服务。

1. 乙方应按照约定使用场地,不得擅自改变用途。

2. 负责会展活动的组织、管理和安全。

3. 遵守甲方场地的相关规定。

1. 若甲方未能按时提供场地,应承担相应违约责任。

2. 若乙方未按时支付租金或违反其他约定,应承担相应违约责任。


1. [其他需要约定的事项]
2. [补充条款]






第三条租金及支付方式1. 租金为每月人民币/美元__________元整(¥_________/$_________)。

2. 租金支付方式为季度/半年/年支付,乙方应于每季度/半年/年度的第一个月的第____日前支付给甲方。



第六条维修与保养1. 甲方负责租赁物的主体结构维修。

2. 乙方负责租赁物的日常保养及内部设施的维护。


第八条合同变更和解除1. 双方可以协商一致变更或解除本合同。

2. 如遇不可抗力事件,任何一方均可解除本合同。

第九条违约责任1. 如乙方逾期支付租金,应按逾期天数支付违约金,违约金为逾期租金的____‰/日。

2. 如甲方违反合同约定,需赔偿乙方因此遭受的直接损失。




中英文展品租赁合同范本合同编号:_______甲方(出租方):乙方(承租方):根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方将其展品出租给乙方使用,乙方租赁甲方展品的事宜,经友好协商,达成以下协议:一、展品描述1.1 甲方同意将位于_______的展品_______(品名)出租给乙方使用。

展品详细描述如下:二、租赁期限2.1 本合同租赁期限为_______个月,自_______年_______月_______日起至_______年_______月_______日止。

2.2 租赁期满后,乙方应将展品按照本合同约定的条件完好无损地归还给甲方。


三、租金及支付方式3.1 乙方向甲方支付租金,租金为人民币(大写):_______元整(小写):_______元。


3.2 乙方应在合同签订后的_______个工作日内,将租金支付至甲方指定的银行账户。

四、展品使用及保管4.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求合理使用展品,并妥善保管展品。


4.2 乙方不得将展品转租、转让或用于非法用途。

五、保险5.1 乙方应自行办理展品保险,保险费用由乙方承担。

六、违约责任6.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,应承担相应的违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。

七、争议解决7.1 对于因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决。


八、其他约定8.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

8.2 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。




英文版展会合同模板Exhibition ContractThis Exhibition Contract (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [date], by and between [Exhibitor Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Exhibitor") and [Organizer Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer").1. Event Details1.1 Event Name: [Name of Exhibition]1.2 Event Date: [Start Date] to [End Date]1.3 Event Venue: [Venue Name]1.4 Booth Number: [Booth Number]2. Exhibit Space2.1 The Organizer agrees to provide the Exhibitor with a designated exhibit space within the event venue for the duration of the exhibition.2.2 The Exhibitor shall not sublease or assign the allocated exhibit space without prior written consent from the Organizer.3. Booth Rental3.1 The Exhibitor agrees to pay the designated booth rental fee as specified in Annex A within [number] days from the signing of this Agreement.3.2 In the event of cancellation by the Exhibitor, the rental fee shall be non-refundable unless otherwise stated in Annex B.4. Exhibitor Services4.1 The Organizer will provide basic services such as electricitysupply, Wi-Fi connection, and waste management.4.2 Any additional services required by the Exhibitor, including but not limited to additional electrical connections, furniture, and audio-visual equipment, shall be requested in writing and may be subject to additional charges.4.3 The Exhibitor shall be responsible for any damages caused to the exhibit space or any provided equipment during the exhibition.5. Insurance5.1 The Exhibitor is required to provide proof of liability insurance covering the exhibit space and its contents for the duration of the exhibition. The insurance policy coverage must be at least [$ amount] and name the Organizer as an additional insured.5.2 The Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of its exhibits, displays, or personal property during the exhibition.6. Indemnification6.1 The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer from and against any claims, damages, liabilities, and expenses arising out of any negligence or willful misconduct by the Exhibitor or its representatives.6.2 The Organizer shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury to the Exhibitor's personnel, products, or property during the exhibition.7. Promotion and Advertising7.1 The Organizer reserves the right to use the Exhibitor's name, trademarks, and logos for promotional and advertising purposesrelated to the exhibition unless otherwise specified in writing by the Exhibitor.7.2 The Exhibitor may conduct its own promotional activities within its designated exhibit space, subject to the rules and regulations set forth by the Organizer.8. Termination8.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon written notice if the other party breaches any material provision and fails to remedy such breach within [number] days of receiving written notice.8.2 In the event of termination, the Exhibitor remains liable for any outstanding payments or obligations incurred prior to termination.9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].9.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be exclusively resolved by the courts of [City, State].10. Entire Agreement10.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Exhibitor and the Organizer and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Exhibition Contract as of the date first above written.[Exhibitor's Name]: [Organizer's Name]: [Exhibitor's Signature] [Organizer's Signature]。














