system information翻译

system information翻译
System Information翻译是指系统信息,它代表一个由系统设备、软件和服务组成的整体,系统信息可以用来描述系统的特性、配置、性能和其他重要信息。
System Information翻译是将系统信息从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,以便更好地理解系统信息。
System Information翻译主要包括三个方面:一是系统结构的翻译,即将系统的结构(如系统组件,设备,连接器,总线,接口等)从一种语言翻译成另一种语言;二是用户界面的翻译,即将用户界面的文字,图标,按钮,菜单等从一种语言翻译成另一种语言;三是配置文件的翻译,即将配置文件中的参数,变量,函数,脚本等从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。
因此,System Information翻译是一项重要的任务,可以帮助用户更好地理解系统信息,提高系统的安全性和可靠性,从而解决系统中出现的问题。

Web信息系统毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献中英文资料翻译With the popularity of the Inter NET applications, a variety of Web Information System Has become a pressing issue. Establish the essence of Web information systems Development of a Web repository (database as the core of a variety of Web letter Information storage) as the core Web applications. Currently, the Web repositorydevelopment technologyOperation of a wide range of different characteristics. Various periods at all levels, a variety of purposes Technology co-exist, dizzying mirror chaos, it is difficult to choose. More popular Java of Ser vet Web repository development program a more practical Of choice.Servlet is running the applet on the Web server, can be completed Xu Multi-client Applet can not complete the work, which runs on the server and clients No end, do not download do not by the client security restrictions, the running speed Greatly increasedAnd Applet running in a browser and extend the browser's ability similar Like, Serv the let run in the Web server to enable Java Serv the let engine And expand the capacity of the server. Therefore, we can say Serv the let is run in Applet on a Web server, Serv the let Jav a Ser vlet API And Jav a program of classes and packages.1 Servlet access model2 Serv the let, there are three access models:(1) an access model1 browser to Web server to issue a retrieval request.2 the Web server after receipt of the request, the requestforwarded tothe Servle tengine.3 Serlet engine to perform the requested the Ser vlet and directly throughJDBC4Servlet throughJDBC toretrieve searchresults to generate the html page and Page back to the Web server.5 the Web server the page is sent back to the browser.(2)The second access model1 browser to Web server to issue a retrieval request.2 the Web server receives the request after the request forwardedto the of Ser v the letengine.3 Serv let engine to perform the request the the Ser vlet and retrieve sentJa, vabean access to the data.4data access the Ja vabean searchable database throughJDBC informationAnd from the search results stored in itself.5Servlet remove search results from the data access Javabean generate Html page and Ht ml of page back to the w eb server.6 the Web server the page is sent back to the browser.(3) The third access model1 A browser issue a retrieval request to the Web server.2 Web server receives the request after the request forwarded to the ofSer v the let engine.Of Ser vlet engine to perform the requested Servlet directlythroughJDBC inspection3 The cable database and search results are stored in the result isstored the Jav abean into.Javabean,4. Ser v the let from the results are stored to remove the search results and JSP files to format the output page.2 Servlet functionality and life cycle2.1Servlet functions(1) Create and return dynamic Web pages based on customer requests.(2) create can be embedded into existing HTML pages as part of HTML Page (HT fragment) of the ML.(3) and other server resources (including databases and applications based on the Jav a Program) to communicate.(4) to handle multiple client connections, receiving the input of more than one client, and The results broadcast to multiple clients. For example, Ser vlet is a multi-participant Game server.(5) of MIM E type filter information on the special handling, such as image Conversion and server-side include (SSI).(6) custom processing available to all servers in the standard routine.2.2Servlet lifecycleServlet life cycle begins with it into the Web server's memory And end in the termination or re-loaded Serv the let.(1) load.Load the servlet at the following times:1. If you have configured automatic load option, and then start the Webserver automatically loaded2.After the start of the Web server, the client Serv the let issued for the first time, pleaseDemand.3.Reload Serv the let.Loaded Servlet, Web servers to create a servlet instance, and Servlet's init () method is called. Servlet initialization parameters in the initialization phase, The number is passed to the Servlet configuration object.(2) terminateWhen the Web server no longer needs the servlet, or reload Servlet A new instance of the server calls Serv the let's destroy () method, remove it from the Memory deleted.3 How to call ServletMethod of Ser vlet is called Total five kinds: call in the URL in the formT ag call, call, in HT the ML page in the JSP files Call, call in an ASP file. The following itemized to be introduced.(1) call the servlet in the URL.Simply input format in the browser as http: ∥yo ur webser ver the same the ser vlet name name / servlet path / servlet the URL to The site canbe. Ofwhich:your webser ver name is to refer to the Servlet where theWeb server name, the servlet path is the path refers to the Servlet, the servletThe name refers to the Servlet real name or an alias.(2) call the Servlet tagsCall of Ser the let the the tag allows users to input data on the Web page, andinput data submitted to the vlet of Ser.Serv the let will be submitted to receive data in different ways.For example: {place the text input area tags, buttons and other logos} (3) in the HTML page to call the servlet.Use mark tags, no need to create a complete HTML page.Instead,the servlet output isonly part of the HTMLpage (HTML fragment) and dynamicallyembedded into the static text in the original HTML page.All this happened on the server andsent to the user only the resulting HTML page. tag contained in the original HTML page.Servlet will be invoked in these two markers and the Ser vlet response will cover these two markersbetween all things and mark itself, for example: 〈SERVLET NAME= “my serv let ”CODE= “my serv let .class”CODEBASE= “u r l”initpar am= “v alue”〉〈PARAM NAME= “parm1”VALU E= “v alue1”〉〈PARAM NAME= “parm2”VALU E= “v alue2”〉〈/SERVLET 〉(4) call the servlet in the JSP files.Call in the JSP file format used by the Servlet and HTML page to call exactly the same.Andthe principles are identical. Only reconcile its dynamic JSP file is not a static HTML page.(5) in an ASP file calls the servlet.If you Micr oso ft I nt ernet Informatio n-Ser ver (II S) on the legacy of the ASP file, and can not be ASP files transplanted into a JSP file, you can use the ASP file to of Ser vlet iscalled.But it must be through a special ActiveX control, an ASP file is only through it can callthe servlet.4 Servlet Howto use ConnectionManager toefficiently manage the database connection (1) the functionality of the Connection Manager.For non-Web applications, Web-based application access tothe database will lead tohigher and unpredictable overhead, which is due to more frequent Web users connect anddisconnect.Normally connected to the resourcesused and disconnect from the databasewill farexceed the resources used in the retrieval.Connection Manager function is to minimize the additional occupancy of the users of the database resources to achieve thebest performance of database access.Connection Manager sharing overhead through the establishmentof the connection poolwill connect users Servlet available to multipleusers request.In other words, each userrequest only the connect/ disconnect with a small portion of the overhead costs.Initialresources to establish the connection of the buffer pool, the rest of the connect/ disconnectoverhead is not big, because this isonly reuse the existing connection.Serv the let in the following manner using the connectionpool: When a user throughRequest Web Serv the let the let Serv use an existing connection from the buffer poolNext, this means that the user requests do not cause the connection to the databasesystem overhead. InAfter the termination of serv the let it connect to return to the pool forits Connection ManagerThe Ser vlet. Thus, the user request does not cause the database is disconnectedOf system overhead.Connection Manager also allows users to be able tocontrol the concurrency of thedatabase products evenThen the number. When the database license agreement limit the number ofusers, this feature isVery useful. Create a buffer pool for the database, and connection managementBuffering pool "maximum number of connections" parameter setto the database product license limitGiven maximum number of users. If you use otherprograms without Connection ManagerconnectionsDatabase, you can not guarantee that the method is effective.(2) the structure of the Connection Manager.(3) Connection Manager connection pool to maintain a connection to a specificdatabase is open. Step 1: When the first Serv the let trying to Connection Manager communications is loaded by the Java Application ServerConnection Manager. As long as the Java application server running the Connection Manager has been loaded. Step 2: The Java application server passes the request to a servlet. Step 3: Servlet Connection Managerrequests a connection from the pool. Step four: the buffer pool to Ser vlet allocated a pool of existing idle connection. Step 5: servlet to use toconnect a direct dialogue with the database, this process is the standard API for a particular database. Step 6: the database through Ser vlet the connection returns data. Step 7: When theServlet end to communicate with the database, servlet connections returned to the connection manager pool for other servlet uses. Step 8: Servlet Jav a application server to the user sends back response.Servlet requests a connection, if the buffer pool, there is no idle connection, then the connection manager directlycommunicate with the database. Connection Manager will: Step 9: to the database requests a new connection. Step 10: Add connections to thebuffer pool. If the buffer pool is connected to the prescribed ceiling, connect to the serverWill not be a new connection to join the buffer pool(3) the performance characteristics of the Connection Manager.Buffer pool to create a new connection is a high overhead tasks, newconnections will use the resources on the database. Therefore, theConnection Manager the best use of existing connections of the buffer pool to meet the request of the Servlet. Meanwhile, the connecting tubeThe processor must be as much as possible to minimize the buffer pool idle connections, because this is a great waste of systemresources. Connection Manager Serv the let with the implementation of these minimize and maximize task. Connection Manager to maintain each connection verification time stamp, and recently used tags and use the logo. When the a Ser vlet first the connection, connection verification time stamp, and most recent time stamp is set to the current time, theconnection is being used flag is set to true.Connection Manager can be removed from a Serv the let a long-unused connections, this length of time specified by the Connection Manager, the longest cycleparameters.Connection Manager can view recently used mark is beingused to connect. If the time between the most recently used time and time difference is greater than the longest cycle configuration parameters, the connection will be considered to be a residual connection, which indicates Serv the let take its discontinued or no response. Residual connection will be returned to the pool for other Ser vlet, it is being used flag is set to false, authentication and time stamp is set to the current time.If Ser vlet is ready within a longer period of time to use the connection with the database several timesCommunications, you must code to the Serv the let, so that each time you use to connectConfirm that it still occupies this connection.Connection Manager can be removed from the buffer pool idle connections, because theyWould be a waste of resources. In order to determine which connection is idle, Connection Manager will checkInvestigation connected the sign and time stamp, this operation isconnected by periodic access toBuffer pool information. Connection Manager checks have not been any Ser vlet makeWith the connections (these connections is to use the logo is false). If you have recently usedBetween time and the current time difference exceeds amaximum idle time configuration parameters, theThat the connection is idle. Idle connection will be removed from the buffer pool, down toMinimum number of connections configuration parameter specifies thelower limit value.翻译:随着Inter net 的普及应用, 各种Web 信息系统的建立已成为一个迫在眉睫的问题。
information system(信息系统)

Features of ICT
• Flows of information in logistics and supply chains are as fundamental as the flows of goods and materials and people.
• All the flows of physical goods, people and material are triggered by ICT. • The timing and quality of the information affects the quality of decision-making.
Success of Tourism Information System (crucial aspects) • Comfortable and powerful access capabilities. • Comprehensive, detailed, accurate and tropical tourism information.
Case Analysis-KFC
(for customers)
• Established logistics information network platform. • Adoption of Bar Cod and GPS. • Call-center • Door-to-door service
Information System
What is ICT?
• Definition: ICT (Information and
Communication System ) is the use of electronic processing media for the collection, analysis and evaluation of data, and the transfer of information from one point to another.

