
话题一:Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition Why or why notB:hello , ljt, here i have a question to ask you. Do you agree that it is necessary to have ambition in our lifeA:I agree with more than 100 percents.B:Then can you express your reasons?A:Of course. It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. Maybe it would be a kinder one: without demands, without conflictions, without disappointments. but how boring the life would be! As we know ambition is the basis and the source of success, which signs how far a person could go. Secondly, it provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, our life will become meaningful and specifically orientated.B:I do not completely agree with you!A: whyB: Obviously, a well-orientated ambition can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding, even make him as a respectable person. But a wrongly directed ambition can be dangerous. For example, Osama bin Laden(本拉登) has ambition, But his ambition is so dangerous that brought to the world disaster.A:Oh, I don't consider this point.B:Never mind, I think we should have ambition, but, before that we should have a look whether our ambition in the right direction.A:I can’t agree with you anymore.话题二Who plays a crucial role in your life In what wayA:hello ljt, here i have a question to ask you. in your opinion, Who plays a crucial role in your lifeB:First ,I think parents are the most important in my life, because they teach me the truths in life and the rules in society. In short, they taught me how to behave as a human.A:Yes,parents not only gave us life, but also gave us many knowledge to survive in this world. So after graduation, we should try our best to find a good job, then let parents enjoy life.B: second, I want to talk about my high school English teacher. I'm not that kind of student who are good at English. The beginning, my English is often not pass so that I wanted to give up English.(我感觉翻译的不太好,你改改)。

确定研究领域和主题 了解相关学科和研究动态 与导师沟通和讨论研究方向 考虑研究方法和可行性
文献综述法:对相关研究进行系统梳理和评价,找出研究空白和不足 实验法:通过实验设计和数据分析,检验假设和理论 调查法:通过问卷、访谈等方式收集数据,了解研究对象的特点和需求 个案研究法:对个别案例进行深入剖析,找出共性和规律
明确沟通目的:在交流前明确自己的沟通目的,并了解对方的需求和期望,有助于更好 地达成共识。
倾听与表达:在交流中积极倾听对方的意见和观点,同时清晰地表达自己的想法和需求, 促进双方的理解和沟通。
语言沟通:掌握对方国家的语 言和文化,避免误解和冲突
尊重差异:尊重对方的文化和 价值观,避免文化冲突
尊重文化差异,避免文化冲 突
学习语言和非语言沟通:掌握对方语言的基本用语和表达方式,同时注意观察对方的非 语言信号,如面部表情和肢体动作。
旅游经历:分享一次难 忘的旅行经历,包括目 的地、旅游景点和旅游 过程中的趣事。
旅游心得:分享旅 游过程中的心得体 会,如如何克服语 言障碍、如何更好 地与当地人交流等。
旅游建议:分享一些旅 行建议和贴士,如如何 规划行程、如何节约旅 行费用等。
旅游文化:分享不同国 家和地区的文化习俗和 礼仪,以帮助听众更好 地了解世界各地的文化 差异。

Topic 1: Long-distance FriendshipDirections: You and your partner are talking about a long-distance friendship. The following questions may be answered in your conversation: Is it difficult to maintain a long-distance friendship? What are the barriers? How to keep it strong and long-lasting?L:hi,renxuejing.The weather is so good.R:Yes,it’s a sunny day.It’s suitable to go out.Why don’t you go out with your friend?L:oh,you know it’s time for final exams,the time is so tight.I have no interest to play.R:I know it,it makes me think of my best friend.e…she is in another city because of the college entrance exam.L:So,do you think your friendship is the same as before?R:yes,we are good now.When we are on holiday,we always gather together to play.L:but I think the relation with my friends before is not close as high school.I find we don’t have many topics to talk,it’s embarrassing.R:I can understand,you are in different environment now,and have new friends.Long distance and long time no see make you a little unfamiliar. L:yes,Iknow,but I treasure my friendship,what can Ido?R:as far as I am concerned,you should usually chat with them online or call them sometimes,tell them what happened surrounded with you.L:emem,do you often chat with your friends before?R:of course,we usually share some interesting things,I think it’s a secret to keep us close as before.L:what else?R:when you are on holiday,you can go to their cities for a look,It is good for you that you have so long time no see.L:yes,it’s a good idea,I also can travel a lot.thank you for your idears. R:It’s nothing,best wishes for you.Topic 2: Working Experience before Starting University Directions: You and your partner are discussing following questions: Do you think young people should be required to spend some time in the world of work before starting university? What benefits young people can get from such an experience?L:hello,long time no see.R:hi.how are you?L:I am fine.thank you.R:the term is going to end,the freshmen will enter our university to study with us.L:yes,so they are free in the summer vacation.Do you think they should do a job before they start university?R:I think work in the vacation is a good idea.They just have free time,and they can use it to acquire some working experience.L:I think so,they just end the life of high school.and don’t have much time to contact with society,It’s a good chance.R:yes,It can train their social skill.forexample,communicate with strangers,deal with problems without parents’help and so on.L:It sounds reasonable.they can learn how to distinguish between right and wrong.R:yes,and they can meet some cases that they didn’t know before,know about the condition of our society in time.L:en.it’simportant.some student can’t adapt to the college life at the beginning,I think working experience can help them.R:I agree with you.Topic 3: Y our Dream HouseDirections: You have bought a house and you are talking with your partner about what you want to do to make it your dream house. Discuss with your partner how to design and decorate the house?L:hi how are youR:fine,I hear you have bought a house.L:yes,just two weeks ago.you are well informed.R:I just heard in accident.do you have any idea for designL:of course,I have thought about it for two weeks.there is a front yard,I want to plant many beautiful flowers for fou seasons.R:sounsgreat,but it is difficult to take care.L:e,but I like.there are two floor,on the first floor,I think the right is asittingroom ,we can relax,watch TV and enjoy entertainment.R:what about the left?L:the left is a computer room for study belonging me.R:then the second floor?L:en,there are four rooms that equipped with modern equipment such as vision phone and automatic doors.R:what else?L:I just think of these.if you have any ideas,you can tell meR:ok,I see.Topic 4: College RomanceDirections: You and your partner are talking about college romance. Are you for or against it? Support your opinion with arguments.L:hello,the weather is good thisweek,but it rained a lotlast week.wuhan’s weather is so strange.R:so it is,do you see many loversin the campus?L:yes,so what do you think of college romance?R:I think being in a romantic relationship at college is becoming increasingly common.I am not againt it.L:but I thinkstudents will get distracted from their study. Once students get distracted, they are easy to not focus on study.R:year,it’sreasonable,butstudents can learn to take care of others andcommunicate with others. Once in a relationship, students have to learn to get along with girlfriend or boyfriend.L:en,the balance of the relationship is a big subject, which we can’t learn in the class.R:So college romance almost happens in every student, I am not object to it, students should learn to control their emotion, not let it affect their study.L:Yes,I agree with you.Topic 5: Cell Phone FeaturesDirections: You are going to buy a new cell phone but you are not sure which brand of cell phone is suitable for you. You go to your partner for suggestion. You and your partner compare different cell phone brands such as “Hua w ei” , “Samsung”, “Apple”, or “Xiaomi” to see their particular features and discuss why or why not you like them.L:hello,rxj,comehere,I have a problem.R:I am here,what’s matter with you.L:oh,my phone can’t use,so I need to buy a new one,but I don’t know which brand is suitable for me?R:e…I am using Samsung now,I am used to it so I think it is ok,but it is easy to break down,I am always mad to it.L:So what about apple?R:en,I think the cost-effective is not high,the price is high,butonce breakit,you may never use it.L:I see,my father just break one.so how about xiaomi?many people around me use it.R:Thebattery of xiaomi is not good,so it always hot,soyou know xiaomichargepal sell well.L:then,how about oppothatliyifengadvertaises for it,it looks well,I like the outlook.R:soundswell,but I hav en’t use it,you can try.L:ok,thank you for your advice.R:it’s nothing.Topic 6: Polite and Impolite Behaviorson CampusDirections: You and your partner are talking about polite and impolite behaviorson campus. What are the behaviors you consider the most polite and impolite on campus? List the top 3 of those behaviors respectively and explain the reasons why you choose them.R: hi,lujue why are you look so unhappy? What’s matter?L:I had ordered a takeout, however when I came downstairs, only to find my takeout was taken by others!R:oh that sounds really lack morals. You must be very angry about it.L:I am starving now!R:so what is the most impolite behavior on campus in your mind?L:maybe today’s trouble can be one.R:anything else?L:let me think in the library……R:yes, you remind me of that guys who occupying a seat by just a paperor a pen.L:right it is annoying.R:and jumping a queue is also very impolite.L:what about something positive? Like what is the most polite behavior on campus in your mindR:I think when I was in a hurry in the dining hall someone may let me order my meal first.L:yes and when you go out they hold the door for you ,that’s gentle!R:onceI forgot to take my umbrella when it was raining, someone lent me an umbrella, it was really indeed!Topic 7: Only the Fittest SurvivesDirections:It is often said that in competitive situations only the fittest survives. Do you agree or disagree to the statement? Now you and your partner are talking about your personal views with arguments.R:have you ever heard about the fittest survives?L: yes it is an old saying.R:soDo you agree or disagree to the statement?L: I agree to the statement. Like the forest, the most weak one would die and the stronger one would be chosen to survive.R:I think it is same in the human social .if you don’t have a skill it is difficult to keep your job.L:yesI agree with you, so I feel very stressful now.R;for example?L: I want a good job so I have to study hard .R:you are right, good score is a base of good job.L: many students spend most of their time studying. Our library is full of students.R:they all want to try their best.L:the final exam is coming I feel very anxious.R:take it easy, you can make it.Topic 8: HappinessDirections: You and your partner are talking about happy and unhappy moments together. The following questions may be answered in your conversation: What makes you happy or unhappy? What shall we do to achieve happiness?R: hi,lujue why are you look so unhappy? What’s matter?L:I had ordered a takeout, however when I came downstairs, only to find my takeout was taken by others!R:oh that sounds really lack morals. You must be very angry about it.L:I am starving now!R: calm down, this matter happens very often. Don’t let others change your mood.L: it is easy to say but hard to make it.R:so you need to adjust your mood. When you feel unhappy just think about something interesting divert your attention from that matter.L;it sounds reasonable. But what Ishould do now?R: clam down and have your meal in the dinning hall.L:maybe it is the only way to solve the trouble.R:and try to think a matter in a positive view. You can consider it as achance to lose weight!L:stop teasing me! I am starving!R:I was just try to make you happyL: only yummy food can make me happy now!Topic 9: Job HoppingDirections:Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of giving up a tedious but well-paid job to start something entirely new. You and your partner are talking about the current situation, possible advantages and disadvantages of your decision.R:you look tired, is there anything wrong with your work?L: no everything is ok, but I feel the job is too boring to insist doing it. R:why not give it up?L: although it is boring it is well-paid, so I was annoyed. It is too hard to make a decision.R: why did you choose this job?L: the salary is really attractive. And I thought Iwon’t get bored with it. R:so do you lack of money now?L: not so muchR: I think it is better to change a job. If you have interest in it, you will work hard and get promoted. You still can get enough money!L;what you said sounds reasonable. This job is nearly driving me mad! R: so it is time to change one. I will pay attention to the job that suitable for you. Don’t worry!L;ok, balabalaTopic 10: How to Develop Confidence in SpeakingDirections: The ability to give speech is one of the most valued communication skills today. Yet most people report that giving a speech is their number one phobia (fear). Discuss with your partner about how to get over one’s nervousness and develop confidence while speaking. Here a list of tips for your reference: prepare, practice, focus on your audience, simplify, visualize success, connect with your audience, and act confidentlyR:I am going to give a speech to our grade, I am very nervous.L:takeit easy, as long as you make a full preparation you can make it successfully.R:yesin order to make me get over nervousness I havepracticed many times.L: you’d better focus on your audience when you are on the stage, this can make you feel less nervous.R:okI will remember this.L: what’s more, try to connect with your audience it can make your speech more vividly.R: that’s a good advice. What about my act, do I need some actions?L: act confidently. Some gestures just beyourself.R:your suggestion make me feel better, I am relax now. I think I need to recite my speech more proficiency.L:yes go to review your speech draft, and be relax.。