Space lease contract1.Both parties through friendly consultations, reached the following agreement _______________ rental services:1. lease time, place, rentTime :________________________________Location :______________________________Rental prices :__________________________2. ProceduresParty A and Party B of this Agreement signed by about payments, will be at the appointed time and place and the agreed standards to provide a range of services for the Party.3. Mutual responsibilities1. Party A:Party B strictly in accordance with the requirements of the venue and layout retained without changing the location or screening. Party For Change locations shall be _____ days advance notice to Party B, Party B agreesto obtain; if cancel the lease without Party A, Party A shall pay the penalty and prepayments equal.2. Responsibilities of Party B:① B in the book, and if the Party of the reasons for cancellation of booking, advance payment to Party B the liquidated damages equal; Party received the advance payment directly deducted.② B For meeting time or venue changes, ________ day advance notice to Party A, Party at the meeting to make arrangements for permission to receive the total purchase price adjustments and the amount ________% as liquidated damages if the party can not Adjust the meeting time, venue led to B to cancel this Agreement by the implementation of the first paragraph;③ If Party B during the meeting venue facilities, equipment, consumables and other damages, Party B shall pay the full price of compensation, the Party venue facilities, equipment, worth the price of consumables, see the list, the list is annexed to the agreement .④ B to pay the rent overdue, every day of delay, the total price paid to the Party of the ________ of theextreme penalty; overdue for more than ________ days at five ten thousandths of the total price to pay Party A the liquidated damages.4. settlementCheck, money order.5. the termination of the contractTermination: When the Party, Party B force majeure occurs, allows a party to terminate the contract without any penalty.6. the jurisdictionDisputes arising from this agreement by the parties through consultation, negotiation fails, local court proceedings by the party to resolve.The above conditions are subject to outstanding issues, both parties can be resolved through consultation.This Agreement in duplicate, the lessee, leasing one for each side. This Agreement is signed and sealed by the representatives of both parties to take effect.。



展会合同模板英文Exhibition Contract Template。

This Exhibition Contract (the "Contract") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Exhibitor Name] ("Exhibitor") and [Event Organizer Name] ("Organizer").1. Exhibition Space。

Exhibitor agrees to rent exhibition space at the [Event Name] (the "Event") to be held at [Venue Name] on [Event Dates]. The Organizer agrees to provide the Exhibitor with the designated exhibition space as outlined in the floor plan provided by the Organizer.2. Payment。

Exhibitor agrees to pay the Organizer the total rental fee of [Amount] for the exhibition space. Payment shall be made in full upon signing of this Contract. Failure to makepayment may result in the forfeiture of the exhibition space.3. Use of Space。

