
人性本善英语演讲稿篇一:英语辩论-人性本善对人性本恶No, I don’t think so really.I disagree with you entirely.I’m afraid I don’t agree.I’m afraid you are wrong there.1.世界的经济制度不平衡与霸权主义太重,一些国家国民连饭都没得吃别的国家吃香喝辣而且对你毫无怜悯迫于无奈武力就成了最好的方法。
我想说的就这些了Today’s world economy system is out of balance, and the hegemonism serious. people in somecountries are poor don’t have enough food. But people from other countries but eat very well and no mercy to the poor. So the force will become the best method.A country committed to a prosperous period,the leaders very want to leave a good name in the the war appears.To put it simply,the origin of war is very simple:people without pity ,care only about their own enjoyment,would like to obtain the benefit in a quickest ’s the evil of kind-hearted people become violence。

人性本善英语演讲稿篇一:英语辩论-人性本善对人性本恶No, I don’t think so really.I disagree with you entirely.I’m afraid I don’t agree.I’m afraid you are wrong there.1.世界的经济制度不平衡与霸权主义太重,一些国家国民连饭都没得吃别的国家吃香喝辣而且对你毫无怜悯迫于无奈武力就成了最好的方法。
我想说的就这些了Today’s world economy system is out of balance, and the hegemonism serious. people in somecountries are poor don’t have enough food. But people from other countries but eat very well and no mercy to the poor. So the force will become the best method.A country committed to a prosperous period,the leaders very want to leave a good name in the the war appears.To put it simply,the origin of war is very simple:people without pity ,care only about their own enjoyment,would like to obtain the benefit in a quickest ’s the evil of kind-hearted people become violence。

Boys and girls,Today I’ ll introduce a book from Dale Carnegie. It is how to win friends and influence people. Maybe some of you have heard about it or even read it, but I still want to give you a deeper introduction because it’ s pretty influential for g enerations.Before I present this book, let’ s acknowledge the author’ s living, the great man, Dale Carnegie.Dale Carnegie was an American writer, lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonalskills. Born in poverty on a farm in Missouri [mi'zu əri , he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, a massive bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living , Lincoln the Unknown , and several other books. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them.Here is some of his famous words in speeches and books.The essence of all art is to take pleasure in giving pleasure.I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’ t think about what I wanted. I thought about what they wanted. I didn't bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled a worm or grasshopper in front of the fish.People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.I don’ t have enough time to get into this great man. It ’ s really interesting to recognize him and his idea. I hope you can search him more on the internet.Now, let’ s move on to today’ s body part. How to win friends and influence people? This is one of the first bestselling self-help books ever published. Written by Dale Carnegie and first published in 1936, it has sold 15 million copies world-wide. However, this number is still enlarging for this book is needed in each era.Why it is so popular since its first publication?It’ s main purposes will explain it.1. Get you out of a mental rut, give you new thoughts, new visions, new ambitions.2. Enable you to make friends quickly and easily.3. Increase your popularity.4. Help you to win people to your way of thinking.5. Increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done.6. Enable you to win new clients, new customers.7. Increase your earning power.8. Make you a better salesman, a better executive.9. Help you to handle complaints, avoid arguments, keep your human contacts smooth and pleasant.10.Make you a better speaker, a more entertaining conversationalist.11.Make the principles of psychology easy for you to apply in your daily contacts.12.Help you to arouse enthusiasm among your associates.Since most of you haven’ t read this book, I extract some essence we can shar e today. Fundamental Techniques in Handling People1. Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.4. Never show others that you are not interested in what they have to say.Six Ways to Make People Like You1. Become genuinely interested in other people.2. Smile.3. Remember that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.5. Talk in terms of the other person's interest.6. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking1. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.2. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say "You're Wrong."3. If you're wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.4. Begin in a friendly way.5. Start with questions to which the other person will answer yes.6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.7. Let the other person feel the idea is his or hers.8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.10.Appeal to the nobler motives.11.Dramatize your ideas.12.Throw down a challenge.Seven Rules For Making Your Home Life Happier1. Don't nag.2. Don't try to make your partner over.3. Don't criticize.4. Give honest appreciation.5. Pay much attention.6. Be courteous.Interest aroused? Why not grab one and start right now? hope you have a fresh vision about life.Thank you very much.。