Discussing about the successful factors of ERP projectsimplementation and the risk management.The primary functions of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are to integrate the inter-departmental operation procedures and Management Information System (MIS) modules, and to reallocate the resources of a company. How to successfully implement an ERP system in an organization is always a hot research topic for researchers as well as a pending problem for an organization that wants to implement it. A case study on the selection of system suppliers and contract negotiation during the ERP implementation of a local construction company in Taiwan, after reviewing the common key success factors discussed in the literature, discussed seven issues: coding system, working process reengineering, priority of ERP functionality implementation, customization, participant roles, consultant role and performance level of subcontractor, which also affected the implementation.Lessons learned from the case study in discussed seven issues are valuable for a construction company in deciding to implement an ERP system. This study suggests that additional case studies are necessary for the successful application of ERP systems in the construction industry. ERP implementation is a 'Triple Play' that combines people, technology, and processes. It embodies a complex implementation process, especially in developing countries like China, often taking several years, huge amount of fund and involving a major business process reengineering exercise. An attempt has been made to identify some Chinese-specific difficulties in the implementation process and provide solutions to implement ERP system successfully through questionnaire survey, interviews, and secondary data. On the basis of analysis of questionnaire results, some common difficulties have been explored by authors, such as support of top management, costly and time-consuming, cultural differences, technical complexity, lack of professional personnel, and inner resistance. The difficulties are largely due to the nature of enterprise's ownership and size. Suggested solutions to overcome these difficulties: ERP software packages selection, ERP implementation team, BPR, Training, and Outsourcing-Application Service Provider. These solutions can effectively solve ERP difficulties.Actually, ERP is widely used in many fields, from public sectors to individual business. Recently, service organizations have invested considerable resources in the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, even using solutions initially targeted for manufacturing companies. To get an insight into how servicesapproach help ERP implementation, a review of ERP projects, especially in services, completed by six case studies has been undertaken. We identify and discuss some characteristics of services, which are discriminatory regarding manufacturing. Main characteristics identified deal with complete or partial integration, product or customer orientation, importance of labor, human factor. In conclusion, trends to standardization and integration seen in the industrial sector are also growing in services, but in different ways.Refers to the overseas some literature material, a successful ERP project, often needs to spend several year times, number thousands of US dollars can complete. Again turns head looks at the home, along with ERP skepticisms gaining ground, price war starting, ERP took one kind of software supplier's product, has actually goes down the god world tendency. ERP leader SAP also promoted Business the One product, the price has been lower than 100,000.Even if the ERP software can achieve free, or like the IBM esteem according to the boundary which must collect fees, implements the angle from the entire enterprise, considers the personnel, training, the maintenance, the service reorganization, the re-development, three, n development, its expense should also in several 1,000,000 and even surely the scale. This speaking of the domestic enterprise, already was not the small number.But, some many enterprises harbor the beautiful dream, steps the ERP implementation the difficult travel. In which also has many projects to be defeated comes to an end. But regarding these final survivors, whether can the halberd be also put in storage, drinks wine to sing loudly? In fact, the enterprise implements the ERP project after the success will face implements a bigger risk. In future five to ten years in, some solid ERP risk management mechanism had decided whether the enterprise can obtain benefits truly in the initial ERP investment.The project is "for completes the disposable endeavor which some unique product or the service station do", the project "the distinctive quality" had decided the project not impossible was by with the before identical way, simultaneously, the project which completed by and the before identical person must create the product or the service, as well as the project possibly involved the scope, the time and the cost all not impossible started when the project completely to determine, therefore, carried on in the process in the project also corresponding to be able to appear the massive uncertainty, namely project risk. Below this article mentioned "the risk" is refers to the project "disadvantageously" the element of certainty. Exists to the projectdisadvantageous risk in any project, often and can give the project the advancement and the project success brings the negative influence. Once the risk occurs, its influence is various, like causes the project product/service the function to be unable to satisfy the customer the need, the project expense surpasses the budget, the project plan dragging or is compelled to cancel and so on, it finally manifests for customer degree of satisfaction depression. Therefore, the recognition risk, the appraisal risk and take the measure to be supposed to be the risk management have the extremely vital significance to the risk to the project management.Ⅰ Risk management concrete contentThe project risk management mainly divides into following several steps: The risk recognition, the qualitative/quota risk analysis, the risk should to plan the establishment and the risk monitoring.1. risk recognitionsThe risk recognition, is refers distinguishes and records possibly has the adverse effect to the project the factor. Because the project is in develops in unceasingly the change process, therefore the risk recognition also passes through in the entire project implementation entire process, but is not merely the project initial stage. The risk recognition is not the disposable work, but need more systems, crosswise thought. Possesses nearly about the project plan and the information all possibly takes the risk recognition the basis, like project progress and cost plan, work decomposition structure, project organizational structure, project scope, similar project historical information and so on. Needs to pay attention, all risks all may carry on the management by no means through the risk recognition. The risk recognition only can discover the known risk (for example: In the known project organization some member ability cannot satisfy the request completely) or the known unknown risk (known-unknown, namely "event name known", like "customer side personnel participates in dynamics being insufficient"); Before but certain risks, as a result of the project distinctive quality, not impossible to occur in it know in advance (unknown-unknown, namely unknown-unknown risk).2. qualitative/quota risk analysisThe latent risk quantity distinguishes which through the risk recognition process are very many, but these latent risks to the project the influence are various. "The risk analysis" namely through the analysis, the comparison, the appraisal and so on each way, to determined various risks the importance, sorts to the risk and appraises it tothe project possible consequence, thus causes the project to implement the personnel to be possible to concentrate the main energy in the few in number main risk, thus enable the project the overall risk to be under the effective control.The risk analysis mainly may use the method includes: Riskprobability/influence appraisal matrix, sensitive analysis, simulation and so on. When carries on the above analysis, mainly pays attention to following several risk factor: Risk probability: Namely the risk event occurs possible percentage expression. This numeral is, like the expert who obtains through the subjective judgment appraises, the interview or the basis before similar project historical information.Risk influence: Namely the risk has possibly the influence size which creates to the project. This kind of influence is possibly in the time, possibly is in the cost, also is possibly other various aspects.Risk value (required value EMV): The risk value = risk probability * risk influence, is to the risk the influence most direct appraisal which creates to the project, its overall evaluation probability with has affected two aspects the factors.3. risks should plan the establishmentThe risk should lie in to the plan goal through the formulation corresponding measure, comes to be supposed to the risk the threat which possibly creates to the project.Most often uses should to threat several measures be: The circumvention, reduces, the shift, accepts.The circumvention, namely eliminates this risk through the elimination risk origin;Reduces, namely through takes the measure to reduce "the risk probability" or "the risk influence", thus achieved reduces the risk value the result;The shift, soon the risk shifts to another side, like purchase insurance, sub package and so on;Accepts, namely does not take the measure to this risk, accepts result which it creates, or occurs after this risk uses the contingency plan to carry on processing again. Selects what method to come specifically to be supposed to some risk, is decided in this risk value (EMV), plans to adopt should to the measure possible cost, the project management personnel treat the risk the manner (utility function) the type and so on various aspects, cannot be generally spoken.The risk should be aims at the risk to the plan which distinguishes to carry on; Regarding the unknown risk, not impossible to choose in advance the formulationcorresponding to be supposed to plan or the contingency plan, therefore, may stockpile using the management should be right.Ⅱ ERP project implementation risk managementThe different type project has the different type risk. The ERP project implementation risk has its particularity similarly. The following gives a briefing to in the ERP project implementation process risk management measure, the single opinion, only supplies the reference.ERP project implementation main risk and should to the measure:As mentioned above, "possesses nearly about the project plan and the information all possibly takes the risk recognition the basis, like project progress and cost plan, work decomposition structure, project organizational structure, project scope, similar project historical information and so on." In the ERP project risk recognition process, may take the project plan as the clue, the recognition project in various aspects risk. In the implementation process, should pay attention to following several aspects specially the risk:1) project scope riskThe project purchase management usually has three contract ways, namely: The solid fixed price or the total price contract, the cost reimburse (add reward) the contract, the unit price contract. The usual uncertainty is bigger, a risk bigger project, more tends to in using depends on after the contract way. This also is overseas and the domestic part ERP supplier uses in the implementation service according to the human day provides serves and charges the fee the reason. But selects this method, the buyer (i.e. customer) has the big risk, therefore, the domestic very many customers favor in work out the implementation contract of service by the fixed price. But this contract way, then (i.e. consultant side) has the big risk regarding the seller. Under this premise, if the project scope definition is not clear, possibly causes the round turns to have the difference to the project scope cognition: The seller hoped reduces the implementation scope as far as possible, by smallest cost closing performance; But the buyer hoped ERP system all function many implementations, obtains as far as possible by the fixed price the greatest income. If the bilateral difference is big, cannot achieve consistently, then can create the efficiency inevitably to be low, wrangles mutually.Therefore, in the ERP project contract, should make as far as possible the clear limits to the project implementation scope, cuts cannot pause in "the implementationfinance module" perhaps "the implementation receivable, the manipulation, the general ledger management" and so on in stratification plane.Rather multi-flowered some time before in project implementation scope limits work, also do not have in the project implementation process, facing ERP many functions, the implementation side and the user side is unyielding, or the forced concessions, invests a bigger energy in the project, but causes the project not to be able to complete on time.2) project progress riskAbout the ERP project implementation cycle, at present has emphasizes "fast" the tendency in the propaganda. But ERP project progress control certainly not easy matter, not only is decided by consultant firm's ability, simultaneously also to a great extent receives the customer side to the ERP expected value whether reasonable, to the scope controls whether effective, to project investment (including personnel time investment and fund and so on investment) whether enough and so on aspect influences.Provides elder brother Shan Shitong by the divine land numerical code who the ERP system and is responsible to implement the metal, in a short time makes something a matter of political line successfully, one of reasons is easy to fly the ERP implementation group integrity mature to induct the mechanism and consultant personnel's remarkable quality, smoothly has assisted the world effectively with the metal political line work. Starts from the political line then to have special consultant to be responsible to induct the implementation entire the plan, the long-term accumulation profession knowledge and the managerial experience have also promoted the entire ERP operation level, has properly dealt with in the political line work issue. The user has the intense approval to the project minute stage implementation, only emphasizes in the first stage to the basic function realization, but the massive work will remain after the political line or improve in continually the process.But in the actual operation, by no means all users all have this kind of understanding and the approval to the ERP implementation, therefore, in project progress plan time, constantly when project progress plan strives for quickly, even is pursues some to have the special significance date sedulously to take the project milestone, will create the very tremendous pressure to the project progress control.In fact, the very many project defeat, is precisely is attributed to the project progress to appear the dragging, but causes the project team despondency, the efficiency to be low. Therefore, the ERP project implementation time management, needs to consider each kind of latency fully, suitable conservative; The duty decomposes the detailed degree of fineness to be moderate, is advantageous for the inspection; In the implementation, should emphasize the project according to the progress execution importance, in considered when any question, all must take the maintenance progress the precondition; At the same time, reasonably and follows up fast using rushing a job and so on the methods, uses the resources fully.3) project human resources riskThe human resources are in the ERP project implementation process the most essential resources. Guaranteed the appropriate person, participates in the project by the enough energy, is the project success implementation basic guarantee.In the ERP project implementation has each kind of role, should have the quality to each kind of role, we no longer give unnecessary detail in this. Must reduce the project the human resources risk, must guarantee enters and undertakes role each kind of project to the project in to do is the human satisfies the project request. Therefore, implements both sides to be supposed to participate in the personnel carrying on the earnest appraisal, this kind of appraisal should be the bilateral surface, not only is the user to consults consultant's appraisal, also should include the consultant firm to the user side member who participates in the project (in under the domestic present environment, mainly is refers to essential user) the appraisal. At the same time, should guarantee the project personnel to the project investment degree. Should participation the ERP project personnel's achievement to appraise and the ERP project implementation condition is connected, is clear about the ERP project is in this stage project correlation personnel most important labor of duty; Formulates the suitable rewards and punishment measure; Establishes "the member project" in the enterprise the thought, layer upon layer "the member", namely all levels of people in charge downward exercises in view of the ERP implementation plenary powers, shoulders the entire responsibility to on, extends the member from the individual concept to the organic synthesis community concept.4) The risk that people don't understand ERP correctlySome enterprises regard as ERP the business management the panacea, thought since ERP "the function is formidable", so long as on ERP, enterprise's all questionshave then been easily solved, or thought enterprise's all flows all may integrate to ERP in; Also some people simple regard as ERP the current service flow the computerization.浅谈ERP项目实施成功因素和风险管理ERP —Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划系统,是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。

信息系统(Information System,IS)简称IS。
Information Technology, the Internet and you

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, THE INTERNET, AND YOU(信息技术、互联网和你)INFORMATION SYSTEMS(信息系统)The way to think about a microcomputer is to re-alize that it is one part of an information sys-tem. There are five parts of an information system:译文:把微型计算机作为信息系统其中的一部分来考虑。
信息系统有五个部分:1.People are an essential part of the system. The purpose of information systems is to makepeople, or end users like you, more productive.译文:人是系统中必不可少的一部分。
2.Procedures are rules or guidelines to follow when using software, hardware, and data. Theyare typically documented in manuals written by computer professionals.译文:步骤是当使用软件、硬件和数据时可以遵循的规则或者指导方针。
3.Software(programs) provides step-by-step instructions to control the computer to con-vertdata into information.译文:软件(程序)提供一步一步的指示来控制计算机将数据转换成信息。
4.Hardware consists of the physical equipment. It is controlled by software and processes datato create information.译文:硬件包括物理设备。