Exhibitor agrees to use the designated exhibition space solely for the purpose of exhibiting and promoting the products or services as outlined in the application for exhibition space. Exhibitor shall not sublet, assign, or share the exhibition space without the prior written consent of the Organizer.4. Set-Up and Breakdown。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际通用中英文租赁服务协议样本版A版本合同目录一览1. 租赁物品及服务1.1 物品描述1.2 服务内容1.3 租赁期限2. 租赁费用及支付方式2.1 租金金额2.2 租金支付时间2.3 支付方式3. 租赁物的交付与归还3.1 交付时间及地点3.2 归还时间及地点3.3 归还条件4. 租赁物的使用及维护4.1 使用范围4.2 维护责任5. 租赁物的维修及保养5.1 维修责任5.2 保养责任6. 保险及赔偿6.1 保险责任6.2 赔偿责任7. 违约责任7.1 租赁方违约7.2 服务方违约8. 争议解决8.1 协商解决8.2 调解解决8.3 法律途径9. 合同的生效、变更与解除9.1 生效条件9.2 变更条件9.3 解除条件10. 保密条款10.1 保密内容10.2 保密期限11. 不可抗力11.1 不可抗力事件11.2 不可抗力后果12. 法律适用及争议解决12.1 法律适用12.2 争议解决方式13. 其他条款13.1 租赁物的交付及验收13.2 租赁物的状态及损坏处理13.3 租赁物的维修及更换14. 签署信息14.1 租赁方信息14.2 服务方信息14.3 签署日期第一部分:合同如下:1. 租赁物品及服务1.1 物品描述(此处列出具体租赁物品的详细描述,如型号、数量、规格等)1.2 服务内容(此处列出乙方应提供的服务内容,如安装、维修、保养等)1.3 租赁期限租赁期限自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止。

2. 租赁费用及支付方式2.1 租金金额租金为每月人民币(大写):____元整(小写):_____元。

2.2 租金支付时间甲方应在每个租赁周期开始前五个工作日内支付当期租金。

2.3 支付方式租金通过银行转账方式支付至乙方指定的账户,账号信息如下:(此处列出乙方银行账号信息)3. 租赁物的交付与归还3.1 交付时间及地点乙方应在租赁开始日期前将租赁物交付给甲方,交付地点为:____(具体地址)。



BICES 2015展会期间(新国展)会议室租赁协议Agreement on Meeting Room Leasing during Exhibition BICES 2015 (NCIEC)出租方:The Lessor:租赁方:The Lessee:上述当事人之间签署如下内容的会议室租赁合同(以下简称为“合同”);合同中的NCIEC是中国国际展览中心(新馆)的英语简称。

The abovementioned parties have entered into the meeting room leasing contract as follows (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"); The abbreviation NCIEC refers to China international Exhibition Center (New Hall).第1条(会议室的使用目的)Article 1 (The intended use of the meeting room)“租赁方”租赁会议室, 用途为[会议名称]The Lessee intends to lease the meeting room for the purpose of [The name of the meeting ]第2条(会议室使用明细)Article 2 (Details on the intended use of the meeting rooms)第3条(租赁费, 设备使用费的缴纳日程)Article 3 (Schedule for payment of leasing expense and equipment use fee)1.按照如下交付日程, “租赁方”以现金形式向NCIEC交付租赁费, 设备使用费。

1. According to the following payment schedule, the Lessee shall make the payment of leasing expense and equipment use fee to NCIEC in the form of cash,2.会议室的基本使用时间为:每日09:00-12:00,13:30-16:30。