原罪说: 上帝创造了亚当,并让他在 伊甸园里无忧无虑的生活。但是上帝看到
亚当一个在 伊甸园里挺孤单的,于是他有创造了夏娃给亚当当伴,并告 戒他们:别偷吃伊甸园里的善恶之果(也就是禁果),否则就惩罚他们. 但是一天,他们被一条蛇引诱而偷吃了禁果。
After, they suddenly found they didn't wear clothes,
fraecveea,l wthee’drulleikeof ttohe bdeelvieelovpemetnhtaotf
to change the fact,
"human nature is evil".
haanvdeindneoptdh otuhboutghtt,hIathapveeofpoulend atrheat b"eapxespoilacpilaneltlyhaergeporoobbdals.eimcWasllhyinerngeoawoldel"ifeloc. aoOnkn atnhotet tchoentrianrfya, "nhtu’ms aninnnaotucreenits esviml"iilseabalendto
cruel, why we do not abolish 教) and Christianism(天主
it? Singapore's former prime 教) ’evil‘ as the ideological

Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand here today and share with you my thoughts on the issue of moral dictatorship in universities. In recent years, this problem has been widely discussedand criticized. As a university student, I have witnessed and experienced the negative impact of moral dictatorship on our campus life. Therefore, I would like to bring this issue to your attention anddiscuss the ways to overcome it.Firstly, let's define what moral dictatorship is. Moral dictatorship refers to the excessive intervention and control of universityauthorities in students' personal lives, based on their own understanding of what is right and wrong. This kind of dictatorshipoften manifests in the form of imposing rigid rules and regulations on students, and pressuring them to conform to certain moral standards. However, this approach not only restricts students' freedom, but also hinders their personal growth and development.To begin with, moral dictatorship violates the fundamental principle of freedom. As university students, we are adults with the right to makeour own choices and decisions. The university should be a place where we can explore and challenge our own beliefs and values, rather than being constrained by the authorities' moral judgments. When university authorities impose their own moral standards on students, they are essentially dictating what is right and wrong, which goes against the very essence of freedom.Secondly, moral dictatorship hinders students' personal growth and development. University is a crucial period for students to exploretheir own interests, talents, and potential. However, when authorities impose rigid rules and regulations, students are forced to conform to certain moral standards, which may not align with their own beliefs and values. This not only restricts their freedom of expression, but also prevents them from fully developing their own personalities and capabilities.Furthermore, moral dictatorship creates a sense of fear and resentment among students. When students are constantly reminded of the moral standards set by the authorities, they may feel that they are constantly being watched and judged. This can lead to a lack of trust between students and authorities, and even worse, a sense of resentment towards the university as a whole.So, how can we overcome the problem of moral dictatorship in universities? Here are some suggestions:1. Promote open communication between students and authorities. It is crucial for authorities to understand the needs and concerns of students, and for students to express their opinions and suggestions. By fostering a positive and open communication environment, both parties can work together to address the issues that arise.2. Establish a more flexible and inclusive set of rules and regulations. Instead of imposing rigid rules and regulations, the university should consider adopting a more flexible and inclusive approach that allows students to have more freedom in making their own choices. This can help students develop critical thinking skills and a sense of responsibility.3. Encourage students to participate in moral education activities. Instead of dictating moral standards, the university can organizevarious moral education activities, such as seminars, workshops, and community service projects, to help students explore and understand different moral values. This approach can promote students' moral development in a more organic and effective way.4. Strengthen the supervision of university authorities. It is essential to ensure that university authorities are held accountable for their actions. By establishing a transparent and fair supervision mechanism, we can prevent moral dictatorship from occurring in the first place.In conclusion, moral dictatorship in universities is a serious problem that violates the fundamental principle of freedom and hinders students' personal growth and development. By promoting open communication, adopting a more flexible approach, encouraging students to participatein moral education activities, and strengthening the supervision of university authorities, we can overcome this problem and create a more inclusive and harmonious campus environment.Thank you for your attention.。

