文献信息文献标题:Viewpoint: Future of food safety and nutrition - Seeking win-wins, coping with trade-offs(观点:食品安全与营养的未来——追求双赢,权衡利弊)文献作者:Mylona K, Maragkoudakis P, Miko L, et al.文献出处:《Food Policy》,2018,74:143-146.字数统计:英文2741单词,15243字符;中文5057汉字外文文献Viewpoint: Future of food safety and nutrition - Seekingwin-wins, coping with trade-offsAbstract The possible implications of global trends such as climate change and resource scarcity on food security are high on the political agendas. While the food sufficiency aspect of food security takes centre-stage, the future of food safety and nutritional quality of diets often seems to be taken for granted. This paper builds on the results of a foresight study on EU food safety and nutrition towards 2050 to discuss potential future points of tension for food policy. Increasing food production while using fewer resources and reducing food waste while ensuring food safety are just two examples. Innovation at different levels in the food system will be needed to address future challenges. Fast technology uptake and the launch of new food-related products can put pressure on the ability to deliver timely risk assessments, the scope of which might also need to cover other legitimate factors. Future food policies need to be more sensitive to impacts on food safety and nutrition and health aspects. A holistic food systems approach must be taken to identify and discuss in advance possible tensions and trade-offs and to address them upfront in a systematic and transparent manner.Keywords:Food safety; Nutrition; Foresight; Challenges; Preparedness;Trade-offs1. IntroductionOne of the key questions dominating the turn of this century is how to secure the supply of sufficient, environmentally sustainable, nutritious, safe and accessible-to-all food. Food security ('zero hunger') features very high among the recently agreed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is intimately linked to several other SDGs (United Nations, 2015). Ensuring food security and a sustainable agro-food system is not an easy task, given the impacts of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to preserve key resources of particular importance for the water-energy-food nexus. The increasing global population and the transition in emerging market economies towards diets of predominantly animal origin, put additional pressure on ensuring sufficient food production (Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012). We have seen how disruptive events and geo-political developments such as the 2008 economic crisis or the 2015 EU/Russian embargo, which resulted in a 43% decrease of EU agri-food exports to Russia, had dramatic consequences for both food producers and consumers (Szczepanski, 2015). In addition, recent developments such as the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and the repercussions this may bring to both parties, demonstrate the need to take into account uncertainty in policy design.While access to “safe” and “nutritious” food is integral in the definition of food security, most studies focus on how to ensure the “sufficiency” requirement of this definition. It can be argued that the reason for this is the high level of food safety currently enjoyed in developed regions. The EU in particular takes pride in its food safety legislative framework, which is seen as one of the most advanced in the world. This is achieved through science-based risk analysis based on the precautionary principle and an institutional separation of risk assessment, management and communication. But even in this environment, the occasional food 'crisis' such as the German EHEC O104:H4 outbreak (Robert Koch Institut, 2011), unearths the vulnerabilities of the system. One may also argue that ensuring safety, nutritionalquality, variety and balance of foods and diets as well as the underlying social, environmental and economic determinants, do not receive the attention they deserve in food security studies, as the sufficiency aspect appears to be more pressing. Moreover, the abundant food offer and almost unrestricted access to a large variety of nutritious quality foods in most of the developed countries, result in the skewed view that it is up to the individual to make the right decisions and succeed in life and health. Making nutritious food available does not automatically lead to population-wide healthy diets (Butland et al., 2007). Despite a series of initiatives and action plans towards the promotion of healthier diets and prevention of chronic diseases (High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical activity, 2014, WHO, 2014), achieving health targets such as those defined in the WHO Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework 2025 (World Health Organization, 2015a) proves to be difficult already today.To shed light on possible future challenges, we have analysed whether the EU’s regulatory and policy framework in the areas of food safety and nutrition can ensure “safe food” and “good nutrition” as we look ahead to 2050 (Mylona et al., 2016). Drivers of change (global trade, agro-food chain structure, technology uptake, social cohesion, food values, climate change, depletion of natural resources and world population growth) were combined to create four alternative, plausible and challenging future scenarios (Mylona et al., 2016). While the study was intended to inform EU policies and to complement the recent Fitness Check of the General Food Law (Regulation (EC) No 178/2002), its conclusions are of relevance for almost every jurisdiction.We identified several points of tension where policies or interventions that aim to improve food safety, the diets of populations or food sufficiency conflict with each other. We conclude that a holistic food systems approach must be taken to identify and discuss in advance such tensions, in order to find a compromise between equally important aspects of the food system and accept trade-offs in a systematic and transparent manner. And beyond trade-offs, such an approach could also identify synergies in different policy areas and lead to win-win scenarios. This opinion paperinvites global thought leaders to critically reflect on some of these.2. Compromising food safety for achieving sufficiency?Intensive production systems have soared under the pressure to increase yield. This has been further facilitated by the continuous concentration of the food industry into bigger entities and the economies of scale to reduce production costs. Should this intensification and industrialisation continue – driven by population growth and offsetting losses caused by a worsening climate – many issues may arise.Beyond the biodiversity and environmental effects of the use of a limited number of high-yield species or varieties in intensive farming, these crops themselves are also more susceptible to disease and pests. Fertilisers must be supplied regularly to ensure the necessary high crop yield and the supply and access to these is also finite and complex. Take phosphate (P) as an example; the amount of accessible high quality phosphate rock is low and diminishing fast; risks to animal and human health are associated with the use of low quality P-fertilisers