



华南理工大学企业战略管理(双语)考试题华南理工大学企业战略管理(双语)期末考试试题A答案《企业战略管理(双语)》A卷一、选择题(每题2分,共50分)1. In formulating a strategy, management is, in effect sayingA) "this is who we are and where we are headed.''B) "this is the strategic plan we have for making money in ourparticular line of business."C) "we intend to make these moves to outmaneuver our rivals."D) "among all the paths we could have chosen, we have decided tofocus on these markets and customer needs, compete in this fashion, allocate our resources and energies in these ways, anduse these particular approaches to doing business."E) "this is our vision of what our business will be like in theyears to come."Answer: D Difficulty: Medium2. In a single-business company, the strategy-making hierarchy consists ofA) business strategy and functional strategies.B) business strategy, functional strategies, and operatingstrategies.C) business strategy and operating strategy.D) managerial strategy, business strategy, functional strategies,and operating strategies.E) corporate strategy, functional strategies, and operatingstrategies.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium3.SWOT analysis isA) a helpful tool for predicting whether the company's value chainis cost competitive.B) simple tool for sizing up a company's resource capabilities anddeficiencies, its market opportunities, and the externalthreats to its future well-being.C) a helpful tool for evaluating whether a company is competitivelystronger than its closest rivals.D) a helpful tool for benchmarking whether a firm's strategy isclosely matched to industry key success factors.E) a helpful tool for identifying the reasons why a company is oris not profitable.Answer: B Difficulty: Easy4. A company's actual strategy isA) mostly hidden to outside view and is known only to top-levelmanagers.B) typically planned well in advance and usually deviates littlefrom the planned set of actions and business approaches becauseof the risks of making on-the-spot changes.C) best delegated to the company's board of directors because oftheir fiduciary responsibility, their ultimate responsibilityfor the company's well-being, and their strong businessexpertise.D) partly proactive and partly reactive to changing circumstances.E) partly a function of the strategic vision, partly a functionof the target strategic and financial objectives, partly afunction of market opportunities, and partly a function of the strategies being used by rival companies (particularly those companies that are industry leaders).Answer: D Difficulty: Medium5. Factors that cause the rivalry among competing sellers to be weakincludeA) low buyer switching costs.B) rapid growth in buyer demand and high buyer costs to switchbrands.C) high costs of exiting the market as compared to the costs ofentering the market.D) a set of competitors that are quite diverse in terms of theirstrategies, objectives, and countries of origin.E) conditions where it is customary for rivals to collaborateclosely with both their suppliers and their customers.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium6.The competitive force of substitute products tends to be stronger ina given market whenA) buyers are relatively comfortable with using substitutes andthe costs to buyers of switching over to the substitutes are low.B) buyers view substitutes as likely to be in short supply fromtime to time.C) the quality and performance of the substitutes is well abovewhat buyers need to meet their requirements.D) buyers have high psychic costs in severing existing brandrelationships and establishing new ones.E) when demand for the industry's product is not very pricesensitive.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium7. Achieving a cost advantage over rivals entailsA) concentrating on a narrow portion of the value chain andabandoning all other activities that create costs.B) being a first-mover in pursuing backward and forwardintegration and controlling as much of the value chain aspossible.C) outmanaging rivals in controlling the cost drivers and findingcreative ways to cut cost-producing activities out of the value chain.D) being a heavy user of offensive strategies and a light user ofdefensive strategies.E) producing a standard product, redesigning the productinfrequently, and having minimal advertising.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium8. A company's strategic vision is best conceived asA) a road map of a company's future—a picture of its destinationand management's rationale for going there.B) what business the company is presently in and why it does certainthings in trying to please its customers.C) management's storyline of how it intends to make a profit withthe chosen strategy.D) "who we are and what we do."E) the general strategic outline of what the enterprise will needto do to outmaneuver rivals and achieve a competitive advantage.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy9. Business strategy concernsA) the actions and approaches crafted by management to producesuccessful performance in one specific line of business.B) what business to be in and whyC) which of several business models to use in pursuing companyobjectives.D) which of several competitive advantages to put of the company'sresources behind.E) All of these.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy10. A company attempting to be successful with a differentiation strategyhas toA) study buyer needs and behavior carefully to learn what buyersconsider important, what they think has value, and what they are willing to pay for.B) incorporate more differentiating features into itsproduct/service than rivals.C) strive to raise buyer switching costs.D) have a well-known and respected brand name image.E) provide a top-of-the-line product to consumers.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium11. Buyer bargaining power tends to be stronger whenA) buyers are large and can demand concessions when purchasinglarge quantities.B) buyers purchase the item frequently and are well-informed aboutsellers' products, prices, and costs.C) the costs incurred by buyers in switching to competing brandsor to substitute products are relatively low.D) the products of rival sellers are weakly differentiated andbuyers have considerable discretion over whether and when theypurchase the product.E) All of the aboveAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy12. Crafting and executing strategy are top-prioritymanagerial tasksbecauseA) every company needs to be alert to the winds of change, newopportunities, and threatening developments.B) all company personnel, and especially senior executives, needto know the answer to "who are we and where are we headed?"C) there is a compelling need for managers to proactively shapehow the company's business will be conducted and because astrategy-focused organization is more likely to be a stronger bottom-line performer than an organization that views the tasksof managing strategy as secondary.D) without clear guidance as to what the company's business modeland strategic intent are, managerial decision-making is likely to be rudderless.E) they help communicate to shareholders and the entire investmentcommunity "what it is we are trying to do and to achieve."Answer: C Difficulty: Easy13.The best strategic alliancesA) are highly selective, focusing on particular value chainactivities and on obtaining a particular competitive benefit.B) are those whose objective is to speed next-generation productsto market more quickly.C) aim at achieving greater supply chain efficiency.D) strive to reduce the number of industry key success factors.E) aim at raising the barriers to entry and insulating the partnersagainst the impacts of the five competitive forces.