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电子商务作为一种新型的贸易方式,在当前信息全球化和经济全球化的形式下,以其强大的竞争优势和生命力,迅速蔓延到国际商务的各个领域,并对国际经济格局的改变产生了深远的影响。电子商务是在计算机技术的快速发展和广泛应用的基础上,利用互联网络和先进的通讯技术,改变以往传统的实物买卖和现金交易,通过网页介绍商品,在网上进行支付,利用先进的物流系统配送物品来进行有形和无形商品交易的一种新型的贸易方式。这种新型的交易方式颠覆了以往传统的交易方式,使整个商务过程,不论是在国内外贸易的应用中,都实现了网上购物和交易的目标。电子商务节省了国际贸易交易成本,提高了交易的效率,改变了对外贸易交易流程,发展了第三方交易平台,增加了企业的竞争能力和创造了就业机会,对一国的对外贸易的各个方面和整体经济都产生了重要的影响。电子商务正在建立一种全新的经济贸易秩序,原来已经成熟的世界贸易体系和秩序正在被电子商务这一新的贸易方式重新洗牌。我国作为目前世界进出口总额排名第一的世界贸易大国,如何在电子商务的浪潮下,迎难而上,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,如何充分应用和扩大电子商务给我国对外贸易和整体经济带来的积极方面的影响,如何避免它带来的消极方面的影响,怎样及时的解决我国目前在电子商务领域发展出现的问题,采取哪些措施才能快速的让我国的电子商务发展的脚步跟上时代和世界的步伐,实现世界贸易强国的目标,是撰写这篇论文的原因和目的。本篇论文由绪论部分、正文3章和结论部分共5部分组成,以此分析电子商务对我国外贸的影响和我们的应对策略。第一章是绪论。这部分阐明论文选题的背景及选题的意义,为本论文写作提供切入角度。然后对电子商务的相关理论进行综述,分析了电子商务理论依据中的交易成本、创新扩散和网络外部性等经典理论,同时探讨了国内外电子商务的研究现状,指出其中可能存在的不足。之后介绍了本文的研究方法和结构以及在研究方法上的创新和不足。第二章分析电子商务发展过程及发展趋势。在这一部分阐述了电子商务的定义,详尽描述电子商务起步和成长历程及目前在国际上的应用现状,分析电子商务将来的发展趋势。第三章细致深入的分析电子商务对我国外贸行业的影响和存在的问题。首分析了电子商务在我国的发展历程和发展现状,并针对这一情况,结合S. Subba,Glenn & Carlo在2003年提出的电子商务应用阶段模型,例举了三个典型中小型外贸企业应用电子商务的案例,分析了电子商务给这三个外贸企业带来的影响,进而分析了电子商务对我国对外贸易造成的积极影响,同时也指出了在电子商务的发展过程中我国面临的问题。第四章针对以上分析的电子商务的影响和问题,分别从企业自身和外部环境两个大的方面,提出了多条可行的对策和建议。最后做出结论,总结电子商务给我国和外贸企业同时带来的机遇和挑战,提出我们要抓住当前良好的发展机遇,实现强国目标。本文运用定性和定量的研究方法,使用实证、规范分析和案例分析法,对近十年国内外电子商务的发展情况建立数据模型进行分析和预测并加以总结,运用S. Subba^Glenn&Carlo提出的电子商务应用阶段理论模型分析实际案例的基础上,通过对比、例证和推论等分析手段,对我国外贸行业应用电子商务的情况进行探究,总结出我国外贸企业应用电子商务的阶段和特点以及分析出哪些企业哪种商品更适合使用电子商务的交易方式,从而全方位阐述电子商务对我国对外贸易总体的积极影响和存在的问题,并在此基础上分别从宏观和微观的视角提出了、一些我国发展电子商务的对策和建议。


The influence and Countermeasures of Electronic

Commerce on China's foreign trade

Abstract:In the form of information globalization and economic globalization,E-commerce as a new type of trade spreads quickly to all areas of internationalbusiness with its strong competitive advantage and vitality.E-commerce is based onthe computer applications to change the look of traditional stock trading and cashtransactions in a virtual marketplace by using the Internet and advancedcommunications equipment and information technology improved logistics safe andconvenient delivery system and fund settlement system for a tangible and intangiblecommodities trading of the new trade. So thefollowing questions should be answered. How to make applications and e-commerceto expand China's foreign trade and the economy as a whole impact to the positiveaspects? How timely solve the current problems with the development of China'se-commerce in the field? The subject of this paper is about thereason, direction and purpose.There are five chapters divided into this paper, in order to trade and our copingstrategies. Chapter I is explains the topics of the background and significance of thetopic,providing cutting angle of this,then reviews the related theory of e-commerce analyzes the transaction cost,electronic commerce theory of diffusion of innovation and network externality theory, and then discusses the domestic and foreign researchstatus of e-commerce, points out the possible problems.Then explain the overallstructure of this article also describes research methods and possible innovation andshortcomings. Chapter II analyzes the development of e-comraerce and trends. Firstly,analyzethe impact of e-commerce in the development process and the development status ofour country,combining the in view of this situation, the electronic commercedevelopment stages model, proposed by S.Subba Glenn & Carlo in 2003, gives threetypical middle and small foreign trade enterprise electronic commerce applicationcase,analysis of the impact of electronic commerce brings to the three foreign tradeenterprises, and then analyzes the positive influence of electronic Commerce onChina's foreign trade. Finally, study the problems of e-commerce in the developmentprocess of China's foreign trade. Chapter IV of the above analysis for the importanceof e-commerce and many factors respectively, from the perspective of the two majoraspects of the enterprise itself and the external environment proposed more than adozen possible countermeasures and suggestions. The finally chapter concluded thate-commerce and foreign trade enterprises to bring opportunities and challenges theChinese dream.This paper has greater influence on based on studying various literature byusing the normative analysis and empirical analysis, the development of nearly tenyears of electronic e-commerce at home and abroad to establish data model to analyzeand forecast and summarize and the innovation,combining the in view of thissituation, the electronic commerce development stages model, proposed by S.SubbaGlenn & Carlo in 2003,gives three typical middle and small foreign trade enterpriseelectronic commerce application case, analysis of the impact of electronic commercebrings to the three foreign trade enterprises, and then analyzes the positive influenceof electronic Commerce on China's foreign trade. Finally respectively microperspective to develop the electronic commerce in China.In this paper, focusing on the impact of the development of e-commerce on China's foreign trade,made some slight innovative strategies and views,in the hope of how to develop e-commerce and Internet business.