containing worrying levels of heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium and lead (Jiao et al., 2012). Similarly, the increasing use of antimicrobials in animal farming to prevent the spread of diseases has led to the development of resistant animal and zoonotic pathogens. This resistance may even compromise the effectiveness of antibiotic treatments for different human diseases (ECDC/EFSA/EMA, 2015). The global consumption of antimicrobials in livestock farming is nonetheless projected to rise by 67% by 2030, due to the growing number of animals raised and the continuous shift towards intensive farming systems (Van Boeckel et al., 2015). All these issues need to be looked at closely.Curbing antimicrobial resistance, for example, is already a priority globally (World Health Organization, 2015b) and in the EU as well (European Commission, 2017). Actions taken or being discussed include banning the use of antimicrobial feed additives, rethinking the currently practiced animal husbandry system, enhancing prevention, use of alternative treatments, surveillance and cooperation at international level.3. Stretching the limits to ensure food safety -compromising local food sufficiency?Yet, while efforts to increase food production as described above are most likely to continue, it has been estimated that, worldwide, at least one third of the food produced is wasted (FAO, 2011). This is a crucial issue that is being addressed through the SDGs and also in the EU, with a shift towards a circular economy that has placed waste reduction, recycling and reuse at centre-stage. Technological innovation such as intelligent packaging (time-temperature indicators, freshness indicators) can help supply chain operators to optimise logistics to reduce waste in other steps of the food chain. More can be done at consumer level, as, at least in the EU, more than half of food waste originates at household level (Stenmarck et al., 2016). There may be tensions here too though; population and individual knowledge are crucial for reducing food waste without compromising food safety. And beyond consumers, food and feed safety-related measures should not be placing unnecessary burden on food producers, food chain operators, trade and eventually on food security. Low maximum levels for residues and contaminants ensure a high level of food safety but could be linked to food waste and food security issues at a local level by “legally” limiting the availability of food. Will a time come when such levels of “waste” become unacceptable and trade-offs need to be discussed?In what regards recycling and waste reduction more generally, it is worth noting that (re-)introduction of either food or organic side stream products in the food chain may also lead to food and feed safety concerns and again a balance must be sought. The Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak is a good reminder of this kind of unintended consequences. Regional food systems, based on a circular economy and self-sufficiency, where 'do-it-yourself' food production and processing niches may be more widespread, appear more vulnerable in this regard. This niche reality may indeed grow further, triggered by factors such as rising food prices or trends for regional or organic products. In such a scenario, emphasis must be placed on the communication of associated risks and the provision of education and best practice guidance to these “prosumers”, and official controls may need to be revisited.On the other hand, novel technologies, ingredients and products can contribute to keeping the system competitive and make it sustainable in times of resource scarcity. However, they could harbour new food safety risks. Risks can also arise from the way food is retailed (e- and m-commerce) and food adulteration. Fast technology uptake can challenge the ability to perform efficient and timely risk assessments. Applying the precautionary principle can eventually cause delays in the approval of novel technologies and products for use in the EU. Establishing preparedness mechanisms that could be used to facilitate product approval in emergency situations could be beneficial for ensuring food sufficiency.4. Can consumer scepticism compromise innovation and food sufficiency?While rigorous assessment of risks are undoubtedly based on the best science, more emphasis on other legitimate factors such as socio-economic and ethical aspects is needed in order to assess new technologies and, most importantly, involve citizens. In addition to a legitimate need for citizens to be satisfied about these issues before accepting novel foods or technologies, there is currently a worrying trend towards distrusting science. Such scepticism about the impact of different technologies could prevent the uptake of promising innovations, even though safety may not be compromised at all, unless transparency and citizen engagement is sought early on in the process.This could be achieved by applying the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concept which provides for a (still developing) approach to ensure that research and innovation is socially desirable. In particular the direct involvement of citizens throughout all stages of research is an important element. While the concept is being included and advanced in public research (e.g. EU funded projects such as Engage 2020, RRI Tools, INPROFOOD or CIMULACT, the RRI concept still needs to be further integrated into corporate management (Stahl et al., 2017). However, also the food industry has identified the involvement of citizens in food innovation and production as an important challenge to tackle (European Technology Platform (ETP) “Food for Life,” 2016). Different levels of citizen engagement are currently developedand applied, ranging from dialogues and consultations to active contributions (e.g. data collection via crowd sourcing), collaboration (e.g. analysing data, refining the project design) to co-creation of projects (e.g. citizens being involved in all steps of the research project) (Figueiredo Nascimento et al., 2016). Conceivably, citizens could also support risk assessment and post-market monitoring by collecting and sharing data on the use and effects of food products (Mylona et al., 2016). These approaches, organised by researchers or experts, are increasingly complemented by bottom-up initiatives, encompassing self-organised do-it-yourself science by crowd-funded initiatives, hacker communities or fab labs (Bauer et al., 2016).These concepts might also help in developing innovative solutions for managing the plethora of easily accessible but often misleading, factually-wrong, or conflicting information on food safety and nutrition, which will be necessary for dealing with future food insecurity situations.5. And could innovation for nutrition and health compromise food safety?The increasing dominance of foods high in fat, sugar and salt and the decreased consumption of fresh produce challenge the “nutritious” attribute of our diet. Combined with snacking behaviour associated with busy schedules and increasingly sedentary lifestyles, diets are having devastating health consequences and the burden of disease attributable to diets and