研究生英语口试范文English:As a graduate student, I believe that effective communication skills are crucial for success in both academic and professional settings. In academia, being able to clearly articulate ideas and concepts through writing and speaking is essential for presenting research findings, participating in discussions, and collaborating with peers. In the professional world, strong communication skills are necessary for building relationships with clients, delivering presentations, and networking with colleagues. Additionally, effective communication allows for problem-solving, conflict resolution, and decision-making processes to run smoothly. Overall, I believe that honing communication skills will not only enhance my academic and professional performance but also help me build strong interpersonal relationships and contribute to my personal growth and development.中文翻译:作为一名研究生,我认为有效的沟通技巧对于在学术和职业环境中取得成功至关重要。

研究生英语口语期末考试对话话题(8个)1.What travel arrangement(旅游安排)will you make before you go on a trip? Whattypes of hotels do you prefer when you travel on business and for pleasure?A: I have heard that you enjoy travel,i plan to travel in this holiday,could you give me some advice ? B:In my opinion ,it is important to make travel arrangement before you start.A:What should I mainly arrange?C:First of all,you should decide where to go and whom to go with,which will be convenient to book tickets and accommodation in advance.You should choose the best way to travel according to your time ,distance purpose and budget.比如现在火车速度很快,即使较远的距离也可以考虑,而提前预订,飞机票会很便宜。
D:The same is true of booking hotel. You can choose different hotels according different purposes. Forexample ,if you travel on business ,it is better to choose one Business Hotel;while if you travel for pleasure,Youth Hostel is also a good choice.B:You 'd better Paint a travel map before you start. It will help you Avoid getting lost and save your time. C:I think it is necessary to understand the historical and cultural background of that city.on one hand,it will deepen your travel impression\,one the other hand ,sometimes it may Avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.A:Now there are a lot of people writing travel plan and travel Notes online .It seems I have to do Some serious study.D:That's right.pay attention to the details and we wish you apleasant journey.2.W hat kind of weather do you like? How does the weather affect our lives?A:what a nice day today!it's full of sunshine!B:yeah,i like sunny day very much!sunshine makes me feel warm and bring me good mood.(to C,D)What kind of weather do you like?C:I love the rain very much. walking in the rain is quite comfortable and Romantic.what's more,afterraining,the air gets fresher,the road turns more cleaner,and my Bad mood is swept away as well!D:My point of view is similar to C,but I prefer the snow. After snowing,the world becomes white and Peaceful,As if we are in a mythical world,everything is beautiful.except that ,after snow we can build anything we want with the snow,we can take photos,and so on ,it's just a lot of fun!B:maybe i'm still leaning to sunny day.raining and snowing make me feel depressed. Moreover,they both can Cause traffic jams,people going out must be more careful.A:yes,sunny day is convent to go outside and it is More suitable for most people. But the rain and snow can make us different feelings,sometimes which are quite Wonderful~ We should make full use of thedifferent weather to Regulate our body and mind,At the same time reduce the impact of bad weather.。

1.If you are to give a presentation, what steps are you going to take?2.How to make your presentation effective and vivid?3.What is your conception of low-carbon life?4.How to take effective measures for a sustainable development of the world?5.What is your opinion about the effect of traffic tickets as a passenger?6.What are some important things that the police could do to guarantee safer driving?7.Talking about Chinese woman’s social statues in today’s society.8.What does sex equality mean to you?9.What negative impacts does government officials’ corruption have?10.Why is the war against corruption a long one?1. If you are to give a presentation, what steps are you going to take?A: Hi! XX.B: Hi! XX. Long time no see. What is worry with you, you look so upset.A: yeah, I am worried about my English report. You know, I will give a presentation next English class.B: oh, come on! Maybe I can give you some useful suggestions, I have presented last week.A: really? You're so great! En…I don’t know what steps I shou ld take if I want to give an impressive presentation. Would like to give me some ideas?B: Of course. First, in order to give an effective presentation, you should ask these important questions before creating your presentation, like “What’s the purpose of your presentation? What do you want you audience to do because of your presentation? What message do you want to deliver that will help you achieve that purpose? “, then write them down.A: Oh, I know. Maybe, you mean that I will list the outline first, and to state the main idea, link relationships between concepts, and create a storyboard. Isn’t it?B: yeah, and next, you should collect related information, but you must realize that you don't have to become an expert, or read every book or website about your topic, just collect useful information about it.A: en, you are right, now there is much useless information on the internet. We must have the ability to identify it and find the useful information.And then? B: then you can prepare your speech draft. You should know how to use language accurately, clearly, vividly and appropriately. You can use specific facts, examples and details to support and explain your statement.A: ok, I will try to speak with powerpoint. So next step is prepare my powerpoint, I want to download a powerpoint template, do you think it is necessary?B: en, I think you can use a plain background instead of a cluttered and distracting PowerPoint template. Use each slide to express one idea, support your points with graphic evidence. This can include photos, images, charts and diagrams.A: so next what can I do? Practice again and again?B: yes. In most presentations, it is pretty obvious who has practiced and who hasn't. You can practice it in front of your family or friends, or in front of the mirror.A: I think chose friends is best, I can ask my friends for feedback, such as “Was the presentation long enough?” “Were all the points clearly made?”.B: yeah. When it comes time to present, if you want draw your audience into your presentation, a good old fashioned smile, and confidence are necessary.A: you mean I should always keep smile, and feel confident.B: yeah, it is important.A: how about use body language to emphasize the meaning and maintain eye contact with the audience.B: it’s ok. Besides, you should avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly, just speak clearly and speak at a right speed.A: yeah, speak at a level and volume that are appropriate for the person who is farthest from me in the room. En, at the end of my presentation, I am ready to prepare two questions to discuss.B: that is a good idea. Ending with a question is a good way of getting your audience to think about your presentation in an interesting way.A: Anything else?B: last, imagine a successful presentation at all times. Don't let the thought of failure creep into your mind. Hope you have a good performance.A: thank you very much. I think these suggestions are very practical.2. How to make you r presentation effective and vivid?A: Hi! XX.B: Hi! XX. Long time no see. What is worry with you, you look so upset.A: yeah, I am worried about my English report. You know, I will give a presentation next English class.B: oh, come on! Maybe I can give you some useful suggestions, I have presented last week.A: really? You're so great!B: so what do you want to say?A: en, I want to talk about dream. I think it is closely related with our study and life. But I am worried that I can’t deliver it effectively and vividly. Can you give me some ideas?B: Of course. First, in order to give an effective presentation, you need to know what you're talking about. You don't have to become an expert, or read every book or website about your topic, just collect useful information about it, then prepare a speech draft and powerpoint.A: yeah, that is important. I am now preparing. I think the content should be relevant and interesting, I will use some picture and keyword in the ppt to convey my idea and topic. And there is a clear structure, I know what I will say in the beginning, the middle,and the end.B: right, you should know how to use language accurately, clearly, vividly and appropriately. You can use specific facts, examples and details to support and explain your statement.A: I know, to make my speech vivid, I can use imagery, like simile and metaphor to create a lively picture. I also can use repetition, antithesis. These said in English class.B: yes. If you finish your ppt, you can practice it in front of your family or friends, or in front of the mirror.A: I think chose friends is best, I can ask my friends for feedback, such as “Was the presentation long enough?” “Were all the points clearly made?”.B: yeah. When it comes time to present, if you want draw your audience into your presentation, a good old fashioned smile, and confidence are necessary.A: you mean I should always keep smile, and feel confident.B: yeah, it is important.A: how about use body language to emphasize the meaning and maintain eye contact with the audience.B: it’s ok. Besides, you should avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly, just speak clearly and speak at a right speed.A: yeah, speak at a level and volume that are appropriate for the person who is farthest from me in the room. En, at the end of my presentation, I am ready to prepare two questions to discuss.B: that is a good idea. Ending with a question is a good way of getting your audience to think about your presentation in an interesting way.A: Anything else?B: last, imagine a successful presentation at all times. Don't let the thought of failure creep into your mind. Hope you have a good performance.A: thank you very much. I think these suggestions are very helpful.3. What is your conception of low-carbon life?A: Hi, XX. Have you attended the lecture last week about the low-carbon life? I was there at that time.B: Of course I had. But I didn't see you. This is a very meaningful topic, isn’t it?A: Yes, Low carbon lifestyle has become a trend among certain groups of people nowadays.B: Owing to population explosion and overgrowth of the world economy, the natural resources have been over-exploited and the natural balance has been disrupted. A: Yeah, the environment problem is none the less fierce. People all over the world realized that if urgent actions are not to be taken, the earth will come to the limit of its capacity and is no longer able to support humans for their survival.B: By the way, what's your opinion about Low-carbon life? I think you may want to share with me.A: yeah. Low carbon life means to reduce the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide, to protect our environment and realize sustainable development. Simply to say, "low-carbon life" means to do something to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide,B: Okay, In my opinion, "low-carbon life" should be applied to every aspect in our life and gradually become unconscious behaviors. the concept of low-carbon living is being integrated into people's every day life,. Furthermore, it is the manner which can provide us a nice, safe and green world.A: Yes, we know many people hold the same idea that "low-carbon lifestyle" consists of three ways, save energy such as the electricity, water, land and so on, reuse and recycling.B: To make contribution to low carbon life, there is too much we can do.A: you are right. First, I think government should make relevant laws and regulations and put large amounts of money to the environmental protection. Second, popularized education as well as international cooperation is being carried out.B: Yes, the education is very important. Everyone should know the significance of low carbon life. As graduates in the 21st century, we have the duty and obligation to do something for environmental protection and more measures should be taken to achieve the goal.A: yeah, during daily life, we can do that, like, do not use the disposable chopsticks and plastic bags to keep us away from the white pollution as well as protect the trees.B: yeah, small actions like this can mean a lot in terms of Sustainable development. A: Do you have any good ideas ?B: I think we can uses energy saving lights, which are turned off when not needed. And another way is to double print the paper. And if you want to go to the third or fourth floor, you can choose the stairs instead of the elevators. When you go out or shopping in the weekend, by bicycle or bus instead of driving yourself.A: well, I believe consumer attitudes can change methods of production, and encourage people to live a low-carbon lifestyle. Like plastic bags, Paper cups. of course, persistence is more essential and significant.B: That's right, it's very easy to take action for one time, but persist for long time is very difficult.A: In one word, it is everyone’s duty to protect our environment, we must promote and popularize a low carbon life among the public from every detail in our daily life. We must shift to developing green economy, circular economy and low carbon economy.B: yeah, All these effective measures can help us to reach harmony between development of the society and health of the nature。