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium14. Which one of the following is not part of a company'smacroenvironment?A) Conditions in the economy at largeB) Population demographics and societal values and lifestylesC) Technological factors and governmental regulations andlegislationD) Factors relating to competitive rivalry, a company's suppliersand customers, and competition from substitute productsE) A company's resource strengths and weaknesses, competencies,and competitive capabilitiesAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy15. The competitive approach of a firm pursuing a global strategyA) entails little or no strategy coordination across countries.B) usually involves cross-subsidizing the prices in those marketswhere there are significant country-to-country differences in the product attributes that customers are most interested in.C) is essentially the same in all country markets where itcompetesbut it may nonetheless allow for minor country-by-country variations where necessary to satisfy buyers.D) involves selling direct to buyers (usually via the company'sown sales force) to avoid having to establish networks ofwholesale/retail dealers in each country market.E) involves having a wide and diverse lineup of products (modelsand styles), with the basic product attributes varyingaccording to buyer preferences in each country market.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy16. The tests for evaluating the merits of one strategy over another andgauging how good a strategy is include:A) the strategic fit test, the social responsibility test, and theprofitability test.B) the integrated business model test, the competitive strengthtest, and the profitability testC) the goodness of fit test, the competitive advantage test, andthe performance test.D) the social responsibility test, the strategic intent test, andthe competitive strength test.E) the opportunity-threat test, the ethical standards test, andthe best strategy test.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium17. The difference between a company's mission statement and the conceptof a strategic vision is thatA) the mission explains why it is essential to make a profit,whereas the strategic vision addresses what businesses to be in to try to make a profit.B) a mission statement typically concerns " what we do, why we arehere, and where are we now" whereas the focus of a strategic vision is "where we are going and why."C) a mission deals with what to accomplish in terms of financialperformance whereas a strategic vision concerns what toaccomplish in terms of strategic performance.D) a mission statement deals with "where we are headed " whereasa strategic vision provides the critical answer to "how willwe get there?"E) a mission is about what a company is already doing and a visionconcerns what a company ought to do.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium18.The competitive threat that outsiders will enter a market is strongerwhenA) the products of rival firms are weakly differentiated, buyershave no strong preferences for the brands of existing producers,and buyers exhibit low brand loyalties.B) incumbents are unable or unwilling to fight vigorously toprevent a newcomer from gaining a market foothold.C) a newcomer can expect to earn attractive profits.D) there are interested entry candidates with sufficient expertiseand resources to hurdle prevailing entry barriers.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy19. A company's strategy evolves over time as a consequence ofA) the need to keep strategy matched to changing market conditionsand changing customer needs and expectations.B) the proactive efforts of company managers to fine-tune andimprove one or more pieces of the strategy.C) new managerial priorities and changing managerial judgmentsabout what the best future course for the company is.D) the need to respond to the actions and competitive moves of rivalfirms.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy20. A company strength can relate toA) a skill or important expertise.B) its human assets and intellectual capital.C) an achievement or attribute that puts the company in a positionof market advantage.D) organization assets such as proprietary technology, patents,quality control systems, a strong balance sheet,itspartnerships or alliances with other organizations havingexpertise or capabilities that enhance its own competitiveness.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy21. The chief role of functional strategies is toA) integrate the various operating-level strategies across thewhole company into a unified whole.B) define the mission and strategic intent of each functional area.C) help specify the needed kinds of distinctive competencies andresource strengths.D) add relevant detail to the hows of the overall business strategyand competitive approach and provide a game plan for managinga particular activity in ways that support the overall business.E) create compatible degrees of strategic intent among a company'sbusiness functions.Answer: D Difficulty: Easy22. Whether supplier-seller relationships in an industry represent astrong or weak source of competitive pressure is a function ofA) whether the profits of suppliers are relatively high or low.B) the number of suppliers and the number of sellers.C) how aggressively rival sellers are maneuvering to formstrategic alliances with each of the industry's majorsuppliers.D) whether suppliers can exercise sufficient bargaining power toinfluence the terms and conditions of supply in their favor andthe extent of seller-supplier collaboration in the industry.E) whether the prices of the items being furnished by the suppliersare rising or falling.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium23.A company's value chain consistsA) the steps it goes through to convert its net income into valuefor shareholders.B) the primary activities it performs in creating value for itscustomers and the related support activities.C) the series of steps it takes to get a product from the rawmaterials stage into the hands of end-users.D) the activities it performs in transforming its competenciesinto distinctive competencies.E) the company's efforts and actions to build sustainablecompetitive advantage.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium24.Generally, internal entry into a new business is more attractive thanacquiring an existing firm in the targeted industry whenA) the costs associated with internal startup are less than thecosts of buying an existing company and there is ample time tolaunch the new business from the ground up.B) there will be positive effects on the entrant's other existingbusinesses.C) the target industry is young, fragmented, and growing rapidly.D) all of the potential acquisition candidates are losing money.E) the target industry is comprised of several relatively largeand well-established firms.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium25. Strategy-making isA) primarily an individual responsibility rather than a grouptask.B) more of a collaborative group effort (that involves, to somedegree, all managers and sometimes key employees) as opposedto being a function of a few high-level executives.C) first and foremost the function of a company's strategicplanning staff.D) first and foremost the function and responsibility of acompany's board of directors.E) first and foremost the function and responsibility of acompany's chief executive officer.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium二、简答题(每题8分,共40分)1. Draw and briefly describe the five forces model of competition.参考答案:(1)潜在进入者的威胁;(2)供应商讨价还价的权力;(3)顾客讨价还价的权力;(4)替代产品的威胁;(5)行业内部竞争的特点。