中英文对照翻译附录1 外文翻译(原文)Systems Analysis and DesignWorking under control of a stored program, a computer processes data into information. Think about that definition for a minute. Any given computer application involves at least three components: hardware, software, and data. Merely writing a program isn't enough; because the program is but one component in a system.A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish an objective. For example, consider a payroll system. Its objective is paying employees. What components are involved? Each day,employees record their hours worked on time cards. At the end of each week, the time cards are collected and delivered to the computer center, where they are read into a payroll program. As it runs, the program accesses data files. Finally, the paychecks are printed and distributed. For the system to work, people, procedures, input and output media, files, hardware, and software must be carefully coordinated. Note that the program is but one component in a system.Computer-based systems are developed because people need information. Those people, called users, generally know what is required, but may lack the expertise to obtain it. Technical professionals, such as programmers, have the expertise, but may lack training in the user's field. To complicate matters, users and programmers often seem to speak different languages, leading to communication problems. A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms, thus serving as a bridge between users and technical professionals.Like an engineer or an architect, a systems analyst solves problems by combining solid technical skills with insight, imagination, and a touch of art. Generally, the analyst follows a well-defined, methodical process that includes at least the following steps;1.Problem definition2.Analysis3.Design4.Implementation5.MaintenanceAt the end of each step, results are documented and shared with both the user and the programmers. The idea is to catch and correct errors and misunderstandings as early as possible. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the process is through example.Picture a small clothing store that purchases merchandise at wholesale, displays this stock, and sells it to customers at retail. On the one hand, too much stock represents an unnecessary expense. On the other hand, a poor selection discourages shoppers. Ideally, a balance can be achieved: enough, but not too much.Complicating matters is the fact that inventory is constantly changing, with customer purchases depleting stock, and returns and reorders adding to it. [1] The owner would like to track inventory levels and reorder and given item just before the store runs out. For a single item, the task is easy-just count the stock-on-hand. Unfortunately, the store has hundreds of different items, and keeping track of each one is impractical. Perhaps a computer might help.2-1 Problem DefinitionThe first step in the systems analysis and design process is problem definition. The analyst's objective is determining what the user (in this case, the store's owner) needs. Note that, as the process begins, the user possesses the critical information, and the analyst must listen and learn. Few users are technical experts. Most see the computer as a "magic box, "and are not concerned with how it works. At this stage, the analyst has no business even thinking about programs, files, and computer hardware, but must communicate with the user on his or her own term.The idea is to ensure that both the user and the analyst are thinking about the same thing-Thus, a clear, written statement expressing the analyst's understanding of the problem is essential. The user should review and correct this written statement. The time to catch misunderstandings and oversights is now, before time, money and effort are wasted.Often, following a preliminary problem definition, the analyst performs a feasibility study. The study a brief capsule version of the entire systems analysis and design process, attempts to answer three questions:1.Can the problem be solved?2.Can it be salved in the user's environment?3.Can it be solved at a reasonable cost?If the answer to any one of these questions is no, the system should not be developed. Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study, the analyst can turn to planning and developing a problem solution.2- 2 AnalysisAs analysis begins, the analyst understands the problem. The next step is determining what must be done to solve it. The user knows what must be done 1 during analysis; this knowledge is extracted and formally documented. Most users think in terms of the functions to be performed and the data elements to be manipulated. The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements, yielding a logical system design.Start with the system's basic functions. The key is keeping track of the stock-on-hand for each product in inventory. Inventory changes because customers purchase, exchange, and return products, so the system will have to process customer transactions. The store's owner wants to selectively look at the inventory level for any product in short supply and, if appropriate, order replacement stock, so the system must be able to communicate with management. Finally, following management authorization, the system should generate a reorder ready to send to a supplier.Fig 1Given the system's basic functions, the analyst's next task is gaining a sense of their logical relationship. A good way to start is by describing how data flow between the functions. As the name implies, data flow diagrams are particularly useful for graphically describing these data flows. Four symbols are used (Fig. 1). Data sources and destinations are represented by squares; input data enter the system from a source, and output data flow to a destination. Once in the system, the data are manipulated orchange by processes, represented by round-corner rectangles. A process might be a program, a procedure, or anything else that changes or moves data. Data can be held for later processing in data stores, symbolized by open-ended rectangles. A data store might be a disk file, a tape file, a database, written notes, or even a person's memory. Finally, data flow between sources, destinations, processes, end data stores over data flows, which are represented by arrows.Fig 2Figure 2 shows a preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. Start with CUSTOMER. Transactions flow from a customer f into the system, where they are handled by Process transaction. A data store, STOCK, holds data on each item in inventory. Process transaction changes the data to reflect the new transaction. Meanwhile, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through Communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a reorder. Once, a reorder is authorized. Generate reorder sends necessary data to the SUPPLIER, who ships the items to the store. Note that, because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products it is handled as a transaction.The data flow diagram describes the logical system. The next step is tracing the data flows. Start with the destination SUPPLIER. Reorders flow to suppliers; for example, the store might want 25 pairs of jeans. To fill the order, the supplier needs the product description and the reorder quantity. Where do these data elements come from? Since they are output by Generate reorder, they must either be Input to or generated by this process. Data flow into Generate reorder for STOCK; thus, product descriptions and reorder quantities must be stored in STOCK.Other data elements, such as the item purchased and the purchase quantity are generated by CUSTOMER. Still others, for example selling price and reorder point, are generated by or needed by MANAGEMENT. The current stock-on-hand for agiven item is an example of a data element generated by an algorithm in one of the procedures. Step by step, methodically, the analyst identifies the data elements to be input to .stored by, manipulated by, generated by, or output by the system.To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dictionary. A simple data dictionary can be set up on index cards, but computerized data dictionaries have become increasingly popular. The data dictionary, a collection of data describing and defining the data, is useful throughout the systems analysis and design process, and is often used to build a database during the implementation stage.The idea of analysis is to define the system's major functions and data elements methodically. Remember that the objective is translating user needs into technical terms. Since the system starts with the user, the first step is defining the user's needs. Users think in terms of functions and data. They do not visualize programs, or files, or hardware .and during this initial, crucial analysis stage it is essential that the analyst think like a user, not like a programmer.Data flow diagrams and data dictionaries are useful tools. They provide a format for recording key information about the proposed system. Also, they jog the analyst's memory) for example, if the analyst doesn't have sufficient information to complete a data dictionary entry, he or she has probably missed something. Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst's understanding of the system requirements. By reviewing these documents, the user can correct misunderstandings or oversights. Finally, they represent an excellent starting point the next step, design.2-3 DesignAs we enter the design stage, we know what the system must do, and thus can begin thinking about how to do it. The objective is to develop a strategy for solving the problem. At this stage, we are not interested in writing code or in defining precise data structures; instead, we want to identify, at a black box level, necessary programs, files, procedures, and other components.The data flow diagram defines the system's necessary functions; how might they be implemented? One possibility is writing one program for each process. Another is combining two or more processes in a single program; there are dozens of alternative solutions. Let's focus on one option and document it.A system flowchart uses symbols to represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system (Fig. 3). Our flowchart (.Fig.4) shows that transaction data enter the system through a terminal, are processed by a data collection program, and then are stored on an inventory file. Eventually, the inventory file is processed by a Report and reorder program. Through it, management manipulates the data and authorizes reorders.Fig. 4 on a system flowchart, symbols represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system.Fig 3Look at the system flowchart. It identifies several hardware components, including a computer, a disk drive, a data entry terminal, a printer, and a display terminal. Two programs are needed; Process transaction and Report and reorder. In add ition to the hardware and the programs, we’ll need data structures for the inventory file and for data flaws between the I/O devices and the software. Note that this system flowchart illustrates one possible solution; a good analyst will develop several feasible alternatives before choosing one.Fig 4The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. Since the data link the components, the next task is defining the data structures. Consider, for example, the inventory file. It contains all the data elements from the data store STOCK. The data elements are listed in the data dictionary. Using them, the file's data structure can be planned,How should the file be organized? That depends on how it will be accessed. For example, in some applications, data are processed at regular, predictable intervals. Typically, the data are collected over time and processed together, as a batch. If batch processing is acceptable, a sequential file organization is probably best.It is not always possible to wait until a batch of transactions is collected, however. For example, consider an air defense early warning system. If an unidentified aircraft is spotted it must be identified immediately the idea of waiting until 5 _ 00 p.m. because "that's when the air defense program is run" is absurd. Instead, because of the need for quick response, each transaction must be processed as it occurs. Generally such transaction processing systems call for direct access file.Our inventory system has two programs. One processes transactions. A direct access inventory file seems a reasonable choice. The other allows management to study inventory data occasionally; batch processing would certainly do. Should the inventory file be organized sequentially or directly? Faced with such a choice a good analyst considers both options. One possible system might accept transactions and process them as they occur. As an alternative, sales slips might be collected throughout the day and processed as a batch after the store closes. In the first system, the two programs would deal with direct access files; in the second system, they would be linked to sequential files. A program to process direct access data is different from a program to process sequential data. The data drive the system. The choice of a data structure determines the program’s structure. Note that the program is defined and planned in the context of the system.2- 4 ImplementationOnce the system's major components have been identified .we can begin to develop them. Our system includes two programs, several pieces of equipment, and a number of data structures. During implementation, each program is planned and written using the techniques described in Chapter 7. Files are created, and theircontents checked. New hardware is purchased, installed, and tested. Additionally, operating procedures are written and evaluated. Once all the component parts are ready, the system is tested. Assuming the user is satisfied, the finished system is released.2- 5 MaintenanceMaintenance begins after the system is released. As people use it, they will suggest minor improvements and enhancements. Occasionally, bugs slip through debug and testing, and removing them is another maintenance task. Finally, conditions change, and a program must be updated; for example, if the government passes a low changing the procedure for collecting income taxes, the payroll program must be modified. Maintenance continues for the life of a system, and its cost can easily match or exceed the original development cost. Good planning, solid documentation, and well-structured programs can help to minimize maintenance cost.附录2 外文翻译(译文)系统的分析与设计在存储程序的控制下,计算机把数据处理成信息。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Information System Development and DatabaseDevelopmentIn many organizations, database development from the beginning of enterprise data modeling, data modeling enterprises determine the scope of the database and the general content. This step usually occurs in an organization's information system planning process, it aims to help organizations create an overall data description or explanation, and not the design of a specific database. A specific database for one or more information systems provide data and the corporate data model (which may involve a number of databases) described by the organization maintaining the scope of the data. Data modeling in the enterprise, you review of the current system, the need to support analysis of the nature of the business areas, the need for further description of the abstract data, and planning one or more database developmentproject. Figure 1 shows Pine Valley furniture company's enterprise data model of a part.1.1 Information System ArchitectureSenior data model is only general information system architecture (ISA) or a part of an organization's information system blueprint. In the information system planning, you can build an enterprise data model as a whole information system architecture part. According to Zachman (1987), Sowa and Zachman (1992) views of an information system architecture consists of the following six key components:DataManipulation of data processing (of a data flow diagram can be used, with the object model methods, or other symbols that).Networks, which organizations and in organizations with its main transmission of data between business partners (it can connect through the network topology map and to demonstrate).People who deal with the implementation of data and information and is the source and receiver (in the process model for the data shows that the sender and the receiver).Implementation of the events and time points (they can use state transition diagram and other means.)The reasons for the incident and data processing rules (often in the form of text display, but there are also a number of charts for the planning tools such as decision tables).1.2 Information EngineeringInformation systems planners in accordance with the specific information system planning methods developed information system architecture. Information engineering is a popular and formal methods. Information engineering is a data-oriented creation and maintenance of the information system. Information engineering is because the data-oriented, so when you begin to understand how the database is defined by the logo and when information engineering a concise explanation is very helpful. Information Engineering follow top-down planning approach, in which specific information systems from a wide range of informationneeds in the understanding derived from (for example, we need about customers, products, suppliers, sales and processing of the data center), rather than merging many detailed information requested ( orders such as a screen or in accordance with the importation of geographical sales summary report). Top-down planning will enable developers to plan more comprehensive information system, consider system components provide an integrated approach to enhance the information system and the relationship between the business objectives of the understanding, deepen their understanding of information systems throughout the organization in understanding the impact.Information Engineering includes four steps: planning, analysis, design and implementation. The planning stage of project information generated information system architecture, including enterprise data model.1.3 Information System PlanningInformation systems planning objective is to enable IT organizations and the business strategy closely integrated, such integration for the information systems and technology to make the most of the investment interest is very important. As the table as a description, information engineering approach the planning stage include three steps, we in the follow-up of three sections they discussed.1. Critical factors determining the planningPlanning is the key factor that organizational objectives, critical success factors and problem areas. These factors determine the purpose of the establishment of planning and environment planning and information systems linked to strategic business planning. Table 2 shows the Pine Valley furniture company's key planning a number of possible factors, these factors contribute to the information systems manager for the new information systems and databases clubs top priority to deal with the demand. For example, given the imprecise sales forecasts this problem areas, information systems managers in the organization may be stored in the database additional historical sales data, new market research data and new product test data.2. The planning organizations set targetsOrganizations planning targets defined scope of business, and business scope will limit the subsequent analysis and information systems may change places. Five key planning targets as follows:● organizational units in the various sectors.● organizations location of the place of business operations.● functions of the business support organizations handling mission of the relevant group. Unlike business organizations function modules, in fact a function can be assigned to various organizations modules (for example, product development function is the production and sale of the common responsibility of the Ministry).● types of entities managed by the organization on the people, places and things of the major types of data.● Information System data set processing software applications and support procedures.3. To set up a business modelA comprehensive business model including the functions of each enterprise functional decomposition model, the enterprise data model and the various planning matrix. Functional decomposition is the function of the organization for a more detailed decomposition process, the functional decomposition is to simplify the analysis of the issue, distracted and identify components and the use of the classical approach. Pine Valley furniture company in order to function in the functional decomposition example in figure 2 below. In dealing with business functions and support functions of the full set, multiple databases, is essential to a specific database therefore likely only to support functions (as shown in Figure 2) provide a subset of support. In order to reduce data redundancy and to make data more meaningful, has a complete, high-level business view is very helpful.The use of specific enterprise data model to describe the symbol. Apart from the graphical description of this type of entity, a complete enterprise data model should also include a description of each entity type description of business operations and a summary of that business rules. Business rules determine the validity of the data.An enterprise data model includes not only the types of entities, including the link between the data entities, as well as various other objects planning links. Showed that the linkage between planning targets a common form of matrix. Because of planning matrix need not be explicit modeling database can be clearly described business needs, planning matrix is an important function. Regular planning matrix derived from theoperational rules, it will help social development activities that top priority will be sorting and development activities under the top-down view through an enterprise-wide approach for the development of these activities. There are many types of planning matrix is available, their commonalities are:● locations - features show business function in which the implementation of operational locations.