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The origin of Canada


The history of Canada started with the aborigine of the Indians and Eskimos.Since the 10th century,the footprints of the Western civilization have started to brand on this new land.The first vistors are a gang of pirates after which , the Europeans have started their expedition and explorations which has been enduring to the contemporary times.


In the 16th century,the French dreamed of discovering and having control over more and more territories as well as widening their trading realm to let their religious belief being accepted all over the world.

16 世纪沦为法、英殖民地,1756—1763年期间,英、法在加拿大爆发“七年战争”,法国战败,而1763年的巴黎和约使加拿大正式成为英属殖民地。

The “Seven Years War ”broke out between England and France in 1756 and lasted until the year 1763.The France were the side to lose the war and Canada was officially made to be the British Territoty through the signing og the Paris Treaty.

1867年7月1日,英国议会通过了《BRITISH NORTH AMERICA [BNA] ACT OF 1867》(北美法律),正式承认加拿大自治权,以ONTARIO,QUEBEC,NOVA SCOTIA,NEW BRUNSWICK四省形成加拿大联邦,7月1日也被定为加拿大的国庆日。英将加拿大省、新不伦瑞克省和诺瓦斯科舍省合并为一个联邦,成为英国最早的自治领。此后,其它省也陆续加入联邦。

On July 1st ,1867, 《BRITISH NORTH AMERICA [BNA] ACT OF 1867》were passey by the British parliament which formally admitted the autonomiy of Canada and Canada by then consisited of four provinces: ONTARIO,QUEBEC,NOVA SCOTIA,NEW BRUNSWICK.

Afterwards,Britain made NOVA SCOTIA,NEW BRUNSWICK. combined into a new federation which became the earliest dominion under the British Empire and other provinces took turns in joining this federation.

1882年4月17日,英女皇在OTTAWA 宣布加拿大在立法上脱离英国,并签署《加拿大宪法草案》即现行的加拿大宪法。


On April 17th,1882,the Queen of Britain declared in Ottawa that Canada broke away from Britain in terms of legislation and Her Majesty signed the current Canadian Constitution.

In 1926,British parliament passed the Act of Westminister in which the equal status of Canda was admitted and independence of foreigh policy was given to the Canadian government.




Up to the year of 1931,Canada officially bid farewell

to its submissive relationship with Britain both in terms of

internal and foreign affairs.Still,it was not given the right

to revise its constitution,

. In 1965,Canada made its own national ahthem and national emblem.In 1982,the Queen Elizabeth II signed the Act of Canadian Constitution and Canada obtained absolute rights in making up and devising its constitution.

In March of 2000, NUNAVUT joined the federation after 10 provinces and two special administrative regions.






1535年,当时的法国国王弗朗索瓦一世命令航海家杰克斯·卡蒂埃(Jacques Cartier)去探寻“新世界”,以求找到一条通往印度的航道。卡蒂埃尔首次探险来到了圣劳伦斯海湾。这时他并不知道会在这里发现什么,但他希望这是大洋的一个分支,并是他通往远东征程的必经之路。于是他沿圣劳伦斯河逆流而上。然而他并没有到达所期盼的亚洲,却来到了魁北克(Québec),当地的印第安人称它"Stadacona"。正是这时,Canada一词被写进了国家的历史。Canada一词源于印第安语的“Kanada”意为“群落”或“村庄”。卡蒂埃尔在向法王报告时,首次使用了“Canada”,来指他所到达的魁北克。
