P/N: 1802011700016 *1802011700016*ICF-1170I Series Quick Installation GuideVersion 6.1, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewIntroductionThe ICF-1170I series is a CAN-to-fiber optic converter that secures data transmission by using fiber optic transmission to provide complete isolation and protection against EMI.The ICF-1170I series can separate and protect critical segments of the system from the rest of the CAN network and is protocol independent, allowing it to work with all of the different CAN protocols and frame lengths.To connect two CAN devices with fiber optic cable, two ICF-1170I series converters are required.Why Convert CAN to Fiber?•IMMUNITY FROM ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCEFiber is not affected by electromagnetic interference or radiofrequency interference; consequently it provides a cleancommunication path and is immune to crosstalk. •INSULATIONOptical fiber is an insulator; the glass fiber eliminates the need for using electric current as the communication medium. •SECURITYOptical fiber provides better security compared to traditionalelectrical signals transmitted through a wire or radio wavestransmitted through the air. Since the light rays travel down thecenter of the fiber, it is extremely difficult for them to escape. Inaddition, it is nearly impossible to tap into a fiber optic cable, and even if a tap is successful, it is possible to detect the tap bymonitoring the optical power received at the termination point. •RELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCEFiber is immune to adverse temperature and moisture conditions, does not corrode or lose its signal, and is not affected by short circuits, power surges, or static electricity.Fiber Test ModeThe ICF-1170I supports a special feature called Fiber Test Mode, which is easily activated with a DIP switch on the ICF-1170I’s outer panel. Fiber Test Mode can be used to test the fiber cable between twoICF-1170I units and provides a simple way to determine if the fiber cable is transmitting data correctly.When in Fiber Test Mode, the fiber transceiver (TX) will send out a data signal continuously and the “Fiber TX” LED will light up. On the other side of the connection, when the ICF-1170I fiber transceiver (RX) receives the data signal form the TX side, the “Fiber RX” LED will light up.Alarm Contact OutputThe ICF-1170I supports dual power inputs for redundancy. When one power input fails, the relay will be triggered. Be sure to install the dual power inputs for the ICF-1170I series, and choose the correct relay output when connecting the alarm.Features•Transmission distance up to 2 km•Convert CAN signals to fiber and fiber to CAN signals•CAN transfer rate up to 1 Mbps•Dual power inputs for redundancy•DIP switch for 120 Ω terminal resistance•DIP switch for fiber test mode•Wide temperature range model available for -40 to 85°C environmentsPackage ChecklistBefore installing the ICF-1170I series, verify that the package contains the following items:•ICF-1170I series CAN-to-fiber Converter•Quick Installation Guide (printed)•Warranty cardNOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Mounting Dimensions (Unit: mm) ICF-1170I-M-STTop ViewFront ViewMountingThe aluminum DIN-rail attachment plate should be fixed to the back panel of the ICF-1170I series when you take it out of the box. If you need to reattach the DIN-rail attachment plate to the ICF-1170I, make sure the stiff metal spring is situated towards the top, as shown in the figures below.Step 1:Insert the top of the DIN-rail into the slot just below the stiff metal spring.Step 2:The DIN-rail attachment unit will snap into place as shown belowTo remove the ICF-1170I series from the DIN-rail, simply reverse Steps 1 and 2 above.Fiber CableST-Port PinoutsST-Port to ST-Port Cable WiringSwitch SettingsThere are two DIP switches on the front panel of the ICF-1170I series. 