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BICES 2015展会期间(新国展)会议室租赁协议

Agreeme nt o n Meet ing Room Leas ing during Exhibit on BICES 2015 (NCIEC)


The Lessor:


The Lessee:



The aboveme nti oned parties have en tered into the meeti ng room leas ing con tract as follows

(here in after referred to as the "Co ntract"); The abbreviatio n NCIEC refers to Chi na intern ati onal Exhibiti on Cen ter (New Hall).


Article 1 (The intended use of the meeting room)

租赁方”租赁会议室,用途为[会议名称__________________________________________________ ]

The Lessee intends to lease the meet ing room for the purpose of [The n ame of the meet ing ________ ]


Article 2 (Details on the inten ded use of the meet ing rooms)


Article 3 (Schedule for payme nt of leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee)

1 •按照如下交付日程,租赁方”以现金形式向NCIEC交付租赁费,设备使用费。

1. Accord ing to the follow ing payme nt schedule, the Lessee shall make the payme nt of leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee to NCIEC in the form of cash,

2 .会议室的基本使用时间为:每日09:00-12 : 00,13:30-16:30。

2. The basic hours of use of the meeting room: 09:00-12:00 everyday, 13:30-16:30.

3 •如果使用时间超过本条第1项中规定的基本使用时间,每小时需支付25%的会议室租赁费作为额外时

间使用费。但超出时间为 30分钟以上1小时以下时,按1小时计;额外时间使用费用(半日标准)不超过半日租赁费。3. If the hours of use exceed the basic hours of use specified in Item 1 un der this article, a payme nt of 25% of the meet ing room leas ing expe nse shall be made as the use fee for every hour of the extra time. The extra time beyond 30 minutes and less than 1 hour shall be deemed as 1 hour, and the use fee for the extra time shall not exceeds the leasing expense for half a day (criterion based on half a day).

4. 所有支付款项汇至如下帐户:

4. All payme nts shall be remitted to the follow ing acco unt:


The Lessor 's CNY account:


The Lessor 's full name:


Acco unt:


Bank of deposit:




Article 4 (The Operating Rules to be complied with)

1 •合同有效期内,租赁方'要严格遵守出租方”制定的运营规定”

1. Within the valid term of the con tract, the Lessee shall strictly comply with the Operati ng Rules established by the Lessor.

2 .租赁方”违反本条第1项而给出租方”造成损害时,由租赁方”承担损害赔偿责任;有关责任范围的细节事项参照运营规定”

2. The Lessee shall be liable for any damages to the Les sor as a result of the Lessee 's breach of Item 1 in this article; See the Operating Rules for the details on the scope of liabilities.


Article 5 Cancellation of partial area of the meeting rooms and default fine)

1 •签定租赁合同之后,租赁方”取消部分(或者全部)会议室租赁面积(条件)时,要根据如下标准向出


1. After sig ning the leas ing con tract, if the Lessee (partially or wholly) can cels the leas ing area (conditions) of the meeting room, a payment for default fine according to the following criterion shall be made to the Lessor.

2 •租赁方”缴纳相应的违约金后,再与出租方签定修正合同;并且根据运营规定”修正与租赁费、设备


2. The Lessee shall pay the corresp onding default fine, the n sig n a revised con tract with the Lessor, and