lifestyle may well increase further in the future. Furthermore, the impacts of a changing climate in the coming years may put further strain on the availability of fresh produce, in particular in self-sufficient systems. Paradoxically as it may seem, the desire for a healthful diet is pervasive and food products promising health benefits abound. The future may prove even more creative, e.g. with “medicalisation” of foods. Concerns may arise though, if individuals consume cocktails of nutrients and nutraceuticals in excess of recommendations, possibly even together with pharmaceuticals within the context of personalised nutrition and personalised medicine. A regulatory framework may be needed for products that fall outside the current nutrition and health claims legislations in the EU or in similar legal frameworks around the globe.6. A possible futureThe areas identified for possible trade-offs give an indication for the interlinkages and complexities inherent to the food system. They showcase the need to consider the upcoming challenges within the food system, taking into account all aspects of food security. Co-ordination and coherence between different policies is essential; the links between agricultural, food and nutrition or environmental policies are clear from these discussions but many others exist, e.g. to education, social, employment and fiscal policies. As awareness of the current failings of the (global) food system grows, possibly exacerbated by future challenges, the calls for a more appropriate, comprehensive approach gain ground, be it a systems thinking approach, a comprehensive (common) EU food policy or a combination of both (e.g. IPES-Food, 2017, FAO and WHO, 2014, Hawkes et al., 2012, Van’t Veer et al., 2017).Our findings strongly support the notion that future research and policies need to be integrative and more sensitive to impacts on food safety and nutrition aspects. This will be key to achieve nutrition security and healthy lifestyles while ensuring sufficiency and sustainability of production of safe and affordable foods on our way towards 2050. This may not always result in a win-win outcome; collaboration between all stakeholders in the food chain and well-informed and engaged citizens will be indispensable to find compromises and secure benefits. Policy makers from local to global level and across the different policy areas will have an important role to play. They can provide the urgently needed frameworks and spaces for these discussions to flourish. The spaces exist in many instances – inter-ministerial/sectoral groups, stakeholder fora, roundtables, consumer groups, vocal NGOs - but need to be strengthened and more inclusive. At the EU level, the EU Better Regulation Package (European Commission, 2015), for example, emphasizes strongly the need for citizens and stakeholders to contribute throughout the policy and law‑making process.Research too needs more inclusivity and a wider reach, also in terms of interdisciplinarity at all stages of research, from planning (evaluation of proposals) to publication and dissemination.Only when research and policies embrace the complexity of the food system(s) we will be able to move towards future food polices that will put us on the right track for achieving food security.DisclaimerThe views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.AcknowledgementsThis research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Anastasia Livaniou, Albino Maggio, Joana Sousa Lourenço and Maria Vasiloglou (all JRC) contributed to different stages of the study.中文译文观点:食品安全与营养的未来——追求双赢,权衡利弊摘要气候变化和资源稀缺等全球趋势可能对食品安全产生的影响是政治议程上的重要议题。
食品安全法英文版USDA美国农业部翻译Food Safety Law USDA Translation: Ensuring Safe and Healthy Food SupplyThe Food Safety Law is a crucial document that guides the regulatory framework for food production, processing, and distribution in the United States. It is a comprehensive law that outlines the responsibilities of the government, food producers, and consumers in ensuring that the food supply is safe, healthy, and reliable.The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Food Safety Law. As part of its duties, the USDA translates the law into various languages to ensure that it is accessible to a wider audience, including those whose first language is not English.The USDA's translation of the Food Safety Law into English is essential for several reasons. First, it ensures that all stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the food production chain. By providing clear and concise information, the USDA translation helps to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and other health hazards caused by unsafe food practices.Second, the USDA translation is a valuable tool for food producers as it helps them to understand the regulations and standards they must comply with to ensure that their products are safe for consumption. This is particularly important forsmall-scale producers who may not have the resources to hire legal experts to help them navigate the complex regulations.Third, the USDA translation helps to address the language barrier that can prevent some consumers from accessing critical information regarding food safety. By making the Food Safety Law available in multiple languages, the USDA ensures that all consumers, regardless of their background, can make informed decisions about the food they eat.The Food Safety Law covers a wide range of areas that are critical to ensuring a safe food supply. These include food labeling, inspection, and testing, as well as standards for food additives and contaminants. The law also provides guidelines for the handling and storage of food, as well as regulations relating to food imports and exports.To enforce the Food Safety Law, the USDA works closely with other federal agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The USDA also collaborates with state and local governments, as well as industry groups and consumer organizations, to develop and implement food safety policies and programs.In conclusion, the USDA translation of the Food Safety Law plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and reliable food supply for all Americans. By providing clear and accessible information, the USDA helps food producers, regulators, and consumers to work together to ensure that the food we eat is healthy, nutritious, and free from harm. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of food safety, the USDA's translation of the Food Safety Law will remain an indispensable tool in ensuring that our food supply is safe, healthy, and sustainable.。
Coca-Cola minute maid fruit grain of milk containing pesticide
November 28, 2011, In chang chun a pair of mother and child drinking coke minute maid fruit grain of milk optimal (pure and fresh strawberry) after the poisoning, including poisoning boy has died. Police identified surplus(剩余的) drinks is extremely toxic pesticides(杀虫 剂). Local has happened since 2 similar events, a total of four people poisoning.
Food Security Problems
What is food safety?
.According to the definition of the World Health Organization,the food safety , is a public health issue in which toxic and hazardous substances in food effect human health.