120 Ω Terminator Switch 1Enable ONDisable OFF (default)Fiber Test Mode Switch 2Enable ONDisable OFF (default)LED IndicatorsThere are 4 LEDs on the front panel of the ICF-1170I.LED Color FunctionPWR 1 Green Steady ON: Power source 1 is ON.PWR 2 Green Steady ON: Power source 2 is ON.Fiber Tx Green When sending CAN data to the fiber port. Fiber Rx Orange When receiving CAN data from the fiber port. Typical CAN ApplicationTransmission LengthThe maximum length for CAN fiber is 2 km (depending on the data rate and the protocol used). This table below suggests the maximum fiber lengths at certain baud rates as per ISO-11989-2 while using no more than 3m of the CAN Bus cable in the CAN bus network.Baud Rate Fiber Length1000 kbps 10 m500 kbps 100 m250 kbps 250 m125 kbps 400 m50 kbps 1000 m10 kbps 2000 mNOTE The transmission distance is limited by the signal rate, as stated in the ISO 11898-2 standard.SpecificationsCAN CommunicationCAN Bus Interface ISO 11898-2, Terminals (CAN_H, CAN_L,CAN_GND)Protocols Supported CAN 2.0A and 2.0B (ISO 11898-2)CAN Connector 3-pin removable screw terminal x1 Termination Resistor Dip switch selector for 120 Ω terminal resistor Baudrate Up to 1 MbpsSystem Delay 150 nsIsolation Protection 2 KVLED Indicators PWR1, PWR2, Fiber TX, Fiber RXFiber CommunicationConnector Type ST (multimode) fiber ports x 2Support Cable 50/125, 62.5/125, or 100/140 μm (multimode) Wavelength 850 nmTX Output > -5 dBmRX Sensitivity -20 dBmEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F), 5 to 95 % RH -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F) for -T modelStorage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F), 5 to 95 % RH PowerInput Power Voltage 12 to 48 VDC dual power input for redundancy Alarm contact 1 normal open/close output with current-carryingcapacity of 1 A@24 VDCMechanical SpecificationsDimensions 30.3 × 70 × 115 mmMaterial Aluminum (1 mm)Gross Weight 135 g。
Ci-pf110120 系列 Profibus-DP 数据光端机应用案例
Ci-pf110/120 系列Profibus-DP 数据光端机应用案例专业、服务、灵活的新一代领先工业通讯网络解决方案.向客户提供工业控制光端机、工业控制光电转换器. 工业控制以太网交换机. 视音频及数据接入等技术创新, 品质优良的产品。
Ci-pf110/120 系列产品是一款工业级Profibus 数据光端机,速率支持 2M(500K,1M,5M,10M 可选),RS485 工业端子, 单光口/双光口链网支持,支持Profibus-DP 协议。
项目要求:该系统由 1 个主站(Simens CPU315),10 个从站(Simens CPU224)组成,各工作站间组成链型网络,整个网络通信遵循 Profibus-DP 现场总线协议。
各站间距离大约 10Km,由此决定采用光纤传输。
光纤传输设备需配合系统满足以下指标:1.系统可靠性:1002.命中弹数采集准确率:1003.数据传送时间:<0.5 秒4.连续工作时间:不限通过实地测试,我司 Ci-pf110/120 完全能够满足该系统的要求。
Ci-pf110 PROFIBUS在风电主控系统应用
Ci‐pf110 PROFIBUS 在风电主控系统应用引言中国的风能资源十分丰富,目前已经探明的风能储量约为3226GW,其中可利用风能约为253GW,主要分布在西北、华北和东北的草原和戈壁以及东部和东南沿海及岛屿上。
根据统计,截至到2006 年底,中国大陆地区已建成并网型风电场91 座,累计运行风力发电机组3311 台,总容量达259.9 万kW(以完成整机吊装作为统计依据)。
已经建成并网发电的风场主要分布在新疆、内蒙、广东、浙江、辽宁等16 个省区。
根据电监会公布的数据,截至2006 年底,中国发电装机容量达到62200 万kW,风力发电占全国总装机容量的0.42%。
截至到2006 年底,全世界总风电装机容量已经达到7390.4 万kW,其中德国总装机容量2062.2 万kW,位居世界第一,中国2006 年风电新增装机容量仅次于美国、德国、印度和西班牙,列第五位;总装机容量列世界第六位。
Ci‐pf110‐M 作为此控制系统的主控制器PROFIBUS 总线光纤通讯至关重要,通过PROFIBUS 总线通讯检测电网参数、风况、现场温度参数,对风电机组进行并、脱网控制,同时根据风况进行偏航、变桨等动作,以进行优化控制,从而提高风电机组的运行效率与发电质量。
Fluke Networks 担保在正常使用和保养的情况下,其产品没有材料和工艺上的缺陷。主机的担保期为购买产品之日起一年。如无另外规定,部 件、零配件、产品修理和服务的担保期为 90 天。Ni-Cad (镍镉), Ni-MH (镍氢)和 Li-Ion (锂离子)电池、电缆或其它外围设备均被视作 部件或零配件。本担保仅适用于 Fluke Networks 授权零售商的原始买方或最终用户,本担保不适用于任何 Fluke Networks 公司认为由于误 用、滥用、改造、疏忽、污染或因事故或非正常的操作和使用而导致损坏的产品。Fluke Networks 担保软件能够在完全符合性能指标的条件下 至少操作 90 天,并且软件是正确地记录在无缺陷的媒体上。Fluke Networks 并不担保软件毫无错误或在运行过程中不出现中断的情况。
7. 补偿。Fluke Networks 的全部责任及您可以得到的唯一补偿,是由 Fluke Networks 决定是否:(a) 退还您购买产品的价款,或 (b) 修复或更 换不能满足有限保证要求的软件产品。 如果产品的故障是由意外事故、滥用或误用产品引起,则本有限保证无效。 任何更换过的软件产品将享 受原九十 (90)天保证期的剩余部分时间或为期三十 (30)天的保证,以较长者为准。
特性 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 包装内容 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 安全和操作须知 ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 仪表注册 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 保养和维护 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 联系 Fluke Networks ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 使用前须知 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 使用触摸笔 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 启动和关闭仪表 ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 选择 LAN 或 WLAN 接口 ................................................................................................................................................. 10 更新软件 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
QQ 4061350462011款瑞斯康达 rc111-fe-s1 单模双纤台式收发器 430.00元功能特性,RC111-FE-S1台式设备,用户端使用内置高效交换核心,流量控制,差错检测丰富的工作状态指示灯,方便、准确地了解设备接口、链路的工作状态支持可选择的光路、以太网电口中断转移功能,可将中断告警传递给对端设备光口默认类型SC接口,可根据需要定制FC等接口类型光口支持100Base-FX光纤传输标准,可与其它产品互通以太网电口10,100Mbps自适应,全双工,半双工自适应支持直连线,交叉线自适应功能支持超长帧传输,对各种扩展协议数据帧完全兼容转发RC111-FE紧凑小机箱结构,内置交流220V电源,放置于客户端,物理尺寸120mm×39mm×155mm,宽X高X深,工作温度0,45?设备功耗,5W。