1. 下列关于战略管理的定义,不正确的是:
A. 战略管理是指组织在追求长期目标时,针对内外部环境进行全面规划和协调的一种管理活动。

B. 战略管理是一种决策、规划、执行、监控和控制的全过程。

C. 战略管理是一种独立于组织的经营管理活动。

D. 战略管理是帮助组织在不确定性环境下实现其长期目标的方法。

2. 战略管理的基本特征包括以下几个方面,除了以下哪一个:
A. 长远性
B. 整体性
C. 反应性
D. 系统性
1. 简述战略管理的基本流程。


1. 某公司在市场竞争激烈的环境下,遇到了多个问题,请分析




- 重新定位产品定位,寻找差异化竞争的空间。

- 投入研发力量,开发适应新技术的产品。

- 优化成本结构,提高生产效率。

- 加强品牌建设,增加产品附加值。























战略管理考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1. 战略管理的核心是()。

A. 战略制定B. 战略实施C. 战略评价D. 战略控制答案:A2. 战略管理的起点是()。

A. 确定企业使命B. 确定企业目标C. 确定企业愿景D. 确定企业战略答案:A3. 企业使命的表述应该()。

A. 具体明确B. 抽象概括C. 包含所有业务D. 只包含核心业务答案:B4. 企业战略的制定需要考虑的外部环境因素不包括()。

A. 政治法律环境B. 经济环境C. 社会文化环境D. 企业内部资源答案:D5. 企业战略的制定需要考虑的内部环境因素不包括()。

A. 企业资源B. 企业能力C. 企业核心竞争力D. 行业竞争状况答案:D6. 企业战略的实施过程中,需要关注的是()。

A. 战略的制定B. 战略的实施C. 战略的评价D. 战略的控制答案:B7. 企业战略的控制过程中,需要关注的是()。

A. 战略的制定B. 战略的实施C. 战略的评价D. 战略的调整答案:D8. 企业战略评价的目的是()。

A. 确定企业使命B. 确定企业目标C. 确定企业愿景D. 确定企业战略答案:C9. 企业战略管理的最终目标是()。

A. 增加市场份额B. 提高企业利润C. 提升企业竞争力D. 实现企业可持续发展答案:D10. 企业战略管理的基本原则不包括()。

A. 系统性原则B. 动态性原则C. 客观性原则D. 随意性原则答案:D二、多项选择题1. 企业战略管理的特点包括()。

A. 系统性B. 动态性C. 客观性D. 随意性答案:ABC2. 企业战略管理的过程包括()。

A. 战略制定B. 战略实施C. 战略评价D. 战略控制答案:ABCD3. 企业外部环境分析的内容包括()。

A. 政治法律环境B. 经济环境C. 社会文化环境D. 技术环境答案:ABCD4. 企业内部环境分析的内容包括()。

A. 企业资源B. 企业能力C. 企业核心竞争力D. 企业组织结构答案:ABCD5. 企业战略实施的步骤包括()。

































企业战略管理双语教学⽼师给的习题Multiple choiceChapter 11. The prescriptive, deliberate or planned approach views strategic management as a____________A. highly systematized processB. deterministic processC. highly systematized and deterministic processD. consistent pattern of behaviour2. ____________ is used to refer to strategic formulation, implementation and evaluation, with ______________ referring only to strategic formulation.a. Strategic planning; strategic managementb. Strategic planning; strategic processingc. Strategic management; strategic planningd. Strategic management; strategic processinge. Strategic implementation; strategic focus3. What can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives?a.Strategy formulationb.Strategy evaluationc.Strategy implementationd.Strategic management4. Conducting research to determine internal strengths and weaknesses is performed during which stage of strategic management? ____________a. Formulationb.Implementationc.Evaluationd.Feedbacke.Goal-setting5. What are the three stages of the strategic management process?a.Conflict, resolution and implementationb.Formulation, implementation and evaluationc.Formulation, execution and rewardd.Formulation, implementation and resolutione.Goal-setting, implementation and feedback6. An important activity in __________ is taking corrective action.a.strategy evaluationb.strategy implementationc.strategy formulationd.strategy leadershipe.all of the above7. __________ means mobilizing employees and managers to put strategies into action.a.Formulating strategyb.Strategy evaluationc.Implementing strategyd.Strategic advantage8. __________ is not a strategy-implementation activity.a.Taking corrective actionsb.Establishing annual objectivesc.Devising policiesd.Allocating resourcese.Motivating employees9. __________ skills are especially critical for successful strategy implementation.a.Interpersonalb.Technicalc.Conceptuald.Thinkinge.Marketing10. Strategy evaluation is necessary becausea. internal and external factors are constantly changing.b. the SEC requires strategy evaluation.c. competitors change their strategies.d. the IRS requires strategy evaluation.e. firms must take corrective actions.11. Which of these is often considered the first step in strategic planning? _________a.Developing a vision statementb.Establishing goals and objectivesc.Making a profitd.Developing a mission statemente.Determining opportunities and threats12. What are enduring statements of purpose that distinguish one business from other similarfirms? _________a.policiesb.mission statementsc.objectivesd.rulese.employee conduct guidelines13. Which of the following is not included in the strategic management model?a. Measure and evaluate performance.b. Perform internal research to identify customers.c. Establish long-term objectives.d.Implement strategies.e. Develop mission and vision statements/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html ually, external opportunities and threats are:A.uncontrollable by a single organization.B.controlled by governments.C.not as important as internal strengths and weaknesses.D.key functions in strategy implementation.E.key functions in strategy exploitation.15. Military strategy is based on an assumption of __________, whereas business strategy isbased on an assumption of __________.a.conflict; cooperationb.conflict; competitionc.cooperation; conflict/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petition; conflicte.cooperation; competition16. Competence Based Approach argues that/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitive advantage arises from an organization’s internally developed corecompetence rather than from its environment/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitive advantage arises from positioning a firm to take advantage ofopportunities and overcome or circumvent threats/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitive advantage arises from cooperation/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitive advantage arises from opportunities17. Resource-based view approach argues that an organization should exploit its_________relative to _________ in the external environmenta.position; opportunitiesb.basic competencies; opportunitiesc.financial assets; opportunitiesd.core competencies; opportunitiesChapter 21. The purpose of the mission statement is to communicate to_________a.all shareholdersb.employeesc.all stakeholdersd.managers2. A good mission statement should _________a.define what the organization isb.limit to exclude some venturesc.give detail plans of allocating resourcesd.be broad enough to allow for growthe.distinguish a firm from all others3. According to McGinnis, a mission statement should be all of the following except:a. it should be specific enough to control creative growth.b. it should be stated in clear terms.c. it should distinguish an organization from all others.d. it should define what an organization is.e. it should serve as a framework for evaluating both current and prospective activities.4.It is the _________who determines what a business is.a. president.b. customerc. stakeholder.d. CEO.5.What the customer buys and considers value is alwaysa. price.b. functionc. technology.d. utility6 . Which mission statements are good mission statement _________a.AT&T’s (美国电报电话公司)mission statement focuses oncommunicationb.Exxon’s (埃克森⽯油公司)mission statement focuses on oil and gasc.Union Pacific’s (太平洋联合铁路公司)mission statement focuses on transportationd.Universal Studios’(环球电影公司)mission statement focuses on movies Chapter 31. Financial crisis that reverberated around the world is belong toa. far environments’ factorsb. near environments’ factorsc. internal environments’ factorsd. industrial factors2.Three broad ways that clusters affect competition: _________a. Increasing the productivity of companies based in the areab. Driving the direction and pace of innovationc. Stimulating the formation of new businesses within the clusterd. Bringing entry barriers to the area3.Which of the following choices does not belong to industry properties_________?a.Economies of Scaleb.Barriers to market entryc. A firm’s core competenced.Product differentiatione.Level of competitiveness4. According to I/O theorists, which of the following contributes least to firm performance?a.Economies of scaleb.Barriers to market entryc.Product differentiationd.Internal resourcese.Level of competitiveness5. __________ is not part of an external audit.a. Analyzing competitorsb. Analyzing the firm’s financial ratiosc. Analyzing available technologiesd.Studying the political environmente.Analyzing social, cultural, demographic and geographic forces6. When interest rates rise, discretionary⾃由决定的income ______, and the demand fordiscretionary goods ______.a.rises; risesb.declines; risesc.rises; fallsd.declines; fallse.stays the same; rise7. When an industry relies heavily on government contracts, ______ forecasts can be the most important part of an external audit.a.economicb.politicalc.technological/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitivee.multinational8. Technological advancements can create new ______ advantages that are more powerful than existing advantages.a.economicb.socialc.environmental/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitive/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html parative9. The Internet is changing the nature of opportunities and threats by doing all of the following except:a.altering the life cycles of products.b.decreasing the speed of distribution.c.erasing limitations of traditional geographic markets.d.creating new products and services.e.changing the historical trade-off between production standardization andflexibility.10. Intensity of competition _______ in lower-return industries.a.is lowestb.is non-existentc.is highestd.is not importante.fluctuates11. Five competitive forces, according to Michael Porter, create vital opportunities and threatsto organizations. Which of the following is not a competitive force?a. New entrantsb. Rivalry among existing firmsc. Bargaining power of unionsd. Bargaining power of supplierse. Bargaining power of buyers12. ________, according to Porter, is usually the most powerful of the five competitiveforces.a. Potential development of substitute productsb. Bargaining power of suppliersc. Bargaining power of consumersd. Rivalry among competing