● unit - functions which showed that business function or business unit responsible for implementation.● Information System - data entities to explain how each information system interact with each data entity (for example, whether or not each system in each entity have the data to create, retrieve, update and delete).● support functions - data in each functional entities in the data set for the acquisition, use, update and delete.● Information System - target indication for each information system to support business objectives.Data entities matrix. Such a matrix can be used for a variety of purposes, including the following three objectives:1) identify gaps in the data entities to indicate the types of entities not use any function or functions which do not use any entity.2) found that the loss of each functional entities involved in the inspection staff through the matrix to identify any possible loss of the entity.3) The distinction between development activities if the priority to the top of a system development function for a high-priority (probably because it important organizational objectives related), then this area used by entities in the development of the database has a high priority. Hoffer, George and Valacich (2002) are the works of the matrix on how to use the planning and completion of the Information Engineering.The planning system more complete description.2 database development processBased on information engineering information systems planning database is a source of development projects. These new database development projects is usuallyin order to meet the strategic needs of organizations, such as improving customer support, improve product and inventory management, or a more accurate sales forecast. However, many more database development project is the bottom-up approach emerging, such as information system user needs specific information to complete their work, thus beginning a project request, and as other information systems experts found that organizations need to improve data management and begin new projects. Bottom-up even in the circumstances, to set up an enterprise data model is also necessary to understand the existing database can provide the necessary data, otherwise, the new database, data entities and attributes can be added to the current data resources to the organization. Both the strategic needs or operational information needs of each database development projects normally concentrated in a database. Some projects only concentrated in the database definition, design and implementation of a database, as a follow-up to the basis of the development of information systems. However, in most cases, the database and associated information processing function as a complete information systems development project was part of the development.2.1 System Development Life CycleGuide management information system development projects is the traditional process of system development life cycle (SDLC). System development life cycle is an organization of the database designers and programmers information system composed of the Panel of Experts detailed description, development, maintenance and replacement of the entire information system steps. This process is because Waterfall than for every step into the adjacent the next step, that is, the information system is a specification developed by a piece of land, every piece of the output is under an input. However shown in the figure, these steps are not purely linear, each of the steps overlap in time (and thus can manage parallel steps), but when the need to reconsider previous decisions, but also to roll back some steps ahead. (And therefore water can be put back in the waterfall!)Figure 4 on the system development life cycle and the purpose of each stage of the product can be delivered concise notes. The system development life cycle including each stage and database development-related activities, therefore, the question of database management systems throughout the entire development process. In Figure 5 we repeat of the system development life cycle stage of the seven, and outlines thecommon database at each stage of development activities. Please note that the systems development life cycle stages and database development steps一一对应exists between the relationship between the concept of modeling data in both systems development life cycle stages between.Enterprise ModelingDatabase development process from the enterprise modeling (system development life cycle stage of the project feasibility studies, and to choose a part), Organizations set the scope and general database content. Enterprise modeling in information systems planning and other activities, these activities determine which part of information systems need to change and strengthen the entire organization and outlines the scope of data. In this step, check the current database and information systems, development of the project as the main areas of the nature of the business, with a very general description of each term in the development of information systems when needed data. Each item only when it achieved the expected goals of organizations can be when the next step.Conceptual Data ModelingOne has already begun on the Information System project, the concept of data modeling phase of the information systems needs of all the data. It is divided into two stages. First, it began the project in the planning stage and the establishment of a plan similar to Figure 1. At the same time outlining the establishment of other documents to the existing database without considering the circumstances specific development projects in the scope of the required data. This category only includes high-level data (entities), and main contact. Then in the system development life-cycle analysis stage must have a management information system set the entire organization Details of the data model definition of all data attributes, listing all data types that all data inter-entity business linkages, defining description of the full data integrity rules. In the analysis phase, but also the concept of inspection data model (also called the concept behind the model) and the goal of information systems used to explain other aspects of the model of consistency categories, such as processing steps, rules and data processing time of timing. However, even if the concept is such detailed data model is only preliminary, because follow-up information system life cycle activities in the design of services, statements, display and inquiries may find that missing element or mistakes. Therefore, the concept of data often said that modeling is atop-down manner, its areas of operation from the general understanding of the driver, rather than the specific information processing activities by the driver.3. Logical Database DesignLogical database design from two perspectives database development. First, the concept of data model transform into relational database theory based on the criteria that means - between. Then, as the design of information systems, every computer procedures (including procedures for the input and output format), database support services, statements, and inquiries revealed that a detailed examination. In this so-called Bottom-up analysis, accurate verification of the need to maintain the database and the data in each affairs, statements and so on the needs of those in the nature of the data.For each separate statements, services, and so on the analysis must take into account a specific, limited but complete database view. When statements, services, and other analysis might be necessary to change the concept of data model. Especially in large-scale projects, the different analytical systems development staff and the team can work independently in different procedures or in a centralized, the details of their work until all the logic design stage may be displayed. In these circumstances, logic database design stage must be the original concept of data model and user view these independent or merged into a comprehensive design. In logic design information systems also identify additional information processing needs of these new demands at this time must be integrated into the logic of earlier identified in the database design.Logical database design is based on the final step for the formation of good data specifications and determine the rules, the combination, the data after consultation specifications or converted into basic atomic element. Most of today's database, these rules from the relational database theory and the process known as standardization. This step is the result of management of these data have not cited any database management system for a complete description of the database map. Logical database design completed, we began to identify in detail the logic of the computer program and maintenance, the report contents of the database for inquiries.4. Physical database design and definitionPhysical database design and definition phase decisions computer memory (usuallydisk) database in the organization, definition of According to the library management system for physical structure, the procedures outlined processing services, produce the desired management information and decision support statements. The objective of this stage is to design an effective and safe management of all data-processing database, the physical database design to closely integrate the information systems of other physical aspects of the design, including procedures, computer hardware, operating systems and data communications networks.5. Database ImplementationThe database prepared by the realization stage, testing and installation procedures for handling databases. Designers can use the standard programming language (such as COBOL, C or Visual Basic), the dedicated database processing languages (such as SQL), or the process of the non-exclusive language programming in order to produce a statement of the fixed format, the result will be displayed, and may also include charts. In achieving stage, but also the completion of all the database files, training users for information systems (database) user setup program. The final step is to use existing sources of information (documents legacy applications and databases and now needs new data) loading data. Loading data is often the first step in data from existing files and databases to an intermediate format (such as binary or text files) and then to turn intermediate loading data to a new database. Finally, running databases and related applications for the actual user maintenance and retrieval of data. In operation, the regular backup database and the database when damaged or affected resume database.6. Database maintenanceDuring the database in the progressive development of database maintenance. In this step, in order to meet changing business conditions, in order to correct the erroneous database design, database applications or processing speed increase, delete or change the structure of the database. When a procedure or failure of the computer database affect or damage the database may also be reconstruction. This step usually is the longest in the database development process step, as it continued to databases and related applications throughout the life cycle, the development of each database can be seen as a brief database development process and data modeling concepts arise, logical and physical database design and database to achieve dealing with the changes.2.2 Information System developed by other meansSystem Development Life Cycle minor changes in law or its variant of the often used to guide information systems and database development. Information System is a life-cycle methodology, it is highly structured approach, which includes many checks and balances to ensure that every step of produce accurate results, and new or alternative information system and it must communications or data definitions consistent existing system needs consistency. System development life cycle because of the regular need to have a working system for a long time been criticized because only work in the system until the end of the whole process generated. More and more organizations now use rapid application development method, it is a includes analysis, design and implementation of steps to repeat the rapid iterative process until convergence to users the system so far. Rapid Application Development Act required the database has been in existence, and enhance system is mainly to the application of data retrieval application, but not to those who generate and modify database applications.The most widely used method of rapid application development is one of the prototype. The prototype system is a method of iterative development process, analysts and users through close co-operation, continuing to revise the system will eventually convert all the needs of a working system. Figure 6 shows prototype of the process. In this diagram we contains notes, briefly describes each stage of the prototype of the database development activities. Normally, when information systems problems were identified, tried only a rough concept of data modeling. In the development of the initial prototype, the design of the user wants to display and statements, and that any new database needs and define a term prototype database. This is usually a new database, copy the part of the existing system, but might also added some new content. When the need for new content, these elements are usually from external data sources, such as market research data, the general economic indicators or industry standards.When a prototype of a new version to repeat the achievement and maintenance of database activities. Usually only a minimum level of security and integrity control, because at this time the focus is as soon as possible to produce a prototype version can be used. But document management project also deferred to the final, only be used in the delivery of user training. Finally, once constructed an acceptable prototype,developers, and users will be the final decision of whether to prototype delivery and the use of the database. If the system (including database) efficiency is very low, then the system and database will be re-programming and re-organization in order to achieve the desired performance.Along with visual programming tools (such as Visual Basic, Java, Visual C + + and fourth generation language) increasingly popular use of visual programming tools can easily change the user interface with the system, the prototype is becoming the choice of system development methodology. Customers using the prototype method statements and show changes to the content and layout is quite easy. In the process, the new database needs were identified, so it is the development of the use of the existing database should be amended. There is even the possibility of a need for a new database system prototype method, in such circumstances, when the system demand in the iterative process of development in the ever-changing needs access to sample data, the construction or reconstruction of the database prototype.3 database development of the three-tier architecture modelIn this article on the front of the database development process mentioned in the interpretation of a system development project on the establishment of the several different, but related database view or model:● conceptual model (in the analysis stage of the establishment).● external model or user view (in the analysis phase and the establishment of logical design phase).● physical model or internal model (in the physical design phase of the establishment).Figure 7 describes the database view that the relationship between the three, it is important to remember that they are the same organizations database view or model. In other words, each organization has a database of the physical model, a concept model and one or more users view.Therefore, the three-tier architecture model using the same data set observe the different ways definition database.Concept models on the full database structure, has nothing to do with the technical specifications. Conceptual model definition do not involve the entire database datastored in the computer how the secondary memory. Usually, the conceptual model by entities - links (E-R) map or object modeling symbols such a graphical format to describe, we have this type of concept model called the data model. In addition, the conceptual model specification as a metadata stored in the database or data dictionary.Physical models including conceptual model of how data stored in computer memory in the two specifications. Analysts and the database design is as important to the physical database (physical mode) definition, it provides information on the distribution and management of data storage and access of the physical memory space of two full database technology specifications.Database development and database technology database is among the three models divided into basis. Database development projects may have a role to only deal with these three views of a related work. For example, a beginner may be designed for one or more procedures external model, and an experienced developer will design the physical model or conceptual model. Database design issues at different levels are quite different.4 three-tier structure of the database positioning systemObviously, all the good things in the database are, and the "three"!When designing a database, you have to choose where to store data. This option in the physical database design stage. Database is divided into individual databases, the Working Group database, departmental databases, corporate databases and the Internet database. Individuals often by the end-user database design and development of their own, just by database experts to give training and advice to help, it only contains individual end-users interested in the data. Sometimes, personal database from the database or enterprise Working Group extracted from the database, such circumstances database prepared by some experts from the regular routine to create local database. Sector Working Group database and the database is often the end-user, business experts and the central database system experts development. The collaborative work of these officers is necessary because in the design of the database to be shared by a large number of issues weigh: processing speed, ease of use, data definition differences and other similar problems. Due to corporate databases and the Internet database broad impact, large-scale, it is normally concentrated in the database development team has received professional training to develop a database of experts.1. Customers layerA desktop or notebook also known as that layer, which specialized management user interface and system localization data in this layer can be implemented on the Web scripting tasks.2. Server / Web serverHTTP protocol handling, scripting tasks, the implementation of computing and provide data access, the layer known as processing services layer.3. Enterprise Server (Minicomputer or mainframe) layerThe implementation of complex computing and inter-organizational management from multiple data sources of data integration, also known as data services layer.In an organization, hierarchical database and information system architecture for distributed computing and the client / server architecture of the concept of correlation. Client / server architecture based on a LAN environment, including servers (referred to as database server or database engine) database software implementation from the client workstation database orders, each customer applications focus on their user interface functions. In fact, the whole concept of the database (as well as the application of these databases to handle routine) as a distributed database or the separate but related physical database distribution in the local PC workstation, server intermediate (working group or sector) and one center server (departments or enterprises ). Simply said that the use of client / server architecture for:● it can handle multiple processors on the same application at the same time, improve application response time and data processing speed.● It can use each computer platform of the best data processing (such as PC Minicom Advanced user interface with the mainframe and computing speed).● can mix various client technology (Intel or Motorola processor assembly of personal computers, computer networks, information kiosks, etc.) and public data sharing. In addition, you can change the technology at any layer and other layers only a small influence on the system module.● able to handle close to the data source to be addressed to improve response time and reduce network traffic.。