人性的考验演讲稿英文The Test of Human Nature。
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow human beings, good evening. Today, I stand before you to speak about the test of human nature. Throughout history, human beings have been tested by various challenges and hardships, and it is in these moments that our true nature is revealed.The test of human nature is not a new concept. It has been explored in literature, philosophy, and psychology for centuries. What is it that makes us who we are? What drives our actions and decisions? How do we respond when faced with adversity? These are the questions that the test of human nature seeks to answer.One of the most common ways in which human nature is tested is through adversity. When faced with challenges, some individuals may rise to the occasion, displaying courage, resilience, and compassion. Others may falter, giving in to fear, selfishness, or despair. It is in these moments that our true character is revealed. Adversity has a way of stripping away the layers of pretense and revealing the core of who we are.Another way in which human nature is tested is through temptation. Whether it is the temptation to act dishonestly, to take advantage of others, or to prioritize our own needs above those of others, we are constantly faced with choices that test our moral compass. How we respond to these temptations speaks volumes about our true nature.Furthermore, the test of human nature is also evident in our interactions with others. How we treat those who are less fortunate, how we respond to conflict, and how we show empathy and understanding towards others all serve as indicators of our true nature. These interactions reveal our capacity for kindness, empathy, and cooperation, as well as our potential for selfishness, cruelty, and indifference.In conclusion, the test of human nature is an ongoing and complex process that shapes who we are as individuals and as a society. It is through adversity, temptation, and our interactions with others that our true nature is revealed. As we navigate through life,it is important to reflect on how we respond to these tests and strive to cultivate the best aspects of our nature. By doing so, we can contribute to a more compassionate, resilient, and understanding world for ourselves and for future generations.Thank you for your attention.。

The psychology of evil演讲者:Philip Zimbardo/ 中文 /许多世纪以来,哲学家,剧作家,神学家都在着力解决这个问题:什么使人们变坏?有趣的是,当我还是小孩时,我问过同样的问题。

英语辩论-人性本善对人性本恶第一篇:英语辩论-人性本善对人性本恶No, I don’t think so really.I disagree with you entirely.I’m afraid I don’t agree.I’m afraid you are wrong there.1.世界的经济制度不平衡与霸权主义太重,一些国家国民连饭都没得吃别的国家吃香喝辣而且对你毫无怜悯迫于无奈武力就成了最好的方法。
我想说的就这些了Today's world economy system is out of balance, and the heg emonism serious.people in some countries are poor don’t have enough food.But people from other countries but eat very well and no mercy to the poor.So the force will become the best method.A country committed to a prosperous period,the leaders very want to leave a good name in the history.therefore the war appears.To put it simply,the origin of war is very simple:people without pity ,care only about their own enjoyment,would like to obtain the benefit in a quickest way.That’s the evil of human.The kind-hearted people become violence。

人性的考验演讲稿英文Human Nature's Test Speech。
Ladies and gentlemen, 。
Today I want to talk to you about the test of human nature. It is said that true character is revealed in times of adversity, and I believe that this is a test that we all face at some point in our lives. Whether it is a personal crisis, a professional challenge, or a global pandemic, the test of human nature is a universal experience that can bring out the best or the worst in us.In times of crisis, we are often faced with difficult decisions and moral dilemmas that put our values and principles to the test. It is in these moments that our true character is revealed. Will we act with courage and compassion, or will we succumb to fear and selfishness? Will we rise to the occasion and show resilience, or will we crumble under pressure and despair?The test of human nature is not just about how we respond to adversity, but also how we treat others in times of need. It is a test of our empathy, kindness, and humanity. Will we reach out to help those who are suffering, or will we turn a blind eye and look out only for ourselves? Will we show understanding and tolerance, or will we give in to prejudice and hate?It is important to remember that the test of human nature is not just an individual challenge, but also a collective one. How we as a society respond to crises and challenges speaks volumes about our values and priorities. Will we come together and support one another, or will we allow division and discord to tear us apart? Will we work towards solutions that benefit all, or will we prioritize our own interests at the expense of others?In conclusion, the test of human nature is a profound and transformative experience that has the power to bring out the best in us. It is a reminder of our resilience, compassion, and capacity for growth. It is an opportunity to show the world who we trulyare and what we stand for. Let us embrace this test with courage and conviction, and let our actions speak louder than words. Thank you.。

Hello everyone! Today my topic is human nature is evil. Many people think human nature is good. as for me, it was unbelievable when i first came into contact with the point of human nature is evil. But it didn’t affect its reasonability in our daily life, so I believe it.First, in ancient china, famous philosopher Xunzi hold that human nature is evil. Such as crime happens every day in modern society, It is only education, morality and legislation that can instruct us to alteration, improvement and refinement. Second, in western countries, the Bible says that human nature is evil, all human has been born with original sin. When a person was a baby he would be controlled by evil, Christians believe that they can wash away all the sins through baptism. Finally, as for me, I have done something wrong in the past. Only when we realize that this is wrong, can we correct it and get better.All of these reasons, directly or indirectly, show the evil of human nature. At last, I support the viewpoint mainly because l think people will become perfect by learning.。