firmse. Potential entry of new competitors13. Whenever new firms can easily enter a particular industry, the intensity of competitivenessamong firms______a.stays the same.b.increases.c.decreases.d.neutralizes.e.Fluctuates14. If suppliers are unreliable or too costly, which of these strategies may be appropriate?a. Horizontal integrationb. Backward integrationc. Market penetrationd. Forward integratione. Concentric diversification15. Bargaining power of consumers is ______ when the products being purchased are standard or undifferentiated.a. marginalb. lowc. highd. negativee. not necessary16. Globalization of industries is occurring for all of these reasons except: ______a. a worldwide trend toward similar consumption patterns.b.the emergence of global buyers.c. a worldwide trend toward different consumption patterns.d.e-commerce and the instant transmission of money and information across continents.e.the emergence of global sellers.17. ___________ is the first step in designing an EFE Matrix.a. Identifying key external factors in the industryb. Summing the weighted score for each competitorc. Calculating the sales of each competitord. Drawing the horizontal and vertical lines for the matrixe. Determining four competitors18. W hat is the range for a firm’s total weighted score in an External Factor Evaluation Matrix?a. 0 to 5b. 0 to 4c. 1 to 5d. 1 to 4e. 0 to 1019. One difference between CPM and EFE is thata. CPM includes both internal and external issues.b. the weight and total weighted score mean opposite.c. CPM ratings range from 1 to 10.d. CPM is performed only for the company, whereas EFE is performed for both the company and the competitors.e. CPM is only used in small firms20.Strategic groups of firms within an industry follow ___________ or have very___________ dimensionsa. the same strategies, similarb. different strategies,differentc. the same strategies, differentd. different strategies, similar21.Potential development of substitute products will increase when consumer’s switching costs ___________a. increaseb. decreasec. do not changed. become highChapter 41. There are three activities in the internal Analysis process___________a. Resources, capabilities/competencies,core competencies analysisb. Value Chain analysisc. competitor analysisd. Comparative analysis2. A competence is an attribute or collection of attributes possessed by ___________of the firms in an industrya. fewb. severalc. manyd. all or most3. Resources employed by a firm includes ___________a. tangible resourcesb. competitive resourcesc. intangible resourcesd. human resources4. ___________and ___________do not belong to intangible resourcesa. Financial Resourcesb. Technological Resourcesc. Reputationd. Physical Resources5. Which one of the following are tangible resources?a. Financial Resourcesb. Technological resourcesc. Reputationd. Human resources6. _______ exemplifies the complexity of relationships among the functional areas of business. /doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html ernment auditb.External auditc.Financial ratio analysisd.Environmental scanninge.Distribution strategy7. Which of the following are primary activities in a firm’s value chain___________?a. inbound logisticsb. outbound logisticsc. marketing & salesd. procuremente. operations8. Which of the following are not support activities___________?a. technology developmentb. outbound logisticsc. human resource managementd. firm infrastructuree. procurement9.Firm infrastructure consists of a number of activities including ___________a. general managementb. finance & accountingc. legal & government affairsd. quality managemente. planning10. The initial step to implementing value chain analysis is___________a.attaching a cost to each discrete activity.b.establishing costs in terms of time.c.establishing costs in terms of money.d.dividing a firm’s operations into specific activities or business processes.11. In t he “power law” formula y = ax b , ‘a’ representsa. the labor hours required to build unit #xb. the theoretical labor hours required to build the first unit producedc. the rate of learningd. the number (count) of an item in the production sequence12. According to the learning curve theory, when output or production __________, the reduction in time per unit affected by the learning curve ratea. doublesb. triplesc. is four times to the initial oned. is five times to the initial one13.Learning rate is not useful when ___________a. production is sporadicb. there is no way to improve the production ratec. production quantities are very smalld. rules & regulations limit the production ratee. each item produced is significantly different from the preceding item14. In an IFE matrix, rating number “3” represents ___________a. major weaknessb. minor weaknessc. minor strengthd. major strength15. In an IFE matrix, rating number “2” represents ___________a. major weaknessb. minor weaknessc. minor strengthd. major strength16. If a firm’s total weighted score is 2.1 in an IFE matrix, it indicates that ___________a. the firm is being weak internallyb. the f irm’s strategies is not capitalizing on opportunities or avoiding threatsc. the firm is being a strong internal positiond. the f irm’s response is outstanding to threats and weaknessesChapter5-61. Corporate strategy is ___________a. more detailb. more value orientedc. more conceptuald. concerned with the whole firm2. A firm directs its resources to the profitable growth of a single product, in a single market, with a single dominant technology. The firm pursues___________a. diversificationb. horizontal integration Strategyc. vertical integration Strategyd. concentration strategy3.If a firm’s present suppliers are expensive and unreliable in meeting the firm’s needs forparts, components and/or raw materials, it should pursue a ___________a. concentration Strategyb. horizontal integration Strategyc. backward integration Strategyd. forward integration Strategy4. An example of _______ strategy is establishing Web sites to sell products directly toconsumers.a. backward integrationb. product developmentc. forward integrationd. horizontal integration5. A _______ strategy seeks to increase market share of present products or services in present markets through greater marketing efforts.a. market penetrationb. forward integrationc. market developmentd. product development6. Adding new, unrelated products or services for present customers is called______a. forward integration.b. concentric diversification.c. conglomerate diversification.d. horizontal diversification7. Backward integration is effective in all of these except:a. when an organization competes in an industry that is growing rapidly.b. when an organization has both capital and human resources to manage the newbusiness of supplying its own raw materials.c. when an organization needs to acquire a needed resource quickly.d. when the advantage of stable prices are not important.8. When a US company first begins to export to India, it is an example ofa. market developmentb. market penetrationc. product developmentd. . horizontal integration.9. When an organization competes in an industry characterized by rapid technologicaldevelopments, _______ is an appropriate strategy.a. retrenchmentb. product developmentc. backward integrationd. market penetration10. _______are terms that describe diversification strategiesa. Concentric diversificationb. conglomerate diversificationc. vertical diversificationd.horizontal diversification.11. Adding new, unrelated products or services is calleda. horizontal diversification.b. concentric diversification.c. backward integration.d. conglomerate diversification.12. An airline eliminating service at 10 major cities to financially survive is an example of______a. divestiture.b. backward integration.c. liquidation.d. retrenchment13. When a division is responsible for an organization’s overall poor performance, _________ strategy should be implemented.a. backward integrationb. divestiturec. forward integrationd. cost leadershipe. concentric diversification14.Selling all of a company’s assets in parts for their tangible worth is called_________a. joint venture.b. divestiture.c. concentric diversification.d. liquidation.e. horizontal integration15.Defensive strategies includes_________a. retrenchmentb. divestiture.c. diversification.d. liquidation.16. __________ is effective when the stockholders of a firm can minimize their losses by selling the organization’s assets.a. Integrationb. Differentiationc. Diversificationd. Liquidation17.Ways to pursue Differentiation successfully: ________a. creating products which are superior to competitorsb. building superior distribution channelsc. offering superior after sales serviced. creating a strong brand name through design, innovation, advertising, and so on18. Mergers and acquisitions are created for all of the following reasons except to ________a. gain new technology.b. reduce tax obligations.c. gain economies of scale.d. increase its number of employees/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html prehensive Strategy-Formulation Framework includes: ________a. the Input Stageb. the Matching Stage.c. the Decision Stage.d. the output Stage.20.Which of the following are tools in the matching stage________a. SWOT Matrixb. SPACE Matrixc. BCG Matrixd. IE Matrixe. CPM21.I mproving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities is________strategiesa. WOb. STc. SOd. WT22.Two External Dimensions in SPACE matrix are ________a. Environmental Stability (ES)b. Industry Strength (IS)c. Financial Strength (FS)d. Competitive Advantage (CA)23.If a financially strong firm that has achieved major competitive advantages in a growing and stable industry, the firm’s directional vector should be located in the________quadrant of SPACE matrixa. aggressiveb. conservativec. defensived. competitive24. A division with a high relative market share position in a low-growth industry can be described as a________a. star.b. cash cow.c.question mark.d.dog.25. When a division of an organization has a high relative market share and is in a fast-growing industry, it is called a________a. star.b. cash cow.c.question mark.d.dog26 Which of these is not an attractive strategy for a cash cow division? ________a. intensive strategy.b. harvestc.divestitured.retrenchment27.If a firm locates in Cells I, II, or IV in IE Matrix, the firm should pursue__________strategya. Grow and build.b. Hold and maintainc.Harvest or divestd.No above allChapter7-81. __________ is included in the decision stage of the strategy formulation framework.a. