新时代大学英语第一册unit6love on campus

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• Independence [‘indi‘pendəns] • n.独立,自主,自立 • Independent [‘indi‘pendənt] • a.独立的,自主的 • young people who want • 不想依赖父母的年轻人
independence from their parents
• An unavoidable accident. • 不能避免的事故
Reading A College Romances • Dilemma [di‘lemə] • n.(进退两难的)窘境,困境
Reading A College Romances • Out of gear 失控,出毛病 • Gear [giə] n.齿轮
• 递进关系 – what’s more
love, Wealth, or Success
• A woman saw three old man out of her house.
• The husband invite them to come in.
• One is Love, one is wealth and the other is success. • Now go in and discuss which one of us you want to invite to your home.
• My watch got out of gear and would not run. • 我的表出毛病了,它不走了。
Reading A College Romances • Sooner or later 迟早,早晚
• You should tell her, because she'll find out sooner or later. • 你还是告诉她吧,因为她迟早会发觉的。
• Beard • Recognize • hungry • Invite • Explain • Disagree • Advice • Point to • Fill with • 胡须 • 认出 • 饥饿的 • 邀请 • 解释 • 反对,不同意 • 建议 • 指向 • 充满
Section 3 personal letter 私人信函 • 1.信头 – 写信人地址,写信日期,收信人 地址 • 2.称呼 – Dear XXX • 3.正文 – 书信内容 • 4.结束语 – Best wishes, yours, sincerely • 5.签名 – 写信人姓名
• Romance • Classic • Bite • Extreme • Attraction • Opposite • Breathtaking
• 浪漫 • 经典的 •咬 • 极度 • 吸引 • 相反的 • 壮观的
• Affair • Involvement • Protected • Independence • Gaze at • Unavoidable • Dilemma
• The bite of the love bug • 爱情之虫的叮咬
Reading A College Romances • Extreme [iks'tri:m] • adj.极度的, 极端的 • Attraction [ə'trækʃən] • n.吸引, 吸引力 • Attract [ə'trækt] v.吸引, 引来
Text B love, Wealth, or Success
Signal words 信号词
• 转折关系- but, however, although, nevertheless, otherwise, yet • 并列关系- and, also, then, first, second, third
Reading A College Romances • Classic ['klæ sik] • adj. 传统的, 经典的 • a classic example 典型的例子
Reading A College Romances • Bite [bait] • v.咬,叮 n.咬,叮 • ▲The bite of …的咬伤
Unit 6 Love on Campus
• Romantic • Companion • Potential • Connection • Participate in • Strengthen • Weaken • 浪漫的 • 伴侣 • 潜在性 • 联系 • 参加 • 加强 • 削弱
• I only invited Love, why are you coming in?
• If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would have stayed out. • However, you invited Love, and wherever he goes, we go with him.
Reading A College Romances • Set sail 启航
• The ship will set sail tomorrow. • 近岸停泊的那艘船将於明日起航。
Reading A College Romances • Gaze at 凝视, 注视
Reading A College Romances
• HLeabharlann Baiduge • Ask sb. Out • On a date • Awkward • Worry • Share • Similar • Throughout • 巨大的 • 约某人出去 • 约会 • 尴尬的 • 担心 • 分享 • 相似的 • 自始至终
• Romance • Arrow • Damaging • Symbol • Sweetheart • Wedding anniversary • 浪漫 •箭 • 有害的 • 象征,标志 • 爱人 • 结婚纪念日
• The husband – let us invite wealth. • The wife – why don’t we invite success? • Daughter-in-law – wouldn’t it be better to invite love?
• Cupid’s arrow 丘比特的箭
Reading A College Romances • Most of us 我们大部分人 • For most of us 对我们大部分人来说
Reading A College Romances • Breathtaking ['breθ‘teikiŋ] • adj. 令人赞叹的, 壮观的
Reading A College Romances • Opposite ['ɔpəzit] • adj.相反的, 对面的, 对立的 • I sat opposite to him during the meal. • 吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。
Reading A College Romances • Arrow ['ærəu] • n.箭, 箭头
• Breath [breθ] • n.呼吸, 气息
Reading A College Romances • First love affair 初恋
• Affair [ə'fɛə] • n. 事件, 事务
Reading A College Romances • Protected [prə’tektid] • a.受保护的
• 事务 • 参与 • 受保护的 • 独立 • 凝视 • 不可避免的 • 进退两难
• Step into • Be ready to do • Percent of • Stay in touch with • face with • Out of gear • Sooner or later • 进入 • 准备做 • 百分比 • 保持联系 • 面对 • 失控 • 迟早
• Which one of you is love? • Please come in and be our guest. • Love got up and started walking towards the house. • The other two also got up and followed him.
Reading A College Romances • Be faced with 面对 面临...
• Some are faced with unavoidable circumstances. • 一些人面临着无法避免的情况。
Reading A College Romances • Unavoidable [ʌnə‘vɔidəbl] • a.不可避免的
• Percent of [pə'sent] • n.百分比
• 81 percent of employers said they will increase salaries for existing employees. • 81%雇主表示他们要提高目前雇员的薪水
Reading A College Romances • stay in touch with v. 与 ... 保持联系 • = be in touch 保持联系
• Protected environment 受保护的环境
Reading A College Romances • Step into 步入,进入
• step on sb‘s foot 踩着某人的脚 • step into a boat 登船
Reading A College Romances