中文4480字Managemengt Information SystemsBy a management information system,we propose the follow alternate definition: an integrated uer/machine system (usually computerized) for providing information to support decision making in an enterprise.The key elements of this definition are—An integrated uer/machine system—For proving information—To support decision making—In an enterpriseA management information system utilizes—Computer hardware and software—Manual procedures—Models for analysis—A databaseJust as there is a logical flow of materials in the creation of a product, there is logical flow of information in a management information system.In manufacturing,raw materials move through a process that transforms the raw materials into usable products. In a similar fashion, in an information system,data are supplied to a system(input), the data are manipulated(processed),and they are transformed into information(output).In its simplest form ,a management information systemed may be depicted by an input-process-output(IPO) model (Fig.10.1). An understanding of this model is worthwhile becaue it can be used to represent all MISs.Note in that figure that the MIS, through its processing technology (of collecting, coding,storing,processing,decoding,and reporting), transforms the datacoming into an enterprise into usable information. Fig.10.1 An Input-Process-Output Medel of a Management Information SystemWe may further enhance our understanding of management informationsystems by discussing their general function and major elements. These systems exist in most enterprises, whether public or private, primarily to assist management in improving revenues, reducing costs and managing assets. Therefore, improving the performance of an enterprise is the ultimate objective of management infoemation systems- not the storage of data, the generation of reports,or even ”getting the right information to the right person at the right time.” And MIS can best improve an enterprise ’s performance by helping to improve the quality of managerial decisions. Transaction processing (TP), reporting systems(RS), and decision-support systems(DSS) are the major elements of a management infortion system.The primary role of TP in an enterprise is the collection, storage,and processing of data in such a way that transactions within an enterprise are described and thus the procedural actions of the enterprise supported .More specifically, a TP system may be viewed as a computer-based means of capturing transaction so that may be recreated. The out of a transaction-processing system includes stored transaction images, documents needed by an enterprise to fulfill its mainstream purposes(invoices,production orders,shipping orders,purchase orders, mailing lists, pay checks, work orders,and so forth), and listings of transaction that have occurred over a period of time (for confirmation or references).Reporting systems(RS) and decision-support systems (DSS) often are Inputs Transforation Process Outputs Information ProcessingTechnologyDataconfused with each other and thus misunderstood. Yet, each has a clear orientation. And distinctions may be drawn in terms of their areas of impact on the payoff to an enterprise and their relevance to a manager. So an RS provides standardized reports based on well-known policies, procedures, and rules. And a DSS provides information to help management with new , unstructured decision making.A pyramid may be used to illustrate the dimensions of an information system(Fig.10.2).The vertical dimension represents the levels of management (first-line, middle, and top management) , and the horizontal dimension represents the main functional areas of a business firm (for example, marketing, production, and finace).The depth dimension indicates the major management information systems that provide support for managerial activities: the structured and required reporting systems(RS) and decisionmaking system(DSS) . These dimensions rest on a base of transactions processing(TP).ManagerialLexelsDSSFinance Production Marketing MISTransaction PocessingFig.10.2 The Dimension of a Management Information System As the figure illustrates, RS and DSS (drawing on the TP system ) are utilized at all managerial levels and acress all function areas . There, it is te management information system(of TP ,RS ,and DSS ) that integratesboth the level of management and functional areas .To further demonstrate how the subsystems fit together, the definition of MIS is recreated in the following table , with the components of MIS related to the defintional frame work.Table10.1 Definition of Management Information System (MIS)MIS SubsystemsA management information system is.An integrated user/machine system .Computer, models.For providing information .System output.To support decision making .MIS.DSS.OR/MS. In an enterprise .Frameworkforthe informationThe system utilizes.Computer hardware and software .Computer system.Manual procedures .Books,manuals,people.Models for analysis .Operations research.A database .Computer ,people Developing a compensation plan to pay executive, managerial, and professional employees is similar in many respects to developing a play for and employees. The basic aims of the plan are the same in that the goal is to attract good employees and maintain their commitment. Furthermore, the basic methods of job evaluation , classifying jobs, ranking them , or assigning points to them ,for instance, are about as applicable to managerial and professional jobs as to production and clerical ones.1)Yet for managerial and professional jobs , job evaluation provides only a partial answer to the question of how to pay these employees, Suchjobs tend to emphasize nonquantifiable factor like judgment and problem solving more than do production and clerical jobs . There is also a tendency to pay manager and professionals based on abilitybased on their performance or on what they can do – rather than on the basis of static job demands like working conditions. Developing compensation plans for managers and professionals, therefore, tends to be relatively complex,2) and evaluation, while still important, usually plays a secondary issues, like bonuses, incentives, and benefits.Compensation Managers There are five elements in a manager’s compensation package: salary, benefits, short-term incentive, long-term incentives, and perquisites.The amount of salary managers are paid usually depends on the value of the person’s work to organization and how well the person is discharging his or her responsibilities.3)AS with other jobs , the value of the person’s work is usually determined through job analysis and salary surveys and salary surveys and the resulting fine tuning of salary levels.Salary is the cornerstone of executive compensation : It is on this element that the others are layered, with benefits, incentives , and perquisites normally awarded in some proportion to the manager’s base pay .4) There is considerable disagreement regarding what determines executive pay and, therefore , whether top executives are worth what are paid . At the lower-management levels(like first-line supervisor),there is no debate ; supervisors’pay grades are usually set so that their median salaries are 10% to 25% above those of the highest-paid workers supervised. And many employers even pay supervisors for scheduled overtime, although the Fair Labor Standards Act does not require them todo so.It is at the top-management levels that questions regarding pay abound . The traditional wisdom is that a top manager’s salary is closely tied to the size of the firm . Yet two experts who tested this idea for the 148 highest-paid executives in the United States concluded that the level of executive responsibility (as measured by total assets, total sales,total number of shares in the company, total value of the shares, and total corporate profits) is not an important variable in determing executive compensation . Instead , say these experts , an executive’s pay is mostly determined by the industry in which he or she works, and the corporate power structure ,since executives who also serve on their firms’ boards of directors can heavily influence how they get paid.Yet there is conflicting evidence. In one study , for instance , the researcher found that a statistical analysis of the total cash compensation of the chief executive officers of 129 companies showed that they were paid for both responsibility and performance. This researcher fond that four compensable factors-company size , profitability, number of employees, and experience-accounted for 83% of the differences in pay .Therefore, it appears that there are rational, acceptable , and abiding principles that govern the total cash compensation of top executives in manufacturing firms.In any case, shareholder activism is combining with congressional reform and other changes to tighten up the restrictions on what firms pay their top executives . For example, the Securities and Exchange Commission voted in 1992 to approve final rules rules regarding executive compensation communications.The chief executive officer’s pay is always to be disclosed as well as other officers’pay if theircompensation( salary and bonus) exceeds $100,000.5 And for bankers,the Federal Deposit Insurance Act of 1991 contains a prohibition on excessive compensation. One result is that boards of directors must act responsibly in reviewing and setting executive pay . That , says one expert, includes determining the key performance requirements of the executive’s job; assessing the appropriateness of the firm’s current compensation practices ; conducting a pay-for-performance survey; and testing shareholder acceptance of the board’s pay proposals.The general trend today is to reduce the acceptance of base salary and boost the importance of short-and long-term executive incentives. The main issue here is identifying the appropriate performance measures for each type of incentive and then determining how to link these to pay . Typical short-term measures of shareholder value include revenue growth and operating profit margin. Long-term shareholder value measures include rate of return above some predetermined base.Compensating professional employees Compensating nonsupervisory professional employees like engineers and scientists presents unique problems. 6) Analytical jobs put a heavy premium on creativity and problem solving, compensable factors not easily compared or measured. Furthermore, the professional’s economic impact on the firm is often related only indirectly to the person’s actual efforts; for example,the success of an engineer’s invention depends on many factors, like how well it is produced and marketed.The job evaluation methods we explained previously can be used for evaluating professional jobs. The compensable factors here tend to focus on problem solving , creativity, job scope, and technical knowledge and expertise. Both the point method and factor comparison methods havebeen used , although the job classification method seems most popular . Here a series of grade descriptions are written, and each position is slotted into the grade having the most appropriate definition.Yet,in praction, traditional methods of job evaluation are rarely used for professional jobs since “it is simply not possible to identify factors and degrees of factors which meaningfully differentiate among the values of professional work ”. “Knowledge and the skill of applying it ,” as one expert notes , “are extremely difficult to quantify and measure.”As a result , most employers use a market-pricing approach in evaluating professional jobs . They price professional jobs in the marketplace to the best of their ability to establish the values for benchmark jobs . These benchmark jobs and the employer’s other professional jobs are then slotted into a salary structure. Specifically, each professional discipline ( like mechanical engineering or electrical engineering ) usually ends up having four to six grade levels , each of which requires a fairly broad salary range . This approach helps ensure that the emplpyer remains competitive when bidding for professionals whose attainments vary widely and whose potential employers are literally found worldwide.Manager must assume certain roles in order to accomplish the different objectives for which they are responsible. In addition , all managers must possess specific managerial skills if they are to adequately perform the function .Managerial RolesHenry Mintzberg’s studies of executive behavior led him to conclude that managers are required to assume a variety of roles . A role is a set of expected behaviors for a specific position. 1) Mintzberg’s rolescan be grouped into three main categories: interpersonal , informational , and decisional . Mintzberg’s believed that all three roles are common to all levels of management. They provide an interesting perspective of the functions of management.2) Interperesonal roles result form the fact that managers are called upon to interact with numerous groups and individuals. The three interpersonal roles are figurehead, leader , and liaison . The figurehead role refers to ceremonial duties such as throwing out the first pitch for company-sponsored Little League game . The leadership role refers to the manager’s work in motivating subordinates to meet the unit’s objectives. The liaison role comes form the manager’s responsibility to interact with various groups both within and outside the organization .Informational roles exist because managers are important conduits of information in the organization . Managers spend a great deal of their time collecting and disseminating information. The three informational roles are information nerve center, disseminator, and spokesperson . The nerve center role means that the manager is the major information receiver within the work unit . The disseminating role refers to the task of informing subordinates of information that is implemented to them and necessary for their job performance.. 3) The spokesperson role is implemented when the manager communicates with parties outside the organization ; a speech at the local Lions Club would be an example.Decisional roles refer to management’s decision-making process. The four managerial roles in this category are entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator . A manager assumes an entrepreneurial role when he or she initiates projects to improve the department or work unit . When problems such as a missed delivery to akey customer arise , the manager must adopt a disturbance handling role .4) The decision on how to allocate the unit’s money , time, materials, and other resources is referred to as the manager’s resourc e allocator role. Finally , the negotiator role refers to situations where the manager must represent the unit’s interests with others , such as suppliers , customers, and government .The Skill Needed for Effective Management:What skills do managers need to possess? 5) Noted management authority Rober L.Katz has suggested three specific skills that are required in all typed of managerial situations .Katz’s managerial skills relate to technical . interpersonal, and cobceptual factors in the manager’s job.Technical skills refer to the ability to use various tools and methods to accomplish specific managerial aspects of a work task. A good illustration of the importance of technical skill is the factory supervisor who must be familiar with how machinery works in order to correct problems that may arise on the plant floor.Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to lead , motivate , and communicate with people to accomplish certain objectives. Interpersonal skills are also important during interactions with supervisors and people outside the work unit such as vendors , customers,and the public. These skills are important at all levels in the organization. A current adaptation of this skill is the cultural awareness nec essary to function in today’s workplace, with its ethnically diversified labor force.Copceptual skills refer to the ability understand and cording the full range of organizational objective and actives .This ability to analyze the entire organization is particularly important to top management. It is a necessary ingredient in the development of strategic plan for theorganization.管理信息系统我们对管理信息系统提出以下定义,即一种为企业决策提供信息的集成用户/计算机系统。