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)b. Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)c.BCG Business Portfolio Matrixd.Grand Strategy Matrixe.SPACE Matrix2.Annual Objectives should state __________a. Quantityb. Qualityc.Costd.Timee.Be Verifiable3. Three basic activities of strategic evaluation, review & control __________a. analyzing industry environmentb. Examine the underlying bases of a firm’s strategy/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html pare expected to actual resultsd.Identify corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to planse.analyzing financial ratios4. Three steps in evaluation framework __________a. Review underlying basesb. Allocate resourcesc.Measure firm performanced.Take corrective actions5.Balanced Scorecard evaluate strategies from 4 perspectives: __________a. Financial performanceb. Customer knowledgec.Internal business processesd.Learning & growthe.Macro-economic situation6. Three ways to manage conflict__________a. Avoidanceb. Diffusion/doc/9a441fe919e8b8f67c1cb9c0.html petitiond.Coordinatione.Confrontation7. In the process of implementing strategy, change raises anxiety and fear, concerning__________a. Economic lossb. Inconveniencec. Uncertaintyd Break in status-quoe. improving working condition8. In the process of implementing strategy, change strategies include__________a. Force Change Strategyb. Educative Change Strategyc. integration strategyd diversification strategye. Rational or Self-Interest Change StrategyTrue/False(T)Strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation activities occur at three hierarchical levels in a large diversified organization: corporate, divisional and functional(T)In order for a firm to achieve sustained competitive advantage, a firm must continually adapt to changes in external trends and events and effectively formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies that capitalize upon those factors.Chapter 1-21.(T) By exploring, learning and piecing together a consistent pattern of behaviour over time, an organization may arrive at the same position as if it had planned everything in detail2. (T) A clear vision provides the foundation for developing a comprehensive mission statement3. (F) Mission means “What do we want to become?”4. (T) Clear vision & mission are needed before alternative strategies can be formulated andimplemented5. (F) Participation from diverse managers is not important in developing the mission.6. (T) The vision statement should be short, preferably(更适宜) one sentence7. (F)If an organization chooses to have both a mission and a vision, the mission statement should be established first, as mission identifies where we are and vision would indicate where we want to goChapter 31.(F)External Audit is t o develop an exhaustive list of every possible factor that could influence the business is the aim of external audit.2. (F)Tourism-oriented firms in the United States are hampered(受妨碍) when the value of the dollar falls3. (T) The Internet is changing the very nature of many industries by altering product life cycles and changing the historical trade-off between production standardization and flexibility4. (T)New firms sometimes enter industries with higher-quality products, lower prices and substantial marketing resources, even though there are numerous barriers to entry.5.(T)The impact of natural events upon business activity can be very powerful and difficultto predict or avoid6. (T)Both a Competitive Profile Matrix and an EFE Matrix have the same meaning in the weights, ratings and total weighted scores.7. (T) The critical success factors in a Competitive Profile Matrix are often the same as those in an EFE Matrix.Chapter 41. (T) The process of performing an internal audit, compared to the external audit, provides more opportunity for participants to understand how their jobs, departments and divisions fit into the whole organization.2. (T) The value chain is composed of value-adding activities and margin3. (T) Value Chain Analysis can enable a firm to better identify its own strengths and weaknesses especially as compared to competitors’ Value Chain Analyses4.(T) Firm infrastructure can be a powerful source of CA5. (T) The value chain is not a collection of independent activities but a system ofinterdependent activities.6. (T)Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix is a summary step when conducting an internal strategic-management audit7. (T)In competitive terms, value is the amount buyers are willing to pay for what a firm provides them8(F)The value chain is a collection of independent activities9. (T)The learning curve describes the relationship between a firm’s cumulative output and amount of inputs needed to produce a unit of output10.(T)100% learning rate means no learning at all11. (F)In industry, S typically ranges from 40% to 100%12.(F)The learning effect can lead to very large reductions in cost and it depends on the size of the individual firm13.(T)The rate of learning depends on factors such as the quality of management and the potential of the process and productsChapter 5-61. (T)Business strategy ( competitive strategy)is the determination of how a company will compete in a given business and position itself among its competitors2. (F) In a changing environment, a firm committed to concentrated growth faces low risks3. (F) Forward integration is a strategy of seeking ownership or increased control of a firm’s suppliers4. (F)Gaining ownership or increased control over distributors or retailers is called backward integration strategy5. (T)The increased use of horizontal integration as a growth strategy6. (T) Introducing present products into new geographic areas is market development7. (T) An appropriate strategy when an organization has excess production capacity is market development8. (T) Liquidation is often appropriate when retrenchment and divestiture have failed9. (F)According to Porter, strategies allow organizations to gain competitive advantage from three different bases: cost leadership, differentiation and integration10. (T) For consumers who are price sensitive, cost leadership emphasizes producing standardized products at very low per-unit cost11. (T)When an acquisition is not desired by both parties, it is called a takeover or hostile takeover12. (T) Not all M & As are effective and successful13. (T) M & As can yield great benefits, but the price and reasoning must be right14. (T) Business is both co-operation and competition15. (F)Companies are avoiding outsourcing more and more because it is more expensive than traditional methods and it does not allow a firm to concentrate on core competencies16. (T) Merger & Acquisitions can yield great benefits, but the price and reasoning must be right17 (T)According to Porter, a firm that engages in each generic strategy but fails to achieve any of them is “ stuck in the middle”.18. (T)BCG Matrix enhances multi-divisional firm in formulating strategiesChapter 7-81. (T)Implementing strategy affects an organization from top to bottom2. (T)Changing a firm’s culture to fit a new strategy is usually more effective than changing a strategy to fit an existing culture3.(T)Strategy evaluation is v ital to the organization’s well-being4.(T)Strategy should not present inconsistent goals & policies5. (F) In terms of number of employees, restructuring involves increasing the size of the firm6. (F)The overall aim of the Balanced Scorecard is to balance financial objectives with strategic objectives7. (T)There must be a translation of strategic thought into strategic action8. (F)Reengineering is characterized by many strategic decisions9. (F)Restructuring is characterized by tactical decisions10.(T)In the Balanced Scorecard, the Learning & Growth Perspective is the foundation of anystrategy and focuses on the intangible assets of an organizationEssay QuestionsChapter 1-21. Explain the relationship between strategic management and competitive advantagefor firms. How can a firm achieve sustained competitive advantage?Ans: Strategic management is all about gaining and maintaining competitive advantage.Competitive advantage is anything a firm does especially well compared to rival firms.When a firm can do something that rival firms cannot do, or owns something that rival firms desire, that can represent a competitive advantage. Getting and keepingcompetitive advantage is essential for long-term success of an organization. A firm must strive to achieve sustained competitive advantage by (1) continually adapting to changes in external trends and events and internal capabilities, competencies andresources, and by (2) effectively formulating, implementing and evaluating strategies that capitalize upon those factors.战略管理的⽬的就是使企业获得并保持竞争优势。