关于人性的演讲稿英文Ladies and gentlemen,Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has fascinated philosophers, psychologists, and thinkers for centuries - human nature. What makes us who we are? What drives our actions and decisions? These questions have intrigued us, and today, I hope to shed some light on this complex and intriguing subject.Human nature is a concept that encompasses the inherent characteristics and qualities that define us as human beings. It is the essence of our being, the core of our existence. While there are various perspectives on human nature, I believe that at its core, human nature is inherently good.Throughout history, we have witnessed countless acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness. From individuals sacrificing their own lives to save others, to communities coming together to support those in need, these acts demonstrate the innate goodness within us. It is in our nature to care for one another, to empathize with others, and to strive for a better world.However, it is important to acknowledge that human nature is notwithout its flaws. We are also capable of cruelty, greed, and selfishness. But I believe that these negative aspects are not inherent to our nature, but rather a result of external influences such as societal pressures, upbringing, and personal experiences.It is our responsibility as individuals and as a society to nurture and cultivate the positive aspects of human nature. We must strive to create an environment that encourages empathy, compassion, and understanding. By promoting education, tolerance, and equality, we can tap into the inherent goodness within us and create a more harmonious and just world.Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that human nature is not fixed or unchangeable. We have the capacity to grow, learn, and evolve. We can overcome our flaws and strive towards personal and collective growth. It is through self-reflection, introspection, and continuousself-improvement that we can unleash the full potential of our human nature.In conclusion, human nature is a complex and multifaceted concept. While it is true that we are capable of both good and bad, I firmly believe that at our core, human nature is inherently good. It is our duty tonurture and cultivate the positive aspects of our nature, while working towards personal and collective growth. By doing so, we can create a world that celebrates and embraces the inherent goodness within each and every one of us.Thank you.。

关于人性的演讲稿英语作文Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Today, I stand before you to delve into a subject that has intrigued philosophers, poets, and scholars for centuries: the nature of humanity. Our understanding of human nature is as complex as it is profound, and it is this complexity that I wish to explore in my speech.Human nature is often defined by the qualities that we, as humans, inherently possess. It is the sum of our emotional, psychological, and moral attributes that shape our character and dictate our behavior. At the core of this discourse is the age-old question: Are we fundamentally good or evil? Are we driven by altruism or self-interest?Let us consider the concept of empathy, a trait that allows us to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy is a cornerstone of human nature that fosters compassion and cooperation. It is the force that unites us in times ofcrisis and the glue that holds societies together. However,it is also the capacity for empathy that can be manipulated, leading to exploitation and deceit.On the other hand, we have the innate drive for self-preservation and the pursuit of personal gain. This drive can lead to innovation and progress, but it can also result in greed and conflict. The struggle for resources, power, andrecognition has been a constant throughout human history, and it is this struggle that has shaped our societies and cultures.The duality of human nature is not a simple dichotomy of good and evil. It is a spectrum, a gradient of behaviors and motivations that are influenced by our environment, upbringing, and personal experiences. The same person can exhibit acts of great kindness and terrible cruelty, often depending on the circumstances they find themselves in.One of the most significant aspects of human nature is our capacity for change. We are not static beings; we evolve and adapt. This adaptability is what has allowed us to survive and thrive as a species. It is also what enables us to learn from our mistakes and strive for improvement.In conclusion, human nature is a tapestry woven from threads of light and darkness, of kindness and cruelty, of cooperation and competition. It is a reflection of our past and a blueprint for our future. As we continue to explore the depths of our nature, we must also strive to understand and harness the best aspects of our character to build a better world for all.Thank you for your attention.。