Meng Niu milk was detected had contained carcinogenic (致癌的)substance
A batch of (一批)Meng niu milk was found to contain excessive levels of flavacin M1 - a substance linked to liver cancer(肝癌), the country's top quality watchdog said over the weekend. The batch did not reach the market, officials said.The Inner Mongolia-based Mengniu Dairy Group yesterday apologized to consumers and said the products involved have been destroyed. Flavacin M1 is found in food mold and can cause severe liver damage, including liver cancer. In 1998, the World Health Organization listed flavacin M1
食品安全英语作文(优秀7篇)食品安全的英语作文篇一Food, is a indispensable thing in our lives, is also what we most closely contact, so food safety becomes our life can not be ignored in safety. A lot of people die each year from food poisoning, so we have to learn a lot of food safety knowledge. The ancients cloud: "your day for the people, food is." The former can be understood as: cathay Pacific by the cas; The latter can be understood as: people, rely on food. Thus, food hygiene safety is very important for us human beings.Our school gate, there are a number of vendors. Business is booming every day. Vendors some ice cream, and some also sell some pigment water.。
. The delicious food in broad daylight, there seems to be a hand is extended in those little available to the school, but who knows whether the food is unqualified, is it safe?In fact, a large number of outside food health situation is not ideal, there are many widespread substandard health food. Experts pointed out that these problems and no relevant guarantee food, great effects on the health of primary and middle school students. Although school everyday in said food safety problems, the students are still not care.Ive heard of one thing: one day, a classmate after school, feel very hungry, although the teacher talked about or buy junk food today. But he is not on the heart, with fifty cents to buy ice cream. When buy, he was a good ideological struggle, finally, stomach protested in "cuckoo" sound, he bought ice cream. His side to the gourmet taste with relish, and marched to the home. Unfortunately things finally happened. The very next day, he have loose bowels, notonly themselves, parents also worry! This is not obedient disorderly buy snacks.And in front of our school, there are some only sell 1 dollar soda, are popular among pupils. Body feels very soft, very thin. Soda is divided into coke, orange and lemon flavors. But these cheap soda, is actually some small workshops with essence, pigment and water filling. Impossible to have quality assurance. In addition, soda bottles generally is recycling, their health status is self-evident. Unsafe food events caused great influence to peoples life, food regulators also always attaches great importance to this problem. Believe that relevant departments can seriously, strict management, give you a rest assured food environment. We, as a primary school student, as a member of a society, we should also be constantly improve the self-protection ability and the ego to protect consciousness, render and do our work with regulators.Although these "3 without" food together, have very big allure, for our self-control is not strong, very easy to be tempted. Hope everybody can enhance safety consciousness, safety wake-up call, responsible for ones own body.食物,是我们生活中不可缺少的东西,也是我们接触最密切的东西,所以食品安全就成了我们生活中不可忽视的安全问题。
食品安全英语作文英文回答:Food safety is a major concern for people all over the world. With the increasing demand for food, there is also an increase in the risk of food contamination. In order to ensure food safety, it is important to understand the different types of foodborne illnesses and how they can be prevented.One of the most common causes of foodborne illness is bacteria. Bacteria can grow in food that is not stored or cooked properly, and can lead to serious health issues. To prevent bacterial contamination, it is important to keep food at the right temperature and to cook it thoroughly before consuming.Another common cause of foodborne illness is viruses. Viruses can be transmitted through contaminated water or food, and can cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.To prevent viral contamination, it is important to wash hands frequently and to avoid consuming contaminated foodor water.In addition to bacteria and viruses, there are alsoother types of contaminants that can cause foodborne illness, such as chemicals and toxins. These contaminants can be found in food that has been treated with pesticidesor other chemicals, or in food that has been contaminatedby environmental pollution. To prevent contamination from chemicals and toxins, it is important to choose organic or locally grown food whenever possible.Overall, food safety is a complex issue that requires a combination of education, regulation, and personal responsibility. By understanding the different types of foodborne illness and taking steps to prevent contamination, we can help ensure that the food we eat is safe and healthy.中文回答:食品安全是全球人民关注的重要问题。
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The Safety of Genetically Modified Food转基因食品的安全Keywords :genetically modified food; advantage; Safety; influence关键词:转基因食品;优势;安全性;影响Abstracts:with the genetically modified food problems become increasingly hot, more and more people begin to pay close attention to genetically modified food,but there also exists considerable controversy about genetically modified food.Genetically modified food has a lot of advantages.But, at the same time its safety is not uncertain,meanwhile it may have much bad influence and harm to human beings and ecological system. 摘要:转基因食品问题变得越来越热,但对转基因食物越来越多的人开始密切关注转基因食品.转基因食品还存在相当大的争议,有很多的很多优势 .但是,在其安全性是不明朗的同时,同时也可能有许多不良影响和危害人类和生态系统。
Introduction:With the rapid growth of the world's population and the decrease of cultivated land, food problem becomes a so hot potato that many countries in the world have to face. If we want to satisfy people's food supply and improve the quality of food Supply, we must rely on science and technology. Nowadays the application of transgenic technology in food production have achieved significant effects. Genetically modified foods is also quietly on people's table.简介:随着快速增长的世界人口和耕地的减少,粮食问题变得如此烫手的山芋,在世界上许多国家不得不面对。
食品安全英语作文篇一Frankly speaking,the great majority of chinese are a bit gluttonous,while unfortunately they have to be trapped in a terrible situation where they could hardly find safe food.They are unable to choose a reassuring milk powder for their baby,and they can’t find a cookshop without using gutter oil,and yes—they are worried about the food safety problems.Why are they so anxious about the food safety problems?Absolutely answer is the problems concern their physical importantly,inability of regulatory authorities to solve the problems makes them more fearful.In my opinion,food safety problem has a significant effect on the social stability.To figure out this matter,government and masses ought to be together in an effort to find ways out.First of all,there must be effective regulations to block the source of profit of the operator like tightening inspection of accounts and taxes.Secondly,treat the masses as a smart inspector.Clean off obstacles and accept the plaints of consumers.At last,the government should hold a press conference periodically to release the progress of governance activities.For above reasons, the food safety problem is a long-term undertaking which needs everyone’s striving.And we must move right now!食品安全的英语作文篇二Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has bee a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.在过去的几年中,几起食品丑闻案件已经在各种媒体上披露。