租赁合同,买卖合同有关会展英语的合同5篇篇1Exhibition ContractThis Exhibition Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Exhibitor], located at [Address] ("Exhibitor") and [Event Organizer], located at [Address] ("Organizer").1. Exhibition Space1.1 Organizer agrees to provide Exhibitor with a dedicated exhibition space at the [Event Name] scheduled to be held on [Date] at [Location]. The size and location of the exhibition space will be determined by the Organizer in consultation with the Exhibitor.1.2 Exhibitor agrees to pay the required exhibition fees in a timely manner as specified in the Contract. Failure to pay the exhibition fees may result in cancellation of the exhibition space reservation.1.3 Exhibitor agrees to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Organizer regarding the use and decoration of theexhibition space. Any damage caused to the exhibition space by the Exhibitor shall be the responsibility of the Exhibitor.2. Booth Setup2.1 Exhibitor agrees to setup and decorate the exhibition booth in a professional manner. The booth setup must be completed by [Date], prior to the start of the exhibition.2.2 Exhibitor shall not block the view of neighboring booths or interfere with the flow of traffic in the exhibition hall. Exhibitor agrees to comply with all safety regulations and guidelines set forth by the Organizer.3. Marketing and Promotion3.1 Organizer agrees to include Exhibitor's name and logo in all marketing materials and promotional activities related to the event. Exhibitor may also promote their participation in the event through their own marketing channels.3.2 Exhibitor agrees to provide promotional materials, products, and samples for distribution during the event. Exhibitor is responsible for the setup and staffing of the booth during the event hours.4. Termination4.1 Either party may terminate this Contract with written notice in the event of a material breach by the other party. In the event of termination, the parties shall discuss the resolution of any outstanding issues and obligations.4.2 In the event of cancellation of the event by the Organizer due to unforeseen circumstances or force majeure, the Organizer shall refund the exhibition fees paid by the Exhibitor in full.5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution5.1 This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or related to this Contract shall be resolved through mediation or arbitration in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.[Exhibitor]_________________________(Signature)[Event Organizer]_________________________(Signature)[Date]篇2Exhibition ContractThis Exhibition Contract is made and entered into on [Date] by and between [Exhibitor], hereinafter referred to as the Exhibitor, and [Event Organizer], hereinafter referred to as the Organizer.1. Exhibit SpaceThe Organizer agrees to provide the Exhibitor with the exhibit space described as [Exhibit Space Description] at the [Event Name] scheduled to take place on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. The Exhibitor agrees to pay the Organizer the sum of [Exhibit Space Fee] for the use of the exhibit space.2. Setup and DismantlingThe Exhibitor shall have access to the exhibit space for setup starting from [Setup Date] and must complete dismantling by [Dismantling Date]. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all setup and dismantling rules and regulations set forth by the Organizer.3. Exhibitor’s ResponsibilitiesThe Exhibitor is solely responsible for managing and staffing their exhibit space during the event. The Exhibitor agrees to conduct themselves in a professional manner and comply with all event rules and regulations.4. Event PromotionThe Organizer will include the Exhibitor’s name and booth number in event promotional materials and on the event website. The Exhibitor agrees to promote their participation in the event through their own marketing channels.5. Payment and CancellationThe Exhibitor agrees to pay the Exhibit Space Fee in full by [Payment Due Date]. In the event of cancellation by the Exhibitor, a refund of 50% of the Exhibit Space Fee will be granted if written notice is received by the Organizer at least 30 days prior to the event.6. IndemnificationThe Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the Exhibitor’s particip ation in the event.7. Governing LawThis Exhibition Contract shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country] and any disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [City/Location].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Exhibition Contract as of the date first above written.[Exhibitor’s Signature][Event Organizer’s Signature]This Exhibition Contract sets forth the terms and conditions governing t he Exhibitor’s participation in the [Event Name]. Both parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Contract.[End of Document]篇3Exhibition Contract – Rental/Sale ContractThis Agreement is made and entered into on this day of________ (year), by and between:Exhibitor: [Exhibitor Name]Address: [Exhibitor Address]Contact: [Exhibitor Contact]Email: [Exhibitor Email]Phone: [Exhibitor Phone]Organizer: [Organizer Name]Address: [Organizer Address]Contact: [Organizer Contact]Email: [Organizer Email]Phone: [Organizer Phone]WHEREAS, the Exhibitor desires to rent/sell exhibition space at the [Event Name] event organized by the Organizer, and the Organizer is willing to grant the Exhibitor such space on the terms and conditions set forth herein.