战略管理考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 战略管理的核心是()。

A. 战略分析B. 战略选择C. 战略实施D. 战略控制答案:B2. 企业使命的确定需要考虑的因素不包括()。

A. 企业目标B. 企业资源C. 企业能力D. 企业规模答案:D3. 以下哪项不是SWOT分析中的要素?()A. StrengthsB. WeaknessesC. OpportunitiesD. Environments答案:D4. 波士顿矩阵中,市场占有率高且增长率低的产品属于()。

A. 明星产品B. 问题产品C. 金牛产品D. 瘦狗产品答案:C5. 以下哪项不是企业战略的类型?()A. 成本领先战略B. 差异化战略C. 集中化战略D. 多元化战略答案:D6. 企业战略的制定过程不包括以下哪项?()A. 确定企业使命B. 制定战略目标C. 选择战略方案D. 战略评估与控制答案:D7. 以下哪项不是战略实施中的关键因素?()A. 组织结构B. 资源分配C. 企业文化D. 市场调研答案:D8. 企业战略控制的目的是()。

A. 确保战略目标的实现B. 降低成本C. 提高效率D. 增加市场份额答案:A9. 以下哪项不是企业核心竞争力的特征?()A. 价值性B. 稀缺性C. 不可模仿性D. 可替代性答案:D10. 企业战略联盟的主要形式不包括()。

A. 合资B. 合作C. 合并D. 竞争答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 战略管理过程中,战略分析包括以下哪些内容?()A. 外部环境分析B. 内部环境分析C. 竞争对手分析D. 行业分析答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些因素会影响企业的战略选择?()A. 企业资源B. 企业文化C. 行业竞争状况D. 宏观经济环境答案:ABCD3. 企业战略实施中,以下哪些是组织结构调整的考虑因素?()A. 战略目标B. 管理层次C. 管理幅度D. 组织文化答案:ABCD4. 企业战略控制过程中,以下哪些是控制方法?()A. 预算控制B. 非预算控制C. 财务控制D. 非财务控制答案:ABCD5. 企业核心竞争力的来源包括以下哪些?()A. 技术创新B. 品牌优势C. 管理能力D. 人力资源答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 战略管理是一个动态的、循环的过程。



A. Strengths、Weaknesses、Opportunities、Threats
B. Smart、Wealth、Opportunity、Threats
C. Strengths、Wires、Options、Techniques
D. Strategies、Weaknesses、Opportunities、Threats
答案:A. Strengths、Weaknesses、Opportunities、Threats









(1) 研究外部环境尤其是行业环境;(2) 选择超额利润潜力巨大的行业;(3) 制定相应战略,找出此行业赚取超额利润所需的战略(4) 培养或购买战略的所需资产与技能;(5) 利用公司优势实施战略。



(1) 找出公司资源,识别其相对于竞争对手的优势与劣势;(2) 研究公司的能力,以及确定这种能力如何可以使公司战胜对手;(3) 确定公司的资源和能力能够多大程度上增强其竞争优势;(4) 选择有吸引力的行业;(5) 选择能使公司最大限度地利用其资源和能力来发掘外部环境的机会战略。







1. 什么是战略管理?
- 战略管理是指企业如何制定并实施长期目标、规划和战略来

2. 列举三个战略管理的重要概念。

- 目标设定
- 环境分析
- 竞争优势
3. 解释SWOT分析法。

- SWOT分析法是一种常用的战略分析工具,它通过评估企业

1. 什么是竞争优势?
- 竞争优势是指企业相对于竞争对手在市场上获得的独特优势,使其能够实现更高的盈利能力和市场份额。

2. 列举三种常见的竞争优势类型。

- 成本优势
- 差异化优势
- 专注/集中优势
3. 解释波特的五力模型。

- 波特的五力模型是一种用于分析产业竞争力的工具,它包括

1. 什么是战略规划?
- 战略规划是指企业根据其长期目标和环境分析,制定详细的

2. 列举三个有效的战略规划工具。

- 五力分析
- 强弱项分析
- BCG矩阵
3. 解释市场定位策略。

- 市场定位策略是一种战略决策,通过确定目标市场和在该市场中与竞争对手相比具备独特优势的位置来吸引和满足目标客户群体的需求。





2024年战略管理精要100题库及答案1. 战略管理是什么?答案:战略管理是一个组织用来确定其长期发展方向和目标,并制定、实施和监控相应战略的过程。

2. 战略管理的主要目的是什么?答案:战略管理的主要目的是确保组织能够适应外部环境的变化,实现其长期目标,并维持竞争优势。

3. 战略管理的过程包括哪些步骤?答案:战略管理的过程包括环境分析、战略制定、战略实施和战略监控。

4. PEST分析是什么?答案:PEST分析是一种宏观环境分析工具,用于评估政治、经济、社会和技术因素对组织的影响。

5. SWOT分析是什么?答案:SWOT分析是一种内部和外部环境分析工具,用于评估组织的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

6. 战略计划和战略决策有什么区别?答案:战略计划是战略管理过程中的一个阶段,涉及制定具体的行动方案和时间表。


7. 什么是企业的愿景?答案:企业的愿景是组织对未来发展的期望和展望,通常包括组织希望实现的目标和价值观。

8. 企业的使命是什么?答案:企业的使命是组织存在的核心理由和目标,通常包括组织的主要业务和客户。

9. 什么是战略目标?答案:战略目标是组织在一定时期内希望实现的具体成果,通常与组织的愿景和使命相一致。

10. 什么是核心竞争力?答案:核心竞争力是组织在竞争中具有比较优势的资源和能力,通常难以被竞争对手复制。





战略管理问答题答案(双语教学版)1.Define strategic competitiveness and above-average returns.What is the relationship between strategic competitiveness and returns on investment?战略竞争力(strategic competitiveness)是用来发展核心竞争力,获得竞争优势的一系列综合的、协调性的约定和行动。