产品名称, 瑞斯康达RC111-FE-M,双纤多模, 560.00元可网管,10/100Mbps自适应,多模0-2KM,RJ45/DSC,电口速率N*32kb/s可控功能特性,RC111-FE台式设备,用户端使用RC112-FE模块式设备,放置于采用双电源容错的局端十六槽机箱使用,热插拔模块,高可靠性。
内置高效交换核心,流量控制,差错检测丰富的工作状态指示灯,方便、准确地了解设备接口、链路的工作状态 RC112-FE在网管软件的支持下可以对电口速率进行N*32kb/s配置支持可选择的光路、以太网电口中断转移功能,可将中断告警传递给对端设备光口默认类型SC接口,可根据需要定制FC等接口类型光口支持100Base-FX光纤传输标准,可与其它产品互通以太网电口10/100Mbps自适应,全双工/半双工自适应支持直连线,交叉线自适应功能支持超长帧传输,对各种扩展协议数据帧完全兼容转发RC111-FE紧凑小机箱结构,内置交流220V电源,放置于客户端,物理尺寸120mm×39mm×155mm(宽X高X深)RC112亦可配合内置电源的一槽、四槽机箱使用,配置灵活,物理尺寸91mmX25mmX152mm工作温度0~45?设备功耗<5W瑞斯康达RC112-FE-S1单模收发器 280.00元产品简述,RC111/RC112-FE-XX是支持局端网管的10/100M自适应的以太网光纤收发器产品,以成熟的技术、较低的成本完成以太网光、电信号的双向转换,实现以太网链路最远120公里的接入能力。
第一部分光纤收发器FT-100A 快速以太网光纤收发器系列FT-101A快速以太网光纤收发器系列FT-200A千兆以太网光纤收发器系列FT-200千兆以太网光纤收发器系列FT-120A双电口光纤收发器系列FT-150A四电口光纤收发器系列FTC-8光纤收发器机箱FTC-14光纤收发器机架FTC-16光纤收发器机架FT-100A 快速以太网光纤收发器系列概述:OpOne FT-100A为10/100Mbps自适应快速以太网光纤收发器(亦称光电介质转换器),可将10Base-T和100Base-TX双绞线电信号同100Base-FX光信号进行相互转换。
产品图片:FT-100A(双纤单/多模外置电源) FT-100APS(单纤单模内置电源) FT-100AC(双纤单纤单模块卡)参数规格接入方式10/100Mbps标准IEEE802.3 10Base-T Ethernet,IEEE802.3u,100Base-TX/FX Fast Ethernet, IEEE802.3x Flow control,IEEE802.1q VLAN,IEEE802.1p QoS,IEEE802.1d Spanning Tree波长850nm/1310nm/1550nm传输距离双纤多模:2Km,双纤单模:25/40/60/80/100/120Km,单纤单模:25/40/60/80/100Km五类双绞线:100m端口1个RJ45口:连接STP/UTP五类双绞线1个光纤口:多模—SC或ST(光纤尺寸50、62.5/125μm)订购信息:FT-101A快速以太网光纤收发器系列概述:OpOne FT-101A为10/100M自适应快速以太网光纤收发器(亦称光电介质转换器),可将10Base-T和100Base-TX双绞线电信号同100Base-FX光信号进行相互转换。
Profibus DP总线光纤转换器概述Profibus现场总线光纤转换器,符合Profibus-DP协议,通信速率6Mbps(可选12Mpbs),单/双光口链网支持。
性能特点提供1路Profibus现场总线,通信速率6Mbps(可选12Mbps)提供1~2路光纤链路,默认ST接口,可选SC、FC提供光纤链路故障输出告警LED状态指示灯隔离冗余18~36V DC电源(可定制9~18VDC电源型号),隔离电压1500V,支持反接保护功能IP40防护等级,波浪纹铝制加强机壳,采用标准工业35mm导轨安装方式工作温度范围:-40~75℃,满足各种工业现场要求规格总线数据接口DB9F接口形式总线数据接口完全兼容Profibus-DP总线电缆接口,通信速率:6Mbps(可选12Mbps)隔离电压1000V终端电阻:本机内部不带终端电阻,请按需要决定是否外接光纤接口光纤波长:多模850nm、1310nm;单模1310nm、1550nm传输光纤:多模50/125um、62.5/125um、100/140um,单模8.3/125um、9/125um、10/125um传输距离:多模2km,单模20km,更远距离可选光纤接口类型:ST、SC、FC可选,标配ST光接口单纤波长:A型机发送波长为单模1310nm,接收波长为1550nm;B型机发送波长为单模1550nm,接收波长为1310nm电源隔离冗余18~36V DC电源(可定制9~18VDC电源型号),典型工业标准电压DC24V,功耗小于1.5W,隔离电压1500V,具有反接保护功能,采用5芯5.08mm工业端子接口(请使用工业标准电源,否则会引起通信故障或设备损坏)继电器继电器告警输出:光纤链路故障告警输出触点容量:1A @24V DC,工业端子接口机械特性尺寸(长×宽×高):136mm×104.8mm×52.8mm净重:800g外壳:IP40防护等级,波浪纹铝制加强机壳安装:35mm导轨安装工作环境工作温度:-40℃~75℃,可选宽温(-40~85℃)存储温度:-40℃~85℃相对湿度:5%~95%(无凝露)保修期保修期:5年符合标准IEC61000-4-2(ESD):电源端:±8KV接触放电,±15KV空气放电;继电器:±8KV接触放电,±15KV空气放电;信号端:±15KV空气放电IEC61000-4-4(EFT):电源端:±4KV,继电器:±4KVIEC61000-4-5(Surge):电源端:±1KV DM/±2KV CM,继电器:±1KV DM/±2KV CMIEC60068-2-27(冲击)IEC60068-2-32(自由跌落)IEC61000-6-2(通用工业标准),IEC61850-3(变电站),IEEE1613(电力分站)EN50121-4(轨道交通)外形尺寸正视图 俯视图指示灯终端电阻终端电阻的作用是消除在通信电缆中的信号反射。
OceanStor SNS2120 光纤交换机 安装指南-(V100R001_01)
1.1 通用安全注意事项.........................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 电气安全.........................................................................................................................................................1-3 1.3 激光安全.........................................................................................................................................................1-4 1.4 其他.................................................................................................................................................................1-5
TL-GP110 V6.0详细配置指南3.0.0
第 3 章 安装指南 ........................................................................................................... 5
3.1 3.2 硬件连接 ........................................................................................................................... 5 建立正确的网络设置 ......................................................................................................... 6
目 录
第 1 章 产品概述 ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 1.2 产品简介 ........................................................................................................................... 1 主要特性 ........................................................................................................................... 1
星技(StarTech) MCM110SC2 10 100多模光纤Ethernet媒体转换器说明书