Topic1.#Do you think humor is an important quality for a person or a key to getting along with others? E xplain your answer.L:Hi,Molly.As we all know.Do you think you are a humorous person?M:No,I don't think so.But I want to have a sense of humor.L:Do you think humor is an important quality for a person or a key to getting along with others? M:Yes, I think humor is a very important quality for a person or a key to getting along with others. If a person is humorous, others tend to enjoy conversations with him/her. It is always more inter esting when the person makes the conversation more lively and entertaining by humorous tone o r words.L:That's also why people with humor are always the more popular ones in a crowd.M:Yes,I am willing to get along with humorous people.L:Do you think humor plays a crucial part in our daily life?M: Yes,I am sure we all have experiences falling asleep in boring lectures or speeches. Imagine yo ur professor inserting jokes between lectures. You will probably become more interested or alert, right?L:Of course.Topic2# Do you think people need encouragement and praise? Why or why not?M:Hi,Lisa. Do you think encouragement and praise play an essential part in our daily life?L:Yes,I think so. People definitely need encouragement and praise. No one likes to hear negative c omments or discouraging words.M:I totally agree with you.I think spirit-lifting words have a power which can make a day.L:That's true. As a research shows, kids growing up with praise became more successful then kids growing up without them.M:This tells us, encouragement leads to healthier minds and stronger spirits. -Yes,Think about occ asions when you were encouraged. Did you have more or less motivation toward completing a ta sk?More right?L:Yes.So we should make a habit of praising and encouraging people around.Topic3# What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a child’s creativity?L :Hi,Molly.As we all know,creativity is the key to a brighter future.Creativity's benefits reach beyo nd music and art.Creativity is not something one is just born with.M:Yes,schools and parents should try their best to encourage the vital skill in children.L:What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a child’s creativity?M:They can acknowledge what the children have been doing and always sing a high praise for th eir children.This can motivate children to make great progress.L:What'smore,having a sense of humor is important.Parents should make the family atmosphere friendly and creative,so that the children would feel relax and reliable home,which is necessary for childr en being more creative.M:Then,parents should give children choices.From the earliest age,children should be allowed tomake decisions and understand the consequences.L:Yeah,one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make or der out of confusion.M:Let's be creative.Topic4#Do you consider star athletes good role models for young people? Give reasons.M:Hi,Lisa.Who is your favorite athlete?L:Ning Zetao is my favorite athlete.He is an excellent swimming champion with a lot of charming t raits.Also,he is so handsome.All in all, he is really my role model.M:Do you consider star athletes good role models for young people?L:Yes,I think so.Most of star athletes get their accomplishment through hard work and training,w hich can encourage us and give us a positive influence.M:However,in some respects,the star athletes are not good in many other aspects of life.They spe nd too much time on sports,while miss the golden time to study.This is the thing that parents sho uld address on when trying to use them as the study model to children.L:What you said really counts.No one isperfect.It is advisable to study the positive sides of athletes and get motivation from them.Topic5#Some students say that now that they are at college, it’s time to relax and have fun after the hard work in high school. Do you agree? Give reasons.M:Hi,Lisa.What do you think of college life?L:I think college life is a golden time,which is unique and once in a life time,and will be the unforg etable memory when they are getting old.M:Do you think that now that we are at college, it’s time to relax and have fun after the hard work in high school?L:No, I am not in favor of the idea.Because we are still students.And we should never stop learni ng and studying.Keeping studying is of great significance to our future development.M:Yes,if they don't study and just have fun through the whole year, then they will be really worried before final exam.If they can't graduate with a good result, then they've just wasted all their time.L:I totally agree with you.Since the final exam is approaching,let's study hard and try to get good grades.M:OKTopic 10Do you know certain customs of any cultures or nationalities? Talk about them.A:The Spring Festival is coming.I can’t wait to spend this holiday.B:You should know that it is not only a time to relax,but also the most important festival for all of us.All family members get together on New Year's Eve to have a big meal.A:I think so. ,and I know that at the same time,everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly.We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy is it!B:That's right!On the first early morning of one year,many senior citizens get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door.Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cuttings.The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days.A:So during the fifteen days,we always visit our relatives from door to door.At that time,children are the happiest because they can get a lot of lucky money form their parents,grandparents,uncles,aunts and so on.B:I can hardly wait for it.Topic9How do you manage anger in daily life? Give some examples.A:We human beings are really complicated animals. We can talk,smile as well as cry.we can express different kinds of moods,such as happy, sorrow, angry and upset. They always change in ourselves.Learning to manage anger in daily life prevent us from doing something that you'll regret later on in life! Do you have any good ideas to manage anger?B:The most positive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem. I talk to someone who listens, or I'll write my thoughts down on paper.A:Are there any extra ways?B:You can listen to music when you in a bed mood.And it is also good to turn to your parents or teachers for help,because they have rich experience.A:Sounds great!Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important.B:Of course,When we're younger, we might yell, or cry when we're angry, but as we get older, we're expected to handle your emotions much better.Topic 8Introduce a famous person you like and tell us some information about him/her.A:which famous person do you like?What is his or her name?B:He is from Korea,his name means A tree with many fruits.A:which country does he come from and what is his job?A: EXOA:I also heard of this male group for many times.It is a k-pop singing group which consists of 9members now.Among the 9 handsome members,why do you like Can lie best?B:His voice is beautiful,sing rap in group ,talent,play many kinds of instrument such as piano and drums.A:Have you go to the concert?B:Yes,with high spirit with my friends who love EXO as well,During the first world tour, play the drums on the stage which is so cool.A:Do you have any albums of them?They must release many albums now?B:In fact,I have many albums in the dormitory and 3 is on the way,I can’t wait to receive them. A:Can I borrow them from you?B:Yes.of course.Topic7Talk about the types of sports available to college students and how you feel about these sports. A:All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.B:Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. With the limitation of college,which types of sports is available to college students?A:In fact,our students have many different choice if we want to exercise.B:For example? / For instance? 比如说?A:Such as basketball.Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so great!B:I enjoy several outdoor sports. Running around the playground is my favorite. It is that kind of sport that don’t need any equipment.A:Playing badminton is also fun. I can always find a place in the park for playing badminton. Besides, I also enjoy running in the morning.B: I think it is a good way to build up our body strength . Sports can also let brains have a rest so that our study will be more effective . To do physical exercises and hour a day will make us happy a whole life , so I will keep on doing it . I hope more and more people will join us in sports activities.Topic6Talk about an event that happened on the campus recently and give the details.A :The Deadline of HanMu sport is coming,Do you finish running 28 times during this semester.B :Of course,I have completed it already.A:In fact,HanMu sport is launched this semester in order to improve students' physical fitness.The app use GPS to Calculate distance,and we have to finish running 1600meters in 20 minutes.And only if we finish it,can we get 20 points in our sport class.However, there are many problems because it is new.B:That's right.For example,the GPS is not much imprecise,we may have to run more than 1600m in order to make the app show that we success.A:As well,we have to take the phone when we are doing sports.if we use out power when we are running,we have to run again.There is a time that I run out my power when it is only 100meters before I complete the task,it is really a disaster.B:when sports become a task,it is a little boring for some of us,they may prefer to play basketball,football rather than running,the policy Limits the freedom of students to choose the formation of sports.A:Hope that our school can change it.B:Yes,I hope so.。

1. What kind of personalities do you think you have?2. What basic principles do you apply to you work?3. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?4. What types of people don’t you like to work with?5. What do you think is the most important thing to you to be happy?6. Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of person you are?7. Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points?8. What types of people do like to work with?9. Are you more a follower or a leader?10. What attitude do you take towards life?1. Do you have any special interests other than your job?2. What are your hobbies?3. What other interests do you have?4. What kind of recreations do you most enjoy?1. What’s your marital status?2. Could you tell me something about your family?3. Do you spend much time staying with your family?1.What is important to you in a job?2.Your resume says you have had some experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?3.What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be suessful in your field?4.Please tell me your present job.5.What have you learned from the jobs you have had?6.What kind of jobs have you had?8.Please tell me about your working experience.9.Where do you want to be five years from now?10.What is your career objective?1.what is your major?2.Which university did you graduate from?3.What course did you like best?4.How did you get on with your studies in college?5.What subject did you major in at university?6.When did you graduate from university?1.What would you do if....?2.Why should we aept you?3.What qualities are needed to get a promotion in a pany?4.What do you think is more important in getting a job, education background or experience?5.What qualities are the basic requirements for leading positions at all levels in a pany?6.Why do some honest and loyal employees remain unprompted after many years of hard work?经过了初试的艰辛,你才会珍惜复试时机的不易。