食品安全作文 英文
食品安全作文英文英文:Food safety is a very important issue that affects everyone's health. As a consumer, I always pay attention to the safety of the food I eat. There are many factors that can affect food safety, such as the quality of the ingredients, the processing method, and the storage conditions.One of the most common problems with food safety is contamination. This can happen at any stage of the food production process, from the farm to the table. For example, if the water used to irrigate crops is contaminated with harmful bacteria, those bacteria can end up in the food. Similarly, if the equipment used to process food is not properly cleaned and sanitized, it can also lead to contamination.Another issue with food safety is the use of additivesand preservatives. While these substances can help to extend the shelf life of food and improve its taste, they can also be harmful to our health if consumed in large amounts. For example, some preservatives have been linked to cancer and other diseases.As a consumer, there are several things I can do to ensure the safety of the food I eat. First, I always check the expiration date and packaging of the food before buying it. I also try to buy food from reputable sources, such as farmers markets or organic food stores. Additionally, I make sure to properly store and cook the food to minimize the risk of contamination.中文:食品安全是一个非常重要的问题,影响着每个人的健康。
中文译名 译 文:
ADG 技术:一种新的交替干燥研磨技术加工熟芒果粉
摘要 本文主要研究了熟芒果粉中干燥、研磨交替进行的加工效果。芒果胚乳干燥至不同的 水分含量及其范围。未干燥的芒果和已干燥的芒果相比较,其灰质、果胶、换算总糖分、 淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪含量没有显著性差异。测定了 Bond, Kick 和 Rittinger 研磨常量。 在芒果颗粒干燥前后进行了 X 射线衍射、扫描电镜、差示扫描量热法和红外分析。为了提 高研磨能力,建议采用较低干燥研磨技术加工成熟芒果。提高磨削能力的特征是排除在磨 削过程中的磨削损耗,提高产量,并减小成品的颗粒大小和磨削所消耗的能量。该方法能 够导致分子结构 C-OH 键氧化为 C=O 键应用于成熟芒果加工。
2.材料和方法 2.1 芒果抽样程序 成熟的绿色芒果(Manguifera Indica Var Kent)刚收获((来自 Kismathari, Cameroun 的果园中),清洗和允许成熟时期的 15 天在环境温度(20 - 40℃)。一旦成熟,芒果去皮,肉 质胚乳切块(7 毫米厚度,长度 8 厘米,宽度 2 厘米)使用不锈钢刀。 2.2 生物化学分析 新鲜芒果,未干燥的芒果干颗粒进行分析,总还原糖法(Dubois, Gilles, Hamilton, Rebers, & Smith, 1956),水、灰、脂肪和蛋白质(AACC, 1990)、淀粉((AFNOR, 1996, 12), 果胶 (AOAC, 1984, 1884-1984)。 2.3 芒果 ADG(交替干燥和研磨)粉生产过程 新鲜芒果片干 24 h(恒重)电炉烘干机 MEMERT d - 91126(MEMERT, Schwabach, Germany)55℃(Kameni et al., 2003)。批磨的芒果干是 35 s 使用 3.3 AFK SM P 磨床,法 国(12 厘米直径和转速最低 450 tr.每分钟, 装有一把刀破碎机)获得未干燥的芒果颗粒 (UMG)。芒果颗粒分别被干燥 2、6、8 和 14 h 于电炉烘干机 d - 91126 中,在 55℃条件下。 每次干燥时间后,芒果干颗粒(DMG)样本分析含水率和地面 35 s 使用 AFK SM 3.3 P 磨床。 2.4 干燥动力学 芒果干恒重,其含水率确定干燥时间的函数使用美国谷物化学家协会(AACC,1990)。 样品的 重量测量之前和之后在 105℃干燥 3 h 和含水率之间的区别是由干燥前的体重测量,测量后 干燥 100 克样品。 2.5 粒度特征 Djantou et al. (2007)中对粒度特征进行了描述。研磨后,样品颗粒大小是决定使用 标准的筛子筛孔(3 2、1.4、1、1.4、0.4 毫米)堆放在互相最小筛网的筛在底部和顶部的 最大。在每种情况下,样品被放在堆栈顶部屏幕和机械地动摇了 20 分钟(2 毫米范围内,40 kHz 振动频率)。 屏幕保留粒子被移除,重,个人屏幕的质量增量被转换为样本总量的质量分 数。 磨产量确定和代表的比例地面芒果(与最初相比)通过筛子的直径 2 毫米在给定的时间。 L1,表面体积平均直径,“饲料和地面”示例使用方程 质量分数的基础上,在那里,Di 是粒 度和 mi 是质量分数。Bond’s (Work index), Kick’s and Rittinger’s 常量计算后, 方程(1 - 4) (McCabe, Smith, & Harriott, 1993, pp. 960e965)
Regulatory and policy control on food safety in China(中国食品安全监管和政策控制)Food safety incidents in China over the past two decades have not just threatened the health ofthe people in the country but have also caused international concern, as China is now a major foodexporter in the international market. One of the most infamous food safety scandals in China in recentyears, the ‘melamine milk’ incident, came to light in September 2008. This incident attracted so muchinternational attention that within about 2 months, the United Nations system launched a paper toprompt China to improve food safety. In this editorial, readers will be updated with the recent and lesswell-known changes to the major control mechanisms for food safety in mainland China. Majorweaknesses in this control regime will be discussed in order to raise awareness, as well as to pave theway for making recommendations for improvement.FOOD SAFETY LAW AND MONITORING IN CHINAThe Chinese Government has long been deploying the commonly used regulatory controls onfood safety, such as setting minimum safety or process standards, mandatory information provision,and conditions of use requirements. In addition to this, since 2002, China, through the Ministry ofHealth, has monitored food safety by using a national monitoring network. With 1196 monitoring sites,the network covers all provinces, 73% of cities and 25% of counties in the country as of March 2012.In the near future, a new China Food Net that monitors and tracks pathogens causing food-bornediseases, as well as connecting food markets, supermarkets, hospitals and restaurants, will be set up8to fill the current lacuna in domestic food supply monitoring. In terms of legal development, about 1 year after the exposure of the melamine in milk incident, anew food safety law, the Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter FSL) tookeffect on 1 June 2009. The FSL replaced the Food Hygiene Law (FHL) which was enacted in 1995,and has become the main food safety protection law in China. As opposed to the FHL, the FSLunambiguously ascribes the ultimate and coordinating responsibility for food safety management tothe Ministry of Health which is also responsible for food safety risk assessment, formulation of foodsafety standards, food safety information dissemination, setting codes of practice for food testingorgani sations, and the investigation of major food safety incidents in the country (Article 4). Statedalso in Article 4, the duty to monitor food production, circulation and servicing is to be taken up by theGeneral Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), the StateAdministration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), and the State Food and Drug Administration(SFDA). However, the FSL is silent on how this monitoring duty should be divided among the threeauthorities. Customarily, the AQ SIQ will be responsible for monitoring food production, the SAIC forfood circulation, and the SFDA for food servicing and catering.One shortcoming of the FHL was its narrow scope because it covered mainly the industrialproduction of food. This is rectified to some extent in the FSL which mentions that quality and safetymanagement of farm produce should be implemented in accordance with relevant quality and safetylaws (Article 2).10 However, the FSL still does not fully implement the farm-to-fork principle becauseno specific regulatory control