10/100 Fiber to Ethernet Media Converter Multi Mode SC 2 kmProduct ID: MCM110SC2The MCM110SC2 10/100 Multi Mode Fiber Ethernet Media Converter SC 2 km creates an economical, cost-effective Ethernet-fiber link, transparently converting to/from 10Base-T or 100Base-Tx Ethernet signals and 100Base-Fx optical signals to extend an Ethernet network connection over an SC terminated multimode fiber backbone.The converter supports a maximum multimode fiber optic cable distance of 2 kilometers (1.2 miles), providing a simple solution for connecting 10Base-T/100Base-Tx Ethernet networks to remote locations using SC-terminated multimode fiber, while delivering solid network performance and scalability.This versatile Ethernet to Fiber converter is compatible with most 3COM™, Cisco™, Lucent™ and Nortel™networks and fully complies with applicable IEEE 802.3 standards.Backed by a 2-year warranty and free lifetime technical support.Certifications, Reports and Compatibility Applications•Extend your Ethernet connection up to 2km away using fiber optics•Designed for large, high speed work groups that require expansion of fast Ethernet Networks•Connect via fiber optics two or more buildings on the same campus•Connect remote sub-networks to larger fiber opticnetworks/backbonesFeatures•Supports a maximum multi mode fiber optic cable distance of 2 km•Compatible with most 3COM™, Cisco™, Lucent™ and Nortel™networks•Compact design•Supports transparent Q-in-Q double tagged frames•Supports Link Fault Pass through (LFP)•Supports IEEE 802.1q Tag VLAN pass thru•Supports flow control (Pause)•Provides switch configuration of half/full duplex transfer mode for FX port•LED Indicators for simple Ethernet/Fiber network link monitoring•Forward 9K jumbo packets in converter mode•Auto negotiation or Force 10/100 Mbps and MDI/MDI-X (Crossover for TX port)•Auto detects half/full duplex transfer mode from the TX port •Manual controls for UTP mode, speed, Full and Half Duplex, and LFP (Link Fault pass-through) on/off•Simple installationWarranty 2 YearsHardware Industry Standards IEEE 802.3 10BASE-TIEEE 802.3u 100BASE-FXIEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TXPoE NoWDM NoPerformance Fiber Operating Mode Half/Full-DuplexMax Transfer Distance 2 km (1.2 mi)Maximum Data Transfer Rate10/100MbpsMTBF65,000 HoursType Multi ModeWavelength1310nmConnector(s)Local Unit Connectors 1 - RJ-45 FemaleRemote Unit Connectors 1 - Fiber Optic SC Duplex FemaleIndicators LED Indicators 1 - Ethernet Link & Activity (ON - Ethernet Link OK, Blinking- Activity on Ethernet Link)1 - FEF [Far End Fault](On - Fault Detected, Off - No Fault1 - Fiber Link & Activity (On - Fiber Link OK, Blinking -Activity on Fiber Link)1 - Full ( Full duplex / Half duplex)1 - Power1 - Speed (Off - 10Mbps, On - 100 Mbps)Power Center Tip Polarity PositiveInput Voltage100 - 240 ACOutput Current0.2AOutput Voltage12 DCPlug Type MPower Consumption (In Watts) 2.4Power Source AC Adapter IncludedEnvironmental Humidity10~90% RHOperating Temperature0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature-10°C to 70°C (14°F to 158°F)PhysicalColor Black CharacteristicsEnclosure Type PlasticProduct Height0.8 in [2 cm]Product Length 3.7 in [95 mm]Product Width 3 in [75 mm]Weight of Product 3 oz [84 g]Package Height 2.5 in [63 mm] PackagingInformationPackage Length 6.9 in [17.5 cm]Package Width 5.7 in [14.5 cm]Shipping (Package) Weight9.5 oz [269 g] What's in the Box Included in Package 1 - Media Converter1 - Power Adapter1 - User's Manual Product appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice.。
unilanR MPS六类屏蔽配线架框架47
unilanR MS六类屏蔽配线架框架47
unilanR GG-45系列7类模块55
Unipatch PS系列7A类模块56
以下是关于万兆转千兆光纤模块的相关信息:1. 模块类型:万兆光纤模块和千兆光纤模块主要有两种类型,分别是 GBIC(通用光接口模块)和 SFP(小封装可插拔光模块)。
其中,SFP 模块因其小巧的体积和较高的性能而广泛应用于各种光纤网络设备。
2. 接口类型:万兆光纤模块和千兆光纤模块的接口类型有所不同。
万兆光纤模块通常采用 LC(光纤连接器)接口,而千兆光纤模块则采用 SC(Subscriber Connector)或 LC 接口。
3. 跳线选择:在进行万兆转千兆光纤模块的连接时,需要选用合适的跳线。
通常情况下,双 LC 口的万兆光纤模块可以使用 LC-LC 跳线进行连接。
4. 性能与稳定性:万兆转千兆光纤模块在转换过程中,可能会受到信号衰减、色散等因素的影响。
5. 价格因素:万兆光纤模块的价格通常高于千兆光纤模块,因此在实际应用中,需要根据需求和预算来选择合适的模块。
DPtech FW1000系列应用防火墙安装手册v2.01
DPtech FW1000 系列应用防火墙安装手册
2.2.4 抗干扰要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.5 防雷击要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.6 接地要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.7 布线要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 安装工具......................................................................................................................................4
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AT-CM70S Converteon T1 E1 介质转换器模块 产品说明