附录A 译文统一消息系统所有用户生来都不是一样的。
今天,我们通过电话用户界面,根据一个用户的操作,把更多的实时通信系统,包括即时消息( IM ),现场管理和呼叫路由规则的使用集成在一起。
支持融合技术,如VoIP和SIP (会话发起协议),将促进收益从2005年的4.69亿美元增长到2009年的9.39亿美元,其中包括PBX和电话供应商,通讯软件,语音系统,甚至业务流程系统供应商。
我们希望每个产品与开放原始码的IP PBX在SIP的信令模式下工作并进行测试。
我们的理论依据是PBX上购买已接近生命周期结束的Y2K进行升级,企业期待考虑能结合现有资源的IP PBX从而提升他们的电话系统。
这使得支持SIP的IP PBX 成为一张热门车票。
我们还规定,产品必须支持一个通用电子邮件信箱,语音邮件和传真;TTS (文本语音)被用来管理一个通用邮箱,并使用其它各种各样的电子邮件协议,如IMAP, MAPI, POP3和SMTP ;和Active Directory或LDAP 。
智能信息系统Intelligent Information Systems

(3)以智能信息处理或知识处理为主要计算方法 智能信息处理:是人工智能技术与信息技术结合的产物,广 泛地模拟人的智能来处理各种复杂信息,包括非结构化信息、 海量信息、不完全信息、不确定信息、模糊信息、多媒体信
主要技术与方法:数学统计、模糊信息处理、粗糙集信 息处理、神经网络信息处理、进化计算,还有基于信息与知 识管理的大规模智能信息处理技术,如概念分析、分类、知 识组织、知识检索、智能搜索等。
专家系统(Expert Systems):ES是一种知识系统,它具
有专门领域 的丰富知识和专家的经验知识,应用人工智能技术 模拟专家的思维过程和解题方法,解决该领域中的疑难问题。
它具有以下特征: (1)专门知识 (2)符号处理 (3)智能性 (4)解释 (5)复杂性和困难性 (6)形式化
决策支持系统(Decision support Systems,DSS)
并为决策者提供友好的计算机接口。输出常是专门问题的解决方案或图 形。
机器人是一种可再编程的多功能的操作装置。它们只是 受人指挥代替人干活的机器。 (7) 智能主体(Intelligent Agent) 智能Agent技术正是为解决复杂、动态、分布式智能应 用而提供的一种新的计算手段,许多专家信心十足地认为智 能Agent技术将成为21世纪软件技术发展的又一次革命。
1.4.2 专家系统
(1) 机器感知与模式识别(Machine Perception and Pattern Recognition ) 机器感知就是使机器具有类似于人的感知能力。模式识别 就是通过计算机用数学和人工智能方法来研究模式的自动处理 和判读,主要指图像和声音的识别与处理。

1. informationInformation, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed. This concept has numerous other meanings in different contexts.[1] Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy.(信息,在其最受限制的技术意义上,是一个序列的符号,可以被解释为一个消息。

英文文献翻译二〇年月日科技文章摘译Definition of a Management Information SystemThere is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system.A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below.1 Computer-based user-machine systemConceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user.User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that serves a number of users through terminals connected by communication lines. The user input-output device permits direct input of data and immediate output of results. For instance, a person using the computer interactively in financial planning poses “what if” questions by entering input at the terminal keyboard; the results are displayed on the screen in a few second.The computer-based user-machine characteristics of an MIS affect the knowledge requirements of both system developer and system user. “computer-based” means that the designer of a management information system must have knowledge of computers and of their use in processing. The “user-machine” concept means the system designer should also understand the capabilities of humans as system components (as information processors) and the behavior of humans as users of information.Information system applications should not require users to be computer experts. However, users need to be able to specify their information requirements; some understanding of computers, the nature of information, and its use in various management function aids users in this task.2 Integrated systemManagement information system typically provides the basis for integration of organizational information processing. Individual applications within information systems are developed for and by diverse sets of users. If there are no integrating processes and mechanisms, the individual applications may be inconsistent and incompatible. Data item may be specified differently and may not be compatible across applications that use the same data. There may be redundant development of separate applications when actually a single application could serve more than one need. A user wanting to perform analysis using data from two different applications may find the task very difficult and sometimes impossible.The first step in integration of information system applications is an overall information system plan. Even though application systems areimplemented one at a time, their design can be guided by the overall plan, which determines how they fit in with other functions. In essence, the information system is designed as a planed federation of small systems.Information system integration is also achieved through standards, guidelines, and procedures set by the MIS function. The enforcement of such standards and procedures permit diverse applications to share data, meet audit and control requirements, and be shares by multiple users. For instance, an application may be developed to run on a particular small computer. Standards for integration may dictate that the equipment selected be compatible with the centralized database. The trend in information system design is toward separate application processing form the data used to support it. The separate database is the mechanism by which data items are integrated across many applications and made consistently available to a variety of users. The need for a database in MIS is discussed below.3 Need for a databaseThe term “information” and “data” are frequently used interchangeably; however, information is generally defined as data that is meaningful or useful to the recipient. Data items are therefore the raw material for producing information.The underlying concept of a database is that data needs to be managed in order to be available for processing and have appropriate quality. This data management includes both software and organization. The software to create and manage a database is a database management system.When all access to any use of database is controlled through a database management system, all applications utilizing a particular data item access the same data item which is stored in only one place. A single updating of the data item updates it for all uses. Integration through a database management system requires a central authority for the database. The data can be stored in one central computer or dispersed among several computers; the overriding requirement is that there is an organizational function to exercise control.4 Utilization of ModelsIt is usually insufficient for human recipients to receive only raw data or even summarized data. Data usually needs to be processed andpresented in such a way that the result is directed toward the decision to be made. To do this, processing of data items is based on a decision model. For example, an investment decision relative to new capital expenditures might be processed in terms of a capital expenditure decision model.Decision models can be used to support different stages in the decision-making process. “Intelligence” models can be used to search for problems and/or opportunities. Models can be used to identify and analyze possible solutions. Choice models such as optimization models maybe used to find the most desirable solutionIn other words, multiple approaches are needed to meet a variety of decision situations. The following are examples and the type of model that might be included in an MIS to aid in analysis in support of decision-making; in a comprehensive information system, the decision maker has available a set of general models that can be applied to many analysis and decision situations plus a set of very specific models for unique decisions. Similar models are available for planning and control. The set of models is the model base for the MIS.The management information system (MIS) not only supports the underlying bed administrator, moreover may support the intermediate deck personnel's control check, for high level also can provide certain information. The management information system frame by four parts: Information source, information processor, information user and information superintendent. The information source is the information production place; Information processor burden task/role and so on information transmission, processing, save; The information user is the information user, carries on the decision-making using the information; The information superintendent is responsible for the information system the design, the implementation and the safeguarding. The management information system is regarded as generally a pyramid shape the structure, divides into from the lower level handling of traffic to the operating control, the control check, the topmost story strategic planning. The most basic unit greatly processes the numerous and diverse transaction information and the state information framing by the task/role.In a word, the management information system (Management InformationSystem, MIS), is by the artificial leadership, using the computer hardware, the software, the network communicates these devices and other office equipments carries on the information the collection, the transmission, the processing, the storage, the update and the safeguarding by achieved the enterprise strategy competes superior, enhances the benefit and the efficiency target, supports the enterprise the high level decision-making, the intermediate deck check and the basic unit operation integration man-machine system. MIS is the superintendent provides the report, provides the enterprise the recent situation as well as the historic record. This system main localization is aims at in the enterprise, for control function and so on level plan, check and decision-making serves, provides the data generally by the lower level handling of traffic system. MIS will be able the actual enterprise's each kind of run situation, and using the past historical data forecast future, embarks the assistance enterprise from the enterprise overall situation angle to carry on the decision-making, used the message control enterprise the behavior, helped the enterprise to achieve its plan管理信息系统的定义对于“管理信息系统”并没有一致的定义。
Information Systems

Information Systems(信息系统)An information system has five parts:people,procedures,software,hardware,and data.(信息系统由五个部分组成:人、程序、软件、硬件和数据。
)When you think of a microcomputer,perhaps you think of just the equipment itself. That is,you think of the monitor or the keyboard. There is more to it than that. The way to think about a microcomputer is as part of an information system. An information system has five parts:people,procedures,software,hardware,and data.(当你在想到微机时,你可能只想到了设备本身。
) ( 1 ) People:It is easy to overlook people as one of the five parts of a microcomputer system. Yet that is what microcomputers are all about—making people,and users like yourself,more productive. (人:把人看作信息系统五个部分之一,一点也不过分。
因为微机可使操作者大大提高工作效率.)(2)Procedures:Procedures are rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software,hardware,and data. Typically,these procedures are documented in the manuals in manufactures which provide with their products. (程序:人们使用软件、硬件和数据时可以遵循的规则或者指导方针。

Lesson1distributed applications 分布式应用程序competitive advantage 竞争优势data warehouses 数据仓库incompatible databases 不兼容数据库decision support systems 决策支持系统executive information systems 执行信息系统DBMS——database management systems 数据库管理系统entry 款目metadata 元数据mainframe computer大型计算机desktop computer台式计算机laptop computer膝上型计算机spreadsheet 电子表格LAN ------local area network 局域网database server 数据库服务器user views 用户视图data security 数据安全性data integrity 数据完整性concurrent user 并发用户data updating 数据更新data redundancy 数据冗余consistency of data and metadata 数据和元数据的一致性distributed database 分布式数据库telecommunications network 远程通讯网Lesson2automatic indexing自动标引human indexing 人工标引extraction indexing 抽词标引assignment indexing赋词标引controlled vocabulary 受控词表non-substantive words 非实意词index terms 标引词automatic stemming 自动抽取词干weight 权值clue words 提示词inverted file 倒排文档absolute frequency 绝对词频relative frequency 相对词频information retrieval 信息检索syntactic criteria 句法规则word string 词串NLDB——Natural Language DataBase 自然语言数据库MAI——machine-aided indexing 机器辅助标引recall ratio 查全率precision ratio 查准率descriptor 叙词thesaurus 叙词表semantic vocabulary 语义词表concept headings 概念标题consistency of indexing 标引的一致性underassignment 欠量赋词overassignment 过量赋词back file 备份文件main heading 主标题subheading 副标题access point 检索点Lesson3machine-readable form 机读形式source document 源文献subject indexing 主题标引back-of-the-book indexing书后标引indexing scheme 标引方案NFAIS——National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (美国)国家文摘与信息服务联合会scope notes 范围注释permuted list 轮排词表CAS——Chemical Abstracts Service 化学文摘社character set 字符集statistical correlation 统计关联ISI——Institute for Scientific Information (美国)科学情报社co-citation indexing 共引文标引SCI——Science Citation Indexes 科学引文索引SSCI——Social Science Citation Indexes 社会科学引文标引bibliometric analysis 书目计量分析Lesson4performance enhancement 性能改善scarce resources 稀缺资源proxy servers 代理服务器JAVA executables JAV可执行程序source code 源代码streaming media 流媒体outsourcing 业务外包wild card characters 通配符real-time traffic analysis 实时流量分析static web pages 静态网页ISDN——Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数据网URL——Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位符HTML——Hypertext Markup Language 超文本标识语言CGI——Common Gateway Interface 公共网关接口XML——Extension Markup Language 扩展标识语言OR——Operation Record 操作记录IIS——Internet Information Services 网络信息服务Lesson5IR——information retrieval 信息检索search engine spam 搜索引擎垃圾soft computing 软计算data mining 数据挖掘information fusion 信息融合classification 分类clustering 聚类thesaurus construction 词表构建Web page categorization 网页分类JPG——Joint Photographic Experts Group 图像文件格式GIF——Graphics Interchange Format 可交换的图像文件格式PNG——Portable Network Graphic 可移植的网络图像文件格式the WWW Consortium 万维网联盟HTTP——Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议TCP——Transfer Control Protocol 传输控制协议ASCII——American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息互换标准代码CPUCentral Processing Unit 中央处理器Lesson6black-box services 黑箱服务delivering information 传递信息videoconferencing 视频会议cross reference互见,相互参照timeliness 及时性cross check 交叉检查,核对knowledge framework 知识结构Lesson7IP——intellectual property 知识产权electronic holdings of libraries 电子馆藏information infrastructure 信息基础设施copyright 版权patent 专利exclusive right 专有权subsequent editions 后续版本Lesson8encryption technologies 加密技术decrypted digital version 解密数字版本fair use doctrine 公平利用原则authenticity and integrity of the information 信息的可靠性和完整性DMCA——the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 数字千年版权法DVD——digital video diskencyclopedias 百科全书Lesson9CKO——chief knowledge officer 知识主管knowledge sharing 知识共享manual 手册competitive intelligence 竞争情报search engine 搜索引擎artificial intelligence 人工智能drill-down access 深度查询accessibility 可获得性knowledge discovery 知识发现quantitative data 定量数据qualitative data 定性数据virtual warehouses 虚拟(数据)仓库virtual library 虚拟图书馆relational database 关系数据库research and development 研发(研究与开发)directory 指南newsletter 简讯intelligent search agents 智能检索代理information resources 信息资源performance evaluation 性能评价Lesson10CIO——chief information officer信息主管ERP——Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划CRM——Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理Collaborative Applications Environment 协同应用环境workflow package 工作流软件包Lesson11rights of information users 信息用户的权利obligations of information users 信息用户的义务terms and conditions 条款。