on the production of raw materials of food, that is, farm produce, ismentioned.A new aspect of the FSL is that it authorises consumers to seek compensation from producers ordistributors of the problematic food products for the financial loss incurred as a result, in addition to asum up to 10 times the price of the problematic food product (Article 96). While this is animprovement over the FHL, if the problematic food products concerned are lowpriced basic fooditems, such as table salt or rice, then deterrence may still beinadequate.Furthermore, the FSL is also silent on whether the local governments concerned are required tocompensate the victims if the incident is caused by perfunctory government action. While it is notclear if financial compensation would be made by the local governments, the FSL does imposespecific penalties, such as dismissal and a 10-year embargo on food inspection duties, on derelictofficials (Article 93). However, the most severe form of punishment for these derelict public officerscan be found in the latest amendment to the Criminal Law.A newly added section of Article 408 of theCriminal Law stipulates that if food safety monitoring officials have caused serious or very seriousdamages to societ y due to their misconduct or negligence, they will be sentenced to a maximum of 5or 10 years imprisonment, respectively. This shows the political will of the Central Chinesegovernment to improve food safety governance of the country.OTHER FOOD SAFETY CHALLENGESOther challenges for food safety in China are closely related to the high cost of monitoring. InChina, thorough monitoring of food product safety and quality is particularly costly because of thelarge number of small production points involved which are also more likely to practisesubstandardoperation. Small-scale family workshops employing fewer than 10 employees were said to represent70–77% of market share in China, not to mention the coexistence of many unregistered informalproducers. For instance, in Hunan, 80% of the small food workshops did not have the requiredproduction permits or business licenses. Augmenting the available finances of municipal andsubmunicipal food safety monitoring agents is a direct solution to the above situation. However, thereality is just the opposite. The impecunious financial capacity of public agencies, especially ofprovinces in western China, has often been cited as a cause of regulatory and government failure. Thetight budget of many local food safety authorities in China has led to compromises in the types andquantities of food samples purchased for routine monitoring and testing. As a result, the less well-offlocal authorities tend to conduct testing on lower-priced food items, leaving the more up-market fooditems, de facto, test-exempted.In line with the aim to reduce the cost of monitoring, in 2001, China launched an InspectionExemption Certification policy.A food producer could be given inspection exemption status if itenjoyed a large market share, passed quality inspections three times in a row, and implemented foodsafety standards above national ones. The original intention of this policy was to encourage foodproducers to voluntarily raise production standards and perform well in formal inspections so that theywould enjoy a good reputation and a better market share. However, this policy was shown to be afailure by the melamine in milk incident because the first brand of milk powder found to containmelamine was itself an inspection-exempted brand, and this is probably why the InspectionExemption Certification policy was repealed by the AQSIQ just 7 days after the exposure of themelamine in milk incident.On the whole, despite the progress made, the regulatory outcome of subsequent years shows thatthere is still room for improvement. In 2011, prosecutions related to unsafe or substandard foodamounted to 367, an increase of 216% from 2010. Prosecution numbers for the first half of 2012 arecomparablewiththose in 2011.CONCLUSIONSo, how can food safety be improved in China? First, China should draw on international bestpractices to rationalise and better define the division of work among the various authorities ascribedwith having food safety-related duties. In choosing a better form of governance structure, China canconsider using either the single agency model or the integrated model. Second, sufficient legalempowerment should be given to the Ministry ofAgriculture (MoA) to monitor the integrity of farmproduce by clearly stating this duty of the MoA in the FSL with the purpose of formally andthoroughly applying the farm-to-fork principle in the country. Third, financial compensation for thevictims of food safety incidents should be pegged according to the damage caused and not the value ofthe food products concerned. Fourth, as a deterrent to duty-dodging public agencies, derelict localgovernment officials should be subject to legal responsibility (as stipulated in14), and localgovernments should also be required to compensate the victims adequately. Fifth, there is an obviousneed to improve monitoring, inspection and law enforcement related to food safety in China. Apower-sharing public supervision system should be established that more openly disseminates foodquality and safety information which is traditionally vested only with food producers. Such a systemempowers the general public to cosupervise food safety with the Chinese government and raise thevigilance of food producers.It is evident that the Chinese government has (whether proactively or by compulsion) taken manypositive steps toward food safety improvement in the past few years. But still, a great deal more needsto be done. While there may be a common belief that the Chinese government is incapable ofadmitting mistakes, or reluctant to do so, this is not alw ays the case. As is demonstrated by the swiftretraction of the Inspection Exemption Certification policy and the newly added penalty terms forfood safety-specific government misconducts, the Chinese government can and will make radicalchanges to correct the bad policies made in the past. It is this courage to admit mistakes, and the kindof efficiency demonstrated by the AQSIQ, that give hope for the future of food safety management inChina. REFERENCES[1] Zuo W. Ministry of Public Security publicizes the ten typical criminal cases of food safety in 2010.Xinhua News Agency 22 March 2011.[2] Nyambok EO, Kastner JJ. United States import safety, environmental health, and food safetyregulation in China. Adv Sci 2011;74:28– 34.[3] World Health Organization. China press release—UN issues paper on food safety in China. 2008.[4] Ministry of Health. Good manufacturing practice for powdered formulae for infants and youngchildren,National Food Safety Standard, GB 23790-2010, 2010. (in Chinese).[5] Ministry of Health. General provisions on pre-packaged food labeling, National Food SafetyStandards, GB7718-2011, 2011. (in Chinese).[6] Ministry of Health. Guidelines for the use of food additives, National Food Safety Standards,GB2760-2011, 2011b. (in Chinese).[7] China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment. Chen Zhu: Food safety monitoringnetwork has gradually covered the whole country.[8] Shan J. Food safety monitoring network in shape. China daily 9 March 2012.[9] United Nations in China. Advancing Food Safety in China. Occasional Paper, August, 2008.[10] The Standing Committee of the National People’ s Congress of the People’ s Republic of China.Food Safety Law, 2009. (in Chinese).[11] The Standing Committee of the National People’ s Congress of the People’ s Republic of China.Food Hygiene Law, 1995. (in Chinese).[12] Li YH, Qi RG, Liu HY. Designing independent regulatory system of food safety in China. Agriculture Agricultural Sci Procedia 2010;1:288– 95.[13] Zhao YJ, Wen Q. Reflections and understanding on the Food Safety Saw. Young Days, lateAugust issue 2012:P295. (in Chinese).中国食品安全监管和政策控制在中国在过去的二十年里,食品安全事件不仅威胁到人民健康,同时也引起了国际关注,在国际市场上,中国是主要粮食出口国。