产品说明 | 介质转换器AT-CM70SConverteon T1/E1介质转换器模块AT-CM70S 4 x T1/E1 + 10/100TX ←→ SFP 插槽, 支持802.3ah带有本地配置端口AT-CM70S T1/E1介质转换器模块是Converteon 家族的一员,它安装于Converteon 系列机箱,可将四个T1/E1 TDM 信道和一个百兆以太网通道复用到一对(根)光纤上传输,从而增加点到点光网络的容量,并能实现简洁而强大的管理从而降低运营成本。
AT-CM70S 模块可支持各种百兆SFP 光纤模块,支持多模、单模和单芯等各种光纤,最远传输距离可达40公里。
AT-CM70S 模块支持IEEE 802.3ah OAM 功能,是网络运营商的理想选择。
扩展以太网的覆盖范围AT-CM70S 介质转换器模块可将四个T1/E1 双绞线接口和一个10/100BaseT RJ45接口复用到一个基于SFP 的百兆光口上,最远传输距离可达40公里,位于另一端的AT-CM70S 则将这五个信道分离出来。
AT-CM70S 模块可支持各种百兆SFP 光纤模块,可支持多模、单模和单芯等各种光纤,最远传输距离可达40公里。
灵活部署AT-CM70S 模块可以安装在各种Converteon 系列机箱,例如,可部署于远端的双槽机箱AT-CV1200,或位于局端的多插槽机箱AT-CV5000。
设备管理当安装在AT-CV5000机箱中时,如果机箱内安装了管理模块,所有模块即可以工作在可网管状态,对模块的所有操作都可以远程进行,可支持RS232、Telnet 或SNMP 。
即使工作在非网管模式,也可以很容易地通过模块上的DIP 开关进行设置。
另外,AT-CM70S 模块上还配有一个本地RS232C 管理接口,即使机箱上没有管理模块,仍可对该模块进行所有配置管理。
中国联通公司企业标准QB/CU xxx-2013中国联通光纤分布系统设备技术规范China Unicom Fiber Distributed System Equipment Technical Specification(V1.0)2013-xx-xx发布2013-xx-xx实施中国联通公司发布目录目录 (I)前言 (V)中国联通室内分布系统技术规范 (1)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3缩略语 (1)4系统定义 (2)4.1 多系统接入单元 (2)4.2 扩展单元 (3)4.3 远端单元 (3)5设备功能要求 (3)5.1 系统制式 (3)5.2 载频要求 (3)5.3 业务要求 (3)5.4 双通道能力要求 (3)5.5 固网和WLAN能力要求 (3)5.6 远程供电 (4)5.6.1 光纤直流远供 (4)5.6.2 PoE供电 (4)5.7 网管功能要求 (4)5.8 组网要求 (4)5.8.1 组网能力 (4)5.8.2 传输方式 (4)5.9 设备升级能力 (4)5.9.1 2G&3G系统 (4)5.9.2 3G&4G系统 (5)6设备形态 (5)6.1 多系统接入单元 (5)6.1.1 功耗 (5)6.1.2 设备尺寸 (5)6.1.3 接口需求 (5)6.2 扩展单元 (6)6.2.1 功耗 (6)6.2.2 设备尺寸 (6)6.2.3 接口需求 (6)6.3 远端单元 (7)6.3.1 室内型 (7)6.3.2 室外型 (8)7无线射频指标 (9)7.1 工作频段 (9)7.1.1 定义 (9)7.1.2 指标要求 (9)7.2 标称最大线性输出功率及误差 (10)7.2.1 定义 (10)7.2.2 指标要求 (10)7.3 自动电平控制(ALC) (10)7.3.1 定义 (11)7.3.2 指标要求 (11)7.4 最大增益及误差 (11)7.4.1 定义 (11)7.4.2 指标要求 (11)7.5 增益调节范围 (12)7.5.1 定义 (12)7.5.2 指标要求 (12)7.6 增益调节步长及误差 (12)7.6.1 定义 (12)7.6.2 指标要求 (13)7.7 频率误差 (13)7.7.1 定义 (13)7.7.2 指标要求 (13)7.8 矢量幅度误差(EVM) (14)7.8.1 定义 (14)7.8.2 指标要求 (14)7.9 峰值码域误差(PCDE) (14)7.9.1 定义 (14)7.9.2 指标要求 (14)7.10 带内波动 (15)7.10.1 定义 (15)7.10.2 指标要求 (15)7.11 射频输入动态范围 (15)7.11.1 定义 (15)7.11.2 指标要求 (15)7.12 输入互调 (16)7.12.1 定义 (16)7.12.2 指标要求 (16)7.13 输出互调 (17)7.13.1 定义 (17)7.13.2 指标要求 (17)7.14 噪声系数 (17)7.14.1 定义 (17)7.14.2 指标要求 (18)7.15 杂散发射(非期望辐射) (18)7.15.1 频谱发射模板 (18)7.15.2 杂散辐射 (19)7.16 阻塞 (25)7.16.1 定义 (25)7.16.2 指标要求 (25)7.17 带外增益和带外抑制 (27)7.17.1 定义 (27)7.17.2 指标要求 (27)7.18 带内载波泄露抑制 (28)7.18.1 定义 (28)7.18.2 指标要求 (29)7.19 传输时延 (29)7.19.1 系统时延及最小系统时延 (29)7.19.2 时延校正补偿精度和范围 (30)7.20 输入、输出电压驻波比 (30)7.20.1 定义 (30)7.20.2 指标要求 (30)7.21 邻道抑制比(ACRR) (31)7.21.1 定义 (31)7.21.2 指标要求 (31)7.22 最大允许输入电平 (31)7.22.1 定义 (31)7.22.2 指标要求 (31)7.23 收发隔离度 (32)7.24 FDD-LTE系统特有指标要求。
一、光纤收发器1. 光电介质转换系列 (2)2、多以太网口系列 (4)3、光接口转换系列 (7)4、支持OAM功能的新一代光纤收发器 (9)5、光接口指标列表 (11)一、光纤收发器1.光电介质转换系列双纤光纤收发器(台式)双纤光纤收发器(卡式)单纤光纤收发器(台式)单纤光纤收发器(卡式)STM-1的光电转换器产品简述:本系列产品是可运营、可管理的电信级产品,以成熟的技术、较低的成本完成快速以太网和千兆以太网业务(或SDH业务)的Copper到Fiber的双向转换,主要实现城域以太网的光纤延伸,链路支持最远120公里的接入。
功能特性:__ 产品种类丰富,用户可以根据情况选择卡式、台式设备__ 全双工/半双工自适应__ 电口可选多种速率__ 丰富的工作状态指示灯,方便、准确地了解设备接口、链路的工作状态__ 光口默认类型SC接口,可根据需要定制FC等接口类型__ 光口支持100Base-FX、1000Base-X或STM-1光纤传输标准,可与其它产品互通__ 支持可选的故障转移功能__ 支持超长帧传输__ 支持单、双纤的传输__ 支持直连线、交叉线自适应功能__ 支持可选的带宽控制功能__ 卡式设备可配合内置电源的一槽、四槽或十六槽机箱使用,支持热插拔__ 在网管平台下,可实现局端网管、远端网管技术参数:最新产品信息请查阅物理属性物理尺寸(WxHxD)mm:台式:120×39×155卡式:91×25×152工作温度:0~45℃相对湿度:5%~90% 无冷凝设备功耗:<5W组网方案:2、多以太网口系列双以太口(双纤)4以太口(双纤)8以太口(单纤)16以太口(单纤)产品简述:多以太网口系列产品主要分为两大类:双以太口产品和多以太口产品。
一、万兆光口转千兆电口的技术原理1. 万兆光口我们需要了解什么是万兆光口。
2. 千兆电口而千兆电口,是指以太网接口的另一种标准,其传输速率为1Gbps,也就是比万兆光口慢了10倍。
3. 转换原理万兆光口转千兆电口技术的主要原理是通过光电转换器(Media Converter)实现的。
二、万兆光口转千兆电口的优势1. 提高网络传输速度万兆光口转千兆电口技术可以有效提高网络传输速度,将双倍于千兆电口的数据传输到终端设备。
2. 扩展网络覆盖范围由于光纤的传输距离较长,光口可以将网络延伸到更远的地方,扩大了网络的覆盖范围。
3. 提升网络质量和稳定性万兆光口转千兆电口技术在网络质量和稳定性方面也有一定的优势。
Moxa IMC-P101系列光纤媒体转换器说明书
P/N: 1802001015013*1802001015013*IMC-P101 Series Quick Installation GuideMoxa PoE Media ConverterVersion 4.0, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe IMC-P101 series is an Ethernet to fiber optic media converter. It provides Ethernet media conversion from 10/100 BaseT(X) to 100 BaseFX(SC/ST connectors). These media converters are classified as power source equipment (PSE), and when used in this way, the IMC-P101 series provides up to 15.4 watts to powered devices (PD). The IMC-P101 series can be used to power IEEE 802.3af compliant powered devices (PD), eliminating the need for additional wiring, and supports IEEE 802.3/802.3u/802.3x with 10/100M, full/half-duplex, and MDI/MDI-X auto-sensing to provide a total solution for your industrial Ethernet network.The IMC-P101 Series includes the following models:•IMC-P101-M-SC: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, multi-mode port with SC connector, 0 to 60°Coperating temperature.