英语专业资料Management Information System is that we often say that the MIS (Management Information System), emphasizing the management, stressed that the information in modern society it has become increasingly popular. MIS is a new subject, it across a number of areas, such as scientific management and system science, operations research, statistics and computer science. In these subjects on the basis of formation of information-gathering and processing methods, thereby forming a vertical and horizontal cutting system.Management information system of modern information management is an indispensable part of the work, is to meet modern standards of high-tech information management requirements, to promote scientific management, standardization of the necessary conditions. Only information practices, in order to offer better living environment and convenient living space.Information management is an extremely important resource, management depends on the success or failure of an effective decision-making, and the correct degree of decision-making depends largely on the quality of information.In the 21st century, mankind will enter the knowledge economy era, the era of knowledge economy is the rapid development of technology and knowledge, information was explosive expansion of the times. The threat of the so-called information that this is the human face to deal with the large amount of information it difficult to deal with the state, and cause confusion results.The emergence of a computer to solve this problem, because the computer quickly and accurately as information collection, processing, use,may be provided for.With computer technology, communications technology, network technology as the representative of modern information technology leap in development, human being from the industrial age into the information age, there is growing importance of information resources development and use of "information" has become a country Economic and social development of the key links, the level of information has become the level of a country's level of modernization and an important indicator of overall national strength.Management Information System is a computer and composed, to manage information collection, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance and use of the system, it measured the national economy and enterprises, to help achieve its planned objectives.The development of computer-aided management has experienced four stages: transaction processing, handling systems to support decision-making, integrated services.In modern society, social trends and the expansion of social demand for our products so that enterprises in production and business activities relating to the expansion of the accumulation of internal and external information, with the rapid progress of science and technology and rapid development of production, so that human knowledge of the accelerating growth rate, the increase in the amount of information , Changes in the external environment becomes faster, artificial have not qualified. How to collect sufficient information resources, strong message and take advantage of the positive and timely development of effective use of information explosion of information resources has become a modern social problems. The emergence of a computer to solve this problem, because the computer quickly and accurately as information collection, processing, use, may be provided for. Computer technology and communications technologies with great modern information technology to promote the development of national information to speed up the process, the international community to build the information highway and an upsurge of Chinese workers, "the" famous works as the representative of national projects undertaken, so that China's Enterprise Information facing the new situation.Electronic computers adapt to modern society rapidly growing amount of information management, information life short, require timely conversion problem. Information systems from electronic data processing, information reporting system, decision support system to the further development of expert systems and support the leadership of the implementation of the decision-making process information in support of strategic decision-making competition in the strategic information systems. Today's society of modern information technology extensively to the rapid penetration of social life in various fields but in the management information system applications are still very imperfect, is the initial stage. Computer support for the work of the management, not only data processing, but also to support decision-making tools, from the mass of information collection, collation, analysis provided to managers, policy-related information, relevantpolicy analysis, and even managers Interactive dialogue to generate decision-making. At present the various sectors of the computer processing of information management, in large part are still individual business rationale, in the electronic data-processing stage, and units from transaction processing system to support system to deal with the real has also established a predictive control and support functions of management decision-making Information systems. Although the information system has a certain development, business process automation control office has made great progress, but far from perfect. Should make full use of the computer processing of information, we must start from the current situation, look to the future, the development of suitable units, a small industry management system, or even one-step, such as salary management system, and then gradually improve, and constantly expanded. Management Information System is one of the characteristics of centralized data, using the database. Use database technology to address data sharing issues. Database with a certain data model organization of data, data-oriented systems, procedures independent of the data, and data independence, to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency, and easy programming, expansion, removal. In particular, the 20th century the late 1970s distributed, in the face of object database, so that data and data from the operation as an object database management system to better use and reduce the possibility of problems. Attribute their inheritance in object share data And operation of great convenience to the users. All in all management information system is set scientific。

信息化名词解释ERP:ERP是英文Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源计划)的简写。
·集成性、先进性、统一性、完整性、开放性BPR:企业业务流程重组,英文全称为Business Process Reengineering(以下简称BPR),是90年代初兴起于美国的最新管理思想。
BPR是近年国外管理界在TQM(全面质量管理)、JIT(准时生产)、WORKFLOW(工作流管理)、WORKTEAM (团队管理)、标杆管理等一系列管理理论与实践全面展开并获得成功的基础上产生的。

中英文资料外文翻译文献Information Systems Outsourcing Life Cycle And Risks Analysis 1. IntroductionInformation systems outsourcing has obtained tremendous attentions in the information technology industry.Although there are a number of reasons for companies to pursuing information systems (IS)outsourcing , the most prominent motivation for IS outsourcing that revealed in the literatures was “cost saving”. Costfactor has been a major decision factors for IS outsourcing.Other than cost factor, there are other reasons for outsourcing decision.The Outsourcing Institute surveyed outsourcing end-users from their membership in 1998 and found that top 10 reasons companies outsource were:Reduce and control operating costs,improve company focus,gain access to world-class capabilities,free internal resources for other purposes, resources are not available internally, accelerate reengineering benefits, function difficult to manage/out of control,make capital funds available, share risks, and cash infusion.Within these top ten outsourcing reasons, there are three items that related to financial concerns, they are operating costs, capital funds available, and cash infusion. Since the phenomenon of wage difference exists in the outsourced countries, it is obvious that outsourcing companies would save remarkable amount of labor cost.According to Gartner, Inc.'s report, world business outsourcing services would grow from $110 billion in 2002 to $173 billion in 2007,a proximately 9.5% annual growth rate.In addition to cost saving concern, there are other factors that influence outsourcing decision, including the awareness of success and risk factors, the outsourcing risks identification and management,and the project quality management. Outsourcing activities are substantially complicated and outsourcing project usually carries a huge array of risks. Unmanaged outsourcing risks will increase total project cost, devaluatesoftware quality, delay project completion time, and finally lower the success rate of the outsourcing project.Outsourcing risks have been discovered in areas such as unexpected transition and management costs, switching costs, costly contractual amendments, disputes and litigation, service debasement, cost escalation, loss of organizational competence, hidden service costs,and so on.Most published outsourcing studies focused on organizational and managerial issues. We believe that IS outsourcing projects embrace various risks and uncertainty that may inhibit the chance of outsourcing success. In addition to service and management related risk issues, we feel that technical issues that restrain the degree of outsourcing success may have been overlooked. These technical issues are project management, software quality, and quality assessment methods that can be used to implement IS outsourcing projects.Unmanaged risks generate loss. We intend to identify the technical risks during outsourcing period, so these technical risks can be properly managed and the cost of outsourcing project can be further reduced. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the different phases of IS outsourcing life cycle, and to discuss the implications of success and risk factors, software quality and project management,and their impacts to the success of IT outsourcing.Most outsourcing initiatives involve strategic planning and management participation, therefore, the decision process is obviously broad and lengthy. In order to conduct a comprehensive study onto outsourcing project risk analysis, we propose an IS outsourcing life cycle framework to be served as a yardstick. Each IS outsourcing phase is named and all inherited risks are identified in this life cycle framework.Furthermore,we propose to use software qualitymanagement tools and methods in order to enhance the success rate of IS outsourcing project.ISO 9000 is a series of quality systems standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).ISO's quality standards have been adopted by many countries as a major target for quality certification.Other ISO standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3,ISO 9004-2, and ISO 9004-4 are quality standards that can be applied to the software industry.Currently, ISO is working on ISO 31000, a risk management guidance standard. These ISO quality systems and risk management standards are generic in nature, however, they may not be sufficient for IS outsourcing practice. This paper, therefore,proposes an outsourcing life cycle framework to distinguish related quality and risk management issues during outsourcing practice.The following sections start with needed theoretical foundations to IS outsourcing,including economic theories, outsourcing contracting theories, and risk theories. The IS outsourcing life cycle framework is then introduced.It continues to discuss the risk implications in precontract,contract, and post-contract phases. ISO standards on quality systems and risk management are discussed and compared in the next section. A conclusion and direction for future study are provided in the last section.2. Theoretical foundations2.1. Economic theories related to outsourcingAlthough there are a number of reasons for pursuing IS outsourcing,the cost savingis a main attraction that leads companies to search for outsourcing opportunities. In principle, five outsourcing related economic theories that lay the groundwork of outsourcing practice, theyare:(1)production cost economics,(2)transaction cost theory,(3)resource based theory,(4)competitive advantage, and(5)economies of scale.Production cost economics was proposed by Williamson, who mentioned that “a firm seeks to maximize its profit also subjects to its production function and market opportunities for selling outputs and buying inputs”. It is clear that production cost economics identifies the phenomenon that a firm may pursue the goal of low-cost production process.Transaction cost theory was proposed by Coase. Transaction cost theory implies that in an economy, there are many economic activities occurred outside the price systems. Transaction costs in business activities are the time and expense of negotiation, and writing and enforcing contracts between buyers and suppliers .When transaction cost is low because of lower uncertainty, companies are expected to adopt outsourcing.The focus of resource-based theory is “the heart of the firm centers on deployment and combination of specific inputs rather than on avoidance of opportunities”. Conner suggested that “Firms as seekers of costly-to-copy inputs for production and distribution”.Through resource-based theory, we can infer that “outsourcing decision is to seek external resources or capability for meeting firm's objectives such as cost-saving and capability improving”.Porter, in his competitive forces model, proposed the concept of competitive advantage. Besanko et al.explicated the term of competitive advantage, through economic concept, as “When a firm(or business unit within a multi-business firm) earns a higher rate of economic profit than the average rate of economic profit of other firms competing within the same market, the firm has a competitive advantage.” Outsourcing decision, therefore, is to seek cost saving that meets the goal of competitive advantage within a firm.The economies of scale is a theoretical foundation for creating and sustaining the consulting business. Information systems(IS) and information technology(IT) consulting firms, in essence, bear the advantage of economies of scale since their average costs decrease because they offer a mass amount of specialized IS/IT services in the marketplace.2.2. Economic implication on contractingAn outsourcing contract defines the provision of services and charges that need to be completed in a contracting period between two contracting parties. Since most IS/IT projects are large in scale, a valuable contract should list complete set of tasks and responsibilities that each contracting party needs to perform. The study of contracting becomes essential because a complete contract setting could eliminate possible opportunistic behavior, confusion, and ambiguity between two contracting parties.Although contracting parties intend to reach a complete contract,in real world, most contracts are incomplete. Incomplete contracts cause not only implementing difficultiesbut also resulting in litigation action. Business relationship may easily be ruined by holding incomplete contracts. In order to reach a complete contract, the contracting parties must pay sufficient attention to remove any ambiguity, confusion, and unidentified and immeasurable conditions/ terms from the contract. According to Besanko et al., incomplete contracting stems from the following three factors: bounded rationality, difficulties on specifying or measuring performance, and asymmetric information.Bounded rationality describes human limitation on information processing, complexity handling, and rational decision-making. An incomplete contract stems from unexpected circumstances that may be ignored during contract negotiation. Most contracts consist of complex product requirements and performance measurements. In reality, it is difficult to specify a set of comprehensive metrics for meeting each party's right and responsibility. Therefore, any vague or open-ended statements in contract will definitely result in an incomplete contract. Lastly, it is possible that each party may not have equal access to all contract-relevant information sources. This situation of asymmetric information results in an unfair negotiation,thus it becomes an incomplete contract.2.3. Risk in outsource contractingRisk can be identified as an undesirable event, a probability function,variance of the distribution of outcomes, or expected loss. Risk can be classified into endogenous and exogenous ris ks. Exogenous risks are“risks over which we have no control and which are not affected by our actions.”. For example, natural disasters such as earthquakes and flood are exogenous risks. Endogenous risks are “risks that are dependent on our actions”.We can infer that risks occurring during outsource contracting should belong to such category.Risk (RE) can be calculated through “a function of the probability of a negative outcome and the importance of the loss due to the occurrence of this outcome:RE = ΣiP(UOi)≠L(UOi) (1) where P(UOi) is the probability of an undesirable outcome i, and L(UOi) is the loss due to the undesirable outcome i.”.Software risks can also be analyzed through two characteristics :uncertainty and loss. Pressman suggested that the best way to analyze software risks is to quantify the level of uncertainty and the degree of loss that associated with each kind of risk. His risk content matches to above mentioned Eq.(1).Pressman classified software risks into the following categories: project risks, technical risks, and business risks.Outsourcing risks stem from various sources. Aubert et al. adopted transaction cost theory and agency theory as the foundation for deriving undesirable events and their associated risk factors.Transaction cost theory has been discussed in the Section 2.2. Agency theory focuses on client's problem while choosing an agent(that is, a service provider), and working relationship building and maintenance, under the restriction of information asymmetry.Various risk factors would be produced if such agent–client relationship becomes crumble.It is evident that a complete contract could eliminate the risk that caused by an incomplete contract and/or possible opportunistic behavior prompted by any contracting party. Opportunistic behavior is one of the main sources that cause transactional risk. Opportunistic behavior occurs when a transactional partner observes away of saving cost or removing responsibility during contracting period, this company may take action to pursue such opportunity. This type of opportunistic behavior could be encouraged if such contract was not completely specified at the first place.Outsourcing risks could generate additional unexpected cost to an outsourcing project. In order to conduct a better IS outsourcing project, identifying possible risk factors and implementing matured risk management process could make information systems outsourcing more successful than ever.rmation system outsourcing life cycleThe life cycle concept is originally used to describe a period of one generation of organism in biological system. In essence, the term of life cycle is the description of all activities that a subject is involved in a period from its birth to its end. The life cycle concept has been applied into project management area. A project life cycle, according to Schwalbe, is a collection of project phases such as concept,development, implementation, and close-out. Within the above mentioned four phases, the first two phases center on “planning”activity and the last two phases focus on “delivery the actual work” Of project management.Similarly, the concept of life cycle can be applied into information systems outsourcing analysis. Information systems outsourcing life cycle describes a sequence of activities to be performed during company's IS outsourcing practice. Hirsch heim and Dibbern once described a client-based IS outsourcing life cycle as: “It starts with the IS outsourcing decision, continues with the outsourcing relationship(life of the contract)and ends with the cancellation or end of the relationship, i.e., the end of the contract. The end of the relationship forces a new outsourcing decision.” It is clear that Hirsch heim and Dibbern viewed “outsourcing relationship” as a determinant in IS outsourcing life cycle.IS outsourcing life cycle starts with outsourcing need and then ends with contract completion. This life cycle restarts with the search for a new outsourcing contract if needed. An outsourcing company may be satisfied with the same outsourcing vendor if the transaction costs remain low, then a new cycle goes on. Otherwise, a new search for an outsourcing vendor may be started. One of the main goals for seeking outsourcing contract is cost minimization. Transaction cost theory(discussed in the Section 2.1)indicates that company pursuing contract costs money, thus low transaction cost will be the driver of extending IS outsourcing life cycle.The span of IS outsourcing life cycle embraces a major portion of contracting activities. The whole IS outsourcing life cycle can be divided into three phases(see Fig.1): pre-contract phase, contract phase, and post-contract phase. Pre-contract phase includes activities before a major contract is signed, such as identifying the need for outsourcing, planning and strategic setting, and outsourcing vendor selection. Contract phase startswhile an outsourcing contract is signed and then lasted until the end of contracting period. It includes activities such as contracting process, transitioning process, and outsourcing project execution. Post-contract phase contains those activities to be done after contract expiration, such as outsourcing project assessment, and making decision for the next outsourcing contract.Fig.1. The IS outsourcing life cycleWhen a company intends to outsource its information systems projects to external entities, several activities are involved in information systems outsourcing life cycle. Specifically, they are:1. Identifying the need for outsourcing:A firm may face strict external environment such as stern market competition,competitor's cost saving through outsourcing, or economic downturn that initiates it to consider outsourcing IS projects. In addition to external environment, some internal factors may also lead to outsourcing consideration. These organizational predicaments include the need for technical skills, financial constraint, investors' request, or simply cost saving concern. A firm needs to carefully conduct a study to its internal and external positioning before making an outsourcing decision.2. Planning and strategic setting:If a firm identifies a need for IS outsourcing, it needs to make sure that the decision to outsource should meet with company's strategic plan and objectives. Later, this firm needs to integrate outsourcing plan into corporate strategy. Many tasks need to be fulfilled during planning and strategic setting stages, including determining outsourcing goals, objectives, scope, schedule, cost, business model, and processes. A careful outsourcing planning prepares a firm for pursuing a successful outsourcing project.3. Outsourcing vendor selection:A firm begins the vendor selection process with the creation of request for information (RFI) and request for proposal (RFP) documents. An outsourcing firm should provide sufficient information about the requirements and expectations for an outsourcing project. After receiving those proposals from vendors, this company needs to select a prospective outsourcing vendor, based on the strategic needs and project requirements.4. Contracting process:A contract negotiation process begins after the company selects a probable outsourcing vendor. Contracting process is critical to the success of an outsourcing project since all the aspects of the contract should be specified and covered, including fundamental, managerial, technological, pricing, financial, and legal features. In order to avoid resulting in an incomplete contract, the final contract should be reviewed by two parties' legal consultants.Most importantly, the service level agreements (SLA) must be clearly identified in the contract.5. Transitioning process:Transitioning process starts after a company signed an outsourcing contract with a vendor. Transition management is defined as “the detailed, desk-level knowledge transfer and documentation of all relevant tasks, technologies, workflows, people, and functions”.Transitioni ng process is a complicate phase in IS outsourcing life cycle since it involves many essential workloads before an outsourcing project can be actually implemented. Robinson et al.characterized transition management into the following components:“employee management, communication management, knowledge management, and quality management”. It is apparent that conducting transitioning process needs the capabilities of human resources, communication skill, knowledge transfer, and quality control.6. Outsourcing project execution:After transitioning process, it is time for vendor and client to execute their outsourcing project. There are four components within this“contract governance” stage:project management, relationship management, change management, and risk management. Any items listed in the contract and its service level agreements (SLAs) need to be delivered and implemented as requested. Especially, client and vendor relationships, change requests and records, and risk variables must be carefully managed and administered.7. Outsourcing project assessment:During the end of an outsourcing project period, vendor must deliver its final product/service for client's approval. The outsourcing client must assess the quality of product/service that provided by its client. The outsourcing client must measure his/her satisfaction level to the product/service provided by the client. A satisfied assessment and good relationship will guarantee the continuation of the next outsourcing contract.The results of the previous activity (that is, project assessment) will be the base of determining the next outsourcing contract. A firm evaluates its satisfaction level based on predetermined outsourcing goals and contracting criteria. An outsourcing company also observes outsourcing cost and risks involved in the project. If a firm is satisfied with the current outsourcing vendor, it is likely that a renewable contract could start with the same vendor. Otherwise, a new “precontract phase” would restart to s earch for a new outsourcing vendor.This activity will lead to a new outsourcing life cycle. Fig.1 shows two dotted arrowlines for these two alternatives: the dotted arrow line 3.a.indicates “renewable contract” path and the dotted arrow line 3.b.indicates “a new contract search” path.Each phase in IS outsourcing life cycle is full of needed activities and processes (see Fig.1). In order to clearly examine the dynamics of risks and outsourcing activities, the following sections provide detailed analyses. The pre-contract phase in IS outsourcing life cycle focuses on the awareness of outsourcing success factors and related risk factors. The contract phase in IS outsourcing life cycle centers on the mechanism of project management and risk management. The post-contract phase in IS outsourcing life cycle concentrates on the need of selecting suitable project quality assessment methods.4. Actions in pre-contract phase: awareness of success and risk factorsThe pre-contract period is the first phase in information systems outsourcing life cycle (see Fig.1). While in this phase, an outsourcing firm should first identify its need for IS outsourcing. After determining the need for IS outsourcing, the firm needs to carefully create an outsourcing plan. This firm must align corporate strategy into its outsourcing plan.In order to well prepare for corporate IS outsourcing, a firm must understand current market situation, its competitiveness, and economic environment. The next important task to be done is to identify outsourcing success factors, which can be used to serve as the guidance for strategic outsourcing planning. In addition to know success factors,an outsourcing firm must also recognize possible risks involved in IS outsourcing, thus allows a firm to formulate a better outsourcing strategy.Conclusion and research directionsThis paper presents a three-phased IS outsourcing life cycle and its associated risk factors that affect the success of outsourcing projects.Outsourcing life cycle is complicated and complex in nature. Outsourcing companies usually invest a great effort to select suitable service vendors However,many risks exit in vendor selection process. Although outsourcing costs are the major reason for doing outsourcing, the firms are seeking outsourcing success through quality assurance and risk control. This decision path is understandable since the outcome of project risks represents the amount of additional project cost. Therefore, carefully manage the project and its risk factors would save outsourcing companies a tremendous amount of money.This paper discusses various issues related to outsourcing success, risk factors, quality assessment methods, and project management techniques. The future research may touch alternate risk estimation methodology. For example, risk uncertainty can be used to identify the accuracy of the outsourcing risk estimation. Another possible method to estimate outsourcing risk is through the Total Cost of Ownership(TCO) method. TCO method has been used in IT management for financial portfolio analysis and investment decision making. Since the concept of risk is in essence the cost (of loss) to outsourcing clients, it thus becomes a possible research method to solve outsourcing decision.信息系统的生命周期和风险分析1.绪言信息系统外包在信息技术工业已经获得了巨大的关注。