Topic1:Social networking1. Do you spend a lot of your spare time on social networking websites? Can you name some of them?about two hours a day,such as QQ,e-mail,Blog,Fetion,Micro-channel(微信).2. In your opinion,what is social networking?The definition?Social networking is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.3. What do people usually do with the social network?Chat with friends,make friends,transment information, working.4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking? Advantage:As far as I am concerned ,there are three reasons to explain Tt is advantage.first,It can provide better resources.sencond ,It can maintain our feelings.for example, Making new friends to expand our communities. Chatting with friends increase our friendship, and family chat to sustain our feelings.The last but not the least ,It can relive our stress, When we work very tired, we can through the social network change our mood, and get some useful informationDisadvantages:In my opinion, Social networking biggest disadvantage is a waste of time.another,It can leak our personal information.And if we become a Social control(社交控)disease,we can waste more time.Topic2:Week 2 College education and Graduate school1. Your 4 years college life ended yet. If looking back, how do you see your college years?As far as I am concerned , The university period is the important transition period in our life, we walk into society a springboard. He can just leave home ignorant we exercise to entering society mature. It is our life's golden age.What do you get from it?As far as I am concerned , In my university life, I didn't learn a lot of professional knowledge, but the university has taught me a lot of quality spirit, such as: unity cooperation, when we do a project, only cooperation can we better and faster to complete the task; The other is a summary, only when we keep summary, we don't know what we've done and the future what should we do? Only by constantly summarize to progress.2. Why do you continue to study or come back to university as a graduate student?As far as I am concerned , there are three reasons to explain it.First,in order to find a good job,we all know that too many college graduates now easy to find work and low wages.Through the graduate education can enhance the threshold of ourself,and have more and better opportunities to compete.second,It is my hobbies,I like my professional and hope depth research in this profession. The last but not the least ,It can improve my quality accomplishment, and successful people stay together we can get more success.3. Do you find graduate school life anything different from your college study? In my opinion, The biggest difference between them lies in the change of the training mode.For college students, the teacher is teaching you to remember, as long as according to the teacher said to do it. More is implementation. For graduate students speaking, Most of the time are autonomous learning and solve problem by yourself. T The teacher just to give you a task for you to grasp the directionTopic3: traveling1. Where have you ever traveled to?I have traveled tozhangjiaji,fenghuang and fanjing mountain.2. Which place do you like best? Why?As for me, I most impressive a trip to zhangjiajie. Zhangjiajie Scenic Area is known around the world.The climbers will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea of clouds, rocks, etc..The tour was very fun, also took a lot of nice photos3. What have you gained from traveling?It can let me see the miracle of nature and the beauty of nature.Increased my knowledge, widened the field of my vision, loosen my mood, and make myself better into the study and work.4. Where do you dream to travel to? Why?The Maldives is the place I most want to go,, Because in my impression is a magical place, there not only have beautiful scenery, but also is very romantic! I want to go there for honeymoon with my husband,Topic4: Environmental Protection and Energy1. What serious environmental problems are we facing now in China and the world?As far as I am concerned ,Global warming,Acid rain,Damaged Ozone Layer,Sharply decreasing Forests,animal extinction,Land loss, Environmental pollution. are we facing now in China and the world.2. What are the key factors that lead to the serious environmental problems?I think it is that human is not reasonable development and utilization.使用4. What effective measures should be taken to solve those problems?First, you should have the conscious of environmental friendliness. Briefly, you should know that what you are doing now won` t be harmful for our earth. Awareness is needed in the first step. Second, you should think twice before you determine to a thing. Because maybe what you do without thinking will harm environment. So please think twice. Third, just now, we talked about the measures in the way of spirit, now let` s go even further and practically.(1)avoid throwing things away if they can be reused, repaired, or recycled.(2) use recycled paper.(3) make sure the paper, glass and cans you throw away will be recycled.(4) avoid using products from nonrenewable sources.(5)avoid buying overpackaged products.(6) use a bike or walk when traveling short distances.(7) use public transportation when traveling long distance(8) avoid or turn down the air-conditioning in summer.(9) use low-energy light bulbs.(10) turn off the lights when you leave a room.(11) avoid using more water than you need.(12) avoid littering in public places.4. How to solve the problem of energy crisis?trying to conserve energy. Another way, perhaps the best I think,, is to develop new energy resources. Obviously, no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up sooner or later. I think there are many energy resources that we can develop and utilize. We don’t have to depend only on the current conventional energy resources. There are many other energy resources that we can develop such as nuclear power, waterpower and solar power. These resources, if developed, can completely replace the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortage.Topic5:Advertisement(Body billboard)1. What do you know about advertisement?advertisement is a publicity means that to some kind of specific needs, through some form of media, public and widely to transfer information .can be divided into non-economic advertising and economic advertising.2. Where do advertisement occur?As far as I know, advertising can happen at any place you want.Main appeared on TV. on TV,paper,even in the clothes,in the face of people and so on.3. What’s the f unction of ads?think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement.One is to transfer information, communication products demand; The second is to stimulate demand, increase sales; Three is to promote competition, open up the market; Four is to introduce knowledge, guide consumption; Five is to enrich the life, edify sentiment.4. What should a good ad be?As far as I am concerned As a good ad, you should have the following three characteristics. first is t have a good originality, the second is to can emerge resonate with people, the last but not the least , It must be honestTopic6: college1. What’s the purpose of college education?As far as I am concerned , there are some purposes of college education, first of all, going to the college is a chance to enrich oneself in lots of aspect, such as , to improve one’s level of knowledge and to e xperience some unforgettable things . Second, attending college education is a good way to make you think you are in a real society. At last but not the least , receiving college education will study your major which related to your future work, there are so m many chance to attend practice work, which can improve your working ability.2.What kind of courses are very necessary and should be offered?As far as I am concerned .English, politics, professional course and computer is indispensable, Because political can let us have the correct values, English and computer is indispensable communication language. Professional course is the basis of our future work.3.Do you think what we should make some necessary changes to your ever university ?As for me, I have been in the university, the most should change place is to choose professional and course. We should have the right to select their favorite professional, many courses they do not like, even if the choice is also a waste of time. Choose their favorite professional, we can really learn more expertise.4.Talk about the differences between the college education in China and in USA. the biggest difference of American university and China university,one is the teaching ways, one is the American university reading quantity is big, another is to student's evaluation mode.Topic7: week 3 the language we love1,Why do the people in the world want to learn foreign languages?First, you can meet and converse with people from different countries. English has become a common language in the world. Even if you meet a Chinese or a European person, you might communicate with each other in English. Second, 85% of the information on the Internet is in English? A person who cannot use English is very limited in the computer age. That fact alone might be enough to motivate you! Third, many common jobs depend on some level of English ability. Computer programmers, business people, and even some musicians have one thing in common: they need to know how to speack and write in english.2,Should China establish English as its second official language?Yes,I think China should establish English as its second official language,because Because English is an international language and also is one of the official languages of the United Nations, most of the international conference are let English as the first language and most software and household electrical appliances instructions are also English, a lot of new and high technology are also from the European and American developed country for reference, in order to better communicate with the world, better improve our comprehensive national strength, we must learn English well.(这里只有两个问题,到时大家答案多发挥点!)Topic8: Traffic and Transportation1:Which form of transportation is your favourite ?(答题策略:You should say: The train.What the transportation is?When you use it?when I come to school.Why you use it?) because it is safe and cheap.Convenient and quick The plane2:What are the reasons that cause more and more traffic accidents in China today?high traffic volume: more cars on the road With the development of economy, more and more private cars appearedinadequate and incompetent road designslagging infrastructureslack of meaningful driver education and testing and a system of traffic enforcement too many not skillful enough and irresponsible不负责drivers3:What behaviors can result in traffic accidents?On part of the driversdriving too fast /speedingtailgating; 追尾driving while on the cell phones,aggressive driving habitsrunning the red light,sudden lane changing,drunk driving,not using signal lightsThe bad weather lead to low visibilityOn part of the pedestrians {pɪ'destrɪən] :do not to follow the traffic rules4:What should the pedestrians do to avoid traffic accidents?As a pedestrian, the most important is to obey the traffic rules,let the car go first Walking along a sidewalkCrossing with the signal in a crosswalkNever walk on the highway5(让一两个人来描述):Describe a traffic accident you have ever experienced or you have ever seen before?I haven't seen car accidentTopic9: Job and Career1:What jobs are popular? Do you know some newly arisen careers?I think Jobs related to IT industry and finance are popular .Because these jobs are widely required and you can get High-wage.If I have gratuted,I’ll also search for a job related to IT industry.Today more and more newly-born careers are known by us selected by many people as their profession and also know something about these newly-born careers.For example,with the development of the bullet train.,the staffs on the bullet train are known by more and more people and now we call them “dongge”or “dongjie”.2:What aspects of a job would give you the greatest satisfaction?high wages, can normal holidays, don't often work overtime,work time is free.4:Would you accept an unpaid internship?It depends, if I can learn some skills that I want to get from the practice, I would like to,but if I can't get the skills what I want to learn,I would not want to.5.What is career planning? How to do it?As it said,career planning is a planning of your own career.Its very important for all the people face to the society because it can determine our whole life.To make a career planning is very important but its not that hard.In my opinion,all you have to do is to find the answers to the three questions below.1. What you want to do?2. What you can do?3. So what you have to do?6.How to have a successful job interview?A successful job interview depent on many facts such as the school you graduated,your major,your certificates and so on.But the most important is your performance at the interview.First you should be neet and well dressed to make a good impressiong to the interviewer.Be polite and smile confidently to show your temperament.Never be nervous no matter what the interviewer ask you.Just be cofident on yourself..。