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Exhibition Space: The Organizer agrees to rent/sell to the Exhibitor [specify the location and size of the exhibition space] for the purpose of exhibiting and promoting [Exhibitor's products/services].2. Rental/Sale Price: The Exhibitor agrees to pay the Organizer the sum of $________ as the rental/sale price for theexhibition space. Payment shall be made in full at the time of signing this Agreement.3. Use of the Space: The Exhibitor shall use the exhibition space solely for the purpose of displaying and promoting their products/services during the [Event Name] event. The Exhibitor shall not sublease or assign the space without the Organizer's prior written consent.4. Set-Up and Tear-Down: The Exhibitor shall set up their booth in the designated space on [Event Set-Up Date] and shall tear down the booth on [Event Tear-Down Date]. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for all costs associated with set-up and tear-down.5. Indemnification: The Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the Exhibitor's use of the exhibition space.6. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Exhibitor: ______________________________Organizer: ______________________________This Exhibition Contract – Rental/Sale Contract is hereby agreed to by the parties named above and shall be binding upon them.______________________________[Signature, Exhibitor]______________________________[Signature, Organizer]篇4Exhibition ContractThis Exhibition Contract (“Contract”) is entered into by and between the following parties, as of the Effective Date stated below:Exhibitor: [Name of Exhibitor]Address: [Exhibitor’s Address]Contact Person: [Exhibitor’s Contact Person]Phone: [Exhibitor’s Phone Number]Email: [Exhibitor’s Email Address]Organizer: [Name of Organizer]Address: [Organizer’s Address]Contact Person: [Organizer’s Contact Person]Phone: [Organizer’s Phone Number]Email: [Organizer’s Email Address]Effective Date: [Date of Contract]1. Exhibition Space:The Organizer agrees to provide the Exhibitor with [Number of Booths] booth(s) at the [Name of Exhibition] exhibition, to be held at [Location of Exhibition] on [Dates of Exhibition]. The Exhibitor agrees to use the exhibition space solely for the purpose of exhibiting [Description of Products/Services].2. Booth Rental:The Exhibitor agrees to pay the Organizer a booth rental fee of [Amount] for each booth rented. Payment is due [Number of Days] days prior to the start of the exhibition. Failure to make payment by the due date may result in the cancellation of the exhibition space reservation.3. Exhibitor Responsibilities:The Exhibitor agrees to set up their booth(s) according to the guidelines provided by the Organizer. The Exhibitor is responsible for all costs related to booth decoration, staffing, and transportation of exhibit materials.4. Organizer Responsibilities:The Organizer agrees to provide the Exhibitor with the necessary facilities and services for the exhibition, including but not limited to electricity, security, and promotional support.5. Cancellation:In the event that the Exhibitor needs to cancel their booth reservation, written notice must be provided to the Organizer at least [Number of Days] days prior to the start of the exhibition. A cancellation fee of [Amount] will be charged for cancellations received after this deadline.6. Indemnification:The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition.7. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].8. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date first above written.Exhibitor: _______________________ Date: _______________________Organizer: _______________________ Date: _______________________篇5Exhibition ContractThis Exhibition Contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between the [Exhibitor’s Name], (“Exhibitor”) and [Event Organizer’s Name], (“Organizer”) on [Date].1. Term of AgreementThis Contract shall commence on the date of signing and shall terminate upon the completion of the exhibition.2. Space AssignmentExhibitor will be assigned a designated space at the event premises, as specified in the event layout provided by the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the space assignment if deemed necessary.3. Booth Installation & DesignExhibitor shall be responsible for the design, construction, and decoration of their booth space. All designs must be approved by the Organizer prior to installation.4. Payment & CancellationExhibitor shall pay the designated booth fee to the Organizer by the specified due date. In the event of cancellation, refunds will be granted in accordance wi th the Organizer’s cancellation policy.5. Insurance & LiabilityExhibitor shall maintain adequate insurance coverage for their exhibit materials and equipment. The Organizer will not be held liable for any damage or loss incurred during the event.6. Promotion & MarketingExhibitor shall actively promote their participation in the event and adhere to any branding guidelines set forth by the Organizer.7. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract with written notice in the event of a breach of terms or conditions outlined herein.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the event is held.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.[Exhibitor’s Signature][Organizer’s Signature][Exhibitor’s Name][Organizer’s Name]【Signature Date】【Signature Date】This Exhibition Contract is a legally binding agreement between the Exhibitor and the Organizer and is subject to theterms and conditions outlined herein. Failure to comply with the terms of this Contract may result in penalties or legal action.。