英语专业资料Management Information System is that we often say that the MIS (Management Information System), emphasizing the management, stressed that the information in modern society it has become increasingly popular. MIS is a new subject, it across a number of areas, such as scientific management and system science, operations research, statistics and computer science. In these subjects on the basis of formation of information-gathering and processing methods, thereby forming a vertical and horizontal cutting system.Management information system of modern information management is an indispensable part of the work, is to meet modern standards of high-tech information management requirements, to promote scientific management, standardization of the necessary conditions. Only information practices, in order to offer better living environment and convenient living space.Information management is an extremely important resource, management depends on the success or failure of an effective decision-making, and the correct degree of decision-making depends largely on the quality of information.In the 21st century, mankind will enter the knowledge economy era, the era of knowledge economy is the rapid development of technology and knowledge, information was explosive expansion of the times. The threat of the so-called information that this is the human face to deal with the large amount of information it difficult to deal with the state, and cause confusion results.The emergence of a computer to solve this problem, because the computer quickly and accurately as information collection, processing, use,may be provided for.With computer technology, communications technology, network technology as the representative of modern information technology leap in development, human being from the industrial age into the information age, there is growing importance of information resources development and use of "information" has become a country Economic and social development of the key links, the level of information has become the level of a country's level of modernization and an important indicator of overall national strength.Management Information System is a computer and composed, to manage information collection, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance and use of the system, it measured the national economy and enterprises, to help achieve its planned objectives.The development of computer-aided management has experienced four stages: transaction processing, handling systems to support decision-making, integrated services.In modern society, social trends and the expansion of social demand for our products so that enterprises in production and business activities relating to the expansion of the accumulation of internal and external information, with the rapid progress of science and technology and rapid development of production, so that human knowledge of the accelerating growth rate, the increase in the amount of information , Changes in the external environment becomes faster, artificial have not qualified. How to collect sufficient information resources, strong message and take advantage of the positive and timely development of effective use of information explosion of information resources has become a modern social problems. The emergence of a computer to solve this problem, because the computer quickly and accurately as information collection, processing, use, may be provided for. Computer technology and communications technologies with great modern information technology to promote the development of national information to speed up the process, the international community to build the information highway and an upsurge of Chinese workers, "the" famous works as the representative of national projects undertaken, so that China's Enterprise Information facing the new situation.Electronic computers adapt to modern society rapidly growing amount of information management, information life short, require timely conversion problem. Information systems from electronic data processing, information reporting system, decision support system to the further development of expert systems and support the leadership of the implementation of the decision-making process information in support of strategic decision-making competition in the strategic information systems. Today's society of modern information technology extensively to the rapid penetration of social life in various fields but in the management information system applications are still very imperfect, is the initial stage. Computer support for the work of the management, not only data processing, but also to support decision-making tools, from the mass of information collection, collation, analysis provided to managers, policy-related information, relevantpolicy analysis, and even managers Interactive dialogue to generate decision-making. At present the various sectors of the computer processing of information management, in large part are still individual business rationale, in the electronic data-processing stage, and units from transaction processing system to support system to deal with the real has also established a predictive control and support functions of management decision-making Information systems. Although the information system has a certain development, business process automation control office has made great progress, but far from perfect. Should make full use of the computer processing of information, we must start from the current situation, look to the future, the development of suitable units, a small industry management system, or even one-step, such as salary management system, and then gradually improve, and constantly expanded. Management Information System is one of the characteristics of centralized data, using the database. Use database technology to address data sharing issues. Database with a certain data model organization of data, data-oriented systems, procedures independent of the data, and data independence, to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency, and easy programming, expansion, removal. In particular, the 20th century the late 1970s distributed, in the face of object database, so that data and data from the operation as an object database management system to better use and reduce the possibility of problems. Attribute their inheritance in object share data And operation of great convenience to the users. All in all management information system is set scientific。
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林柳计算机科学系,多伦多大学,40圣乔治街,多伦多,安大略省,加拿大M5S 2E4
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目标为导向的需求语言(GRL)和情景化表示法代表的用例设计知识地图的发展目标的建模与货\u200b\u200b物审查清单和场景建模与UCM 互补的使用说明与设计是基于Web的培训体系.
UCM 的支持不同层次的抽象(存根和插件机制)系统架构,补充了多层次的目标为导向的需求语言。
它可以分解成一个组合分目标,分任务,资源和softgoals .这些子组件指定一个特定的行动方针,同时仍然允许一些自由。
它们被用来实现所要达到的目标或具体实施.这些解决方案提供业务,流程,数据表示,结构,限制和代理商,满足规定的目标和softgoals 的需要。