话题一:Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners.Hi,guys,Today our topic is self-confidence,What do you think about self-confidence.Self-Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful.自信对于日常生活非常重要,它让你有一个健康的态度,研究表明自信会更快乐,它还能让人更有机会成功。
People say that self-confidence is half of the success. Without self-confidence, You can’t do well in anything. Self-confidence is very importance to a person.人们说自信是成功的一半。
Firstly, Self-confidence, let a person maintain a good mental and physical often say that the body is the capital of the revolution. Only when you are in good health, can you be really successful eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop your , with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should trust in ourselves.首先,自信让人保持好的身体和精神状态,我们常说身体是革命的本钱。

1.CultureWhat problems could people have when they get to a new culture?What do you think are the major differences between western and eastern culture?Is it a good thing that some traditional customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures?2.Marriage and FamilyHow to maintain a happy marriage according to you?What do you think are the reasons for a rising divorce rate?How to bridge the gap between generations and what is your ideal parent-child relationship?3.EconomicsWhat should the government do when so many college graduates are facing employment problem? Should we stop college enrollment expansion? Why or why not?Why do we need to reform “hukou” policy? Is it the time to put an end to the policy?4.Man and NatureWhat do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China?What can we do to protect the enviroment?Why do today’s people long for a “return to nature”?Are we facing energy crisis now?5.LiteratureHow do you like JinYong’s novel? Which character most impresses you? Why?Do people need good education to become a good writer? What do you think make a successful writer?Has internet technology ever changed people’s reading habit? How?。

研究生综合英语期末口语考试话题1. Some people think that two problems college graduates face — underemployment and soaring tuition debt. What else can students, employers and colleges do to address the problems?一些人认为大学毕业生面临两个问题——就业不足和学费债务飙升。
学生、雇主和大学还能做些什么来解决这些问题?2. Stress is a normal part of life. Dealing with stressful events is something everyone has to do. How do you usually cope with stress in your study, interpersonal relationships or daily life?压力是生活中正常的一部分。
你通常如何处理学习、人际关系或日常生活中的压力?3. Do you think that artificial intelligence will be smarter than humans? Do you agree that AI is a threat for the future of life and human existence?你认为人工智能会比人类更聪明吗?你同意人工智能对生命和人类生存的未来构成威胁吗?4. Some people start their days on empty stomachs, while others are “breakfast persons,” eating breakfast regularly and enjoying eating breakfast. Do you think breakfast is important? What is the basis of your belief that it is or is not important?有些人空腹开始他们的一天,而另一些人是“早餐族”,有规律地吃早餐,享受早餐。

口语考试按照学号顺序进行,3人一组,每组3-4分钟;五个主题都要准备,考试时抽签确定一个主题1. CultureWhat problems could people have when they get to a new culture?What do you think are the major differences between western and eastern culture?Is it a good thing that some traditional customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures? 版本一:A: well, as we have learned from our text when we get to a new culture ,we will face w ith many problems such as language di f ferences, nonverbal misinterpretations, the presence of preconceptions and stereotypes and so on. But what do you think is the most troublesome ?B:For me, maybe it is the language that makes me confused . Language is the basement of communication w ith foreigners. If we know very little about a foreign language or can’t speak it ,we can’t understand what foreigners express, just looking at them talking and laughing w ithout joining them.C: yeah ,language is an obvious di f ference between western and eastern culture. Language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects culture .But from my view point, there are many other major differences: the value di f ference, the food di f ference, the wedding di f ference and other differences.A: Sure ,you are right. In my opinion, the food and wedding di f ference can be concluded as customs di f ference. For food customs, westerners pay more attention to the nutrition of food, however we Chinese prefer the beauti f ul color , good smell of a dish, even the nutrition is lost in the process of cooking. But now, it seems that traditional food customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures.B; w ell, It is very common. Just look around , you w ill see how greatl y Chinese culture is affected by foreign cultures. You could easily see a rain of fast food around you, like KFC and McDonald, w hich have almost taken the place of our traditional Chinese food.C:E r., how ever, fast food is usually rich in calories and fat but low in nutrition. If w e go on depending on such kind of food, it’s bad for the whole nation’s health. T o some extent, It isn’t a good thing that traditional customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures.版本二:A: My best friend will go abroad for further education, she is so worried about the culture di f ference. I think the culture difference w ould be a great challenge for an eastern student, what do you think about this di f ference?B: Culture difference is really a big challenge for students not only at psychological level but also at the physiological[.fiziə'lɔdʒikəl] level. She will face a plenty of problems in daily life and in learning process. For example, if social reality pushes your friend to change her faith, ho w should she deal with?C: It sounds cruel. T o adapt to a complete new culture is a hard thing for us, especially for young students. But on the other hand, the students who go abroad also help the cultural exchange and culture integration.A: yeah, every coin has two sides, w hen two di f ferent cultures meet, they w ill absorb nutriment from the other and getpromoted in this communication. Do you agree w ith me?B: yes, of course. The history of every country or nationality is made up of its own development together w ith the new part learning from other country or nationality. We can see many examples now, right?C: yeah, absolutely right. I can give you some examples. We can see now in the w edding, Chinese bride w ear bridal veil instead of ancient clothes. This phenomenon reflects the influence western culture gi v e to E astern culture.2. Marriage and FamilyHow to maintain a happy marriage according to you?What do you think are the reasons for a rising divorce rate?How to bridge the gap between generations and what is your ideal parent-child relationship?A: Well, We have noticed that more and more people have been divorced in recent years. I think the reason should be different from family to family. In my point of view, with people’s gro w ing demand of free lives, more and more couples choose to divorce when they find they are not suitable for each other. What is your idea?B: I think maybe w omen have become more economically independent than they used to be. That means they needn't to depend on men for a living. They themselves are al s o the bread w inner. If their love is over or their marriage is dead, they won’t tolerate it.C: I have a different idea. Maybe, the couple married because of love, but they did not know ho w to maintain a happy marriage. It is vital of importance.It needs communication, honesty, understanding, commitment and so on. It is really a skill.A: Well, there are also some other problems to be solved . Besides the relationship of the couple , one also should pay much attention to the generation gap w ith the old in a family. Bridging the gap betw een generations may help to maintain a happy family.B:yeah ,you are right. The young and the old should have an open talk and tell each other w hat they think about certain problems and solve the problems together. In a word, to bridge the gap between generations , patience and mutual understanding are necessary.C: In another way, parent-child relationship is al s o important to maintain a happy family. In my opinion ,in an ideal relationship, parents can make friends w ith children. They communicate frequently with their children about funny things in the school and get to know their experiences and thoughts. So, marriage brings so many things----complex but very happy.3. EconomicsWhat should the government do when so many college graduates are facing employment problem? Should we stop college enrollment expansion? Why or why not?Why do we need to reform "hukou" policy? Is it the time to put an end to the policy?A: As we all know, the employment problem is caused by many reasons. I think, the government should take measures in many aspects. For example, some enterprises refuse to employ nonlocal persons, the government should reform “hukou”policy to ensure that persons form different places can acquire equal employmentopportunities .Do you think so ?B: So it is .The “hukou” policy makes it di f ficult for us to find jobs in many cities such as Beijing, shanghai, Guangzhou and etc. But I think it still can’t solve the problem, the government should provide more job opportunities. Only in this way can we make more choices when w e find jobs .C: Yeah ,I think the most important thing is that the government should reform the college education . Because there are so many graduates in China every year, but the society don’t need so many employees. So we need to stop college enrollment expansion.A: But the ( college enrollment) expansion can make more students have the opportunities to accept high education.B:I think your opinion is right. But what w e should think more is how to solve the problem . Moreover, many people can choose to learn practi c e skills instead of staying in the college.C: Yeah, I think if the government takes some useful measures, we believe that we can finally sol v e the employment problem.4. Man and NatureWhat do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China?What can we do to protect the environment?Why do today's people long for a "return to nature"?Are we facing energy crisis now?A: As we all know China is facing w ith so many environmental problems such as environmental pollution, ecological damage, energy crisi s and so on. Which one do you think is the most prominent problem?B: All of us can feel that the nature has been destroyed severely. In my opinion, the most obvious problem is the pollution of the environment——water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on. When we’re walking on the road, we even can’t breathe the clean air .C :I could’t agree w ith you in some degree,I think that energy crisis problem is so obvious that we can’t ignore it. But many people don’t have the consciousness of rational utilization of energy. So it is time for us to take measures to protect the environment.A: So it is .I think it is everyone’s duty to protect our environment. In our daily life, we should get a good habit such as save w ater,save electricity and so on. It is also necessary to advocate others to act together.B: E r, As individuals, we must do something from now——start from the little things and try our best to protect our nature.Only in this way can we live in a harmonious environment.C: Yeah, it’s lucky that more and more people have come to realize the importance of environmental protection now, many people are trying to make friends w i t h nature. I believe that we can get on well w ith the nature one day.5. LiteratureHow do you like JinY ong's novel? Which character most impresses you? Why?Do people need good education to become a good writer? What do you think make a successful writer?Has internet technology ever changed people's reading habit? How?A: hello, I have been reading JinYong’s novels these days. When I finished reading<倚天屠龙记>, the character ZhaoMin impressed me most. She is really a lovely and smart lady, she dares to pursue her own love with her family’s opposition. Have you ever read JinYong’s novel?B: of course, JinYong’s novels have influenced many teenagers, especially in 1990s. on the other hand, JinYong is one of the most famous writers in China.I think his education is a factor in his success.C: yeah, that’s right, but on the other hand, his life experience also has an important influence on his works. And without li f e experience, one can’t create excellent work s.A: I agree w ith you, education and experience make a writer. Currently, more and more persons tend to read novels online instead of reading books. This i s so di f ferent with us, do you think so?B: I have noticed this phenomenon. With the progress of science and technology, computer has entered more and more families, children are accustomed to doing almost everything online.C: yeah, I think it reflects the development of society, but it is a pity to stop reading books.。