关于人性的演讲稿英语作文Human nature is a topic that has been explored and debated for centuries. What makes us human? What drives our actions and behaviors? These are questions that have puzzled philosophers, psychologists, and scientists alike. In this speech, I would like to delve into the complexities of human nature and offer some insights into what it means to be human.First and foremost, human nature encompasses a wide range of emotions and behaviors. We are capable of love, compassion, and empathy, but we are also capable of hatred, jealousy, and greed. This duality is what makes us uniquely human. It is our ability to experience and express these emotions that sets us apart from other species on this planet.Furthermore, human nature is shaped by our experiences and interactions with the world around us. Our upbringing, cultural background, and personal experiences all play a role in shaping who we are as individuals. This means that no two humans are exactly alike, and our understanding of human nature must take into account this diversity.In addition, human nature is also influenced by our innate biological and psychological makeup. Our brains are wired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain, and this instinctual drive shapes many of our behaviors. Furthermore, our capacity for reasoning and problem-solving sets us apart from other animals, allowing us to create complex societies and technologies.However, it is important to recognize that human nature is not fixed or predetermined. While we may have certain biological and psychological predispositions, we also have the capacity for growth and change. This means that we are not bound by our nature, but rather, we have the ability to shape and mold it through our choices and actions.In conclusion, human nature is a complex and multifaceted concept that defies simple explanation. It encompasses our emotions, experiences, biology, and capacity forgrowth. To understand human nature is to understand what it means to be human – with all our strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth. It is a topic that will continue to be explored and debated for generations to come, as we strive to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Thank you.。

Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand before you today and address the issue of hypocrisy, which has become an increasingly prevalent phenomenon in our society. I believe that it is crucial for us to critically examine this issue and strive to eliminate it from our lives.Hypocrisy is a social illness that manifests itself in various forms. It is the act of saying one thing while doing another, often with the intention of deceiving others. It is the facade of moral integrity that masks a lack of character and sincerity. Unfortunately, we see this behavior in our leaders, our colleagues, and even ourselves.In politics, hypocrisy is a common practice. Politicians often promise to serve the public interest, yet they prioritize their own interests and the interests of their political parties. They speak of honesty and transparency, yet they engage in deceit and corruption. This kind of hypocrisy erodes the trust between the public and their leaders, leading to political instability and social unrest.In the workplace, hypocrisy can also be found. Employees may claim to value teamwork and cooperation, yet they are often only interested in their own success and recognition. They may praise their colleagues publicly while undermining them behind their backs. This kind of hypocrisy creates a toxic work environment that hinders productivity and innovation.Moreover, hypocrisy is not confined to human behavior; it can also be seen in the world of entertainment and media. Celebrities often present themselves as role models, yet they engage in scandalous behavior that contradicts their public image. Journalists may claim to seek the truth, yet they manipulate information to serve their own agenda. This kind of hypocrisy can lead to the spread of misinformation and the erosion of public trust in the media.So, why do people engage in hypocrisy? There are several reasons. Firstly, it is a way to gain social status and approval. By presenting a façade of moral integrity, individuals believe they can e arn the respect and admiration of others. Secondly, it is a way to avoid responsibility.By shifting blame onto others or making excuses, individuals can evade accountability for their actions. Finally, it is a reflection of our own insecurities and weaknesses. We are afraid to be vulnerable and admitour flaws, so we hide behind a mask of perfection.To combat hypocrisy, we must first acknowledge its existence and understand its consequences. We must recognize that hypocrisy is not a victimless crime; it damages our relationships, our communities, and our society as a whole. We must also commit to being more honest and transparent in our own lives. This means being true to ourselves and to others, and not hiding behind a mask of moral integrity.In conclusion, hypocrisy is a dangerous and pervasive problem that we must address collectively. By examining its root causes and taking steps to eliminate it from our lives, we can create a more honest, transparent, and compassionate society. Let us work together to break the cycle of hypocrisy and build a better future for all.Thank you.。