专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER20XXP ERSONAL甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年国际会议租赁合同本合同目录一览第一条会议基本信息1.1 会议名称1.2 会议主题1.3 会议日期和时间1.4 会议地点第二条租赁场地和设施2.1 租赁场地2.2 租赁设施2.3 场地和设施的使用时间第三条租赁期限3.1 租赁开始日期3.2 租赁结束日期第四条租金及支付方式4.1 租金金额4.2 租金支付方式4.3 租金支付时间第五条租赁条件5.1 租赁场地的维护和保养5.2 租赁场地的使用限制5.3 租赁场地的安全要求第六条甲方责任6.1 甲方提供的服务和设施6.2 甲方的权利和义务第七条乙方责任7.1 乙方人员的行为规范7.2 乙方的权利和义务第八条违约责任8.1 甲方违约8.2 乙方违约第九条争议解决9.1 争议解决方式9.2 争议解决地点第十条合同的变更和解除10.1 合同变更10.2 合同解除第十一条合同的生效和终止11.1 合同生效条件11.2 合同终止条件第十二条保密条款12.1 保密内容12.2 保密期限第十三条法律适用和争议解决13.1 法律适用13.2 争议解决第十四条其他条款14.1 附加服务14.2 特殊要求14.3 双方约定的其他事项本合同目录一览第一条会议基本信息1.1 会议名称1.2 会议主题1.3 会议日期和时间1.4 会议地点第二条租赁场地和设施2.1 租赁场地2.2 租赁设施2.3 租赁期限第三条租赁费用3.1 租金3.2 费用支付方式3.3 费用支付时间表第四条租赁押金4.1 押金金额4.2 押金支付方式4.3 押金退还条件第五条合同的履行和变更5.1 双方的权利和义务5.2 合同变更条件5.3 合同解除条件第六条违约责任6.1 违约行为6.2 违约责任承担第七条争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 争议解决地点7.3 适用法律第八条保密条款8.1 保密信息范围8.2 保密期限8.3 保密泄露责任第九条保险9.1 保险责任9.2 保险购买9.3 保险有效期限第十条双方联系信息10.1 联系人姓名10.2 联系方式第十一条附件11.1 租赁场地平面图11.2 租赁设施详细清单第十二条其他条款12.1 特别约定12.2 合同的完整性和修改第十三条合同生效13.1 合同签署13.2 合同生效日期第十四条合同终止14.1 合同终止条件14.2 合同终止后的处理事项第一部分:合同如下:第一条会议基本信息1.1 会议名称:2024年国际会议1.2 会议主题:创新与发展:全球视野下的机遇与挑战1.3 会议日期和时间:2024年5月15日至20日,每天9:00至18:001.4 会议地点:X国际会议中心第二条租赁场地和设施2.1 租赁场地:主要包括主会议室、分会场、展览区、接待区等2.2 租赁设施:包括音响设备、投影设备、舞台设备、照明设备、网络设备等2.3 场地和设施的使用时间:自会议开始日至会议结束日第三条租赁期限3.1 租赁开始日期:2024年5月10日3.2 租赁结束日期:2024年5月25日第四条租金及支付方式4.1 租金金额:人民币万元整4.2 租金支付方式:银行转账4.3 租金支付时间:合同签订后七个工作日内第五条租赁条件5.1 租赁场地的维护和保养:甲方负责场地的日常维护和保养,确保场地设施的正常使用5.2 租赁场地的使用限制:乙方不得在租赁场地进行与会议无关的活动5.3 租赁场地的安全要求:甲方应确保租赁场地的安全,提供必要的安全保障措施第六条甲方责任6.1 甲方提供的服务和设施:提供租赁场地和设施,协助乙方进行会议的筹备和运行6.2 甲方的权利和义务:甲方有权按照合同约定收取租金,履行合同约定的义务第七条乙方责任7.1 乙方人员的行为规范:乙方人员应遵守甲方的管理制度,维护场地的正常秩序7.2 乙方的权利和义务:乙方有权按照合同约定使用租赁场地和设施,履行合同约定的义务第一部分:合同如下:第一条会议基本信息1.1 会议名称:2024年国际会议1.2 会议主题:科技创新与可持续发展1.3 会议日期和时间:2024年5月15日至18日,每天9:00至18:001.4 会议地点:X国际会议中心第二条租赁场地和设施2.1 租赁场地:主会议室、分会场、展览区、接待区等2.2 租赁设施:音响设备、投影设备、舞台、灯光、座椅、横幅等2.3 租赁期限:自2024年5月10日至2024年5月20日第三条租赁费用3.1 租金:人民币万元整3.2 费用支付方式:银行转账3.3 费用支付时间表:2024年1月30日前支付50%的租金2024年4月30日前支付剩余50%的租金第四条租赁押金4.1 押金金额:人民币万元整4.2 押金支付方式:银行转账4.3 押金退还条件:租赁期限届满,承租人按照约定退还租赁场地和设施,出租人应当在验收合格后退还押金。