Topics for Oral Test1.你知道转基因食物吗?你认为这对健康有害吗?What do you knowGM food?Do you think it is harmful to health?D: Hey ,everybody,a few days ago ,I read a paper that China have done several researchs on genetically modified foods and have eaten them. As far as I am concerned ,The United States is also favor of genetically modified foods , but Europe is against them firmly. what do you think of it?L: Well, I think it's a great idea to have genetically modified foods.D: Really?Why?L: Well, genetically modified plants may need fewer pesticides than normal plants. For example, there is a type of corn that is bad for insects——when the insects eat the corn plant, they die. However, the corn doesn’t hurt people. This type of corn is beneficial because famers use fewer pesticides to grow the corn, and so there is less pollution in the environment. Also the corn is less expensive because the farmers don’t have to spend a lot of money on pesticides. So, by using fewer pesticides the corn is cheaper and the environment is cleaner.H: Yes, and there are two another benefits of genetically modified food. One is that they may grow better than normal plants. The other one is that many genetically modified plants stay fresh longer after they are harvested. What’s more, because of its high yield, it increases the possibility of solving the global hunger issues. But do you think the GM foods are all safe?Y:Well, there is no answer. No effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved. So far, there is little evidence that GM foods are harmful to health. However,there are some countries holding the opposite views.D: I firmly agree with that. Everything has two sides, Some European countries such as Austria, their consumer groups oppose the sale of importing genetically modified food, they believe that genetically modified foods affect human health. In Europe, the government's attitude is, genetically modified food are insecurity. Some social groups and organizations called for scientists to confirm the safety of genetically modified foods .Y:yeah, what you said are reasonable .In my opinions, I prefer to eat the natural and common food rather than the GM food. The GM food is mixed some additive genes into a new one by the transgenic technology so that the GM food has unknown effects to human beings if they eat it, such as: people will be allergic to the GM food because it have added some parts of gene which can make people allergic.H: Objectively speaking, we can't simply label GM foods with good or bad labels. So , What we should do is to learn to view things with dialectical thought. That is to say, we should use the objective critical and inclusive vision to treat GM foods. With the development of technology, I firmly believe that someday the scientist will tell us whether genetically modified food is angle or a devil.2.有时候,当你从不同的角度观察同一件事物的时候,也许会变得不同。

研究生英语口试对话整理Researcher (R): Good afternoon, I would like to ask you afew questions for my research on the impact of social media on personal relationships. Will you be willing to participate?Participant (P): Sure, I'd be happy to help.R: Thank you. To start off, how often do you use social media?R: Great. What are the main reasons for using social media?P: I use social media mainly to stay connected with friends and family, as well as to share photos and updates about my life. It's also a way for me to find out about events and news happening around me.R: Do you think social media has had a positive or negative impact on your personal relationships?R: That's an interesting perspective. Have you ever had any negative experiences on social media? For example, cyberbullying or online arguments?R: That's unfortunate. Have you noticed any changes in your face-to-face interactions with others since the rise of social media?R: That's an interesting observation. In your opinion, what are some ways to maintain healthy personal relationships in the digital age?P: It's difficult to say. Social media has definitely madeit easier to connect with others, and it can be a great tool for staying in touch. However, it also has its downsides and can negatively impact our relationships. I think it ultimately depends on how we use social media and how much importance we place on our personal relationships outside of the digital world.。

Stumbling Blocks in International CommunicationThe six stumbling blocks are assumption of similarities, language difference, nonverbal misinterpretations, presence of preconceptions and stereotypes, the practice of immediate evaluation, and the high anxiety.A: Hello, Jeremy! I didn’t see you last week. What were you doing?B: Oh, hello, Tylor! My advisor, Scott, came to China last week and I accompanied with him the whole week.A: So your advisor is a foreigner? Where is he from?B: He comes from Australia, and we communicate in English.A: Wow, that’s pretty cool! Is that difficult for you? I know you can speak English quiet well, but there may be still some stumbling blocks in cross-cultural communication.B: Yes, yes, you’re right. Even though I can speak English, the language difference is still the biggest barrier in our communication. V ocabulary, syntax, idioms, slang, dialects, and so on all cause difficulty. Scott said that, I clang to just one meaning of a word or phrase in English, regardless of context. And it’s so difficult for me to understand the different meanings of inflection and tonal variations.A: Yes, that’ it. I know the simple translation of foreign words will cause misunderstanding easily. For example, an English person asks a Chinese person ‘You don’t like our English food, do you?’ The Chinese personwants to say that he likes the English food and he will say, ‘No, no, I like it!’ Then the English person will be confused whether the Chinese person like the English food.B: Yes, I know that always happens. How do you think we can remove the barriers in international communication?A: I think we must communicate with people whose mother tongue is English as much as possible to learn real English.B: Yes. And we can also see some English movies to learn how to speak authentic English.A: Yes. I love to talk with you. Hope we can talk about how to learn English next time.B: Ok, see you later!A: See you!。