•IMC-P101-M-ST: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, multi-mode port with ST connector, 0 to 60°Coperating temperature.•IMC-P101-S-SC: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, single-mode port with SC connector, 0 to 60°Coperating temperature.•IMC-P101-S-ST: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, single-mode port with ST connector, 0 to 60°Coperating temperature.•IMC-P101-M-SC-T: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, multi-mode port with SC connector, -40 to 75°C operating temperature.•IMC-P101-M-ST-T: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, multi-mode port with ST connector, -40 to 75°C operating temperature.•IMC-P101-S-SC-T: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, single-mode port with SC connector, -40 to 75°C operating temperature.•IMC-P101-S-ST-T: PoE Industrial 10/100BaseT(X) to 100BaseFX media converter, single-mode port with ST connector, -40 to 75°C operating temperature.NOTE Throughout this Hardware Installation Guide, we often use IMC as an abbreviation for Moxa Industrial Media Converter:IMC = Moxa Industrial Media ConverterPatent /doc/operations/Moxa_Patent_Marking.pdfPackage ChecklistMoxa PoE Media Converter is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, please contact your customer service representative for assistance.•IMC-P101 series media converter.•Quick Installation Guide (printed).•Warranty Card.Features•10/100BaseT(X) Auto-Negotiation and Auto-MDI/MDI-X.•IEEE 802.3af compliant PoE.•Power failure by relay output.•Provides up to 15.4W of power to powered devices (PD). •Support Store-and-Forward mode and Pass Through mode.•-40 to 75°C operating temperature range (T models). •Redundant dual VDC power inputs.Panel Layout of the IMC-P101 Series1.Grounding screw2.Terminal block for power inputPWR1/PWR23.Heat dissipation vents and relayoutput4.DIP switch5.Power input PWR1 LED6.Power input PWR2 LED7.Fiber Link/Active LED8.100BaseFX (ST/SC connector)Port9.PSE Indicator LED10.10/100BaseT(X)11.TP port 10 Mbps LED12.TP port 100 Mbps LED13.Model Name14.Screw hole for wall mounting kit15.DIN-Rail mounting kitMounting DimensionsDIN-Rail MountingThe aluminum DIN-Rail attachment plate should be fixed to the back panel of the IMC when you take it out of the box. If you need to reattach the DIN-Rail attachment plate to the IMC, make sure the stiff metal spring is situated towards the top, as shown in the figures below.STEP 1: Insert the top of the DIN-Rail into the slot just below the stiff metal spring.STEP 2:The DIN-Rail attachment unit will snap into place as shown below.To remove the Moxa Industrial Media Converter from the DIN-Rail, simply reverse Steps 1 and 2 above.Wall Mounting (Optional)For some applications, you will find it convenient to mount the Moxa PoE Media Converter on the wall, as illustrated below.STEP 1:Remove the aluminumDIN-Rail attachment platefrom the Moxa PoE MediaConverter, and then attachthe wall mount plates, asshown in the diagrams below.STEP 2: Mounting the Moxa PoE Media Converter on the wallrequires 4 screws. Use the IMC, with wall mount platesattached, as a guide to mark the correct locations ofthe 4 screws. The heads of the screws should be lessthan 6.0 mm in diameter, and the shafts should be lessthan 3.5 mm in diameter, as shown in the figure at theright.NOTE Test the screw head and shank size by inserting the screw intoone of the keyhole shaped apertures of the Wall Mounting Plates,before it is screwed into the wall.Do not screw the screws in all the way—leave a space of about 2 mm to allow room for sliding the wall mount panel between the wall and the screws.STEP 3:Once the screws are fixed in thewall, insert the four screw headsthrough the large openings of thekeyhole-shaped apertures, and thenslide Moxa PoE Media Converterdownwards, as indicated below.Tighten the four screws for addedstability.Grounding the Moxa Industrial Media Converter Grounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due toelectromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to connecting devices.Wiring the Redundant Power InputsThe top five contacts of