超额利润(above-average returns) 是指一项投资的利润超过投资者预期的能从其他相同风险投资项目所获得的利润。



2.Hypercompetition is a characteristic of the current competitive landscape.Define hypercompetition and identify its primary drivers.How can organizations survive in an hypercompetitive environment?在超级竞争条件下,市场稳定性的假设被市场固有的不稳定性和变化取代,它源自全球战略的动态性以及创新的竞争性。


3.Describe the industrial organization(I/O)model of above-average returns.What is its main assumptions?What is the key to success according to the I/O model?超额利润的行业组织模型指出相较于企业的内部资源,它的外部环境才是决定其成败的主要因素。



战略管理习题解答(正文)战略管理习题解答1. 什么是战略管理?战略管理是一种组织管理的方法,用于明确和实施组织的长期目标以及达成这些目标所需的行动计划。


2. 为什么企业需要进行战略管理?企业需要进行战略管理的原因有以下几点:2.1 提供明确的方向:战略管理可以为企业确立明确的长期目标,并通过制定战略来引导组织的行为。

2.2 适应外部环境:战略管理可以使企业及时应对外部环境的变化,保持竞争优势。

2.3 整合资源:战略管理可以帮助企业有效地整合各类资源,使其发挥最大效益。

2.4 促进内部协同:战略管理可以促进组织内部各部门之间的协同合作,实现整体优势。

2.5 评估绩效:战略管理可以通过制定明确的绩效指标来评估组织的战略执行情况。

3. 战略管理的步骤是什么?战略管理通常包括以下步骤:3.1 环境分析:评估外部环境和内部资源,了解组织所面临的机遇和挑战。

3.2 制定愿景和使命:明确组织的长期目标和核心价值观。

3.3 制定战略:根据环境分析和组织的愿景和使命,制定适合的战略。

3.4 实施战略:将战略转化为具体的行动计划,并分配资源进行执行。

3.5 监控和评估:定期监控战略执行情况,并评估是否需要调整战略。

4. 战略管理中有哪些工具和方法?在战略管理中,可以使用多种工具和方法来帮助组织实施战略,并促进决策的科学性和有效性。

以下是一些常用的战略管理工具和方法:4.1 SWOT分析:评估组织的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而确定战略方向。

4.2 PESTEL分析:评估宏观环境的政治、经济、社会、技术、环境和法律因素,以预测其对组织的影响。

4.3 五力模型:分析竞争对手、供应商和顾客的力量,评估产业竞争格局。

4.4 BALANCED SCORECARD:通过制定绩效指标,评估和监控组织在财务、客户、内部流程和学习与发展等方面的绩效。

4.5 敏捷管理:采用迭代、适应性的方法,让组织能够快速应对变化和不确定性。



战略管理试题及答案一、选择题1. 战略管理的核心目标是:A. 实现组织长期竞争优势B. 提高组织内部员工的满意度C. 增加组织的市场份额D. 提高组织的盈利能力答案:A2. 战略管理的三个基本问题是:A. 企业使命、战略目标、战略选择B. 企业环境分析、内部资源评估、战略选择C. 经营计划、战略地图、战略实施D. 组织结构、人力资源、战略目标答案:B3. 下面哪个是战略管理的核心工具?A. SWOT分析B. 五力模型C. 价值链分析D. 市场细分答案:A二、问答题1. 请简述战略管理的定义及其作用。



2. 请列举并解释战略管理的五个层面。







请针对该公司的情况回答以下问题:1. 请分析该公司所处的外部环境,并确定可能影响其竞争优势的因素。





isec战略管理考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略的制定过程不包括以下哪一项?A. 环境分析B. 战略制定C. 战略实施D. 战略评估答案:D2. 以下哪一项不是ISEC战略管理中提到的企业核心竞争力?A. 独特的技术B. 品牌影响力C. 地理位置D. 管理团队答案:C3. 在ISEC战略管理中,SWOT分析不包括以下哪一项?A. 优势(Strengths)B. 劣势(Weaknesses)C. 机会(Opportunities)D. 风险(Risks)答案:D4. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略的实施不包括以下哪一项?A. 资源分配B. 组织结构调整C. 制定行动计划D. 市场调研答案:D5. 以下哪一项不是ISEC战略管理中提到的企业战略类型?A. 成本领先战略B. 差异化战略C. 集中化战略D. 多元化战略答案:D6. ISEC战略管理中,企业进行战略调整的依据不包括以下哪一项?A. 外部环境变化B. 内部资源变化C. 竞争对手行动D. 企业利润最大化答案:D7. 在ISEC战略管理中,以下哪一项不是企业战略实施的关键因素?A. 领导力B. 执行力C. 创新力D. 财务状况答案:D8. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略评估的目的是以下哪一项?A. 确定战略目标B. 监控战略实施C. 调整战略计划D. 制定战略预算答案:C9. 以下哪一项不是ISEC战略管理中提到的企业战略执行的障碍?A. 资源不足B. 组织结构不合理C. 员工抵触D. 市场需求增加答案:D10. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略规划的最终目标是以下哪一项?A. 提高市场份额B. 增加企业利润C. 实现可持续发展D. 降低生产成本答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略制定需要考虑的因素包括哪些?A. 企业使命B. 企业愿景C. 企业价值观D. 企业目标答案:ABCD2. 在ISEC战略管理中,以下哪些属于企业战略的外部环境分析?A. 政治法律环境B. 经济环境C. 社会文化环境D. 技术环境答案:ABCD3. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略实施过程中可能遇到的问题包括哪些?A. 资源分配不均B. 组织结构不适应C. 员工执行力不足D. 市场变化迅速答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是ISEC战略管理中提到的企业战略评估的方法?A. 财务分析B. 市场份额分析C. 客户满意度调查D. 竞争对手分析答案:ABCD5. ISEC战略管理中,企业战略调整可能涉及的方面包括哪些?A. 产品线调整B. 市场定位调整C. 组织结构调整D. 管理团队调整答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述ISEC战略管理中企业战略制定的一般步骤。