U.1.What is the best way to educate our children?Who gives them more influences, teachers or parents?Nowadays, more and more teachers focus on the education for their students, they are eager to find a best way to solve this problem, as well as the parents.Importantly, we have to consider the students themselves. What we do will benefit them?We must enhance their knowledge and wisdom to solve kinds of problems and questions, so if we want to educate for success, we must make sure that what the students need. Unlike the past days, nowadays the students not only need knowledge in book, but also need something innate. They need to study, and to study in a very healthway and with a very relax heart. Here we can get some information that is to give the students the knowledge and happiness both.I think that the parents are more influential than the teachers. The first reason is that it helps a student identify himself/herself through the parent‟s role modeling. Secondly, the parent‟s positive influence provides a secure environment for proper developmentof a student. Lastly, the importance of a parents influence on a student can be recognized by the impact it has on society.Unit1.2 Do you think it important to cultivate students’ creativity?I think it is important .The standardization of thinking is the leading factor that kills Chinese innovative thinking. American education focuses on cultivating self-confidence, and Chinese students often lack self-confidence. American students are often arrogant, and Chinese students are often humble. Education in the west is different from ours: it trains students' problem consciousness and critical thinking from primary school. but we often cultivate students' obedience to what the teacher says.Unit1 .3 What are the problems with the educational system of China? Is the system quality-oriented or test-oriented?In China, there are so many problems with the educational system. But the three problems about education must be paid much attention at least. Firstly, the entrance-exam problem, youngsters have to bury themselves in book stacks in order to pass the entrance exam, completely divorced from social reality. Secondly, the quality problem, there is no denying the fact what the students learn in university cannot meet the need of the rapid development society. Finally, the employment problem, as I have said in the above that the quality has declined, so high-education and employment are obviously incompatible. How to solve these problems? In my opinion, the governmentmust relax its unnecessary controls on the universities, and give schoolsfull autonomy to pilot their own reforms. Only in this can we solve the problem of education. In light of this, we can find that the educational system of China is thetest-oriented.Unit1,4What kind of teacher is an ideal one?can you describe a teacher who give you most influences? will you become a teacher when you finish your graduate program?Ideal teachers must be patient and they can express their own meaning clearly. They should have good professional knowledge about the course they teach and they like the course they teach. What‟s more, they can teach students in accordance of their aptitude The teacher is my Chinese teacher when I was in third grade. Sheknew our advantages and disadvantages, and she could praise and criticize us properly.I want to become a college teacher. Because college teachers‟ work has more free time, I can have more time to care for my family.Unit1 ,5Is it necessary for the graduating students to write and defend graduation theses?I think writing and defending graduation theses is necessary. Completing the graduation theses is the basic condition for college students to graduate.At the same time, defending graduation theses can urge the students to write their papers independently. So this is a meaningful learning process and a conclusion of what we have learned during the past four years. It can train and increase the ability to scientific research and cooperate with others. What‟s mo re, it also can improve work efficiency and let us feel the sense of responsibility. It is the key to open the door of our later success.Unit2,1In these days ,job hopping is avery common phenomenon.what are the reasons for the job_hopping?should stay in one career the whole life or change job frequentenly?I think the following factors contributing to people‟s job-hopping. First, when some employees suffer limitation in promotion and there is no space for them to develop, job-hopping becomes common like potluch. Second, some people are different, they are in the habit of job-hopping, for they always pursue what is new and stimulating. Finally, when you stay in one career for a long time, you will lose your interest. In my opinion, we should not change our job frequently. because every job is a chance for us to gain wider experience .And you will lose this opportunity if you change job frequently.If you change youjob,you would have to start all over again from the beginning.So ,you‟dbetter not change your job frequently.Unit2,2Do you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond?With the former, you can derive a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization such as General Motors. You will have the opportunities of learning from experienced executives and knowing about the standard working process. There is no doubt that the experience here will widen your horizon and youwill gain access to the latest information which could help you enhance your competitiveness in your major. With the latter, you will have great responsibilities and your decision may bring immediate effect. Normally, you are exposed to various experiences and expected to do a great many things without much help or guidance. And here I can control more resources than what I can in big company. However, the mechanisms of small company lack of flexibility, which will hinder the people‟s promotion. Personally, I prefer to work in a big enterprise when I was young, because I could get a good position as long as I work hard.Unit 2 ,.3if you are a boss,do you like to recruit experienced people or green hands?If I am a boss,I am inclined to recruit those experienced ones . First of all, I think ,when faced the work , the experienced will be better to understand the process of the job, and complete the work more efficiently . As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. They may have new techniques and methods.Secondly, they know how to communicate and get along with related persons.This is good to fewer conflicts between employees. Finally , the company do not spend too much energy to train them,so they will be able to create value for the company when they entered the company.Unit2,4With the soring house price in big cities,would you still choose to work in first_tier cities upon grauation?No, I would not choose to work in first-tier cities upon graduation, although there are more working opportunities. The reasons are as follow. The first, the house price is so high that I can‟t afford it. The second, comparing with medium-sized cities, the living expenses in first-tier cities is much higher, the pace of life is much faster and the the living surroundings are worse. While in a medium-sized city, the living expenses is suitable, then I can save money. The living surroundings are more comfortable. The most important is that I will have more time with my family and more chances to display my potential. So, I prefer working in a medium-sized city.Unit3.1What are the usual / popular ways of getting refreshed?You can exercise all the time and sweat it out. Or have a good sleep. Listen to some relaxing music and talk to your family.Unit3.2Find out all the reasons why people spend so much time with their computer both atwork and at home.I think there are 3 reasons for the question. First, internet improves our life quality and work efficient. At work, we use computer to deal with files. For example, when we facea large amount of numbers, before the invention of computer, people must use pens, which spend a lot of time, but now we can do it by computer, maybe it just spend a few minutes. At home, we can buy everything through computer.Second, computer enhances the communication of people. At work, especially some international companies, people can talk with foreigners and make business bycomputer. At home, as we all know, parents are often on business trips, they can talk with their children face to face through computers; we can also acquire some latest news in the internet. Third, we use the Internet for entertainment and study, when we are tired, we open the computer, and find out some exciting programs, and then we will be happy. For the study, we can learn English, write thesis and look up data, and so on.That’s all.Unit 3,4what benefits can you derive from doing exercises regularly?Physical exercise can make people healthy. It can help people to postpone aging. exercise is beneficial to the growth of human bones and muscles. Psychologically: exercise has the function of regulating the tension of the human body, and can improve the physiological and psychological state and restore the strength and energy. exercise can improve the health of the body, make the tired body get a positive rest, so that people energetically put into study and work;stretch the body and mind, help to sleep and eliminate the pressure of reading5. What’s your favorite sport? And Why? / “What’s your hobby?As we all become health conscious, we realize the importance of strict and regular physical activity. Why so many people love exercise? Since it has many functions that are good and efficient for us. Firstly, it is good Swimming is a healthy low-lost activity that you can continue throughout you life. Swimming is a low-impact activity that has many physical and mental health benefits. I like swimming best, because swimming can help maintain a healthy weight, healthy hearts and lungs. Plus, its also an ability of surviving.4.11. How does modern technology bring an unprecedented change to people’s lives? The third technical revolution obviously brings an unprecedented change to peoples life. Digital has given rise to a variety of new technology. Factories are more effective with less workers. More and more smart machines are appearing, such as smart robot which can do some dangerous work and housework. The internet brings us a lot of conveniences. We can communicate with other easily no matter how far away from each other. Secondly we can get much information to tell us how interesting the world is. Even we don‟t go out home we can buy what we need on net. And so on. Our life will be better and better with advanced technology, such as clear energy and a better environment.Unite4.2. What can you do with your cell phone in your daily life?Mobile phones are becoming more and more widely used in daily life, not just on the phone. Mobile phones can also be used to watch news, watch programs, play games, pay, shopping online, etc.3. Talk about the merits and demerits of online shopping.1. The development of the Internet market is becoming more and more mature, with rich network resources and various kinds of commodities. The search function is powerful, i.e. the dot is available.2. There are various payment methods in the onlinemarket, which are not limited to bank card payment, cash payment, alipay, etc., and the security level is improved. 3. There is a massive online shopping website with promises of quality assurance, so long as Internet users choose a legitimate and legitimate website to network shopping, it must have benefited a lot. Disadvantages:You can't see the object.Although the goods are not satisfactory, we can refuse to accept them, but there is also a delay in the intangibles.Home delivery is subject to local restrictions and will be charged accordinglyUnit4.5. Can students play videogames? What are the disadvantages of playing video games?Videogames, as a popular way of entertainment, has largely changed our ways to spend our leisure time. But everything has two sides, we should coordinate it well so it can play a good important role in our development.Playing games may provoke our most powerful positive emotions. So as a student, when you are tired with study, you can have a rest by playing it, but not spend much more time on it. Because taking much time on it will play an opposite effect .As your tutor, I also want to tell you, if you are a person who is lacking of master yourself, you'd better not touch it.Unit5,2Why are both doctors and patients expressing their frustration? How can we improve doctor-patient relationship?Doctors always express their frustration because of thestrained relations between patients. Doctors complain that their salary are low and they are overworked in most time. However, patients insist that it is difficult to get a well treatment in hospital. The medicines is so expensive that they cannot afford them. In addition, doctors often take patients as experiment subjects, they prescribe excessivemedicines to patients in order to make money. Takinga look around, one can find numerous examples with ease, such as one doctor killed by his patient in Wenling Zhejiang province not long ago. The problem mentioned above is bound to generate dsevere consequences if we keep turning a blind eye. To my way of thinking, some measures must be taken to solve this problem. For one thing, It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to put an end to this trend, such as government makes some laws to forbid doctor to collect money from patients. For another, patients should aslogive more respect to doctors and coordinate with doctors during surgery. Only in this way, can we make the society more harmoniously.Unit5,3What are the positiv e and negative effects of china’s single child policy?In my view, there are many positive effects o f china’s single child policy. Fist it can reduce the pressure of employment. Because china has much people we cannot find a good job. Second it can do good for the environment. Much water is wasted and the air is polluted as people do not cherish. If people is less and less we will own enough water and air. Everything has two sides. Some negative effects are existed. The military powerwill be weaken. The single children will not understand the importance of sharing. Theywill have few friends and feel lonely. They will have much pressure to support their parents when they grow up.Unit5,4We have entered an age of ageing population. How and who to take good care of the elderly people?Nowadays, we have entered an age of ageing population, and how and who to take good care of the elderly people, which is a hot point that we are talking about resently. Considering the severity of issue, we have no choice but to take effective measure to deal with this problem. In my opinion, not onlythe son or daughterbut also the society have responsibility to take care of the elderly people. On the one hand, undoubtedly, according to some sociologist opinion, the elderly people are more eager to children's love. We are glad to see that the son and daughter should often go back home and make telephone calls to their parents. And they also should give money to their parents. Because they are too old to work, they can‟t make enough money to live. Moreover, when they are sick, they should take care and stay with them. On the other hand , there is no doubt that the government should improve the social welfare system ,raise the retirement age and set up many old people‟s home to guarantee the old people‟s life.So in a word, only in this way this bad situation can be solved.Unit 5 .5Nowadays, a buzzword “urban diseases” is frequently heard.What is meant by that? And what are the causes ang cures for those “illness”?I think “urban diseases” is about that more and more peo ple are flocking to the big cities, which has caused many problems like traffic jams ,environment pollutions and the declining feeling of happiness .such problems are even more serious in Beijing ,shanghai ,Shenzhen .most of the people like to live in the cities because the big city has more work opportunities, exciting life and a sense of urbanite ,besides ,the big city is good for children‟s education. This is what has caused the “ citydiseases ”.I think it is the time that w e should take some measures to handle with those problems. We should establish the proper value on big city .everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages. even the big city has its convenient ,it is also has its demerits. the living expenses is much higher,the pace of life is much faster ,its surroundings are worse and has more traffic congestion.I don’t like live into the big cite .I think the medium city like Qingdao ,Suzhou are very good, it can catch up with the big cities ,has many hot places for investment form both home and aboard ,lots of priority policies to attract talents ,and more chances to display one’s potential .besides, I can have more time to stay with my family .I enjoy the silent life and it can enhance my understanding of life .Unit6 ,1Should we limit the use of private cars in first tier cities to reduce caremissions?Beijing has been limited the private car by limiting its number in some appointed days However, as far as I see it, we should not put a limit on private cars in first-tier cities. First of all, the private car is a symbol of freedom and wealth. The private car has given us a freedom and convenience our ancestors could not dream of. We can travel to relatively remote places that it is hard to reachon foot or public transport rarely goes to. A car enables an individual or a family to travel at any time they wish. With a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the bitterly cold or under the scorching sun. Further more a c ar can serve as a symbol of one’s wealth, which makes him or her proud of his or her accomplishments and glorious past.Secondly, a car can make our work more efficient and life more convenient. Nowadaysmany Chinese can enjoy the comfort and luxury of owning a private car. Having a car of one’s own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains; no more waste of time for waiting at the bus stop or train station. With a car one does not have to worry about the possible danger their child suffers when they are elbowing theirway through the crowd, instead they can drop off the children at school on the way to work. In the case of illness, the car takes its owner or other sick person to hospital without any delay. Last but not least, lifting bans on private cars will stimulate the automobile industry, which provides jobs for a large team of workers. Known as a sunrise industry, Chinese automobile industry needs strong and continuous fueling from domestic demand. If more people buy cars, the industry will embrace continued growth, thus contributing more to the national economy. Moreover, its growth will trigger the boom of related industries like iron and steel production and energy. In conclusion, theadvantages of private cars convince us that we should not put a limit on the number of private cars. What we should do at the moment is to perfect the transport infrastructure to ensure private cars to go faster and more safely.Unit6,2How can we strike a balance between economic development and environmental protection in poor areas?In the past thirty years, our country seen great development and thorough changes in the aspects of economy, society and construction. However, some problems, like environmental pollutions, appeared in some regions ,especially in poor areas. Therefore, balancing matual connection between economic improvement and environmental protection should be put on agenda immediately.On one hand, economic progress in some remote zones deserved to be focused on by our wise government and intelligent citizens, who should try their best to help the poor to pursue a better life. On the other hand, it is indeed essential to make a considerate combination between economy and surroundings for a profound and sustainable development, instead of just chase economic productivity and GDP .Only by these two can we help the poor areas to get on the path of getting rich and happy .Unit6 ,3It’s urgent for us to reduced our carbon footprint. What can we do to live a low carbon life?Now more and more people has realized that a low carbon life is related with daily life. we have to take some measures to reduce our carbon footprint. For government, they should take some policy to control the number of privated car. We should plant more trees to make the carbon absorbed. To our common people, we should ride bike or by bus to go to work other than driving privated car. We also should try to avoid using disposable tableware. We should reduce to use free or charge a plastic bag when we are going shopping. We should develop the habit of turning off electrical power to avoid wasting electricity. Trying to reduce to use refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, we can keep cool by using Pushan . Only in this way can we live a low carbon life and can we have a healthy life.Unit6,4 What is white pollution? how to deal with it?The so-called "white pollution" is a kind of appellation that plastic garbage pollutes environment. It is made of all kinds of life plastic products .That has caused urban severe environmental pollution phenomenon. The most polluted of white garbage is thewaste plasticbags. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic products what would happen that one day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbish To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask the government to get rid of white pollution, We must ask everybody beautification green earth instead of white.Unit 6,5How do you understand the role of forests playing in our planet?As we all know, forests always play an important role. Many scientists even regard the forests as the lungs of our earth. In my opinion ,forests help to clean the air. The plants ,as all kinds of trees ,can absorb most of carbon dioxide and at the same time ,they release the oxygen. It is a good way to plant forests to reduce the greenhouse gas. On the other hand,lacking of the protection of forests, many cities, like Beijing is under the threatening of the sand storm. Without doubts , if we plant more trees in the northwest of China,the environment of Beijing will be much better.All in all, the forests are irreplaceable in our planet.Unit7,1Are Chinese different from people of other cultures in the way of greeting and eating? Because of the different culture, I think we have some of different from other people. Firstly, in China, when two people greet each other we shake hands instead of hugging and kissing. Secondly, Food is a special phenomenon, people having knowledgeofFood from one side of the study of different cultural backgrounds, customs and historical environment by study. Western food culture in this thesis is mainly concerned with the British one due to the fact that its cultural pattern and influence have become dominant in the west, which is generally recognized by the world. Thirdly, Chinese people would like to take the style of “sharing” when they have adinner together, whether at home with family members or outside with friends. But in western food culture Western food culture is characterized by the “separated‟ style because of the great influence of the individualistic orientation. For example, westerners do not take the ts’ai dishes from the public plate, but have separate individual plates.Unit7,2What are some taboos or superstitions you know in Chinese culture and other cultures?What is superstition?A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance. Some Chinese taboos and superstitions: A baby with wide and thick ears will live prosperously. The luckiest number is eight because its pronunciation is like "prosper". The unluckiest number is four as it sounds like the Chinese word to death. A boy,preferably born indragon year, may roll over the newlywed's matrimonial bed, which will bring good luck and a baby boy to the couple.When your upper teethfalls down, you should throw it down. And if your lower teeth falls down, you must throw it overhead, maybe on the roof. When your left eye shocks, it means that something good will happen. Conversely, if your right eye shocks, perhaps you will be unlucky. If so many bad things happen to you recently, you could invite a wizard or witch to help you. Get a table and put some candles on it. Then the "GOD" you invited waves his/her wood sword and say some magic words, afterwards the bad things will get away from you. Some western taboos and superstitions: Jesus Christ died on Friday, while the number 13 is unlucky. The combination of people believe that the unfortunate things will happen that day. Friday and the number 13 represents thebad luck the last two unfortunate individuals together to form super-sad day. Therefore,no matter what the occasion of the 13th month on Friday called "Black." In England, black cats are regarded as lucky.If a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck all day. But in other western countries, black cats are connected with witches or the devil. A leaning ladder was thought to resemble the gallows and so by walking underneath a ladder, you are playing out your own execution.3. Talk about the western and traditional Chinese wedding ceremonies and tell the differences.Unit7,4A Chinese-American mother who was called as “tiger mom” says American parents lack authority and produce entitled children who aren't forced to live up to their abilities. A Chinese man who is a father of four control every aspect of his children's lives. Ifthey failed to meet his standards, the children would be beaten with a feather duster. That’s why he named as “wolf dad”.What’s more, I don’t believing in “Spare the rod, spoil the child”. Does it mean a true success in parenting when your kids enter a famous university or get straight A at school? And does success equal happiness?Obviously no. A parent who can show a proper way of love will raise the happiest child in the world. The stories of the tiger mom and wolf dad, we can still feel their strong love for their kids. Love cannot exist without encouragement. A parent who never praises her/his child directly denies the easiest way to show love and to teach his/her child to love others. Love does not exclude reasonable criticism and punishment.5. What are some traditional virtues Chinese nation treasures? Are such virtues as filial piety and thrift (节约) still important today。