the 8-contact terminal block connector on the IMC’s top panel are used for the IMC’s two DC inputs. Top and front views of one of the terminal block connectors are shown here.STEP 1: Insert the negative/positive DC wiresinto the V-/V+ terminals.STEP 2: To keep the DC wires from pullingloose, use a small flat-blade screwdriver totighten the wire-clamp screws on the front ofthe terminal block connector.STEP 3: Insert the plastic terminal blockconnector prongs into the terminal blockreceptor, which is located on the IMC’s toppanel.Communication ConnectionsIMC-P101 models have one 10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet port, and one 100BaseFX (SC or ST type connector) fiber port.10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet Port ConnectionThe 10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet port located on the IMC’s front panel is used to connect to Ethernet-enabled devices.Illustrated below are pinouts for both MDI (NIC-type) ports and MDI-X (HUB/Switch-type) ports, and also cable wiring diagrams forstraight-through and cross-over Ethernet cables.10/100Base T(x) RJ45 Pinouts MDI Port Pinouts MDI-X Port Pinouts 8-pin RJ45 Pin Signal1Tx+2 Tx-3 Rx+6 Rx- Pin Signal 1 Rx+ 2 Rx- 3 Tx+ 6 Tx-RJ45 (8-pin) to RJ45 (8-pin) Straight-Through Cable WiringRJ45 (8-pin) to RJ45 (8-pin) Cross-Over Cable Wiring100BaseFX Ethernet Port ConnectionThe concept behind the SC port and cable is quite straightforward. Suppose you are connecting devices I and II. Unlike electrical signals, optical signals do not require a circuit in order to transmit data.Consequently, one of the optical lines is used to transmit data from device I to device II, and the other optical line is used transmit data from device II to device I, for full-duplex transmission.All you need to remember is to connect the Tx (transmit) port of device I to the Rx (receive) port of device II, and the Rx (receive) port of device I to the Tx (transmit) port of device II. If you are making your own cable, we suggest labeling the two sides of the same line with the same letter (A-to-A and B-to-B, as shown below, or A1-to-A2 and B1-to-B2).SC-Port Pinouts SC-Port to SC-Port Cable WiringST-Port Pinouts ST-Port to ST-Port Cable WiringRedundant Power InputsBoth power inputs can be connected simultaneously to live DC power sources. If one power source fails, the other live source acts as a backup, and automatically supplies all of the Moxa Industrial Media Converter’s power needs.DIP Switch SettingDIP No.FunctionON OFF1 Auto Negotiation Enable* Disable “ON”: Enables “Auto Negotiation” function, the speed and duplex statesfor each port link segment are automatically configured using the highest performance interoperation mode.“OFF”: Disables “Auto Negotiation” function, the speed and duplexstates depend on the manual setting configuration.2 Force TP Speed 100Mbps* 10Mbps (Only when Auto Negotiation is disabled)“ON”: Forces 100Mbps on Ethernet port.“OFF”: Forces 10Mbps on Ethernet port.3 Force TP Duplex Full Duplex* Half Duplex (Only when Auto Negotiation is disabled)“ON”: Forces Full Duplex on Ethernet port.“OFF”: Forces Half Duplex on Ethernet port.DIP No. Function ON OFF4 Link Fault Pass Through Enable* Disable “ON”: Enables “Link Fault Pass Through”, the link status on the TX portwill inform the FX port of the same device and vice versa.“OFF”: Disables “Link Fault Pass Through”, the link status on the TX portwill not inform the FX port.5 Operating Mode Store-and-Forward* Pass Through “ON”: Selects “Store-and-Forward” mode, begins to forward a packetto a destination port after an entire packet is received. Thelatency depends on the packet length.“OFF”: Selects “Pass Through” mode, operates with the minimumlatency. Both transceivers are interconnected via internal MIIsand the internal switch engine and data buffer are not used.Note: With “Pass Through” mode enabled, the Ethernet port and fiberport should transmit at 100 Mbps, which is equivalent to fullduplex mode.6 PSE Disable Enable* PSE: Power Source Equipment.“ON”: Disables “PSE”, IMC-P101 series do NOT provide power to PD(Powered Device).