场地租赁合同中英文对照版第一部分:合同背景1.1 合同甲方本次租赁合同甲方为______(以下简称甲方)。

1.2 合同乙方本次租赁合同乙方为______(以下简称乙方)。

1.3 合同背景甲方为______(以下简称场地),乙方为______(以下简称租户),租户希望租赁场地用于______(以下简称租赁用途),双方达成如下协议。

第二部分:合同条款2.1 租赁期限租赁期限为从____月____日到____月____日,共____天。

2.2 租赁面积场地租赁面积为____(平方米/平方英尺)。

2.3 租金及相关费用2.3.1 租金租金总价为____元,其中首期付款为____元。

2.3.2 押金租户应在开始租赁前支付____元的押金,租期结束后,无欠款无损坏情况下押金返还给租户。

2.3.3 其他费用除租金与押金外,租户还需支付____等其他费用。

2.4 租赁用途场地仅供租户进行____(以下简称使用活动)活动,任何其他用途均不允许。

2.5 合同解除若有以下情形之一,本合同将自行失效:•租户未履行协议规定的租金及其他费用支付义务;•租户违反使用活动相关规定,造成场地及其他物品损坏;•租户违反使用活动规定,造成法律纠纷。

2.6 管理和维护2.6.1 场地维护和保养甲方将为租户提供干净、整洁、安全的租用场地,租户应当在使用场地期间妥善管理和使用场地,并按时缴纳维护和保养费用。

2.6.2 设备维护和保养租户应按照规定使用场地内的设备和工具,并确保设备和工具的正常状态。



2.7 知识产权租户不得在场地中使用、张贴、发布任何侵犯他人知识产权的内容,如文字、图表、音乐等。

2.8 保密义务租户应对场地的商业信息和其他相关信息进行保密,不得泄露给未经授权的第三方。

第三部分:其他条款3.1 司法管辖本合同受本国法律管辖。


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BICES 2015展会期间(新国展)会议室租赁协议Agreeme nt o n Meet ing Room Leas ing during Exhibit on BICES 2015 (NCIEC)出租方:The Lessor:租赁方:The Lessee:上述当事人之间签署如下内容的会议室租赁合同(以下简称为合同”;合同中的NCIEC是中国国际展览中心(新馆)的英语简称。

The aboveme nti oned parties have en tered into the meeti ng room leas ing con tract as follows(here in after referred to as the "Co ntract"); The abbreviatio n NCIEC refers to Chi na intern ati onal Exhibiti on Cen ter (New Hall).第1条(会议室的使用目的)Article 1 (The intended use of the meeting room)租赁方”租赁会议室,用途为[会议名称__________________________________________________ ]The Lessee intends to lease the meet ing room for the purpose of [The n ame of the meet ing ________ ]第2条(会议室使用明细)Article 2 (Details on the inten ded use of the meet ing rooms)第3条(租赁费,设备使用费的缴纳日程)Article 3 (Schedule for payme nt of leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee)1 •按照如下交付日程,租赁方”以现金形式向NCIEC交付租赁费,设备使用费。

1. Accord ing to the follow ing payme nt schedule, the Lessee shall make the payme nt of leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee to NCIEC in the form of cash,2 .会议室的基本使用时间为:每日09:00-12 : 00,13:30-16:30。

2. The basic hours of use of the meeting room: 09:00-12:00 everyday, 13:30-16:30.3 •如果使用时间超过本条第1项中规定的基本使用时间,每小时需支付25%的会议室租赁费作为额外时间使用费。