The government has established a sound food safety supervision system, including departments such as the Food and Drug Administration, to strengthen the supervision of the entire food production chain
Microbiological detection methods
Mainly used to detect foodborne pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi Common methods include cultural methods, immunological methods, and molecular biological methods
Early warning mechanism
Based on risk assessment results, the government has established an early warning mechanism to issue warnings and take measures to prevent and control food safety hazards in a timely manner
Comparison of domestic and international situations
Domestic situation
International situation
论食品供应链管理和食品质量安全上世纪90年代以来,供应链管理已成为学术界和实业界关注的热门话题,特别是供应链管理成功地应用于IBM、P&G、DELL 等公司的经营管理以后,食品和农产品行业也纷纷效仿并借助供应链管理这一工具来提高自身的竞争力。
食品安全外文文献第一篇:食品安全外文文献Food safety is affected by the decisions of producers, processors, distributors, food service operators, and consumers, as well as by government regulations.In developed countries, the demand for higher levels of food safety has led to the implementation of regulatory programs that address more types of safety-related attributes(such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE), microbial pathogens, environmental contaminants, and animal drug and pesticide residues)and impose stricter standards for those attributes.They also further prescribe how safety is to be assured and communicated.Liability systems are another form of regulation that affect who bears responsibility when food safety breaks down.These regulatory programs are intended to improve public health by controlling the quality of the domestic food supply and the increasing flow of imported food products from countries around the mon to the adoption of new regulations by developed countries is the application of risk analysis principles.Under these principles, and in line with the World Trade Organization’s(WTO’s)Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(SPS Agreement), countries should base their regulatory actions on scientific risk assessment.In addition, a country should be able to clearly link its targeted level of protection, based on a scientifically assessed risk level, to its regulatory goals and, in turn, to its standards and inspection systems.Finally, the risk management options chosen should restrict trade as little as possible.Despite similarities in approach among developed countries, to date they have madeonly mixed progress toward aligning their regulatory requirements.Countries are struggling with the task of identifying key risk issues and choosing regulatory programs to control those risks.They emphasize different risks, apply different levels of precaution, and choose different regulatory approaches.The regulatory systems of countries are a mix of old laws and newer regulations that frequently do not apply consistent standards across products, risks, or countries of origin.Finally, countries may be tempted to use food safety regulations as a means of protecting domestic industries from foreign competition.These features of food safety regulation in developed countries have several implications for developing countries.First, they determine access to growing markets for food exports, particularly high-value fresh commodities such as those discussed in other briefs in this collection.When standards differ, this can create additional barriers for developingcountry exporters.Second, these features determine the issues that will be addressed in international forums, such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission.Third, they create expectations among developing-country consumers regarding acceptable levels of safety and set examples for emerging regulations in developing-country food systems.This brief reviews emerging regulatory approaches and the implications for developing countries.REGULATORY APPROACHES Countries regulate food safety through the use of process, product(performance), or information standards.Process standards specify how the product should be produced.For example, Good Manufacturing Practices specify in-plant design, sanitation, and operation standards.Product(performance)standards require that final products have specific characteristics.An example is thespecification of a maximum microbial pathogen load for fresh meats and poultry.Finally, information standards specify the types of labeling or other communication that must accompany products.While these categories provide a neat breakdown, in practice most countries use a combination of approaches to regulate any particular food safety risk.For example, specifications for acceptable in-plant operations may be backed up with final product testing to monitor and verify the success of safety assurance beling that instructs final consumers on proper food handling techniques may further back up these systems.MAJOR REGULATORY TRENDS IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES • Stronger public health and consumer welfare emphasis in decisions by regulatory agencies.The increasing use of the risk analysis framework for regulatory decision-making focuses attention on the effective control of public health risks as the ultimate goal of regulations, rather than intermediate steps such as assuring that accepted practices are used in production.This in turn leads to a focus on the food supply chain, on identifying where hazards are introduced into it, and on determining where those hazards can be controlled most cost effectively in the chain.This approach is referred to as “farm to table” or “farm to fork” analysis.When the su pply chain extends across international borders, risk analysis may encompass farm or processing practices in developing countries.