身处灰暗三分钟演讲稿英语Standing here in front of all of you, I can't help but feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. The darkness that surrounds us seems suffocating, and the hopelessness that lingers in the air is almost palpable. But despite the overwhelming sense of despair, I want to take this opportunity to share with you a message of resilience and strength.We all experience moments of darkness in our lives. It may come in the form of personal struggles, societal injustices, or global crises. It's easy to feel lost and overwhelmed when faced with these challenges, but I urge you to remember that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light.In the midst of darkness, it's crucial to hold on to hope and to believe in the power of resilience. It's during these times that we discover our inner strength and our ability to overcome adversity. We are capable of rising above the darkness and emerging stronger, more compassionate, and more determined than ever before.It's important to acknowledge the darkness, to sit with it, and to understand its impact on our lives. But we must also remember that we have the power to create change, to bring light into the world, and to inspire others to do the same. Each one of us has the ability to be a beacon of hope, to spread kindness and love, and to make a positive impact on the world around us.As we navigate through these challenging times, let us not lose sight of the light within us. Let us hold onto the belief that we are capable of creating a better future, and let us take action to make it a reality. Together, we can illuminate the darkness and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.In closing, I want to leave you with a quote by Helen Keller, "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." Let us embrace the darkness, but let us also remember our strength, our resilience, and our capacity to bring light into the world. Thank you.。
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the most famous one is nature is evil”. In addition to
probably the whipping (鞭刑). Singapore, western society
Since this punishment is so also regards Judaism(犹太
both of them naked showing in front of each other, so they began to feel shy and cover up the organ with leaves , so the concept of men and women began.Then, God kept them out of the garden of Eden and said:“you commit the crime, you need to suffer in the world.” Therefore, the person birth with sin. This is the original sin!
evil side".
commentators (评论者).
In fact, China has discussed on the “human nature is evil” in the early time. Warring States Period famous philosopher Xunzi is advocated on behalf of “human nature is evil”. He wrote in the opening of “evil chapter”: human evil, the good is pseudo( 假 的 ). Education, morality and legislation——which indirectly reflect the “human nature is evil”.
under a snake's temptation.
原罪说: 上帝创造了亚当,并让他在 伊甸园里无忧无虑的生活。但是上帝看到
亚当一个在 伊甸园里挺孤单的,于是他有创造了夏娃给亚当当伴,并告 戒他们:别偷吃伊甸园里的善恶之果(也就是禁果),否则就惩罚他们. 但是一天,他们被一条蛇引诱而偷吃了禁果。
After, they suddenly found they didn't wear clothes,
given the answer in his book represents in Hobbs. In
My View of The World
, “I think human nature is evil Schopenhauer, Hegel are
and must be limited to stop also considered to be evil
haanvdeindneoptdh otuhboutghtt,hIathapveeofpoulend atrheat b"eapxespoilacpilaneltlyhaergeporoobbdals.eimcWasllhyinerngeoawoldel"ifeloc. aoOnkn atnhotet tchoentrianrfya, "nhtu’ms aninnnaotucreenits esviml"iilseabalendto
Therefore, human will put education, morality and legislation in a prominent position in social life.
education morality legislation
Whether people are basically good or evil, we will carry forward the good side and pursue the same things.
God created Adam, and let him live carefree in the
garden of Eden.To made him not alone, god had created eve to Adam as partner, and told them: don't steal to eat the fruit of good and evil in the garden of Eden (that is the forbidden fruit), otherwise they'll be punished. But one day, they ate the forbidden fruit
Acquired education may make these children learn how to restrain and share, but that is not the result of human nature.
Education and morality make people restrain their animal’s instincts in certain subjective aspects, the law objectively sets obstacles and costs on the road leading to desire, so people dare not to exceed the utmost limits.
example, From the history of
Singapore‘s legal system has Singapore‘s ecknown for its we can see the importance
strictness and efficiency, of understanding “human
A man is neither an angel nor a beast.
Unfortunately, he wants to act like an angel, but he is inherently a beast.
—— Pascal
The seven deadly sins
"gluttony" ,"greed", "sloth", "envy", "pride", "lust" and "anger ", this is what the Catholic Church refers to the human nature of the seven deadly sins.
Weakness of Human Nature 人性的弱点
Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering 环境科学与工程学院
主讲人:夏秋秋 成 员:赵青青 李青云 陈璐
In Chinese characters, we can see there is a “口” under the character of “善” and a “心” under “恶”. This represents the kind is caused by human’s acquired activities with the mouth to say, however, evil is the existence of human congenital (天生的)heart. In English, “live” means dynamic and vigorous but it also hides another word “evil” which is deeply rooted in human nature.
fraecveea,l wthee’drulleikeof ttohe bdeelvieelovpemetnhtaotf
to change the fact,
"human nature is evil".
Xunzi said: "hunger and to food, cold and to warm,
fatigue and to rest,interest to good and sick of harm, is that people have had with born……"
荀子明确把人性限定为人的自然属性:“饥而欲食,寒而欲暖, 劳而欲息,好利而恶害,是人之所生而有也……”
cruel, why we do not abolish 教) and Christianism(天主
it? Singapore's former prime 教) ’evil‘ as the ideological
minister Lee Kuan Yew has foundation. This argument
吃了禁果后,他们突然发现自己没穿衣服,双方都赤裸裸的把身体展露 在对方面前,因此他们开始感到害羞就用树叶子把性器官遮掩起来,于是男