但超出时间为 30分钟以上1小时以下时,按1小时计;额外时间使用费用(半日标准)不超过半日租赁费。

3. If the hours of use exceed the basic hours of use specified in Item 1 un der this article, a payme nt of 25% of the meet ing room leas ing expe nse shall be made as the use fee for every hour of the extra time. The extra time beyond 30 minutes and less than 1 hour shall be deemed as 1 hour, and the use fee for the extra time shall not exceeds the leasing expense for half a day (criterion based on half a day).4. 所有支付款项汇至如下帐户:4. All payme nts shall be remitted to the follow ing acco unt:出租方人民币账户:The Lessor 's CNY account:单位全称:The Lessor 's full name:帐号:Acco unt:开户行:Bank of deposit:联系电话:Tel:第4条(运营规定的遵守)Article 4 (The Operating Rules to be complied with)1 •合同有效期内,租赁方'要严格遵守出租方”制定的运营规定”1. Within the valid term of the con tract, the Lessee shall strictly comply with the Operati ng Rules established by the Lessor.2 .租赁方”违反本条第1项而给出租方”造成损害时,由租赁方”承担损害赔偿责任;有关责任范围的细节事项参照运营规定”2. The Lessee shall be liable for any damages to the Les sor as a result of the Lessee 's breach of Item 1 in this article; See the Operating Rules for the details on the scope of liabilities.第5条(会议室部分租赁面积的取消及违约金)Article 5 Cancellation of partial area of the meeting rooms and default fine)1 •签定租赁合同之后,租赁方”取消部分(或者全部)会议室租赁面积(条件)时,要根据如下标准向出租方”支付违约金。

1. After sig ning the leas ing con tract, if the Lessee (partially or wholly) can cels the leas ing area (conditions) of the meeting room, a payment for default fine according to the following criterion shall be made to the Lessor.2 •租赁方”缴纳相应的违约金后,再与出租方签定修正合同;并且根据运营规定”修正与租赁费、设备使用费的开纳等相关的合同事项。

2. The Lessee shall pay the corresp onding default fine, the n sig n a revised con tract with the Lessor, andall con tract related matters like leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee shall be revised accord ing to the Operat ing Rules.第6条(解约)Article 6 (Term in ati on of con tract)1 •发生如下事项时,出租方可以解除租赁合同。

1. In case of any one of the follow ing circumsta nces, the Lessor may term in ate the leas ing con tract.①租赁方”违反租赁合同或者运营规定”时①The Lessee is in violatio n of the leas ing con tract or the Operat ing Rules②租赁方”未在规定的期限内开纳租赁费等相关费用时②The Lessee fails to pay the leasing expense and other related fees within the prescribed time limit.③租赁方”单方面地提出解约意向或者无意履行合同时③The Lessee un laterally proposes term in ati on of the con tract or has no inten ti on to perform the con tract.2 •根据本条第1项解除租赁合同时,租赁方”要向出租方支付解约金,但如果已经缴纳租赁费,可以直接从租赁费中扣除解约金;解约金不超过已缴付租赁费。

2. If the con tract is termi nated accord ing to Item 1 in this article, the Lessee shall make a payme nt of cancellation money to the Lessor, but if the leasing expense has been paid, the cancellation money may be deducted directly from the leas ing expe nses; the can cellati on money shall n ot exceeds the leas ing expe nse that has bee n paid.3 •会议室租赁期开始后,租赁方”单方面解除租赁合同时,出租方将向租赁方”收取100%的租赁费作为解约金;租赁方’不得向出租方要求退还剩余租赁期的租赁费。

3. If the Lessee un laterally term in ates the con tract after the start of the leas ing term for the meeti ng room, the Lessor will charge the Lessee an amount equal to 100% of the leas ing expe nse as termin ati on mon ey, and the Lessee shall not require the Lessor to refund the leas ing expe nse for the remai ning lease term.第7条(分歧的解决)Article 7 (Settleme nt of discrepa ncy/differe nces)如果对本合同的内容有异议,首先要参照出租方制定的运营规定”,如果运营规定中没有相应解释,双方应本着友好合作的态度进行协商解决。