• Adoption of more stringent safety standards, with a broader scope of standards.Food safety standards are becoming more stringent in developed countries on two fronts.First, in many cases food safety attributes that were previously regulated are being held to more precise and stringent standards.For example, rather than assuring meat product safety simplythrough process standards, those products may be required to meet specific pathogen load standards for E.coli or Salmonella.Similarly, tolerances for aflatoxin may be lowered as more information and better testing become readily available.Second, the scope of standards is broadening, as new risks become known.For example, the European Union, the United States, and other countries have instituted strict feeding restrictions to avoid the spread of BSE in cattle.In addition, the European Union has recently established a regulatory program to control human exposure to dioxins through the food supply.These evolving standards create continuing challenges for producers and regulatory agencies in exporting countries.• Adoption of the HACCP approach to assuring safety.During the 1990s, developed countries made a strong shift toward requiring the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point(HACCP)approach to assuring food safety.Under HACCP, companies are responsible for analyzing how hazards such as food-borne pathogens may enter the product, establishing effective control points for those hazards, and monitoring and updating the system to assure high levels of food safety.These HACCP systems are usually predicated on the processing plant having an adequate system of sanitary operating procedures already in place.HACCP does not prescribe specific actions to be taken in a plant: the company chooses its methods for controlling hazards.HACCP systems make clear that the central responsibility for assuring safety belongs to a company;the regulator’s job is often shifted from one of direct inspection to providing oversight for the company’s operation of its HACCP plan.Since HACCP is primarily a process standard for company-level activity, inspection to assure compliance is challenging for imported products coming from plants in othercountries.Some countries, such as those in the European Union, have mandated HACCP for all levels of the food supply chain, while others such as the United States have mandated it for specific sectors(meat slaughter and proces sing, for example).• Adoption of hybrid regulatory systems.Mandatory HACCP may be combined with performance standards for finished products.The performance standards(a minimum incidence of Salmonella in finished products, for example)provide a check on whether the HACCP plan is performing adequately.The increased use of performance standards has been facilitated by the development of more accurate and speedier testing procedures, particularly for pathogens.Eventually such tests may make it easier for exporters to demonstrate and verify a particular level of safety.食品安全受生产者、加工者、经销商、餐饮服务经营者决策的影响,也受到消费者和政府法规的影响。
●Chapter1: Status of Food safety(食品安全的现状)●Chapter2:Reproduce the accidents(事件重现)●Chapter3:Food safety causes of problems(食品安全问题的成因)in the human brain can not do without a computer now, as long as not open a Chinese Web site search engine to find "food ", "eat " and other words, the results associated with it up to the word is "security "and"poisoning ", which Power of a reputation for food self-sufficient people say that it is a irony.现在生长在人类脑中的观念是不能没有电脑,只要开华人网站的搜索引擎去寻找“食品”、“吃”, 结果与之相关的词是“安全”和“投毒”的声誉,这力量对食物自足的人说它是一种讽刺。
●Recycled oil地沟油●Flavacin M1黄曲霉毒素M1●Poison bean sprouts毒豆芽●By a worse staining steamed bread染色馒头of the phenomenon, or will appear contending for whatever, mutual shuffle disputes over trifles phenomenon, this will give some food industry illegal production, sales provides substandard food roumania.由于相关部门对食品安全生产的操作监管不力,使得中国食品行业严重违规、违法生产销售不合格食品的现象屡禁不止。
食品安全标准 英文版
食品安全标准英文版Food Safety StandardsFood safety standards refer to the guidelines and regulations set by authorities to ensure the quality and safety of food products. These standards are developed to prevent foodborne illnesses, protect consumers, and maintain the integrity of the food supply chain. Here are some important food safety standards:1. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): GMP is a set of guidelines that outline the minimum requirements for the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storage of food products. It covers aspects such as facility design, hygiene practices, pest control, and equipment maintenance.2. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP): HACCP is a systematic approach to food safety management that identifies and controls potential hazards throughout the production process. It involves assessing risks, implementing control measures, and monitoring critical control points to ensure food safety.3. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA): FSMA is a regulation in the United States that aims to prevent food contamination and improve food safety practices. It covers areas such as preventive controls, supplier verification, and the establishment of a food traceability system.4. Codex Alimentarius: Codex Alimentarius is an international food standards program jointly managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World HealthOrganization (WHO). Its standards cover a wide range of food products, including food additives, pesticides, veterinary drugs, and hygiene practices.5. Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI): GFSI is a private industry collaboration that aims to enhance food safety throughout the supply chain. It benchmarks and recognizes various food safety standards, such as Safe Quality Food (SQF), British Retail Consortium (BRC), and International Featured Standard (IFS).6. Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs): MRLs are the maximum allowable levels of pesticide residues or veterinary drug residues in food products. These limits help ensure that the consumption of these substances through food does not pose a risk to human health.7. Allergen Labelling: Allergen labelling regulations require food manufacturers to clearly indicate the presence of common allergens, such as peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, milk, soy, fish, and shellfish, on their product labels. This helps consumers with food allergies make informed choices and avoid potential allergic reactions.By adhering to these food safety standards, food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers can demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality food products. Additionally, consumers can trust that the food they consume meets the necessary safety requirements.。
今年早期,皮尤研究中心的健康组织召开了一次以“提高FDA 的科学评价”为题的研讨会,以确保添加到人类的食品中的化学品是安全的。
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中英文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)论食品供应链管理和食品质量安全上世纪90年代以来,供应链管理已成为学术界和实业界关注的热门话题,特别是供应链管理成功地应用于IBM、P&G、DELL 等公司的经营管理以后,食品和农产品行业也纷纷效仿并借助供应链管理这一工具来提高自身的竞争力。
因此,T型食品供应链的上游种植业者众多,而中下游中间商和销售商较少且集中,供应链的形状呈现为 T型。
大型超市为了适应消费需求的显著变化,将原先由独立企业从事的专业化生产的增值环节进行“内部化”,专门建立大型加工及配送中心,对农产品进行清洗、分类、深度加工、包装和配送等增值业务,同时通过在大型加工中心实施HACCP 和GMP加工质量和卫生安全认证,来保证食品和农产品的品质安全。