答案1. SWOT分析:该模型通过分析组织的优势、劣势、机会和威胁来帮助制定战略。


2. Porter的五力模型:该模型通过分析竞争对手、供应商、买家、替代品和进入壁垒等因素来评估行业竞争力。


3. BCG矩阵:该模型通过将产品划分为星星、问题儿童、金牛和瘦狗四个分类,帮助组织进行产品组合的管理。


4. 价值链模型:该模型通过将企业的活动划分为主要活动和支持活动,帮助组织识别和优化价值创造的关键环节。


5. 文化网格模型:该模型通过将组织的文化划分为四种类型:力量文化、角色文化、任务文化和人员文化,帮助组织理解和管理企业文化。



答案1. 领导力挑战:战略执行需要有效的领导力来推动变革和协调各部门的行动。


2. 文化挑战:组织的文化可能阻碍战略的实施,因为它可能与新的战略目标和价值观相冲突。


3. 资源挑战:实施战略通常需要投入大量的人力、物力和财力资源。




1. 引导组织发展方向:战略管理帮助组织确定发展方向和目标,确保组织的行动与长期目标一致。

2. 适应环境变化:战略管理使组织能够与不断变化的外部环境

3. 资源配置与优化:战略管理有助于组织合理配置资源,优化

4. 战略执行与效果评估:战略管理包括战略执行和效果评估,

5. 管理风险与不确定性:战略管理帮助组织识别和应对风险与不确定性,减少潜在的经营风险。


1. 使命和愿景:组织的使命是组织存在的基本原因和目的,愿景则是组织未来所希望达到的状态。


2. 战略分析:战略分析包括外部环境和内部资源的评估,以及识别机会和威胁。


3. 战略选择和执行:战略选择是根据战略分析的结果,选择适合组织发展的战略方向和优先事项。





战略管理考试真题及答案版Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.经典战略理论缺陷之一是忽视了对企业竞争环境进行分析与选择,在一定程度上弥补这一缺陷的是(D)D.波特2.现有产品与现有市场领域组合而产生的一种企业成长战略是(A)A.市场渗透战略3.纺织印染厂原来只是将坯布印染成各种颜色的花布供应服装厂,现在纺织印染厂与服装加工厂联合,这属于(A)A.前向一体化4.按照美国学者钱德勒的观点,战略与结构关系的基本原则是(B)B.组织结构服从于组织战略5.某牙膏厂原来只生产牙膏,现在又增加生产牙刷,这属于(B)B.水平多元化6.久负盛名的“戴尔直销”模式的实质是(A)A.大规模定制7.差异化战略的核心是取得某种对顾客有价值的( D ) D.独特性8.一般来说,进入壁垒低、退出壁垒高的产业是( C )C.低利润、低风险9.环境分析技术主要有两种方法,一是战略要素评价矩阵法,另一个是( B )分析法10.在行业吸引力-竞争能力矩阵中,扩张类经营单位所处的象限也称为( A )A.绿灯区11.在企业的价值活动中,属于基本活动的是( C )C.制造12.下列哪一项属于动态竞争战略( D )D.进攻战略13.企业同时在几个细分市场上经营业务,并分别为每一细分市场制定不同的营销计划是( B )B.差异性营销14.企业最重要的职能战略是( D )D.营销战略15.下列哪一项属于企业长期资金筹集方式( C )C.公司债券16.下列哪一项属于人力资源开发战略途径( D )D.自主培养17.思想灵活,能提出多种办法并能迅速作出决策的战略领导者行为模式属于( B )B.革新分析型18.战略控制与评价的第一步是( B )B.确定评价指标中小企业利用自己的特点进入那些市场容量小,且大企业不愿意或不方便进入的行业进行发展的战略是( C ) C.市场空隙战略从行业生命周期各阶段的特点来看,市场占有率基本稳定的阶段属于( C )C.成熟期1. 按企业内部的各项职能如市场营销、生产、财务、研究与开发、人力资源管理等来构造的组织结构,这是【 B 】B. 职能型组织结构2. 尽管一个企业与其竞争对手相比可能有许多长处或弱点,但它依然可以拥有两种基本的竞争优势,即低成本或【C 】C. 差异化3. 迈克尔·波特教授提出了着名的“五种力量模型”,这五种基本竞争力量是潜在进入者、产业内现有企业间的竞争、供应商、购买者和【 A 】A. 替代品4. 为了减少调整的代价,企业需要选择恰当的战略调整时机。

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战略管理问答题答案(双语教学版)1.Define strategic competitiveness and above-average returns.What is the relationship between strategic competitiveness and returns on investment?战略竞争力(strategic competitiveness)是用来发展核心竞争力,获得竞争优势的一系列综合的、协调性的约定和行动。

超额利润(above-average returns) 是指一项投资的利润超过投资者预期的能从其他相同风险投资项目所获得的利润。



2.Hypercompetition is a characteristic of the current competitive landscape.Define hypercompetition and identify its primary drivers.How can organizations survive in an hypercompetitive environment?在超级竞争条件下,市场稳定性的假设被市场固有的不稳定性和变化取代,它源自全球战略的动态性以及创新的竞争性。


3.Describe the industrial organization(I/O)model of above-average returns.What is its main assumptions?What is the key to success according to the I/O model?超额利润的行业组织模型指出相较于企业的内部资源,它的外部环境才是决定其成败的主要因素。




4.Describe and discuss the resource-based model of above-average returns.超额利润的资源基础模型认为,在决定战略行动时,公司的内部环境,比如资源和能力,比外部环境更重要。






5.What a firm’s vision and mission?What is the value to the firm of having a specified vision and mission?愿景是对公司期望成为什么,从广义上讲,是对公司期望最终成为什么所作的描绘。



6.Describe an organization’s various stakeholders and their differents interests.Under what condition can the firm most easily satisfy all stakeholders?If the firm cannot satisfy all stakeholders,which ones must it satisfy in order to survive?利益相关者是只能够影响组织的愿景和使命,同时又被战略产出所影响的,对公司的业绩拥有可实施的主张权的个人、群体和组织。



7.Who are the firm’s strategic leaders?How do stratege leaders predict the profit outcomes of different stratege decisions?战略领导者是指那些来自公司不同部门和不同层级的,用战略管理过程来选择战略行动,并帮助公司实现愿景、履行使命的人。


8.Explain the relationship of the stratege management process to organizational ethis.因其对利益相关者的影响,大部分战略管理过程都会产生一些伦理含义。



9.Explain why it is important for organization to analyze and understand the external environment.企业不可能独立存在,外部环境分析为企业的战略行动提供了外部威胁和机遇方面的参考。




10.Identify and describe the three major parts of the external environment.What is the purpose of the firm’s colle cting information about these aspects of its environment?外部环境有三个主要部分。



11.Describe and discuss the four activities of the external environment analysis process.外部环境分析的四部分包括:其一,扫描,包括对所有总体环境要素的研究,用以识别环境变化和趋势的早期讯号;其二,监测,分析师通过观察环境的变化,来分析扫描结果是否显示了重要的变化趋势,并探索其中含义;其三,预测,通过对扫描和监测得到的变化和趋势的分析,推断出未来可能发生的事情及其发展速度;其四,评估,主要目的是判断已经识别的环境变化和趋势对公司的影响时间和影响程度。

12.Describe the six segments of the general environment.其一,人口统计因素,它与人口的数量、年龄结构、地理分布、种族构成以及收入分布有关;其二,经济因素,指公司参与竞争的或可能参与竞争的经济体的特征和发展方向;其三,政治/法律因素,指在某一领域,不同组织和利益集团相互竞争,争夺注意力,控制某些资源,寻求监督法律法规的权利,这些因素决定了国家间以及各种公司和当地政府间如何相互影响;其四,社会文化因素,它与社会态度和价值取向有关;其五,技术因素,包括所有能创造新知识,并将知识转化为新产品、新产出、新过程和新材料的制度和行为;其六,全球化因素,包括新兴的全球市场、不断变化的现有市场、重要的国际事件,以及全球市场重要的文化和制度特征。

13.Identify the five forces that underlie the five forces model of competition.Explain briefly how they affect industry potential.其一,新进入者的威胁,新进入者会威胁到公司已有的市场占有率,除非需求有所增加,否则因为他们进入而扩张的生产量会使整个行业内的收益降低,新进入者往往会迫使已有的公司加大投入去与新的对手竞争。