“OFF”: Enables “PSE”, IMC-P101 series provides power to PD (PoweredDevice).7 P.R.R. Enable Disable* P.R.R.: Power Remote Reset“ON”: Enables “P.R.R” function, when fiber port link down 3 secondsand “PSE” setting is enabled, IMC-P101 series STOP providingpower to PD (Power Device) which means the PD power will turn OFF. After 1 second later, IMC-P101 series start to continueprovide power to PD, and then the PD power turn back ON forreset PD.“OFF”: Disables “P.R.R” function, no reset PD function.(*): Default DIP switch setting.LED IndicatorsThe front panel of Moxa Industrial Media Converter contains several LED indicators. The function of each LED is described in the table below.LEDColor State Description PWR1 Green ON Power is being supplied to power input PWR1OFF Power is not being supplied to power input PWR1PWR2 Green ON Power is being supplied to power input PWR2OFF Power is not being supplied to power input PWR2Fiber Link/Act Green ON Fiber port is active.Blinking Data is being transmitted or received.OFF Fiber port is inactive.LED Color State DescriptionPSE Indicator GreenON PSE is enabled.1 Flash Low Signature Resistance2 Flash High Signature Resistance5 Flash Power overload Fault9 FlashPower Management AllocationExceeded10M YellowON Ethernet port 10 Mbps link is active. Blinking Data is being transmitted at 10 Mbps. OFF Ethernet port 10 Mbps link is inactive.100M GreenON Ethernet port 100 Mbps link is active. Blinking Data is being transmitted at 100 Mbps. OFF Ethernet port 100 Mbps link is inactive.SpecificationsTechnologyStandards IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseT,IEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X), 100BaseFXIEEE 802.3af for Power-over-Ethernet InterfaceRJ45 ports 10/100BaseT(X)Fiber ports 100BaseFX (SC, ST connectors available) LED Indicators PWR1, PWR2, Fiber Link/Act, 10/100M(Ethernet port), PSE IndicatorDIP Switches:Dip No. Function ON OFF1 Auto Negotiation Enable* Disable2 Force TP Speed 100Mbps* 10Mbps3 Force TP Duplex Full Duplex* Half Duplex4 Link Fault PassThroughEnable* Disable5 Operating Mode Store-and-Forward* Pass Through6 PSE Disable Enable*7 P.R.R.(PD Remote Reset)Enable Disable**Default DIP switch setting.Alarm Contact One relay output with current carrying capacityof 1A @ 24 VDCOptical Fiber:100BaseFXMulti-mode Single-mode Wavelength 1300 nm 1310 nmMax. TX -10 dBm 0 dBmMin. TX -20 dBm -5 dBmRX Sensitivity -32 dBm -34 dBmLink Budget 12 dB 29 dBTypical Distance 5 km a4 km b40 km cSaturation -6 dBm -3 dBma. 50/125 μm, 800 MHz*km fiber optic cableb. 62.5/125 μm, 500 MHz*km fiber optic cablec. 9/125 μm, 3.5 PS/(nm*km) fiber optic cablePhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions (W x H x D) 144.45 x 110.2 x 51.65 mm(5.69 x 4.34 x 2.03 in)Weight Product only: 525gPackaged: 710gInstallation DIN-Rail mounting, Wall Mounting (optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient RelativeHumidity5 to 90% (non-condensing)Power RequirementsInput Voltage 48VDC (46 to 57 VDC with PoE, 18 to 72 VDCwithout PoE), redundant inputsPower Consumption 430mA@48VDC (max.)Connection Removable terminal blockOverload Current Protection 1.6 A (protects against two signals shorted together)Reverse PolarityProtectionPresentRegulatory ApprovalsSafety UL508EMI FCC Part 15, CISPR 32 class AEMS IEC 61000-4-2 Edition 1.2: 2001-04(Level 4)EN 61000-3-3: 1995 + A1: 2001IEC 61000-4-3: 2002+A1: 2002(Level 3)IEC 61000-4-4: 2004(Level 4)IEC 61000-4-5 Edition 1.1: 2001-04(Level 3)IEC 61000-4-6 Edition 2.1: 2004-11(Level 3)IEC 61000-4-8 Edition 1.1: 2001-03(Level 3)IEC 61000-4-11 Second Edition: 2004-03 Shock IEC 60068-2-27Free Fall IEC 60068-2-32Vibration IEC 60068-2-6WarrantyWarranty Period 5 yearsDetails See /warranty。
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profibus dp光电转换器(数据光端机)功能上实现了profibus dp现场总线的电气信号与光纤的转换。
用于PLC设备主从站之间及凡是支持profibus dp现场总线的设备中。
Ci-pf110/120系列产品是一款工业级Profibus-DP现场总线数据光端机,支持Profibus-DP 协议, 通信速率0~6M(可选12M),单光口/双光口链网支持。
Ø DB9F接口形式;
Ø 数据接口完全兼容Profibus-DP总线电缆接口;
Ø 通信速率:0~6M(可选12M);
Ø 隔离电压:瞬间隔离电压5000V;持续隔离电压1000V;
Ø 终端电阻:本机内部不带终端电阻,请按需要决定是否外接.
Ø 光纤波长:多模850nm、1310 nm; 单模1310 nm、1550nm。
Ø 传输光纤:多模50/125 um、62.5/125 um、100/140um;单模8.3/125 um、9/125um、10/125um 。
Ø 传输距离:多模2Km,单模20Km。
Ø 光纤接口类型:ST、SC、FC可选,标配ST光接口。
Ø 电源:双电源冗余输入,DC(9-30)V,典型DC24V,功耗小于1.5W, 具有DC1000V电压隔离以及反接保护功能,工业端子接口.
Ø 继电器告警输出:光纤链路故障和电源故障告警输出,触点最大容量:DC48V/1A,工业端子接口.
Ø 外形尺寸:132mm×105mm×52mm
Ø 外壳:IP30防护等级,波浪纹铝制加强机壳.
Ø 安装方式: 35mmDIN导轨安装.
Ø 净重:800g
Ø 工作温度:-10-70℃(-40~+85℃宽温可选).
Ø 相对湿度:≤90%(无冷凝)
Ø 存放温度:﹣40~80℃