Oral test for graduates of grade 2013(Based on the text book Graduate English Reading, 3Rs) Unit I1.The key to an effective and meaningful intercultural communication andessential factors that affect smooth communications between people from different cultures关键要有效和有意义的跨文化交际和基本因素影响不同文化的人们之间的通信畅通2. What are the stumbling blocks in intercultural communications? And which ones may be more troublesome in terms of interruptive effects caused to communication?什么是跨文化沟通的绊脚石?而哪些可能会更麻烦在干扰性影响而言引起的沟通?3. Which is more advantageous, the assumption of similarity or the assumption of differences? And good reasons you can tell?哪个更有利,相似的假设或不同的假设?和很好的理由,你可以告诉?Unit III4. My ideas about smooth integration in a stepfamily: strategies and approaches 我对顺利整合思路在再婚:策略和方法5. Crockpot cooking style, its essence and key differences from other poor cooking styles缸罐烹饪方式,其实质和其他贫困烹饪风格的关键区别6. Why are the mini-family activities so important to the smooth step-family integration?为什么小型的家庭活动的顺利步家庭融合如此重要?Unit IV7. The ways to optimize human capital investment in China该方法可以优化在中国的人力资本投资8. Human capital and physical capital, their common features, differences and relationships人力资本和物质资本,它们的共同特点,区别与联系9. Special significance of human capital to China from perspectives of Chinese unique position, development strategy and opportunities从中国的独特地位,发展战略和机会的观点人力资本对中国有着特殊的意义Unit V10. The significance of mainstreaming gender issues into environment protection 到环境保护的社会性别主流化问题的重要意义11. The challenges we face about environmental protection and ways to cope with them我们面临环保和方式的挑战,以应付他们12. Relationships among energy, environment and gender and the significance of understanding this relationship to the improvement of environment能源,环境和性别和理解这一关系到环境的改善意义之间的关系Unit VII13. What kind of personality does Emily have? And how does she develop such personality?不艾米莉有什么样的个性?和她怎么开发这种个性?14. Why does Emily choose to kill Homer, the only one she loves in this world? And what kind of sentiment and motivation is reflected from her abnormal behavior?为什么艾米莉选择杀荷马,唯一的一个,她在这个世界上爱?而什么样的情绪和动机是从她的异常行为反映出来?15. What is your interpretation to A Rose for Emily?What are the themes we can reasonably read out of the story?什么是你解释给爱米丽的玫瑰?什么是主题我们可以合理地读出的故事?Criteria by which a speaker is judged1)Pronunciation: correct and clear (2 points)2)Language Expression: grammatically and pragmatically appropriate (2points)3)Construction of Ideas: logical, systematic and meaningful (2 points)4)Proficiency: fluent and well-paced (2 points)5)Manner of speaking: natural and proper (2 points)It is highly recommended that the speaker use your own expressions to address the chosen topic. A great merit is attached to one who can express unique perspectives and draw on multiple sources for useful information available. And systematic organization and logical production of ideas are equally well appreciated.。
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Intercultural CommunicationIn recent years, it is widely acknowledged that interculturalcommunication has been becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. From my point of view, a number of factors could account for this trend.First and foremost, the development of transportation.Now jet planes fly everywhere. It used to take months to travel from Shanghai to Los Angeles, but now it takes only 12 hours. It is now much easier for people to move from one country to another. People of different countries and races get together much oftener than before.What’s more, the advancementof communication means. Nowadays people get in touch with each other in various ways, through internet, telephone, mobile phone and so on. These efficient means sharply promote intercultural communication to a large extent.Besides, the ongoingof economicglobalization.Since economic globalization lead to the production and market globalization, more and more multinational corporations now operate in quite a few countries. Theiremployees are of different ethnic groups and from different countries.Last but not the list, the increasing of lions of people now move across national borders every year.Therefore, all these causes contribute to the fact that intercultural communication is now a daily occurrence. Its importance now is being recognized by a growing number of people.StepfamilyAs is known to all, with the notable increase of divorce rate,stepfamilyhas been becoming an increasingly common phenomenon.A stepfamily, also known as a blended family or reconstituted family, is a family in which one or both members of the couple have children from a previous relationship.In the United States today, at least one third of all children will live in a step-family before they turn 18. Step-families are becoming more typical than ever before. Peoplehave figured out a variety of methods to deal with stepfamily.First and foremost, before marrying into a stepfamily, it is vital for you to keep in mind that you are not onlyjust marrying a man or a woman, but also marrying the children too! Andyou are marrying into a system that is, by definition, difficult, frustrating and lonely at times. Even though you have a house full of people you call family, when you're a stepdad or stepmother, you will feel isolated and lonely. This is almost certain - with few exceptions.Last but not the list, with blended families, it is vital to take things slowly but surely. If children are still reeling from a divorce or the absence or one of their biological parents, it may be difficult for them to accept or appreciate a stepparent at first. If a child is hesitant, do not hold that against him. One conflict that is common with children is feeling like they are betraying their "real" parent by liking the new stepparent. Try to understand the point of view of your children and give them sufficient time, space and love.There is no denying that it is not an easy thing to cope with a step family.It takes time for stepfamily members to truly know one another, develop new traditions and form long lasting emotional bonds.Human Capital and Economic DevelopmentIn recent decades, people in growing number are come to realize the importance of human capital. It is widely acknowledged that human capital plays an increasingly important role in economic development. Some economists insist that the effect of human capita on economic development is greater than that of physical capital.Human capital promotes the economic development in a few ways. First and foremost, it enhance the skill as well as knowledge of the employee notably, as a result, the workers become more and more productive. For instance, if you train a individual to be a better accountant, the accountingperformance of that individual will rise. If you train a worker to fix an engine, the worker will be more productive in fixing engines. These are the obvious direct effects of making people more skilled. Last but not the list, human capital also improves the adaptability and allocative efficiency in society. It allow agents to allocate resource more effectively across tasks. It enhances the ability of agents to adapt to changes and to respond to new opportunities.From my point of view, we have reason to believe that human capital is of great importance in economic development and we’d better spare no effort to make full use of it. Consequently, there is no denying that we must pay more attention to education and improve the qualityofpopulation.Gender Differencefor college graduate in EmploymentIt is widely acknowledged that the gender difference between man and woman in employment have been becoming increasingly obvious.It is not uncommon that female college students seems have more difficulty in job searching compared with boys. What’s worse, quite a few companies in china are unwilling to employ female college students.In my view, a number of factors could account for this problem. First and foremost, it has much to do with our traditional concept. In Chinesehistory, woman’status has been lower than that of the man. This more or less may have a negative effect on the thoughts of some employer. What’s more, some stereotypes isolate female college students from quite a few jobs.Some insist that women are always fragile, tender and emotional, and they don’t think woman could be competent at some jobs. Last but not the list, most companies are less like to employ female college students because they don’t want to undertake social responsibilities. Considering that female college students are going to get married as well as have a baby after a year or two and they may ask for a long leave, many employers are really reluctant to employ them.From my point of view, it is obvious that thephenomenon above are totally unreasonable and even illegal.There is no denying that enough concern must be paid to this problem. The authorities concerned should strengthen supervision, and at the same time female college students also should enhance the awareness of right.。